Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 16, 1869, Image 3
N. HAWKERS AND PDDLILEHS —liDder helm - Vs of Pennsylvania in reference to hawking and.loldling, it has, recently been decided. 12. y the SuprOme 'Q'ourt-ptlint manufactured articles mean wares made in foreign countries, and (16 not 'include .. ,wareei manufactured in the United States, but outof 'Pennsylvania. The Weis since _lB3O against peddling without license wore intended to crnbence both foreign and 4 ". '-domes* goods, exempting, however, from . their operati:ns, citizens of Pennsylvania peddling goodi Of their eiWn" ziinitinetute'. But in the Act of April IGth, 1840, the word "domestic" was dropped inadvertent- ]y, it Witsserted,.sinco the_ consequently iffeltlgsand unmeaning provision is retain v a nia without license to peddle goods of their own make. noweVer this may be, it .was dcciiled that the many nets on the subject heiigintetpreied WNS to for n Complete, system, the "foreign" 'Mould realive, the construction mentioned shove. Atid the take out a lie - ease to peddle in Pennsyl\a nia Goode inada in any her State of the Uaite,sl,§j3tes. CRUEI,TY TO ANIMA LS—The State Legislature 10, passed nn additional ' act for the prevention of (l.raely-`to animals. 4: This am which extends aver the whole State;prevides for the punishment of any person-who shall wn tonly or cruelly ills treat, overload, beat rir otherwise abuse any animal belonging to himself or to an other, or. who Anil in any any he con cerned in fighting or baiting any bear, dog, cock or other creature. The abandonment in any public plae,;:• of any maimed, infirm or disabled creature is also to be. punished. The penalty for disobey ing the law is. for lb first ofbmsy a tine m41,-slliiim i'.n or mere lhnn twenty dol larc, end fur the 'second, nail every snlis.. rinpnt offedse not les - 5 than I NN'e 11 y or mot than fifty dollars. The inl'orincr,i, mode a competent wiln mel receive , tme-hall of the tine,..fintLillAti,3?.... l 4l' l Y "11"r`' the rl - May hr etiminittisi the MM . , ball. The proceeding, ire imtinuary, and the of. fender, in default of : payment ~r thy - fine mid costs, eiiii be iii,,sited I, the cpunty prison until ifociliarceit by due cnorm of Mt v, which:amounts to the three mend, requircrj.under the ifflifi vent latv. \Knoll the fine exceeds den dollar, the delentlnef may appeal to the Coen. of (waiter so-- 11S,WileVC 11,P ,ffelTe 1- to I e pre•enfotla, misclenitianer. , litag.::ritvaiii.. cases, ill defendant fluty r f for trial at the Qua Tier Sessions, where, ou co❑etrti,.ll , hie is liable to a lino not exce+iiling hundred dollars, or to an - exTrodirrg -one yertr-. or -t"- I,,atAL. _no evp-r.ces ot rirnrc,• Or or rowovi OLT :Ind .1 0, [1 . . , j , ,11'< - dizablod oronturo,oon - 1,0 rooovorod from tin own"r =EMI SEAsoN.\ BLE 1:111 Wo - svarcek ; in fact tlit,y brave rnan, arneal W;; Ii ,141111. Wht/ over mend,lNv and neemd roads• at -tho trust gush of name to tear the Nvurblf•r to to 'pieces withleadete rain, We kill hirtk, and thememnplal;tof the scantily of Crud. Let tlit? birds lire. !MCI til , `y ; sr,!, hat:e a tro•nt lag of the Citunty it, and invrt;;,-; .air fruit ernp ; nay , liens Committee. Let. me suggent hOy will add In t'n Ike ... pLuchtetion of a: the euttnty—tha-pas, -rip . o( • the Cretin taking int, ectl intantion the "Cra wfot'd County System... and df the intern of the Commites Sr de. eidt : recommend to the Township's anti Ward. of the count,}, that they atiftpt it . in till' dillatig.P.: bet us hare a full and fair eypre- , ion of the people in in our eleetionn and let us lrnve t:rop,, ft \ , •I ily 1 , 11VV12 r;,ru<i• of pi...111 . vt 011 E in , kwls ~ f nll I,in I i, tytrig to OW =MEE I , ird , uropievly v 110 W derange 'the toarat ., - •ot !to count I'V and 1 N•y hm. l .• loatpl,.. I t as tmt only find. bu t ....lain ul all 1. imperihal by Ihr Id, Midi to proteiit it. Let the featitartirt inhahttent' ••*; , atratieifli and womb: it; e--giv, them a rhamai b.; incrottae, an.l their ~ervie., will amply a brutal 111:11: for the .ire , he •. THE FLOWER. GARDEN.—OUT!•ipring, Ihis year, is at least two weeks later than ‘n,ual, and it is too soon, to be Qur, that t. nd,r budding or otln r plant- fron tko house will yet cp-olipe lbw affects td , 111111 , fro,t, hy,le already. Uri judieito, opera- tioDs of the. flower gardep during; the next liirtnight its lyrittritm, IDI the whole 311111- illtir will :11110,)tiopi`Ild 1 u tho lira place liiii - g,1 , ,1111a wirer seeds are to toe , it i, 1t9W112: , In , dig thrGround'forl 1,171, And., it i• yr.t or,cold to rf.utsiv ,, that plat which 1111:3 Lora turned 0v,21..1.% ith 111,• rnl:o fins recoivi.d :otne th, , ~f t find is ron , critiently inore their recepti , n. of ,uell nS 555 Should si4itni,in for the flower garden, parterre., e in Is railer foreign to we line,. In view, II what one oorselm would consider ornamontal, iinothor might not. There ; rord, pcir.,,ons in their siileetion had better be governed. by their own taste;. Therr. ore no flowers but that will be adinirial by 501110 011 C, n I n , wens pusses: beauty, but we du nut a I appreciate ihe same'indirid -4ale.::,(gll; pieetees and_ piths, in tended to flower in the ripen ground. should beset out without delay, and those intended to flower io pots houldAle i VIA into ftve ,,-- inch ones, and" Be on coo Nl:v.' in their grdwth. It would ln• a • plan to 'sink the pots in the open groniul until tip,• flowers are ready to expand, tarn rrrno . t:o them to a steady situation. divid , log and planting Onninl sunflowers, d6uble ,sweet lyehnis, double • .feven-rew And all flnro . ui rooted pants that will bear dividing as they -will root freely. By the: but of this month dig up youngarden t if the wptht - p. is warm,) plant 'gladiolus, tube-roses, t igridia pavonia, conul riflorn, :wilt , tiflora, and :wi • .onaryllisses as blown in the. :1111111Ipr. . . Per suns wishing to have e:orlry should place the roots in a half spent hot not bed ) but it would be best not to sprout ;liiern before ;May, if -good flowers are the object.. In the beginning of the month begin to cow biennial and perennial flow;:r. log seeds.. Hyacinths and tulipS will be advancing rapidly toward bloom and crocuses wo:observe showing their various beautiful colors already in some gardens, anAbiacinths and tulips regiiine alti4l:a 17-Irblthein let the work be • • done nuatly , nnd I,9ogltt - , tho„.Soil between the rows. -14;vivi4beneilt them Turf, for lalvns or plants; pray be laid to advantage, and shade t'ees may still be planto out. Junipers; arbor vitm, Scotch Ilia, 'hemlock,. Norway-Spcnces, and othei evompens for L ormtmont, shade screenS from wind, may bc,planted this month. Seeds sown last month shook' bo attended to, ni the frOst he apt to kill them ui the seed letif;. therefore : they need some pro tection. In the last of this month tithe ' cuttings of ehrysatithemums, place them under glass, and in . four weeks they will tie well rooted.. WM <Mill be opened in 'conneNfon with, and under the auspices of the Dtincitlsox Cm!. mmterht , Cowcatt: IL' ill be under the immediate charge of Prf. U. W. non whose ability is abundantly shOwn.'fil the feat of-his education' having boon re ceived at the Now ,College. - • session commences 3fOnday-ApTil 12 1869 ,'Per rart;polhrs addrese • • • . 4,/d. TralpiEft, Mon3ion Bono' • . : , Onriiolo, Ta. - ' . U w ro GE'rINFORMATION.—If you want to kdow who gets mnrried or Unmarried—who dies or meets with an Tic cidbetwboprpspitlk or fails in business —who runs for offico..