Philadelphia Markets. • • PallLaanyntA, Nov. 24- i 3 Thorn's very littleln seed, : and we nntfl tine to . quote clover at so' 60a7 25; •timoth¢ at 60a2 62%, and flaxseed at $2 564 60 per bus. stoik•of 9,tiereltron Bark is reduced to a Tidily. low figure, and 80 hbda No. 1 sold , at 's42 60 .per tom' • • • The flour Market Untinues se last quoted, demand being confined to the wants of the home atrado. f 3 lea of 200 bawl. lowa 'lnd' klinnesota extra hardly at V 150a8 25 - per , harrek - 400 •barrele Penneylvania andblo extra family at 17i 2010 60; Come (Andy lots at Wein and , extra at 7 pat 76 'Rya flour ranges Onra $7 25 to $7.76,• In corn meal nothing doing. • ' The offerings of prltim wheat eontimie•ilght, and it meete a fair, Inquiry at' SaMirday's , quotatioae. tales of 2,400 oeheis fair and prime red et $1 000 2 10 par bushel, and 1,000 bushels amber at $2,15. Ryo le rather higher, and small lots of Pennsyl- vania sold at 01 Mat 66. There Is very little corn here, and it is in demand -at an advance with sales of I ‘ ooo bushels old yellow at $1 21)al. 25; 1,000 bushels Western mixed at. , $1 24, end 600 buitheleFilew do at $l. Oats aro in' fair request; and 2,000 bushels Western mid -at 6.5a7.1.c. No sales of barley or malt., • Wblaky Is very quiet, and small sales of duty id at $1 08al. 10. MARKETS CARLISLE PROpUCII MARKET C~rlleleirloyeE4hor 26th, 1808 Barnlly Flour.• • • Baperfne d 0.... do RYP WitITE WHEAT RED d 0.... RYE CORN * 4 ... 05 to .. - - OATS, (new)... OLOVERSEED... TIMOTIIYSISED FLAXSEED .... DARLEY • 'General Vir OArlinl Corrected Weekly b duce Market. , e, November 25th, 1808. Andrew Ifinahtnood ' -30 BACON-MOULDERS, 18 BUT T ' '''' ' 80 BACON BIDES, 14 L EG A O R 4 O, -- '', 18 WHITE BEANS 326 TALLOW, 10 PARED PEACHES, 26 _ 8 UNPABED PEACHE S It BOAPI - 4 0 DRIED APPLE% 4 BEESWAX, - " BACON HAMS 18 RAGS, SPECIAL NOTICES. "SOUTH END:" We havi In store o largo supply of the best of everything for Christmas Times, which we offer at greatly r uluced prices, Wholesale and Retail. Thonsusber,slothilfg but the but. , 59M. BLAIR k SON; ,sale and Retail Grocers. P. B. We are just recolrlug a large lot of Salt, nice am) clear, which aro.offer at prima that must blears. . Tu ALATAIII CLAIN° are how np again for ad- Jostment, and the British Oovornmont has ex pressed itself desirous of an' arbitration. Among the claims persistently Pressed, •are IlMso of the svar.prdsont and active J. 0. - Ayer A Co., for the value of shinnierite of Chorry.Pectoral, Sarsaparilla, Ague Coro, and Rills, in transit for . Oregon, 'Van couver:s.tsfand and Russian America destroyed on the Anna Schmidt off the coast of South America So universal is the rise of their remedial; that ttly are afloat On almost ovary Fos ; and this tfrm la Ism - pion tly caught between. the upper and %ether. millstones of contending nations. But they:aro known to stand pp for their rights, and to get them gto — n -D. C. Sleighs - I Sleighs I Sleighs I a. B. & N. Shark have now on hand over a dozen of ,first.clase 81eIghe, both sin gin and double seated. Sim sale at their new Manufactory, on the corner of South and PP t Street, • .27ne'r -Sta. TESTIMONIALS. Phlyulelphle,Merat 10th, 1868 J4C013 Seamen, Es.i,-- . l.fy De'or Sir Solite eight months ago, when suffering from great nervous prostration, the result of exposure and overtaxed energies, I was Induced-by you (an old friend) to into as'a , torihr your celebrated -Bitter -Cordial; /and sortgreeehlysurpri•lng have boon Its benefi cial effects, that cannot refrain froni thus bearing testimony In Its favor. As a beverage, it is as pleasantand' delightful as a glees of rich dark brown sherry; its an appetizer before meals,‘perfack, ly magical; and as a Mu - eater of food, the , toast pi tent compound I ever- know. Altogether, 1 con sider it one of the bapplest combinations of medlci-, nal herbs ever offered to the "as a carative I most clieerfeßy .and confidentially recommend it to eyery aufferdr 'from Debility, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. AB a'-Witbstitute for. the villainous •Ichobblie and Anon, neoctions Imbibed at too madly of the public bars 1 the present day,. it must oleo prove a blessing. Verbtruly yours,- kOKIJOItN,IIro Marshal. Sstandini advertisement in , - A LEY %NDER W. B tia.. Read SCHEETZ' another colnmn. 27n06•1t - ARP - DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CATARIIII rented with the utmost summit by J. Isaacs M. D. and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, 12 years experience (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805, Aisle St., Phila. Testimonials can be aeon at this office. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their is tients,as ho hat no secrets In hie practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for °semi. nation. I2june 68.1 y. DR. JACKSON'S; A. NALEPTICA. NEW RED EDY,IN CONSIESIPTION.—A Physi. 11111- who had--Consumption Dar several_years with, frequent blefidings of the lunge, anted himself with a medicine' unknown to the profession, when his rase apPeared hopleae. He lathe onjy physician who has It In hie own parson, or who has any knowl. edge-of ctuei,tand-tw.can.aserituttlia..degree_ol_ health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medicine; and nothing but utter despair And entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence Nall others induced him to hazard the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of the Lunge ho proffers a treatment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1,50 per bottle or $8 a half dozen, senthy express. Send for el rrular or call on DR. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No: 260 North-Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Per sale by Koury F. Geyer, Mechanicsburg, Pa., and Druggists generally.' 22may 68.1 y. M. MYERS, , L. MYERS, J. LIVINGSTON. M • At Y . 7 PSS, & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS, - HAVE REMOVED TO No. 105 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA 24july 64441m5. • NORSE and Cottle Powders and Linimonts,togoth Sr with a largo assortment of fresh Drugs and Modi. sines, Dye Etuffs, Ac., die.,just received at Common Worthingtoc's Drug Store, No. 7,East Main Street Carlisle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTIOE.—W herene g the under ,Ll signed on March 6th, 186 k, gave to Jacob Pdq a promissory note for Ono rfundred and EleVentymine 'Dollars, more o- less, payable ten months after date, and whereas there has' bop a partial failure in the consideration for said rfote. Notice Is hereby given to all persons not to nligotb ate slid note, as payment thereof will be contested. MILLER. 2%10,a DUBLI.O . SALE OF VALUABLE L -ESTATE.--i will sell at 2 &clock P. M., on Wednesday, the .10th day of December, on tho -premises, In Greencastle, Fitt:skiing conoty, Pa., tho following property, to wit: A large: two-story BRICK WARRISOUBE, situated on the corner of Carlisle and Main streets. This 1.1. one 'of the largest Grain Warehouse on the line of the Cum berland Valley Railroad, .and. is located In the midst ol the best grain produeing section, of the Cumberland Valley. - Double 'Tracks run through the tfouge and the yards, the latter' are large and give aoundant room for Coal and Lumbar Yards. Pe roans desiring to put-Chase a property affording rare chances for Produce and 0 ommissiori s buelness will find It to theiViad rants to to 'ex amine It. I will sell also, at the game time, a good two-story DWELLING 1101J6E, nololning the Warehouse. . • Tering made kneiwn'oti day of ogle by , ' -• • • GEO. A. DEITZ, Chairberaburg, Pa. N0v.27.2t5. - • ~ D,OBBIN-S' 1070E0T#I0 BOOT POLISij MAKES A LASTING SHINE 31161rwho'binok their. loots oh filaprday•nigiaL. with ordinary black log, don't have much a blue on SundayeAotbn polish Milton% hat thershin Et of BOIIKINS' BLACKING ' - . r Laois .Saturilay Night ,f all day Sunday 't " th ea any o or ng made. Manufactured only by a. B. Dobbins,. at hio minim Soap and Blacking Works. Sixth Street and Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. • • • F o r Sale by 0. Damn% 2740 r 438.2 m. ' • - " • of of • OaalSeLe Dirowr Dant, Notember a, lAN: The Board of Directors bate declared a Dividend of Five per neat:Pie third net Mx menthe,' dear of. tales, payable on demand. HAULER; • •• . ARBLV - YARD. , 7,3 znigne,tomile, 'iAravroNne, llfarilloe Poor Mlle, 'ow hind and made to 'order South Hen. o'er Otreet,Pfery*e. Pio Otintitichl7 NEW AD.VERSISEIIIEN TS. BUFFALO BABES ! The:undo/signed having made a tour through the Wcuitern blountt3c; has just toturnod mrtth. largo and well selootod stock of Sao B'UFVALO ROBES! Whicßlid purabuied on the Plains-of-Kansas, and which tail betvold on' the .molt' roasonablo, terms. hobos, to bo sion . at Wm..o, Ulysses _Shoe -Store, No. S, South Hanover Street, Carlisle. 