Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 27, 1868, Image 1
• RATES OF ADVERTISING: . . Ono Square. one insettlen, • 'For eadh addltlonallusertion,' •For MoreantlleAdvertlaemente, - -Legal Notioes, • Profeeelonal cards without paper, • - Obituary NOUCOBAIId 001111111111 105- tions reletlng matteraof - pri— , -- vateluteresta alone, 10 cents per.. JOB PRINTINO.—Our Job Printing Offlce is the neatest and most complete establishment in the In Linty. pow , good Prams, and a general garlety of matsrlalsultedforPlainandFancy norkdfevery al d, enables ue to do Job Printing at the shortest °tine, and on the most 'reasonable terma..."Persons n antofDllle Illankaoranything IntheJobbing le o, will and it to their interest to give us a call PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -11;)ii. t . W. D. HALL, Homo3patti Physician and Modica' Blectriblan. r. MAlllt 0. HALL, triats all lomat° dis4sai 'oolce 37,110uth Minors, iltropt. Carlitio• .41* PTORNEY-AT-LAW.-GEO,' S tiMIG, Office, in lobar's Building, with W J hearer, et. Prompt attention paid to legal bush eons of all descriptions. 3apl 08-Iv. • - - • JD: ADAIR, Attorney At Law, • Carlielo, Pa. Office with A. B. Sharpe, Esq.,No 17,-South Hanover Street. • 'ay 11-Iy. • JOSEPH WINNER, Jr., Attorney at Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. °taco on Rail Road &mot, two doors north of the Bank,-•• un.Bl , sulBol. inese promptly attended to. • July R. MILLER Attorney at ,Law. J . Moo in llannon's building immediately op• posit., the Court 29nos 6741 LAy CARD.-OHARLEB'E. MA (thAuormix, Attorney at Law,Office intim room formerly occupied by Judge Graham. July 1, 1864-Iy. HERMAN, at Law 1,1,186—5"‘1b..i.i 3th 417. TORN CORNMAN, Attorney at Lww Mee in•building attached to Franklin lionce,oppoulie the Court Muse. 11mev G. M. BELTZHOOVER, TTORNEY AT LAW, and Rea LAEstato,, Sheptiordstown, West 'Virginia attontlon, given to all business in Jeirer eon County and Ilfo Counties adjoining it. January 10,103.-1 y. 1; 1 )3ELTZEO.OVER, Attorney at Lam; 0111 to In South Hanover street, oppo- site lie nte's dry good store Carlisle, Pa. ' • nptembeF 9, 1864. . . TAMES A. DUNBAR; Attorney a efr CAW,' Oarllo(3,ga. 0111.31,1 4 1 , 10. Y, Rheum's TIM J 1884—;1y. , _ IN= WEAKLEY & SADLER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office No.lo South uncover stroot Carlisle Pa. n0v15.67, C. P. ITUNFRIC A TTORNEIS AT LAW. Office on L% Main St., In Marlon Hall, Carnal°, Pa. S. PATENT AGENCY. 0, L Loclunan, 21 Main Str/rot. Carlisle, Pa., oxo lutes drawings, specifications - do., and procures pat ,Ants M InTontors, 19 fob WY. - WILLIAM,KENNEDY, Attorney at, Law ,140.7 South Market Square, Car lisle, Penna. April 19,1867-13t:- M. B. BUTLY,R ; Attorney at V Law and United Staten Claim Agent, Car liele, Cumberland County, Pa. Pensionalliountl4l3ach Pay.dc., promptly collect. ed. Applications by mail will receive immediate at tention, and the proper blanks forwarded. '' No fee required until the claim le !fettled. Feb. 14th, 1867—tf. • • TAM GEORGES, SEA RIGLIT, Dentist, from the Bed •• . 11111 1. 11 timore College of Dental Surgery. 114)..Office et Clio residence of hie mother, Bee Lowther, street, thine doors below Bedford. .1uly,1,1804". • 'CO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S.— , J - Late Damonetratoraciperativa Dentistry of the ' "alt' -a -I°;e Collagergo 7 1-1 11 • ••• Ofilea a u t his Y resi dence ppoulto Marion 110, Wast ?Sala, street, Car 11e la, Pa. 18 July t, 54. S. M. COYLE. \V. Soma. COYLE COY LE & 0 0. JOBBERS' Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Oriode And- Stationery All orders will reecho prompt attention. No. 11, South Ilanovor St.. CArllale. DA..Agants for tho Chamhoreburg Woollen 1111 Is Omar 68-Iy. • DR. TELEO. NEFF, GALDII.II.TP. OF PICNIVA. COLLEGE OF DENTAL SIIIIGEKT DENTIST, Laspectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle and vl. gutty that ho has taken tha °nice Wext Main Mtroot, !Maly oceuplod by hie Father, where he is prepared to attend to all professional business. A rti ttaial tooth ineartmcon-110old,•Bilyke,.yuleanite and Platinum. Oharges moderate. Mundt 69-ly iro N DORN .`. 9 MERCI II ANT TAILOR In Kramer's Building, near Ftheorn's .10., has Just returned from the Eastern Cities with he largest and most COMP-LETE ISSORTMENT OF EALL'AND WINTER GOODS, conalgting DI blOtliß, Cassimeree, Vesting, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c., fever brought to Oqrliele. II His cloths.. comprise thiamin; FRENCH, nod AMERICAN NIANUFACTIIIIEIO., • of the finest texture and of all shades. Dorner being himself a practleal cuttor of lOng importance In prepared to warrant perfect Ote, an c prompt filling of orders. Piece bloods by the yard, or cut to order. Don't forgot the—piace. lemay_o9-tf. . . . F RESH AItRIV.AL Of all the New Spring Styles of , • HATS AND CAPS. . . 'The Subscriber has just &ported, at No. 15 North Hanover St., afew doors North oftbaCallislo Deposit lank, one of the largest and best stook of HATS & CAPS ever offered in Carlisle. Bilk 'Hats, Casslnteres of all styles and qualities, Stiff Brims, different colors, and every description of loft Hate now mado.Tbe Dunkaid and old fashioned brush, kept constantly on hand anannado to order. all warranted to give satisfaction. A. full assortment at STRAW HATS, blenis boy's and chlidren's fanoy. • I have also added to my stock, Notions of different kinds; consisting of Ladies and Cony's Stockings Neck-Tles,Ponells,Gloves,Thread,howing Silks, Sus. panders, Umbrellas,' in, Primo Sugars and Tobacc o, always on hand./ Give'ma a call andexAmlne my Stock, no I Note°, flderit of pleasing, besides easing you money. JOHN A. HEELER, Agt.. Nq. 15 North Hanover St. 31my67 • G AS FITTING Tha sAbsCribers haring permariondy, , located In Carlisle, respectfully solicit a glare of the public pot tronage.' "ThelishOPlttatnatild on the publle Square In the rear of the let Presbyterlan..Chnrch E where they can alwely,e be found.' • Being experioacedetechardes,lhAy are prepared to Ilioaute all prdars Mut they may be entrusted with Wit superior manner, and at very moderato prices. lITDDATILIO ' • WATIOIt ~•• 11YDRANTS. •.' • • LIFT* V0R0F4,13 PB, WABIT. DABINB and elf otherertl' eles tke trade. PLUMBING AND GAi . "AND FITTING. promptly Attended to In, the moat approved style. IllarQountry torlr promptly attended to. , work.lnarauteed. r Don't forget the plApe—lettnedlatqly In, the rear o: 'as That Presbyterian .ohurch'. r. .1n1y27 . ODA. 17= THE FARMER'S 13ANji,or, OAR. LIST , II,:f.3I”3TI,VANik,: . • . ' " seed Unlimited; hafilieeifopened; for iremmetion ajteneral banking buelness, lathe corner room of Mvsn's new building, on the North West opener .tigatystrest and Centre Square.. •• .; • The Diraotirshopo hy liberal and.bareini manage ant tusks this a.ponular Inttitntion,. and a oafs Ponikirffo.r.. 2 gt who, ms,9,tesortho bank with their • Deposits reeelloA and paid hick on demand, inter. t allowed : nu spodeV depoetts, flold, Miser, Trees, 7.Nlitelt Iloyermuen4Bonde, hotight and sold. tfolloctione Made on : oll'accoulble. , potAto Ir 4 the . Plepannt dak i Tneepley. „Banking ~bourfi Ain o'elpok , A. 11. $0 ; . 