-Who gets .beaten— who is elected—who keeps the cheapest and best goods—who are tq best lawyers . —who are the' best mechanics--who get . into the - McilieS of the -law end -who get out—when that velocipede race' comes off, and when "Bob" is to deliver that famous lecture of his—and want to be generally informed of all transactions worthy of note, subscribe for and rend the HTutAJA, Ali MAN 111 i town Ilan sold iris pi; in consequence If flti .. lthrcltiines„ He in now teaching Lie ilnutthters to on the washboard. The music is not quite go pleasant, but it is much more profitable and quite as healthy. (.+R-HAT—SA-L R-44F-oARiti-A0 14S-13110. , _ Es &c.—We again (16.ect the attention of our readers to tin Etuc's great sale of MBMWI irrtrivr4ft.r. From all the indications this promises', to be one of the most attractive sales of per sonal property ever witnevicii in Carlisle. The Carriages, Buggies and Wagons,' are of the very he-t workmanship, and are v•orronlefli for one 2wa; they are of the very latest, modep styles and exquisite finish. The fact that this lirm has achieved a wide-spread reputation for I)lW:tag nope but tirst-clos, machines, will attract buy er, frOre far and.near, eager to purchase Carriage or Buggy, with the 81.1tIlK im print upon it, knowing:that it most he No. 1. POI'N Pocket-bfiok • contain ing some money nit& n note for one bun ilrod'and twenty two dhilnrs, iq loft lit thin olico, whore the Owner by calling,, proving proi,rty, n nit paying .ehargos, l a in gcl. it. \Ve been advertising; tlw - Alis ma for tho hair for , rlllll lialn, and our Drug , t, suy that it romnrkn- Lly w-11, and what ie Letter, ,ati,lattiln—h,tter far Chail nny,other I ) ,eneweir Sew L• nr, Cure should br in eveU ' e NEM :\ly loss is such as cannot be re : paimr 1 , eN,lunlation of 1‘1.4, 1.01 their _bail. Oirning •ticlt rnpc t I;2ii Ic•tt's Hair Itio tot only tlw hnir =IE in,tl rt.iltlpr it ,ott MEIN t net %Tr ItN —This in te ill': j ,• • . t I 11. tl.e'ning. It I , 110 W, ill c:f lurokr , st,r, hniur Th , xi• Arr,. Ili rirn;zrz !war - tvy. the L.:tith. In thi4 pur tion iL ultirined that SIM'S I h., L101W.. - ‘3l ritio.e. Mr.:l[ANic slit nu, April 10, the : I sir ~1.11 will BE ih \ or‘ this coon Iquq,rr M iit e:ithiber 111111 heNelf, We 1111.1-t Work. we IMIA or • for th•• cohtli , !. we must define the iff 112 - o • rniupni;:n:Vo 11 -1- than and niter Worl. a, 'l , , •:111.1 MEE 4 1 ,1'(;•ti , 4, cited imp.,tuucri to our - County. our Suite and the nation. 0 ; 1 p 1—.1..1 the I:.111 r\ror•nknrrr' I~•t7te +-rronrl thnirnrtg ht ;;;. v.;1"- : t on with th, nolde werl, 1;e1:;;;;• o-, nll In,ipertifil . Suill:lL;r., thereby justice U. nil Si ; lotoz n< the loitnbl citizen is deni,l ;my long sin [MVO n work to do. We hi,ve•t he power in our bends of putting in tru , t tind profit, nitm, ni,, here ni art our I,v t inter , st ; i;ot e;e j ,..• stir bthor, until we bravo .11 we fail (b. k , lll . Wlt will 11Ur,: 111 , 1,0 14. ~ o r= ,yes It it i- trot: tt• n!1.,:;, , i, t men umi,thnt ,tle rote dentstoling the ttoontly, Iv( IF. wtedl nut- hands. from tills impt: t elorunt he doing dilly al ih „ netting elections. rket. 11 , prepare tetrsol yes for the con liicL befotto 1, if we nin trtke to our-e 1, ,, the right, will be stteer,,ful. Hoping that: we will soon hen? that the Cononitteo has left nothing undone cure the,suceenss of nur I yours Truly an Ex-So:AA Ett L 4 I?RJ El) IT Altlt-11011IS (.t the 611 k 14a, by lit": In. :.•.tro..tit. at the Ittolgo of titer I.4l,l7.'s'lLtror In I.oJOuttlt, I.ojobb :at k Murk Itnlonson. hUDY—iIDODYNA it. At the Luther:l parse:D.4a in hew liinesten, Malieb lout, the hut,. It. 11. Vitio`f , i Rudy to 1. Agave btili of Lion county. CORN?•IAN—fiII At the tame tithe „ILA pla, by the tutor. David A. Coro to Doe Smith, both of tilde county, ituTTLEn—Follra. Ou the Oth Ins• ~ Ly RP, T. C. 11 111101111er, itiGtlur to Miss tt,.bo Foust, 131111 or-N 90-but r, Oumbn•lsisd county. • lIF.IIP:KLIU—WATouN On •ClsV•-eissst 1.1 Rey. J. Chaster, Mr.• 11. I 1•114,11 . Nees e I to Man Ntarthrt .1. 15' . utson St,soytanse• Cumberlend county. • I= 1111..i.TON—Onthe 2.1 inst. al his n..,ldence, In Penn w Tp,,lntf Lixten, aged, , year,. 111!STON.-On tbo Bth 1 . 01 , in Ptnli Tap. Sidney W• •14 yeurti. hull ICIIOI,IIER. At hl. rooidon , In Anittli dlet.n towntlflp, nn V7vilti9trtly tilt 7th initemt, Jncnh 1.411 . 1,11n1t1ar, ogod F 3, 511111.EN111 1 11161M.—Nour Nowburr, Nlorch 30th My MArgarot .1.,, or Adam. Sh olutborg,or, ug•od 1 22 •0ar1.,, o lltontbx and 111 dap.: • • olnveshorg, no .TliurodaY, March Atli, M, ag011,60 PENDERGIAST.,—Ou Monday ilntt, the '.' In thin borough,Ar.a.• Jon. rondori4Ast; mkt of tho loin Edlv3rd londergost, in tho - 821 year of hor - J7IARKE7 onitLisLEf PILODUCIO nonlly Flour . • . 750 Saperfln'a do" ... 0011 do", ItY 11. ............. 6.. .• •• . 6 110 IV II WAY. 11 1.:11, do 100 J0..... • • ~.1 • RY CORN ........... ' (nuw).... . ....... 00 •VIMOTIL YBll !... .... • • 60 ..... 14 7i•,)"9 4 1 97 1- .7 to- a ler Gexikeral ➢'r Cotrioteii . IVtgicly MEE] MOH, f 111.1), TALLOW, SOAP,. • . •El 111101 VAX, t. ' 351 11.1.00 N HAMS • .18 BUD; 00 leol of dry p!ne LiiiLrdu fo'r role, cheap: now le - your Lino, imiNorii, at tlto !Amp yard ,of ' Lam OD. . - A. Merchants will An 1ve11413 - r calling to eon the large • as;,r tment, a NOTIONS AND FANCY DRY 0 DODS, ouch a. Olnve lfosky, Nech Ties and Bone,,§lle- Ining'it, Stationery , -,Sle lug,— Tootho l'rusher, Soap and i'erfm:.•rbe,, Drugs, Shoe Black ing, ke., Sc. at • 00 - 7 LE A CO, - cu. 11, ',on] Hanover Street, ' Carlhde Pa. 191finr-Ot sta= drh-T.o.Clili of Dort or A yar's le , ctures he states that Ch, mist I.:, ember , trOlf pt act lest benefit. on pan hind thou soy ether 'science, yet from no • other sours,. cou Id 111Daa 110 no easily °lke med. The arts sod o,romles "filch chemist.y would teach, If mars t horow/bly ond gen : or:111r studied, would II' -wily at,:lrf , fl;o o4 l hananaleilt Influence. Ile herd:, COni,l-r% that hp, is tndobted to this cel;ml e for tooßriar , of hw rottnedlee, and od.rlses t hot the prictic apiiiration of chemistry to meal tine t or 0. manuiatt ures.'smi agricult ore he 1;n• lieu aloe ”itr roliczos and schools.-- Wrishtsvllle Star. MI=I=E TYR: JACKSON'S ANALEPTICA • No. North Tooth Street, Philodelphln. For Fnlr 1.0 llror . l F. (toyer. Meehan ienltrv, nod generally. •, .22n lay ' rllll. I.A111N(1, Ilk: Iit:ARDS, tor btor 1'10nt , ,..'1 , 31110, 4(.. Iran Iledsloadc, Wire Scab . - 01111grInT111 , 1111 - 11 - frliltlittr34TAffr - HI , I , 7: I M{V =4I, ST ri rlr,lli biccor, Fenders, :mall. for coal, orwa, ,to Ilcasy Crllopra Clott,for ,park crrePtcro apt. Wit; Mal:erk Wiru Evoy info, L o, k - I inn by nisnufw turer=. M. W. 11,1( L'IS Nu 11 'N..rl It Silt 11 I.l.ll:ovlphiu. 121e1.0 y. .O., ,7 I)IAFNESS, BUJ NDNI:S3, an,l •:77trit Lb.) utmost ..1PC04 , 4 by )i. n. iih! Protioioor of Pirroser nftlif Po . and Ear in the IL decal ,i Par ri.iy(vrer,l4.l . 2 r rrorielte• I loritiorly liollatitio No. Air) SI., Phil e. Tootimeibialo ran ' ho xi-oh at thin ofilre. Th.. fitoolty f ol . ', lon itod to a. voitithihy choir pa nn hin Ike: 1 Mlt.nrll Ellin TN nharpo for o•ii 7 iron rcdoem, , ,l = v r . n i At The Carlisle Shoe Company :13A N.U.FAC EU ITIZS tloo TS :9ND MMES; NO. 5. East Main . Street, • CARLISLE; PENWA. A VIN('; commenced the inanufac ir 11Ire of nod Shoes, the attention of the, lintle ittrittd to the 1, to atetortment of _Vi.Cee.: a'l Oh/ii,, 's Slealq Note In store end =p- tally atlepttot to tho wools ttf tho It anti 'crude. Wo shell at 011 floats hose on ....Itol,l A 'eon plote Assortment of All the Pol' UL Alt STYLES, Msdolu . evorkulon 61 the goostesl expertness nud )I..Lphorn of the Tnale who luny favor us wl,h thole. ens Loul] are assured tinttinn effort. MI uur pert .111 h, sperud to furnish Good Goods at The Lowest Possible Prices. 