Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 26, 1869, Image 2

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    glut eraill,
A. K. RHEEM,I. Editors &-Propr's
'Friday Morning, March 2,1869.
Tiii3 men who talk the =St in-Con
gr ss.are pot the most influential. De
ba d seldom determines ktislation in
eith r the Senate or the House. The
work is principally done in the com
mittee rooms. -
keir , A Demociatic pripei:, ill alluding
to the urardt, just now, of the Repub-
limns for, office, Baia, "the Democrats
can look on, laugh, and enjoy, the fun."
Sorry frin for them, poor fellows! To
be stripped of everything, offices and
stealings, is no I leasant affair. As to
the „laugh, our Copperhead friends, in
these latter times, do that on the wrong
side of mouth !
THis."'NewTork Ilerald and Sun
both warmly advocate the 'appointment
of Horace Greeley as Minister to Eng
land. The editors of these papers arc
his rivals, and their support is there
fore more valuable. His appointment
by Grant would give universal satis
faction, and the Republican press eve
rywhere ought to advocate it.
ifarAll Ireland is signing petitions
for or against the disestablishinent of
the Irish Church. The mass of the
people demand immediate disestablish
merit ; the nobility' violently protest
against it. The ,latter very naturally
expect that the disestablishment - of the
Church - gout - soon lead - to - the -disestab
lishment of other aints - es — whith will
concern them more directly than the
diiirGeneral Longstreet, it is stated;
will peremptorily decline the Survey
orship of theport of New Orleans, on the
ground that to accept it \liquid expose
him tol the imputation of supporting
the Govirnment in consideration of a
pecuniary profit. This elevates still
higher the reputation of the. General,
at the same time justifying, in the
strongest possible manner, the action
of the President.
varlcu-I(Lux has entirely vanished
from all parts of the South. The most
:iinTreiluented by-road in that locality
is now as safe 'as a sidewalk in a North',
ern city. There is no more hanging of
negroes, no whipping of Union men,
no—defying—of—Federal—officers. This
wonderful change is no doubt to be at
tributed to the•gopd sense of the "un
repentant,"--who are now perfectly
isfied that the " lost cause" will neNor
be regained,
air• Gen. George H. Thomas makes
a rule of refusing all endorsement- of
au applicant for a civil position, unless_
the — partyls — a 'l'vronude'd so
maimed that he is unable to work, 61: - 7i
soldier's widow, actually in, need of
, -
means to support her family. The
grim warrior is very rough on all who
do not come within these claims, asking
his influence.
come from customs is increasing. This
is the result of the Tariff•established by
the Fortieth Congress, which, though
insufficient, was a return to true finan
ciaPprinciples. The record shows that
whenever we have it high tariff home
industry is benefitted, and the receipts
from imports increased. The people
ought to understand that the Free
Trade movement is supported almost
entirely by Now York-importers ; 'and
that is one reason why we are glad
that Mr. A. T. Stewart is not at the
head of.the Treasury Department.
WE learn from Harrisburg that the
supernumerary officers of the House
expect to gdt phy for doing nothing by
the aid of the Democratic members.
Nothing more natural. That party
generally puts its arms full length into
the Treasury whenever it gets a chance,
and out.or pure sympathy stands ready
o — help — whonver - m - esdita - tc - s — ln — reh.
pose. The present opportunity to act
on this principle is too good tube lost,
and we ask the people of Pennsylva
nia to mark well Democratic meMbers
irho vote to" consummate z tlfe outrage
of paying, twenty-seven flicers . .svhom
a month ago the House/ voted there
was-no earthly use for.
rirThe new Cabinet is , giving the
greatest satisfaction to the country.
One fact is particularly to be remarked.
Every member is a sound and unques:
'tionod Republican ; but of the whole
seven, not one, sought -or" desired his
position. Like the President, each
member can say; "the office came to
me unsought." The President and
Cabinet will work in perfect harmony,
and with a sincere - determination to
place the country on its f'eet by admin
istering the Government with honesty,
faithfidnesi3 and economy in every de
partment. With the P,Altlilent and his
Counsellors agreed in their action, lwe
may feel certain that the policy of the
administration no respect be.far
i n t r yi n eit, seems to be in earnest .
Shore of HaryOlow. up the Eastern:
• Virginia, and th i lguld a,fragment
State. Her Legislatiinn Peninsular
aielis for a ;convention to b,initiated
such a consolidation. There. talrut
or taro barriers in the way; however, ,
which Delaware may . not have thought.
Will free Virginia, or even the ; Eastern
f3hore, aristocratic and high-tone 4 as
it ie, be • willing , accept
.the pillory
and. whipping - poet, .and, for aught we
know, the' ducking-stool and °thee fur,
nitnre Orthe Middle 'AgStr? , Will the .
lawyers 'of these counties tor;be.annek- ;
, .ek . take kindly to *bat the 'zchief
of Delawire- calls, with deli Cate
euphemism, ." her 'peculiar ; modes •of
:)procedure I" And .finallie if' 'they' ,
the "Congress or the Unit
• : " . :as'Stitis,,c,Onsent: to.: anything which
ettch retroaction:?
The .Result. of Ilrtday.'e'Election.
from •au parts of the county, from
which we have heard,, comes the'clieer
ing and . gladsonle news that our' riends
did unusually well on Friday last. In
-manyylaces; we gained even-upon our
vote of last fall for -Grant, while in
many of the strong Democratic; Town
ships we succeeded in electing . seVeral
of the most important officers..
We have said that from all • portions
of the county comes this praising intel
ligence, but, we wish to make a cor
rection. The West Want of Carlisle
furnishes the single, hideous exception.
For reasons that pain us even to allude
to, many of our Republican friends
acted in a manner highly reprehensi
ble and utterly inexcusable.
Despite defeat mid — weariness, ,we
might almost say, :;f. body,- and soul,
there :ire a few earnest, active men in
this town, Who ear in and •ear out
labor most assiduously not only to keep
up our own pa - rty strength, but also use
their utmost endeavor to win converts
from the wayward Democracy These
men should, at times and under all
circumstances, receive. not only the
thanks, but also the votht of- j evory man
in our midst who loves And cherishes
the honest and generoutr principle% of
the Republican party' above the mean
ness and sordidness that has for 'years ,
past held .together and furnished capital
for the bitter and malignant Democra
cy. That, this statement is true, no
honest Republican will for A moment
entertain a doubt, and, yet, that it, was
utterly- ignored and repudiAted by
large number of .our pretended party
friends,'the result of last Friday's elec
tion too plainly and painfully discloses.
Dien_ whg. hos.e._ : worked And,
earnestly, while others respdArul slept,
Who-have shiveredin the rain and cold
while others enjoyed their pleasant
apartments; and warm stoves, who have
suffered hunger and thirst while others
have revelled in feasting and drinking
—men who have done and endured all
these things for the good cause were
mercilessly and deliberately slaughter
ed at the polls on last Friday; and that,
too, hy those Who have never done an
honest hour's work, nor undergone a
single inconvenience in • behalf of the
interest and welfare of the - party with
which they wish to be classed as mem
bers. - And what„xeason is there as
signed for all this.unpatriotie and un
generous conduct by th_e few-out of.tho
many who acted the shameful part,
who, dare to assign their reasons there
for ? Simply this : the 'men whom we
nominated were, Council last year,
and by their votef7PM`dieTtted their" de
termination that Phis little Borough,
that has so long Stood still,
ceive from them a new Spirit of- enter
prise. But why should this, say you,
cause men to desert their party stan
lard end vote for those who were most
active in days gone by in favor , of the
enemies of our common country 'I For
reasonvie-anewerr because
these gentlemen, short-sighted enough
not to see that as - the town increases
in size the value of their property in
creases, feared that increased taxes
might in some event or other be levied
upon them. True, this is a mirely sor
did and selfish reason, but it. is none
the -less the one which controlled a
large number of our disaffected friends.
