►~ door) p" 8 El ALWAYS ALLVB TO ._TICE 111,THREIST OF :TLIII - - 0031311.M.1.TY-tit tho . 9LD CORN-ER ,hilt receiving another leyee aniply oT awns anti • • ( „,j fie prenent ilear4n. • :ca-ooDs Alwoutifta-asso rOltant of DRtSS SILKS, l In all colors and qualities• edr~riion stiaog ano GRATN ams& FOR SAQUES AND MANTLES PULL LINE OP BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS. For tho trimming of Saques and Mantles. A GRAND ASSORTMENT ,OF Blaok and Colorod' planadines French Organdie Lawns k SWibiCE, Jersnoll Jaconst Lawns, !mob, Percaills itigured, French Familia Plain, iota Mottled Mohaire, For Luiiii SCH, Plain Mokair, buit. Alp&V*3 140ZIIIBIQUIt 3 as FRENCH CUIN'IZIS, SOOTO,kj •GINGHA ItS 41loyds 1.11.4110 t wt so,oluirlkibgly prlres NV 11 1 T c) u I) ts and Striped Swiss Niuelins Sitiped Plaid'and 71aldrPlain-ind BCri_peii_jawinath Skirred, Flared and Titekstl Mu.slins Por Gariblaclios, Striped Iknd :Plaid White French Organdies fur Ladies' :Dresses, Black Crape, Marett 2 yds. wide for ha _ wi ,_ xn , L Dreficel4-__ Black Grenadines, Two yur& wide, For Shawls and :Drosses INC poops, suitable for all season, and uirliao of ~AL VOODS, always on hand DuMESTIC G 00DS, Of all kinds selling at unusually low prices CARPETS ! CARPETS' II I great Inducements now offering - lu all grader Mallets to cps° Out our stink of the FLOOR Lorne, All widths fQr Entries and flails. ?AISLE OIL CLOTHS Plain and Bordered vW INDO SIIA I) S MEN AND BOYS W EAR, 140 THS & C A . 16 I NI le It 11.14 LINEN DUCIIB, IMMEM 1)1tAll, 101'11:. . of marry ikezeriptlon,--Cell-A4 ant_tho.best ht,o* . o teens' wear In the town. ==l 41lotiny Coutli Q.llts. TABLE OOTEES AND 'SPREADS, A groat bargain In all kinde of Linen,lluakabaek and Damask Bordered Towels, Doyßuit, Napkins, Table Cloths, Bath Towels, dle, . Lace. Illantlea, Silk Mantlon and Sequa f tko Mast alien Tho Celebrated • _ HOOP SKIRT Of the season, with the drop fastenings, enabling a lady to adjust the skirt make it to any length she may wish it, either forth° trail or walking dram!. NOTIONSI:NOTIONIn In - ouch groat variety that - It Is Impeeelble- to enumerate them. Please glyo ue n call 'and see'all deerrlptione of LINEN iIiNDKEREIIIEFS, LACE lIANDIIHRONIEFS, ROISEItY, GLOVES, TRIM. MINOS, RIBBONS,LACEtLEDGINGS,INSEETINGEI, LIAIIBETILEETRIMMINGS, .ncaso do not fall to give wren early call and ex.: Amble our complete stock, as arivahvays well pre• pared to prove the fact that wo do study tholnterext of oui outtortere; and novel Huffer ,ourtelves to I), Undersold I - ..p,...•&.LL..._ . Rase toipar Lioulai:iii no thing the' haggling nna the closingoto r dvertleemetti t as It is sometimes plosely imitate 1 ,, si deceive tkoeu notot(tbek Le4rd, 35;176711714.14YR)-1!': mg THE COEHE'Br. sign of 92. 9Orpot Trull NO. 2 EAST ,',lll/0 .011g4T, • p~rlbli3, t'~iti~lr + uitp; , .: -~F.Qs. _. _. _ .. ice. WOO 41/14"111 Wal". 'll2i§cE.t:Llli76&st — "• - ‘ 4 1111ARGAiNS BARGAINS 'Mayo this day commenced selling' off my entire stook of Summer Goods at greatly reduced • prices GRENADINES, ~ • :, • LAWNS,: ' ' . . MELANGES, ' BARRED LENO, . -___ • FRENOII PARASOLS, GRIME POPLINS, . ~_ - - ALAPACOAS, le.. &e., at coat: BLACK SILKS;- NET-T—SIIA-WLS-at-cost i - A full line Of SATIN, MARRED and STRIPED JACIONETS.and WITITE"MARSEILLES under prlco SUPdMERVASSIMERES, and COTTON PANTS STUFFS, groat bargains. I HOOP SkIETS BALMORALS, Ohoapor than ever soli( In Carlyle • Muslim], v Tickings, Ginghams, Cheeks, &c., the lowest price. Stockings, Gkives, Corsets,', Buttons and - other notions in grerdvariety and very_ cheap. _lB,_ nmL2O, OARP.PTS , .AT 00ST Now lathe tbuo to socuro_bargalna In all Muds of DRY GOOD' ax many. artkles wlll La eloped out loam than eon,. CIIAS..OGILBY, No. 47, West Main Street, Carlisle Great' Bargains in Parasols and White Quilts. 24iuly 68 MB NOW OPENINO IN DRESS 00005, CASSINI IfitES, • All Color s =I Oppontto Ih 111.+1 to Post. tiftic.u, THE HuIrSEITOLD GAS .11.10111.VE 1.4)1c SUITI.Y.I t.l 'lt ES,V.IOT,. 01114101 f 1NI) PURIM .11111,DI Nth, Oa. ',?h , ,1 Fir_ The ai n .onl ease by whiob tLin Nigobine in managed, nn also it, economy and great merit. rem), monde it to pubbe favor. Call and see' machine, In _— -.---- - - - MASI rarrrarai ISO Soso A.Ni, DAVIT. .10NES. TIN N lIIINISIIINiI STORkI,No. 73'0 1111 N Sl' - PHILADELPIRA. ‘l,-A,Vend for Illustrated Cireula r. 14a Itg 6S•3m. • E.' CLARK •• • L ANKERS, _ No. 36fS:.Th4d St, Philadelphia, G ENERAI, AGENTN THE National Life Insurance t!o. FOIL (TN ITEP STATES OF AMERICA, FOR TOE .States of Pennsylvania and Soulll The NATIONACIASE - INSUItANCII COMPANY Is a corporation Chartureil by Special Art of Congress, appriirsd July 26, 1868, with a Cash Capital of One Million Poflare, and Is now thoroughly ordenized and prepared for busluesh. • Liberal tern, offered to Agents and Solicitors, who ale Invited to apply at our Ake. Full pal Ileuleri: to be had isi appliestion at ou Wave. hie:coed In the .1 . 01. i stiey of our Banking ❑none, eliere Cireulare and Pitinpl,leta, fully de soli iog the advantsgesolfered by the Comptiny.rnay Application/. for Cot/trill nud Wortern Punnsylva. nia to Lc 1101110 to B. 8. 1 / I .IBSELL, iilanager:ifosvan tin, Pot. E. W.,CLAIIIi & CO., Nol:is.S. Third Street, IVILADELPIIIA. PA 2lAug ,111 HINE WORKS. „ • lc: W. JENNINGS, D. STEVENSON, JR.,. Practical Mould, r. Prort'l Engr.& Alacartist Franklin - Iron W orks, Corn,. of Short and South Streets, HARRISBURG, PA. MACHINE DEPARTMENT STEAM ENGINES & 111 A CHINERY Particular attention paid to Repairing of Machin ury by day or night, at borne or abroad. A.BL KINDS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE AND FFITINGSON HAND. Wrought lrou Piper . Brass and i ron Cocks,- Water Gauges,_Globe Valve",i, . Steam - Whistles,-• ilangeOocks„ , Mock Valves, - Oevernor Valves, (lovernoi s, Solely Valves, Steam - Gauges, ' Injectors, Oil Cups, Unions for Pipe, Shafting' and Pulleys, g 1,., Etc. Foundry and Ornamental Department . , Manufacture Cast and Wl,ll-41 . /r% , Plain and Orniumental Railing. Over one hundred and neventy•five ne.,v,and beautl• ful patterns. Verandahs, Window ll.ads, Draektllla, ettees, Tables, Stands, Tree Doves. DlVlsion Stalls, ltaek mill Feed Boxes for Stables, et, , etc. . 11.011 SE F-Rop-Tl3 ',-- & .-- .k . WIIIT - EtYP IT= RAL CASTIIy. S. Exeentedirom any, design fu43lShyd, and have On hand a large variety of patterns-for B CIII.DERS:, IRON WORK IN GENERAL: . Wood Carving, and. Pattern Making promptly attended to. . • • JENNINGS, STEVENSON & STOEVEIT. Slolv 68-Orno. • MERCHANT THLORING. • JOHN B. TREIBLER, - ART, .71. 