- „ RATES OF .ADVERTISING, OnoSquare:one Insertion, For each addittonalinsertiori, thr Mercantile Advertisements, Leval Notices, Professional cat& without paper, altuary Noticesand_Communica- • thins relating to clattei sof sate Interests alone, Vicente per line ' JOB PRINTING: Our Job Printing oMce is the neatest and most complete establishment in the ;aunty. Pour good Presses, and At genefalirarloty of material suitedforplain andFaney work °revery bind, enables es to do Job Printing at the shortest °Use, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons n Irantof Bilis, Blanks, oranythingliillieJebbing Ilnurwllrflra it•to their interest to give us a -Sell PROFESSIONAL 64.11D5. toR. W. D. HALL, Homcopathi Physician and Medical - Electricl4.n. ..2 to IlkAllYtreats all female dimmest Wilco 37;'Sciuth 1111:never Street. agile* • ATiORNEY-AT-LAW. - GEO,'S }:5110, Offlos, in Inhofra Building, with W J. Shearer, lisq. prompt attention paid to legal busi. nese of all descriptions. • 3api 6S-IY. jout D. ADAIR, Attorney - At' Law, 11, S oCarllsle Hano, P O s. r Street.M. with A. B. Sharper, Esq.,No. h ve JOSEPH RITNER, Attorney at Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office On hall Load Street, two doom north of the Bank. in„.Businese promptly attended to. • July.l, 1864. f R. MILLER Attorney. at Law. .oflice in ilannon's building immediately op posite the Court Ileum 29nos 67-I,y CARD.-CHARLES IL MA LOLAIRSILIN, Attorney at Lmr,Oface in the room formerly occupied by Judge 11 ratiam.... July 1, 1803-Iy. • C: HERMAN, Attorney at Law, iv.L. Carlisle, Pet., No. 9 Rheem's Hall. Juts 1. 1864-Iy. JOHN CORNMAN, Attorney at Law Office in building attschod to Franklin House, opposite the Court Houk. . 15muy G. M. BELTZHOOVER, TTORNEY AT LAW, and Real ILl:state Agent, Slicpbordstown, West Virginia. @T-Prorupeattention given to all business In Jotter son County arid the Counties-adjoining It— Jonuary 19, 1860.-1 y. 17- E. BELTZHOOVE,R, 'Attorney j LAW. Office in south Hanover street, oppo site Bontes dry good store Carlisle, Pa.- September 9,186-I. TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at, Law, Carlisle, Ps. Oftleo in Nd. 7, Rheerns hlell July 1, 1864-Iy. I!ITE=I39 WEAKLEY & SADLER. TTORN EYS- AT LAW, Office N 0.16 south ffinover street Carlisle Pa. n0r15.67. IfIMCI HIIMRICH &,PARKER. - A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on ri Main St., In Marion Hall, Carlisle, Pa. 17. S. PATENT AGENCY. C. L. '1„) leetiVinu, 31 Main 6triet. Carlisle, Pe., exe stairs draseings,'speclllettions kr., and procures pat oats or inventors. CEZtra WLI.LISA I. KENNEDY,, Attorney at, LAW ,No. 7 South Market Square, Car lisle, Pkuna. WM. B. BUTLER, Attorney at Law, and, Baited States Claim Agent; Car ,- Ilele;Cumberland County, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay Ar., promptly collect ed. Applications by mall will receive immediate at tention, and the proper blanks forwarded. No.feuregaired until thuclaim is settled. -.- "reh.l4th, 1867—tf. Kr TAR. GEORGE S. SEA , RIGHT, Dentist, from the Bal. r 44. a timore Collage of Dental Surgery. MOllice at the residence of his ototbor, Bast Louther street, three doors below Bedford. July 1. 1.861 i - Li_TTACL .)Late Demonstrator of Operatir o Dentistry of the 4,911,406 i. • B naelntilo ONe o oro College of Surgery. ".:rosl tlence loposite 3lnnon hall, West ,treet, Car -1416,Pg1. ltifiilft; 54. ' W. SCOTT COYLE S.. M. COYL'E COYLE ,k, CO JOBBERS 114slery, Gloves, Fancy Goods and Stationery. Ali orders will receive prompt Attention. No. 11, South Hanover St . Carlini°. iltlyAgento for the Charnbersburt Woolion 51111 s 6mar - DR. THEO. NEFE GRADUATE Or PEN 'A. COLLEGE Or DENTAL SURGERY DENTAST, Respectfully Informs the citizens of Carlisle and vi. einity that he has taken Ocala. No. 25, West Main Street, lately oc,upied by his Father, where ho is ' prepared,to.attend to all profe , slonal business. Arti fisial tooth Inserted on Gold, Silver. Vulcanite and Chitlunm. - Charges moderate. - 17april 69-1 y H.N HORNER. 9 • MERCHANT TAILOR. In Kramer's Building, near Ithoem'aflall , tartlets Pa., hae just returned from tho Eastern Cities with he largest and most COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF - Cloths, Cassimores, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c., over brought to Cornett, His cloths comprise ENGLISH, FRENCH, - and AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS of the finest texture and of all shades. Mr. Dersier tieing himself a practical cutter of Mg experience le prepared, to warrant perfect fits, an f prompt filling of orders. Piece Goods by the yard, or cut to order. Don't forget the place. 