GI ght t A. IL RHEEM J. A. DUNBAR, f Editors Proptlpors OARL - ISLE. Friday Morning, Sept. 4, 1868. FVEPIMESLIOAN NOMINATIONS PRESIDENT—GM: U.S. OHANT. PRESIDENT--SCHHYLEIR COL 'AX 4UD% OWL—JOHN r. HARTRA_NFT. sun.r.R . GEN'L-,—SA E 1N L SMALL, Sr-, of York. • aINAT on-40i c ifcCURDY, Esq., of Shippchsburg. Asssitur—Osim J. Y. GISIL of Shippensbvrg. - Dinner ArroratET—ly e bt. PARKEIIoY Clsrlisle. OoannestoNan , --W. 8. WOODS; Chrliste. Dtp¢erron or POOR—JOIIN. 13ADLER; of.kfechanicsburg AUDITOR—AIIOkAS McC ALINE, of East PennalW)ro'. COUNTY Stray - iron—JOHN A. LINE, of Dickinson. Conomen—JAMES N. ALLEN, of Carlisle. GRANT & COLFAX ! Rqublicans Rally ! ,THE Republican Citizens of Carlisle rind vicinity, will hold a meeting in REEEM'S HALL, on to-morrow (Sat urday,) evening, September Eottr, at , 7i o'cloolc.t - - - HON. FRANK JORDAN; - - 86orOtary,-of the Commonwealth and oth er speakers will address the meeting. Our people are urged to turn out in their strength, and inaugurate Alio Grand Campaign for _ - GRANT AND COLFAX, — HARMANFT and -CAMPBELL, and Overwhelming Victory MEETING OF THE STANDING CON'. MITTEE.—The 'Republican Standing Committee will meet in Rheum's Carlisle, on Saturday, September the sth, at 11 o'clock A. ' A full attendance is most 'earnestly - requested-, as business of great importance will be transacted: A. K. RHEEM, Chairman. DON'T FAIL TO HEAR HIISI.—We ex hort all those of our readers who are within reach, to come on Saturday night todilieel'a Hall, and hear , Hon. FRANK JORDAN. He is rather severe .on the _Copperheads, but.his speech will gladden the heart of every truo.Uhion man. THE following is extrifeted from a pri vate letter from a New Yorker, now for some; two or three years a resident at the South ; "There is no chance of a North ern man making a living in Virginia. The feeling is ten times worse than it ever was before. You know, I havO al ways ,been a Democrat, but if the Sey mour ticket is elected no Northern man can live in the South, and I am going to et-out -ofit - as - econ-as - I can et m iley. I would - not stop a day if I had my money." TALLANDIGHAAI, to whom Seymour is largely indebted for his nomination, ut tered the following sentiment On tho•6th ofjaly, 1861, just belbre the battle of Bulb Run : ." In this unholy and uncon stitutional &ruse& against the South, in the midst of the insurrection and-murder to which oho has been subject, and with which she is still threatened, with the toroh of the incendiary and the dagger of the assassin suspended over her, my most cordial sympathies are whogy with her." Ma. SEI , I%I9UR, during the agitation of the slavery question, (recommended throwing open the national territories to slavery. He was in fav,or of il&Critten den Compromise. At the beginning of the war he said,he had no faith that the Union could be maintained by force: He denied the constitutionality of the draft !alio. In 1864 he denounced, the war as a failure, and in 1868 is_the-nominee7 of rebels for'theoffice of President._ THE Democrats allege that, the Presi dential campaign is being hotly Contested by . RePublieans koalas° tho latter are afraid to have the condition of the na— tional finances made known. It is a competenC reply that their.condition is, published monthly, and that no skill. could-enable them-to. be "- cooked!' - long without .detection. But how about the. condition of the finances seven years ago, -when"fhe Democrats went out of office? What about an -empty Treasury and - an. impaired credit 7 Have these virtuous critics any recolledtiMa . of a twelve per cent. loan Made in an emergency 'they `had Ireate&? , - . Do-thor-think it•will ,be. deemedwise to put such financial hon esty and ability to the test again ? The people do not.' • , AN exchange says that Milligan*, the notorious Indiana Democrat, in a recent• spe'ech delivered near Logansport, after ;arguing the entire equality of confederate soldiers with the boy's in blue, proceeded to justify the repudiation of our own war debt, under the same constitutional pro visions-which forbid \ the*.reeognition of the rebel obligations. That is abont what !the arguments of the Pennsylvania mocraoy will Sift down to. . • This Wane; Mipigan came_ear , being hanged during the war, for trying. to get up an, insurreetien traiters 'in . the North-West, and conspiring to, liberate , the Itebel'Prisoiters at Chicago and ether splaces. It does not surpriab lie to learn that he 