STOVES; 'TIRWARE;' erc BEAUTY;° DURABILITY, ECONOMY. The Undersigned baring returned from the cities with a large AMA of geode, Invite the attention of all who dinars satisfaction to call , and examine their ekieg sionsiding In part of STOVES nob all the BABIaIY slanAP. DICTATOR, and other variation of COOK STOVES which they challenge the trade to coni - petetvith feel lug Gontlannt thatthey can .011 bottorntoves nor lee. money than any Scut In the COlinfral'lacattelltlo l l if the public!. incited to choir choice bolectlon of RANGES,,, PARLOR AND. OFFICE STOVES, among which can be found SPEARS' CELEBRATED Revolving Light Base Burning, Juniata Basc, Burning Parini. Heater, indict they can pima you with Stoves of all kind. of pion which defy competition. P U-M-P 8 for deep Wells and Cisterns oonstantly on hand. Their stock of goods eornfriso every thing kept in n Lit elan furnishing Btoro, Bush As • COFFEE MILLS, FLAT /ROES, OOAG BUCKETS, . COAL SIEVES, SHOVELS and TOKENS REGISTERS, • TOILET WARE, FOOT TUBS, INFANT BATH TUBS, CHAMBER SETT6,II:c., lcc COPPER AND BRASS DIPPERS, WROUORT IRON PANS AND LADLES, CAKE PANS AND MOULDS, SPOONS. KNIVES AND FORKS, AND ALL KINDS OF LIOLLOW WARE. Ere Brlelts and Grates for all blade of Stoves sonstantly on band. Boynton. Base Burning PlraPlace Ueater,slmllar to the,Latrobo. Ton Plate Stoves, - PORTABL 6 E nd STATIONARY HEATERS and R A N RS of the dlfferont manufactniers and patterns. Tin and ,Shert Iron Ware, of all kinds constantly on hand, manufactured by the best workmen of the best material. Bnying gook In largo tote for the molt they are onablad to sell at small advances, all they nek le n call from you lo examine their goods and price list after which they feel certain you will buy no where olee. Their Wet. is "lire and tel /ice:" Old Stoves taken in exchange, No. CS North Ilan. everfitreet. THE ORIENTAL. THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL Base Burning Coal Stoves, - ,and Parlor Furnaces, Hivs received Four First Class Premiums at the New York State nod other Fairs. Also the great SILVER MEDAL at the •Fair of the American In,tituto he'd in the City' of - New-York, - THEY ARE PERPETCAL BURNERS. ONLY ONE FIRE BEING -REQUIRED TO DE M_ADII • DURING TEE SEASON. THEY ARE• PERFECT. VENTILATORS OF THE APARTNIKNT. • FIIERB CAN BE NO ESCAPE OF OAS FROM GEM THERE CAN BB NO Mat11;10:. Olt SLAG TO ~i• ME HIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITHOUT CEEMIEM THE ILLEMINATION I 6 EQUAL TO AN ''OPEN MIN THEY ARE POWERFUL EIRATERS AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD WEATHER. THEY A/I.E THE MOST SCONOMIC6I. STOVES ANDFII RNAOES THE rURNACE WILL MCAT, SATISFACTORLY. EOM AN UPPER AND A LOWER ROOM WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. The tbilowitm aro a folV of the many refo'renees to Parcane who have been and are now ming the 'Orletal," and to whom we contldontially refer for testimony at to its great' merit. H. E..Brocbblll, Dr D. Mahtn, Miller &Dower., • Dr. common, Wm. Spamler, J. Nollvltmor, IL Leonard, Dr. Z !tsar, and quite a number of othoro For Sale by RINESMITH R RIIPI3, No. 68, North Hanover St., CARLISLE P E NN'A.- 'Seep 08 am MORE TROUBLE ! LUMBER I LUMBER l ! LUMBER! I ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT THE DUNCANNON LUMBER MILL. AT REDUCED PRICES WMTE - AND TEL PINE DRY BOAR LOS . 2 inch barn Flooring (dry,)2 inch Oak Bridge Plank ready at all times, 3.(, Inch Oak Plank, 1 inch Oak boards, %inchrirellow Pine dry Weathre boarding, V Bath 'Yellow Pino dry lining for Wagoomakers and others. Dry Poplar Scantling 3 by 4 and 4 by 4, Dry Poplar Boards 1 inch and 2 inch, Roofing Laths :ill' langths at reduced prices, Coiling Lathe 3 1 4 and 4 feet 'long, Palling, Oak Shingles, Largo lot of Shinier at $3 - -to $lO per-thousand, all kindd of frame lumber, ---Joists-and- Scantling-at old - prices - , - 40 to - 145 per thousand. ' We are prepared to fill any order on-shortest notice. ITe can saw 47 foot in length, Owning our toani, we ean deliver by wagon or railroad. Please give its a call before purchasing eluewhere. All orders promptly' MI ended to. Call and nee our stook.. MOLTER, LATIMER & 1101 . 1141011 t, nDu amanon P. 0., Perry flountyym Mang 6134 m. MACHINE WORKS. Franklin Iron Works, Corner of Short and South Streete, HAPRISBUItG, PA. MACHINE DEPARTMENT MAN OVAO . PURE • ---- B . TUX ENGINES' & MACHINERY. -Particular attention paid to Repairing of ydachin 0 1 7 by 4.1 Or-eight, at home or abroad. • • ALL KINDS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE . AND FITTINOSON HAND. s• • - Wrotiiibt Iron Pipe, ' • Draca and iron Cloche, Water Gauges, • . Globe Valve., beam Gauge Cooke,'.. Check Valves, • Governor VtliVOS, 00,011101 s, Safety Valves, , Steam Gauger, Inivelors, 011 Cum • .Unious ier Pipe, Rbnfting and Ete. Foundry and Ornamental Department Manufacture Cant and Wrought Iron • ' Bail! old • Ornatuoqtal. Railing., _,__ther_one-hundred-and-.6;entrilye-ntrwitrat-beautt nil patterns. Verandahs, Window Heads, Brackets, Betteell, Tables, Stands, Tree Bosses, Division Stalls, Beak anti Peed Boxes for Stables, eta.. vto. • • )101:113E FRONTS. & AROHITECTIT , , RAL CASTINGS. • Thoented ham any donlgn fornlibed, and bar , . on k: }Lind A largo Variety of pattern!' for BECILDICREP-IIiON,WORK dENERAL. blond carving, 'model and Pattern - • :hta Jails promptly attended to.' • r- Mule' Oath& • THE O.LD.EsTA - Blit$IEND FIRM: plogintis6ll . 09.) , PLIILAVA4 • • rj ' ae . bYg el ilt.Vanuntetuthig ooufeetioners And .. • 1111tholend•PeAlAre fn //Alto, Miami ita., In the Unit, NOW OPENING ME DRY GOODS STOW!. OF NOBLE COOK, LIIDICHI&.3,IILLEIt: ECLIPSE, The most complete' stook of TALL AND WINTER GOODS Tot have ever been brought to (larliale, eoneini lug of elf kinds of desirable goods suitable for tke season ouch as a GRAND DISPLAY DRESS GOODS 1 DRESS GOODS! BLACK DIWB BILL S All Citalltleti; PLENDID CHANGEABLE SILKS, Snjerb Plain Silks All Colors, IRISH POPLINS ALL COLORS, FRENCH POPLIN S All Shades Splendid Silk Facod Fvaugallneo, ll.utiful Silk AlLxtures, ohangoabls'?:' Mohair Alpuan, ull coloro, Coburgs Plaid Poplins, SHAWLS F SHAWLS !! The largest assortment Shawle 'that ao have ever opened. All the new etylee, Fancy and Plaid Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawls ' Thibet Shawls, all shooter Ladles, Idianos'•and Children, at very low pfices. FURS! F URSII FURS!!! We hart tho largeet,assortroont of Fare that aro to be found In the county. Elegant Mink gablo Pure Splendid German Fitch rung, Furs of