— Ma. 3 - con Scnizam—S , rl : - I cannot. tetra n from express fig It lhttreceolaliduice - in - th e _ eursa ti e _ powers of year "belobeeted Bitter Cordtablf Ind. ministered to my child eighteen:,months old,. lot hovel Ceittiplalnt; tOrMy neighbors, 'children for Vllllll5 is the stomach and other allmeuti,.to Icy adult frerid% ref Illetragenirripa astonaldpknures. I wee dre'dluili rev lyted; and for two years suf. fared severely aelth Rheumatism. Afteruning ail the talked of • cure& without relief, and becoming Whited that the kidneys Is the centre from whiih Rheumatism oh:innate'', I made n aria stand against all lilume, larticularly malt, and used your ro. nowned Herb or Bitter Cordial oxoluslvely ; the re, silt -Is—l-have had tie Itlieumatism . during the Winter last pest, n'otwlthstauding Its severity and many changes. _YOUrktrj,ol,_. • PTIIINR.T.FIT-JR: a JACKSON'S *AISIALEPTICA. • low BEN EDY Ilar DONSUMPTION.—t Plus!- ' lan who had Consumption for several years Ntith. frequent bleedings of the lunge,- cum ad himself with mediCine iviiiintoch - to tbs prefes.aloni N‘ha‘ hie caso appeared ItOpless. Ile is the only physiciao who has used it in his own person, or who has any know!• edge of lta virtii - eS - dad - ho can ascribe tho degree of health be now enjoys to nothing but the use of Joie medicine; and neittini hut utter despair aniPen tiro aunt of confidence inallethers induced him to housed. the experiment, To those suffering n'RhAny disease 'l3l the Lungs he proffers a 6...atm/int he connaittitly believes will eradicate the disease, Price 14,50 per hottlo or $8 a half dozen, sent by etpress. Send for circular or call on Dtt. ii. BOYLSTON .1 ACiISON, No. 210 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale Henry 'F. Beyer, :klerheniesburg, and Druggists generally. 22may I.lBty. WIRD BAILING, Wilt GU ARDS, for swir !rants, Asylums, ice. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web• kings for sheep and poultry yards, Brass and: 11.011 Wire cloth Slaves, Fenders, :-..creens..for coal, ores, cond, &e., Heavy Crimped Cloth ilLa spark arresters Landscape Wire for :Modules Ac., lkiper Makers Wires, Ore Mental Wire .Works. Worms. Hon by addressing the manure tuners, NITIVA - 1711 \ hlt L BONS' No, /I North Sixth street Philadelphi . Y2feb 651. '.:0,000 best No. 1 Pales for sale low ut yard or et A. 11. 114 A Ilt +Stour' ea. t3rDEAFNESS,,IILIN I INNSg, and Oki' ANN • -Wed. ATltlx the utmost success by .1. Inaies M. I) and Professor of Dircases of La _Eye and in Mt Nedical Olive of Pennsylvania 12 years e perience (formerly of Leyden, nolland,).No. 805,' rah SI., l'bila. Testimonials can be noon at tuts office . . The medical fatuity are Invited to accompany tbotr po tionte,es he hap no Isvcrete in bit praetlee.Artifiriel eyrie In - alerted erltinnu t pain. No aborg• Sro lexami• nation. I . 2june 581 y.. _ :300, , 00 lo•t of dry ptue Loartlx for saie cheap; t,olv 1m your time, Ittitiderg.. , t the rheau yard of our GO. -- A. LI BLAIR. _ and Cottle Porro..r., Lluhnonts,togot er with a largo assortment.oi :reek Drugs and Medi duos, Dye Stuffs, ko., 3c., jo qt. ropolved at Cornman fi Worthlngtnt's Drug ..stor., No. 7 Mast 3loin Ftroo NEW D V ERSISEIII EN TS. - ion BENT.—A large'two-story 1' Brick IMBLIANCI ii 'U E. with a rornme dim. Back Building with a fall tot of Around and Stabßrin in the rear, situntrA on East strret,BO__ tween Mein andl,ou thee streets Carlisle. Into (hp incidence of Jiziopli Shrom, dee'd• Apply to A. 1.. SPOARGI:Ii, :Real Rstate Anat. WAIN TED liy n firstirlass LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Gen• eral and Local Agents- fo r this and surromilin: counties. The ilicifimel of this company in Jan: wee foo per cent. Anton: st fent/2re , ere grace In payments of premiums. awl unl tliviuncis; nil policies non •forfelhible; doct nut limit troll. Address with refe'renem Insurance, P. 0. Box 187% A. I:N BANKRTIPTCI7. East...- District f) DomsyNtudo, 4 , CA111.1,,, 'Mulch 9, . Al) 119. The undersigned hereby giv..s nutlet, of hi 4 an• nointtnent as HES Ighei(of Jeep)) 1. litatz, of both 51iddlotnn township, iu the c , , , unly of Cumbeand and State of Pennsylvania. within Enid Diriat, who has been adjudged a !lan} rapt - Ilion blown relitlon by the District C).,urt .01 Said District P.1)411, AsFignep, March 10th, 100 kk r iV ,, o ra bz t hs e ag tAi j o l T u r r tn .. i y u o ,ip u ,,, l&t u arpre. u,, _ aFto nl:flout of MILLINERY 000118, usistrog of the o u rs! Sr,o,pes In'Btraw,lllnd hats, Bernet,. ; Silk tiElods, bon,. flowers, reatherh, -Ruche-. Crapea,l2loo 4 Bra;ds,Ornaniouls, Ar , ,(e We thrall he hapo,o waft on you RI your Ed. , or-receive your order.' Prices low for cash. Yours, kc. Li. WART/ Nos. 103, 106 and 107 N. Second St., P(llad'a 3larch-LT.lton. r) ROT FIONOTA HY'S NOTICE- Notice is hereby given thatthe allowing• ennuis have been filed it, the Prothonotary's oft fur examination and will be preserved to the Cot of Common Plana of Cumberland County, fur elal nation on 'Wednesday, the lath day 01 April, 161. viz, of l ih T e be ll a rl o vTa o o f d j ea;lial t sq r u t ;n j p r a:Zra piny. The itteollutof Cornellatia Kennedy, Amigo of Lovi Worst, under deed r,f voluntary eavlgnina .1. I' MUSD Lb, Prey. 121.1ar4t T ARGE PUBLIC SALE OF CA; 1_411! AO ES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS, A. B. SHERK, ON FRL HAY , MAI 7TH , 51e,rs A. 11. A N. Flhurt. l,.ring gurrE.44 tilly eat rind on Conch Makin,g tor thl et, 3 ears one of ti bean wishes to trlthdraa. Icy FO thing they hay, to make thtlo of their I trge Stoell on hood, shirt constqa of tee Leather Top Steel Tiro Niggle, fif toun num and Duck fop, p rt of thom-.Ueul 'fire, 72 No Top Buggies, nye ken pr lo Wagons, I Tr it.llollt. tope, tenet+ and hand l lggh s, kawa c se ,}t o 7, -" LIVERY AND SALE STABLE and Spring Waizons. All the work Is warrawted for one year, Three Germantown Carriages, two Between honorer and iledfortg . ete, 'ln rear ey Wagons, one Pietro, l'haetou, best sty the Corman !louse. . one Two Seat ad Square • Starch 12-ts CARLISLE, PE:NN' A. F YOU WANT TO SEE THE ulofit perfect PARLOR S:TOVE evar offered to ' the phbllc, stop Info""" _' Whi.. F RID I, EY ' S ?44 Stove Store, tart Unlit. Street, in' the rear of lialbertis Store and see the GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER In operation.- It-ia a perpetual Burner, and perfect Radiator, as well ae a period Ventilator of the room I • and Is warranted to coneuule lose coal than any .othet' Stove of the same size, over offered to the _public, requiring hut One ordinary ',tittle of small coal ofiT , CCitr - turontveight-boura s -belog-parfectly_ simple In all Its walking., having a Pimple elide to V'ZILITIIIO the Bre for keeping at night, one kindling of fire being all that la required during the winter. No duet, no pas, no sing or cinder LIS; z '1 7. 1 42 . • 0.4 O g Z 0 g E-; 4 ! 1 - E t 3 fr-4 C. El ÜBFVRENCES. Dr. J. It. Irvine, Dr. 8. 11, Kieffer. 0. Inboft, D. stun, J:'. Hassler, - J. It. Turner, I, Thenipeon,. Johuston.lloore, Coi.l9llPeinnoo, J.flurnir. Prot. Stnyufaii; Daniel Ruiner; Daniel Meer, ff.' Ifoifer, P.-Klientritr, M. Faienbeur 11; David Miller, Amos Miller, -- Abner Miller, B. Atonfferi-Adam , Coorer, David Wittor.s. • • , . Got the best. COOK STOVE in OW • • ' ., t3llarketi , ' 'ln adlition to Ine'aluvit -Stove FRIDIAT keno on baud's fall auppty ot.thitiont Conk; Pn/Int and Wilco Stovall. —.- • • - .. ' VD and Sheet' Iron I , notit of all kinds on - 'Wald - , 'and Spouting, Rooting and Jobbing' dt" nit kWh dons lit abort' not Ito, and of tho Dint inatorj . F.Brult ` , cons, 4nd Jora of the wont noprotod pate,, sod In conollialon tbo.beit.,Poittlblo ond Brick 3, t I , 30 11 ' ILIL •rY 111; 411 - 40 O'4El aunt oirdid . to the publin.. Borrenuanci:call oil T. 0 0 , 3 10;1% 0. Pliuing;' Dr • (leo. Not Igh; A. L. 4spo w iler; 11..airstoin - Prof.' llllUnittn D 9. Laldigh, J. Disler, and others!, .. , . - TREVIJ:P.MaAPI.4BII.P.r rit : o filß. J ligniqoaox vet jr,lnto Smart, Is tlic, loi•ifilt; Nano tacturl tit .0611404 min! 45, WholsimloVeitbirt tv..the titataVi/ • REAL ,S7~ITE_ SSIONEE'S. • SALE OF VAL ITAIIDE: REAL AND PgItSONAL ISTATE. • At the Court Roues will bo Bold on Tuordrur, 23d day of March SnSt., the following,' Neal Ilstate • . . NO. 1. A Three Story Brlek Hones; with'. largo mid convenleut.baek buildm6, }main a Store - 11 room In front: Situated on the North* nide of . 111 sin atreot nearly- oppoilte gitzei t s lintel. The lot to about 30 feet front and 240 feet lin-depth, Dicktneon ' ' ' ' N 0,2. The Livery-Stable and COach Shop; on the cornor,pf Dickinson alley end bon*, Pitt street. *con taining. about 60 - feet in front on South street and about tO foot on Dickinson allay. This property Is now snidest to a continued lone." Also at the same time and pimp, will. be, sold one 'Trotting on. Top — ltUsitY, and one anny Lied Dr ckawny, one tine fortr_llght Chandelier, end the Counter. and Shelling And Fixtures, In the Mere YOOLA. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock," 'A'. IL,' of geld day, whoa term will be wade known by .1011 N JACOBI, - Imagoes of . , ADAII ISENSUMAN.. ~. . . . N. B. Any perion wisbing to exorable soy orts. oboe• definable proportion will be accommodated by rdinng on the Assignee-or . airier 09-3te. 1)1113 - 13 - 10 .SALE OF• VALUABLE ss P Unlit-04100e to-saievonAlberal -terms, - all ths ,nersonril property of,Sanktiel Eliertai at his late) residence, on the farm of 51rii. Margret „Davidson, and Joshua Sharp In West Pennthoss i. o, thshlß Cumberland county, en Monday tlek 15 of March Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., punctually. The pi one, ty consists of a groat varloty .. ,of 'house hold and kitchen furniture, farm stock and farm • I g inplements. The farm stock and farm Initile tnente will be sold" felt. They consist, of ME wom BORDER 2 TWO YEAR COLTS, 4 MILK COWS, and a lot uf Young Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, ,an eiFellont Farm Wagon, a new Buggy, Gears. new Llaroese, Ploughs,antlllarrows, Threshing Machine and tiorse Power, a One Gorse Wagon, Grain Drill, Grain Screen. flay Ladders, Wood I addota, a Roll log Screen, Wheel Barlow, Three Double Shovel Ploughs, Ono Singly Shovel Plough Ono Riding Saddle, and a great variety of other articles. Also tho said Shorts' Interest (ono half) lu Acres of Wheat i n the 'ground;' 8 Acres -of Barley (one half) and 1 Acro 01 Rye (one balf.)- - Terms made known on Any . of sale. W. 11. MILLER, Total Debits, en. By mob paid,L. T. Greenfield and others for Aferchan dies and °roarles • By - cash paid firs. Saltehurg and others for out-door aid, By cash paid State Lsunatic Asylum, for rapport Of • - paupers, ' 13y cash paid J. Blotting and • Others for Tailoring, Hats -- BY cash Paid D. Sipe and and others, for outdoor funeral expenses, By chat, paid D. Smith. and • Ohm s, for Constables' arid Justices' fees, By cash paid Jno. Umtata and others for Lumber and Coal for fuel; • Ey cash man and other for Cattle. i'ltj cash 'paid J.ll.lloaler and others for Bran and Grind. o, By c g ash paid Simon Smith and others for Smithing, By cash paid tiro. Zion and others. for Postage, Box Rent and Stationary. By cash paid J. Brenneman, k and others. fur Wood for fuel By eash ,paid Wm. Fridly, and others, for Tin ware I and Tioterlng, By Cash paid J. Clendenin and others, for Leathers; By cash paid D. Wink :and "ethers, for Ilayroaking and ilarrestmg, By cash paid Q. Saxton and, others, for ilardware, Sy cash paid J. Noble and others, for Beef, By cosh paid Jonathan Sny der and others, for Travel log Expenees, By rash paid John Paul and milers, for Sates service, By cash midi/ankle t Post fenderfer, for new Beeper, IV cash paid itinesmith A Rupp, for Hauge in kitchen, • , By Cash paid It. C. Woodward - A . F A R 1i r .for Clover and Timothy situate Ip D10011,,•11 township. ip. Cumberland county, Seed, hip sh M„th,, Fa . abodt 4 tuls West of Carlkle, un - the ship. ri" Bro., for rates and render proshurg turnpike, well known,:as the "Black Ity 'nob Paid fd inousier Qum. Form ," containing one hundred - nad six acres an drich, rich. fur loser, ince, thirteen perches of good Limestone Lend. The tags . '• Improvements conskt of a two•stot led 'log and 1 rr ort hi ngtow, f or Dena stone De riling, at substantial Batik Barn. and all .1 and aledfcistes • the nee eb.ary farm buildings. Theis, Is a geed cash paid Wm. p„,,iek. well' Of water en the property, and an e senile nt ' fo r Wagonmaking, Orchard. The faint Is In a food slat.• of cultiva- ; By cash paid M Itighttnyer. Om, and in every respect a desirable property. for now clock, TOMs of. de. 'for each of the above described By cash paid properties. mode known cm the respective days of, for heaving C arpe t , vole. WM. M. MAINS. By cash paid W.ll.Crouse, for Trustees ler the Heirs of Merhall Mains, dee'd.' Papering dining room,. ;Mar 09. ts. By cash paid David Reerner. for Carding wool, By casii paid Gideon Ruts, for repairing machine, By cash paid Y. KANN for Meat Tube, , • By cash paid John Kahl, for Rye Straw, By cash paid W:O'Doneld, for Repairing Pumps, Sly oathpaid Pater Atone, for rot pal& S. M. Simons, for Architect, Ilf Cash paid .John Gttshall, on met. of New Building, - By cash paid Francis Alelo, . - - Nurse ' By cash paid Tusan NeC Cook By cash paid Peter Myers, Teamster, -By cash paid J. N. Snyder. Clerk, By cash paid Dr. S. Y. Zeigler. Salary, By cash paid Henry Snyder, Esq eatery, By cosh paid Jacob Squires, Esq.. Salary, 1. By cash paid W. J. Shearer, Rsq., Salary, 4 By cash paid Miscellaneous la. proses, 4 Balance due Treasurer at last settlement, OS EMCEE ILAL- ESTATE. AT PUBLIC . , ON TUESDAY, MARCH 13d, 1809. Tho undersigned, 'Tr uoteeby appointment of the - Orphans Court or Franklin county fot the purpose heroin ert forth, will expose at Public sale, et ten o'clock, a. rn , on the above day,-the following Baal Estatei bel tinging to the helro of Marshall Malys, lota of Southampton township, Franklin county, deed. A VALUABLE FARM, ituatod In Southampton township, Oumbo eland onuty, Pa., about 3 miles South of Shlppenshunf, djoining Innds of Soloman Daher, John Chestnut; ohn Tritt. and others, tont:elf:ling 011 E HUNDRED ND SIXTY-ONE ACRES and forty-eight Perches, at meanure, of gond Pine Land. The Improve , me ore good and substantial, comprising Log oiling, Book , Biro, Wagon Shed, and all the gess:try farm, buildings. Thera In a ti eurishing nog Orthard tho premises: a never'falllng o 1 of good water. and the whole property Is ug d good fence. 'Also, TRACT OF WOODLAND, Mite in Sonthamptop township, Cumberland rv~ty, about 4 miles south of Shippunsburcc, ingso tid lan de of Paviti Kuser, 7 tlressier, John and others, containing twenty-three acres d chill y..si a perches, covered with thriving yowl!, chestnut, pine sod locust Timber. ONVEDNESDA MA ROll, 24th, '6L. ut te . ieirg.lr, a. m., ho win expose at public sale, ll ti premises, by virtue of fhe Elmo order of Coln t, T)ROPOSALS_ FOR -CAVALRY lIORSES. CAVAIIIr DEPOT, Cnnusus 131.111,C68, • (1111ve A. A. Quirtmrtoshtur, Februacy 26th, 1669. SU, PrllpoSaliM Rill be received at this °Bice until 12 11., the 15th of March, 1609, for furnishing this rienet veillildoY forty - Cavaii7 -- 11brees, -- ta — he dallterad at Carlisle Barracks Pa y Ou or before the 15th of Ap, il, 1059. The Limo; ninst he -sound - In all particuiaric Drell broken,-in Nil flesh and good condition, from liftmen (151 to ciitern (10) hnuds high, Troniffire (5) t.! nine pears and nil oilapred no foregoing bpselfiratjoas will be rigidly ',a ltered to. loch bid suet be guard N teed by Oro responsilde pertomr, whore signat ure must be appended to the bid and certified to by the linited Mates 'flatlet Jut go, Attorney,, or other public oflicera as being good and sublcieot_ security for the amount in. Tolred. The right le reserved to nject any bid dinned too bigh. and no Lid from et 'defaulting contractor H ill rerelved. • By order of rice Quertermaster General. RAY T. GORDON, 1,1e5t.13th Cayelry, Acting A. Q. /mar A UCTION SALE OF CAVALRY ZIL HORSES. • There Will be Fold et public Fate, et the Carlini. Barracks. Pent., at 10 o'clock, A. 11., March 10th, lsco. (15) FIFTEEN CAVALRY HORSES. GoVerlnlifilt FUSS& y der fit the oirtesmmater General. RAY T. GORDON, Cd Lkut. SW Cavalry, Acting A. Q. M MIMEO vIsSabUTION NOTICE.— P. Notice is hereby Oren tbat Ik. undersigned hare this day by mlibusl consent dlssolYed the partnership beretolore existing between them. The Grneery - businesx .111 he seer led on by Wm. G. Wzuhmoocl. All book accounts most be settled en or before khirch lot. IBC9. ANDRESS' WASIIMOOD, ' WAS. 0. WASTIMOOD. S T 11', It NE . It ' Having fitted up the Stablo with Now Cargagan, C I UM prfT,Yril to furnish trat•cla ■ turn out, reasonable rates. Parties tam to and front the " '2Uuov 68-Iy. DON'T SWEAR!_ 3erauso you nave co pay large profits ON your V and Fancy Ghoilai - Linens, Cottons, Leather ids. IDbles , Albums, Silver Plated Ware, Canary, for .you eon send to HODSON, fitOltSß 0 CO'S., At Dollar Stile laetitution, sod got your goods nanufneturies prices, orfifty per cent, t than AprieeS, cife_ iller;(lt — SetiVreiiet — ifitytlilog.) atial whnt splendid sonde we are ventliug to our glts free of cost. Address; MORSE kOCI, BO Sun buv St., timeton Lfati It, AARRIAGES, puggies 4 ,• *Sleighs, ordor to accommodate their rapidly irlitrOi7l, made, a, B. & ( ' - hlOtretnoved Into •their • CA.ERIAGE Cfo;ner Sout;i r and Pitt Wee., M CARLISLH, , I* •.' ' wtthey have triernaved,lalUltlut far manure, eyerything to , tildhiiple. • All the tateet ati of • Ciagoe '.Bugg' • 49 -r.-*f;',` .;• • •and tfl ht ' H tl N w &I .''. - • '',(;;.