Others, it is true, had personal reasons
for cutting different ones of our candi
dates, but the main cause we have giv
en above. The personal reasons were
no' lass contemptible and inexcusable
than the general one. But, thanks to
the true-Republicans, we are glad that
these men succeeded in defeating but
one of our candidates for Council, and
we are. none the less sorry that they
even succeeded in doing this. Thp
mau they defeated has worked not only.,
harder and more unceasingly for the
party, but also has spent more hours'
and days' labor in behalf of the welfare
of this Borough than all tl, taxes of
these disaffected gentletne'n for years
past and yelirs to come Could pay him.
In this connection we are glad to
learn tbal.lllr. C. E. MAOLMIGHLIN,
Who Was elected-by the votes of - these
-old- fogy gentlemen, is himself a' strong
improvement man, and if he takes his
seat in. Council will steadily vote in a
manner which swill give 11( ) satisfaction
to them, We say if be takes hie,seat
in Council, for the simple reasou_that'
we believe him under the law to be en
tirely ineligible. 'The Act of the Leif
islature uses these strong and emphatic
words : "No District Attorney shall
be eligible to a seat in the Legislature,
or to any other office under the law/
and Constittilion of the State, during
his continuance in office." The.posi 7
tionof Councilman in this Borough is'
clearly nn,office under he laws of the
State, and, therefore, we believelfi.
Maglaughlin to be equally clearly in--
eligible. And if our view of the case
be correct, 11*rw;,P(Luticilman'rrill have
to be elected; The frienda of imprtoie-,
ment can then concentrate their forges
npOn a single candidate,. and;
folly able to demonstrate to, our'
fogy, stand-still frianda that they, are,
lust no r place at all,, ,
Friends, disaffected Republican
friends, we dislike to 'upbraid•you, bUt
(knowing our thity to our party, we
'cantiorelfirkWrw, and ainderely,
dinr:lC -- . tiow, an! eincer • bete
that hereafter you *ill. :never give us
occasion to'use I?ittor words toward'
larThe'State :09,enate, by - a vote of
twenty-four to eight, haspassed the bill
to allow • particiA in intereet hi;euitil to
stify before' the :Clourt's',k)f the coin
wealth, Ithi,.to 'toiled that the
comp ill show An equally intelligent
ev all y Ix Of the '.subjetl;lttul be
rule p declaring' "'lidreset) n antis
• tt
jurisprudence whiefk,— ,BYB ewo
of the patties' who n e Kt e
most of the patter in flisp ; nik Isnow
of tr,edieival ign'ofttnen' • itnd alta
'4,f our OM ROY ? ,to,
tho,ppoit.l.on. goryoypr•ofAlto
pfirt of Phiiii.Obabiti , ?
• ti
~,.1 • 11 •-
~' ~,~
Compliments—Beiwged .I.lriends.
The Volunteer .of last week Charged
our distinguished Copperhead llepre-
Seulatjve, llichard J. Halde
nian4 with fiving,dodged the vote on
the-of thenblie-Credit
and retnarkd: "flad),ls.,.Glossl;reitnei
still. been in the-seititow occupied:by
Mr. Haldennin, n stentorian 'no' would
have been the response when the vote
was taken on the 'Schenck bill."
Whereupon the gallant Col. ( re
spoud■ in a letter I ,to this week's Vol
unteer, in which. from the,,".Congres
sionable Globe, :' he shows that ,upon
this Salim bill, Wiien'itiwasup .during
the last session, 11ir. Glossbrenner vot
ed hi the affirmative, Mbilelie himself
on a teat vote this,aeaaion voted to table
the bill and thda.kill it. And farther,
charge's the Volunteer with' . miartipre-
Renting him before lie is warm in hie
Theis are the first compliments that
have taken placesbettveca bleasns.l3rkt
ton ,And - Haldeman — since' the lamcitte
" greenback fight" of last summer and
fall, and certainly they may be said to
be exceedingly kind and pleasant.
In another column, the Volunteer
givas't a sarcmtic fling at - our. distin—
guitheel Ripiesentative at Harrisburg,
Mr. Theodore Carnmau.
It says, " The brief sketches of, the
Members of thee Legislature, as they
appear in the Harrisburg Patriot, pro
voke a good •deal of laughter, if noth
ing else." Nov, as Mr." Cornthan's
"sketch" is.theonly one . that has been
circulating around these parm, the hit
is most palpable. Go in, Mt. Bratton,
give your party enemies fits., We ad
mire your spunk.
- Copperhead Press on. the
The Copperhead press at the present
moment reminds us of a pack of an:O
leg curs driven from a bone. They set
up an impotent howl over everything
done by. the party which is master of
the situation. They tell their ragged,
hungry followers that they must - open
the battle against the Administration,
no matter under what plea. If no rea
son Can be found for it, never mind—
open the. battle. Without principles
tlrs.t will give their a foOthold, they
rave away, and, instead of a sensible
fight, they remind us of a lot, of " Cel
estials," with their gongs, lanterns and
antics, giving us a burlesque represen
- tatfon'of war. •
-When-GRANT first came into'o.ffice,
they charged him with desiring to dic
tate entirely as to who should fill the
• offices in the gift of-the-gov=
ernment ; now they accuse 'him of
weakness and_of-having surrendered to
the Senate -and the heads of depart
ments the appointment_ofiall:civil- of
,cers ; and yet President GRANT only
does exactly what he said he intended
to do from the first- 7 -turn over to the
head- otevery department the selection
of the officertappertaining-to- that de
partment. It would be an impossibility
for one man t& attend to the crewd of
office-seekers who Mick, the capital.
He could not be President and office
waiter at
. the same moment. It is au
absolute necessity that the buriuess
should be managed as General GRANT
suggests-and--as-he-now ants.
How the departments will be han
dled will be best 'shown by the im
provements in -the army and navy.
Retrenchment, concentration and effec
tiveness are the rule. No drones in the
hives, of any section; should and,doubt
less will be the aim of the administra
tion. Al-eady the army is preparing
for the proper reduction. The navy
is to be concentrated at Key West,
where it will be within reach for foreign
coinplications„ If we mayjudge of the
other departments by whiff we already
- obherve in the army and navy, "we
think the Copperhead.snarlers will find
ample room to spit out their comic
venom.. The government is on the
right track, and the best proof is that
the " snakes" t are hissing.
Grant and the' Amendment
It is admitted on all hands that Gen.
Grant is one of the most moderate and
conservative men iu the, country upon
the slavery or negro question. Indeed
he has never been charged or siaspected
of any special regard for the black race,
or a fanatical disposition to elevate
them at the expense of,the.whites.
any prominent man has occupied a po
sition upon this question More favora
ble to arriving at a moderate, ilitipas =
sionate and wise conclusion, we do not
know who lie is. ,YerGeneral Grant,
in view of all the circumstances which
surround it, declares it to - be very de
sirable that this question—which hits
so long agitated the country,. and will
be likely to agitate it while may por
tion of the eitizens.arti excludod from
the right of suffrage—should be set
tled nom, by the ntification . of the euf
frage 'amendment' to , the eonstitutioh.
If Gen.. Grant, upon , a calm survey of,
the whole field of orgoment, has been
forced to the Conclusion. that - the' peace
and _harmony and all the inteiAsts
'of the cotintrydemand the ratification_
of iheaniendinent, We trust that few
reasonable. and thoiightful men - of any,
party, and 'no Republicand, will con=
tinue to Waist the sillemeht.'of the
question in • the only Way can
stand. .
THE last Mexican'statement is that
Oie situation of Juarez has become, prlt- :
The,adViceii'jhat, prevhius rapper,
,sented'as; in far, , from inv enviabig
position"; and, yet as the strongest' party
ft remnitia'f4r future' dthiehOrrients to
, the judgment is made,
froin 4444 grounds local ac
paitisan. At any. event, there is no'
piOsina of conciliation in - the e'ountry.
r r .