every quality and sizes for Ladles, Mimes and Qttildren. . MOURNING GOODS of every description for the, season, FUNERAL GOODS, Special attontlon girlog to tiling .oldera for town or county. LADIDS CLOAKS CLOAKPNO C-LOTH,S of all the colors. A splendid variety of BLACK AND COLORED BEAVER CLOTHS, for Ladies Sackings and Cloaks, LEIDIGII &MILLER'S is the proper place to purchase your as they are the only house In town that keeps a full lino of all grades and qualities. D. Spotts,. Howe Made Flannels, Elegant Repp 'Laker Flannels, Splendid t bite Flannels, Home Made Barred Shirting Flannels. All Kinds of Flannels to roll all purposee. Mr, (Win:kith, Jacob Thulium, DOMESTIC GOODS, Wo do not mention the amount of bards on hand, tut we will prow that tho largest town of Bleached and Unbloachod Mucilne. Illea hod and Unbleached Shootings, 'Pickings, 1:; ots. and up wards, Cotton Table Diapers, iiingbattle, Chocks, and Calicoes as low as 8 cte. BLAIN - KB TS BL A NKETS ! / We dofy competition, as wo cannot be undersold, having bought a very large supply of White nod Colored of all grades, and Will ho sold very cheap. FANCY COVERLIDS, MARSEILLES I,!IiILTS, HONEY COMBS.QUI CTS, &e BELA t all ORA f• SKIRTS. t al) i it z e e rt .,, e n tle g ggyzioem lialmbra le OLDTH DEPARTMENT The, most complota,stook of CLOTHS & CASIMERES, Out aro to•bo tumid in dm markot LIVAUTIVUL FANCY onesnaitEs fnr pints, southa and•ohlldrone dupe OVER COATS, • of every grade and color, to be sol d- under regular prime. NOT,..IONEII NOTION/311 In inch an ondlem tarlity that. It would bi ha uosalPlo to unuroarato. • . - Every style grade and quality CARPETSCARPETSIH FLOOR ,OIL'OLOTHS, TABU: OIL CLOTHS, Drugget In. paltorns 'with Darden and bi- the` yard. A h oy° you find mantlone3 but a allied' porllan of our diogant stock of goods just opened, and as 'we artniatarminact - natlo - bo - undersold-by-atly'rother house, we still kodp up our :contrition for .Sellln a great many goods, and selling them' always at very low prices to suit every person that will favor us Please do - not - fail to give us an early call and see for yourselves warm fully prove ovary word that we publish. . Lkibiorr & 7 Sign.' of the Carpet Hall.. NO: 2, .NArn rtielF swanu, Cando' renasylveiniii: - Nwe. ” DRY GOODS. '4T"TFE~4 ~' E N T.R A L Snporb Emp t ass Rana, all Mori, Poplin Alpncee; Black and Colored, Preach Marllion, _Cublmele, o Dolaluns, kc., ho Superb Siberian Squrral Fora FLANNEL , WOOLEN GOODS ON THE CORNER, MISC.E_EZAWBOM.; 3 / 4 , LT , The •4 1 '44,,kir,qH-'.--Siteces& 4.1 L.VFsa2;fd ‘ 43' r P'TORE A . . 'ctlAZ4, HAIR DaE - issltlgt ivewoisie .iwoheo will quickly restore .Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, ' and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly...harmless, and , is preferred . over every other preparttion by those whO have a fine,heed ;of halr, as well as those - who wish to .restore it., The healthful gloss and perfume iniparted to the make it desirable for old and young. Par Salo by all Dragglets. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. rw_MONEDoi/ja 14fol>-68 ly aw 4 - w . - !' .:L , i r ...,.....*j?l,. A.' .;y.1..76(:!-..f,5v..4 „.... 1 :, , i f- - k. - : o 1 1 :14, - ,"-. ,-.. -,, 4 1 .;;.-; 4, -....'. 4 ;:'4l: N ' p`s*. , ,: , g :';',.!.t. '.: .r-- . ~ . .'l--::______. i 4 . , -,, t , ;',,? . .i ', .i:',.: .1. ...` , o_.: q". t l :q"' .i. , k?*• - ::... ,9 'zi- r 4. !'i''! To w , ' z 1 Rs, ...i'l 63 ;';.? r , - /N,•*,-,.1 , 0 P. ''' -A r ; * t • F.. '`: , - a.g aJ . `4. `'.,:: —. ' V', r. - .44.5.1' ' - 4 4 X ' z , t ® ..,/, ,, ,:p, .- g,. - , c , t-1 »® t-,)k - y , - , - '• '— F—'' .. 4 .',. - 0' PI ~ ..4.- Pi hi -,, hr,.- r..:ii..'' !--,_ 2 : ~(,- -- ,,i. R. -P E l, tri fry. - , ,`,- , ...J,.... 11 CC C i . . r Il II . Furniture of an ripleties dt,tylerof - Frelgn and Domestic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Maltogany to the lowest priced uiftplonntl piny Parlor, Chao:door, ---- -1 : . - _ Dlolug-room, • r FURNITURE. --- -- Kitchen and .— bfllro • .. • Embracing ovary article used by Muse and Hotel keepers,oft h o moot approved and fashionablo design and fini4h. Including also Cottage furniture in setts reception and Camp Chairs. Mattrasses, Gilt frames, Pictures, Ace.; te. /far-Particular attention givon as usual to funerals orders from totim andeountry, nttoutad to promptly 'and on moderato terms. SPECIAL ATTt:NTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. march'2l. 61 NEW FIRM, - NEW •BUSINESS, NEW IF`URNITUREI: • subscrlberg having associated themselves in partnership for the transaction of the' - FCENITURRBUSINESS,, have located themselves In the well-kiiown and pop. ularst and atoll occupied by the junior partner as a erocery store, on the south-cast corner of Hanover They deshe'te itnnotince to the' public that they have nosy oil hand and are 'Constantly manufacturing and purchasing from the best racism manufacturers. th' latest and best styles and p3ttnrut, 01 FURNI TURE oh all qualities. TLeit stork of ready-made work, consists I u part of MAIIOOAN SUITS, WALNUT SUITS, CHF,STNUT SUITS, FLORAL D. B. STANDS, TEAPOTS, DR HSSINO BUREAUS, of all styles and prices. Tote a Totes, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cot tage, Panel, Japanese, and Jenny Lind Bedsteads, Cottage Bureaus. Alarblo Top Tables and Stands, Washstands, of all varieties, Chairs of all Rinds, Stuf fed Furniture in suits or in pieces constantly on hand. Mirrors of all styles and HOMEMADE WORK, Such as Side Boards,itureaus;liedstends, Sates. Seers. tortes, (theirs •in Setts, Rockers of all descriptions, Sc., made by competent workmen from the very best restarted and at reasonable pricer. BI APLkC & HALBERT. SHEET MUSIC, constantly on band. lifeb-G8 Iv. BALLY'S WAGON BRAKE. FARMERS ' AND WAGONERS, LOOII TO YOUR INTERESTS. Belly's Patent Wagon Brae Inals Holder, Is Just tag thing needed by every person owning a wagon. Fnr ebeapheso and convenience It excels all pawns eve, used or brought betore the public. It is made to suit all sites of blocks—hound, Square, Thick Or Thin, nod eon be applied with the greatest alive nience, without hamar or nuns. Agents wanted in every -county In the United States. For particulars apply to D. U. DAILY, Ct u lisle, Pa. 7xug 69-6 m "v ENV m4.RELE STORE N"O 902 ,• • ;fir CHESTNUT. ST., JAMES E. CALDWELL & JEW F.'', Llave been appointed SPECIAL AOItNTEI , hithis ell) , for tho Pflio of thn GORIIAM MFO. COMPANY'S VINE F, LEO' TRO•I'LATRI WARE Wo guaranise thee° goods to bo dooldedly superior to anything In t 1 .. market, excelling in doslgn, fin ish and quality. • '-- A-largo assortment will be maintainef,, and Hold :at tho manufacturers' roglihr . ran) PRICES SEEM • base, of each. Electra Plate article. I II • CALDWELL,LCO 902 '')III 4 ;STNUT STREET, PIJILADLPIIIA 26106131 A. • J. BEETEM & BROTEIERS, Forwardini - j & Commissioii'llerehanti - (Henderson's old' htand. At the head of MAIN STRICET,TrorIIeIe, Pa The blabeet market 'prier will be paid for Flow, Grain and produce of all Wilde. . • Cual of. all,kincla : embracing ' CYHENI3 VALLEY,' • LOCUST MOUN'T'AIN, -I.O,,IYBEItItY, &a., &a Limoburners' and Dlickemlthal.Ceal constantly of Sale. 