STOVES, TINWARE; Jc BEAUTY.. DURABILITY, ECONOMY. The undersigned baolug returned from the c Inge stock of good., invite the attention of •611 who desire satisfaction to call and examine-their Sink emulating In part of STOVES, nth an tko :BARLEY SHEAR. DICTATOR, aid other varieties dt . COOK STOVES which they obileyngo the trade to compete with fool Ina sOntldent ttiarthey can sell bettor stoves for lees money than any firm In the counlrv. The attention el the public Is Invited to their choiceeelectlon of RANGES, PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, =On` which can be-found SPEARS' „CELEBRATED ~,Revolving Light Blatt Burning, Juniaia Base, • Burning Parlor Heater, In end they can please you with Stereos of all kinds at price' which defy competition. PUMPS, Ite deep Wells ry and Cisterns constantly nn hand. fret d uo Their Cock furnishi of goods com or pri e, s such tute eve thing kept in a ng St OOPPRE FLAT IRONS, O 0 at BUCKETS,' , ' COAL SIEVES, !moving and POKERS. REGISTERS, - TOILET WARE, FOOT TUBS, INFANT .BATII TUBS, CHAMBER SETTS, Ac., Ar Alc. LPPER AND BRASS DIPPERS, WROUGHT IRON PANS AND LADLES, CARE PANS AND MOULDS, SPOONS, KNIVES AND PIER'S, AND ALL KINDS OF FIOLLOW WARE rireatrirkel anti Orittes for 'nil hinds 01 Stoves ennetari ly oh hand. Boynton Dew . Burning rlre•Piact ilester.similar to the Latrobe. Ton Plate Ituivie, PORTABLE end STATIONARY HEATERS and RANGES of the different Manufacturers and patterns. - - - Tin and Sheet Iron. Spare, of all kinds constantly on hand, manufactured by the best yrorkmen of the best material. Buying stock in large ,ht for the rash they are enabled to sell at small advances. all they ask lan call from You to examine their goods and price list after 'chick, *boy foot certain von gill buy no where else. Their Nano Is 'gine and Id Old 9 ovei, taken in exchange, No. GB North Han ey., Stmt., THE ORIENTAL, THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL Base 'Burning Coal Stoves, antrltn - fro - i• Firnaces,, Malt rood - trod Four Th.' Class Premiums at tho Now York State. and other Fairs. Alao the gloat SILVER MEDAL at tho Fair . orthe - "Amerl9m Intlituto held In the City of New York, 1865.. THEY ARE PERPETUAL IHIRNIiES, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO BE MADE DURING THE BEASON. :THEY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS OF THE APIRTSIENT. THERE CAN RE NO ESCAPE OF GAS FROM EOM! THERE CAN RE NO CLINKER OR SLAG TO =SI SIDE FIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITUOUT ISEMEM THE ILLUMINATION, IS EQUAL TO AN “OP2N' ELM THEY ARE POWERFUL WEATMRS AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD W EA.TU ER. THEY AAE THE MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES. ANDFU REAMS EVER,MADE. THE FURNAOE WILL HEAT, SAYISFACTOELY, DOTE AN UPPER AND A LOWER ROOM WITIIOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. The ftillOwing ore a few of the many references to r7 on' l loha L eboonand ' r ng using the Olents,and whom we eord°olly refer for leatimony as to Its great merit. I. M. Bred , bill, Dr D. %Mtn, Miller .1 Bowers, Dr. Common, Wet Snowier, D. Spotts, 4 4 944#101....-•..w...,,,,.... ~..,,-,D,,/itiAßßOßliArt......... ` -j i rowinare, . • 'Mrs. Galbraith, Dr. Z Baur, Jacob Thudimp t and quite n number el others. - .' '',7.:. For Sale by RINESMITII & .No; 68, North Hanover St., CARLISLE PENN'A. 17eep 6S 6m PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO.. 1111 Chestn :t Street, PHILADELPHIA. LASTIO SPONGE, A SUBSTVITTY. HOB. CURLED HAIR 1011. ALL lIPHpLST.E4Y PIIIIPOSES 4 Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, PAR SW'ERIOR. The Lightest, Softest and moot Meath: and Don. ble material known. for Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage; and Chair Cushions. It it entirely - indestructible, perfectly clean apit Me from duet. . .. • IT DOES NOT PADS AT ALL I always free from piirectly,treAlthy,i. typd for the sick Is , unequalled. If soiled 'ln any way, coo be renovated qufeket and easier than , any other alettreiis. Special attention IMO to • • ORCIIES, SALS,'&o. Railroad men' are especially Invited - to exAmtae the Cushion Sponge. SATIN , AOTION CfriA.ll.AN TIED. THE TRADE 9UPPLI6D, - lan. &adj. BARGAINS I BARGAINS! 1 CHEAP CASH STO,BB. /net returned front tho city, AMA now Opining terse 101100,M011i of tho cheapest :D it 0 a • , aver Prove:4 to Carlisle .:, - A full aesortir est of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. of 34 1:11 1 117 w r e or 5 1111itir d ;1 2 :i "g eith; , Costa ana Cloaks. A lugs assortment of EVH'A Very cheap, Calicoes very beet 12%e. . , Gingham', Clanton Flannels, . taking', lee, Teti mush aidnced : . Cloths and Casaimeres, hr. Rents' mite fu greet 'redid and cheaper. than: 111Ter. ROOP SKIRTS AND DALMORALS; Of the Ind nd cheapeet In the county. - 1101DARY, ~, OLOVEB, 011ILDBINEI SIM= •--'"' lnannele at very low, and eomplete; in rim, and • ' ' tin MILLER & BOWERS' HARDWARE STORE, 26 NORTH liANOVER-STREET; NOBLB COOK, ; =KILIPSB, WE would respectfully call the atten tion of the public to our recently replenish: ed STOOK. We have carefully avoided purchasing