Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 18, 1868, Image 3
MAR RIED. Ell FORTNEY-iVILLIAMB.—On the ard Ant, • by the Re,. J. A. Murray, Mr. 'Ames J. 'Fortner, :to Miss Mary E. 341111.1E0. both of York county. ••• • , MINIOII—GREGG.—On the 16th ,ma Inst.,-by he same, Mr. Ells. Mulch,. to Mies . Elam • i.a...Gragg„ both of Carlisle. - . , - " • • 11106SJID-9EINSIDIAN.—On the 10th lost,' y the Roy. John•Ault; Mr. Josoph Eokard, to Mils Dale Sangamon; both of • Sliver ,Spring township, this county. _ _ __ • • CAIIHMAN—GOtTeIIALL .—At home of the bride's went., on the evening of the. 10th - Inet.. by the Rev. U. It.-Flook,Cullman, to Klee Barbera A. Gottshall, both of this county.' . „ • • AUGHENBACiI—MILES.--On the let lntt., In Williamsport; Pa., by the Rey, 0, P. Buck, Mr. J. Ulmer Aubenbach , to Mlle Mai.YR, - .71111e5, daugh ter of-Mr:Wealey Mileicall of that city. DEATH. BARNITZ.—In this borough, on Monday, the 14th Wet., Mr. floury- Barnlta, aged about 63 yeare• JIA I RKE'TS: CARLISLE PtLODUCIG .111.11.11KET. ilarlfelo Pacelnbar 17th, 1868 Family Floor—% upordno d 0.... do RYE.... WHITE WHEAT RED d 0.... RYE CORN IMO OATEL(noiv).... CLOVE (SEED.. TIMOTHYSEED FLAXSEED.... BARLEY duce Market. " is, December 170, 1868. , y Andrew Washmood General Pr Carllel Corrected Weekly . .35 BACON SHOULDERS, 13 30 BACON SIDES, 14 • 10 WHITE BEANS • 325 10 PARED PEACHES, '25 81UNPARED PEACHES 15 40 DHIED APPLES, 2 50 18 RAGS, , 3 BUTTER 8008, LARD, _TALLOW, aIOAP, BEESWAX, BAQON HAMS SPECIAL NOTICES. Twenty per Cflte. of ayeditetion ! New Imports to WILLIAM BLAIR' & SON, NVe aro now opening a' large 1111701C° of common or "CC" ware fecifived by the ship "Addle Hair which we offer Who!rude , Retail at a reduction of 20 per cent. frnm our Into prices. Also a ; large quantity of Rollins, Candies &c., for tho Holidays which we offer very cheap. Our stock of Qttecns molt, 0/113Mare, Cedar and Jriltow-ware,. (bal . Oil, .Salt, eke., is very full. Please give mi it call. ' " WAI„BLAIR .4 SON, "South Enti" . 9arlikilo, Pa ME! AU our Goode reduced, Mike, Poplins, :Iderinoe, Furs, Clothe and Cassituern. Special attention le called to our Stock. We guarantte our prieei lower than the loWeet. W:C. SAWYER k CO REM Sleighs I Sleighs I Sleighs ! A. B. & N. Shark have now on hand over a dozen of tirst.clasiv Sleighs, both single and double seated. For sale at their new - Manufactory, on tha corner of Sa,uth and Pitt Streets. 27 nov -Ms. • Corn Shellers and Fodder Cutters Every farmer should have ono cf the superior STAR CORN SIIELLERS, of which we have three slam very cheep. Also tho NATIONAL; FODDER _CU.TTEIL_of which we have four sires, with other Agricultural Implements of the_ very best melee at low priees. Call and see them at F. GARDNER CO'B., Foundry and Machine Shops, Carlisle, Pa. Ildec 88-ats. 'DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CATARRH noted with the utmoot success by J. Isaacs M. D. hod Itrofessor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in•the Medical, allege of Pennsideania, 12 years eiperienee (formerly of Leyden, lIolland,) No. 805, AIM St.! Phila. Testimonials can bo seen at tale .oflice. The medical faculty fore invited to accompany their pa tionts,as ho has no secrets in late practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for osaml• nation. 12june (18.1 y. ' ...DK JACKSON'S ANALEPTICA. NEW REMEDY IN CONSIIMPTION.—A Phyla lan who hod Consumption for several yearaw ith. . frequent bleedings of the lungs, em ed him Self with a medicine unknown to the profession, when his scan appeared hopless. to the onjyphysician who has used It In his own person, or who has any know]. edge of its virtues, and he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire eitinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence Inall others induced him to hazard the eiperiment. To those suffering with any disease of the Lunge he proffers a treatment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1,50 per bottle or S 8 a half dozen, sent by espress. Send for circular or call on DR. E. BOY LSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by Henry F. Geyer, Mechanicsburg, Pa., and Druggists generally-. 22may 084 y. HORSE and Cattle Powders and Llniments,togeth y[.ftlfLt.aJirge assortment of freakkagp,and Medi. eines, Dye Stuffs, he., he., just reeelved-at Common k Worthington's Drug Store, No, 7,llast Main Street Carlisle. M. MYERS, L. MYERS, J. LIVINGSTON M. MYERS & CO WHOLESALE GROCERS, HAVE REMOVED TO No: 105 ARCH STRVPIT, PHILADELPHIA 24uly 61341mi5. 1V ETV - AD VE.R TISEIIIEN TS. r XECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Letters Testamentary on the Estate of. John II . Z on, We of West Pennaboro township, have been issued by the Register to the subscriber residing.. In the same township, All persons hiving chime will present them, and those indebted will make payment to BENJAMIN MoICEEIIAN, Executor of John 11. Zinn, doe 18dad 08 eta 1. ECTURE.—Letort Lodge Good Tampico having secured the serilces of John Gough, Esq., he will deliver a lecture In Carlisle, provided a sufficient number of tickets are sold before January 'fete All persons wishing to hear Mr. Gough lecture In Carlisle, will please purchase ticketif from any member of. Ale -_,_ Lodge an early as possible. . Tickets one dollar. E. D. QUIGLEY, A. E.,MONOSMITII, W. P. LYNCH, M. F. THOMPSON, W. M. OGILDY, Lecture Committee EMI= rr HE Cumberland County Agrieul x tarsi Boclety will hold its annual mooting on uesday, January 5th,1860, at 10 o'olock A. SI., t the Arbitration Chamber, when afters will bo looted - to servo fir the ensuing year. W. F. BADLEI2, Beiridary. 18deo Mats HERIFF,'S SALES.—By virtue S of sundry writs Of Venditionl Ex ones Issued . out of tho Court of Common Slone of Cumberland County, and to me directed, I 4111 expose to sale - by pubilo xendue or outcry, at the Court House, In the Borough of Carlisle, on'Friday, January 1800, at 10 o'clock, A. 'the following de. scribed Real-Estate to wit: A lot of ground situated in Middlesex township, Cumberland county, Pa„,boundod on the South by - . the 'Brindle Spying Road, Oa the West by laud of Anthonyy -on the South and _East by lands of Daulel‘Molf,eft, containing one-and-a-Mk acres, More or loss, Mixing thereon erected a ono. and-a-half story Log Dwelling Rouse, Frame Shop, Log Stable and other out buildings. Seized and taken in execution all the property of Donlan:lln holler. ' • ALSO.—A tract of lanl eltuatod In East Penns -borough township, Oumborland county, Pa., _ bounded'n the East by. lands of Jacob Kuntz. on the South by lands of William brayer , on the Went by land of Frank fin..,lLcUiti, and o*lui North by land of D. Y. Sltdr,• - Con Coining 2 res, more- o a less. 'Seized add taken In eko,cutl -as the Prop= arty of George -Kuntz. 