1/111/Elli, lOC Math shall rectilvo the fr.. atton lion that hoy e id would in person. and distant par tles rnu tely upon ;netting tholr Goods on equally at goad non. ley deriding Utalr ordors. ux by per. us. uptil 16,(9 3m. • VV' . ALU ABLI , I2 ,: IILL PRI )1 , E 01 1- 11 EDNESDiI 1", MA r " 12,1869. Al' FRANKLIN, vr. , ANGo COUNTY, t, Tltivr.obtorlitor„o lin Is an extunsivo nottiolext er of hour both 1 . 0 It,le and other S-I,llrof, in deslrour, of ett ‘ ribir from buslobst, owl bon dot. to offer at p00,.1.• solo on Ills :thorn .lay, that valuss bit property, well bootro as Zito - VESAANCO . MILLS, ' together wjlt two fr.onn dwollingsnod loth bolo ne log thelete • Thu Mills' aro on French Creek just Above the "confluence with the Alleghtny Hirer. The Mill Building le , Four-itorive h lab, athi +Forty.f•e li„. Ninofy feet inv.tent. Tito Mill Itui Win.; and Drtel'=' ings, wit hth.a.grounds adjacent, occupying an area of about one acre. "It contains flee pairs; of French Burro, Willi Iciinhnr, Elevating, Wilting, and all noneXtery mac finery for leaking One Hundred and Fifty Barrels F our per day, besides the custom work nod chopping, of which It ban a liffgi business. The motive power consists of louj• boll Turbine Wheels and two propel Wheels :equal to it,lnt oared horse power. • The dam in In perfect trier, haying bean on thoroughly repaired lent year (at the cost of "$2,600), that'll will In all probablity not require any further attention for twenty years. There an notelling supply of water; aulllcieut to drive - twice the amount of moehinery-now In its.. Ou firs prom loon therdis a good tile fora Woolen Mill, with pledty of power that con be applied eta` nominal root. The Mille are In excellent repair, and are note running doily. - ---- Franklin in the'Counly Fiat of Velum& County, with a population of about thousand. Cho prp ulation ot the county la about seventy-five thous and: The' city Is lho centre of the wagon rondo It tiding to the different parts of the county, as well no of titre° flail Romig, which renders - this place -one of thalteatittolote tor distill utlau-ittlo_fatuol- I t le also shoot tteceseible to the lineal, grain produt, lug dihricts of the west, with such rates f.eight no place It upon an equal . forting with any Inland city. • The legitimate buslneks of the, eltyand county promisee a morn prosperous: futile° thou at any-pre vione ptqlod ; and notaufacturing to a largo wont will be likely to begin, at advantages aro 'presented which few localitles possum The water power of •Itselfovlthontimprovement, would bu worth $.20,000 This being the ortly.merettant and cuetom mill In the county, it can readily he seen that, with a local conentoption of lealit four hundeed barrels of Flour daily, there l's a hOM6 wnrlwt for the entire product. tion; hut. 'the value. will better ben-appreciated when the fact in known that there to an average ycatly Itusinesapf - slsool‘o, ylulding- 7 .imet7Piont of about 10,000,—which butdoesi anti profit could doubtless ho doubled mils tilt) !Ammar? Should the porebuser wish to Into the properly for other purposes than milling, n discount of $5,000. will he made for perndadon to remove all the chloury, Vxcept the water whoels. Thle offer le meth& to afford others thou millers au opportunity of phichase.. ' • No Later location palate fora. Woolen there aro 'llOl/0 In or 'near' Franklin,. 'ibis le' pre., malabully a woorgrowlng country; Thousands of pounds of wool are oxpar tea yearly; and It le' said that a laige-lantory could not supply the goneutup• of domestic wear In this cents I.e. • • DIE_D Carllble, April 16[11186. MESE !duce rigarliet; 3nrilslei, April 15th, 1809, Andrew Trabhmood iIACON /311011LIM118, 11111A0ON SIDED>. 10 18 WHITE REANS 25 10 PARED PEADDEB, fl 25 UNPAII, - vEACIIES UItIIII)APPLEB, 3 00 ICA(18 SPECIAL NO7IOES. MORE QUEENSWARE v )Ve kerr ,Net received I,y'tile • Alp "ROBERT P911T1llt" a large: lOvotee tronslone Wore of our own impel:Wien. We are usw.tire pared to 111.101 4 'C'lleop Sells" that sdil give snlle 'fnetiqn ; ole Hotel _Furniture. All Itinds of .‘ Quetta teare.nnd atessivare pocked free °renal. We bare blurt , a large tot of best "Sweet NessimOranges'! SlIf111)7, en . tree,, &raps, Salt. Fish etc„ All of Which we warrant to give satishtetion, and . offer Wholesale. mid Rani/ Alcap for OA, • - WM.I3DAIR, .h SON *,••• "South End" CarlielePa. A ill 15 •69. ATTENTION 312E'RCHANTS I hoportat/on of r tgg from the Moditrnra neon, hides from 1tr1,41, and other commeditleB from,the tropics, it brown to bring the germ ofdta . •“.lxiaaa...vary Meting end fatal. Avra'3 Aouc Com: stimulates the Liver to excrete Inc girnts from the system as clTertually as it does the miasmatic poison of our Ague dislricts enriseqll.tl3 it affords invaluable _protection to stevedores and others:aqi. °coupe- Hong expose them to I beui dangerous infections; and no-hope to render them a valuable service in giving theta this Intorouttion.—Vote VorkDispatelt .3 ke : auffering far 'sem ti me ‘rill Dy tid.fisla, and also WO:IltMOU and 01111bea of the Mot:limb. and nftv, tr 3 lug arum of your Mr- TrIM it mused ma to throw off all the foul matter, and rrd nrigoratrd my system. It has rfferted, thlot, pm manot cum. Islll ht l illertS to lt , c thin rortlileate an yon • think proper. AN 11 A L 1,31 , 4550 Maim& , Germnntown, In TtI,.itEMOVE MOTH, PATCHES, FRECKLES and Ten from the two, Ace PERM'S Mote AND F.CKLE Lorprs. Prepared only by Or. B. C. Perry. Sold 5. all ilrott:J=ta, h1,1p,11 FOR BLACK WtiltlH AND PINPI.ES UN THE Face. COMODENIF: AND Ppll , l.r. REMEDY. prepared unl3 by Pt .11. C. Perry, 49 Heed :ft., New 'Trek. e , 1-1 er,ywhovp. The _triple supplied by IVl.ntordr. Deters, opvn 1,,,t No. I P3l , s for s.llo lOr of. Ino A. H. BL. IR. I t N ENV HE) Physi• iln Cnn , urtJi yvarF 11HE. -trmurnt lu......urvillll.lllM'airjl4 +./..ll.•itic 1,1, :I I, 0.0 proto.,ion. v.Ern tit,.l it. it: 1,1 , t vo 1.4) know. I , 7l2eTri ' l :v il I 1.1.•: aIS , I 1 , . C'111"10,111111. tllO degree 01 n,fitin.. and nothing int ntt.e.loYpair and entire . ex.l ., Anci ion or all hype of to army, together tt o;hersinduned hint to hazard the expt rho Lt. tho , , , oficringtvilit any dine:Leo of the pleffork'n trealnwnt he confidently • I.plipv•P: will eradicate the disease. Price • ;JO . per ,at El.. ItAlf ilofe'llp,patwlayeApro, Send for • • •nl.••t• nr r.ltAala I.I.II—E..IitIiESTON att.l C,OllO 4 1 i',l 'l. 11 , .:::° r1. , . 0,1. 01 !re , ll Drunft rrirn.i N St., dr.. just r s finned nt Comm:in =I =I 1 . 0111,11 . I'lil i2ISLI.• 111 }:er Iv ti,.:: I' oaf t and dpII re rpd = A' Eli' AL i EJ?SLSEiJIEXTS. SHOE rIVERS - Fat SALE. • • • JOHN 1111•iNE, Tr,flAuY er ... .. : • . Rai° to gunroom at 11 o'clooF, A, If. For tortne apd furtloor par tiouiore addross . :1, A:.1.401 , 0t1t, . Frakllo, Younngo Co., Pa, or A. 1.. , BrONBLE 0, • , . . ~ . . Carllelo, fa. 16 411169-n -.. • • ' -:' '''. -- ' • NEW. 413 VERTISEMBNTS. TO. : P.AXERp j 1 The Treasprer of Cumberland county wilt attend for the purpose of. receiving Counry and State taxes for 1860, as required by of AssemblYi at - the folleiving times and places, viz - - East Pennsboro, nt Morris' hotel, MAY 17 and at ' Soiree's hotel, May 18, • ' Hampden , at Krel tser's hotel aley Id and 20. Silver Sprir2 at Duey's hotel. Slay 21, Klink's hotel May 2• Lower A Ilen,ot lifay . fg, Hook's hotel. _May 25. • Upper Allen, at Culp's Hotel - May 26knd 27. , --- Monroe, nt II ursh'e hotel Slay 28 and 29. South Middleton, At Rupley's hotel May 91 and Boiling Springs June 1. Middlesex, nt Middlesex School House Juno 2 add 3. North Middleton, at Beacherts hotel June 4 and 6. Pennsborn, at Chisnell's hotel June 7 and - Fair's hotel'.'une 8. Prank ford, nt Rlmureylllu Juno 9 and 10. at Knettle's ached house, June 11 nod 12. Newton, at Illattenbergers hold June 14 Stough:. town ,Trine 15. Pen n,at.F.yst er's.hotel lune 10 and 17. - :Dick in.n, et Crosier's hotel , June - 18 and 19,- - Southempton. - ntelseles - hetel - Jane 21 - and - 22. Hope .011 -nod Nowbnrg, ut Sharp's hotel June 23 and 24. ~ Shlppensburg Dore and Twp., *T,Vunkin's hotel June 25 and 20. . • Ilonnebarger's hotel June 28 and 29. Mechanicsburg, Kllne's hotel Juno 30 and July 1. New Cumberland, at Dell'a hotel Jul' 2 and 8. Carlini° Cammiesioner's office July 6 and 0.