:1t001‘3, , TINW' • BEAUTY-, I.' - •• - DURABILITY, - - • . .. -ECONOMY. The stta tln~` l v rtiturnoct from the cltlon with n large stock of goodn, Invito the attention of all who desire eat.blaction to tall and examlnritheir stook °mutating In part ut - STOVES, • . such an the, aintaik SIFAF, DIOT/kTOR, • - and other varlotiels of , COOK STOVES which they challenge the 'trade to compete with feel Ing,oontldent thntthey u sell hotter stores for lens Puma than any fine In the country. The attention of the public. to Invited to their choice aolectlon at RANG CS, .• PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, among Which canlon found SPEARS' OELERRATED Bevoiting Light .. Beo6 Burning, - _ Juniata Base, • ' - Burning Parlor Heater, In (het they can please you with Stoves of MI kinds at prices which defy competition. . . PUMPS-, -- ---ibr deep Wallis-. awl Cinin i rus constantly on hood. [, Their stock of goods comp iso every thing kept in a ' . first class furnishing Star , such air— 1:108P.66 MILLS, FLAT IKONS, i COAL BODIKETI3i - 00AL SlEN.Fid, i r r- - ---' - - •spovu.s moil POKERS, REGISTERS, - J TOILET WARE., TOOT TUBS, . INFANT BATE TUBS, ' CHAMBER SETTS, ite., Ad. Also COPPER AND DP.ASS DIPPERS, Wnotio HT IRON PANS AND LADLED CAKE PANS AND MOULDS, ~ SPOONS. KNIVES AND FORKS, AND ALL KINDS OF HOLLOW WARE Fire Brinks and Orates for all kinds of Stoves constantly on band. floEnton Base . Burning Plre•Plaos tleater.simltar to the Latrobe. Ton Plate StovesPORTABLE: anu STATIONARY HE:ATER:I and - It t aNURS of the different manufacturers and patterns. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, of all kinds constantly ou hand, menufaetnrod by the beet 'workmen of the bast material,. Buying @took In lame oti for tbo rnob they aro enabled to nod at mall AdVdOOOF. all they nal le n call from you their goods and price list after which they feel eiirtaln yen elf! buy no abort, 011ie. Their If able 'dire-end Lc/ /ire" Old 13 eves taken in exchange, N7l. Cie North Ilan over Street. THE OIENTA L. TEE IMPROVED ORIEIsITAI, Base Burning Coal Stoves, And Parlor Furnaces, Have received Four Firt,t Clara Northam] at the Nen York State and othor 'Fahp. Alpo rho peat SILVER MEDAL at the Fair of the American lot.t.Unto held t 0 the City of New York, nor, - • VIET ARE PERPETUAL, BURNERS, ONLY ONE SINN BEING REQUIRED TO BR MADE • DURING TILE SEASON. TIIBY ARE PERFECT - VENTILATORS OF E APARTMENT. Truum CAN BE NO ESCAIT. Or GAg-Fitoll EOM THESE CAN BE NO CL'NIC ER , Mt SLAG TO M:MBEE THII FUR WILLRERAIN FOR DAYA WITHOUT ATTENTION. TM& ILLUMINATION 13 EQUAL TO AN "OPEN DEM THEY' ARE POWERFUL IiRATERS AND YET PBBFEOTLY ADA P rED TO MILD WF:ATIIER. THEE AAH THE MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES .4 . ANDFU RNACES EVER ;MADE. TilE FURNACE WILL HEAT, SATI,EACTORLT ROTH AN UPPER AND A L(IWER. ROOM WIIIIOUT ADDITI )NAL FUEL. The following area few of the many references to trnoos who been boon and are now uklog the Oriental;' and to whom we confidentially rotor for testimony en to Ito groat merit. 11. B. Lim& bill, .• Dr 0. Meta., Miller 3 Bowery, Dr. Common, Wm Sponeler, . D. Brotte, . J. Nogringer, It. Lonanecker, dB. Leonard, Men. Dal bralth, " Dr. Z Baur, Jacob Thudium,, • and quite a number of others. - . . For Sale hy RIN E SMIT &R u TT, No. 68, 141111. Hanover St., CARLISLE' PENN'A. Map 0841 m. • • MORE TROUBLE ! LUMBER! LUMBER LUMBER! I ALL HINDS L UMBER AT THE . DUNCA.N.NON LUMBER MILL. AT REDUCED PRICES WHITE .AND YELLOW PINE DltY Hitt DS . . 2 Inch barn Flooring (dry,)2 inch Oak Bridge - Plank ready at all tlmerr, 3 loco oak Plank, I Inch Oak boorda, %Inch Yellow Pine dry Weethet boarding, g Bleb - Y.l 10w I'lnd - dry - lining err Wagonmakore and others. Dry Poplar &nailing 3 by .1 und 4 ny 4, Dry Poplar Boards 1 loch and 2 inch, (tooting Laths 411 langlhs at reduced prices, Coiling . ttlis3j6 and 4 loot long, Palling, OA dhloglea, Large lot otaninlee $3 to 210 per thnuarlud, all kinds of frame lumber, - Joists and .Bcantling at nAI prices, 140 to $lO Per thousand. We are prepared to fill any ardor on shortcut notice. We tan saw 41 feet In length. Owl/lug our teams. We eau deliver by wagon or roil. end. . Memo give la a call before purchasing eleowhora. Alio/dere promptly at: ended to. Call and sae our stork. ' HOMER, LATIMER & HOSITOUR, Durmanuon E. 0., L'Prry County I' 28aus 68441. MACHINE WORKS. Franklin Iron' Works porner of Short and Suitth StreelB,. . TIARRISBURG, PA. MACHINE DN PA RTC lENI IiANUFACTURE, STEAM ENGINES & MACHINERY Particular attention paid to thipairing of Machin try by day or night, nt houib or abroad.' • ALL ' KINDS OF DRAss:WORIC, PIPE .AND FITTINGSON * HAND. / Wrought Iron Pipe, ' Bum and .son Cocks,. ' Water Gangia, • - . , Mono Warn!, fi.eam Whistles, '- Gauge COOK Meek 'Palm, •. - .. ; , Governor l'aiThs,. 00Y0F1100, . '. . Surety 'Valves, Steam (huger,' lideetorS, . Oil Cum ' . Unions for Pipe, . Ohattlng and Pulleys, Mc., Pito. ' .1 , . -'-.Fonadry and Ornamental Depayiment Manufacture Cut and Wrought Iron • . .. - Plain and ' Ornamental ...I:tailing. fifer ono hundred and eaveinty.fivo now and Want!. -Atli- paitertux — Verandaher, Window - Buds. itacket*,. ratter', Tables, Braude , True Boxes, Weirdo Stalls, , c \ 'Hank and Feed Boxes for Stables; etc., eta, ... . HOUSE FIr.ONTS lc ARO W U . - TECT -"- •7. : 7 . ----- Ital, - OASTINO6 . , nitrated from any design fettnished,•and hats on kind a large variety of patterns fur - • . ~ BUILDER! IRONWORK IN , G l RRAL Wood Carving, Model and Pattern• Making .promptly atti!naki to. ' :Malt 684 mm. lriNiNgS. .th T at OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM. J. 111011ARDS9N • it " • ' 4 2611Anicre BTanist . „ Is she lagelt. IManutaeturlat Coufactloners an d Wholesale heelers hi /rialto, Mute, Ae.) fa the Milt. -'li Y 'o66:pi. NOW OPENING N R L DRY GOODS STORE OF NOBLE . COOE• LE I P.1,6 1 -H L R ZOLIPt3E, The. moat complete stock of FALL AND WINTER; GOOD'S' , That have over boon broug'ht to Car Hole, omelet log or all kinds of dealrable goorie heritable for the neason each 'as GRAND DISPLAY DRESS GOODS I DRESS GOODS! BLACK DREpff SILKS All Qa;Lintle., SPLENDID CHANGEABLE' SILKS, Superb Plain Silks .All Color*, IRISH POPLINS ALL 00LOR8, FRENCH POPLINS All Shades Splendid Bilk'Faced Menge'ldes, Beantlfal Bilk 311Ytures, changeable, Mohair Alpacas, all coloic, Coburg Plaid Poplins, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS-!! Thd lerssost 1111torttuant of Minix thst wd have ever opened. All the now styles, Fancy and Pleld Elenket Shawls, Moguls Shawls, Thlbet Shawls', all oleos for Ladles, risme' end Children, at very low prices. F.IIRSI F CTRS!! FURS!!! We have the largest aueortment of Peru that_ ire . to be found In the county. Elegant Mink 83blo Furs, Splmild GermsuFlich Furs, Fur. of every quality end Him,. (or Ladkm, Hisses rtud-Cialldron, MOURNING GOODS, ofevery description fin the senson, FUNERAL 000-DS, Special attonclou glvtog to thing otdaro for town or connty. .L A , I) IDS Cl.O A"K CLOA ING 0 'L - 0 T S of all thosolors, 7 eplifidia variety of I= for Ladies Sackings and Cloaks; LEI 1) I 11 & M 1 E R' S is the proper place to purchase your FL A NNEL S, a. they are the only beua• 19_1nm:1—that taepr a full line of all . grailee aad qualitlee. I flown Made Flannels, F El•lent Itqp halter Flannels, ' Splendid U hiti Flannels, 1 • Ron. Made Barred Shirting Flannel.. All stinds of 0 lannels to suit all purposes. . . 