• • • SPrii‘,S WagoPcY eo ntly oulisoudi; Or made to order , Short Donna raieethlO; tarots. eherk , fsire 'eonfident that they'red turn °Alt% equal Oult.ll and durability to any estshotenttiubhde of the elite/. • . . co wist4og-anytUing in thoir lino should giro thrdorn-4tco„ .• 1 ~ , .., , 1' It filtifi!4kli PAthVING PROMPTLY AT- . .., ' ~. TF.NDItit TO: a H3 -,dy:". , • - • • '• - 101troan has ro unrod his' establishment' tO 5 4 NDID NEW GROUND FLOOR ::. - GALLERY', ba Sexton' s' liardwai o Store, where he 'cur- dl nvitea the public to' ex:radon the place 'Rod 'ltifoerous !medium:lo. The well known Willi of tnnerletor AS an artise, with' 0 superior light, •ruttronce nod aky-light on the first Boor, are. -a llnt inducetnots toetbe publie no * , patronize . ttotablishment. His, pictures.,aro unlvoraally-, aet !edged to ho equal to tho beet mado• in • Pitiphia or Now York, and. far superior to any , Int country. Pleas cap, 2G9-tf. • , ,i I ' .L • • •IIiTIDE.—AII - persons are forbid-:: a'on to.troapasa upoa• the .lattchl of. tho ur , , o'd, la Eforiria. towilibto; - Arc., ' Air the put,: Po.lt Plahlok. eihy 'ono - ylolatink ' this Notice vlileolt with to' the' 'utmost 'ponalty of tile , ,1,1 oahelous treepassora.. Wo appeal to all law Olcitliiio to'aid.tts to piopikao the tieh hi' 'slfzlnkonint, ,•• : ~ •I. R. A:union/1N .• , . 1 . , JAN,- • • ono. W.- tniozodr- ,- o•l2noavES, W 3011614 3VISLLEnt J. lER, OXORtifil 11, MOYER, •G• EH - ELL, , JACOB tIOPItEit '_,.r ill: sat ) , •,r• •, -. •••• • : 30iIN 191ilfiTYA114 , •.A , (Muff; - . H ~ , JOriff , W, MANN . W., 11Q0V.eft,1 ' ' JOBlf , Pli pf 4,14,. k, .0 . ; , fi .: O.-LIARTZLIM, $1:;., ' - -r. • ;. ...q) Qtr . ___ NV WIAD-OTERtie.EIIIEkTS Dit o o4 HOUSE ,§TATFY[PIT P °°4 FOR AI. ; • . , Jonathan Snyder. John - Paul, and -Dad ld - Wolf,. Its,,a, director. of the poor and of the 110 - usi - ilf Eniploymont-I,l7Coritbsilaild-eounty,--In-acconit with saldtonisty,! from the Ist day of IJillusarl'An. the 31st day of December. .l. D.,1046, inclualye.. To rash from county Treasurer. $14,00000_ , To cash limn county Treasurer, - on scot. of New Building, . l '9,600 00 - To calls from trite Insurance Companies, too. withdrawn, 1,000 00 To cash from Jonathan Snyder money refunded,.-- . -.- .. 400 Tomials - from Jacob lloerner, for Au - Upoit of D. Orrls,_ • 02 00_ To cash from J. 11. Mean., for , support of C. - Laughlin, :, ' . , - - J2OOO TO cash from Jakob Knatt.la., ' - . ' . . - for support of Mrs. Etilitile, '.-- ' - , 105 00 To'cash from Thos. Wallace, for support of G. Wallace, 42 00 To cash from B. Lonsnecker, . for support of Bacol. MIL • , . 50 , 00 -L ,Ttroesh from Wm, Smith %fir ' - - _.. _. 1 . _ Support of lire. Brolfh. ' t , 00 ' to cash from If Bushman, . ... foraupport of.lll. Gluts, 24 20 To coals-from it. Pohl., and -- --- - -• ~.• others, for Lord and Tal low sold, 129 ID TOTAISiI from J. Thudium. — and otherfilor - Cart , thr ---: , : . :„-_-,-,r,,, - .7 - t - ::=2„„ — X166 , 40 .-- told, 'tl,`,,Leash from J. If. Litilli • • and others, for Wheat' .. Corn and Oats , • 001 00 'To cash' frOtavlL ' Peffr nod,, -- ... - z, -- 2 -- --.--. __ .' others, for Ifs" sold, To cash from J. Clandaldu . I . and others, for Miles sold, 202 152 To cash from Dewalt Wink, - for Corn Wood, Iscl, , - - as $o ' Balance In bands of Treae• urer, , $27,641 48 JACOB SQUIRES, Esq., Treasurers of the Poor House and Douse of Employment of Cumberland coon ty, in arcourt with Directors of said . Institution flow the let day of Jan., to the.3lat day, of Deo. 18e8. To cash from county Treasurer, as pet estimaka, " .14,01:10 00 To cash-from county Treasurer, on acrt. of New Building. - 0,000 00 To cash from other sources as exialted In the toregolng statement, . 4,041 48 By rnall paid John 0 utoball, on acct.. of New Building,- $0,600 00 _ By Mai paid on-Direotorn'oniar no above, $115,122 00 $28,3 2 2 00 Balance in'Tronsureen bands • - on eettlemont, 2,510 18 OPERATIONS OF TILE INSTITUTION DURING TOE YEAR 1868. STATEMENT OF STEWARD AND MATRON. inrnafts. Number of paupers I,n the fiance Jan. lot .. . _ __ ',1868, (3 of Whom were colored.) 112 'Number or Supere nhaitted up to Dec. 31et,1868. 130 Nutuber ortaupoto born In the Route,. - - (8 of whom werolent hero pregullut 9 Whole number provided for during the pier . , 261 Number died of whom 3 were eolored 7 Number hound out - • • 7 Number diecherged and eloped 210 133 Number remaining in the house, Jan. let lep. (of whore 14 were colored) 118 Number of out-door pauper. supported at politic expenee of whom 6 are in ' the State Lunatic Hospital, - • " 72 Whole number eliargeallle on Jan, let, 1889, 190 Thor. aro in the Howse, se near as can be enter tained, 7 under L year of age, 6 from 1 to 5, 4 from 5 to 10 16 !tom IQ, to 20, 14 from 241 to 1001 from 80 to 49, - T2TffifillTls - 50M — fr5a1 - 50 t060, -- 161roM - 50 . 70, 13 from 70 to 80, and 24roin 80 to 90. fn addition to the above' 8,04 travelling pauper. bore been receirod without regular oriars, to whom were Wren 15,837 meals, and many of them were fur- Eddied with orticiee of clothing. • 070 bushels of Wheat, 2018 bushels of,Oate, 2800 bushels ofehollsd Corn, 000 bushels Potatoes, 77,10 ads Iloy, 20 loads Fodder, 6 loads Pumpkins, 32 buelstils Onions, a bushels seed Onions, 76 '6lml:tills red libels,. 6busixels grd'enteans, 6 bushels Peso; 20 bushels To matoes, 40 bushels Turnips, 0,000 heads Cabbage, 7,000 , 'Cueumbars, 1 .bushel dried Cherries 60 dos, Eggs,. (wore gisen to Vs:44m . y 2,400 lbs ' Patin', and 'l2. rrodks of Apple Butjsr were made, Spring Wngon,, . Articles tirade in the, ffnuse 293 pair Pante, 13 Yeats, 4 Roundabouts, 3 pair . • cloth.Bllttens. : 44.pairStookings—k nit, 22 pair -Stock ings footed, 21 Bonnete,l2 Caps, 03 Sacks 1261iprona; It, Comforts, 87 Chemise, 184 Bhtrfa, ea - Flocks, AO Pillow Slim 21 Boistem,l6 Chatneds, 39 Sheets, 37 Handkerchiefs hemmed, 34 • Children's Frock', 28 Suspenders, 0 Qullte, 40 Townie, 33 Skirts, I SAtouds, 300 ihn Hard SoapA and 80 barrels soft Soap, were made. • Work done in Carpenter Shop. 20 Cordele, 1 Bread Rack, 1 Rona Bled, Wood ChLi, 1 Dough Tray, 3 Gatee,'alld some Hemmer Handle a, Stook Fa4criedand . • • 10 /leaves, (average weight 01711-14 Elba,) 12,304 lb. 4 Calves, (average vvelgbt. 08 lbs,) 27411 m, 32 /jogs (average weight 25011.4)7,080ta5k1n 18107 20,574 lbs Stock on Farm Janwiry 1, 1869 6 4f,ileo, 2 iforpee. 24. Milk &we, D bead of ofttok i C4ttlo, 17 Steers; 2 Koko of Oxon, Bow, , 16 Eitiootst land 10 Piga. • tleenails on i'arm January, 1, 1869, 2 broed.and, 1 narrow wheeled Wagon, hone' Wagon, I.Stouo Sled, I.pair Wood Laddere;l, pair, Rail Ladders,.j Pair Hay Laddere, 1 Wago,n-bod 3 Jack Scrove,2 Carts, I Spring Wagon, 2 large, Medi; 0 Plows;2 ohmic sind 0 ,donble Shovel Plews,l Jorge and • malt t„mltivators, I Kollar; t - Grain 11:111,. bTOIIII licirifoulitok - fromeTpower -- and-beit;,-I—Whid; Mill, 1 Fodder Cutter, 6 Wboulbarrowe, 2 tog thaink7 Set, Wagon Gems, 2111th and 1 carrying' Chain' Spreads, Single and Double Trem, . Nate, 21 WagoMMuhlics, 10 Milton sod Chim e. 46.C0w Chains, 1 sot of Carpenter TOolikl. l ast'llleicksmith Tools, Grain Oradles,l6 Mowing Slythea,l Wire Iforseßake, 3 Picks, Mattocks,Crowbars, ; 2 Siono,Drilik 13 Shovels,- 1 Grain Ituapir, 1 Mower and a •iariety 'dr Stood Hammon, Quarrying Tools, Spade.; Forkk , Rakes. Sickles, Corn Kook Wood Saws, , ,Amee, Mede, • Wodgee,Crout Knives, etc, Sc. ' • • . „ • SNYDRELKfidiartt • * • Etazararru torYnlnt, Marron. We, the -*freeform of the Poor and Ilona. 9f Employ ment of Comberiand county, do certify the above-and foregoing to be a .00q'oit% slatement of tho_ receipts and kiperlditures otkaid Institution, from thellret day, of January to the 31st of December, 1803, and also of the operation of sold Institution during the - same period, and of It. condition Oh J, anu a ry 1065, sun cording to the beat of our knowledge Given under inik'hautla tide Ilth day of January, A..1 W 605„ , • • 111 r - • 31,81411/ ') .• - • I , i, .JOAN PAUL, • •• PAVID WOL, 1 1 ' D Outer. of As roar.4f CuPst ) . ( Pr We the Auditors of Cumberland county. hiving` examined the account and voucher; of the Director. of the Pporkbil llorum of Employment of mild county, 'from /an, Intl to Thm:lllnt,Al34kandadaotheacbOunt • and uebuclude of Jacob' Elquinsei l -Traallutor Cow Institution` for tb• same period,- do certify Altai, lie find • balance In hood' of Tioasnrer of Two•Thous throe hundred and nlpeteen dollare , and fortykight caulk Given mideirknehandi..thia,22d 'day -of Jan • ham ii,11,-1002- - . • P. 0.0.10G0Y, MILIAB.MOI/11TZ, . . . • • " • ,31)11441, liptBlol, ' Omni*. Wu* 01* O. L. LOCUIIAN 887,641 48 $3,P43 40 1,788 GO ECM MIIIIIEI=EZ Ellll EMU 2,1,09 an MO 200 00 It 64 r, WI 25 BEI ME] COE 1113 ECM Erl MC3 225 a BEI Ei3 00 00 DM CO MEI ISM IMO ECI EITI =EMI EICI OM EMEI E 333 300 00 150 00 EMI $25,322 00 I=l 827,641 4B Proceeds of 'Farm _ _ Li 1 74 STATE TsTOTlOE.