- 00 all taxes not paid on or before the first day of August next, five per rent. will be added. Thu Treasurer will receive texas at Ids v olffice no. . . I the fl s, day otSrt - inntnfr - inntt, at arreli-tilvve duplicates of ell unpaid taxes will be Issued to the consAblos of lhe respective borough, and town ships for collection. 0. 311MLIN17Elt , Treasurer forflumb3rland county. nprll 16,60.6 t. r[l( THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OP Ccnm itO,nn COUNTY. , ) GENTLY:IIAI :—Tn pursuance of to cterty-lniro section of the net of Bth May, 1864, you are hereby notified to meet In eonvention, at the Court House in Carlisle, on the first Tuesday In May, A. D. 1868, being the fourth day of the month, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, and select viva sort, by a majority of the nhole number of directors present, one per son of literary and nclentifio acquirements, and of skill and experience a the art of teaching, as county superinteedent, for the three succeeding years: 'determine the amount of compensation for the same ; and certify the result to •tho State Superintendent at Harrisburg, ne required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth suctions of said act. it WWI E SWARTZ. Couaty •Superlntendont of. Cumberland county. Dolling Springs, April 8 18 , M, april,ll,6l/ St, 7 t h STATE NOTICE :- l',t tetters testamentary on the estate et Jacob liurhholder, late of South Middleton toirnship,thili county. haling bum Issued to the cubscriber ro• skiing in West Pcnoshorough township ; Notice Is hdreby giYell to ' , arsons Indebted to °Watt of said decedent to maks immediate payment. nod to all per sous linvidg claims to preecot then; for loath, loot. E AM LIEU 1/11.1.F.1t. Sr. april 17 09-3 t. ' 17x:eentor. THING GOODS. We have jiitt returned from the city with 'N.rtiry lartio and splendid aesurtenunt of. ,selasonn bleidods, whirit we lire Felling off rapidly at LOWER PRICES THAN THE LOWEST. our Mork of DRESS GOOD S, Is spry 1,111 and ermplete; the etylesure mutt, missed . hot n rploodid SURF, CASHNIVICRS, IErAINES, A I.PACCAS, and nmuy now ptyleboodg, 0 ING CALICOES OS I \t, GEM , ES, 11 I Fr!, , ' TR DIMINGi3 TICK:INDS 11 C5•1,1 . N.9 • allA 131,A SR ETS, • FLA NNE!, all grades, aa_—• HANDKERCHIEFS, (./, TIIS. ( ASSIMERES, Cott,.ndes, and tt.• lerzolit stock of email vrarip. atilt Trimming 6 iu th0..1.311ay, PETS, Off. . CLOTHS, A - TTTN%F. CII AIN of cotton. Linen :iiol Woad, heat make. liter CARPETS :too ...nsidsied jud:ox to be the e painrt-orside ra the groat Hilo,. 'Title stook of gooda is vary large, well naaorted, and will 01l at red teed pokee. It is not nooesoary to fill a column In exaggeration of our Icot ter 'recite an to roll and are for them solvex,whLh wit think sill satisfy them (-hat this lho it .ire to buy for profit In thernariver. hoot oil - • lIIINTZ '69 SPRING INITORTATION. '69 ''.‘l I Ll.l N AND writ My (300I)S A P{m STRO - VG, CATIE 237. & 233 BaltitUorq Street, BA - 1,112t10R1A . 1. lounet and Trimming "Ribbons, = Bonnet Crapes, Silks and Satins, Illusions, Blonds, Laren, Ruches, . /is and French Floiv_ers and Feathers, ETS ANY) IAD11: HATS =I AND II 0 0:D S. 'ND 0 1 IrN S • Thx larFnat Stork ofblllrinery Goods In this Cou n try, and unaquallad In choice ranlnlK, which we off, at inksa Clint. willjpfy 'lnvention. ilAprlt gill Mt,/ • DAVID STROHM, W. 1). SPONSLER, JOHN W. STROHM NEW and POPULAR B 0.0 T, II 0 E , TRUNK AND / 4 HAT STORE, No. 13, Sout4 Hanover Street, Mirlisle, a few doors F./th of ir.helT's corner. WE hal . ° just opined the largest end hest god: of IIInYES and SIiOES evt.r eifyred in Carlisle and eontiwile aluvot daily to twelve each goods in oar Ilan AS firer) body wants. our stork ronslst4 in all hinds and varieties of Woman's Misses and Chile's strong Leather Shoes, %Vonien's and Child's Canting Ouitele. Women's Move Hid Turkey and French. illorocen. -Mflido and Ilny's , 2.11 t, Doff end Hip Men's and Boy's half an■ Buff Congress Halters. Clone and Boy laeting Oniterl and Brogans. Men's and ilny's Calf and Buff Oxford Tit* Own Sandal% Busitine and Overshoe!. Mou'a and Woman's divot Welt and Cerpob Slippers en's, till's and Child's Fur sad Saxouy Tea 01 Oil I.lZeli Nlld.rrieoB Travelling Bags, Satrlnds and Vallee:l, tegether with a ;aline htt of 1.:001/6 tvlileh we Will null to Ault the Minns. QUICK SALES All D SMALL PROFITS IS 01.1}t MOTru. Therefore in issuing our card It to Intended as It Ferro:ant Invitation to all In need to call :tnd look lb rongh our Onric svtlhout feeling under *hit gatlons to buy milers suited In quality and prig°. s s , IVd 3,LYltyt try to deal with every one in Li strlighl form:ire manner, and 'give ovvrY eristhmer e,lnlvla.t for his 101pe. nll 15'111 r.L..t. t.‘ gall And Lot. 11, Oonsi,E) CONSEQUENCE ()F THE hi r holunry .1..tr03• tam .141 it, wybtrots, J. E;CALpWELL & CO. E w It , fide, hAd,ollots osprriAlly to tho r order to Europa II d I ll' A met Ica, 1. 1 1 1.9i11 1 13 . . Now Stock •of Choice Goods, Whil . lllll 0 pow npquud tyd ready for oi , eioloatiod• VERY rEoL I AIIIS lIANTLE CLOCKS, Ovary ul9vement. with thu. new Improvamentx) VI tV SI PE ORNAMENTS , TO MATCOI, Eutfrely nelv 3RONZES, GROUPS & FIGURES - GOlubuir 'acis FINE - ELEO'PR 0 : WARES: BEST:-STIi;RL/ . /VG ° SIL V / 71 A RE, New doWgne WATCHES, ,TEWEJLAtY; A very fidttrebrttuout!,t very MODERATE, PRICES_. • For the preTiot at • '13 . 19' - CHESTNUT STREET 12foir(30-iy. ,Maxatawny Grape. rrlnE,'mest'delicioue White Grape groan. bard, arid 'produs: tie°, _No re ready for, inspection : anemia, n largo uteri; of aetraretrong, well gibiin Grope Vines, ono and two, yeaceF coinprialng in part—Alr•y (early) Concord ; Clin4on, Crovoling; Dolatidro, Diana, Mart ford, Prolific (Orly), Isabella (3 roars), Judo, 'bloom— tawny (white), Museedinfi(aardoet), 'taboo. (smite). Itogaro'. Hybrids Nos, 1,3, 4,1/4 ID, 22; 34 (large and , - flna),...Tolegraph (early.oft - oxcalietrtyil igiatp•Viaal: and' . qumitlties to- Bolt • all: Aluo, -a ,lot of 'extra largo bearing Concord Vino.. • . JOIIN kaPPLII, - City. Floral 'l3arilari, 'canto, roarer-street, Ottritburg;lll. : , j ; r_ 9Ajwif 10 - 1 OTIOE IS'HEREBY ''GIVEN L. to silltioreerni • rn . nt" to purahnee a note drawn me to the. eider. 4ef trogrylDrawbeugh, of w villa, datediOet.•llBoo;lthe •conelderation given for Bald note not lieing , a Araild one,,, • - • , 2April Obat. • '• " • 30,SEPO. DIDDitE".. • yrAft l lirtr • .Mantled Doer Me, on• hand' anituilide 'to 'order dbuth over Wind, OartWei , ''• • • n• •Diarelatt OM, . . • • '''•• ' • • DRY. GOODS. SPRING 1869. NEW RICH AND BEAUTIFUL SPRING GOODS L. T. GREENFIELD'S NO. 4, - East ILTaits Stree? Your i wean:lt I • .11ritud, AN great bargain. all klnpla of Dry Good. aro lam! offerlrie—liirlng purehazad a fall Hue ofall tho moat didrabla good of the aeasoh — fur cub at the lowest mark that good h aye reached ht the last six years, Tam prepared to odor to the trade greater, inducements than ". be found In nay House In this vallny. All 1 ask t. cnnHnce T➢, one of trio RbOTOfirrts, teen lolly (11 DRES'S GOODS Zolgier, Jos do - - 14 700 Petro, , W G do 14 7 00 Polio', H., do 14 7 00 comerori, IV J do ' 14 7 00 Senor, Ranh do ' , 14 . —7 00 an' shades of lobar, Christ do 13 10 OD - .1. Washolood, W(1 do 14 700 ... - - .... COLORID BILKS, SILK AND LINEN POPLINS Fleming, F. C do l4 7 00 Irrln.., John do 14 7 00 'Wren, d do • Strohm k Spooldur do 14 7 LO . - I.Lrmuu, Philip da 14 700 ~ . ' . 