' 'NCIVASCO'iIA. hits' uotbeen making
lille threats to "tiriito her desiiniee 'rfith
th? i l.Juited . ,,gtatep,iather than: submit
to. an odious and- euinimistiry;'adhesioni
ihioCititediati Pontiniont ' A EiOureij
' 'vo: iitin f ietit is reported td elist , in ft:
In ''a xfqPßltP,t ) P'U!iife4 States ;
little, Pro feaskin of ~ 4 30 14 ° fif tho, 1
, t ie h me , . motildr . declare; , foi, 'the,
~,r,,.1...„ :„:„. 0, ~, j 'lrry r: ,Irr-•
The ,bill to „strengthen the public
credit; Which declares thit%overnnieut
bonds payable'in gold,,except when
otlic)riso e*Ptetadi%,::atiptilated, and,
wliiaovas defe4iinitite 'packet'veto
of A:ndrew Jillose on --It a " aga n . passed
the 1 - o
4usa -- of' :Representatives -in a
slightly modified fOrni, - and , will no
doubt pane the Senate and receive the
approval-- of-:President-- Grant; an it
merely reiterate's the , sentiments of one
of the clauses of his`
Boutwell, Secretary of the Treasury,
has been fully committed to, the same
view ever since - the question came up;
so that the Government and the Ad
in every do nuittritint
now ham - Minions and united iii.o defier,
urination that the public faith shall.not
,be violated—that the national creditors
'shall be paid according to the letter
and s.irir9f_the_cautract—Pliii T ril
improve-the public credit to an extent
that will save millions to the Treasury,
and enable
.us - -to pay off the_ debt by,
the:simple policy of honesty, with two
fold morn - ease` than it could be' done it
'a suspicion of repudiation, total or : par;
tial, were allowed to darken the finan
cial horizon.
MR. SctueNdies Public Credit bill;
baying been signed by the President,
is now a law, and the 'United States
stands before the woa as an honest
nation. ,If that is' not -a subject for na
tional pride, of what could' e bit-proud'?
Letter fro - 1n Waslgngton.,
[Spacial Correepeindenee of the CAntle4 HERALD
WASIIINOToNrD. U. March, 16, 1869
The Pennsylvania Congressional dele
gation, with the exception of. the Phila
delphia-. naerribers,--'who-- declined- to- go;
waited upon the President on Satutday, to
present their vicWs with respectf 'to the
Pennsylvania appointments. Senator Cam
oron,tis spokesman, stated that it had been
agreed uportbetween them, - that the np r
pointtnents for each Congressional District
should be controlled by its Representative
when a Republican ;, and those for the
State at large and theDemocrAtic Districts
by the Senators—excepting that the more
important offices in Philadeltibia - should
not bo so controlled by the Representatives
of that city alone. The President replied
that having due regard to his object, the
selection of the right men, he would consid
er their suggestions. This may be regard
ed as an attempt to apply lue old rule to'
the now President. The big State of Penn
sylvania was a fit one to make the experi,
ment: Tn this view, the interview ip in
teresting and instructive.
Mr. and _Mrs:Johnson, and their son
Robert; together with ex-senator Patter
son and, family, who have all niade -their
home-at -John-T. Chyle's this city: since
the 4th of March, left here_for Tennessee
last Thursday.; were met - at tho Ferry in
Alexandria, bye concourse of citizens, and
accompanied to the railway station; ap- :
cepted- that is Mr. Johnson—a ,public re
eption-a-t-Lyncliburg on their arrival, the
same evening attending a banquet, and
making ii.reqionsive speech, and resumed
their journey Tennesseeward • the- next
Tho President - hrs - nominated - JosephP.
Smith, Assessor of Internal Itevenue, 2lst
District, Pennsylvania, vice Frost; de
ceased. Israel Washburn, Jr., Collector
of Customs for Portland end Falmouth,
Maine, whose communion expired January.
29, )809. C. C. P. Clarke, .Collector of
Oustorns—lor—Cswego,—New - -York; vice .
Van Dyck, whose commission expired
January 18, 1808. Benfy D. Moore, Col
lector of Customs for PhilAdelphia, in
place of Marks, resiined.
The I.l.ouse Committee of Ways and
.Means, headed by the chairman, General
Schenck, Friday, paid a visit to the Presi
dent and Secretary Boutwoll, as is custom
ary after the organization of the Cohn:nit,
tee. They also called upon - Consinissiolfer
Delano. They -had a long conversation
with Secretitry—Boutwell relative to finan
cial matters"; (luring which the Secretary'
declared that it was his intention to sell
gold publicly, and never .at private sale ;
and also that it was his opinion that be had
the power to Invest surplus gold in bonds,
and he thought he would do' so. 'The Sec
retary further informed the Committee that
the receipts from customs were increasing.
The Star of this city is down heavy on
Horace Greeley, for recommending in the
Tribune that the clerkships in the Depart:
Mont bo giv,.n to young-men, with-typun
derstanding that they leave at the end of
four years, and with the admonition to
save at least one-third of their salaries
duringthat time, with which to help them
selves in some way of life independent of
Government employment thereafter, -tak
ing a quarter section of land'to cultivate,
if they cannot do any better. Greeley's
antipathy to small offiee.holdere, is I think,
so strong as to make. him extravagant on
that subject; but the lazy, unmanly , spirit
in which many seek, by getting into office,-
to shirk an independent struggle in the
world to_ make a position for themselves
by their owl) proved Abilities and merits,
is some excuse for this, in .a• man like
Greeley, who has achieved' such wonder-'
ful success in an independent career., He
is nettles in "inspired idiot," nor an idiot
who hass "lost his inspiration ip but a man
posses Sing a mass, and activity, of brain.
though not the most methodical" in the
world—rarely equalled)) and manifesting
a rapidity and correctness of mind in cop-.
crete matters„which has distinguishing
him abOve, all coatemporiry journalists.
No other "one man living, p#Obably, has
conferred equal beneflt.vispbn the' mind of
the country al large.
— TheTerolilied Washington—sorne
of them of moans and intelligence—have
undertaken the very importantenterprise
of a National ; weekly newspaper, organ of
race, to he piibliehod herefn:Washington,•
and to bo owned and conducted exclusively
by an association of colored men. The
project has boon under consideration. a
.tong time. Frederick Douglass' is talked
of, for its editor. if it, succeeds, it must
exercise a guiding j7olitical influence over
'the great 61A138 of the colored people of the
'whole 'country ; for there are 'no people
more 'tractable than this their.
prosont:condition,, aerist—to those who
have, their 'respect and trust.:•
- J. 'EVANS.
, [ComaTicsitot9 • •
DEety "HERALD —On the evening
,f thectyth, we, listened to Mr. Gonores
ecture, arid "neveilin our life before, did
we hear a more truthful exposition of the
'horrors of drunk neis ; never befpre were
all the arguments and sophianlif a'eparent
dy mitigating theecrine,ot its contintriace,
more marifully,inet and their._ &Uncles
More ludicrously exposed. The picture .f
uttering, painted by the orator, t heart
broken mother, the sister drudged' to death
to, sustain a drunken brOther, , are of every
day occurrence,,and should, have touched
a elaird hi the heart •of every roan ' .which
shall ceale to c'ease to thrill only irithlife.
The orater's 'Oriental' suffering, should be
enough to arouse every one from his ape
.thy, and his )2.resent position be Sufficient
te awoke „ each, ,purer,„ emotiona and.
higher aspirations, Young rean,.has
friend 'ever, laid his hand on yqui , shoulder
and riblied yen to . leaye "oodrinting I per=
chance then it you hadc looked . forivardi
like : the orator, • the .senie glithmering
light, shining through', ;the curtain of fu.
turity; would have met your. gaze, and
over growing brighter asyou neared %els
in till ease have. blazoned' intOzeoliTddY
eiplendor,.to shinelong after he has been
gathered home to the fathers._ _ •r•
Yours • Imo Pea.. •
A Terra Saute Pepper: says ,a • ppm . 13 aria
ic, better 'from' the Indiand "Legiolitture,'
jugt•'returned. (rote the 'Mite eapitel, ox
changed .hie cribbed. stationery for a:piew
arid; paid..Soc2hie dresi.i pia+.
'tag° IPMAlio...''',Whe.„lfito.,4 l / -t!resilTEl o 4"
•repregentative .
fereddn part piernegt• for' st %bill ot.
goods $BB in poetege stamps, "which oho
said her ; +httehebd.lied , 410.*a..,frogi ;the:
Leg, ls b!tli" , !) ii •
Record of a 'Strong Compqny.,
The National Life Insurance Company,
which received its charter. from the nation
al Congress in July last, has eiready made
its record. in unmistakable, ,isharacters.
