Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 09, 1868, Image 2
Zlltterattl, 0 A. ir•• • ItITE rE • I4 • ' } Editors Jt i'ropr's J: A... DUNBAR, CAIit.ISI.E; PA. Friday Morning, 'Oct. 9111, 1868 woapT_TDL - IgAN 'NOMINATIONS PRSEIDEIST-GIIN. U.'S. GRANT. - TWO PRESIDENT-SCIEUELER CaLFAX asn,-JOIEN F. HARTRANFT. alivPS SEN , L-JACOB M. CAMPBELL- ColtoßE'l3.9-;-.9A.MUEL SMALL, Sr., of agNAIOII-IV. F. SADLER,'Esq., of Carlisle. AinEunr—CAPT. J. V. GISH, of 67,ippensborg. :Dzsnuoi 11..;11t1{1:1t, of Carlisle 0011116SIOUEll—W. S. WOODS, of CarErle. '.4 , ..tkpuotoß or 1'oolt—J011:1 - BADLInt, .ifeelionic.sburg. .6.finronL-TIIOMAS East PnrisboiV oouray-Envcrog—. lolll4 TANB,...r Dithinsem- OcsoNER—JADIES.M. ALLEN, of Carlisle. GALLAt PIIIL. SHERIDAN'S plat form has I) t a single broad plank ip it. Here it is : " EVERY -MAN- WHO LOVES HIS OOUNTItY SHOULD VOTE FOR GRANT!" Don't forget our' Iliass Meeting to-day. Gen. Joseph It. Hawley, Ex-Gov. of Cenneetient, 'ay Presi dent of the-late Chicago Oduvention, will positively be on hand and address the meeting. [WIIAr_APATRIOT SHOULD VGTE AGAINST Sin'AlOUß.—Gen. Burnside gives the following as the reason why every truly lOyal man should vote against Seymour: "'shalt vale against Mr. Seymour, becaus s e !Mink he was an enemy to his countra when it was in trouble." . . "'Post[ Gen, GRANT in a despatch to his friend, Phil. Sher idan, when the' hitter was brilliantly operating against the rebels in the val ley of the Shenandoah. We say - tie same to our Republican friends. in Cumberland county. You have a good cause,• good candidates, and a good country to save from anarchy and civil war. Let no Republica , i vote remain tinp - olled at the OctOber election: .See that every man is out ! THE- taxes removed .• have all been from domestic industry, frool cotton, from, from mia emls,tronipetrolsuin, anti tie, fax, upon Whi-.lcy hae Tibrn redne! ii of per cent., and it pen- f, ihaeco twenty-five per cent. 'Phis was the work of a Re, pubilicau bfongress, While F. HA R SIT, Republican Auditor General, was mainly ' Seething a repeal of the tax on real es tate. Farmers, if Hart rapft. is defeated, there is a likelihood of. the tax on real' estate being re-levied.. SINCE the war-closed, in a period of about three i , eari+, t,lie public debt ha. 9 been reduCed between - ;9'200,000;000 and $'300,000,000. Give t6e2 Dunne: racy poVer igain to c nc ., otrage tlii Southern aristocrats to rebut against a E~'~l undOr the rule of giichatian, and instead pf this reduction we will have an an nual increase of the debt, to support another great army, of :i,:a0,000,000. These are important facts tin• voters. heart. l'nountyrioN.—Two mem bers of the Arkansas La & i.dature, a County Clerk, and a United States Col lector of Revenue, have been driven from the .Stitte on- account of having contyilinted_ to the building of ;t school house for freedmen. In Lafayette emtn ty, three white Unionists and eigldeen colored men h ( ave been murdered with in a few days by Frank Blair':; friends. 'rite WM' TIIESWS NOW LOOK.- Fresh evidences at'e brought to light every day that the South is as ready for a Second war as it was at the tiring of Sumter. Put Seymour in-the chair and he will prove a second Buchanan, ready to their hand. What is more, he will have .a Cabinet not a whit be hind such thieves and revolutionists as were Ploy& and Gobb: No lover of his country, pot ab - Soltdely insane, can vo c e for Seymour and Blair,_ if he will only relic& fora moment. ":1 - eff. treason and Buchanan's treachery or cowardice have inflicted untold misery and expense upon the pimple. of Alm Union. Let-rot Seymour and Blair have a chance to renew the cab-unity. IF' a Democratic politician denies that the konvention *deb isl.lnialtrec Seymour .and Blair, favored the taxa tion 'Of "'houses, farms, hor3eS;.slicep, flour„ wheat, etc., ask him if he denies that those art•fcles are property. If he admits that they are property, as he must, then ask him what the fourth 13celion means when it declares in favor of "taxing EVERY SPE6IES OF PROP ERTY at its real Value." This is a short And easy way to':g,et-at-the Teat of tlie natter. , EvEnv active Republican, in every district in the county,.should See that the slow and the dilatory are brought to the polls on Tuesday next. Every' Republican vote should pe polled on that day; on we may Test assured that every Copperhead veto will bo•polled. A full Republican voi,e•lit Penn Sylv ania is equal to a Republican majority of . TWENTY 'T.HOSAND. " But to reach those . figures,' the full vote must be out. Let this truth be borne in mind. Naturalfzation..Frauds. before Alderman Beitlor, in Philadelphia,; it fully proven that .the officers of • the Supreme Court aro fraudulently issuing naturalization papers. Think of a Op ,...atAVO_o_f_the Court.. swearing from two to Four thousand persona,' aid on such ' oaths issuing the papers. Such aro the freitß of electing Judge Shaiewood. Stay at home Republicans, remember that your absence from the polls last year has given the Copperhead party thO Pewe)e to elmat,yOn now. Resolve to 'tarn otitrpnl.,simv, NEXT, 4114 4 411i i ( i ' eff9pt!aaly robukt the autlieice - • , Friends, Look Out -for Ft'as u ls f From all parts of the State - comes intelligence of proposed'frinOs by the: Democracy next Tuesday. Priendirei. laW, order, and Unien, you must be on, your giuird:: -- ,!‘: - Fte . inalxigilaucais the price, of liberty." And if you would .preserve yours in. this country, you must be more than ordinarily alert at the polls on the I.3th of this month. In Philadelphia and in the mining dis tricts, they hope. to Carry the day by false and fraudulent *a print on our first - page iVery.lirief account of a portion of their -disgrace-. ful perforrnancit in Philadelphia, two' weeks - since. We pl'esent, the sworn testimony of it - half dozen of witnesses to thili great outrage Upon the rights of American citizens. Later developments are "nail mere:disgraceful and disgust ing. We hadln, our Supreme-Court room in Philadelphia the -Pedal scene of the Chief - Justice of the_Commehl wealth of Pennsylviinia leaving his seat on the Bench ,and coming down to the witness stand to endeavor to ex culpate the Prothonotary of the Court from the charge of issuing blank natu ralization papers _with his own name and the seal of the Court affixed, -The, Prothonotary, Mr. Snowden himself; was unable to say whether or not it was his genuine signature, and yet the Democratic Chief Justice, like_ a, swift witness to a false transaction, hurried doWn from his Bench and swore in sub stance that he knew the Prothonotary's handwriting better than did'that (dicer himself. God save the Commonwealth ! when the Cldef Justice of the State for the sake of promoting a partisan end, will swear positively that a-man's slg nature is a forgery, ivlihi the man himself allegeA.that he is unable to de cide whether it is genuine or not. Nor did Judge.Sharswood behhve any bet ter' than,_his colleague, Chief JUstice Thompson. • Here, then, we have - the terrible and pitiable sight of our highest.