Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 20, 1868, Image 1
RATES Off': ADVERTISING. Orte SqUare. 0110 Insertion, For moll addl Clot, al I usortloo, For Morels tIlet:ALoortloot000ts, Log II NotP.m!, • • Frqjearlooal etude without paper, ablioory Notices aug Coalman ea sion,lll clog uto motto 001 prl. tto ntoresta alone, 10 canto per .• taw L • 'JI) 1 P ILINMO.—Oor Job Printing Mlle% la Om 01 ttimit ,riostsCouipletti ostablightheut In tb• s qty Flue emnl Veosmos, and a domoral yariet of ,n .tors al4ul tad for pfiln and Pagey wortm.rvar. Ls sd, owitoos. 10 do Job Printing at tqr mhertril t I cu. •in d .nr the inOst swimmable torsos. I•oteeu• I moul.ollllll6.,lllanke.or anything In the lobblm I •.. . .rill rind It to their Interesi 0r give ur a en! PROFESSIONAL CARDS prt. D. • Ationwapatt i f Physician an'd 310,11 cal glectrirlan. Ur. MAUS S. HALL. trait,. all Ismalu Sinew& Onlcu 37 1 83.10 llanover Strew. Carl. e A ITOBNIW-AT-bAVV:-.GEO, LA' KMI.O. - Wilco, In InhoirsMing, with W 4 . Mlcesrbr, Esq. Prompt attention paid to logni hint u•ss'uf nil descriptions. 33p1 119.1 1). ADAIR, Attorney At Law, •c•rosin, pa. Office with A. B.Sharpo,.Esq.;No. 17, South Llanovor 6treet, Mny,ll-19. 1 OSZPEI RATNER, Jr. j Attornoy at el Lew and Surveyor, Meebn rdeeburg, P.M," on Read Street, tern doors north of.the Bank. 113.-iluelnone priauptlyAttonded t 0.3 .3 Illy 1. 1864. y _lt._ll.LLLElLA_ttorney_at._Le* .0111 co in Hannon's building Immodia'oly_op poßite tho Court House. 29nov 67 ly • lAA" C ARD.--LORARLES E. MA ULAUORLLN, Attorney et Law,Oflice In tbt. room fornktuly occupied by Judge llratuan.' — 'July 1 -18(1.1-1y. I C LI Fl RINAN, Attorney at Law, 14, .Usrlisle, Va., No. 9 Ithoom'e July 1, 1811.1-1,„ TORN CIORNINIAN, Attorney. at tLoa Offiso lu buildiug attachod to .Frnnlcllo (louse, oppostle kho court lbw.. Ibmny G. M. BELTZHGOVER, A TTORNEY AT. LAW, and Real Layilitt - e - TOTari - ShlnhOrdstown - , Nast .141.-Prodipt attention Riven to 101 businoes InJefrot u County and the Counties adjoining It. munry ID, 1511(1.-1 y. E. BELTZITOOVE Attonin o nt low ' 01Rao in South [[snorer street, oppe site thnta's dry good storo Car Pa. ' Septatutuir 9, IS6I. TAMES A:DUNBAR, Attorney tt ty Law, Carliale, Pa: Oflleu In N 0.7, 11.littenex Hal July 1, 1.804-Iy. I=2 AJKLEY 44t S AD LE3, - A TTORNEVS AT' LAW, Mlle , L - 1 .. No:16 3outh Hanover strevt Carlirdo nor 67. I= FIUMRICH & PARKER. TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office c» Li . %no- st., In %I.trinlr Unil„Carlfslo, 'n. IT. S. PATENT AGENCY. C. 1 1,) 1. , /. 1 .ma11,21. Main treat Carli.l., -.R.L, en, lute. 4,1..1 Ix, rprelficatlons Ac„ nod proem.. pat rot- cr Inr. mlurr. Web 1111.1/• - - --- i - I TILIAAM KENNEDY, Aitorne• 111 at. at. Law .N 0.7 Pont,,...wit, Market Stau.Artt, en . 1 Irla 1' •nn.i. it %pH' ID, 1067-Iy. . . Count - . Pa. '` l'ennintin.linentlea, Bank l'ny ke, proinietlyeollo , nil. liplicatiol. by mail. will revel., Immediate n: teetlon, and the priiiPir hlanbgf,rwar ed. No fee until the claim fu settled. Feb 141 h. IR47—tf. • TAR.. Fioll.o E SEA • 4ak_ _ ItlOHD„Dantial, frank the Ha • thanro Hollada or De D. tal-Surrary ertr.iillea at the' resider...l of his lather, Ekik. troothor al rear - , Oar., doordhelow Dartford, - .J.uiy 1. 1864 ( - I 110. W. NEIDICD, •D. D. S.- 1, 3 - Lst. Demonstrator of OpenttivoDontistry nf th r o i n timorn College Sur,, , er urs.l ' offie d o lace •hoositty Marion Ilan, Waitt. Xalla ',trout. Ca, Mule, I's. 18 I uly t, 64 W. SCOT'r COYI,I S. M. Cox Ls. C 0 Y L .E— ,Ss CO J OJ3BER9 Hosiery, GiOVON Fancy Cole and Stationery,- Al orders will receive prompt attention. No. 11, South Henover St. C4rlisle. .5 .Agents for the Onambereburg Woollen Mill tlmar 118 17• DR. TLIEO. NEFF, P.A,DLA.T IC OF P KNIT' A.. COLLICTIE OF DmNrat :4uttammy Dm:crEst, Respectfully Informe the eltlzene of Carthdo and vi tinily that he hoe taken thelMee Ye 2t, West I et• fitmot• o,neled by hie Father, whore he b proporod to attend to :all profeosionol huelneoo. Art, flobal tooth Inserted on Ordd, 81Iver. Vulc.anlte and Platinum. Charges moderate. 171pril 10 11 •N DORNiiI.II, r. P MERCHANT TAILOR In Kramer's Building, near Ithoom'sllall,Carlisle Fils4bas just roturnod from the _Eastern Gilles with ho birgest and most COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF EAU ? AND WINTER GOODS, L a 14tang of Cloths, Ofteehnorei," Vos ings, Gonts' Furnishing Y}uods, for',;r brought to Ortrlbtli. His cloths comprise and, A. 51 EntIOAN NI AND AGIT of the final texture tin I of 411 Nhvion. Mr. nor or betel hfiniglf a prtetical eattor of On 'exporlolcill or •p trod .to warrant perfdot fits, nt 'Prompt fillinz of orders. Place 11,14 by the yen), or cut to order. Ur n' POI-Aet rho pl no. ,IbmnY hell. • IRIR-ES Aartl-VAL — Of the Nrw Spring Ryles of gATs AND..cAps. The Suhanrlhur hoe Juet npenoll. ut V.I. 15 Noel Hanover :it row door, nfortitof Vl° lerlislo Defy, Hann, ono or h• laevelt eel loot mock. of II ()AN ev',..eronel In Cerny'. , Slle ante. ilteelmorow or all 4tyl , t4 ant goalltle• HWY all no .11fTernot clines. ee l orreq ,idurelotion Anh lloto one, mn lo.Thn hunk tr.l on I nl4 mght , ),,,• bim.h..kopt onoetently on heel nel in tin fel or NI enter. r I to {lvo Hatleftetlon. A full *cum: •f C 4 t 4/ 11119, %lank!) Vo an 1 , 11.11ron'n ftne , I !In. K Wed to Pgv. etOAk, elotlone of kin coneletlo4. of Ireillem ant Oent'm Ste u Nook-NOV.l , l,lcl', Woven, Tn rend. Sl.winv ellke. On,, pin lore, (I nneollae,nte.„- Primo Swore and fobtre slettYo 91 hind. Glee me a colt anti oienilne my etnek, as I fool COP fldant of plowing, oeslolni Ateln r vin monor. .1 tIIV A. 1c1 , 11;1,14 n, Alt. No. lfi North II mower St. Ea= QueiS BITTING& PLU3II3IN . . s . uhmrlhers htvlnt pernta i rtly legated I Carlisle, respontfullyeadelt a ehare f the publlodav .tron ego. 'Noir ship Is iltuatod on thn pdhlle egos!. In the rea - r iir thuds!' I?roileyterlan-Ohureh, whorl they rap al rviqe be flung. mins t evoorleneed - mnehanioe,tleey are tempered to Execute ell °Mora that tharmtv be entrusted with In a Cu 1000 r lainnor; and at' very another ito prices EIIIDILAULIO U.AVId.' . WATER. WIIRET,S, Ulf Diti.efT.9. ' ' ' • JAPE' A ennui PUMPS,. D &MING TUDI, Vid e dll DadlNSand'hit other art!. ~. dos le the erale. - . . PGI7dBIN•I4NID. 0;04 AND. eviiku PITTING' promptly atteuded to In them:mat approved style.. Air louatry' Work promptly attended to. .. • . ittiTAII work pi tiarkatood. ' ~ ''' Don't forget the plaeo , —lnemediatolyiee the rear el lee First Presbyterian Chiral. . ~ • _. oAsll'll DLL A IifiNWOOD. ' ,-- 1131,y21 ettly ~ Tii.VARNIO tt'S BANtc., OAR - • blab% PCNNMVANIA, eine', organised has been opened, for transaction a general bankin' Duelqoas, in the corner room of . Siren'. now building. on tho North Weat corner . %bib street and Me. o..sttro 84narpi. The Directors hope by liberal and earoDil manage , ent to make this a powder Institution, and a oafs smeltery for oll'who May favor the bank with their counts. Deposita reeelvad and paid back on demand, inter allerrod on special depoeltee clold. Sliver, Traria. yy Notee and finvoinosent Doilds, bought and sold. Collections made* on all accessible' points in the sultry: Discount 'defy; Tuesday. Banking hoard om 9 o'clock A. K. to 8 o'clock P. M.