With-its'egencies ns _yet'_process of
organizations it las, as we Thorn, issued .
insurance le an ainount exceeding seven
millioMdellars. :This wo 'think is a fiery
Marked - success—it is so much needful
work well done.
- -Th e entifpcny,dpea W strictly cash bast
miss as being in its jiidgment the simplest
land be,i.f::r both the insarer end the in-,
sured, and it never complicates its affairs
with either'notes,Teens,or'divicieMlS, and
. tbnoleaVes no door clam to misapprehen
!don or disappointinent in thefuture.-While
the principle of "so much insurance for'
'so much money" ` ie rigidly adhered to,
andevary polcly has thus a fixed and de
terminate value, all accumulations that
mighiyothe t rwise bo declared as dividends
at FL:mil - future time, are discounted ice ad
vance, and the exact pro rata Is counted in
Managed by mon of the highest finan
cial ability and undoufifted integrily, ,pro
tected by a largo paid up cash capital, and
possessing all the elements that have giy- ,
en success to other similar enterprises, we
should expect thrs,ivould become -ono of
the most successful institutions obits kind.
Brick Pomeroy has been lecturing in
Detroit. at a pecuniary sacrifice.
An•. exchange says A. J. don't like
Grant's inaugural, and thinks 'he would
veto it if he.eould. •
Gen eratSamuell Fessenden, fattier of Sen
ator Fosienden, died at Portland Maine, on
President Grant's appointment of three
yremenity_postmistrases_has__ attracted to
Washington a rush of female' Office seek
ors.' . .
A Chicago auctioneer shot at a man for
calling him a thief, and fatally wounded a
Gen. Grant's inaugural has :been trans
lated into Russian, for the St. Petersburg
and Moscow papers.
It is lumored_ that Res , . Petroleum V.
Nasby, postmaster at Confederate Cross:.
Roads, is to bo transferred to the post office
at Toledo.
Of the late confederate geneials, Wade
Hampton is still a confirmed rebel, mobil•
Longstreet is a confirmed surveyor.—Chi
eago P6Bl.
• -
Chief - Justice Pearson, of North Caroli
na, decides to admit the testimony of a
colored 'man against a white, charged
with_mai king his neighbor's sheep with
his own initials.
The wife of General Kilpatrick' is the
nice of the Archbishop and the Secreta
ry of War of Chili, and was, . at the time
of her marriage, the belle otSantiago.
Gen. Jas. Longstricet ; the recently ap
pointed co:lector of tho port of Now Or
leans, had a lengthy interview with Corn
missionur Delano on Tuesday,
Bishop Ames,..;i the Methodist church,
declared in a conference:held at Alexan
dria, Va., that tobacco was doing more
heirrn - to the church - than - whisky." -
A-wlteitrigtan-ikupaa says that t is
dellnitely_settled that Joubert, a wealthy
(French) colored roan, is to be the Asses
or of the First District-of Lodisiana.
George*Francis Tram soLd,repentimia . ,
Omali,•l6 lots for 12,000, and atilLow.ns_
Qvetlibusand just 'like thorn', which are
now worth $4,000,000, and
~are rapidly
rising,in Value.
The N. Y. Express sip : Among the
passengers who arrived atihe.City of Bel
titii-tire (rem Li verpooj, , was the Queen of
the—liipsies of EndlandzHer -name is
Biekbocazo. She has been dethraned by
her turbulent subjects in England, and is
to go to Philadelphia; with a few -faithful
Florida has corn knee high
..Boatorr now has strawberries, but is
obliged_ to pay two dollars for five.-
There are 8.000,000 horses in . the Uoi
tell States, worth upward of $2,600,000,000.
The authorities of Newark, N. J., get
rid'of vagrants by paying their farcvto the
next town.
Botter that not a dog should be permit
ted to live than that one human. being
should die of hydrophobia.
Fourteen members of the _Minnesota
Legislature refrained from making speech
es during therwholo session.
A doctor 'in Meriden, Conn., goes his
rounds on a velocipede. He "makes a
great deal of practice by running up
against people.
A Jersey exchange, noticing the fact
that the steam man has gone to Harris
burg, malignantly observes : .'He will be
no novelty, as all the men steam there:"
The New York undertakers think a man
has, no business to die or allow his friends
to die unless provision is made in advance
for the funeral expenses.
The Mississippi steamboat Richmond
boasts a daily paper.called the Richmond
Headlight, the editor of which keeps a
givne cock on board to occasionally di
vert the editorial, mind.
• ' Kansas has a population of about:MO
ON. It has 600 miles of railroad in act.
ive operation. There aro published in the
State, ten daily and fifty weekly newspa
pers The State has a debt of $1,000,000.
Secretary .Cox says the Presiden t,' has
fully determined on the, polloj of sending
Quakers to deal with the Indians, and will
soon begin appointing prominent mom.
hers of that society as superintendents and
Indian agents.
The election for'direetors of the Fort
Wayne and Chicago railroad company,
- hot .weekTfeifiltrld - in a comilete triumph
for the Pennsylvania interests. Messrs
Fisk, Jay Gould, And party do, not seam
to. have been to make a iespectable
A 8RA.V.14 MiNISTER.—A minister was
conducting a marriage at Andersonville
the other day, when the father of the
bride burst into the room and commanded
him, to desist. The clergyman refused,
when the father shot him down with a
charge of buckshot from a double barreled
shot gun. Struggling up froni .the door,
mortally vi.ourided, the minister /aid, "I
will finish this job'," and proceeded Frith
the ceremony, pronouncing the couple
man and wife. ,Re then foil exhausted
and died.
and °pant 3)lnt4ra..
' WANTED-LA SoliooLueactior to io
to Maryland: Apply atthia ofl3ce.
' RELiototis.- 7 4Ittiv. Mr. Pittrko; tho
now Postor.ortho-rtratiitethoduritpisco
pal Church, will - prow:thin that church on
SUnday next. .
Doses AcialN.—We have a number'
of times spoken of the superior 9Luality of
Tobacco and Ogees, kept by Gao. G.
boon; and wish to add tliat tn the way of
Tobacco pouches, Pipes dm., he is it 1111 j
rivalled. .:,• •
. -
BEEF, REPOliT.;?:allo' . ( pa)fty
Ot,Beet at market on .Wednesdiy, last. was
'upon the whole so fair that we do not feel
disposed to occupy our -space with ft de.
;tailed report of- ,it: We hero. our Com
inissl4,neye,eyes upon the -market, howev•
,er, and,will be 47bliged,to report all decid
edly inferior quithities.• •
Assignee of Arr#34 tinriloncstAn solil at inb;
lia sale on tuOlay morning last the relf..,
136envil'on' On iljest
.qpet t , 6 'l4i, A,. $5,000.:
This stable on the 'of I"itt,
Piokinann; eippy, lielopging to
the .0 94 0 ..044; woe 1014 , tO,. gr. A... 4.1
1'10 4 .3q; Po. *Oak, • .1 . : ;',-; •
" YR 'VELOCIPEDR."-Carllfilehlta .
at length, not to be behind her neighbors,
obtained a ',velociphde ichool,..onO,having
been established in . Rhaem's Hall. '
velocipede excitement ts now at fever hat:.
and. the Atilt crowded nightly
dies and gentlemen, some 'to. enjoyl,flie.
riding and ethers to: witness es the graceful
exercises. The mania•to ride the veloch
pede is increasing, and some young
. of our'
men have become so proficient as 4 , eques
trians" that they can "Mit stars."
lki.k.HlNCi.".:-;•Wet Call the particular atton
.tion.of.our-lad3 ,readers to thewdvertise
ment, in another column, of this celebrated
Seising' Machine: i 'liVe;hai , o' teen certifl-
Cites in its favor from hundreds of ladies,
who-oolich-fol; its excellence, - tailityispeed .