27n - or 68.2 m. W5l. OLSPPER. PUBLIC. SALE OE A VALUA BLE LtmiAra AND COAL YARD AND TOWN RESIDENCES. On. IVeceltesflay, : Decomber. ”04,:468: . The subscriber will self on the promises, in ,6lie Borough of Carlisle; Pu., the following desirable Heal Estate ' _ - No, 1 A Lot of Ground locafed on West Main Street, 21 foot front and 150 feet In depth, more or less, hay lug thereon erected. a IV, STORY BIiIOK HOUSE. with _Prairie Kitchen, Smoke House, Wood House; and all- other necessary outbuildings. There Is also a Hydrant at the door, With IVater and Gae through the House, which is finished in nil iodern style. No. - 2. A Lot of Grou rd aroining No. lon the Wee:, containing a n0w . 21.4 STORY BRICK HOUSE, Poet front by 72 feet .117 depth, having Water. and-Gas in the !Mine, and- all modern Improve ments, with all nocrfsary out-buPdings on th e lot. There are Piro ineurance Policies on both the above buildings, which are paid up in. full and transferable. • No. 3. Eight Lots of Ground adjoining No. 2 on the Wear, being a Ilist-class LIMBER AND COAL YAItD containing large add commodione COAL SHEDS, A LA RGE COAL AND HAY SCALE of the Root A Cam patent; OFFICE, AND CON VENIENT SIDING, connecting with the - man track of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road. Tide is one et the moat ,desirablo •Coal and Lumber Stands in Carlisle, and oilers rare inducements to any one desiring to engage In the business. These lots will-be sold together or separate to - suit pur chasers. Sale to commoner at ono (1) o'clrick P. At .; on raid day, when terms will be made known by SAMUEL 31. HOOVER. 27nov-7.t. 10 50 700 7 00 .1 00 -1 76 NEB i2RAND HOLIDAY- FAIR OF ‘_A TILE OUMBERLAND FIRE COMPANY.—The Cumberland Fire Company bog lemur to announce to tho citizens of Car Hole and vicinity, that thoy will hold a GRAND FAIR AND FESTIVAL during the Holidays, commencing on THURSDAY EVENING, DEGEMBEE 24111, 1868, and closing JANUARY 2d, 1868. Tho proceeds to he applied to tho purobaso of a NEW FIRE ENGINES Tso old Ermines and material ofi tho Oimpany behm entirely worn out, and unit for sorrier, in consequence of which it has been for somo time without on efficient apparatus. The follolvlng aro among the princlpni articles of value to be chanced. off UNE TALUABLE IMPORTED CARPET, ONE SPLENDID COOKSTOVE , ONE ELEGANT MORN INO•OLORY STOVE, ONE GOOD RAG CARPET, wills other necessary articles. Our citizens will at once see the importance of encouraging.our Pair, and of assisting the Coos. pony in,nceomplishlng its pnrpos.. The public generally aro Invited to attend, oral loud their asslstrince, as everything will ho done to promote the comfort. and plelisure. of_all wino may give us a helping mni. It should also be remembered that the Cumberland Fire Company has not asked or received any assistance for many seeds. JONTBIBUTIONS-and articles earnestly—soliclt ed, and will be thankfully resolved by any of the underrigncd rommlttyo of arrangements. 'llse public Is assured that everything will be con ducted wills honesty and fairness, as our books. numbers, ke , will always he ready for inspection. .r (Am B. DehotT, Jacob Albert, George A. 'Gilman, N'reclez Irk Ifitys„ Stenhnn Pondergraba Mlehiol Doyle, Cinnmilhc of Arrangements. CHARLES P. SANS°, Chaim un 47unv.6S. . STATE NOTICE,- Jalto undersigned having been entpor crud to sett e up the est .to of Jacob Itedtecher, deceased, late of the city - of Baltimore, Maryland, Inquests all ,persons knelt leg theniselrealo be indebted' to Odd Nato to math illmodinto:payment and those having chums, to present _them, duly authenticated, to either of the nudes signed. . . • J, WEDSECKER, Lebanon,. Pa. A. R. ILL:BBL:OBER, Wilholin'e Hotel, (P 0 Box 1224) Baltirnore, Ny 'Ationleys tor rho ~helrx 27 Nor>6B.6t FX_ECTJTOR'S igOTIQE. I Letteris Testamentory on the estate of Mary. Hodder. dec'd.. late of West ,Pentisbore township, have been issued by the Register to the subscriber, re In South Middleton township. All per sons indebtud will make payment and chit ms will present them to JOHN BOWMAN, Executor of Wary Hidden, dec'd 20nov 66.1 its s. OTICE.—The subscriber • hereby .1 giver uotico that his llound-boy Charier W. nanno, n lad about fourteen ,oars old, of light complexion, about four feet a few inches tall, has run away,from hint, and he announcer that no credit Anil( ho given him on bin accoupt,.and will ho responsible for no damages he may Manton. J1:111ti EIINEsT. 20nov ISIS. , Jts 0. SEED POTATOES. Genuine Harrison Early Ilnno, and Goodrich, delivered at Frederick Cornman'e Furniture' Warehouse, at the following ratan to January lit, IWO, after 'which ten per rent. rviP he added to the pri can ARRISON POTATOES, per bashal. $ 2,25 GOODRICII per bushel. - • • - sl,7n EARLY ROSE per pound - 80ets. Address.' F. IV. COOK., Flora Dalo P. O. Adams County Penna. 20no. 08-3 ts. J. L. STERNER'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Between Ilanoverand E . loglrord Street', In rear of the Borman House. C RL iS N'NrA- Having fitted up the Stable with Now Carriages, &c., I am prepared to furnish first-ehrs turn-outs at reasonable rates. Parties taken to and front the Springs --201aor-684 JONES HOUSE. II A It RISB.IT R G, PA. The undersigned having leased the popular and well known Louse, which has been thoroughly repaired and greatly Improved, and ae. well as an t Irely refurnished throughout with elegant new furniture, including all the appointments of a first-class Hotel, will Inc ready for the reception of guta.ta en and after the 13th of November, 181 ht, THOMAS 20nov OS 3m. Frontlet°, Register's Notice. IOTICT4I IS HEREBY GIVEN, to all persons Interested, that tin, following ac coalito horn been filed in title utllee, by till. il-CMIII - thereto named, for emunitiltion, anti will pi tato Orpliltns' Court of Cumberland main ly, frafimnilrmation and allowance, on Tuesday, tho nth day of December, A. D., 1809, 1. Supplemental account ofJames B. Weakley and Robert Uell, Executors of the will ruml -testament of Robert Bell, Into of South Middlotou torrueldp deed. 2. First and partial account of Samuel Woods Sterrett, James Thomas Strrott and Woe. 1.. Craigheau. Executors, of the last will and testa ment of John S. Sterrett, late of Dickinson town ship; deed. 3. FliAttiand final account : of John It. Bowman. Adraintatnttor of Samuel Bowman. dee'd. 4. Flret account of John 11. Cressler an 4 Michnol Cro - nler, testamontary — Trifstees of the hell, of Adam Cramer. 6. First and linelaceount of Mari °. Christlioh, and Emanuel Snake, Executors, of Chas. 1:i Cbristlhiq,_dox'd. 6 .-'fha nicohut of Jewma W. Eby, gx.UchtotWf Lowis llarlau, ,c'd. 7. 0 uardlanahli, .account of J: Ilmlogar, guar dian of ,Beafrice Walborn, a minor child of Dr. D 11. Walborn, doc'd. . 8.,Th0 first and final account ofJam cs Tancutor of Mary 0, Mcilhenny, deed. o.. Third and final account of John M. IToodburn and Joseph A. 