• • A. a. HOPPER, , _ . iniutovone. • Given, President, ' 'Wm.. 11. omits Paxton, . . ,David Mikes, itin W. Craighead, - A. J. liermarri - , 97mar 684 f Abraham Witmer. • ' . . , QEO. a. DOSH Rao a primo .oigni nr nid'EOntlio Trithom. • t: *1 0 50 25 i 0 4 00 7 00 VOLO, 68. MISCELLANE • naiNreps gfABLE AMBROSIA YE IS THE MiFIAOLE OF THE AGE! Gray-lacradea. Toediplo have thou' looks restored by it to the dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are ilaripy YOUngTeople, with light,farled or red Hair, have these unfashionable colors changed to t beautiful auhurnoand rejoice I - People whose heads are eewered with Dandriff and /Tumors, use it, and have dean 'coats and clear and healthy scalps! 'Bald-Treatled. ' ctelans havt :heir renutining locks tightened, and thq Pimp covered with a luxuriant growth pf Hair, and dance for joy! Young Gentlemen use it because it is. rieldy perfumed!" Young Ladies use it because it keeps , heir Hair in place! Everybody n ?at and win use it, 'because is the cleanest and best article in the or Sale by Druggists generally. RIZZI AY I.N.YOUR COAL.— .k+ the iveather Is now eery propitious, and the rises are most favorable for the laying in of 'your INTER'S- 0-A L. • 'he eubscriber would offer his stock to the public imollw full troll the disposition of the trade goner; ilk to me ho litany iro'inhes to effect sales. The sub cri Sir won , d prof r 'to learn the quality of the he furn sties spine for Itself and he will be hold the filltrolnq whl , •b aro his old standards. let To sell but the I= =I REST COALS MEE MEI= nay in Lobo traf.l6.• 3d. To doliver what his enatomora bdv, and not I.IIIK with a LOWER . PRICED rtlclo In matte Ow pylon to suit his RAI, Itovott le the prieelph;il that Innot bp In use ( It ho ut rotellrej for n s ':rrles of to the ed,tninte of the eustotneee. fob. fo epep ell Mutts of coal to be bud plenwhere. out. Never to •oil to maka a eala 7th. 1:? GUARANTEE 2,000 lbs. the ton. Ath. To give the edstornere the advantage, of ANY CHANGE II price at the win. Oth. la DETERXI.NED to do all in his Dower for the benefit of those who with him ?end on your orders and you shall ie doll t na fairly with aril,ou all favorable terms MI my yard la the" pines ll= BARGAINSI I I have thin day rot - I - uanced Felling elf my entire stock of Summer goods at greatly reduced prices) 1.1.1iF,N A bl!srES, LAWNS, • NIELANCiEB, HARKED LENO, FRENCIL %Alt/1801A ClitE II pond NB , LAPACCA.B, Ac., Scc., at cost.] BLACK SILKS, A full Cup of SATIN, BARRED and STRIPED I AEONETS.and WIIITU MARSEILLES under prlco SUMMER OASSIMERES, and COTTON PANTS ATUE.ES, groat bargalne. HOOP- SKIRTS & BALAIORALS, Cheaper than over sold in Carlisle. • Tickings, Ginghaues ' Cheelti;,Szc., the lowest price. Stockings, Gloves,. • , C . crsets, Buttons and other notions in ;neat variety and very cheap. DELAINES, 12k, 18, and 20, CARPETS .AT COST I Now Is the time to ensure bargains In all kinds DRY 110.1 D .ta many - articles will bo closed oat • ins than cost. CIIAS. O,GILBYti No. 47, West Man Street, Varlisle 4reat Bargains in Parasols and ti Whits Quilts. • • 24,ju1y.64. • I. 4 I CONOV IS WEALTH ! Mefinnlxal, et N 0.83 Foilth Ilenover Ft. ,1141 e, would tall the attanjton Mends ml the public generally to hIN largn 'Aare!' ;TOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, Web he feels nuitured will give eetlernetlon in h quality and price. • in tho xiove lino he would call especial Attention .13A1PI RE OAS BURNER & PARLOR It la n Vidrpettal risme Hustling Stove. 'The Fur Otto IV II beat an upper and lower room .perfectly, ud le guaranteed to be perfectly frau' from explos 'ion of roe, It to se that its ray. of nett ore difleeted to the floor; warming the feet eistead of the Into. It lea gas clnsumer, and Is . ourfectly clear from duet. Its ventilation hi dom.. deco. an 1 the burping as mill Ignited :coals shine out thoeidh the 9llr, Wo . olotve ,gisloog the brlght• .00ss and •+hear of an open tire." Call and sae It,• Holden lth t. all the latest and moat IMprcned datterna_of. w. P ARLOR , STOVES, and a largo stock of Cook Moran, oanalatlng of tho Nimrod, Niagara, • - Irenßides # - 7 quaker City, , Farmer, and a-varlety of °there, all of which are _warrant ed to be beet oboe Stove& and to glye„outtre settle faettoo, • , TIN AI SHBET IRON • WAP, Mule 'Of' the ;vary boat matorlal o :mid all other things noctimiry for housokoopure'Me • lino of, business kept contently on' hand. ' ,' • , 111 a oxpetisos ocimpared Aral Othora, 'as he donna competithin, and' would 'ask 'those de , airing anything In hie Ilpo• of business, , to 'senor.. tutu pricos:olsewhere, nod thou Vito , thia's cell p •ti ontififY theruSolvos that . ho'ca n poll hatter art ic les, for loss mono.* than any other ostabilahicient'ln the county. , Ris motto to, Quick:Palau. and Omar. Profits. 'Old mote! taken in whengd. • ••• • " Spouting, Roofing and Jobbing promptly ittond- • Led tO r mado Of the boat: metiarbil , and • at morder, ate prises. , • ~',.741.11108 AT-A:4ILE YARD: •, 1 ' 'floor sills, on "hand and ludo to' ord" th lInADaTbN is , 4/11" over 0 .. trolit, Carlisle, CA. , •- ." • u 1 11. °"1'1.• b , , .\\ iiii (, , UEI'F,AP SCALES =3 FOR (IASTIt NETT SHAWLS at cost, CALICOES, 8, 10, 12i, 11FLITER AM 1100FIAND'S BITTERS, ' . IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN ,NITTERN, MD Hoofland'7 GenpanJonio. Prepared by I4;0. M.; JACKSON; _ -- PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Great Remedies for fall Diseases ECCI LIVER, STOMACH, OR -DIGESTIVE-ORGANS.- "tooßand's German Bitters composed of the puro jukes (or, as they are medial natty termed, Er tract.) of Boots Herbs and Ilarkm _„ making o prepaysdon, don, highly eoneen troted, and entirel3 ireefront Alcoholic admixture of an' tind. ---HOOPLAND'S GERMAN 'IIONIO, Is a combination of Millie Ingredients of the Bitten with the purest quality of Santo Cruz Runt,BrOrange rte., making one of the most pleasant and agreeabli remedies ever offered to the public: - - Thom preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic ad mixture, will use Hoofland's German Bitters. In cases of nervous deiresaton, when some alcohol], otimulos Is necessary, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC should be used. Tho Bitters or the,Tonte are both equally good, contain the some Medicinal 1, Mgt,. The-stomach, froxttio variety of causes, such al intil gestion, Dyspepsia, . Nervous Debility rte.,' Is ve which apt to (ro have. Its funetlo function deranged. The result . o which is, that tiu patient sugars from t, a several or more u the following diseases Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity .of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of -the Stoma, h, Swimming of . the Head, Hurried — or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Gboking or Suffocating Sensations whet in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webg• bitifore. the — Sight, - Dull Pain In the Head. Dell" • olency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Side, a. • Pain in • the Side, Back, Chest. Limbs, etc., 1 i: Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits. These remedies will effectually cure Liver Complaint Jaundice, Dyspepsis,,Ohnonle or Nervous Debility Chronic Dlarrhtes, Disease of the Kidney., and 111 Messes ►ruing from a Disordered Liver, YiUmmeh,ol Intestines. 