5 II ''bEATH; GOODYEAR-4Ucoti Goodyear of Monroe Town- ship, agedBB years, 11 months and 18 days/ . 0011506.1.-0 n the 17th lust., at Redford purnecos, Pulaski Oounty. Mrs. Dells H. Cornag, 'Wife of Maj. Clio. T. Oornog, and daughter, of MAJ. Joe. Trego, or,Ciffliale, aged, 24 yespre qa.7 days. , .oarrussy,—lt has sold= boon our lot to' witness : ' a deoth scone so ipressive' as that • of our dear depaited sister-Bellme.. But a few short months ago she stood at.tbe - altor a hippy bride,her mind filled with .thonghts of o long life of happiness tufty, abe sleeps tho '.quiet sleep . of death Although so happy in her new home, surrounded' by everything calculated to make her life a honey one, yet she bailed with joy the ,summons of her Maker, ond'smiled she drew near the portals of • death; as though she looked .boyond whore all wpe ' joy and glathowt. ' She never, , during her long suffering uttered a complaint, although breathing 'but her lifo iri a strange land; and away from her friends and home, and but a single regret for her beloved husband, whom .ahe left to mourn tier ...loss. She boWed to the decs'eo of an All-wise Proof donee without a murmur, and bore her long suffer -ltut-withlturfortitudo-of a-true-Christian, -always ' patient and trusting in God, ,in whom she "had fixed hot , faith, nover giving worldly came e _ thought, bat waited patiently the final summons, when her spirit should bo fiat froo 'and' permitted to soar oih, to realms o eternal bliss beyond the skies.n h It g was the Wish of f her lrionds to have her die in the home of her childhood, to have the privilego - of • smoothing .bor..dying_ pillow, but alas, Providence bad not so - docrrodi and we, r - her . sorrowing Mende, submit, _consoling ourselves With the assurance that "our lose has been her, eternal gain;" and that she Las gone to her -home with God, there toupend an eternity of happiness in ono continued aong.of .praise to thb - Most High, who by lilogoodnoss, boo robbed death nod the grave, of both sting and . victory. "Thoro whore sorrow never-comos and whero the weary are at rest." • "Our sister's gone—gone In . hoe youthful bloom, Bidden from us forever, deep In the 6I lent tomb; She's left our home so lonely, loft a vacant chair, But she'll await our' coming, wo fool her eplrits, them; Desolato and heart broken, we laid her. 'neath the sod, We know our darling elder is home with her ldaker--Clod." MARKETS CARLISLE P11.0.E110162 DIA.RKE , I7 Nutlet° Novombor 25th, 1808 Family Flow Bowfin° do. do RYE— WHITE WHEAT. - RED d 0.... t, RYE CORN ... OATS, (n0w)..... OLOVERBEED. . TIMOTHYSEED. VIANBEED HARLEY 125 to duce Market. le, Noveubor2sol, 1808, y Andi'etv Washmood General Pr! -Carnal Corrected Weekly b - . . • kir= 35 BACON SHOULDERS, 13 lads, 30 BACON SIDES, 14 LARD, 18 WHITE BEANS 3 25 TALLOW, 10 PARED PEACHES, - 25 110 AP, 81UNPARED PEACHES 16 BEESWAX, 40 DRIED APPLES, 250 BACON BASIS 18 RAGS, . SPECIAL NOTICES. "SOUTH END." We have In stare n large ifupply of the best of everything for Christina: Times, which-We olfor at greatly reduced prices, Wholesale and Retell. Remember, nothing bat the best. WM. BLAIR & SON, Wholekalo :11.1 Retail ()racers P. B. We are just 4..6;1'31 a large lot of Salt, nice and dear, which we offer at prices that must please. Sleighs I Sleighs ! Sleighs A. 11,--&-N. Sheri'have-now-on-hand-over a dozen of first-class Sleighs, both sing and tiodble seated. For silo - et their new s.lsou,roiciry, on the corner of South end Pitt Street, 27pov -3ts. ...ip-DEAFNEBS, BLINDNESS, and OATARIIII eated with tho utmost success by J. 18•ACB N. D_ and Professor of :Diseases of Eye and Ear in the Medical ,CWlege of Pcnnsyfrania, 12 years experience (formarly'of Leyden, nolland,) No. 805, A,ch St., Phila. Testimonials can be soon at this 'office. Tho medical faculty are inyltedto accompany their pa tients,as he has no secrets in his practice. iirti tidal eyes inflated withou t pain. No charge for exami nation. 12jcine 111L/Y.... - • DM - JACKSON'p A NALEPTICA NEW REMEDY IN CONSIIMPTION.—A Ph • . lan who had. Consumption for several years with. frequent bleedings of the lunge, on, ed himself with a medicine unknown to the Profession, when him case appeared hopless. No is the onjy physician who .has used It In - hie own person, or who has any knowl edge elite virtues, and ho can ascribe the degree of health ha now enjoys to . nothing but the use of his medicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire ertinctiOn - of ell hope of recover 7, together,with a e...._ want of confidence nail others induced him to hazard the Impartment. T those suffering with tiny disease of the Lungij proffers a treatment he confidently belleve eradicate the diseoso. Price $1,60 per hottle or $8 a half dozen, sent by Empress. Send for circular or call on DR. E. BOYLSTON JACKS.ON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by Henry F. Geyoi, Mechanicsburg, Pa., and Druggists generalip." 22may 681 y. ttla.. Amongst Atlantic Cables, steam navigation and those progressions of sciatic . ° and art that mark the nineteenth century, not the least n_uful aro Dr. Ayer'e medicines. They take rank among the benefactions of mankind, from the rapidity and certainty with which they cure. Try Avon e Cohn,,! PIMP= on a cough and It is gone. What skin disease or Impurities of the blood withstands ATM's SAlttlirinltad i—Artn's Pius are tho iorfoct Win of purgative—qvery family should have t om, as alhialt — eklYrtsmily --- doesr , --Not—e-41-10 , to bo thankful for are good medicines and the knowledge hoW to ueo them rot protection from disease. These Dr. Ayor's preparations and publi- cations furnish, and we do not hisitatoto commend them.—[St. Louis Leader.] 4dec PIIILADILPHIL, February 10th, 1508. . DLn Sin :—This Is to certify that I have been Intimately acquainted with Scheele'. Celebrated Ihma COUDIM. for the past four years, and bay soon to effects in Dyepopsln„ Nervous Diseases, Rheumatism, and all tho va, lona forms of General Debility tending to decline, and from my know D edge of said Bitters.). have no hesitation In pro• nouncleithem the best general remedy for the above disease that_ is nog known. You may use this in any way you desire. 'WM. CLARK, M.D., No. 818, Mark et St., and N. E. Cor. 6th and Callowhlll. Read SCHATZ'S standing advertisement in another column, ddemit. MYFILS, L. MYEJtS, J. LIVINMON. ,° • , 'WHOLESAi,E , GROCERS, 'RAVE REMOVED TO , No. 105 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPMA 4 24july 6843m5. ' HORSE anSCattlo Powders And Liniments,togetb . er with A tarp aesortrattat free', Drugs and Nadi. class, Dye Stuffs, &0., au,,Just received at Common Worthingtou'm Drug Store, No. 7,ltast Main Street, Carlisle: NETF TIS.EIIIEN7'S. FOR RENT.. • A Good Grocery Ste: 1 . , fitted up with all the conveniences for the busloose. There to no other Store In the neighborhood. I.nquire of J. W. Spangler, No. 83, West Street. • 4doe 68.3te. JOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given tbdt application bas boon mado for the par. f Henry, Dixon, convicted of onion at tho November 'form 1867 and eentoncei thorodir to the Eastern Penitentiary. . . (dealt. - - • DANK STOOK FOR SALE. U. D. ltlanaltAt, tattoo fcr. sato, In lots to stilt filichasere. - 140 shares OnTlisle Doposit Bank Stook. This Dank has recently made n Dividend of Five per cent. for Sin Menthe, and hen a colloid° ra blenurplue., Apply to ALEX. CATHCART,. • Attorney. 4ded Os-ff. ADMINISTRATOR'S` NOTICE. Betters of Administration baring this 'dify been Ixeurdontbo manta of Jacob Goodyen , doe d., into of Miriroo township, thin county, to Wm. 0. Brandt, Br., of the Immo. township. NotOo le bereby given to all parsons indebted to said erdatri• to make' Immodlate payment, • and to all Blom) bavintiblaimi against It to present thorn, properly nutlionticoted, fobtottlement, WILLIAM 0. BItANDI, Adminletrotor.... 1=1:114 ISSOLUTION OP PARTNER . - Mice ie hereby given that the vrartneMbip hero. Were elating between John It. litmom and J. G, Ifelsar, hai this 'day bean dissolved by mutual consent, and that, the business will hereafter be condlated by John' ilhoom, at the old stand. All persons indebted to the firm are notified to come aid Bottle their accounts immediately. f_L JOAN 11. JOHN G. 11E18111g. ^ 4deo 01141te -yxE aUT ORS!I NOTICE. ' Littori Testannintary on!the - estato - ordeorge , hositer, late of the Borough of Periled°, deo'd., have boon Woad to the. undersigned, the milt named residing in the oily of Philadelphia, and the tut named residing In the boroushcarnalo, - Cumberland. county .' All pampa Indebted to mild estate will mete Immediate payment, and , those 1 talttaVe,P.7 : Pr e " ut , thqpr: properly In. • ' ANDANW:NEDIN6ER, • R. M. HENDEROOII, ' Emutors. 