3 P. • --- J. u. 808 -lIR; *sinter.' ' q • ' ' ,, Prs4,aeut.,, cW,A. • °may • • , ta_ LIN Owtphead'jt: •,A Reiman,. • • ' .Abiatom • • DOSE has' a prime cigar or tiro cents. Try them. ei 5000 25 00 tOO 1 00 VOL. 68.4 M.ZSCELLANEO US. PEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF _THE AGE! have.theit locks restored by it• to the dark, tastrous, tuken tresses of youth, and are happy! Young People, with light, faded or red Hair, have these unfashionable colors changed to t beautiful auburn, and •rejoice People whose heads are covered With Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have :less coats and clear and healthy scalps! Etat tl-Itten tied Veterans hare their remaining-locks tightened, and thg bare spots covered with a luxuriant . growth 3f flair, and dance for joy ! , 'Young Gentlemen use it because it is . richly perfumed! Young Ladies use_ it because it keeps their Hair in place! Everybody must and will use . it, because it is the cleanest and best article in the ginritet Forßale by Druggists generally. MESEGI • 1 AY IN YOUR COAL.— iLd AZ the weather Is now very propitious,,and the prices are most favorable for the laying In of pi& WINTER'S COAL. , Thu subscriber would offer his stools to, the public flowing full well the disposition of the traits goner; ally to roalto many promises to effect sales. The sub. scriber would prefer to learn the quality of the coal lie furnishes, speak for Itself and he will be hold to the following which are his old standards. Ist. To sell none but the W. P. SADLER WM, B. PARKER 1.1:440;1 1 B E-S--T S • MEE 2nd. To eon no C ,E 'A P as any inbbo trade. . '3T." TO deliver what hie customers buy, and not to mix with VOWEL?. \PRICED articia to make the prise to suit his sale. 4th. Believes in the principles that "-'• SCALES, cannot be In use ( without repairs) for a serios o 1 learn to the advantage of the ettatomers. sth. To keop all hinds of coal to ►o had elsewhere fith. Nover,to coal to make a sale,_ 7th. To GUARANTEE 2,000 Ms to the ton. Ith. To glee the cuttomoro the advantage of ---- ANY. CHANGE n price at the minus. • oth. Iq to do all in him Dower for the' benefit of those who dent with him. Rend on your orders sod you shall bo dealt as fairly with and on as favorable terms as any yard In the plaeo. A. lI.4ILAIR. 17July GS. fARG-AiNS! BARGAINS !,! ~ have this day commenced rolling o ff my entire stook of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices] GRENADINES, LAWNS, MELANGES, BARRED LEND, FRDNeu pAßAsor.s, POPLINS, A LAPACCAS, Ac., at cost BLACK SILKS, _full lino of SATIN, BARRED nod STRIPEP 3 - ACON - 1;1TE..111111TE 'MARSEILLES Imler - prlco' SUMMER CASSIMERES, and COTTON PANTS STUFFS, grunt bargains, HOOP SKIRTS BALMORALS, Cheap.. than ever sold In Carlis l e. • Tickings, - G ingharns, Checks, &c., the lowest price. Stockings, • • Gloves, Corsets, , Buttons and other notions in groat variety and very cheap, DELAJNES, , I23, 18, and 20, CARPETS AT- COST Now la the timo to seouro bargains in all kind of DRY 000 l p i many articles will bo dosed wu less thou cost. CHAS. fGILBY, No. 47, West, '4l(airi Siroot, Carlisle Great Bargains in Parasols and White Quilts• 24Ju1y.08 E CONOMY IS WEALTH James McGonigel, at No. 83 South Hanover St. Carlisle, would call tho attention of his Monde' and the public generally to his large kook, of STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, which be fools assured wlll give satisfaction. In both quality and imlco. • In the atoyullitahß would call oepoolnl attontlon to Cho '' EMPIRE GAS BURNER & PARLOR , . • ' HEAVER. It Ise Perpetual Baao Burning Store. The Fur• moo wll heat en upper and lower room norfootly, and leguarantood to be perfectly froo from explo sion of gan. It Is so constructed that its.. rave of heat are deflected to tile floor. Warming the foot Instead of thn face. It le a gas .consumer, and fa perfectly clear from Unlit. Its vontliatfon is emu. plots, and the burning teas end ignited, ocean Wile. out through the Mica Windows, giving the bright. nese and cheer of en open - lire.. Cell and see it. 'lto also offers all the latest and most Imprw,ed patterns of ' - - PARLOR STOV.E.B, and a ibrgO. Stdok ' ot Cook Bums, ookolottng of thO Nimrod, Niagara, Ironsidoe • • , . Quaker • Ilfarmee;. 'ilia a Tarlety of .attiort t all of which orer warrant ad to be boot cling 8t01 , 0,1=1.1 to giro ontlro Bath A.lsl 'SUE '; WA:It made -of •the: very beet.: material, ad, all , othet , things noceeeary,for housekaoperelino of , Whitt:meg kept 'constantly on hand; ' " • • oypenios ara trifling, compared.. with °there, ap he deiles Competition. and would ask these do. • airing anything In hie ; lino of hasp 'magi to ascer tain prices elsowhore, and than g Jo., him a call avid satisfy thenisdives thatlid aan doll blast 'articles foriees money than any other plltab lllPlnnent In the county'. • Ills motto Quick Eh doe and. Shoal: Profits,: i Old metal taken .in oxcht 10g0... '••' ' Spouting, }looting mid Jobblug DM/raptly httend-, ad to, made of the beet • thittewletl and .at mordoi ! _ hto.pricea, • ' , • ''. I 4tME3II.IOOOIiNIAL.I :• ' .• 131111'rr.A.RD:' • • lIMENTa, TOIMUS, 116.1W0N1111 gentle, , Dooreo, on hand and made onterlibidthi Hay; over troot Pa. -milrohl6o7dp--; 7, , . , , , . b I : • .- ." c RI TOPS MISREPRESENT DETIR3I.INED Fult GASH NETT SIIA TVLS nt co:; CALICOS, 8, 10; 12 MI u.ownN ETOOFLAND'S BITTERS HOORAH'S GEpIAN BITTERS, Hoofland's German Tonle. Prepared by Dr. O. M. JAMItiON, PEEILADELPISLA, The Great Remedies for all Diseases LIVER, STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE ORGAN 4: Hooftand's German Bitters le composed of the pure Juices (or, ne they are medial tally termed, Bs froth) of Roots Uerbs and Barka,, making a prepare thin, highly concen a tru an t , e i t,. of . and entlre . ll (career Alen/wife HOQFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, lan corobinatien of all the ingredients of the Bitters with the purest quality of Santa Cm: Rum, °ram Ste., making one of the most pleasant and agreoabli remedies ever offered to the public. . Those preferring a ISt:dicta° free from Alcoholic ad mixture, wlll.ueo , I • Hoo - fland's German Bitters, In cases of nervous deprlfeton, when some alcobollo Itlmulus Is necessary, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONE abould be used e ---- ', The Bitters or the Tonle are both equally good, ani contain the same medicinal virtue.. Th, stomach, from a'variety , of causes, such as /nal jestlon, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility e ri - C -- Wr imve_fts function. deranged - . T le result of which to, tharflg patient suffers from t seeeml or more o .tlns following diseases: Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity . of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart . burn, Disgust for - FoodpFulness or. Wei ht in the Stomach, Sour kiructations, Sink- . -ing or 'Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the . Head, Hurried -or Difiloult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, ' - Choking or •Suffoonting Sensations whin in a Lying Posture Dimness of Vision; Dots or Webs before the Sight, oDull Pain. - in the Head, " ciency of Perspiration, Yob. lowness. - of the Skin rind 2. y e Pain in.. the Side, .ley • • Baok,Chest, Limbs, etc., ' • . n' d d e n Flushes of . •• Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaggs of Ey - il Sh and Great Depression of Spirits. These remedies will effectually cure Liver Comr Jauridic, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous De tr Chroriiii - Diarrheera-Disesse of the Kidneys, nn 01 - Diseases arising from aHliiiMiered Liver, Stomach, or Intestines. 