3 iliciical Tailor aria Oents"Furnishnv, NO. 5, EAST .11AqN STREET, CARLISLE PA. Mr. Tteibler would announce to the citizens of Carpels and vicinity, that ho hen in store et very largo and carefully selected stocic of . . . • °gads, CASSIMEEES, ' yEs , m,as, • • - LINEN DUCKS, nommtzlims, ' • WAT.Eoiitovii; SUITABLE FOR. gUITS OFIALL DESORIP IONS: Being himself a practical Tailor, and having tint amid:men of End Owe, Workmen he Is prepared to (U,AANTEE SATISFAOTT allelottiing made et lisentabilxlnnent. Cc Piece Goods of allthide ao,m-by the yard and cut to order pen, trilling coat, Pon't.ibrget.thic place, No. h, Melt' Main Bucket, next door to 90r1313111t1 h Worthington'a,Prug Store. d,.13 : THIELE% Agt. • . Manhood, How Lost, How , Restored. , SO' :lust in, blishmi new, / (ni 'vermin's; Celebrated.blopsay on, • the radical ogrg•cithout klddclno),of Omberninal—arksidaronen—Weakneks invehintary Bernina' Losses, 'amen:Nov, Mental and Physical Towtpnotty,'lropoplitiptito to Marriage, etc., alro,'ConsourvlOn, Ilengrelf,:and Irtisilthduced by sqlbinduliernai qr sexual, eatravaganto. . _ sealed, envelope, only 0 cents. Thu celebrated author, In his adudinole essay closely, demonatrates from a thirty yeare'succesdfuil prod foe,that the alarming consequences of soltabuse may be radically cured wlthoutlim dangerous nee at internal midielnpor - .the; appileellpn pf, the knife pointing .out a mode.Of cum at once slmple,'cortaln and °Retrial, by moans of Which every sufferer, no matter what 141 comiltion may,be,may care,hlcaself obeaplt prirately, andl radical/Y.' • hie Lecture should be in - tholumds of every_ lough nil everyman : Bent, under seal, int..plal envelope, to any ad rodanpafpa hi, on receipt - titiaiirk3pr two post stamps.,Or. culveivreirs, , War ago' GuldOP price cents: _',Address the- Publishe - CITA& 3.0. /IL • a CC. NO l 7 aßOWerii ft3Pri 4rf!krPF , ..t 4 glol. l e,Pg , !ANL ri CALICOES, 8, 10, 12i, SPRING. BA RG A INS SA n NETS. JEANS, GOODS, EMEEM 11111 , 111N8., NU'VIONS, sc AT i Na':-.; NEW STORE, Cu. 53. w nsT•MAIN Silt gET IMMO era New Jersey,' MAN,UFACTUIiI iiSoEi;ANEo us. s t , 4 - 0, - 'The last e t l v a til , Succcn.. ift . 10' -- -- t' r kALL. P?:10.,,..9 --, ,y ai l 0-4itiloi 2 ,1- -, Altitfi RESTOV7I? IiAIRLDR - Essf fiti )vewo ityl e .ra oii eßottie will quickly restore Gray Hair ' • to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly .harmless,- and- is—preferred over every other preparation by those who have fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume impaited to the Hair make it desirtible for old and• young ' For Sale by all Druggists. DEPOT, 198 OREENWICIE ST., N. Y. pxklevaNnottja 1 felllB ly ' 1867 Fc?" h ' • b:1 `i.'• rt• of vArio tit tylog of 1 , 0... h.. _mut DomEgfie_uoloithel.a_reffilo finest rose wootl and liahogmLy flthn lowe , l priced umplo vnl plop Parlor. I)haml r Dinlad,r, in IClteln a and nmre Enibmeing ovary article usmi by lloust. .11 114.10 keeper:, el t lie most approved and leen humble design and Ulilali. I nclu ding alsoCotinge furor turn in setts eropt lon and Camp Chairs. )Inti v , scs,l)llt frames, pictures, ,(1"-Particular attention gl ven as animal It , Minerals orders-from town-and country.-attested-to promptly and on moderato terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID - TO THE SELECTION OF WILT. PAPER. I= • NEW FIRM, • NEW BUSINESS, NEW FURNITURE!: ?-• • 14.1 I, _ 111•- The subscribers baying asmnisted thumsel,re, in .partnership for the transaction of the , Lave located tlnunsoLves In tho'well-Known and jot , ularst tr .aud ately occupied by the junior partner as rocery store, on MO south-east rorne.l of Hanover strut. - They desire to announce to the puldie that they have now on hand and are constantly ni a n u fact uriun and purchasing from the busts;onstern man abet orers, the latest and hest styles nod patterns oi FURNI TURE. of all qualities. Thou i stock of roady , mado work, ront.hts In part o MAHOGANY SUITS. - WALNUT SUI IR, - CHESTNUT SUITS, FLORAL D. E. STANDS. TEAPOTS, DRESSING HURRAHS, cf all sty k,s and prker. Tate a Tetea, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trsindles, cot. tago, Panel, Japanese, and Jenny lAnd Bedsteads, Cottage Bureaus, Marble Top Tables and Stands. Washstands,of all v. rieties, Chairs of all kinds, Stuf fed Furniture In suits or In pieces constantly on hand. Mirrors of all 4y les and prices. 11 0 M E DI A. D Al \V 0 It K, Such as SI& Boards, Bureaus, ltudntund.s, Safi,. Soon tarlos, Chairs In Sults, Rockers of all &pollutions be., ma& by competent workman [tons the very boo motorist and at reasonable prices. . . SIMPLE] 1 , IIALI3BIIT SKEET MUSIC, constantly on band. EMIZZI CLOTHING CLOTHING HALL. . Samuel Arnold informs his triendi and custronera that hid stock of Wrnter Clofhing Is noes vompleh 'that he Id ready to Fell at I? blladelphla Wholegal. peices. Betorp belying elsewhere examine Oilr stool and you will find that yen can sure 'TWENTY-P'l V E PEE CENT. _ . An Goods warrantcd•to he no repreiontcd 'tho lumens° stock of 0V E COATS, from $S 00 tpwardn. Call early at SAMUEL AItMILD, North Nola Cantor of Llanover and Louther strdF , 8 . BA'ITAYt WAGON BRAKE. FARMERS AN 1.) WAGONERS, LOOK TO I.'OIIR INTERESTS. Bally's Patent Wagon Brake Mock Holder, Is jus ehe thing needed by livery parson owning A wagon For cheapness and convenience It excels all other. over used or brought before the,public. a dt in mad. to snit all sizes of blocks—Round. Square, Thick o Thin, and eau ho applied! with tiro grimiest convil eleven, without hammer n 'N. Agents wonted lu eVer,f county in the Unite( States. For particulars apply to - h. M. DAILY, Carlisle, Pa. 7aug 68-6na N"' MA1t111.,1 4 ;• &PORE N - 0 902 f CHESTNUT, ST., JAM,ES E. CALPIV,ELL Sc CO., Kaye been appointed - SPECIAL AGENTS IU thhi Illy for the Fele of the GOIMIAM MPG- COMPANY'S 'NINE ELECTRO.PLATED WAItl We guaranteo these goods to b decidedly superior to anything in - the market, eicolling in design, fin ish and quality. A largo assortment will be maintaino.l. And •sold nt the manufacturers' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark tlf Electra Plato c oo/Aft% rtiao. J. •• E - CAOWELLA CO. 002 OIIESTNia STREET, 1111.1,1D17LPLIIA '2llffiblyuB. • BEETEM : & BROTHERS, l'orwcArdiny (.6 Conomissigiklerchmits A (Henderson's old stand, . At the head' of MAIN STREET, Clarllalo, The 'highest mtirkot price trill Le nild for Flour, Grata and produco of all kinds . -.