11.80.,A lot of, ground situated .in Newton townehipt Oumbe rland county, Pa. bounded on the North by Main Street, 'fin Alm East by David Numb; on tho South bLan alloy,. and on ..the_lifest. — by — DenJaniln — Whlldler, containing CO feet In front and 180 foot In depth, more or less, having thereon erected a two-story Frame Dwelling Nouse, and Frame Stable and other out.bulldings. Seized and -taken In execution as the. property ,of Alexander. • lionnody, ffo bd sold by mo, JOS. O. TIIOSIPSON, ,SherV. • OoNOlVEffis.On all males 'Of 'ssoo or over $6O will bo required to be paid when the proporty Is itrfek . en our, and $25 on all sales Inkel,er . $6OO. • 18doc 68. ts. • . • 20 Cla'il/niiii ts fol. 'damages _under:Aqt of Apiii 9 th, A. D., .1888. _ ICOtICE.-113 - 71iajobi . ,,glvon to all li' n l °4l l' d ragl"lttTa that .?.irie„he I: it Ilarrtiburg, - before the 16th . day of January,. 1806. :After•that•date no elation rlll• , be accepted -by mold bbard. • . . •• __• • —'' • r IL 1 . 9. WOODS . , - , , , ,•'• J:' I. :',' !:' . r '..:-, —.l :itif '• 4. A'2E6V4d.W V erk.. 2. ; . .0.-'*.tgp, ( 28d00684E. . '"• , . DOSEI - lips 'a prime •. 'ciga r a r. 'mtg. lisy than. NEW ADVAIRTIS2E,MEkTS FOA RENT. A Good Grocery Btor e, fitted up alth all tho COMM:ileum for the business.-' There Is no: other Store In, the neighbprhood:;"lnotOre of )9. Apanglori'No;•o3, - .WesflitTeet: ' ; 4dec (Mts. • VOT.TOE—=: .. • • - • . . Finer NATIONeL DANK,- The regular annual meeting of Iltookholders of this Bank for the election of Directors, will be hold at their. Banking Douse, on the second Tuesday, (12) of January, 1860? between the hours of 10 A. if., and 4 P.M. 011 AG. 11. ORPGURN, • Ccishicr: Udell 08-St . ______ • . . . . . . ' . ' . ipANK 7 STOIPIC:=FOR. SA-LEH i J) 11. D. !Schmidt, offers for sale,. In lots to suit purchasers. 100 Shares Carlisle Deposit ,Bank Stock. This Bent bee recently made I Dividiind of -Me per cont2for - Blx Months, and hes a conehlo re ble surplus. Apply to Atha. OATITCARTi Attorney. 4d0c'613-tr. ADMINISTRATOR'S' NOTICE. — Betters of.Admlnletratibp. haiing this daY_ issued on the estate of Jacob GoodyeaT, doe' d., Into of Monroe township,.this tounty, to Wm. 0. Brandt, Sr., of the same township. Notice le hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate p'aymout, and to - MI those, having claims against It to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. WILLIAM 0. BRANDS, • ddoc 67.9t5.. _______._.- Administrator. 10 50 ..700 7 00 .1 80 .1 70 ..1 30 7 &I 2 10 to • :-1 70 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER BIIIP. ico le hereby given that the partnership hero. torero existing between John 11.. Itheem and J. 0, Ileiser,,has this day boon dissolved by mutual conthint, and that the business sitll hereafter be conducted by Jdbu 11 . 'Gloom, at the old stand. All persons indebted to the firm are notified to come and settle their accounts iminediatelv JOAN 11. nnEim, 301110 G. llElBlilt. 4dee 08.-fits. FtXECUTORS' NOTICE. Lettere Testamentary on:tho estate of George . heaffor, late df the 'Borough of Carlisle, dee'd., have boon issued to the undersigned, tho brat named residing in the city of Philadelphia, and the last named residing in the borough of Carlisle, Cumberlandcoun ty. All persons Indebted to said estate will Make immediate _payment, and those having claims will present them, properly au thenticated, DR. ANDREW NEBINGER, R. ')N lIENDRRSON, Executor's 4a° 68.6 t BUFFALO ROBES! The undersigned liavinFmado a tour through the Western Country, has just roturned•w Ith a large and well selected stock of due BUFFALO ROBES! which ho purchased on the Plains of Kansas, and which bo sold on, the most reasonable terms. ltobes to be noon 05 \Vm. C. Diven's Shoo Store, No. S, Ruth Hanover Street, Carlisle, 27nov GB 2m. WM. CLEPPIM. STATE NOTICE.- - -- Ihe undersigned having been °Lupo,, ered to sett e up the estate of Jacob itedseeker, •deceased, Into of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, requests all persons knowing themselv'es to be indebted to said estate to make Immedlate:paynlent and those hriVing claims, to present thaw, dulj authenticated, to either of the undersigned. J. if. ItEDSEOKBIt, Lebanon, Pa. A. it. REDBECREIt, Wilhelm's Hotel, (P 0 Box 1224) Baltimore, Md. Attorneys for the heirs. 27.N0v 08.0 t • -PROCLAMATION. • WHEREAS, - the Hon. JAMES H. 0000 A t, President Judge of the several 1 .Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumber land; Parry, and Jun iata,.and Justice of the several Courts of Oyor and Tertninor and General Jail Deliv ery in said counties, and Hons. Thos. P. Blair and Hugh Stuart,Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Termi ner and Jail Delivery for the trial °fail capital - and other offenders, In the said county of Cumberland, by their precept to me directed, dated Oth November, 1868. have ordered tha.Court of Oyer and-Terminer, and * General Jail delivery to be holden at Carlisle, Na the 2d Monday of January, 1809, being the 11th day, to continuo two weeks. NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Pe'ace, and Constables of the said county of Cum berland that they are by the said precepts command. ed to be then and there In their proper persons, with Ahab - rolla,recordarand r inquisitions-osaminatdone r - 1 linden Othei'rem&mbrances,todO to their offices appertain to be; done, and all those that are bound • t,y_ recognizances, to prosecute against the-prisoners that ere or that:rattail be In the Jail of said county, aro team there to prosecute them as shall be just. J05. , 0. THOMP A tN riff. • Decemberll, 1868.—tc. DRY GOODS! Something to suit Mc times and Sr!aso, AT THE NEW S.; CHEAP CASH STORE OF TROM-AS A'. HARPER, COB - 11ER OF HANOTER POMFRET STS., Who to now prepared to exhibit an Olegant and well assorted Stock of DRY G"0 0D S , At exceedingly low prices! Bargains in BLANKETS, of all colors and 2,17.C5. Tho chespest Stork. In town. FL A NNE LS. Plalnp.nd Twilled, all colors. ~. Domets, Shakers, Plaid Shlrtlngs, •-• Operas, • Homo-Made. and a One a . ridele of iVelsh Flannels. Long and Square, Paisley and Thibot. Ladles' Cloakings,, Velveteens, Gold Mixed, Water. Proof and Heavy Beavers. Merino Vests, Blinds and Drawers, for Ledlse' Misses. Men!s and Boys' wear. " A full line of , Cloths And Cassimeres FANCY DRESS GOODS: ' In new and Rich Designs., Bratty of the above Goode selling off g at at greatly reduced prices. Immense Stock of all the leading brands of Domestics and HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, at loss than regular prices. BLEATIED & BROWN SILEETINGS, PILLOW OASE MUSLINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, TABLE LINENS, NAMES AND DOYLIES. Towels And Towellinga. Marseilles Quilts and Mehl& Covers, Nottingham Lace Curtin Material and _, I Pull lines of ' WIIITE GOODS, Embroideries, Laces and Insortings, Veils, Beroges and Grapes. Hosiery and Gloves In groat varloty, an eaton ttvo Stock of NOTIONS.' BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. ,CORSETS! CORSETS!. 