1)0111 , ESTIO GO,ODS, We do not mention the amount of yiirdt on hand, but cro will prov• that the laruist stock In town of 'canned and 11031°4cl:tea Nineline. files • had and Unbleached Sheetlngs. Tickings, cts. and up. wards, Cotton Table Diapers. tilughluts, Checks, •• end Calicoes as low as 8 rte. BLANKETS ! ' BLANKETS! ! We defy yompot Rion, au wo cannot andeisoid, having bought very largo supply - of Whit• and Colored of al/ grades, and will be sold very cheap. Ir A N 0 , 1" CO VER IDS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, 11ONIIY COMBS QUI LIZ , , to SAT.4IIORAL SKIRTS The new. style of &union Balmoral'. Balmoral' of all "lemma quelitlee. eLorii DEPARTMENT The meat cotnplote gook of CLOVHS & OA.6IMIRIB, that are to bo found in tho market BEAUTIFUL FANCY OABBIIHERES, for gents, youths mid shildrarfn suits. •0 E R 0.0 A , of every grade and color, to be geld candor regain, N OTIONSI NOTIONS!! such en ondies. Teddy, ,tbat. It would potable to ottuoierato. WOOLEN 000D13 Eveil afty , 4 grade andgnallty CARPETS 1 I CARPETS I 1! F,LOOR OIL CLO,TIIEII, TABLE' OIL °LOTUS; brunet In pet Otos with Borders and, the yard: you fled mentioned . but a small portion of our elegant stock olgoods Just Opened, and an; we are determined not to be undersold- other holm. we atiirkoep Up our, oPUtitlon for veiling a grant many goods:and soiling them always At, vary lar.pticea to null every.persan that will, favor us with actin. Plano do not fall to glvo 'ns an ,early call and.see for yourselves we eanluny prose every word that we peldleti., . • t • & : 41ILLElt ON THE CORNER, . Sign "of the Carpet Hall: ' 'N"O'; 2 , . :13 AST 3101, STREET; .Carlielo kannejavaill!i; oo~see. AT Tits Superb' Emp z ess Repps, all colors, Poplin Alpacas, Blank and Colored, French Merin* Coshlams, D•lainee, tc.,\ Superb Blboilan 13;prral Nurs "~ t IfIISGL~L~II~L~7.IZS~_ . • _ a: 41's s.) , : • `.---4:--- 57 - :!:, _.,,,• ... ,. . L, , '-:',.kl -...7,-, • - The liligf•- ~ ~ -.te r''4 ITil Sue cesa, cr ii k.f , y v pf,,,,, i' ; ;..5 : : • 1 - - ' "•-• 1, 4 c -,:, sy ',J j ',.• 1,,1.tyz., - 1 . ~;7---.,:v. -..ty-42A vric4 4 IAI(FI Ct r - 9 s zy,:l .-.1401- IV-- i o' p ' ) ‘ fl: AA I4 \ 4 l -: ER DR ES SI Yet • 'fi• - ' ,r-vo- 4, -, v• rivr cifi . 0 1 1, 1 APi ill 0 ego'rite will quickly restore Gray Hair • to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation. • .those who have a fine head r‘r as well 29 those who it. The beautiful -glosx r.t taac.. imparted to.the Hair ri T . is ra for old and • For Salo by nil .0Enc. , ,,,i• DEPOT, 19S GREEN IV I{ y: . . ‘Wrelk id 11 0 Pk, 1 feb.69ly --"5--. ::---.,, --- g-)% . 1 I:1A103.4 1 g:Ii. ..:. , -1 _L!,._ 1., - •. - .-. ,. i. - , - 4V,1 , . . § 5), 1.,,,, I: -0k.:.- , ' ----,'' -ri-....- Oik CP ' '' . • Vii: , t -4 . 1.,.' . \. h t . i 17 . 4"* 4. t.....,45n . - ,...a r 11i, 4.. = ,....— - -.4 - :i v ,-, ..,: . V , ..1 ' ' t. - it!at: . --9 '): . --- P- - E: - , qi Vt,. , g - - '4- ?".. 41,Vgi, - . A4i, ~,4 r" !,'S:. -,,.-.- '.,, li, Nit,l, - , t' - -'.. a, :',' --,g ?g-1'4 1 ,03 ''_ - 1;'-- -,e:,,, , 0 ~ . 7 ,,v.,c, , ,/,,,,- ; - ~.!... P'„ ;, F-. ,-,) te, 1.. . - M - p., .p _s: ..( 7 ,--z - -7,:ti.-4- cr , 0 c:. ;,..,. ''' • a. • • Furniture pf all vat let' es)a t. 1 4 tyles of, Forslgn nnd Porn eat If manufacture, from gin fluent roielrood and Mohoiany to the low...tjuived limpid and pine Parlor, 1 Chambor, Dining-room, IT I{ N ITU P. i Kitchen anti Otrico . ! Embracing every ....aisle used by Ibnao and Hotel keepers of to e most approved and k.shiunable design and finish. Includihg also Cottage furniture in setts teception and Camp Chair, Nitittrasses, Oilt frnmoil, pictures. ite., .4:IV-Partigular at teutiet. given as usual to funerals orders from town and country. ettented to.promptly and on moderate terms: • `&PECI A 12 , ATTENTkON PAIP.TO THE s ELECTION OF WALL PAPER. . SEEM N NV FI NEW B SI NESS, NEW 1- FURNITIJIIFI: Thu subscribers having u&usiated themselves In partnership fur the transaction of the FURNITUR . E BUSINESS, havaln.ted thorn serves In the well-bnom n and pop• ularst and .atoll recapied by the junior partner as a ornery store, on the hohth•ta, , t eernor of-tatiovor strAnt They dealo to annoutrCh to the public that they have now on hanM and are constantly runnotroturing ana purchasing from the best eastern man ufsor 111,0, Ihr latest and best styles and patterns of FURNI TURE o! ail nurilitlee, - Their slod of ready-made work, consists In Portal MAHOGANY SUITS. WALNUT SIM rs, CHESTNUT' SUITS, 1 FLORAL D. E. STANDS, TEAPOTS, DRESSING BUREAUS, cf all styles mid prices. Tore a Tides, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cob tago, Panel, Japanese. mud Jenny hind Bedsteads, Cottage Bureaus, Marble Top Tables and Stands, Washstands. of all varieties, eh/drool all Kinds, Stuf fed Furniture to suits or iu pierce constantly on hand. Mirrors of all styles and prices. HOMEMADE-WORK, &salsas Side Boarda, Boreaus e Bedsteads, kali...Sorra tames, Chairs in Setts, Robhers of all Albseriptions. itce, made by rock petent workmen from the very best malarial and at reasonable prices . . SIIAI'I.E.Y II A.1.11i61T SHEET MUSIC, constantly on hood: 14fob•681v. B AILY'S WAGON BRAKE FARMERS AND ViAGON.ERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. Bally's Patent Wagon Brake Block Holder, le just j elm thing needed by every person cloning a wagon. For cheapness and convenience It excels all others Asvelvdsedurbroughb_.beCkirstitpuldin. It Is made to suit nil sure of blocks"—Round. Thin, and ran' bn applied with the grentest conve Memo, without hammer or nails. Agents want., In evory.. county In tho Unltud States.;zarticulara apply to ItAII.Y. Ca. Pa. 7aug N EW . MARBLE : ;31'0.11E. . . 