1 Itinoweth. Wm I , lllliner. 14 700 • Whilarmi, If rri N do - - 14 700 Poplinettes, Mohaire, Chenes, Striped .1.`1"1,31"Y do 14 . 0 7 00 din 14 7 0 E=l Piques, Fig Piques; beautiful shades o SPRING ALPACAS, STRIPED MOHAIR, STRIPED POPIiINS, Elegtait'l)elaines at 20,centi+ STRIPE!) '11 '4. ANIL' .S Scotch Ginghams in Plaids and stripes =I in single and double widths. Also, CHILDR.ENS' DRESS GOODS IN (TREAT' VARIETIES, r) () Br ESTIC (; 0 S y ;nun ,:tr(1,0,10I) CALICO ut 10'und !V.:, rt. amts an d upwards. I==ll Itnekh M Tlrkinge, E hooting, Pillow-mcv Munilnw very cheap. Phrtlee wanting the above will do well to examlue'iiir "'took before purchasing COTTONADES, SUIRTIN 1.1 STRI P EH, CHECKS Dull Le, DENEIIIB, tke GRAIN BAGS, CLOTHS AND CASSIEERES, F rom the ttoltvest . o rude to the Floettt French ILaving alwayß tehren the teed ha thle breech of the buelnavi. I would .y I am better prepered this Bonbon than ever to moot the wisher of ell desiring a good artirle, or n fair bargain SUITS, MADE TO ORDER, at the 'shortest nOtiee, by a dirst-clove TAT wit !MOURNING GOODS, BUM BAZINES, 18001,-,-DELA INES, BLACK AND WU ITE MIICPUIMS, Crape Veils and Collars, English Crape BLACK. THIBET SHAWLS, Square an 4 long; ale° a full assortmont_of . !''unerul . Cioods, for which orders will lie promptly and untisfacfoFily WRITE GOODS, I= „ . TABLE - CLOTHS, NAPKINS, To;ols, Linens, MarSailles, Piques, Quilts Sprdads, NninsOoks, India Twills,Swisses, T Tarletons, Qambries, N , O T -, 1: 0 ,N iq groat. variciien. HOSIERK AN ,[? GL - OYES; on Itt M THE -PLAlag-;-- Nt.), f E4S'T , MAIN. 'STREET • 'diiiipPotatcd•Jf... you cal;' and see men-;-. • - MEE .Lt'QR.EEN, , REL.P. April 9,1861-4 i. , • , NE W AD -VER i'.1,53.1161ENTS Fr . IST OF. DEAIAR9 IN GOODS J w.res, and bierchandiii, alicAlltriiirers Dis tillers, ;Limbers:led,' frousek . 'km; w ithin the county of Clutaberlandiele appraised and/messed by Frederick Corninan, Mercantile Appraiser, !n as ! cordence with the v1,01%1 . 1'00 of Assembly, as fbir loWli o !Co wit' . OAHLIBLII. , . • . . l~eMob iniflller, dry good. Boots k Otos •• 'do ... . . • oktiby;.o - _ .ao . 12' .12 AO' S m a i w i j i o t r iv it is C4) . .7 7.:- d d o;:,.. - .: .• ' • .- .. -9 - 2606 , 14_ 700 Greeotiold, L T : do .. ..... ' -11 ... 16 00 nlog. JOl 16 'do '• 14 - 700 Ilorper, Tbos A do 1212 60 ilatton. - Jobn Fa* Goods; . . , l4 • 7 00. Bentzler. - Jomph do Neff. J P do .. . • Coyle At Co ' 9 ' do - - la 10 00 rtodgorr,ol9 Jewelry. ' 14 709 Naugle, W Dll . do _ • -14 700 Conlyo, T do • 14 700 Cremer,-F d o : ~ -_-__ -14 ..-_7.00 Floyidnger r ll-----dol4-7_oo Baxtoo. 11 Ifirdwors„ •: 9 • 25 - 00 Miller A: Rowers. do. ' ,' 10 ' 20 00 ()atm, All Mire Sewing htechlnen • .., 14 7 00 Campbell John do 14 ' 700 Fu'lner, J 1.1 kS 11 do 14 7 00 I.lcoonegal, Joe novo.. 14 700 Rinegmith t Ropp, ;do •. 14 7 00 FrirDay, Wm do ' 14 7 00 ‘79lkm. a Cloudy, do 14' 701 Bel lerm; Win Confoctlonery. 14 " 700 do 14 700 do 04 7 00 111111 Or, Peter Rh om J II 0 er, % re' Hughes, Robert do . . . Yochum, Coo do - 14 " 7OO Martin, Jacob do ' ' 14 .. 700 Schrodenbaugh, J do ' ' 14 700 Zeigler, J A Flour nod Peed . ; 14 . 7.00 Beetem k Tiro Produce, 11 16 00 , Boiler & Bro - M.. 11 16.00 Woodward RC du' 11 ' ' 15 00 .. ... • - 111nritnesss, Il do It 700 111 loads, J& D .do 14' nOO Btayrnan, C 8 i dei • . . . 14. 700 Cornelius & Bosh, ; 41 - - ' .14* . 7 00 Hoover, /4 NI Lumker.'and CM!, 14 7 00 Blair, A la d'ol k ]5 00 Delancey ti 812 nom, do . 14 10 00 , -llhoadx, C Coal 14 . 700 0 retbman, II Glrooarl.6, • : 14 ..7 00 C do W II do 71111',h, W II do Wetzel, IV 3,1 do . • . Bonder. John do •• l4 • 7 - 00 Maionheimer, J do • 14 7 00 Sites, J. J . do , l4 7 00 K en vy, D U do_ 14 7 00 ' Blair, Wm& Son, do ,: 8 80 00 Hildebrandt. 11 do ' 14 7 00 Eshenbarh, 1 , do I 147 OD Jo _ _ _ Brown,.lolll . . , . Mork, .7 b .• do , , , 14 . 7OU {Ft tad, Jop I do , 14 7 00 Faller, John do , i 14 700 Homer, Julio do , 14 700 lioftEptu, 0 B Dunlou U John Furniture. 14 7CO @MB=MM Shapley. C/1). Seine, A 13 .. •• , . Sipe D do . 14' 700 Bites, Joseph Boots apd Shoes, 14 '7 00' Donl, N do 14 7 00 Plank, l'enj do - - 14 , 700 Porter, W !it do . 14 7 tiO Common. J do 14 7 00 ' , IM=M Roiling, Wm Clotbing 14 7 00 Lech 0 ' do 14 • 700 Krunenburg, do Leonard, g fi do 1.111,1.oy. • ~ 1 W do 14 7 00 Llologston, do 14 7 OU :000th, Ii do ' _ . 14 700 MI22I7III=I:3IEMMEM Mff= Ritter, 11 8 do 14 1 00 liautch, N do . 14 700 COMM., 1.) Druso, -14 i 700 Elliott, 51, 0 do 14 7 00' •Vcrlltolin I,..WorthlngtooDr llgiir4 7 00 Illiverstivk.o 11.0 do 1... 10 00 Ralston, Uovld do' 11 7 00 14 7 00 IMO , . . , Hush, li li ' Tot nee°, 14 7 00 tFptinglor, B E do 14 7 ()L Irvin & ilerrott, do 14 7 04 Etioulinger, Gao Leath.., Eusul ,S. Robes, Loreto., Photograpill Piper, iN h Paioks Loudon, JIIA Su , , .. lltilman, 8I) du 14 -7 00 114,4..1,1)01/ • Bats and Cap.:. - 11 7 07 Kell,, .Inn A _de 14 7 10 DEEM Produce )ealer, I. Juan •nwlel, Zi OM= L ICKIN SON -Wolf .3 Dry hoods 3 ON 14 7 00 Myer, David do do 14 , °T 00 Ilardoer it II 5 , 01,1, do • do ••' 13 10 00 Clever 3 Cn.. Iln, do 14 7 00 1:1111:E=CEIEI . _ Bowman, 11 N Dry Goode &Grp 14 7 lb Messner, hn• do do 13 10 00 & Ro❑ qrn,erle.. ==ll L . oonnorker. J do 'l4 " 7 00 llommel„'t do 14 i ;' 00 Zooharlah, I , ot. prodoes, 14 • 7 00 Thompson,m do (4 7 00 Oyster, Ileorgo limbo!, 14 7 00 !dart Ino4 Co.. •''' ~ do 14 7 00 Smith, Cl 11' cohlectlonery. 11 7 00 14 Molts; Then 01 do 7 .00 . • ~ May ACo Mora and almeaC7'.' , 14 7CU fs,eldich, J B merchant ta182c,, , ' - 11' 100 flood, N novas. 14 7 00 IMIIMIMEI == Mfl or; Darld; - whlpn; - Kimmel, John luarkoting, •• Fit AN! FORD Altouglt & Elliott, dry goo'ds, Woods, 8,,01u0l do mum= J S dry goods Nicholas, Nor - do, Wise, E W do , To:140u, J M groceries, 14 7 00 Rupp, 1) dry goods and groceries, 13 . 10 00 Rupp JJ tk Co., produco, , 11 700 T6lllpl ill. Cyrus, furn 'Cure, , 14 '7 00 LOWER A 14,11. N. . - - . _ (loot:, II II Illy, goods and gro. 14 7 00 Bowman 1 Cu , do do 14 - 7 00 Kunkel & Oro do .• el• 14 7 00 = Detrtob, J (7 stoves, 14 7 00 Prett A A. Son, hoots mail shoes, 14 7 00 =I MIDDLESEX. O'Hara, II dry gao'o sod grocorlem Swllor, .1 dq' " do =I Comfort .1: Butcorti dry goods, Westhafor, do Flohr, Israel' groceries, , 12 12 50 Reber ,t Megury, dry goods, 74 7 00 Mover SO (1 grocerlety • ' 74 7 00 Brindle .1: Niesweoger;dry goods. 2 25 01) Doviuney & !flyers, groceries, , 13' -' 40 00 Brousli. PA & Bro., dry goods, • 12 12 00 Bust, & 800 - do . 10 20 DO Itafrorberger, It 11 do . . 14 700 Eleock, J. do • , 10. 20 00 Miller & Boyd% groearie, ' .. 14 0. .0 00 El 3 - . Smith; J K Kaufman,] A D W N:mmlnger. 3 MaDersbn. D . . Kaiser, Miss Clara, Millinery, 44.. 7 00 Bryan, Mrs 8. - do 11 7 00 Eberly & Finn. lumber, 11 15 00 =I : Long A. I,andlo, do MEM MOW* littrtia, prod sex, 11 15 00 Itrybc-n, 'l' It tin . `,/ ..., t. 20 00 Staytuan & 4utcher, .10 ' 9 - 213 00 Boyer, Ittberl3 . - .1, 000, Surly/ans. 0. 25 00 klnimnl k'Snlth, lii 20 IA l!olk, (11l 'true, • d,• Day. :;Ir4d• d,. 111.1011z-1 M 1 .10 ISIMINII=BI EffilE9 =I i.d."l • = ME=El=ll2 RIME MIMMEIME BM= LEM= M=E DIM= MEM =ME MEIMMMMEI IMMO ii rev , Jit Ob PECIIIM=SE EMI= 1112232 MNlff=l IMEM=M ll:tintl 1212:eIf3=11EM Miller ,1 t Co blttorP, rostaego,-W.ll9lTi Null; Li marketing, Slur! s. Ahormen John - Zfry goydr nod grb,. 14 . 700 Mull, Z do Uo " 14 - 700 MEM J T B dry gond., Plonk, John do 40 Dovinuoy. L D drug.; • Plank, Samuel' food, . Spahr, Henry do • .... . . N. WroN, • ..,. . Manning A Bra - Produce, - !, 10' 20 00 Ilursh A Bro to - 11 15 00 Snyder II • . do 10 20 . 