• • • • ' ' Coal of all kinds,' orabraclui .I.TRUNS VALLEY, P • ' • LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWDBURY, 'Llineburners' Ana plackelnlthe' Coal constantly' of sale. Kept nodal cover, and 'delivered dry to any part of the town. Alto, all Janda of Lumber .on hand, J. • BEET'BJI,.* BROS :17apr VI • ,9,-R..0„5••52,_.x...,N.aax.421.4...t.» • i,nippori ,• ..,,, ~. , , •, . ~• ,icsior.ov Oral years' experience witlx this piripara, 'tion.l.hesubscriborplaees It Ibefore.the publleln.tho .'SdnUdent belief that It u 11l 'poet every reasonable ~,, o peetatlon.?l, fair frlll willeonrince the moil skeyo t ail of its tuorlts....Tlerhrulsos, cuts, festering cores, fl title, spavin, sprains, swellings,. 4., In borseS, - it h proreo len InyalVOln.retiledial agent; while Its i cagy Irvettring . dlsocises or the )iuman Posh, such , al a f a l.f i ll tr a b . Ll ; : o e n utl i ger t ti e s sit etureutisia, burns,. 4011 - -For WA Rt. 4unter l a Groceryttore, Hughe's CenteitonsrY.Storwank.l4lllot's Drag liters.' . - . 2 2ici11708,-... ~' Aft t A.PAo r ) lX ll)): ' .111.1163112'8, 1 1:00a6110*DiTtniNki;lidtintles Door 'On bafiCkill Dliegirto orderSouili Ilan- O DtroobiCitt4Plot eY 4 74' .1` (. 1 A AISCELLANBOUS. -." LOCK. 'STITCH . •. IiAMEEINES. - The .Bcst- Simplest (.JtcapesT rpBESE tnitchinon'arew.adtiptod'ult nt kinds of fainily sawing, working squally well upon 811k,Linen and Cotton goods.wllll Silk,Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch on both sides of the artleNrgen'ed• - All rnaeblnes sold are wartnnted. Call nod AllllllllO at Rail Rend Telegraph Ofoe. Carlisle, Pa: 'JOHN CABIPRELL May. 24, ilifi7—tf. GOOD NEWS! G O OD N W 8 • GREAI DECLINE IN PRICET AT TILE NEW & CHEAP "CASH STORE, _comoi4oz Y. - STS., The tud•criber would respectlully inform the pub lic Chet he is t eel, ng allunxt daily ffore the Eastern a erge L.yolee nf Now :old Cheep Goods, souls ms, LADE ES' IrIiESS GOODS, French ~,Itddlivs, Mohnim Poplins. Intd< nud -.Fancy rndich it clips, Plain apd evd•y Plain mid Ihuu•y Alpaca, S II A W L S! 8 II AWLS! BROCHA LONG AND SQUARE, BREA K FAST SIIAA\'LS i n Vil riot y _ and vary cheap, °LOT) -A ND ASS I MEE ES ! Frrneti. 11.aanaa and .." Alaerlv:tut:lotltN, Mack and . Fancy C41,1111..11.11, (liana/Id Fancy • tivar Coatiugs,l , attlaetta Konturky deal.; lintivrshirt, and 111.115taf,... ed nnld 1:$ Tablo 1/. port, .intitorpalies, 11111. s, . 1•61 1.111 Fkutirl, ' Illenelted font • Ilfiblenebed Alll4/11r/ -I{,MIII7S. i/ II N( 1.. I; A NI) OP \I 1 , 1t1. - 1: I it nslitriii \ I :11o: lidorint•ti Lave 11..! my - prr,ut bss,sissp,s.-).‘st tr. ',10U., Ins in SI, 11,11111.10, h! E.! ALI (7: 0 77/ / of 311 ,ire , ,••C pb,••• Lr y 3 r,l.n l t a•rworal nt. , ortln , ,,t of SII.INTS ' 1 1 1:1'. w )tinS 7 tvc.lll 10 , 10 otfully frl,4ls .1 .1 , uit or ri1.1.1, , , to gin. 11. f. .1 r, it!, 1 ,-nn'it:ll).l,4hr ty it 11 ',II 0•“ • A - 1.17 tlt, , •1 Vprlniz lit: -• fine pin:l. 1 , r,1,h nud I' • • - • ;Ind ) , , , I:111 - 'SI M MIES. IMME Pint. Li,Li ruiley 1 Czt•silii•T', (' i ~•i;,,, ~, 1 °I6 1 , , 1)1,1111,•1, • k I.ljo. as, 1Ai1e,, ,, , S. I 1,:,, . V t_'e , •l l'ord. :In.! ?oaf., ili,•l,'s too 11 flu , ':. , ty, :1,1,0,, Alto. oßill at.o , onoont ol Trott,. Volk, rid Tf aVellll, 1,1,11 01 , hf.:t 0 ,, 0rwr1.111. %Vit It [haul:, to the poSIL 6.1 paw, and Lope 1 ‘ , lll r..colve it .11 t„.• my place, • CI!) WM. :BENT-7., • JOT] N- RENTZ, • AIARY M. lIENTZ. NE ll' 11; 11 : ll' (.; 00 11 Paving 1 nechapol the Itte,t• elect: of goods front A W Bentz, we 'MVO attoteintett tovether the the porpostrof t•on.lo, tro; the Pr it ntn Ituninecr, um tier the •Itoott deeit,tottloo. To thig Itete Rua wolf meet tett ;.fork, t• !i t,. mile lar,ty of tot. and E N 'l' (i ().-4) it S rOln• pete nIII.II tiny i 1 1 ,11%,! 111 'lnn' ..ie) delphla ~ t lt ill,lon ql.:irk rocd>b in pant of CLOTIIS, CASS I :NI ER ES, V ES'l' I (48. In rroat rsrir Ly and rhulor derign, sultablo' Jo! rp: lug. , Loniner Ivioter wear. .011 art .try to roue piste Ll:Hemet.% For (MA departnit'llt, Int! haul' I lie i vier. of au A ..,\ U nkrmunt, nro N,arl'al)tvd to t SI I.ItS p loin fit nry uini LI telt. DE. LA INES all w.V.L tors, P rNA N A ',PAPAS. all ,11,idog. , 11011 A aud I.IA'LIN6 PIIIINCII I'EIICAtES, nice gamin • LGS, he,vy black;and plain solid colors, ALPACII AS, Poplin U. black and fncy, Parasols Umbrella, all colors, land all the must lash ienable Dress :italic In Alie mar hut, Kid, Silk Lisle Threadi Buck Cotton IlloTe; ittol everything desirable in the Glove line, Cambric mini Swiss I:dgings 0111.1.1",.ortings, lu mluit.abundenee; Liteer, Handkerehiefs. from :as.,' lowest price up to finest needle worked embroider). Ribbons. all - shades from i yd. wide, down In tAfe , very narrow. Trlnarnlap; a very large ri,olllllollt I,llllll'lol, I, •ry good thing in urn. MEII Cambric, Naimook, ,Inconet, and Swiss Muldium Table Limnos, andl.lneu and Ulotn Table Covers. (WAIN BAGS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. PRENCH CORSETS. CARPETS! CARPE'I'S!! From 35 per yard up to the he,tlm perial three ply, tolling-lowor Wan the market rates. ',Carpet Chain Binding,. Floor and Table Oil Clothx, Nattings, ltugs, Window Blinds /a. ' Wo have the Plot:lc to ereosninotlalu Ilse entire emu. iunulty and all to leo sou lower than ran he bought anywhero ht tide so..(inis of the entsutry. Call and see BENTZ. Sr. CO. luny 08-tr.. ITAIS AN Do you want a nice Hat or Cap If re, don't fall to all on J. G. CA.LLIO, N-n. 29,•West.Malo Street, Thorn can no soon tlto finest. assortment of HATS AND CAPS • over I,rought to Carlisle. Ito takes great pleasure In Inviting his nld friends and Customers, and all now ones, to his splendid stock Just received from New• York and Philadelphia, consisting in , part of fins SILK AND CASSINERE HATS, . Besides an endless..varloty of flats and, Caps of th, latest idyl., all of which be will sell at tbC LowiiS Cash Prices. Also, his own inanufaeture of [Wu a ,ways on band, and Hats ilidnufactUred to Orudr. Ito hastbo best arrangement for coloring lianand all kinds of Woolen Goods, Overcoats, &c., at thu shortest notleo Inc colors ovary wok) and ou the most reasonable terms. Alsb, a flue lot of choice 'oral] ds of Stumped on the • boo° Of each Always on hand. 110 &alma to call the attontlon of persons who have - COUNTRY FURS • To sell, ns he pays the highest cosh-prices for the Fame, • Clive him a call, at the above number, bin old stand 48 ho fools confidant of giving entire sotisfac 'tion. julyl4 67. • . . . . .. , it .. . a 0 , , -. 