during the recent decline, and now that the market, has become settled we have filled up our shelves and ore prepared to offer special inducements to all who will farm ns with a call. We have constantly on hand a`FULL STOCK OF Einnmered. English Refined, and Nor 204 17?0N; -Berdan's :Horse and .Mule Shoes ; Norway Rods ; the. togethor with a fall stack of 11%2 BLACKSMITH'S • 44 ''".h, 4 TOOLS, sueba Drilln, Solid Box Vleee t Bollowx, Rasps, Ppoa se.. ke. BUILDING •jW• 0 N ° ) MATERIAL We Invite nil porsottointoudlng to build, to come d tnke n look thrtmeh ottr nitwit !Snits, Lochs, G 'Panto. Oils, and all inatorlal thls lino marked down at tho lowest Call! PRICE . and foul fissured that we can offer speriol Induce ments In thls branch. HARRISBURG NAILS, always on . ban, TABLE AND • POCKET CUTLERY, of all hurnaglnable pattern. We keep on hand A full line of them, goods and are alwaya able to suit the bole of the moat fastldlou. SADDLERY, of every variety, emLracing In part self adjusting and Gig Trees, Plated Japanned and Wood flames, Bridle-BM., Brow Bands, Clirthlng,tiorso Blanket., c., also,_ -- /4 - ..: : ;.40‘1041V • 1240 T.ALL7 - I'.'" ' = , • Ig, aIES; • - Our Mc nds WIII always find us well supplied NI Ith - Ihe host brands of theta articles and ready to sell thorn attire lowest prices. We are constantly In re .colpt of Pain`a, thus ennblln t. ourselves to supply our customers with fresh paints, colors of all des criptions contently ou hand. Cabinet 'Akers and Undertakers, will always find us IlaTlng a full supply of goods In this lino. . Mill,Cro;s-eut and Circular Saws,itiflo and Blasting Powders, Itomendale, Ilan,orkAnd Scotland Lemont, Calcine Plaster, Crow Bars, Slfdges, &e. FARMERS will do well to call and examine our stock of flames, Tract., Breast Chains, 'longnn• and Stay Chains, Jockey Chains, Spreads, Halter, Chains, Cow Tim., Shovels, Spades, Forks. Bakes, Grain Bags, kc , fore buyln , celenwilure. We are ready to offer special Inducements In this lino , Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. Its ale sole agents fpr the PV-UA.M„sQ4 I I..A . WORKS and are ready to supply Scales warranted, and fur nished at lower prices than any other Seal. In tho market, %Snare cobrtantly In receipt of goods direct lrorn ;the mantifacturere find me able to turn', h Country Merilialit:Ei at. Philadelphia and Nen , York prices, always on hand and at the lowest market rates, Hubs, Spokes, Pollees, Axles, Shafts, Durk, Drilling, Damasks ~ GOODS - delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. & Gibbs' SEWIN•( .MAG.HIN E Walleye secured the Agency of the Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing. Machine ," 'a little family arrange ment no one seems willing to do without alter having wen one in operation.' The Wilcox k • Gibbs' le a Single Thread Machine and claims superiority over all Double Thread Machines In the Mowing particulars. It Is simpler and lees liable to got: outer repair. It in dials*. It rune Lerne_rester Slt has the best — device' for praventing the whoa `from running backward. It requires less mechani cal chill to operate it. It 'requires lose time and instruction to learn to use it, .It the most certain and reliable In its operations. Its; noodle Is straight end less liable to be broken than a curved one Tho needle le encored In Ito place by en•lngealouslypatented device which renders It self adjdeting so that deithei. skill nor merinos are reqUired in arranging It. It sews directly from the -spool thus dolog away with the tedious operation • of rewinding the thread for adjustment in the shuttle. ; ./t maims Dui - Wilcox & Gibbs' et ."twlstou loopetltch,",a•••.xiltch, uriglull with this wolflike and made by.noothor, the Seam' la more, elastic .and stronger than the Lock Stitch. The sciam is the most even and beautiful, the, seam it alwaye• selftestened thus Aeolians a reversible feed, its tonelonis more elmple and more easily adjusted, it is more speedily changed from one kind of work to another; it dew 'beautiful 'embroidery, it has: the best hammer, it has the best tiller. It bee the best braider, it bee the best , belt: The, ,Wileces & .Glbbs las beenin the market for a little mere than. eight • rears, 'during which time Upwards .of,slxty -thousand:bate bean made and sold, a• number by fifty per cent..largilliiid , were - 101d- of any- Dunble -Thread Machine Jo the same number of Its 1110.1165 t, 'years, Both sucrose is auffisient • tri:WerrafiX the \ sale of this Machine wherever it-has Without the doubling evidence of testimonials, or which there are enough to fill up' tho columns of all the JoUrnals In lice ' These Machines are on exhibillen store, "Dar 20, North • thirrover btreet,'Ortillare, 'where they may be err • ' od they millTeke great:pleasure' in ea • "bing relating:to ' • " • , ' ''" • •' • • tfictun .nowins, •: • • • Ilauculer.B24_ Cashel*, km. MITTENS, be" to IBM BARD WARE. CARLISLE. PA. REM _ • I=l AND ZI.NCS COACH CM WAGON FIXTURES, .MISCEI;LANE'OUS. El r_rD REsTolot RAni - DREsSINgt fraMie in oneßoicte will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produCe luxuriant growth. It is._ perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation, by those who have a fine lend of , hair, , as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. Eror Se.lo by nal • DriagOste. DEPOT, 198, GREENWICH. ST., N. Y riqCt ONEboltst BEZIBI 1869. HARDWARE• HENRY S.AXTON, IVC). 