- Court lending its hand to the impairing and degrading of the highest prerogative of time American citizen. - 4Vhat the-Su preme Court leas been doing in Phila delphia is just what the Democratic District : Courts have been doing all , over the State, and it, is the duty of our Republican fliendseverywhere io look out for these spurious naturalization papers. BM in the: Southern counties of the they have adOpU, , diumother form of fraud of a no less serious and dangerous kind.. They , have imported . from Maryland men. whose highest boast, is that they served their time in the rebel. aliny-. Already have we heard from Upper Allen, and one or two other of the townships in this county in -which these miscreants have-beed colonized.. They allege mostly that they have come from leers county, in order - that-they-may-succeed-ill 'seem ing their votes on their ten days' resi dence -in the different townships. We are' infiulned that here in this. town, there are more than twelve hundred names on the assessment list. Kt uis be the. Case, and we have no reason'to doubt our authority, then have the Democrats not only assessed every " bummer — who has come striding into town with . his greasy pack upon pis back, but have also resorted to the rebel colonizing scheme. Republicans of Cumberland county, these being some of the dangers which threatim us, it is our own del y• to do till we possibly can to keep out these proposed fraudulent votes. If wo but exercise a proper vigilance we can keep , out by far the greater portion of them.: That we should use every exertion to do this is due to ourselves, our cause' . and our country. • For the information of poll commit tees nud officers of the election in the . different districts . of the county we publish the following extract froni our el. etiou laws : "When the of a voter are in doubt, he shall make proof by 'at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that helms re sided within the district for .inore than -Ten--days immediately preceding-said electiom.and shall also-him-mlf swear that his bona lids residinee,.in Gym , . qf his lawn d halting, is within the district, and did not remove into said district for the putpose ar voting therein." • This clause m to bo found in the last xgyof .t, section 42 of the Clectimrlaws, publishedns and 'compiledliy the Sec retary of- the Commonwealth, under 'authority conferred . by a resolution of the 'Legislature, passed last winter, to be furnished to election officers fOr their 1 guidance and direction: Remember, then,: election. officer's, it is your duty by reason of your posi tion, and remember, then, Republican challengers, it is your duty aan,"gocd and loyal eitizens,..,to reouire every doubtful vote" to himself swear that his Lonii fide residence, in pursuance - or his lawful _calling: is, Willtin the ills.: trict, and that he di not remove into said district for the• p4se of voting:" Let; this be attended\to, and many of these fraudulent votes will ho kept out, and let it -be further understood by these iniscreantkhat if: they swear falsely they will be pitnished• to the full extent of a thelaw." , . • Friends -ThroughOut the county, at : tend to this, and you will receive for all time to comothothanks and prayers of the honest law-abiding citizens o'f 'the country, If on the other hand you and we certainly Willhaiecthe of the ballot-box destroyed. Boys in 'BZU43 Vote for HARTRANFT and ()Amy 13BLL. They, ere your comrades, and assisted in, putting down the•robelliOn.. They wer'e / brave !soldier during the war ; in,privato life they are. estimable, citizens, and as publiaotmers they. are capable and ; honest. Vet for them 'then, soldieisoudliy doing so you aid in elevating OfyiPlT; your old comman7. Aar; to the Presidency`, and at, thasame .tie. s you mytheMiotherfilow ttt.treiem4 Alt , . be4m: :'' • ' , „ ,lait. SitrveyOr Gonero.—. ut „ enera /J t, ACOB . . M. CAMPBELL, the -Republican candidate far.' the high and responsible . office of SiirVeyof • General of the CommonWealth r Says the Gei 7 Mantotvdd4'degrajiominowbceirtlye 'idcumbent of that position for twiiyehre fist, and has- been a moot industrious, faithful and accoinplished officer, hav ing Won the respect of all who haVe had. any dealings with the department, by his efficiency, dignity and urbanity, and- , -has — eaftiecl a •ce : eleclion. at the hu nds of his follow-citizen's.. 110 is one . of those gallant soldiers of the late Civil war who ivon their laurelsin ,service hx, the' Poutisylvanialine.. Other's of our veteramOhough preserving their tesi dence is the State; were identified avith, the regiments and brigadeS of other Staten or with the 'regular service. But Gen. Campbell was one of those who adhered to the Penusylvdnia, line, and who covered the reputation of the old Comikonwealth with glory in thetgrent struggle.„ • • He comes from the central part of the State, Cambria county, where he was long known and much respected before the breaking out of.the civil war. His fellow-citizens of that section fol-' lowed his career with earnest interest, and, upon his rettirtriu triumph, receiv ed him with a generous welcome and suitable—honors. They knew-him for a man whose 'wholes heart was in the great cause for' which he ffiught, and they respected him accordingly. When his name las presented_ for the office of Sttrveyor General, his fitness for the position was generally recognized. All the land business of the Com monwealthpasses through the office of the Surveyor General, and it is much more extensive than is generally sup posed. An ignorant or inexperienced man can do a great deal of that department, and a man of no safe principles can do much.more It to General Campbell's lasting credit that be has proved himself fully qualified to discharge the duties of the ofihm, thoroughly converstint, with the ness, keen in watching lie interests of the State, and posses Sing the most tui swerving integrity in all his ;transac tions. For these retMons-he..ongln be re-eleeNd to an office he has filled so well, and we sincerely trust that he will be. So gallant a soldier and so excellent a publiciollicial cannot mirely: The condemned at, this time by the Imo plc of the State he has_served R. Stockett Matthews will :Teak in the Court House this; e4•,;:;ing. Let there belt grand rally. Ile i< nun the yeri'best speakm in the country, and - will—diseuss the isßttes of the campaign in-Ruch- a manner as will give satisfa . ction to all who hear hint. But Two Working Days! Ugpubßean's, yon hal , " but Iwo working (lays "to SPCIIre n full voi9. Sco to it that e•very Tuyal . 