43 ~ a 7-.0 902, -,•s, _- st CHESTNUT ST., -4 JAMES E. co,p - wli.td. s: JEWELLERS llavo been appoloted In thisdly fortho sale of Mu 0011.11101 MFG. COIIPANY'S MMMM=2!M! We guarantee those goods to lie decidedly superior to anything in the market, excelling In design, fin ish nod quality. • A I rge ast.ortment win be maintalno.:, and Bald at the manufneturers , reanlar NIXED PIMP. Trade Mar%Stamped on the -of •W I La , ^. lrll mile, of each . „. Electra Plate — c ,. fro article. o ALDWELL & CO. 902 4 DIIESTNUT STREET, PLIILADELPIIIA 2fifeblybB. J. BEETEM BROTHERS, Forwarding & Commission. Merchants (Henderson's old stund At the head of mAy STREET, Carlisle, Pm The highest market price will ho paid for Flour, Grain and produce, of . Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LA W BkalltY, ka.,;da .. . Liineburners' andlllnekemitbs' Coal constantly of sale... Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part . ef the torn. - Aloe, all kinds of , Lumber on “ "' , - .J. BEETIM Sr - BROS. 17syr It .. . ' • • ~,- . . GROSS' U N RIVALLED LINIMP3 4 TI ' • • er several years'.experleneo with this prepare. tion, tbd subseribor places it berme tho public In the confident ballet that it will-meet every reascumblo expectation. A fair rl will convince the most skap tired of its merits. For brnlsee, cuts, featuring sons, /astute, epavin, sprains, Runnings, Ac., in home, it hue proved en Invaluable' remedialugent; ,whils Its 'efliellsey In CUTiqg diflOaFeli of the human 60th suab no frosted irmbs. cots, cores rheumatism, burns, scald:. LA., bas been fully tooted, dflrar - For sale at humor's .Grocery Store. Conrectonary Store and Billet's Drug Store.' 22may . L OOK OUT, DRY GOODS MEN., TO TilE DUOLIO. -- I hared ustrot urhed from-the-Eaetuith-my-Spring- Btock,and.aa usuebT. arnialllng Good r alltilo cheap-. or than any otllor Dry Goode Gott. in •taten.. I do ,nof think it mammary to occupy 'a column of nom , saper to kmp, up myntopritation ' for.nolllor cheap Mode, nor do I with to romrt to rclap trap to gull the public. All I aak of thom In to call and examine for thin:rootage, and It not satisfkal with the prince. not to buy. • Remember.tho ataud No. 8.1 North Ilanoror street, nest doouto Dr. Kiollor's, and Mil let &llOU'orb Ilardirairr Bthro. , " "' *H. 'A. Mtn& • P. B. I will say nothing about my third and fourth grand openings.' 9aprit-67. , QUEEN OF ENGLAND soAp QUEEN OF ENCLAND'SOAP. QUEEN. OF ENGLAND SOAP. flitollyl*o'ililog,lrthd heat and cheap est - manner., Gum emitted equal to any In' tholwold Ifas all the strength of old rosin soapy with the mild Kodbdhorlog qballtlee of genuine Oasttlit. Try thin splendid Romp. Bold by the. dt.psti, Op q JC¢lll AL 'WORKS; tite North Rilst , ; sepi ly. • ' _ • .!.1 - ri • • • Wheeler & Wilson And Elliptic BLOCK ~ STITCH SEWiIiCv . ; ,I ,' , I4IIINES. ~The Best—SiTrAA awl Cheapest. • ITHrsE, i4cluno cA re adapteid to at I L. klodspf famlit ilkilfl4:lirorklog equally woll . 11 upon ao, ,0000n4Wda.wIth.Silk,Cottnn pod. L niacin g s aLlioautifuL and porfoct liatltch liko'on Lotti,"tddiniir,lthe article sowed., All 111 chines sold are onitatitod. 'Callal l l examinoat".At4Otad Telegraph Mee,. ("i'ril-B1" ' CAMPBELL i. .. ~ .. 'G OOD INRWB / UpOD NEWS 1 GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES AT THE NEW & CHE.A.,'CrASH STORE, :CORNI4II OF HANOVER ANl6'illililtiCT fITS.j The sul;criber 'Would respectfuilk Inform the put• tic that ho Is lecolving almost daily from the Eastern Cite., n argeh.volco of Now and Cheap Goods, such LAD• ES' DRESS GOODS, French iderinoes, -Mohairq.l . Pontine. • Black and Fancy • French Repps, , Plain and Fancy DgjAints, Plain and Fancy • Poplins. S LSI •S RAWL SI, BROCHA LONG AND SQUARE, BREAKFAST SHAWLS in variety • . and very cheap • CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES I French, German and 'American - Clothe, , - Block and • Fancy Cassimeres, Doeskins, Black and Fancy . - Over Coatiogs,'Stirtiffette,. Kentucky Jeans, Undershirts and . Drawers. DOMEST,I.O.SI Bleached and liroeha, Tabla Diapers, Counterpane., and Quilt., r. Cotton Flannel., WV Bleached and Cobleaped Unsling, ' , .• ~Towels. Napkins, &O, ' • HIMIEMBER THE' PLACE, ON-T/134 CORNRRI 'OF • • trANCVER AND POMFRET STS., tho room formerly occupied by, R.' It. Antgos a Co. 4 EAD brit} keep Yonnelf Informed. laving purchased the old and well known bud: nese stand 'which I have occupied 11 r twenty years, 1 have dete-mined not to retire from my present business, but to continue on In the manufacture of R-E A-D Alit DE er 0 T 11,11,' G , of all gzes and descriptions, as well as place goods by yard, and 0 general assortment of GENTS - TUN; Nis Elmo GOODS. I would respectfully Invite my friends and patrons who need a good suit of clothes to glre Ille all, as I have just returned from the c ty with 0 .large assortment of the hest quality of Spring and Slimmer (bonds, viz: ' Pine Marl: Froncli,And EngliQlf - Cloths, „ 1 . and - "'"'Doeskin CASSIMERES, BEE Fine Light Fancy Doeskin Cassimotes, Casslnettq, Cottoondes, Velvetm,. d'olo'r Alepeo• es, Linens, entice, Velvet Cord, and many mere too numerous toe teOntion, Also, a full nem - ono:It of Trunas, Valises, and Traveling;-buys 01 the best doses Iptlon . Walt thanks 'to the puhlle fie pest favors, and hope r will receive a call soon at ray place, No 22, North Hanover St: L LIVINGSTON.' .4 1., HATS AN P CAPS, v..(40,0 4.43 Ddy“n vault 'd nice Ifat or Cap If so, don't fail Weal' ou . G. CALLIO, No. 29, Went Main Btreet, Whore can be seen the finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS, ever brought to Carlisle. Ho takes great pleasure in inviting his old friends and Customers, and all now ones, to his splendid stock just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisting in part of line. SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, 130SILION an endless variety of Hate and Cape of the latest style, all of which he will soil at the Lowest Cash Prices. Aleo, hie own manufactrireef Hate al. ways on hand, and Hata Hanufactured to Order. II o has tholmst arrangement for coloring flotsam] all kinds of Woolen Goode, Ovorcoats, Ac., at the shortest notice (as he colors every week) and oaths most reasonablo terms. Also, a .One lot of choice orands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on hand. Ito &ohm to call tho attention of persona who havo COUNTRY FURS To sal, as ho pupa tho hlghust ca3h prices for tho porno, • - Olvo him a call, at tho ahoy° number, hie old eland as ho fools confident of eying entire satlefaci Om, julyl4 67. Au ,, , if t +." FIRST PREMIUM 4Y . Or a Silver MedulNllt h WAS AITASOLD TO 4 fir BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE t A • ny lis hn vEr 7 &Nig Ittl u a l ,"el i t.r,l o B%: it 1811 lI.