Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 18, 1868, Image 4
VfIVARE, 'Y:-.. \..,.. ';-.--'-..,' ABILITY:; . •;' -EGON'OMY: itrtili; returned ft , em rho cities of geode, invitelhe attention of !anion to call and examine their part of .' OVER, Ana other varieties of • " COOK STOVES.. • , they challenge the trade tfccompete with fool ing eonfident thatthey can sell bettor stoves for lose I nebney than.any firm In the country. The attention I alba, liubllo Is invited to their choice selection of NG - • I.! , TARLOR AND 01110 E §Tovgs ismongmbleh can be found / SPEARS . ' CELEBRATED Revolving Light Batts Burning, - t • - Juniata Base, Burning Parini; Heater, r in Lit thay.can plow you with Stoves of all lauds ^it At 1111mi:which dory competition. - P U et.etz , Volla and (Naomi' _constantly on baud. Thar • .or.gbods comprise ovary thing kept In a grit elms tutniebing Store, such es CORD& HILLS, • FLAT IRONS, COAL RUORRUI COAL SIEVES. SHOVELS and POKERS, REOIBTERS, TOILET WARE, FOOT TITS, INFANT DATA TUBB, OIIAMDER SETTS, Ac., Ac• Ili OOPPER AND BRASS DIPPERS, WnouanT IRON PANS AND LADLES CARE PANS AND MOULDS, SPOONS,..KSTIVES AND FORKS, AND ALL RINDS OF HOLLOW WARE. ' Pire Brlag mid Orates for nll liinda of StoVon eoastantly on band. Boynton Base Burnjug, Plre•Pleee Deator,sirollar to the Latrobe. Ton P.- tilloYolt, PORTABLE and STATIONARY IIEATEns and• RANGES of the different manufacturare aud patterna, Tin and Sheet Iron Wive, of all kinds constantly on hand, inanuactnred by the best workmen of the best material. Buying stook in largo lots for the cash they ore enabled to sell at small advances, all they ask in a call from you Ilioramine their goods and price list after wh lel, they fool certain you will buy no where else. Their Motto le "Kee and lei lice." • Old Stoves taken In oxehanieO, No. 58 North llao odor Strout.! , . THE trIEN - T A L THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL Base Burning Coal Stovesi . and Parlor Furnaces, Nave reeelved Four First Class Ptemturns at the Now York State and other, Fstrs;• Also the • great_SILYER MEDAL "at the Fair of the American Instltuto held in the City of New York, 1806: THEY _ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO BE MADE , RIMING THE PERFECT VENTILATORS OF TILE APARTMENT. THERE 04N BE NO ESOAPJ OE GAS F7t031 EOM MAWR CAN ■i NO CLENKINt OR SLAG TO MIESSEIE THE MIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITIMUT MEE= TIIp ILLWAINATION_IS IQUAL TO AN "OPEN' THEY ARE POWERFUL nEATEinI AN YET PARFECTLY ADAPTED TO LILD ‘VEATHER. THEY ARF. THE MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES ANDFU RNACES EVERV,IADE. THE FURNACE WILL HEAT; SATISFACTORLY. WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. The Litowing are a few of the funny reforenCes t. pomp. who have boon and are now using th ”Orlsotal," and to whom we confidentially refer fo leeitlmony as to Its great merit. il. B. Drechbill, Dr D..3laMn, '. Willer ,It Bowers, Dr. Corneaan, Wm. Sponaler, .. . D. : , potts, J. Nofslnger, If. Longnacker, 2. Leonard; .- " 3lre. Galbraith, Dr. Z tier, • • Jacob Thudi urn,' sad quite u numhof of others., - For Sale 1)y EINESMITH & RUPP, ' No. GS, North. Hanover St., CARLISLE PENN'A likiep 08.0 m MACHINE WORKS. Franklin Iron: Works, &turner of Short and South Streets, ' HARRISBURG, PA. MACHINE, DEPARTMENI MAN UFACTIII2IC ENGINES & MACHINERY PetVoila, attention paid to Repairing of Machin fay by day*, night, at home or abroad. ALL KINDS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE AND-FITTINGSON TlPsoilikt. Iron Pipe, liravolind iron Cooks, Water Gauges, Globe Valve s, /team Nblatlee, Gaup) Cooke Cheek Valves,. Governor Valves, bloyernenz,. • 'Eafuty Valves, - /team Gauges, Injectors, 011 Cup., .1 Unions for Pipe, 11,1aft.leand Pulleys, Rte., Rte. • • 7olandry and. Ornamental Department • kfatinfacturo Cast and Wrought Iron Plain and • Ornamental -Railing. Online hundred and soventyrilvo aow,nnd hcanti pilkipatterris. - Verandahs, Window bends, Brackets, Tablee,Btands, Troll Dosos, Division 'Stalls, Usk ant food Boxes Thr Stables, etc.. etc, 11.0IISR FRONTS dc AROIIITECTU BAL OASIIINGS. ilkikoutad from }ny dostin fmMlabod, and intro on. hand a large vadat,' or Pattorna for • BUILDERW IRQN WORK IN GENERAL. Wool Carving, Modal and Vattern Making promptly attonOad to. JIIIIDCNOB, ,k. CO fltulT 08-ome. PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO..` nil Chestnut Street,' PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE'i ERTI3STITIPEE CURLED ULIB ALI, upirouvini- PURPOSES Oliaapor 41,ian. Feathers or Hair, FAR BiTpERIOR'. it, Sr It and Llght .Dli'Yl . 'do ODS.--''''''. 9Ny: OPENIpT N ME CEN'TR.A'T. DRY GOODS. STORE OF NOBLE COOK, LElipio,B, & MILLER ECLIPSE / The most complete stock of . . FALL- 4-ND WINTER GOODS That have over been brought - to Carlisle, consist lug of all blade of desirable goods suitable for the season ouch as a G A N.l) I? IS T?iL A, Y DRESS GOODS I DRESS GOODS! BLApg. ,DllllOB BILKS All Qualltlos, SPLENDID CHANGEABLE §ILKS? Superb Plain Silks All Colors, IRISH POPLINS ALL COLONS, FRENCH POPLINS All alnde Etplondld 811 k Fared Envie@linos, Beautiful Silk Mixtures, chnligoablu, Aloha Ir•A Iparns, uII colorg, Coburgs Plaid Poplins, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS !! The largest atnwrtment of-Shawls that we have ever opened. All the new Myles, Fancy and Plaid Placket Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Thihet ShaWlg, all sizes forl.illes, Misses' and Children, ht Very low prices. F U SI Vll RSII F SIII IVe havo tho largest assortment of Furs'that are o bo found In the souuly.. IleganNink Fun, Splundld German Pitch Pura, Fur of every quality And Am for Lad'foe, Misses and t;hiLdr.m. MOURNING GOODS of every description