'lttni 'nevi taken the stump for. Seymour, Blair and. Repudiation; We boliovti" that Dr.' Bleoldrarn,h - eCif - the . yellow-fever rags, is on the Hi* side: A'Solentit, Key. The following article from the columns of -a neutral Pictorial Paper, is so _good and so holiest astatement of aportiOnof the "Draft-riot candidate's" war more, that we give it place in preference to an editorikl_ormir own,. which bight be-re garded as partisan in'its.allegations We liave received ,the following note from Dayton; Ohio.;._ , . "The CinCinnati Commercial bee a report of the speech of tho Den. D. W. Voorhees, at Terre Haute, Indiana, in which be says of Mr. SoymOur : Ho saved the aro:11y of the Union at Gettysbuirgoind for it received the, personal thanks of braham Lincoln and Edwin M. Stanton. This recorded fact is' the solemb key to his whole conduct - during the war.' How true the above'is will you please. inform /...RBruntacittr." Mr. Seymour was exactly as loyal and faithful a Union man as Mr. Voorhees. They Were ,both what was significantly called Copperheads; and nothing is more amusing than the attempt of those who denounced the war-as.fratricidal and in famous, to prove that theil. candidate, Mr. Seymour, supported it. The facts are becoming very familiar, but it, is use ful to consider them. . Mr.,Seymbur was alwaYs an apologist for slavery and a defender of the policy of the slaveholders. 7hen they seceded because of the result of the election of 1860, in which they took part, Mr. Sey mour assailed'the party which had elect ed Mr. Lincoln as responsible, because it had not yielded to the threats of the slaveholders and permitted their policy to prevail. And he stated in the form of a question that " successful coercion by the North is no less revolutionary than successful secession by - the Solitli:"' This was,a repetition of lluchanan doc trine, supplied by. Jeremiah 131ack that the Government could not rightfully "co erce" a State. Mr. SeymoUr's whole in fluence was directed to Secure a - com 4)romise_with-zebels ; _but the loyal people insisted that the rebellion should be sup pressed- at. every cost; and when . the rebels began the war they did not shrink. On the 28th of October, 1861, Mr. Seymour made a speech which was.a vir tual justification of the rebellion and condemnation of the Government, and in which he said that the Union should be sacrificed_ rather than_sliv cry.— In _Sep tember, 1862, President Lincoln issued his preparatory proclamation of emanci pation There were. signs of a reaction of public sentiment against the war; and recalling his words of the year before, and the fact that, he had never spoken one mord of encouragement to the -.sol diers or of sympathy with the Govern ment, the . Democratic party nominated Mr:Seymour. for Governor; At lea . St seventy-five thousand voters were absent from the State in the field, of whom a vast majority Were opposed to him. Bui r notwithstanding_ this advan'nge, his party Managers were afraid of trusting hiru upon a platform of unconditional sub - - mission to rebellion, and Judge Stryker and others persuaded him to make a -speech at Brooklyn, 'Which wifs the same kind of war speech which Richard Gorman made in the great-Union Square -- meeting after the firing -- -tip - on - Skinte - r, --- Mr Seymour was elected Governor by -the vote of the city of New York, over Gen. Wadsworth, who had a majority of the votes in the rest of the State. It was the hope and expectation of his party: that he would embarrass thevnationaluu thorities by his official action, and his appointment of John A. Green, one of tire most notorious Copperheads, to a high position in the State,-great— ly encouraged the peace faction. But the wOrli that was logically un - d justly expected -of Mr. Seymour was nothing less than a counter-revolution. His mes sage in Januitry; 1863, showed the willing spirit, but the flesh was weak. Instead of recalling, the NeW York regiments, or taking some decisive step of open hostility, Governor Seymour chose the •safer path of destroying confidence iu the Government, and thereby paralyzing.the 'national arm. . . The dark summer of 166 a found - Lee marching into Pennsylvania. On. the 15th of Juno, Secretary Stanton asked aid , of Gov. Seymour " to repeal this in vasion" of the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. The Governor sent the froc?ps: On the 27th of Juno, peoretary Stanton thanked him for•hiti." energy, nativity and patriotism,'--'- -and .President Lincoln also thanked him. • The latter further told 'him, through Mr. Tburlow, Weed, that if ho would-use all his power to crush the rebellion, a,„grateful people would make him- President.