10 EAST HIGH STREET, Carlisle, Pa "" Wholesale and Retail dealer in Hardware, Iron, Stool, Nails, Building Materials, Nirall, OHS, Glass Ac., Planet quality of American and English Pocket and Table Cutlery. Every , deacription .01 Tools adored for all Me chanical Trades of the most celebrated makers, and warranted in every Instance. dune, Pistols and Ammunition. -- P Ult. P-43 , - --- to- any depth warranted to give eatlethetion Cement, . Plaster, • ' Blasting Powder, Picks. • Shovels, - - - Spaces; . - Forge, - - Crow-bars, . . Bledges;.&e. - .. FARM. BELLS, PLOWS, MAINS, NAMES, GRAIN BAGS, Ac., Btii/der: receive motor-it/is to a groat advantage both In price and quality. IlOusakeepora Woods and uton silo In-great 'variety.. MP ARE SOLE AGENTSTOR THE GREAT FUEL ECONOMIZER PATENT EXCELSIOR WEATHER STRIPPING, adopted for doors nod windows. We fool ourselves competent of pleasing all as Our Condo are of the highest in rinality and /worst in price. Orders by ma/ receive prompt attention, goods delayed in town free - Parties Indebted tons for 1868 will please be prompt in Choir payment, andall to whom we aro indebted will please present their bills Mr Battlement. Sian 68. " HENRY SAXTON. • P, 0 ' 3 Et?, to ; x i 1:1 P C r 4 Furnituio of all variation at d Styles of Foroign od Domestic manufacture, from the finest rosewood nd Mahogany to the lowest priced maple and pine Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Office Embracing every article used by Homo and lintel keepers of the most approved, and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts inception and Camp Chairs klattrassee, Gilt frames, pictures, Re., dm Air Particular attention given as usual to funerals orders from town and country, Minuted to promptly and on moderato terms. SPEOIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TUE SELECTION ON WALL PAPER. . . marchol, 64 'DAILY'S WAGON BRAKE. FARMERS AND WAGONERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. Bally's Patent Wagon Brake Block Holder, is Just she thing needed by every parson owning ss wagon. FiFilienpuessund-converilence_lt excels all other, eves used or brought before the publlC"ltle — made to suit all sizes of,, blocks—Round, /ignore, Thick or Thin, and can be applied wills the greatest conve - niencei-withoilt-hainmer Agents wanted in every county in the 'Milted States. For particulars' apply to Di M. DAILY, Carlisle, Pa.. 7aug 66-13 m. J. BEETEM Ss BROTHERS, Yortoaqina & Commission Merchants (Hendereon's old dant' At the heed of MAIN STREF.T, Oar Hale, Pa. The highest market' price will be paid for Flour, Grain andproduce of all Made. Coal of all.kitide, embracing Lump VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAINO LAWBERRY, ka., &a Llmaburnets' and Blacksmiths' Ooal constant lyof wile: Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also all kinds' of Lumber on band.. BEET= k BROS. • 17ipr 60 NATURE'S GREAT RESTO . R.EAU SOHEETZ'I3 • CELEBRATED .BITTBR• COBDIA:L. . . . . Th's medical preparation is now offered to.the public as a reliable substitute for the many worth lose compounds which now flood tho market. ' Mts. purely vegetable, composed of various herb', geth mud from the groat Morehouses of nature, and Waded with the utmost care. It Is not recom mended an a Ousts Att, but by its direct and salu tary influence upon the Heart, Liver Kidneys, Lunge, Stomach and Dowels, It acts both en a pro. volitive and ehre for many of the diesases to which those organs urn subject. It is' a reliable Pam*" Medicine, and can be taken..•by. either infant or adult with the same. beneficial', resrulte. It is a certain I rompt and epeedy Pomedy fur DIARRIUKS. DYSNNTERNTRUK biLCOMPLAINT,DYTPS LA, LOWNESS oiretatur, PAINTINGS,- 810 HEAD -ACHE, Ac. For MULLS and jr.svisns of a kinds, It Is Mr' better and seer than quinine, without any of Re pernicious effects: It creates en apps tite,'proves a powerful digester of food, and will counteract theuffeets pf ilqubr in a few minutes. . • • PREPARED' BY • 'JACOB SUBBBTZ Bole Proprietor, IV:Cm:Fifth end Baeo eta., Phliad'a,' Pa.• SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS: Itnov 08.1 y. e p eo m FINE CUSTOM _vIADE BOOTS AND SHOES 1"1:51t GENTLEMEN. All nit. LIIADING•BTYLEB on hand °taloa; to moults. Priem, tined at LOW PIOUREB. An Iline• tratediVriee List with inetructtone for seitmeainr. moot sent on receipt of Poet Offeie address. ^ . Ai Booth Blzth Bt., sb To Mutton vunaual,P#LA. Mug MARBLE, YARD, • . .01 , 1 Oil ENTB. iOina,,iSIAEiTONEB, isiatlev. Doer Bills, on.bard.ol4 made to order out Wm. over Bleeet. Oarlllll4 2.‘.47.: ; • - v . A. OWARIA . - -' IKZSCELL4,NBOUS . s p , ll, o rlo ‘10 0 1 0,0 ps!' 0,• 1 .4 5 '; .• ' • '1 • ; -THOvOsoN& HARPtil,` MANUFACTURERS, 1 1239:.1231itf2.16. RIDGE AVENUE,' . , Ridge. 4vprAe oars pass the ;INN Ay- 131001•1 4.r 11110001r41 , 1eatalt/01.