&KKETT , S . Vegetable Hair Restorative . „Repo.p.Omy Malt to In, natured color. Pro- 410104 the growth et Anti 'noir. Chingee'the roots to their origival organic action. Emil- tateit Donifoull nod Manor.. Prevents Lien tallitig out. Is a Superior Dreseing4 It contain. po injurious ingredient*, xtiokand is the nowt popular anil reit 4blp article throughout [ho ds , ' liwit, Weet, North rod South . '. J., R. BARRETT 8 CO, Proprietary BIANCITIISTER, X. 11. ' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 22nov 67-17. DR: .TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH • • B rpT T R.; SI. . . A mild and Agreeable TONIO BTIDRILAIty, g 0714012110 and CARMINATIVE • B " Extracted ontiroly froMIIIIIRDBand ROOTSt lligh ly benedrial In • DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, , , • ' and Use of Appetite' • ' n and an excellent CORREOTIVB for persona suffer ingfrodi Disorders' of the Bo 7el!, • . ." • . . . Sold Evorywhoi,„ Dopot, No. 4:18,31 - arkot St., Philadelphlit., (1 3. t 414:3F -TPA 4sop 68.1 y. gET - the best Photographs .at Lootunan's Premium Pbotogliph • 0064 - alulltreetkVarllele Pa, • - 1%, 0184 Y. -• " • . , . STOVES ANI)- TIN ATE. Tr YOU NVAN'T'7o. , spE THE . wet perfect' puler - Steve ever'offored to the public, itep"lute', INO.'.. : TRIOL..ErS: Mae Stare , Raet - Loather Street, In the; rear of tialbert l e Grocery Store and the 7. . , GREAT AMERIGAN BABE nuimpß eritlon: 'it le 'a' perpetual Onto er and per, fact -Rdiator, ,as well an a nerfect ' Ventilator of,._ the ' room, and la yrsranted to consume loom col than any other Stove of the eame - siiie,evor Offered to .the p a blie; requiring but one ordinary, scuttle' of, smell coal ormo in .twonty-eighttours, being' perfectly simple In all Itemorking, having a simple slide to regulate, the Are for keeping 'at night,' one Itindling of Are belaffell that la required during the minter._ No dust, no ITen, no slag or einder. Pro 0 0 .3 , 111 131 Ht. CC I4 .3 p. . 4H , tl 0 4 0 o c l li I. " r.l Q.l K 54 47 .0 q i g '' rJ H 131 co ~e. • I.—An. amplo Magazine. or Reservoir, for,,Coal, having free &charge mouth,' he, magazine being sdinstable to different heights,of via to nine inches from - thograte, Bons to accommodate thd nuoply of- Coal an to its also and quantitY, thin; permitting the maintenance of a certain depth of 'coal for. active combustion within the Oro-pot (whether it bo of nut or stove size). which le the only way to burn An thracite coal to advantage. Different sizon - of coal. require more or lees depth for oorbct combustion. 2=A Funnel, or Hopper. for 'the passage of-the coal to the magazine in so arranged as to permit the Introduction of fresh cmth Larlthout allowing spy escape offumos nod gee in tethe room; and further, when the ptbvo In left with ID top uncovered, con • rolling any famea that may srocape from.tho supply in the reservoir. upwards to its top, to pass over the top of the reservoir into the surrounding flue and • an to the ha- e and outlet. - . . , 3—A Pletl-f'ot with a - continuous Flue, over ltd entire upper edge and down whole body to the' bass and outlet flues by which moans the boat le transmitted, not in separate flues several inches 'apart,as Is usual Inidownward draft Stoves. but h, a continuous sheet et flame to contact with the entire cirrUmforoneoof tho - iluter easlit'g_pf tho Stove, from the top of tj3elFlre-Tot doituViards,giving• ft' for riin fer fix ten dod avulse° of radiation of the beat that any downward draft Stove 'extant. 4.—An oniph, rato'S urf ico and Alr Passages, and a-campleta to rato,for shaking and dumping ,vith a good alzo Ash Pan to reedy° tho ashes and etudor. We also udsh it to he noted, that thoro is an absol u to. SECURITY PROM EXALOSION OF GAS! upon the removal of the cover from the Stove. which so commonly occurs upon the removal of the covers with other Magazine key., for Ruch le • the effect of the Funnel. an constructed and arranged In reference to the 3lagazine and its surrounding_ Flue, that NO GAS CAN ACLU hULATE IN TILE UPPER PART OF THE MAGAZINE TO EXPLOD V. Nor ma a current of air, or draft, be- created .upwards through the - Mligazlne to - inflame its ccmtents.whlchhappone with .other Stoves Wm Jill; and destroying the Magailue itself. . - ivory - fontitro of thlq Stovo In calculated to effeot, EcoNomn IN .TLIE USE OF FUEL, DURABILITY IN ITS CONSTRUCTION AND .SYMMETIty IN ITS PROPORTIONS. - ' 19 addition to the above Stove, Fridley keepsi l on band a full supply of the best Coolt,Parlor and Oftleo Stove, TIIOS. A. II ARPHH Tin and Sheet Iron Irnrk of all kinda on hand, and Bpoutlug,ltootlng and Jobbing of all klnde,done at rhort notice, and of the host materlal,Ftult Cane, and Jame Of the roost approved patents, and In con 'olual tin Beet.Dartablo and Brink Batt ' ..F ll- taLintactoos. - over offered to• the publin niirelurenee tall on T Conlyn; P. 0. Fleming; Dr. Oro. Neddlgh; A. L Sponaler; n. Saxton; Prof Hillman; D.J. Leldlgh• J. floater; and others. 29n0v43713. THE CARLISLE COOK STOVE. Manufactured at F. d AtiligEß k Co'a Foundry and Machine Shop, Carlisle, CANTIIE lii AT This in tho testimony of corms of families In Cumberland, Perry and Adams Conut los, who are now using them. Call and coo thorn. 'CORN SIi'ELLLdtS, vuning eithor by power or by hand—constantly on oand and for sale by F. GARDN & cd. Foundry and Machine Shop. best Main Strout: STEAM'BOILER MAKING WA tro prepared to tunklitteam Hollers of all sizes and kinds promptly and on the bolsost terms. A Smoke Stacks and all articles In that line. REPAIR ING or BOILERS and Engines promptly attended to In the boat manner. F. 0 ARDNER & CO. Foundry and Machina Shop., Carlielr, Pa Jau.2.1.67. PENNSYLVANIA. ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 Citestn.:t :Street, - PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC S.PONGE, • A SUBSTITUTE F•OR CURLED HAIR FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY' PURPOSES Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. The Lighteat. Softest and most Elastic and Dunn bin material known. for Mattreases, Pillows, Car, Carriage, -- • and Chair . Cushions. , IE to entirely Indtlatructible, pOrfortly clean mad frog from duet. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I , ' Is always free from Insect lifeila paittatly,huAllby. and for the Fickle. unequalled. If soiled 'ln any. way, eau. be renovated nnickel and raptor than any other !dances. • Special attention givod to PO 14..118111Na CD OROIIES...HA.LLI3, &e. 7 Railroad, mon are ehpeelally invited to examine the Cuahlon Sponge. SATIBFACTION..