'oft! in ,ranv neir , hborboo4 is brought. to the palls. Let ❑o man stay away MEM aot•bpen urged to come out. :rnd de posit his vote for Peace, nuion. and thunanity. Remember, EVER AI AN is personally responsible for the result, next Tuesday. Patriotism or loyally will conquer them. Defeat. Treastm at the polls at our brave boys whipped it in the field. Let your motto be : " Loyalty shall rule what Loyalty ha.. Keserved." On this Pli 4 tform make a strong, dr;fermined fight, and van will be sure to win. Gov. Geary will be present and ad dress our meeting to-day. Let there be an immense throng to. greitt him. East {Vara licpublicaas The Democracy have brought into the East Ward of this town a number of PatilierS - fi•Oin the PoOr Hon S on and are boarding them at Democratie - -110- tels, with the intention of voting4thein next Tuesday. , Friends in the East Ward,stand by : your guns r Spot these Paupers. They have no right to vote, and Should not be allowed to do*it. -Tote for Ilartrapli Under the administration of Auditor General JOHN F. HA IiTRANFT; all the unliquidated debts of the Common- , wealth have been promptly paid,-and ,the funded indebtedness of-- the •'State reduced. More than five millions of dol lars. Gen. llartranfi, ten, besides be ing a most efficient .Civil officer ; was one of the most gallant and heroic sons, of Pennsylvania throtighout the great struggle' to inesery the life of the / Nation. - • . , Surely no ohe has forgotten hoW he sttved, the Union army at Fort Stead man. Boys in Blue, cant Yortforget his services against the common enemy 7 Surely you will remember him at the ballot-boi- • Edwin!, Men, ..I?einener When:the: nation Was :deadliest, peril; Eleratio Seymour mocked us ivilli the satirical inquiries : '" Where are the victories you promised us to-day ? Where is the grand tritimph' of OM arms of the . dovernment„,Which . , has been predicted ?" : remember,' that on the very day on which ho made' these insulting inqUiries; 'tile, 4th of July, .1863, Gen. Meade was gallantly contending for our nationality ou the heights of Gbitysburg,, and. General Grant, .onr hdreic'stpdard-bearer, mitre receiving. the: inure:id:Cr ef tho rebel . hosts at Vicksburg.' ;14eVer forget, too, that-Seymour incited-lhe-bloodidraft, riot, and then Clilled.the murderas and asylutmburning villain& his ",fripi ils." TIM' man who had iUdi, friends worthy of our friendship or support.; briatg Out tlpo, Voto Don'elet a single ltopublican voter, in' the county, stay away from the polls oh TueSday. 'Seo Writ every man votes. Do "this, and '2%0, will, be able to prifie 'oursolveS with the bandisome ma jority,that ,Hartranf t' and Campbell will receive on that day: 2 ' . 'rickets aro pe3v,reedy at this /Apo, W°:,/ 1 °P,99 3 Y.fri9 )41 . 30 /Patantigut, = "- PROCLAIM THE TRUTH. Financial Management of the Re-. Publicans Official Figures—Fdcgs beyondTQuestion Debtand l'axittion - ....lnznzense Rcrduntion - of the :ifrnzp. NATIONAL DEBT. Not, August, 1805, Net, July 1, 1969, Morolnto roduchitin of Jolt throe yours, • ' ' "' '252,000,000 " Or, at tho rate of over SEVEN mitLions rna moNra. EMI= Reduction of taxation sin . co July, 1866, 167,000,000 per 11111111111. ' ' . ' 1865. Trlca upon overythi lig. • . - 1968: All.l6.7lqultural, products, exeliipt from taxa-, 1869. All nintmfiOnres - um-empt -fpm trantlon ox 19V:distilled Npil Its,'beer, tobacco, und . .s., pliting !...1 . 1.1, . ArNN UA L. EX l' . /IN6Vi,OI , mnL AltIkEY 16G6.- • , 1557-sr Army appropri.tronm for i SGS-9, =llll=l 1805. 1807 , -8. Navy a pproftrilt I:EDUCTION Or THE Alb! Y. 1 . 8135. An army of troiCo than a of men. 1.903. 6epteinber, Whole nuns her of en listed non Reduction in throe year., 1E43 CCOTRASTED BcB 1885. Total enall in tlB Tt.88.803 --- :',17,000.001i 1885. Ilybt H overdue a&1 milltinitlatetl, 128,800,000 Sods. :10 no- , CIBIII Mill in' r -8-Birraz.,./-1:;:),000,000 - 186 R. .1,08-ovordne and 11 ta=.211.10,1, None. These facts are obtained frOiii official' sources. They may .be denied, but they cannot he disproVed, and they never have been in any particular. • • Tt would he well for those Demo cratic , editors and orators who have the least regard for hone:sty:and decency to present these figures to their de hided .followerh Having dodged the issue, wirieh Frank Blair; their condi; date ft - 1r the .Vice-tive.sidelicy, alleged was the only one in the campaign, viz: thi6, overthrew of the lleconstruclion Acts by force of arms, they have indulged.themseives in nothing hut inisrePresentations and falsehoods in relation to the finances of the country, tloMmon henetity and decency ou,;ht to compel (horn In recr u it, and acknow ledge the truth as set forth in the above figures. An these days a lie, even if it he well 'tohi•mid stuck to. will 'not do to seem... \ titers. This they will learn ofh,tr the news of neat Tuesday's viii reach. , their ;Lssiifine rare • ==MI .11erollect ! Ey. ry'vwe• ea,t .for •11 N. 1 ,1 n.11(1 I'.ll' UlliOn 'lO.-ppyrTy, On •c,!: id a ui War, Tri,, , ot) :111.1 1)i-t r . lion. 12'r1i.1,1. 4 Cho U , )11111ry,. ,1.( r.-awisk , r,lll:ll ,- v.ii(; T ur nt.(l,iy Cir than it trill be in thi! 1,: 1 ram iii S;afo now, and ~ .I1 trolibk. thtm. CONNECTICUT REDEEMED! 'llll3 - fl o • solid efari.»4li Tla • 1141 iu ecnutoc-,.. tieut laF,t tirring, giv:••g- af2gTvgate a very um.. lopri y in t the fowo t;tanirord, which gave to: hot 23 majerit'y 1,1.4 spring, retw then gal:, ti critic majority ..t 20, tIIII now gives to a majority of tirt(ii;; majevity in Dan hurj-. which tv i< th^n lent 51. Ili) \V iS 0. TIII• I.llUer.llle WWI tile.' Yetiticetitto 250. Mititilettiwal. which in the spring gave the Deintic,til,- ma jority of 16q, now i It el, n ii•trtitin of the ii, v adican ticket Lit( the city of NOW Haven gave tjtc 7h,t+,rrcat 1i ticket ir • and now gires but lOtpultlican gain hi that single city or 133 G. ; Indeed. the only place in which we have not made gains is itt On: city of Hartford, where the Democracy gain 100. Cood fur the Republicans of little Connecticut !• They have thus demon ' strafed the Net that, their State will go for rant7,ind Colfax latyond peradven ture. Now, friend-a, lutre itt Pounsyl= •Vania; let us do our anty, and on next TuCsda)--give..the Rebel-I.)emocracy such a wklipping as will settle the cam it, and we will do it. 07-,FLet Worms Ike eleetod Commis 'slider, and we will- no longer have it, charge. for lhrce handred and sixty 7 six, dayt; in a year that is not leap-year ! -REPUBLICANS, .byStand your Ticket • Seldom in the history of our county politics has there been•se good a ticket •prescuted to• the voters, as the present 'Republican candidates constitute.