—Letters Tea :)t i. tamentgry on the estate of George Ileelman, ;beetrieragoirtelluTiaWlrt&W, reale - ligla the same I -towittatteritettee talaereta:-AteeM_to all - ,lerratotkite Gaited to said estate to make paymant , , - , anG . therle haelhg elatfria ttepriseet thita,tle - • - 4. ' • GEO•I3ERth A N, Its-easter; Mob eatt, V.STA.T El -- NOTICE.- - --Letters • Of ij Aamlabstralon en the - estate or - John Donbas, dec ' d, late of West Penneboro township, during been Issued to the subscribers, the former residing . ln Carlisle, the littler In the village of areeion, fietteels herebY - given- to all . persons in debted to said e . siate to moire Immediate payment, and-to slEttirteelliTtfg claims 'to present them properly authenticated. _-- JAMES - A, - DUNISAIL - Adirin-: AGNES W.:DLINBAR Assns. . l'ifela - P-itti; -:- JEXAbilk'Olit IVOTifE‘' ' '. • 2 ' -.. .._. Letters TeStamentary on the estate of Hobert witon, deed., tate of Lower Allen town ship, this county, to the subscriber residing In the mum township, notice Is hereby, given to all persons In. debted to said estate to make Immediate payynent,, ittlid to those haring claims, against it to present Allem properly-- ' - -_-- - - - -, ' JAMES P. UESTON, ...LINO on.nr.' '-' —. ,--- 7 —, —}xeentomr-- ASSIGNEES' NOTlOE.=Notice in b‘reby_glven that the itrin -ofj,Tohnsem & Bons,of-AfeetiatileabbrgMaT;bitytt mide,art assio ,ment.of alLtheir prOperty)th & effects for thp bene fit of creditors:PAH' parsous baring claims against said arm, or either of its members, are requested ttilireeent them, duly_proven, and all persons ktioarfoit theinsel ves indebted to said Arm, or either of Its members, ere requested to make immediate rip:smut to this, ,underaltated, assignees of.sald , WILLIAM .1. SIRES, llarriabuq, PA. SOREST IL THOMAS, Ideclumtesburg, Asslgnees. 2Ureb 09.31. DVAssIGNE.N T , TOTIG'.E ,rrNotice .is hetebyglion that • the — uuderiditied et the Borough of Carlisle,-Pa., has been ar pointed_thilselgueo for._ the_bouTht of Creditors under a deed of yoluutary assignment, nnod• by Adam Bonsemin, of wild Borough. Persona Indobt odicithe.sold..iditn..Bensenton. ore_roquotted_bo meta Immediate Biqa:lout to the nublerlbor t snd those having Oahu' against the antlguor to prevent thew for oettlemeht. • JOHN JACOBS, bntir 69dto. Assigns*. J E L ° :• • • of A t: r ollovers:l WE E ti ltr aw EA Pre S slde b iat e Courts of Common pleas of the countlia "of Cumber land, Perry, and Juniata, and Justin of the several Courts ofOyer and Terminer and Gen eralArall Deliv ery in said counties, and Hons. Thos. P. Blair and Hugh Btuart,Judgee of the Court. of Oyer and Termi ner and Jail Delivery for the trial ofall capital and other oPoodere, In the said county of Cumberland, by theirprecept tr directed, dated 11th January, 1889 have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and 'General Jail delivery to be holden at Carlisle, on the 2d Ifondaylbr April, 1809, being the 12th day, to continue two weeks.- NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justi cos oi the Pewee, ao dllons tables of the maid county o Cum. beriabd that they are by the aaidpreespts command , ed to be then and therm In-theleproperpereons r with their rolls, records, and Inquisitions .exsuninations, Arid all other ramp inbrancee, to dothose things which to their offices appertain to be done, and ail thoe• that aro bound by recognizancen, to ' , prosecute against the prbotylny that srq pr then !hell be in the Jall of paid county, are to be there to prosecute . them as shall be Just. JOS. O. THOMPSON. _ 'larch 6, 1840.—tc. I t • EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested , i at the following account); bare been filed In th le office by the accountants therein named, for exami nation, and trill be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, for' confisnation and all9abince, on Tuesday, March lath, A. D., 180 : 1. - Flat. and fins; account of Mary Lamison, ad. roinistretrit of Colfted Larnison deceased. 2. Account of John K. tastier, adner of Joseph Whistler, Into of Lower Alien township, deed. 8. First end flunl.account. or Samuel Eberly, guarl lan of the estate ,of John A. Martha, minor child of Leal meette red the township of Slleer 81 ring. 4. Hr,.. , t mud final necoont of John Maul, utlin . r. of Philip ‘I dre'd, • • 6. Amolot of John 1. Loxbor, ntho'r. of David U Lodsor, Into of Johmon county, town 6. 4 Firs t nod floral .orount of Goo. Motel, dor'd gnita'r of ,Nary Iftagel, then, 7 Account of Epbrlam Btiolloy, xduer. of Bon jamin H. Kauffman, late of South Aliddle , un toms• ship, dec'd. A. First and bual account of Jobn - Paul, atlru'r. of Adam Whitcomb, deed. 9. First and final account. of. David Worry and George A. Clamber, 'miner.. of 'William Gamber, dec'd. 10. - Fleet and float account ,of 11. Soglesang,_ *dm 'r. of - Mary Voglegotig, late of 'Silver Spring township, dec'd. li. First and tidal account of Dr. Samuel Myers, adm'r. of Judith Myers, deed. end.Dtal-ectount-0f../ohn.Sheeller, exr' of George Shaeffer, late of Hampden towneh ip, deed. , 13.01eviunt of (leo. Bltner, keq„ ear. of the last all land_teetaroldi t_ ADO_ O rons,, info, of Ale.. diming townebll4 deo'd, -- 14. Account of Geo, Dither, exr. of larga ret Gross, late of 811ver Spring torosh4 ,- , deo l d. 15, Account of Geo. Dltner, Eeq:, exr. of Catha rine Gross, late of SI leer Spring. tovoship, deo'd, 16. The Aimed d6d Ilnal account of John Jacobs, earf;of George A rpet, late of Mifflin imenstdp, deed. 17. Eleeond and Anal ►eeount of Johii , Jut/bar-air. .of Andrew Sharp, late or Norton township, deed. 18. The second and final Account of John -.jobs, ear. of Alexander Elliott, Into of 811111 In towuelolp, deed. 19. Account of Abnthour Froderlck, one of tho err'. of Leureoce Iloilo deed. 20. Accbunt of William Stephens, guardian of Ja• rob Stephens, minor son of Henry Stephens, decd. 21. First and final account of Jacob Nickey, adm'r. of Adorn Heiser, lath of Frankford toNeshlp, deed. 22. Third and final account of John Johnson, ear. of Benjamin Reynolds, dee'd. 23. The account of Daniel Bailey, one of the oar's. of Laurence fleilte, deed. as tfed by the exen.,of said _Darnel Bailey. 24, The account of Joseph A. Stuart, and Joseph Baker, executors of Daniel Wenderly, Linen. 25, The guardianship account of Jop. A. Stuari, guardian of Carrie 8.. Courtin - - . 20. First and final account ot Patrick Gibbons, adrn'r. of Michael Gibbons. late of Dickinson town. 'hip, deed. 27. First and final account of Abraham Do 'ler, admen of Charles Roltshoover, late Monroa Vpirn• ship, deed. 2n. The account ofJaaen ;IV. Eby, Trustee, nutter the 1.01 01 Levels deed, Of Mrs, M aryary 11. Rennet , . 22. Pleat and final account ot Martin Shenk, Esq., of Catharine flank, late of Dickinson town ship, de e'd. J. DOllBl.l glMlift, Mob 69-31 a, Register.- ",. Itx; 3 . V E. Rii KENT ..,',' PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE, OPITKIN&CO. The Great Head Quartora for all kinds of Army Geode, New and veconi•hand, and sold at a tittle of the cost. II A It 54; ,8 8 , Wheel nud Lend Team Ilaxnese,Ambulance, Light and henry' Expities, Cart And Buggy Hero e.n, McClellan mad Orncere Saddles, Collars, 'talon, Halter', Purcingles, etc., etc, TENTS, llospital, Wall and Yi'edissi; with poise and pins semOsta. Wajon, Covara, kanlags, Backing Dot toran'and Bags: ' • - • MILITA.RY 0 LOTH I. NG p Overcoats, Frock boats, darliets, Blouses, PA tits Army Blankets, florae Covers, Fly Shoots sod Note, - ete-, - p,ter. The )argot[ and best assortments we hays ever °dared. Send tor descriptive Pas tAste, a Z hoe on app Brosifordeis itj'Expross, C. O. D. - LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS ..TO DEALERS. - . * • (i6riiteriY 6u .l tront St t ., now) .;; 71.1{: ad St., just, beW4i..oll St., rliil ADSI,tnI.4Vit L t,.,. / . Also 5 • PLAlitl,4stoss.. ; York. timer .'; 12TISHOOOQUILLOISEMP.NAlt Y ANIX; -NORMAL' INSTITUTE: .Thia Institution situated ,in the beautiful railer of KishorAquillas, offers the adrantsges,pf sedUring en education by en experienced Corps of• instrUtters,under t he infineureil of '.e Viet cortntry home.. A" Normal Clwe. NM be formed Sppi Ingend,Pall term wider the instruction of the Principal, — Lb° by en , experience prilve years as County Bouerinlepgeot of ideboole, has acquired a thorough knowledge of the wants of teachers. . • Spring term of' twelve treats opens On' fleet . Hondas' (Mb) OPAPIII• • • t , ' • 'A catalogue sent on emit htattoP. MARTIN MOHLER, Print/pi, • Kishocaquillas, MlMin County, Pa.' 12(•b CD•2m W. p u; HALL, , DES.' MANY 'S. HALL. —ll-0140EVAJZHICI_Elty_sicinsistLand_ 1 1Cleoteliblue. Onlee and residence, Oe. - 37, South ,'Hanover Street, Carlisle, ! Plana.' All lleute or Chronic dhiellies successfully treated. Fulmer Doneddson ' lihiontpwri, Pa.' Cured of of two years etandiox. - tu live week,. 