Mre. McCulloch . , lady of the late Secretary ,
,of the Treasury, says : "We used it (luring
"tho war to make clothing for our volun
teers in the service and for the hospitals,
and this work witwryjupa,y,_bszing_costrao
woolen and Cotton fabrics. After ten *vs
use, it is still in good working order, nab
ing haNnng been broken but a foci need,.
los." S. M, &L. H. Fulmer are the only
authorized Agents for Carlisle.
liasr°Our old friend, Col..CA.nLijS
3iCCLIIRE, honored us with scull the other
day. He has been on duty in the Indian
country fol• four years past, where,"under. ,
the direction of Gen. Sherman, he has beenl
teaching several tribes of the Aborigines
tho art of Agriculture. The Col. is now?
in Washington in consultation with the'
War Department, in reference to the poli
cy of further educating the'Red Man. Th
Co]. is looking remarkably well, thong
considerably bronzed by frontier seryiee.
-stra.A.N-Ev,znETT,.3l%-- R. - anatccomplilh I
lecturer on medical and , hygenic tOpif
will.cornmence 'a course of lectures to
dies exclusively, ,in CarliekonMonds
. afternoon next at 2Le'clogic.._Mr.s..3i
lectures are very highly spoken of by a
contemporaries, and we bespeak for a
ladies same very profitable instruction.
the recent session of the Central Penni]
vania Conference of the Methodist Ea
ccpal Church, held at Danville, the,
lowing appointments; Were made for h
lisle bistrict
J. Curns, Presiding Elder.
Carlisle First Church, H. 0. Pardo
Carlisle Emory Clburch ; _to be supp
G. D. Chenoweth, Supernumerary.
Carlisle Mission; I. L. Chandlr
Mount Holly, Max Lantz.
Chantheroburg, Barnes.
Shipponsburg W. A. Houck.
Shippensburg Circuit. J. Lloyd. i
Newellle and Rehoboth, W. H. Bith
Mechanicsburg, J. H. 'Harrab 0
CarlislTCircuit, J. A. Ross, J. B. 4y
Ducteennon, T. Grey.
Newport, A: It. Miller. ' Goo o be
'supplied. •
Tori m W„ 11, Milli W.' H. •Norenji.
- •
- Wrightsville, J. W. 01.ewine.
ensch. '
Castle Fin, .3. A. I.l'Kindleis.
Hanover, and New Oxford, J. A
York Springs, J. M. Clark, p B.
• owing
Gettysburg, H. C. C.beston. Opt° be
Mont Alto, J. W. Feight.
Waynesboro, J. A. Delloyer.
Green Castle, G.-D. Pennepacke.
- -I,lei•eorsburg, J. H. 11 Clarke.
S. L. Bowman, Professor at D'• inson
College, member, of Emory Churn, ,Quar
terly Conference. -
T. F. Ege, President 'lrving Female
College; and member- - oftit'e Mehanics
burg Quarterly Conference,
George A. Singer,' Professor in:l:timber
land Valley Institute, and mamba! of Me
.chaniatburg Quarterly Confere4
SEASOI4I3LE HINT.—The ivork of_
Spring cleaning will soon commence, and
white-wash pails and brushes wil be at a I
premium. Eyery neat and tarsal house
will soon °be operating , tc"putting
things to rights," and beautfying her
promises. To those inferestc&inthis mat
ter wo:would say that a very siiFii:ior
white-wasb'pajnt, can be madehy taking
two quarts of skimmed milk; eight ounces
• of freshly slaked lime, six ounceof linseed
oil, two Minces pi white bargalypitch,
and three pounds of Spanish The
lime must be slaked in water aid ex - posed
to the air mixed in'about onofourth the
milk. Tho oil in which the ,pitch has
- previously dissolved) must be lidded a lit
tle at a time.
, Then add thetest of the
milk, and afterwards the Spaiith whiteF.
Color it to suit (if you do nit prefer a
white paint) with Spanish broen to make
a red pink ; with Spanish broyn and fine
lylmlvorizA clay to make a done color ;
.with yellow ochre or chromMo'snake a
yellow color, and so on. '
lido shook to its centre by the immense
throng winding their way to VP. 0. BAw
& Co'i Dry Goods stow. This fine
stock of Dry Goods and Carpets is being
closed out, at; less than wholesale prices.
All persons in need of Howe furnishing
•goods, can save at least tviinty-five per
ot. by purchasingotthis well known stand.'
They hive on hand a fine stack of Lowell,.
can Ingrains, Cottage, Ragard• Linen
Carpets, all below any prides offered by
any house, Save money by calling at
this store before pureheisingOlsOrhere.
Remember they 'are closing out to quit.
day afternoon a hOrrible outrage was com
mitted in Ohambersburg, A negro out
'raged the persons' of thiee white girls, and
made his escape from the town. As soon
a's the 'facts became known pursuit was
given; and' yesterday Mkirning , he' ;was
overtaken and captured near IlognestoWn,
in this ;county. The molt intents e4citti
ment prevails in Ohambereburg,
feelings of the cittzend are *ought, to
such a' frenzy at this Unparalleled Crime,
that open, threats of lynch law 'are made.
Our informant,' from whom we gather the
above facte, was unable tO'fittliieb'iis with
details or names. • ,
ImPosTERRICeep,' an
eye on persona soliciting contribUtiond for
benevolent purposes. In Many easel they
rre e;torting mon'ej from the poop otby
false repredentatiens.. Be:ore you'dhipenie
yotlr charities be sure that. they will 'bet
properVaPproPriated: )51alteitha Beth:l
- giyo:You'aifeli 'eiridenee as will satisfy
that theY:stie,acting 'With.full 'authority..
.Tho liberality Of our 'community ie eo
. known that eirlriclieiis tope '42u:int tie quits
frequently atieeenifully ply their Mt
fariotis • vocation. Lillie Mture we hope
more Garb will be obsoii4d by our 'oft:tient',
C ARPirriNos.--Loodom 8s Shaw 010
Arch 'S t: Ild‘isetises,in 'this
lopue. 'We tba fittatitiOti of
the reader titeici as thiloiopridthltS,
tive caryiitStOre fan
stoeli,ofGoOoSfp " Pufebtif4r,S
d‘giTe thstri`e.
widso liodli,Skirti3
are tii4or4l4 theq'ugli6tit tlio
coutitii; hail"remoGad "Atoit
,1116 - Chiati,itii'S T1111'14440; 4.1
ocg ri: , „;.. i
• ND
mon'Vas found on West High Street. It
conted a email amount of-money., The
orrr; by' describing it and.jmying foitlue
noli, can obtain it,at this
11) REwnbb.—Lost t ;.on .- Febinatyi ,
ki; in, or near; the ldrge
•Elny.w.r.rn CAPE ; lineir,„'ivith No. 43, West High street.; *
A NKS.---Qux tkanksarc,-hereby
tOered to Rora-RicivAnn J. 11.A.I,DENIAN
friL very nandscvne volumec,contaiaing
Ojemorial Addresses, delivered in the
144e„0f Representatives, on_the Life and
-on, P:l3triimrt sen'dS us'.a copy of
l!speoch on the Reduction' f the Army.
Dr., Dasiiina„.President
Ickinson College, recently received-at-the
ision.ofi,be• Central-Pennsylvania M. E,
inference n gift from a laymauof "the
rodsotno spm of $25,0D0 to endow a chair
litnat o ego. A few more such "gifo"
place this time-honored institution
a firm foundition.
, lesrn that Col. Tuomss 73E.s.yEat, i oc
stivillo, is tlio princely donor.:
A GOOD' Movu.=Llfr. Oorntuan, our
Osembcfr at Harrisbure, reported a bill in
the Mime of Representatives, one day last
authorizing.tho trustees of the State ;
jAnatie Hospital to remove to' the Cum
berland County Insane Asy,linirsucicases
a lai may be pronounced incurable: This is
a move in the right direction, and we sin
ctiroly hopd'the bill maibecome a law:
the 7th of AugUst 'next there will occur
one of the most interesting eclipses of-the
sun that has or will occur in the United
States•for- many-years,. and-will--be a tot
blotting out for a time of that luminary.