4v , Ufa v. .• ,F l usT PREMIUM . 40, • Silver Medal " WAS AWARDED TO - tirBARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE I d fly the N. holdenu Agricultural Society, ut • Its lair ln Ilmalluu, dept. 20, 1814. •31.tLErtETT.s -.. • . . • . Vegetable. Hair Restorative "Restores Ority Dolt. to Its natural color. Pro- . . Anotee the growth of tho noir. Clutegeo tho tootstothelroriglool organic acUon. Eratll.44; cats. Dandniir rued.flumore.' l'reveglo....—*- - - . ,- - - ifolrielthrgont: — UTErultetrcirrn - c4iilg4 '.._. _ ' It contatne no Injurious Ingredients, . , . sod Is the mo,rt pormlartm4 tall. 4 4,;%u r r i , t i %?...l, ' iggrlP°4.* + • . .. South. iir . ..• ..,!.,.. ,1 ,' .137' C) ,- - ~, , / J. R. BARRETT & CO.: ProßliPtoreo ....., NA4-ipiirdsTEß, N. U. . .. —: SOLD Bi I .'7:ALL, DRU.GOISTS.., - . .22p09 qms... • • . • T HE Op 11:5TABLISHEDfIRM. ,‘ J.4,ltipix&upsorr & • „ • - 120'ideniti.Anlist;Tiattn'm,"''' , ' '"' Xe the largest Idanaleeturlng donteetteners and NlTholeaale hoalcan In HoltejNuto, do, la the Una.; id dada. 11 . 0 11 1 , 1 ,S"l' I( I ! 111111/1 Nottb Ilattovor St. I. Ll\ IttN 'l' A 1 L 0 gfilE • ~Lnslins, Calicoes, Glnghthos, Flannels, 'l'icksngs, - Checks,- Linens, all in great variety TOBACCO AND CIGARS ,"sTo,yx,s , AND .77N-WIRE. TF-YOU-WANT TO SEE THE' moet porte9t. Porlor Stoyo over pirereil Wthe pp,bll9 2. stop loth . . . WM.. FRIDLEY'S . . • Eiteve Store East LorillieTstiiit In. - the — rear - of Halbert's Grocery Store and, Fee th GREAT AMBRIOAN BA BUBNEB. in - opergtiOn. It Urn perpetual Burner, and per fect Radiator , , an Well *as - k perfect Ventilator of the room, and is warantad to consume less coal than any other Stove of Maseru° elze,Crer offered to the public, requiring but ono ordinary scuttle of smell .coal once - In - twenty-eight hours, being perfectly simple in all its working, having &simple elide to, regulate the fire for keeping at night, one kindling of fire being all that Is requirnd during the winter. - No dust, no gaN, no clog or cinder ' O .41,14 x c ^ tt c cl l •. n ,- M I.—Alt ample Magazine, or Itmervoir, for Cod, having a free dbeharge mouth. the nmgailno being adjustable to different heights of FiY tu nine inches from the grate, so au to aecommodato the supply of Coal RR to Its rise add quantity,thus permitting the maintenance of a certain dont!, of coal for - activo combustion within the fire-pot-(nhether It be of nut or stove size), which Is the only way to burn An• thraelto coal to advantage: Different sizes of coal require more or less depth for perfect combustion. —A.Fannel, or Hopper, for the passago of the coal to the magazino is MI arranged as to permit the introduction of fresh mai, without :Mowing any escape of follies and gas into the room; nod urther, when the stovn Is left with its top uncovered, nom pulling any fames that may esenpo from the supply in the reservol r. upwards to its top, to poor over the top of the 1.4.,10.th. info 'the sin-Founding due, and on to the let r aed 3—A of v Ith n c.,tillttuons Flan. over Its entire appai. And dawn It a nlltole , t,dy to the babe :lad nut rot,. Ls %Oita nioant. Opt hest Is t ransmitte , t, not, ha repaints floes several Invites apart,tts it, usual intim, zmard thaft_atovas• lint ht continuous shta•t of name In oontart With the entity rinvm learner ni t..e [. titer ea of the htorr. from the top of the Vile-Pot downneaide.xiv ins a tar stint, ox tended surlltre hi radiation - of the heat tha Catty downward dratt ,tool. ------- • rut, Sn rt . ., ve and Air rentplate /11 . 1,111,0•1 It I,li,ior shaking sod dtnapina with s iv - m.114z. A.. 11 I•ve I° 1 . 1.E.1.1, nOl.lOll , _ it i• , !Ira i• • =I open the removal iit titer from tine!pyle. Mile!) rio commonly ooenti 111101 the reuverof 01 the rovers with other Magazine Stole, the nneh le hid effect 'Of the Filuttet. 80 inot..t.ttlift.e.luillialralllZ.l 1.1 LI,I. 111.1Zille and it. , 11,01111 ding rho , . that NI I GAS lIAN-Al4l4l_ l 4l.lll,litlitii-I ,3 l i Hli: 13 I' %UT t I f• THE Ni iitllilZlNti:p, INN iUIJh A'ut 111,001 ,it oil. or drat - . • leal.-1 noel, the NI ,r32.azi. 1.41.1 le OM, Alr , t th, fled). • •• ( I N NI • I .1 I I 11. t , 1'61.11111.111 . I • II:, 4,1%,•1. 1.11.0, A',ll \ 1.1:t it H.lp •Ii Ilitt,l v :t,ll , till,ty I. 1..' "I' , ll / , ;••,11.%111 , 1• and Spotlli , ,,Noolit, or:di mot ki.: t :1111 c• 1411,•• •017, eri i .11 , , , 1.4 ,• ,•••••r F Y I-11,7e3C1.-au4oe.mi. 1,1,10'0'1,1 it. Illt . Fl•!1•1,!),, , ,pIIIISIVI : 11. • 1•• t: I ;11:1311 ; !, • ; • . E )1.; STi )lAnntovt mi t; .017 .11, 5ii , ,11..L11 . 11• c.l Xll RE 1:: 111 is ttW te. IA111011.1: 0 1/ : ,211!},21.111111-11k,int:11.111611J40,t1 :1101 A.111111,(1 - 11/711 , S, W10 . 13,1t0.,V • . :111 t . 1.111. - 11E=1111 l'iti pow., 1), hand— 0•ax...! , ,tq1, nil nu.l f , t . snit, by ]; 1:1; Co, • ,ludry nail i . 'ust -, IN In Strew. I'I`EAI 11()ILEIZ NVe ailflfruptrotl to make _lt_tm Boiler, of ff li f . f z fr :toil Mott , promptly :mil telsost tot A Otarto nod ftll iirtlel.•. in dna lifif;. p Mt. Inn or linitott , nod mptly ottnnamt t.f thri'liest'Ontoitor. Foundry mid I.lvllir.,Shop, C rlh, o , 4'n. , jiv.1.2•1•1;7. CHARLES WTT,LI A M IIE AND yrNTIL‘TrNG Nns. 1132 Si 11:11 Mni-lot Strc.t.t. 1.1111,ADE; 11, an entirely now lo 11 Is coo-n.1'11,1 3 , to al ern - rnt:n.l Ito II to :. roto , lnaalot, • f Irrouarl, 3,1 a .•I non It is yory sitnpls in I is eon strnotiota and Is orrfohly Mfr t I,ht: ttl . ll .. llltlitilt. 111,10 e I i riposn, MO , t.ll 10. t.lt,tl 011 t ‘ll , i lt i arato 11101 oprhalit , prrslll'. , ,• .111,01110 n11,31;40., no. ,331.• i 1,0 11..tti 3.13 tin naco rnl‘r In us, ha Itygrotootte •a: it, a: Ilia Ins as pr althrd my new arrattgoul,.l s‘apornt inn O 11l at OIIPO de uo',ll.3 to that It 1 , ths AIR F U IlN.\ tt MAI. prt,ltt.tt, pertertly Ile:11111y tittip,plptrt.. I Zilil I/OW 111111d111.: AM'S and foot 11.1 . \ IMMO sly NNW iiiti;DEN Ughtlili,(3 IL% Nil its 1 Wee ihistril [hurt Is nothing In us that ran eranpare with thew, egards their Ilurability,utiononty and St,argo ast.orttnitnts of Iwts Down (ir,tt VI, lhus• tti.s" Ilto r tistelt and Vottlintotti. or illus t ra tett iiirculiirsi Inlay 6S.Cin. P ENNSY ANI A ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 111C.Si11 . 11 • PHIL Ai DELPIDIA. ST I (.; S 0•N (; A Fon U RLE 1) It A I I; ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper than Feather;. or Lkir,._ WAR. S PElllOlt. The IhhadeFt, SiJilest 111.1 bkllllo.olllllkllUnl. Mattresses; Pillows, Car, Carriage and Chair Cushions? 