'French Wove, flip Gore and the celebr ed Backe' Corsets. Eridle's Cuffs and Collars, Ilemetitehed Tu . ked and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Clu_ney co Mikt's and many articles suitable for-- 110LIDAIC PRESENTS I invite attention to recent purchases ,of Now and Desirable Goods, in which I can offor I spooled induce m ents to cash buyers. THOMAS A. HARPER, Cor. of Hanover and Pomfrot Ste. lldeo 66•1 y WINDOW GLASS WAREHOUSE, BENJAMIN H. SHOEMAKER Noe. '205, 207, 209 & 211 N..4th St., PHILADELPHIA. Importer of French and Engliels Window Glass. French Plato Glass for Windows. ' French Looking Glass Plates. • Hammered Plato Glassfor Skylights " Floors. Colored and_OrnainentalChurob Glass Fluted Glass for" Cilaservatories, Eiery Blze ees Thlckneee. • By lb° Original Cato, bur, or Sli& Light Square or cut to any Irreguler'Sbcpo. Udell 611-36 t. 'Wheeler - and • Wilson- and — Elliptic LOCK STITCH ewing. Machines. - Tio—Brot_Sinzplestand-Cheappt.- • riciagsE machines axe:adapted ,to do all kinds of family sowing, working equally ,we upon Bilk Linen and Cotton goods: with Bilk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and 'perfect Atiteh alike on both', tildes of the' article , sowed., . . All machines sold aro warranted, • Call and excpnina at Gall ]toad Tolograph omco, • Carlisle, Ca. • ' ' " , May 24, 3867-tf, .! 301 IN OAMPDEtL': D S ' ULEOTRIO BOOT POLISII MAKES A LASTING SELINK , ... Thom who black their boote on Saturday night with ordinary blacking, don't halm muck shine on ,Sundayialithirpolhellifidda WTI' tint thit chine DOBBINS" lILACKINB' . _ Banta Saturday Night 4 . all (14 ,Sanday, ic,peate any other MilFking .24de: • • Iblanittotured linty by J. B. bobblb,o ' at big , fro. mimeo Soap MI 11 Mating Work., bittik fl treat owl Gormeintown Avenuo. Ptilladolphto, Pa. - • ' Yor Otto by C. Inhoff. • 27nor 6841 n. BSPATE. VALUABLE HOTEL POPerty • AT PRIVATE GALE,OIt EXCHANGE FORA FARM The eilincilher - offers at private sale the WeHAI:LOwI; hotel':standpi NOW - Allo & known ea the LOGAN HOUSE. The lot (upon which tho•Ilotol stands) Contains 57 by 180 feet, and in addition theretrovill,be soidon - .sellout GARDEN containing 05 by 180 foot. Tho house is largo and substantially built of stone containing 8 sleeping aportmonts, good:Bar-room Dining•room, Parlor,Hitchen and all modern commis hincos. A.kood Well of Water at the door, ' • ' EXOEthENT STABLING.' for forty horses, Ice House, Wood HOMO, Smoke House and all necessary out-buildings. The Logan -Reuse is widely and .fayorably,knonu. and is largelx patronised:lt has been quite recently renovated and repaired throughout. Terms to suit the purehaier • For further portleulain, Apply to the embeeribor,tit 'to tic abeenee to Peter A. AB), at Nowyillo, Pa., JOS. A. WOODBURN. 28Aury• Vn .. RIVAI.`E SALE. E . . ho'qubFeribor °fiord at private 'sale their va ablo prob.:lay el tuatod In Mifflin township, 3 miler North East of Newburg, containin g 28 ACRES, together with fl r iterea of timber land, thorn la sup posed to boa large quantity of Iron Oro on tho main tract. which makes It a raluablo property. The buildings — raelst of a splendid BRICK 110t113.E, Wash Llouso, Double log Barn, Hog Pen and other nucefsary out-buildloga there Is a'varle ty of all kinds of fruit on the prom lees, also a well of water near the door The land le the beet quality of elate havlnk heon recently well limed, this Is n• desirable property near to Church, School-and Mill. • ' - Persons wishing to sea the property and know be terms will please call on the subscriber resid ed on the same MARGARET Mall, 'DIARY HIGH, ...Mifflin Township EIMEIB 1110UBlai SALE. - • N, 11l a sold at public Nolo, at tho Court tho Borough of Carlisle, on FRIDAY, the 18th of DEMMER, 1809, at 10 o'clock A. DI. I. The Douse and Lot on' Pitt Street, adjoining then. R. Church on the South, and opposite tho Mansion Hotel. It is now In the occupancy of Dr. Cook. Thin lea control location and a very desirablo-residence. 2. That very desirable Lot of Ground known no Gart's Orchard, situate - in - an Improving part of tho town. It, contains about 10 AORES, and will cut to great advantage Into building lots. These • properties aro so well and favorably knoWn that It is not thought necessary to describe them In detail . Terms easy to stilt purchaser and will be Made known on day of gale by CHRISTIAN THUDIUM MOM HO ! FOR AUSTIN Sc CO.'S GREAT OWDOLLAR SALE! , We propose to fight It out on this lino.' AGENTS_'! 'AGENTS WANTED? Ladles and Gentlemen In every town and city. In' the United States, to act as Agents . Austin & Co.'s Groat Ono Dollar Salo of rich and valuable goods, comprising nothing but useful edibles wanted In every family. loch and every article will be sold for One DoMr. To any person getting un either of the' Clnbs below, we will present a Watch, Dress Pattern, Piece of Shooting, Sewing Machine, Wool Citrpet.,' Sc.,be., free of extra cost. Our inducements to Agents have always been nearly double those of any other house in the trade, and our largely in creasing buslneSS warrants us In continuing the Mks particular notice of thii:—Our Agents, are not required to pay one dollar for their presents, but receive the same for their ser, vice s in getting Up Clubs. Please °sande° the following =I Any person sending us a Club of Ton, with will bo entitled to receive for the same any ono of the five hundred articles on our Exchange Lista. For a Club of Thirty, with $3, the person will be entitled to one of the - following artiel es 7 . Meerschaum Pipe, 20 yards Bleached or Brown Shorting, Elegant Silver-plated Five-bottle Revolv ing Castor, 1 , ancy Dress Pattern, I dozen extra quality Cotton hoer, Fan - cy Colored Bed .Spread, largo size Damask- Table Cover, 1 llierocco Albuin-10Q-pictures, A 'Wool Cdesimm es for pants and Vest;l pair Ladles' Serge-Co ogres. Boots best. quality, 1 dozen fine' - Linen Towels, - largo - size' Worsted 'Shawl, Ladles' long Goldplated Chain, , SpiCridid Ladles' Morocco Shopping Bag with lock and key, Set of Jewelry with Sleeve Buttons to match, 1 Violin and Bow, 1 doz. Shirt Bosoms, I White Marseilles Quilt, 1 Elegant Black Walnut Workbox or Writing Desk... Fora Club of Fifty, with $5.-1 pelt All-wool Blankets, 3;4 yarda Casslinore for Pants and Vest, 1 black or colored Alpaca Deere Patten:6, 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin, 1 pair Gents' Calf Boots, 30 yards Bleached or Brown Sheeting, 2 .yda double width Cloth for Ladies' Cloaks, 1 Fur Muff or Collar, 30 yards Print fast color., 1 SquareThibit Shawl, i plain poplin Dress Pattern, 1 elegant elk. bottle heavy plated Cantor, 1 pair Dante' White Shirts, genuine Meerschaum Pipe In case, 1 net of Lore Curtains. - For a'Club of 000 Ilundrod, - with $lO.-1 heavy eirver-plate.. engraved Ice Pitcher, 60 yards Bleach ed or Brown Sheeting, 1 rich Merino or/ Thibst Dress Pattern, 1 set of Ivory handled Knives and Forks, 1 pair , superior White Wool Blankets, 7;4 yards all.wool Nancy Oassimere for suit, elegant Borne Dress Pattern, 1. Ladles' or Gents' Silver llunting-ease Watch, 1 BIICOU'LI Six-borroled Re. volver, Silver-plated engravedfilx-bottle Revolving Castor with eta giant bottles, hie Wool Cloth for Ladies' Cloak, 25 yards Hemp Carpeting, 1 pair tine Damask Tablecloths Napkins to match, 2 heavy Honeycomb Quilts ' 1 Bartlet hand portable Sewing Machine, / Wool Long Shawl ni co Fur Muff and Cape,.l pair Gents' French Calf Boots:. Fora Club of Five Hundred, with $50.