Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 13, 1868, Image 2

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giutAtraid ,
A. K. Bunn , Editors'Sc 'Propr's
Friday Morning,liov. 13t14-1.868
Tin recess of Congress has .been
still further extended. No session was
held on the 10th inat.,.and hone will
be held until the regular day for meet
ing in December. The results of. the
PreSidentiai election on Tuesday week
are_believed to_provide_amply against
Other Presidential usurpation or rebel,
THE country will be gratified to learn
that Gen. Reynolds, the 'Military Com
mander whose inefficiency is reSponsi
ble in some degree for the reign of terror
which has- prevailed •in Texas, has
been superseded by Gen. Canby, who
now goes to that district with full dis
-CiefititrairyperWm—under- the—rocorp
struction acts. The work of the 3d
already bears fruit. -
AN affair similar - to the " Memphis
piracy" has occurred in Florida. Two,
thousand stand of State arms were ta
ken from a railroad train, in which
they were being _conveyed to Talla
hasse, and scattered along the road for
several miles. What the lcu-Klux,„
Inean by these freaks of villainous mis
chief iinotat'all clear. Very probably
the news of Grant's electicUp has not , 1
yet penetrated the Florida jungles.
THE English Liber'als, who during
the - war symphthized with our cause
as the common cause oS Humanity and
Liberty, art " erremen men like Laird
and Roe ek and the .Tories in gene
"ral their support of one of the most
ions systems of oppression, are nat
firally shocked at the intimacy which
has sprung up between these inveter
ate enemies of free America and the,
present Embassador of the IL States
in England. It is certainly a remar
kable position forthe Embassador of a
. great country to have the enemies Of
his own country for friends, and the
friends of his country for opponents.
THE next United States Senate will
be almost entirely Republican, tint fonr
strongest and ablest-Democrats in that
body, Messrs, Hendricks, of Indiana,
Rnekalaw, of Ponnoylvora,Tl lade,
of Wisconsin, and - Dixon; - of Connec
tient, having leave of absence at the
bands of the people. In addition to
these, Patterson, of Tennessee, gives
'place to Gov. Brownlow. On the other
hand the Democrats have two acces
sions in the' place
. of Republicans—
Thurman, of Ohio, and - Casserly, of.
California. The next Senate-will there
"fore stand 59 Republicans, to 9 Demo
crats and Conservatives. The old Fed:
eral party, in its. darkest eclipse, was
° never so weak as amodern Democray
A COMPARISON of the monthly pub•
lic debt exhibit, published recently„
shows an increase iu the debt., bearing
coin interest .0f.57,423,650. The debt
hearing curreficyinterest has decreased
$11,156,930. The three-year seven
thirty nias have decreased during the
numta to cue exLeu or a.3b1,000 tue
matured debt has decreased 32,686,-
520 ; the debt bearing no interest has
decreased $39,189. Bonds issued to
the Pacific Railroad Company since
the Ist: of October !Rive increased
$2,560,000. Ihe c6iii iu the TreasUry
ha;s increased $6,516,138; tke currency
has decreased 82.,900,961; total
debt, less - cash - in the Treasury, has
decreased $7,514,166 13 .
How Grant Received the Ncirs.
A special despatch to the Philadel-
phi.% Morning Pint, dated Galena, 111.,
,November 4th, says : The room in
which Gem Grant sat last evening was
crowded with Congressmen, judges,
town and county politicians, army of
ficers, and reporters, :111- apparently :
more eager than the man on whose ac
count they were gathered, while they
compared the returns and lingered to
`reenisrcr= T mere. despatch arrived
from Petroleum ,Y.'Nasby, who for
warded-his resignation as PostmaSter,
and announced that he had gone into
the grocery business. 'After this the
torrent of hews and congratulation was
incessant, interrupted only by the com
ments of the little party. afore than
the requisite number of_electeitatiotes_
r was now secure, and _by degrees_the,
',citizens dropped away, and a little af
ter midnight the President elect of the
United States reared from the scene
of his latest triumph as modestly as lie
had left the little house at Appomat
tox; where four years ago he received
• the previous surrender of the enemies
of his country. -;"
• Immense Frauds New York.
• The. Democicats have carried the-
State of New York. through frauds in
the city, which are so immense and so
gross that they will: be likely in ..a
measure to work their own cure; by
causing the election therebY carried to
be set aside by competent authority.
Ther,e is not,doubt that at least 15,000
framirdeat votes were given in the city,
• and fortunately a large portion of 'the
frauds were so bungingly executed
that they aro easily detected. In that
State there is &registry lace'-which re
quires the name of,;eVeriarot.Wte'VC
riiigisteretb Wore the day of election ;
. _and no ratikean vote unless his name
is ,on the list
a! specimen of the operations : The
Twenty-drift district Uf Ara Eighteenth
Ward returns a majority of 440 for
• Hoffrnatf iu a vac bf 500,• the total
registry of the district being
. 332; and
there were no lose than Awenty-two
districts in the city in which similar
palpable fraiids were committed by
the electi3ii\‘. officers ; besides many,
thousand illegal votes that can otrat-'
wise he proved to have been given.
.1 1 ,0,,gepubllnans are ,di3tempined -to
contest the: election and probe themW,' ter ,
• • .
to The bottom..
Well Done; iepublicans '
of Cy,nt
berlan# County
The - average Denioeratic majority in
this county for the
: past. seven years
T heen_nearly_eightltundred....7Theltrat
'break that we made on that average
WlO in the campaign of 1.866; when
dovernor Geary succeeded iri reducing
'theater Clymer's majerity to fivehun
dred and thirty-seven. Last year the
Pemocraey again' rallied and brought
up their majority for Judge Shorewood
to seven hundred and eighty. When
this campaign ripened, it is true, we lead
the. prestige of the name of a great
Soldier as our emendate for the Pres
idency,and. of. -the name of a great
States Man as our candidate for the Vice
Presidency, while their candidates were
offensive to a goodly number of the
memhers of their party. 'art, on . the
other — hind, they had the weightier
advantage of having enlisted in their
ranks every man - Whose political faith
was founded either upon prejudice
against the negro, or upon sympathy
with the "Lost Cause." These two die. ,
— gracefUT feelings were the main-spring
of their canvass. And still further, had
they the addition - al advantage of hav
ing the whole of the county patron
age in their hands, and most unscrup
ulously did they use it. From the
smirk of the Clerk in the Commission
ers' offiee, to the greenbacks of the itin
erant eatididiite for Congress—al
everything—was used by them.
deed, we even' heard of one man who
voted the Democratic ticket simply
-because - the Commissioners' -office to
him is so pleasant a place to loaf during
the long winter evenings in the full en
joyment of the glare of gas-light, at
the expense of the county. In addi
tion to these influences, - were used
pi.omises of position on the county
ticket in years to come, with the bland ,
ishing inaucement of the full enjoy
ment. and- fruition of the emolu
ments thereof. Against all these odds
did we enter the campaign, and how
glorious a result have we accomplished!