'Red been given up .tir die. Wee Oars °pert( o.B . oSentowq, Pa. ,Lfyor Com e. .Cured Oro Seed. Dewier, Destorrii Pa. Ipdamation of the eyes, with-toes o ft. taightof one eye, -aif• sixteen. yearestandlorg. Curent.l4'three'snorithe. bias. Mary Glibert,,,Oellitantoirn, Pi— Dyspepsia of tenyenta etandlng! mow won. 144ionit. mt. i. Wood, Girard tee, and Warnock st, Philadelphia. Oured. of General. Debility of three years Mending. • Mies Emota Morrie, WM Girard , Ave., PhDs, PA. ;Dyepepebe and; gravel iof ;three: Fears ; otphillog. 'Cured in six weeke. Frauk prior,l42 Nortii . l3th str eot, Philadelphia, "White flwolltag" .of nine years glauding. Cured In the month,. Hrs. Augusts Crowning, Bel4re Ohio. Wg mb Mania of la years . at • times /tinnily, es that her *hada wasterF. lapelled twice to put her into an Insane Asylum. Oared imtwo menthe. tti sonenltetion free. °dices strictly private'. 1; Dec 11101 respectfully rater, to the following ladles, rasidiuft.lnAlarliale, 0 0, 1 h ]Vita. Wm. trastitars, • hire: '3eic1166,.. Mrs. J. Faller, hire. Henry ynyder, and many other,. gaff* Oftdm. . , g i rl' this • boat Photographs at Lochman.r'iiiiiiiiiii'lkotiiitig* 10 . 611110 . ' • Ilinsti. C 404014., . , , .. ft! 111144 V.., • / NE* ' ) 11) "ITER T/A§EM.EPtS. liEl UNIOW.=PACIFICItAILIOAT. - CO. -- AND •Centrai Pacifib- .. _ - MORTGAGE PONDt9. -- , .~. "This groat enterprise L_ approaching completion with a rapidity that astonishes tie world. Over fifteen (1200) hundred mites hays been built by two (2) powerful companies; the indon Pacific Railroad, beginning at Omaha, building west, And the Cen ral Pacific Railroad ybegionhig - it Bactateente, and building east, until - the two roads shall Meet. L 6611 than two hundred and fifty miles remain to be built. The greater part of the interval le now grad. ed,.and-lt Is reasonably expected that- the-through connection between Ban Bramble° and Now York will be completeditT - ittlYt , As the amount of Gr►ernaient aid given to each -le-dependent upon-the-length--of road 4ach-eball. build , both companies aro prompted to great efforts to secure the construction and control of what, when completed , will be one and the onlg grand Raitroad..Line connueinttlit_-.4llantic_and_ Pacyle.- east, - • One Hundred and Ton Killion Dollars (g110,000,- 000)in'ziormy bare already-been expended by the tvro powerful'empanies engaged In 'this . great en terprise, end they will speedilycomplete the por tion jet to be built. When the hatted Btates Gov ernment found it necessary to secure the construe . lion of the Poetic Railroad, to develop and . protect its own Interest, It gave the companies authorized to build it such ample aid an should render its speedy completion beyond a doubt. The Goverel• meat old may be briedy summed up Isiollows First. life right of way end a& norm Lary timber and stone from public domain. - Beic , ondltrnakm. a Arnett lon - ot - 3.2;800 acres — of' lend to the mile, which, when the road is completed,. will amount to twenty-thiee million (23,000,000) acres, and all of it within twenty (20) miles of - Third—lt loans the companies Ofty million dol lar.. ($50,001),000), for which It take. a second Gen. - The Geenrnmont has already loaned the Union Pacific Railroad twenty-four million and My eight thousand dollars cps,okmpo,- and to the Central Pacific Railroad seventeen million six hum dyed and forty-eight thousand (17,1%8,000), amount. Mg in all - to forty one—million - seven -hirodrednnil s4 thousand dollaro ($41,706,000). The COMpenlor err permitted to - issue their ex, Pirst Morteage florid% to the same amount .as they roMdre from the United states, and no .more. The ceuipanies hare sold to permanent inTsstors..alxnit ($4 0 ,000. 0 0) forty million dollars; of the ltlrek i %lortgage Bonds. The ewoollitis has. alto/Or paid In tinelndinp slot esrninza. not 11I• grant.. I trout eltate of California, and ,ncraln.o4, ritr owl j inn Fra 1,i)W211 - 04 1 , ) 125.04 C4p: • . wen ty tile, million dollars capital 11 HAT I 1 TUKRN 1141 . TO BE PONS Io considering this question It must be turnirrn hered-thatalUthe rand iceontraeted for, and the largest portion paid for and now delivered on the line of +the Onion Paoli:lt Railroad nod tie : Central Pacitir Railroad, Rnd t WHAT UESOUROES HAVE TICE ,CERIPACHES TO FIN/1311 TUB ROAD 1 Wfr t. They will receive from the Government as the road programme about $9,000,000 additional. 'Second. They can .4.0 their own Fleet Mot tgege Bonds for about $9,000,000 additional. Thint. The el:lmmo:dee now .hold lament all the land they have up to this time received from the' 6overnment; upon the completion of the road they will have rncolved in n11 . 23,00%00 ncren, which at $1,60 per acre would be worth $54,600,000. In addition to the alnico the net earninga of the road. and additional capital,if neccetery, en uld be called in to finish the road. E=l No onto bag over ~ x prehnad a doubt that as soon art the road is completed its through- hwatnesa - will P. abundantiv profitable Groan gleanings of the Union ni; eine Railroad Company fur six months, ending Janine y let. 1890 were upward. •f 0,00000 Tha earthing. of Central Paella 'Railroad, for mix months, and lug January tat 1860, were 1,1,750.00 gold Erpatillwa 0511,000 got] intereat Woo Net profit ofßentral Pacific Rail- ' road, after paying all" interest and expenses for In moo the $750,000 gold Pb. present gross earnings of the Union and *Veittral Pacific Railroads are $1,200,000 monthly. lOW LAMS A• 11USINE88 18 IT SAFE TO FOR 'FIIB OIUI'AT PACIFIC RAIL -110AD! Ws would gldwtha following farts desired from Shipping liiets,;-lineuratied Companlos, Railroads and ganand , lofor m .. /hips going from ille,Allantle around Cape ou,ooo tong atramatilpsou,syrO,,l . ,l±4 l!aluasti with CalifiirUM OS 120,000 Overland Tritium, Blisdes,. torso, RO,ROO o-- - Uire we have 'two hundred .and thirty thousand tole. carried westward stud experience has 'shown that the last Ore years that the returned paerengme froin California have been nearly as numerous as tb.pre going• MOIV MANY REMSNOMRS ARC THEISM • ITs malt° the following estimate :- 110 Steamships (both ways) 70,000 (settle/ /of 'os) 200 Vessels 4,000 s!tlryttlted' " Overland 100,000 Number per apuum 174,000 pike (Iv.r.ltug uts the coat of the steamships): for both asisngers' end tonnage Vass the following result 14000 passeugorent $10 ( ) 01.7,400.000 460,00 10.13 N . , rabid at $1 per sub's Rot- 1 0,010,00 R Eli • lsaitnt catiulations upon. he ahoy. llgnms Ibr the large fooreaia - of buelnam ,whieh :can stiffly Outdated for, than, estimate the rupoiNt .=pens. at one half and' we BP,/ a net lutome of $10;620.9690ti110h, after , yaylne the In- Latest the Fleet Mortgage 'Donde and the ad: ranee Mad" by the Government,' would loan. a net - 1On:tool income of pg,000,000 over end ahoy. an expenses and interest. 4 . The First Mortgage Donis ct tte t thliOD YAM° Railroad Company andthe Fine Mortise. "Bonds 0r',02, Central Pacific Railroad Co. are both, primal. Pal and.intarast, payablabi "told' coin; they poi —IR-perxWutiluterist7,-19:-eolditoinand—run—lot tblrey year., and they cannot, ba paid before that tinls without the consent of the holder. ikfaititata Oche:Bondi Of , atm 11.fidog' Nelda Badirtiadlor sale at I?araLtid accrued ititaraet, and Yliat*cirtaikaa field Bond. of Central Pacific Bali !road at /OS and accrued lota;act. DI HAVEN & BRO, De*lera in' Government Heouri. , . . . . •,,,.. . ' .:dr, J ,n! ,),1 , ,,, tr . .ii- . ..I 44 ; . 1': '. ri , ties, Gold, 1At0.,. Na 40 *alit . - ' , I.k 11!;;', 1 111341111 mrscALLANions. Dyspepsia, r . Igue,-.. dity of the"_StOmach . ,_ Loss of Appetite ; Nausea; Wart-burn; Jaundice, and , all diseases;-arising - from a disordered state of-the StoMaeli,-Liver-or-Intestines,•— Prepared by . S.EWARD, BENTLEY CHENEY;Druggist i .l3unlo,-11:Y. Sold all.Dra - - 2.2jsn 69-6 n fitA N S . AT • - W. C. SAWYER & Co s. •TET: C. SAWYER & CO., calls the Attention of the public, to their iOl. muse Stook of Fancy-sod Striped' DRY GOODS, COttnlstlin o BILK 4. POPLINS, • UNIPRI:SS °LOTUS, ALPACAS, kc., &c CARPETS! CARPETS!! Such as • ~ BRUSSELS TURES, PLY, INGRAIN, i VSNITIAN, COTTAGE,- • RAG, - • LlNEN'aes HEMP, In great varloty OIL CLOTHS-., RUGS, BIIADES, &a., e wbleb will be sold very einem, - - - CLOTHS. AND CASSIKERES, EEO'S I 11'11 I" ROUSE FURNISHING GOODS, of every kind dial In nimbdadt quantities, We wilt make grant aarritice and o Oar a flan adanatuant t° an art r.dal Please remember Ella large Stork it earl - we :ilk priree ielThh elan of .In entire St irk • %ht.. 1,11 • lloap WIE:f18. All .0, , C II wit .