'Woodburn, Administraters of his" 01. Woodburn, doe'd. 10. First and final account of T. I. Blair, Ad ministrator of John Pure°, deed. 11. First and final account of T. P. Blair, Ad ministratorpfldetrgoret' Ferree, dee'd. JACOB DO lißiltillMEß, Lindy OFlte, - • NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER SCHEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORD] L • This medical preparation is now Ole, ed to' the imlrlie as a reliable substitute for the /11411 V worth use compounds which now flood the market. It Is purely vegetable, composed of various herbs, , gnth ered from the great storehouses of name, and selected with the utmost care. It is not recom mended as a Cues ALT, but by Its direct and salu tary influence upon the Heart, Liver Kidneys; _Ltumit,_Btomookand Dowels, it aots_both as_iv. pre.. vontivo and cure for many of the diseases to which their, organ,' are subject;.lt Is a reliable Family Medicine, and can be taen by either Infant or adult with the same beneficial results. It Is • a certain rrompt and speedy remedy for DIANIIII(KA. .DY,SIiNTICILItiBOWILLOOSIFLAINT, DYSIPIIFERA. -LOWNEFISOF SPIRIT ; FAINTING.% HIOKIIEAD ACHE, Ac. For CHILLS and FEVERS of all kinds ; it is tier better and safer than quinine, without .any itieperniolinnv effects. It creates. an 'appa tite ; provetrajitlwerful digester of food, and will counteract the effects of 'liquor in'n few, minutes. JACOII SOHEETZ Sole Proprietor, N. W. Cot. Fifth and Pato Sta.i haled* Pa ,-480TID . pY,.&LL PR:013915p3, 20no► OBdy._e p e o ra BOOTnAND SHOE STORE FOR nALII,, Tie subscribers, intending to quit the' business, offer at Private Sale their entire fitolik. of Boots, nose, Leatifer, Illaturee"and good will, 'St lose than coat. The Stash on hand is worth about • fifteen hindred delete They will also rent the Storeroom, now °Coupled by them, te . the pur. chaser, if dOlilredj, at Ireaaouabie 'lre This Storeroom L l O ,ictatta. ; near the Potato Square, and to one of tho moot dosirablo -biude ems elands in the town. It hoe boon fitted up expresoly_ fir the Shoe bus loess. The eubserlb ore • rolloquiph the litieluess.' which bas moved profitable to;them, Simply bOcaso they, Intend to order into tlhe wholesale .inanufaaturo, and it doe's not 'suit thou" tb labgage in both the business. F. 0.01.10111Ng ,& 113110. 41'19198-cum. U. OWEN. -Vitality and Qotor A dressing which is at once agreeable:heal thy, and effectual for preserving the hair.- Fade 4 or gray hair is .50011 restored to its origi nal color with the grois and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked,4 and baldness ottani tiarod by 14 ugo: Nothing can restore !_the hair where the follicles aro destroyed, or the glands' atrophied and decayed. But such as re, main can be saved•for this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty seditn6nt, it will keep it clean and 'vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently -prevent baldness. Fredifrom those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for . a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil or dye, it 'does riot soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre 'and and a 'grateful perfume. ltstio trays, Ambrose Boyle, Jam llniloy, Edward Arney, James Davie, ISHalite . ' Sthilli; EEC PREIAREI BY Ell N_OW ApVEI!T:ISEMENTS. Ayees HAIR VIGOR, For restoring Gray _flair to 1t natural irepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer, & Co:, . PRACTICAL .AND.AI44LYTICAL CHEMISTS, _ LOLWELV MASS. - PRIOE .1.00 20oot 68 ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING' THE BLOOD • Tho reputation this ox collent medicine enjoys, Is derived frat Its cures, ragi ' ll f o Inveteratelchftrerll "coons of- Scrofulous die. ..., ease, where • the system seuruod saturatod with .11 corruption ' have 'boon purified and cured by it. I `O Scrofulous affoctionsand 11711* .-=` l 4 ll , , 7i.g e w - disorders, which wore ag gravr.4.l by tuetiaofulous contamination until they, were painfully afflicting, ltd. bean radically - .redid 'snob great, pumbots in almost every see don of the country, that the ruble scarcely need to be informed of Its Virtues or 'stook , Scrofulous poison is ode of the most destructive enemies of our rude. Often, this unseen and IMO t tenant of the organism undermines the constitu. , tine, .d Invites the attack 01 oufeobling or fatal disoasos r wtehout-excitingsPiclon — of — ito — Pres = once. Again, It seems to brood Infection through out the body, and thon, on some Ilvorable occasion - , rapidly develOp into ono or other of Its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the luster, tubercles may he suddenly deposited In the lungs or heart, or tumors formed' In the liver, or it allows its presence by eruptions on the tkln, or foul ulcerations on some port of }he bo iy. lists a the OCCIISIOUSI 111,0 of a bottle of this &trsoporilla is advisable, even whop no settve symptoms of disease appear. persons afflicted with the following complaints gonorally find immediato relief, and, at length, cure, by' the use of this SA RSA PA RILLA Stt, Anthony's Fire, Bose or Erysi &las, Teller, Salt Rheum, Scold head, Ring arm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or isibie forms of Scrofulous disease. Also In the more concealed forme, no Dyspepsia. Empty, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the v.lous Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous Evitems. Mouth Dreielloticforeach - case ere - found inosr Almanac, supplied gratis. Rhetanatisni and Gout, when caused by accumulations Of extraneous mat tern- in -the- bkmd r - yield quickly- to. it; at also Liver Clnnplaints, Torpidity, Congestion, or ht/lama lion of tins Liver and Jaundice, whoh arising, I/6 they often do, from the rankling poison In the blood. SA RSA PA RIL L.l is a great restorer - for the strength and vigor of tho system. Those who ale Languid and ListleSs, Despondent,' Sleepless and It oubled with_ Nervous Apprehensions or Itars, or any el the effectiM. symptomatic of Trcokness, will find Inimeillate tenet and contincing °vi des., of its restorative power upon trial._ 1' l' A le El) 713' pr. J. C. Ayer CO., Lowell Mass Pract s ieoleul Analytical' Chemists. • SOLD BY ALL s nitiumnsms EVERYWHERE. 30uct UTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District COUrt tit:the Milted States,' Eastern Diana - of' l'ennsylrania. Elias Whitler of Bast Donegal township, Lancas ter county; Penna., In said District, Bankrupt, haring petitioned for his discherge, a meeting of the creditors will be held on- Friday, the 27th day of Noventher,lB6B, at 10 o'clock A Wore Rog htc r A. Haymaker, at No. 0, South gee on street, In the city of ',ancestor, that the okamlnation of the Bankrupt may be finished. ,The Register will certify whether the bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will Also be held on Wednesday, the Uth day of Deeeuitier, 186 S, at 10 o'clock A. NI., before the Court at Philadelphia, where parties in. torestoiljnay show cause agiii mit the discharge. ( Witness the Hon. John Cadwalador, , s. \-Juilgo of said District Court, and the seal thereof at Philadelphia. the 6th of No. ',ember, 1063. ATTEST. Q.R. FOX,-Clerk. A. H A-VNI A KERT Reg WON Dino r 08.10 RI(4) c e • . BANKERS, CO NO: 35 SOUTH THIRD STREE PH I LADELPH lA. *NERAEAENTB, O,,,PENNSYLVANIA wv zrizit a sv pp f OF THE ~FEJNS rp' jfAllOr r eke UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The NATIONAL Lira litarrneriOs COMPANY II a Porpotailoo chartered by special Act of Coligreza: aa proved July 25,1868, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, Fax PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who oelniitett to apply at onr °nice.. Fuliperticularstobehad on application at our office. boated in rho eeconcl story of our Banking House., Where Circulate' and, Pamphlets, fullytiescriblog the hivantfigee offered by the Company.mai: be had. It. 1V.. 0 I. I MK, ', • CO„ , . . Appllettions torXentrsl . .and. Western Penney tattle to be mode to ' It. B. RUSSELL, Manager, Harrisburg, Pa. Zang 69.1 y. REMOVAL REMOVAL!! J 0 II N DOLL, IMPORTER O TOYS AND FANCY:" GOODS, has removed front No. 502 Market ,Street, to, 114:e new and spacious store jiro. 905' Market St.;above•Ninth, PHILADELPHIA Whew ho will constantly koop o largo aosortment of TOlfii of every description h NANCY- AIiTIOL,EB - of the o toted variety. ,• " CHINA WARE, WORE BOXES, BEADS, __,.pi..k;soVistturra CANES, MARBLICS, SLATES, DENOLLS — ,, GAMES of different 11194; • MASKS, of various Styß•s*Pati4;riftr. GUM AND BASE BALLS ? AO. Always receirlog the noweit'etylos ,of Goode from the manufactories. ' • Thaultful for past favors I sollolt a continuan co of the mono nt the now atm. • -1 JOHN DOLLS' DIVOULER a DEALER IN DOMEETIO FANCY ARTICLES • t , „ No. ,90S AltirkOfi . treet, ' 'PIITLADE/XtrlA:. "01loy 68,2 m Edrßm AT PRIVATE - kiALE. Thenubscrlhor Offers at private sold Irle farm, dated onth a framplke !am:Hog to Ohamburaburg, `ono mllo must of Carlisle, contalalng sixty (CO) auras more orders. Thu land is l u a high state in cralcatlon the hn prosomunta no Inatclauatwhibilta oltuatlon m in, oqualltd. Any ponion desiring to view the'premises can do up by , Milling neon the subscriber who realthia thereon . . W. T. BRANDON. •AOTIVE ANA NIfftpCILENT AGENTS WANTED. IM oomin'Fort, Tql UNION idIITUAL• LION INBURANOU 'COMPANY Claiming an:thls, Company dime, some advantage peculiar Id Itself, -Agents are afforded an easy and sinconhil method for securing risks. A liberal eoro.. , mission paid to agents, who must furnish first class references. Address, D:.l3.Gioninger, Id. D., General Agont,'No.