(IO',ARANTIED. - • THE TRADE SUPPLIEP 12jeine 4384 y. ...J O _4 . NCY FURS! dron'a Near,nthe &Ky. Also, a fine assortment" of Oent's FurGlevne an'd Collars . . . lam enable to dlroosa of my goods at vary rem sonablo prima, and I would tborol..ra solicit .a call from my Maud. of country and vicinity. Romi3tntor .the Ntunn Number and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA; No. 718 ARCH St., ah.. 7th, South Side Philad'a. HAVE NO PARTNER, NoIL CONNECTION WITH ANT OTH ER 41 . 0E4 IN PIIIIADELPLII.A. 2oct 1.39.4 m H A L L! PATENT PENTRA I. L OUTWARD AIB(.IIIARQE WATERWHEEL;. Bedring date April 80, 1867. JACOB . A.BRAHIMS & CO., Netoottle,•Cumborlanct County, Pa" Proprietors of the above earned Patent for the Cavities or CUI6IIIIIIWANIY and FRANKLIN, PA:, and'WABIIINGTON COUNTY MD. We desire to call tho attention of 311114rIghts,Mill .Owners,and othare,to the merits of the above Invest tlon, wbilh for humbillty,EffieleAcy and Oheapnesd, they aro confident cannot, be surpassed. • Whorover It ban boon introduced, success has In. variably followed, oven under the most uolavorable circumstances. Ibrdigek Water Bud Soto Head and economical use of Water, this Wheel is willvaut a Mean • . A Wnrklog Miniel nf the Wheel con bo examined at the Establishmantof the Manuliteturers In New man PA., whore all information'tnay be eheerFully Oren. - • • We append the following referenSes: '• • __, J:4 1. B. lIIIRI3II. ' ' • 'JOHN DIIOItBAUGH, BENJaMIN LANDES, • ' . •' ' Millwright. _,., MAIO EI.I.ANDBEI• ' ; .0..1A. W. DAVIDSON. J.S. LINDSEY, • i - ' • 'Millwrights. J. F. RUSSELL; • !LEWIS BOWMAN; • - SAMUEL PIPER. ~ SOLOMON' STROM!, ADAM,RASIP, , JACOB RAMP. ^' '• Millwright. '. • eoptW tf. , , , FINE CUSTOM MADE. ..BOOTS AND • FOR OF, NTLE tinu r LEADINGITSTY LES-atcrhand-ortrnio-to =allure: Pricer find .teLOW P10,U,81 , 8. An Illus.' ,trated Price Llat wi t h Watt notions for , sell! ineahtlr., to tit scat onlecelp Peat Office eddreas. J.. • •. ••• Net. P. BARLETT. 89 BentitBl;th St., ab ve Cbastout • MIMEO TE L, : Oplicialze Pa' & Reading tlepot.t tI4II4ISBUttG, PA. - EMMINGICIi 04' VO rroprieiore; . o,ict,Bll-Iy. , v• . . . . . 0 80. . o,' . DOBll'B - iii tile platio' to got Ijr's toad eve cent cigar.' Doiween Itbdoitea Hell 1 4;* . tle, ;' • . . , , Y ' •' F. 9 tv • H 1 tV C 11 '0 , o t .„ l • c 42 • • C.4LI CF - AT JOHN FARKIRA'S Qld establis, ad Fur Manufactory, No.llB _A ItUR abilm.. 7th, Shibulelohla. Have now in Store of my own Imports; . Mon and Manufacture one of the largest and - moot beautiful Reim:- -s Mons of FANCY FURS, for Ladies' and Chit. Agb:WARE. , :O HARDWARE: ..:L. i:;-!•-.4 .....,.;•: --. fitAtliitiill2ll : 3.:.' - ' . ..: -if.-*X.I.Jx.,-.•...'.*!.i : • -; :PIITIPN'. •• .C:=3 . ..O: - .;:.: . EAST , HIGH , :••-• STREET t ' ' . Carlisle, _Pk. ', - I. j. Having .13a4 upwards of. 20, .years paparlonco in buys .anti flsei,arffhly, of 'thy,' rattOufaaturef,rajf[l dy payitig. ensh, 'lf 0 flatter Olin° tveiv that sre eati buy at tho cheapest rates pas thin, and; an Quick Bales and Small Profits is our . •3lotto,":yro.fool caufl dont that po. can. ploaso our customers en every We ha'vo Wel9 purehnsad our Fall Goode And re ,duced the priedof our entire .tookoind would advise Builder., blechnnieei Far:mere, end nil these :rho would,took 'to' their: interest: to. come and ezarnine before purchasing..; - •! • , Our extensive Web in the Blacksmith's lino gen aisle In Tiert'of ' • • • ; • , . ~Hammered, . „ • ,;., llngllehed Refined,.. • and Norwayflron,,.. • • - of alleltapes and etyma. Purdeu's Horse and Male Bhope.., . • Itroae,and Mule Iron Ind Nails, - • Cast, - . " Sleigh, • Too Steel. . . English Wag 'lloaee;"also" Sledges,- Drllle;Nlees, Dollowe, Hiles, Heaps, and Toole cloven , deserlptlon T L It . • - . • • Pockot nod' Tobls,ecitlory, Butcher Knives, Table And .Bttcher'o Stools, Barber's ltaznro and Scissors. ,also Tailors hhcaro. Embroldming Scisooora &0.. lu ondlom variety of the most Colebruted English and AtUeriClit, moires: x • , • :• Our Cardagd - Wagon and 'Bleigit Elatiiresi and; ,Trluandruet are a-ortuaaluo - tou - outumerato,------ , CA:IiPENTERS AND, BUILDERS supplied with materials an vary imntradvalice , on 6.lanuflicturers t Prices:, •OATir OtS b• • t PLANES, SQUARES, CHISELS, ` SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, aotran, HAMMERS, &c,•, Ac:, of every variety Selected with great care from the most rellsble•mantifecturere and warranted. SAD E R Y , comprising In part Ives & North a selfadj tinting and Big Trees; Bathes, Saddle, Trees, collari, Pat ank,and Ebantoled Leather. [Big Mann, Shark do., Blanteots, Rein Wub, Stirrup's, BILL% Boobies, Rings, One. moot,, &C., together urtth.all the Fancy and Im proved Goods and Toole In this dengrtment.. SIIOEMA KR R-S will Boa a•roplenlshed stoelt,of Lasts, Thread, Toole &c.,ae., at reaKonable figures. CABIN FT MAKERS R UNDERTAKERS will find to their Iluo such' as Hair 4:Poth, Bprinp, hair, mt,,s, VOnoors, Mirror Plaroo, Coffin'. liandleo.£ooo, Fringe 30. at a great cloclino AND TINNERS Soldering Irons, tlerCopper,llnt Lend, Solder,Spelter Block Tin, Bab!,lt Metal, Sheet Bra-a,Copperdtran Steel and Iron Wert..., &e, So, sold cheep. PAINTS • A large stock tt White Load, Red Load and Zlocs, bought before thorocemt cOmprlstug Wattle,. ill's !hick and 1 thefts . Leads, French arid American tines, beside , all the lower grades; arm, (told Loaf Bronze. _ • 0 L 0 13, 8 Dry and In 011 in Cans and In Tubes; Paint, Varnish Camel Hair, and Braining Brushes of every doscrip• tlon. • OILS AND VARNISHES - Furniture Varnish, Lineeod 011, Sperm do., ' Coach do. Whitlo do., . Whits Fromm. do., - • Lard do., Iron do,. bubric do., Loather dr., ' Nerds Foot do., ' • Spirit do I A R •Glass, Potty .. • LlU:tails° . Whiting, Shellac - • Chalk, . Alum, esPPer;Co% t Borax, • . Madder. • Loicwood, /un, U M P 8, Rummy, Donglaes , and Cowing Iron and Chain Pumre, with wood iron or lead pi& attarh manta, guaranteed to lift water from 6 to 160 foot not to Ireeze In winter. POWDER, A constant and lash supply, Rock, and Rifle Powder to - getll4r Rh Safety Fuse Picks, NI attoeks.Dlgalnu Irons, Drills, Grow Barn, sledges, Napping 11am morn, An, £e c n'M NT , llosendalo and Scotland Cement, Calcine Meter, Putro Band, 8.c. • (nll vrarriirded fresh and good ) FARM BELLS "All sites," "warranted not to crack." • Clairton-Mill, Circular, Crorecut and Butcher Sawa "war ranted" and Circular Sae - a Gummed. CEDAR WAR •1; A largo and now.assortmout of Cedar Ware,such as Buckets, Chunks,. Tubs, Bowls, he. lIOUSEK EEPERS GOODS, Plain and Porcelain-Lined, Ov_ al and , 1107[71,1 Boilers, Porcelain, • Brass and Coliper, . Preserving Kettles, ^ ' sake and ' Frying Pans; : Waffle and Grid Irons,, Sad Irons, Wringers,. Colic Mills, - \ Brittania and Plated Tea and Table Sfioens Skimmers and Ladels, Dinner Gongs and Bells, Butter Scales, -.Large -'lron IfettleS, Shed Zinc, Floor pil Cloth, Stair 'Rods. 13 I R Largest anortmont auQ mogt betkutiful Styles of Bkd agoe. ' Cot Flo Atom Baskoti, o. GUNS. . . . . . • ~.., , . . . , Binglp - • od Double4liot dune, Ride Barieda, Loam ao d 01 . untlngß.R evol r ore:l3 ow le Knives. tartrldkee to eult any Rifle or Revolver, Powder; BIA; Cepa, : FISHING RODS AND TAOILB GRAIN BAGS, 2,2% aid 3 Bushels Cotton, and"At tbc; ♦ory lowest ratan. • ' I— .