•4•t+ll 4•114, : t EMI • . J iEC ALOWELL &CO. J,EIVELERS.: - -Raying st;pplipil thoinnelvas wito no entirely NEW STOCK OF GOODS throughout, will be happy to' meet. their many friends and the public geuerally et their present pines of business 819 CHESTNU 1 ST., PHILADELPHIA /2feb 6 17 PUMPS ! PUMPS 1 For pure water nee, neither bad tooting weed, runtylrou,-non-pelmon ire& hot The Celebrated Cuetinther Putop, made ef wild cucumber wood, en UM!, tasteless durable and reliable. Not n patent article, but sho good old.faahlaned wooden Pump, made by macheuery, and theren.ra ',omen and accurate iu all 514 party, raising an equal amount of water, and et-sting - loon than half the monoy. liaetsly arranged go an to ire non freezing, and In COD nt no el too simple shot any nue'ran put it up and-,keep it ~Pri repair. After thorough WM:knows/eased the ufsT azin mineral . . Tools.) feet of tohing with each pump, free of charge. Donlon; supplied et lowest manufacturers rates. for circulars, prleo lioto, Ac. Cali or address. , CHAS. O..BLITCIII,EY, North enventh St , Phila. Relish flO-010. Agents scouted. tO4 WO ~ RE A D TII i S BARGAINS BARGAINS. 1 ! Par the purpose of settling the IntAtless of the Into firm of Brewster Ez Dougherty, the uhderhlgned will sell - et - - p•Jl±.Nte sale, as a whole or In lots to null Intrehasers, Cho entire stack of. DRY GOODS, NOT[GNS &c., belontlug to tbo Into Ilan. Thu biork vooslots to part of all vradee or mtoAD can llu, P CLOTIIS. CASSIHERES, SATTINETTS, . JEANS, ITALIAN CLOT/IS; 31t7SLINS do. Alan SIIIRTS, IMAM' EitS, SEM' ENI3EItS, GLOVES, lIDICVS., LINEN and. PAPER. COLL AILS, oud CLWS, SEWING . SILKS, TICREADS, be. Ateo a largo nasortravot of READY-MADE CLOTHING col:4114111g of OVER. t , OATS; — PRESS , And SACK COATS, PANTALOONS, VESTS, and OVERALLS. ANo „ton., ouporlor SEWING} AL.A.O HIN ES This Stook of Goods is n very desirable one, end persona ‘‘:lshlng to buy will do well to on)) soon, to the goods must be sold to close the buslnese. All geode net disposed of before Merch 15th, 1869, will be Fold nt Public A uetlon on that dny. A ithotontory of the goods Las been talon which, w Ith the goods, run bu suet, and by rail lob with psr , subscribor. •JAMES McCANDLISII, Receiver of BILEW.STEIt 14 DOUGHERTY, .26181,119.3 t, • Newvillu, , '.BOWER'S COMPLETP, MANURE:, .11ANUFACSWitlf lit HENRY BOWRR. • Super-I'hosphosta of l iuie Ammo:dn . , ',Si Potash. ;333,010,000 WialltANTltD , YALIC'YAOII ALIRLTIMELIqtt . . . . ' Thle manure contains nil the eleakehti to pro: duce bkrie,ccops or ell kinds, nod In highlY,recom mended bY AN who one . it, also by •distlugulebed 'ehemiste.who We., by xualyels, testedtts qualities . Packed irillegaof 200 ILs. each ATltt tkrlastirn geaarally:t hrough out the country, mawc,sitA.A!PLCsii. & AGEDg'S, • • • 119 BoFt4 Wit.r k 40', E.0041/:r. I , ' WILLIAM I U . ' • . _ .79 - South . iitreot, • . , •• . • • '-::;:;,lsALivitortn, MD.' Ami by dent * gonoratlytitioubout tbo country For in formation, address. Munn' . 'liower, rtIVI. 12fob Po-ly. . ... . . . ..._ .. . . ..NOTIOE.7r a -Orders•for,scoal on 124- ' loirY A Sh in; 1 iiii r 11 be iieceiroid mud DOcaapt• 1' attedifecii to at (foramina &;Yrort.tiluittotifa Doug Storoi at : Fallet'n . . rony- 'Siti - o, at Garrea Grocery. Sta (i re, 'iot! i John Ittinera's Confectionary i iDItDAGODY,4 61111011. (I.BED POTATOtS . TOR: SALE.- L) The underelgoe2,,reafd l irgbhe tells North of Utturchtorrn, has on hoed 6 splendid lot of Seed poreCoesoulteachrg ths.ltose, at, , $1 per , the eater 'Goodrich add the Shlidlei Otte l'Ototeet, and the Ilarrlsou (lota Potatoes) at $2 - per bustle', or $b per barrel( Potatoes deßverede at ,Oarltsle . or Itechanlcub urg, free of charge; address - • ; 8 4/W8b•;8AKR2t., , ,.. - lefeb 60-Dtee.• • ,• „ „ Aller),,OsiMll.oo,Pa, , ,„ . . CAS. C A S ll :, —, ',•i's:'.:': ,fflghwit Sinrkstnrlcii, In OAI3II, pu!ln tbr plcl 004 , Pl"' BnAb%lal ' AD ' ZlNC ' A. ' 1.1 4. , . ...- .--,. , W. o, lit qg Cd ' '&0/ Works, thirtill as 04b#416 ~.#l. ; - az= GLOVES, 11,:.1N 11'It d ~'~1'.,, Fig-c .\i ~..~ ~~r.,..t I= EMEMEEM = Dit Y &fOODS. TIRY GO9DS! r • t 2 z dit 'VDT .111E m ilkWAND -SEASON,, :40:9 - 2 THE NEW AND - CEEEAP CASH STORE OF THOMAS A. HARPER CORNER 0 . 1? HANOVER AND I , ONtNhi::T STS Who Is aow-prepArprte - ellilbil elm. 1,/ and anorted Stock _ _ ' D.R Y GOOD'S At exceedingly-low, pricoal—.. _ , ... Bargaine in of all . tolorel and nixes. Tim otted Stock . In " FfiiANNELS._ pial.-and Shalom • • Plaid Skirtings, and a lino article of Welsh Flannels. - Sit AWLS I SHAWLS ! Gong find Square, Paisley arid Thibe t. Cjoakings, Volrofeons, Oold Mixed, IVator 1 40 01 and IDniv./ Bearers. - - Morino Vast; Shirts and Drawers, for Lrullsa' Misses, Man's and Boys' wear, A full line of moths And liassimeres. FANCY DRESS GOODS In new an d Mph Dna!gun. Many of tho ablura Clouds gelling off at at greatly reduced prires. I Immense Stool( of all tho ,loading brands of Domostleswod ROUSE FURNISIIINO DRY' GOODS, at lose than regplar prlcee. BLEAOHED 4L- BROWN SHEETINGS, PILLOWCASE MIISLINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. - Towels and Towelling's. • Morseilrea Quilts and, fable Covars, Nottingham Lace Curtin Material and 'Days. 1411111 nm of WHITE GOOD I E, Embroideries, Laces and Insertlnge Vella, &raga andOrapee. Hosiery and Gloves In great variety, an eaten• ,alvo Stock of NO .T I 0 N S . . , itALMORAL AND HOOP SHIRTS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS gORSET S S . .Fren.h Wore, hip Gore, and too celebrated Rachel Comely, • Eadle's Cuff+ and Coflare, Hemstitched To eked and Ernbreldnred Irlandkerchlefe.. SPECIAL INDUCEDIENTS-TO-CASII PURCHASERS THOMAS A. HARM, Cor. of annoyer and Poinfrot Sta lldec kl'.ly PROCLAIM 1.1"10 ALL THE irourin THE NATIONAL BITTERS liaB cured more rases of DYSPEPSIA, more mane of HEADACHE, FEVI:11 8 AGUE, and more cases of DEBILITY, thou any other runway before the public Uo the sumo epee° of time. IT YU-RI FT - ES - TILE 131,00 D, CALMS THE gIND; EESTORES SLEEP, la an Excellent Appetlger, and a general In ' . • vlgn - rifCi of the . klistenh- WALTON A ZUG, Proprletere, No, 5, N' Sun nth St., Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists,and Dealers generally. 12fob S5-fm. 1115 CHESTNUT STREET, 1115 HOOP SKIRTS WM. T. HOPKINS. I 1 CIL A NINON HOOP SKIRTS, El= No. 111 5 r'hoidnot St., (Girard Row,) PHILAbELIIIA - Whole will always be thund a complete assort. 'Twat of his well-known SKIRTS. 10 all the newest and nvul dekirablo Styles. ,Shape, Silt( and Lengths for Ladies. Misses and Children, at 1/e very lowest Prices, and miimmted In every respect SKI Rrs ...do to order, altered and ropalred. rail I n,.4 of mond eastern made s'itirts at very low prlerx.- IS springs :t5 2 0 springs.-45 r; ff , s spring, im so sprlnge, e; 35 springs, 85 e;”and ). logs, 75 routs. A ho, the largest assortmeUt of CORSKTi lu the My., retailing at ll'holesale Prices, Including Thompson & Langdan'a Glove Bitting: _Rocket's superior Shaped Woven and listen quality hand made Whalehono CaRSETS, making over 'arty dlffernat ellen And pricoi, from 75 etc. to $7.00. Sole Agent In thli: city for Mrs, Moolly's Patent Setradjostlon . Abdominal CORSIATS, highly remit umded by Physicians. Do not forgot our Now Place —lll5 CTI liATN IT I' ST., PIITLADELPUIA. .AVM. T.IIOPKINS. VALI - TAM - 4 E 11011 M Prpperty AT 11140,11 SAI,I:.OIt EXCIIA.NG POlt AyAlthl The shinier I bor offers nt prlyfito salo,tho woll known hotel /lbw' lu NenTYllle, Pa., knownkto,the L-O(.IAN- .110,13 .-- Thu lot (upon 'which the Motel stands) contains 67 by 180 feet, and-In addition thereto will be sold an excellent GARDEN containing 85 by 186 feet. The house is large andsubstan tinily built of stOne containing 8 sleeping apartments, good Oar-room Dininvonini - Parlomititchen-and-01l modern eonven good Well of Water at the door, .EXCELLENT STABLING for forty horror; lee Douse,, Wood House, :intake House and all necessary out-bulldlnge. The began House In atidaly and favorably knowit cud le largely patronized. It has been quite recently renoeited rind repaired throughput,. Terms,to suit the purchaser. For fa alum partleuli, A, apply to thy , aplbscrlber,to Drthin absence to _Peter A. Abl, not Nowlin°, Pa., JOB. A. WOODBURN. 28 A ux.tt. NEW BUSINESS, NEW FiTkINITURE! I '74 ' • R, • , 4 '...7 , V. " 1 " ' f i l , t..;.1,1 ' •,-. ',..'!'-., •....".,- nom "..'--'-''' tiir's"..... ~.. ::,: ~....::, ; ..• , . F•CTRNITURE BUSUIESA., The suiesdritior having taken' the entire liusinesa • pit o tastier n bands, will continuo to carry It on to an , Ito various branches, at the old stand, steal, east confor.of Itanovor and Louthor . Stcests . Ile desires , to. annoucs to the patio that he has rips on Land and' li'constantly manrifacturing arid purchasing from the best eastern suahuracturers, .the latest and boat stylei and patterns of RUUNL• Wilt II of all 'quail ties.,, '• - - ' • . Ills clock of ready-made work,rionshite in pasta gi,fIO6ANY SUITS. WALNUT 81.71113, , , - CINUSTNITL - SUIT% • . • • •, • • • .FLOILK4-11_ N:ll ( .:Mim,_ , . , , eT,ILLPOYB, IMINEVANO I.I•UItHALIft, cf all styles and prices.' TitisTetes, acifas, Le - tinges, Cottage Trundles, Cote tam, 'Fauna,. Japanese, stud Jenny Lind Dadateads, Cottegs, Unmans. Merida !;op Tables and. Stands, Washstands, oral' verieti es Chairs of all kind tt,l3tur. had Furniture , in awls • or Lb • places constantly on hand. !Stems,' of all styles and prices.., , , . , M B M Ali El W Sucb wields lioirde,HureouS;ltedstMdri, Extra, Sacra Wise, Chairs to Setts, hackers of et.ll,descrigtorm, Ac., made by competent workmen 1}01,12 the Seri best tustsrf4 and St reluctant° prices.' VIM N LY.B SLIAPLIa. • . . . 