1.,f,,t1y dealt 11,. 11 . 0.1'4110., - EL liOliß NOT PAUIt AT ALL! In alt, nya fret, from Int.t, li1r;15 pnrfretly,Lnaltity and for the tinettuallvd. It bolted lu any tray, ran Lt, rntkov.ttntl nit leltrt aid airier tine any other 51al tress. c' Special attuntion ghrod to Mil till Ultlt111.:8, HALLS, Railroad inon .lI.V examin k'nsFAinuoN UUnI ANTI OE' THE TRADE SHP PM El). P_'Jnnc 0 ly ' 9 • I 6: OVTIVAItI) MWMMI . Bearing clan: April 30, 1867. JACOB' ABRAIIIMS CO„ Neeovetle, Cumberhryd County, PL, Preprietors of the above 'named Patent • for the Counties of - CU3IIIERIAND and FItANICLIN; PA., awl WASHINGTON COUNTY MD. - WedeLlre to call thu attontien of Niu,rmits.min ow'ners,and other,,to the inerit,ef the mote inven tine, whirl, for Durabillty,l:llleleney, and C11,11,11U:., they ern confident eannot be surpmrv rd. Wherever lOUs boon introduced. FIIVCI.IOI ham lin variably followed, even under the mostunfavorablo 'clrrutuniulu•cu. lin. Back IValcr and ..T.or Head unit ecnnoniicyl me of Hider, lhi.t Wheel 1., 7UNIOtIi viral! A {Vaulting Model of the Wheel cull bu examined at the Eotabilehment of the Manuliteturers in New max PA., where all Information may be cheerfully given. • . . We ttppond thu l'ollow 111 L: rufbrone.: . 3. S: -T. D. lIINISIL JOHN DRORDADO II,;, 'DENJAAIIN LANDES, -' , .11111Dryight;. - SAMUEL _LANDES,_.. ._ ....,(t;A: A.-W, DAA'..I.DSDN' .1. S. LINDSEY., : ' Miltwrigbta. J. F. RUSSELL. • LEWIS BOWMAN, '.' • SAMUEL ' SOL031(1N STROHM,. ADAM RAMh,- MillWrlEbt JACOB. RAMP. i ovt2o If. J. S. M C6l . E L A.PI wpm . ' BA RTALOTT & RE YNNi DILI.LIEIt3 IN HOG., Caps, COI'S Sitravii GoOds 31arkut ILADEI,NII4.I.: aljuly (I,3nt aAS PIT TING . and P,1,Jr.3113 Ma . --- . .FOOTS 7& LYNCH, - . ... . • • Pandit:al Gila Fitters and Plumbers Denim. t o inkrni .thelr old 'euatomour and the mu eons of Car Halo generally, that !they have .romoved their eitabllsbniont to the carnalOMß room In the m 3. Eiseent Of liliee 'S'Hall, ,e k kl. ntranco on Ohuroh Alley, , . ' They will Arend promptlyqui •rotofore, to ail work entrusted to thorn. I. They imp conatantly on liana of I are proparnd to introduce LEAD and IRON PIP B, HYDRANTS,' HOT, and COLD 8110WIIII BATH IyAnn. °LOW GT6,11011011 and LIFT PUDIPB, 111 N BINH% DATA TUBE' BOIL, ..,s, WABIL DAB! ,' HYDRAULIC RAMS, all lamb of GAB, STRATI! d -WATER.III.T. THUM CCOITINH,JIANOES, tins! tun, AC., ant up ili' the'ramemoiern etylq,: '.: 9nuntry- Work Fid. Jobbin proniptly,at , :ii t tended 'to. • -•-• - -- 1 I rlapr.oB BARD WARE: • HARDWARE HEADQUARTERS. tiENRY SAX,TON, EAST - HIGH STREET, Carlislq, Pa linving had upwards of 20 years experience lu buying, and invarhbly of the, manufacturer, and always paying cash, no flatter ousolves that no can buy at the cheapest rates posAhlo, and,' as Quiek " Sales and Small Profits is our Vatto, "we cool cont . tieht that we can please our customers m every I ustance. We bare lately purchased our Poll '0 oohs, and-re duced the price of our entire stock,ond wouldadvl6o Builders, Mechanics, • Farmers, and all tho . so who would lord, to their interest to- chute and extualti a belbro purchasing. Oar extensire E:tock in the Blackquith's line con- Fists in part of Ilnuonered,. • Rolled. I,4lglishrd and Norway Iron, or all shapra and olxen. Rurden's llart, and Mule Shos, liroso and Muhl Iron and Nang, Cast, Spring, • Sleigh, (ulster - and " Too Steel. • N English Wagon Brieu, al. Z , lto . lgoa,lto, Vim B w ellos,,Filtut, Hasps, and Tools t de.riptlon ;LI 'l' 1J 1; 111' . Pocket and Table Cutlery, Botcher Knives, Table and Steels, Barber's Razors and Scissors, also Tailors Shears, Embroldei in Scissors ito., in endless variety, of the most eolciimttid English and Americiin Our Corriogo W'mgrlti and Sleivli lixture,s Arid Trimming's ore too extent•lto too eilutuenite. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS supplied with materials at a very small advance on Manulheturm, Irises. CA P, I'ENTERS TOOLS IMRE PLANES, CHISELS, • A UGERS, ES GOUG. of every varlet.% irrtrdwit h I Ir. Ili ILr 1001:1 S I) I) I, E I: 1 lithrh t Ire. ,t Northk. adjuh.ittg ~ 1, 1 10 Colhirs, 111112: ,11/11 . k do., Ilitthketn, :iti// uyn. Bill", P,th•hiel, Ormt. 111 , 1118. nr., 1.1.•I11r•I• With the Faney unit in,- ! imvnt ll= •II ••.!• I !. 11!,.*d ESUME R 111 ILi l / 4 .1 • ... their ...e •. I 11:II, • Fl,reilf. I lee. I'. i.f!...t.e.,:11 .% .! Whit . ; Lowl, I.lnl 1.t.5.11 anti %nu, • 1..11,111 In f., 1 .. In,nt "rt/. compr1,111;: ‘1 th ' Burk ap.l 11.,rtr .111 e lower ~ 14 ..!•.1.• .11,1"..'i 0 1,0 1-1 • Dry :1111k)11 ibt Di 4,5 and br'l'ulie, Dalnt. Cu. "kb ' eatnel II 01, A,: r.taining druibt, of vvrry W..,11,t11u t) 11. t.; _IV 1) VAitNl5 11 4: 8 ; are 1. , 4.1, pup ill,: I . l.plltat i,.11 Linsoe I Uhl, 15 1 1L11,• Flu., - 1,ar , 1 d.. it 11l tir , Mat . , Pu bithargo, - It tLittis : , 11t.11 Chill Itt • !um (:q peraF Borax Lt•gwooll• Uluo. PrM P M Runmoy, Dou,k , nod CMCJI,I7 13,1 ntnrs, vlth woo , l Iron or Ino•httleilt, guntrnotood tolift water from O 100 loot not to front° In wham,— t SA.DI)I,EII )I,S, P 0 ly 1) It' It A:constant, dud fresh supply, lit.eli.:lllti Itltle I'EPWIII. togstiiiir Safety Fuse, l'ioli...'4Nttdivhs.lohiLtliv. Irons, Drills, Crow Bars, .Shshios Sapping Il:m niers, &i• C E , Itorendtle and Seutland Contnt. Plaster, Putre Sand, &c., (all warranted trr.lt and panel ) F A 13 I.; LL S "All sizes," "warranted not to. 0t.0.',." Disstott Mill, Circular, Crt,:nroit :Ind Boiorl “trartantod." (M Lit and Olsenlat. Sues (Itlonned. C .E•D A P. NV A 11 . A large and MAW assortment or C. d.rc 11'.are.suel, ns Buckets, Cliurns, Tubs, llowlb, Ae. IIoUsEK EEPEIIs GooD-;, Plain and • • Oval and - lloand Boilers, . Porcelain, Hrass and • . Copper, Pergervm . y _ . - . Kettles Hale (Ind 'Frifeng Waffle and • Arid Irons, . Sad Irons, Wringers, cy0 . ,,, ! um • Brittantrami - Plaird - TerramtTatili - Siromm Shimmers' and Lade's, Driali""6"iiYor'irne Bells, Pater Scales, Large. Iron Kettles, Shoe Zinc, Floor Oil Cloth, Stair liod.s. BIRD ()AGES. Largest toisortment and uleht beautiful Stiles of Bird t age, Cot Flower Baskets, .MosH Banging BaNketo, &C. GUNS Single and Double Shot Guns, Mac Ilan els, Locks and alountings.ltevolvors,llowio Knlvea. Cartridges, to suit any Itlll6 or novoPeer, Powdor, 6130 t, Caps, FISIUNG RODS AND TACKLE GRAIN BAGS, 2,231 3 ' and 3 Butlola. Cotton, and at tho very lotus , rates. PLOWS Plunles Shifting Dona High and Low Cutter, Zolgthr, Walrlelt, Dloamgald, Beglo and York Plows. Plow 11.1111 Cultlvator,llendles,Utoillogs to -sult Iltly.ol iko :awe° Plows constantly on baud, 0.11 A 1 , . , Straight and Tivixt Butt and Log TracoiLsDt Main Sproada and llaltors,lon}cuy Con and Dog Chaim!, ELIZABETIL-JIAIUES, • • We dro agents Re the patent improved Measuring Fauhes. We guarantee thorn to draw and measure tor reedy tho heaviest Molasses, Oils, Tar, Varnishes &a. la the coldest' weathoh. • Wo are holo Agents for Fairbanks Standard Scales uhiversally aekno*likiged the , beet add cheapest; IVE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR PATENT 1::;:(J,ELSIGII WEATIIER STRIPPING, unud iu Doom and NVindowx far ederniding Cold,!ndu. SAVING. OF. , boildes securing such conifort no no other oipundi tures of Fool can command. ' "CAMPAIGN" CAPS AND CAPjgOk'.4 for illoymour and Blair, Grant nud Colfax. • . • Cootie dollrod froo to altparta of town atrltomotnbqr pie old stand,' 1 , 1 - 0. - 16„-EAST.13.1.