133013 - XLI'X"Y, Resulting from any Cause whatever; PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, induced by Severe Labor, Hard ships, Exposure, 'Fevers, etc. Them le no medicine cant equal to these remedies In inch eases. "A tone. and vigor is imparted to the whole System, • therd Appetite is Strength. ened,food le enjoyed, - the atomach digests promptly, the blood - le parlildd, the collo plexion becomes sound and healthy Use yellow tinge Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous IA rand becomes a qtrong and healthy befog. Persons Advanced in Life, ina feeling the hand of time weighing heavily 'Tot, hem, with all Ite attendant tile will fl ed In the uee et dtls BITTEREI, or the TONIC, an elixir that will natil new life into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, buildup their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE. It is iwall-establiehed foot tEst fully one-half of the female portion of our r ---- population are sel dom in the enjoyment , of good health ; or, to use their own ex J pression, "never feel well." They are lan I '-gold, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. To this class of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, te especially Mcommended. - WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Aro made strong by the use of eitherof These remedies They will ogre every case of MARAbIIdUS, withou fait Thousands of certificates have'accumelated In thi bands of the proprietor, but epee*, will allow, of tho publication of but few. Those, it be observed ire men of note and of ouch standing that they mils , be believed. TESTIMOMALI9. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward. CAW Jusliae qf the Supreme Court qf Pa., writes: Philadelphia, March 16, IM7. , "/ find illootiandis • Gorman Bitters' 11 good tonic, useful in diseases of thi ingestive oruan , and , of great- benefit to eases of debility, and want of nervous ao Von in the system. Yours truly, • GEO, W: WOObWAP.D.., • Hon. James Thompson. Judge :eir the Supreme Smut .1 Perotoloonla. Phitudelphia, aI conalder Hooflond'o German Niters a twitoiVe inoticine In woo of 'atineksofindlgpollon - orDs,popeln. _Lean cony), this frOin my oxperloico of It. oilte, wlll. 'respect, PEONP-- From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Paifor of the Tenth Baptist Church, l'hiladaphia. Dr. Jaclesert—Dear Sir : 'I have' been frequently re queered to connect my name with recommendatlent elxilflevent kinde of medicines, bet regarding the Prue- Nl rice se out of toy ap proprlate ephere, I have In all eases do N. ; ell:led; but with ft clear proof in earl ,N, 'nue ' inetanced and partibularly in ",my • own family,' of the ueefulness of Dr. litiollaild's Glerintai Bitters, I depart for once 'from my usual, course, eft- express , my , full conviction that, for general debility if thi swim:, dud modally for Liver Complaint, it is a loft and . 41,4 . 14 preparation., soma caws it may fell; hut usually, I doubt not, It wilt bo vary Unelichil to th p , ose Jto surfer from the above engem - , • , Yours, very respectfully, . - : J; H. lIENNERD, , • • . - Eighth, below Costee 04 • :From Rev. a D. 'Dewlap, Luirtant Editor Christian Chronicte,,Phijadllphia. I have derived 'decided benefit from the use Of Hoof land's German , llltters, and feel It my privilege -to na commend them a s; most valuable tonle, to ell who ars aufferlng from general-debility or from diseases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours truly, IL D. FDNDALL. • . . ' • • Moolland'allarinan Mere - ddles arc donnierfalted,, that the aignature of _r oll O. M. JACKSON U an the wrapper of each •U ot tie ‘ All abet" mace= torten.. • . Principal omen • and MonnitieVery at the Gorman Medicine 131.0r0, , N0.11.31 AROU ptineL: Philadelphia. . , CHARLES IL EVANS, Gormin Thuge2it,Pioprietor, • • Formorly O. AL_JAOICBOX & CO. rot sal. 11 Xll Druggists:m(l Dealers In Medicine., XOOll4OB German por bottle - OE' ; 1, " hip' dozen. II 03 4 likatlagqlloo3l4l/1 Tonle, pat up to quigi boater,l n . per bottle, or a 40.1 f dozen for ' 71$ sr D. Dot fomet, to examine ' well tie att;in ' jw omia 10 gat the gplignol„ : ' =I I ... , ~. El .' . •.. • •, , . ~. , „ , j I 7 -- ''-'....'::'-'-'•:- ..,;;;, -.:,:-_.:..: ,-....* , ...„.:...,.: ~:„... ( i :.,::::. .:‘ ~• - , ..,1 <l. \f - :; . .::-, -::' ' rri( ...L......,.. 4 :L : ,..:. ~.. ........,,-1.., ;::: i,....:. L ., ....__ ,:- 111:1 \ APOdital. ouit. OHI D)10o---D ar azoitut D. 'Dural, • • • $ 'Tta bid, yet to Uitia : To the ton Wind'e gentle Ewell, AM think . ire hear the Innoto Our child boon knew /IQ well; To itase out on the even And tho b undies° Holds astir, And fool again-our boyhood'a'Nrath To roam lika'angola There nro malty dreiuna of gladris , • That cling around thettLit,__,___2 tOmtrafaellog thotieste come thronging fait; - 'Tile . fornis we loved ao doarly In the bappy days now gone; -The beautiful and e ' Bo fair to look 'upon; nos° bright and gontlif milldams Who seemed so tormod for blies, Too glorious and too For such o world as this; Whose Mirk soft eyes seemoilimitatninff In a vas of liquid light, And whose locks of gold were sins:Ming O'er brows so sunny bright Whose smiles wore like the sunshine In the spring time of tho year:— Like the changeful gleemsof April, , Thoy.followed every tear— They have passed—like hoped—away, And their loveliness has fled ; Oh, msny-a heed is mourning That they aro with the dead Like the brightoet buds of Barnum, , They have fulion.mith the stem ; Yet oh 1 - it is ft lOvely-death To fade from,earth like Mom I And yet the thought is reddening To untie on such_ris they, And feel that all the beautiful Aro passing fest away!, That*tho fair once whom we love Grow to each loving breast . Like the tendril of the clinging vino, Then perish whore they rest I :And we conlbut think of three, In the sett and gentle epring._ When the trees are waving o'er us And the Gowen; are bloisoicingt And we know that winter's coming, With his cold - and sto, my sty, And the glorious Leanly round us Is budding but to dial A TRAGEDY IN A COAL-PIT ?'About seven years ago,. when the old Lady well shaft,, in South-Stafford- Aire, was nigli worked mit, - and there were galleries and galleries stretching out, the men said, for miles of old workings, which , they,. or even filch fathers bef r'thetn, knew nothing of,. and could not find their way about, it was determined by our owners tp sink a fresh shaft and - commence working the other side of the hill: and to leave off-working the old mine. for - ominous rumors of