-120 pouth 7th 80.; Philadelphia, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. , I BEST INVEST!BOTS: It FIROTAVIORTGA6E . 313C*1V-31:34€5'• MEM UNION - PACIFIC Raifroad Company. 850 MILES COMPLETED. A limited remount of First Mortgage Bonds of the Union Pacific Railroad Company are offered to. the public, as one of the safest and most profitable in vostmOnts. " - • 1. -They are a first mortgagenpon the longest and most Important railroad In the country:- 2.. By law they can bo issued to the Company only as the rond is completed, so . thAt they - always re'presont a real, value. ' 3. The amount Is limited by , net of .oorigress to' Fifty Million' Dollars no the entire Pacific lino, or an average of less 4,han $30,000 per mile. 4. Bon E. D. Morgan, of the United States Sen ate, and lion. Oakes Ames, of the United Slates llouse of Reprbsantativei, aro the trustees for the the bondholders, to lion that all their interests are protected. 6. -Fiver Government Directors; appointed by the President of the United Slates, are responsible to the country for the management of its Affairs. 6. Three United Slates Conamiesionere -must cer tify that the road is wall built-and equipped, and in all regicide a first-class railway, before shy bonds can be issued upon it. 7. Tho United States Government lands thl Cirm pony its own bonds to the same amount that the company issues, for which it takes a second mort gage as security 8.- As additional aid, it makes an dona tion 0f.12,800 acres of land to the mile; lying_upon each - side, of the road. , O. The bonds pity six poroent, In gold, and the principal is also payable in gold. 10. The earnings from the local or way' business were over Poim Munort . DomAns last years, which, after paying operating expenses,. was much - more thrui sufficiont to pay the interest. These earnings will be vastly increased on the completion of the entire lino in 1860. . 11. No political ration can'realuce tho rata et In. tared. It must - remain for thirty years—six per cent per annum in gold, now equal to between eight and nine por cont. In - currency. 27ic principal it (Unimak in gold,-'lf a bon d - with guaran tees, were issued by the Gcriernmont, its market price would not bo lees than from 20 to 26 ,per premium, As these horde are issued under Gov ernment authority and supervision, upon what 11 vory.lergoly a Government work,-they must ulti mately approach Governbuffirptices. No other cor porate bonds aro made secure. 12. Tho issue will soon be exhausted. The sales have sometimes boon half a million a day, and near ly twenty millions have already been sold, About ton millions more may he offered. - It is Inert Im probable that at sorao time not far distant, all the remainder of tho bonds the Company cirilesuo will be taken by some combination of capitalists and withdritOin from the market, except at a largo 'ad: vanes. Tho long time, the high gold' intorelt, and the perfect securitity, must make -these bonds very valuable for export. All the Predictions which the officers of this Com pany have made In relation to the progress and be: einem 011.003 of their enterprise, or the value and' advance in tho price of their soctirlties, have boon more than confirmed, and they therefore suggest that parties wit o desire to invest in their bonds mitt fiat/ si lo their advantage to do soya once. Subscriptions will bo received in Carlisle by , A. L. SPONSLEB, and-in-New—York • At the Company's Office, N 0.20 Nassau Street, enn BS John J. Cisco & Son, Minima No. 01, *Vail St., And by the Company's ativertised agents throughout the United States. Bonds sent free, but parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. A N'SW"PAMPIII,ET AND MAP WAS ISSUED October let, containing a report of the work to that date, and amore complete statement In rota tion to the value of the bonds than can be given In an advertisement, which will be sent tree on appli cation et the Company's Mitres or to any of the ad ,. vertified agents. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, Now York. 30oet 68-3 m. ' )ATENT CLOTH E _ S RACK. The undersigned havg purchased the right to Menu Mauro and sell BranneMan's Patent - Otottide Ran:for - thls - county;glves notice that-the. Public will to called upon either -by himself or his agont, and orders solicited for the awe. - It Is one of the- very best improvements of lbo age, and shmild be found In every household. Orders will"he promptly filled. This Improved clothes rack has many advanta ges, and, on account of Its simplicity and conyon lance must - recommend Welt" to oil. Every Family Is well aware of tho inconvenience and annoyande occasioned by not having a convenient arrangement 'on which to dry Clothing. Thelon, 'may of the weather will ORen not- admit of Clothing being exposed out doors; yet families not „prnyidod wit', a properly constructed Clothes Rnck for ifield'doote.have no alternative. llow often too, is it the case when Clothes aro being Ironed, -that, for want of a suitable Clothos Rack on which to thoroughly dry them, Chairs, &c., are "Celled into requisition for that purpose, thus discommod• Mg the lady of the house If a soot is required. to say nothing of the Inconvenience otherwise. By use of this Improved Reek all the annoyances aro obviated. It is adapted for out-doors as well ea In-door use, and the meaner in which It is constructed makes It useful at all tittles. Whoa not required for drying Clothing, the arms may be folded for con. TlllllO.O of room, at the same time bringing into place-a number of hooks, forming - it Into a convent eat HAT & APPAREL RACK. . - • - - - For the present orders eon he left with David Sipe, Undertaker on North Hanover Street. Snot 68-3 m. N. pLIEItK. BEEF, IRON AND PURE BRANDY, BY DE. HARTNIA.N, Rogular Graduate of tho University ul Poona. It will posltlvoly :curd Consuption, Coughs and Colds, and all dlsinteei'Orthe Lungs. or Bronchial Tubes. . . It has been the means of RESTORING - TIIOU SANDS to health ivho have bean given up beyond the reach of medical assistance. It does more to re lieve the Consmptlve than anything ever known.. iffilifitalTelTitrenglreirerto - r — diiilCV.aliThd Children. Each bottle contains the nutritious portion of two pounds of choice Beef. The cure of Consumption was first effected .by the use of RAW BEEF . and BRANDY In Russia, afterwards lo France, in-which countries, I have triireled for years. I havii used It with perfect sucrose In my own family. In promoting this preparation to the public I feel confident that every afflicted one who roads thin (even the moat skeptical) may become convinced,' by a single trial that it Is truly a moat valuable medicine. • Circulars and medicines seat, to any add 0414 Price $1 per bottle—six for 1116.. • Üboratory 522 .South Fifteenti Strvet, PIItLADELPIII A Wholesale Agents, French, Richards & Co., Tenth ,and Market'Streets; Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, 002:Areh Street;, It. Shoemaker & 0., Fourth and linen Streets, Philadelphia. i.Sold by Druggists Everywbgre 30oot 68.3 m. Looking Glasses, OIL•PAINT'INGS . ENGRAVINGS,' CHRONI.O-LITHOGRAPUS,. . ~Picture Frames, - R 0 6l§.R ' - o u r_,s, Window Cornices, &o. &o. JAMES :S. -EAE,LE & SON 816 Chestnu!. Street, Phila. 