'Sept under cover, and'dellvated dry to any part of the town. Also, all blade. ef .Lumber on hand, J. BEETEIIy& BRQB 17ayr 68 - - GR 0 S S.' I.J'N ATV:AIL ED ; LINIMKNTI • Af on Foyers] years' experience with thin prepara tion, the ettiterdbargtistee it before the publieln, the confident belief that it will meet every reasonable expected.. A fain tri ti will convince themost' sharp , Ural of Its merits. For bruises, cuts, festering sores; 'fistula, epavin, sprains, swellings, Ate. In horses,lt has invaluable remedial agent; whil e effisagy eUrltigrlisustiessof,thel Daman Posh. sunk .aefrosted limbs, cuts, 'Beres rthennarkclsm, burn., melds &e., has boon fully tested. .For sale et Humer's ("rosary Store, Hugho's Oonfestonary tore and Hlllot'a Drug Store. 22inay 08-6 m. OOK OUT; DRY GOODS MEN - TO TOE in:IBLIO. • IhavejuTit rbtdrußJ frtn;tho East Vito my Spring Stock,and as usunhl em coiling Goodge little cheap er than any other Dry Good' Nome ins town. 1 do • not think it necessary ' to occupy a column of newe met, to keep, reputation for gelling. obo.p Gonda, nor do-1 wish th'roaart tb klantrap ..totiruu 'tbo public. All ask of them Is tonal and examine 'for tborneelvos, and If not satisfied - wlth the prices. not, to buy. Remember the stand No, 112 North llonover st.rook.noxt door , to pp.l{lpFor:s, and Mil ler a.noYffli . • , P, B. I will ea} nothing about MY thlid fourth' gland openings. ~ " a 8 —:- .4111faiKorIng qualities or gaituttio sallh;..Try 11 Is srilithilld hoop. - Bold by . tho ALDEN 011EMIOAL "BliB ittVP.POPrk B P.VMPi l e/P I iTrVIYI ",. • • • • • • IRCELLOTEO • , l',f.'ift . • . 18 — - - -.. ' .. ' - ; I—, ,44!: -..a.-.6...r . :* • - • . . ; 31 1 V 1 1: :-: k - - . • ''' -.. "0,1:- it -;---, • '. ... : ,... , ....,. ,; ',...i i ; ii i it, ,,4 .1 :i 6;. . , c-Ti i:. •; ,r.. l . ~t- i . :,, ,, . ' 1 ;i ; ..,3 - ,-. iii:: :. :- , ~,, • , ' .1/41,1,i -'' ''''.- ] '-: .7 •''',';:')''':: :. ' '' ' lri ' ,.'''' •. ,' . •- •.. . . , .. Wheeler & Wilson : and Elliptic ~ - ;..:.:M g LOCK STITCH . -" ilie .61ACIIIIES.. . . . 2 , 7,3e5t Sines. - ard"-Uletaziest: - • - . , • , - • THERE machitieil!,ate.lolatijod to at kin of family sewing,'eforkingggually +self upon BilkiLinen and Cotton goodihetithl3ll4,Cotton and Lined threads, making a . belutifutiked perfect stitch alike on both-sides of. the erldeljtsewed. All Machines sold are warranted: - .,"•,.'‘' _,_ Call anii examine at Rail Ittted Telegihijoh Mae, 'Carlisle, yin. _.. . .. " _JOHN_- - . _, il 4iFf.,L --- May 24;'1867—tf. ••_ : . •,;., ..,,*. , X+,,.., ~ • • . -' . i .., ME 4 \1 I , GOOD NII.; w 1 Goc•DrNE*E, I qR4A 7 SECLTNE,IN PRIDES AT THE NEW & OHEAP CASH CONN XR!OF HANOVER; AND POlditilltitT:STß., • The suli / wriber would respectfUlly Intones the pub lic that'h is receiving almost daily from the eastern eltles,A agel,.volce of New end Cheep goods, such (.• LA'D !ES.' DRESS GOODS, French Metluoce, • . Black and Fancy - 7 7 , - Fienth•Repps, ' • Plain and Fancy De Loins., ' ' Plain and Fancy- - - Alpaca, S, FIIA . W. LSI 8 H A.W 'BltopilA LONG AND BQUARE; • BREAK,FAST'SHAWLS in'variety and very cheap - • CLOTHS AND CASSIMEREpI French, , • • Gorman and American-Cloth., Black and Fancy Cassinrerea, Doeskin., Black and Fancy firer Coatings, Battinetti, Kentucky Jeans, Undershlrte and Drawers ' Do M E'S, T'l C SI „ . Bleached and Brorbuy.., '`Table Manors, , Counterpane., • 3 32 u t i o i rr t !i b lannels,. ' Bleached and • ' Unbleached ?dueling, 21eldriga, Checks, Towels, Napkins, REMEMBER THE PLACE, Ott TEI - CORNIER OF FIANOVR.R AXD,POIIfriiiET BTa, the room,formetty wupled by 13021 - JAtuaottikOo. THOS. A. HARPER. 4EAD.and keep Youreelf Informed.. eying pprehased the old and. Well, known busi ness stand "which I base occupied C r twenty years, I have determined not to retire frortCtOy'preidiut business, but to continue on in the manufacture of READY-MADE CLOTIIING, * of allwizos and descriptions, as well am piece goods by yard, and a general' assortmsut of GENTS FUR NISUING GOODS. I would rOpectfully Melte my friends sod patiobs who Dodds good cult of olottios to give me a call, an t Mai, just returned from the oty with n largo assortment of the boat quality of Spring and Summer Goode, viz: Fine thick French and Epglish Clothe, and Doeskin .CASS.IMERES, Fine Light Fancy Doeskin Cossimeres, casehistt., Cottoned eh. Velvets, Drab d'ele's Alamo as, Linens, Satins. Velvet Cord, and many morn too numerous ton mention. A. 11 E. f Also, a JUN assortment of Trunks, Valises, and Traveling•bags oi the best description With thank, to tha public fot past favors, andimpo I wilt twain. a call soon at my place, • No. 22, North Hanover St. 1. 1,1 V INGSTON, r -.• HATS AND CAPS, ;,.'•. T }>:. - Do you want d nice hat or Cap ? If no, don't fall to call on J. G. CA.LLTO, • No. 20. Weer Slal6 Street; Whine can be seen. the finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS, over brought to Carlisle. Its fakes great pleasure in inviting his old friends and Customers. , and all new ones, to his splendid stock just received from Now York and Philadelphia, consisting to part of fine • SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Besides au endless variety of lint. and Caps of the latest st On, all of which ho will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Also, his own minufacturelef :lots at ways on band, and Hata Manufactured to Order. 110 has the best arringemebt for coloring flit - sand all kinds of 55 oolen Goode, Overcoats, Ac., et the shortest notice. (as he colors every week) and on the most reasonable termr. Also, a, fine lot of choice onands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always ou hand. Ilu desires to call the attention of persons who have COUNTRY FURS To - sell, as ho pays the highest rash prices for the same, Giro him a call, at the above number, ht. old stand as he feels confident of giving entire satisfies tien. Julyl4 67. r-- • 4' FIRST PREMIUM 111 > ' 4, Of al Sliver Biedhall /40 6 Ir•O AWATIOLD TO IicBARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE l a y the -N. State Agricultural Society, al Its lair holden Nashua, Sapt.2o, DAURETT'S . . • Vegetable Hair . .Reftorative Itostorev 0n.9 /Wl ' 'to Its natural halor. Pro- Anotes tho growth Of the Hair. Charter the roots to their original °mania action. kvadi- (h._ hate. Dandru ff . Ind Alumna Prevents --• Ilair laWngant. ha Superior Dreseing 4 C, *lllt Contemn no Injurious ingocents,' and lathe Moat popntarnnd, reli able:t.i'Vesr,i7=9‘ali d ' e . . J. IL BARRETT & . ProPrildor% DIANCHEBTiCH, N. H. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 22n0y 67-17. DR..TAY.LO.R'S !NM! OLIVE BRATWII B I T T B R; A !nild snd agreeable TONIU 81IMULANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE NEE I BITTERB. - .l , . Extralited ontirelyfromlllEßßß and ly beneficial in nysrmetaL; ' ) • r ; , ze; GENERAL DEBILITY, • 0711. - I 7. and ep oxcellont OORRECTZIVE for persons suffer lug Dlsordero of thero wels, 1/14tulouce, dm. )1:it1;6(11 3, ,)! ...Bold Everywhere, , .„ =EMI f! , ;., • ' 41814arket St., Phibdelphis., ° J. K. TAItLOR & CO: 44 08.1 y. grET •''cost' Plioitoginile at ILoctoisies Preii2lom kbotogirsph Chillers 3 ilp itry t . "4 lo 34 ; 4l ,Prift) ' •••: • - • • :AS TO VES AND TIN WARE. I,: - ,t013 WANT 'TO: SEE-. -THE ' most perfect Parlor_ titer) weer offared.tifiTuii public!, eteititpto. . 7 _ /". W. Milli FRIDLEY'S - Stare Stoie s l.thist Louthei. street,', In the rear 'of Ralbert l e Orheiry. /Romani; esaktin • GREAT AVERICAN BASE BURNER ID • opention; It Is a perpetual Burner, - and per. feet /Radiator, as wall- u • perfect! Ventilator of the room, and 'is • waranted to 1012,1111111 lau coal than soy other Stove of Ft:wafer offered to the public, requiring but one ordinary einittle of_ will roar once In twenty-eight hours, bring .perfectly simple in all its working. having a simple elide to - regulate the fire for keeping at might,. one kindling rif fire being all.that In required during the winter. Pio dust, no - gas, no slag or cinder. • !11l t , 4 c ..3 8 °3l 0 . O o i 0 " " •••• .1:1 e cl I.—An .ample Magazine. or Iteservolr, tbr Cool; having a free discharge mouth:the magazine being adinstabld to different heights of Mg to nine Inches tram the grate, ao as to .accommedate the'euriply of Coal as to Its siseand quantity, thus permitting the maintenance of* certain depth- of coal for active combustion within the fire-pot (whether it be of nut or stove sine), which is the only way 'to burn An. thraclte coal to advantage. Different: sizeiLof coal require more or lesedepth for Derrect combustion. 2.—A Funnel, or Hopper, -for the passage of the coal to the magazine in Ito arranged se to permit the Introduction of fresh coal, without allowing any, escape of (nines and gas into the room; and further, ..when the Stove Is left with its top uncovered, com pelling any fumes that may escape from the supply in the reservoir. upwards to Its top, to pass over the tap of the resort/oh Into the surrounding flue, and so to the ba.o and outlet. d.—A'Flre-Not with a continuous Flue, over its entire upper edge and down •Its whole yudy to the base an d outlet flues_by .. _whiCh . ‘rnediis the beetle transtnittfonlior lit separate flues several Inches apart,as is usual InKownward draft Stoves, but ld a .rontlnuons sheet of flame in contact with the entire - circumference et the outer .toeing of the Stove, from the top of the Fire-Pot doarnwards,givlng a far more. eatended surface of radiation of the hest that any . downward draft Stove ,octant. ..4.—An ample Grate Surface . and Air Passages, and a cUreplete arranged .d nite,ter shaking and dumping with aocsisise Asti, Pan to resolve the ashes and cinder. also wish it to be noted, that there le an absolute., SECURITY PItOM EXALOSION OF GAF I upon tbo removal of the coverfrom.theßtoro. which so commonly occurs upon the removal of the covers with other Magazine Stoves, for ouch is the effect of the Funnel, as constructed andurranged in reference to the Magazine. sod Its surrounding Flue, that NO GAS GA N ACCUtIULATE 1421'1:UPPER PART OF TUE MAGAZINE TO EXPLODE.. Nor me., a currant of air, or drill, be mated upwetds through the Magatino to inflame its contsets,which happens with other tßoves'lnjuting and destroying the Magazine Itself. . Seery feature of this Stow, Is calculated to effect IN TUE USE OF FURL, DURABILITY IN ITS CONSTRUCTION AND SYMMETRY IN ITS . imOPORTIONS In addition lc. by abova Stave, Fridley.keeps on band a full supply of the beat Couk,Parlor and Office ;Itasca. •. 'lll3 and Sheet Iron work of all kinds on hand, -and npoutlng,Roonng and Johhin(of all klnde,dono [ .at abort notice; and of the boot material,Peult Cana, and Jan; of the moat approved patents; and In eon , elusion the Beat Portable ind Brisk Sett _over Affoted to the public Far reference call on T. Cloulyb ;F. a naming: Dr.Geo—N.)B4;lh ; A. L. Spooslar; 11. Buxton; Prof. Hillman; D.J. Leiden J. Boater; and others, 20cov-671y THE CARLISLE COOK STOVE ilaoufactiired at F. GARDNER A CO's Foundry and Machine Mum, Carlisle; CANT RE BRAT This is the teatimody or fami Ilea In Cumberland, Perry and Adams Counties, who nre nevatislng them, :all and tee .nning either hy porter or by hand—constantly on Wald and rem sale by F GIARDNSR A' Co. , Foundry nod Machine Shop, Fast-Main Street. STEAM BOILER MAKING. We are prepared to make - team Uoders or all elms and kind.; promptly and on tbe — beleest" terms. A Smoke Stack. nod all articles In that line. REPAIR. trto or Itomaw and ; Engine, promptly attended to In the best manner. . . .F. GARDNER & CO. Foundry and Machine Sbop, Carnets, Pa. jan.24,67. Cheaper ..than Feathers or . Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. The Lightest, Softest at.d moat Elastic end Duo blo materiel known. for Mattresses, Pillows ; Car, Carriage, • . and Chair Cushions. It in indestractiOlo t perfectly cl‘ian and: free from due/. • - • IT DOER NOT PACK AT ALL I Ie alwayn Tree fr O rnlnsect life;le perfeetly,licalthY: and for the sick la unequalled. If soiled in any Way, hati; bolenaVatrid . lftilikei and racier than any other Nathan. Special attention give/ to I . • • , lIG EMILIO • COGROGES,,IIALLS, kc. Railroad men are especially Invited to examine the'Cumblon Sponge. £ATIBFAOTIQN GUARANTIED. • THE TRADE aUPPLIED. 12June,88-ly. • . ADIES' FANCY •FURS! lam enablo to dlewser olmy goods at very rea sonable prleesotOd I would theronire solicit a call Tram my friend. of country and vlcloltY. Remember the Name Number and Street ! No. 718 AROII Bt., ob. 7 th, South ShlB NAVE NO PARTNER, NOB CONNLCTION WINO ANT 01 . 11 EN %SORE IN PINLADELIMIA. 2oet 68-4 m. • 11A LL!li PATENT CENTRA f, k OUTWARD DIBODIAROD • Proprietort of the above sunned Patent for the Ceuntlee of CUMBERLAND and FRANKLIN. PA., and WASMINOTON COU*TY HD. .' We doll* to call thO ettehtlou of Mill wilithte.ML Owners,aud others,to be merit' , of the above lovon Mon, which for Durability, hffichibcy and Cheapneee, they are aaaldeut cannot be earpatt ed. L . .Wherevir It has been introduced. success has In. variably followed. even under the wont unfavornble clrrometances. Inc Bach. Water and Low Wad and elwatenicat tat of Water, Aft IPAtel' is without a malt A Working Model of the-Wheel ran' be examined at the lletabliehment of the Slanufarturere in Nati- WILLI re., whereat] information may be cheerfully given. • We a ppend the following,referencee:• . - J. & 1:11. II01181t.„ JOHNTRORBAIIOII, LBENJt‘MiN 'LANDXB;' ' ' . 13A6117E1. LANuRS. b. it W.-=DAVIOBON, ' •61111trifghte.- 'J. F. 1tU891114.. ' ” -LEWIS BOWMAN, ' PIPKU. 'BOLODION BTIIOII6 I , ADAMnem!,Millwright. • and Loam of AmpetiM,• JACOB RAMP.- sePt2o tf. FINE .CUSTOM• M•A.E.E. ' • BOHTS,#Hp SHOES ' ' l l'l 4" ,; •4 Ali a the r Il t l i ra d , 87 1. 1 ) V on F 7411%0 . r A trilA u •t i o . . trAt:ll,4rlpoll.t. w o ltb a lustriotloos, for pill, menaur.: went isralt:o#,S,o!Pt - pr Po4tElogartr. ri. • 1 • .63 SOnth blith St, ob. ,Obestoot - • Ortri g aim. Pa. Mil.. & P.facling pemot. * 411A1{1 SBURG E ,: i PA. — W. m ic313141111E11 4• C Prciprietorii:. aEO. 41)0131V8 isitne place ,to got Ind th e x oerkteigtr,, z BlLWiq),*kesiies lon s 111,LU414' , UM/ Ate- ECONOMY; jggy P' - u.iriactools. CORN. SliELLisicS, PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO.. 1111 Chestn :t Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC S:P.(ISNGH, A SUBSTITUTE TOR CURLED HAIR FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES fOIIN Id establia.ed Nur lanubsetory, N 0.718 tROR Ptreet, abovo tit. Philadelphia. .„ I.lavo now In Store 'my own Import's mond Manufactun• le of the largest and tot beautiful 'sole mn of FANCY FEISS, K. Ladles' and Chil- a line assortment JOHN FAREIRA, WA.TER WHEEL, Bearing * date April 80, 18137. JACOB ABRARESIB dr, CO., Newrale, Cumberland County, Pa., HARD WARE. HARDWARE - HEADQUARTERS: HEN R-Y SA-X.T N, W : C ) I• „ : EAST EMIR' STREET, _ - Carlisle, • •I • • ha b ,2 l y • 'z bat at O'S H. •O w Having had upwards of 20 years eaperlenee In baying, and IriVadsbly of, the: manufacturer,: and alas), paying rash; ate flatter ousillies that we can. buy at the cheapest rates poe and, ae Quick &lea and Brasil Profits le our *'Motto; we feel confi dent that we. ran, plena. our restoinere In every leetanee. . . We barn lately purchased our Fall Gonda ' ' mid re; dared the price of our entire stock,and woul d ads!. Builders, Placbanicsi Firmer ,a and all those who would look to their interest to coma and examine ireforo purchasing. ' . • , Our extensive stock In thelllackemittea lino con sists In part of Hammered, • Rolled, . __ • - Engllshod Refined, • and Norway Iron, of all shapes and alum. • burden's Hone and • Hale Shoes,' • Beam and Male Iron end Nails, Oast, '• Bp rlt e , i blfiter and Too Steel. c 0,,, t. v , N., tg , H , Z.'E t.l - English Wagon Boxes,. also Sledges, Drills, Vices Biles, Basps, and Toole slavery description CUTLERY Feast and, Table Cutlery, Buteher.Kolves, Table and Btteher's Reels, Barber's Bailors and Edmore. also Tailors Share. Bmbroldmlng &lessors ite.. In endless variety of the moat celebrated English and American makes. , Our Carriage Wagon and Sleigh Eittures and Trimming's are too ezteenlve too enumerate. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ruppliod with materiels at a very ameill advance on Menu&aurora, Pricos. CAR P - gIiT•ERS TOOLS much as PLANES, CHISELS, AUGERS clouds, kc. Ac.. of every garlety selected with groat care -from the moat reliable manufacturers and warranted. SADD comprising in part Ives & Norths self adjusting and Gig Trees, flames, Saddle Trees, Collars, Patent and gpameled Leather, Bog Skins, Shark du., Blankets, Rein Web, Stirrups, Bins, BuckleS, Rings, Orris. manta, &c., together with all the Fancy and tixt. proved Goods and Tools - In this department. 811.0EMAKERS will land'a.rtiplenished stock of Lads, Thread, Toola ail, at reason Ala figures. CABINET MAKERS & UNDERTAKERS will find needs In their line finch as Hair' froth liipringe, hair, More, Veneers, Mirror Places, Coffin klandles, Lace, Frinpi s Sc ,ni a greaf, decline PLUMBERS AND TINNERS Soldering Irons, IlnrCopper,Bar Land, Solder,Spoller Block Ile, Babbit Metal, Sheet Bra - n,Copper,Brese Steel end Iron Whres, Bc , sold cheap. P A. I-N T S A largo stock White Lead, lted Lead and Zinca. botnritcbelbro the, Tecturt Wothor . Hi's Buck and I ibert'inide, P • raooh and American Zinca, hoshle, all the lower grades, aim Gold Loa! Bronze.' Dry and In Oil in Cans and In Tubes, Paint, Varnish Carnal Hair, and (training Brushes of every dessrlp thou. OILS AND, VARNISHES @EMI! . Bfferm do., Coach do., Whole do:, White Darner do., Lard do., , Iron do.. 'Lobric do., Loather de., - - Neste Foot d 0.,. . /Writ do Glass, • Putty LI !to urge, Whiting, . Shellac, • Rosin, Chalk, Alum, Copperas, BoraA,_ bladder, Loproed, • Glue, PUMPS, Rummy, Douglane and Cowing Iron and Chain PurOre, with wood Iron or load pipe attach moots, guaranteed to lift water from 6 to 160 feet not to freeze In winter. POWDEIt A constant and fresh snpnly, Rock, end Rifle Powder together %,,Ith Safety Fuse. Picks, NJ ottocks.Dlgglng Irons. Drills, Crow liars, ntedges, Napping Dam mers;ke., .tc GEMENT, Rmendato and Scotland Cement, Salolua'Plaoter, Putre - Sand,hc., (all warranted fresh and good.) FARM BELLS "All sizes," "warranted not to oracle." - Clacton Mill, Circular, Crorecut and Butcher Sawa "warranted.", (Mill and Circular Saw. Gummed. CEDAR WARE A large and now assortment of Cedar Warouuch as Ducksts, Churns, Tubs, Bowls, &c. ROUSER EEPIRS GOODS, 'Plain and r Porcelain-Lined, Oval and , ' °' Round Boilers, I . Porcelain, , -, - : Brass and' Copper, l • Preserving . • • Bake and Frying Pans, - Waffle and ' .. . Grid Irons, ' . .. . Sad Irons, Wringers,, . . . Coffee Milis,.. Brittania and Plated Tea. and Table Spoons Shimmers and Ladele, .15inner .Gongs anc --Bells,-Batter.l-Scales,.Largc_lion ...Tattles, Sheet Zinc, Floor, Ott Cloth, Stair Rods. ' BIRD CAGES. • • p„ • Largest assortment and most beautiful Styles r f Bird Wager.. Oot Flower Baskets, 'Nose llaaglna Baskets, ate. Slagle and Double labot. Gone, Vide Barrels, Locke and Mouuttopitevoleern.Bowle Knives Cartrldva to cult say ItMe or Itovolver, Powder,,Shot, Caps, FISHING IWDS AND Tmar.LE t+RAIN BAGS, a, a sad a Anaheim Cotton;-and at the fiery lowest eaten. , -• _ 1 ,, PLOWS Plant?' Shifting Benin nigh end Low Cutter. Zeigler; WekWh. Bloomfield; Eagle and York Clown rlow'and CultleatoralandlefaCastings to ault anger the above Plows constantly On' hand. : • 'ci • . Stralgltt and Twlst Butt and Log Traces.6ol Means Elpreade and Halters; Joekey Cow and Dog Chains. • E r ir Ta! ~„ We are agent, fcr the patent 101provad Tifesauring FUICONJ Weguarantei them to draw and mehrurs car real) , the heaviest alehoome, 011etfar, Varnishes d.e, In the coldest weather, •.. - • , -- We ate tole agents for Falrbanka Standard Stales nelvertally'acknoveledged the beat and theapeat. - • 'W.4' ARE' SOLE • AGENTS , FOR PATEr EXCTLBIoi:IVRATILIp, heed in Doorn nod Windows, for excluding Cold,ftaln Du!itsaiulltinorr, wit hout mentloulng tlze , • , it 6. .6 i)entdee seeuriog i suali corpioc; no otbikr oxiendt tures ni Fuel can' command: .s l lj.g.llFAlGlin CAPS AyN.I)OAPO, for Seymour arid BlatiOrant *94 _ Goods OeUriat fros to all parterottown 'ilifirAeinapiber the old, itand ' NO: 15 , EA S T illG l , l3l llEFol l i HENRY' 'B,AXTON. =NM SQUARES, SAWS, RATOIIETS, HAMMERS COLORS Furniture Nntnieb, 7 A R GUNS HARDWARE... , - MILLER & BOWERS' PARDWAI?E 'S7OIIE, 26 NORTH .HMOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. , • ' .... ` 44 541Mg.}e. - .. 0 0 1 #01144 ta. • , 4,itlqmo . IIIIIIii;111Z: WE would respectfully call the atten tion of the pitbi lc to our recently replenish: ed STOOK. We save carefully avoided purchaelng durlia3 the recent decline, and now that the marker has become settled we have filled up our Shelves and aro prepared to offer special luducementero all who will favor us wittrw We have constantly on band a PULT STOOK OP • Thifieriered. Faiglish Refined, ivy 111 ON; Berdales Bone and Mule Shoes; Norway Rods; - • horse Nails; Black and ,Polished Springs; cfc., together with a full otook of • ti BL A -I(SALITII'S 7# , lt TOOLS,: cuclot s Drills, Solid Mix pleoe, Bellonn, Itsspo , Fliox kc.. &c. BUILDING. • f 0 ..;t 0 MATERIAL. b 1 We Invite all persons intending to build. to cum.. and lake a look thrungh our +leek. We hove our Bolt., Locke, Gineß, ['Ante. OM. and all material 12d this line marked down at the lowest and Ihel assured that we can offer special 'miner s:lents In thin branch TEARRISBURGNAILS, ,divitys on Mind .arA , - • - • Carpenter's 7114 • TOO L Can bo-had orthe best quality. -Wo take special care In v selecting all tools and are bound to keep- up the reputation of tho old stand In this particular. TABLE AND " POCKET CUTLERY, of all ithulegl liable patterns. We keep en hood a, full line pf (these goods and are always obis to suit the taste of even the no A. fastidious. "1" , 4% SADDLERY% t-_ • S of every variety, embracing In part self adjusting and a. Ig Trdes, Plated .lapanned nud Wood llamas, Bridle-Pitts, Brow Bands, GlrtlAlng, Ilorso Blankets, &e., also, SADDLER TOOLS. of every description SHOE FINDINGS, consisting. of i MOROCCOES, • LININGS, BINDINGS, . THREAD, PRGS, &c „ . wiarß LISADB 17N AND ZINGS. Our fide mix will always find us well aupplled . With tho best brands of those articles and ready, to sell them at the lowost prices. Wo ate constantly Io re ceipt of liain 4 a, thus , onlibitur ourselves to supply our customers with fresh paints, colors of all des criptions contently on hand. Also pure LINSEED Orb. COACH FURNITURE, DERAIL LEATHER. "and IRON VARNISHES PUTTY, CLUE, a • ".. LITHRAGE, Ae. Cabinet Makers and 'Undertakers, will always find us having a full supply oc,fgoods In this lino. - PUMPS of all description and of tho best manillas turees, Wood, Iron and I end pipes to suit. FARM AND House-801l Idill,Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Rlfleand Blending Powders, Itosendale, Ilantock and Scotland Cement, Colette Plaster, Crow Dark, Sledges, &a. °FA • ft- • :: 1.1 "••• • .KMERS wlll do well to call and examine our stook of names, Tracos, Bnintit Milos, Tontine and Stay Chains, Jockey ,Clislus, Spreads, Halter Ohalne, Cow Ties, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Rakes,• Grain &o be. fore buying elsewhere. - 'We are ready to offer special inducements In. tuba lino.. , Ilcpairs for McCormick's Reaper and"Moyver constantly on hand. iR E.T., 'E S.; 85100111 TWIOTED; Dtinbic, and Single-barrel • sifoer7augs, REVOLVERS, \ CARTRIDGES, WIPERS and' Gun Trlramings of ov cry kind. ' C E D A:R WA R E. Timers' Soldei!ing 2IR ON;S; BAP- L. Babb .Sheet-Brast,t6c., dc. 4e sqlq agents tbr the • BUFFALO SCALE WORKS . and are ready to supply Scales warraniod, arid fur nished:rat lower price. thee any, other Peaks In the market. •••.- Weak* constantly In receipt of goods direct from the manufacturers and ago able to -tomb h•Countrl Iderehaktta at rtilladelphlkand' New York prices. . a :0 A 0 : • ' ' • __L. 4\741 . .. AND . • AiM , •..,"16. • "W A; N it\OPFAYi/Wr'd DtititES F - ideray? on hand .and, at the lowest market rates,: 'Rube, Bpokea; helloes, Axton; Shafts,'Duck,prllltnit, Damask, &c., GOODS delivored to all'parta of the. town froe,of charge. .'" , 311 - 1.4.1. ER BOWERS. • • f 2¢ - Xertit • • Carla% 10, DRY GOODS. FALL & WINTER CAMPAIGN In the Dry Goo'd Trade Open. AT TEIEVHEAi'§TORE OF L. T. GREENFIELD No. 4. East Main Street. I would most reapectfu lly Inform ny patrons and °there that I have just opened the largest and .finest seleation of Dry Goode, tial&c., for the fall and winter tradk ever :tin:ight to this ,plece; being in New York and Philadelphia dudnc thir loot extremely hot weather, I ham haled alien tagns in purchasing my Goode etfigures below (heir coot, at this time and being desirous to give my custo mers the advantage in this particular, I would call attention to the price at which I can. sell. DOMESTIC GOODS, 6000 yds of the most popular prints at 123. Domestic Gingham at 12% 15 10 and 20c . Brown Mnstlns at 4-4 at 12% 16 and 180 Bleached If usilts at 10 12% 16 and tip top Shit tinge at 20c.s Canton Flannel at - 15 20 and 2.6 e. 1618 20 25 and upwai de. 12% 16 and 90c T 1.1,11301 at Crashes at Also a full line of CHECKS, ' - STRIPES, - DEHINS, KENTUCKY JEANS, DE INS, and othar Doainntio Goods at corroApondingly low pricaa„- DRESS GOO.DS, Having dotermlned to therm° my Stock of Dreso Goode, I hive purehlmed a Stock that o HI compete with any In tho valley as to quantity and quality, and at prick that cannot 101 l to pleaeo, they eon- Hat in part of BLACK SILKS from' the lowest grades up to $1 per yard A beautiful and full aaeortment rif COLORED SILKS, $Y all the Intent elpOen. Bilk Changeable Mixtures, Fteoeh altrlnok, • All Wool Coro Poplins, All Wool ,lniu•PoDllns, Empress Cloths, Cherie Poplins, Alexander Poplins, Orteutal Lustres, All Wool D.lalip•a. Single nod double aldtbn .• Linn. Card, Al .aen• A uteri can delniu,s MOUi2NINC COODS, Bornbaainee, ‘l' Blink " - Free 6.lPS.Sealoo, _ All Wool Deletins, Slugle end Double Widths, a beautiful infection of Black and White Miotureo COBURGB, Crapo Voile, Black and White . Shawls, square, and long, together with a full as sortment of • FU:2VERAL_.G 0 ODS, for *Mak orders will be promptly etid satisfuo torlly filled. Cloths Casmicuers and Cassipets, Black Clothe from the lowest grades of American to the fluent French ktnerican Beavers. French Beavers for Overcoats A large 4nck of Plain and Fancy Cans Wets and Can mars. In this branch of my trade I would particulArly call atteutton as Lam confident that I base the largest and beet selected stock of these goods of any store this Ode of the cities, and having made it an object in order to suit my numerous custo. mere in tic 'so articles, tli I nob is au impecdon, feeling satisfied that none can compete with or undersell mo. . BLANKETS H BLANKETS • .1u these I am tar offering bargains that cannot be found elsewhere CORSETS • In thla branch• of our trade we are the only house that keep a Varilay of thoee artlelee. Nlx'e Celebrated Om Corset, sell at $l. Tho Regular French Corset Tatonipsen's Patent.°love Fitting Ooreet, being the most perfect article of that wind known. • Moo n tine French Cornet with 60 ateye. SHAWLS 1! SHAWLS My ate& of B,hawle le Tory 11411 and will be sold at pOcus to suit ad. They conelet of SQUARF AND LONG BLANKET SHAWLS, PAISLEY. SHAWLS &c. 'CLOTHS FOll LADLE'S SACK .OF OF ALL SIIAD/,'S FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE OIL CLOTHS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, OIL :PAPER' 'I;LIN.DS.4 Notions, Gloves and Eloieery, In groat Torlotlos and Tory cheap._ The latest style of •,, 1 HOOP SKIRTS BAL.MOItA.L SKIRTS FURS: runs:: FURS: I! Haying accopted, the Agency of one of the largest 'Far, manufact uhua tho country, I will by then moans hove on bandnud open or luepoction, on the 14 of October - next, one of the largest and 'gout oelection of Furl ever 1 rought to this place, Ind will offer lush IntinCemenis to purcbaters chat cannot, tall toldeue both.aa to price and quality,' 1,3 r tidal arrangement my neck will always be fresh, and having no risk In the rules' wlll be able to Roll at short .protits. Remenaber the Place, I' ,T.',GREE*FIELD NO. ' EAST MAIN STRUT. BAIL pumBEILLAND VALLEY RAIL- CHANGE OF HOURS! Ory and uft.ridlonday,Septemberl4flo , oB Pasaan, ger Traltu. wlll ruu an 11 88 tultuu a, Ounday's eleop• • tug) ••• • WEST AV A R - ACCOMMODATION TOON 188888 Marriglourg 810 A., M Blrrlmulerburg 6 33. Carib lo 0,10, Neu vlllr 9,46. ehlp.pousburg 10,10. Chttutlu.rnburg 10 40,11 rentuax- Cr 11,14. orrl , log ut - Ilagerrtown 1 1 ,42 A $1 MAILADAIN 10410.41 11..robthurg 1 311 I' 31.. Mfcban• lest.urg 2.02..1010.1g 2,34. 01,0 8111., 3 10. t.l Iripent• burg 3,40, ebnuibrrxhurg 4,20 urreuclottu, 420, rIV- . 100 nt 11ngerstuwn 043 . I.:Krnrrs 'I RAIN lootrea Ilurrl. burg 416 l' 111, 31erbgrsle0 1 uric 4.47, Curloo 6,17, B rsr‘lllo ehlopenyburg . 0,17, ortiviug at Chumber.burg ' 6,40 A MIXED TRAIN loa,VlB Chatolle.llUrg F.OE A. M., Greetkcaxtlu ardvlog . at pn,yerstovvil 10,10 A.M. • EA 8 T %V- A R : A CeOSIMOPAT/ON IRAIN• lenVes Chntnbersburg 4.45 A M.. ehlprensbure 8.14, NewTilfe 5 45. Cadillac. 6,- 18, Mechaniesburg 6,4l;4riving ht. liartisburg 745 A. Ni. . . „ Men. Tnat:.i 'SNOOP lingeratown 8,00 . A. M.. Green e. to 8.29. Chanib,Aurg 9,10. Shippet,f.hurg 9,90, , ewvillo 10.14. CarMie 10.5. i, Meehaniosburg - 11,24,' at riving at Harrisburg 11.95 A. 31. - , lizoitts•rTnmx - leaves Hagerstown 11.65 A. .2d. Oreenmo.tle 12.23, Chatiabershorg 1,00, Shippembtltg 1.82, New villa 2.05, Carlisle 246. alechanicalurg 3,12, arriving at Harrisburg 3,44 I'. 81. A Mixer, TRAIN iraves Ilageratown 805, P. M. (Prornystlo 4,12, . arrls lag at Chambaraburg 6,05 - - 491 - & -1 airing rloao connections at lierrisiMrg with trains to nod from Philadelphia. Now York, Dalti• morn, Washington and Pittsburg. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICI, I 0. N. LULL. Chntnboishurg, Pa., May 8, 1898. J Snp't. 16may.litt. READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT MONDAY, AUG U.YI 3d. 1868. OItBAt T111.1:,1C LINE Flto3l um North -and North West for l'hlladulph o , Now York, Reading, Potts Ville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lids, Lancaster, Col umbia, Ece.. he. " Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York as follO s we At 2.611, 5.25, and 8.10. A, M. and 1220: noon, 2.05 . nod 8.85. I'. 51. connecting wilt, similar Traina on the Ponnsylvania Boil Road, and arriving al Now York at 6.00. 10.00 nod 11.45 A. 51.. nod 3.60, 555, and 0.50. P. M.Sleoping Cara accompaning li, 2.50. A.M. and 9.85 P. 51. Trains without change. Leave Harrisburg tin. Reading, Potlavillo, Tal4lll. (Ina. 51ineravlie. Ashland, Shamokin, :Pl. o Grove. Alluutown nod Philadelphia,at 8.10, A. M., and 2 05, end 4.10. P. M., slopping at•Lubanon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10. I'. M, train making connec tions for Philadelphia and Columbia onli. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Have.. and Auburn sin Schuyl kill, and Susquehanna Ilnilrund, leave Harrisburg. 330 I'.ll. Returning Leave New York at 9190; A. M., 12.00, Noon uud 5.00 and 8.00 P. 51.; Philadel phia at 8.15 A. 51. and 3.30 P. M.; Sleeping car, sccompan lag tin 0.00, A. 51. and 5.011. nod trains hum New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia 7 30, A. M., connecting with el miler. train on East Peon sylvania Railroad, rein ruing from Reading tit 0.30, P.M., stopping stall Stations Pottsville at 7 tut, aid 8 15 A. M. end 2.45, P. N , Phamokin 5.22 and 11.20'. 51. Ashland 7110 A. 51. 12 43 N. on and 1.55 P. Si.; lamaqua at 8.30..5. 51 2.15 4114 4.35 P. 51.. Learn Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Ball Itoada, 10 A. 51..7 fin. Harrisburg, andll.3o A.: 51. tertian 44 rnVle.and ut., .. • . Readinii A•ricoinuiddatki3Araitn. Leaves Readinn, at 7.311,,A. 5 1., returning Wn' Philadolphir at 6.15 P. M.' Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts. town nt 0.4.5. A. M. reiturelim lane. Philadelphia 4.30, P.Ol. Columbia Rail Hood Trains learn Reading 7.00, A. M., and 0.10, P. M. for Epl_rata, I.lncaster, Columbia Petition.. Itall Bead Trei. leave PerN lonian June tleu-at 11.00'A. %Land HMO I'. a . .ittUrnlng : learn altligatek t.t 0.10 A. M., and 1 Ala I'. Colll.ll.clug with 1.1111. 0 mall ,undaym Leat'e New „rlO at 0.00, P. 31. 1 1 1111.1elphin.t.t. A. 31 , a ..1.111.19. 0 91. the 0.90 A. %I. Trail ronni , g n.,, NAM:, A. %I.: Ilan (roar.: '95 .0. %I. Oil .4.11. , armLy 33. P. a.' ...meat 1.10. Z t. 50.1.17 1.5 tar Um rig b0rg., A %I. oti./ I I'. M i.e - No* 00IP .1 Uft ttlnt and Fxrur. 1.• ruLl .11 pt.t . f t, Not,. rale, It3,tgagt• churl.ud tau yugt.: Ivv I. o y tit . . .7..14. lEEE WL4 I\ LE C'W-17;i1A;Ti!fk THE CHARTER Ocl4. WV, NSURA NCE.COM PAN Y, OF HARTFORD CONN. Incorporated 1850, Charter Per petual. „ CASH ASSETS, $4.000,000. J AM 0.3 C. W , •:\ -Policies Issued on all.Popular.Plan, A fow rea r Wha why penph• lusure,ls the Cl:tinter Oak. Crape Collars let.—All'lmukina. privileges 3rn prohibited, the bueloess being confined oxeluelvely to the lunuranee of lives. YS.—lfs It irks or 'selected. with great care, thud Inca, ring. -doe& loaves. and consequently largo di•h• dolols arerue to the Poor) holder•.—deo Lass. /U... 1111.1 Ito pinks list a x years. 3rd —1 to hallo of bhipididitures, Incloding,Dedth Claims and Working hope:lmes, to iteropts, are on preeedentedly low. cause Report. the profit,. are divided among Polley holders, the tirlgnat eapltil being, limited by Charter to eight per root tilt blends, no mono than it tarns or the Company at lutenist. sth.—lt'deelareh and paya Ita Dlv.derle annually it C 4,11. thee :whistler, the Inhered in the payment n, prerninw. htb —lt is prompt in tire pu;yrnent of losses, hav ing paid to I% Mows and Orpha no nearly TWO Mite LION thibLealtd, and hoe neon, litigated a claim. " 7th.—Thu man of w ealth Meares anon investment. Nth.—Hen of small means Insure toguard their ins against want oth —The man of business inflame to provide neainst possible loss In trade, a. life Polley, being a basis ler capital. 10th —l'Msens in debt insure that their earninge fur years 101 l may not be sacrificed at death from want of ready oast, to entscul Itch.—A II taco re, as money thus laid away by llttles is our to mono back largely increased to their 11111:ilkP, death being ei;r:oin to peohr. Dr. S. It. HI Ebb Ell, W. D., 31mile/0 Examiner. J. C. STUCK, Agent Carlble, Pa. E. H. II I. A lit General Agent, for Ensign:l Pa. Mee, No,. 37 West third Wiiliaminwrt, Pa. noetta F IR.II INSURANCE VIII Allen and EustprUinshore , sfutual Fire In surance tloinpan y of Cumberland county, incorpor ated by an net of Atsonibly, to the year 1813, and having recently had _its charter otaended_ to the year Is now In active mud vigorous operation, under the inperiuteutionce of the following board vi Managert, William It. Christian Stayman, Jacob Eb• orb, , D. Bally, Airs, Cntheari. J. 11. Coovor. John Eicholberg •r, Jo,4eph, Wickersham, Sam'. Eberly, Moses lirickor, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coovor and .1. C. Dulllap. Thunova of insurance are as low and favorable aa any Company of the hind it, the titate. Persona wishing to become members aro In ritiid to ntako ap• plleatlon to the a 401115 Of Oil Com pany, who OM wit ' to wait upon Ohm of any time. OFFICER:I ()MAIN COMPANY. WM, It. GOI4I - ASi President, Eberly'. Mille, Own berland courlAy A I.E.XIc. OATIICART, Vice President, CArileleei Ouru ,, orland county. '`,IOIIN C. DUNLA Seet'y, Mechauiceburg, Ouni• 'berlana eountv. _ DANIEL DAILY. Treasurer, Dlllsburg, York Co MASAI; 411,1 Wllll3lllli. oOrgllS. A lox. entlicart, J. C. Dunlap, Daniel Halley , hrb than r 4.1, man, Javol, Convor. Josopb Wick - ernheini, J. WOO hone,. MO-Or , Lrielier Jacob Coovur, Jacob lthlery, James Andaraort, Juhq„. U. Coorer. Cumberland conn , y—John Sherrirk, Allen; ITenrT - Zeur ng Snirprounstown; I.s Fay .aleu Vickie nun: 31dd° ilrlflith Soutl?, 511,1,14).1M' oennu,-I tirali4lo, 111.' , Ft Ponor lu.rongli; raninel ISE nVt.r.3lvellaniir•burg; J lb Iln. ~:buphordston n: I.i ist. , Silver Sprig; .1. W r. by, ran a 411 - 1110 I,entuu, .New LumberlauB %%1..11 Yore (16 , ntt —nunro l•rzttlth. Warrington. 3. r l) , , thirtt 1)111,.1.ur,,C1)3. io It u I vr, Fair, low ‘llllltiuomf:tirrult; - Adam sto,ns. (lotdeto.rough; .l Dieplortr, n 1 ullperry Dauphin county.—Jacub lindu r. Ilitrrindurg. .4 lIATS & OAPS., jor - Hato, ram and a great deal more, Kent for .alte at lloaa's :tore Wool-and Fut lati. course and ' Clue, Fllk and Ilrudi hate In hla I no. Nu , ra, largo and email, , to fit end atilt you all, Only call and let hoo rry. Though you should not wish t 3 buy, . OladlY ho will round, ' T. rough Ide - loita till one it round, Tn welt )our lotto, end fit roe Time kindly all your neighbors toll. What bass you aver at Boas's store,— ' Ile keeps at corner number four, In North 11/mover Street Cerllale. ' Wero s you nen flod , hlru all the while, Deady to fell to wear - And email, . .3Wattorit, Law} ere, Preacher., Stude,ds, Merchants. Farmers too, Anti pleat°, kind frlencls,aaft Wise to you: 41. e-kaups Constantly on hand s largo livasrtment of hale, Weld aty.los of SSA, Poll and Stiff Brim. A-largo aanortwont of IA (1105 and Gents TRUNKS, VALISHS, TRAVELLINO ' RAGS, LKATIIEII SATCIISLS,.anda Doe lot of Ladles COLLARS and BASSETS. „ Also Gents Furnishing Goode such a NUMB, Shirts, !lose &c. And ostensive and carefully ,selected assortment of Ladies Kurth, aim Ladies Fur Floods-arid Fur Trimmings, and a regulgr line of Punts ffur Gaps, Mart rs. and Glossa Al. Umbrellas, game, and a variety of Notions. Thankful fornsst favors, he solicits a continuance of the saruplrem his numerous potions and kindly Invites 06 public In gouorat to favor him with a call belory purcassiug, feeling confident of his ability to suit all all both In quality and price. Don't tong t iho place No 4, North Hanover Streot, oPposlte the Dan MO Deposit BMA. The highest cash prim, RAM fir Shipping Fors, such as Muskrat, blink, Fox, Raccoon and all other fur skins. . . "ooct 1)8 Ow ISA.AO K. STAIJ Waiplinialcer and Jewelery lionit' 2n, Bx., COB. 0417ARET,1 An 'aesortment oT Wittehoe, Jewelry, - Oliver • iPlated IPete conelently on bane. 001TA.14,13 8011 40LIDAT at*t fleipalriug of Wi4elies and ended • - ' • • /Not 074 .10' • • 77aasi. 3 . . • . TIME DEM No l+l8"~