choke-damp!ind falling roof warned them that it would not be safe much longer. Accordingly the .new works were begun,; they found a thick seam and very soon they were in full' operation„and ite old mind deserted. The viewers told the men to avoid the side nearest the old Workings, but. the seam fan that way, and the men work ed and worked r Aill at last they broke In one or two small places, and these the viewers had closed in as Won as possible. There was at that time in our em ploy, as viewer, or overseer, a man by the name of- Timmins, a rigid Wesley. an, and it good workman, but of a re served and morose temper, and with whom the men did not care much to meddle. They often said Black Jack (for such_ was the nickname .he went by) was not right in his head, and in deed his manner was at times eccentric; but, as I before said, ho was It most excellerit band in the pit, and that-was all his employers wanted. About this time the small-pox com menced its ravages dreadfully in this neighborhood; and Timmins' wife, to whom he. was. devotedly attached, be came, one of its first victims, being carried eff in a very short time. The loss seemed quite to have. changed the Irian. From a stern re ligiontst, he turned to -drink, and no one was more reckless; more debauch ed and degraded. His emplOyers remonstrated with. him, and told him they - would be obliged to part; that he was only set ting the men a bad example instead of keeping them out of danger; but re monstrance was thrown- away, and finally. They were obliged to tell him that at the end of the week he would be -discharged. • He went to his work, but after a day or so he was missed, and when pay-night came he did not appear at the table; Bb the cashier said_: "I !mitotic Timmins is drunk again; he'll come some other time.': But -the men- shook their heeds, , darkijr, -- awd - ruird nmoi themsolves, they never thought any . good would Come Of slack - Jack. • ' • • Now it happened about this time there was appointed to our mine a new, manager; for the former one • Wad too old 'in,d , superannuated, Ho - cotne from the coal=fields in the neiOlor hood of Newcastle, and was a widower o with one daughter. 11r. Woodward: soon showeehimself a diever man, and 'from the kindness and geniality of his temper • made' him Self beloved among the men, a race always greatful for kindness. His daughter Metn ' was seventeen, and possessed ono ef those charming English faces which to look at wes to 'love. Her bright auburn curls clditered round a 'fair, open brow; dove-like eyes 'and sweet •Orniuth pressed the gentleness . of ,tilte spirit, within.,, Meta's ; features, might not sepatately have been regidar, but, takent ati' a Whole; the effect was perfect. lhoks,ihoivevbr, were nother'only' ,ieconimendittion--Lber Sweet tion, kindness of heart, and charity, etildeal•ed her. to: all, her. friends:- She oftfhi - visited ; the wprks with her father,. And tagged' to let her a'es dend, ',the mine,' but •he refused. r• eohatant'.drop ping, thersay,[ will wear away a Stone; and so Meta's supplication-must ;,haVe wdin away her,father's 'resolution, for, one day it was settled that Meta Should .descend with hei'fathei an&'a 'and explore the nine They- 'arrived 'ut the now, shaft :about' n00n,40. after the, cage had , been arranged, Mr. , .Woadvmd f .Alß f.laiighter... and a ..ininqr, named''l6adenp,' • 'deselinded. They were each provided wftl , l,:candles; end; iixrivikig at thS licitfeiii,, - teeded 'to visit the tatilii theitiritSo IWO - kings' They! had (beak into ;sevetia rind werbt 'thinking-of rettirning, whterip lust ats they t!')l l 9' '4 O le hitereePtieg,T,4),OPY! Vielegt, gush :of exfulgaip4e4 all theu'llae,'Vaiiillo, 'ana in.perfeef darkite r eal ' few momontig iici spokei and then Mr: ,WoodivArdt dricbtiraged., his. daughter by, tonhig,her that, althpugh-!lattbtjpaq• =I CARLI§i - E, FRIDATINOVEMI3sEit,'2;O,36B:k . - Vißreuttneause Aery'untoward to be loft without a light, still there_could be' no, ppssible _danger ' as all. they would have to do was to keep straight foiwara, and they would come to the font of the ehaft, and most' likely some of-the men would meet or •overtake them, when they could-procure a-light Acting on this - suggeetion,, they continued walk ingon. • When they 'had entered, 'the pit, with'their lighte, and were -full of confidence, the di stance appeared short, but'now in the,pitchy : Egyptian dark nese it seemed as if they, could never .find •their way out --Minutes- seemed lengthened into hours; and' still they walked,' and seemed; •tio nearer their destination. At length Meta's delicate' franMisuccumbed-to the-unwonted ex ertion, -and. she exclaimed„: "Pa'pa; I can go no farther: leave me, and seek a light; I will remain until you return." „"I can't my child," he 'replied, "r will reinainNvithyal,:but ,- Baccup can go and bring assistance." - At this moment he felt Baccup's hand gently draw his on one side and a voice whispered in' his ear . • don't like to alarm Mies Wood ward, sir, but I'M afraid we have wan dered into the old workings, and if so, we are lost:" . "No, no. that can't be," replied the now terrified father; "for we , couldn't haye got in when . all the brsaks were . closed." • "I..heiird the men say at the pit's mouth this morning that there had been a great break in the night, but I did not think we should have mime this side,'! replied the man.. "Gbd forbid that we should be in these workings; but, if so, they will miss us, guess where we are, . and search" "How can' each separate party know but that we have gone up with the other r It will only be When we are missed at home that, they will think what can have become of us, add he titre then it will bejtoo late." ' Mr. Woodward felt the full force of all this; but he Would not give away; so ho said aloud to Baccup •'lt won't do for - Us-to separate, I. 'Wok, after all; so yen and I will manage to carry my daughter between us, and reach the shaft." The man complied, and, raising-the. oung girl between them, they again essayed to find their doubtful way. But soon the road became rough and broken, and they could now realize that they had indeed wandered—froth the right track, and were lost in the old _galleries. At length the strong men could go no further, and, laying the young girl down, the father seat ed himself by her, and said. : 7. -f 'Meta, darling, we,have wandered from the right track. •It would be useless going further in this darkness, as we don't know but wemay be only wandering farther from the aid and the' sistance that will be shortly seeking us-." • • .. "I'don't . know how it is, papa; but I feel a firm conviction that I shall never reach nomo again. I pray that you may be spared, for it WAS my fully that brought us all hero." The father gently chid his child for feeling so gloomy, and comforted her as well as he could; for het,felt all the time black despair settling "at his IMart, for now, for the first- time, ho realized the peril thy really stood in. - Hours passed, and still no signs of the promised assistance. Their strength began to fail, for where is there any thing that robs one of all strength of purpose and of body as when the bright goddess Hope_ takes her de parturel - It—was just at a moment when Mr. Woodward felt his senses leaving him with anguish, that - Meta exclaimed : "Tape, is that a star I see shining in tho - distance 1" .They looked, and beheld . 