80oct Oti•lat. . ' • FASHIONABLE I'ALL AND WINTER llrfrAx4Erty. MRS. S. A. MUTTON. Having Just relurned,from Philadelphia with a large and choice aeleetion of MILLINtIitY GOODS, desires the hunter of (MUM and vicinity, to call and examine her stock. 0024.rR151N.0 Tee latest stylo of = 139NNETB, OAPEB, I have also lidded to my Ilno H of &mode, a fine amortment Including BRAIDS, 8.11 , 1T011073, YRIZETTES Sc. N. B. Itches' and. Braida 110oct 684 t. . •"` • El: A. II - MONEY SAVED Wo aro'conitantly purohadng far cash in the Nov York au &Boston Markets, all kinds of • . DRY AND• PANSY GOODS, BIL 8, COTTONS' • ' ROOTS AND BIIOES, WATOLIES, SEWINO •bt AMINES, OUTIMItY, 011588 GOODS, ' DOMESTIC CIOODS,', !to., ~to. • - " Which We are '. actually se ng an .ayer ge prico or Ono' Dollar for each artiola. Our BA leg being 'Wetly for • cash, and our • trade mach' larger than 'that' of any other similar einicern,.en ables us to give. better bargains than eon :be ob. lifted of any ether house. •• .• ' ' ' • THE' LADIES Ate, apoololly halted to glia'uo a trial BIND FOR CIRCULAR AND EXINIANOR Luir' . , „ • . • • • • , , • • Our club systein bt selling Is as follow': For $2 we lend 20 patent pen fountains and "beaks de. ,scribing 20 ditibrent article■ t 6 be iold !dr a dollar each; 40 for $4; 00 for $0; 100 for '10 ; &o. Sent by mall. COmmissione /aver than Mote any firm;otheraccording to aloe of club. • Single foun tain and cheek, 10 eta. Illale and female agents ' emoted.. ,Bend money. in Ilegietere d .Let 'fine. fiend no's' tri el dub,' lind'you wlll itidtraOwb edge that ydia cannot allbrd to buy goode of any othethouse thoreatter. • , • • lOWAN 11;1D3NDALL, • —7 05 IlimoYer St.; Bbaton Maps - ; 86 0 0 D. . • 22may EB•Um Per Bor 6 years on Ilond end Mortgage, on 1m- Inbred property, the' City of Williamsport, - worth twin a the amount, 'tar which ten per sent Interest will be pap, Address ' BOX 842, - ' Willlranoport, , 0 119T 4 1t °,' _ . ESTA-TE. ABLE '.HOTEL Tropetti eIPILTVATE IIALE,OII. llifillANoll BOA A EAutt- The enbeorlbeti afire akpilvata safe the well Ithorrii botelstamlbk liewvlllo, Pa., known ea the' - The lot (bpoin. wkwili the Ithtel.standell cOntalna by 180 . 1 bot, and In addition thereto will be sold an excellent GARDEN' con Mining,Bs by 180 feet. ' The bone 10 large And substantlatly,bullforetne contalning , B sleeping apartments, gorldillar-room Dining-room, Parlor,llltchen and all modern convex lances. A good , Well of Water at the door, BXCELLEN.k. STABLING for, forty horses, Ice TlOnse, , Wood lionim o Smoke. House and all necessary ont-bulldinge. • . 'The Logan House is widely and fayorably known and is largely patronised. It Minix:ten quite recently tanoyated and rpftirod 'througbout. . • , , • " . Terms to suit the purchaser. • 'llor further partlealam sijpiy tbo embseriber,to In bin !theories to Petee4; Abl, stblonvillo, Pa., JOB.' AMOODDURN. 28Aug•tr. RRIVATE SALE. The animas,. c ,Offers at private sale their va liable property situated In Mifflin township, 8 miles North East of Newlaarg o - cOntaining 28 AOHEB, together with 8 Arras of timber land, there le sup posed to be a large quantity 'of Iron Oro on the main tract, which makes It a valuable property. Tho' buildings cousin! - of a apiendid; BEIM ROUSE, Wash llouse,-Boultle Log :Barn, Hog Pea amt other nocessary.out.bulldio - go there lea tndo, .ty,Of all kinds of_ fruit op' 'qte .pram well of water Muir the door The land Is the bast quality of slate ha`ving boon recently well limed,..thla ' is A 'desirable proPerty near to Church, School And CSIII. • Persons wishing to see the property and know tho terms will pleas, call on the subscriber rasld• log on the same, MARC/ABUT HEM, MAIIYIGH, _ Mifflin Tomilkip. 25sed 68-tt. 4eVALUAELE LIMESTONE —FARM FOR RENT. • . T Valuable Limestone Farm situated In Poun township, 0 umborland _county, ' Pa., about two miles'South of Stoughetown, on the rood leading - from James Myers' to David Ilay's,mfdway between the Chambersburg Turnpike and the Walnut Bottom 'Road. containing one hundred 'and forty three ACRES,. In a' high state of cultivation, 'ls °Mead •for rent. The Improvements are %a good BRICK 110139 E, a large - LOG BARN, a Carriage House, Corn Crib and all other nocessed out buildings, alsci a good Well nod Cistern. Posses sion will be given on thu 10th day of March, 1800. , The present Tenant is A. McCullough. For particulars Inqulro of 111R8. MARGARET R. MoRINSTRY, , • Manville Penna. Onov 03-st. SALE OF ; CARRIAGES Sto • • We, the und,ersigned, have now on hand, and Mier for sale at a bargain, a groat variety of Carriages, such as GEBMANTOWNS and ROCKAWAY/3, - EL TENSION TOP PHA:TONS, CARIMILLS'and TOP BUGGIES, Leather and Canvass, at." all prices. Also lot of Second Hand Carriages and Buggies,which we of ter very cheap. Everything hf our lino made to order at short notice, and warranted to give satisfaetion We employ in every branch nom but the boot work. men. Particular attention paid to Repairing and Filleting old work " A. B. k N. MERE, Corner of Pitt St. and Church Alley, Carlisle; Pa 28Aug . 0843m • VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT; On Saturday, By virtue of an order of the Orplaans'Court of Cumberland county . , directed to me as Adminis. tralrir of Sophia Sturm, dec'd., I will expose at public sale, at tho Court liousejn tho Borough of Carlisle, that valuable LIOUBB and LOTofO BOUND, on West P omfrot street, in tho Borough aforesaid, adjoining Isaac Nowcomor on the West, John No' le on the Norlh, - and Mra, Summervillo on the East. The lot contains slaty feet In front on Pomfret street, and one hundred and twenty feet in depth, and hoc thereon erected a,,TWO-STORY FRAME PLASTERED HOUSE, and RACK BUILDING and other improfements. This property Is advantageously located- for a private residence, and will be sold as a whole or subdivided so as to meet_the wants nof purchaser. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. 71., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by the undersigned. 11novf 8 . te VALUABLE FARM AND COUN TII.Y.SEAT, 'AT PRIVATE SALE! The i übeeriber offers at private sale, his Tartu and Residence known as the Greenhill Perm, and formerly as the Cu!nberiand Nuriorles. It is nituated 3% miles East of Carlisle, being bounded - on the Rot th - by the - Cumberland Valley Rail Road, and - contains 105 AGRCS. Tho Mansion 110111 , 0 is a large and substantial BRICK BUILDING, containing 14 apartmeots and three good collars.• It has good well water In each Kitchen, (the water for one being' drawn by a Hydrant and for the other by a Pump,) also In the :Wash—noun, close by, drawn from a Hydrant. The . yard is well decorated and Shaded' by- Choice and Bare Ever- greens, Shade Trees, Shrubbery, kc., &r. The Bernie a large with well water, the water being drawn by a Hy drant under the Forebay. There Is also a large new and commodious Hoz Pen and Poultry House com- blood. There are seven permanent cisterns on the ' premises, accommodating the two Kitchens the Wash house, Barn, Green House, Ac. Thorn is a Bath House, Work and Tool Musa. Soma 400 square feet of Propagating Bud, with two Furnaces and substantial brick and iron flues, together with Carriage House, Sthoke House, Wood House he. The Fruit Department consist of; 400 Apple Trees in full bearing or approaching that state. 150 Standard i'eare, many of them in a fine bearing state. 