— Prom the head of the ticket down to the end, every epndidate is so gdod and excellent a nomination that no map_w_ho desires. the snecess„cif Oi'l' great and glorious cause can for a moment hesi tate in giving hiM an enthusiastic and active support.. - On _the contrary the Democratic ticket, almost toe man, is an exceed r' weak:one, iniworthy. of -the sup port of the better vlMs of ou'r citizens • • of either -party. We Npuld, therefore, urge onr friends M stacd by and work' with earnestness_ for our candidates. &Aral of them will- get the support .of many; honest Democrats, who Iti'ediZtsted - iiitlifh corruption and fraud by which . very many of their-candidates secured their nominations. - . - Vote DOTY IL the Carpet-Baggers' I ..._...ibcg..iiik l .-.P.I*.NZ canto into this county on purpose r to be elected to Cobgress, and-it is 13xtrenieli - deubtful .. ..if 10 even brought a•earpet-bag With him. SAMuur SMALL is,an old citizen . of the District; who lia4pent his whole life hero`, and is far'-faineff for hiA lib erality , atrpliihnithropy,, Were he elected. he' would truly repiesent the , interests of the ,district, llm,nuAlAN I.noys, so litilsuboat tifii th 4.111, cannot toll the difference hotiyee , Otiinheyland and Perry: , ~ . . •' ~.Vote .down. the Carp . t-D,agger,.and,, help,, elect, Xr k IptAiir,,,.t ie Faun -who. ' elould represent us in the tiexelJoil4 Choosc Between,-Thentl ' Mr. :JOHN Minitis, the DerriOcratic . candidate for Commissional, may be a' 'row fine old.enileman,:but that he is• in niiy . wny itilified for the poifition of Commissioner of this•county, no- although be be the bitterest 7)6m:is:rat . tq be found, will have, the hardihood to' assert:- $ . 2,767,00v00 2,60,c,,00,n00 On the other, Imed,..the nominee of thc7 - Repfililictur - PartfOlT7 - .9 - . WOODS,. haii had a more extensive business ex : 'perience than, I, haps; any other man -in -the county;, and , wbuld, therefore, carry With'him into the adrifinistration of our eoutity.affairS the very'qualifi- Cations which they so sadly need. ' Another thing,. honest Democrats, which is worthy of your uncial man sideration.: Don't iou think it would be-wontenthat better for the county: that! the Com Missioners themselves should attend to the husinesA of the office, 141er - than allow their Clerk to absorb all : their powers ? Would not even a change in the Clerk be acceptable te,.. $1,001,000,000 6 ',600 600 3J 900 r 01 0 5.000,000 • 17 j 00,003 7,616 - n, .1 you? Help 'us elect Wools •and you will secure both- hese refor Cations. -, of, the op Mon, tl there can be ,Mcial at least oat. . ter man in your party iu this county who would he able and willing to, discharge the duties . bf Clerk quite as satisfactorily, and per haps a little more acceptably than the present life ong incumbent. 17' . N0 INPUI3I.IC - AN, especially in this county. should, vote against Wm. P. SADLER, our candidate for State MO laideman,'s Geography .The gallaullilthaTurri;thuygt:tr,Aslw running the Congressional race in this district., slipped up slightly in his geo witirhy the other atoning ht Leesburg. Mounting the rostrum to address the thithrul. RittltAUo's;opening sentence was " fellow-eit itt,Ctn Perry etianty, uncil; the This little - la pits itiptri• is acceturtied for by Ditties Criends on the:hypothesis that fie so recently ;coved into the district that he cannot he oxporte - ,1 to have ;Inaccurate „kuovilt dge of such small matters as c,tintly or towlethip Cart diet .t I, .:up Itutthor doubt that - this is, the ludo or 111011 NVII , I .5p5- I • ~ , , ww ,! L tie , ull intiM({/e know,: ”Itr curio an , l its nred. , , i., ludg i viptyi a a um peppleo am/ his zoipur, 1, usrl.4 integrit co yr(' C =I ( t-_ , 111 Fe«l Capt. J; V. (41, tic TA a liravo,:it.t4lgal lout v, , hilt• his oppoilt.t. MI6 (,i)pur - 11(.1.(ti)1`111 ,, . malign:ll . A firlileiiii)vt• ill fact, awl wlitac yell vote, oortlingly. Ro.'etti,9o In bill Wc/ , .. .1:111CC thP 14 . 111 , 1CnICy. 1)(` So now. By 1 cling t . ". pops iounty> am nissioner, a step in the right, direction will hive been laken. That Augenti Sta I he Commissioners' office, needs a thorough cleansing,_ AVoints is ,I list the man t' oommtnee the work. Ile is fearless, energetic and detet•min ed.. lle is , also a husiness man, and will do hi; Democrats say that a seat'in that ollice as Clerk fir tell or 'twelve yc:u•+ is long enough. So it is. Vote, then, for Worm:, and thus carry nut the Democratic doctrine of " rotation in ollii+e," Vole for WOODS, and thus aid in hafishing from thaf of fice the •' loafers" and their •'checker board," just :IS in old times the money changers were thrtut Out of the -temple. ►►. F. Stutter, Esq: -Our candidate for State Senate,is a gen demon of fine abilities, excellent educal ion, nod is thoroughly nequainted with the interest,: of tins District, and is able 16 ,adrocate and maintain them on the floor of the Senate Chamber: This. his "opponent would be .uttorly •unable- to do. 111 r. SADLER is a man -of enlarged—views, a good speaker and of nntirineindustry. He is just the man to fill worthily the 'station once adorned by a MA noN. and a PENROV. His election to the State Senate at the present time would be of vast benefit to the . .peoplp of this District, whose local interests, heretofore sadly neglect cd,iweilild be well attended to by hitn.- Look at Your Tickets Friends, examine your tic 'ets„care folly before i o ing. " The Democracy: iu their career :of fraud, arc up to all Kork.of tricks, and will tryto palm off spurious tickets upon cis, 'therefore, we say, watch your tickets. - • District. Attorney. *The District Attorueyship has al wayfi been regarded as a stepping stono into practice for our younger members . of the Bar. MAGLAI3;IILi7 , I, the Dem ocratic candidate; has already enjoyed the benefit of the office for . tbree Years, and shouldmot, therefore; Imre-elected . On the . other band, Mr. PA a Republican candidate, is a young 1a yer-just entering epOn his--profession, and 13hould be eleeted. lle is a most excellent :3 , oung man; with promising abilities. Friends, do not, fail" to vote f or PARKER. . Vote far Sadler. Our Candidate for State Senator should receive tile vote of 'cvery N Re publican -in: thm dis -should. lij . towiBe get a great malty. froki: the Democracy.. Fr. Sadler is a young lawyer of great abilities cud would •re fleet great credit upon the district were he elected. f.ilterefore, :fridnds vote for him to a,man Th 6 Republic him is unwOil 11 . .ep4lican ONE REPUBLICANS , . Bout the present ile!nocratio incumbent. 'to tho`Uii!Cod. Sedea Bono,to. Iton l 9th - , 'bor tlitt o * ', l t.„ ..f. l y64,;tc9pAtblican,voto kii . o. l '' ' •_....,e, , ?,cvliolO county-t,isgoti . ; .