1 a faint glimmei of light'. Hope immediately sprang up again in their minds. Thdy raised a feeble shout, but, far from expediting the assistance they stood so much in need of, it seemed to have a contrary , effect, for the light immediately disappeared. "It can only be the effect of imagi nation," sighed Meta. "Hush!" said Baccup; "keep silefice, and ace what comes of it." Shortly the light began to glimmer again, and presently they could per ceive a figure approach them- . —it was that of a man almost a skeleton. His. black locks hung down to his waist, while in his eyes. the fire,:of insanity gleamed and flashed. r !!' r "Tie Black Jack," , : whispered Hiccup. •, . A,nd_theictiley—heard-- the—madman exclaim :. - _ . "Who id- it. that invades my. last home, when, after taking 'all I held' near and dear, ,;drove inn; frorn the earth, and even iu, hell can't let me. rest 'I," . •. • „ , • He approached. and suddenly his, eyes fell on Meta, lying on; the ground insensible. : , • "Mary, my darling, are you return ed to comfort, irqp,ll You •caze.,. back' t ha ti see the halo.youml her, head. Men nor devils align% part unt7, and,' rustling ; forward,: he ....raised tipe! fainting girl in his, arms, , nod „fled, swiftly away, • The two men followed as • well ,ins, they could,, girided • by thg • pound of the man i ar.„' fontatepa art the occasion- ; al glimmer, of hts . lamp; tlt,.after their exLmiethia, ti key were up: match „for the; frenzied,: spend"of,the. ,nodtrm: They ,but;, atilt eephig-aa in the same:Oireetion,:.they saw agleam 4.liibt, and `presently' farnied at the.',fpot :04„ dleopcd, shaft„' ghaft:there . . pad Peen. fiXqa Jail a ers,,,t ; y, vhicb. the. miners in the olden time peccuded;' , ,an, Well ne,„ 4escqp(l9d,. !ate, the, pit; ~mgt, they,werericcoyed, nod, Never-, . theleaf4; yriaeyident .that.oP,thia.ak !cent the,ronniac had'Aed i ,With den.• ; • . :The pv,o.p•renloolied•::at, each oilier', tiiiliemay, arpr h l thenpropOred;togarood4 After-nitraggin, they-priehed-Aretop,.' ailgc,,a-4.:,T4Ornina,omerging,„„froin-,a iLined:eheiarioach.gridr, water, in lila band. :24railce4 • toward:o4cl fOrra ,tire unconscious. hot ,tip iroonleap,hts 910 :NA l qp, , ! theapprogclong figures of ,t4e tworogn, I It Wretchealt:?, ; 11e.ccighiged,,i,tj thooght, 1 04! 79 11 ;‘ ,1 ?at rP:Vcr .P*4l l k ' o ,l{', Bll 4 lll ,'t ; 1 1_ 3 :spy , i zay'heaatitajcplY,!Alth) l rr. "Afiallefore, the..agonizedjathpr or ttiefttafgaiahed,..odPeE'pofild lotOrtgry :he 4*4o4ttoA4A'Bl.4o3lthi.pi4ii*Ndi. ~.. down, full amen hundred feet; whene. the mnngled bodies of the nninitic nn. victim Were, taken out ihat night HIT CARSON AND THE UTAH During a residence of ten years in the 'Rocky 'Mountains, I became inti mately acquainted with Kit Carson. I have huntedYtrapped and fought In dians in company with him, and a more congenial and pleasant companion it has never. fallen -to my lot to meet., In the sunnier of the year 1845 I was :camped with 'Kit CUrson, Bob fisher. Lucien Maxwell and DickiWoodetion the Rio, a creek that empties its waters : into the Red river. We were building adobe houses, intending temaktia_per- Manent; settlemea: Judge Beaudien, of Taos, Maxwell's father-in-law, sent us Out eo4Le tows, hogs, chickens, and a number of Spaniards, whom we em played in planting about one hundred - acres - ofTrom - on - the - opposite side of the creek without-any fencing.. I Our corn looked well, and we were anti C i-wing a large crop, when one day village of Utabs, consisting of about seventy-five lodges, under Big Antler, their chief, made their appearance,— They had a great many horses, and after camping, which they did about one half mile above t they deliberately drove their stock into our corn. We mounted our horses, taking our...rities with iis, and - drove lliOrri - away then, riding up to their camp, asked the chief " if it was his intention to destroy our -corn 7" He, said " Yes; he came for the pUrpese of recruiting his horses, which were poor, and he kneW- of no better place than time, and he was told that the whites were going to war with the Utabs;" al the same time he gave orders to his young men to drive. the horses back' into the corn. Seeing that he was ill earnest, and not willing to have the crop destroyed without an effort to save it, Kit sp:ung from his horse, eaying, " Boys, cover Me with, your guns,---I will-fix him," and, instantly springing upon the chief, clutched hind By the throat. " Now," he said, " order your young men to bring. back those horses, or'you are a dead man. If. nor stock enter my corn shall kill you." at the same-time holding a seven inch butcher-kmfo to . his breast . chief, seeing that he was in a bad predicament, and know ing that the 'threat would be put in force, ordered the horses to-be brought brick.• Big Antler was, and had Always ,been, the friend of the whites, and the most honorable Indian in the Utah na tion---a brave man, and one who re spected bravery in , others. Kit, knew :this; and thought that by acting in the manner he' did, he would be most apt to succeed. After releasiiig his hold-of the Indian, he asked him "how he learned that the whites were 'going to war with the Utah ?" Big Antler said, "Black Cloud had just come from Taos and brcinglit the news." Black Cloud, who was standing by', said, " Yes, it is so," and that *e should die, and our property be 'destroy ed. Kit said that he was " talking crooked, and trying to get the Utabs to' commence war." Big Antler said that - as Black Cloud was double-tongu= ed, and did not love the whites, he would wait and hear further news, and not be too hasty in the matter, as he did not want to go to war without cause. The warriors now began to crowd around us with threatening ges tures, which, being perceived by the chint, ho ordered them to desist• and stand hack, saying: ". Warriors, would you bO cowards to attack these men in your 07711 camp ? The first that hip a hand on these men I shall shoot down like a dog. I .am going to camp on 'this creek the balance of this moon, and see that not one head of our horses trouble the 'whites. These mew are brave, I love them, and who among my young warriors are going to join me in protecting them ?" He hardly ceased speaking,..when abut_ fifty braves sprang to the side of their , chief. • Black. Cloud, who was ti than of in fluence among'tho Utabs, a very giant' in size, and of a blood-thirsty. nature, who bad eaused , Big Antler a great deal of trouble by his quarrelsome disposi tion, and had also killed the own brother some few years before, stepped forward and tried to persuade the balance 'that they bad better. kill I and destroy all belonging to us. f. Hay= ing the majority with ho began to 'argue with. the :chief. ." You kiwi'," he said, " that the Utabs never had much_love for the Whites. • NO* is our time ! Let us kill , these men ! : they are captains, and. braves. , We. have them in our-power.