0..L..L1AL11,T, 10feb.093ra. • • 1 - 3LUMBING,( GAS 'AND 'STEAM Ferrtva. - • . • (MORONI HOOT S respectfully •lororma the citizens of Carnal° ood vicinity, that he continuos to carry, pn,the ano 7 o, bualuaeo In all various . brancham,,ln' the haromena ; of 'M auras 80% , ln Church alloy ' ;,. whirs orders will:ha .11 . .afil s tflally cr. - oared and planpily oxiontad:i . Orders lel% it, tpe., yitata omc. 10111 recolio prompt attention. 10(0130,t1„,„, .. ._. .-- :ITALIAN . .EES! rIrHE eubsciibei. has about twolv:l3, ,:, liven otthe :gore bees that; he will: eell' exp . tbr cash, - Appllostletrehotad be, made *On lee March le the best time to mere them. . ,TOIIN UOTBRALL. . ctulteleitriti .29feb,P . 14ts; JI:ISOELIANEOU&. ailtßi( o f c e . * BANKERS, Na.3s t chn74-FITIRD STREEI HILADELPHIA.v tkEIIERACAENT3.; FOR • 0 0 ;IPENNSYLVANIA-- v2,,,azaA xr ,:o.sv. 0 .# 7 2. ( . ....p OF THE ( 13\ s •1 11 111431E41N UNITED STATES OF AMERICA —Thn-VA'novAr, Inns - Itrenrmettur - . OIePAPP. - OE:e. - tOrporatlarreharectrolt by EP Ect of Congress. ap proved Jaly 33,1868, with a i l CIABII CAPITAL,44OOO,6O, LULL PAID._ - Rhona terms o ff ered to Agents and Senators r a , ....„ted, to apply at otir males. - Tallpartletnan to h onapplleattan at our office: belted to the seemed story or our lispklng Ronan where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the tdrantages offered by the ComPsoY. mar be had. - E. W, CL ARIL & CO ..e all. Thi rd .e• B. S. Russel, Manager 0. 11" HEPITURNx Cashier_lst National Bank, Agent for Carlisle, Pa. Pacific Railroad Nearly Finished 1550 Miles Built THE UNION P.,4C1P.1 G' R. R. Co • MIMI CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO - ' - Rave added Eight 11noilred (800) Mlles in the r Hues during the Current year, while dolng a large local passenger and freight business. The through connect!. Will undoubtedly ,__be coMpletedneat gummer,e 1 the thortiugh tragicVl be very groat. Forty thousand men are now e played by li the two powerful coniminle • to preset g forward the greatnational highway to a speedy, ompletion Only 200 mileirernain to be built of w lab Mostly are graded and ready for the rails. - , First Mortgage Gold lionds,of the Union Paoifi. Railroasl Company fur_ sale'at par_ and_haterest and First 3fOrtgago clod Bonds of the Centre Pieltlerialtrontf at 103 - and ietere.t. The priorlNl intereat levebie DE HAVEN & BR D., Dk: A I;t: f?.C . ,‘" )1" .V X'l' ‘l. ( I?ITI E• , Nu. -ti) rlard Street I' lii LaDLLVIJhA Dee.- 2t. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES VIE SINGER MANUFACTURING .CO'S NEW P KUHN MACHINE.—No other family Sewing Machine bye NO rapidly won favor In the household. The very large sales of that popular machine has shown by official retains, far exceed those of., aoy other company, Cod Ole fact or result bas boon owing to Ito real Merits—hence its great and grow ing popularity. 1i la alto* lo construction, easily unde.elood. easily operated ell Ito part, g lidi ng smoothly and .nolseloosly ,ilong—uot liable to get out of order, has .pacity n great-range and en- Holy of work, rowing all kind, of cloth end with all kinds of thread and with the °macrons attach ments for hentmlna, cording, tucking, quilting, trimming, binding. braiding, A . ..., and embroider. log el many ingenious. tastoful and difficult de. istho'lnoat perfect of all (sillily sewing-ma chin.. Anyone who will take ttio trouble to ex auto,. the merits 01 the different .machines claim ing attention, ran soon discover_whether we cl a im • too much for ours. , It would IRall us anthill.: to make the above aAertlons if we were not roady to prove them . and all we ash to n trial, for observe. lion alone can justly convey a clear Impression of the many kinds of work of which, our •Ngw TIMMY }WHIMS is capable. TLIP: FOLDING Which optin with spacious tables to sustain the fork, and which fold Into tables or boxes to pro. 'tett the machines. when not in Use, from dust and• Meddlesom.) lingers are made frdm cholco , woode, o tabollished by pleasing designs, t:bus malting our new fatally - inachino not only au ornamental piece of furniture, but in some of the more ebt 4 - horately finished machines, avvork of real nrt,. TUE ATT AOIIMENTS. • • -Of our now family Aneehlneb, abovb referred to, ere not only nutnerons, but highly useful for the unit. pom for which, they were lutouded. They need only a Mei co ehow„tbillyyttrslet the most recent or the atttichmants to the .0 1181101 DER Ell Of the differentbbilachmrnts of our new amity machine which have secured the Attention , and approval Drone customers that s,. ~ s huddering, like the Demmer In one of tl . umonts which willlunst_pieasy and so error of Ito real value. It Is no sleuth, e, that any ono wh o can sett on our I use it; and witheutiustruction It 0 eked to detacliedfrom the machine in an Instant. 'Without a lengthy description, end even then, it would be difficult to describe ,the groat variety _of work that thin little Instrument will do. Tbd reader must not suppose that what we speak 0 f Is A mere chain stitelt operation, which le ,sontetimee humorouely termed emlneldory. It desired, throe colors of any kind of thread may he used at any one time, an . the colors or thread. may be changed at the wilt of the Operator, by -removing the spools In tree and putting others In `their stead; thus as many or as few colors may ho used no the operator wishes, fn 'the embroidering of any garment. A great veriety of results ere produced by the man ner in which the 101$10118 are regulated, Different moults may be produced whllethe machine to In motion by simply changing the terisiolis. Results vary according to the length of stllches, kinds, colors and tensions of the threads, AP well. as sizes of the needles tried. The Embroiderer will use any kind of th:end, The, use of zephyr woret•l fur corisin purposes Oven very pionoing order to get aJust Wen of thin valuable attachment it will be necessary to see it In operation. MANDEMMITRINO MACIMINER—Wre would ask attention to bur obw Buiton , hole Machine, which Is the only.practicat Dutton-hole Machine debuting public attention, Our manufacturing machines, for other purpdsen, are fee well known to need comment. - ' MACIIINV TWIST.—We have recently- enlarged Our Silk Mills in Newark, N. J., and furnish them with the latest And .most Improved machinery, Which la being operated by highly skilled labor. We know and feel tho importance of not only sup plying the users of our machines- but the trade generally wlth.the best quality of Manning ;11VIrir, which wo will soil by ar.a4ußit 'rattn. than by 'magi. The system of selling .by weight has klyen manufacturers the opportunity of. so Ikeirily weighting Wirth the process of dyeing as not only to greatly injur Its quality, but , Also convey A wrong *premien about Its. quantity. ‘ln this re. speot RD Mann to be Above eusplchin. The Kanner to which the altos of Silk sea graduated is also a matter of groat Importance, but we Use the grealoet possible care that tile graduating shall be exceetk wincuintn. from the best quality of-raw silks, the evenness of thread And beauty of linish of the manufactured article wilt not, We think, be soon surpassed. Each 114:1 of cilk umniffactured brus of any. partisnlar for- laitehlrrespective of weight. contains the nu - bor- , iir. - larda• printed thereon. Length, - strength, elle, quality and Anlshof the thread era to be looked to rather than weight. We are now milk manufacturers On a largo scale, and feel that a large trade can only be retained by us in.furnleto leg A superior Article, at fitir price. 'lf other •brandk of Twist be offered at less poke thah owls, patch's/rrs niarresl assured that It in inferior hi quality, deficient in quantity, or both._ ' ' We.base And .shall keep iti..stock at our Central and 'miens egonties, Twist of all alms, end of she various colors aßit shades of -rolor in use, And whlob will be sold sit, New York prime. THESINGIpIt.MANITAOTURING 00., • No. 455 Broadway ZT. Y. runAimulnA (11-IMTN,CIT L. . WOODWARD, • A.GhNT AT • . • O ice IVo.' 1 94, Opppiqte City,Banlo: i;E%,-;lVr.: —. Joli4' , :lliitiliOki';,iiill: sii 1. , 11•atTublfe glale,ll6 , entire .Stook lottliniio. old sod /Kltellon inrnltoro; on Wildnoidilye Thurs. 