- Mr. Weed, in recording this fact, adds : "I gave the Message of an enlightened and Fad ! otic President to a metaphysically-mud-__ dled Governor, 'whose'. Seconsion sand Copperhead proclivities and associations brought deserved reproach and destrue tion'.upon hirnself and his party." The simple trutb, that:then„thg, demand Of the GoVornment•for • troops was made upon him, GovernOi Seymour was sud denly compelled either to begin the-coun fer-rsiolution by refusing, or to send the reg,ill2olltl3.' But, ',as the soldiers were. not to ig invade the .South," but to do. fiSfid:&dtate . from invasion, he found an, excuse for avoiding a responsibility which he did not dare to assume. That his no . - Lien belied his' words, and disappointed 'the ardent men of his own party, is in. , 'disputable; and.that the expression's of the Seoretary of War revealed•the in ton city of his anxiety lest - Goy. SeymOur, should - net as ho had always spoken, is no less.unquestionabk. Had tho loyalty of 'ovary Governor been' what Mr. S'ey. moues was, the result of the war may be ooneeivett. , • • ' • • ' - .cloveitter' poymour: kat no time, how over, in shoiv . ing hie party friends that they noi• !inspect ofAloyalty, and 'in furnishing a 'bitter commentary upon ~the "patriotism " that Beciretary, Stanton mentioned. The Secretary's noti? was_written on. the S2lth of June: - On the 4th of July,_when-the event-of the great battle, for which the New York troops-had-been- summoned, was, yet un known4,--when it was the instinct of evert loyal and generous' heart to . Aber public• confidence, and &mirage the Soldiers in the fteld, - ttovernorSeyroour came-to the city of Newitorkto make a speech. Not only was the moment as critical asVany during the war from the ruitual military situation, but because the draft had-been found indhipensable. This' was The men suieof the Goveropent's which 'excited the, most serious and threatening ity that was manifested duiing the. war. Should the draft. be forcibly resisted, there seemed to be no escape from a universal convulsion. ' ' The city of New York was full of the bitter eUetbies of tho Government and its measures. Most of the . organized militia had been sent waylay the Gov ernor upon the requisition of tli© national „authorities. There were but a very few United States troops at the posts near the city. Now York was virtually without a military force in any extremity; and of this•faet,-lind Of-the feeling and char acter'of: a vast pa'rt of the population, Governor Seymour was especially aware. Deep glooM among the loyal,, eager and hate-among-the-disloyal,was-the dispoSition of the public mind. This was the time and this the place of the Governor's speech. Imagine what a man would have said to whom the cause and country • wore dear. " hernember what thoroughly loyal citizens every where in the•oountry felt that day I Imagine what ,Governor Jelin A.. Andrew of Massachu setts, would have said in such an hoar and' under - such circumstances ! His words haye lmen inspirations of. hope, „and faith, and, lofty cheer. All good men, whose hearts and prayers wore with Grant and hiti men at Vicksburg, with Meade nail his Men at Gettysburg, would have felt, as they listened, that" whatever the issue of the battle, .the cause, while such leaders as'A•ndrew re tnaincd; ivas unconquerable. Gov. Seymour's speech was a taunt and a sneer. As if to make abject re pentance for sending the soldiers, be be gan in a-strain Of-bitter derision.- We were moniised victories (or to-day, said he, and Mntead of them comes the Mid night cry of help, from Pennsylvania. He proceeded to paint the situation as hopelessly as he could, and, alluding to the drafcwarned the Government that the bloody dectrine_pf public necessity could be proclaimed by a mob as well as-, by a Government. The mob-hoard - and applauded. • It knew that the soldiers were absent,, and that the police were few, however brave. It was sure of the secret sympathy of the Governor, and it made ready.- Having sown the seedVD the 4th of July, the Governor, on the 11th, went out of. the State into New .Jerse'y, and on the 13th the mob * rose. Oa the 14th the Governor returned and addressed the rioters dripping with inno cent blood, sa3ing to them, "Let me as sure you that 1 am your friend ;" and adding, that, _" as a test of my friend__ 'ship," he had sent toWashington " to have this draft suspended and stopped." On Thursday night the militia and Uni ted States troops began to arrive, and the riots were suppressed. On the 3d' of August : the Governols wrote to the Pre. sident urging the suspension of the draft, saying, threatingly, as if to suggest ano ther mob, " the temper of the people to day you can readily learn." - Horatio Seymour outerly --- denounned- 1 . the war; palliated the rebellion; denied the-right of the Government to " coerce States ;" • discouraged enlistments; pro nounced" for slavery rather than union sneered at the "promised" victories; instigated the riots; threateningly urged the suspension of the draft; piesided over -the Chicago ConientiorQbat called the war a failure, and demandedbmission ''of: the Government, and by - his whole ,conduot so satisfied fled/ads and Cop perheads that they prayed for his sucoess _when again- a candidate for Governor in - 1864 - , and - they have made him 'their 'candidate for President in 1868. 'On the other band, when Lee invaded Penn sylvania in 1863, and the national au: , thorities asked aid to repel him, G•ov arnor Seymour sent the State regiments and, was thanked. Whether this baav ing theaimiat_G_ettysbuyg, and is "the solemn key" to his.,conduct during , the •. war e our correspondent may now decide. Whether it is the story of a loyal Ameri can citizen the country has long ago de cided. Work ! Work ! Worlf,1!1 _Our-friends - must 'go to work and at work',-and then their-work,will be done in 'the right 'way and -with the right 're : sults. • The following saggestione deserve the attention of every Republican : • 1. corm a Or i ent Club at once in• every township, With' ith independent working organization in each'election diatriet, E. Get the name of every Grant and Colfax, voter in that district, and It t ave him' a member of the Club,lf possible., 3. .Nest, record the, name 'of every ()their voter in said district, with every .ono entitled to: become or to bo made a voter before NoVernb'er Bd. , • 4. See that every one who will read Republican papers is provided: with at ,least one good ono. • • • '• 6. Make arrangements that will render the polling of an illegal . vote in that dis trict morally irnpoSsible. 6: Take • care that—no matter what may be 'the weather—every Republican voter in that district shall be at the Ohs before ;noon of eleetion ,day,, 'an& shell, veto as early as may . he. - , • - , • , , 7. look out for the undecided or wav oring,.that...they,suto..for...our.Auket,,zo, far as . • , Friends I such is the peaning of 'work. 'Me you Oready about it. THE DeMoortioyare soltottous to prove that Seymour is loyal.' Grant's loyalty . requireit ha proof. Soldiers,: Remember I The Democraci-and theiirebel allies are to-day busily, engaged in an endeavor to depeCiate the militaryservicei.of Gen: drum: they_pay_tribute of' the veiy,l . lighest paaise to the rebel LEE,aI4 the men he led againk our -own- soldiers. -They talk' about - Grant's superior numbers, and assort • that Lee and hie rebel horde could have easily whipped the. Union army, had thprc been anything like in equality or' numhifie. .To.:_our soldiers, the men. who went forth and periled' their lives in the holy. _work of diving lheii country 'from de struction at the hands of ,Demdcratic rebels, it is an act of 'the basest ingrati tude fOr any nian or party to thus assert that the-rebels were far superior to the men who fought under the stare and stripes. Remember, soldiersitbakevery word of detraction and denunciation lit toreiragaipst the commander of our ar mies, is an insult to you. ror if ka victories were no victories, then were your triumphs no triumphs. If he ren dered no services to his country, then did you render none. ' 'Remember, soldiers, that you want forth to put down treason and' rebellion, that you returned in triumph, and that the Nation owes you a lasting debt.of grad -tude__Remember, also, that the bernoc -- t• raoy, in full sympathy with The unrepen tant traitors of to-day, are. endeavoring to rob you of all:your hard-earned laurels; and, when the day of election 'comes, hurl back the insult.i n their teeth. - Vote to put •down the party, which is endea voring to honor and elevate the men who sought your styes, either upen- the battle field or in the prisonLpen. See to it; that " loyalty shall rule what loyalty has preserved."' , • PR • HOWELL COBB, of Georgia, in a recent-speech, thus exposed the secret of - the - Xebel - crusade - against - what they calf " eaTt-bagietYi." — DlS the polities, after ally instead of the birth-place, or color even of citizens, which is made the test, in that part of the country : " The doors are wide open, wide enough and broad enough to receive every white man in Georgia,. unlesir you should discoverhim, hi coming to you creeping and crawling un der the Chicago . Platform. Upon 'thein there should be no mercy. They-have dishonored themselves and sought to dis honor you. ' Anathematize them. Driv.e them from the pale of social and political society!' ' Rum and rebellion have plaid sad havoc with the character and prospects of Mr. QOl3/3. 1856,-when he delivered his famous "Democratic"- speech in Carlisle, he had the appearance and manners of a gentleman; and his discourse was a truly able. and. eloquent one. But 'now the mighty is fallen. - Bad company and worse rum have wrought his ruin. In all his late harangues lie betrays unerrirg evi dence of the low associations into helms fallen. Instead of arguing a goes tion like a gentleman-and—statesman, he indulges in the foulest billingsgate, and scolds like a very drab. ---ERROR - OORRECTED;- - We - nandeit mis take last week when we announced that the question of Mr. Jour; HARRIS' pal was referred to the Democratic Standing ,Committee for decision. We have since learned that Mr. JA.s. AItisISTRONG, who has . b . een the " bland and - coM•ienicr(?)" incumbent in the position of Clerk to the Commissioners for years ,so many that "the memory of man runnetli not to the contrary," has the question under delib- ationyaindlas - said Leis very-favoT bly impressed with the view that Mr. Illnttrtf - should - draw - pay from the --- day of - his nomination. The Court House Bell will he rung-when he shall have made his deoision, and it itself will be posted upo'n the door of the Arbitration Chamber, now better known as the ".Dem ; ooratio Committee Room." Txth statement in Robert 0 uld's- letter' that though summoned as a witness for the defence, in- the Wirz case, he was dismissed by the prosecution, is .authori tatively pronounced - ,sion of feats. In military trials all wit nesses are loth summoned and dismissed by the Judge Advocate, and had Wirz'S counsel designed that Mr. Ould , shoulil be put upon the stand it would have been done, though he would not, have been allowed to make an entirely irrelevant statement - in -- defence of 'the Rebel sys tern r of. exchange. The whole countrY knows that Ould is a liar and a beast wbO did all ho could dnring the rebellion tci:brutalize - and murdOr Union prisoners, and , whols ' no* like thousands of 'Other rebels of his claes,.mat_Avorthy- . of-belief i on' his oath._ TitE Norfolk - Tourna/ calls upon Vern °erotic papers at the North to deny the accuracy of the latignage imputed' to some of the Southern Demooratio leaders during the post few weeks. It will be easy for the journ s als of this section to do so, bin we might suggestto the Southern' papers that a..better way, would be for them to refrilin from -reporting speeches by these leaders, or to Osage flora to such a form that they are willing to have them Anoted., Butit hers always been,a dangetons thing , to ' report DemocrOtio spec:often. • In' every canVassinee the existing - parties wore ereate4.they have . furnished the Republicans, with the best campaign documents.. WE - will furnish tbe' !JERALD froin this . to the 'end of the :, Presidential Cam paign for the sinall'inin.r of ,fit[: Our Hat is rapidly inereasing, , and we _hopo our friends throughout the oour , will assist in making it still larger. THE articles on our outs4olu.ielation to tho eewiteliellion" are mincluded this week. , They are from:that eterling Republican paper, the. Pittsburgh Gaz. eic4' ute worthy an attentive perusal. THE ELECTIONS .! VERMONT O.K. NOT K. K. REPUBLICAN MAJORITY IN ,. - CREASED .I%OM, EIGHT -TO • TEN THOUSAND. EVERYTHING REPUBLICAN Congres, State Officers & Legislature. Litite Delaware Gives us a Gain. Cold Comfort for Seymour & Blair. O - RANT - AND .COLFAX II RE- STSTIBLE. HOW ARE YOU DRAFT RIOT CANDIDATE! BURLINGTON, Sept. 1.-:--kidnig7it.- -The -election- 7 -o=d ayinsures' a-- glorious Republican majority. Gov: Page is re elected by at-, least twenty-nine thousand majority, a Reim - Mica:3 gain of nine thou sand. The. Senate is 'unanimously Re publican, and so farbut three Democrats are returned to-the-House. The . -Repub-.- Haan triumph is. complete.' MONTPELIER, VT., September Ist. Midnight.—Verruent to the Unionl--The Union Republican forces ,opened their heavy batteries upon the enemy this morning, and in eight houis their works Imo demolished, and - the_field. cleared completely fora pleasant review by Gen GRANT in N2,.vember. The returns to this hour indicate the election of the, Union Republican State . ticket by-30,000 - or an increase•ef 10,000 over-the major- • ity of last year on a largely increased; vote; the election also of the Republican. candidates-in each of- the Congressiona districts ; of a Senate unanimously-Rn -pulilican, and a House of Representatives ii - early unanimous.. It _has been a 6th Corps day's work, and an extra good one at that. The following isrthe Republican State ticket elected ,Govertinr, John B. Page; Likt:Govetnor,SteplieliThoinitS; Treasurer, Jobn A.: Page. The Congress men eleoSi are as follows :• First district, Charles W.Tillard; Second district, L. P - :. Polla d; Third,district, Worthington C. Smith. MONTPELIER ; Vt., Sept. I.=—The an nual election in this State to-day has re 83Alted'in•the success of the Republican .....000ess or tne Spate ticket by a largely increased ma jority over, last year s and in the erection of three Congressman by heavy .majori ties. The State Senate will be nnani mously Republican,' and the-- 13onse of nupireietitatives nearly_soT ..--he-returne from one-third of the State indicate a Republican majority of 27,000 fOi:-Gov ernor, and good judges .put it even as high as 30,000. The vote is 'thelieav lest polled in the State since 1840. ItUTLAND VC, September turns from sixty towns show a not Re publican gain Of '2,980. The remaining, towns to be heard from make the estima ted majority fo - r the Republican ticket 28,00010 30,000; an increase over the 'Republican majority of last year of 8,000 , to 10,000. • ' .BURLINGTON, Vt , -Sept: I.—The election to-day in this State has been accompanied by unusual interest and excitement, .bath the. Republicans and Democrats Working very hard. Returns Up _to_ midnight from fifty- towns -give 'Page 13,009 and Edwards 4,420 being a large Republican gain over* last year. The returns from the northern and northweitern portions of the State come in slowly, but both parties agree that the Republiaans haVe gained • largely over their vote . of lact - yearc BOSTON, Sept. I.—Reports received -hetre - 81361..- largely-increased Republi can majority in Vermont. The indiea tions'are 27,000 to 30,000 -majority for 10 ASE_-- Rppublican Triupwh. Mayor of Wilmington Be-elected 0, by an Increased Majority. .e" WILIVIINCITON, eleetipn for municipal (*cis tech place to.d4, The contest wee vory warna'. The vote is largely ..increased; Valentine, • the prep incumbent, (Republican,) Was elected Mayor ,by a - majority one hundred 6'eator . tban last year. : Aiibhio paper airalts wit by asserting that tbe White House will be turned into a2deaf and..dumb asylum, should Grant , be,eleeted. This is surely preferable to: converting it into an insanexylum for Seymour, or a homy for: inebriates in be half oflllair. k , • WE aro told that the Democrats-have opened' the_ eaMpaign with a mil"— i3uo a -testament' is usually made 'only in 'preparation for death.--Theprospeets Of the campaign justify the act Ott' the 'part of the flevisers. If,this will; how- Over, is'ouly,a boooining frame, of mind,. then certainly they'doservo such praise as they have earned b,y — no other act,-for the realguatiod it displays. , ‘,. amp and dlionnfugltalt-gro RDPUBLICIANi f don't forget'tho- GRANT. and ClOLsax meeting on Saturday- fivening,at.7i O'clock-P . .k. in Rnann.o9lLitp.- Le't there he a grand rally: Tin Green Moimtain State, the Star of Liberty that never tietn, declares by 30,000 majority that therO'inuat'be peace. • I=lEl . Homi ON LEAVE.—Our young friend Lieut.- B. P. LAIIII3IRTON, U. S. Nayy, )a in Carlisle, on a short leave. Ho bas for some time past serving on the Saratoga. .Midshipmen SAML. Gn.enew and WILLIAM Lona, who havo just returned from a cruise on the praCtice ship' Savannah, aro also at home on a short leave. :FIRE COMPANY .NoTlOE.—Thge Will be a meeting of the Union Fire Company at their . Hall, on Saturday evening noxt at 6 o'clock, for an eiercise. Punctual attend ance ia'requested. . =CI ' OUR COUNTY FAIR.