--Let Us - kill - them, :and then go down to the 'camp and•kill the Spaniards and destroy•theinotock and. corn, MA_ themwe wilt' fight the willies Whenever. we ; acici.iliiim•,}lll 7.4i they , :not (Iriven • our huff this away,. 'e.a9glit, our . beaVei, aad, by hunting shrough the" Miuntry,'made the game , svildi that our young men find ithard work to get. meat , to , ,feed out women. and children? ~Are ;we not thoowners, of this country? Whatright have they berel, The . y 'trade with our enemies, 'the Olieyennea and Arrapahoes; tirid ,furnislrthenrguna and 'fight us. whirr! : Theo,. turning to his. own ,crowd, be said; ‘‘, Ilavayau heard me,..braves ,?Shall, we be . women and let , Antler'dictate what we shall do in. this"inatthil No, warriors !"Let' us. kill them and.; every White WAS catch ,in our eountry from this :time aut, , My heart is liig l -4ig for the 'll . talui..„: :Antler's . . heart 'is 'hit for the Whites. ,yilhola' Wilt Yoh : job) 'Who ahall -be . your. 'chief and: lead: you 'against' the ;whites 7 ,I have done !',':; .As epos as he Bt2pped epeaking, an braye , aluo ;; !neut. 00fi' your ears and hoar your .chief first: You hll knciii „war an&•tstrongt botibeil:t.'Big Antler, speak to Your people!! t . Wite,r,Mof atepped forward, atid fbroA ing.bis'robe, On the greupd,etood,bcfore Ahern a 'perfect 'mad - 'of 'a' strimg 'and' Ili-Rive many!' With' lantd 'ereet,t and -iluehing.eyeegie:cemineueed breve listened to Mack .O bud.: Ztayo hou,4, O l t hq sail. 0,-grcat He counts,mono coos than, any iithar ;lista enemies scalps hang onTelierylpol&iii , Idel.ledge. Ms - squaw,s, and children payer want' :'for (ia eat, fg'A'gic'at hunter. ; There is no Utah. ici , the , tribe rßa aki:Ito•litIook at hint she stands . th 9 t* hP I .4 tiA P1+91 1 4pE8:;0.9r3 -vv- A ! v not a cyet 7. 79,1 1 1 54 'if wile" '`,te lie phief, he is"konfitri'eked:''''lle' toy& 'IV kill.; ' He is, likettlui panther; the loved .tctt'firaWit 904 Iblinieudes Atli:ll6M for, litP , latke Of blood. A chief should Wyo. MEI CHIEF. . '" . - - r • feelings of: kindness'io the weak, and protect them. Black Cloud has no kindness in his heart; even with his 'own people he is bad. Did he not kill your chief's brother, the Raven? If I had not been a chief I - would have killed him for thati--hut I was chief of a brave ,teople,,and would net etpop to slay 'him. In battle, where am I ? Do It follow behind and take scalps from these that others kill to make my coos count big? No .! the scalps that , hang on my lodge poles were taken from the heads of warriors that fell by this hand, not- from women and chit- - dren; but from warriors in battle, fight ing like brave men, and conquered by Big Antler, whom all the Utahs call a bravo man, and not - a slayer'of women and_children and prisoners."' • At this Black Cloud sprang forward, and taking a handful of Girt ; threw it on the chief, ea,) ing : "Big Antler, yon are,a cow_ard. You are 'afraid to fight the whites. Your brother was a cow ard and I. killed him. .Say, Utahs, shall we have a coward for our chief ? I have thrown dirt on'him, and ho turn ed' pale in the face like a white man 'Look at Lim! there is no blood in his eyes ! He trembles like a squaw. You want a brave man for your chief, one that will lead you'to battle and - return loaded With the scalps of the enemy. Big Antler, your time has come. Black Cloud always kills, the man that in- Sults - hiin, - and 'you muat die." He was just in the aekof making a spring upon Big Antler:with -Stood calmly, waiting for him to finish speak ing, when Kit Carson spurred his horse between them, and jumping down, he stood' face to face with the giant Black Cloud, who,looking at_him ,a moment with rage depicted in ,every feature, said, "Stand aside, squaw of the pale faces, I shall punish you afteywards." -"-You will," said Kit; "-we -will - see to that," at the same time bringing-his rifle' to his shoulder. anitick'C'foud, I will let the san shine through you if you move-another step forward. Boys, stand close to me ; let your horses go. I think this little knot of braves, back ed by- us, can just clean out this crowd ; and, to tell the truth, I owe this fellow a settlement for stealing my horses once." . Black Cloud's party began to move up. and the Big Antler's braves stood near us hnd the chief, whose - face was calm and 'pleasant to look on before, 'stepped forward. I never saw such a change. Ile looked a very demon. His eyes were bloodshot, the sweat was pot.ring down his face, and raising both hands above his head, in one of which he had a knife, he spoke : • "•Warriors, take this man away. - I shall kill him if you do not. What ! -Black-Cloud, the murderer of his own people. talk of being-chief of the Utalls! Away witb_him ! my heart ie growing cold, and I feel I am becoming thirsty for- blood. Big Antler .will be your chief until he is too old to lead his braves to victoryr then be will step aside for one you consider worthy of filling his place. _But no murderei; ono that has Utah blood on his hands, can be your chief. Do I speak to you straight 1" While be had been talking, they- had . led Black Cloud aside, and a number of his party had come over to the chief, and declared themselves ready to obey him add him alone. . Kit was talking tothe chief, and just in the act of shaking his hand; when crack ! went a rifle, and a ball whistled past his bead and entered the breast of a young brave who stood beside Big Antler, killing him instantly. Black Clotid, who fired the allot; had, in his rage, snatched a gun from an Indian and fired at Kit or the chief; we never knew which. Kit raised his. rifle, took deliberate aim,.aud sent a ball crashing through his skull. Then, springing to the chief,- he told them to "come on, if they - g wanted to avenge Black Cloud ; that we were ready' and anxious for a fight!! He called them cowards and squaws, and all the names he' knew were insulting to an Indian, but' they did not come ; their leader was gone, .and they did not care to risk the fur ther displeasure of their chief. - Kit told them if Black Cloud's relations. wanted- any satisfaction from him at anylihiti; he was going to stay on that creek, and they would always find him there. The chief sent ten young braves down to our camp to stay with us as long as. the village remained' on the .creek.: Every day lie would send us fresh .meat, and during the time they camped near, us we were well treated and respected, Kit was-considered by tipm a great 'breve, and their chief's best friend. Tli 815 ATI% on Tit 8 R UVOLIIT 10 N. :L=-The Louisville Cowie). gives 'the following -statistics in -regard to the -battles- of--41;e.-Revolation,---It- will -be seen' that - the- American loss was not quite Oue 7 tltird that. of the British : British Aniericon i ; Loss. Loss, Leilogton, April 10; 1176: 273 81 401 1 .80 r 11111;Juno 17, 1775, 1,0114 453 Flctlituth, Anguct 12, 1770, 900 200 White Plchgc, Auguet.2l3, 1170,. 