033r7 r a- -- . --Y = IVA"-W AD E HTISE M.EIV PROS'PECTUS OF . . Merry's Museum for 1.869, , Trll MERRY OLD PATRIAROS OR TIDE YOUNG LOI:7BIAM;ALCOTTartd"AIMITSUE,"—EdItor.. ' "MbiRSY'S MUSEUM" is the OLDEST Magazine for rum,: people published in the. United States. It is read to.daY,lbY hundreds upon hundreds of. _our boys and girls whosulittlisre and mothers read it with n n equally - - eskor:intereet thirty - years ego. •- . _ 'Like old wino, like old Moods, IN° old books bas improved by age; at no period of Pa long life 'wan it over half no popular. or - bright,-or - worthy - of-its--support, as it in at-the present time. This in not unr own opinion only, but the tdrdict of impartial critics. sinco It pass bdinto the hands of ;the - existing publisher and editors, no expense and no work.havo been .spored to cinder It'more brilliant _and attractifo. . • 111. ' No'parerit need fear to halo hie children road it, for, - of ''Robort Merry," it - ran - as-truthfully Tho said as was said of the poet of the ."Seasonal ' ho hoe hitherto written— . . -"No lino, which, dying, ha would wish t o blot." Tho oharantor of tho blagarino, in this 4 ebnpbet will not bo thangod. 'But, on the other hind it will not Einstein this reputation by dulness, which is sometimes—too; often—the twin sister of respectability. A young folks' rehab...lna is nothing,. if not lively; and we have .in our editor, Louisa M. Alcott, one of tutu most charming and .brilliant writers for -young people that, our country has hitherto produced. She is assisted by a number of contributors, who, although less known to fame, are adept's ip this branch of literature. Miss-Slott will contributo atleastono story: to every number during the coming year. Other contribbtore aro engaged from soma'of the , most popular writers for youth in, the country. We make no display of distinguished names, as it is well known that nearly all the famous authors - for adults, whose services have been reoured from time to timo for juvenile periodicals, have proved eminently unsuccessful in trying to write fur our and girls. While "Morry!s Museum , ' will contain no lino to which the most rigid critic can object. it will be preeminently ha every=day-a' holiday—magazine, with no denominational bias whatever, but full of moral sunshine, harmless frolic, and pleasant knowledge. It will contain regularly the puzzles and other features that halo made it so - popular In the past ; and will publish a new series of original and se lected declamations and dialogues, expeesely prepared for no. ..1 90 ..1 45 ...1 25 Parents and friends of young people can make no more acceptable prosnut thou a you's • suserlp tion to .31erry'slluaourn," which will cause the boys and . glris tp think with pleasure of their b0110fi110r6.69 surely as every trioath comes round. No pains. and no money on our pat t will be spared to moko !Mho most attractive gift that the young folks can reelva, TEM.—Yearly subscriptions, $1,50 In Advance; single numbers 15 cents. Threo copies, $4,00; five copies, 50,00; ton copies, $11,00; twenty copies, $20,00; nod 51,00 for each additional copy. 11011 ACE B. FULLER, PUBLISHER, 14 Bromfield Street, Boston '•lde c-lt. o . AGEII - TS WAFTED $75 to $ 200 per month ! ! 1 Of it Comm Melon from which twice that amount can, be made by selling the LATEST lIIPROVE D COMMON SENSE Family Sewing .Machin, PRICE 818,00 =!MEI 22.0 BoutlrThird Street, Itlttle, Sc 4dee-68 GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS J. E. CALDWELL-. & CO., JEWELE RS, No. 902 CHESTNUT &TWEET, 0 I=3 In addition to their largely Increased Stook of FINE WTCIIIIS;'DIAMONDS JEWELRY, ARTISTIC SILVER ;WARES, ILATED 000D9, &e., &e Are now opening a magnificent collection of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, IN METAL MARBLE, DECORATED GLASS, LEATLIER AND GOLDEt , 7 BRONZII, In SPECIACOESIONS of oarTUTZT:raiWirliiil s all quarters of Europo, particularly adapted for ! their CHRISTMAS -SALES Our arramremets, both In Europa and this country, are ouch aa give us unusual faclltles In the aphelion nod economical production of ,our stock. It Is our wish, as moll as our Interest, to secure to our patrons the benefit of such advan tage's in Modern Prices Throughout our Stock, WITHOUT EXCEPTION 2lffLbly69 JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned baring kneed the pannier and well known house, which has been thoroughly repaired and greatly improved, and as well no en tirely refurnished throughout with elegant new furniture, 'including, all the appointments of a Scat-class Hotel, will be ready for tlju reception of gueetk, on and aftei the, 16th rdlii`oVkuibor, 1868. • TITO:1148 TOnov 68 3m. Propriotor. PUBLIC SALE. I%ill bo cold it public sale, at tho Court lions°, In tho Borough of Carlini°, ,on FRIDAY, the 18th of DE0EM81111,186.3, at 10 o'clock' A. M. 1. Tho House ■od Lot on Pitt Stroot, adjoining tLaM. E. Church on the South, and oppoelto the Mansion Hotel. It le now In tho oocupancy. of Dr. Cook. Thin is a control location and a "very eesirable rooldence. 2, That very desirable Lot of Ground known as Cart's Orchard, situate In an 'lmproving part of tho town. It contains about 10 ACRES, and will cut to great advantage Into building lots. proportioa - aro- 00- well-and•-favorably known that It td not thought necessary todescrlbo thorn In detail. Terms easy to suit purchaeor su4 will be mods known on day of anlo-b.9 =1 4doo 084 u • 'STATE t ITho undersigned , having ham empot °red to sett O up tho ostato of Jacob Itedsockor, deceased, late of the city of BoMinor°, Maryland, squeals r all persons-knon log themselves to ho Indobted- to ssld estatoto make Immoillatoipayment and those having claims, to present them, duly'. authenticated, to either of the undot Ogled. • J. IL ItRDSECKBR, lebation, Pa. A. R. ItIIDSEOICER, Wllholuhr 110101, (I.' 0 Box 1221) Baltimore, Md. • Attorneys for tho helm. 9:7Nov 08.6 t fi I XECTITOR'S.NOTICE: J"Lottore Tostamentory op t.ho eshito of Mary 114Oldon. doc'd., Into M West Pounsboro township, have, boon Issued by the Rogistor to the subscriber, residing In South Middleton township. AU por• sone indObted will make payment and thoso haying dolma will ',moot thorn to ' • ' JOHN BOWMAN,- Executor of . Nary Ridden, deo'd. 20nov 68.0ts*. OTICE.—The subscriber hereby . 1 V - gives notice that his Bound.hoy Charles IV. Banno, a lad about fourteen years old, of light oomplealon, about four foot a few lucheil,tall, has run away from him,- and ho announces that no credit shall bo slion him on lihfinicoUnt, nod will be rospnnelblolor no damages he may commit. • 20nov 08-30* NOTICE. •- • -•• • • In too estate of William Ruthann late - of Borough of Carlisle, deceased. •• - Itulo on the helm and parties In inloreat to show causes why John Etuart, jr., Administrator of. the said Wm. Buchanan , deed., should not dieCharged from, tho tryst. Rule raturnablo at tiro Orphans' .oourt to be hold at the • Oourt llouso in tho Borough athlrliale, on Thursday, Docembor Ipth, 1808, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of all of which those , interested will talon notice. • • • •• 27noy at Wheretis tie undpr i slgneebri'March, eth, I.BM, gave to Jacob yrornlecory_..rote for_One hundred - and 'Seventy-nine Dollars, , more re , llasa; payable tan months after date, and whereas there line-been- a • artlal &Here lb the - ionaldoratlou for raid note. , Notice Is hereby given, to all prawn] not to negott afesald note, as payment thereof wilLberrenteste ?SILLS' • G. , DOSG'.B,do.tno plaoo to got coZd Avg 660,1 g Petwlon /411 and tha Franklin Limy, ioicapoa, ' j VEBOISEMEN P UFFALO'BOB IS l ' , .- . ;• The undersigned having made a tour throtigh 1 e Western Country, hat Just returned with a large and volt selected, stock of fine - . .- . I B'llF - PALO ROBES! .Which ho.purcbas t at on the Plaine. ,o nfonaas, :and sflill.be told on the, mpat'',ltotsonabr l tPraig• ' 'Robes"to b'o at Win. o:'Dliron , al3li o'ittore, No. 8, South IlanoverNtreet, Carlisle. 27nov 68.2n5. 