15inity 64-tf. • AL FRESH ARM • Of all the New Spring Styles of HATS AND CAPS. • The Subscriber has just opened, at No., 15 North ifanover St.,a few doors North of the Carlisle Deposit 'Dank, ono of the largest and best stook of lIATS it CAPS everotrered in Carlisle. , Silk ants, Cassimeres of all styles and qualities, Stiff Drhns different colors, and every description of Soft lists now mnde.Thb Dunkard and old fashioned brush, kept censtantly on hand and made to order. all. warranted Co give satisfaction. A full assortment of STRAD/ SLATS, Men's boy's and children's fancy.. I have also added to my stock, Notions of different' kinds, consisting of Ladles and Gent's Stockings Veck-Ties,rencils;Oloves, Thread, Sowing Silks, Bee. panders, Umbrellas, &a., Prime Snare and Tobacco, always - Give men call and examine my stock, as I fool con. — fiddiat - Of pleasingi besides saviter you money. J 91151 A. KELLER, Agt, No. 15 North Hanover St. ltmyo7 GAS FITTING & PLUMBIN llm anbscribers having permanently 'le - sated in Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the public pat tronage. Their glop is situated on the public Square in the rear of.the let Presbyterian Church, where they can always be found. Being experienced meehan Ica, they are prepared to oiciente all orders thatlhormay be entrusted with In a superior manner, and at Cory moderste prices. HYDRAULIC RAMS, WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, LIFT & FORCE PUMPS, • BATHING TUBS, WASH BASINS and all other arts. ' ties it the trade. PLUMBING AND GAS AND STEAM • FITTING prOmptly attended to in the most approved style. illtirCountri Work promptly-attended to., / • fay All work guaranteed., . - " Don't forget the placo—irapiediately in the rear of - the First - Presbyterian Church. CAMPBELL k lIENWOOD. 'July27 60.1 y • rrHE FARMER'S BANK Or-OAR. j_ hISLE,• PENNEYL TAMA. " Decently Organised, has been opened, for transaction of a general banking businosa, in the corner room ot U. given's now bgildiug, on tbo North, West corner tt Sigh street and tholgentre Square. The Directors hope by liberal and careful manago, k meat to make this a popular inetitrition, awl a safe depoeltory . for ; all who may; favrir tho bank with their aceounts. ' • . • DepooltsreSeiveil and paid back on demand, inter: est, allowed on spacial deposits, gold, Silver, Treas. pry Notes and Government Donde, noughtnini sold. Oollections made on all accessible points In the, country. Viscount day;Tueeday. Banking bourn roam 9 o'clock A. Al. to 3 o'clock P. hi. - J. 0. HOPPER, Clishier; I= 'Wien; Prinident, .• 'Thomas Patton • • Davin lleikoe, . • r •-John W. Craighead, . A. J. Korman. 7/nlhr 08-Af ' Ablibam '•-•• ACTIVE AND EFFICIENT •AGENTB.WANTED :111 . T1116 boutrtY ton Till MNION••IdlITIIAL LIVE INBUItd4IOE COMPANY: ,• , all this Company jooll..some advantage . peaullar to Itself, Agents are afforded an'easy' • successful method for seeming Hike. A liberal corn , i•mlesion paid to agents,who must furnish fi rst magi c...refarencea... AddresS,4 O. Gloninger, l ,ll, D,O emend. • • r . Agent N 0.129 south 7th Bt., 1%11 , 09101K Pa. QIN 25 00 4 00 7 00 :VOL. 68. MISCELLANEOUS 750 - MILES OF THE UN lON PACIFIC RAILROAD Aro now finished and in Operation. Although this road is built with groat rapidity, tho work is thoroughly done, ands pronounced by the ljnitod States Clomlssionors t bo first.class in every respect, before It is accepted, nd before' any. bonds' can be Issued upon it. • , Rapidity and oxeslioncO)Vbstriictio nhavtThon securoci by a complote (Role on of labor, and by dis tributing the twenty thousa d men employed along -the line fbr long distances at once._ It to prob able that the Whole Line to the PACIFIC will he Completed in 1869: TIM Company have ample means of which' the Government grants the right ofwny, and all neces sary timber and other materials fbund along the line of its operations; also 12,800 acres of land to, the mile taken Iti alternate sections on each side • of its road also United States Thirty-year Donde, amount; tag to from $16,000 to 084,000 per