13 - mßir.rr - v, Resulting from any Cause whatever; PROSTRATION OE THE SYSTEM, induced by Severe Labor, Hard- ships, inzposhre, Fevers,. eta. • There I§ no medicine extant equal to these remedies In such eases. A tone and vigor Is Imparted to" the whole System, the Appetite Is Strength. treed, food Is enjoyed, r coin., stomach digests promptly, the blood • is purified, the co., •plexion becomes " sound and healthy, the yellow tinge Is eradicate) from the eyes, a bloom Is gIVOII to tho cheeks, and the weak and nervous in. valid - becomes a strong and healthy being. Perions Advanced in Life, Ind feeling the band of time welghlng heavily npot hem with all ite attendant Ills, will fled In the use of ,his BlTTltittil, or the TONIO, an elixir that will until now Me into their velnS, restore In a tnel,nre the energy and ardor of more youthful days, hard op their libranken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE. It le b wellestabllehed foot that folly one.half of the female pollion of our ,— r population nre eel domintho enjoymentj o f good health ; or ; to non .their own ex premien," never feel are lan - - teddydevold of energy, extremely nervoue, and have no appetite. To Ulla elaes of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIO, Is especially recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Aro made strong by the use of either of thew reined They will cure every case of MARABIfiIIS, fall. • Thousands of certificates hare accumulated in tia bands of the proprietor, but space will allow of titt publication of but a few. Those, it will be ul a ,ct cad annum of note and of ouch etanding that they min be believed. TESTIXONT.ALEI. Hun. Geo. W. Woodward Chief Juiliet of the Supreme Court of Pa., writels Philadelphia, islnrell ld, 1615. wek "I rald.srootland's -- - (11•rloo 0 1 1,-1. 1 11 a gOod tonic, useful • In ells,••oo 01 tl.• Elgeitlvoorgaw,tuul - _of groat 1.t0,• 11 1 17 tam of debillty, • nod 1 ' wont or 1.,rvo•o•• .o: lion In the system. Yours truly, OEO. W. WOODWARD." Hon. James Thompson. Judge qff i 74 Suipqm'e Court of relfLytonnin. Philadelphia, Aprll .28, "I consider 4 Ifoodam Gernoth lilt fern ' n nnfin , hts •ttedicins hi ease of attneks of Indigestion or Di - . I can certify this from ,my experience of Yours, with reel,ect, JAMES TI10111.81):::! From Rev. sosepb. H., Kennard, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Murcia, P/alaft , ph,O. ~ . Dr. Jackson—Door Sir: I bnve been fteutuu.dy to: . queeted to connect my name withreetuuntenduttene of dlflefent kinds otmedlelnee, but regal dine the prne. A lice as out of toy up ' pram Tale, epluuo. I have In all lib et do , , I dined; but with u clear proof In Veit I T , ono inetanneo unlit particularly in my own ' family, of tbu usefulness of Dr. lloollandle German Illtters, I clop, t lot once from my usual conso to exrimo , my , 1, 11 conviction that, for general de/ditty ft," the .;pklii, evil 'tspecially for Liuer Cnmptaint, troje• an , / raitio RI preparation. In some caeca It may fall ; lint tmunlly. I doubt not, It will be very beneficial to those , cos • ”ift.r [rem the above =Mo. Yount, very respectfully, J.'II.'ICENNA ll°, . ' - • ; ILlttlttlybolotv Coutes tit. . • From Rev. E. D. Fondall, ..driteartl43d s gor Ohri4lia . n qhronfeli, PKilactelphia 'I have derived doelded benefit from the use of hoof. German'Eltters, valuable et my Vivilego to erg Buffering them aa a ;nest tonic, tq all who erg Buffering from general debility or from diseases arleini from derangement of tho liver. Yours truly, E. D. REM/ALL. , . . OAtPTION .., lloofiSnd's airmen Home/foe arScounterfchcd. Sof thatthosignaturo of, a M. JACKSON tp o n ,fh o . wrapper, , .of each b alt re All others go coon terfolt, • • Prthcfpal ' °like' 'and , Marinfachir3i :at the Gorman Medicine Store, No. 91, ARC,I,I-eh act '- ' ,Philadolphis. ' ' '' • : . CHARLES' Ni , EVANS, : • ' r Gershon Drugglet u Froprlelor f Formerly 0..e.t. JACKSON & Co. INT etile by a! - papists and Dealers/ In Moellelnee. por . bottlo • • ' RE ; ," ;Ina elozeq 8 64 I:epaaanol's parTaan Tonta pat upiri qaart ia .pet bottle, a half dotini for' 7 1 0 • piii•Tpp: OS forgot to. oiatoloo welt tka irtlole piaci Writ the gatiatraa ' ' • ' ==l =EI =ME I• ~„ •••-.. I r ''' • - '. 4...../ ' ' • ) -•• , ''',-. r -••" ' ,CSI I= A *LITTLE doosE Tho.chlll November day was • Tho working•worhilionio•thViig Tho wind came roaring tbrongb tho strode, Anil set the gexellgbte taring; And hopelesely and aimlessly_, The soared old loaves aro flying; • Whon, mingled with the soughleetswind, I heard n small voice crying. And shiveYing on the corner stood A-child of four or over; . No cloak nor hot hoc small soft arms And wind•hlown curls to cover. Iler (11410 face Was stained with tears;' Her round blho Oyes rah ovet;. She cherished in her woo; cold hand A hunch of faded clover. And,onnhand round hor trunk.° while Mle slipped In mine the other,., rialrebared, halPoonfldentlal,lmld, " 0 preen, I want my iTnotlier I" "Toll mUyour street and number, pet; Dual - cry; - I'll take yon to It;" - Sobbing, ebe answprod, "I forgot, The organ made me Ato It. lle came and play °Mat Miller's eteri; The monhey tookllie monoy; I followed down the street, because That monkey ma so funny I ' I've walked about a hundred 'lotto! From ono street to another; Tbo monkey's gone, I've spoiled my flowers 0 Venn, I want my mother I" "But what's your rixothor'e Immo, agd w hat The street ? Now think n mintitS:'' "My mother's name to Mother Door; The streot—l can't begin ft.". "But what is atriingo about tho house, Or new, not 111 co tho others?" . "I gum y ou moan my trund‘o-Imil— Mine and my little brother's. " o,door, I ought to be at home, ' To help hint soy his prayers; llo'e such a baby, ho forgets; And we aro Loth such players; And there's a bar between to keep Prom pltchtnk on each other, For Harry rolls when No's asleep— . 