In the parlance of astronomers, "this Earns
eclipse," that is, an eclipse caused by the
same means, occurred a little less than 18
years ago:.--in 1851—and thOugh not total
in this latitude, was truly interesting, and
caused much speculation among the learn ,
ed. On this occasion the eclipse begins at
sunrise in the Pacific Ocisan, east of Japan
and becomei total first upon the earth in-
Siberia. It is total at noon in Alaska, and
ends in the ocean at sunset just worth of
Beauiort, North Carolina.
EASTER SUNDAY.'t—The 28th of this
month will be Eastei..t.e .. cf_ ay, and it will
be observed with duo soleirinity by our
Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran fellow
citizens. After, Etiter, 'those who. have
fasted during the lenten season, can again
return to the " flesi4ots." '
-1 1 °
i& ,
OVINCi JJAY.—A. iargd number of
families arc preparing to ru . uye., on the first
of April. Every thoitse Ofre - ftdjor,,
promptly Bemired, the demand being great
ly in tamp of'the supply. - .
Idor4F,y, its charged wttb being the
root of K ‘evil; and yet - everybody likes to
—or ge wit out digging.
It is an evil which mans. , good-men apPeur
to 'take vast satisfaethim in handling. On
the - first of next month, money will be a
root in groat demand, and we pity those
-wire - on - that day fl
STALL Com—There is a proposi
.;tioit-to go further in the collage of nickel
pieces for five cents. Why: not, giro us a
ten seat piece of the same, and thus put
out - iiriiiiiht one roore'denomioation of the
- WiriTER - .--- 4nother Snow.—Onlaett
Tuesday night, after a spell of uncomfort
ablycold weather, we were favored with
another snow storm, which et is
,to be
hoped will be ", the last of the season."
People 'have become tired waiting fur
the Spring," ac old-Wintermankes-asmia-mv
" last appearances" us a faiwrite teeter.
new issue of postage stamps may socio
be expected. design they will be ml
ique. Introducing the national colors, each
series will typify a Chapter in our courltry's
history. It is to be hoped that while they
iirlrarafiTtillY allegorical they will not
lack that essontial.which has been lost .to
the old ones, a bountiful supply of gum.
('The Rev. W. R. MILLS, the es
timable Pastor of the First Slothedist
Episcopal Church of Carlisle, having been
transferred by his Conference to Yrirk,
Pa., left here for his nevi charge - on Th~rr 1
day. On Sabbath . morning fast, Mr:M.llls
delivered his farewell sermon to the mem
bers of his cOngregiithin, which was a truly
eloquent and deeply affecting one. The
Rev, gentleman and , 'his amiable family
bear with them to their new home the good
wishes not only of thdse of their own de-'
nomination,-but also of all who ,had the
pleasure of their acquaintance.
Illontlo Sermon before the
Young Mein; Christian Association of
Carlisle, was doli'ered on Sunday after
-goon last, in itlie Second. Presbyterian
Church, by the Rev. GEORGE NORCROSS, ,
the Paster. A very largo number of per-',
sons were present, including members and
clergy of nearlyall the various'donotning
tions of this'boreugh. The diecourso Upon
•this occasion wns nn able and appropriate
-- onsiand Wes listened to wiTh — marilic - d
'Motion by the intelligent auditory present.
Theso sermons are'delivered monthly by
the,differcnt Pastors of tho borough,..incl
all Our people, particularly, the young,•nre
earnestly urged to.attend.
ClL—Election of pfiiceri.—On Wednesday
ovening'hiet the neW Cldti4l met, organ=
ized and selected its officers fin' the ensu
ing year, with the following result: ' '-
President of Council—Chas. E. Ma
glaughlia. • •
`Clerk-i-dbarlee ' • ,
' Tr comer er-3 - as. W. 'Ogilby .
High Constable—Totor Monyer...
Ta 4 Collector --A. J. Welsh..
Clerk of the Markel—A. S. Lyno.
Street Re;rytdatiTs-4-Robt. Shearer 4 Thoth.:
Street..Commißion,er.T ohn
.43oyer. 4 • „
PoUeemen--,Emanuo,Siy4rti t :Jeliii,t?ro- ,
gier, Levi Minich, Jose Humor.
This being. theolcl olico iCirce no nc°-
Lion having been taken . on &now one.—
'lt will be 'observed, that of the above .
tWelve appointMenti, just, ono-half' dre
'Republicans Derive/ate.
This gratifying.result has been,atteined:
'through a union of a portion of the DeM
-coddle - . -tnembere -with.z.the
'wombed, in 'be'fio..terest,OV.,thii:old polico
officers 'of our ',liorough - _ ' , The Deerwernt , ',
'll!urrah-boyii Of the 'Hast.iirardited
ritiliceVetew Of our brereugh . by,
`ell the 'Old members of £he force, ana.eub
itituting for; them new, Tnenoeitlihi6vin
dunce . : Their elate his tGusbOon'llieleen
and the . ltilato-wakers . . deforr .. ill?d for t at i
least another year. • .
the 06111',
liiitutionZitters of powitid:tic
fait supereodiNttt4o ,
dfuplo A9!ttl l ; 3 P 0 1,4 gfiji4ter l l , the
is•tb4 , tpdrikloeft'piAtorell4lll
sobn bo f
.1/3P°l,Yoll'l,,t9,;tor„t4PYFe.cqeiT way;
'r9itnyof tuco,rs.::
~ottouatt iCT lb' / Re
turns.—The following is the official vote
of,ttati,eleptlo bora •on Friday last
Clifelßurgess, B. 11'. W. W. Total. .
Johrr Campbell, 259 247 • 509
,Clia'rl,4 W.. Weaver s 1713 .184. 357
:73uriess, ,
Lowis'O. Faber, 301 193 499
LEaclee, , 130 234 * 373
.101 in thiteb4ll, . ' 319 208 527.
Rol,' M. ../.35.:ek, 125 233 . 358
M—W. Ilnelcm,an, 314 206 620.
S. D. Hampto n , ' 120 233 3
TOM! .0,31/71Cil
W. 'J. Cameron, 302, John Hays,. 49_
Jno. S. Low,' .291 ItaletSkeafer, 155
0. F.; , 299 John .Plank 140
Peter Spahr, ' 208 ..toxie,..Paber, 118
John Park,* . 105 ' ,
" ed'lc Common; -814 - John Martin, 128
—' • • .
John S. Lynn,' - Wih,,lToffer, , 130
....5.-44 , 1,0pfroeltion+
Justice of the Pincer
E. L. Shryock, - , 202, - John . l7:9,er, 62
3.1„,H01e0 . mb,*
C. P. SannO, • Myers. 90
a ndent Candl4iteg,:i
Town 'Council.
J. Alasonhoimer, - 20,3, a P. Ilumricli,
C. Milglaughlin, 231 W. F. Sadter, 249
Dr Zitzor, 179 S. We.tzel, Jr., 227
Miller, ,191 (7. B. 'Sheajer,
Henry S. flitter, 201 John R. Turner, 237
H. L. Hecker, 201 '33% X. Spang ler,
School Director.
,ilamilton, ..43; [No oppoeition.]
Emanuel Line; 211 Wm. Lippert, 142
Jehu Lyport, 67
. •
Tur'few laiv requiring every pack
age of flne.eut tobacco to be stamped is
very sullenly accepted by chewers. It
will not tend much, however, to curtail
the We'd the weed.
SPANISH RuvourrioN,- 7 The quiet,
bloodless revolution in Spain has taken
everybody by surprise. Quecndsabella,
by the voice of popular indignation,_ was
compelled to flee and take. refuge in for
eign lands. Whether monarchy shall be
discarded and a , Sp shish republic succeed,
is a subject for statesman. At present her
p . rime ministers are looking about for e.
ruler. Of course royal blood is very plen
tiful in the Continental countries and they
will likely succeed. As enon,as the Ins
perialiamily is domiciled in the palace, it.
is expected that the prince of the house
hold will order a .R.Fitiliitor Cook Stove
because it is the only pattern which has A
rotary top, excellent baking_quality,-henn..
Wel castings, full equipments combined.