`10a 0 1111p0w 0 ,- 400. MI l' 00K _OUT, Mil' I;0(31).&MEN, h; •il have j o.t re; Limed from thu East with.rap Spring EileelcaildhPS then telline Good, a little cheap.' et than not other thy it oda owe in town. Ido trot liffuli it mato:gory to OOCllliy n column of DOWRl pitto,r to hop up toy reputation for sellint cheap Goods. ;I, do I wish to resort to clap trap to gull tho public. All I ask of them is to rail and examine Kir theumeltes, and It not toolsflod with the prices. not to buy. Itemembe'r the stand No. 32 North liann•or street, next door to Dr. Kieffer's. and Mil lar it Bowers hardwaro Store. WM. A. MILES. P. S. I will say nothingraboutrny third end fourth slogod. , ola.ulagn. -9apr11437. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP For dot riga waibing In the best and cheap eat manner.' Gun-at:tired equal to any In the weld Hay all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualitlelicif genuine Cast this splendid Soup. Sold by the ALDIIN_OhLEMICAL WOlt ICS, 48 Nerfh Front Streit, Philadelphia. sop 4 68 ly. • LADIES' FANCY FURS! 1869. for thdles' and Chil dren's W, , ar, in th. City. Also, a Lion assortment of fltint's Fur Oloildi and Collars I sin linablo to lll.oosp of my goods at very rea sonable prices. and I would thuret ,, re solicit a call from my fri,,,nd , of country and vicinity.' Remember the Name Number and Street! JOHN .VAREIR..A, No. 718 ARCII St., ab. 7111, South Side Philad'a. RAVE NO PARTNER. NOR CONNECTION KITH ANY °VIER STORE IN PIIILADELPOIA. • 2oct 513-4 m. 4 E:AD and keep Yourself Informed. ..... laving purchased the old and well known brisk ness stand which I have occupied f. r twenty years, I.have dete•inined not - lo mire from my present business, but to ,ontioue on in tha manufacture of 12 . EADY-MADE OLOTIIING, of all sizes and descriptions, as well as pleco goods by yardirod, general assortment of GENTS FUR NISHING GOOD:S. I would respocifully Invite my frlonds and patrons who need a good cult of clothes to give me a cr - TIVITh I bare justM.eturned from the c ty with a large assortment of the be,st duality of Spring and Bummer Goods, viz: Fine black French and Eriglish Cloths, rancL Doeskin. UASSLIIEIIES, Firie Light Fancy Doeskin Cassimeres, Cassinotts, Cottonades,Volvets, Ilrabyrele'd Al.tpac, as, thioni, Satins, Velvet Cord, and many more too numerous too mention, . . . Also, a full assortment of Trunits,'Vallses, and Travoling-bags ot the bust description. With thanks to the public fm past favors, and hope I will receive a call soon at my place, . No. Noah Hanover St. I LIVINGSTON, ,o ff . HAT'S ANP - CAPS, u,:„. Do you want a nice Hat or..Cap';' If In. don't fail to call on J. G. CA.LLIO No. 29, NY est . Niern Street, Where eau be Feetrene nneet esmortruent of HATS AND CAPS. , ever brought to Carlisle. tin takes great pleasure in inviting his did friends and Customers, and all new ones, to his splendid stock just received from New York and Philadelphia, cos:mistime In cart of fine - SILK AND CASSI-MERE HATS, Besides an endless variety of Hato and Caps of the latest st On, all of which he will sell at the Lowest Cash Prises. Also, his own manufacture of date al ways on hand, and Hats Manufactured to Order Ile has the bast arrangement Tor olortng Bats and all ;,Inds of Woolen Goods, Overcoats, tee., at the shortest notice (as he colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms. Also, a line lot of choice orands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on band: Ile desires to e n il thy attention of persons who have COUNTRY 'FURS -- - 'To soli, as ho pays the, highest cash priers for the same, - Give him n call; at the above number, hie old stand as he fools confident of giving entire settles. Julyl.4 67. SPRING. 1807 BARGAINS. 1867 NOW OPENING IN • DOMESTIC GOODS DRESS GOODS, . CASSLILE Tt ES, 'I SA TINETS, JEANS, ME WHITE _GOODS, 1 '• f ZITHERS, NOTIONS, &O AT RING'S NEW STORE, • No. 651 VEST STAIN STREET. Opticsßeihort , lansion Itouse, next to Poet Office Carideo. U. S. HOTEL, Opposio Pa. R. R.,,A Reading Depot, HARRISBURG; PA. W. }J. EMNCINGV.R & CO Proprietors. 2oct 084 y. • DR.' TAYLOR'S • -- - OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS.•. , .0, .. • _ A • MEd i.ud agiogable TONIO EITIMULANT, • ETOMAIdEIIO and OARMINATIPTEM . 33 IT TER 13 1 . i Extracted entirely from HERD "and ROOTS - ly benstleial In DYESPISPOIA,Ii GENERAL DEBILITY, and en excellent CORRECTIVE for "moons Ruder log hem Disorders cif tl9lDOwelp,'lrktulauce,*c Hold Eyorywherp, Depot, No. 418 *octet St., Philadelphia. irg,TAYLOR,. &la(); top 08.1 y. STOVES' AIVD PIN WARR' 1 8.11 Hail ! .All Hail ! 