(1te HENRY 'SAXTON. '2Bans MILLER Sz-BOWERW HA RD TV.4 TORE, e • . • • 26 NORTH HANOYER STREET, - _ WE would reppectfully call the at ten don of the public to our _recently replenish: od STOCK. Wo have carefully avoided . purchasing during the recent decline, and now that the market lets become settled we have filled up our slml vett and are prepared to offer special in:trireme:de to all who will laver ue with a all. . sitUARES. SAWS, If A11;11 If-AMMER:4 Mir I=l=l .II C A.:SW IT f; s. nlit . ha ' WO, Ila. I I-I:I .); AND TT NN' ; 11011 t I) 141 "I r . tilaitintt r.l••••l,',..illint.t , pUff sr ' 110117. i•nr•kr: , :tns - . l• •• Siin"T i;Sn• , Coitin't this in,i ma t I Intl.l _ • anti (eel ns-u... I . tonnt. , in 11l- I,rt Futoiturr Varnish, Coach do , nalito Ulll.ll . 111 1 11011 110. 1, Itintr Spirit ,10 1 1 MI of evert varlet •. k nl,r,lLlo In p2rt dt sdjo:tlnp o d ,onnd Wooil lintues Itat.•k, Blankets :toil Cld! , An,. )1010( I,INI NOS, • HINGING AI),E PEGS Our fri.. into will always find fie s with the hest hiands ortitm articles and ...a.l) to sell them at the Ihwest title... We ad. L'mstnntly in - relpt of . I'ain`.s, thus ennblin - out..lves to supply our customs... with — fresll — prilfits, fir all des criptions contantly on band. lie. pule • LINSEI:11 ' • 1011 ' 4 , 1111NITURN. PPM All LEATHER, out IRON VARNISH I.;', Pr 1"11% or I.ITIIRAUE,I,.. Cabills..l. i ttLeri . and U ndertakers, mill always 11....1 no Hiring 0 lull3upply of goods In tills line. PUM PS of all del,;riptiou and altm t,nt matinfm. tmor,.. Wood. lion and oat' pupils to suit. - ± 7 ;V: . ; "1 4 1 : 6 FARM AND " ct , die House Dells; 'ciVT; • 1‘ Mill,Crops-eut :ilia Circular S3ws. Itilleand Blasting Powders, Itosendale, ❑anconk aid Send:Lblewatont, Calsitio Plastim, Crow Bars, Slr•dgns, &o. '3 o FARMERS, • will do Iv ,dlaod ,x:doino our sloth of Homes Traces. Breast ChliThe, Tongne and Stay Cl a Jockey Challis, soreaThq" Miler Chains. Cow TiOS Shovels, Spoiler, Forks, Bakes, Grain Bags, Sr, foto buylo-relt,ewhefe: We ready to one speehl Indneements in this line. ' , Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. RIFLES., ' SMOOTH AND TWISTED, 061.11)10 end Single-barrol SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVER:S . , CARTRIDGES, WIPERS and-flun Trimmings of el, pry kind. DARW A E. !Elmo's' A.S'older fug 11?, ONB,. 11.410 (e.c. We 4,0 solo ogouts for the • • and aro ready. to supply Scales warranted, and fur lashed It lower prices than any pther Aealea ln•tho market.' . t .ttilVtrare CO.1.11:11.ly In rreltlpt, goodx direct from tho tnanufacturoraAu4 üblolo lirnli.loOtintry. Morchnnttc.nt Pbll3l.l6lplllit - aritt "Ntivi Vorlc prices. • 0 A •C r • • - W A'(l9 N ak,./Agy • • :FIX,T,VR always on hand And M. the lowest market rates, Hubs, Spokes, Follone,A,xlnA, Shafts, bark; Drilling ; , Damask Rs., (400b13doilV;31Ii WO patio of tho'lo74 fyrfs '''r . 11-ARD.A-RE El CARLNICAW. PA =ME .4 1 ',11,' 10. , , , :, , , , =, _ - - te a - __ 4 ' l. I lhr , ....• ,,, .________ _ ......, t , „,, r, ,q„, ~.. Ifill'l' ,,,, -44 - 1 = Itti num re,l.Tilish Re firevl, runt Nw wry 1/: ON; 73,,,hrit'g eind • ..11”1” Sly" , ; ; V. I" I . I. 0 i NI; 'I 1; 1 1 HARRISBURGx A I ywny; on liio • \ 4.,.,,.:te--:,(;-:•1 . . ..v.,..?.,,,,-;,;.,,z:•-, ~, . c a pp en tor , `'.i."--,',, 1 ' -2:4- _____,'..,?, ' .. _.,7-; ~:(5).,,;..i,,,,,ii„.... '4. , -,....._ 1„ - • '''''''''-, - r: 1 \ ") ; 1 e i- t ~ ., _ - 7=-.. -4, 0 "#,) , - 1%-! 7 N .0 K C 1114.1.; , T A "1 - 3, H AN 1> 11.44.1-1x1,1444141.-44.140-14•444.1 - .144..--11..a.1:46..-4.4.-1-.4.4 ol and or ,, nit% tt3,. ahl.• to taxto Of ocon Uu• 1110 Institll.lo,, S.II)IWERY SHOE RINDINUS, I=l 'I: I.I.:ADS % 1\ " I ,„„'"p • , • BIIPPALO sonic.WOßl(B MILLER 4 13 - 03 , V±M§. • - 10. 0 4E04 Ilan oiYer• St, DRY . -GOODS.'. , • L WINTER CAMPAIGN, In :the Dry Good Trade Open. AT THE CHEAP' TORE OF L.T. GREENFIELD No. , 4. Bast Mai Street. would most respoctfu ily Inform my porous and others that I have Just opened the largest and 10104 selection of Dry Goods, Notiqns)&e„ for the fall and winter 'trade ever brought to this place; being its Now York and Philadelphia during the last t xtremely Not weather, I have deoldsql advan togas in purchasing my Goods at figures below their cost, at this timeand being desirous to give my caste_ more the advantage In this particular, I would cal attention to the price at which I can sell. DOMESTIC GOODS, 5000 yds or the most popular prints at 124 c. Domestic Ginghams at 12 , .‘, 15 15 and 200 . Brown ohm!ins nt .4-1 at 1.23,1,15 and Ito - Dienchtul Muslin's • at 10 12lA lii,and tip top ' Shit tinvs at 'Acta Canton Flannel at ' 15 20 and2se. Ttekingri at "1619 . 20 25 and upwards• Crushes nt 12 , , , 1 15 and 200 Ahn n fall Ilse of apECISS, ,2'f RI I'ES, DEMINS, KENTUCKY .1 ET NS, D EL A INS; wail other Dolnestle Omit , at corroftpoodingly lON price, DRESS GOODS, det,tained to increase my l.4te°k ni Oren. Gonda, I have purchased a Stock that so 111 °planet: with any in the valley as to quantity'and quality and at prices that 1,1111 , it rail in pleas, 16ey 'eon slot in part or - - , HACK SILKS c from Lbp•ltme.t. irradmi - up to •'4. , prr Ant I.,our‘ni ~, t l uit a feo, t n”.l,t of C U 1, (1,1; S ,I s 1= %tip French 11orluoic 111111,101r° Poplin -111:Wool l'anprow, `bow , Poplin., Alii , aililoo Poplin nintol 1.11.11 11l 11 - 00 l Delano cloul.1” 0 1.11c4, Card, • • • , i• 1110Coti. 011 ettr r. , ' 11tkerir.. C. ( -•:.7 0 i OM •t r - . 11,14111! • I! 1•1:11:1.1S MOURNING GOODS,' li utbt 1109, li, A I IJW A V Tit A 1 N 8 . 