-24 yds extra Woolen Carpeting, 1 elegant Hunting-case Watch (Waltham. warranted ono year,) 1 elegant Chamber Set black walnut trimmings, 1 halt - cloth Spring Sofa. For a Club of Ono Thousand, with $lOO.-30 yds Brussels Carpets, 1 Parlor Sot complete, 1 Ladles' or Gents' Hunting Gold Watch and Chain, I com• plate sot of rich Sable Furs. For larger or smaller Clubs we will give a pre. 01)tslpf_Rilattifanalasnut —_------- Agentn or customers may at any time make a selection of goods from the Exchange List, and by sending One Dollar fur each article, have the goads forwarded tq,them, without first ordering chocks; but in such cases no premiums will be given. I= Send large sums of money by Draft on Now York ar hostenor by Express. We will pay Exellange on all sumo of $25 or more. Small sums should be sent by registeredlottenor "by postal money order. It will be Impossible to lose money sent In either of the above ways. We will 'not by responsible for money lost unless sent as above directed. See that your lettere are properly directed and stamped, as no letters are forwarded totem prepaid. Write your address In full, Town, and County and State. Agents wanted in ovary Town and Village. Address AUSTIN & COMPANY, "No. 108 mummer Street. BOSTON, MASS. SEEM MAR QU A R.T'g , CELEBRATED rit f q LI'NIMENT..,- i+OR MAN OR BEAST This Valuable Preparation is admirably adapted . to ae•Cure of all those Dis eases for which a Counter-Irritant or External Remedy is required. R F. E E • • Abram - Marqnart, Esq., hae shown mo the re. culpt of -which his Liniment is composed. From my know edge of the Ingredients, I do not hesitate In certifying that it will ho beneficial whore an external application of the kind is -Indicated. • 0 - A. STEWART, U. D. ShipponebUrg, Sept. 16, 1668. - gully conversant- with the chemical co mponegts and medical effects -of A. Marguart's Liniment, I cheerfully commend it to those who may need it. , JacksonvEle, Pa.. S. N BOXER, M. D. Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear Sir: I take absence in saylng that 'I have need your Liniment 'for . chap ped4hands, and it cured them and made them feel' soft I think it the best I have ever need, and would cheerfully recommend It .to the general public. • . : 4 WIT. ORAOY Nowton Townablp, Pa., Nov. 24,1808. . hereby MOW.? th'et I have used A. Marguart's Linimr for Scratches and Spayiu on two of my horses Irith the greatest. renocoes, and would roe. omme it to all that are in need .of anythingof the kind, y , 0. AIRLLINCER,, County Treasurer. ,Stoughstown;Pa., Nov. 18,1809. • Mr. A. Marquart :=Dear Bic: I have need about half a bottle of your Liniment on my home fora bad Collar Galli which wes the most obstinate. son of tho.kind I ever now; also on my, arm for Rhottmatiam, and it has given entire satlefaetion In both cases. I would not du. without It for ten theca it cost, and cheerfully recommend It to the public. iiIiOIIAEL,LATSIIAW. • Jacksonville, Pa., Noy. 2:0, 180. ' '••••••, • • A. Tlfirquarqvgsq :—Dear Sir f• I had a very severe attackoltheumatism in my back, so that I could scarcely walk, which was very painful. Alter using half a bottle of your celebrated Llni• meet,' Liven entirely cured. This le .not a recent. -nrendatiour-but-the plain-truth. - You . can - make any use of title you please. • JACOB LONO. Walnut Ilottoni, PA Nov. 20,1809. Mr. A, Marquart :—Bear : I have used your valuablo Liniment In My' family for differ ent paint and mime., and It has proved tottiefactory in every case. • I do think, as on external merit, it stands without a 'rival.' I would' cheer. ,fully recommend it to the public. Respectfully, • ' ' • . GEOROB W. YOCIIIM.. Jackeonyilia, Pa,,,Nov. 21. 1808. 'A. MarcOrart, Reg, :-Deet• ;13ir : It affords. nig iffeaeuratO certify , tiiittl lmvo used yourbialment on'pw Mick, In a case of very Bore Throat,' which was much swollen. and very painful. After, two or three application's, I found it to Act like magic, and would . rerominend it alt an excallent Liniment. ' • - JACOB envEns. Walnut. Bottom, Pa., Nov. 10, 1808. '4l3r AOIII itTs WANTED !A'ddrose A; • , , , A, MARQUART, Dumb. Co.. kOr Ale at:MX.4.4BTM BRO. , Drug Store; 11dcor08. r _„ ATA ABLP MEIDIOIN . V Eiabiiitla and A : Abort°, are annulated, inldei.‘the name and !style of A. ,Schaubla, Is for the manufacture, and aide' oR Shork'w .Bitter Thuture'of Boote, and: 1:1r. Itoek'a Pain • Victor, Thom are Invaluable renicullee, for' ninny Unmet and aro eold Whotolutle by the company, at N0.'36 ,' , South ; Hanover street,,, and by agents 'everywhere... 31de0.06.31n. .DRY 'GOODS.' CHRISTNEAS • ' 1 • !I. . • HOLIDAY GOODS, AT THE ENTRAL , • DAY GOODS STORE OF LEIpICIT , A MILLER. t.., ii. Jun ned a largo STOCK 'for the SWOP. ' DRESS , OODS'I DRESS GOODS I I Reduced at lad 25 per cont to clove out for the Sasso n and enables every person to get a 114NDSOMiE DRESS ataTery low 'price for the yOLID.ity:O, NEW CLOAKS, NEW CLOAKS, Latest Styles, selling much below the 4 " usual 'pricee. . FURS? FURS!! Extra blink, Sable Sets, German Eitel, Furs, Super Siberian Squirrel FURS. FURS of ovary sloe and quality _Ladies Fur-trimmed HOODS, All selling at such remarkably LOW RATES Bo that every Lady or Mica can purclutaa for he real lid also.anable every person to make a liandsomef Christmas Present to their kind friends, en nothing -- - will bo mnro ocooptablo at till° Scuola SHAWLS ! SHAWLS!! , SHAWLS !•! ! BLANKETS BLANKETS ! ! RLANKETSI ! BALM ORAL ,SKIRTS :WOOLEN 'GOODS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, DACE HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS CLOTHS, CABSIMERES, OVERJOATINU, LADIES CLOAKS CLOAKING CLOTBB Now Is tho time Mande to purclutao all kinds of goods at greatly reamed prices as we aro going to aloso pul/ .IIiTOK at such prices as will astonish tho community. GIST ye% Call.aftd. say" your money .by ancourag MEI Central Dry Goode Store OF THE TOWN. LEI DICH & MILLE.R ON THE CORNER, Sign of the Caipet Hall . .N"9 , • NAST' MAIN EITigHT, Carideo; Piihneylran's 18D0c.68 SPRING.• 1807 B - ARGAINS. • 1867 NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC COOPS 82"EiliTINXT8,. • J.Atik WHITE koonst MN 9'RIAMINCII3, ~ • , -- ZYPUEn . . t 111110 2 ,78: , NOTIONS, £0 IING'S NIG,W 5T61 . 44,.. ~' No. 56 WIEBT MISAIN ETREBT. • •-' Oppoelte .the hiniaelon liouo, neit to 'Poet, Office Carlisle. EAr .INVENTION INGRAIN N DRILLS.—Tbe subscriber, baying proaurad a patent for a novel and moot excellent Improvement In Grain DrUhl by which the grain Init.:rad of being planted in 84 Inch rows as in the old method la scat terod. ter a Maraca cif three inchee;tb nalieenring ti ,equal and even destrlbntlon of the need, and a con.' salderably greater yield of grain. . This hoprnadment can be readily attk9hell to any of the drills now in use. • • . . . State and County nights for sale; agents wantad. Thlg Is an 'mooncalf opportunity for active, one r •gotlo young men to make largo salaries. • • Yorparttoulan address . ' • - • J, 11. VALE, '• ' ' . • Inviintor and Patentei, • I.IXECUTOR'S Lettere Teitainentail on the. 