'WhI.CLEAPER. DUIiLIC SALE OF A . . VALUA DLL LONIBEII -AND COAL. YARD 'Matt -TOWN RESIDENCES. On Wafnesdayi , Decn . tber Uth,'lBoB The' sebeeribdewlll dell 'on'the nronaisds, In the Borough of Carllolo, Pa., the following desirable Beal listato :- -- Lot of Ground located on Watt Main Strout, 2t foot front and ILO feet In depth, more'or less, having thoreon erected a 2.i5 STORY BRION " 1101/2.l3„wlth_Framo Ititehen,JllnekeAlouso..Wood_ House, and, all other necessary outhulldlogs., There Is also a Hydrant at the door, with Wator and Glee through the house, which lellnlshed. In. , :mOdern.atjlin' No. 2. A- Lot.of Ground adloining No. 1 on the • West, containing a now 2 1 Z, STORY BRION HOLISE, 4 22 foot front by 72 feet M depth,, having Water and Gas In tbo Ifooro, and all modern Improvo -Men te, with all noces,Ary_nut 7 bulidings on th a lot. . There aro Piro Insurance Policies on both the above bulliloge, which are paid up In full and transforalo. . . . No. 3. Eight Lets of Almond adjoining No. 4 on the West, beinira - flrst-class'- LITAIBER AND COAL YARD..containlng - large - and - commodious COAL SURDS, A LARGE COAL AND HAY SCALE of tho Root & Case patent; OFFICE, 'AND CON VENIENT SIDING, connecting with the 'main hack of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road. This Is ono of the• most dealrablo Coal and Lumber Stands in Carlisle, and offers rare inducements to any one desiring to engago in tho business. .These lota will bo sold together or separate to suit pair chasers. Solo to commune° at ono (1) o'clock P. M., on mid cloy, when berme will bo made known by • _SAMUEL H. HOOVER. EOM! iIRAND 'HOLIDAY • FAIR OF ‘_A TI oumBEnLAdD FIRE COMPANY —The Cumberland Fire Company hog loave twannounce to the oltizenn of Carlisle and vicinity,' that they will hold a GRAND...FAIR AND FESTIVAL' ' during tho Holidays, commencing on THURSDAY EVENING, DEGEMBEIt._24TII, 1868, and closing JANUARY 2d, 1869. Thu proceeds to be applied to tho purchried of a NEW FIRE ENGINE. The old Engines and matorlal. of the Company being entirely worn out, and unfit for service, in consoquencoof which - it: has been for some time .without.au efficient apparatus. The following aro among the principal articles of value to lin chanced off ONE VALUABLE IMPORTED CARPET, ONE SPLENDID COOESTOVE, ONE ELEGANT MORN ING•GIARY STOVE, ONE GOOD RAG CARPEL', withothev_n_acessary articles. Our citizens will at once Woo the Importance of -encouraging our Fair, and of assisting the Com pany in accomplishing Its purposes. The public generally are Invited to attend, and lend their assistance, as everything will bo done to promote the comfort and pleasure of all who may giro us a helping hand. It should also ho reinornliered that the Cumberlano Fire- Cortipany haa not asked or received any- aselstanco for many years. CONTRIBUTIONS and artielbs. earnest ly _solicit -ed, and wild bu thankfully received by any of the undernlgned - committee of arrangements: The public is assured that evorytbing will bo con ducted with tionesty and fairness, as our books, numbers, &c., will al ways be read) , for inspection. Hiram Bibb, Jesse Hays,'" John ll.Dabufr, Ambrose Boyle, Jacob Alber.V . John George A. /Allman, Edward Arnoy, Frederick Rays, James Davis, Stephen Pendergrass, 1111elmol Boyle, . 27n0 .65 QEED POTATOES. k...) Genuine Harrison Early Rose, and Goodrich, ti.ellveied_at__Frederielt Common's Furniture "Warehouse; at the- following- rates -to January let, 18011, atter which ten per cent. will be -added to the prices. 11ARRISON POTATOES, por bushel GOODRICH per bushel. EARLY 11080 por pound Address. .onov 09 -ate L. STERNER'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE Between Tfanover and Bedford Stroota, In rear of the Carman Homo. CABLISLE P-E.N-N A Having fittua up the Stable with Now Carriages, Sc., I am prepared to furnish first-cia a turn-outs at reasonable rates. Parties token to and from the Springs... J. L. S.. 20nov Hay. . . Register's. Notice. NTorricE IS HEREBY i to all persons Interested, that the following aC.- cotfots have been Dile office,' by . the a-coml. tents therein ,named, for exemittation, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland coun ty, for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday, tho lath day of December, A. D., Mg. 1. Supplemental account of James B. Weakley and Rol•ert Bell. Executors of the will and testament of Robert Bell, late of South Middleton township, deed. C. BOWERS 4t 00 ,2. First and partial account of Samuel Woods Starrett, Jameta Thomas Strratt and Wm. L. Craighano, Executore, of the last will nod testa ment of John S. Starrott, lota of Dickinson town ship, dee'd. 8. First and final account at John IL Bowman. Administrator of Samuel Bowman, doc'd. 4. First acFunt of John IL Dressler n Michael Grassier, tes mentary Trustees of th heirs - of Adam Cresol r. • 5. First a,ud [Mel account of ChrleEliob, and Emanuel ,Snoke,' ExecutorsL.of Chas. G., °bristling,- dec'd. 6. The account of Jason W. Eby, Laconia. of Lew Is Harlan, deed. 7. Guardianship account of J. Eminger, guar d'art. ot Beatrice Walborn, a minor child of Dr. D FL Walborn, deed. 8. The drat and final account ofJarneeMellhonny, Executor of Mary C. Mcllhenny, deed. 0. Third and final account of John M. Woodburn audj.loseph A. Woodburn, Adminigtraters ofJain M Woodburn, deed. t Flftt - Tind aual - account-Icyf-Tr,P,81021,4d Inletrator of John Ferree, dec'd. 11. First and final account of T. P. Blair, Aid- Inistrator of Margaret Ferree, dac'd. - JACOB DORSUBTMEIV 4'egister- MEM ELECTRIC, BOOT POLISH MAKES A LASTING SHINE Those who black their boots on Saturday night with ordinary blacking, don't have much s pine on Sunday, as the polish fados on but the shin oof Last 4 sSalurday Right 4. all (lay Sanday, Manufactured only by J:11, Dabbling, at hicim• manse Soap act] Blacking Works, Sixth Street and Gormanthwn Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For Bale by Q. Inboff. 27nov LADIES' FANCY FURS! IANOY YORE , Ladltis' and 0101- ofGont' m. movesand CoCollar s. flue' ammrtmoul lam obablo to diem= ofmy goods at very yoa amiable prices, and Y would' tboroforo solldlt a call from my frlondi of country atiCTlclulty.; • ,Ramember tl3Nanla Ntinabor and:Stroot . ! JOllll FAR2,IItA, No. 718 Ap.oll St., ab. hb:South Side Phtlad'a. MT RAPE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION Wl= ANT OTNER 9TOBE IN PHILADELPIIIi, .2oct 884 m, r"INE• CUSTOM 'MADE FOR GRNTLEMEN. .411 the LEADING STYLES on hand or made' to measure. Prlcen fixed at LOW FIGURES. An Dim. Dated Price List with instructions for self ineatur-, Mont sent on receipt of Poet Office add rem • WM. P. BARLETT, ' 13 South Sixth St., aheve Cheating, • . , • PU/LADELPIIA. 21ang 68-Iy. - U: If 0 E - Opposiii 'Pa. H, 8., & Reading Depot; • .HA:IiRISBETRG, BA. • W. 11. EIIitINGER ez, CO Proprietors. loet JOHN ERNEST THE 'CARLISLE COOK STOVE. nntactnrod at F. I3ABDNI7ti & Co'a, Foundry and Maahlno Shop, Carllslo CANT BE 'SCAT Thin . 18 the titatlmoly ofa corm; oftamlllea In Cumberland, Sorry and Adams Countloa, who are now wink thorn. Call and eon thorn. • ' , •' '!3Ai o lif er L , ' 4 1S t l i,9 XLeutt b - n - u . s H It S, panning oI bb . b 7 poiroF di.by litintl-4nonatantly on , hand and for sale by ' F. GARDNER & .0o: Foundry. .and Machina Shop, East Main Street. 1 . L . SXBAISUBSILEA, .11141c,14sTia. We are prepared to make Steam' Follett' Of and ktnde promptly and on the balsost tcrms. ,A Smoke kooks and allartioles In that lino. ; Raskin. Samoa Donnas and kngineapromptly attanded to in . the heat manner. • 'P. atiliiiihii foundry And gultitu? 011 oh coullelb, Michnol Smith; Commiate of Artangentents. CHARLES P. SANNO, Maim an F. yvf. COOK, Flora Dato P. 0. Adams Courit.V Psalm DO BB.INS' DOBBINS' BLACKING It Beats any other Blacking, Wader AT 'MN FA REIRA'S le established Fur inufactory, No. 718 10/I Street, above 1, Philadelphia. - Have now In Store ' ley own .f.mporta -10 Bird - Manufacture le of thd largest and oat beautiful sulec• . ins of BOOTS AND SHOES , rmVnn. , n. NEST INVESTMENTS 1 '/WirlVr.yl6 FoisT *bittewtE 33C:PDWZ:OiS; LINTON PAC-WIC 850 MILES CO.IYIEUTE.EId, Allthited ,mount dfFlrst Mortgage Monde of Clio Union Paeltialtallrnall , Company are Oland to..tho pnbitc., as roe of thi entreat and' anoarprodtabla Iu• vostmonte.••-",, . - ....... 1. They are a first mortgage upon the lOrtgast end most important' rallrdad 11l the country. , • ‘! • , 2. Jly law 'they can be issued lo the :Company only'aif titivroad to completedien that they.ialWaye ropresentateal_vaide.., - • • . ' 3. The timonnt to limited by act of Ocuagrolue to •Fiftyhfillion Dolikra on • the entire Pacifindltie, or an average of less than $30,000 poi i 4. 110 n E.:D. Morgan, of the United • States Ban. eta, and Oakes 'Ames, of thullnited:lfilates House Of 'ltopresentat ives,,are the. traistiwidifbr the the bondholders, to see that all thick , interests aia protected. 