%, y ; , ,',_ ', :.'." „4 . z , '. . i.6.'.. zat, , 4-,.....,,,, , ; ~:,;;.: ~; ~;, „.. Enthusiasticgailterineof _Republi cans ariShipp.enibarg Pa., Thursd4y Evening Oct. lit. • • . _Thelargest_politicaL-rneeting-ever: convened in this.Borougli„ assembled -here on the. first day of October 1868, in the evening: _Delegations from the towns and Townships' in the vicinity, bearing banners, mottoes,-Tranipareff Gies and torches; kept .arriving and swelling the crowd until after S P. M; 'Gen: A. B. Sharpe addressed the att= didnce, which filled the entire Squarb iu froul of the Sherman House, in an able. and entertaining speech of. an haur and a half.'''Heelicited the most' uproarious applause and won showers of hoquets from the hlies, wlio tended in large numbers:----Oapt-A, J 3. Hutchison, of Bellefonte,' then ad dressed'the audience for an - other hour and' upwards,- mainly arguing the question of litances„ including the whole suhject-of National 'taxation. He also paid hisrespects to the "Sem,- tincl,” a little sheet published in Ship; penslihrg, which is marked by an evi dent. effort to imitate the La Grosse Demoesat and Brick Ponul;r6y, and which succeeds ill being reasonably dir ty, without exhibiting either ability or or force. 1 - +:. 11. Coates Esq., of Phila., followed in a very eloquent but brief speech, which the audience insisted upon his continuing, though the hour was then hut a few minutes less than 1,2. midnight. No such demonstration was ever - made in Shippenshurg before, and -, theßepublican B confidently count upon the largest Republican vote ever cast in the upper end. AmEracA, AnS manly Ho N • MAW, thevietor of Re bellion,Anitunz pretending citi zen, loving Truth and Si lence. t e fai t fitl Spvaker :ma -- Car 1112.4 Patriot. VAI , ) 6 R I I , INDS.—Who were tleh gat ,s to ihe. liemocratic Con ont ion which puntinatml Seymour mut_ Bluir ? \, , w,h) declared, ):11 • t)11 , Way' to Now York, that calisi inn which Stone Wall .Tack , - rei 1011-eanloa he in vaie,-Lett some feT'ff) - witt - tYlilfripl)." • (loywn nor Vance who told his rebel tr,op--; to "bile hell so full nf. 1 - an k"(„4 Will stick out oldie Will' ' General Buckner, who surrendered to , (11:;tnt, , 4 7 hort..1)mrelson„,, , Pu,-ston, whiffet. failfe,Vl3l7 of the men who went to Europe -espec ially-10 get Eaglarifl and •Pranceto fake a theAvii . r. ' e, a guerilla, whoisecrifines made-Mil - 1m outlaw.' It_obt_93. °aid, t'“u hero of Libby nl: , uu ruin Bello lele, where Union sok then . utrved itod died. . , Flrrvc;zt, the hero of the Fort tortt4iaere,.-where three hundred of ar men were killed in cold - b 1 oil; - afterthey had thrown down their arm till O 4 ;let or mercy. These are. some of the friends ratio Seym,mr, who imminitt6d him. as the next President of . the United States. What loyal man can Vote for a ticket which traitors have .Co inso lently, made • Opp \ osed to the Soldiers Funny Horatio Seymour, April 24, 1863, sent to the Legislature of . New York a. message vetoing a bill -passed by that body, entitled "An act to ; secure the elective franchise to the gni - Wiled voters of the army and navy of New York." Mr. Seymour, in his ,nessage, declared this bill the soldiers in the field the right to vote to be not on ly unconstitutional but "highly objet tionalbe." Like Woodward,', he was of opinion that a man who would fight for his country oughtnot to be allowed to vote for it. Boys in Blue, remem ber your man—the_enemy who struck you from behind. VON Pi<•rrrt STANOABEJW ER - 1-iosoin Hill, j•'raukford, October 7th, IS6B. Ini'mpicrster brief hob ich m'sagt iihdrer fufsigYahr alt, nnd hut for - den Jackson g'sti nip t ; so saga dehl leit, kaun net 80i, ich 16el net altgenne Die kerls fersakena die, sach net, in Barks county Loin inner fur swansig yahr long, for Jackson g'stintn, un' icll giant) es hot nook Dimokratndot, dos for Jackson gchna. So long ich:a Democrat war, so war ich sebr blind un, hob die . helft seit net gewist for when ich g'stimpt hob; ich shemmich. now,Nias ich midi so liiiig an der nass fuhrer hoblossa, "tin' es is tranrig, das noeh s leit, suin heitig tag blind dorcli die welt gehna. Field ,fod dens (It:littler left sin sebr gotta, brafa leit, un' inclines gut, cher, in der polotic sind sic hinuer hand ; ich .glaub . net das en ehrleCher deutcher man for den Scharlie Mick nachlin, ,li'aus is for dis trict Liar. Er . gleicht die deutcho lout riet;.un' hest sic die "Darn dutch." • Nowich frog yeder denteher, up er for den: Seharlio Mieknachlin geh Ithun we ilm so ferflugchat un' hest ihn a "data dutchman.r • Lod yeder . guter man for .Wm. B. Parker seh tiinma, grim ch t ein ehrlielmr district attorney, un's branch nia want' bang sei dos sei'recht riiit hocus-pocus ferschwindet wird. ber unite'. dog • kommt dor Yockol Bloitiis mir, -stilt A‘Poter, mit donna Repfiblicaner- kaunlch net gall; die •Wollit die niggers' mit '"doni'woisor mall glcich mscha; ma' 'des stand ich net; denk .d!raw ,wen mci dochtei. Betz, tr . :warbler heifer delft; job bin so bang die niggers IcOmum iver tins." "Du. ormir trap" 'sag ieb, "du, bist zubetaurer minim du so nieder bist OMB g'fohr isht, .dos tier owartzer iver diet' kommt itutierleichi,dei-Betz heirer' ‘,Kommt am der -fonstcrniss" Wf-TeliAblibi - iigiittifzeiting 3-nu z•ish i ok-• dm Betz in dio sehul, un' stimai far Grant tin Colfax, mid - der ganz Repub likanisher ticket, tin' bang Mbi. wort,' du braughst nima bang sei des' der nig ger iver. dich. kommt, odor . Betz !wirer dut ) . vho votes against. l y the .. name ~of 'Friends, throughout the county, turn out to our Mass Meeting.• Able and elo'quent. speaker's Will be present.— :Lot usi ha=re such' a gathering as will strike terror into the hearts of the coin retbu oneml. Gitr33 . 1113 a long pull and 11,itrcinf t pstYmintborland Clowaty will do a - - tier Doke: • VOTE L_ Remember 021 C vote The Campaign. E ISSUE, 1 PETTY Soy , or 13R E I NT Y and. ItEktunTrox. SEYMOUR, Lhe mall ,WliO 11RY.I.91ou1;lit or r6ndles Rebell ion; who loves talk and eats • his own words: BLAIR, ( 'OLP I.X` the arrogant, sol- Idler, pro or 2 claiming" a coup (Pettit as the pitch of his deep L Pennsylvania Deutsch.. Ihrer Freund PETER STANGADEMpt Democrats, AttentiOn, ! I Wo. call the attention of-tho Demo cats of this county to .tbo following advertisement of the Ohairman t of their State Central Committee. We clip it ;from tho -- Now York - 1 1 ribrine; -- - - PENNS I'LgelNIA AEN. WANTED.