'estite ;of Mary Redden, deed.; late of Wed Pennaboro ' township, lave been Wind by,_the ttegister tty the subscriber, residing In Bonth Middleton, townahlp. • All ver. sone Indebted will make payntent and those having claim' will ,resent diem • " 1 ef LI SOIIN BOWMAN, ixtolf9r qf Mary ,1044fn, 4Wd. Ono,' 08.011*. • • . ',MISC.ELLANBOUS: ONE 15 7- TELE - BEST IiNVESTMENTS. =SW FI'RST MORrEGAGE ,M3(:)1 ZI:i151- OF TIU UNION '%pAcAjc Railroad Company. 850 MILES COMPLETED. " . .it limited ;mount ofFirst Mortgage BOrids of the Union Pacific Railroad Company are offered to the public, as one of the Safest and most profitable- in ! • vestncents. •.-. I. They are a first mortgage tßion the longest and most important railroad in the country. ' 2. By law they can be leaned-to the Company only as the road is kompleted, so • that they always represent a real valve. ,• •.' • - 3. The amount Is limited by' /et of Conkross to 1 FM Million 'Dollars on theentire Pacific line, or an a °rage of lees than $BO,OOO per mild . 4. Hon H . D. Morgan, of tholluited States Sim ate,bed Hon. Oakes Ames, , of thic,United States Hon a of Beprosentativos, are trustees for the thebondholdere, to see that alltheir interests aro protected. . G.: Five Government Directors,' appointed by the President of the United States, - are reirponeible to the country for the management of its affairs. O. Three United States Commlaslofiers meet con tlfy that the road' Is well built and equipped, and ,in all respects a first-class railway, before any bonds ran-be homed upon it. 7. The United States Government lends the Com pany Its own ponds to the same amount that the company lambs, for which it taloa a second. mort gage as security. , 8. As additional aid, it makes amabsolute dona tion of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, lying upon each side of the road. _ _ _ O. The bends payslx, per. cent, in gold„, and the Principal is also payable In Bola. • 10. The earnings from the local or way business were over Fong Maims DOLLARS last years, which, after paying operating expenses, was much more than sufficient to pay the Interest. These earnings will he vastly increased on the completion of the entire line In 1860. 11. No political action can reduce the rate of in must remain tor thirty, years-,rix per. cent per annum in gold, now equal to between eight and nine per cent. In currency. The principal is. then payable in gold. Ha bond, with Ouch guaran tees, were issued by the Clovernment, Its market price would not be lose than from 20 to 25 per cent. premium. As these bonds are issued under' Gov ernment authority and supervision, upon what Ir very largely a Government work, they must ulti mately approach Government prices. No otheraor porate bonds are made secure. 12. Tho Issue will soon be exhausted. Tho sales have sometimes been half a million a day, and near ly twenty . millions have already - been Bold. About ten Millione more - may-be offend. ;X is not--lm .,probable that at some time not far distant, all 'the remainder of the bonds the Company can Issue Will be taken. by some - combination. of capitalists and withdrawn from the market, except at a large ad. van.. The long time, the high gold.interest, and the perfect securitity, must make these bonds very valuable for export. . All the predictione which the officals of ihle Com pany have made lh relatiorizto the progress and bu siness success of their enterprise, or the value and advance in the price-of their securities, have been mole than confirmed, and they therefore suggest that parties who desire to invest In their Wilde will find It to their advantage to de so at once. Subscriptions will bo received In Carlisle by' A. L. SPONS'LER, FURt,3III and In New York - At the Company's Office, N 0.20 Nassau Street, • AND BY John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers No. 51, Wall St., And by the Company's advertised agents throughout the United States. Bonds sent,free,lalt pdrties subscribing through total agents, will look to them for their -safe delivery. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP WAS ISSUED October Ist, °obtaining k report of the work to. that date, and a more coshplete statement In rola. Han to the value of the bonds than can be given to an advertisement, be sent tree on appli cation pt the Company's offices or to any of the ad• vort lord agents. JOHN J. CIECO, Treasurer, New York. 30oct 6S-3m. PATENT CLOTHES RACK. The undersigned having purchased the right to Manufacture and sell Brenneman'. Patent Clothes Rack for this county, gives notice that the Public will La called upon either by himself or his agent, andurdere solicited - for - the same. It Irene of the very best greprovements of the ago,. and should be found fn every household, -Orders will be promptly filled. This Improved clothes rack has mhny advanta. vie; and, on account of lie simpliCity and conven ience must recommend itself to all. Every Family is well aware of the inconvenience and atinoyande occasioned by not having a convenient arrangement on which to dry Clothing. Inclem ency of the weather will often not ,admit of Clothing being exposed out doors; yet families ri provided with a properly construe tad - Clothes Ra for use In doont have no alternative. HOW etf,,lte too, is it the case whoa Clothes are being Irotretit that, fot'vrant of a suitable Cloaies Rack on which to thoioughly dry them, Chairs, be., are called Into requisition for that purpose, thus dincommod- Ing the lady of the house if a sent in required, to' a.) , nothing of the inconvenience otherwise. By use of this Improved Rack-all the annoyances are obviated. . It is adapted for out-doors as well 'min-door use, and the manner in which it is constructed makes it useful at all times. When' not tequired for drying Clothing, the arms may be folded for con venience of roorn,at the same time-bringing into plabd aumber'of hooks, forming it Into a convenient HOODS, HAT & APPAREL RACK For the present orders eon be left with David Sipe, Undertaker on North Ilanover Htreet. toot 68-3 m. N. KLERK. GLOVES HOLIDAY FAIR OF TIME CUMBERLAND FIRECOMPANY —The Cumberland Fire Company bog leave to announce to the eitizono ot_Carliale and vicinity, that - they will bold a GRAND FAIR AND FESTIVAL - during the Holidays, commencing on THURSDAY ,EVENINO, DECEMBER 24TH, 1808, and closing JANUARY 2d, 1809, The proceeds to be applied to tho purchase of a NEW FIRE tENGI.NE.' The old Engines and material ° of , the Company being entirely worn out, and unlit for service,. in consequence of which It has been for some time without an efficient apparatus. The following aro among the principal articles of valuado be chanced off ONE le - ALUAI3LE IMPORTED CARPET,' ONE SPLENDID COORBTOVE ;ONE ELEGANT MORN ING.GLORY STOVE, ONE GOOD BAG CARPET, with other necessary articles. Our citizens will at once bOO the Importance of encouraging our Fair, and of assisting tho Com pany In accomplishing its purposes. The public generally ate invited to attend, and lend their assistance, as everything will be done to promote the comfort and pleasure of all who may give us a -helping hand. It ahould also be remembered that the Cumberland Firo Company lips not asked or received any 'sauterne for many Year. CONTRIBUTIONS and articled edit:tautly solicit kodl, and will belhankfully received by Any of the undernigned committee of/arrangements. The pliblic is assured that everything will bo con ducted with honesty and fairness, as our books, numbers, be., will always be ready for Inspection. A il B D mU . ib e b blf, ' u j m n li ee to t e: Y ' Johnßoyle, • Jacob Albert,-'.':Johns Bailey, George A,Dilltuan, 'Edward A rney, Frederick' lbys, T" JP ,l 9.o4tvie, Stephan' PerldVrlfrkSS;' "'Edict* "Sinltlff ?Michael Boyle, . • . . , . MirinVittieof Arrangements. - .CIIARLES P. SAN NO, Chairman ":tinov-68.