6. Five GovernreentDlreetors, appointed by tbo President of the tinited , Btataii are responsible to the country' for the managament'of lie affairs. I UnitedStdtas Commissioners 'must con alp that the road Is well. Mint and equipped, and In all rewinds a first-tines railway, before any bonds can be issued upon it. 7 The United States Govornment lands the Com. pony its own bonds to the, 861120 amount that the company Imes, for which it taken a second mutt .: - 8. As additional aid, le makes antibsoluto dona tion of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, lying upon each side of the road. , 0. The bonds pay afs per coot, In gold, and the principal la also - payable 10. The • earnings froirrythelocal or way. /Wetness wero over FOUR .1512morr.DOttAns last years, !which, after paying operating expenses,'' was much Incur° than sufficient to pay the latoiast;.. These earnings will be vastly. Increased on the completion of the entire line in 1806. ~ • ' . , • : 11. No political action'ean reduce the rate Si- in terest. It must remain e tor thirty yearn—eta per cent per annum in gold, now equal, to bitweeu eight and nine per cont. In currency.' Theiprincipat. fa thenpayable in gold. If abond, with uch guaran— tees, were issued. by the . .Governmen its-market price would not be lose than from 20 t 26, percent. premium. As these bonds are issulid under GO ernment authority and aupervision, upon what ii vurylargely a Government work, they! must ulti mately approach Government prices. No other opr porato bonds are made secure. 12. The issue will soon be exhausted. ''Log salve have sometimes been half a million a day, an dnear ly twenty millions have already bbou,sold: About tpn mtlliono more'may be offered. It in not im ,prebable that at some time. not far distant, - all the remainder of the hondwtho Company can lame will bo taken by some combination .of 'capitalists end withdra'wn from the market, except at a large ad vance. The long time, the high gold interest, and the perfect securitity, must make -these bonds -very valuable for export. All the predictions which the officers of this Com pany have made in.sciation to the progress and bu siness success of their 'sinterprise, or therrralue and advance in the price of their securities, have been more than confirmed , and • they therefore suggest .that parties wh °desire to invest in their...l:coeds wilt find le to their advantage to do so at - once. Subscriptions; will be received in Carlisle by SPONSLER, and Id Now York "At the Company's Office; N 0.20 Nassau Stroet,, AND 131 , John J. Cisco & Ben, Bankers No; 61, Nall St., And by the Company's advertised agents theoughout the United States. Bonds sent free, but parties subscribing through local agents, iditnaoh-ta-them for their safe delivery. -A NE-W-PAMPIILET AND MAP ,WAS IBSUBD October lot, colitalning a report - dna — work to, that_datc..lnd_a_more complete etatement in rela tion to the value dilso bon - delbWrnan - liTigiYali le an - advertieement, which will be sent. tree on appli cntion at thuCompany's officosor to any of tho ad vertised agents. • . JOHN J. CISCO, Trecaurer, New York. Meet $ 2,25 $l, 75 Socts. PATENT CLOTIIES RACK. -. The undersigned having purchased the right to Manufacture and sell Brennocuan's Potent Clothes Rack for this county, gives'notioo that the Publie will be called upon either by himself or his agent, sod orders solicited for the same. It Is one of the very boot Improvements of the age, and should bo found In every household. Orders will by Promptly filled. . , This improved clothes rack has many advent'', nes, and, on account of its simplicity and conven:t lenco must recommend itself to all. Every Family - in -- roll• aware — of - the 'inconvonionce - and annoyance occasioned by not baring a convenient arrangement on which to dry Clothing. luclem. obey of tho weather will often— not - admit of Clothing being exposed out doors; yet families not provided wilt. a iftriperly constructed Clothes Rack for use in doors have - no alternative. How often t - o, le It the case when Clothes are - being Ironed; that, for want df a suitable Clothes hack on which to thoroughly dry Own, Choirs, .tc., are called Into requisition for that purpose, thtis discommod ing the lady of tho house Ifs boat Is required, to Say nothing - of the Inconvenience othorwise. By IMO of thin Improved Rack all tho annoyancee Oro obviated. I tieuidapted fur out-doom as 14011 as Ihidoor use, and the manner in which It Is constructed makes It useful at. all times. Whon not requirod .for drying Clothing, the arms nay ho' folded for "con. lenience of room, at the same time bringing Into placo a number of hooks, forming it into a convenient HAT .& APPAREL RACK For the present orders can be loft with David Sipe, Undertaker no north Hanover Street: • 600 v 68f:Itn. N. SWUM B E E F, IRON AND I"JRE DRANDY, BY DR. lIARTMXN, • Gradunto of tho University of posltivol7 , cum C Co l l t deVn i n l tic j o " ru P :g l l% ° ,lllo h rlglit a l Taboo. It has boon the moans of IIISTOIIING TEIQO SANDS to health who.have been given up beyond the reach of medical assistance. It does more to re lieve the Consumptive than anything over known . equalled. streng , q , Children. ~ Each bottle contains the nutritious portion of two pounds of choice Beef.' Tho cure of Consumption Was first effected by the.ueo of RAW BEEF and BRANDY in afterwards in France; in which couutriez I have traveled for years, I have used.it with perfect success in' my own family. Iu presenting this preparation to the public I feel confident that every afflicted ono who ratios this (oven tho moat eltepticryl) may become convinced, by a single trial that It is truly a most valuable medicine. Circulars and medicines sent to any add oss Price Vilicr bottle—biz for $5. Luboratury 522 South Fifteenth Street, PIIIL4DELPELIA Wholesale Agents, French, Richards & Co, Tenth and Market Streets; Johnston, Ilelloway.g Cowden ' 602 Arch Street; R.Shoortiaker h - C., Fourth and Rocs Streets, Philadelphia. ,Sold by Druggists Everywhere 30oat 68.3 m. FASHIONABLE - FALL -AND WINTER MILLINERY. RS. S. A. HUTTON. - Having Just returned from Philadelphia with a largo and cholco selection of SIILLINERY,OOOI/8, desires the ladies of Carlisle...and •lelnity, to call and examine hot stock. . COMPRISING The latest style of • • RATS, : . , • ' • . .. • - ' • BONNETS, , • .. FLOWERS,. • . . •, • . RIBBONS Ae. I Bova also added to my lluo of goods a 800 assortmaotailhdr, Including BRAIO.I.SWITOR ES, CURLS, FRIZETTES am. I . - N. B. Bnitcharand Braids repaired. , ' --- Most 684 E. . 71VVIICE IN BANKRUPTCY: 11 In Ike IXstrict Chilet of the ,Viiited States, Fwte, l Dl:arid o f Pennrylbiinfo. „ . • - Elide Whiller'of East Donegal township,.hancas- - tor county, Penna., in. mid Platelet, Bankrupt, ,having petitioned for bile discharge; a .meeting of tiro creditors will be held oh Friday, the 271 h-day of November, , lB3B, at 10 o'clock A.M., before Reg , inter A. Haymaker, at No.o, South Queen street, in the city of Lancaster, that the examination of tbo Dankrapt may be finished. The Register will certify whether the bankrupt had conformed to his duty. A hearing will also ho held on Wednesday, the oth day of DecoMber, .1808, at 10 o'clock A. -31., ,ta.lforo the' Court at Philadelphia, where portion in terested may show cause against, the discharge. {:.--- , k-l-, • Witness the Hon. John' ; Car/ander, I. o.' Judge of said Dletrict Coprt,'an the seal `.---v-' theme( at Philadelphia. 'the Di of No. ~ comber, 808. ' . . ATTEST.. . G. It. FOX, Clerk. ' 'A. lIAYBIA'KER, Register. . . 13nov 08-4 t. . - NATURE'S GREA4'HiiISITOUER: •- •SOHEE•T'Z''S '" • . . . .oELgintkrED " . . T - T 43 0 R D This medical yreparatfott Is noi r ; ; 00brod th`b pubilo As a reliable substitute for he many ,worth letscompounderwhich now flood the market, It is U purely vegetable, composed of herbs, gath ered from the great storchousee at nature, and selected With the utmost Care. "If 'ls' ' not ;teethe-. mended as a Ouns Am., but by , Ito direct and salu tary influence upon the Mart,. Liver 'Kidneys, Lunge, Stomach and Ilowele, It acts both as la 'pm volitive and cure for limy of the dlssaseato which those brgans.are suldecti., p is a., reliable • Family Medicine and cap bo taken by either ingint or the same beneficial .resulte. It le 's certain prompt and speedy remedy ter DIARRIIMA; DYSENTERY, BOWELOOMPLAICIT4'._APPEPEIIA. LOWNEIiId OF ISPIRIT,'-FAIIITINGIO, BIOKLIEAD AMIE, &o. For OIIILLS and EIIiVIIRRof all kinds, It Iq far-better and safer. than quinine, L. Without any of its peroloicus ram , creates aftapps. er "tlte,Vroves -poWerful;dl tart. of ,lbotl; and . wlll counteract the effects of Ifquor In a, few taluntoe. JAC . fficupwrz. Rota Proprietor, .w.Oor. Fifth and Ilsoo Sta., Lifliadla, Pa. tibrityplr ALL3lntutiemixa. 2940, coy. spoo9. ". 