00 Watts & Wagner do • .10 ~, 20 00 /rural .1.4.1 13 do 6. , 0 25 00 I Stoner, S A dry goods, - 14 700 , Leurs,..ll' do 1 1 InTiTillin7,iii; if ruco 4, .- 14 • ' 700 14 . 7 00 Washinger, Jac dry goods, . 14 7 00 - Clover & Ernst, do 'Hyle,•John • - An. . ~ -• ,14 .. 700 Baker, J -. •-•- do • . . ' 14- 7.00 Blinlch, John groceries, 14 • ,00 Bono/ J 0 dry goods, l4, 7 00 Mariner 11l 14,groosrles, ,I, /4 - 7_oo_ ' TlYsri, - Irrolilbajnifery,7 -- --. 7'14 '''' '' "7•00' Gibson Geo • du ~ ~ „ .14 - , . 7 , „SC LeArkir.irm ~.„ do , 14 • 7 110 - Notch, Samuel shoes, ~, 14' . 700 Horn, OR marketing, • ' , 14' • 7 00 'Elliott,. Mary, millinery,. • „ 14. '.., 700 . 11nntsbergeri Ilanispiiernlipr, .! .. ,14 - . 7 110 1 NBWVI if,'' ' • . E. • • It # throaty godds, :Stough & Elliott, do Altoodllub, olq .Morrow, W d giocerlog,, • dlauter, N do , , ' . W S do • , Irr In, A L boots and aboix, • do, . do k bro , 'clothing, • thowelor.& Dauihterty, .do „ tiArth,(l . .W. do • Sandal!,U L & Son - do, . . . . _ ... . Acker ACo drugs, . ' ' • 14'7 00 Wild, 00— ' do . ' ' ' 1 - 700 O'Neil, AEI do . 14 , 700 need, Mrs It do . 14 7 , 00 Montgomery. Dr - do- 14 • 7, 00 Woodburn A Shilleberger, farnitire, 14 -- ; 7' 00 'Thicker, Ceo NI . do 14 ' '7 00 , Bricker, John do ' — l4 • TOO Skinner A Son, hardware, 14 • 700 Kunkel, J A : do - .12 12 50 Landlr, 0 Wjiwelry, ' ' 14 • ,- - 7 00 Mull, 1.1 W afore, - -: • . , 14 " 7 - 00 Kennedy, J M do 14 7 00 Henry, 11 Tonfectlonmy, • . 14 - 700 Crawford, J. 7 ' do ' - 14 700 Laughlin, Joe feed, 14 7 00 , Maglaughlin, Harriet, millinery, , , 14_ . _ _7 00 Smiley, Miss Si • do , 14 ' • 700 Class Vann , 0- $25 , 00 0. 2i cm, NEWBURG. Elliott : A Rm. -- dry kodeG, ' 11 16 00 Btaviek k Swlgert, do 11 16 03 bobje and short, 14 • 7 00 B Wick, 0 0 furnltuie, 'l4 ' 700 14 700 14 7 00 I= Itot, T , dry goods, Bughtnals t don, do Ross it Co do ... _. Musser, 11R lumber, - 8 30 00 Oystor, - Oharlee do - --'l4 700 —Jawing-Owen ' do ' 14 _'", O. Lava Eberly, - do " 8 30 00 Ernest k Clovir, dry goods, Clever kCo - do . . . .. .. Ocker, Geary groceries, ' . 14 700 Garber k Kurtz, dry goods, 14 700 Jay Cook & Co do 12 12 50 SOUTHAMPTON M lller, Denial groceries, 14 7 00 Glaser A Rhoads, dry goods, 14 7 00 "Oleterrest, ~., rd , 4......-4,411- Strohm & Williams, -- - do 7 3 10 00 . Allisoo, 0A Co do 14 ' 700 Croft, D 0 do lO , 7 00 1 BERM BESIPPENSBURG L.dis,l7r Jo4lry, 'l4 7 'OO nay., W. It. c. E. Sewing Mmitines, 14 7 00 Davie, Mrs AS Millinery, Malley, Hiss 9 .do Lawton & Co, Produes, 10 20 "00 Long & Gish,' do . . 11 15 DO Morrow & Flickinger do 12 12 60 Blair, T Pddo- 11 16'00 Fosuot & Dah , ahman, Ot;oceriee, 14 7 00 Tarman & Kimmel, db ' 14 . rON Noftsker, Joh a do ' , , 14 . 700 Pagne, I It do • ' 14 ' 7 00 ?dyers, Samuel do 14 7 00 Martin, John do 14 7 00 Weaver, W F de 14 7 00 Arts, P 9 do 14 7 00 Duke, 1) K do 11 7 00 Gallon, 80 & Son a. 14 , 700 Angle, Al 51 dol4 7 60 • Kelso, James do 14 7 00 M'Phersow, D'll Dry Goods, . 12 •12 60 Shodgi ass, It Jo 12 12 60 Knots & Montgomerydo 11 15 00 Jamison. W T do 12 .' 13 50 Danner & Neeley, do .. .' 13 - 10 00 Wonderly 4. bl ell, Lumber, .. 1:1 10 00 Iteddlg .1 & J 11 Dry Goods, 10- '2O 00 Greason, 0 N Confectionery, 14 . 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 lIME3 Clark Wm do Rankin dt Olbble, Drugs, Altlok, J C do Koller II K do Croft, J W Shoo., 14 7 0, Colo l 3 B do 14 700 51'Pherson £ Cox, Hardware, 11 15 00 ==2titt= 13 -1030 11 1 00 MM= MED El=l Criswell, David . do. 14 7 'OO Barnhart, Duke & Bro Furniture, 14 7 00 Wilier & 1% Inters, Stoves, 14 7 00 Wolf. JOhn A Slores, -- - , •-.... • . 14 7 OU Kelso, JP.l.Oli Books, 14 7 00 grid g ee 11 & Son Clothing, 14 700 111=13 14 7 00 14 700 L Bender, do, Shearer ,t Muir, do; Elmlloyd M ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Letters of Administration on the estate o lambent Hoar, (he'd, Into of Middlesex tounabin, honing been Issued to ft, subscriber, residing in Carlisle. Notion is hereby giros to ell persons im debted to said estate to make payment, and those having claims to present Then, properly authenti• - t ented for settlentent to Clapper, c'hlllp Confectionery. 14 7 0 Apt' ,tit, DAVIT) KUM Adttir. .. . - . SOUTH MIDDLETON Elerman, C Dry Goode, l4 7 00 M'Allater Bro do . 14 7OO Bowman I ilemmlngel:, Dry Goode, 14 700 Zeigler, J B Groceriee Zeigler, b M do Wolf, Barrel do Utokrpao, John Notions Beep, Conrad Furniture ' 14 , , 00 W inmeon, J Bro Dry ClocdF. , 12 12 10 14 7 00 14. 7 00 Webbert, dr Co , do Haien, John ' , urn Iture Orris, A. I ftrnb Dry Goods, Iteeerr-h-Lougpdoit- do Burkholder, W S do J D do lIMZI =MEI , Luiplgh, J W do 14 ' 7 00 Loioign .1 11 k Ern Produce U 10 CO, Glover, T E Conlectionary, .14 7 CO Walton. krr, 'l' do 14 7 Ou bicker, B do ambaugh, Wm Fnroiture, Swartz, J clotblog. ugsallok , J Y dry goods 14 7 00 14 7 00 0 14 0 7 00 14 OMNI= I= Leas, a . IV dry goods. - 14 7 00, -Stratrrtoroglrr L J , do 14 7 . 00 Darr, A-Borkholdor, do 1 . .13 " -10 00 WOOllOOO%, A S do " 14 700 Ilandsll%.w, 1 W do r . ..13 TO 00 Corotherr, J O grocer!. nod .hoer, 14 7 00 !pod, J stoves, 14 7 00 14 i (i 5 I Carotherk J 3 produce, 14 700 14 7 to I Drs , %V oadon D do . . . . . 13 10 40 IMEI 11'.M2111 Jehu dealer, 1 -11esor-P--mak.t 3 Agr--- " Bishop, I .Vm do 114 EATING 110I1SES rlaloy, John Mechanicsburg,' eponsles, Wm Carlisle, DISTILLERS AND intErrHjcs ihtat,-.E____Neartott_toTroshlp - 9 NV brier, J do • do 9 9 labor, C CarllslO, =I ppple. Jam% C 11.114116, Over, Bonnet Newrille IliEl eirich,.hmanuel, ab l Merhaocurg, 80 • , 0 Appeal tolls held at the Court 'louse, ho Carlisle, on the 3d, 10th; lith and 24th days or April, 11 , 0;9; All persons aggrieved may have redrew.. F. CORNMAN, April 2,1000-9 t. Mercantile Appraiser. HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., 14 - 00 14 - 110 Item, just removed to th rir 14 7 00 14 :00 13 10 0 0 NEW. MARBLE BUILDING, ,CIiEsTNUT ST., ABOIVE BRoAD ST., B=El PHILADELPHIA, EiMEI3 And hn•nronkineueed the tale of nu 1.1 1' CO 14 7 PO EXTRAORI),INA N Y IMPORTATION 14 7 ai 12 1' 50 12 12 1 13 10 00 14 r 700 11=111 32: 0 r3 7- (01rc: - .) , 14 7 DO 7 II 01 1 l 7 i 0 r 1 , 0 t ll MI 7 7 li 0 en..“.rl Ain: t!, • t -I the 18,..1 hrni..Chne I=llll All the NOV E I,TI ES of I hi , Season; It If(11 lIMEI lEMEI =MC BMI2I Ell lIME3 14 y 7.00 Immenue •AssortmOnt Ilt=El ff=lM I=IIIM IMIITI [ice EMMEI 14 7 00 14 _ _4_oo 14 7 00 Medium 'Piice Goods; YOH TUB IS 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 . 00 14 700 14 , 7 03 POPULAR•TRA . Dii: I IN NVERY VARIETY. . . • , -IL 13.-•:41. 0...1. Co., contend `that It Is a ORIDAT 0118TA1IE to belles, that goods cannot be sold as low Ina handsome storo as In attack and dingy one, and to prove this has, taken the greatest care to. mark their goods at ' Prieeft. • 4 00-Sra,, , ' • • z • 1 441 9 1 0 THE WORKING ,ELASS.- • lam now prepared to fen:deli ill classes with constant employment at their kornO L the,w,hple or the tlmthertor the opera 11101:13914 , * OUPin" , • new, light and profitable„' Fifty . oenta7te ss,per even is easily: earned by `weenie of elthereeeii and , the , boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.'i areal, 'inducements are'pftaredtliose who willhibebtelheir whole time to, the business ; 3 aud that , orer)>Apsr, .son'who 'mei 'this notico,-and/, may Genii nier their - addles. and Get the buslpees for themselvesOrmake , the following unparalleledhifer: Toaltielm'arehot , Witted with the business, I will eiplefitto yey for, ',thstrouble of writing nie.. :Bull ruat,lailhiis,'Dtrod .Voti, as;, Gott free, BiuspG sorkhytenatiforlol3G • . 