2 1.E.1 depot foot of Clanalloira stood, Pa. i;•1111:1 l rry : 7..0 A.. 11.. Bay Er, pour for 110i-hestur• Ruff:tit, italo111:111011. Dunlora, and all pointy Went and South. -AO A.ll. II ay Te.lin dailr for Ottinville and Inter- • ittodiato gallons. • • In-!.0 Expree. Mall for Bultald, Sahlut;ifirit, Doonirt. and all points Wont attar South. il-nu Al.l} tty Toon for 111,1;1h:town and in tet a to ttittifam. ~1::u 11av halo -o-s i•toppitia• only at Sterling J TitrnoCti and static,. It oat of TM-tiers • lea opt thoorili t a‘eoburii, Watt Adel, 11outgetn .. oat, tudfonvillo and Portllervi.,' ; NI, :ty'l`rain for :••ufroi 0 and iutormoillate I . I 1-..10 v. 11 Night Expo., for Rochester, Bo fritio gala , o , mllt ( !olith . s Oun kirk and all points Wost.„ Uu • 11. IL ay Trains tar e front' and intunntallate ttationc.. Billy]: and White st ra w's, , v. )1, igirt V,apt,eft dailyfor Rchester, Buffalo, '/li/1111allett, k üba all yuiP to West antL c q ra ra rt at:along, Irtsra -South,- ty- thin traln-dlnoplutt-Lai:aches, ill Otte through tO CAlll.'llll4l oltan„-io sorCment of v."at tratt: ra ttt. Train Oily for the • • /Flack 1 ren Ph \V Doublo 0 0 B .S , Crapo Neils FUNERAL GOO DS, At' 111 111 imir.-1,,30 A. 31. Way Tral it for (Nth,- ' 1 for L'un ' kira. Mattilii, Itochiodwr, Salaturtilea, and all and ialisfie• , iflle. 1.2 op 11. fur l'at rr,ool n,OO I'. 31, .Sight Express t fo o r rii 7b o ie ll l o l d o . rdors hill Is. pi idiiiit I,- i points W v• 1 end Sfltail; 100 I'. N. huirgrant and 11.:I'3 , Tratii, 11,00 I'. 31. for Paterson and Poi t Jervis. Panirc., iralnn rolls. thi °ugh to Sulam:mm:l/4.11- k. It and'll naiad Without change Cl rdarlia., cud in direct rounisaron with all Soutliorn and We.t urn Lines. Cloths Casimars•alid Cassi bets, Perfectly lentil:fled and luxurious Slurping Coach aiight Black Cloths from 11 , T)oteco.ct- mp ly trii all ob ,A tained m i tt.. Company's office, 242 to the finest Frenah A mei lean Beavers. Briatilwav, and depot toot 01 Chambers iftreet, Now of k; also at L u rk; hock depot. dm Noy Cit.,' Illustrated Conte to the principal feaburlian flaia , on tho Idno of the Custom Dia - felon I , f this has been praparod, 5112 can he obtained at Ow .41,11 r,I the 'Compal,p true of oho by those o felling to personally examine the region referred w It the me' od,c4tdemeat_ 11. It I pi:LE. General Superintendift, . la BARE, then,r,il l'a,setiger 1 I,p•Lh. Fron' I;,:kver-; Curt vercoßts A I rgF stork of PiEtilLltg, Catisimers. lu thin branch of my try, le I would Particularly calrattentlou as I am codtident that I hare :he largest and hest selected stock of ache goods of any store this side of tho cities, and having aide "Iritu - dirarill — Order to snit--my—numerous — oust loses In three articles, all I ask Is an lospeclioo. feeling satisfied that none can compete with or undorsell toe. BLANKETS. H BLANKETS ! In those I :no lont offorin.: bargains that 041111 0 tollllo el-4,11112ra UC)RBR . .V .. S In this branch of our trade we o the toil .11( 'ONO that, kelp n varloty or these ar ar ticles. Nix' ilobrated Star corset., sell. The Regular Froual .T.hompBon' , . Plitout (novo Fllllll Carrot, ho 'nogt prient artlelr of that kind I: HOW n. AIFa a fate Freneb Coart wink ,0 On). A NUR ! ! SHAWLS ) Nly 1/i 51121141,4 in Cry will lan A nld nt la Null all. by ennalat of SQL' A lthANll LONG PAISLEY SIIAATLS Cc (Apuis FOil 14DIE'S SAUK .OF OF ALL SHAPES. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE . OIL CLOTHS, STAIR OIL CLOTHS, OIL PAZER i;LII' DS 'Notions, Gloires and•Hoisery, groat varieties and vary chem.. Thol.tfeet style of 41 ' OP 7 S .1( 1 ICT S A•L 31 0 R 1, SK VETS inIRS !:!FURSIi!". 'laving accepted the Aglow y of ontrof Fur manufacqurern In the con "try, I will by those Weans havo .on hand and ova lOr Inspection, on theist .oll.octobor—nost, oao-of•-the , largest -.and. finest doloctlon of Furs are, Uf -ought to this pine°, and will offe r ouch Indu ccrountft to purchasers that cannot tall plenso both as to • and quality, by this arra ngometit my stock ty 111 abrupt ho fresh, and - having no risk In the salon •will ho able tcceoll at short pr ogle. Remember S the ."Place;, L V. GREENFIELD . • •:- oc, ;°h!.,F,F MAIM STREET., , i 9 t, =I 111.2 ‘ tel: BI.tINKET dh AWLS RAIL ROADS' ftBIBERLANI) VALLEY RAIL- .cx•ANGE.OF HOURS! On and after -Monday, September 14/1,-lA66.Passen ter Trahrs will run daily as follows, (Sundays exesp t6d) .WES - TWARD:. • - _ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 8,00 A., Mechanicsburg 8,33, Carlisle 9,10, Newelllo 0 ,45. Bbip-pensburg 10,19, Chainborsburg 10,413, Greencas tle 11,15, arriving at Hagerstown 11,42 A. M. ~ Brim TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1,30 P . Meehan. leshurg 2,02, rarilale 2,34, Norville 3,lo,V3hipnens• burg 3,40, Chamboraburg 4,2 °Greencastle, 450, arriV log at Hagerstown 5,25 P. Al. EXPRESS 'WIN loaves Harrisburg 4,15 .P Mechanicsburg 4,47, Carlisle 5,17, Now Ville 5,50, 811Ipliertsburg._ 0,17, arrivlngreloltambersburg -atu,46 , A sliiteD Tama' leaves Charaboraburg 8,05 A. M., Qreoricastiop,2s, arriving at Liagerstolvvi 10,10 A.M. EASTWA-RD: • ..... ••. NOCOMMODATIoN TRAIN loaves Charnbersburg -4,45 A 51.. Shipponsburg 6,14, Nriivvllle 5 45, Carlisle 6,- 18, 31imbanicsburg 0,47; arriving at Itirrisbarg 7,15 A. M. I • MAU. TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8,00 A. EL, Green castle 8,35, Chambersburg 0,10; Shipponsburg 0,90, Newrille 10.14, Carlisle•lo,so, Mechanic - nuns - 11,21, arriving nt Harrisburg 11,55 A,ll. IiSpRESH TRAIN leaveibilagerstown 11,55 A. M. Greencastle 12N3, Charnburshurg . l,oo, Eiblipensburg 1,32, Newrille 2,05, Carlisle 2.45, Alechanlesburg 3,12, arriving at Harrisburg 3,44 P. DI. A Mixt], TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3,05, P. 51. Oreenelstle 9,12, arriving at Chambersburg 6,05 I'. 51. .4r6- •I Alm; close connections at tiarrisburg with trains to anth from Philadelphia. Now York, faith. more; Washington and Pittsburg. SUP.q I I:I2r.NDENT'ii OFFICE, 0. N. LULL. Chamberilmrg, Pa, May 8, 1809. Sap% 15 may.oB. R FADING RAIL ROAD SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. JIOND,,t AUG UST 3d. 1868. - 011EAP TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for Philadelphm, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tarim -tun, Ashland, Sharriblcin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Linz, Lancaster, Col. simbia, &a. Trains lone Harrisburg for. New York as follows: Al. 2.00, 5.25, and 8.10. A. 31., and .1220,-noon, 2.05 . and 0.35, P. M. connecting with Similar Trains on the Peunsylrania,Rail Road, and arriving at Now York at 0.00, 10.00 and 11.45 A. M.. and 3.50, 0.55, and 0.50, 1C 51. Sleeping Cars ncroin pan ing the 2.50. A. TI. and 0.35 P. 51. rralne without change. 