-Mr: iT A. :Walittco Cltirsuah—of—the - Dost . Montle Central Committee o f Pennsylvania, begs "leave to inform Emigrant 'Agents, Railway Colltractors, Keepers, netball others interested that ho is now prepared to reecho PROPOSALS for the delivery in Pontvlv:Mie, at such point 6 as the. Central COmmlttuo-may' hereafter designate- of. from TEN'TO TIVENTYTDOUSAND ABLE BODED VOTERS:. These may consist - of freshly 'arrived Emigrants, Destirtbro from .the Army, Idiots and Feeble-MlndmPYouth. "Every man must bo war. ranted r of sulliciont impuilunco to vote at least four times oh the day of election. To all voting oftener,. a premium will ho paid. During their stay in the State, the men will be lodged and victualed at this expense or the Com: mittee; but inunedlattly after the, election they,rerapyo from the State at the expense of thu Contractor, as thb Committee- cannot answer tor their lives. should they' remain and disclose, their share in this transaction. ' - . All persona thee furnished, of foreign birth, will receive Jinn. the Connnittoe„Without -extra charge. Collee•Colorcd Naturalization Paliers, authenticated. by Seal of-the proper court. • • Proposals will also be 'tsceived at the office of the Committee fur the' delivery of Five. hundred Bags of.Neeha Java, or Uraslllan Coffee oi the best quality cod fitlloo.lo illBpoCtloll. Additional tirolitistilit will bo rut:Oiled for tho de- Ilvory of Twit Itundrtitt tind Fifty bast 'Phi Collet, Pets,. Further, Propoanis ronolKed-for pry of Filly Thousand Naturalization Blnnkx, to bh printed according ton form wbioh will be turnkh ed by the Committee. Addimit WILLIAM. A. WALLACE. Chairman of tho Domosiittic State Committoo,luirthio, gown and o.Tdonta glation Ralston will bn at''the Fair Ground with his Soda Fountain. "OLD SoLDrEa:"—Youi 'COMIIIIIIIi. cation has been received and would have appeared to-day had it been. accompanied by your name. lint we never print anon ow yms conimo idea ti ons. , . r. M. W.—The reasons abolii: re ed apply to your communication. NEW AND CHEAP GoCTDS.--AVC attention. to the - advertisement, in another column ,_of Mr. L. T. Gat:stun:l.D_ it' trill beleen that ha has laid in an immense . stock ;of seasonable Dry Goods, Which he will sell at the lowest markei price. Ills pre.ent stock embhees articles of the very hest quality, which ho. lias bought ehe;ip for cash, and all at.e invited to call and exnjnine them. Ills store is at No. 4 East High street, Carlisle. Itca(Lhis all crti:- rnent. II"' ITO! YE 1 4 %rtclutut4.—We were the recipients, a few nigilits.ineti, of a splen did dish of oysters, sent us be our friend "Bossy" Wetzel, of the Pr:midis House. We can heartily revoniuni-ol his testae rant u., one of the i.orrilin st-. 0 t..wii, and ass oil: - friends that they eau there gel tioiii 's worth in tho very bag stele :THE I'l ERA 1,11.-1 - I',; EN ',AMIE:SI - I:N1% —The reader, n,,t ini hid to perceive that within at pa-t rho .1.41t,k1.1) hillbeen c.a idderably.onlarged and *offii;rWise imProved, ii. haying nine ',Mums to the page, the, making - it florly-six column, newspaper; the hirge6t ever yet ici , tiecr ty 'or land. This enlargement wee , rendered ntwolutely neceb2l.l.ry hy our. large and steadily ineceiv-ifiq patronage. and to keep pace with the improvevient4 of the day. Ac we even new f ee l eii s elves s6inewhiit hampered for elbow room, and it is with d iffieul we can neeommii date our adverliriny patrons and :it the Fame time lay bef01:0 the reader 'anything like an abstract of the news. Ater the elections are ever, we neon It, devote merit a .3 11.6 1 ,5 i , ofagtigr' 6., si.qial and Legislative proceedings (When those hodiOilire ip to keel, the •reader informed 0 ; ti le latest ger,rel and donn,tie n ew s , ;IF WHI the current political topieF , 01 the day. will; ;d,o, fUrnish weekly accurate reports of the Carl is'e and Philadelphia Markets. ‘1 n making Vic 113%, boon eXitll,,, and We 110110 our fi lends will spe the proprin.tkirn-d, co-I,ity of liquidating their ind,l4,ednes,i to no. The amount each onr. "daS)O . l" - , but takeuy in the , aggr,gate it makes a very large sum, the eanoolatioil "1 which just, .11w w.ium uno,ioy b . cueri us U; our business. To those who !Jaye .st,alLhy u.s so long and so subserieq , to our paper or as advertising patrons, we tender our most hearty thank:i n and , hall endeavor to deserve a continuance of the same. To our politico( friends throughout the edunty, we N170411:1 - AUggelt the proriety and utility of an endeavor upon their part to increase 01'e - circulation of the llEr..+Ln. Although its circulation is now large an increasing daily, our - books are still open, and we are prepared to record any number of names. The Termanent, 'success of the _Rupubjican cause and Republican princi ples deniand this. Our opponents are ac tive in disseminating their pestilential and -ruinects_doctrines. Friends, we call upon you to aid us, by iperonsing our subseripz lion lisc.ato that the antidote may_follow the poison, and cow/yen:a its drools. =EI A- Gitos4 • IMPOSITION.—Is prac ticed upon the unsusQecting by .parties who,. envious of the sut , cess of the great 'Barley Shear. Cook, offer an inferior stov on Ake representation that tt is "just as good,' .'all the same'" etc., etc. The fact is, there - is but one really first-clues cook stove in the market s and that is the "Barley Sheaf" of Mosaic STUART, PETERSON Si. CO., Philadelphia; a - arm whose'-ivui•es and repubdion Lavo ex tended to almost every section of the hab itable globe. Those of our renders wishing n thor oughly' reliable stove—one that will burn coal or crit - ease anlree,nUiuy —should . Nvrito for a Descriptive Circular and Price List, %find in,Allt Meantime avoid all imitations. - - _ For:911)1)y IIIN1?,S,11.111`.11 d itUPP . Carlislo •Pft. •- MEI THE "MORNING' .GLORY."—This is 'the name given b e y the ,- -iaventor to one of thAeirstoves - now in use.. • It. combines excellence, • durabiliti,'cphomy and convoniturco, all the lricrits ,claimed for ''other "stoves, and is in fact the no plus ultra as a goneratOr of heat. To use ti vulgar phrase, it, "take"s down" anytkingati the clove lino yet-in Vented, es hae heou proved. This aevo is it.perpetual burner, for when once made it lasts during thuseasou! All that is necessary is to furnish COA - 011CO or twice a dayland a i pprpcfluq. lire can be had. As a portable air furnace, it IS LIU- . surpassed. The parlor nu 4 hall stoves pre acknowledged to , be the most superior in' .use. .Messrs': - Nrialr:6F — EiliTratantly:ltra -,-- tho Agtints in this_,place for_the Atilo uf,theso stoves: . -They aro manufactured. by Barr Johnson & Co. Erie genifaylVania. All these stoves have just taken the ,Preft:liuiri at our recent State Pair in Harrisburg. I= „ - 3ALE or VALUABLE REALESTATE. A. Srustcr and JOS. BAIIIM; Ex ecutors of -Thartit. ,TioNDERLY, -dec'o., will positively , sell on Saturday, °aloha l7tn, at 1 o'clock R. M., on tho promises, in Dickinson township, near Barnitz's Mill, that valuable farm, foravirly the mansion farm of the deconsed. ,This faim cOntains 109 dapres and 100 perches' of first Ilitoetcino lAnd.. P.pd. bills. .., The MORNING GLORY BASE ButtN ni-a COAL._ STOVE.