3 . ,' - i i ti - gall. AV iii6s - 144(Ai r ; :: I V. • ..., 4. priyAg geLl,onincovArtoEj..au, 4 FARM iauci Maarti.44o, private iiiiiintr4Ottild lintel stand In Newlin°, Pa., known as the ^ " L9GAN HOUS,II. - • The lot (iiiion which the lOW 'stands)"contales 6, by 180 feet,. and In -addition thereto will be sold ad excellent a ARDkli coo raining do by 180 feet. ' • Thehousis Is large and Substantially brilltlifstenb containing ,8 sleeping apartments, gocatllamoorn 'Petc l arrAl P d A ßre r ib t eal i itav4l l dTer n, :nr ' • ~. . , -4C,dreseing wtich is at Cacti agreeable'', Mali thy;' band effectual for preservilig the. halt: Faded or gray hair is soon re toyed to its crigi nai color with the gloss amd frisim esc oi l ; youth. Thin hair is 'thickened, 'falling ,WO checked, . 'and -- bnidness --- nfteni • For further partloulms, apply to the sneleserlbSr,io In his absence to gutml•A. Ahl, at Bowfin°, Pa., ' , s, . oared aiy its use. 04' ----- JOs.A.wcionnunN. • - can , restero the hair . where -,e•••i-;,. • s are destroyed, or Ank glands RIVAT ' '•• '• • - '---- - na - 4166ii'a ' 'But's - U - 6 1 1k. re- The subsOrlbrat-priyate sale. their hosaved- for usefulness by this l together t::bNl ' e'r eF lhr i ° t E h P a l t e r fsl 7 l l-11iir °Aul l ita d il i n i i i i ," - tk 2w a B :o As h i:l il t!' ! t,. ' ;' 's : 0' dl t e on t i o i f t iv fo i 4 il li k n e g o; :° l t 9 dl .hair posed to be a largq - Bltilititl of Iron Ore on • 01,0 4 • •• • •. • • -- • - *- • ' ' male treat, which . ..makes-1* valuable. property. • .potia. lii oecasional , , use_ ill _ The buildili , ,autalikr4 a splendid, BRICE i' ,• . - ' lf;t HOUSE, WAstr. tgUIOMPM4B Log Barr), Hog Nuke - hei r - . from - turning gray. or and•other noc.OataryOublutErs there_ is a varle-4. ty of all kinds, Of fraitil 1:14. 'a prom ises, also a^. t _,. . • well of water rieir the sour= i ' '. i ' , :FroO front . those , : deleterious and - cOnsecruently prevent , The land is thelest , vtuit lof slate having boon- h ic k r n e o c a e r n t t o l y el u . th ibn , ;Ice , Is and InjUrious to the . hair, the Persons wlshiog tri,itee' atir,proport3; and knot. , • co. i et Ail l ia ni. dosira. Fa ,propert3HS NI; make some nropartitiCris the terms trill pleass-pa _•••lEoe,thp enbecribor resld:o only•boneflt but not )tins it. .. log on the rums. - .;•:-.-4-, • MARGARET IIICIII,'• ; '3d merely for a , t MARIE RIGEL - -' Mifflin Township: pilt:',. ' D . 4 E - S S 1.. N G? ,• , I • , , ohm can he _ found so desirable. EXCELLENT .STABLING rot-f9oxamnien, arpilioAsei:N.ock.d.Rovse,,Amoke lidos° atad - I.ll 4 nbtailieryr'outtlatilliftigat.` , 4 ^L Tho Logan llouso la widely and favorably known and Is largely potronised..lt haalsienqulto recently renovated and repotted throughout. Terms to Suit, the purchaser 98Aug•Gi. 25sod 68- f. .7. neither oil or dye, it does'nbt. A. VALUABLE LIMESTONO n g ' ' FARM FOR RENT. ' I ,tb cambric, and yetlasts long on The Valuable Limestone, Form .altuated to iodri giving it a rich glassy lustre and towmeiip; Chimborlitiid iciettinty;' Pk,' about twt' Milan South of Striughsiown, on the road loaditgratotal periltMe. - from James Myers' to David llayts,midway betwixt! - ' • " ' ' the Chamborsburg Turppiko and the Walnutrod . i#.., - . ~ . la Ayer, & Co:, Bottom Road, containing ono hundred and forts AND ANALTTICAL CHEMISTS, three ACRES, in a high state of cultiration,'l 'offered . for mint. The Improvomoots nra a gets . :- BRICK 1101JSE, a largo LOG BARN, a earring , LOWELL MASS.. 'lmmo, Corn Orlb dna all other necessary mit • buildings ) also aVoit WOW and :01stord.•. Poem ... -- • .BRLCIE 411.00. .. •. : • _ sloe will be given on thy lath day or March, 1811 38 1 1 i • . •.\• The present Tenant laAliticOullough. i. • . . o r partioulara , inquire of • MRS.MARCIARETILMoRINSTRY, ',yer's Cherry Pectoral, - Nowyllle Penna. ealleir of the Throat -and Lungai'such. as. Opry O8.Ot.( ;is, Come, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, " ,VALUAB E UOUSE AND LO/ Asthma, and Consumption, ably never before In the whole history of AT P BL I 0 SA-LE. ine, his anything won so widely . and so niii nutponratmhonar for. pulmOnary com Plaints. niidonco' of mankind, as this pn Saiurd y, December .-: . • i • :,1868 • • sh a long series of years, and among most of - By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Coat mg of men it hoe risen higher and higher -C i umberland county, directed to me as Admi ir estimation , as It has bocomebetror known. tratrix of Sophia Sturm, deold.. I will expose iform character ' and power to core tho Tail public vale, nt the Court - House, in the Boroug ectiona of the lungs and throat, have made Carlisle, that valuable HOUSE and LOT 0f.011.014 1 1ah10 protector against them. While adapted on West P omfret street, In the ,Borouo aforesader forme of - disease and to young children, adjoining Isaac Newcomer - op--the West, 3 t the same time the moat effectual remedy No . to on the North, and him Summerville on i C.. be given for incipient consumption, Rest. The lot contains sixty feet in front on Pei As a provision atmbast sudden attack of street, and One hundred and twenty feet In de ,it aliould bn kept on hand in over, family, and has thereon erected a TWO-STORY FRAlndeed as all are sometimes subject to 'colds PLASTERED HOUSE, and BACK BUILDING koughs, all 'Mould , be provided with this an other improvement... . ,o for them. . - This property Is advantageously located fotirchagh settled Cbrisamplion is thought incrust private residence, and will be sold an a wholestill a great number of cases whore the die subdivided germ, to meot,tho-wants a of puiehanienied settled, have boon completely cured. Sale to commence at t 0 olclock A. 11.1., when thapatlent restnted to 60111111 health by the teodanco will be given and terms made knowery Flectdrah So-complete is- its. mastery _ov - or_ the undersigned. ' '• -•-.., ,-.-- disorders of the Lungs and, Throat,—tlutt--the _ MAKODRET 0: B. STURII,t, obsitnate of them yield to it. When noth- A.dm'x. of Sophia Storm, declaim. could reach them, under the Cherry Pea -1 they subside and disappear. Mrs and Public SpeakerS find great piOtection - 13nove64s. • VALUABLE FARM AND COVerniu le al - vr — aye relieved and often wholly cured -TRY-SE4T, .. it.: t ronchifis is generally cured by tlk tfir - 3 thr _ no 1 übserlber offers at private mile, LIErl AT PAIV/CTE — S A_ LE I err, Y Fedora. Insmall - -and (coque:A*osec o gerterally are Its slrtues known that wo need and lioeidence known an the Gromfillil Farm re qua, assure the public that Its qualities are formerly no the Cumberland Nurseries. , • publish the certificate of them hero or do I ly mai ntalned. It is situated 4-6 miles East of Carlisle, k " '" Curs` ' bounded on the North by the Cumberland Vs -: — Ayer s Ague . - - .... _.... Hail Road, and contains 105 ACRES. The Man. p ay .. ~,,d :Agua, IntermitteT Fever, Chills House is a large lint, substantial ,Fovea Remittent Eerer,ilumb Rue, t'orlodical IS R . - I':071C • 13- IT .1. LD LN Q t rliim'n' F° oar. ko” and indeed tin the affec :ions which arise from malarious, marsh, Or containing 14 apartments and three It has good well water In each Kitchen, .. . water for one being drawn by a Hydiant an . . 0 " e.l mieismatic poisons.' _ the other by a l'unm,) also In the Wash LD s' AS its name goft:bar Arsenic, Qulnine,Diamutb, °Joie by, drawn Irmo a.ilydrant, Thet.jiard 1 J. 11. enntr'l n nin other mineral oF poisonous sulprtance decorated and Shaded by Choice and gam ,^,,, 1 nor C' lt Y in nowise injures any patient: ,The Implies, It doe's Cure and demi.. not greens; Shade' Trees, Shrubbery, AC.; `,4c. be ever, Barn is a largo - latrict:s, aro literallybeyondacconnt, and no be-_, • A a B A ,N,K BAR N , _ eve with, ut - a lamella in the Jflstory of gu .umber and Importance of its in the ague Mdleine. Our pride Is gratified by the acknowl. dgments wo receive of tho radical cures effected with well water, the water being drawn by a -, 3 obstinate cases. and where other remedies.