0 door, I want my mother I" The sky grow alortny, peoplo passed All muffled, holnewatttforing: You'll hare to °pond tho night with twee' I said at last, despairing. I tied a 'kerchief round her nook— ." What ribbon's this, my bibssoni 1" ly, out you 1:110\71 - And drew it from her bosom. A card, with nunabei, 'street, and name) My eyes, astonished, mat It; " Fespi' Fell the ono,'" you see - I might some time forgot It; And to I wear 0 little thing That toile yoit all about it; For mother says she's very sure I would pot lost with Out ' 3,lliseettnutitirs. STRANGE MISS DEVONPORT It was -'•the - night of Rio` Ztattle borough hunt' ball; and Rattleborough, as befitted the occasion, was employed. in - holding - high festival. The large room 'of -the Egerton Arms was full, and the company-AS select as the-most fastidious -• could wish.' There were representaitves of all the great families of the country, and the cream of the society of the town of Rattle-' borough itself, not to mention a score or- so of unattached males who estab lished themselves in the Egerton - Arms and in various lodgings in the place, for the express purpose of being in. the immediate vicinity of the far famed Rattleborough hounds. . It was to the very best of this so ciety that Mr. Oliver Henley belong r : ed—a gentleman young in point of years, and comfortably off in .the mat ter of money—a barrister, member of the Inner Te'mple, burdened with no briefs, nor with the necessity or the intention of getting any. . His-ziather was still living, but he had i'already come into a very respectable little .property; and, as was . natural for - gentleman in the flower of existence as he was—to wit, seven-and-twenty years of age—was bent on enjoying himself accordingly. With this high ly laudable object in view, lie had just made his debut in the Rattleborough distiict; and by his good riding, genial manners and generous habits, which a comfortable balance at one's banker's makes easy enough, be bad produced a deciedly favorable impression upon those whose estimatiob was usually considered worth 'having, Henley, bad had a day with the bounds, which he had enjoyed most throughly; and he was just at present engaged in talking over its events with a newly made- acquaintance, and at the Same time passing a kind of running corn mentark.upoifAhe dancers as they whirled past him. 'Now, Mr.. Henley,' said the vigor ous ball-room whip, 'will you choose your partner 4 Lean introduce you to any you like.'. - .'Who is • that young lady there ? She has jo i st sat down: The one with the Wonderful amount of blackhair, . 'Miss DeVouport,' was the prompt reply 'A wonderful nice girl--s—dances capitally. Let me introduce you.' And after Henley had gone through the Lancers with Miss Devonport; he, was of opinion thnt,this account was' not exaggerated. Miss Dewonport, he discovered, was a very nice .girl—so. nice that he made tip his mind . to get all the dances with her that shkwould givd,him. If; Oliver Henley . had been asked to give•an; account • of himself, he would, in all. probability, ;have de-• scribed himself as the most unimpres sionable felloW in the world . .. had( become bored .. with'flirtation, and his days of heavy love-making were over. Experts; howoverer, in the diagnosis . of Inve r makizig•Will tell' Yell:that itld' persons of Henley's; self reliant and defiant nature, who ; are moot apt itp- fall victims to, the; tender, passion,, and,if Oliver Henley had not had Such a .consummate' belief' in Ids own fniWeri; it is probable' tbat it Would , liaVO • oc-: durred to hitn more than';oneetim the . course of his cenversatio_n with ,Misti. Devonport that he was ondaßgerous . grorind. :Mien a gentleinan„ finds „hirdself ptunnorithe,histary; of his life; interspersed, here hifal there with toitelkeS,half,...piithetic, half .I tittf?lr. i i nd 'cynical; it may he well;lwell;that; he should, take heed unto his''_ways =at . ' ' ;‘','Yoni own ; 'acdount,': HenleY, yoif must 'he "a 'terribly: tolling Stone,' said ~ 'Miss' Develiport., '4Lfeel Myself iiii:"Miis''DeiOPPi:it' a Follin 'stone' Which gathers no 'tnotsy but•Whichlongs't . o'do sn.-!!" " 'There' ivits'i `lt" Certain antiount Vagneness latterlpititof Mork, butlitamalfoWiii bthgqr it' seemed' - th - dhatttral thing ;to itaYT'and 11604- mado x it in ationewhiel was . eiPiestiive o tv depth of , 'feeling rather wonder in so cautiona- and unsentimental' a' an.' .Fle was almost astonished and Ralf an g ry Nyith. himself liheiA, • tb,e MI 1/1111 I= . •.b • • CARJAISfE; .. PENIi'4,,'Figp r A2Y: 1868,-- Voetitai, BY ILIZA, IL TIIIINIM ..' '''.. ,Of:•.. ?; ' i 'I; 1 , 1 t. fiq. , r,''' .f - 7 7 ; i \ \,_ -:t , p _..:_f,_:_,.._., ___;; words had escaped him. He looked confused,-why,,h9 'did not., exactly , Unfortunately,, kowever, looks, area; go6d deal•Mcire eloquent `than speech; unfortunately; 'the looks were not unnoticed by Miss bev= (*port. Somehow or other the remark, sufficiently : meaningless, as; it Was, seemed to 111;yOrestabliebea"a kind, of Understanding . bet Ween Dairen: port and Mr. Henley; andWhen"Miss .Deionport's Carriage Was' annotinced ;Miss Devonport; senior, the •yourig lady'e,aunt—it seemed-11*e natural to Ilenleito'Offer his arm to escort, her thither,' arid' for' 'Miss Wirdnport to accept it. - Devonport,' said Henley. just before he, banded her .in, 11. wonder sluill . We Meet again ?' 'Why not, ,Mr. Henley 1' • But the aunt at that moment came up, and I iim diSpciSed to' think that a gentle pressure,! of bands—uninten tional, of course—served as a ppecial reply._ Oliver Healey was not given .to dreanfing, and hesle . pt the sleep of the - weary and the just: - Strangely enough, boWever, the first thought which 'sug gested itself to ,:hie mincriin Waking -vas 3 .liaP o o v uport,and the aforesaid re pressu of bands.a, He . thoitlititoo;- of lidEand of it more than once over a late, long, dawdling Breakfast. A long and remarkably objectless - reverie was broken by the arrival of, some friend, who had been staying with connectioni: . in the neighborhood of Rattleborough, and Who was - now waiting a few hours for a train to town. 'By-the-by,' said Beauchamp, Henley's 4ieird, 'we had - such a capi tal time of it at the Oaks, and - I have met there the verf :nicest people, without exception, with whom it has been my- luck to be thrown in contact. There was a girl staying there who= but talk of angels ! There she is-- positively coming !' Henley-looked, and saw .no less a person than Miss pevonport. Mirtrae r unit — wite, and air—she 1 passed the pair on the pave rent, on the side nearest to Henley, they both of their took off their hats. Miss Devonport, with a smile and a gracious - face, -returned. the.bow; -not, however, so far as Henly was concerned, but merely the salutation of his . friend. Miss Devonport, in fact, so obviously 'looked p_assed him, that ho began seriously to think her feelings during the night must have undergone some transformation.. I see you ,know Miss Devonport,' said Beauchamp, after - the lady in question had passed. •, • • met her last night.' 'She is an exceeding nice girl,' con tinued his friend, , and I must say I think... Hughes—yon know Hughes; he was with us at Oxford., and has Sink come into that immense mine property—a far luckier fellow than he deserves to be; but perhaps yeti • were not told - by 'Whodirer introduced you that she was engaged ?' 