—These celebrated stoves eceiyed the first_ prerniume Yester- - day;- in the 'smartie at the State Fair, as the beSt hall, parlor, brick and portable furnrico stove on exhibition. This is •no rnors! than due to an invention wlifeh combines every considiratiOn reqUirld by bousekeepero, and which is rapidly win ning its way - into every household.' The first desiderattim-gained by the stoves, is permanence hi' keeping up n fire,, next Milt' reishirity of heat,-and-hiet, economy' in the consumption of ftiel• Theseare'es sential . points_in a 'go'od etove : —Points which have been reached by few other stove inventors, and certain exceeded by . neue, and'for Thesnreasen the Aldruidg Glory Coal Stove commends itself to gev- , oral 'dmiring°. Messrs Walker S's 'Cloudy, are the nOcirits in this place for the stoves, which , s give univerhil satisfacticin, ' and largii,numbers are being sold. . . Haying a brayer permanently located in the city, we shall be able to meet the de mands 'and tastes of per Customers more fully than hitherto, and to promptly exhibit all the now and . desirable styles, as fast as they arbproduCed. We hero di [ermined to still further extend our trade and build up a- valuable reputation - Ter selling the beet goods the market can pro duce at the lowest market rates. We cordially invitti our friends to increase their Lusines; , with us, and those who are not now our patrons, we urge to make with u; at least, one experiment. „ Son ndvortisement in another column 4.l••ltupctly. W.. C. Snwyei• & Co. \V. C. SAWT E .1. A. Dui: .1. R. Ilt.fiticuoLDEn. ITS GOOD EFFECTS ASS PERMA -ln this it differs from all hnir dye'i.— By its tv.y,..luxuriant •gr'?wth is ggarnateed, natural color and gloss are re -stored. Otto trfal will - enuge, you to say this of Mrs. 1-L A. ALLEN'S Improved (new slyly,) Muir Restorer or Dressing, (in one 1)5,111e,) Every JDruggist sells it. Prlce,one Dollar.- Oct.4-1m =I Moot line Lien sung,of the ttnaid with Golden Ifitir." No song, however, has yet been aide hi make that color a popular. one for any l'ionsiderable length of tune.-- Light red, tailed sandy'rinir . itrit equal ly under-the ban. of public opinion. Vie aro happy to announeo Jo,,oustreaders who design to ithange those colors, that three applications Of Ring's Vegetilbto Anibrosta will give thorn beautiful auburn trot,s6A pOF9CSSiIIg all .triat ~it lustrous appear aneo so desirable in this 'chief telorninent of female beauty. , PAYII P - 11,61 g to r en) uvd to r ,110 comp:111A to annolinco that All my he Sian] Oolobor WI, will tin tint htuid4 ~r of Cl, Pence for CI,EPI'I , II{.. Sop!. ts;;!-',. Ilfill.RF? IED. II i VS• 01,111,1; - .:n Thur,bay v7011[11;4. ; 0:1. 1 I 1.y•Ilov..1 ! ".-u}, Nlr. ['robe;l.• 11. Ilnya, to 'lit, Mao' Mb, . o,', b''t It I, realii '. - , -Wl'lllf!lilhat , - , /.l`ltot:9!M.-0n the lat 'mat., I. ill,. D. Stack; Mr. Wm. tv ~,m1...,,,p. to Minn A Illa li IL /.i,,,1T, both of thl i'.lU'lty. . 1•1 , 116 1: a! rat I ',lid, 11/I U. :01 R.,. Dr. 6 P ,111 Iz, Mr 5.1.1:u14, to Ali. , H. Plo oh, both CV elth ,r. tfit : 1 2 . t i tho r. FYrd. Strob,l, to Mi. ' '' t l{1• -6.. ;I , 22,1 t WWI )11'. z , tr2:',r. 3.11,1 4 11t,t5, thin lunty Josslo It. 1../.,.,11,1t,f1, I% l .wpm], .11,,11, tl.t. th pt..14,t .„\ I:l . 4Al.uth lama .1 .101,1 }:. kl th tt,, 11.1 li K E 7 I , ll.l)M'Ckr M I.tfiff.:l 1,63 : , ,Iportme do I: I'E.. . %V II IT E V. 111,1 T RED ... ... ..... . - 01 \ 11 , 1 YAP: 111) General Produce illarket.. Carlisle. October Sill, 1) GS. Cerreeteit Wee/. (2/ /s, Andrei', W(1.51111100l. BUTTER O:iIItACON 22111 %CoN SI i)Es, I. LARD. 111:.1\'. 0 11, . TAI,LUSV,.. 101PAI14:1) PEAcII E. 2ir s';`l , . 8. UN PA It El) I'EACIIES 1.1 BEESWAN, 40! mum , ivpLus, 250 BACON 11A\15 42010 A(l5, 4 BPECIAL A ilumming Business. If you wont to stn . ; baelneer Mon, call and tee our Wholesale, 40 nflaa grocery t6'Qurenswart Es tublielon,,ll where seven fruit Crown clerks are 1 , 11, ea in f.talllnu test good.: only, 01 lowest prices Chat Oil rm.. Solt at still lower ptleea. e4leage e.,11 end see v mime to tho - Fnir. W.M. nun &sus, "Soutli,Bor Carnal° l'n. 4=y - DE A MESS, lILINDNESS, and CATARRH roato.l Kill tho•utinost sumo by J, is•s.os and 01 Cliyibar or Diseas‘s of the E2N anti &Er in (ho ' Medical allege of Pennsyttno!in, 12 year., taymriencr iforinorly of ~Loyclen, Holland,) No. 605, :Ain ht., Pl,/la. Tustiinonials can bo ban at this Wilco. Thu medical 'unity ino incited to accompany their tionk,as bo - has to secrets in his praCtice. Artifiebd eyes inserted withon t pain. No chargo for'osaini• nation. ...Injnne CS /y NEW 111 N tIDY IN CONSUMP'T'ION:—A. lan who bad Consumption for several years a We frelluent bloodin,p> of the lungs, cured himself with• a medieino unknown to the profession, when his :111 pt. red llopl es. Ito is the onjy physician who has use'd it in his own person, or n ho has any knowl edge of Its vii tuns, and ho can ascribe the deg, no of hied th he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his -niedieinerand-uOth ing;but - Whir - fie:Tall; a lid-entire extinction of all hope of rocovory, together with a want of confidence ins it others induced him to hazard Olioperimon . t. To those buffering with anrdiseare of the Lungs he moire:rs a treatment In, onnll dent!) , bolloVol3 . will erudirado the disease,' Video $1. 3 50 pm' I.ottio.or is•S a half dozen, sont by oApress. Send for eh eular or call on flit. E. 110YLSTON JACKSON, No. 2eo Ntirth Ten th.tltroot, I , lalladelph in. '42rorty • - ; , _ IMPORTANT DECISION. • Chief .Itn,tteu Woodward of tho "Supremo Conrt of too tisi u listile, hat ddlivthed (ho tellowlng opinion, wLleh Is Importont tooth morebany,ontuttfasturers workinginon, end, fast, the people of tiro wholo • country. • Ito saps: "I lind'llloortiro's fit:nue:74lm 11.01.i0 not.on intoNienting bovorago,'but, is n.good tonloolsofol Lt dieurtiovis °filar digestive organo,and of great bonellt in eases of debility, and .want.uf. norvoneuetlon in tho systole." • • ' • No bettor recouthaualatlon , could bo given to so valuable a tome n k tbN celobrated gander,' 11Itters. -4 46,ofiantl's (Anion Bitters contains no .11coltolicinta MI itt - CGFEANIPS GERMAN TON IC lan mixture contnlnlng nil tlio ingredients of Hoof land's Blitors,comblntsl rlth pure Santa Ohm Rum' &0., forming tho bunt and most pleas ant Tonto 111,3110 Ogled, 61 .41.74:75ti ; in8 • Philadelphia, Pa, : . • , Sold by all Druggists. op 091 m. . . „.„ , 11911.8.0 nut Cattle Powders and liluhnotits,togoth or with a largo s l o e ip dit of fresh' Drugs anliffilatil• Anse, Dya.Btuffii;ko., iico.;ju'et , raotilvod at Dorman WorthiugtaL's Drug Btoro, No. T,East Main Stroot (larDslo. - • -' ' 0. • lAZUR E • , 14 4. 