-had drent under the Forebay: There Is also a larm,boily failed . bitted. There are seven porinanunt cisterns oi ravaii ., and commedious' Hai Pen and PoUltry-ILiuse .. . Unacclimated pe'rems, either resident in, or Memlses,accommodating the two Kitchens the... v . a . a by taking the ague cure daily. house, Barn, Croon House, Ac. There le4, oL , L i rrr 0 „,,1.i„t 5 . a rising from torpidity of feet of Propsgaftig Bed, with two li Holum, Work - and Toot - Ifousei - Some - 400 - - through miasmatic localities, will be Liver, it Is an _aMllent._ ilimedy, - producing substantial brick and iron flues, to . . _.. ge l ber s lues had failed. Carriage House,' Smoke House, Wood Rout Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor glass Ce. Practical and - The Fruit-Department consist of, 400. Apple ''''" i diti e rtv truly remarkable mires, where other medi in full_bearing or approaching that state. ound the world. • ~„ 1 - 50 Standard Pears, many-of them in a r bearing state. .PRICE MOO PER BOTTLE. Anal:) , Ural . Cheniintis, Lowell ~- -e n sold all • ' . _ . _ 300 Hewing Peach Trees, and 80 to 70 II . nnov.lt. Cherry Trees. - ' Over 2000 Grape Vines, including Home 50 ocilt,„fAß ties, but.rtiost of the Concord, and. many in ' 'bearing state K 4 • Also Raspboiries, Blackberries, Strawberr. This fruit department cents Iris many of tilt . profitable sorts, colle3lrd by the owner dada . 20 years experience In the Nursery _Business. . ' In short.for a pleasant healthful location wit 30 to 40 Miles of Mountain /tango In ful from rile yard, and a at:Moral combination o variances and comforts, it offe'rs a rare chat Na . 35 SOUTH -THIRD STREEI persons who wish to settle down and enjoy what would require hallo life-timo to gather' . . - PHI LADELPHIA. • BAN___lK___EFt. s p .. 9 0 09, .......... On the same Farm is also built a largo 'at: . nunlious now ~, • • 8 T O-NE HOUSES , i s• --- ,,' „PENNSYL NI:k VANIA $+- ..., vz ,, i . k • .04 . ..........._ Oyiy,) . ,or THE 1 _ (...) • i -k.) 1 1FE143 %11 . d e t• . e fitiO 0/-T H E - Abe ,Ont il po p i lT rnr E : D il, , r B tei T it A ri T yi . .E .p.e S iictir ,O ,Ac F 4 l,l\i'l ocforo E ntr., R ,m l C i A tr i 'toyed Jaly 25,1664, with a '.',11/11111 CAPITAL , $1,006,000, gun PAID. 'Liberal terms offered s° -Agents and SoliOltonbwbo -trelnytted td spy] y at our omob. Voila artieulars to b e had on application at our onc e.° located.in -the Besond story of our flanking Be. where Circulars and Pompidou:. fully describing the tdyantagoa otrcred by tile,conipany.may be bad. ~ 113. Ill.r, CLARK. C, . •., An:, :le Soon, Third .V. with a good Well and Oisteen near, the door, now Stable for Cow and Morse, IL &c, &c., with young Fruit Trees, Ornaments and Flowering Stitubs already under way. •—The - wholv, -- with - bottrsets — of—traildings, b^uglat, or the mansion building with 961 ACRES, can be bought separately. Middlesex Station on the 0. V. R. o near the property For further pirticulere call on the...str residing on tifo promises, or-address Box Carlisle P. Of DAVID MI Uarrlsburg Telegraph and Lancatter .fr please copy,-and send bill to thleiefilee 20nov 08-3 t. Lußvc BALE O.E'VALII,E . TREAT, ESTATN.—I will soil nt 2, P. li., on Wednesday, the 10th day of pees - Sin the promises, in Greencastle, Frankliog cola the tolloiving.property,lo wit: ft large BRICK WAREHOUSE, situated on .the Of Carlisle and Main Atreets. This le oaths largest Groin Warehouse on tho line of fun• berland,Valley Railroad, and is locatothe rr midst 01 the best grain producing seeththo Cumberland Valley: Double Tracks rued& the hoitimandthe yards, the latter are and glee aoundant2nons for Coal and Limbed' , Person.desiring to purchase a propertyling rare elmnees for Produce and Commissioned , will Rod It to their advantage to ex am I will eoll'also, at the same time, a goodtoty DWELLING 40U/3E, Rejoining the War.' • Tetina mark:known on day of sale by - OEO. A. DEITZ, Chambers?. • Nov. 27.2t5: • VALeARLE REAL ESTA AT PUBLIC• SALE Will be gold on the prettilses candor an of the Orphane' Court of Cumberlend, ronntyMday, the 11th day of December, A. DI 1808, Doc:lock A. M., the following valuable property :•. ATIRST - CLA:SgrESIESirONVICE; situated in Southampton township, Orland county, bounded by lands of Alex. Tr neon, Duncan and Pilgrim,:Mohurand Jacob honger, and -- 3010I7ITiove, containing 114 awed - 11 porches. Tho improvements aro a Twoy Brick Dwelling Monte, a Steno Jiank .13arn • Cribs, -Wagon Shed and all necessary outbuek. There is a good Well of water at the door, at 4 extoll oat Young Orchard on• the toren. Tho, which il In the highest Onto of cultivation, . cleared except about fouracree, which aro od with the beet quailty3of oak timber, and IldJoining the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, an within throe - miles of the Oakville ,markotd . three miles othhippeneburg. , , . .. No. 27 At - the tonne time and place ' bS. told two Valuoblo Tracts oflifountain Landuatad In llopowoll township. In Feld vountehe first bounded by lands of John and Philliiler, .100 Stoufferdeuncs M. Means, and. tho Sting do eeribod lot, containing 21 acres and paellas 'And the second bounded by lands J. Meaux. A. S. McKinney, Req., Aaron Kunkel', the first described lot, containing 11 acioa ant porches. „Thum Wide of , timber land 'lie 111 , 1tIVOIdout and accessiblo position, and are wed with Chestnut, Oak and Locust Timber excellent Also, in pursuance of said order of 14 will be sold'in the borough of Shipponaburg, Saturday, the 12th day .of Dace:tabor, A. D.,•180$ 10 o'clock the following described valuable pro : .r 'No. 1...4.1 Mouse and Lgt ro of Gan tuatod it said borough; Mandel on the Weilt Earl etreot: on the North by a lot or Jacob lioddlte the East by a fourteen foot alloy, and on 1 Boutif by Georgo Tarmac, containing thirty. 'feet four inches in front on Earl street, ando hundred and fifty•seven feet four inches in :.th to eola alley:- Thelmprovements ate a Titory: Brick House, with beck building and lessary out • building, and a good 'table at theof the . 104. This property Is. euhloct to the t of George 1 Taimah, his halts and assigns,' to ter to and from the well of water on''' the pr os, for , the purpose oft:Mug water therefrom , family. nee.. No. 2. At the samo time and 'Wad Houle Arid' Lot of around; situate In said btatbi bounded as follows :•' Iloginfng on'Ponn at , the tor— mimics of Mrs. Mathews' lot, themirest by mild lot and ground of Roy. Jacob Ihier, 67 I tett,. 7 inches, thoneo South by /tor. Jaw Hassler, '27 hp; Joel Ipt of Valentlne,Rudelshience by mine Na East 67 ti Inchon to Poen' st ,• thopce by mid street 27 feet to the place of Inning. , The Improvements on, thle lot am alfacoliont Two- Story Weather-lloarded Dwelling ,11 , 13. • • PTO@ tho same lime abd po r u plan pr ,panto] of land In P lilt.pensburg enithip, hi the county aforesaid, bounded by . road land of Dartram, o Mackay Maori, Denman and. Daniell AnderaOthintalnlng Jour Acres mortior lose. . . No, , 4l.Atthe /mine time and pit,, - a tract, of, 'Wood XAnd,", situate in Bouthooton bowt lo 44l . "county afOtesald, boimaccit by hub! , 'George . Suean Clever and Conrad !Erer„ oontsdnl mt . • four Acme, neat ,moalaro44;; kty. oan'.oall ' on ea l et 9 f i tiru ir A g ait ' igt e lti.` 61iL coMmonoe On both days at 10 o'iilook, A. Mr., attonda rum will be Oren and terms made knab l T uNa . AN AVrlid i tAloOLlNl4 /*NIT. et/ Drincanoteed. -- . 201:0T,08:841 IIR VIGOR, It) , Hair to its.natur4 AiddleaMons tbr Central and Windom Ponnayl Panto to Delude to , , E. S. RUSSELL, Manager, Ilarrleburg, Pa. Tlet 11,• 034 y REMOVA.L! REMOVAL.! ! N DOLL, lAPOItTEIL , OI I TOYS AND FANCY GO ODS has removed ,frosty, No: 502 Marke Street - , - mlasnew and spacious-store N0..908 Market St., above Ninth, PHILADELPHIA l'rhere ha will constantly Asap a large assortment et 'MS of Ovary description k FANCY ARTICLES or the at retest varlety. • q NINA WARE, , „ , WORK BOXES, BEADS, . PIPES, WALKING CANES, ' GARBLES,RLATES, PENCILS, , - G A ALES sof different liludii,_ •• • . - MASKS, of 'fellow Stiles ' lc Pattern c. 014S1 AND SABEJIALLS, Ac. Aim aye recolyin the newest styles of Goods from the manufactories. TLenkful for peat 4 favors I. solicit a continuance of i mane at the tIOV . I store., JOELN DOLL, DRALER 1N DOIMITIO FANCY AATICLIES No. 90S Markot Sirpet, PHILADELPHIA `!. 01.ov 09•2 m . Looking Glas ses, 0 IL PAINT,I,N9- ' E'N'aß A V.IN GS, CHROMO-Ln'HOGRAPHfi, Picture Frames, RO a r E R' ..S . OR 0 UPS, Window. Cornices, &o. sto. JAM IA EARI4 • 8111' Chestnut Storept, 30oct . 1)0:W AND $llOl l l STORE ' FOR rALB. The eubsoribors, intending to quit the brtlness; offor at Private Bale their entire Stook. of, Boots, Shoot., Loather Fixtures and good will, at 'ten than coat: The Stook on hand Is worth about - Whom hundred do lass. They will also rent. the Storeroom, now °coupled ,by them, to. the pur theseri. If' desired,' at •of • raison able Nut. Thu Storeroom:by located on Vain Btreet, near the - Public Square, nuel'is one of - the most -desirable 'business statute in the took". It hos been fitted vivectpresdyikr, the,Ohde hiladness. The subscrib ers relit:lolldt the ' bueindee which hits, proved profitable to them, !amply be case they intend' to' cuter Into the wholesale tannrifietqre, , and lk does not suit them to engage to both the business. , t Until the business is so)d the stook on hand,w)/1 • be tetalleq at the' - reFr lotNestligirt. It M1140:011' BHP,' ' '.g9oTl l . l4 !Ni -) . : Pr • READ!! READ 1 t CONSIDER!! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS) W: 0. SAWYER & Co's 11 have 'just received kronrNew York and Philadelphia a larie aesortnient - elf DUBS GOODS, in which will be found all the tote — and - attractive atyles of the season.. Our Stock embraces Figured, Plain, Striped K E 4 Grain, Gros Dear;nurs, Gros butane BLACK, lISILKS EPI.NGLINIC,"^ ROUBAIX, LYONS, CRETONNE, SHORT & MOHAIR fa -- SERG•U , .IEMPRESS CLOTHS, ALEXANDRIA CLOTHS,, AND CASHMERE POPLINS FOR LADIES SUITS, allrench Merlna, - 41picas, Caohmeras and ln l4 OlOtbs In all colors and prices. • . , . We have w full line of the Celebrated BUFFALO MOHAIR BLACK ALAPACAS, aka a large , Stock of all kiodo of Black MOURNINC COODS IMMO TAIIIIBF., EIIIPRESS, QV EEN 8 AND Particular attention pald to Fuuoral Ord. Call and eno our large Stock of IMEEBTEMI STONE ?JASMINE, OBIIMAN MOIL SIBERIAN SQUIRREL. BROWN CONEY SHAWLSI, SIIAWLS I SHAVLS I LUSTRE PITCH, WATER MINK, BLVD CONEY, Makß AT AND Just received from the well known House of Nichols ~Burtnett & Co., Broadway New York. These Muffs and Collars all have • new 'improve pant which will make them wear much longer than the old stylo ol manufactures. Gentlemen can also find on our counters a ta• Hely of French and American Cassimerrur In Fancy auk Mack. =Beaver Olathe In lisqulraaux and Pelt f. heavy Backs and Over - Coats. Butte edicts by the best Taller to town; Cloth sold by us are warranted to be trimmed with th %seat materiels. T pROSSLEY'S. = - , TAP • BRUSSELS, _ LOWELL,- IiARTFORD • n EXTRA 'EUSEBi .PLY VENETIAN, lIONSTBSADE, . LINEN - AND EMT, AVM 40ota. and upward! OIL CLOTFIS DUOS, DRUGGETS; WINDOW SIIADES and s general assortmont of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS }ID 01 It Y., 'V'OT,IONB .8r0;, 4 ,85 ' o . . .., . . r,we offer Fat , "attrootloos 'and , Inducements to all lololdrii rr Goods arid IT N:lolly %write all to cidland ox table oar stook. •,, ,- -, _ • W. C. SAWYER• & CO'S EAST' MXIN i3TI#BET, UNDPit BA-N , EI°N'S ti 9 TEL coat Oa. , " ^ THE NATIONAL; LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; UNITED STATES' OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON D. C Obarturod by Special Act of Congrets, Approved, July 25.1.8130 - Cash - Capital-- - - $1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 'Wham the general business of the Company le tram acted,' and. to - which all _general aorretpondonse should be addressed. Jay Cooke, PhDada. •• . E. A. Rollins, Wash. 0. H. Clark, Philada. 11. D. Cooke,Wash. I.Ratchford .tarr,Tbllada. W. B. ChnlerWash Wm. G. Warhead, Phllada. John D. Defreee, Wash George E. Tyler, Philada. Edward Dodge, NY. J. Hinckley Clark, Philada. _ H.0. - Fahnestock, IVY 0.11. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. HENRY D. 00Q11.111, Washington, YIOe-Prasident. JAY COOKS, Chairman Finenco and P.:south/it Committee. . . EMERSON W. PEET, Philade., Sec'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Waahhigtori, Asaistant Sematary. • FRANCIS ti. SMITH, M. D., Medical Director. , J. EWING MEARS,M.D„ Aseletant,Medicil Director DIEDICAIt ADVISORY BOARD. And Fancy J.IE:BARNES, Surge'on.G cussed U. B. A. Washington P. J. 11011WITF.,.0121ef Medical Depart.mont U. B. N., WashlngtOn. D. W. BUBB, M. D., Washington SOLICITORS AND A TTORNEYS WM. E. CHANDLER Whington GEORGE HARDING, , Phil as adelphia, Pa: 'rand Lustrine This Company, National In its character,uffern, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Ratan of Premium and Now Tables, the most deal,able means of Inapr lag life yet pref4nted to the p ohm. The rates of premium, bet: g h.. goltreduced, are made unfavorable to the insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the raia understandings which the latter are so apt to cause the Policy-Holden , . Several new mid attractive tables are now presented which need - Onl to be understood tci prove accepta ble to the public, y such as the INCOME PRODUCING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. Is •the fernier, the policy-bolder not only secures a life in. ,suranc.., payable at death, but will receive, if living,' after a period of a few years, an annual income equal -to ten per cont(lo.percent.) of thaparLef_hir policy. In the latter the Company agrees to return to thi assured the total amount of money he has paid in, in addition Is the amount of his policy. The attention of perfume contemplating insuring thOir lives...or increasing the amount of Insurance they already have, is .called to the special ad vantages offered by the National Life Insurance POPLINS Comps-. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given application to the Branch Office of the Company in Philadelphia, or to Its General Agents. .41GPLOOAL AGENTS ARE WANTED in every City , and Town, and applications from c mniretent parties for ouch agencies, with suitable endorsement, should be' addressed TO TILE COMPANY'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY, to their resprietive districts. GENERAL_ACIEFTEI: E. NV, CLANK A CO., PhiladolPhia, For Pennsylvania and Southern Now Jersey, JAY COOKE & CO., Washington, D. C. - -Ror Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and Vast Vhglu%o op 6517. • , I'LLAAP ) -LB_LL _ 0-01 - - • c v • IOMPSON & HARPER,- MANUFAOTUR ERB, iP. ,1234 /61236 RIDGE AVENUE, LAMA_ CLOTHS Ridge Avenno Oars pass tho door Aar good for Illttetrotod Cataloguo - iEt. 20n.0v Ilavejtrat roceived their Fall Goode, which aro creating excitement on account of from 10 to 26 per cent Ault recolted 150 yde reduction of Such as Merrimack, - ~ cochecoo, Spt nue, ,Gloucester's and other fa vorite brands, at 12iets per yd. SILVER MARTIN FURS Alpacas at 26cts., Coburg, Morinoes, ' Silks, Wool De .Laths, Bombazines, • Melange, • Fends, Japanese Cloths, ,Silk Poplins, Bpingline, Poplin,. Poult Do SOK Oriental Lustrei,' De Liaines &k., - ,at'reduced rates. • .. ..-_-.. Iloond-Made :Janne - Ws, Nana, Blaynelni — Sack - Flannels,- - Opera Flannoln, Oloahings, Gingham. - • . liIATTINOB, ECM 13=122 A Full line of ZITHER, WORSTED, - PRINTED rind EMBROIDERED PATTERNS and the largest and moat comploto assortment of COSTAG• • n the county,—r ltoleary Woolen end Cotton Yarns, TowelUngs, end Oloves;ldankets, Shawls, in rull , varlely And everything belonging to the buillioSa. To all .wishing to sago money In buying Dry Goode, say from 10 to 26. per cent. We Would gay now in your time to secure bargains, .and a :fast etoOk to select from. • . _.vet: - a.A.q - .PITTING and PLUMBING ' - • FOOTS. • • • Practical One Fitters arid Plumbers Desire to harm their old 'customers and the clti WSW Carlisle generally, that they bed% reniered their establishment to the commodious room in the ARattenient or _lll2.einn , s Hall, '- entrance on Church Alley.. They will sttend promptly an' herotofere, to ad, work sntrusted to them. They keoP constantly on hind and are prepared to Introduce LEAD and IRON' ' HOT, and COLD SHOWER BATHS; WATER •OLOS• ETS, FORCE and LIFT PIMPS, IRON SINKS, BATH TUBS, DOILERO, WASH DARNS,' HYDRAULIC RAUB, all kinds of GAB, STEAM and' WATER FIT:. TINOS. COOKING RANGER, HEATERS, AC.; set Up* in 'the meet modern style. • Country _Work. owl Jobbing promptly at • • tended to ' Hapr 08."' '• • GLOVES VOtt SALE: kverly desirable Bask Dwelling Donee on Woo street, between 'Pomfret 4nd Sopth.hosaalon gls Novemba 15th, !Malted.; Apply toiJ •-; M. wmucLut) : . Hang 684 f. . . FARMERS'"BANK OARLlSLlL ,Th.e.Dlreotorbave .deelared Dlvldend or . rid per ter4. - peyablo to Shereholders on . the 15th Inst. j.o.uormEß, Caoe43s. .• • • • . (Ambler, EZEIM DIRECTORS OFFICERS. PIIILADELPIIIA BENTZ & CO. W PRINTS DR E BIS GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIERES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, ALL CHEAP Notions -and Trimmings, - BENTZ k CO ONSZ i ST'S...COL.U ,3I #. is S.lioNttit 'teal Estate. Agent, Serivonei, Oonveyankag Insur• awe and Claim Agent. 4)oleaadepa atreet Neer Cooke &mare. • • VAIiUABLE' RIVATW'RESIa-, DEN6/1 YOR BALM • .'