In the mean time the temples of Cumber
land County can call et
West Wain St., Carlisle and pur
articlo the t'ltegula•
for "
Itiedical science ,is making rapid
vreg.r rapid, iridETed ea to render it
,for prectitioners liiitp pace
with its d'oveloprnents. Tonics are taking
tile place of drastice, and a careful sistem
of diet and - exorcise is - dispensing with
_dauga_to a remarkable-degree—Dr Bence
Jones, of London, .has discovered in the
animal system u substance called animal
quinoidino. " To a deficiency of thii, in
the human s,ystem, are evidently due those ,
clictnts'es caused - 14 Malarial poison, for it
ilonr well ktiorin that these poisons de
stroy.: this . substance. Oirr object then
should be to keep the system supplied with
material froin which this substance is
elaborated. In the Z inguri Bitters we
find jwt Audi . a combination ns is re
quire d. These Bitters will - positively pre
rent or cure all rnitlarious diseases. .
T'here•ar-e-many-naLutml causes-that
are daily vol./clog an injurious effect
upon the hair, by slow but sure approach
es. To those who aro the victims of any
disease of the scalp, a Sure preventive is a
public benefaction. This, we aro told, has
been found in the discovery of th, celebr„,
ted "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restore
ti en. Wo rcester tipy,cl ,
Livttqa AG 6, No. 1294,
for the week ending March 20th, contains
Charles Dickens; Contemporetry Review‘;
e , ..Very Latest Robinson. Creme," Once a
Week; A Marine Candle, Once a Weak;
The Country House on the Rhine, Part
.X.V.11, by Berthold Auerbach, author of
'''•On the Heights," &c., .translated for
T/, Lining Age from Die Presse; Vapours,
Fears and Tremors, Blackwood's Maga
zine; The Chinese Mission to Christendom,
Blackwood's Magazine ; From an Island,
Part - . 1; by -Mas Thackeray, Corn/fill Mag
azine, Court Dress Reform, Lopdon Morn
ing Post, etc.; Count Bismark on the State
of Europe. Spectator; besides- short arti
cles, and poetry.
To .new subscribers, remitting to the
publishers for thu.year 1869, TIIE Livirm
AGE to sent from the beginning of. Auer
bach's romance (F7o. 1277) to January Ist,
18(39, free of charge.
LITI'ELL & GAY, Publishers,
• • ' 30 Bromfield' at., Boston
(Tholes Family -,Groceries: Finest
quality of Te;.s. Choice brands - ot Fami
ly Flour.' 13nel:wheat and COrn Meal ;
and a fine assortrucint df Queensware and
qics;l . ll!tre at.
South-West Corner Pitt
and Poinfret 513.
Feb ,2 -3m
Court,' of Oyor—nnd
'delivery, nod Court' of Q
AdattlMl Barauel.l.,
BnitabooVot Demo
Ballad Mold -
Brandt David •
Chandra . ..Thor:um U
Caldwell Vivid ,
Davideou John M
Danonr . Philip
kallott John.
°IMO& •
Frankford.... •
INinton ,
811rol. Spring'
S 511pllotoW
Newton •:,,
111LIdltesex '
8 111.1‘Itllotork
Dickfolson •
U Anon
. , .
-- "fIfeKVERSI•I - JURTITIIVAVrirrtiFinTCYFFiiird - W,
.lullier And derkoral•lall dOIIVorYO I . I I 004r1of Quar
ter ,BesslonS of Otto Niue, Mill' 'Court of Common
Mae, 1809. •
Hon=lnger Jacoh Sr
Hays Wm J Jr
Leeks,' M D
.Moors Johnston
MeDroned Wrn
Martin Mild
Alutphy Jahti
Mumma Jacob
Otto George
China U J
"Shenfor John li
Shofar, Samuel
Ilpotte Abas • .`
look John
Bloom: b0t0r,... =I
bootom (Soo 8.•7 .;.
ROM 000
'Dente Wilson ,
Clad -John 7: •• —•
liuctoett J,DI
brickiir John ;•
Batton Thos 11 ' • 77
ChOtnut Janica ••• •
eon Wm A •
birrlimuson John "--
Duey John
James '
Lividspob ,
,Daxidoli 'WM' 7 -;'
'lnkidc Wm II
Elliott Ahm S
Voce:non J
•;Fitiidg•John •
•Fooman Adam
-Fleming - Goo. - .. .
Croon Wm
Ilabarlig Joseph
Martial Dai • •
0( . 0100110A
rTiiaht Jacob:,,;
~tllnk.nioY r.
Ipthilrat Chap A 7' •
oora John T
hlCOras John; ,•
Moans Wm D
Poopleo Win •
; Reber J.N 1;
Riiporb rlbita • rd 1
ahatbiThomaa ,; • 7s
,IT;t7go Johir I •• ; • ,
,Wattonrlilllsonis`i ,
• Thou Adam'. I^.
201110 'eside '
Barr 11 . 01;4 - 1; ;
Oral dy..lacbb
Cloudy Ab'm
llumbauph Ibrela
Frlett J mph
Gmbam J
Uracy _J Ebuip
•Greafon 14,Muel
liartaler Christian
Harlan .Tomes .11
K tams A S
i nt z Jacob
Lehman Jacob farmer Monroe
Leravr Win ' . . • tanner oiriiineiM
McCullough A 8 I ' merchant W. Pim.
MYera Ab'm . dealer . Newton .
•Wegaw rumuel . farmer Minn
Both Ferdinand farmer E •
iiinby John M • farmer 8 Middleton
Tr:Fable Oeo . , , , farmer Hampden
Wondera Wm 0 •
farmer Ship Twp
.Wild Simmer (1 . . druggist, Newville
Young filinon - . • ' 'smith - Now Cilinbi'd
enattasLill pitopuc'
Family F10ur....
Superfine 11 0 ••• •
do RYE.—
WRITE IF Ilkley.r.
FLA .7tSf:lll2.
Correded Weekly b
131,11 , 1 S WAX,
Wm. Blair k Son, 'Mouth End," Carlisle, offer
FISH k SA LT In any quantities, at lees prices thap
they can be brought from the cities. It nat Jodie
factory return them and got your money
Call and see our immense stock of QUEENS
thousand others things.that hau sokeepare want.
We sell cheap for cull, Wholesale and Retail, and
warrant all we sell..
2einert.9. •
As-In on tof Doctor Ayer's lectures ho states that
Chemistry cenfers . more practical benefits on man
kind than any other science, yet from . ho other
50urc,,,.0 id more be go easily obtained. The arta
and economies. which chemistry would teach, If
more thoroughly and generally studied, would
..spionilly exorcise a inert benetleient Influence. Ile
freely, conferises , that he is indebted to', thin
sclenco !tor the virtues of hie remedies, and adVisr,g
that the prieticsi application of chemistry to tr.edl.
eine, the arts, manufactures, and agriculto rb be en
joined upon our colleges and achnole.—Wr lzhtsvitle
(Pa) Star.
merchants will do well by calling to see phe large
Buell as tllovrs, Hosiery, Neel: Tins an .1 Dens, Sus
penders, Papor and Linen Collars and . Cuffs, Trlm•
StatlonFry, Ahaylny„ Toott is, nod rfalr
ody,-,-Soap Shoe Blank
'COYl & Co,
No 11, Southqleor .vor Street.
Carlisle Pa.
dtc ,
I.:Put No • I Pale x tor .0 . .1, 100 at las
2or d of
bmar aU
liailumptionjor strretaLye,
frequent hic'edlngs of the lungs, en vd himself with
medicine utisnown to the profession. when his
case appeared Imp] cE,S. Ile Is the oniy physician who
has used It In hisown Mirso n, or who has any knowl
edge of Its.v ‘ irtues, and ho- eannscribo .the degree of
health ho now enjoys to n tithing but thn use of his
_meillcinet.aud-nothing.but...uttendospair- a rid entire
extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a
went of confidence in:11101' hers Induced lambi hazard
the i:xperiment. To those suffering with any disease
of the Lungs he proffers a treatment I clatidoutly
believes will eradicate the disease. ['rico $1,50 per
bottle or $S n haltdoze u, sent by °tort 56_111(65
eirculer-oreall-ou-.Ditc,ll-BOVLSTON-J ACKS.ON, - -
No. 250 North 'Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
For sale by hoary F. Gayer, Meehan iceberg, Pa.,
and Druggists generally_
:12may fti lye _--
Fronts, AI.) tunic, Le. Iron Bedsteads. IVIro Web'
binge for ehoep and poultryearda, Brace and iron
arise cloth Sir reg. Fenders, Screens for coal', OM.
and. ittc , Ilrnsy Crimped Cloth hoc spark at resters
Landketine Wire for Windows Sr , Maker.