300 Bearing Peach Trees, .and. 00 to 70 Bearing. Cherry Trees. Over 2000 Grape Vines, Including some 60 varie ties, but most of the Concord, and many in a full bearing state. Also Raspberries, Blackborilea, Strawberries Ac. This fruit department contains many of the most profitable sorts, collected by the owner ,brring_his - 2(ryiffifirOXifelthilletalftlio - Niirs - eiTtliirners7 In short,for a pleasant healthful location with from 30 to 40 miles of Mountain Range In full view from the yard, and a general combinatimi'of con veniences and comforts, it effort, a rare chance for persons who wish to settle down and enjoy at once n hat would require half a Ilfe-time to gather around them. On the same Farm Is nlso built a largo and com modlous tketi, with a good Woll and Cistern near the Kitchen door, now Stable for Cow and Horse, Hog rem Ste, dm., with young Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, and Flowering Shrubs flimsily under way. The whole, with both sots of .buildings, can be Vogl& or the mansion building ,witla Of, •or 100 ACHES, Can ho bought separately. • .711Iddleses Station on the C. V. It. 11., td Otto near the property For furthor p:rtieuhre roll on the sutrierrbOr residing on the promises, or address Boa No. 102, Carnal° I'. 0. . . • DAVID MILLER. Liarrieburg nlegraph and Lancaster Examiner pleas° copy, and send bill to thls,oalco. 20nov OS-It. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT Will be sold ots the premises nude'r en ordur of the Orphans' Court of Curnbsrlastd •county, ou Frldtty, the 11th day of December, A. D. 1868, et 10 oclock M.,the following valuable property : A FIRST OLASSIIMESTONE FARM, situated in- Southampton township, Cumberland county,_houndod_by_landsmr.jalox ~.M.--D u neon,- Duncan and Pilgrim, John nod Jacob Fogies:roger. and John Croce, ' containing 114 acres and 14 perehos. The improvements are a Two Story Brick Dwelling House; a'Stone Bank Barn, Corn Cribs, Wagon Shed and all necessary out-buildings. Thorn lea ,good Wall of water at the door, and an °moll. out Young Orchard on the farm. The land, which Itl 10.1110 highest state of cultivation, la all cleared ox copt about four acres, Which - are covered with the boot quality of oak timber, and lies adjoining tho Cumberland Valley Rail Road, mid le-within three' miles of the Oakville market, and three miles of Shlppenatirreg. No. 2. At the name time end place 'will be sold 'tiro Valuable Travis of Idountain Land; situated In, Ropowell township, In said county, thh first bounded by 'Undo of John And Phillip Miller, Jno. Stouffer, James M. Means; and .tho following ,de scribed lot, containing 21 acres and 101 perches._ And the world bounded by lands .1. M. Sloane, A. S. - McKinney, Es q.; Aaron Kunkel, width° Dist described lot. containing 11 acres and IS perches.' Those Meath of timber land lio in convoniene and accessible position, and are covered With Chestnut, Oak and Locust - Timber of excellent quality. . • • Also, in pursuance of said order of court will be sold in the lance gh of Shipponsburg, on( Saturday,' the 12th day of December, A. D:;1009, at 1,0 o'clock: the following described valuable property: 'No. 1. A 'louse and Lot of 'Oro,, nd, situated In sild borough, hounded on the West by Earl atroet.. on the North by a lot of Jacob Reddig, on thb Bast by a Ihnrteere Mot and,' en the South by Ooorge•Tarman; containing thirty.nix feet four lecher: In front on Earl street, and two, hundred' and fifty-seven footibur inches in depth, to said ! aßoy,__The _improvements are a Tivolitory ' Brick, 'llonso, with • NW budding amirnec4saary, ' Ont. , building, And a good stable at the root' . ' of the :lot ; TSia property fig • subject to , the "right of Geo Tarman,,his belts and, assigne, to enter , to and e and fro th e well of water on the premises, ' fps,' the ,purpose of taking water thorerrtua fop family. use. No. 2. At the same time and place, a Kona:, and Lot of 0 round, altuato In -said- borough, bounded .ari follows : Degqiuing,on Penn Street at the ter m:du:On Of Mrs, Mathews' lot, Ocoee West by anti" ; 19t and ground 01. Rev. Jacob , Homier, 07 loot 7 inches,' thence South' by Rev.' Jacob Messier, 27 feet to a lot of Valentine Rudolph,. thence by same Emit 67 foot ?inches to Penn street' !thence • by , Bald street 27 feet to the pidco of beginning. The improvement:, on this lot are an excellent Tim: •Story. Woather-Boardod Dwelling . 1101.1110. - • . 'Na. 11. At the eatne!thno.and place, a, pirate:, or. parcel of laud In Shippenahurg, , tonshlp,th. the county aforesaid, bounded by the'publio mad, • land of Bertram, Mackey A. prothera, Levi K. Donayln 'and, Druilit Anderson, containing, four Acres more or less: - - - - No, 4. At the came time aMd.! plaro, track Wood Land, situate In Boutin:imam township, county aferetaidi bdritrded by. WM or Onorge.r• W. Illmea,,Suran Clever and Conrad Clever. containing four Acres, neat measure: - Pordoeirdesiringzth seethe .piopeliy. , Cin tali On either or the undeteigned. —Sale to commence on both days at 10 o'clock, ••••A. 'M. when- etteledhOce will be given And torma MadolcnOwn bar - ' - ,IBABELLA DUNCAN WAr. D. bIeCUNE, eldm'es. of 11:, q. Duncan, deed. , FLOW '4B, Ell=ll2 `Y4 20no, 08.80. F 4 t OR RENT. • „ Three conifortable!dwollin# home—One 'Li ; Pomfret Btroot, ohh Whlslcr,. , Aug,' two, In Church Alley, RilljolAlnfl,Tlnnor Ahop Of Mr. Corgoo. - flapral NDY. AT-PUBLIO SALE ecember 12M, 18.68 MARO ERET 0.13. STURM, Pophin Sturm,-deo'd. BANK - 13,&EN, STONE HOUSE, PUBLIC SALE .NEWADVER7ISEMEN 7 An 'Hail All Hail I= The „Glory 'of the, Right, is _the MORNING GLORY STOVE The,,Greatest Stove:for 1868. wALxsin &'oIdCI:IDY hailng jot Attuned 4oat Now York, llosr.ori sad Phlladelpkta, 'bore they . . have pnre - hased the largest, latest and best assort. Mont of I PARLOR, Mil COOKING AND EIEATIN6:BTO'nrB evar_bi:ortg4Lto this plow, ham now on imbibition and for salZ'at Ebel!. STOILR ROOMEI. No. 18, West, Main Street, where they will alweye he pleased to tee their old friend, and many new 'ones, call and eXAMILIO the 129 MORNING GLORY PARLOR STOVE i.ND HEATER, saw, t➢e Celebratud RIVIIMATOR ROTARY iTOPMCOOKING STOVE the beetAu the world THE MORNING. GLORY t the most perfect Peeler Store lu anywh sr everywhere. It la:al BIMO Burner and one ere will lam all winter. It ban mien door. all mound end Is ae bright and cheerful 411 au open grat We re upeetfully refer to the following persons tram among hundreds of ethers alto have used It, as to Its OEM J■mee B. Weakley, Rev. .1. Boas, ' W. B. Mullin, Webert A Derland',, Geo Weise, David Rhoads, Le•iTrego, Samuel Oreaxon, Weakley k Sadler, T. L. Greenfield, Samuel it. Gould, Jason W. Eby, Thos Lee, Peter Spahr, Woi. P. Stuart, Joe. Gilbreath. • . lion. J. Stuart, Edward Bury, Serg't Irvin, Col. A. Noble, Sam'l Hampton, Mr. Mansfield, Sept. Mt. -' Holly Paper MU Thos. Thoo. Chamberlin, • John Stuart, John T Green, . • Henry L.Barkholder, Illahard Woods, J. S. Woods, Hsi! Woods, John 111.Gregy, --3,,,. , hoTo also a von 111110 Irallloo , of Oak Stems, 114tbe eery beet, munely NOB LB COOK, (Oa. Itoroer.) COMBINATION, (aem Burßur,) WM. PHNN. EUITIKA. Will/BIT, all of which . hare glum, great: satitiket!oo to Um puirefunre. WD bow,. also, A largClot of TIN Akl 7 4) OTH.PR_ WARES, Id our own'lnUtiuiliciuto. TI N ND 8 H , B El T' • I R . 9 N of All landln c:iinutnntly . on band. • BPOIiVING ROOFING and JOBBING ofaThkinda done nit abort notice and aubstaiktially In.raelniteß ce tenni our Mends to all And ex amine oar goodiaad ease at: least tireatiper. cent L 'WAikElt* 4l)li#Dlr, No. 18, Welt. Main' ' Oarltalo,;:Ya Mani 0 „DRY GOODS READ!! READ 1 1 - - 13ARGAINS I I BARGAINS I IMI W. 0. SAWYER & Co's ViTE have just leoeiVed from New York ant. Philadelphia *large usortment orDIMBEI GiOODS, In wh6h will - be - found all the late and attractive styles of the moon. Our Stock-embraces Figured, Plain, "SILKS Gros Grain, Gros Dearmuro, BLACKRISILKS EPINGLINE, _ kRO LYONS, ''CRETONNE, EMPRESS CLOTHS, ALEXANDRIA CLOT/IS, AND CASHMERE POPLINS FOR Mr ranch Merino, Alpaca., Cashmaru antl-.Ealnln Cloths In an colon and prlcag, We have a htll line of the Celebrated EITIFFALO MOHAIR BLACK ALAPACAB, oho a large' Stock of all ktoda of Black MOURNING. GOODS MIMI TAMIE, Particular attention paid to Funeral Orders Call and aee our largo Sloth or MINK 84i3LE, 7 EITONN M A RTINE, SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS LUSTRE [+4TOll WATER MINE, BLUE CONEY, Just recciVed from the well known house of Nichols Burp:tett 4k Co, proadway New York. These Mutts and Collars all have a new improve ment which will make them' wear much loner than the old etyl of mannfachfres. Gentlemen can also And on our counters a va riety of French nod American Oanimeres In Fancy and Black. =haver Cloths Inltilkaitx and Felt fo haaiy &Law and (Ivor Coate. Stilts made by the' beat Tailor I. town, Moths old by us an warranted to be trimmed 'with the haet.taatetiall• . . CARPETS! CARPETS CROSSLEY'S, ' - Etrausii,. TAEENEEY, • • DAUBSELB, LOWELL," • AND HART/011D BEIMIIII =213 = !AMIN AND lINPAP, From 40ota. arid upward'. OIL 0-LOTHS„ SUGS,DgUrOOSTB, WINDOW SWAMIS and • general auortment of • .. HOUSE FURNISHING} GOODS LIOSI;ERT„ NOTIONS &0.. &o. Age otter great .attrnatitnii and Indseitients I to all ladling Dry Goods and insanity • belt* all. to and enemata otiestock. • w O. SAW It & CO'S. s i ::;.