.9ltuato on South Itanover etreot, Carlisle, now • owned • and occupied by Mrs.: Washmood, late- the' property of Denedict Law. Tho lot, fronts on • Han over st., 00 husL and extends lisch.the lista°, width 210 feet to an ulloy. The Improvements ars tr4o:vt..ry FRAME 11011911, with Verandah In front, containing Double ParDwe, Hall, Chamber, Dloing room a t.d Kitchen on" lower floor and eix Chatobors and It. ti-room - on thu 2nd story. Gas • sad .water have boon lutroducol. There Is a large Stable and - Cl,Tillve -- Rouse at the foot of the - 10t.,, TIM lot is well studded with moan:tont:l: trees and thrObberY, besides-fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the most choice selection In alundence. Enquire of . SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent. • 112250ct-68 . • VALUABLE FARM in Perry Co, , . .AT PRIVATE SALE. nitwit° in. Carroll township - , 9 Mlles' Mirth of Carlisle, 4 napes north of Carlisle Springs and 11 miles west of Duncannen, adjoining lands of 4. Sheafer, Nancy Cling and 'others qoptalning 120 ACIIIV, now owned' by' Levi •Loide. 90'neros of which. aro cleared, in a high state of cultivation, and under good foncennd'tho residua - covered - with thriving timber. A never-falling stream of water rune thrhugh the farm and plenty of limo within 2 lotion. .• _ The Improvements are two-story Log & Wenther boarded liouse,Largo Barn and Spring House with eacollont water. School House and Church' at st_ convenient distance. Apply ,to - A. L. SPONSLEfte Real Estate Agent. ErEM I?OR SALE, • A LARGE TEIREE-STOB.Y —IIRT:01411013814, with a commodious Beek Buildinedecnpled as a Store, and private resideneo, situated ou West !lain RITA Carlisle, near the corner of West.: This prop erty contains all the modern Improvements. Tho lot being 21:1 foot In front, and 240, ID 'depth 'With a Stable and Carriage nouso on the alley_iu the roar. The buildings are all new and in good condition, and the location-s a most desirable one f•r business_ Enquireof A. L.'SPONSLEIt. 280011 08. VALUABLE GRIST. MILL AND S t FARM AT PRIVATE SAL. Bit:hated on the Conodogulnot Omit, 0 miles East of Carlisle, and 2 miles North of Now Kingston, In one of the most fertile and productive parts of the county. The Mill is built of Brick and Storm, bag been .recently rapairodand is in excellent condition, Containing four run of stone- nod has ono of the best water powers on the crook, with a Saw Mill at tached. Tho faros contains 60 ACRES of excellent land, with a largeTwo•Btory- • - . • • 'MANSION_ HOUSE, BANK BARN,FRASIE TENANT EOUSE: 'arid other outbuildings thereon erected. The land Is in a high , f state of cultivation and under good fence, and bad an excellent apple orchard, booklet other fruit. The BIM with the water power and 6 or 6 acres of land, embracing the tenant house, will be disposed pf separate from the farm should the purchaser de sire it: • For terms annparticulars apply to - A. L. SPBNBLER, Real Estat t e Agent. 28681 g 68 ZEAL - ESTATE FOR. SALE: A Doublo 3 Beary,Drick Uoutio_iiith Frame kitchen attached, suitable for occupancy of two fam lilac, or as a Stortyllbom and Dwelling, situated on_ PENN STREET, CARLISLE, 17111 be disposod of on fivinrabla term 12juno 68. Also nvaluable building lot, situated on the South Nast corner of West and Pomfret BtrolffililtinU ' ‘. 60 foot on Pomfret, and .240 Soot on West Street. This is one of the Most desirable building lots In the borough. - . . i 12juue 68. . - ' A • VAEIJAi3LE LTME STONE A FARM FOR SALE. Situate about 1 1 A miles South West of Carnal°, owned by David R. Lerew, containing abodt 90 , ACRES, nearly all cleared; under good fences and In ' ,bleb state of cultivation. . The Improvements aro a eimmodloue TWO-STORY -1,00 HOUSE, ,WEATIIERBOARDED, BARN and other convenient out-buildings. The owner-having removed froni the county Is desirous of dlsitosing of. the above premises which will be done on terms advantageous to tlit. purchaser. The close proxitrilty to the borough renders this property - ono of the most desirable in s ostmente of any now in the markot. Bop terms AA', apply to A. L. SPONSLEIt. Real Estate Agt. 18sept 68. 'TWO NEW TWO-STOKI; BRICK _.i...3=2RESIDENCES AT:PRIVATE 'ALE,' •• Situate on West Pomfret street, In ilv - 113comiih - T)f Carlisle, owned by Charles W. Weaver, each build -Dig ecutains-tweety feet-In front 'and tiventy.elght In - depth, cud has a TWO.STOBY MUCK BACK BUILDING attached, baying Coo and Water intro duced, with all the modern improvements. The . bulldl ngsare just newly built, In the' b.eatt'posslble order, the lota extending butt from t he street 129 PA; For terms &c., apply to • Al L. BPONSLER, • Real Estate Agt.• 18sop48. itTWO STORY BRICK .RESI DENCIE AT PRIVATE SALE. " • •, Situate on North Pitt Street, Carlisle, owned by Mrs. Eliza Lumberton. Thep let cOntains 20 feet In front and 120 In ,depth. The improvements are a commodious TWO-STORY BRUIR DOUSE with a Two-Story !hick Back Building attached. The front part containing Double Parlors and Ball on first floor, and three chambers ou the second story and attic above, the back building a large kitchen and chamber above. Thera Is 'n good Frame Stable on the foot of the lot .10. by 16. Fruit trees and grapes and Hydrant. iu the yard. The premises are In good condition, with good brick pavements flout and rear. A. L b rick Boat Estato Agt. 265ep.68. ROUSE AND LOT OF GROUND NEAR PAPERTOWN AT PRIVATE SALE. Situate about y, mile North of the residence of Wm. B. Mullin, Esq., adjoining land of Geo. Nogglo, owned by John Goodyear, containing 10 Acres of land. The improvemonts -aro commo dious TWO-STORY FRA.IIE. HOUSE, Frame Stable, and excollrnt well of water and Butt of - all kinds. Tho property is In good condit!on, the house hay iiiTcbeifirreFerrtirrepaired-and-ipairMili-r For tams apply to A. L. SPONBLER, _ Real Estate Agt. 2550p.05. • AT AIX ABLE TOWN PROPERTY V AT PRIVATE BALE. Valuable residence or business stens' at private sale situuto on South Al/mover - , ,street. Nos. OS and :A% The property consists of a DOUBLE HOUSE, one part of which le built of Stone and rho other of Brick, making two complete Houses, suitable for dwellings or plecos of business. Thom Is also two framo Buildings on' the .prom , lees which could bo very readily be converted into dwellings For terms and othor particulars enqutro of • A. L. BPONBLEft, Beal- Estate Agt. I.Bsep-68. SPRING. BA.RGAINS 1.867 NOW OPENING IN , 'DOMESTIC GOODS VIIESS GOODS 4IMFRDS • CAB B'eptigTs, JEANS, WHITE GOODS, - .DReas TiummiNos % SIBBONS, NOTIONS, &Q._ AT RING'S NEW STORE, No. BIS WEST STICEICT Opposite - thee Menton llouso, next to Poet °Mee Carlisle BLINDa LECTURE TO YOUNG NEN, CI OTII9, • Just "toll rhea , in a &aled Envelope. • price six dents -st A-Lecturetho Nature, Treatment anti Radical Cure of Bpermatorrhoes or gradual IVitknese, Involuntary Eut isslone, Sexual Debility, anti Impediments to Marriegosecierally; Me ry end Cemiumptien, Epilepsy., and Pits; Mental and -Phyalcal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, &a. By ROBERT J. OULVERWELL,III. D., Author. of the "Omen Book," &c. • The world-renowned author, in thte admirable ' Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful coneequencee of Belf-Abuse may. be effectually removed withettt medicine, and without dangerous - surgical operatione. bangles, lustru manta, rings, or cordials pointine out . mode of 'cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what hie condition may be, may . TI . himself . 'theaplyi privately, and radically. TII7B LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON To THOU BANDS AND TIIOOBANDS. • Sent under seal, to any addrals, Ina plain sealed entmlope, on the receipt of 'six cents, or two pos 'loge atampe. Also, ',Dr. Oulverwell'a "Marriage Guide'," price2s cents. Affdresathe Publisher, . 011A8. J. O.:KLINE & 00., 127 Ddwery, New York; Post Office'Dex 6,680. ' hjuly esay. • n, , .N" ENV INVENTION IN GRAIN wous.--41.; ,;libedrllwro having procured a patent for s novel and moot excellent improvement In grain Drills by which the grain Instead ()libeling planted in•B 4 Inch rows as in the old nothod is twat tared over a outfaced three inches,thus senuring a u equal and oven destributlon of the mod, and a con siderably greater yield of grain, This Improvement cart bo readily 'attached toany of the drills now in uvo. • State and County flights for Wei agents. Wanted This Is an excellent opportunity for active, one r' gotta young men to make large salarica. Per particulars address , • , O.:VAIXI,3r.i- • ' .InVentor and Patentee, • ‘l3hireminstown Comb. Co, Oda 084. Y. - • • • ' . . AILM AT. PRIVATE SALE. - -The subscriber offers at _Trieste:sale his WIN spotted on the TurnpflEeisedlos to Ohambersberfft cue knife west °teatime. copitxtuitt is etity (tOattsi The lend ea r n a Jalsb stsite b 4 puitivition the lui• 'Provetoeute su (knot °lase, white ItS sithstioe to tut. equaled. , Any TertioUdesirlug to•alesr the premises, eon do so by cellist upon Alie stbseriberwhoresl des • instlef; , W, T. MtetitlON.• • MB .'ki , .~ 1867• WM