At the October election -we reduced
, the Copperhead "majority from seven
hundred and eighty last year to six
luitdred and seven. Inspirited brow
snetes'S we again went to worlti-and
the result. is, that ; 'open the largest
vote ever_polled in the county, we re
duced their majority, on the 3d inst.,
to'four hundred and twenty-three.. The
total . vote in NON-ember reaching 8,7',
while that of October, the largest vote
ever cast up to that. time, was but
Bfi677showing an increase in Novein-
ber of ninety-iiix. The"' Republican
vote increased one hundred and forty,
and the Democratic rote fell- short
Sorely this is-a result over which
the Republicans of this county have
great reason to rejoice, amt one by
which they should gieatly profit. We
have broken in upon_ them and. we
should follow up our adyarrtage. Now
when the heat of the conflict i, over,
and ',arty animosiffs have almost en
tirely subsided: is the time to reason
with !limiest Democrats and e n deavor
to persuade them to leave their old
organization, and unite' u ith the great
-Union party which has so late achiev
ed the greatest political victory in the
history of our country. Men wilrnow
whose prtjudice and partisan feeling a
few weeks ago would not permit them
to pay attentiomto anything outside of
their own journals and speakers. If
our friends lot make and keep up a
quiet. earnest effort, we will be able to
carry this county-long before
Presidential election. Surely to accom
plisb sucha result is worth working for,
and surely our recent successes should
encourage us to make the effort. Let
each one, then, vie with the Mite , . in
the great and good work It is in the
tidiness of time that Cumberland coun
ty must be resoued from the control of
the corrupt and degenerate Democracy.
Vice President Colfitx delivered a
speech to the citizens of South Bend,
Indiana, on Tue May night the 3d inst.,
in which he said : " The sorelytried
Union men of the South, subjected to
outrage, to insult, and to anurdernus.
assaults, had felt that their only hope
of protectiOn was in. this t:nnmanding
decisioxcd, the people. This victory,
meant, pace
,fo'r every to every
section. It meant defence for the de
(enceleatui strength for the weak.•
_The_on-looking—A , Orleunderstand—by--
- this-decisimi that loyalty Whis lu he tri
tunphaut .Sauth .as _well as :s ; lorth; _and.
unrepentant traitors Would understand
that the Sacrifices made to Brush the
spirit of treason, and the blood shed by
over 300,000, martyred soldiers, were
not to be in vain. The party which
had been thus' overwhelmed by an in
dignantpeople would need now leaders
atul \principles before' they could
attempt another campaign, and they
would no l t, be likely again to employ
Watle : HMitpton- to write their plat-
TOi•in, or Vallandighamto nominate'
thefr Presidential ticket." •
Tup __States of--. Georgie, Alabama
and Louisiana, have giVen . Democratic
entijorities-i . but the, circumstances un- .
. which their ele'ctions have t een
held were 'of such a nature that it wati . :
virtually impracticable, if not impossi
ble, for a larger proportion-of their citi
zens to vote. For that reason jt is not
improbable that the 'elections in Jhostr
States tv3l be Set aside by dortgreFis,
and the representatives recently elected
'that may be chosen by, the Legislatures.
just elected, will be rejected. '
New Yotts.L--The Republicans have
fully thirty majority in tip New York
Leeekture, on joint boll t, thus secur
:ng the United 'States Senator, vice
Merge, whose term March
The, place will probably be. given's to
Mr. Griswold, unless' a successful, con
test he miidelnhisbehalf for the GeV- -
ernor's office; to which bodies juin been
,chosen- by an honest majority, on the
popular vote, of tit learit ten thotionAd:
Our • Own .State.
. .
The prondpelitical position occupied
at the 'preeent titre by our good old,
•Compnonwealth, must be, gratifying' to.
-thefeelings °revery' , true-beartedPer*:.
sylvaniau ; and 'this. feeling "Of Pride
must be enhanced when he reflects that
this position is destined to _been perma
nent one. Thezreat victory of.the'3d
inst. has convinced every one that the
supremacy of the so-called Democratic
polity; is- for ever at an end, and that
if it again enters . the field. as -a Roll
tical organization, it must do so as a
new party, under new men, and with
new prizwePleS.
During the-many—years-the Democ—
racy controled the political destinies of
the State, but little was done by them
either to promote its interests, or 'sue
tain its honor. They cared more -for
Southern interests than they did for
those of our own State and whilst
'cotton was made king, our manufac
tures were by- them left to languish or
perish. Their great object seethed to
be_ to secure for. themselVos and their
-friends the petty offices in the disposal
of the National Executive, And to Be
th/re these, they bowed down in abject
'submission to the haug,hty knifings of
the South. This subserviency was re
warded by bestowing upon the leaders
of the party occasional sops of patron
age, and by calling Pennsylvania the
g' saddle-horse"
.-of the party. The
South secured the real power, took to
itself all the highest honors, and gave
full protection to their own great inter
ests: In ,so humiliating, a positiortwot/
our State placed under Democratic
rule, that a shrewd politician of—that'
day called her " a blind giant, stagger
ing under the blows- dealt her by her
friends."' .
But, thank Heaven ! this state .o
things is now at an end. The sway
of the Biglers, the Blacks, the Jones,
the Wallaces, and politicians of that
stamp, is now at an end, and let us hope
we may ne;er again experience any
thing so corrupt and humiliating-The
people of the Commonivealth, who bore
with them so long . and so pfitiently,
have rgudiated and discarded them
lorever....,Our State has now taken its
proper rank among the sisterhood of
States; and in the hands of competent
and honest rulers; its affairs will, - as
they .baye been for the last few years,
be administered justly and economical
ly; „its sititereSts fostered and prdtected,
and Ito people rendered prosperous at
home and_ •es epte ...their_meighbOrs—
Got'. Gear es'to be a Cand - i-
dale for the U. States Sehate
The Erie I?epi blicair, perhaps the
most influential paper in the lieptthli
can stronghold of Erie, 'a
- few days
Rime urged the election of Gov. Geary,
to be::United states Tieuate,' at the
ensuing term our Legislature. To
this the Goveinor replied as follows:
1 - IARII.I4I.URG, PA., Nov. 3, 18(38.
n ii. Editor of thr Eric Republican
DEAR Sea ;--1 you paper r.f Vriday
October Nth, in the leader, undo; the
caption of "Who is to :be, Senator f" I
observe you have brought forward, to
connection with the namts of several
honorable gentlemen, my name as a can
didate 'fur position as United States
Senator. I beg leave to return my sincere
thank for the ardent, and, I may' say,
foired to no. But in the spirit of frank
ness I desire to say, that, having already
given my friends permission to use me as
a candidate for re-election to the office of
Governor, 1 cannot permit the farther
use of my name as a" candidate for an
Mlle.. for which I have not been, am not
now, and will not be an aspirant.