- • PLOIVS Plank's Shifting Beam • 'High aid' Low INftter,• Zeigler, Weirich, Bloomfield; Basle and York Ploefel . Plow and Cultlvator,linudles,Casi Inge twinlit any of the above Plows constantly on hand. I i . ' i • ''' ' i ) ~ .11. , ~, A' , I• . I.N'S „:. ). ' ) 3 . 0 . , . , Straight ind arid toeracoN.l6th Oholl i e Spreatlii and ilhlteiiooeliey Cow and Dog Matte. .. • . . • . . ; E E We are' agenfe ter the nateht linprOted Measuring Faueee,Weguarahtee them to.draw and Maniere e*. reel/I/Mier bectelext MolaPeue, 011e,"Tan:VartdshesAb: •111 the eeldeat•Areatiler. • : We are etdeAgoilteifor,Fatebanhe Sten:o)3lo,l3cent; univereally anknowledged the beat tynteheepedb. •'::- • -WO WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR - PATENVEXOttBIOIrWLATRER - STIVIITI j - used Is Dort aryl Wiptlers tor excluding Cpid,ltatn Duet ank4OTR , W4PPOIII.OntJ9OPf,PYftc,, • Er.A . VI I It',o Waldo looarlok'sucli cbaltpthdq,wrigleirApaadl. 4 9" 11 4 d VPl.'sFit)rrc 1)27'! mut Colfax, • ...foods &Urea tre•• to all pox, attpwa, • - -- • - 4057gtRgl,P.mbiribb'q4 ttaNif,e BAST-lUGH.:BTOIC .11 N y ' 11.411'D TGa . 1114:.: -- 7:7:-jr- lilllL ER 85 - BOWERS' HARDWARE STORE, 2:6' NORTH HANOVER, STREET, CARLISLE, Tyr- E ,4i would respectfully cull tiro atte6- I _AV Sion nt thopulnitle_out-reoently.ropleolsh—,• I eil EVR: I I{77We - ,ktiv,e -carefully molded purahasing during-the reek Cdßelino, and now that the market has become settled sob have filled•up ourshelvos and era prepared to offer special induComenta to all irho will Moor us with a • - We bay° constantly on hand R.FULL STOOK OF RiunDneped lish• Refined, and 'Nor way 0.11 7 ; • .13.erdan s Rory:- and Mile 'Shoes; Noricay Rods; florse ; Black and Polished SiJeings, toghtlfor with a full stock of BLACKSMITH' 8 TOOLS, suolln s Solid Box Vices, Bellows, rinsps, Fllos !tr.. Sc. 13IIILDING T E R-1. A I • • wa 'now all paraauslonding to 'mid, t o emo nail take a kank thruogb our stn,k. We kayo our Bolts, Locka,.(llasa, Points. Oils, and all 'material In thin lino marked dawn at the lowest Ca all PRICES. and Mel assured that WO ran off, spacial manta In this branch. HARIVSBURG NAILS. tilvriiys on bond Can bo-lind ellio teat quality. Alrefitkenpechil care . in Sei Oer i nit all bacilli and aro bound to troop up the roputatian of the old Bland In thin particular. TABLE AND POCKET, CUTLERY, of all Iromapglnoble patterns. We koep,on hand a full lino of Lthese goods and aro al waya nblo to snit' the taste of oven thp ruog',,fastldlousi SADDLEWY, of ovary variet; , , otntruclog In part oolf adjusting and ro Ig Troes, - PlatadJapanned and Wood llamas, Bridl,•-Blttr, Brow Rands, Mailing, Hors° Blankats, &c., also, SADDLER TOOLS. of ivory description. 111 S'IIOF, FINDINGS, comistlng, of MOROCCOES, i 1 INCI, BINDIN(18, TIIR BAD, PEGS Our frla uds will olWdys find us wall supplied with the best brands of those arlleles • and niftily to sell them at tho lowest prim. Wd are constantly In re. eoipt of Pain ',kik thus quablin r oursaves to supply our customers with fresh paints, colors sr 01l des crlptions contently on hayid. Also • LINSERGOIL.. . COACH FURNITURE, LUATUER. . and IRON VA ILNISTIES, PUTTY, GLUE,.S LITIIRAGE, &c. • Cabinet Makers and 'Undertal:ers, will always and us having a full supply of goods In this lino. PUMPS or all description and of the hest manufac turers, Wood, Irekvott, I end pipes to suit. FARM AND HousO MIII, Crosscut and Circular Paws, Rifleanti Blasting -Powder!, Rosendalu, Flancook and Scotland Cement, Cables Plaster, Crow llnre, Sledges, ac. , •• FARMERS, will do well to call and examine our stock of Names, Trines,' .11reant Chatrl, Tongue and Stay Chains, :lookoy COMA Spreads, - Baiter Chains, Cow Ties, Shovels, Spades, Botha, Baku, Grain Baga,' do., be• fore buying elnewhore., We itro ready to attar special inducements In thin lino. Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand.. .IR , I FL SnIOOTEI 'AND TWISTED, ,7." \ • - ItEVCIMERS, CARTRIDGES, WIPERS and Gun Trimmings of ev• ery )find. C ED A Itlir A R E. , Tinnere• :.Soldcring, ON'S,. 'BAR. ' .Block. Babbit-Aletal, •,'Slioet-Brass, &c., &c.. we 's Q 1 Wtt r;t ' '-.BrFI#LO,BI3A,LB NARKS. . . . . and aro, randy to tatrply Seaton warranted, and fur nlehed at lower Olean-than any other reales In te , Wo aro conrtantly in receipt of goods-direct from, the manufacturers and n.e nbla to furabh qountyy . .hlerchants at Philadelphia and Now leerk'prieelk. 00 A . AI4D :#IX:;rIJItE always on hand UckUiikklDO-lowohi:niorkCi. Dube, gpokes, Fallogc,i4lluei aerie, Duck. Drilling, G 0 (IDS del tviro'd fi;' , all . parts of tho tOwh • Trod-of ithargo: '• ' • —' •• • & BOWERS:: ••n r. No. 28 " , Notthlitinover, qt. , ;- •-• • couple' ,Pa., FALL & WINTER CAMPAIGN In the-Dry Good. Trade Open, AT THE CHEAP STORE OF L.T. GREENFIELD No. 4. East Main 'Street. I would most- rtispfutfla lly infbrm my patrons sindothers that'. have Just opened the largest and - Dune selection of Dry Goode, Notio for the fall and winter trade over brought to this place, DosS. YorkuUd Philadelphia duilag the last extremely hot weather, i hare doehled ad Van tages, in purchaaing my Goods at agurea below their cost; at this time anAboing desirous to give my custo mers the Watauga in this partictilar, I wouldual I attention to the price at which I can soil. DOMESTIC GOOD.S, 6000 yde of tho most popular prints at 121/0. Domestic Glifighama nt 12% 15 18 and 20c . at— 44 atl2% 15 and 18c Leached Mnoltu at 10 123 15 and tip top Slob tinge at 20cla Caafroallantiel at 15 20 and 25ck' Ticklioge at 16 19 20 25 and upwaidi Crashes at 12% 15 and 20c . Also a full lino of CREOKS, STRIPES, DEMINS,. • KENTUCKY JEANS, DELAiNp, and other Domestic °odds at torreßbondlnaly low prim. , DRESS GOODS, fleeing determine - 0o Inc - rodeo my Stock of Drain. Goods, I, have purchased a Stock that n ill compete with any In the valley en to quantity and quality, and at prices that cannot fall to_ _please, they con slat In part of BLACK SILKS from tho