400 400 Trooton,Deceiuber 25 '1770, ' 1,000 01.1 ‘Piltict4.ll k 4ltputry 5, 1777, 400 . .100 Ilubbardstegro,:Aug. 17,13, 1777, 803 , .Bo Benritngton, Auguct 14y . , 1717, 800 - 100 BototlyvOnc, September 11,1777, 600 1,150 Stlllwator,'Septcrnber 1 7, 177 7. 000 ' ' 350 Gertotuttown, October •1,1777, 000 1,200 Saratoga, October 17, 1777, (our- , ;.. • reudcred,) . - 'llea Iteok;- October , 22, 1777, , 7300 : 32 Mtnnetith, Juno 20, 1778, ' 407 ' 130 Rhoda Island, An .uet 27. 1778, 2 00' 1. ' 211 Drier Crook, Match 73, 1770,13 . - ' • 400 Eltoney Point,' July 16, 1779, . .4100 ' ' 100 Cam, on Angina 10, 1770, • 376 , 010 King's Mountain, October 1, 1780, 050 00 Pommy's, January 17, 1781, . - .800 72 Guilford Oonrthoueo. Mar 16,'01, 632 - 4OO Ilobklrk Dills, April 25, 1781. 400. - " . ~,400 Eutaw Springe;a3ept., 2781, • 1,000 - . • 610 Yorktown, October 10;1781, (sun rendered,) • ' ' - 7,072 ' . •\ :. were passiug the uraw. in the railroad liidge on. the route . to Houston, when Itg'fair.bride leaned out of the window itileitteh a farewell ;glance of the IS ,XLer affectionate, and new ly Made,hupband, tremblipg with aux:- 10y, for ler safety, • iepderly encircled ler 41i3nder, waist with his coat sleeve,. and, Soft/y whispored,'"PraY . take care .Of-ytidrselfaden't-fall-overboard, dar ling 1 4carcelYt*Orothe, Wl Ol3l O. qut • oflis , ,Mouth ore thel:duphing .young beauty uttered - 1 --a'-,,ftgint hut —audible pereatp;imd hackin laded seat, 'pressed.! her embroidered bandkerebief,to ler face. , "Poor ai ling is ~fio i gh,ouod,''„ paid . the Ipying sympathetically. ',;pecor darliti,ebowedler Would" mop he .the • -Bhp laddosia sot rof cy? , 4 l Pl' iittY)o, Mary,'• enytolyii Tqiing i girl,,as Elvri;ed WI; sißtoei3 'fiat and letithors. uz..b ;, NO. 47. • YOUNG LADIES 'l3 New - York Suiviii - severe' on 'what it calls the silly fashion which Ouryoung ladies_ sometimes' employ in writing their Christian_ names. To illtnitrate "A' detailed report-. of a fashionable wedding convoys the information that .a young gentleman who beara,t . lie no ble name of Lionel has jiiSt, been uni ted in wedlock to a. lovely maiden named Jennie ; and, that among the bridesmaids on the interesting occasion three were named respectively, _Lettie - Annie and ,Gertie The ladies .Were all, dresSe;d - iii the height of the fashion, and some of the linen popular gems from Offenbach's - operas were per formed.- The young ladies who thus give to the publib' notoriety -.the pet names conferred on them" while they yet bloomed in the seclusion of the nursery do not mean, of course, to be guilty of vulgarity arid, impertinence; _hut_they_are; -.and—we- speak of— their fault because it is so general, especial ly among ignorant and thodghtless people. It is very proper for Lionel to address his bride by the sweet, ef fectionatO apPellation, of Jennie, but that is a privilege of his situation to which the general public cannot be admitted without a violation of pro priety. When the mine of the young, woman comes to belninted on her vis iting card or in a newspaper, it should bp done decorously and simply as - So--of her brideSindidal their right names are -Letitia, Anne and Gertrude, and it is nobody's . buSineSs by what tender abbreviations and ex pansions of those appelatives they may -be named. by their mothers - or- their.; future husbands." "DARNEL WEBSTER," remarked old Col. Gumpey, as he trined a quid of niggerhead and. fastened it se = urely between two decayed teeth in the left • gide-of his mouth, "Drina Webster was a great man. There wa'nt nothin mean about .him. I've beard him talk, lutlwa'n't his talk SO Much as his)ginerositythat tuck mo. He had a kinder careless Way Lice, that kept him from gettin' rich. He nev er seemed to think what things cost. I was c, in' up the Hudson river along wifi him-once, and in .the morn in' Darnel Waster and me was wash in' our faces and slickin' our liter iu the cabin, and he took out. - a tooth b . rush and brushed his teeth. Pdidn't see no other tooth brush around, so I borrowed . ' hisql. After I used it I banded it back to him, ,and what:do -you think? Why; Darnel Waster just slung that tooth britsh right int~Y the river. And s'pose next day he went and bought • him a- new one. That's -all he cared about ,money ! There ain't no sea rem . as Darnel Webster living now," concluded the Colonel meditatively, as he spirted a strewn of tobacco juice into . the tire pface at the other end of the room. BARNUM'S' RAM-P. 1. Barnum won a foot race at the Franconia Haise, White iGnotains, some time since A correspondent of the Hart ford Post gives the following version of the race : "AfterAinner the entire company 'repaired to the verandahs and'brome neck in front of the house for a little, frolic as usual. The moving spirits in the crowd seemed to be Barnum and Le Grand Lockwood, with had beed here for some little time Barnum made a humorous speech, which set the crowd into roars of laughter, and then. proposed a race of the heavy men of the house, which should in clude himself. - 'Circulating among the company, he picked out, six of the largest and lat est men' he . could find, and placed them in a row directly in front of the steps of the piazza,. He then ad diessed therri, and said the race would be to the fence, somefifty rods distant. They were to start upon his counting three, and Oleg/Ikea were to be a life ticket to his now museum, and a copy of his lecture on humbuggery; then taking his position. at the head of the line, he slowly and deliberately count ed one—two—three. At the word `three,' they all started on a dead ;MI, with the exception.. Of Barimm, who quietly sat down on the _steps. The fat men didn't discover the sell until they "had' reached the fence, and, were greeted with "shouts of laughter from the crowd on the verandah." 1114untEn WiTtiou'r GLovEs.--The Ottaiva Republiran relates the following: A few days since, a young lady appeared at the' •parsonage of an eminent clergym-rt.of, for the purposer.rd! having their respective des finks united ii . the holy bonds of mat- • rimony. Everything_ being ready, -the elergyinan aforesiiid watabout to proceed with' the ceremony, when the young lady discovered that she was minus her kid gloves, so necessary iipdn such occasions; whereupon she, requested her affianced to hasten to a store and . procure the indispensable kids, telling him to "be in a hurry or she might change her mind." The c ergyman, -witnesses, and . intended bride waited some time. for the return of the ;YOuth . with the gloVes, he didn't come. They wititedlonger.and' etill he put 'in an appearance. The matter at last becoming:really se rious and alarming, ,the 'clergyman took his hat and proceeded post haste ,in,Seardi of, the truant lover, whom he found after a dilligent search and many inquiries, 'quietly seated 'on' the veranda of the Park , House, with his 'feet eleVated on the back of a chair, 'and-very .deliberately puffing cigtu. • On being asked Ao 'explain his singe, lar .conduct, carelessly remarked ,that ho "was. Waiting to see if she was going to, change her They were marrie,d; however, at, last,sifter two licnire delay. RIME it% . lt, row of ordiiiary capital lettere and figures—. • • ,SSS'XXX ZZZ 333 888 'They are sueb - ha are trade up Of two parts of equal shapes. ; took • careful-. ,ly at, these, and you will "percale that yko - pper Halves;of the characters are very litle'srnaller than tfielciwee Milveii that:'auordinnry eye will 416 - Clare theta Lobe, of ,equul size. Now, •tyrn the' - page upside . down, and with oukarty careful leoking, ~yea Will see. that ,tlibi'diffartureoip 'size is very much - smaller than' silie botttaai half. ft , will be'ticealt r,f,rona.thisithat there is .a toy dency iu the eye, to ~ enlarge the upper part of any, object upon Nye;rnight draw two eirelua,,of'uneqUal and %O thcAC.. equid.i4=voket''d.trireeg• .