'Yours very truly •
The Governoris right—in this--mat
ter, and by his action but strengthens
his many claims iipou the Republicans
of this State'not only for a renomina
tion but also for a triumphant re-elec
tion. When Andrew Johnson gpos-'7
tatized and our prospect by reason of
the desertion of nkny — of our oldest
and most trusted leaders in 1860,
John W. Geary seized* our standard
in this State and carried it through
one of the bitterest and 'hottrept cam
paigns known iu our history to'a grand
and glorious victory. In the Guber
natorial chair he has proven a most
efficient and faithful. officer, and is
truly worthy of . ..renomination at •the
hands of the Great Party which has
so lately Olevated to . the Chief Ai* ,
ist.racy of- the Nation his brother-.
soldier; U. S, "Grant. We believe
thcre'Will be no Suious - opposition to
his renomination. Of his ability. to
care our standard again to victory
there can be no doubt, and, surely,
his most excellent AdMinistration en
titles him to be the — choice of every
fair-minded patridt- in *tlielState.
Pennsylvania Doutch
York, November 6th, I§6B
Herren Rheent (frDunbar, Editors von
de; Carlisle Herald.—Now. my frinde .
will ich wider amol shriva, because die
leckshuti is so good gongs, uti mer hen
unserer grossa General Grant President
•-g.'niocli. Da della now amol die Demo
krata salmi, was se for oga macha, un
wie se sich excusa. Dohna'inorya hot
mer a Demokratg'sagt, doss die Demo
krata den SeyMour kar net g'wollt hen,
tin dos so sich g'ffrid hove uf'm Grant
sins ,cleckshiic herMise Grant wol'4l
immer rcDenhkratr'g'westi un debt
nix ge4ii for / die. Republicans.. New,
'giik a: viol was'n humbug. Doe mind
Mich on dehua fox wie or Ale grapes
hot fressa wolla ; Ma wig er net. on 'do
wand 'hot miff springa benna, tin hot
der grapes net • runner kenna rissa, do
sour, un er wolla so net lova., Now
mina frinde, doss is yust de soma Wog
mit''do;,Demokrata, because se bons
dor Seymour net elebta kenna, un now'
saga so, se*henci ihnnot un. se
glicha der Grant bossier, because or is
a :Dernakiaf, un Was Demokrat
g'Wein; iiina lebeszeit. Now herron
Rlieemll!z Puidiar,. is doitit'net i3possig,
nix as 'humbug, un wie'ich g'sagt hen,-
die De - mokrata sin riot wie
"Hurrah for Grant.' i
• • .." t IlirprFTitid; .
, .
6zir Gr Wit
. -
From every: quarter' clime. the glad
'Belinda of rejOiChig‘tiver our great and
- gloriousyictory. The Loyal men have
-triumphed 'Over traiMriandlactionists;..
tlok -1:Irion is saved, and the people
evei,34here rejoice.: more will the
spoilers grasp-the reins of Joiver, and
-no Linger shall they waste the revenues
of the Government: The oblivion to
Which 'they have been 'consigned is
destined' tO-:s perpetual. •-•
• The battle has been fought tuid."Wen:'
The policy of the_ nation and the spirit
of its Constitution have - been carried
forward more than a stage by . the,
of - the'election:';''Whatever profit
has been wrenched -from the last eight
years of war tied_ turmoil, whatever
strength has been given to our nation
ality, whatever freedom-to-our- people;
Whatever honor to --tittr, flag, whateyer
certainty to Abe instant, whatever con
fidenice to the inorrow-all of this, has
been enlarged• and: mtule permanent.
And all of those' daingersAhat threat
rebellion, -repudiation, with -their pro
lific offspring—are, -at---least,-tempora
rily avoided. It will be - the crime of
another day and another'getteration if
these monsters ever assail us afresh.
We have worked hard to securethis
result. We have conscientiously be
lieved the imminence of danger
Derilocrins were - allowed to gain power,
.and we have said so and 'given the
reason for our belief. We have believ
ed and still - believe that, vhile 'dui Re
publicans are mortal, and BO , fallible,
and while their creed is not perfect,
the party
,113 inspired by patriotic fair.
,and the policy approved is as
near perfect as Maybe, and is infinitely
'superior to any other, and will aceom 7
plish all that is necessary. The people
have believed so. Once more their .
verdict attests the correctness of - the
principles - on Which our goyerninent is
founded. Once more their wisdom in
dorses Republican institutions as an
example to the world.
The campaign that is now so happily
closed has been more comprehensive,
and more hotly contested than-almost
any other that has gone before. It
pronounced a 'formal verdict _upon the
conduct, and policy of the Republican
party in its defence of the Union, and
those supplemental Measures that were
designed to- complete that action. • It
prom ainued also upon the conduct of
the Copperheads then arid since, and
upon the protma k es they liaveMade in
order to secure power afresh. • The re
construction measures and the manage
ment of the debt were perhaps principal
among the topics submitted. But no
one of the clusteiing and momentous
public questions of the - (14' but strafes
in the verdict. This will be ackii4l
- by . all : was conceded by all
'before the election. We take the ver
dict, therefore, as-another full indorse
ment of what the- Republican party
has done—as another declaration that
the conscientious pursuit of the right
commends itself to a majority, -and that
the - people will stand by those who are
true to themselves and, the right.
There is reason' for more than mere
partisan exultation hi this. We rejoice
that the nnrtv lln t A been sustained • fur
we have believed, and still sincerely
believe what we have so often said,
that the peace and proSperity of the
country were dependent upon Repub
lican victory now.. At other periods
a change of Administration may be
endUred with but little temporary in
jury and perhaps no great abiding' loss.
- But To-day it was all-essential. that
what bad been begun should be com
pleted; and that the closing , touches
should be given by those who planned
the work 'and had executed so much,
and that they Should be given without,
fear or retrenchment. This ie the con
clusion of the election, and 'so fixes our
national policy for the•ensuing Presi-,
dential term. And tills merges partisan
in national 'exultation. Now we know
that the disorders budding through the
South, will stop where and as they are.
Now we know that the dangerous
schemes devised in' .the 'North have
come to naught. Now we know that
freedom in all its force, iud liberty in
- its broadest significaime, are to be
counted as sure. Now we know thiit
an American policy is to control Amer
ican affairs, and that the development
of our own resources and industries, for
our own benefit is no longer in doubt,
-and_that-the -wisest_ dispos tion-of cur
rent choirs will be made, concurrent
with a lino of policy that looks to up
building our interests of all sorts upon
a wider and firmer basis. Therejs
,not a national interest so, great, nor"an
undertaking so petty, that it does not
share in the reasons for' joy that are
stretched as wide as our farthest limits:
include both the • less and greater,, and
colt:a-11m future to its latest syllable.