loorost grades up to $4 per, yard A beautiful and full aooartment of COLORED SIL.S, of all tho lotoot shades. Silk Changeable Mixtures, ' French Merinos, MI Wool Coro Poplins All Wool lain Poplins, Empress Cloths, ^ - Chone Poplins,- Alexander Poplins;'- Oriental Lustros, All Wool Delathes, Aingic and double.whlllis Lustre Card, Alpaca Poplins, Alpaca. all shades American detainee MOURNINC GOODS,. Bombaninee, ,Black Free eh Morino, All,Wool Dolairts, Csri)enter's Single pi4d Double Widths TOOLS O.OBURGB_ Crape Veils, Blaek and White '• Shit*ls, square and long, together with a full as sortment of FUNERAL GOODS, for which ordere will be promptly nod sellerac torily filled. Cloths Cassitners and Cassinets, Black Clolbe from the lowest grades of American to the finest French American Heavers. French Beavers feir Overcoats A largo stock of Plain and Fancy CosgWats and Caselmo.. In title brahehtof my trado X would particularly call atthnttou as l ant confident that I havo the largest and best selected stock of tlieso goods of any stme this side 01 the cities, and having made it an °Wed 111 orier to halt my numerous custo mer-it lu th so articles..ll 1 Kok is an Inspection, tooling satisfied that hone can compete with Or undemil mc. BLANKETS ! I BLANKETS ! =I In.Abopo I am now offering bargains that cannot be IglllSif elsewhere AND ZINCS 'CORSETS In this branch of our trade tre are the only house that keep a variety of these articles. Nix'. Celebrated Star Corset, sell at Si. Tho Regular French Corset Thompson's Patent Glove Fitting Corset, being the most ',lnfect ankh, of that kind k nown. Moo a One French Collet with so stays SILAVaI : SHAWLS • My stock of Shawls is tars full and will ho sold at prison to stilt all. They Consist of SQUARE AND LUNG PAISLEY SHAWLS &c CLOTHS FOR LADLE'S OF OF ALL SUADES FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE dLOTHS; , STAIR on CLOTHS, OIL PAPER BLINDS. Notion% Gla : ves and Hoipery, In s great'iartotice and vety.ch-enp.., Tkelatast etylo of HOOP SKIRTS BATIMORAL , SKIRTS. FURS! FURS!! FURS I! I '.llavlng accepted the Agency of one of the largeit • Fur manufacturers in the country i- Twill by-these, means have on hand and open tor. Inspection,. ow the let of October next, one of the largest, mid Wriest selection of Pure over brought to this place, end will offer such Inducements to purchatere that ;04innot tall to, please both as to price and quality, !by tile arran ge ment. @ 9 'dock willalwaya be fresh, tend having no risk In the sales will be able to sell 'at short protlts.. • . , Remember the Place, L. T....GREENFIELD W4OO. SBST' MAIN ~ B TBEET• . , DRY GOODS. a beautiful selection of Black and { Cite Vlsturae Craps Collars. BLANKET SHAWLS, RAIL .ROADS, CtrivIBERLAICD vA.Lhhiz CHANGE OF HOURS! - On nod 'utter Monday, Optember 1414V1P114,Tiiittlen• gar.TralnamlO run dfOly as folloura,SBunlay4.omr,Oß., W PI Sir A RCODIIWORATION TRAMP ICNVOII Harriebnrg'-g 00 d`„ M. Mechanicsburg 533; Carlisle 0,10, Nowynle 0,45., , Ship-perisburg 1030, Chambersbiirg 1030, 6idetica6. tle 11,14, arriving at Hagerstown . 11,110 A. MI MAIL TRAIN lanyen Harrisburg 1,130 P. Ifecban., -lashing 2,0 - t, Carlisle - 2;34, N orville Phippons , burg 2,40, Chrimbersburg 4,29,oreencar4ro;,4o,arri. inn at ilageletenn 5,25 P. M.: • • - EXCILEBB 'I RAIN IRRVOs Marrlsburkl 4,16 i P. Mechanicsburg 9,47, Carlisle - 517, .Nerrsille 0,60, Bbijipsnabtirg 0,17, arriving et Chambersburg at 6,46 P. AI. A blixzn TRAIN loaves Chambersbing .13,05A.Mg Greencastle 0,25, arriving at H agerstown : lo,lo Lig; E• A-8 T'WA' R' : • A Gemmel:Arlo"; TRAIN leaves Obarnbersbnri 4,45 A ?a.. Sbippunsburg 5,1'4, Newvilices 45, - Carlisle' 18, ilieehaniFsburg 0,47, arriving at Ilerrisbunfr.7,lo Kam TRAIN leaves ilagerseown 8,00 A. M., castle 8,35. 'ChlmitcrsbUrg 9,10; Bbiripensbuljt. 9,40, 1Q,14, Carlislp 10,50, Mechanlealirg,ll,24, arriving at Harrisburg 11,55 A. 61. - .Barnes Tamer 'leaves Uageiatown , 11,155 Greencastle 12.23, Chamborsburg 1,00, Bhlppensburg 1,32, Newvllle 2,o6,.Carlisle 2 45. 51ecbanleaburg 3,12, arriving at Harrisburg 3,44 P. 51. • A Aimee TRAIN leaves Ilagersioiin 305, I'. M. Grornerstle 4,12, arriving at Charnboralinrg :5,05 • (iiir VT akin g eloie can noctfoe a at Ilaritabing with trains to And from phlladelphla. Now York, Balti more, 'Washington anti 'Mttaburg..- .'" SUPERINTENDENT'S pOITICE. 0. N. LULL. - - Chatabotaburg, Pa., May 8, 1868. f Rap% 15may-68. • READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER ARRAE*GEMENT., 11 - O.NJJAI, AUG UST Sd. 18084_ 111tEAY TRUNK LINE FROM- .TIIE. North and North West for Plilladelplin, Non York, Reading, Pottsville, Tsrotinba, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Ailontown, Easton, Ephrata, Lit's, Lancaster, Col umbia, • Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York no follows: At. 2.00, 5.20, and 8.10. A. 11., and 1220. noon. 2.06 . rod 5.30. P. 31. commetlngivith similar Trains on the Pennsylvania flail Road, and arriving at Now York nt 6.00. 101,00 tend . 11 . 45 _A..-Mee-and-8.501-.41.55, and 9.50. 31.Sleeiping Cars necompau beg the 2,60. A.,51. nod 0.35 P. M. reams 'without change.' Loovo Harrisburg for Reading, PotlsTillo, Tama qua, Min...rev:lle. Ashland, Sbarnok . fre,4l.l. o Grove, Allentown and.Phl ladelphla, at 8.10,'A. al., and 2.05: end 4.10, P. Al,; stopping et ham= and ,Principal Way Stations; the 4.10. P. Al. train' making • connee- Mons for Philadelphia and Columbia. only„ For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven nod Anburn via debuyl , ki 3s llcand "Stualuebanna Itallroid, leave Harrisburg. ' 3 P. Al. Rotund Lear° ^New York at 0.00, A. 51., 12.00, Noon dud 5.00 and 8 00 P.l3.l.;Thiladol. plebe at 8.15 A. 51. and 3.110 P. M.; Sleeping. cart neetmepale log thee 9.00. A: 61. and 5.00,6bd 8.00 P. M. -trains .Irom. NOW Y.r_K, : vit. bout elninge, , 'll ay Petee.angor Train haves Philadelphia 7 30, A. Al.. connecting with similar train pn gut Porn. 103100/110 Redhead, 111 nretinp from Heading 'at • 6.30, P. 11., Mopping a r all Stations Pot farina elt,7 00, and-odo A. M. and 2.44. P. 51, thanatekin 6.25 and 11.20 A. 91.Aehlauti 7 00 A. 51. 12 43 Nl`oo and 1.56 P. 514 1 eneAtiet at 8.30: M 2.1 b sod 4.35 P. 131. I.oavo Pottsville. via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail liy-ad al 10 A. yl,. 7 for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A. M. for l'ibo bravo and Trrm. nt. . • •• • • . Roading AccommmlAtlrn Tr,lm Loaves litadine. :At 7.30, A. Pl., rot,:rning from Plitletdolvhia at 6.16 P. 11, Pottstown Arconano,l9tion4rain: Loaves 'Pate. I,,town at 0.4:4 A. M.