'day and wider, March ntli, ,II di,: knd - A,901, it, being, lb ollornltn , in AO! In,•'nif - by titol.• In MI Common tionho. J . ..: . -r:".. ; ., . , . .. ISIUIVNOtO. ' .• ' , - . .4)t,i2, , ;7:: . , PATENT . ME:DECINES. - HAIR VIG0111;. For illiiorliii(111 -it. noturni Vitality' and 'Color thOlurli not altiays, prod by its use. :VOtifiril4. -min. restore the heir whore the follicicslire-destined;-or-tbe-glands— i r•sti whjed - mii - doesycdm - --.l3utsa • ••• main can hr 'saved for usefulness by this application._ liiStead of fouling:_the_hair__.:_. sediment f it will " keep it CICTin and vigorous. Its occasional use will provost thehairProm turning_ gray .or. -falling off, and consequently:••prevent lialdness. Free from those deleterious substances nhich make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hai”. the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing , also - found" So - VS - Sir:6lc Containing neither oil or dye, it does pot soil white cambric, and yet lasta'long on -the-bair,-giving-it a rich glosiy-lastre end- - and a grateful perfume. prepared-by- Ayer, Co., PRACTICAL A. 111) ANALYTICAL CIPCMISTO, LOWELL MABEL _ {PRICE 111.00. 30oet 21aug 84- 9 Ayer's Cherrr*Pectoral, For Dlneasoo of tho Throat and Lungs, such as ' Cought, Colds,, :Whooping Cough, ItronchMr, Asthma, and Contarription Probably never repro in the whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy—for pulmonary eninpleipts. ' l'brough - a - longsaries of years, to arnang-rriost-of the ram of men it has risen higher and higher In thefrditirnatlon, ae it his become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the red one affections of the lunge and throat. have made Ito a tellable protector against them. While adapted to milderforms'of:diarere and to young children, it le at.the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, end the dangerous atfectione of the throat •and lunge. As a provision against, sudden Attack of Croup, it should be kept on band in every family, ' -and indeed an all. are sometimes subject to colds And coughs, all should , bo provided with thle an tidote ad- them. Although settled Chniiimption le tbriUght Incur.. ble, ',it'll a great 'number of cares where thui die ease Fanned Fettled, have helm completely cured, .and she patient restored to round health by the Cherry Pectoral. comfllailli Ire mnsiery over she silo ,d, r , of the. Lunge end, Throat. that the S. of them yield to It. 111,v,, arth log eke ,ould :ea:111110W, under the Cherry Pec. eornF tht, vo.k.ttla and-divappea,---c -.Vinoer< Speakere fed great p/ ot.rt i , .ot ro,ll ;way, illieveti liy it 13z . tL• (7, rr. y Peobor,tl k 4.11. and It eq uelPt 'tboee, =I i.. .oltificate of tloctu bric. ti. r.. th it. die public that It. qualiti•s gra o i, ELaiiitititJecl. • Ayer's Ape tire, For I ever and Aguv, Intermittent__Forer, ChM., Fever, It enr I ttont, Favor, Dumb igui, Periodical or Billions Fe rer.&c., and Indeed all tbo attire tlons which . arise- from. malarloui, ruaralt v . or mbronotle poison,. • As Its snare implfet, It does Cure, and does not all, Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Biamdth, Zinc, nor any other mineral - I ... lt:poisonous substance itlii nowTse Thlures number and importance of Its puree in the ague districts, are literally - beyond account, and we be. , here witinut a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our 'pride Is gratined by the acknowl. edgmenta we receive o f the radical cures effected In ohatin'ate cases; and Where other remedies bad wholly failed. "Unaccihnated persons, either resident In, or travelling'through miasmatic localities, will bo protectueby taking the ague cure daily. • -For Liver Onriplaines, .arlsing from torpidity. of the Liver, It he an ezoVitarr—romety",--Vftrdtratig— nutuir truly remarkable cares, where other mein ! duos had failed, Prepared. bk Dr. d. C. Ayer, d; Co., Prwstlssl And A nalytleal Chemists, Lowell Mass., an sold all round the world. PRP'E $l,OO PER BOTTLE.. MOE DR. CAMPBELL, THE WONDEEFUL PAIN KILLING • MAN. Ity the use of the Magic Pain Dehtroye'r and Liver Pills, you can ease health, tout,ey. and pro. long life. Tnere is not a pain or LlChe. Ilsnitats or luaatutuittury, but what th. Gichi ;'.lll De stroyer will relieve, and In moat bac:, ees :Arty cure. Try it before any Other . for it IS almost certain In every case to I, .I''-I the thing, and the only thing needed: Itetetc,, , ,, are given of wonderful cures performed by this great Magic Medicine Dr. Campbell—Sir-1 had a cold scl tied on my breast for.ten years ; I was not ablwar _tunes to, speak a loud Word; I was told to get Camp bell's medicine and try it, and it cured the in days. 0/11116TIAN 601/1,1A2i. ,Imiestown,lll.hy 30; 1808.—Dr. Campbell, Dote Sir: I cheerfully recordenend your medicine oe certain cure for nick headache. JACOB Ilematea. lidrry township, 1601.—(7ured of backache of 4s years standing, by using Dr. Cantpbell's Pain Be. se_royer nOti foy . 3 weeks. Jutor Zuva, ago past 72 years. piewmanstown, Lebanon county, 1267.-1 - ii . ts . afflicted with rheumatism, using crutches for 2C years. I Won NA/ to get Dr. Demi/11011's Pain Da tat/vs.: and Pills, and try them; they cured me In 2 Monthil. iItIIDIMICM. Dunn, aged 63 years. Ueh,e Deposit; Dauphin county. 1867.--Dr Campbell—Dear have suffered ior the last 23'yelra from it,yepepola and'eonatlpation ; 1 tried your medicine as directed; they curedtwe in I Goollazt So/irk/Lon, aged 64 Slam-- eloinibensburz, Cietoher.2o, 1808.—Lwairctited of Piles of 17 yearn ;standing by tieing be. eampholl'S INVagic ['MIL Destroyer and rtila for one month. DAVID HONED. North Middleton 'Township, Ouraterland UM. Pr. tffamphell—l cheerfully recommend your-magic medicine 'air it - useful medicine Inn fancily; for children ; my youngest child was taken .vith.tne croup in the night; I did not ex.. neat her to live ten minutes ; I had a bottle ; my wife gave according to directions ; It ot.red In minutes, SAMUEL KltiEllT. Jackohurg kerry County, August ID, 18:"—Dr. Campbell, Dear Sir: Ibought 4 bottlen,..ind boxes of your Pills for my boy who had the rhea.matiom for one year, then turned scrofulous; hq was drown crooked and could not wally; I tried all ibex - tot/Mines I know. and they all (oiled ; but your medicine cured him in 2 weeks. , t Gnonou SwAnyz. Wonderful Discovery of Worm Lozenges., Letsnou r isue.—l have repeatedly used Dr. Campbell's Worm Lozenges, Inc my youngest boy, who was very sickly fore long time ; - I gave hina one done in the morning and one in the after noon ; there were 25 large wormo goosed and not less thou we or 800 small seed worms. • Yours truly, • • PHltir Logy. .two lics'EastAA Campbell' —Your .111a0o , Pain Destroyer and Liver Pills should ho made known; my wife wasin bed with pains for 3 yeara;herhend, neck, arias, legs, handi rind gagers _wore ;Dawn crooked with rheuma tism behove that I spent one thousanddol !ars the her, - and received no boned t• hearing about your medicines, I bought 12 bottles - nude, could; attaeolsing 8 b t ties, with the pins, the could walk with crutches'; after she lied used 4 inorc, she threw her crutches away. This lady's weight is 1.226 pounds, and aged over 60 years. Jioon ADA6B. , Thle medicine can-1 had trout Dr. Campbell, Carlimier market, on Wednesday and Saturday, or ,at him Shire Third Street, between Chentuut and • Mulberry, Store, •: TO YOUNQ- MEN, Just.Ptibliehediie:ri , Scaled Envelope.. Price ' A Lecture ou the : Nature. Treatinent add Radb . cal Cure of Elsrmatorrhcen yr • Bouquet. and Weak nem, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debllity, and Impediment. to Marriage generally - Nervousness, Ooneumption' }Epilepsy and Fite,' Mental and Ifhy. dcal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, /lc By BOLD= J .OULVERW.B I . 4 I:, M. D., /Author of the "Green Hook," Ao, The world renowned author, lu Lecture, clearlyprovas from bin own. imperious that the awful consequences of Delf-Abusa may be effectually removed willient medicine, an •-ffithout &morello surgical operettions,'hougles; .strutoonts, singe or.eordials, pointing out a mode of mu* at once certain and effectual, by Whig* drary. ma'am, 010 metier what We condition .may. be; may eure himself clieeply, privately, and 'radi o:ally, TUtB I,I9OTURIE • WILL • ruovia, BOOK ' TO TIIOIIBANDB AND TBOUSANDS— • z 1. BentulideS isablo any addrase,.in "All" , od envelope, no the recept' of all cents, -Or .1•Or /10 41 1tPDr.. 4 duiver w ell 'a Brine 21,:tents. 'Addrana this ..'..OIIAB,T.O,SLIND a co, ./IfdaeWifry,AlaW York, Post • , •.' I . 4 ' the WWI /1° !i" . • , Ayer A ar,f-aitl g - whictli is t 011 Ce olgreeablo, by, and otrequal 'for fre ! ferving the '.'orted or • gray 'hair ,on re,tored In fir - ty,igj. t 6lar Ihe .lose d 1:41_ hair is tlileh.e.neit, dine hair chocked,. Ili , haldami often, :y, _~ ~ B 'O~~ =I A LEOT'ITRIC MIEM