foe the semen, FUNERAL GOODS, Spocial ateontion giving to filing ordure f own or vounty. •- • LADIDS CLOAKS CLOA K I N G °fell the colors. A splendid variety of BLACK ANDCOLORED BRAY lot CLOTHS for Ladiog Sackings and Uloake, LICIDIGH &MIL.LER'S r_im t pmapr.z-p1ac44,4-ptwobaaer-you— I'.L.A.NN.EL 3, an they are the only house lu town that keeps a full lino of all grades and qualitha. llotee Niacin Flannels, Elegant Repp Shaker Flannoln, Splendid 15 bite Finnooln, Home Made Barred Shirting Flannule, All kinds of Flannel!, to suit all purposee DOMESTIC GOODS, We do not montion tho amount of yard, on hand, but wo will provo'that the largest stock In town of Bleached. and Unbleachod !dnaline, Elloa hod and Unbleached Shootings, Tickings, 15 cts. and up wards, Cotton Table Diapers. (Anglian., Cheeks, and Calicoes as low as 8 cts. - BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! Wo defy compolltion,ao we cannot bo undersold having bought a very largo supply of White and. Colored'of all grades, and will be sold very cheap. FANOY COVERLIDS; MARSEILLES quniks, HONEY COMES 0.1.11 ras, , A, { BAI,3IIORA-L SK NITS The new etyle of Beamloes Bellmore's,. Balmora le pf all Elias and qualities. •• • , 'CLOTH DEPARTMVST Tho - mest complete stock of CLOTHS & OA4I2IBIES, that are to be found in the market QUEEN 61i , ENGLAND SOAP. For dolzig's'farally washing In the beet'andebeaP oat manner. Gualanteed equal to any In' the weld' Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild nd lathering qualities of genuine.Ornitlia. Try thi4 lendid Beep. Bold by the AMEN ObtEMIOAL ,t ORES; 48 North Front Streat,PlitlaAraplda.,... uf4 4 08 17. - • ; . . ATERE'S GREAT itPSTOIMER. I r l N OTIONBI NOT,ION.NIII lIIIAUTIPUL FANCY dASSIMERES, for gonle, youth and dhildrons suite OVER COATS, . , • ; of oi , ory grade and oolor, to boAld andel rogula ,joicon. do ouch an endless varloty that it would to Im ,possible to onnmorato. WOOLEN GOODS Every style grado And CARPETS I 1 CARPETS i,l 1 9,L FIOOR TA B Ji 0 1L.,010i7111+1 • ,16 ' Druggot In pal torus with Borders and by the yard. • Above yens And moullociod but n small portlon of - our elegant dock cif goods Jut opened, and no we 'aro determined not to be uuderoold by any other bones, wo still hoop up our i eputatlon air gelling a great many Goode, and selling nom always at vary low,prleeo to null evarymereon thatoflll favor us with stall. Pima do not fall lo — glYe no an early call and moo for youroolvea wo can fully prove every word that we publish. eintl J)PrA rrtage, I koala and ON THE CORNER, Sion of the Carpet Hall. • ,bolthy, a quickol • ItWPI..r O 9 NAST MAIN STREET,' eiamlne e.!r OenCIO, MS 1111 AT THE Superb Empress RemisZsit eolerr, Poplin Alpacas, Mack and Colored, Fronen Morino., Cashimer Dulaluee, &r.,dl Superb Sl&dim Squirol Furs. CLOTHS I hare just roturnod from tho Noot with my Spring iltdck,and as usual,l sonaldling Goode a little cheap or than any other Dry Goods llouso In town. Ido not think It neoessary to occupy a column of news. paper to beck up my reputation for selling cheap Goode, nordo I wish to resort to clap trap to gull the ,All I ask of them Is to call and, oxioulm irnrthemsefres, and If not eathilled'iidth-to'pricK ot to buy. Remember the stand No. 32. North nnOver Arent; nort door to,Dfi,Kingaris,' and MD - . !or &blowers Ilardwaro Store. P. S. I will say milling about my third and [malt grimitopeuings t , , . , . Diptil-07. • "• ' ' • `" • " ,BITTER . OORDIAL II : ' • i• This medidal prop rn lon is 'now offorod' to the lublie as asellable substitute for the many worth-, loan compounds.which now flood the market. — lt is uroly seglitable, cornpolaid ormichupshorbp, gath ,ered froin the great !storehouses of nature, and ,selected with tioo Minima, car°, It in, pot mom ,merfded as a (lima Ail,`,brit by , ltd dirdct and min- Lary Influenao upon - the - heart, Llyet - IffidnoYlb Lunge, Btomuch and Bowels, It acts both an .a 'pro. Isolative acid ppro far many of the Mamma to which ithbse °Foos orb aubJect.l , Bledielue ' and can ho taken by either infant of' adult with the Borne beneficial insulin. It le . a 'cortaltiprOmpt and speedy remedy ibr,DIARIIIIGIA, IDIZENOVERY,'BOIVELOOMPLAINT.,_DYBPIefifiId... ;AOHII O Ad: . .Por'OIIILLS and - BY:MU of all kittda;: fart betteS and infotlthau •wlthout , 'any of hi porta cloy feffecite,llicareates imp*. Itltuipprovesa p o werfu l dignitar, Imputeraet the effects of liquor Ina .1114 Minutes.. ; JACIOrt PC4E2TZ ; ••P•Iv• (1...114 PajtAc. 84., '00,4, soliD:jiitha—kbittrei(#ll3,Te, 1?.1N,E OUSTON lINDE ,j: 71 1 : 3 93UAFP sg2FEC. • All tho,l4ADltia•iflTLl4Biiorrhanitorinado to pioaourif.-Trices Whillßlith.Art tided ,Piloo Tat with Inotruotione for soli runup. !mew!. toot ortrocolpt. orrofit'OMeo odd one • r, VAI:1011% ?pt.' ibots Rhtog Tll/14DERV*1: misoE.rkVA - ArEatis. , OE f 5 _4O ; iivipßovLD guß,REnovs_ nAIRDREssIIifi ~ ,,) vevip tit.te oneßoifti will quickly restore Gray',Flair to its, natural color and and produce luxuriant growth;: It is perfectly harmless,, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair; as well as those who' wish to restore it. The beautiful gims and_perfume imparted to thc.Hair make it desirable • °for old and young. For Salo by all portigrOlg. DEPOT. 