Wlres,-Orn atnontal-Wito Work,-- - Esery—informa-
Mon by addrettelo thomanutneturore, )1. WALItEIt
6ONS I -110 11 North Moth street Philadelphia. ,
Web to.y.
eated with the utmost success by J. I execs M. D.
nod Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the
Medical (Wive of Pennsylvania 12 years ezperienci
(formerly of Leyden. Hollari,) No. 505, A,eh St.,
TeeCimoninle can b. Been et olllce. The
medical faculty ate Incited to accompany their pa•.
tiente,a, ho boo no secret. in his practice. Artificial
eyes Inserted without part, .No charge for exAmi
300,100 loot of dry p!til\ board. tor salt, cheap
mow IN your thee, builders, at the cheep yard of
sroar 69. A. H BLAIR.
lIORSI and Cattle Powders and Linfmonts,toget
r with a large assortment of fresh Drugs and Medl
eines, Dye Sallie, Sc. , &c., just reeeixed at Come=
Worthlogroc's Drug Store, No. 7,East Slain Sires
C allele.
CHEAP FOR CASlL—'Three per cunt do•
&Moll cd, all coal ofhalfdon and over, delivered
In town for the nsli. No allowaneo When edlaargo
lB 1119de at
smnr to
N ORD IN ANCE relatA94 to Cel
lar Deere., Door Step and' Yirrotoeuto o•
College Street.
De it enacted and ordaitied'hy Q. Town Council
of the Boron z h or Carlisle 9.1 hr hereby, enacted
by-the-authority of-the ORM. • • •
SF.C. 1.. That frOau and after tlio passage of this
Ordinance It shall La unlawful fo r prop.rif ow ners
In said Borough to extend let , t the pavements. efeY
Cellar Doors ,or a greater dl stance thin 3 feet, 9
Inches, nor any Door Steps t o a easter distant..
than 3 feet M 1 latches ou se/ of the treats In said
Borough. .
2. That all foot •ilavisaenti .hereaftor laid
on College Street, shall ••xtend Into said Rena 12
foot, and all pesetnents on sold Street now laid of
a less width. shall t• estandod to ll fast within
alx'olothe (tom the par figo of this Ordinance. I+4l
- day • of March;
.rnalner, and
uarter dexslo
HI Term,
General Jeff
xof the Peace
Ancsr—J. St. ALLEN
Hort.y pf Corpo mtion,
nada nleab'i;
' Now ton
!armor A
I we onleaker
farmer, '
CoiMai on of Annual Taxes for 1805.
COW:mate Orrice,lllth District, Pa.,
Ifechaniceburg, Pa., hl•roli 20, MIMS.
Pursuant to the Internal Revenue Laws of the
United Staten, all persons Relabeled on the annual
list for Isllo for Special Taxes or Licenseeltax. on
Incomes, Corns gee, Cold Watch., Plate, Ac. are
hereby notified that the collector of this District or
his Deputy will be present to melee the aforesaid
Taxes at the Mode and pieces belownamed
At Heck's hotol, Lisburn, on Saturday, April 3rd,
1840, f.,r Lower,Allen totenehip, Cumberland court-
' ty, end Fairview; Township, York county.
At Kline's fleet ‘' Bridgeport, on Monday, April
6tlr s •lSOltiront.7•o"clock,l4 EL. to 12 o'clocis, :•
Zan redinsboro and Ilatupderi Lwpa., Cueaberianll
County. •
A t, doldsboro, -on Monday, April...6th, 1850, for
—Pert otAth.Dirlsion,lniinding_Cononage,,Nothurg—
and! Warrington townships York county.
A ,t the offic•'6fthe Assistant Atisesior at Bhippsne.
burg, on Thursday, April Bth, 1804 for the town• •
ships of Shippensbure,, outhimpton, and ilopewOU ‘
tend - the Boroughs of Milppeneburg and Newburg.
A t the allow bribe Assistant Assessor at Nowville,
-cor--Fridey, e ‘ ud liaturdaY, April oth-and tOth, 1159,
for ithitownehlint of Mifflin, frank fore, West Penn,.'
born, Penn and Newton and the Borough of NW.
t the Wis .- cf lu C Merman ^. Esq., Rheem'ir
Hata, Carlisle, on Monday and Tuesday, April 12th
end 18th, 1580, for the townships of North Middle
ton, South Middleton, diiddleaext and Dickinson ,
an el the Dorn - sigh of Carlisle.
At. the Collootor'e office .in Mechanicsburg, en •
Tidhrsday and Friday , Aprid 16th and 15th , Ink for
-the toWnehipei'M Silver Sidi Upper Allen, Mon.
,roe end • Ile Borough, of Mechimicablirg and the
townships, of Monaghan, 'Carroll, Franklin and •
Washington la York county. • • -• • •
TARE NOTION..-3y the
,1," amended
March 2nd 1867, paitlea failing to pay at the limo
speclOed above will • incur, the following. expense.,
2d tents' for notices.andatenteper lad bet service
of taunt with '6'per 'cuutum.prnalty and interest at
Ann piir cent= per month additional, - • • •
' .;, The above mentlOnsd places have been planted aN
..ihe Midst central.ln,tho 1 Divisions, but taxes
will 60 aftraireiton tba.tiede SindsdoMLatatexaf-thos--
pelntiiiiitost convenient 80 the tax. payer. • • . • r
On,tins,Sth; llth;l0lh 11th 13th and Mi. of_ April_;...'Foliations will not be received at the Collectoes.-
'' 313160 in MsthLs4flaiurgps he will be absent filling
, • t
• Collector , d6th District Pe. •
rankfo il
II Penn
Alee4entesb • li
P. pang
Frenkfdrd '
Frank ford ' s .
- Aterlutniceleg:
- Newvflle
9111 p Nora
Lersukkford' •
Meer Erring
APenn c•
ritori • •'
1311 t er, SprtnE
' 4 1(1 . 9 11 1 ,x'..
, MI&
11 1 941eteh,',
unAb • l'd
New QuEnbrd.
Non fion
Icon rneor
exblne.m , k
farmor •
eapent er
Pil l er
Nei, tom , •.
'lolll9o f on'
Mlllk,' •
91.1vei , Spriter
Penn • • '
tee keeper
rhdedelpble, Much lOtb,
0., pared lourolo Infbrm you thee we are pre , . "
r'‘ Offer for your, Inspection, our usual
,Cousirdinifor the Newell Shaper to dinar ) , Bilk cud .
iGirop ate, , Boronete. 6o ; Voivete, Silk Goode. Bib.
bone, flowere t , l'oattuire, Ruehee,' OrePes. 8 10,42
'N raids, Oreementi, dc., do. , be happy to
41.16 on.youlet .:our ;Oro or reed** yoUr order. -
•Prices WO for cosh. , . 1 Yours *o. • , WARD ;,";
1.• , Noeol.lod et 0407 N. konad glt.)
7 , No, * '• )
South ikeit4tia!
Oar Hole ".,
N 6
Hope W 671 '`
it Wain
f mar
II Leer
Irmo' , •
B' '
Ga rm mier
and General
rent 'epee
farm r
111 A .11 K E S'
AI A itKIL ir
Carlhde, Biroh 25th 186 D
100 to
General Pr
duce MarkeEt.
Lrifela, March 25th, 180.
, y Andrew Taahmood
15131111 PE BEANS - 3 25
C. P. 110M11.1C11,
Preet.TOtrn Council.
J. 0A5IPBEI:1, •
Chief Burgess.
all Delivery „
lileehani F ent
.8 Penn
8 Middleton
- •
F ou lbamplog
tk enton
F. Penn
7 50
0 60
1 40
..1 80
-1 30
• 8 75
.!•7•••.2 6206
- • to- --I 70