4ddresi;M. ALRlcAurytiarAti - 2600 . , 10 20 00 11 16,10' .14 700' ,111 •10 od /4 7 00 14 - 7 00' 14 • 7_oo' 14 , 00: _ 14 700 70014 rOO 13 10 00 14 7 00 11 15 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 _.-7-00 1 7 60 14 , 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 EMEI 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 11=131 11 lb 00 14 7 00 E=l ISM 11 7 00 2 7 0.1 - . LIME' -14 7 Oa I=l 14 7 00 7 00 14 __7_oo T 00 F 5 0) 8 5 00 _s_oo 25 00 25 00 9000 80 00 EMI Ai. . %\ ME LEGAL 11-TOTIVES. IUXECIUTQA'S NOTICE.--Letters :teetameotary,oo'tho Estate'ofJaeob Me!ley, late of Monroe township, have bean Issued by the Ilegister to the subscribers. All persons indebted 'will"mako payment, and those having claims will present them to BENJAMIN. NIESLEY, or . ". JACOB K. NI.EfiI.XY, ' - ' Executors of Jacob Motley, deed. L.': . CP,Cla r rOtt'S NOTICE. - Letters testamentary on the estate of Benja min t ongricckey, deed., late of West Pennstoro tosanship r hayingleoultsued to the subscribers re aiding in the same totrnsbli ~notiee Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to make payment and those haying claims to present them for settlement to •• • JOAN LONGNEOKER, PAWL DILLER, Sr, , • "Execatorii. , inter 6946 t pXECUTOR'S NO= If% . A, Letters testamentary on the estate of boo 5111Ienl, deed. late of East Ponnsboro township, having been deed„ the subeeriber_reshling the same township, notice is hereby given to all persons Melted to make payment as those hay ing claims to present them for settlement to G. W. CRISWELL, Ex's. 19Mttr 611.0 t EXECUTOR'S' NOTICE.- - Letters Testamentary on the estate of Robert Ruston, doe& late of Lower Allen town ship, this county, to tlio subscriber residing In the same township, notice is.hereby given to all persona In• debted to said ostatO to melee immediate payment , end to those haring .claims against it to present teni yroper y n lentleated J .1.751 ES C. RUSTON, "Executor E=! IN BANKRUPTCY. • Stall District of , Frumplitanies, SR CARLISLE, March 9, A.D. 1809. - The undersigned hereby glees , notice of his ap pointment ■e assignee of Jacob C. Beets, of North Middleton township, in the county of Cumberland and State of Penneylrania, within paid District, who .has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Distriettourt of said District. DAVID KBISBR, Assignee, Carlisle, Pa. 12mat3 VOTICE IN 'BANKRUPTCY. 1 in the Di.ltrict Court of (ho Milted Stoles. Eastern District of Pennuttuptia In the matter of M. M. lIIISIIItY, Ilankrupt By.order of Hon. John Quinnleder, Judge of said Court. A wood general meeting' of the creditors of said Bankrupt, will ho held at Carlisle, in mold district - on the tweotythird drty of April, A. D.. 1869 at ten o'clock, A. NI., at the office of Chas. 11. Barnett, one of thelteglsters In Bankruptcy In cold dhlrict for the purpgan named in the tnohty se•enthjtaction of tho Act nf,Conureßs, entitled 'an Ait to establish a. uniform nyetem of Bank• rupter throughout the United States approred 2nd Ml= IZEMENI num • pROTHONOTARY'S NOTFCE= Notica Is hereby Given that the following ac counts have been tiled in the Prothonotall's s ofties for elatnination Antrwill be presented to the Court of Coalmen Pleas of County, for ertuni n. Von ou _Wednesday, the ~15th day_ or April, 1"a09. ° 1. The Account of John - - Stuart, jr., Sequestrator of the 'Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike Road Cora ' 2. The aronut of Corn°liens Kennedy, Assigns• of Levi Worst, under deed of voluntdry assignment. J. P. BRINDLE, Prey. 123{6.4t PROCLAMATION. WIT ER EA S , 411 e Hon. JAMEs H. Mumma; PsePldert Judge ° of the severAl Courts of Common Pleasuf the-eoonlies of Cumber land, Perry, And Juniata. and .1 uttie•• .1 the several Courts ofOyer.andAllerm iner end ttnooral.l.tii cry In said counties, and Dons. Ile, I'. Wait sod Hugh Stuart:Judges of the Com tsot Oyer end 'l,•rli nor and Jail Delivery for the trift i elan Irruital nod other offenders, In 'he Mid coon`' nf ombetlati by their preetipt to directed, dafed).lth Janos, or.ateramtho CUurt of t , an.' Term, and - Onneral-Jall-ttelivery to be holden at_C:uli,tn, on the 2al Monday of April, lots, taint; tit. P.lth day, to continue two weebt. NOTICE Is hereby given le.the Corn n er..11114 bas n' the Peace. noel Constables grille .rid county et Cum berland that they aro by the said preeept,emuntand ed to be then and thole In their proper per MOOR, with their rolls, records, and inquwi im,e non., i nations. and all other reno•mtra ITV., CO do tho,(lthings which to their onlees ern ertnin to be done, and all' thosb rhat are bound' layrecounts:oleos, to prosecute against the prisoners Chat "re or then shall be in the Jail el raid county, or to be there to pro. scuts -them as shall Le just.' • JOS. C. 1:11011PSON: Sheriff Er =! REAL ESTATE. rOWI'f PROPERTY. AT PUBLIC SALE. 30tb, 1969. Tie Snbrerlher. will offer • for sale at the Cou House, Carlisle, Pa., the well known DWELLING HOUSE, nitomina on West Loather street, nbnrly n'pposite the Reformed Church, No. 24, now occupied by Ex shorlir Rippay. itimensinne of front building in 25 by 20 feet, two-storice Stone, plastered front nod mid With an attic, having foto rooms with u large Parlor nod Hall. The•back building In 10 by 43 ip, more or less. two story with u largo dining MUM end kitchen with three good rooms up stnire, good Cellar under the front building Ind n. with a Stook SMOKE and 'WASH HOUSE. separate from dwelling. Also, a nev'ewiell tee well of water with pump in It. Also, en excellent brick Cistern with pump In It, with an alley of twelve feet making a front of thirty-seven by two hundred and flirty feet back to Dickinson Alloy, with weatherboard Frame !louse fronting said alley which rents for from-50 to CO dollars per year. The 'dwelling fronting feather street rents for 225 dol lars per y ar. Also - - ` A LOT OF GROUND;' ojoi n the same property thirty feet frosting on Lowther Street . directly opposite the Retormed Church extending back to said Dickinson alley 240 feet, with choice troll thereion. Peesseeslon will be given immediately on the confirmation of Ore is 'with a clear ID le, the purchaser drawing thu rents from the persons once OentlPll illg I lie dwullinX Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.Ol , on said ay when terms will be math" kliolval try dApril 69-St V ALUABLE aOTEL Property AT PRIVATE SALE,OR EXCIIANcI FOE A PARII The subscriber olTern at private 10311 tins well kW") hotel standln Newvllle, Pa., Icnntru as the LOUAN HOPS E. The lot (upon Irlucli the llotol talldS) wut ai ne by 180 loot, end in addition thereto will be sold ti excellent GARDEN coo taining 65 by 180 feet. , The bon. is large and substantially built of otnn c'entaining 8 sleeping apartmu . nts. good [lnc-ran Dlning-room, Poirlor,liitchen and ell modern eon, fences. A good %Venal' Water at tire 'door, EXCELLENT STABLING • for forty horona, Ice Mame, Wood hence, S.lola lloup and all npeuesary outThuildinge. - The Logan ❑ou+o to widely and tasorahly known and le largely patl'ouPeed. It hoe tenon quite recently renovated, end repaired throughout. ' Terms ho suit the purchaser Fur furthYr.plirtlylo.tEg, apply to tho 11 hts absouro to 11.,t0r A. Ahl, at P I. • "7.•"..7.C.-Irl,4)nrdrit CUM For byspePsia,. Pave! and, Ague, Acid 'ditk of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn,' Jaundice, •and all diseases arising from a disordered state of the Stomach ; Liver or Intestines. Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY .tb CHENEY, Druggiats, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold b~ all Drugglata. 'or Sak -ly GEO B. 110FP.MAN, Grocer, Ponji•e2` Street. -•- . . • M A N\ II 0 P D: HOW LOST; - HOW :RESTORED. duct 1 . 174 1 l Ar iw o ° ll.