There is food for many .clevo . ut,
Thanksgivings in the - news we lay be
fore our readers. From the great lakes
and prairies, along the golden backbone
of the continent ; wherever ships are
built and 'commerce .is conducted ; in.
every. school -house and on every farm;
in all shops and counting-houses ; iii
church, and court, and camp, and in
the happy homes that have done the .
work; the joy that we feel will be : felt;
'and those doubts that darkened yester-*
day will; "break in the sunlight. We
are victorious in' the crowning strug
gle. " We have gained the Nyhole fight,
arid have only to distribute our vic
tory in, the most advafitageous'irianner.
-That Will be done.po that those who are
defeated, will Imo' larger prosperity
than if they had won. , '
Tun New York Express waxes fa
cetious over the rush which &a old
soldiers, it is imagined,' are. about to
make for office, and has heard that an
dis Charge is already worth
a fabulous amount Of .money." Let
'thjoice that it Is honorable die.
charges, '414 those from tho Union
, Only, that aro"Fiii 'Valuable.
might have been diffe - rOt4i ,#nt . pent'
Wady. 16,11C012t34,11C1it
The Next Cono re
• The full'HOuse, all the thirty-seyeu
States' oein represented, comprises 243
members: • ':Deducting therefrom ( 17
for the unreconstructed States of Vir-
giniaj'exas end Mississippi, the num
•ber.wilt be 226. bit these vacancies
are 'net likely to_ remain unfilled, when
the neW.bongress meets in December,
1869. ! The present HQ11136 stands 170
RepOlicans to 57 Democrats. s,
tione fox' the XLlst Congress are com
plete in. all,,the States except Florida,
- Alabama; New Hampshire and Con
necticut. the
. 211' new members
thus far chosen, 137 ere Republicans,
and 74ReinoCrals'hold certificates. Of
the latter, four, viz : Dickenson . (IXth
OhiejVoorhees;(Vlth Indiana,) Mof
fat and Reading, (lllcl and Vth Penn
sylvania) will fail to secureiheirclaims,'
if contested as they will be. And at
least two of the Louisiana 'del agation r
from the districts comprehending the
city and vicinity of New Orleans, will
be rejected,. the House being likely to
declare' their claims void, and that no
election had been held lawfUlly there
in. - Indeed, it, is not improbable' that
a still lalger part, if not the whole, of
the Louisiana delegation, may be de
nied adinission for tbo same good cause.
Estimating, however, that but the two
are rejected, and thitt the four seats
fraudulently claimed_fr_oin this State,
Olio and Indiana, are ziven; irfaecor=
dance with the majority of the honest
votes, to the Republican claimants,
and the result of all the elections to
- date -- wil stand -141—RepaVienris-and
'6B Democrats, with 33 members yet to
be chosen, as follows, viz: New Hamp
shire, 3 ; Connecticut, 4 ; Florida, 1 ;
Alabama,•6; Louisiana, 2; Virginia, 6;
Texas,. 4, and. Mississippi, 5. Of these,
the Republicans May e - afely count upon
five, from the first three States, as at
present, conceding to the Opposition—
should there - be any opposition—three
from *Connecticut and the entire dele
gatione from eft: the late rebel States
except Florida. The new House would
thus stand 146 Republicans
_to 9G
Democrats, when all tie States are in;
and 146 RepUblicans to 79 Democrats,
leaving out Virginia, Texas and Missis
sippi—Which would he, in either event,
less than a two-thirds Republican ma
But it. is far from certain that the
entire delegations from Alabama • and
Louisiana will be rebel; or that the
three unreconstructed States will send
members .exclusively of that stripe.
Excluding else latter States, we need
to gain but four members to, secure
two-thirds. Oue_of these ought to come
from Connecticut, 'and if the other
three are not furnished by' Alabama
and Louisiana. we underrate the just'
influence of Tuesday's work. We are
not so sanguine of electing the two
thirds of the members from the three
States still out, which would be re
quisite- for retaining this two-thirds
So much for - the results of the eke
tions, in their relation to the popular
branch'of Congress. But the preser
vation of a two-thirds majority therein
is no longer to be a point of absolute
importance. We shall have no More
Johnlons to curb, no more mischevious
--a. • -rue arm rretlitlellt
and the new Congress Will act harmo
niously together,,their single purpose,
the greatest goOrt of the greatest num
ber, and with no possibility that any
factious opposition may be waged suc
cessfully fly so' hopeless a minority in
either branch. Should all the. South
ern members yet to come in-be-found
arrayed against President Grant's ad
ministration, even that need riot be very
much deplored.. 'y . ,10..t stamp of oppo
sition will onlylirengthen the great
cause of the Union in all the loyal
States. All-that-shall be left of De
mocracy will very. properly march un
der that flag ; no longer national but
sectional, and therefore justly remitted
to its more congenial future in the still
rebel State's., With an already secured
majority of fifty in a full House, and
with four-fifths of the Senate to uphold
the new Administration, the country
*enters upon a renewed and prosperous
repose, . •
The following brief article, from the
Pittsburgh Gazette,' contains more
truth than poetry, and., is exactly •to
the point•
,The bitter' experience •of the war
has. wrought little .i apparent change in
the political principles and sentiments
qt the white portion of the population
of the Southern States.
The States that went into Rebellion
:were.-undue _Democratic_controli .
they,had been under other manage-_
ment they would haTie4'emained in the
Union and - obedient . to . the-laws.----
The white inhabitants of those
Stites are as strongly Democratic now
as when they plunged the nation into
civil war; And beeftuiie Democratic, arc
just as hostile to the government, this
day as they wore in, 1860.
That - this Democratic element Con
stitutes a majority of the Southern'
people, We do not believe;-but by in
,numberable murders and lesser vio
lence's, systematically committed be
fore the elections, they effeetually in
timidated many ;of their loyal neigh
hors, both white and black.
' But for the election of GRANT and
COLFAX:no - prominent loyalist would
to-day be safe from bodily 'harm in
those. States- Whatever protection
they now enjoy they owe to the de
cision made at the ballot-boxes. That
decision; with all that• it implies,, must
be enfOreed, and thrOugh its enforce
ment alone will be found the way to'
Peace, Order and Fraternity.
Tupu.o are serious apprehensions,
that the increasing excitement against
the American residents, in Hayti, may.
result in ;outrages upon their-individu
al-and National rights, requiring the
naval and perhaps ‘, the military inter
vention,',Of this GoVernment for thqir
protection, such a: - case would pre
sent to the adherenis of, the late Gen.