'Leuvo Ilarrisbarg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Miner...villa. Ashland, Shamokin, 11'1..e Drove, .Men town and - Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. SI., and 2.05, end 4.10, P. M., stopping nt Lebanon. and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10, P. 31. train making connec tions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. .For Pottsville, Selinyik ill Haven and Auburn via :Schuyl kill; and Stls.inehutdia .11ailroub leave Harrisburg. 130 P. 31. Returning: Learn Now York at 0.00. A. Al.. 12.00, Nooc. .10.15.00 aod 8.00 P. - 31.; Phitadel: ' pliia at. Sl5 A. 31.• and 3,30 P. 31.; Sleeping cars areompan I og the 11.00, A. M. and 5.00, and 8.00 P. M. trains tiom New York, without change. Way 'Paysonger Train lenses minneetllWAVith -- 77 - Milar train on East Penn= ylvania Railroad, returning from Reading ,at 0.30, P. II .Idoppingat all Stations loso tsvillo 047 00, - and 8.43 A. 31. and Ads. P. - 31 , Slf!intokin IE2O A. NI. Ashland 700 A. M. 12.43 Noon and 1.115 P. 31.; n outgun at 8.30, A. 31, 2,15 'and 4.35 P. M. Leave Puttsvllle - SchuyTkill and 'Susquehanna Rail Road al 10 It, 31..7 tar Harrisburg, and 11.30 A . 31. fir Pine Grove and Trenvut. Reading Ar ; eoniuirodatien Train: heaver. Reading, tl 7.10. A. 'I.. returning from Philadelphiv at 5.15 P. Si. • ',1 L4ooon lotto t.0. - 4.1..41 6.11, A. NI. return InArt, .11. o.lu ull.du, Hall Runt' TA Alott lett vo ltvudiur 7.00, A 11, Anti t, P. (01 Ept,t , tlet. I,llla. 1,11e5 an 8. l'ol • 14 ..1 . ,VV41 minalo.o.l'olloi.loti Jan, 'I t. , lAAJ A:NI, rAll 6.00 I' PI . rnitlg Leave `l•t ppa.: at ....111 A, NI., and I '^ v. AI-, Inv a lllii trains a tt I." op , s.no. I'. NI • mu, A 11.. :lAN. I' 11 , . S.. A. ‘ l ta l's,tirs Inv 13.011„ ...In A. AI. all.l AA.. am! 9.31, I' SI• I , ' H....Hal:at I [0,1: f , : . .a..,17.15 0. AI lar Flat. s. ii. nn.l I 1 Si, , , I'. Al.. 1.. t N.., tort IA 25. I' .Is. Ir.r Philadrlphln. OVIII•al .4 , 11 i.ll, to andtrom all pa, rot, 11,1.1 I ,rh =I _ „.. —mu lily for the SS rot. Alp, Way Trains for It u burro. d Park ,Passale. rod In raison at, 0 .15 and 11,13 A. 4 , , and 1,.15, 1,011 and 11.00 P. M. Imi 11 tat 01,1 a) .1.4111 a Ttiratra 1 17aivi" 0 1 1,141 - Mr - fOE - 11101'n nd Ili t,Prairdlatu sta • dor,. LYS U ILONUE ;93/Pi THE CHARTER OAK -LIFE,INSURANCE COMPANY, • OF HARTFORD CONN. Inecirperatod 1850, Charter Per potual. ABBE'N, 'sl,ooo,llou. JAMES O. (VALIUM', President. Yolioioa laatiod on all Popular Planc • A ro ! , , I eaNOTIS why people Insure in the Chattel oak. " • I .—All banking privileges are prohibited, the business lad. Sauteed excl.iyely to the Insurance of Butt. 2d.—lts Risks are selected with great care, thus incurring small losses, anti consequently large dip!. , &off, accrue to the Policy helder4.—Set, Mass. Sneer- awe Re ports last six years. 3rd—lts Ratio of Expenditures, including Death Claims and Working EXIIODOOR, to Recepts. are ,un preredentedly low. Canto Reports. dth.—A II the profits are divided among Policy holders. the erignal capital being limited by Charter to night per tent dividends, no more than It earns for the Company at-Interest. ~ sth—rt declare Lend pays its Dividends annually It CM. thneassisting the insured the payment • premiums, ' oth.—lt Is premptin the payment of losses, hav• lug paid to Widow," and orphans nearly TWO LION DOLLARS, and has moo. Utibrated a dolor. . 7th. man ofa ealth hisures as an Investment,, btb—Men.of admit means Insure to guard their families against want ..9th.=The_tatv. of ..business-insures to • provide against possible 3eac iu trade, a life Policy, being a . has Mr capKal.te7 . ' - 1001.—PeronsSn debt Insure — that their earnings fur years or toil nit', not be raelinced at death from count id ready cash to cancel liabilities. insure, as money Outs laid away li)F . littler is sure to coma back largely increased to their ticatlrbeing eet:nin tb occur. • r Dc, S. R. litErlfElt, M. D., Medical Exinntner. •• J. C. STOCK, Agent carlDle v ra... E. LI. BLAIR, Oederal Agent, fon,Eastefn,h. ' • t Office, NO'. 37,{Yeat Third St:, TVllllinnspori, Pa. • 25°067 FT.RE INSURANCE; TIM Allen zed Eabtpenusboro' ylutilul Fire In• surailicn Conipany of Chunberland county, hworpor• stud by :town of Ai.sernbly, in the your 1843; and having recently had its rharter eta - ended to the year 1883, is 1101 V Iu active and vigorous operation, under the superintentlinwo of thu following board or Managers, viz: Willlimn it. tiorgas, Christian Stayman, Jacoti erly, b. Bally, Alex. Cathcart. J. 11. Cooper, ,John' nieltolitergsr, Joseph, Wickersham, Santi..Eborly, Moses I.3riokor, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Copvor, and J.V. Dunlap. • The rates of Insurlince are as low and faimrable as any Company ,of • the html -In Abe Stato.s Porsons wishing to become mombors aro Invited to thako ap plicatlon'to the agents of the Company, who aro all- Nog to watt upon thorn at any time. OPNICHRS Oil TOE COMPANY. ' 'WM. It. 00R0 AS, Prosldont, L'lirly's Mills, Cum berland county. CATHCART, Prashlont, Cumberland county. JOHN C. DUNLAP, -Sealy, Mechanlcsburg, - Cum berland county. ' DANIEL DAILY,TrOOOuror, DMA uilL:l,:orli Co MANGERS Wlllinm B. Gorda% Mos. 'Cathcart, J. D. Dunlap, Dania; Batley, Christian Stayinan, Jacob Jl.Doovor' Joseph Wlokorsharn, Facholborgor, &loses Briekor Jacob Coovor, Jacob Eblory,lamos Anderson, John D. Coovor. EEETIE . . Cumberland county—John Shorrick, Allem Uhl, '7,earl ng Shiremanstown; La Fayette.) PolTer. Dlekin son; lionry•Downiau, Alliurchtown; Motto Orifiltb illiddloton; Samuel Graham, West Penns bm'ougb; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; .1 W. Cock . the, Dhopherdstowma J. Saxton. Silver Spring; J. W Win.Eby,•C rla Wood isle, burn, Valentineewvil Fole. rm au, Now Cumberland H. N '.•Yort , Honntl.—.lllle o Ordrilth„Warriugton,-.1.-1 , ---- "Deirdoilt;Dillaaim Daniel nutter, Fairview, Job $t illiams, Catnill; Adam Stevens, Cloidaborougb ; J S. Dicrdorff Mulberry I'. O. • .. Dauphin. comity. 7 Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. S AtA 0 K. STAUFFIr — TVatckwa,ker anal .JeuAery No; 148. . • NORTH 2D: ST., COTi. OF QUARI4, • *.IIIIL ' Ab.EII.PIp4I.. . An ageprtment of WAtchee, Jewelry,. 1311yar• 6IIITApLII NOB lIQLIDAY on. it e r * g of Watches and Jairei,viiroakii • • • .7; 'VA.r.7.''.;; El