•n.:',.AVAT.;,244:17#..1.3!T8!T4T, IfttbEit'itilsit4Olib,'HOOL Paq PONSItIER I! Striped and Fanny Gros Dothins aid Lustrine SHORT az MOHAIR POPLINS BERGES, LADIES SUITS. KMPIIESIS, QUICHNB AND E=tl ORMAN YITOII, MIBEIRIA1( EIQUIRESL. EUBERAT ART/ SILVER MARTIN SUSS IXTRA .TIIREE PLY INGRAINS, ooBTAGE, VBKRTIAN, 110 MB MADI, Lovgs, JLESCAELLA.NEOUS THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, mzza UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON D. 0 * Chartered by 13pechl 'Act of:Qingram,. Approied, ' July 25, 1861, • Cash Capital - - 1,000,000 RANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA FIRST . Iv ATIdNA a L BANK BUILDING, Where the general butinese of the Company It trans. ieted, and to which all general corm pondence should be addressed. . DIRECTORS Jay Cooke, philade. .E. A. Rollins, Wash. 15: H. Clark, Philada. H. D. Cooke, Wash. F. Ratchford tail., Philada. W. E. Chandler Wash Wm. O. Noorhe ed, Philada. John D. Dofrees, Wash George N. Tyler, Philada. Edward Dodge, N. Y.' J. Hinckley Clark, Philads. 11. 0. Pahnestock, N.Y OFFICERS. C. IL CLARK, Philadelphia President. HENRY D. COOKE, Waehltigton, Ylco-P resident. ,JAY COOKE, Chairman Finence and ,Exocutive CommittoM EMERSON W. PERT,_P' y_aml { lada., Sec Actuary. i rt IL S. TURNER, Was hgl on, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS 0.-EIMIT ,K. D., Illogical Director. J, EWING MEARS, I. D., Assistant 'Medi .al Direct* MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD J.K.BARNES,Burgeon•General 11. S. A.Washlngton P. J. HODWATZ, Ob lot Medical Department 11. P. N., . WlLAlngton. D. W. BLISS, If. D., Washlngtoc,,,, SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS WM. B. OTIANDLER, Washington D. C. GEOROD HARDI,NCI, Philadolphin, Pa. 'This . Company; National In its character, offers, by reason of Its,Darge Capital, Low !Zaps of Premium and New Tables, the most kith.,o e means of insur ing life yet presented to tho p oldie The rates of premium, bet^ g h., gely reduced, &re made as favorable to the Insurers as those of theihest Mutual Companies, anti avoid all the complications and uncertainties of 'Notes, Dividends and the min understandings which the latter are so apt to cause the PoliCy-Holders. Several new and attractive tables aro now presented which need only to be understood to prove accepta ble to the public, such ae the ARCO:pI.-PRODUCING -POLICY-and_RETWIN_PREMIDM POLICY—LnA,h tormer,V pollWaßlder not only _ti_eehrOs a life in stirandy Ityable at doath, but.wilLTOgilae, if living, - after a period of a few - yeaiiii`an annunt income equal to ten per cent (10 per eent„) of the par of_hispolicy. In the latter-the Company agrees to return Lathe assored.. Ike total amount of he has paid in, in additimi to amount of his . The attention of poisons contemplating insuring their live. or- Its • reasing the amount of insurance they already have, is called to the special ad vantages offer-eil 'by the National Life insurance Compaily: Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars giien on application to_the Drench oMce of_ithe Company in Philadelphia, or to its General A gents. itGrLOOAL AGENTS ARE WANTED In every City and Town, and spend - MD:ma from c ,impotent parties foe inch agencies, with suitable endorsement, should bo addressed 'TO THE. COMPANY'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY, In their respective districts. OZNCRAL AGENTS: E W CLARK & CO., Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern Now Jersey, jay-COOK_ .4 CO., .Washington,_ ll ..C., - ...----, For 2ilaryland,V_lrglnla, District of Columbia aria West Virginia._ llsop Caly. ' • . 1 2; l O P L E • t MA N 0:0 1 t . 4 0-1? ..64% v t5t,. ..„ .06N . THOMPSON & HARPER ' MANUFACTURERS, 1232,1231 A, 1236 RIDGE AVENUE, V I PIIILADELPIILt. Ridge Avenue Campus the door. lir Bond for Illustrated Catalognolp, 420rioy A TWO STORY BRICK REBI.- ri. DENCE AT PRIVATE SAt.l. Situate on North Pitt Street, Carlisle, owned by Mrs. Ellen Lemberton. The lot conlaime2o foot In tront and 120 In depth. The ininrovetnents are a commodious Two-Frotty. BRICK 110 USE with a T rectory hack Building atterhed. The flout part containing Double 'Parlors and Hall on first door, and three chambers on the second story and attic alio,o, the hack building a largo kitchen and chamber above. There Is a good Frame Stable on the foot or qire lot 1.6 14141. Fruit trace and payee anti Hydrant in the lard. The promisee ere In good condition, with good brick pnvemente flout and rear, A. L. SPONBLER, BENTZ & CO. I `Aliept.ll9, Neal Estate Agt. Havejuet received their Fall Goode, which are creating excitement on account of a 'reduction of from 10 to 26 per rent Joel received 150 yds I'EW PRINTS, Such at Merrimack, • Cochccoe, Sptague, Gloucester's and other f vorite brands, at 12Acts per yd.. DRESS •GO-0-13--S'--, 'Alpacas at 2pcts., Coburg; Mbrinoes, Silks, Wool Do Loins, Bombazines, Melange, Pancie, • • Japanese Cloths, Silk Poplins, • Epinglino, Poplin, Poult De Sole, Oriental Lustros, Do Laines &c., at roduge4 rates. VLOTTIS. -CASSI3-1-ERIES; *ems-Made Bennetts, Jeans, Flannels, Scs)c Flannels, Opera Flannels, Cloak - Inge, gingham. CARPETS; - OIL CLOTHS, MATTIN9S, 111108, MID EBIZEM • A. Full lind of ZEPHER, WORSTED, PRINTED nod EMBROIDERED PATTERNS and. the lergellt and meet complete assortment of Notions and Trimmings, In'the county • Woolen.and Cotton Yarns, Tow - ailing% Misery and Gloves, Blankets, Bhawle, In tall-variety and Jeverytbing belonging to the business. ' To all wishing to save money in buying Dry Goode; ■ay from 10 to 25 Or cent: We would nay now Is your time to secure beryline, and it raft stock to select (pub OAS rn TING and PLU.IIfBII G --F6OTE & L'AZNCH, Practical Gas 'Fitters and Plumbers 'Desire ta harm their old customers and the citi pens of trliele generally, that they hove removed their est Ushment to the commodious room In the L.• .11asenient of , ftheem's entranco on Church Alley, They will, attend promptly ma horotofore, to aq :work entrusted to them, - - , • • They Eq.* ochisMntly on hand add aro praparod to Introduce LEAD And IRON PIPES, HYDRANTS, HOT, and COLD SHOWER BATHS, WATER CLOS EFS, FORCE aud LIFT PUMPS, IRON BIN HYDRAULIC TUBS, BOILEllti, WASH BASINS, - HYDRAULIC HAMS, all kinds of OAS , STEAM and WATER FIT .TINGILCOOKING RANGES, unkrinnq, not up In the.most mogern style. • -- . , • Country Work and. Jobbing promptly at ' ' • tnnded:to •. S.7apr OS ti_ A very deeirableDilek Dwelling Mune on Wee a t, between Pomfret and Soutti.Desserelon giv November 'Mb, it,dOelve;!.l. Aptly Dinar: liaug 6840 ~,,,;,;,,,;, . . . FARMERS' BANK. CARLISLE. . The Directory tiva, declared k. DlVldend of rail per cent. payable to ahareholdere_so3-:-the 16th Inst. NOIIIOYFEIt,---, . Onoy4t, • ----- • Omblvt,' . . S_PONS,LER'S 'COLU.M2V.• A . L.,SPONSLE4, . _ Real Estate Agent, &theism., Convoyancor Insur ance and 'Chain Agent. Onlee,lllaln -Street Near Centre equate. • • • • -• a AEUABLE . PRIVATE - - REM . - - - DtNCE .FOR-8411.--- - --...