Ht:allt an excellent opportunity for
wreaking their still unsatisfied ven
geance against - the "naygura." It
"would also be,well forthem to remem
ber that, 'as Camilla and Opelousas
are no longer likely to be theatres for .
the. safe exemplification of Derriocratio
principlea; a wide' field'invitingly pre
sents in - Onba, where, unless speedily'
prevented by such. appliances as Mir
Southern rebelehave been long tamil
jar with, the abolitlon . qf African slavamong
,orY,. isamong the possikde
- -
SOUTHERN,REBELS will bluster, for
a while, but we have no serious appre
hensions that they will fit:tempt:any
Practical denionstration of their:reiiicf4•
lance to -accept the present sittiatinht:
We annex a colledtion of- gemn, from'
thn; Memphis Avalqnche, of *ovcrnbor
4th, toillustrate'their first agonies:
"We now say our friends must take
care of themselves,' Heretofore we
have advised our, friends to be cool and
wise—to discard—anger and passion;
but since prudence and wisdom bawl'
made no impression,, we only , ask-our'
friends' to take care of .themselves.
We can only say that, for . the future, •
the Avalanche will be more bitter and
proscriptive upon the carpet-bagger in
our midst than heretofore. It may be
they have forced us to become Sam- -
sons, to pull down , the pillars of the.
Republic. The' vote of the North,
yesterday, branded us as outlaws. Bo
"Since prudence and submission to
-humiliation and degradation bring us
no relief,,we feel no iuterestin the Re
public; and while we have heretofore
counseled prudence and restrained . the
band of violence towards those who
have brought upon us all our woes - , we
can only say to our friends, despise
the Government that oppresses you,
and visit a just and merited retribution
upon the thieves and Carpet baggers
who have made us slaves. Grant-is
President. We are at his mercy: • But
of the bond-holders and the snobs of
the North expect to roll in luxury and
maintain their wealth by oppression
and. tyranny, Ley will be sadly mis
taken, for the tone and acts_
of the
'Southern people toward the thieves
and plunderers in our midst,- during
the next
. six nionths, :will teach them
that history is repeatbit itself, and'
That it will bankruiiohe - Gibvernment
to suppress the heaving emotions and
the uprising of a people.who, once freb,
can never be slaves."
Nmvs. 7 Frank P. 'Blair, the-defeated
Vice-P esidential candidate of the De
mocracy, arrived in „ Chicago at aft
early hour Wednes,day morning, and
stopped at the 'fretnont House.—,
Scarcely a rn(inher of his party called
upon him, the terrible rout they had
experienced no doubt deterring them
from confronting their nominee. After
reading the morning papers, 'Frank
remarked that be bad been beaten like
h-1, and that was the only way to be
beaten. Some of his 'Republican
friends mentioned "Salt, River ;” to
which Frank replied, that Salt River
was not large enough ; he was "going
to Salt Lake." He left iu that three. ,
tion, via the Union Pacific
at two o'clock P. H., and has not geu
beard of since. It is to be hoped lie
May .arrive espouse the cause of
Brigham Young, and perhaps he may
succeed to a position among the Mar-
oj)lead Itinjority in Pennstva-
nia for P.msident
We give below the offinialtnajorities .
of every couuty in .the Sttte except
two or three, and these are said to be
correctly repoited, It will be 'seen
that our ''lniiii - 14y4las increased from
9,677 in Oililitf' i to over 29,000 in No
vember. Glorious-old Pennsylvania!
How proud is your record !.
h i SrOY(I • •91
Barks .6065
B,uelts .... .... ..........528
Cambria ' 623
Carbon 567
Centre ...217
Clarion 930
'Clearfield ....... ....1122
Clinton . 625
Columbia ....... ....1870
Cumberland ..... ....423
Elk , 551
Fayette ................816
Fulton ~... 305
[Greene 1492
Juniata - ' 280.
Lehigh ' 1317
Luzern) 3583
Lycoming 120
Monroe 9 102
Montgomery 723
Montour 427
Northampton 2971
Northuraberl'd 415
Pike 943
(Sullivanchuylkill 721
' 398
Wayne 636
'Wyoming 176
York .2046
Ari n a(B3 9 o::.Td,gig
Beaver 1000
Bradford 4230
Blair 919
Butler 547
Chester 9 688
Cameron 115
Crawford 1867
Dauphin 2110
Delaware 1550
Erie ...............3452
Pranklin-, 9 801
iluntingdon.... 1338 ,
Indiana 2600
Jefferson ......
Lancaster —72011
Lawrence 21421
Lebanon.. ..... . 1487
McKean 280
Mercer, 901
Mifili n ........ ......39
Perry r
Potter 1010
Snyder 6071
Somerset 14831
Susquehun na...16001
'rioga 35981
Union 8041
Venting° ....... -.9851
Warren 1203
Gritnt's maj. 29,024
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Thanksgiving Pivclamation.
BY Jaw W. GzAnY, GorratNoit
Unto God, our creator, we are indebted
for life and all its blessings. - - IL• therefore,
becomes us at all times to render unto Him
'the homage of grateful hearts ; and in tho
performance - of our sacred duties, to Nit
apart special, periods to "enter into His
ghtes with thanksgiving and into Ills
courts with praise." For this purpose,
and in accordance with 'an' established
custom, I have designated THURSDAY,
the 213th day of Bovember, next; and I.
recommend that the !Ample of this common
wealth on that day `refrain from their
usual avocationaand ptirsuits, and assem
ble at their, chosen places of waship., to
"praise the name of God; and magnify
Hun with thanksgiving;" devoutly to
Sibknowledgo ,their dependence , and to
lay upon his altars the. cheerful, offerings
of grateful hearts. '
Let lig thank Him with Christian hu
mility for health and prosperity abun
dant harvests ; the protedtion of commerce,
and advancoment:of.,sciontifleMechanical
and manufacturing interests • 00 progress
in education, morality, 'virtue-and social
.order,; the increase of our material wealth;
exemption from pestilenceend contagious
diseaSes and the destructive influences of
war; for, aving blessed 0 as a people and
wnation, and 4poned befoie us the bright
est prospects for the ,futuro'; and for all
other blessingsrtoth temporal. and.spirl—
tual. • , , ,
With sure roliando upon Divine favor,
let us pray for the forgiveness of our sins,'
making public confeasieff of our depend
ence, that wo may continuo worthy of Ms
parental , lovo and' protecting care ; that'
our civil and religious liberties' and politi- .
cal rights may remain unimpaired; that
we may remember with, gratitude bur
country's-brave -dofendero,-andLcherish
with 'syrinpatby their ' widownand'orphan
children; and that,our through life
may .bo directed, bythe mcample and in
structions of the' Redeemer, who' ied 'that
vie might enjoy all the blessings which,
temporally flow therofroin, 'and eternal
life in tho world to come. . ..• • ,
Glyo,n under my hand and the great Said
' of the Stato, 'at 'Harrisburg,. this .tsth
day of. Octobor, in the year of our
• Lord ono thousand eight hundred and
oixty eight, and of,tho Commonwealth the
ninety third,,: - : , . ,
By tho Governor: . ' r- ' .