00140ENT,RATD11 INDIGO For the Launtli7.—Preo fro& OFill'oldi.—£l•o A Patent Pici c ie b raishon74 . Emoiy . Bag • • ~.., nr *lien rwitat tire Vor Gab by all resp4tAbto GroOdwantlDrumpisik 089;a: - ' . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ... . . 11 , No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET PH I LA DELPHIA. • EN ERACkbIt, FOR • c m PENNSYLVANIA „AND NEW (7 1 - ; OF THE • -WEANS% lA* OF THE • cto, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tue• NATIONAL LIFTI 1N131111,1031 . COMPANY it ll torpOratton chur.ere.l hr.peclulAel of coogrenv, lip proved July 25, ISO. oth a CASH CAPITAL, 51,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal minus olThrctl to Aguntg and SolleltorB,Wlo, trelny,llo,l to Ail) IS at "Ur oilier. Fullfmrticulamto 1,0110 , 1 On applleallon al our 01110, fount. lo the 1,00..1,1 story of our Mull, lug Hour. where CI( colon arch Pumplilotß. Nay il , ,rthlng the 't ,,,, ut o X , R , lft:ruf.l,b," ho Company; mar - ht.-had. (11, k ‘4,, f O. foil lit. 81 - 7,-Nruz & co. 11,ejnit received their Foil Goode, which AM ere,tiojr emeitetnent on account of a reduction Of from 10 to 116 pet cent 'dorsi'. received 160 ydm NEW -- PR TN TS, Such al Merrimack, Guanaco°, Sprague, Gloucester's nr.d 'other fir vorite brands,nt 12ictn.yer DRESS Loony, Alpacas at 25cts., Coliurg, inoe , Japanese Cloths, Silk Poplins, Yoplin, Poult Do Soio, Oriontat Lustres, Do _Wiles %0., at reduced rat, %. • CLOTHS CA.!%8131 RUES, Home S..alnotts Jean, Flariikl‘, Sack Flonnel' "rer. Panw:lq, 01,11cinTi, Uln:rhatn. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BRIM GM= t _6 Full lino M ZFPUER, IVOUSTED, PRINTED nod EMBROIDERED P.l'l TERNS And tho largeAt7 and [no,t, cAmi;Tet., As.ortmota f#l Notions and Trimmings Gott, i) Vnryt,,- Towelling;,' Shaq.l, In, lull v:triety t )14 ri r 1,:,1,n Lv tho ba1...., • sIL pinning to rala, xnnney In Drying Dry Irian 011 , ,'_'S Ina emit. wouid say "r• N , lll . Innt Is. aril a vast N THE DISTRICT C01. , 13T OF STAT67"OI.I > III.I .I.:A.SVERN I'IS I'll ICI' OF',tato o I Stutuel a bankrupt. .irsmttnt of William D. Sponster, Ita% 1101.11 311 ;hod an.l /04t hal 1.555, the anti reportt , .l cad, non sidore 11,0 the lutt. a. , err., iippsars thPleill. But Craw is .“ opinion that hulk, by publics i.m In all thaalitors awl nth l: luterootiol Fhotil , l In .413 1 , 11 to a pimar mourn tho Itt,lot or, Chas. A. Bat tmtt, Et..l , at Ills hills. in C.,11 I Me, on Tlinnalay. tilt sth pf Nnvomborr, loSO, at to ,'clock. A. M.. when said Ahttlinnent and report will ill` 11.1i/Sed, If any 'stay Interested shall rcilhost it. Other -0 100 the same will ho ...Ilium , ' and the Ivpurtt. , .listribution carried into effect. . . 1112=11=1 N.•tio• . girt•ta •eforilingly. .IVI. D. SPONSI.I.: It, .Issiyne•. IE2O hEt; ESTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is horsby given to all mincing Interacted, that the ,t did/ging i.ceounts have been filed in this ogle°, by ,the accountants therein named, for ex amination. and will be presentod to the' Orphim's Court of Cambia hind County, for confirmation and allowance, on Tueslay, October 20th, A. D., 1800. 1. The account of Jacob . Koons, Guardian Of Sarah tlrford, a minor child'of darob Brford, or Eiet Poinislioro' township. deceased. (lost and final account of William Boughman, Ains. of Slaty Gluts, late of Newton township. desea co.!. and final account of John Oiler, Admr o.f David Fin •nhin der, late of 31i ffin township, deed. 4. First and final account old. 0. Beecher, Admr• of Martin 31. Swidgert, tote of Bureau Co. Illinois. The second and final account of .loseph Mar tin, Exceutor of Jacob Martin, into of East renns• horo, township deceased. O. first and final account of John Mounts, Ad ministratur of Dauloi _Mounts docealied. 7r - First and final account of_Phillp.Lizioanount_ Anna Onbbart,- Aduilnintratore of Jacob Clobbart, into of thn borough of Carliala dpcoas'od. - 8. First and linal necotfat.- bi — :Nines Dunlap, „ . I,',x , cutor of Geurgo \V. It., deceased. EZEI! 14-1 • STATE NOTlCE.—Letters Tos _Upqmentary on the Estate of Alexander Woods , late Cl the Borough of 'Carlisle, deed., have.geon Issued to the undersigned residing In said borokh. All persons Indebted. to sold estate will make pay ment, and those having chtinni Will present them properly authenticated to MATILDA '{NOOKS, .•Executilx.. . • upEron S NOTICE. a_ In the matter of the estate of Susan Thorn EtWEI The undersigned Auditor . to whoni' ling referred the account of drones Hamilton, lion. Jan. Graham and Rev. David Sterrett, Exotnitors of the last will nod testament of Susan Thorn,. doe'd., to make distribution et said .estate, under the will of Testatrix, hereby gives not ice that he' will at tend to- thellut lea of his appointment-at—his - o m,, l'est . 3loln Street, in the Borough of Carlisle, on Thursday, the 22d day of Octoter, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. id., and where all persons Interest ed may attend If they thlak proper. a.. .0.1, 111.11(11t1011, ' Auditor. 25sep-3t. It • LIE Annual Election for Picgiden and Dlrou tors of the Clumberland Valley Rail Road Company will ho hold at thu offko of the Com. pally In •Ilarrlsburg on Menday; the Rh day of 0e olall• next, bete/con the hour!, of 10 A.M. andl P. An oinutlnn for •Iliesldont and threetore leraultllo Pall Head Compapy In duo State of Mar land, held at the same ttmo and place. ' " • Is. 211.131Di/tail, • • Pocretary 235up648-2t , - • . , C . Amodation.—A ideot- Ing• of thin Arsociation • will bo hold in the. Court llouse,..(Arbitra Lion . Chaund;r) Friday °Ten 7;ii; o'clock. A full attornionco to renunitod. ,Wlll. ll lINTZ, Sept-i It - 11 - ..p0.p, SALE. A: A very desirable Drlok Dwalling gonna on {Yee , . street, between Pontkot and South,PendsslOtt Novemborlsth, If desired.' Apply to' . J, lif. wraus.tu , 14eug 03-tf. VSTRA.Y NOTIO.44—Left the.rosi 12jdonee ortho eubacrlbor, ou tho 2i3th ult.; a. WHITE AND: RED SVOTTED.COW,. bo hold for borrecovory. - , - JOBCRIr.VItIIVLITIU - - - trep-St • • ' , P A N - : would nar,alyzo the' world or taablon If It non) PlarlblED EYEdiIIiVIERTLE7 - that boncefort no lady of gontlonian,oduld cluona Cho ooloyof_p.ndr huh pith ' valoty.' y9t ouch *Quid, IA the DILICkDFUL Diisetruk "Of icith eases, If that genial; bale 10, jpoLsopleas, and pooflese proparatlou, O.IIISTADORQ'S..I.I.4I.It, vroro strlkort . Off the, roll of tollet;itinurliii. gar of that, howovor. It irt not for ridny.bnt Minufa . oin'iorl kf-.4rOItIBWADO/11;),111.§ 3id11070 Lido, Now fork. 'told by p ll Drolsoitt. .L 4; ' , ~.:. 3 i. ~ c 5...:,,F;r. y ..4: MEE= Wool De Lnins, Bo'mlnizitys, Melang;, MEM EMU MEE =I El= .1. , Register