- , It attie on Seuth^Hanover street, Carlisle . now w' owned owned and occupied by - Are. -Washmood, lola_ the_ proportrof Benedict TAW. Tito lot (route on - over 0t.,-00 feet, and extends back tho same width -- 240 foot to an alley. The imorovementa era a largo two-story YU 011 K 1101.18 K, with Verandaltin front, containing Double Varian, hail, Chamber, Dining room and Kitchen on lower floor and sir nowhere dad Ilath-room on the find story. Vas awl water, him oven introducoi. There le a largo Stable And. Centavo House at tho foot of Lim lot. The lot IHi well studded with nrnamonta l trees and shrubbery, _besides (edit or almont ovary description and Grapes or the moat Choice eelectiou in abundance. v I lloquire of . „ A. L. SPONSLER, Heal Estate agent. U 123043468 VALUABLE FARM in Perry On, ATRBIVATE SALE. Situate In Carroll township, 9 miles north of-, Carlisle, 4 millet; north of Calif Pie Springs 'and 11 miles west of Duncannon, adjOining lands of Shearer,_ Nancy - blind and other'Sonfainlng 126 AClife. nose owned by Levi Lo rds. OD acres of which are cleared, In a high state of 'cultivation and under good fence and the residue covered with thriving timber.' A' never-fellicg stream of -water runs through the farm and 'plenty of limo within \ 2 miles. The Improvements are, two-story Log &Weather hoarded House, Largo Barn and Spring flouse,with sentient water. School ,Ilouse and Church' at IF mvenient distance. Apply to A. L. BPONBLER, Real Estate Agent. , . FOR SALE. - •• • A LARGE tflialE-BTOII3/ 11ItICK HOUSE, - with a commodious Back Building, occupied an a Store, and private residence, situated on West Main Street Carlisle, near the corner of West, This prop erty contains all the modern Improvomenta. The lot bolng 30 foot, In front, and 240 In depth with a Stable and Carriage Clouse on tho alloy in tho roar. Tho buildings aro.all now and in good condition, and the location lea most desirable one for business. Inquiro of . 2idaug 08. ' ~ r - A. L. SPONSLER. -. , _ VALUABLE GRIST MILL AND FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. Situated onthe Conodoguilnet . Creek, 0 miles East of Carlisle, and 2 Miles North of Now K,lngston, in ono of the moot fertile and productive parts of the county. Thu 'lllll is built of -Brick and Stone, hey been recently repaired and is In ezrellent Condition, containing 101 Ir run of stone, and has one of the beet water powers on tho crock, with a Sawldill at tached. • • . The form iiontaius 60 ACIIEB of excellent hod, with it large Two• Story • MANS- lON` HOUSE,. BANK BARN ,FRAME TENANT HOUSE and other outbuildings thereon eroded. Tho land is in a high state of cultivation and- under good fence, and ban an excsllent apple orchard, besides other fruit. Tho Mill with the water power and 5 or fracres of laud. embracing the tenant house, will be disposed of separate from the farm should the purchaser de, sire it. . For terms and particulars apply • • A. L. BPANBLER, Heal Estate Agent. 25 - aug OS. p EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. , JILU A Double 3 Story Brick House with Promo kitchen attached, suitable for occupancy oi two fam ilies, or non Store Room and'Dwoilintt, situated on PENN STREE,T, cAlmisLE. will be diorrosool of on favorable tem. -12 Juno _ . Also a 'valuable building lot, situated on the South East corner'nf West and Pomfret 'Streets, fronting 00 feet on Pomfrot, and 240 feet on West Street. This Is one of the most desirable bulldlug lots In the borough. 12June GS. VALUABLE WIE STONE FARM FOR SALE. Situate about PA miles South Wait of Carlisle, owned by David. IL _LereW..contalning about 00 ACRES, nearly all cleared, under good fences and in a high state of cultivation. 'no improvements are a commodious TWO.STORY LOG GOOSE, .WEATILERBOARDED, amaII.FRAME BARN and other convenient outbuildings. Tho owner having removed from the county is desirous of disposing of tbo above premises which will be doge on tensor advantagebus to the purchaser. The close proximity to the borough renders this property one of the most desirable Investments of any now lu the market. For terms ltc., 4ply to A. L e firCSLER. in Estate A gt. 18E10008. • • rrWO NEW TWO-STORY 88,1.0 K 3 RESIDVNCES AT PIII6TE SA_LE. Sltuato on West Pomfret street, in the Borough of Carlisle, owned by.Cbarled W. Weaver, each build ing ecntains twenty Net In front and twenty-eight In depth, and has d TWO STORY BRICK BACH BLIILDING attached, having Gas and Water Intro. `4lnrod„,...with, aU the mdth.rn imnFoietnenfa. Tho buildings ere jusEdulwly hilt, in tho best posallrie order, the lax extending back front the' Omit 120 feet. For tennis Ac., apply to 18sop GS OUSE AND LOT OF GROUND NEAR PAPERTOWN AT PRIVATE- SALE. Situate about North of the residence of 16....Eatt..,.._trilicanipg_ land of Oen Noggle, owned by John Goodyear, containing Acres of lend. The Improvements are a commo dions.TWO,STOßY FRAME 110UrrE, Frame Stable, and excellent well °Carder and fruit of all kinds. Tho property is In good coodit'on, the house hat• hag been recently repaired and painted. ^ For tamale., apply to A. L. SPONSLRR, Real Estate Agt. 25sep CS. VALUABLE TOWN PROPEATY AT PRIVATE SALE. Valuable renldenee or businobs gland at private sale situate on south Ilanovor Rt1:1O Nor. ti and l;1'. Ti t , property of n D E 11 0 LI SE , of winch Is built of gro - tm.yuld the other . of thick, making two complete llotißex, -- sultable for dwellings or places of business., There Is also two frame Buildings ou the prout. lees which could be very readily ho converted Rau dwellings for torwtt and other particulars enquire of . A.L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agt. 180011-08 • SPRING BARGAIN S NOW 01 , CNING IN DOMESTIC GOODS DhESS (MODS CAS IMEItES, , • I s • SATINETS, - ' JEANS, ME ----'----W-11.T.TE -G GODS, DRESS TRII.DOINOS, - . ' ZYPLIERS, RIBBONS, - ' • NOTIONS, AO RING'S - NEW STGRE, No. 5 WEST MAIN'STBEHT. Opposite the Mansion House, next 'to Post Office Cr'isle BLINDS, an. A -LECTURE •(. • r •• • ,• ••.• . TO YOUNG MEN, • • • -just 1 . 141,1101 M; in a Sealed .trinetki,e;. PrieC six cents . . A teeture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrlwca or Seminal Weakness, Involun I art Bin lesions, Sexual Debility, and Impedimente to'Herriage generally; Nervous. noes, Consumption, Epllopsy and Bits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, rdsulting from -Self-Abuse, eke; By ROBERT J. OIIINERWELL, M. D., Author of the "Oreerrlionk," Sc. The worlibrenOwned author ' imthls admirable Lecture, clearly proves from Isls own experience that the awful conseque,nces of Self-Abuse nub , be effectually removed without medicine, and without pangeroue surgical opnratlotm, boogies,. instru. silents, rings, or wordlabt, pointina out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every enterer no matter what his condition may' e, may cure 'himself 'cheaply, privately, and radically. TLITS.LEOPURN WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOU SANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any Marne, in a plain sealed I antelope, on We receipt of six 'cents, or two, pox tags sumps. Aloe, Dr. Cuiverwell's "Marriage NUide," pricc2l cents. 'Address the Publisher, . -, • OIIAS. J. O. R LINE & CO., 127 Bowery,' Now York, Post Office Box 4,580. RJuly CLOTHS, BENTZ A CO IVEW INVENTION . IN, GRAIN DRILY/s.—The • anitscriber, having procured a .patent for novel altd most excellent hoprovoment In Grain Drillatity which the grain instead of being 'tared In '34 Inch rows as In the old method in scat , tared nor a surface of Woo inchee,tbus conuring *a n -- equal and non destribittion of the iced, and a con • • 81th:rattly 'lrrupr yield of grain.. , •,' • . This fraprosomont can be readily attached to any,: of the drills now in use. State and County Rights for auto, agents wanted • Title is an excellent opportunity for active,,ene gotta young men to make largo salaries; t Nor partloulare addreie • - J. CI. VALIV,Jr„ ' o • ... „ Inventor and Patentee, Shiremanstown OurabCo. you n tui•ds. , • 91kNo REWARD I . . • tu-it••!‘-' Mae est, ,ou Tuesday, the Ad •Inet.', , between Harrisburg, and Illckorytown,, 'or 'Middlesex, the , eum ant Dundred and floventy-two Dollars In - Greenback.; and .Nationall • Dank .ttoteal , Three hundred sod fifty dollars. of Alio money, We In s2ollllle,' the balance In candler n otett. , reward-wlllho paid as' a COn 'as the money ne , t - 11veredT- _ • EMANUEL WHITZEb, Anor 1868". litokorytgwP A.L. SVONSLER, -Real Estate Agt 1807
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers