Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 18, 1868, Image 3
N :LVEW AD VER I;,.E.liff EN TS. ..• Election Prociciination: wnEREAS, tp tind hy an Ant or Qualendiril'Aiisem bly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti tled " An Act relating: to Gm elections of this commons wealth," tossed on tho 3d day of July, Anno Domini, 1839, it Is made the duty of the Sheriff of overt' County • within this Cominonsivalth to givo public notico of the. General Elections, such notico to enumerato -Ist..The Officers to be elected. Designating the places at which the election Is to ho hold. Therefore.. JOS: O. THOMPSON, High Sheriff of tho County of Camboriand, do hereby make known looh givOlds public notico to the electors of t h e County of Cumber land, that on Tuesday thd lath day of October next an oleetiou will be hold at the several. election al:nark:is In said cow:dye:it which Onto they will,voto by,ballot for Ono parson for Auditor General of the State of Penn. sylvania. • Ono pefoon for Surveyor Goneral of the State of -Penn sylvania. One represent tho 15th Congressional Dis trict, composed of the , c'ountles of Cumberland, Perry and York, In tho Congress of ,the Unltpd States. One person to represent the 18th Senatorial District, composod of the counties 'of York and. Cumberland, in the Sendrerof Pennsylvania:' On parson to represent tho county of- Cumberland lu. tlio.llouso of Represontatives of the State of Pennsylva nia " • Ono person?for District Attorney pf the county of Cu nib:Maud.' One person for Commissioner of the county of Cum berland. Otte perAon for Director of the Poor of the-county of -Cumberland. One person for Auditor of the county of Combo:hind. One person fur Coroner of tile County of Omnberland. ' One person for Comity Survoyor of the comity of Cumberland. The said election will bo held throughout the County AS follows: . . . Tho election in the election district composes! of the borough Of Carlisle and the townships of North Middle ton, South' Middloton,Lower Frankfurt', and Lower Dickinson, will be hel nt We Court Hume In the bor ough of Carlisle. The election in the election district composed of Low , . er West Pennsborough township, Will be held at the North School Houso in Plainfield. The election in the election district composed of Silver Spring' township, will ho held at the public house of Geo. IC Duey, in Hoguestown in said-township. The election in the election district composed of Hamp den township, will ho held at the public house occupied tiy Miles Crowley, in said township. The election in the election district composed of the township of Upper Allen, be. held at .the public Loose of Joshua Culp, in Shopherdstown. • The electionin the election district composed of "Slid dlesex township, will he hold "itt the Middlesex School House. • • . •. The election in the election district composed of the township of Lower Allen, will be held at the wagon mvker shop ofJonas Ilunchbarger on Slate 11111.. The elattion in the election district COIIIIIOR4 of East Penusborengh township, will ho held at the house of L. S Hatfield in West Fairview. , The election tone electionof New Cumberland, will be heist t isoo iot se now kept by Witlinin Bell, in the borettgrof New Cumberland. Via election in dm election district ceniposed of the North Ward of-the Borough of Neclilihisburg, at the North west corder of Market Nouse in said borough. The election in the Zleetion district composed of the Smith Ward at the llorellith of Mechanicsburg, at the South-west our, of the Nerket Nouse, In said Wrong!. The election in the election district composed of Mon roe township, will- he held at the public homarkept by A. to Norsk, in Chnrehiown, in said township: The election in the election district composed of Ponn he held at tliteliritThritrfay - aThifplthUtry - Jacob Redsecker, In said township. The election in the election district composed of Upper Dickihson, will be held at the house dow occupied by Joseph K nettle, known as the Stque-Taverno The election in Ute tiliou--111s - rrict composed of, the borough Of Newvillr - and townships - of Mifflin, Upper Franklerd Upper Went Plainsboro, and north ' Newton, will be held at the Public School Noose in the Borough of Newville. The election in the election district composed of the borough of Newburg and Holfewell townithip will be held in the public School Ilbuse, in the borough" of Newburg: " " - The election irethe election ilistrlet composed of the, borough of Shippensbiwg, Shlppenstiorg Township and that part of Southampton township not Included in the Leesburg election district, will he held at the Council House In the Borough of ShiPpensiturg. The election in the . election district compotes] of s igiwer Sotithampten townslilKwl II he held at the house forineily . occupled by Win. Maxwell, in Leesburg.The zinction hi the election district vonipmied of South Newton township, will be held at the School house in Jacksomitlei = Ile - shall give natleolliat every person. excepting jus tices cf the pearo,who sled) hold any office or appointment of profit or- , trust -maims tits government of Doc United States or Of this State, or "Af any city or • incorporated district, whether it commissioned officer or otherwisea subordinat e officer or agent, WllO is, or be, employed under tho legislat are, executive or officiary depart - moot of this Stateor of any city or incorporated district, and also that every motnbei of Congress and of the State legislat ore, and of the select or common occitticil of Oily city, or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law i urapable of holding or ex.weisilig, at the same tinfO,llc office or of Judge, inspec tori or clerk orally electtou of this COIIIIIIO nwealth, and that no inspector, j u dge, or other, officer of uny such 'election, shall lie eligible to any .office to he thou voted for; but .nothill., heroin shall be so cons,rueli as to prevent any or iforoifgh officer from serving us judge, lipipector or clock at nny general or special, election; law shell nOr Thing - hertiM fairly,' la, soconftrued as to • prohibit a judge inspector 01 clerk of election from living voted for to fill any town-111p office, or render cit her or tine of • f twin in eligible to hold the sante. Particular attention ix directed to the first section of the' Act of Aseenibly,,passed, Ihr 311th day 4,1 March, A D. 1860, "An Art regulating Ito manner of Voting at liiections,c hi - the sole - rat , °unties of this €01111114511- wmlth "That the qualified voters' of the several antintles' - of this Commonwealth, at all, gouorul, townsip, borough and special elections, nee ilerOby, authorized and required to,,vote. by tickets, printed er writ bn, Or - partly printed and partly written, severally. classified as follows, One ticket shall um brace the names of all Juitgen of courts voted for, and to lie labelled, outside. "judiciary:' ono ticket shall embrace the .ininies of- all Stets officers voted fur, tint be one tick t shall embrace the : names of till county Mlle ers voted for, Including of Senator, member. and 1114 , 11lberti of Assembly, if voted.tbr, and Members of Cougres•, if voted tor, and be - labelled, °county:" one ticket shall embrace the mimes of all township officers voted for, and ho labelled, "township:" am ticket shall ; embrace the names of till borough officers voted fur, and be la belled, "borough:" and each clues shall be deposited in sepitrato ballot hopes?' In accordance with the provisions of the Silt section' of an act ontitled "A further supplenmit to the Elec tion 'sal, of this Commonwealth," I publish the , 'Misfit:As, By the act of the Congress of the Coiled States, entitled "An Oct to amend tin; several acts here toforo passed to provide for the enrolling and calling nog, the national forces, and for other puribeie," and approv ed litarchOtbone thousand eight hundred and sixty-lire, all.pugaaus_whodtayndeserteltho military or naval ser vice of the United States,and - who have Mt helm dis charged or rollovod from lle penalty or disability.there in provided, aro deemed and taken to have voluntarily' relinquished end forfeited their right of citizenship and their rights 'to beffoine citizens, and are deprived of ex ercising any rights of ell's°. thereof: And wilicreSs, Persons not citiSolls of lion United States ero not, under the constitution and laws pt . Pennsylva nia, qualified electors of this Commonweal Hit Scrams 1. Be it tinseled, fie., That I& all elections hereafter to be held in this Cminionwealtli, it shall IR, -unlawful fer the judge or inspectors pfitny ouch elec tion to receive any ballot or ballots froth tiny pornous embraced in the provisions and subject to the disability inipo. , l by, said act of Congress, approved March ad one h tread eight hundred and sixty-live, 'and it shall be 4,wful for any such porsbu s to offer to veto any bollot • r SECTION 2. 'flint if any each judge or inspectors of election, on any ono of them shall receive or consent to receive any snob inilawlnl ballot or ballots from any • Such dlsqualltiod person, he or they so offending shalt be guilty of a misdemeanor, mid upon conviction thereof in any court of sessions of this 61111110 S wenit Ito shall, for notch 'offonce, be sentoneed to pay n unto of • not less than ono hundred dollars, mail to undergo an' Imprisonment - in the jail of rho proper county foe not less than sixty days. ' SECTION' S. 'flint if any person deprived of /and disqualified as SfOreSSid, shall at any election here after to beheld in this commoniiealth, vote, or tender to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or bid- ! lots, any person so offending shall hd guilty of a mistle• .. 4 rioanor, and on'conviction Otero( in any court of quar• I tOr sessions of this cminionwealth, sliall , for each of- ' fence lio.punkilualin likewlsolartnner tto provided, in the proceetlingaealon or this act in MHO of ollleora of oleo ' lion receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Scariest 4. That Hotly person shall hereafter persuade 'or advt.,' any persoii or persons, deprived of citizen- , ship ant disqurlillet.ras aforesaid, to offer any ballot or . baliolabo the officer of my election hereafter In this comtlionwoalth, such persons so offending shall ho guilty of a mistionmanor, and upon conviction, therm. °finny court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall ha punished In a like innunor as Is provided in the second Erection of this act in the cam, of officers of such election recolving such unlawful ballot or bal- Agreeably-to-the provisions of the skty-first - section of said act, •'Every °moral and Special 'Election shall between the hours 61 eight and ton ht the fora noon and Shall continue open until seven o'clock In the . evening, when the polio shall ho closed,'! Pursuant to the provisimis contained in the seventy= sixth section of the. act first aforesaid; the judges of the 'aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificates of return of tho election of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of onto judge from 'each .district, at the Borough of Cm lide, one the third day after the election,holtig, for tlid present year ON FRIDAY, TUE 101711 DAY OP OCTOBER NEXT, then and there to do and perform the duties 1011111 ml by law of said judges. Also—That whore a judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is tumble to attend sucka..meeting of judges, then, the certificate or returrAforoesald shell be taken charge of by one of the Inspectorif or Clerks or the elec tion' of said district, whe.shall do and perform the du ties required of sold Judge unable to attend, , Given IffinfOr 'my s hand,- at Carlisle, this 71.11 day of September, 1808, • Soßt. 11, 1808. JOSEPh 0:7110MPSON Sitcriff_' M. MYEREIv 1...,MYE10, J. LIVIN GSTON M. )S1 YER B• & • CO. , • ,1 7 9:71V.T.ESALE . GROCERS, HAVE- REMOVED TO ; .No, ;105 . ARoll 1011L24.6ELPHiA:.-- - .24July 08 7 (Itne. ' • , I101[1 : 1T01111,1 * T . 0 11 SCRATCH I ' SCRATCH I I SCRATCH I ~ • In 'Onto 10 to 48 hours. ‘ l ' Wheaton's Ointment „, cured' The itch. • • ___Whoston's 01nOnorit, Crass' linit Rheum • Wheaton's Olnrcoont, cures - Tottor. Whenton's Ointment „cures Berbers'_ tch • Wheaton's Ointment MIMS Old loges.. • Whenton's Ointment; cures Erery kind • Of flytraps like Magic: Use, 50 cents it boxy by pail, GO cents. Address • 19201:IIS & tygoblugt4totigo. Siam • - ' - Nor Bale hi all:Druggists. Vlt SALE. , . • Very dealreble On 'West betwomyeAtfret tiouth. - roahpealou given November 16th, , if doelre•. Apply-to O. it. VAL Li IMF, • 141111 at*. , ‘ • NEW ADVE.RTIS.EMENTS. RatlEW.g , HALL SHERRY'S NEW YORK THEARE • For Three. Nights Only, Cd3IMENOING , THURSDAY, SEP: 24 ID3I ISSION VALUABLE FARM - • AT PUBLIC SALF.- .:On Saturday, October, 17th, 1868 The subscriber as Executor of tho -last will and -toslament of Samuel aiusslomitn, dec'd null 'at public 1310, nn the Premises, that valuable traa of Limestone Laud, situated In Silver Spring township, about 3 tulle West of the villag] of New Kingston, and about miles East of Carlisle, adjoining lands. of James 1301, - Samuel Ilenvoingor,- Henry 'Kanhga and othoriCcontaining 130 Acres more or lose. Thu liar isburg Carlisle and ChAmbersburg turnpike passes through the farm, and the Improvements con sist of 0 TWO-STOItY WEATHEIVIIOARDED 1101.18 E, and WASH HOUSE- ' , HANLE DANK 11211 N, 76 by.4o feet, Wagon Shed with Corn Cribs attached, Carriage 11001,1, llogYun and all other necesslry out-buildings. There are two Wells of water and a cistern upon the pktuisen, and a OrelMrd of Choice Fruit f dilTere kinds, the fences are in gond order, about 20 Acdoy are re 'red with lino thriving timber, the roeidJdo ereared, ve and in a high state of cultivation and has Lan recently litned,• any person wishing to viola tho s3lne cmn do so en or before the day of sale. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock P. • 31., of said day, when terms and c9nditions will be made' known by .3011 N 3IUBSLEMAN, 'Executor. Pscp CS : t s A VALUABLE LIME STONE TIL FARM FOR SA LE. . Sltnitte.about 1 1 4 mike South West of Carmelo, owned by David it. Lerew, containing about 90 ACIt ES, nearly ^all cleared; under good lettere and in a.hlgh state of - cultiyatlion :rho imprnyernents are n commodious TWO STORY LOO TIOUSB, WEATITERROARDED, email FRAME 11/%101 and other, coot .. .relent' but.huildings. The owner paving. removed from, tho county Is desirous p of disposing of the shorn remises which will be dot., nl, terms adrantarenus to the purchaser. The close prothnlty to the borough renders this property Ono of,the most desirable Investments of any now in the market. _y, torm Lt,•:,. apply to A. L. SPONST,EII. • _flea]. Estate I Ssept.b9 TWO NEW •TWO-STORY BRICK ES6EWIEF; AT PIM' kTE' SA LE Sltente on West Pomfret. street. in the for ugh of Ctlll.l6;iiifißrirbytliNflti , " W Weaver, eaCh hultding contains twenty fest in front and twenty-eight In depth. and has a TWO STORY BRICK BACK lit/114)1NQ attached, having line and Water ductl, with all the modern improventents. The buildings are just lion ly built, In the. best ptatsiblo or der, the lots extending back - from thie — straet 120- feet. For Loirraq Ac., apply to A. L. SPONSLEIL Reel Estate Agt =MI TRAoT OF MOUNTAIN LAND FOIL SA Hine le Mena, one toile West of Sterrett's - nap; in nun II too:10)1N Perry, cannly t lately owned by Coot Jae. 11,hite. ern tnlui rut .16 Aci ea all but about ts of o hieh are enorred with ellostna timber a the heel reinality. Apply_t,6 SPONSLEII. I Seep 63. ~P II I L-1 P 111 L L, MANUFACTURER OF No. 201 Church Street, =EI ,b - o• Enyoming and List N: It. 11/ ENTI'd I, CAM I'AIUN '25, 2n. d'n al, On per hundred. I•Fept-It., 621_01 )P SKIRTS 628 VI) CORSETS, CORSETS W.M. T. HOPKINS,, No. 628 A reh Street Philadelphia.___ MINUFACTURI:II Or Too CELEBRATED 1100 P SKIIIIb roc LAN CL, M ISSCS AND CLI I LDREN The largest scsortnient,utal heal quality and styles to the A Inericurt Marl:Ft. } - A-Cielf - lade should try them, as they recontmetrd thentielvei by scouring longer, re tainbus their shape !ouch bettor, being lighter and snore dastic than all othors—W ARRA NTEtr in every respect, and sold at very lore 'prices. Ask - for noPiiiNS"-C,3l.kM PION' SICIIIT. Soperior Hand-made Whale-Bono CORSfaB fn fifteen different Grades, including tlso "Instserial" and L LANdOON'EI " GLOVE PITTING" CORSIiTS, rouging in prieco from 81 Canto to 55,50: tresother with JOSEPH IlseKbl.'s CELEiIjtATELf 5R:SN(111 WOVEN- CORSETS, stliserior shapes and quality. Tell different Credos. Irons 51,10 to 55,50. They are Otto floes , and beet goods itd the prices, ever invportred. The Trade supplied with 1(001' sKiitTri andoilitirr3 at the Lowest Rafe:. - Thom" visiting Cho City should not frail to *call and °amnia° on r Co- Is and Prices,. niodefy ail corn '2:lla4.6B.lolu. r EYRE & LANDELL, Fourth & Arch sts...bidia GOOD BLAOK SILKS, GOOD COLORED SILKS 1.868 • FANG'S?" AND S I P4i 3 LE, • - LYONS SILK, VELVETS, - . KEW STYLE SHAWLS. NEW DRESS GOODS, 000 D BLANKETS, TABLE LINENS,.. SHEETINOS AND SHIRTING/3, -- CLOTHS AND CA851MERE5......... • 11.—Now Geode received daily in largo lota for Jobbing. Mop Ott. L , STRAY 'INIOTIOn..—Loft 0i reel- LUdonce of the nub”rlborTat! tho 21th AIL, R. WHITE AND RED SPOTTED COW, about. 12 yearkold. A liberal reward will bo paid for JOIIN 11. TREIIITLIIR her rocovery ep 'lt °. _ fiI 4 STATE NOllO _ - • Lettete of Administration no the ratato of Mins :mania Ste rm; Info of the nornlgh of, Car Ilsie, loving been leaned by the itqlster. to the ender signed residing In snid Itorinmh, all persons knowing thernselves Indebted to said estnte will , mnlce . pny ment and those having airtime will present them for settlement trr '.•. . - _ • MARGARET y cd i , f ;h, gTtlitisji x o K to her Attornoy_o. P. HUM RICA. 20 West Main Stroot, Carlisle 4.1.4.-it. .. --- ' - • TO TIIOSE INTERESTED: We pro fully prepared to nuke out papero and prueoeuto claime before the board of Commketone.; appointed to. fleeces .abd apprAble damage euetaluod durlug the late rebellion. , • ' , - JAS. A. DlTlsTitAlt, JAS. 11. ' , Offico N0.,7, Ithuom'a 4sapwit.' ' • FIVE HOUSES FOR SALE. The und•relgned oiler at private min, Ilvo new 7' WO STORY DUMB, with "VIVO , mots BACK LDIN oit Each Iltrum . co ta I rts six meta a,- fin Mod- In the befit style. • The lots nre 200 feet •de0p.......-The Powwill betsold dogother, or_eoperately, et low ratra.andosey terms.. For fartheit'partinulare bug - Miro at - ..11ELANOY SIIROBIT Coal 'arid Lumber Yard. 4 1°P 4 P . '•• •• • ' ' . _ . . "ITALIAN BEES . Ikilt SALE.-The anbs'eribanlinvlneiwouniulatell a largo. ripmhor. of colonies et Italian Wien' Will dispose d( them lhls i all at - reasonable prices. Parsons wishing ,to w hine will call ia, my Apiary and select tor thorn. elves. MO' lee: , pure Virginia Honey, made lige a eaten by the above bees also, for sale. - •- -•.-• • ,JOIIbipUTSIIALL, . • • ; 100 South Hanover SC, oarliale. 14 0 410 . • ,.., ' - .:; A • .- •'. • - _ , " :ADV R SEDIENTSI. .BEAUTY, • .. DURABILITY; ". ECONOMY. • . • Tho undersigned baying returned from the cities with a large stock of goods, Invite the attention Of all who satisfaction - to - call - and - examine their stock consisting in part of, • STOVES',. such As 1.11 - BARLEY SHEAF, 'NOiILP COOK, DICTAT3II, EdIPME, • and otiler'varlotiestif - COOK STOVES. which they challenge thArade to compete with fool. log confident that they can sell hotter stoves lor,less money than any grin in the country. The attention of the public is Invited to their choice selection et .35 and 50 eft; PARLOR AND OFFICE ETOI7Ep., among which ran be round - - - OPEAR& OE LEI3RATED , • Revolving Light Base Burning, Juniata Base, Burning Parlor Heater) in fact they can photo you with Striven of all kinde at prices which dofy competitioo. -P U M PS - for.doep Wails and Cisterns constantly' on hand. Their stock of goods comprise 'every thing kept In a first clans furnishing Storci., such as COFFEE MILLS, FLAT IRONS, - COAL BUCKETS: COAL 'SIEVES, • • s • 4 SHOVELS and POKERS, REGISTERS, • • TOILET WARE, • . FOOT TUBS, • INFANT BATH TUBS, CHAMBER SETTS, dm., • Also ()omit AND BRASS DIPPERS, . wnovallT IRON PANS AND LADLES, . - CAKE P . ANR AND 111OULDS, SPOONS, KNIVES AND FORKS; - AND ALL KINDS OF lIOLLOW WARE. Fire Bricks and Orates for all kinds of Stoves, aonotantly on band. lloynton .11aia Burning Flre.Pleee Heater, similar to the Latrobe. — Ton Plate Stoves, PORTABLE •and STATIONARY HEATERS and RANORS of tho diffetant toinuflieturers and patterns. , , -Tin and Sheet - Iron 01 nil kinds constantly on hand, manufactured by the best jyorkmon of the' beat material. Buying stork in large sots for the cash .they are enabled to_ sel l at mall advance!, all they ask Is a rail from you to examine their goods and price list altor which they - feel soil! buy no whom else.- Their tto "lire and let lire" Old S o?oc taken in exchange, NO. 00 North tlan• offer Street. . T II E. LE Nj _A. L. T_Mit .- 17.1 - EROVED ORIENTAL Base Burnin . g Coal Stoves, and Parlor Furnaces, oo i aeolve.l Four -Firs , Class Premiums at thu Noir York State and ethos Fake. Al eat SEINER NI at tint Fair of the Ameolearf ht•titute held la the City of New Vert, IS6O. TIIEY ARE PERPETUAL BURN ERR. oNLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED, .TO BE MADE DURING TwisEßsov, THEY ARE PERFECT VENIILATORS OF THE TUERE CAN 111 NO THERE OAN BE NO CLINKER . Olt D EL tO TO OHSTRUCT. 'HE FIRE WILL RE , IAIN FOR OkYS WITHOUT ATTENTION.. THE ILLUMINATION I 3 EQUAL TO AN "OPEN THEY ARE- POWERFUL HE\ TEES AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD WEATHER. THEY ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL STOVES AND FURNACES , EVER MADE. THE FURNACE WILI.II . EAT, SATIMACTORLY, I.OTII AN UPPER AND A LOWER ROOM WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. The following nrt a few of the many references to persons who hod, been and are no'w using the '•Orlental,' and to whom we confidentially refer fbr testimony as to its great merit. 11. E. Drool ldi I, Dr. D. 51oln.'n, Common, Um. Spoorler, ' D. Spotts, 3. NolTehiger, Longnocker, E. Leonard, fro. Galbraith, Dr.,Zitser, cob 'rhodium, and quite n number ui others. For Sale by RINESMITH & 11,UPP, No. 68, North. Ilitnoveir ,St., CARLISLE PENI''A 18sep a cm T HE FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD Office of the Cumbertand Valley Rail Road Lb. • CARLISLE Pa., tlth &p. 1868 • The letting of the road hoe boon " postponed until Friday, the 29 of September, at 12 o•chch AL , an 1 • the Plans cud Sections will be exhibited et the office of the Chief Engineer in Ilegoretoivn, on nod after the 22 of Septhmber. - . Ilsop 68 • 1.; B'I'ATE NOTICE.— • Lettore Testamentary ou the estata of Samuel Mussloteau, late of Silver Spring townAlip, dee'd., having' been Issued by tlye Register of Cumberland - meth to the,underslUeoth residing to •tld town hip. All persons knowing themselves Ilidebted to lid estate will make payment, and those having 'alms will present them duly authenticated for Aliment to - JOHN:RCS:RAMAN, Executor. • • llsop 6i ITAVING been. appointed Auditor to iiAA distribute balance offunds in the hands of S. C. Wagnor, A ssigneo of W. J. Walker ■nd 7. Graben?, doing bllbillUSS as .Walkor A Graham,' I hereby notify alivarties e,neerned, that there be a tooting 01 Creditors for. the purpose of mak• I log distribution of said balance. at 'my office, in perlisio, on Friday, fielobel D. 1808. • 'GEO. S. 1111111, . . Auditor. AUDITORS NOTIOE.—Tho Auditor appointail by the Orphans' Conti of Cumber land couuiy, to distribute the baker° In tho hands of David , Rhoads, Baeoutor - of Dr. Wm. Blentuer; late of the Borough of Carlisle deed., to and oolong the pm ties untitled to receive Ihn same, sri.l attend to Iho dutlax of his appointment, at lilt onion, In filo Borough of Carlisle, on Friday; tho '23rit "day of October 1008, at 10 o'clock A. 01., when and where all plirtlea interostatl may attend. JOHN CORNMAN, • Usop-It. Auditor. LW INVENTION IN GRAIN 11 MUM-4'h° Subscriber, having' prlimurod patent for a novel and most excellent Improvement In Grain Drills by which the %rain Instead of bong planted In 11.4 India tens ne In the old mothyd is scat toted ever a surface of three Inches, thus scouring an equal andaven dostrlbutlon of seed, and. a con. Aldaralily greater yield of grab, This Improvement con be readily' attached to any of .tho drilla now4n fitato and County flights for sale, agents wanted. This is an excellent, opportunity for setts!), °nor• gotta young.mun to make large Vor paritenlirsiddrese • . • • J. 0. VALE, Jr., ' . Inventor stud Patontee, ,1 Shiremanstown Cumb. Co. IlJan 138-1 Y: VSPRAY.—Camo to Cho roeidenco .12 4 1 the subscriber In Nast Poonsboro thumb!' n or about August Atb,ll3oB. a, • ----yDDDoW 'AND wimp BULL-, . . . between one and two years old. T he owner can hate aid animal by .calling upon tne;'prorlog hlipropoily , a d Paying chargoa. Othorwlee tbe . Ilpllwill be di* • iii. dof according to lair... • , . • ' . • - ' - gan-Us. -. Wilt. SADLER 12E0.'11 DOSEFS is tila . ploati to gOt good tiro - Cent olger. Between; lihemn'e Bell and the Franklin (louse. - • dOjulpllB, • TTENTI,ON. • - . -One thousand buithela-Pleatering Hair for am at the Carliale Springs 'tannory: Bend 'your , onli, - 4tmedlakely. Matilde klprlnge P. O. ,JArtilli.OLgriDEti/N.; RANGES; =9 INC . /0 OF GAS 14M)1 GM ProAdaht NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, =ZMIIIIIIII=IO UNITED STATES'OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON D. C Chartered by Special Act of Congrees, Approved, - July 25,1868.. Cash Capital - - $ 1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Where the general business of tbo Company is trans ',acted, and to which all gerieral correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTORS. Jay Cooke, Phifada. R. A. Rollins, Wash. C. IL Clark; Philada. 11. D. Cooke, Wash. F. Ratchford tarr, Philada. Wm. E. Chandler Wail,. Wm. O.,Moorho•.d, Philada. John D. Defrees, Wash. George E. Tyler, Philads. Etlwasd Dodge, N Y. J. Hinckley Clark, Philada. 11. C. Fah nestork, N. Y OFFICERS. C. 11. CI,ARK; Philadelphia, President., lIENRY'D. COOKE, Washington; Vlee , •Presldent. JAY COOKE, Chairman Ft nice and Executive Committee. • EMERSON W. PERT, Philade., See'y and Artutary. E. S. TURNER, WashiniVon, Assistant Secretary FRANCIS Dr. SMITH;' M. 11.. Medical Director. J. PAVING MEAllti, M. D., Assistant Medical Director • 'ISTEDICAL - AD:ITIESORY - BOA - RD. - J. It BARNES; Surgeon•Goneral U: S. i.WesNingtort. P. J. HUI+ ITZ, Ch lel MOical Department, U. S. N., . - IVnnbiwton. D. W. BLISS, M. D., Washington. „„.... • . SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. WSI. E. CHANDLER, Washington D. C. GEORGE GAUGING, PhOadelphla, Ps. This Company. National. in Its character. offers. by reasbn of lie Lame Capitol, Lew Itates of Premitun alid - NWir — TiliTes the most desirable means of insur ing life yet presented to the.public • The rates of premium, bei g largely seduced, ars made as" favorable to the insurers as there of; Mutual Companies, alai avoid all the complications and uweertaluties of: Notes, Dlvideods and the MI,- Understat. dings which-the latter_ are an apt to cause the Polley-Colder, Parent now and attractive tables aro now presented which need, only to he understood to prove senpts hie to the public, such et the INCOMF,PRODIJCI Nit POLIcY and ItEIIION 1'OLI•IY. It the tomer, the policy-twitter not billy a••rures a Ilf; suranc ,payable at dnatb, but a 111 receive. If /111, A period of a feW'years, an annual income equal dale!: per tent (10 per, naLy oft!. par et: Isla policy. I u the latter the f'•nnpnoy aereesjo reluaLlo tie assured the total anioniat of mon hr halpaid in, in addition to the amount of his polieg:-- Tla• attention of mean contetnplal ing Insuring their - tire, er --in-reasin-(-'—tho-amonnt—ainetarance. they a (reedy have. le called to the special ad vautag.•s ((freq.! t•y the ~ Plationel Life Insurance Celopney.. . Circu le.ia,.Parnplaa La and. fu II -particular, pi vco-ae application to the Branch )thee of the Company in Philadelphia, or to it, General Agents. e3'I,O,JAL ',DENTS ARE WANTED In every City and Town. and apkiicationa fnan o)mpetent pfirlies for such agencies, with suitable end. ?carrion, should be addressed THE COIIPANY'S GENERAL MiI:NT, ONLY, In their rasps five district, • R. W,tCL A Itft A CO., Philadelphia, Ft r Peztrtnyl*artla end Solt atter, .16retty, JAY COOK ft A; CO.. Weehiugtoe, D: C. Far 3laryjand, Vtr,tiola. •Dlutrict of r.tlonaltia • ad' West - V iriinia 11. et, ty. .I)ENNSYLVANI.k STATI. AGRI (111.1111t The ext Lxisititi on thie Society 5.311 he hrld at HARRESBUHG, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Seidandier 29 and 30—Octonar 1 and -2, 'GS Calalosrues of Premium.' can Lo had, •nd Informa tion id•en upon application•to the Secretary, at liw rb.burg. The I'll 6yIJUA LIST has been cularind, and Is A very liberal ono. Jacursion tickets will he sold by Om prinelled Ilailnmds lending to Harrisburg. and bright curried at redueol rates. • A h UTlb HAMILTON, Preet. A. 11. LONOAKIIII, 2.SAug 118-ta LL afflicted by any diseases are in. ritad to consult Dr D. Hall, whose many years experience• has justly non for him the confidence of the eitizena of Sew Vort, Philatbilphia and Boston. Nearly nor the usand patients have been cured his: during the pant year. Ile wrll give special at tentlon to tht b.l ro of the following -diseases, viz : Consumpliee,-.-Serofnla, Cancer, Brondlritie, Bpilepny, Dyspepsia, Erynlpeloun,•leiver Complaints, et •Vitus' Danes, Goitre; Carolyn* Neuralgia and General De bility. Dr. Mary (1011. a graduate of the Philadelphia Cab lege, gives special attitiltlcri to curing of all leinale diseases. bulbs can consult the fir. or his wife. with perfect ..aNcy. !Wools strictly private. o.lusul talions free. do cure, no pay. I= Prot. C. Marring . M D. No. I 1 1• North i2th St., Phll3 " .1 C. Morgan, •r 1700. Chosin of 3t " " R. Itoch, '• •• 33 North 12th It tt C. (1. Roue, " 121. North 10th It, , 11. N urni.y- ,,- Chestout St. .It. Power, " Columbia g:_tlparnork The Doctor and his wit,, can be consulted at bin residUnce No. i 7, South Hanover dt.:Carlisle,P a. . .28aufato. DR - . TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH B it-T 'T E It, S A paid sod agroaablo TONIC STIMULANT, STOM ALUM) aud 0 *lnn NATI VII • • • rlacit tiE-t s. . • XECUTOIt'S NOT (Ml—Notice re F . hereby givitn_ that Letters Totatntiutary on 'the ciente of Rebecca Veaver„ Into of New Eingtdon, &c . d.:lotto boon issued by tho Ihigiotet to tho uti• dersigued. Ail porton° hnvihq - claima will priwout thew for payment, and tint,o knowing thinnselyet in dobtod wilLmakodutmedlatu-Fettletneut-with .- DaNIEL.WttAVER, Extracted entfiely from Il liit ilß and 1100 r Executor. - d. 'Highly I benotivial iu BITTE'R'S DYtir DEIIII,IIY, • 'sod Loss or Appetite; and ar• excellent CORRECTIVE for pereA suffering from Disorderg of (ho Rowels, Flatulence, de. __ Sold, Eteryivlidre Depot, No,. 413,3farket'Stroet, Philadelphia J. K. TAYLOR & CO 4eip • Manhood, How Lost, How Restored. UU- Jest published a new addition of o Dr. Culverwoll'n Celebrated Dessay on the radical cure (without Medicine)°, gPsnnaroamnEa, Or N.Wllifial Weakness, Involuntary ScMitlftl LineleP, 1111 , 4TEN,CY, •Mulltell and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.,. ColiiMurrtoe . ,l,Defissair . , and Five, induced by self4eflufgeecoor sexual ext raiagance. . • int:Price, In a coaled envelop°, only 0 recta The a lobrateil author, in this adruira ils esray, clearly demonstrates from a- thirty 'years' encceasful practice, that the alarming cnbeliquencee of self abuse may bo radically cured without the dangerous xi so of Internal mliliclue or the applicatlen of the hpirk Pita : 6li - ZIA - a 'MA eof Cii atiallcif 4; certain, and effectual, by moan Of which every sufferer, no matter what his coedit on may be, may cure Menton cheaply, privately. and radically. • , i mam. Lecture should be In rthe hands . of 'every youth and every elan lu the land: - • Sant, Udder seal, le a. plain envelope; to soy ad dreespertpitid, ou receipt ante; or two poet atnuflia- . 411.411.4. ColVer well a •slarriage Outdo," price 25 cents. - Addree CH s the-Dubli . J ehers, • ,• AS. 0. KLINE k CO., X 27 Dowary , NPT York 'Poet,Oßlce.Box 6,666 i /gulf 084 V. '•• • • . REEL BSTATE. ALIIA:BLE LIMESTONE FARM • The Brock:item; of the estate of John Pricker, dec'd., will offer et Private Belo,.(until the 90th day of Octo ber, 1863, when (twill bo offered at Public Sale, the following valuable' F. A R 'M , • situated in West Renneboro township, Cumberland" county, Stale of Pennsylvania,: bounded by lands of Samuel Myers, Samuel Plough, Samuel Abrams; John IL. Bricker. J. Snyder and Capt. J. L. Elliott, contain. lour 152 ACRES more or less.. This farm is.located in one of the most .populous districts of. th PI great 'agricultural valley, being 8 mica West of Carlisle, and elbunt 3 miles East of New AIR, having - the Cum berland Walley Itall'Road 34 mile end tho Turnpike near two miles from its Southern Boundry, the State Rdad 4 mile and the Conodoguinot Creek near two miles from its..liorthern. Boundary,- with -a public road near the house,,leading from Mt. Rock to Shelle bargers Mill, in tersccting,the fromer groat thorough.. fares atright angles, renden this farm may of access, convenient for travel, and trade, close -to schools, stores, shops, good mark, brand fine mills. It Is also located- on the..rango_of the_,lfOn _Ore:.wßich lOntlyestondsuast.tacwest_through_ the_ valley,. ono ,fields hearing strong indications of this valuable mineral. The soil is of the best quality of Limestone, route what rolling, and all improved and arranged for envy harm:Ling with "Mower and Beeper." This forth roil I made more highly productive; from the fact that eve 7Ortf bushel. of lime have been placed thereon during the hut three years. The feuds are all In good con. dittos, of them being of Locust Post and Chestnut Thera Is about 15'aeres of young nod thriying Oak Timber upon the premises, and also a large quantity of superior Lomat Posts. The Orchard coutairs upwards of 70 different - Ye rieties. Besides a large slumber of choice grafts, there are also Cherries, Grapes, Peaches and other choice fruits., Tho Mansion House and Kitchen ate nearly now, bang partly Brick and partly Frame, containing 11 rooms. Near the door is a large cemented cistern. a well of nes - kr falling water, a new (Teen, Smoke House and other outbuildings, there Is also 141011 the premises a Bank Barn, two Rog Pens, two Granaries, two Carriage l!riuses, Corn Cribs, a Wagon Ehed, nearly now, and other sheds convenient.and necessary for [arm purposes. .... The exact number of acres In the farin'to be ascor tabled by survey. Terme easy. Persons desirous of...porchasing or viewing the property wilic li upon W. 11. Bricker, residing upon the premises, or upon John ii. Bricker, reslding near the premiere. Porsoni.alesiring Information by mail Hill address JOHN H. BRICKER, Executor, Newrille,Cumberland County Pa. Lancaster Examiner copy t. P and 'send Lill to thi office. . , • =WM 'ALE QF LIMESTONE FARM On Saturday, S;Ttenabur 20, 1868 The sabecrlbor Win sell at Public Sale, on the premises, on 'the above day, a valuable 'limestone farm, situated on the State Road leading front Carlisle to Neuritic, 7 miles West of Carllslo, about 134 miles West of Plainfield and of a mile North of Alterton Station, on the Cutnigil. Valley R. R., In the township4l West Penneborn, this county, con taining 34 ACRES strict measure'. The 'lmprtive meats are n good • STONE }IOU E, \ - with Kitchen attached covered with tin, a fins BARN-with Corn•Crilt attnclied, n tierce - filing of watei near the door, find n large 'cistern at the house. It is a!! 'under good, pest and rail and steno fence. The land itself Is of the best quality of limestone, and is n most desirable -property for -any one wishing to purchase a deiiyhtlul home. Salo to coma - lone.; at 10 o'clook,on aalll clay, when term;-will be made - known by 2laug Ls- LISFIJV Oil. N 7- - TA LUABLE fIEAL ESTATI. PUBIJI - C SALT; On F, iday, Ociabrr 9, 1868 Will be sold nt Public Sub,. under an order of the Orphens' Courl of Cumberland empty, the following Real I.,telth to nit -- No-I._..A_valuabltillu.wand-I:ol..of_Ground situat ed on Front Street, in the town of Worn,leybhurn. this county. The lot in fiftv.eficht feet front. and one hunorrd. and fifty feet deep,- and thereon erected n TWO-ST(111Y lAttl and-WEAT 1111 It BOA It It HOUSE. Enna, !loose. Hog Bert nod other nreensary, outbuildings. The lot has Also a tint' ha of Ch e Fruit Woes. firapes, he., hc. N... 2, A lot of ground in the mon Own, itpro•ite afore : rid property, filly.elcht fret •Wide, ettending Lack (rout Front Street of said Borough to the hirPr, on rxhieh is erected a first rate Cooper Shop. The properties will boson loge) her or seperately, to spilt purchasers. Terror; twenty-five per rent. rash', secured by note at ninety days; hala.... oo Ist day of April 1869. Sale to commence at 1 A 91 :on said tiny DANIEL KILLIILIFFEI: A 4,lmlnlstr,ll..r. IMMII • ITA Pl' Y RETREAT POR SA I I will Fell Hu! chewed named valuable PirM on ableh I new reside, at public sale,on_Tursdny, Septem ber 29, , 181,8, no. the premise., at 2 e'cliek, -The alone film is situated . about half a mile Wool of Carlisle, riti the -man ride of and adjoining, the, Harrisburg:. Carlitio and , Chambershurg turnpike rend. and the Cumberland Valley Railroad. It contains P.13..5 acres of Choice Limestone Land. all of at Bich Itk• been tinted within the past few years, and is In tigOed state of cultivation. The hop rovements aro a large two-story BRICK [must, 64 feet in front, and finished en the at tic, with necessary outbuildings, constant; of Wash noose, Bake limo, invoke Ilouth, Ac. and a• foyer falling well of water and cisternconvenient to the door, 1111.1 a new tenant house within convenient distance of the barn, for the tenant to attend to the ' , tech. Also, Tante BANK BAWN, nearly nelV, with Corn Cribs 111,1 Wadam and Cart Ingo arouses with There Is a large (' lntern and Watering Troughs In the barn yard, and a hoe (Vont the barn 'l:tr.! to the ditty, rot fields,. that the stock hove access to the water trout lichia.•..alsth . royoung and thriving thelard of Choice Fruit, consisting of 121 t Apple, 110 Patch, 80 year and a numlwr of Cherry trees. There is a Lawn of atinnt acres betheen the hence and the turnpike and. ria Broad, with a a author of forest and fruit tret's and ever-green's. T his farm Is One of the most, coo renient and dedra lils in Cnn` , srlv.l snooty ~and from Its close proxlM- It!: to Ca Osie, la n all suited for a truck nod dairy isrm. The terms of sale will ho either cash, or Art (Ash and .he brilance'in protracted payments. Al the' option, end to suit the convonictica of purchaser., and will be made knee MI the day of rule. Persons wishing to see the premises bersro the day of sale. nor requested to cell on the ,undersigned, residing thervaii; or any Information requestael by letter will he pr , uiptly owielunleateil. JAMES 11. GIIAIIAM. ltzrrr IZETTIVAT. - 11VAY Carlisle. MEM PH ANS' COU RT S LE.- By virtu n elan order of the Oh phnn s Court of Cumberland county, I will sell at public sale, on the preinifee. at 11 o'clock A 11, ou Thursday, the Ist of October nest, ths following lots In thu Ilnrough bf Carlini°, being port of the' !Ica! Ent tte of. Wm M. Peetera, dec'd., to wit: I , lst A Int of ground on Harrisburg 'Porimike, adjoining prom fp - rontnining 166 Wet in trout. and 150 In depth to a f...t alley, having thereon erected a-“sme.,.Franto tlbed and °Dice, a d was formerly used 114 n ••Cattle Yard." 2d. A lot adjoining the nbove 52 feet In front and 120 feet In depth to an alloy, and, having an Ico r house Fleeted on it. Terns of rule to be as follows vie: . . Von pit cont. of the purchase money to Lo un the day of sole, ill.,' one fourth ou um confirmation of silo by the Court. one fourth mi April lst 1889, whin deed and will In given, and the remainder In Iwo equal payments on April lst 1870 n o d ltl7l, with interest. hum lot of April 1869 to be secured by Judoluni, purcha s er to pay all woes for 181 O). I • It. M 111181DERSON. Guardian of Minor Children, itC., of W. if. Betism, deed. FALL & :WINTER IMPORTATIONS 1808. MILLINERY GOODS rimming Ribbons, Ribbon, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS. FANCY BONNET MATERIALS. BLONDS CRAPES NEA I TS7c 'French Thiwors, Plumes and-Ornaments. BONNETS and Li A RIES' HATS In STItAIV, SILK, VELVET. ntid Wo'nfier the largest and iinst svsi, tot! ?lock In the O. Stems, comprlsint; cll t.l O , Int"( IN, 1 . / ~, S eel ties, and unentrllled In choke vmrl•dy and ellenpnets. ARMSTRONG, CATOI. Sz CO., 237 and_ 239 Baltimore' Street, BALTIMORE. • 4.,ep 684 m ".. AOTICIi AND EFFICIEN I T.AOI:NI'S WANIEI). - 7 ' IN INIn COUNTY 72 Tilt .. , . ONION MItiVAL LINE , INORANON COMPANY. Claiming es this Company does. solo, ndtautago peculiar to itself, Agents urn affor4Fil — oh easy nod successful method for securing rlsks. A liberal com mission paid to agents, who must furnish first clubs forsrences. Address; D.B. °lon inger,‘ M: D., Conant] Agent, No-129 South 7th.St Chiladolphfa, Pa. 4 popo9-3m,t "IE dLAVCY§bWp' . .! f tts'i r•AirtY,. , or.:EW6I..aND SOAP F.: E,N CL "tt.: 4 P For doing a family washing in the bust and cheap est manner. Outiwintoed equal to any in the world! Eras all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Qualls. Try this splendid leap. _bold by the . ALDEN OISESI.IOAL WOD.EB4B North Brunt Street Philadelphia. • ,4sop 6S ly. EO. G. 1 - 50811 "has a- prim© cigar for an conks. Try theiu,, ( 0 1 7 44 , , • REAL ESTATE.' QALE OF VALUABLE_ REAL ES 7 TATE.—Tuesday; September 22d, 1868.—The uw: derslgnod, executor of John Zug, will offer at public !Ma, en the above Any, on the premixes in South Middleton townahlp,one mllo East of Papertown, nem_ lower paper mill, the following real estate, to wit: . • No.l. Tho Mansion Farm of demeaned, containing 130 Acres, more or less, having thereon erected" a Large Two-Story- Brick' , Mansion Houso, - Containing seven Moms and a kitchen, a Largo Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other outbuildings. The land kin a high atnto of cultivation and under good fonco. There is a IVoll of Clood.Water at the door and one at the barn, and thoro is an Orchard of Vino Ap ple, l'enhlt, and other trees. "Mountain Crook" pass ,- es through.the form. . ' No. 2: Also, on the sumo day. on the promises ad joining tho.formor tract, a Farm on .the Carlisle and - Hanover Papertown, containing gor, Acres, morn of lom, having thereon orootod a Weather.' honrdsd liouso,Largo Brick Bank Barn arid other out. oulidlngs. I 'lltonntain Creak" also passes through thin tract. affording A first Class water 'poker. Thum is a fine young Urchord on this `tract, and the land is well cultivated gird under good (once. Both thono trade are in. the immodtata _vicinity of ,Idt. Holly Springs, a 'Motion noted for the. salubrity of Its ell. mato and visited annually by hundreds in search of health. -- No. 3. - Also, Four Lotti'of Timber Land, tho first containing 2a Acres more or less, on the Carlisle and Hanover turnpike, boo mile South of lit' !kitty paper mill. the second contain tag 12 Acres, half mile Ear' of lit. Holly vapor mill, the third. containing Acres, halt' mils gust of Paportown; and the fourth, In Dickinson towttchip, fourtnileaSouth_of_Mt—lloily, on the Clettysbur4 road, contain lug? Acres. All those traitti , are covered with 'thriving Chestnut nod Oak Soto to commonco nt 11 o'clt;elc A. M., on told day, when terms will be made knotin by - ' JACOB ZUG, Exe6utor John Zug. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 71n 03 t 9. AT PRIVATE BALE Tha subscriber In tonding to remove - from this State, offers at private eats, all lice roar wants situated at Lisb urn, Cumborlatid county, Pm, consisting of a now BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with good' Store Room, tho building ie 3S by 30, and is a most oigollont buelnoss:stand. It line also a good 'tarn attaohril with:'good Cistern and a number of Fruit Treiis And Grapes. • ' • Two Story PLASTEILED HOUSE, with Orchard of Choice Fruit attached. TWO STORY LOG•HOUSE. with a largo number of TOWN LOTS which will .be sold single or in connexion with either of tho above mentioned houses us may best suit the purchasers I.lsbord is a thriving village on the Yellow Breeches Creek within 7 miles of Harrisburg and Me chanicsburg. Is possessed of many natural advantages such as excellent water power; cfcc.olvhich can Scarcely fail to attract capital to ho employed In Meal ufnaturee, ke. 'fhb town has already commenced to imProvo and gives' every indication of speedy' and prosperous growth If . not sold by Thursday, October Ist, .the prop orty gill poslOvely bo sold al,,public sale on that day. Nor terms and other particulars apply to 14aug MAttUAltEt' I. MATEER. VALITABLE HOTEL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE, OR EXCLIANOR FOR A FARM The subscriber offers at pi ivate solo the well-known hotol stood In Newvllle, Pa., known on the ' L 0 G'A-N II S E The lot (upon which the llotel stands). rout - eine 75 by 150 feet, and in addition thereto will be sold art excellent DARDEN coo Mining 65 by 180 foot. The house Is largo and substantially built of stone, containing 8 sleeping apartments, goad Bar-ream, Diuttqproum, Parlor ; Kitchen and all modern conveu . fence, A gestl Well of Water at.the door, - EXCELLENT STABLING fur forty horses, Ire (louse, Wood !louse, Smoke ll ouse end ell necessary out-buildings. Logan !louse is widely and favorably known an I is ler pat i Int.l &con quite recently Ten..rated nod repaired throughout. 'Perms to suit the put:chaser. _For forth., rlst. tie Ilidt S, apply-to the 3111bscriber; - tir In h,s absence to Peter A. Ald, at Now•ille, Da., JOS. A. WOODBURN. L2ALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATIL—On Thursday, September 24, 186. The undornl, fled. lexecunirs of Daniel Wondelly, deed., s, ill offer at public eele, on the above day, en the premises, in Mel: Innen to4rnehip, ou the Sort!: bank Creech •s Creek, nix miles South - isT cneli.le, neat Derails Mill, the Aollesrlng Real Estste, to : . . . . So.l. The Mansion Farm of dee'd. ' eontoining 100 Acres mut It.o Pernota (irk rote rota lAntestune Lend, ittis log titerrott eroetra ft l'otto-Siitrj Weathor.boadred !louse, Woch lionce Sorleg Frenta Baru, Wagon Shed thou Llorrark, and other outbnilti ivcs. The land in it: n high ntots of cultivation nod under grid fence. There in o good Spring of 11ator at the door. An O, chard. of Choice Fruit. fellow type...hen et eel: f/IINSOS along the South lino of the tarn,. I his to o very desirable tooperty, ,nd worthy the attention of persons tvialtind to porch:tau a nice farm - No. Y. Four Lots of Truth, Land..loSoutit Middlo too tomublup, on the Callialu and Ilauo•er Turnpike, unle• South of Mouut holly Paper Mill. first lot coolant, 0 Acres,. 20 Perches. Second lot 0 Aired, 13 Porchett. Third la 0 Art-es, 10 Perehee: Fourth lot. 7.A erns, 21t Pet dive. A.ll the.Se_tractii are covered wall thriving lhistout and Usk Timber. 100 Chestnut Ratio. SAO to COMILMUCE it 10 Colock A. Al , bald day, a lieu tonne will be evade boric by . . . JOSEPH A, sTumtr, .ItiS). lit BAKER .Eira. Dale! Irond,-121 dec'd 28106 SALE OF CAR4IAGES, Sze. We, the undersigned, have nod on band, and offer for sale at a haroln, a greats variety of Carriagtis, such as cif:lol.lN fO%VNS sod AWAYS, TEN'SfON TOP PILVIONS, CIAltftVA 1.1:S-and TOP MIMES, Leather aid canvass, at all prices. Also, lot of recond Band Carriages and Bugging, nhieh do offer rery cheap Er eilthinr, In our tine made to order at .hurt notice, and warranted to give satisfaction. We employ in every branch none but the hest work- men. Paitaimiar attention paid to Repairing. and Painting old wnrk. A. U. CoI ner ni Pitt St. And Church , Alluy, - C4irlisla, Pe GS-Uto sMAL.L . FARIVI ttt7PUIILIC SALE Oil Sal imluy, September' 19th, 1808. The sultorrater, as executer,,will sell at public sale, on lit,, premises, situated. in 'West Pen...bore' town 1111p, one subs Sest of Plainfield, on tins road lending trout tined Rope Statical_ to _the ConedguiuttLeTeek,nd- Joining In lids of Josiah Bricker, John Kula and others. the rotten - lag' described I.ol' OF AIOUND; containing SIX ACHES, more or hiss. Tho u improvements are a LOU lIOUSEI;with good cistern, 831 A ttL BARN, with Threshing floor. An ORCHARD of excellent bruit such as Apples, Cherries ' &c., The land Is under a high state of cultivation, well fenced, and Is in every way calculated to rnatata corn lOrtaltle home. • Fnla to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., oh veld day when attendance will bo given and termainado known by DAVID ICAITZ, Diecutor of John Momle, deed 49. p I:eARM AT PRIX'ATE'SALE. The subicrlbor offers . at. ',drat° salo his farm, okslated on thu ' l ' urupii.n leading to Chslobershorg, us, [olio wthit of atrhslo, colitaiolog slzty,(l3oy acres our., or less. 6 . 'the land Is Ina high state of coltieathe the Im• thvuoleute nru first skits, while Its siluathon is 1111- gunlied. —Any person dusiling to slow the premise■ 'on to no by upon the subscriber who resides ue 4 T. BRANDON, . _. • • A GETS NV A.N . TED. • Lluirrs-ANt)--fi-nuows - OP lIIE GREAT Conedluing Thrilling Advouturea, Daring lleeibi, Startling Exploits, and Marvelous Ru mpus of SpheySnouts and Dutectivos, - Thu cheapest, most complete- and In ttinsely inter esting war byillc a et. published, .sthitain .over' tOO paces and numerous engravings. Primo otklz f,27b. Rend fur circulars and term. • • Q, GAll.l'O 7 lll/3 l,Ed; beaVeditio , u,pull, 1100. . . MIA:I4M No. :10, b. SEVEN qtybii!,,, l'a '!leer (10.1,0 . , . •_ ' • 13IIIILIG'SNLE, OF V,ALN ABLE 1 . RNA I, BS,TATE.—By virtue of an order of tho irrpitnim' Court of . Cumberland county, .the under. figure Administrator and Adminlntrstrix of tin . i.t.a , e of 3 scot, L. Zook, late of Caroller county, Stator of 'Loy land, iced., will' sell'hy public Outcry, an the promises In Upper Allen township, Cumber- Inird'orrunty, And State of l'ormilvar in, (JD riturday, October 3d. MS. nt I o' dock P. 11.,, of said day, tine following rieseriberi ,:doable real estate, to wit: Tenet, No 1, bounded by lapds of William n iely, David Zook's heir n, Win Wilson, Zolk:r„and, . Illor. Containing ton An-c, inorWor less, And having been on erected a Two-Story Brick, 110[,0, Frame 11PrIl, WPISII Bonne and other improvemon tn. - tract No. 2, bounded' by lands of Zook and ,tiller, Lisburn road, J. C. Wingert and others Containing forty 'teres, Inorrirr Les. To be sold in parts or one n 'whale to suit purchasers. Trod. No. 3 the undivided half of I into Kiln property, brairided by" lands lof Jaco 1,. Zook's heirs, Mel uro rondo, Wm. Minty, and °thorn. containing eightemr Acres, more or lees. The real want° above deserlbsd ',uncut. d principally sin' the public road leadlog from Carlini° to Lisburn, about ono mile South onShapherdstmon: On. tract No. I, there 1, , ,,a ,splendirl young Orchard, contriV lug almost every variety of fruit trees. Water convou lent, mud evyryiblir ; About the house nrraugmblea: to idea it one o,,Airs_-rmott - 11Faiablo ' propertius 11,1110.'-eriiintyr - Th - o Idruo Ruin property has on it the boat Q11:1171. ill Iltu.cuunLy. yielding ;, n highly nuperir-r nudity of stone tor building purposen, and when used for burning limn, yields the best In the county. The lime findn a ready market In Abe coun ties of York. Adam., and Cumberland. Torun: of sale t Ted per cunt, of the purchase money when the property 16 stricken down., Fifteen p r cunt, en the confirmation of the solo by the Orphans' Court, and the balancoon the Int day of Aprll A 'lb 1060, when deed will Inn made and possession liven. - BAIiVIA 11ARTZLIIIII, Admr. _.°_, LEVINA 10011, Adm'x. • . . . 11sep 66-te . . ALIJ ;1 LL TOWN PROPERTY -;.-V----A.T.PIIIVATP - SAlrlhe - subscriber -olfartat private n half 14t_ of - gi °mad, on IV,set Pomfret street, In tho borough .of Osrlisle, 30 feet, In front ar.d 240 feet in depth; havink thereon erected TWO-STORY TIMOR DWIMLINED 110112 D ani lirlok back, bull Oleg, •cientaluing Double' Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen on first floor, end Ave 'commodi ous bad rooms en'tlio second Door. with Doke Douse, Smoke Mouse Ilydrant and Cistern attached to the property. An the buildings ln immanent repair. Porsone desiring to view the :property will please call on the undersigned reading on the come. gligepat. • • MARY MURRAY. .NEW AD44ERTISEMEN7 S. tROUBLE! • ' • LUMBER I LUMBER ! I. LUMBER! • •. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT THE DUNCANNON LUMBERMILL., AT REDUCED PRICES YELLOW PINE WHITE AND DRY BOARDS A 2 inch barn Flooring (dry,) 2 inch OaliDridgo,Plank' teddy at all times, Oak Plank, 1 Inch Oak boards, in Inch_Yellour Pine dry Weathelboarding, ificli Yellow Pill° dry lining for Wagonmakers and others, Dry Poplar Scantling S by 4 and 4 by , 4 - , Dry Poplar, aloards 1 Inch and 2 inch,' 110011 n Laths all langthe at reduced pares, Ceiling Laths 3 1 and 4 foot long, Palling, Oak Shinglos, Largo lot of hlules at $1 to slo' per thousand, all 'kinds of frame lumber, Joists and Scantling at old priced, $lO to $l5 per thousand. , . , :Wo aro proparod to fill any order on shortest %toilet- We ca u saw 41 foot Inhingth. Owning our toamo. *o can deliver by wagon or railroad. Ploaso glvo us a call before purchasing alsowhore. All ordure promptly attended to. Call and Imo our stock: HOLTER,IIL I P1111:11. & 110811011 R, - - -- - - llunearmoirP. 0, Perry County Pit 28aug 08-81 u. E. W. CLARK & CO , BAN E S , No. 35 Third St. Philadelphia, I=l ron TIM National Life Insurance Co UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EM=3 States of Pennsylvania. and S outh ern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIFT,: Elsun-A.Nom COMPANY In a corporation Chartered by Special Act of Congrisii, approved July 25, 1808, with a Cash Capital' of -Ono Million Dollars, • and Is now thoroughly organised and prepared for business. -• • " Mural 'terms Offered to Agents and Solicitors, who me Invited to apply at our office. Full pm timbers to be bad on application at our office, located in the second story of nur Banking House, whom Circulars and Pamphlets, fully de scribing the advantagos offered by the Company,'may be bad. Applleatlona for gantral and Western Ponneylta bin to be map to,Bl-SitISSELL, Manager, Towart do, Pa. E. W. CLARK & No. 36 S.. Third Street, PHILADELPIIIA PA. • • AGENTS • WANTED TO SELL TUE' Chicopee Sowing Machine This machine sold complete with table fir only $26. ,It makes the yelebrated KbASTI.O LOOK s'rproll, uses the drop or WM. motion feed weed by all first. dues machines. • It will hem, fell, tuck; cord, gather. quilt, hind, embroider, nod do every veriety of work that can Itwdono on any- other - mach Me. --We-war rant this tonchino to be the best In the world. It Lae Lecn.declared to ho so by the best judges to ho found, and was at arcle.l the trot gold medal, over one hundred and twenty-two.. competitOrlbat_ Paris, IV,. o 111 give n written guarantee to that effect. Bddreas, with stamp, J. D. Olt:III, floporal-Agont, . 022 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. Illin 68 Gin • 2,50011100 Customers in Four Years v PATRONIZE THE BEST Having the largest capital, most experienced buyers, and extension trade or nay concerti In the Dollar Sale business, ore GUARANTEE SATISFACTION In every Instance, and also the best selection of Goods ever altered ONE DOLLAR EActr. No other concern has any show wherever oar Agents ars selling Our ,rnotto. "Prompt and Itellable.' Male and irifiale ngents wanted In city end country , HE LADIES,. Are particularly requentel to try our popular club syettm of aelllifg an kinds Of :DRY ANI) FANCY" (P ropl4, rmEss PATTERNS, COTTON OLD NI. CAS. TORS, SILVER putED ouous, wATenKs, Ac. (Established ISM.) A patent pen fountain and check describing on article to be sold for x dollar, 10c1s; 20 foil); 40 for $4: tio for $6; 10e fm 0)0, sent by mall. Free press/ifs to gotter.up, (worth 50 per cent. more Mon those cent by any oilier concern.) according to site of club Send no a trial clan, or If not do not fall to send fnr a circular. N. It —Our sale should not be' classed with New York dollar Jewelry males tujewm - Tea Companies," en II is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN A KENDALL. - G 5 Ileuordr titlret, Poston, Mane. 22may 01 Gm. F N 14 1 CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SLIOE;;3 FOR' GENTLEMEN All the LEADINO STYLES on hand or made t , measure. Prices Shod at LOW SCOURES. Au Titus trated Price List with lost, uctions for self tneabur m e et, s e nt so re,olo, of Pest Office address. 1411. F. BARLETT, 13 South Sixth St., att. re Chestnut, • • 21aug 08-1 y TURNER'S sELF TURNER'S SUPPORTING . A , D EXTENSION ' PATENT 1-1 P EACH' LADDER, 11= Forms Shown IN BOTIPCUTS THE LADDER TS Readily tnuAlmed or :91ortoned, Salt-Suppotlng, Easily Transported, Couvvrtible Into a liter, Ladder or SvelTold. USEFUL TO • FRUIT GROWIIIO3, 4eII4NICS, 11,IIISE•RIZE . PERS, ko PRICE LIST. .20 rout ,Ixtrn ' - 10;00 - 30 Feet; 3 Sltctio. tench 10 foot long.) 11xtended length about 2§ . 10,00 "40 Feet, 4 Sect lohtt, (0..11, two 10,,and ono 13 r foot long.) Extended lentil Aleut 37 foot. ' 20,00 '4.ltltor.Flstos be propuitl..o. I.llera 1 dlocount to tho Single loiddol - fbrwfirded, freight pro paid, to nearest 'Station on receipt of • Totnilpric9. , AGENTS WANTI;II In every county to canvass and sell. Also rented, Energetic, itellablo C3pable Mon e. ravel and establish county Agcnta. For Circular and Ter me address TurneoffPgte r nt Exte4sio r lkLadde . P 0. Box 2018, or No. 28, Sodt7 . _tjt.. St. 21juni, fin " Rich Cnesni ."--Tremendous 'Excitement Uhprocodunted rushlor the nen , Cm:we -.AP . - - The %,nnhing powf re of pile Sono nretrtily 111ArVer lone. Nr potion who ban ever tried If will do with out-If. Ito, reconninindntlons are _PURITY, _utter IIIiIt.III,NeSNIMS• and %wonderful, EFFIOIENOY. Warranted to contnln more wnalflng_ inwe.rto-the de'let'e worth tlyttuluy-otlfir-rogr - In tEo market— ihorefdFcr tLa CLIFIAPHST, Try it. Satlefnetlon gunrant,ed, (If. - used n.e,r.llit to dlreetloue) or MONEY REVUNDUD ABk Any grocer fur IL 3faunhictur ad ;only by MT:ORLEY & HALL, —_ • • (EMEBUS SOAP AVOIiRS,) No, 445 York Avn., (01111YorkltOrl,) Phi ladirltoilla 2lnnis 68-car. OUR 'RULERS OUR: RIGHTS • 't••!,• •••/.. tlowli - now work by . JUOQL WILLIS A AGENTS—WANTED.-7 --- -VIE. BOOK EON &OREM OLD AND 'YOUNG learned nod unlearned. need It constantly. All take It readily, mitho priab nults tho times. It hoe no competitor. Is - finely Illustrated with steel pintos. • Tho host chance yet offered for Men, and, Women; to make Money without risk., Send for terms. Extra Inducements given. Secure first choice of field. PARMELEE & CO., . PnbllsLera, 738 Sansom Et., Phllmplphla 4Sep 7ancy printing doni;4ll`Wkie MISCELLANEb B ARGAINS!, BARGAINS.I I have this. clay coinnieticed eeilingoff Mire steak of Summer Cleats at gre itly rolused prices FUR-CASH GRENADINES; , LAWNS, MELANGES, BARRED LIMO,. FRENCH PARASOLS, ORIENE, POPLINS, ALAPACOAS, La., &a., at coat BLACK SILKS„ ET 7' SII IVLS at cost, A full It u o of RATIN, RATCRED nod STRIPED JACONETS. and SMITE 51ARSEILLES.und•r price. -- SUMMER OASSIMERES, and COTTON - PANTO STUFFS, groat bargalns. HOOP S,KIRTS & BAUSIORALS, °bumper limn eror'sold In Ciirllslo Mueline, • Tiekinge, Checks, &c., the leweet price Stockings, 431oves, Corsets, ; - Buttons:fund other notiona in gi: . eat variety and very cheap. DELAINES, 12 'lB, and 20,. . CALICOES, 8, 10, 12k, CARPETS AT COST Now Is tho time to enure bargains In all kinds nf DRY GOODS no many tirticlos will bo closed out lose than cost. , CHAS. OUILBY, Nq. 47, West Main Street, -Carlisle • . 4 , Great l 'Bargains in Parasols and White Quilts. - 2 ju1).03 1867 SPRING BARGAINS NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC GOODS DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, SA PINE'S, WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, - ZYPIIERS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, 10 AT - • - •RING'S - NEW - STORE, — No.-55 WEST MAIN STREET. Opposite the Mansion House, next to Poet Mee Hied°. - - - - THE 110USEHOLD GAS MACHINE! FOP SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTOR 3LL 011 AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS I= Conrrotrt Gat tottlrout Pire or Hoot! Tim simplicity add ease by which thia Machine is managed, is also Its economy and great merit, recom• mends public furor. Call and see machine operation at the store! NIANUFicTURER AND SOLE AOENT, CAVED JONES. TIN FURNISHING STORE, No. 733 GREEN -ST., PTIII.ADELPHIA. M.Setl far Illustrated Circular. I.trug 68 3m. MACHINE WORKS. 11. ...JENNEtaB, Practical Moulihr: D. SievrNsoN, ,—Prgerl Engr :16 Machiniat Franklin Iron Works, Cornrr of Short and ,South Streets 'HARVISBURG, PA MACHINE DEPARTMENT =I STEAM ENG & MACHINERY Particular attention paid to Ifopitiring of Machinery by day or night, at home or abroad. AVL KIN: DS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE AND FITTINGS ON HAND 'Wrought Iron Pine, Water Gauges, • Strum Whistles, Cheek Valves, Governms, Steam Gauges, Baas and Cocks Globe Valves, Gauge Cocks, Governor Valves, Safety Valves, Injeeters, oil Cups, ,!llnlons for Pipo, Shafting and Pulleys, Etc., Etc. Foundry and Ornamental Department". f, rinufacture Cast and Wrought Iron 'and Ornamental Railing ME O'er one liundred nod serotity.five now and beautiful patterns, Verandahs, ‘Vindow Brackets, settees, Tables, Stands, 'free Boxes, Division Stalls, Rack and Feed Boies for Stables, etc., ate. HOUSE FRONTS & ARCHITECTURAL CASTINGS. ny ) I=ti n ta l d ,,r f g r:m var a y ,! , u r s p lu t,, f r u n r s ola o l r led, and hate on Eirll: 6 DliftS' IRON WORK IN GENERAL. Wood.carrlmg, Dloieland•Prittorn Mak! nil pl . ompt ly attended to. - JENNINGS, STEVENSON & STOSVER B JUIT 6S-Ginn. 'LIE RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE. depot foot of - Chambers street, Pavonis Perry : 7-,:u A. M. Day Express for Rochester, fluffalo, Sala-, mourn, Dunkirk, and all points West and South. 8-30 A. fd. Way Train . dailv for Ottisrillo and tutor mediate stations. 10-30 A. M. Express Mall for Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk, and all points West and South. 3700 I'. 51. Train. for Middletown- andintormodl ,— ' ate stations. 400 P.Ol. Wav Express stopping, only at Sterling Junction, • Tureer's and station sWest of Turner's (ex ept Oxford), Newburg, Warwick, Moutgom• cry, Unionville and Port Jervis. 5.00 P. M. Way Train. for Suffern and intermediate stations. • i . 15,.30 P. B. Night Express for Rochester, Buffalo Sala.. I — iiiinca, - Dunkirk, and all points — South and West. - 0-00 I'. 51. Way Trains for So ffern and intermediate stations. , ' 640 P. N. Plight Express daily for Rochester, Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk.,and all point* Wont and South. By this train Sleeping Coaches will run through to.. Cincinnati without change. 8-00 P. M. Emigrant Train tinily for .Iho•West. Also, Way Trains for Rutherford Park, Passaic, and Paterson at 0,45 and - 0,15 A. 31 02 M., and 1,45, 4,00. 5,45,and 11,00 P. 51. On Wednesday night 0 Theatre Train 12 o'clock:Tor Suffern end Intermediate sta• dons. Sus nor Tani Ne..---8,30 A; M. Way Train for 12,00 M . for Pateiron; 0,60 P. 11, Night Expreas for Dunklrh. Buffalo, !Indicator, Salamanca, and all points. Wool and nth; 6,00 P: N. Emigrant and Way Train,• 1.1,00 P. M. for Paterson and Port Jervis. Exprerd trodnn room through to Salamanca, Dun, kirk and Buffalo without change of coacher, and in - direct .connection wltli all Southern and Weiterh Linea. Perfectly ventilated end lukurious Bleeping Coach- • es accompany all Night Trains. Tickets inn be obtained at the Company's aloe '242 Ilroadway, and depot foot of Chambers dtroet, Now - Yorki also et Long Dock depot. Jersey City.. • An Ilimitratod.Gunie to the principal suburban places no the "Line of the Enatorn Division of this - • Railway hes Iron propared,And can be obtained at .the Wilco of the. Company_ free of _einirge,—by-Abose - 7. wishillgjo_Pareouelly-eltatninalbe'region referred to, mtliTho view of oottioment. ff. RIDDLE, Owforal -Superintaudont, W. R. DARR, Gonoral Passouglr Agora. llacp.6B. Bann Waraniton, John Turner. Edward Smith; Joa‘mn Truman. CON TINEN TAII,STEEL PEN WORKS. • WARItINOTON & CO., Invontdre.and 4oleiblanu . factiirers of iboColobrat+l PATENT TREATY & PLATINA rpm .• dfanufaalurerl qf every variety of Steel '4: Indestructible 'rens, - I'm Holders, N.; W. Cor. 12th S 4 Buttonwood . rUILADMrUTA Clop 08-2 m ECM 1123 M