• ELECTRIC VLOCKS.—EI6Cfrid CIRCILS are now made. They' are :dri*an - the 'current of . an earth ,battery, and , require - no winding up or 'attention for long periods, varying ;with circtimstan des, The pendulum rode arc made of rosewood saturated with parafinegand -do not effect the regularity ofthe_elock, by contraction or • expansion.' The battery is composed:of-zinc- and gae carbon, which, are buried in the earth, (Mid generate the electric,currcnt regu larly and steadily- for a long time, the moisture of the' earth beiiig sufficient tetprOdUce 'the action needed without the use of acids. The wheel,Work fs of the simplest construction, and when • mice, adjustedtieeds'-nn-morettttention_ except, occasional oiling. The whole apparatus is inclosed-to-prevent-injury from dust, and'is elegant and rehabl6. WILLS OF „SIIAKRSPBAIRE, MILTON ' AND NAPOLEON.—The last wills and tdsthments I 1 ,of these three great men e up in one sheet of foolscap, and may be seen at ' Doctors' Com mons. lii i NV ill of the bard of Avon is an interlineation in his own band writing:—"l give unto my wife my brown best bed, with the furniture." It is proved, by William Boyd, 22d of July, 1617. The will of the minstrel of Paradise is apuncupative one taken by his daughter, the great poet being blind. The will of Napoleon is signed in-a bold style of writing; the codicil, on the contrary, written shortly fore -his death, exhibits the then weak at:IOW - his liod y. —London- Paper 4 . CURRAN AND SHEDIDAN,-Mr. - Horne Tooke, after having passed an evening in the company of Mr. Curran and the late Mr. Sheridan, whom he had on that occasion met . together, was asked his opinion of the wit of each. Ho Jeplied, "that Sheridan's . was like steel highly polished and sharpened for display and use; but that Curran's was like a mine of virgin gold, incessantly crumbling away fromits (Jim-richness:" "Amelia, ` for thee—yes, 'at thy command I'd tear this external firma-' neat into a thousand fragments—l'd gather the stars one by one^ as they tumbled from the regions of ethereal space hutl put them in my_ tronsers pockets; I'd pick the sun—that orient al god of day that traverses the blfie arch cif heaven in such majestic splen dor—l'd tear him from the sky and quench his bright effulgence in the . ° fountain of my eternal love for thee:' Amelia—" Don't, Henry, it wotild be so very dark." A RELIGIO - US paper in Boston is re sponsible for the followlog "An old lady who Wasabout to breathe her last, roccived a call from an acpaintanco ignorant of ho' mortal —The answer sent down from the chamber of the departing sufferer was memorably -uniquel Madam —,sends her corn plialents to Madam and . begs to .be excused, and she is engaged: in dying !", A WarrEtt beautifully remarks that a man mother is the representative of hit; Maker. Misfortune and mere crime set no barriers -between her and her eon. While his mother lives, a man has one friend on earth who will- not desert him when he is- needy. _ Her affection flows frOm a pure fountain, and ceases only'at the ocean of eter nity. FUN IN BRIEF A moTHErts love i. ever new. The greatest bet ever made—the alphabet.' • The real OrCelan Bend—the hod carrier's and-. a load of bricks. Lawyers are lucky. They can do lots of cortrt-ing and not be engaged. Au unmistakable ease of black-ball ing—a crying negro baby. No man can choose, his +own lot.— Real estate owners should be excepted ; Why is ,a newspaper like a wife?— Because every man ought to have oue of his own. ;, A writer in.Chamiler's Tou'rnal say : "Woman, woman, take My advice. and learn to cook." A young Missourian, eulogizing his girl's beauty, said, "I'll be doggoned if she ain't as purty red wagon." Au exchange says tersely of n not ed Texan ruffian, that "through the energy of 'a :sheriff he now ornaments a rustic grave Yard." The human heart is like a feather bed; it must he roughly handled, well shaken, and exposed to a variety of turns, to prevent it lreoming hard and knotty. If you want a strange lady to speak to you treadOn her dress. Nine chances iu ten she. will enter into a conversa tion that will. IVA only entertain your head but tingle your ears. Never lay"a stumbling-block in the way of a man who is trying to ad vance himself in the world honestly and uprightly, for he is likely, to walk over it and laugh at you afterward. Scene at a dinner table, at ivhich, clergyman is present; • ,Landlady— " Mr. Choker, will you s,y: grace 27 Little boy. at foot of the table— "MaMina; I say heaus - ---want: some beans: - don't Want-aily-grace,". ,"Dear Harry, you ask mo what, sort of a game I am playing with Jack Graham for Clarissa's hand. I have to say; in reply, it is a game of 'double or quits;' and the result is this; I double and he quits." "Madame," said an old gontleniari to' his . house-keeper, primitive countries beef is often legal tender; hut" said bef-emphatically thrusting his fork into the. Ste*, "all the law in Christendom could not make this boef tender." "Is you' father at home I" inquired the man of . tbe little girl who admitted Idm. "Is yotir name Bill ?"' "Some people call me so," be replied: "Thou • lie is not at home for I hoard him tell John to 'day. if 'any hill came to any ho is not at home. An xchaugo, - in speaking of the magicnl' strains of aluttitiqirgtur sage : "When he played' Dorg - Tray' we noticed eloven purps' .sitting ih front of .tbe machine on their litmehes, brushing. the tetirs from . their eyes ylll3 their forepaiva." . • To make , h, yainable opealecl, dog hidlet-proof, , Mark Twain says . :—.• "Taki3 'Off his hide and' it With sheet .is and is Blinker and - .more showy'- than the counnou l lrimb Dogs prepared in this way do 'not mind bullets." -, ll7taue,wifo," said Will, I. you devote just half, asmiutttO ~m0nc1,,,, this coat, ;Which a nail . ltad' Chaneil to rend." tl,o' Will,,s!ite rather:late, 'but it is .inevoi , .. meo(l , -" • x.,` . , ~ , ,ttufus.uhoato used:tO - -(tiay:that - the OtreeLnkoet.ihrouhleheine - clicitta,h - o-over-Ir Lod i :Wor a t? , youhg : ladz that. to 4 , ct married, 4 , , utarried...wein4a. 'wanted a Aivnrco; aha :61c1-`Maid' • tha' didn't know,.what `-lalii