P. Sonnert, Seet'x of the CtimmOnlyeajth
•i:: prefiialgit Cc} , i~ poop in
• .•
Official Vote of Cumberlarid_County
for GRANT and SEY.XO,p,?,-NOtientber, 1868, compared with the
official vale for ilartranft and .P,oyle, October 1868, with" ---- 7. -
- ~k, , ,conipariOn' of the rspective majorities.
- .•
.• .. 11348 k.5t.)3.4 , .. 6 . - • ~.,t . ipa s
c?...,. r. 34' , ,••••;• t, 6.6) ti. al, ,„; ~., (;) „,,,' ,e )
• . 4 `" ..-," co •14
''': o t 2 R3O •,,= 'al ~ tl
- DISTRICTS. ;_. , , A ~., :.2..:3 49.43: 4 0 ;,i tp. :T.- ;„. 6.4 ;It ; . 0 .
o .•,.?,.. " °
i. g F.,I • , 9 , " : 43 • ,: l Ll 0 e i . g 'Pm' c u , o •F:0 F:
" . , . t.. 4 M 0 r-, cd r... c , cpi= A 0 ~-, ,-, ' cu P " ocu 0
- °0 4: ICID A Cb .t 5 a , -,1. 1 . 00-ei • gZ A Z
. • 1......L....4-,...-,.. —.-...2 „
Carlisle, East Ward...: 174 361 , 187 163 376 . 213 , .26
earlisle,West.,W.ard.. „309 257 ,'„ 52
._- 310
.260 50 - . .. 2
South _Middleton 278 323 . 45 273 323 .50 5
North Micßlieten...',... 75 148 .. 73 1 63 153 • ,- 90 17
Lower Dickinson 72
. _ll6 441 67 117 50 6 ..
Lower FrankfOrd..... , 48 85 , 371 42 84 42 5
Newville Boro' _.96 100 , 4 85 .107 12 . fr
Mifflin '-, 57 254 1971 56 246. 190 ". 7
Upper W. Pennsboro. 111 132 21 114 130 '. 16 ". 5
- Upper Frankford...•. 58 -87 129' 52 . ::: 1 .95 43 14 .- . •
North Nelvton., , 167 211 1 ,-., • 14 1.60 .211 _ 45 ' 1 . ,
Sliiiitiensbfirg Boro'.: 207 :171 '"36 ';- - 201 2168 , 33 --3 :--
Shippensburg Twp.... 32 37 5 ' 291! -al 8, 3
Upper Southampton.. 130 119 11 123 f 133 10 21•
Mechanicsburg,S. W. 236 137 99 228 .127 101 2
IVlMitrhiciliurg; N. W. 148 .1 100 ..'4B ' ' 139 110 29 19
Lower Soutbayrpton.. 64 88 24 62 89 27 ' 3
„ ,
South, Newton 50 80 •• - 30 47 82 35 .. • 5
Penn' 197 198 11 178 193 ~ 15 'l4
Upper Dickinson.... 47 80 331 40 78 - 38 5
Lower W. Pennsboro. 159 51 108 161 56 10,5 . 3
Monroe , • ~" - 235 153 • 82, ' 231 ' 148 83 1
Middlesex ...........121 173 1 ',52 1211 178. 57 5 ,
Silver Spring 1301 374 1 .244 132 375 ^:24.1 1
.Hampden 144 137 7' 1371 136 11 6
East Pennsboro- • . 27,S 2,06 72 267 201 66' 6
New Cumberland.... 95 17 78 94 ' 21 73 , 5
Lower , Allen, - • .1.681 131 -32 • 162 130 32 ' 0
Upper Allen.. ... 1561 122 341 151 130 121 13
Newburg .. 381 39 1 .. 1 35 .39 " 4 "3
119pewell. 96.1,07 -, 11, 921.105 . , 13 2
4171 1 4594" 659 1.82 4031 4638 594 1201 200 16
, • . 4171 .
659 4931 , 594 16 •
1 1 ---i—
-., . . 1
... Seymour's.Majoritjr.l 423 ` 1 4231 13 14! 6071 .6071' 184 .••
From the above, table we ascertain the following facts :
alheiotal-Nevember vote exceeds that of October by ninty-six votes
The total November vote being
" " October " 4‘ •
DiffefeimOif favor of November being
The total Democratic vote i❑ October wag
" " ;" " " 'November"
Democratic loss i❑ November
: The total Republican vote in November was
I .` -" October - "
Republican gain in November vote over October vote
Total reduction of Democratic majority
gown and (i!ottnin Patters.
Gr'eat Republican - Rejoicing_!
P 111.1.0 DOE,-
, Slowly, beautifully, the' day sinks, tti rest
With the, arying light the horizon's drill..
In red, white and blue.
A. thabeand.wlld rockets mount to the skim
Eagerly watched by ton thousand oyes
From formawitlehoarte as true.
They burst; a million fro"balls there
Lingering - , hung on tho viewless sir,
Descend, find disappear.
Prone the tower of pine the wild flames afar
Flesh through the night like a burning star,
'Tidliborty's shrine. • ....
Tonight, o'er the land, thee° benconilrett burn,
'Ridding the Wanderer yet return, '
And swear by his country to stand.
See ye thee° bright forms hovering o'er
- Horace who died in the resent war
Spirits of liberty I they I
Sea them invoke the blessing of Heaven
./That ponce may unite our country late riven
In frientfehip and love.
God grant to-eight o'ro these embers decay
That all hearts may unite, all feuds pass away
- -Threcert • - . --
Prosperity and happiness more than ore boccie°
- Will bring peace and plenty to every man's door
Will. nor "Ira In of IN °la."
The sentiments of joy and gladness
which have tilled the hearts of our loyal
citizens at the certain salvation of the
Republic through the triumphant election.
'of Grant and Colfax found expression oft
Sattirday evening last in a grand Jubilee,
The programme consisted lira of a parade
of the "Boys in Blue?' under command of
Col. Join LEE. Tho-line was'furnied at
the National Hotel and was composed of a
large number of loyal soldiers, equipped
in very showy and hand Some caps and
capes of - blue. Tho' Carlisle brass band
headed the procession and enlivened the
march with good music. The "Boys"
were provided with -rockets' and - aloman
candles, and through their agency the
'line of march was beautifully illuminated..
At the conclusion of the parade an ini
minixo crowd gathered fn. front:Of the
Court Hoop to hoar the speakers.- Gees.