• ' ... AGENTS WANTED 6' 75 .to 2bo per month 1(1 r a Commleeion from which twice that amount oan bo made by aelllng the LATEST IMPROVED COMMON SENSE Family Machine, PRI OE. SIS,OO For Olroularo aid Torrorid4'9,9l ,C. BOITURB A 00. ' 220 :fioutde Third Street, Phila . ., ° r 4de 009 2m. JONES HOUSE,. HARRISBURG, PA.' , • The undorldgneti hatitfg leased the ,popular and well hnown house, which has 'boon thoroughly epaired and greatly IniProyed, and es well as en. t holy refurnished throughout. with elegant new furn ci ure ß onclWi n l g t a ecdy e , 4b ap p t o h lo e t r m ee n p ts i onf Oa guests, on and, altar the 15th of. November; 1868. • • TURMAS FARLEY, Wiser 68 3ar;.Proprietor. . , ;THE, O.AIRLISLE - 0001K.StOV.4 ;THE, at Y. GARDNER. & Co'e Foundry 'laid Machine Bhop f Carlisle, CANT DIO.III2IAT .This is the testimony of e cores of famine. In Cumberland, iPerryandAdart& Counties, who Are new using them. iCalbarid Fos them.,, JEE -1311. L 1 .. • Nanning either bippaier or by band—constantly hand and ,tor rale GAREEER.,& lito. „Foundry and itaohlhe Maio Street. STEAM BOILER MAKING. Wo are prepared to make Steam Dollen of - all sisal land hinds 'promptly and on the belpost terms. 'A , Smoke Steaks andallsztlele&lo thAt Hum: Rawl, UM or BOUJUIA and Engine' promptly attended to Ds the best insulter.' • P. OAILDIaIt k 00.. • l'opkry 16:411140111as kliop, Oktitile, rot. pux.2447.. - D$Y ,GOODS..' - . 4 ltEDlN'Oci,s• IN PRIUO THE R Y- D.S., • ' L. rr. OrREENFIELD'S Beautiful display of DRESS GOODS, FURS and FADDY GOODS, ennoble fbrthe Uodday■ FURS: FURS!! FURS:::® large lot of Furs of every .dascription Jute re colvod nt_roduced price■., I Will offer greater In. ducoments to buyers than any house this side of Noir Yo:k. Good Muffe St . CoWars to Match Ameican Sable; German• Fitch, • Siberian Squirrel, all reduced in price Mini, Sable Muffs from - $l5 to 35. do. do. Collars $1.5 to 40, We have thle dap opened ano IbCcif Sable Pure at pricee that cannot fall to please. Having determined to close out my entire Stock of Drees Goods before January, I will offer bar mane that cannot be our passed In the followiti F Goode. Pr A beautiful and anertment of IM=I Silk Chringenble-hlisturea, - - French Merinos, . . All Wool Coro Poplin. All Wool Plain Poplin., Empress Cloths, Chene Poplins, , Alexander Poplins, Orlental Lustre., All Wool De!aloes, ' --Single and double sr kith. . . • . . Lustre Card, ' Alpaca Poplins, - • , Alpaca, all plinth's American delnines MOURNING GOODS, Crepe Veils, Black and White Shawls , square and long, together with a full as sortment of for which order. will be promptly sod antiefec torlly tilled. Mack. Cloths from the lowest grades of American to the finest French American Bearer.. A large stock of Plain and Fancy easslnets and Oassimerg. • Iu this branch of my trade I would particularly call attention as 2 ami confident. that I have the largest and best selected stock of those goods of any store this side of the cltlei,•and having made It an object In order to suit my numerous custo mer!! In these articles, all I ask is an inspectkn, feeling satisfied that male can compete With or undersell me. • In thee° I am now offering bargain. that cannot be found eleowhero In thin branch of our trade we are the 'only home that keep a variety of these articles: N bee Celebrated Star Cornet, sell at El. ' The Regular French Corset Thompeon'a Patent Glove Pitting Cornet t being the moat perfect article of that kind known. Alen a lino French threat with 60 dap, 1y 404 of Shawla le very full tad will ho sold at nlcoa to suit all. nay ..abet of SQUARE AND LONG PAISLEY SHAWLS &c, ,. • atom's FOR LADIES' SACKS OF TABL,E OIL CLOTHS, Notions, Gloves and Hoisery, I • in great variant' and very cheap. I The West' style of ; . EP OOP ?K IR TS. 1c BALMORAL SKIRTS . ~ .. ....,p 7-7'''7l:'""'l; I C G9O D S „ ', 1 C,,,..- ,, ..,,,."'' , ',: ; :i,;.;'.'"i•-• ...., , :--i';':‘,.i 5 . I , 5000 yds of thei' poplar print. at ' 12 1 10. ' ' Domestic Gingham. at • 12% 15 15 and 20e. i Drown Mu .lin e aline at ' " 4.4" a V% 16 and Ille. Bleached Munn. at 10 12% 15 and tip top.• Shirting. at-t 4-4 best Hot& • Canton Flannel at • 15 20 and 250. I Ticking. at, 16 18 20 25 And upwatdi. ' , .. Oranhei at.. , 12% 16 and 204. Also a full" line of . 1 0111110 ES, • , E,B - /- BYRI 4 ' , 'DEMINS, - KENTUCKY JEANS, - ~ I • • DELAINEO, - :and other Domintla Goode' et.cotrespondingly.low , pi•loeli.. - . l • A grand s dleplay of , e • . ' 210011011 .lIDICES, .. . , ' A, •LAOII BMUS., ' HEM STITCH do.. - . • , •, „ l . • VALENCIENNES, - MALTESE, . OLUNY:AND • ~ - ' ' r•-- • ' • LINEN 'DOLLARS, :just received :and• well adapted to, ;the* Holidly rade. . . . _ 1 Tryon deslniagrestitargain. •_y L. TO OrREENFIELD. V‘TC):.. •.' ~.; •••••• r, • • .40410 T • `,. • MEE No: 4". East. Main Street. DRESS GOODS BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, Boruba.lnet, Dleck Frencb Merino, All Wool Delalnes, nod Double ‘Vidthi, a boautltul aelection of 19aeli•nd Whlto caßujt G S, Crap . ° Collars FUNERAL GOODS, Clothe Gassimers and Casainots, French Beavers for Overcoats BLANKETS 1! BLANKETS ! CORSETS. SHAWLS!! SHAWLS 1 BLANKET SHAWLS, A.LLSHADES FLOOR OIL CLOTHS STAIR 011;0140THS, OIL. PAPER BLINDS Remember tho Place, mrsoErihkiv:Eorz' Ayeo3,, For restoring Gray Halr to its natural Vitality and Color.. ' • 1, cured. by its ;Wm, Nothing can_ restore the hair_ where the follicles aro destroyed, or the glands atrophied and' decayed. But such : main can be saved for usefulness' by ,this application: Imabad of fouling the'.hair with a Pasty eedithent, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional ,use will prevent the hair from. turning., gray •or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substandes which .make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hnir, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a $3,00 $3,00 HAIR D`R . ESB NG , nothing else can be found to desirable. Containing neither oilor dye; it does not soil - 171;Rn cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it, rich glossy lustre and and a grateful perfume. • Prepa'red by Dr. J. 0. Ayer, & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL MABB PRICE 01.00. 