% n al e ob t r io ra Celebrated r, 34.03c0uth-e-radre.t-c."-(witbout ,. medlelno) of SP FRU #TORRIIIEI. or Sem inal •Wcalines, Involuntary Seminal Lome, 1151. POTENT, Mooted and. Phyoicei Initaoncity. I mpodi moots to marriage, etc.; also CONS6M MON 1011.Eeoe and File, Induced by eeltindulgence or .oemial etS.Prlcen, in sealed envelope,only 6 cents. ' • Th e Ctleblated. author, in s athulrable clearly, demonstratexfront a thirty yeas auccaseitil .. Oraetice, that the•alarminff consequot co, of coif chute may be ritdically cured leithoutiho !danger. (mouse of internal medicine or•the knife g pointing _out a mode of cure at onto eirupin 'cortaln,• sod, of helm), by mascot whlch.overy sufferer, no mat. ,ter_what-his-cOuditiOlt .may he, n),Leure,.hluceelf plisately,nuct ' WThis Lecture should to In the hando ofnvery youth nod every man in tlieJend. • . , .• Bent under mai, Ina plain envelop), to, any ,ad• 'dress offpnfd, on recolptof six. cents, or two pest stomps. .Alen, Dr.. Oulverwell's 'darriageLluide," •prlce 9a cents, .-Address the ,Duhliebera, • • 011A8. J. d. XLSNB , L CO,. .127.DowirirNew lark, gait Oilier 134,4,686 VANCY , •POULTRY.:4I.- '4lOl ' 'lll3tlß.frOu'il.b.l yarilquf ;of Thorough r. ,Poultry,ei ' . ,Vfritte4aoad'spini,i'il:Wbor: s4, l 4 o rAiigiiso •Eipaalsh.W,hllo (ol',..togtiovps,c 110nIden .Pbettoszik,,, , .rl , The 10°14 pleariuola l l iliiiwo , 6ityory ExPrenOPloe. — antoKmie. • trvirrille t o Box 07 „ - 4 4014114 5 0 41 . • , ' NEW ADVE TISE'XI N`TB UNION? PACIFIC. 'RAILROAD CO • Central Pacific Railroad FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS - Thts great enterprise Is approaching completion With 'a rapidity (hit aetoniehes the world. Over F i fteen (150 u) Mindtwimiks have been built by two (2) powerful - conipanies; the Union Pacific Railroad, beginning et Omaha, building wed, and the Cen ral Pecitic Railroad Facramento, and building east, until the toed roads shall meet. Len than two hundred and fifty, milvaliemain to be built. The greater part - of 'the interval Is now grad ed, and It Is realidnably expected that the through connection between San Francisco and New York will be complolud 1y July 1. As the amount of Government aid glTen to each Is dependent upon tho length of road each !hall build, ho tfi companies ate prompted to great efforts to seihrolho.construe.lon and, control of what, when completed, ho one and the only grand itcrilrnna Lire cr,nweting the Atlantic and . Pacejle oast; One Hundred 4nd Ten Million Dollari ($110,000,.. 000) In money ha 4, already boon - expended by the two powerful ccnipanies erigaged In, this great en• terprlse, and they will speecilli - complete the por• tion yet to be built. When the United States Gov ernment Ibund it recCesary to secure the genstruc tlon of .the Pacific Railroad. to develop and protect Its own interest, It gave the companies authorized to build it - such - ample aid ad should render its speedy completion beyond a - doubt. Tho Govern- Tnentaid . may bobrielly summed up gs follows) First.. The yight'of way and all norm nary timber and stone from public domain. . • Second. It makes a donation of 12 80) acres of land to the mile; which, when the road is completed, 'amount to twenty-three mhllon (20,000,000) acres, and all. of it within twenty (20) miles of railroad. Thiftl. It loans the companiei fifty million dol lars (F 50,000,000), for which it talus a second pen. The Government has already loaned the Union Pacific Ilan - road twenty-four million. and fifty. thdusand dollars fi'24,(411i10, :and" to tho Central Pacific Railroad seventeen million glx hou• drod and forty-eight tisoueend (17,448,000), amount ing in ell:IIMITY one million seven hundred and alz thousand dollars CFI L,706,003). . . Tao Companies are perm( tted to issue their own Flrrt if ortgago Bond, tn•tho same amount as they receive from the United states, and no - more. -The rempattles lias°o sold to permanent Investors about 0 , 12) forty million dollars of the First 31ertglge Bondi. The companies hero already paid hr lincludlng net earnings not dirlded, grants from Sl.,teof Cal.lfornln, And :7ecq(mento dtyal2,d San Franclaro), npwarus of (¢26,000,0001 twenty dollars capital stork. .• ‘ ,. 11.4T - IS THERE YET TORE DONE In considering, this ocestion It =et b. !amen, bared that all tbe.remainlng Iron to finish the ,lroad Is contracted for, and the largest portion paid for and now delivered en the line of the Uolon Pacific Railroad and the Central Prie)fic .. Railroad, and that the grading Is almost flahlinid• WHAT IIE9OI,IRCES LIAVE THE 6.I\IPANfEz To - FINTSTI - TIEE - ROAD The!. They xtli recetro from the Government -id' the mind progres+es about $9,000,000 Second. TRisy ran 1 , 11111) th str own First Woitgage Bonds (or about $O,OOO 000 •ildltionnl. Third. The companies now hold almost all the land they have up to this time received from the (lornroment; lipou the completion of the road they will have received in all 23,000 000' aerev, which at 01,60 per Aare would be worth 33 . 4,500,000. • In addition to the above the net earnings of the mode Ad additional capitil,if necentary, 00311 d ho railed in to finish the road. WA*. NE:k. 4 —.4.CTU AL IsAFtNISGS No onu has ever expressed a doubt that as soon ns the road la coniplated ita Oa - rough builnesi writ NI abundantly profitable. Uross earnings cf the Qulon Pa- ailic Railroad Company for six months, •iiitingJanuatyht, Min wore upwards of Tha earnings of Central Pacific Railroad, for pix months, ofniti tog January let 18f9, wore fixponpoii £550,000g01i Inl ',rent 450,000 " PEW.); Net: ili , lit of Central Pacific. Rail• oad. after paying MI interest , and expeusee for six months 760,000 gold The present gross earnings of tho Union and entrsl /lA4/. Railroads me $14200.080 monthly. ❑•IW LAM: A PCSINESS IS IT SAFE To I . 4VPICT FOR 'FOR GREAT PACIFIC PAIL ROAD . We would itlau the follfirrlng facts dc!lvad from Ehlpplng Mats, lunuranca Comp'a,les, Itallrcads mid otieral tuforrna thin 81.1 p's Irc,mthe Atl!ktt io :mound QAI.O Born, 100 tvatnrhipaxonneeting at l'auarna ~ i th California and China, Gtr ov,lnn'tt al.n, Stag,t, =II Iloru xo h.rc , ago hmulroa nriP'Llairty thoilaa.4 =I alh.~':lo•le4u~ur~tl b. , .•n it, num nitiq = We torihe the following nut hoot , 110 loth nap, 7 ~10 COO ‘, t I lrorl 11 ' Numb.4l pel tkuroutu 171,000 Preaeut price tavettaglrig tliu c.pnt. the .stwinlablps), .both pusNervion. nnd . ... tonnag, gives tlpt following recnlt:7.- 174,000 . paAson Ym•e at $lOl. 460N11 . 10:16, I taelli at per_ out& 1,,,t 15,6411,000 tulenlistione upon the alive arse o iLh• out allowing 11? r the large there.a oe bualeaar blob rob Inrsly 00 1•,,.t;.d n!r : : then oats male the running expuuse ut ono half isg,l bare 4 .not inr(nnt of $10,520,000; whish-s attar. paying ltte, tinsel on the First lfortgage Bund• and lie ad. ♦ancn made by the„„floverninent, would . leave . • net Annual income of $9,000,000 . over and above nil eapeuefa and interaut. The Float slortiage Bond, et' ilia Union Peolde ltsliroad ,Cornpluy and the First hiortgatia kondu of the'Cantral Pacific flail road Co. are both, princi pal end interest, payable In Geld moire/ they 'pep ix - par - ton tluterest — ln -- gold7coirrT r and - ritn -- for thhty you!, And they cannot be ,paid beibre - that' Varna olthout Oho consent of the holder. . rind liortgaro . Gild . da,of, abe llnloq rad& Railroad for We at, bar' and 'ttorood Automat, and What Mortgage Gold Roach of bantrel , Paaido road at 108 and araruad DE, TH-A:VEN--&-s-:,743,R0-:'; Dealers. in Goyerriment Soouri- ,:r. l). tios t Gold. Etn.,4 No. ,46, south., YpIDOOD :Street, ‘',%; 7 ttanlF,, AND 0 u# o 0)6 a 51,750,00 gold Ml= =I 120,01 U Ml= :,00rtultIrrmt•;k1 1DD.U.,0 ' • "17 4AL uoi, I •,U10,( 00, MEI '