1 ~ The Glory of •the Night, is the 101 IN FAREIRA'S Id °stabile: ed Fur ,anufactdry, No. 718 ROIL etreet, above h,-Philadelohla. Have now In Store toy own Imports m and Manufacture le of the largest and net beautiful Relea rns of Now York, Boston ind Phltsdelpbbs, whore they have parehuued the birgeet t latett slid beet aseDttn, men! of J PARLOR, FANCY FURS, soot brought to tido plant, hove now on ozhlbltlon and Sn.mle. at their STORE ROOMS, where they will alwaye be planed to see their. old hienduand many new ono., call and examine the A, STOVE kND HEATER, REGULATOR ROTARY TOP °OOHING ETOYE the beet In the world. le tho moot porFeet Parlor Stovo fa use anywh or evarywhart. It IN a. tact Burner and one lire will last all4kuter, It lute plea doors all around and Is as bright and cheerful as an open grate. We re Apeebfolly refer to the following persons trim among hundreds of others ho have used It, as to Its =II=II James B. Weakley, Ray. J. Boas, W B. Mullin, Woke, t a Berland, Oeo Wake, David Rhoads . , Levi Trego, Samuel Li manors; Weakley & Sadler,' T. L. Greenfield, • Samuel 11. O ould, Jason W. Eby, Thee Lee, Peter Spahr, -- - - - Wm. P. Stuart, . aiNVe hava:aleo a very large variety oil Cook Stove or Me yary.boit, namely :J NOBLE COON, (Oat Burner,) WAX. PENN, all. of which have given groat entlehattoet to tie ptirebasers. We have also, a large lot of AND SHEET 'IRON 41011 kin& oonatantli on hand. •nd Lou Of Appetity SPOIIT.T.NG ROOFING and JOBBING Oral kinds ttons on short naffs indsubstaollally oosolooton wi tarlti our 11lopda to 001 l owl o 4 amine our rods and NITS litt hut: twisty, poi arty No. 18, Wert-Digit' Streit4: l •. ' 't••••• MORNING _GLORY The Greatest Stove foi 1868 WALKIOIt . 3 4AITDIt haylpg Just rettirns . ..l frog! COOKING AND HEATING STOG IS No. 18, West Main Street, 3102NrNO - GLORYPARLOR -- aloe, the Celebrated THE MORNING GLORY Jen Galbreath: Hon. J. Stuart, V.dward Fury, .Berg't aryl% Col. A. Noble, Sam' Wsnipton ' Mr. Minis, Id, Supt. M ' • Holly Pepsi:JAl Thos. Chambsr/In, Jot , n Stuart, John T Orem Henry L. 80 , kholder, Itlobard Woods, J. S. Woods,' BUJ Woods, Joltn-BlAlregt6 COMBINATION,) (Gas:Betnier,)7.l BLIREICA, WABASH, - ELEOTRIO and TIN,. AND UTECER WARES, of our own manufkaturos WALKER, ac _CLAUDY, =NM Y -GOODS: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAX -GOODS; QENTRAL DRitiOODS STORE OF LEIDICH & MILLER. Jut opened •'large STOOK for the Beeson DRNSS GOODS ! Redttood at Let 2 per etnt . to alma out for th. Beason and enables every porton to get a HANDSOME DRESS •t a very low print for the HoLIDATII NEW CLOAKS, Latest Styles, selling much below the usual prices FURS! F U RBI: Extra Mink, Sable Sete. Garman Fitch Pan, Super Siberian-Squirrel PERS. YUR of every du and validity Ladies. Fur-trimmed HOODS, All selling at such remarkably LCEW BAT t 8 So that every lady or Wes ran purchase for he rat! and also enable every person to'realie a Hanthonsef Christmas Present to their kind friends, as nothing Will be more meeptable et this Season BFIAVi'LS ! SHAWLS ! I BLANKETS ! 1 BLANKETS !I ! BALMORAL SKIRTS WOOLEN GOODS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, EAIBROIDFaIED HANDKERCHIEFS _. OVERCOATING, LADIES OLOAKS CILOAKING :OLOI.THB Now . Is t lbi time *fond! touurobuo an kinds of Pods at greatly - radioed prices am wa aro solos to minis out cue OTO Ole at Koch pries. &swill aatonlah =UM Ui. community °lvo ae • can and save yor money by oneourig EITIMI Oprity al Dry Goode Stoic) T u W,N ...1) IOH . * IP* pB., . • • . ; THS.OOlOOll4'.' - - - a Alfa . of. di° - Carpet If ' FIEVIT MAIN 13TOIA - 6„.;'' • "—• Psinsylvanlti 1868. Ciaistmas. 1868. CM L. T. GREENFIELD'S Beautiful display of-DRESS GOODS, FURS and FANOY GOODS, suitable for the tloildaya. AT THE A large lot of Furs' of every description just re solved at reduced prices. I will offer 'neater W- M:momenta to buyers than coy house this side of New York. Good Muffs,:at Collars to Matok reducod In price.' Mink Sablo Muffs from- $l6 to 85. do. do. Collars $l6 to 40, We hare Chia day opened a now lot of Bablptlut!! . at prices that cannot - hallo please. Having determined to Gloss Out my oath.° Stock of Dreell Goode .befoie January, I will of bar gains that cannot be Cur passed In the following Goods. DRESS GOODS I 1 of all the In test shades NEW CLOAKS, amps Foils,-- FUR St 1 Black and White Bemire and long, together with a full ae aortment of for which order's will be promptly and satlefac. torlly Oiled. Block Cloths from the lowest grades of American to the finest French American Beavers. A hrgo stock of. PWn and Nancy Cassinots and In title branch of my trodo I would particularl call attention as I stn confident that I two iho lafgest and best selected stock of these goods of any store this side 01 the cities, and having mode It an object in crier to snit my numerous custo. Mere in th•.ee article; .11 ask is an lospecilon, feeling Battened that none can compete with or undersell me. SHAWLS I U BLANKETS! In these•l am now offering bargains that cannot be found elsewhere In Ma branch of our trade we are the only house that keep a variety of these articles. Nix's Celebrated Star Corset, sell at St. Thompson's Patent Glove Fitting CO;•ser, the most perfect article of that kind known. HOODS, GLOVES, My stack of Mods la very full and will be sold at prices to suit all. Tbey consist of . SQUARE AND LONG CLOTHS FOR LADIES' SACKS OF OASSIMERES, srlD In gnat visional LOA very bap . 6000 yds of the most popular prints at 1234 e. Domestio Oinahnipeat, /2% 15 18 and 20.. • Brown Muslin' at ' 4.4 at. - 12% 15 and 18c. Bleached Unalas at 1012% 16 and tip tap. • BlitrUngs at 4.4 beet 18c , s. Oati , on Flannel at • 15 20 and 250. Ticking' at 15 18 20 2liand, upwaids, Crashes at- • . 12% Wand Ole. -- Also a full-line , - OUROKS, • STRIPES - • • — KENTUCKY JEANS,. • _ DELAINES, and other Domestic-Goods at norrespondlogly low - Atiaind dieplay , Arnie:di ADIOS, 1.6014 MINUS., • . - HEN FTITOU do. .• VALENOIENNEIL MALTESE,. CLUNY AND ' • • • LINEN COLLARS, .1 Rat received, and ° well adapted to :the tiollday Trade. ElEl If Toti.dedr• •im•kt . . ba;ga la ,L, T. GREENFIELD, MAIIi;t3TREZZ -- t DRY .GOODS. REDUCTION IN PRICES. OF DRY 'GOODS, ESE No. 4. East Main Street. FURS FURS:: FURS!!! Ameican Sable, Gerthan Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, all DRESS GOODS BLACK A 'beautiful and full assortment of OOLOReD Silk Changeable Mixtures, French Merinos, All Wool I oro Poplins, • All Wool 0 lain - Poplins, Empress Clothe, Chene Poplins, ' Alexander Poplins, Oriental Lustre', All Wool Delsdnee, ' Single and double widths • -- Lustre Card, Alpaca Poplins, Alpaca, all nbadee American dalalmm MOURNING GOODS, Bomktatinee, Black French Athrino, All Wool Deliana, Single Bald Double Widths, a beautiful selection of Black and Whits Matures. COBURGS, CrspeCal]af~ FUNERAL GOODS, Cloths Cassimors and Cassinots, French Beavers for Overcoats BLANKETS 11 BLANKETS ! CORSETS The Regular French Comet Also a fine French Corset with 50 stays SHAWLS ! ! SHAWLS ! BLANKET SHAWLS, PAISLEY SHAWLS &c OF ALL SHADES `FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE OIL CLOTHS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, OIL PAPER BLINDS Notions, Gloves and Hc2ieery, The latest style of HOOP SKIRTS BALMORAL SKIRTS DOMESTIC GOODS, Remember the 1 . Place, MCP- MISOELLANEO US. RINGF''S VEGETABLE' AMBROSIA . IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AgE-1 Gray-Mended ToCople have-their locks restored by it io the dark, lustrous taken tresses of youth, and are happy!, Young People, with light, faded or red Hair, have these unfashionable color& changed to beautiful auburn; and rejoice! - People whose -heads aro covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and hays 'dean costs nod dear and 'healthy scalps! $3,00 $3,00 Uald-Ireaded. Veterans have :heir remaining lock's tightened, and the hare spot:: covered with a luxuriant growth of Ilair, and dance for joy! Young Gentl&nen use it because it is richly perfumed! Young Ladies use it because it keeps 'their hair in place! -Everybody must and will use it, because it is the cleanest and best article in the - mm•trri ! For Sale by Druggists generally fe1768-1y AY IN YOUR COAL.- I A As 'Ow weether,ln now very propitious, and the priers aro to oat favorable for the laying in of your WINTER'S COAL. The ebberribei idnuld offer hie stock to tho publl bowing - full well Wu illi , posltion of the trade goner ally to make many prowlers to effect sales. The eel scriber would 'peer r to learn the quality of the 'coal ho lurniehoo speak for itself and he will be hold to the following which are hle old standards. lot. To sell none but the BEST COALS' IZECIM Sod. To Poll ae CHEAP. ae any In the trade. 3d. To deliver what his customers buy, and not to tuts with a LOWER PRICED article to make the price to cult his male, 4th. Believes in the principles that SALES cannot be In use (w about repulse) for a serlea of sore to the advantage of the ruaternere. .6th. To keep all lands aeon! to be had ebtonhere, 6th. Never to MISREPRESENT Coal to make a sale 7th. To GUARANTEE 2,000 lbe • to the ton. 9th. To give theortuitomerrtbo^t'drintitgo! of ANY CHANGE In price at the mince 9th. Is DETERMINED *2-44.a1Linilla.,Damer_faLiLte..hene9t-olAbose-Trho deal with him. fiend on your orders and you shall be dealt no fairly with and on as favorable terms as any yard In the place. A. 11. BLAIR. --Moly 69. . Shawls, FCONOIY IS WEALTH. ! James Merlonlgal, at No AS - South Hanover St. would call tho attention of his friend's and the public generally to hit largo stock or STOVES, TIN & SUET IRON 11:ARE, which ho Peale assured will ,Five satiathrtion in both quality nod price. In tho stove line he would call especial attention to Cho EMPIRE GAS BURNER &PARLOR HEATER It Is a Perpetual Base Burning Stove. The Fur nage w II beat an upper and lower room perfectly. and Is guaranteed to be perfectly free 'from explo sion of gas It Is se constructed that Ito rays el beat era deflfcted to the floor, warming the feet Instead face, It is a gas consumer, and to perfectly clear from dust. Its ventilation Is com plete. and the burning ea and,ignlted coahnehlne out through the alisa Windows, givlrg the bright ness and cheer of an orlon Ore. and see It. Ll° tiler, afore all the latent and moat, thapro, ed patter]. of PARLOR STOVES, and a large stock of Cook Stoves, consisting of the Nimrod, Niagara, Ironsides, and a variety of others, all of whirls are warrant ed to be best class Stoves and to give unties setts laettoa. TIN AND SIIAET IRON WARE, • made of the very best n.aterial, and all otho`r things necessary for - housekeeper. I n , bi n li no 0 1 business kept constantly on hand. Ills expenses aro trilling, compared with ethers, as ho defies ,omprtition, and would ask those de siring an. thing In nil line of buslosul, to ascer tain prices elsewhere. and then relpli,hirn a call a d satisfy 1110;21.1re- that he can sell hotter saki? ter less mpney than any other estahlishment In the county. Ills motto in, Quick Sales and Smai . Profits. Old me. al taken lb exchange. Spouting, Hoofing and Jobbing proulptly attend ed to. midi, of tau best materiat and at morder• Ate price. 'Wet 68.8 in BENTZ & CO. . . • Ilavojuet received their Fall Goode, which are creating excitement on account of a reduction - of from 10 to 26 per cent Juet received 160 yde NEW' PRTN-TS, Such as Merrimack, Qochecoo, a . Sprague, . Gloucester's and other fa voriteb,rands, at-127icta per yd. DRESS GOOD-S, Alpacas at 25ete., -Coburg, Mariam, ( Silks, . Wool. De -Laths, ' tiOmbazines, Melange, • Panda, - • Japanese Cloths, . Bilk Pop ins, Dpingline, Poplin, • ' Poult De Solo, Oriental Lustres, De Laines - &e,, at rialnced rates. ' OLOTHS CIASSIMERES, ^ ' liome•Made Sallnetts, Jeans, Flannels, Back _Plapusla,Apaia_ntnnAa,,-Siaakinga,,Gingham. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING% RUGS, ORMD ALL OpHAP ZEPITER - , - lEORSTED, - PRINTED and EMBROIDERED PATTERNS and the largest and moat complete asibrtuent' of-- Notions and. Trimmings, do the onnty, .Woolen and Cotton Terve, ,Towellinge, Misery; ,and Moves, Blankets. Cherie, .in full Variety. end everything belonging, to the buelnose. • To all: talohlog to ,savd mono,' in bulloit Dry illooda. nay from 10 to 20 per coot. We -would say now la your tnne to gamut bardalus, and a *oast look to select (tom. • • • • ' BENTZ. d 00, ooa. • ' "' (yitif the . best Phetegre'phe it ! tmatiev. Premium Photogreoh % pallor rittratriet.,, Crit;itie Pre CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL.' O XI A N . GE H.O lI,R S! • On find a fter aliondcryi-Septemnerl4th IFilB- , pd4 4 ~- glir Truing will run ilinly,no lollown,(Bnidays r.!rep ted) WE S. T . W' A , It D ACCOMMODATION TRAlN.leaven Harrisburg 8,00 A.t' M. Mechanicsburg 8.83, Carlisle 9,10, Nl.wvllle 9,46. trblttpernsburg 10,19, Chamlrerstrurg 10.40, Greenciton tie 11,14, arriving at Hagerstown I A I 42 A. M. MAIL TRAlN : leaves Ilarrltbtirg 1,30 P. 11., Meehan.. lashiwg 2,02,, Belisle 2,34, Newell'. 8.10, bblpperre. g 3,4o,.Charobersburg 4,20 Greencastie,466, al r17..' Ina at Hagerstown 5,25 P. M. I arsis 7 RAN leaven Harisbu 4;15 P Mre P ban n icsburg 4.47, Carlisle °r 5,17. rg New villa - 6 4 40, B blirensburg 0,17 1 arriving .et 'Cliarnbersburg at 6,46 P. M. A- Minn TRAIN. leaves Crbamberr.burg 0.05 A. 34. , Greencastle 0,25, arriving at tiaserstown-10,10 1.1)6! EASTWARD: Accoimommor, TRAIN leaves ebarnheisburg 4,46 A M.. 14,11,nensburg 6,14, Norville 6 46, Carliale 0,- 18, Mechanicsburg 0,47, arriving at Harrisburg 7,16 A. it . MAIL TRAIN leaven Hagerstown 8,00 A. M., Green castle B,36,Cbambnrsburg 9,10, Sbippensbuig Now /110 10,14; Carlisle 10.5 u, Mechanicsburg 11,24, ac riving at Harrisburg 11,55—A. M. Exertres Tama leaves Hagerstown .11.53' A. - M. Greencastle 12.23, Hbambersburg 1,00; Bhippenibuig 1,32, N el" ille 2.05, Carlfele 2.46.ll.l•ehriblesburg 8,12, arriving at Harrisburg 8,44 I'. M. A alum TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 80S, P.:41. Oresneistle 4,12, arriving at Chambersburg 6,06 P. 61. 417-M eking dose connections at llarrisburg with . trame,to and from Philadelphia. New York, Balti more,,Washington and-,Pittsburg. • UPEIIINTEND2III .S B OYFICX,I 0. N. LOLL. Chambeieburg, Pa., May 8, 1868. J Bap% •1 P. . IA,SUI~AIV GE COMPA.NIES. THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, • OF OA RTFO ft D tONN. Incorporated 1850, C4arter rer- PnMee Issued on all Popular Plans. A [ow roam:all' why people lusiure la the Clnattir Oak. Ist.—All benkliur privileges are prohibited, bushman being confined exclusively to the loeurano or lives. 2d.—lts Risks ar gelerted with great ear*, thus 'now ring snail. 1e... and consequently tarp! dial. depth, aecruo to the Policy hold..rt,.—lieu Maks .Ittgur.. more Re port slant - * a *years: • 3rd —lts hotJo of Hoptlnilltoren, !Deluding. Death t•llthrls and Working Expetsoos. tO Jtertmts, Kra an precedentedtt Inw. ram. 'Oporto. Oh.— the profit. are dlidded sarong Policy holdors, tin orlgna I cat Ito' being limited hy Chorter 'p eight per cent dividends. no more than it earns "or the Company at Interest. eselarerand yaps Its Divalsnds annually it CARD OUR asslstieg the Insured in the pai)lllx4t bth —lt is prompt in the paymentor loons, hon. tot paldtn oldo•w, nod i rpm. ...NO,' fob. MO? DOLLARS, nod hne tomer Jitigittrtl a claim 7UL—the moo of % , milthiLnuren nnar Itititstment. Bth.-51th0 of P,rottil manna lana,o to guard their 154111111 km imaium iimat Dab —The man of business Insures to provide •npaluat possible torn in trade, n life Polley, being a basis for capital, 10th —fiei sone In debt Inaure that their earning. for years or toil cony not be sacrificed at ch nth from want 01 ready rash to cancel Liabilities. I Ith.—A II !ileum as money thus laid away by littler Is sure In come bark largely increased to Moir !ambles, death tieing cer:ain to occur. Dr. M. 11. hl EFFfilt, 11. ii., Medical fixareiner. .1. C. STOCK, Agent Carlble, Pa. E. 11. BLAIR General /taentl-fofi-h.'-a,cercri Office, No. 37 Wee. Third SI., Williamsport, Pa. 11ALL'•9 EZIEB PATENT I'ENTRA I & OCTIVARr; DIEViIIARGE WAT L 1 WHEEL, Newel./le, Cumberland County, 1,..., hroprl°torn of the &hove named Patent for the Cellulite, of CUMBERLAND and FRANKLIN, I'A., and WASIIINUTON C , •UNTY MD. too desire to call the attention of blillwrlghts,Nllll Owners,and others,to the merits of the' above !oven lion, winch for Durability.}.flielency and Cheapness, they are vonfident cantint he purl:meted. liherever it has been lotroluced. /merew has in; variably followed. even under the most unfavorable circumstances For UdcL Water and Low .71ead and economtca/ use of Water, this Wheel is without a rind! " A Working Model of the W heel can be examined al the Haul lishmenl of I huManufac tumor, In New. yule Pa., where all intortaatlon may be cheerfully given. We epprnd the following references: .1 B. - JOHN—DROBBAUGH, BRN.I sIIIN LA NUM: - SAMUEL LANuES J.S. LINDSEY,' MMMI ;AM USG - P P ER A DAM -RAMP. JACOB R A 3IP. MEE HATS & CAPS. Quaker City, Farmer, 110 keeps constantly on band a large assortmant of flats, Latest styles of Silk, Solt and ?tiff Brim. A lama ansorte,ent 01 Ladses and Gents TaLlti Kg, IBA VELUM' BAGS, L✓A rtisat SATCHELS, and a fine lot of Ladles COLLAItS and 11,4815 E Is. AISIP Uef to Fyroishlug Good, nuett as Collar, flost..te. - And eXtUllYine and carefully seleeted assortment of 'Lad.. It fin, als Fur florae and Fur 'Frltutningt, at d n regular line of (lento Fur Cups, uftl rd. and Gloves. Al •0 thot.rellas, emirs and a variety of Nritionn Thnnittool for past rayons, he nolicitv a ..porothounioco of tho came loon his n tumorous pad nip and o I Wily ouvitev tLu prddoc in nontoril to favor Mon with a Call boor. pihrLooniug. tesilion confide. , of hit, ability to suit nil nil looth ho ounliiy mod prior. Don't frog I the p non No 4, North linuover Street. opposite Cho Carlisle Depth. Blob highost casiwiees paid h , r Shipping Furs, ouch as Muskrat, - nlink, Fox, liap,oun and all other or skins. • I=MM=l 2n vt r6-cm uABILIAUES; ' In-ortifir-to-aooommodato—their—rapidly—intrea lug trnde, have just removed lota theft" NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY, where they haviiinciensod - faellitthe for =melte turing•uyery thing itit'thelr line. All the latest styles of Carriages, eonttantly on hand, or made to order on short notice and reatonablo term. ' blesses. fnork feel 'confident that theydan turn out . .rerk equsi In fin4l3 add durability ,to - any establiehment - outelde ot the cities'. Tit , se wishing anything In their line should giro their orders at once.' ' • ItEPAIIIING Atli? PAINTING PROMPTLY AT / • / TENDED To. 26dee 08-Iy. - F HE CARLISLE COOK BTov. Ilanuhieturea lit F. GARDNER lc CO's Foundry and blanblne Shop, Carlisle, CANT HE BEAT This Is tho teethiliony ofscores or families In Cumberland, Perry and Adams Counties, who are new using them. Call and nee them. . , 0,0 R' N. 8 IL.E LLE , R 'B, '— ,lining either by power or b . ) , beod—cOnorently,on nand und for solo by F. GARDNER d Co. 'Foundry and Machine Rbbp, Feet Main Eltrout. • • STEAM BOILER . -MAKING. We are-preparedia make-t ekes and klndApromptly and an the belackt terms.. A Smoke Stack,. and all articles In that line., Stamm- We or llonsas and) nglnes promptly attended to We boot manner. . • ' ' ",' F. OARtiNkR a CO.' Foundry and Machine Shopiearlialo, Pa jan.2447. • , BLINDS, OLIYIIIB, BOOT MAISES A LASTING SEINE Thou who blank their boots on ,Saturday ufght With ordinary blari Ind. don't barolinch'shlne oh Sunday, as the yiallph fades off l• but 'Oho Okla of . 13 4 9M81N8' bifida' Saturday. Night d• (14 - SUuday, :Manufacturod only by .1, 131' Dobbloo; at bir 1m- MIMING eoop mod mho; 11+ 21 k• • 84 ' 0 ' 1 " OormantowurAvonuo, 4611o,.6.11411.;y1 1 . For Fo!why '27itor Oa 2rti. • •,• •• ,____.....„........_., , . u4Eu. u. bust' 'b la Ine place:to get ,i•-f.,-baegrrlutlxikelimotelgar. u.ty.iie Etians Lloll 3COPIPOS. . . . , BALL 1104,D5. petual. CASH ASSETS, $4,000,000. JAMES 0. WALEI,Ei"; Preste... Bearing dada April 30, 1807. JACOB ABBAHINIS & CO., G.& A. W. LA vIDSON t 51 Ilheright.. IN=MM 801,01 VON "STROLlitf, Millwright flats, Cape, and a •great deal more, Kept for Fate at Boas'. Clore, Wool oad Fur radii coarse and tine, . . rillk and Brush hats in his line. Beaver, Notre, large and entail, -Hats 10 lit and nult you all, • Ority caljmnd Inc hem try, Though y3u - should not wish to bay Gladly he will show you round, Ti rotoh his bats till one Ik-round, Ti, suit your taste, and fit you wall. :rhea kindly all your neighbors tall. What hat• you saw at Roan's storel„ Ile keeps at corner number four In North Ilenover Street ClirllBl6 Were. you eau llott him all the while, - Rend> to sell to pear end Doctors,- Le veyers, Studome, Merchants. Forme, too, Anti r plente, kind trlendoloniit wtse to yen J. 00A8 ,S Buggies, Sleighs • Spri g Wagons A. B. &.N t SHERK, Corner South and Pitt Streets, , CAILIPLE, PA Buggies, - • Sleighs, • and 'Spring Wagons, DOBBINS'. . Ef.ECITSIO POLISH 4,paata any