30ort 681 y 6,lyer's, _ Cathartic For all the purrneea of 'a Laxative Medicine Perhaps no one medi -1 tine 1 eo universally • • requir dhy everybody as a ca hartic, nor was •-• ever any before eo versally adopted • into utolneverygountry and ••• ' • -among all classes, as this mild but dile'. • _ ent purgativolyi. The relisen . • it lea more reliable and - far more effectual ream. dy than any other. Those who havetried it, know that it cures their nalghbOrs and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always—that it never falls through any 'fault or neglect of its, compoaltion. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures pf the following camplainte, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and condition-fn-all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may - be taken With safety by. anybody. Theit sugar coating pre•erves them' ever freehand makes them-pleasant to take, while being purely vegetablei no harm can arise from their use la any quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on the.. internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy sett: n—remove the obetvlctions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and -by-correcting,-wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. . Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pilf(rapidly cure : Nor Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlessness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderate y to stimulate the stomach and, restore its healthy tone and action. - For Liver Complaint and Its various symptoms, Bilious--Headache, Sick— fleadache,--Jaundlce - or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and .13111ous Fevers, they should be Judiciously takdn for each case, to correct the diseased action offremove - MU obstrue; Lions which cause it - For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. , For Rheumatism,, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the Side, Back. and Loins, they should_ be continuously taken, as 'required, to change-the diseased salon of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in laige and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For 'Suppression a large dose should. be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to pro mote digestion - and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and. invigorates the, system. - Hence it to often advantageous where no serious derangement ox; lets. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that atuees of these IVO make him feel decidedly better¢ from their cleansing and renovating effect On tlie digestive apparatus. DR. J. C. AYER CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS.,IITZS. A. FlavoristLek Brothers, Agents for 'Cirllsle 03nov:lt. 4a103/(4 4 4 ,* ° BANKERS, ° WO'73SOUTIT IR PHILADELPHIA: CONERAL n PLGENTS, to 0 1 , PENNSYLVANIA S 4 , 2 , A N D t $ 7.) NW S • r. " OF THE jatNSIN il. OF ME , "' CE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. .1111ftc.T.Komfgggy 1 irp9rATItp. pond July,"lB6B, with I CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal term, offered to Agents and .13ollcItore, who arab:tilted to apply at °rm.:Mee. bnitwolitn,r.''aon:FPollilerarningTrlfcTir3: Where Circular, and. Poiltitlets. fully the Ulyantages offered by the oynpany, may be had. E. 'W. CL A lIK & Tls,ir4S!.., Applleattone for Central end Western Penney tante to be made to 2toug OS ly REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! I JOHN DOLL, 11VPORTEII OF TOYS AND' FANCY GOODS has removed from No. 602 Afaike Street, to his new and spacious store LVo. 908 Market St., above Ninth; , - PHILADELPHIA: , Iniei;ho will - constantly' koop a•laigoaesortniaitt Of TOYS of ovary ion & FANCY ARTNLES of the greatest variety'. - • CHINA WARE, IVOBK BOXES. BEADS, PIPES, WALKING CANES,. MARBLES, SLATES, PENOILS, - • • - .DAMES of different kinds, MASKS, Of varlousßtyloi& Pattern'', GUMAND BASE BALLS, ,!ko. • ' Always - receiving the neOrost styles of .Goode from the monuactorlas.' • Thankful for past tavora I I‘ollClt a continues' co of the moo at tho narrator& • JOHN. DOLL, , • , DIPOITN & ' ..DEALEN IN DOMESTIC FANCY ARTICLES. • /11r9. ' 'Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. 2Cinov-011-2an' BOOT %.ND SHOE . The subserlbers, . Intending to quit the husliteS/1, offer etTrlvate Sale thole satire Stook, Of Boots; Shoos, Loather Fixtures' end - good. will, .at than cost. - Th ei Stock on hand te.Worth about fteen hundrod do.' tars. They will else • rent . the 'Storerooms, now-occupied by , them, :to.. the .pur :chaser; If desired ; at a , reasonable , rent. : This Btororoorst la Ideated eq. Slain Street,• near the Public Square, and in one, of the meet, deeirable .businass stands In the' co ati: -- It has been fitted up expressly fdithe Shoe.buelness. , The subserlb ,ors 'relinquish' the 'business' Which 'tae 'proved. ;profitable to them, slinply,beease they . totand, to ;ontor lute the wheleb i de nanufsetnie, and It does mot sult,them,to engage In both thq husiness, „ Until the Whinges breold the atolls on head will .be retailed at the very lowest figure. • P. o.'vLitairNii '2.onov 68• Ate. • ,• • . • • • . ~.0 .10 . , : , ; II . , H oTEL, , " oppodt:,. laierot TIARMISPIETR* W. 60 Propriotpra Soot 04y.' '' READ ! A:. dressing.. which, L. it once-agteeable,:.fitiall' thy, and 'effectual for preserving the hair. Faded-or gray hair is aeon rcsfored its tat color with-the-gloss andtreahnees of, youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, end ' baldnest • often, bARGA INS ! ! BAEGAINSI W. C. SAWYER & Co's NE have just received from, Neu , York and Philadelphia a liege assortment of DRESS GOODS, in which w iii be found, all. the late and Attractive styles of tho • sealron. Our Stock embraces Figured, Gros Grairi, EPINGLIINE, ALEXANDRIA - CLOTHS, grencb Merjno, Alpacas, Cashmeres and Engirds Cloths in 11 colors and prices. We have a fell Hoe of the Celebrated BUFFALO MOHAIR BLACK AbpACAB, .aleo'a large Stock of all kinds of Black MOURNING GOODS 11:121 Si'REEI _lll T NIL -AATILPrt --- SHAWLS I SHAWLS I SHAWLS I Just received (coin the well knowit"lltuao of Niehola Burthott & Co., • Broadway New York. These Bluffs and Cohere all have a now IMprove meitt which will make thorn wear much longer than the old etylkol manufactures. • Pontlemon can also find on .our counters a va- Hay of French and American Cass'mutes an Fancy and' Black. • • P. ' • Deaver Clothe In Esqul4ux end Folt for keniy Seeks end Over Conte. B. S. RUSSELL, 'Manager, Ilarrlaburg, Pa Suite may by the best Tailor lu town, Clotho sold by us are warranted to be trlnUnett with the beat materials. bARPETSI CA-RPETSII RUGS, DIIDGONTS, WINDOW MD A * N i t; and a ; gel:lona asebitrobni 'lilt, • 1 . • lONE liOUBE FURNISHING GOODS,'' , . HIO I . E, . !sieotorea-atr m ndlnduer:o to :u t litins s ryaoa4 :a a,o6nyinTc : to i ullo4.pwlto ourstoq, . - :I):NDWL IBA NNON'.44,:IOTIiIr4. ::. , • . .6 AY .:;„(1:,001;),,,5;,t.7,,,..