LEM'I. TODD and A. B. SHARPE and W.
Were severally called upon and delivered
earnest and manly addresses, putting into
words the feeling of all present that .the
success of
, the Republican phrly assured
unity, pence' and prosperity all over this
Nation. That already the tpmiStaktible
evidences of an ern of godd feeling and
yational progress aro apparent and that
the near future gives promise of reduced
taxation, return to specie payment, re
sumption of all .kinds of industry and a
higher and Om National life. In this
contiGicion 'we desire to call attention to
tho„action of our County
in refusing tho use of tho Court House' for .
the purpose of holding this meeting. It will
_be adinittephat the Republictins_of Cum :
borland County in point of numbers con
stitute a very formidable .minority; while
as tax-payers, it cannot be disputed that
they contribute by far the lergest portion
of the funds collected for County purposes.
In view of those facts; and the'additional
one that on occasions when the'.Democra ,
Qt. won a political 'victory;', the 'entire
building was freely accorded to them for
a precisely similar purpose; the notion of
the board of Commissioners can bear -no
other cotititruction than that-of the small
estand- ennost partizanship. - When we
eOligider that the business, office of the
Commissioners is -kept open , nightly as a
general loafing room foi the petty copper
head-politicians of our Borough, tknd that
the proccedingti there 'are such, as 'would.
diTritect. any
. respootablo barroom, this
ungenertius refusal to grant theme° of tho
Cotirt rootn, for ono evening, for a peace
tlypropor and legitimate purpose, to a
Political partY.which Jane Just achieved an
Ovorwliolming ,Victory.ln State and . Na
tion, dostirves the unqualified diinuncia , '
tion. of every respectable citizen, be . his
political ynnpli3xio what}, niaq:
Tbc4ostivitios of the owning wore cool,
plated by a splendid display of tireivorkS
under the direption of - 1
BAino, and a Jousinibonilre, whose lurid
,fillITICi3 licked' the clouds 'and danced in
joyful hilarity over:the joyous occasion._
TO SPORI'SIIEN.—Gunners should
'remember that:4 law NY% passed laSt win-.
for by the Legislature inflicting. a -ilne of
$26 for shooting or killing .insoctiverons
.birds , at nay seasOn of the , year;.:.This laW
should. be falthfullr•obsorved, and .thoso
who wantonly violate it should be pun
ished. • Immense damage has boon caused
in Cumberland county, this season by tile,
ravages of .caterpillars and Worms, which
con 'only be .prevented hereafter by on,
couraging birds 0 'build and brood 111_94.
Iloldrfarid woods. . •
, . : 4594
6.. 4171
Co URT yROCEE DI NO B,—The follo w
ing, is a report of the proceedings of the
November. term of our Court.
S. M. Llooyetyus. Borough of Carlisle.
Appeal from award cgdamagesAnado . by
viewers for laying out College street. De
fendant's attorney -confesseso judgment
for sl2sn, and costs. -
Com, rs. Philip D. Stoner. Forgery,
uttering forged check. Verdict guilty.
Sentenced to imprisonment in Eastern-
Penitentiary for one year..
Com. cc. Ann Cooper and Mary Green:
Verdict guilty. Defendimts each sen
tenced to imprisonment in County jail
for five months.
Com. vs. Geo. ,9ttstot. Assault and
Battery. Verdict guilty. Not sentenced.
pun. re. Richard C. Johnson. -Larce
ny. Verdict not guilty. Defendant dis
Com. Margaret Ingram. Assault
and Battery. Defendant pleads guilty,
and is sentenced to pay a of Ike $5 and
costs of prosecution.
Corn. vs.. Christian Kigdlor. Selling
!liquor toininors, selling liquor• to intoxi
cated persons, soiling ligtior on Sunday.
nefendant pleads guilty, and is sentenced
to imprisonment in County jail for ten,
days, to pay a tine of $2O and costs Of
iirosecution, and that his license bo revoked.
Corn. vs. 'Win. Barber. Disturbing
Sabbath School. Verdict guilty. Sen
tenced to pay fine of $lO and (costs of
Corn. vs. Eli (loud. - .Selling liquOr
without- license: Pleads guilty. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of, $l.O and costs' of
Com, vs. Ira Day and others : Nui
sance. ,Sept. 10, 1868: By consent this
case continued, and the parties- and their
counsel agree that the costs in this case
"shall abide the result of the action of
trespass quare dausum fruit N0..217,
Aug. Term, 1868. If plaintiffs recover
in that ease then judgment shalt be en
tered for costs against defendants•in this
case, and if the verdict and judgmentsiii.ll
be for defendants 111 that case, then
judgment shall be entered against prose
cutors for costs In this cuss. ,
' Corn. vs. Gearing. Larceny. Tho de
fendant in this case was charged with the:
larceny of valuable goods from his em
ployer, Thomas Conlyn. .Case settled.
defendant paying $4OO and costs of prose
cution. •
—ln nn article Some time since, wo great
ly deprecated the practice adopted by our
Police force-of arresting all soldiers who
were found upon our streets without pass
es. In doing so, our only endeavor was
to secure to them the. same rights- _and
privileges, which our own citizens onjoyi
But:, It seems,. our - meaning has been
grossly:perverted,-and, -that-a' lot-of-row
dies, who disgrace • the uniforms they
weld , -,-.llave concluded, that simply because
they are soldiers, they have a right to be
have just asthey please;' either to insult
ladies,. makelittnelcs on our Public, Houses
or annoy our citizond' by midnight howl
ings and brawls upon our streets. Unless stopped, we will lie obliged to,re
call our foriner friendly wards, and call
upon the Commanding• !Alcor and our
Chief Burgess to adopt their, former sys
timi of keeping down these disorderly
proceedings, which however wrong it may
have been in principle, in practice car
,tainly hail the excuse and merit of beiOg
eminently successful: 'lt seems to us that
the decent and respectable soldiers of tho
PoSt should take the matter in their'own
hands, and, thus keep up the credit of the
meal: who wear the "Blue" upon our
street's'. • .3.
~ • ,
trndoi tile management of the Messrs.