mile according to the difficulties to be surmounted on the various 800- Bona to be built, for which it takes a second mort gage, ruilsocurity, and it is expected that not only the interest but the principal amount may be paid in services rendered by the Company in transport ing trout's, mails, dc. THE EARNINGS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAIL, ROAD, from its Way or Local Business only, during the year ending Juno 20th, 1868, amounted to•over Four Million Dollars, which; ,after paying all expenses was ranch more than sufficient. to nay the interest upon 'lts bonds. The socarnings aro no Indication of the vast thrdugh traffic that must follow the opening of the lino to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that FIRST MORTGAGE . BONDS pen such a property, costing nearlythree Uwe heir amount. The Union Pacific Bonds run thirty years, aro for $l,OOO each, nod-have coupons attached. They boar annual in tare st,Payable on the-first days ofJanuaTY and July at the Coinpan y's Ace in the City of Now. York, at the rate of super cunt. in gold. The prin cipal is payable In gold at maturity. The price is 102, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal incoumou their, cost. A very Important consideration In determiningthe Value of these bonds is the - ienglA of lime they have is 11111. It Is well ktiown that-a long bond always corn. .mends a much higher price than a short one. Ills safe to assume that during themext thirty years, the retool interest in the United States will decline as it title done In Eurdpo, and eve have a right to ex pect that such als.-per cent. seourities as these will be hold' at 'as high a premium ns those of this Government, which, in IBST, were bought in at from 20 to 23 per rent. above bar. The eXport demand alone may produce this result, and no the issue of a private corporation, they aro beyond the'each of political notion. The Company believe that their Bonds, at the present rate, are the cheapest security in the market and the right to advance the price at any time to reserved. SubscriptiOns will be received in Carlisle by 1'.% T. 'SADLER. 1 - 61, B. PA.B.KBR A. L. SPONSLER, and In Now York At the Ocannahy'slke, No. 20 Nassau Street AND uv • John J. Cisctik. Son, Bankers N 9. 66 Wall St, And by the Company's advertised agents throughout the Drifted States. • Remittances should be madeindrafts or.otherfunds par fit Nen, York, and the Bonds will he sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local agents, will look-to them for their sale delivery. A PAMPLII.ET AND MAP POE 1868 has just boon published by the Company, giving fuller information than is possible in an advertisement, respecting-the Progress of the Work, the Resources of the Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value of the Bonds, which will he sent free ou application at the Company's office or to any of the advertised, agents. • JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. 28suir iiB•Bm. AY IN YOUR COAL.- 1j As the weather is now very propitious, and the prices are most favorable for the laying In of. your WINTER'S 00,414: . The subscriber would offer his stock to the public nowing full well the disposition of the trade goner: ally to make notiny promlsesto effect sales. The sub scrTher would prefer id learn the quality of tlp3 coal ho furnishes, speak for Itsel f and he will be hold td thin - following whfoli'gre•hts ol,d standards. lit. To sell none but the BEST COALS MEM Pml.n 0 II E A 1. 3 I • an any In the trade. 3d. To dell% or what hie eustoruer3 'buy, and not to nil% with a LC)WER PRICED tivie to make the price to suit his sale. 4th. ileliovesin the principles that SCALES cannot be ill usu (without repairs) for A series ,o years to the advantage of the customers. sth. To keep all kinds of coal to be had elsewhere tith. Never to MISREPRESENT coal to make a halo. 7th. To GUARANTEE 2,000 lbs o the ton. Bth. To give the customers tho advantage of ANY (311A — NGE n price at the mince. 9th. 6 la - 'DETE'RMINED to do all .1u his nowor for tho benefit of those who deal with Send on your orders and you shall be doalt asfalrly with and on as favorable terms as any yard in the placo. A. 11. BLAIR. . Vl3* 7) 0 c. O.TA kr ,wo e kco, k *OR , ' ,Allitja. yi n as OA, cc ..,1\...11L. .oaasoco 1 7-- w k V titZiam(ll ...--g-Sl3-lig *ct 0 qiir ~04 ki;O:r.-----E'4cy