19S GREENIVCI! ST., N: Y - x - I,lot ONE ri 01, 14fab-68 ly !;,, 0 410 r, ;P. 0 , - 0. _ t.l / 11 1.L.1 gi 0 ci 0. ./) FL t 4 - FurnitUte of all varieties at d Sty]. of Foreign and Do'mastic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maplo, and pin. FURNITURE Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, Kitchen and °Mee Embracing every sable. used by !louse and ilotel keepers, oft h e most approved and lash 'onside design and finish: I ucludlng also Cottage furniture In setts wept - lon and Camp Chairs. Alattrasses, Gilt frames; pictures, Sc., illirParticulsr attest]oe given as Usual_ to funerals orders frdm town - and country, attested to promptly and ou moderate terms. SPECIALATTENTION PAID TO THE SIRLECTION OF WALL PAPER. march2l, M ,NEW MBA, NEW - BUSINESS, NEW. FURNITURE! The subscribers having associated themselves In partnerxhip fort'. transaction of the F-U-RNI - TUREBUS — INESS, have located themselves In the well - dinown and pop• ularat and Intel occupied by the junior partner or a grocery glare, n the south-east corner of Hanover street. . - They dealtd tls annoinice to the public that they -hard now on hand and are constantly manufacturing and purchasing from the best eastern manufacturers, the latest and heat styles and materna of FURNI TURE at all qualitiex. Their Oink of ready-reed° work, conelete I u part of MAHOGANY SUITS, WALNUT SUITS, OIIESTN UT SUITS, FLORAL U. E. STANDS, TEAPOTS, DRESSING BUREAUS, cf all styles and prices. Totem Tates, Sofas; Lounges, Cottage Trundles,-Cot tagu, Panel, Japanese, and,Jenny Lind Bedsteads, Cottage Bureaus, Ntartile!,lo ,Tablee; and Stands, Washstands, totall vrrleties;kbeitrs oral Victi's, t fed Furniture. in suits or in pioFos eguatautty ,on hand. Mirrors of all styles and prleea.•.i H 0 M E . M•A D 13,,W 0 ..H4c.;, Idalloardi,ll4aranuni.lkointoadsranfearge lance, Chairs In Bata, Rockers or all dust.rlptioii9; be., madqycompatont. workman from the very pest material and arreagonaldo price!! ' • " ' • sitarbmy-i BEIEET MUM°, bonstantlpori land. ' • 14fob-631.9.,' I •.1 , BAILY'S , „ FARMERS AND ,WA(R.)p.I-,ERS, f, - 4 OK 'l'o' . YO UR Ballybf Patent Wagon Brake illock,lielder, is Just she thing needed by ,every , persan ownibg a wagon., ;For 'cheapness and eenvenienne It excels all °then; eTerusiiti urbrought before the pitbile. IPIa nut 4 to snit all Altai, of blocks—hound, Equdr - UTTlitek Thin, and 'can - be applied" with the grent,4t conve., nience, without hammer or nails. Agents ivantat Iri . ovary county to the United States., .ympartleulars apply to . ; • D. M. DAILY, Chillalo, pa. t , Nig imam. • • r•'• ! , .13ROTHERPi Foobar.cling & COMMiniOn liferc7tappl • - • (Hendorson's old stand.... , At the head of MAIN SPIIEE.T. Oarllele, Pe R a be Illexest niarkot prlco will he ,paitiPlMA • lirelu And produce or ' • ' , dal of all kinds, oLiabraclui.s -•: LYRENS.VALLEY. LOCUST MOUNTAIN; LAWBEItItY,,tc., • , . Ilamburnors' and Illickstottine Coal conWtrintly, of sato. Kopf: under tt6Vor, and doltverad'dry to any part ofthe town. 'Ale°, all klrida of Lumbar on BEETEM k ni( 17apr 08 T 00k' OUT, DRY GOODS MDN TO THE PUB ECO EET'Z'S ...o . }tLEll' RATED : • , 20ROj CB•ly ', P_y 00 Lt ~~ MISCEDILI NEO t7.61:1 ':: \ ''-• ,' • ~i 4 . te . l4.,_•' • A , \ e.''' . •,, .. , - 1 4. ' ('' r , , s --S TO .. lA, . Ix 11 4 .1. , :ell 'OO ' Isla ',.:4D , Oi.V,' 0,,,P. \....' ot)- •-_, ~.e...:. ,ki,..10j0 •-•goT6l' ...Oa, \ .. ~ • 0 ,. `'''' I Hi) ! MINPANS2LtiIIERIf,9I'. )tett4 , 1232,1231 k 123 G RIDGE AVENUE; P/lILADELIWA,7 n , ludice Avenue Cara pasethe (four; •-3.4111- fiend for Illootrated Cotaloguoin. (rAS . /iIT,ThVG I'L UI,IIB I • ; - EtoT.E - Ylstati • : „Prpotical lies Fitters and Plumber's Dediru,to intolo their old cmitornem and the OH. - sow; Of Car lisle generally, that they hard rOmoyed theWebtahllshment to the rrTounedloua room In the ~:.14asement of lllteent's Hall.. entrance on Church Alloy. ,Thfy Hand , promptly, ae heretofore, to al work•untrustad to them.. • 'Thy heep'conatantly on hand and aro prepared to Introduce LEAD and IRON PIPES HYDRANTS, 11011 and COLD SH R OWE BATHS, WATER CLOS. ETS,EORCE and LIFT PUMPS, mos SINKS, BATH TH111;1101r.....5. WASH "BASINS, - HYDRAULIC RA.S, all kinda of OAS, STEAM and WATER FIT TIMIS. COOKING RA NOBS, HEATERS, AC., sot up In t o most modern style. • r r I Country' Work an d _Jobbing prompt y ut- PIO (delft] 171 pr CH LAThkESI, FANCY, FURS for Ladlos',; and . 01111. dren's Weer, In the City. Alto,. v fine assortment of flent's Fur Gloves and Collars I:tut enable to diseese ofmy goods, at very rem sondble prices, end T would therefore solicit - a call from my friend, of country and vicinity. ReMember the Neme Number and Street JOHN -ARETRA, . 718 AROII St., O. 71h, South SI,IQ Shtlu I'n , RAVE NO PARTNER, Null 00NNECT3ONIVITI AEIIoTIIER STOUT SN-JIOILA➢ELTPIOG - - WAD timl keep Yourtmlf Informed. [.axing pureheeed the old and well known bosh nesii steed whieh have occupied f twenty years, hAve detetinined out to heir,' trout Ley preFoot hufiness, but t o on In the man W . /inure of .1? E MA .I'l, 0 THING, Of all Ares sod lit2fiel 1170011 M, vu won an Wee gooo . o by-I:md./ma gestural as of CNTS Stmt. „motif Nn GOODS. would respeetfully invite my 11101,1nd:id patrons who u ,t t o good null of clothes to give um mil, tot have just returned from Ihe e:ty with a larj,r . e assortmeut of the best quality of BVng on Sommer Conde, viz t ine Mack French and Ehglish Cloths, nrid " Doeskin CASS' M E RES, Fine Light Fancy Doeskin enssitneres, Cansinetts. Coati series. Velvets, Dratcd . ele's Al.mae as, Llueos, Velvet Curd, odd many more too nuinornu- ton feet tins. MEE Also, o fullassortment, of Truoss, Valises, and Trovelloy•lu,sol oho best, description. With thou), tole-T•ohl le tot 1,30, favors, otol hope I will resolve Act!! t-001, nt lily ploce, till, North.litinover St. • I LIVINGSTON, • - .1, HATS ANI'CAYrti - I . ):.• . yott)Varli fl nice-, J.O. GALLI.