Oora.rws, the South Mountain Rail Road
is making rapid progress. Already . hUve
some four miles of the road boon graded,
extending frcps tho junction with tho
Camberland.,Valley Railroad, below the
Gas House t 6 the hold of "Bonnybrook.P :
Lily the drat of January it, is
that the Road will - be graded tho wholo
way to'le. Holly. , •
'Professor of Natural &ionoe-in Dicklison
Collego, bas kindly consented to doliyer-a
Lecture on Friday evening, the'2otik InsQ
in lihaero's Halt, inion one or thoso inter
_eating and important_ topics, which" are
'now attracting so much attention in Phil
adelphia, yjz., The Properties of the At
mosphere, Which. ho will Mukalla by a
.fiumbor of beautdhl'and "strikbig exper-
Monts.--The proceeds will be, doubted to
Abe benefit of the •MissiOn Sunday pohool
. 61l should hohr it.—.TiokOts 25 cull,:
LITTP ! LL'i3 -LIVING AG.E.--q1.48 ,ojd
' faVOilto the reading publio appears to'
'erow in interest and:exCellence with each
- succeeding numbs,:' Its' republication of' -
the choicest foreign periodical,•4terature;_
luis won a:high reputation among,,
literary and scientific men; as nothing sen
sational appears in its pages. The number
for November 7th contains the continua
'tion of " historical Sketches of the Reign
of George ll—Joha Wesley 'the Reforsn
er ;". anapital article. It also , contains...
the-commencement of two Novels, ",Let
tics Lisle" and "-Madame Therese," the
former from the cornhill•Magaz,ne, and, the,
latter translated for the-Living Age. Egey
,eral other admirable works are in course
of publication in the Age. Besides the
leading artioles, the present - number con- •
tains a largo amount of reading matter of •
a sterling character, Proseand poetry, 'by
the best authors. The AGE should be in ,‘
thellands of every scholar, and indeed all
who can appreciate the beauties of the best
foreign literature. • - .
Tug lavrtio AGE is published every
Saturday, at No. 30 Bromfield street, Bos
ton, at $8 per year. larrtm, & '
Garmrsix.—We leain . bir the Philadelphia,
Chrrhitedn Recorder,' that Rev': WILLIate&
Wayn, well and favorably known - in Car
died in Detroit, 'Michigan, on the
10th of October last, where he had been
long engaged in mercantile pursuits. He •
was fifty-six years of age.
Mr. Webb was born in Fredericksburg,
- Va., Mit came to Carlisle' at 'a very early
age t whore his boyhood and a great
part of his manhood were spent, and it was
here that he received his education. He
was a man ofll'oior, but that fact did not
prevent him from winning hosts 'of friends
and being respeefed, by his white fellow
-citizens:' While regding iii ,CaMisle, ho
leilimerand carried on the barboring'busi
nees, during which time he studied fop the
ministry, and Was - afterwards licensed to
preach the Gospel. He afterwards remov
ed to Pittsburgh, Pa., and subsequently to'
Detroit. .WhilQresiding in the latter city
he was engaged in promoting many good
works tending to benefit his fellow Men,
,particularly those of; his own color, and
was distinguished for his liberality, bene
.volenee and Christian philanthrophyv
From the last number of • the Pennsyl
vania Setioq Journal we clip the follow
ing tensible advice on the importance of
directors visiting the schools: •
"The duty of visiting the schools is con
sideredf one of the most important &Ales
that directors have to diAcharge in the
administration of the system. The law
maaes the duty imperative, cud no person
should accept the office of school director
unless he is willing to perform it. When
well done, its effect is always to make the
schools more efficient. It stimulates the
pupils in their studies. It ()nab] toc-_
tors to ascertain the exact concliCi of
the .schools, ;schoolhouses and" schin:l
grounds. On , the whole, so high a value
does the Department set upon the local
supervision of.the schools that .it always
expects to find the schools of districts
which are regularly and systematically
visited by boards of directors,
~a ccording
to the provisions of; the law, other things
equal, fifty per cent. batter than those of
districts iirivhich the schools are entirely
neglected in this respect, and this estimate
is made from personal observation made
in hundreds of districts."
WE have some whore road the iitato
nront of premiums paid out in ono - year
by a first class Life Insurance Company.
It was a suggestive and interesting table.
There were persons in all classes of life,
arid from every part of the country. There
was the poor man, iVhoso scOnty.earnings
only, permitted him. to pay for a policy of
five hundred dollars. Well, death oame
to him, and instead of the Almshouse for
his little ones, Chore was something with
which to elothe the babes and send the
eldest boy to school. There ' was the
seamstress who had saved enough to in
sure a thousand dollars for the'poor old
mother. •She dropped into the grave—
faded by hard work, wo presuino, but she
loft something behind to lighten the dark
and declining
.days Of the ono she most.
dearly loved. There was the you s pg busi
ness man who took a little portion of his
profits and secured an insurance of $lO,OOO.
Tho speedy messenger called him in the
be,;inning of his career, but enough was
behind to enable his ffitnily,,,to live plainly
and comfortably This table was the rec
ord of well-recompensed prudence. No
human foresight can avoid business disas
ter, at times, nor postpone the hour of
death. When we see how easy it is for
ovZiry ! man to put away something against
a rainy day, wo feel that it is almost
criminal to neglect it. Especially is
this so, when we have a company like .the
National Life Insurance Company
advortisenient is elsewhere pbblished.
lore is a company With a r ,million of dol
lars paid hji' Its directors. are
men of national reputation for integrity
and honor. It presents every feature of
the best insurance companies, together.
with now feattires. which •we find in no
other company. Reader, for a little over
four cents a day yotitan ihsure yotir wife
and children the pityintot of a thousand
dollars, if you should die in a month.
Let your days bo long or rant, you have
.naright_taneglect-this preeautioni-
o THE WESTERN CROPS:--The 0011110
pursued . by the Western merchants in
withholding from the markets of the East
the unusually abundant crops of cone&
which lire rapidly access ulating at
Lake ports is a mistaken one. The a /
bra should keen in.raind the fact that••
an offset to the anticipated increr
profits on account of -this-movement, t
Is to bo taken into consideration
suspension ofhavigation 2 —the losees -
may occur by reason of detention by 1,
the channes of . shippers being, held el.. 2
ontirelf‘t the mercy of the -roads -
the' rates of, freight during the 14
blockade Of the lakes and canals,
, tog
with heavy charges for storage, insur.
and interest. The aggregate .of t •
items must more than Counterbalance .
Wilich they may. sustain by submitting
the present ruling prices for broader •
in the Eastern maykots. We aro glad
learn that the assistance which tho d
(wain grain at the West have been.
ceiving from the banks ih that seal('
the eountry is, by reason.of the prove
tighthess in money matters, being
hold, and the result, 'it ii 2 l - olloved,
be to compel , the holders to for Ward ,
crept - . now. in store to the sea b. •
markets." - • •
stand that the contract for building
Soldiors' Monument, has boon award
to - Mr:Mynenn OWEN, of this, plc
It is to be locatod on • the Court Mtn
Squaro, and wo urgo , upon ail ,wIM liv
not centribirted to this listriOtio: prok
to do so at once. - • . ,
•NoTzoin.—lte+i'd . SBaMdA
Lancitator City . wilt proaoit in tho'
forridod Ohuroh, on Sabbatli'moit',t
o'clock A, At, 7 o'clock, r.