'No,' Henley said, with a blank stare of astonishment, he, had not been told. But was Beauchamp quite sure 7 'Oh, yes, my dear fellow, I know, all about it. I only saw Hughes last week. He *as one of the party at the Oaks; and he asked me tO, come to .the wedding.' Of course this information could really be nothing to Henley. .The only remarkable thing was that, as ho heard it, his thee grew several degrees - paler than its usual color, and his hand trembled perceptibly on his friend's arm. When Beauchamp left hiin his. thoughts turned • to Miss Devonport, and the-events of tli& previous - even lug. There had beetrinothing very remarkable about them; but lie could .not help expressing to .himself an opinion dial Miss Devouport's manner had scarcely suggested to him the idea of a lady engaged to be married. With these though Olin his mind, lie deter: mined to go'•idid have a last look at his, horses in their stalls to see that all requiSite care was being taken of them to enable them to win both for them selves sand their owner honor and glory iu the inOricili's,i_run. As he was' going out of the hotel door, there confronted'himlace to face once again Miss Devonport,.-andlier manner was the manner of the evening before, and not of. the-morning. There was, Henley fancied, a kind of blesh•upon her face as she met -her partner of last night,blit'he,wds late sure there was upon, it, a very. sweet -smile,. and as he -lookecl'ht her lie feltmore (lispol3ed to envy than to -congratulate the lucky Hughes. It was plain enough now when Miss Devonport met' him in the Morning she must hitVe faileirte recog- - nize him. Henley felt half disposed to speak then' h.nd.there to Hugh sea' fivnece, audto make some inquires after ',the fortunate lover. Ltence, he thought, would not. Justify. 'the liberty, and ho had come to a kind of unacknowledged decision with him self' that for the future ' it Would . be wiser for hire not to seek, to renew his` aequaintatice' with , Devonport.' 1-, The inset happened to be:closed at 'Rattleborough,.and on such &easions there were iilivaYS numbers, of perbons ;who, came to'-see the" throw. off.. AS Henley' rode up he reflected with pride.. oh his appearitnce:. He knew he was. weh mounted—ae,Vell mountedi." . as ii man 'need' wish te - he---arid' there are probably fewjiletisures„pore. exquisite than that Which is ;experieheea by. a ,SPOrtsmrin who is soliseioue- that .bestrides a quadruped equal to any ,eMe4'geneles"4 the . lihnting4field Was, thexefbre, with not small patisfae-, tiob that he witneseed the eyes .otthe SPeetatorsturrie& toward. him( aft he+ load° his appearante; and the satiaffm-' itiooyalrinbretiob4 • ,;cyliert• that 'iii 4K.dietaime :he '.Yeduld, - ,,4esery.. the Pgelrefk-MisS.Devenport:menArted.-, on the neatest Of lady!,o backs.: -As 'neare L., lilts 1 : Maori= port, for. she,,,;it was, turned ,Feipid,'aiid as he ,e4i.e.Mite,4is i e and ,resegaized ventured .to.salute. lit with a tiow.-an'd a 'good morning.' At , Miss'lSevontiert-remainedj , :'as.-lk bulcied, : quite,pssive, or onlyquelined,' IMF lidada.”VerY` liitle'''forswded in "4: manner ouriblematle tof frigidity.. What: 44:61d he have done offend'r :40; :Hialmost wfslibilftVirsklo? an ex iititkiffenlthO'zisfet: , ' Oidi(liecwas liktgryi was -hurt'. , . 'lt: 'irti l3 -%:49e.Oß.strand 4.1114019 . tcni.lft • not-nedeistfio,, Heroyaa,i y9Vcig Tay: whom liarnet - at2a ,w4h 'Wholitire hart' dial§eolititio tulles,, who had talked to IlilaV/Itherit the least reserve, mid who eabSequont lttoOk it into her head at one moment = , . to. meet'hini ti friend, and at another as-almost titi.etitire Stranger, just' is' the humor prompted her. The whole . 'thing was :'unintelligible. 'While he 'Was thinking over all this, ,he „was soddenly rousedlw* the familiar signs, that the heunds sderq of, a ' fox: He prepared to yoitr.the main body Of the horsemen, and as. he: was 'cantering up . to the eopse in which they were, a voice'he knew said, 'A pleasant run to 'you, .114 . r. 'Henley.' He looked round, ~and arid-more Miss Devon pert, with the sweet look upon her face that , had attracted him so much twe, evenings ago. - The day was decidedly successful. As there is-no necessity to give the, reader a detailed 'account of a famous run With the Rattleboreugh hounds, the line of country-taken by the fox need . not here be described. As the NeleTeb - er twilight was coming on, Henley rode up,to his hotel, in an exi* collent humor. with, his 'horse, which' hadacquitteditieTriaostereditably in the eyes of the Itattlehorough.bunters, but angry with himself for being so much annoyed—pained, perhaps; would be the better word—with Miss Devon port.. He could disguise the fact no longer; he loved her.. He had 'loved her Man the very first, and she had treated this__ unaccountable manner ! But he was , prevented from, continuing these ieflections by a letter which wns put into his hands. It was from his'sister, and he - had half-ex pected it for some days past. It mere ly told him that his father, whose health had for a long time been bad, and who then staying in . the South"of France, had suddenly be come' worse, and was particularly anx ions to. see MS son. _ Would Oliver 'come at once 3 Yes, he would start directly; next evening. But there was one thing he would do lira. He would see if he could not meet her in the street, and would endeavor to gain from her some explanation. • On the following morning. Henley wan:ill:red about , the tom:l.—but Rot, a seen of his partifer a the ball • Up and down the streets he went, gazing into the dim recesses of linen drapers and milliners' shops, and other similar resorts,..seemed to hiin probable that the- young lady might affdet, but still 'there was no Miss Devenport Seen. 'Halfway• up thus _ High street at Rattleborough there was a narrow turuiTig, which led to what was generally called theßat tlehoroUgh La i wn, where the Rattle borough band was in the habit of oc casionally exercising • its musical pow ers, and where the less select of the Rattle . horonglf young ladies were went iu the summer,-to erect their croquet hoops; and . to pursue the mimic war fare of the . mallet. It was half un tonsciously that Henley just now took thia.path. He was thinking of wliat was to lie done, how he was to see Miss. Deirenport—for he had qutio determined not to leave the place with out seeing _lter,,when an abrupt .turh in the avenue brought him suddenly into the lady's,, presence. Yes, it was Miss Devenport—at last. Ho stood still and bowed. Miss DevenPort -it was; but her face no longer wore the look of tenderness that had charmed him so much at the Hunt Ball. h!s Devenport,' ho said, bowing l , l 'I am quite aware that I am guilly of some boldness in thus intruding upon you. But I have to leave Itattlebor ough to:day, and I cannot do so with out a few words of conversation with you. Nor, if I apologize for asking, 1 . do I think you can 'Well• be surprised at my wishing for something of an ex- planation from you. How, then, am I to account for the extraordinary man ner . in which you -have treated me during•the last few days—now recog nizing me as a friend, and now pass ing me as an-entire stranger? I con fess that when I met you I did not know you were engaged to Mr. Hughes.' 