° No. t Mal!, tiLroot lillere can hi• Unest, too.ori - thunt of FIATS -- AND kps over brought to Cal llslo. Ile takes great pleasure in his old friends and Customers, and all now ones, to hie splendid stock Just roceived from Now York and Philadelphia, consisting, In nal t of fine SILK AND eAS.SIMERE Besides nn endless parlcty of lints and Baps' of the latest style, all . er which be will bell at the "Lowest CAL Prices. Also ' Ills MY', manufacture of lints a: ‘yays - on hand, and Hat., Manufactured to Order. hitathe boa arrangement fur mica lug II atp and ,nll kinds of Woolen Gouda, Overcoats, Sr. , nt the mmoTongona mentjlilste ',rands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS 'Always en hand. liu desires to call the attention of persons who hare COUNTRY FURS To ' sell, as 110 psys the highest cash prices fur the same, Give hint a Sell, of the 2,o're er, his old stand as he feels confident of giving entire satisfae tion.! Sulyl4 67. all ,EO. G. DOSlniletne place togd a good five cent cigar. Between Rheum's Hal a t,d the Franklin House. 10duly•118. . • ti t . .. •.1 t 0 FIRST PREMIUM ' 6 Of :a Silver Modal Vit i k I ,t . . WAR AIVAlci , En To VIIBARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE '. ' ti y tha N. 11. Blatt Agricultural Society, at Ita Fah holden In Nashua,, }tan. Vegetable 'Hair Restorative, . jlestare..,,Gray Link to Its natural color. Pro motes lho growth of tho Mir. Changes nip ~ rots to their original °mind. actioh. J cafes Muth and illllllolll. Prevent. *Pt a h o t9g3 ' n i l gitilgrZ D EI I; i t ' and 1. the most popular arl I able article throughout:the East. Vat; North cid r• South. " ' ' J. R. 8ARRg174"60.; PeOpi , loiors, DIANCIIE , STERTN. U. SOL: py, A Dpo,raqpra,,, 2200 v 137-I.f. pi? " • • f D tt.'' 'VA Y. 410 .11; , ' , 8 • 'BRAINCIT, , B r /0..0 ' • ‘'a A !Mid and agronablo TUNIC STIMULANT STOMAOLIIC and 01libliNATIVNI 1 /1 •\, , 8 ITTERS ; ;;J; xtr4cteld'igtiyoly . ;trim 1131.11P9zinil 490T - . 9 1 4 ,Wgb ly bonoflclailtt " , ~Y 'B ~'L ^ ~~TAA ~4:, ~ ''aENERAL TIMILTTY., IMZEM k/id foi%.pariffnip-aliffor. ug from Disorders of Bowels, Fle,tulonee. 1.58(;41 t ...t:Vii4w,h0i0 ;. I, 11,i.rf , p,um;1 ME Depot, No. 411 .3.1ark0t...t0.R1.114V14100,11,i , , I 'al 454'4 ocsf. iteop Cato,:r. IgET • the best Photograpbß at LookaWi if ligarallsigit-Plloterrigar Gallery al* Iltreol, Carllgle Pa. I: I CI lb 01019. =I id.:.ostabilsLkdlur anufactnry, No. 718 RCII Street, Tibove In. Store my ckwu Importa m and Manufacture JO of the largeut and toot beautiful sole," MI6 of IMICIZEII Rotor Cap P I= • . • IBIS " and Loaf! pc-4'itaotttal ERIC V 1,l STOVES , ' AND XllHail l• r 41 11 • at t' The Glori;!lbe:the - liiA;* the Z O RI I IN G, . 4: 4 - T' sp ß Y qT,C), , t I Thii Greatest Stove . fer 1868 WALT ER ()GAUDY having Jug I,eturnel from Now York, ;Ilan and Philadelphia, where -they -havertrelmtotl the largest, latest ' aseq.ll moot of PARLOR, COOKING AND HEATING STO . V ES eYor brought to this plans, linve.tinar on ozbibi am!. for stile, at their STORE ROOMS No. 18, West 31 - ain street, tbey will always be pleased to see their 61‘.1 Monde and many oow- .911., call and en mine CM MORNING GLORY I'A.RLOR STOVE AND H_HATER also, tbo Colobrata REpULATOR ROTARY ;TOP„COOKING Le beet In tlai THE-MORNING GLORY t:he most perfect Parlor Stove In Use anywb or evorywherii. It Leal %ea Durnor auk out last all wlntor. It has mica doors all around not in tut bright and cheerful as an open grat;l. We opictfully refer to tho following poronns c rom :nnong I?hrldreds of others oho hove 'used It. tts MBrits flee:. J. Boas, WI D. Mullin, Weber! ei Dorledd, Goo Weise, Dltyltl Rhona, Lee' Trego, &actual °reason, 1 7" , t k . I ol l y n ne a d i I d a r , Bainuel 11. G ould; Ja,on.W. Eby, - nom Leo, Pater Spahr, Wm. P. Sanerta res. Galbreath, ' on. J. Stuart, Edward Fury, , Sorg't IM , In, Col. A. Noble, ' , ' Sam'l Hampton, Mr. Mansfield, Supt. Mt holly Taper Mlll non. Chamberlin, John Stuart, • .. John T Groan, Henry L. Builthelder, , . Richard Woode, . . , J. S. Woods, UA.I. 5900d5, John M. Grogg, We havo Moo, a vory largo variety of Cook BtoiON of tho Tory bed, - untimly • GOGII, (Gas Durnor,) COMBINATION , i(Oas Burner,) WM. PENN, r MIR .KA, WAIMEJP. MMM I of which hay° gl4on groat satlatactloo to GA =chasers. Av.ihaia 0109, 'a' ]ergo 166 of • TIN- AND OTHER -.WARES; ' b4odd awn 'manufacturo. I 11 134!T- . 4 1. 0 N . ; • .', 1 . 46 . 11,1i1iiiier .. 666e!64t1i i 64 .16661.. SAPOU.iIN(G ROOI IN @nd J6BBINd = Phprt , o?llaco . • In.ecillciutt IOU • outiMendato cailentl .‘; • . • • . amino ° !' r. gM NI . 4 , 4 ! 4 ! 1 , 1 1 #111t1;Y. . . • • ' 4STOiI 18,4 Watiti..MainStrooi, L INIZEMEIIiI , a' ; " 0111111110i:•Tqf /, i i ;11): ,, •J• 261ii.p; 066 m jr.ARDWARE.Y,tI H R I. 14 HEADQUARTERS. ME 1 - ,IIIENRY ,SAXToN, ,1'1( EAST HIGH STREET, ! • •.)• Ila,Ving had , upwards .of 20 years_experlence lu ,buying, - and invariably of the, manufacturer, and alwaYs paying cash; we flatter 'ousolyea that we , buy at the chcapiret .ratee , Pea Ibld,. find' nB Quick. Salmi and Small Profits Is our "Motto," wo fool confl-• that -wq can please our customers to every , Anotance, We have lately inreliaeod ' 'and duee l & ;hi, prier, of oar Ontlio a tock,anitwoold it &Ho Bull ore, Mechanics, Viirmors, and all thoso who won &look to their tutored to_ como,and oznmlao bet* nnrehasing. Oar ostensive Mock In the Ithiclismitles line con part of lagnmered, . '" - Rolled, '.;', i.' „ : •' ' ' I•Engfished Refined, , and Norway Iron, ..: i of alrehapos and ohm: - - . , Burden's Moran and • • - .1,1106 - ,:Shiidef. •--- ,i I • prose and Mule Iron and Nalle, east, { Spring, - i . • - • - Sleigh, ~ , Bllekor and • Toe Steel. English Wagon Roias, also Slittlgoi, Drills, \leen Bellows, Files - Rasps and Toole c f uvory daseelplor, Pocket and Table Eatery, Butcher Knives, Tublu sin4 . llttcher'i Stools, Barber's Razors and Scissors, also 'oilers Shears, Embroisle, lug - Samson, &e., In endi ss ',tasty of the most celebrated English and 'Ansairinmsmakes. Syr Chrrlago Wagon and Sleigh Eixturen and' 'Trinlming'e are ton extenalte tun enumerate. CQ.RPPNTTRS•AND BUILDERS supplied with inaterinla at a very email advance on Manufacturers, Prices., OAR P T'ERS TOOLS suell as PLANES, OELISELS; AUGERS, . GOUGES, of ovary variety selected ... with great cure fri m the mOtd reliable manufacturers and worm° led. couiprlting lu part lvor,kProrlhs solradjuSting and (ilgp'roes, Elatnet.; tioddlo Trees, Collars, Pal out and Enatnoltd Loath,, Hog Skins, Shurk do., Ilion kots, Rein' Web, SU. ups, Silts. Sucking, Riugs, Oron. conks, &c., together with all the Fancy 110 d lop proyetltioods and Tools In this department: S.ll ()F.. MA HERS p n l b e i n o l ti sh itT, eci re x ,, t . o'ck of Last:, Tilt end, 'Pools CABINET-MAKERS & lINDFIR'ISI=KERS- Kill find voods In their line sod/ as flair Cloth Vull'e't'i.l.Terell,r°lll.ger'&7,6tril'aMigrrroourtPlZlT;Re°:Pin PLUMBERS AND TIN'NERS Soldering , Tronß, nnrCopper,llnr lend, Solder,Spoltur Block Tin, llabbli Metal, Sheet Bram/4, Copper,nrofn Steel and Iron Woes. Srd sold clomp. - • - - A large stock of White Lead, Red Lead and Ztn., bought before therecent "rl,e," - comprlslnt! ill'd Buck and I lberty Leads, French and A inerkau Ydu r is; beishltir . all the lower grad., also Gold loot bronze. Dry abd In QIIIn Cans and In T,ubes; Paint, Vur.inn Camel Hair, and Draining linishea of every denerip• tlon. OILS AND VARNISHES Lammed OH, Sperm do., Whale do., Lard do., Lubric do., Noats Foot do., Glass, , Putty Litharge Whang, Shellac, noslu lk, - Alum, Copperas, Boras, • Madder, Lo e wood, „, Glue, Ramsey, Douglass and Cowing Iron and Chain Pumpe r with wood iron or load plpaattach ments, guaranteed to lift water from 5 to 150 feet not to freeie iq winter. rA constant and fresh Anpply;iterl,and Mile Powder together with Safety Fuse, Picks, Mattocks,lligging Irons, Drills, Crow Bars, Sledges, Napping Ilarn Rasendale , and Pentland ,Cement, Cajoles Plaster, (alV.lfrarranted fresh and good.) FARM 18F,L,J,,, 'All alien," "warrantod not to rrark." Blanton MU, Clrgular, Crosscut and Butehor Saws warranted." (MIS and OlreularArs Oyxnned. : • C A. R WARE A largo and now assortment of Cedar'll'a ro.sueh ns .Buckets, Churns, Tubs, Bowls, &c, • lIOUSEKEEPRRS GOODS, Plain and Porcelain-Lined, Oval and • Round Boilers, Porcelain, ' Brass and Copper, Preserving Bake and Prying Pans, IVaffle and Grid Irons, t 1:!; Sad Irons, ' Wringers, • Cope Brittaniei'ank Platid Tea and Table Spoons Shimmers and Ladela, Dinner Gongs and Bells, Thaler Scales, Large Iron Kettles, Sheet Zfnc, Floor • Oil Cloth; Stair Rods. . , ~ I ; • ; • BIRD CAGES. 1 ".1 Largestwaortment and most beautiful Styles' of Bird Cages, pot Flower Baskets, bloke Banging Baskets, 40,: ,t , i , r1.1.'" 1 t . • • GUNS. ljluglo . and Double Shot Lin% Bib Derrele Locke and Mountlnge,Dovolyere,D owl° Hxdves,Oaarldgen to ault any Mild or Retolver;ypwder, Shot, Cape, FISHING . MiDS'AisTD'TAOKLE I= ~, 'GRAIN ,BAGS,. , f i .' ' • ,+• '' Ol' I', .. . - . - . 23,4'and 3 Bushels Colston, end at the very lowest ' NIAGARA. i;St e Plank's Shifting c Doam`' . illgh linear; bittfor, Zolglor,yelrlch; Bloomfield, Eagle and York Plows, • Plow and Oultivator,llandloo,Onstings to suit any of tbo abovo Plows constantly on hand. :traight and Twist Dottand Log Trocoafith•Ohalne :proado and Hnitora, Jookosiclow. and Dqg °halm. ELIZA DE'T,ll' HA 3ES, • Wo are agohtatTT the patent lintairrild:Measuiing Venetia. We guarantee them to draw and measuie car ratty thetwavlost Molasses, 0114 war, Varnishes &C. In the coldest, weather.- •- ard 8010 Agenta for Folibantoulltainlard Beale' .tiolvoreally acknowledged the beet oqd WENT ' S .:FOR 'PATENT EIcCIELBIOE' WEATHER, EITRIPPXNE; , ' :4 - 4.l . llo.tAiioilll'ai t tlEi):lo a lolli . :T4klat g!Oq On,c'ne7,4 P „ . . . , ,• • S , AIV , I N.G O.P- 0 0 .11: films of Fuel vktt,:cp;a9;...4EA j , "CAMPAII4NI PAPS AND ()APES, ' for and C01fax,..,. _ 3 a all naila.o:l: idW.E! • • )5 . 1:i sw,lkarrquAbsr ,0g,914...ftt4411,) PARA, ')s*:x.V.lllll*-4..,,,.. MIMEMEI Carlisle, Pa 7 - 7 - , CUTLERY SQUARES, SAWS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, MEI 3'A D LER Y, PAINTS C Furniture Varnieb, Coach do., Whit° Dorm' do., Iron do., Leather do., Spirit do 1 A It PUMPt3, 1. 3- 0 . IN D E R, CEMENT, r Lows yi TVA /M, MILLER & BOWERS' HARD TARE 5.70. RE,.. • 26 NORTH HANOYER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. . WE would iespeedullyeall the ellen ,. . that of the public to our recently replenish: od STOOK, We havb carefully. .avolded purchasing during the recent decline, and now that ,thO market has become settled wo have filkid up ourshelvee and are prepared to offer epecial inducements to alk who will favor us with a call. Wo have constantly on hand a VW, STOOK OP Hammered. English Refined, acid Nor- Way IRO; BePdgn'sllorse and Mule Shoes; Norway Rods; Horse Nails; Black and - Polished ,S'prings, &c.„ together with o full iiteeleOf 1 131 - 4SMITR'S 1,1,; TOOTS; swim a Drills, Rolla Box Vir! , , R, BeljowN,'Ranpri, Filen &e, Izr. • -) 13UILDING 't vt‘o GL n -7.- - i 0 0 -- '( Mk. )' -,.... MATERIAL We Invite sll porsous Intending to build, to come and take a look throogh our stuck. We have our Dolts, Lonßda, Glass, P nts, Oils, and all mat arlal-In this line - mark - ea dawn at the lowest OAIIII PRICES, nod fool -assured thut - we cue offer special In chit, moots In tills broac h . HARRISBURG' NAILS, al ways on lxind ~" Can be had of the best quality. ' take special care In selecting all, tools and are bound to keep up the reputation of the old stand in this particular. TABLE - ANI) • • a l POCKET CUTLERY, of all immagleable patterns. We keep on hand a ro IF line pf Itbesegoods and are always able to suit the taste of *oven the mo "a fastidious. • 7.--r - -#- AIO Iri4,-.Z::'_;,' 11 -•-:_.-A.. . i tf, -1 -..:=--- -,-..,7:::;;Ji. SADDLERY, of ',very. _YArldslu Vutang_in. Parts° ll- ..d.lustaßg Mid c,lg Trees, Plated Japanned and Wood llamas, Brldle-Illtte, Brow Bands, Birthing, Bosse Blankets be., also, SADDLER TOOLS Of OVl.ry IleFOripflOO SHOE lUNDINC,S, consisting of moitoccoEs, T ININGS, II NDINGS, Our friends will always find us woll supplied with tho best brands of these articles. and ready, to,sell them at the lowest pricon, Wo are constantly In re ceipt of Paints, thus onaUlln.; Ourselves to supply our customers with fresh paints, colors of all des criptions contently on band. Also pure LINSEED OIL, COACH :FURNITURE, DEMAR LEATIIER, and IRON VARNI§IIES, • •PIJITY,'OLUE. LITIIicAUE, Sze. • Cabinet Makers and Uadertakers, will always Mid us haying d full supply of gOods - In. this line. PUMPS'of all description and of the best man Was turors, Wood,-Iron and•l end pipes to salt. FARM AND House Bells, Mill, Crop-cut and Circular Sims, Rifleand Blasting Powders, Rosandalo, Hancock and Scotland' Cement, Onisina Pinator, Crow Bars, Bledgea,!&c. ' • FARMERS, will do Well to call mid examine our stock of ilameS, Traces, Breast Chains ' Topple and }nay Chains,. Jockey:Obelus, Spreads, ilaiter Chains, Cow Tios, Shovels, Spades, Fake, 11.1koe, Grain Bags, du, be• faro finying elsewhere: {yo aro ready to altar spacial inducements In thin lino. • ' " ' ' Repairs for MoCormiok's Reaper and NOwer constantly on band. R, I F _LE S ; 1351001'4, AND TIVIBTIED C"l"irej Double and Single-barrel SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, GARTIUDGIES, WIPERS and Gun TrlmmlUge °rev W A R.E.. Ti7i7lC; : goIA-lei•bly .IRONS, BAR- LEAD ) BIoCIe- Tin; Babbit-Neal, • Sheet-Brass, &c &T. ' ; We aro golomonte for_ tho BifFIPAIA 'SOMA WORKS • and are randy to anent); licalas warranted, andfctr- Illshod at lower prices than any other Pales In the .market. ! We are, constantly In receipt °riptide dlroct from the pantin(acturare and ale able to !Ishii Int Country igerchilata At Ilhlladellehht and. Nett 'York picas. , 0 11 AND i A .9.4)".14 " ppa,uAs,. • v 4 M IIO -' 49l 'w etitiys • O'n't6d r4O-f6i4iirravigibt lawn, flog; Opolcoir, Fellooe,Arto4 Shiite, Duck, Dfilllpg, GOPbS deliverodlo all•parbrof tho ,town frdo:or claa'rgo.' • • MILLER 45 . Bowzns; • -14 • • North Aanovor '• /, • Varlioloa To.; MI, CRILLAiEQUS. PEGETHLE - AIRROSIA MATE MIRACLE 'OF THE AGE! 4 G-ray...Mended People have theft (oaks restored by to the"dark, bistro - us, ;liken iresses' of youth, and are happy! Yonag People, with. light „faded erred 'Hair,- 'have those unfashionable colors changed to beautiful auburn, and rejoice I People whose heads „ arc covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, told hays 51ean 'coats And clear and healthy scalps! - Veterans bays their iemaining_ locks tightened, and thi Bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance' for joy! Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly - perfumed! - Young Ladies" use it because it keeps their Ilair in place! Everybbily,ntust and will use it, because It is the cleanest •and best article in the market!', Far Sale by Druggists generally. AY IN YOUR COAL.— Ae the weather la now vary propitious, anti the pr een aro moat favorabli, for the laying to of your. WINT E - 114.1 , 1 COA L. The subscriber would offer Ills stook to:the public knowing full sell the disposition of the trade goner; ally to make many promises to effect sales. The sub. scriber would proter to learn the quality of the coal he furnishes, speak fur itself and he will behold to the following which are his old standards. ' let. To sell nonh but the MEM =I as any In the trade. 3d. TO deliver what hie customers buy, and not to mix with a -- RC D ' article to mako tbo price to snit his Hale, • 4th. Believes in the principles that SCALES nnot bele 1100 (n•ithoUt repalre) for a series or ars to tbOjitlynntageof the euStomers. -- - •'' :AIL To keep all blade of real to be bed eleew Pi It. Gtb. Never to mai to mnko n nolo 7th. To to Ma ton. Bth. To give the customors thb arlvantago' of ANY lIANGT in price at the mines. • 9th. Is to do all in his Dower for tho benefit ,of those who deal with him, &end on your orders and you-sball be dealt or thirty with and on as favorable terms as 17,1 my 08. Carpenter's TOO L S 1 / 12 . 0Nomy IS wy,ALTH! Joulos . 3teGoolgal,,t No. 83 South Hanover St. Csrllsle, would cull • the 101,0ot:inn of Ills Irlonds and-the public gouerelly to Sic huge sloth of STOVES, TIN & SIIEET IRON WARE, whit he feels will glue sitthifitclion in both unlit) , and price. ra ho stove.line he would call expecial nttentlou to th gm.pnlv, GAS BURNER & PARLOR It Is a Perpetual llanellurning neve. The Fur • onus w'll heat an tipper and-lower room, pet-leafy, anti Is guaranteed to ha-perfectly free from explo sion of gas. It Is so constructed tlint its r flys of heat are deflected to the floor, warming the •loot Instead of the fare. It le a gao consumer, Vid Iv perfectly clear front dust. Its rentillttlen In com plete, and the burning eta nod Ignited coals !thine oat through the MI. Windows, giving the bright .ss and cheer Of iu, Opal] al, Call and son it; Ile also offers all the latest gtitl mo-t imprur, ed patterns of e PARLOR. STOVES, and a largo stock of Cook of ALL- Nimrod, Niagara, and a variety of others, all of wbien aro warrant ed to be beet clean Steven and te give entire settle faction. , . PttlB, TIN AND SHEET r IRON WARE, =I made of the very best material, and ail othor things necessary for housekeepers In his line •of business kept constantly on hand. Ise oxpedses are trilling, compared with others, no ho defies competition, and would ask those de. siring any thing in isle line of business, to ascer 'Lain prices elsewhere, and then give men a call a d satisfy themselies that he can sell bettor articles for leas money than any'otherestablishment in the county. Ills motto is, Qutok Sales and Small Profits. Old metal taken In exchange. Spouting, Roofing and Jobbing promptly attend•. od to, made of the beet material and at mordgr• ate prices. • JAMES MedONIGAL. .I.ooct 138.0 m. • . AND ZIN'OS. BENTZ & CO, Have just received their Fall Goode, - which Aro. cresting oocltomtnt ort account of a reduction of from 10 to 26 per out' Just received 150 yde NEW PRINTS, Such as Merrimack, Coabecoo, Sptagua, Gloucester's and other fa vorite brands, at 12icts per yd. DRESS GOODS, Alpaels at '2sets., • , Mammas, , . ' • Wool Do Lains, Bombazines, . Melange, *, Panda, . • karprilesso,Olotbs, Xpinglino, . - Poult Do Solo, ' Oriantiil .Thistros ' Do Laines Ate., at reduced rates. • . CLOTHS PASSIMPItES, • nomerlVaae Ballnefte, Joatts ' Flartnela, • Sack Flannels, Opera Flannels,' 0,191e1ng5, , , Gingham: CARPETS; OIL CLOTHS, " BIATTIUGS, 010111 Pull Tina of, MEER, WORSTED, PAINTED , and EMBROIDERER, PATTERNS and the largest 'and mostAmplete assortment of ; • 4Totions c9utiy, "•' Wooled anQ Cotton Yarns, Towidlingo, 'Misery and Oloyqa,Alankate,Shawle,; varlatit'and • oyeryChlng bolouglog toOo businose. o all w!ebing :tq •aniir ntonoy. fo .buying : Dry Coodin lay from,lo id 25 pos.caat..,Wo .wonld , say. now Is your time to socuro bargains, and a vast 10 °k te,.5 0 119k,t.,4,74 LI; _ nr,NTz, & CO,' • ,A =ME Vr.ARBLE „YARD. li Minilon ppor 81114, cm'Aand And made WoTdar South Han. over UtrGet,.oArliol9; • war 111 014, ~R INC4°S BEST COALS CHEAP MISREPIiESE 'I GUARANTEE 2,000 Ib9 IYE N E D MMI)MI 11EATER lronsidos, Quaker City, •-•"? c,, BLINDS, RUGS, CLOTHS; ALL CHEAP. 'RAIL. • •ate; .:.> a cumBE.44I4IM.VALLY:IAIL-:: .q. R G,E 0. II S 1., On and alter kondcry;',.Scptembert 141h,1808, Paden-. • • gor Trains will run daily as follows, (Sundays, excep.. • led) : .WE ST TrA ACCOMMODiTION•TRAIN 100.1708 Harrisbnrg 6,00 A., AL Mechanicsburg 8 , 3 3, , Car11e10 - 0,10, - Nowville 9,457 - Bhlpporiaburg 10,10, Chatabereburg 19,46, Greencas tle 11,14, arriving at Hagerstown 11,42 A. M. Tang leaves Harrisburg 1,30 P. 51, hfecht&:. Icsburg 2,02, Carlisle 2,34, Nolvville 8,10; Ohippeno. burg 3,90, Chambershurg 4,20 Oreeneastie, 460, arri v t. lag at Ilagerstolvn 5,25 P. M. • • Padang •Tnent loaves • Harrisburg - 4,16 P. 51., Mechanicsburg 4,47, Carltele— 5,17, Newville 13;50, - 43hippensburg 6,17i' arriVing et ChataberebUrg at 6,45 P. M. A Make TRAIN leaves Chambeributg 8,05 A. M., Greencastle 0,25, arriving at Hagerstown 10,10 A.31,- EAS•TWARD.: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Chambershurg_ 4,45. - A. -14 , - Shippensburg - 's34llTtifffllfit 6,96, Carlisle 18, Mechanicsburg 6,47, arriving at Harrisburg 7,15 MAIL TRAIN leaves lIITODSCCOVII 8,00 A. M., Green- Castle 8,35, Chamborsburg 0,10, Shippensburg 9,40, Nowt-1110 10,14, Carlisle 10,50, Mechanicsburg 11,24, arriving at Ilarrisburg 11,55 A. M. Etvnrse TRAIN' leaves lingerttown 11,55 - A. M. Greencastle 12,23, Cbarnbersburg 1,00, Shlpponsburg d;32, Newville 2,05, Carlisle 2,46, Alechaniesbiwg 3,12, 'arriving at Harrisburg 3,44 P. 51. I A Morro Tiyou- leaves Hagerstown 8,05, •Gretincestle- itt Chambersburg 6,05 P. tya-M nhing close connections at Harrisburg with 1 trains tw•and from Philadelphia, New York, Ilaltl Io more,lYashlngton and Pittsburg. POPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, , } 0. N. LULL. Chamhorsburg, Pa., May 8, 1800. • Snp'e. 15may-68. _ . • -.• READING RAIL ROAD. SUM* FIR ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, A 1.70 UST 3(1. 1868 - • GREAT TRUNK LINE FllO3l Tllll North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Mils, Lancaster, Col umbia, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York as follows t At 2.60, 5.26, and 8.10, A. M. and ]220, noon,, 2.06 . and 0.35, P. 31. connecting 'milli similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Roll Road, and arriving at New Yoik nt 6.00. 10.00 and IL4I A. H., and 3.60, AU,. and 9.60,1'. AL Sleeping Cars unmanning tho 2.60. and 0.35 I'. M. Tratna without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Mineraville, Ashianti,• Shamokin pine Grove, Allentown gind Philadelphia, at 8.10, AL, and 2.05, and 4.10, I'. 31., stopping nt Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the' 4.10, I'. AL train making connec tions for Philadelphia and Columbia only For Pottsville, Schuylkill Unven and Auburn via Eiehuyl- It ill, and Sunqtlehanna Railroad, 100.3 , 0 Harrisburg. 330 P. Si. Ildturning .; Leave ..New York "at 9.00, A. Si, 12.110,, , N00n and 5:00 00,1 lf.oo P. 51. t Philadel phia at 8.15 A. 31. and 3.30 P. XL; Slimming cars accompaning the 9.00, A. 31. and 5.00, and .8.00 P. M. trains from Nob York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia 7.30, A. 31. connecting with train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning _from Heading at 0.314' P. 31., Mopping at all Stations; Pottavlllo at 17.00, and 8.46 A. 31. and 2.41, P. AL, Shamokin 6.26 and 11.20 A. 51. Ashland 7.00 A. 111. 12.43 Noon and 1.00 • P. 31.; Tamaqua nt 0.30,a. 51. 2,15 and 4,85'P. IV.' • Leave Pottsvil In via Schuylkill an dSusquehanna Rail Road al 10 A. 31.. 7 for Harrisburg, and 11.80 A. 31. the Pine Oruro and Tremont. - Reading Accommodation Train: Leaven - Reading, at 7.30, A. 'I., returning nom Philadelphia 01.6.16 P. 51. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts. town at 0.41. A. 31. roturning leaves Philadelphia 4.80, P. 51. Columbia Rail Read Trains leave Bonding 7.00, A. H., and G. 16, I. NI. for Ephrata, Lille, lemenstor, Columbia. Ac. Park loin en Ifni) Road 'radar leave Perklomen Juno! ' .tlon at 9.00 A. bL and 0.00 P. NI , Jtatttrning Lento . Skippack at B.IOA. N u and 1.25 P. H Tormenting with similar tralur on Reading . Itallitord. On 6uudayr: Leave -New York at 8.00, P. 60. Philadelphia 8.00, A. M., and 3:15, P. M., the 8,00. A. M. 'Crain running only to Rending; Pottsville 8.00;, A. M.. llarrinburg 5,25 A. NI. and 4.10 apd 9.116, P. M., and ll , oallng atilt), 2.05 and 1.15 A. NI. for liar He 110 rg,r t 7.oti A. M. and 11.40, P. M, the New York .od 4.23 P. NI. for Phillldoiphtx . - - tlowira it Nilleago, Season, School and Vannr. Aloe to and from all polats, at reduced rater, Baggage ell talcollth rough:l pan ads 'Mowed tome Pasmaget • A. NiICOLLS, IJ 801 ' 0. • OM INSURANCE COIII9.KNITES. 'H Ala ER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD CONN. - Incorporated . 1850, Charter Per- petual. CASH- ASSETS, $4,000,000 J.:4NIES C. SCrALKLIIY, Policies Issued on all Populan v Plana. A low I ,INUIIS why people. losuro lu Ow% Chatter Ist . All bin - king privileges aro prohibited, f Wetness being confined extlll vely-to the - innaran . of4taaa • • I 2d.—lts are selected with great care, thine liunitring small losses, and consequently largo diyi dend a accrue to the l'olicy hortlers.aeo Mate. Thaw .tice Its ports last six years. 3rd —lts Ratio of Expenditures, including Death tlaims and Working Expanses, to Itecepte, are nu precediiiitedly low. Same iteports. 4th.—.‘ II the profits are divided among Polley holders, the orignal capital being limited by Charter to eight per rent dividends ' no diore than it earns for the Company at interest. 1311.1.—1 t declares and pays its Dividends annually it Cosa. thus assisting' the insured in the payment 0. premiums. 6th.—lt is prompt In the payment of lasses, bay ing paid to Si Wows nod Orphans nearly TIVO LION DOLLARS, and has never litigated a claim, 7th.—The man of wealth Insures as an Investment, Bth.—Men of small moans insueo - to guard tholr fairdlies against want, • Dtb.—The man of business Insures to proiide agaiiist possible loss In trade, n life Policy, being ■ basis for capital. 10th.—Persona in debt insure that Moir ear - all:mg._ i'oryr.n„ e. tatrinaTiroTlat sacrlil'ced at droll from want of ready cash to coiled liabilities. .llth.—All insure,. money thus laid away by Oates is sure to come back largely increased to (.hair families, death being certain to occur. pr. S. 11. ICI NEFEH, M. IP, Medical Examiner. ' ' • .1. C. STOCIS, Agont.Csrlisle, P. • E. .lI.ELAIit General Agent, for Eastern Pa. Ounce, No. 37 Went Mimi St., Williamsport; l'a. k " MEM PATENT , 'ENTILA I t & OUTWARD DIS6IIARM,3 WAT ER WHEEL, Bearing dato April 20, AWL JACOB ABRAHIMS & CO., , Arcloi , L lie, Cumberkool Colony, Prt. - , ,Propriefors or life named Patent for the Ceuntios hr CUMBERLAND and FRANKLIN, PA., and WAS-I/14110N. CUUDFIX MD. . . 'We desire to call the attention of Millwrlghts,Mlll nonl,ltud 'oplorli,tO the merits °titbit above' idiot) t ion, Whicli for Durablllty,EM'cloney and Cheapness, they-are confident cannot be surpassed. iyVherevor it hes von u nder success, has In volubly followed, oven under tho most unfavorable • clivumstauces. Per Earl Miler and Low, Head and economical use of Water, this Wheel is toithout a Ilea/ A Working Model of:the Wheel can be extuulaod at the EStabllslunmatuf the Manufacturers In Nen. VILLn PA., where all Information may be cheerfully given. IWe append the following referonces - J,:& J. B. CURSE. JOAN DRORDAUGII, BENJAMIN LANDES, Millwright. SAMUEL LANDES,, O. & A. W..DAFIDSON, L'INDSHY" ' •' JIF. RUSSEL?. LEWIS BOWMAN, SAMIIIiti PIPER. SOLOMON STROH% ADAM RAMP, JACOB RAMP. J, • ' • HATS & (DAPS. op lints, Caps, and a great deal more, Kept for solo at Boas's Store, Wool and Fur•bothcoarso and tine, Silk and Brush hats In his line. Beaver, Nutra, largo and small, Hats to fit and suit you, all, Only call and let him try; ' Though you should not wish tfibuy, Gladly he will show you round, Through his hats till ono is found", To suit your Mite, and' it pots well; , •• , Than kindly all your,ueightiors tall.l • What hats you saw at Boob's store, • 'Ho keeps at corner number four; ' ?.; . 'ltt.North Ilanoyer Street Carlisle, • -Were you asn find him all the while, ;Ready to sell to great and small; Doctors, Lawyers, Preachers, all, Students, Merchants, Farmers too, Anp please, kind trletals,emt wl se . Ho keeps constantly on hand's largo assortment f lats ,Latot styles Lr l le,tit 11 • Sn%la : l iargo,ssor : mono l dia. ; n l io % i VALISES, TRAVEULINO BAGS, LEATIIIR • ' SATCHELS, and a fine lot of trth& COLLARS awl • . BASKET&. Aleo Cents Furnishing Goods ouch as Collura, Shirts, Hose &c. ~ 1 . And exlenelvo and carefully nolactod assortment if Ladies Fufs,. alec Ladles Fur Hoods and' Fur' r Trimmings," nd a regular line of Cents Fur 'Caps, ',' Aluffloro, and Cloves.' , r , ' Also limbrollas, Canes, and a variety of Notions.' Thankful for past'favora, ha solicits a continuance.' ,tif the smug Mom his numerous patrons and kindly nvltes the publlo in moral to favor Min vvith .4 gall before_ purchasing, :fooling - confident - of his- Ability to suit all all .both in 'quality tend price. Don't forget'tho Floes No. 4, North lianover • . tract, opposite the Carlisle RoposH Bank.' The-highest mbh prises paid for •Shipping Pam ueh as Muskrat - , Mink, Fox, Raccoon and all' ' ' thor far skins. - ' i• ' •' ' ' ' '' ' ' '.' ' ~,. • .. ,' ' ,' • , ;.,, - '34110A2 - --' i 2ooct 18-oe. •'' ' " . '' ' Isti4p .K, SVAUPFE .:71? - a,teltntalr atta,:Jewolinv 4 4.1011.T11 ED ST:, 0911. .0P oesortmoot of l'i'atqlos, Jowo 1 0 3117ey; t'pletitSd7are cooetanEl l op' ha SUIT . ABLN IS. , RepalrlolgiotiWotehos , and , ;76 , 1riilryl:ropip , attendedlo.. . • I.odeo 67.1 . _ p PPD STABLISIIED FIRM J. J. . lrditenDoi i" I2 Y I ZI I /'F u Ie n."'" •tholarll.7..7rg.o9nfiig ouet anWholagaldDi 7 .t6 .ad States • .4144A110 il 0 _,-''''.-