\ READ !I coNsiDgp,\!! Plain, Striped SILKS Gros Dearmuro, Gros Dablne arta Lustrino BL.A.CS BILitS ROUBAIX, LYONS, CRETONNE, SHORT & MOHAIR SERGI,S, EMPRESS CLOTHS, AND CASHMERE POPLINS FOR LADIES - SUITS TAMI3I,I EMPRESS,' QUEENS AND LAMA CLOTIIS Particular attention pall to Funeral Orders Call and too our large Stork of STONE MARTINE, (16E.BIAN PITON lIIBERIA N SQUIRREL. BROWN CONEY LUSTRE FITCH, WATER MINIS, ! BLUE CONEY, =I =I OHOESLEYIL ENGLISH, • ' TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, LOW ELL. AND ELARTFOIttk EXTRA. THREE PLY, ING2}A NI3, •,' . • &STACIE, • VENETIAN, IiO3IE MADE,- ,LINIDN AND HEMP, its= 4'006. enb tiorarp orL.9LOTH,, GLOV,Es, NOTIONS &0., Ito SAWYER-A CO'S, - EAST ) 13 1 ABET, ,; I. I.II6GELL ANEOUSC'sitix--. - ' TWE NATlOlcial• INSURANCB co-MPANy, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, - WASHINGTON D. C Chartered by Specitil Act of Congross, Approved, July 25,18 a `— Cash Capital - - $ 1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, 'Nfliera tbe general buslnosa of the Company Ls trans acted, and to n - hlch all gonoral corrol.pondonco 'Mould be addressed. • • DIRECTORS. Jay Cooke, Ph" lade. E. A. Rolling, Wash. C. 11. Clark, Phllada. If. D. Cooke, Wash. F. Ratchford tarr,Philado. W. E. Chandler Wash Wm. G. Moorhold, Militia. John D. Dames, Wash George E. . Edward Dodge, N. Y. J. Hinckley Clark, Philadg. 11. 0. Fahnestock, N. Y OFFIC4US. C. IL CLARK, Philadolphia, President. - HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice-President. JAY COOKE, • Chairman Flumes, ang...Esocutlyo Uommittne. EMERSON W. PELT, Philada., See l y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS a. Medical Dlrebtor. - J. EWING ME AILS, M. D., AssistantDledleal Director and Fancy MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD, J.K.DARNES,SurgeoreGenoral U. S. A.Washington P. J. 11011WITZ, ChietMedleal Department U. B. N., Washington. D. W. DIASS, H. D., Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS WTI. E. CHANDLER, Washington D. C GEORGE HARDING, Philadelphia, PA. This Company; National M its character, offers, by reason.ot Its Large Capital, I.w - Rates of Premium and Now Tables, the most dtsl, hie means of Moor ing life yet presented to the pobite The rates of Premium, being le., poly reduced; are made as favorable to the Insurers as those at the best Mutual Companies, and avdid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the mtg. underotan dings which the latter ate so apt to cause the Polley-Rol dors. Several new and attractive fables are now presented 'which need only to be understood to prove accepta ble to the public; suqh as the INCOME-PRODUCING POLICY and ItETUItN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life in. serene , payable at death, but will receive, If living, after a period of a few years, an anima/ income equal to ten per cent (10 per mat.) of !heparin , Us policy. In the latter the Company agrees to riturn to the assured the total amount of money he has paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of persons contemplating Insuring their' lives or increasing the amount of insurance they already have, is called to the special ad vantages otTered by the National Life Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets and . full particulare given On application to the Branch Office of the Company in Philadelphia, or to Its General Agents. )3 .- LOtiAl. AGENTS ARE WANTED In every City and•Towniand opulicatiOns.from eimpetent parties for such agencies, 44th suitable endorsement, should bu addressed TO THE COMPANY'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY, in-their respective districts. POPLINS W, CLARK k CO,, Philadelphia, Fcr Pennsylvania and Southern Now Jersey, JAY COOKE A CO., Washington,,D. C. Tor Maryland; Virginia; District of Columbia and West Virginia - neap GOODS FOR THE it' .1. N CALDWELL, & CO., JEW i:LE RS, - - No. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, In addlffon to their lergbly increased Btot1r; of . FINE WATMES, DIAMONDS, JRIVELRY, ARA C ISTIO SILVER WARES, PLA'I ( E ' D GOODS,Ake.,.lic Are now opening a magnificent collimtlon of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, IN METAL MARBLE, DECORATED GLASS, LEiTIIER AND GOLDEN ➢BONZE, Iu SPECIAL DESIGNS of exquisite taste, from all quarters of Europe, particularly adapted for their CHRISTMAS SALES. Ourarrangemets both in Europe -and. this . tYy7aTtr6'liSATTTO,',7 — thirinusuiria - CinTor" -- in the selection and economical production of our stock.., it Is our wish, as well as our Interest, to secure 1,0 our patrons the benefit of such advan tages in Modern Prices Throughout our Stock, WITHOUT EXCEPTION 20febl yCS BEEF, IRON AND PURE BRANDY, BY DR. 11.1.RTMAN Regular 0 raduato of tho University of Penna. It will posit' voly ,core Oonsuption, Coughs and, Colds, and all diseasos of tho Lungs or Bronchial Tubes. It has boon the tooling of 'RESTORING THOU SANDS to health who hava boon given up beyond the reach of medical asaistanco. It does more to re lieve the Consumptive than anything ever known . UneqUallod strengthener for delicate Ladles' and Children. Each bottle contains the nutritious portion of two pounds of choice Beef. The cure of Consumption was first effected by the use of REEF and BRANDY In Russia, afterwards In France, in which countries I have traveled for years: . • I have used it with perfect success In my- own In presenting this. preparation to the public I feel confident that every afflicted ono who reads this (even the moot skeptical) may become convinced, by n single trial that It is truly a most valuable medicine. Circulars and medicines sent to any address Price, $1 per battle—s i x or $5. Laboratory 522 South Fifteenth Street, ' , . {Mahwah) Agents, French, Richards )t Co., Tooth and Market &roots; Johnston, Holloway k CoWdon, 002 Arch Street; It. Shoomaltor ~{; _4:114 Fourth -and, Rano Streets, rhltadolphia. . . . _ . Sold by Druggists Everywhere. GAINS! 0.. G LB - S ' CREA:P 4JASHI STORE.. Just returned from the city, arid now Opening a large aseortment of the choapelt • - D•xY o D S , furor brought to Carllslo. A full assortment of LADIES' DRESS DODDS, of all tho newest styles and designs. . Clotlim, for Ladles' and Genre' COabs and: Cloaks. - ' _ • A largo assortmont of, •. • S very Chen', collcope very best 12%r Muslin; . Glngbams, very much reduced . • Clothe and CaspiinOreti, ' I for Qcnts' OOto jn groat_ yarloty and. pheapOr than _®yet - • I , HOOF .pALIKORADS, of the bast • id cheapest In Elko county 110ISSItY, • • •• vz,ov.up, . cimagtuiis ..11IITTEN6 • , Rc,, &a. at oitpulabAnglykw. NJ%Ito, Rid and bray .Flounols at vory - loi prlcas. The stock,ls now ',full and' complete,, bought at thdpresont great d Mind. in prices; And . to cash purchasers great ,inducements • will bo - Ali perlmus lit want of cheap Dry dodo aro re -4 quelled to call, bblbre purchasing Uliewlioro: .10 .„ trouble to show the goods. H . „ : N . it. A lot . oUlaipetinge • c ' losing out.,Ah tost;;;A J. L. SI'ERN.ER'S LIVERY`AND gIA.LE "Iletwi,on nanoTeraidliedifod itroo r ' to of tho Connatt Muse. '1: I '4 ' GA L ti) m r Hating fitted up the Btable Itlth. NOW, ,to., I am propated to fu nth th.otAbOif • : at roneontshleXotio• .thrtiajoi,"j4T 3 Di MEM MIMOM= HOLIDAYS PIIILADELPIIJA BAR GAINS! I Canton Flannels:. , • ' Ticklnge, 4c.,