'Sir!' interrupted Miss Devenport, with a look of absolUte wonderment upon her Countenance: 'What? Is my information wrong? Is it titit as I say?", 'I am completely at a loss to un derstand to what cause- I am indebted for the luinor of, this interruption in my walk. The fact of my engage ment to. M Hughes can be a matter 'of no moment to you. When I first saw you, you were Stranger,and - a stranger. you will still remain:' - And having said these words, -Miss Devenport, her fnee'fittslred with in dignation, swept past him with the air of a tragedy queen. : • ' As for Benley, ha stood rooted to 'the spot. Ta. him it it was 411 a dream:,. but he . did not dream long. He laughed a low.and a, bitter laugh. 'A consummate actress!' 'A heartlesn flirt! I envy Hdgbes! And these,' he said, 'are the.Rattleborough yuong indite's! I suppose the- atmosphere of this delightful:place superinduces the habit. % And here am I, who might to be proof against such silly contingen cies, fooled exquisitely. by a mere country coquette: Bali let me treat 'her as she deiervesl' : • ' And Henley strolled back to his inu, 7 angry, and, though he wouldnot have admitted it, wretched. AS he . drove 'down. to the Rattle • borough' 'station 'he 'Caught glimpse 'of a fortntritit which he was familiar; ho saw 'a ache knew well,: rlt was 'Miss' Devenpore. Did Lis eye deceive hini? • She hotted to nothing had Ipasse'd' • botireen'' thoM. • it Was Henley's'turn' this time.' And helm mined still and motionless. As marble. . TWeYeare'lltid"Patiied'away. , iien ley had' )reached Iliia father" just soon enough : to beat lia,death-bed i and '..'eatchdlie.tlyipg;words,. ; We. sisters. Wad botkparried,"ftpd hc,lntd,returuml• titgland thC' owner` of hie father's .estate;--WiCklittin: lftenerl'Att . fiii. 'the ,Misdllevenpore affair he' bad striVen , itardoto forget it( all;•••1%nt in spite of all file efforts, he .could :not, banish ()Very . remembrance of,, it. Ho was not : the ,kirtd of man, to,ettssy . ,.aboutwith him the traces of overwhelming serrew., f ~Onvas'ellirjreimg; haawatiltli;' , nnd ." , en•y joyedlife keenLy. ,, t:Buty wheneier,:hic ..theagl4o P 3. 9 1 1M14., ae,thpyAid pretty, roften, toltist•hntfling , ,4ys at ; Rattle r , bOiieoport's neVcr - far"off. forgatit,' brave , nnit: .r . OEfolitte-• Int •'' ivaa: ,Greatt.,Veviaa,,lrifil Selfceatrol,••• , •there WPtc4i,P° 6 swlign , A o. - - •o 4o :wea that:,he carrisq; also ;OA MIA train of alife!ti 'Boirow..; There' are 'On:kV Who ibai only love 'pace. • Oliver , Henldy 'wttri` one Of these., Heltad loVed Mies PevonpOrt, and be_ did not feel dip.: , t Cr:. i , (4 1 , i ii _ 4 MIMI ibid posedfolove'ony. other *oman. That About ttVo years and a half after the Raftleborongh affair, •Henley„„ayps, staying , with some friends irl town. There was to be a dace in "the even ,. ing,+ and the party assembled at break fasts Were full of the comink event. 'By' the by, Mr. Henley,' inquired his - hostess, 'ltav6l not heard you say that you were at ,Oxford with Mr. Hughes, the gentleman whose m i ning property is so immense?” Yen; of eourse,,Henley had been; and what was more, he told the lady, though not without a pang of regret, he,know Mrs. Hughes—a little. - Per haps he should hardly recognize her "Then M . Henley; you will see the two old friends of yours to-night.' - , Oliver said nothing beyond that he, I should •-'bo very glad. :Nor did -he think much about the 'Mr. Hughes, whose' mining property is so immense,' but he wondered how he should meet :the,Mrs, Hughes who had done him such a grieViinkiivrong. • Thq evening came, and when Hen -163r entered the ball-room, the greater number of the guests had already- ar rived.- The • first person whom he caught sight of as he entered was Mrs,‘ _Hughes._ -He_ recognized -the. -Miss- Devenport of other days at a glance: - The face had_changed perhaps, but a very little; and somehow or other, as helooked;lhe hair - did not seem to him the same jet black color that it bad been. While he was stand ' ing lookingat her, Mrs. Hughes came up to him. 'Mr. Henley,' she said, cannot say how glad, how relieved lam to see you. For more than two years I have longed to do so. Can you for give me for .what passed, between us when last we met? No; I am sure you cannot. But when you, know everything, I think you will. There :was a misapprehensiciebetween us,.but you shall bear everything by-and-by.' But Mr Henley could only make some lame remark to the effect that bygones were - bygones. Would Mrs. Hughes give him the pleasure of '-a dance by-and-by 3 Gledly; and Oliver 'duly_endorsed his name on the - programme of the - wife of-the-wealthy-kir. Hughes. The dance came; it was a waltz, he same tune as that to which he had aimed with her when than she was 'Miss Davenport, more than two years go, in the ball-room of the Egerton Arms, at Rattleborough.. When it was over, they strolled into a conserv atory adjoining. Henley longed:_to_say something . about the old days but she had promised the explanation and it - vas for her to begin. 'Mr Henley,' she at last commenced, -'do you remember the Rattleborough Hunt Ball? Do you remember what happened after Ward—that -interview between us ?" Henley made no_ answer. 'Would you like to hear how the whole mat i ter "originated? Would you bo glad if i all could , be righted now 1' 'What do yoiineau?' asked Henley:- 'Simply what I. say." 4 At that moment there was a rustle of a dress heard among the leoves of the conservatory, but Henley was too much engrossed with the remarks of Mrs. Hughes to notice it. 'Here, Mr.Henleyi - is -my explana tion. Let me introduce you to my sister,-Miss Devenport.' 'Mrs. Hughes, Miss' Davenport ? what does all this mean 1' But Mrs. Hughes had risen and loft the seat. Only Miss ,Devenport was standing before him—the same Miss Devenport - of the Rattleborough Hunt Ball, with the same jet black hair, - the-same lustrous' beauty, the same sweet, sweot smile a's of old. • Henley was too overpowered to speak. He tried to ao so, but . ,there Was something in his throat which seemed to choke his utterance. But each understood the other, and Oliver at hist said ono or two words, and Edith Devonport knew 'their meaning well. 'Mr. Henley,' she: said, 'I have longed for this hour to come; I ihave prayed for it. I knew it would come seine time or, other, but I did not know when. It has come now, and yott shall know all. It was I whom you met at the Ilattleb4augh Ball,' net my sister. We are twins, You are not the first person who has mistaken. us. But when you knew us, my sister, as being slightly the elder; was Miss.Devonport. I was Edith Devon port. It was she as you will know now, whom you met in the street that, morning on which you were walking with Mr..Beauchamp. She told me afterwards how puzzled she was by your salutation,. It -was slic, too, us you will khoW, whom you met is the lane. just before you left. All through you see, it was a mistake.' mistake,' mechanically , 'repeated Henley; 'but,' and the surprise Clear ed off his countenance, 'ls it : a . mis take'which it is too late-to mend 1 MisS Dowonport 7 .-Edith- 7 tell, me it is•not: Tell me what -I now tell you, tell Me-that you love - me .qdr. Henley, I have loved you 'ever since we _first met, Is loye ever too late Bat.the heart's of each were. too full to. allow tho'm to 'Bay 'many words They had_waited for their• happiness, and tho hour, had reached them. The scales had dropped from their eyes. All - was 'clear now.. ,Howdong they sat in the conservn iorYithaiy hid fret knovir,bitt presently Mrs. Hughes" voice was, heard. • She •savr , hoW ,matters, stood at a- glance. , Elverything ;WAS righted at Inst r .— atssell's AMgazine. MATH i NIAL.—Ark editor s tiy 8 that a' man in No* York got; himself :into . trouble .by marrying two arivoEi. A Western caller replies by assuring his ,centemporaty that a good many men had don,e • the same thing , in one.. A. northQrn editor retorts; that - a. 'number of his acquaintances . found - trOubre enough by hardy promising to. irnd.ry; 'Without' going any rfurthei.. southern. editor Says-that a friend of his was bothered enough when.eimply fonnain company with` nother,man'B wife. . • _ _ •'t • • • • - 'TWAIN *rites,toot utreeley oiLOo hiroa out ee a w4itingaroleter:, but the, enterprise copy, :f , i Vrtue cOmeivtira;l! • apa. they get, it, Witobibg, with - poep,. atiiiura,' gie",truote9l3: i aleelutrgea hin , fOr'attereptiriglec6i.: vey bad morels through the mediuth of wan ponouaghip. • NO. 48: [From Once a Weak.] SCIENTIFIC! DARTNei. Ono dull day in August, just after moorrotalloon rose in' the air at the foot of Cleet Rills,, on the western edge ,of the central plain of England. It was inflated with the lightest of gases which chemical skill 'could produce, and it rose with amazing velocity. A mile up, and it entered a stratum of clouds more than a thousand feet thick. Emerging from this, the sun shone brightly on the air-ship; the sky over head was of the-clearest and deepest blue; and below lay cloudland—an'im measurable expanse of cloud, whose surface looked as solid as that of the wh9lly lost to view. Lofty mountains, 'an deep, , dark ravines ap peared below ; the peaks and sides of those amid mountains next the sun, glittered like snow, but casting.shad ows as black as if they vrere solid rock. Up rose the balloon with trernett dons velocity. Pour miles above earth a pigeon was set loose; it dropped down through the air as if it bad been a stone. The airmae too thin.te enable it to fly. It was as if a bark Idden to the deck were to pass from_tlieleavy waters of the sea into an inland unsa line lake ; the baik would sink at price in the thinner water. Up, up,' still higher - I What - a silence profound - ! The heights of the sky were as still as the deepest depths of the ocean, where, as was found during the search for the lost Atlantic cable, the fine mud lies as - unstirred from year to year, as the dust which imperceptibly gathers err the furniture of a deserted house. No sound, -no life—only the bright sun shine falling through a sky which it could not warm. Up, up—five miles above earth ! higher than the Maccessible summit of Chimborazo or 'Dawangiri. Despite the sunshine, everything freezes.,..-The air grows too thin to 'support life, even for a fow minutes. Two men -only are in the adventnrous balloon—the ono steering the air-ship, the other-watch ing the scientific instruments, and re: cording them with a rapidity, bred of long practice. Suddenly, as the latter looks at his instruments, his sight grows dim ; he,takes a lens to help his -sight, ',and only marks from the falling baro meter that they are raising rapidly. A • 1 -11mkk-of-brandy , -lies- within a foot, of him ; he tries to reach it, but his arms refuse to obey his ital. - He tries to call on his comrade, who has gone up into the ring above--a whisper in that • deep -silence would sufkaa--but no sound comes from his lips—he is voice less. The steersman comes down into -the car; he sees his-comrade in a swoon ; and -feels his own senses failing him. „ He saw at_ once that life and death -hung upon a few moments. Ho seized or tried to seize tlfe valve, in order to open it and let out the gas. His hands are purple with intense cold—rthey are - paralyzed, they. will.-not.responcl to Ids will. --He seized the valve with his teeth, it opened a little—once, twice, thrice. The baloon began to descend. Then the swooned marksman returned to consciousness, and caw the steers man standing before him. He looked at his instrument; they must have been nearly eight miles up, but now the barometer was rising rapidly, the bal loon was descending. Brandy was used, They had been 'higher above earth than mortal man or any living liiiiigliad - eVer been before: One min ute more of action—of compulsory in the part of the steersman, whose senses were fast failing him, the air-ship, with its intensely rarified gas, Wou , ld have been floating unattended, with two corpses, in- the Wide realms of space. • A Ghost Story We do uot - generally' give- much credence to ghost stories—but the fol lowing, which we find in the Lynch burg News, appears so intrinsically reasonable, in view of the awful doom which doubtless awaits the wretch that would swindle an editor, that we can not for aMoment doubt its truth. "The story," says the News, " is dedicated in an especial manner to all newspaper readers.' That apparitions do not al- Crays wander without sufficient cause is proved by the .well attested fact which we give below :„ • . ” Last Tuesday night, as Mrs. a lady of literary taste and studious hab its, sat reading in her drawing-room, the clock on the mantel-piece struck twelirC A's the last stroke reVerber- • ated through the apartment, the door was flung wide open. In The - act , of raising her head to repel the intrusion (nulling for) of her servant, her • eyes rested on the form of her late husband She. screamed. and fell senseless on the. carpet. This brought up - such 'mem bers of the family . as had not retired to rest. Restoratives' were administered, and when Mrs. had regained her suspended faculties, being a woman of strong mind and highly cultivated, in tellect she felt disposed to consider the whole distress she had ne tho'result of certain associations be tween the mehineholy tale she had been perusing, and. her late loss, operating Upon a partially deranged system. She, however, considered it advisable that hertmaid-servant should' repose in her chamber, lest any ioturn of what she considered a nervous affection, should distress herself and alarm the family., Last Satiirday - night, feeling. serongerf and in better spirlits..than'she had felt tor some months past,,Mrs. dis pensed with. the presence of her atten datit; retiring alone . to herchamber, and wept to bed little before ten o'clock: paractly as 'the clear struck twelve, She wris•ctivakebed from her sleep; and 'distinctly beheld the apparition she had seen before, advancing from the tahle (onl which stood- her night lamp,) till it stood opposite to,, and •dreiv ,the 'our tairis Of her bed. She 'described her 'very 'bleed ',retreating. with, icy cold-, ness to her heart from every vein.— The 'countenance of her beloved in life - woronot itsbenevolent aspect; the eyes once beathing With lei° were now fixed Nyith stern - regard on the trembling be• 7 ibg; who ; the' COUrtigh of .desper, ation, thus adjured her : • ‘,‘ Sharks dear Ohiarles I Why liaVe::ii.Ou;COrnelagain 7" • • • • esedel. slowly arid solemol3r gasp lie shadowy form, wavht in his . Landssthall paphe,'" JesSie;,pay my .9iewspaper (ic'eoto; tiOd lot mo rest' in peape BM 4 51'0,nre not,-accustomed, to cal,p said ,i- r 'olor g yint o t ocirie-tiVnhed'eoldieilh 'Ain't 1, though?": reispOridoit 'the' thhirp eanonieil.prodeedingsFElOWn'theo in the Wilderness and Cold HarYour, then we never hnd 'OnVanyWhere,'? xtopTri, . . Vromtho Atlantic Igorithly for .1) . 0001a . bor. • -The elder Booth--the 'father of the distinguished tragedian now so popular in all American thetitresr—had: a cer tain strangeness of charactei which dis, _ 'criminated• him from all other actors, , .and-almost lifted him out of the opera tion of the conventional rulea ;which - • properly regulate ordinary life. More . than any other English performer of whom we possess an authentic record, l;e was Of imagination' all compact." His real existence' was' passed- in au ideal region of thought, character; and passion ; and, however -feeble he may have been ) considered simply as Mr. Booth, there coulorbe no question of his greatness, considered as 'Hamlet, Othello, .Macbeth, or Leaf. .To the - student of Shakespeare, his acting was the most suggestive of all interpretative criticisms of the poet by whose geniud he, had been magnetized. Through his imagination he distinctly divined that Shakespeare's world repraWonted -the possibilities of life rather than its Actualities ; into this ideal:region of r. existence his mind as instinctively I nto - anted ; and the essentially poetic -- element of Shakespeare's characters was therefore never absent from his.. perkmation B. By his imagination, also, he passed into the spiritual depths of a complex Shakespearean creation;, grasped the unity which harmonized - all the varieties of its manifestation ; realized, indeed, the imagined individ ual so completely that his own viduality seemed to melt into it and be absorbed. Other tragedians, ap- • peared, in comparison with him, to de duce the character from the text, and then to act the deduction; his hold was - ever on the vital fact, and ho thus con cbil4d what others inferraLreproduc ed what others deduced, ensouled and embodied •what ethers merely played. Shakespeare's words, too, were so do- masticated in his mind, so associated with the character they expressed, that in„ tittering them he did not seem to remember, but to originate. All the peculiarities of a man who speaks-un der the pressure of impassioned ima gination were visible in his acting. The rapid and varied gesture, indicating or shaping each one of the thiong of con tendinr,t' images rushing in upon Iris mind ;the glean . ; and glow of eye and cheek, as words struggled impatiently I for utterance in his throat, hinting the . physical impotence of the organ to keep up with the swift pace of the soul's passion,—these, and- scores of , other things lying between what may be. erfectly expressed andyihat is in, itself inexpressible, created "a positive illusion in the audience. Perhaps this • -illusiwrlc; passages which people are commonly educated to treat as general reflections, - entirely independent of the characters by whom they are uttered. Booth nk. ways gave these as individual experi ences' flashing out, in•themost natural__ _ l ._ - Way, from the minds of the characters - in the varying positions in which they were placed. A H undred Years in:Prison. A certain housebreaker was con demned in - the lattei part of the last century iu France, and under peculiar circuinstances, to a hundred years in the galley, and strange to relate, this man recently made his appearance in his own native province at the ad vanced age of 120 years, he being 20 years of age when the sentence' which •cpndemncd bim to such - _adrelidfulf punishment was passed. It is difficult to conceive what the feeling,mnst have been with- which he retnritd,,as moon as emancipated from the sh4liles which had enthralled him for a_centiliy, to breathe once more the cheriShed air of the scene of his Trifi. Bourg, in the department of Ain, was his na tive home, but time had so changed the aspect of the whole that he recognized it only by the Church of Bron, which was the only thing which had under gone no alteration. He had triumphed over laws, bondage, man, time, every= thing. Not a relation had he left, not a single being could he hail in acquain tance, yet he, was not without ex periencing the homage and the respect the French pay old age. For himself he had forgotten every conuectedyith his early youth ;. even all rtr,ollection of the crime for which he had suffered was- lost, or, - if at all remembered, it was a dreary vision confounded with a thousand other dreary visions of days gone by: His family and connections: for several generations all dead, Witt:- self a living proof of the clemency of Heaven and the severity of man, re gretting perhaps, the very irons which had been familiar to him, and ball wish ing himself again among the wretched and suffering beings with - hom his fate had been BO lon g associated—well might lie be called the patriarch , of burglars. 0 The Elephant. '.llis elephant, with a sort of humor ous jukieo,ls giveb -to return injuries or insults in kind. In Madagascar, an eleviliant's comae, happening to have a cocoa-nut in hig,hand, thought fit, out of bravado; to break it on the ani mal's, head. The' elephant inn& no protest at the time; but next day, pas sing a, fruit-stall, e took a cocoanut in- his trunk, and returned the cornac's compliment so vigorously on his head that he killed him on the spot. • if_vindictive, the - elephant is also grate • •ful At Pondicherry, a soldier who treated an elephant to trdram of arrack every time he'received'his pay, found himself the worse• for liquor. When the guard_ was about to carry him off to prison, he-tookrefuge under the elephant and fell asleep., tilts pro', teagr would allow no one to approach, and Wattled him carefully all night. In, the morning, after caressing him, , with his trunk, he dismissed him to •seitle with the authorities as best he Could. Both revenge and gratitude imply in.._ telligenee;, still-More-does_thefappliett-' Lion of an. unforeseen . expedient,. , train of artillery going -tooSeringapti-,' tam, had to cross the shingelY bed' of river. A man, who writ; Edging' on a gun 'ectiriage, fell;. in . nuother second' the wheel would have passed oyor his body. An elephant, 7walking -by the. side of . the oaryiage, saw the: danger - and instantly, without any order from his keeper, lifted the 'wheel from the• Frimnd, leaving the fallen 'man unin jured. • Smythe sponywo.Whole • days rind nights in considering an answer to his conundrum : Why is an 'egg .under-: done like and Ogg overdone I" • - Ho would suffer .no one' to tell him, and at laSt hit upon the. solation—beeauso both aralardly done. ' • " Au incorrigible loafer, be'ing . taken' to teak for his lazineie,,,ropliml: toll, you, gentlemen, ,younro - naietaken; hair() not a lazy; Bono - in - Oky"bOdY; but tho fact its was' born 'tired ' • _Kpowp orreopcatdorit" doscribe4 a & r entlonmi no Araailfulky smaik-ppi that,lie :tool the tip O'lii!3-nosetto otilithie letters 71 ' . . , s e; 's BELING le truer oracle `than thought, hence women arc), oftener in the right than men, II