}oturning leaves ThlladelphJA 4.30, P. M. Columbia Hall - Road Trains lernft . oadthe 7.00 j A. M., and 6.16, 1'..11. for Ephrata, Lit's, Maui:star, Columbia. L. . . Perkinand, nail Road 'Prairie leave Perklemon June. Mu at 9.00 A. 51. cud 6.60 P. 0. t teturuilig': 'Leave hkippark at 6.10 .O.ISL, and 1.25 P. M., connecting with dm liar trams. no Reading Hall Road. On Sundays: Leare Now York at 8.00, 'P. M. Philadalph 0.00; A. 51., and 8.16, P. M., the 8,00 A. 5 1. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00,, A.. 51., Harrisburg 5.86. A. 51. and 4.10 mad 9.35, P. 51., end Rending at 1.10;2 554nd 7.16 A. M. for lift3rls. bergAt 7.0 e A. 31. and 11.40, P. 01:185 Now York did 1.25 P. M. for I'hilwletphin.• • C nn: ate t lon, Mileage, Seastai, School and Esc ur. sicrfficheta, to add from all points. at reduced rates. 13:iggaayrcitycked through; leo pounds ',Hon.,' onch Paseengor. . A . NlrOl,L 3, Gan Suet. 14a.g os. I A'S LI RANCE COMPANIES . THE CIIARTP OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD.CONN.., Incorporated 1850, Chatter Per . petual. CASH ASSETS, $4,000,000, JAVE.9. C. WA liLEY, Preeldapt. „ Policies Issued on all Popular Flans. A tow reasons why people Insure in the Miller Oak. banking privileges ore prohibited, the businesshelng - eorihnedexclusirely to the insurance of " 2d.—lts Risks are selected with great care, thus incurring small hisses, and.conseguently large dip!. donde accrue to the Poitcy Mass. Insur ance Ito pbrts last s, years. Zli•d-Ita. Ratio of Expenditures, including Death Maims nod Working Capons., to Recepts, are on proved. todly low. ,',..at00 Reports. tho - praitsare divided _among Policy lir;ldeis, the inignal capital boludlimlted by Charter td eight per cent dividends 'no more than It earns for the Company at interes t. declares and `Pays its - Dividends annually it C.\.. thus assisting the Insured In the payment 0. premiums. 11th.—it is prompt In tho paymentof losses, hay ing leild to %) Won, and Orphans nearly TWO MIL- LlOy OOLIJA HS, and has never litigated a claim. 7th =Ctrs soon of wualtb Insurer asap Investment. Sth.—ll en 01 small moans Insure to guard their lo dies andinst Want titil —lllO outs of business Innor s es to provl4 Against pnr.lide loss In -trade, a Ilfo Policy, being a (,gala lot vapitni. tOth —Versons In debt Insure that thalryarnloga fur years o . 101 l may dot ha mterificad at Math Iron 0,001 of lowly rash to min.)! Ilabllltfus. Ital.—A II Insure, as money thus laid away by littloh Is sup" to 1,011113 bora largoly Incrousod to their ,too th being our: Ma to occur. Dr. S. U. It I EFFI:II., . M. U., Medical Exatoincr. ,I. C. STOCK, Agent Oxrllrle, Pa. E. LI. BLAIR General Agent, for Eastern Po. (ace, No. 37 West third St., IViillamsport, Pa. 2 , C 7 F IRE INSURANCE TUE Allen and Eastpennsbore Mutual Fire In. suranro Cotannoc of Cumberland county, Incorper• ated by an Oct of AsspmbTy, in the year 1643, and having lectintly. had Its charter etsended to the itim, to now In actin, and vigorous operation, under the superintendence of the following board DI Managers, yin: illiatrt 11...flore . rts, Christian Stayman, Jacob Eb erls, b. Bally, Ales. Cathcart. J. 11. COOV.r, John Elcheiberg r. Joseph, Wicsersham, Sarni. Eberly, Moves Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Cuover, and J. C. Dunlap. The rotes Of Insurance are as low and faiOrable as any Company of Lilt . , klud in the State. Parana h•hing to become members are in vited to make nip plioattoa to the agony of the Company, wheat.) wll ting to wait upon them at arty time. OFFICERS OF 'Nit: COMPANY. WM. B. CIORUAS, Pre;daunt, Eborly's 41.111 e, Cum• beriund county. • A L.K.X'it. CATHCART, Vice Prosidpnt, Carllelek, Cum`vrlund county. . . DUNLAV, Sobt'y, Methauleaburg, °tim— ber la rid count, DANIEL DAILY. Trbasuror, Dillsburg, York Co ALAN AO Elt6. William R. Corps, Alex. Cathcart, J. 0. Duolap, Daniel Stayman, Jacob 11. - Coover. Joseph IVieltershon, J. Elche'burger, Moses Bricker Jacob Coovor, Jacob Eblory, James Anderson, John B. Coovor. ' AGENTS. • Cumb6rland - county—Jultu Shorrlck, Allen; Henry Zear , ng Shiremanstown; La Fayette° Parer, Dickin non: Henry bowman, Cburchtown; Mode Griffith South Middleton; Samuel Graham, West PIEII3III borough; nneuol Ccover. Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cock Iln, Shepherdetown; J. Saxton „Sliver Spring; J. W, Eby, Carlisle, Palen Ina Neuman, New-Cumberland' nodborn, 1.10,1,111 e. York Coo uty.—James Griffith, - tiparriugton, J. Y . TioardoriT r llillstorp;Ahudel Eull cr; — Fitirview, - Jobn Ililllaute. Carroll; Adam Stevens,•GoidsboroUgh ;"J S. Dierdorli, Mulberry P.O. Dauphin county.—Jacob - Rouser, itarriehurg. HATS & CAPS. Hate, Cape, and a groat deal more, Kept - for sale at loss's Store, ' Wool and Fiir ,both roam and One, Silk and Sillsb beta in his lino: Deaver, Mitre, birgenod Bats tolit and suiEltin all, . Only-call and lot' him try, '- - , Though you *honk! notwishltkiitty,r • (Radii ho will allow you round. Through bin bate till one is forind, ' To suit your taste, and fit you well, Than kindly all your neighbors tell. What 'hate you saw at Boas's store, fie keeps at corner number (bur ; In North Hanover Street Carlisle, • More you can find. Malan till *bile, Mindy to sell to groat anti email. • , ' ' Doctoro, LawYers;Pioacherr, — Students;idorchauts Rarmerirt,oo;, . Anp please, kind friends eau wise to you. lie hoops constantly on band a largo assortment of Rats, Latest styles of Silk, Soft and Stiff Brim. A. lame assortment of Ladles and Haute TRUNKS, :VALISES, TRAVELLENG , BAGS, .LKATLIIIR SATCHELS; and n fine lot of Ladles COLLARS and RASHERS. Also Gents Furnishing Goods suelo "as 0 o WS, Shirts, Iloso Ac. And extonolvo • and carefully collected assortment of Ladles Pure,' aim [ALUMS Fur' Hoods and Fur Trimmings, and a regular linauf Galata Fur; MO Illufnors, Arld,Glovoe. • • Aho Umbrellas, (Janet'. and a 'marlaty of Nothing. Thankful for past favors, ha So&USA youth:luaus* of the sate trout' his numerous patrons' and 'kindly ' invites tbu publlo to goneral to .favori'lllnflclth a call bilbro purchasing, - fooling coligdant' Of Ws ability to cult all all- both'ln quallOatad Don't forg ,t the p'aca ,No. NoOti 1114noYer , Street, upposlte.tba_Oarllele.Dopoilt'llsok._•_k " • __ Tho,blgliust Oagh prices pald . f.tr Shlpplog Puri, such as Muskrat, .111tulc,";Fox,. Maocoon ands all Yooct 68-6 m A 0 K. S . T.A U .YE Watchmalcoi..anql treivelery }I - 9. 148 CIDTD. 2D . 21'.; COB. OF QtrkAßYil An asiniitment of .V7afchea, Jaeretp,rt33lteF • • (Pitted Ware conetantly on ,hand. ,• - 7 S3I7ITABLE, YOlt RorADAT inistript Repfring of attended to. • .- !?..7111 ltldeo 073,7.4 3 BOAS.