-Thp bills for the ensuing. Fair - of the 'Cumberland Coun ty Agricultural Society are now retid.y. ,for distribution. The bear the imprint of the .11kiteLD office, „and - we desire to= direct attention to their execution. Wo feel an honest pride in the fact that no such work has over before been done in Cumberland County, and we congratulate ours'elves' being able to,compete successfully with the best city offices in the eharacter, and varie ty of_our jobbing. PINE GROVE. RAILROAD.—Mn F. C. ARMS, the now engineer of the above pro- jected Railroad, arrived at Carlisle a few days ego, and is making arrangements for breaking ground for the road in d very short time: We learn too, that the contractor is also here viewing the scene of his future work•. BALLOON ASCENSION. Professor I_l4.lctr will_malm a Balloon Ascensioh_from the Public Square to-morrow, (Saturday af-: ternoon.) All our citizens who desire a ,treat in the way of a spectacular perform ance will do well to be in attendance. Lot no onemiss tßi - 3 Sight. , GitosW .It. MEANS desires us to say that ho recently used two bottles of Gitoss' Liniment for a sprained leg of one of his horses and that it effected a speedy and complete cure. He cordially recommends it to those in need of such a remedy 'for their stock. It is manufactured by Gross of Newville. CARLISLE BLTILpINCI AND LOAN As, SOCIATIO.7. We would agnm call the at tention of our readers to the fact, that the election of permanent officers of the associ ation,bis place, on Saturday evening of this week, at 61 o'clock P. X:, will be held at the-Arbitration • Chamber: All stock holders lira required to pay 11(ty cents on each share of stock subscribed, as Will be seen by our advertisement in another column. OUR POLICE FOROE.—WO are the - ivaim friends and advocates of our police. system, and in order that .it.may. meet with the approval of l our. citizens and bo con tin led, wo are exceedingly anxious tha there bo no exercise of of authority, unless in cases of actual violation of our Borough ordinances. Wo hear on all aides earnest complaints against the prnetico of arresting quiet and orderly soldiers, who may chance to walk our streets in the evening .;,r night. No mutter what the Commanding Officer of the Barracks may desire our police force to do in this Matter, they have no more right, to-arrest a-soldier-who is behaving himself than they have to arrest an orderly citizen; no more right to demand a soldier's pass than a citizen's pocket=book. If either cit . - izen or soldier misbehaves and violates an ordinance, he should be arrested at nce:o.but, it should not be forgotlen_that_each has pre cisely the — same rights as the other. And for the sake of the System, we sincerely hope our Chief Burgess will have a stop put to this action on the part of his Force)! IM:IMI COURT PROCEEDINGS.—The follow ' list-of cases-disposed of at-the-cou held during last week : ...Com.' vs. Aim Whife—Fornlcation 7 t , Trtte bill—plead guilty 18th A.pril—sentencO de= ferred. Recognizance forfeited at term. Com. 'es George Beekly—Adultery Fornication—not g uilty. Todd and Illii glaughlin for co, fillor.-and Newsham for defendant. _ . Com. vs. Wm. M. Kindig—Fornication and bastardy—plead-guilty, sentenced to pay to Margaret McLaughlin $lO lying in expenses, $2BB for maintainanoo of child to date, $1 per week for two years and lie months, from date, to be paid quarterly ; to pay costs of prosecution. Maglughlin for cbm. Seitz hooVer for def. „ Com. vs. Alfred Parker—Assault and bat tery—not gailty,-Ann Thompson,-prosecu trix to pay costs. - Maglaughlin and Keller for corn. Sharpe and Foulke for def. Com. vs. W. Scott Miller—Larceny—plead guilty, sentence suspended. Maglaugblin for corn. Herman for'def. COM. vs. John Ulrihb, alias John Smith— Horse stealing and mewing stolen horse— plead guilty, sentenced to eastern peniten tiary .for threo years, costs of promeution and a fino of $l. ihe reward of PO al lowed by act of Assembly, to bp divided b.e tween.— Burke and ft. V. Wood:, lila-, glaughlin for Mom., Beltzbooviir.for def. Com; vs. Andrew Stackfield and John Urn bert—Larceny—plead guilty, Utnhort sent to county jail for ten days, fined slx tent and to pay costs of-prosecution: . John Stack of refuge until 21 - yearsmf ago. (Ho is now about 14.) Com. vs. Wm. eq.d..-DiiitL.Hinflig—.Enter ingliddifil to oiniCitircony and felony— vordict sentenced ono year to eastern ponitenitarY, to pay $1 Eno and costs ot prosecution. David.sentenced to county jaij fot• 'three montlitt Mid pay,,a fine of $l. Maglaughliu and Emig for cont. Boltztioover and , Sadler for def. Com. vs. W. Scott Miller Smtlirm. An dorsop-A-Burglary, entering house to commi , felony ; true bill—plead guilty, 'both Ben tinned to eastern penitentiary for ono year to pay six cents fine and costs. Maglaugh lin for e.o . m. Beltzhoover for defs. Corn. vs. D. B. Belknap and D. Sullivan— Fia . 66 pretense ' conspiracy to client and de fraud; true bill; case Continued. Maglaugh lin, 'Foulke. and k'ourose Beltzhooyer fdr %,p 1„ ni, . . '.... o ` Us, Martha thirnes,-Larceny-true le . l 4 ,, c lead, guilty. Seutlo county jail, for ono month; tined sixeents•and costs of prose cution. • . ' ' vs. Abrm. Boll—Rape incestous, for nioutioa—truo pros. entered by defendant's attorney, by - leave of (Jouit, on payment of costs by, defendant; upon hie entering Into recognizaneb in sum of ,$6OO with ono sufficient snrety in the same sum, to keep the - Ifeace and bo of good behavior towards MI good citizens of. this, common wealth and particularly towards his •two dough tors, Ana:Catharine. and Jape 'h. Bell; for 1 year; said Abrrn:.•l36ll to relinquish •the custody of said daughters, and 'agrees they,shall be permittedto Chou° guardians.. Maglaughlin for -- oom.,,,Penrose` and Foulk; for.def_ • •Com. vs. Wm. nughes-LBurglary-onter ing 'house to commit felony •and larceny. Trer - bill. Case continued. 'llleiglaughli. for corn. Todd' for dofortdant. • 'Corn. vs. Daniel FisherL-Larveny. 811 l goosed. Com:vs. Ann Von lloilon--K:ooping disor deily litrium,liquor on Staidny; )lig liquor without a.lipanoo-rtrue b.lll—oot tied. Maglanghhn for doni. Beltzhoover for defendant. , Com: vs. Ja'ebb Weitzef—foreible entry— true bill. Settled.. Maglaugblin for emu., Ilepburh for def. Com. vs. Daniel -- McLaughlin—disturbing -religious meeting--bill'-ignored-arid-county for costs.' ElizabMh , Dolaten—larcengig Com.'vs. Emanuel Weirich—larceny—ig Com. vs. JacobWeitzel—horse stealing --: Com. vs. Jos. 13edlier. and David Beaker— foieible entry, malicious.mischief.—truct bill. Nolte pro& untered`us to Joseph and David pleads guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of Sib and costs of prosecution. •Maglaughlin for corm, Butler for defendants. Com. vs. Wm;Overdier—assault and bat tery. Vet:diet,.fiot guilty, but to pay one:. half the costs, and Josephrgdegraff to pay the other half. Shearer and Itiaglaughlin for corn.; Sharpe and Hepburn for def. Com. vs. Thos. Graham—true bill—case settled. Maglafigidin for eons.; Miller and Newsham for def. Com. vs. Wm. Gill—larceny—ignored. Corn. vs. Barbara Gouch—keeping bawdy house—ignored, and prosecutrix, Ma linda to pay costs. Com. vs. Nancy Woods'—malicious mis chief. Ig,nor6d; and prosecritor, Chas. Par ker, to pay costs. ,Maglaughlin for corn. Com. , vs. Lucy Fairfax—assault and bat tery—ignored, Jane Edmonds, prosecutrix to pay the costs. Com, v.r. Moses Edmonds and Jane El monde—assault and battery—ignored. - Lucy Fairfax to pay costs ,Corn. vs. Edward Fairfax, Lucy ,Fairfax, Alice Fairfax—assaultand battery—ignored. Moses Edmonds to pay costs . . Com. vs. Eliza-Beacon and John Boilson malicious mischief—ignored. Isabella Clay ton, prosecutrix, to pay, the costs. Corn. vs. Thomas Graham—forcible entry, - TFOCl3ill,—oottled., Maglaughiin for corn. Miller and Nowshain for def. ' Corn. vs. Joseph Updegraff and Daniel Updegraff—sfirety of peace. Defendants to pay ono-half the costs, and Wm. Overdier, prosecutor tbe , ethertitlU" Sharpe and glaughlin for corn., Shearer.ifor defendant. Corn. vs. Joseph Shrom—surety of peace =Court directs that Joseph 'Shrorn - efifeTiir. to recognizance in the sum of $6O to keep _the peace_towards all good citizens, partieu.. A.' J.'Welsh, and t the costs.— Maglaughlin for corn., Coma= for def. Corn vs. Michael Minich—surety of peace -Court directs that - 11.1 - 61ffierninich enter into recognizance to keep peace and be of good behavior towards all good citizens -, particularly to Wm. Lytle; in the sum oV $lOO. Illimrich and Maglaughlin for corn., Ileplturnfor_delondant, - COM. vs. Daniel Eckles—surety of peace. Court-directs that Mr. Eckles enter into re cognizance fn lbo sum of $lOO to keep peace and be of good .behavior towards all good citizens, particularly Mr. Minich. Minich to enterinto recognizance in the suns of $lOO to keep peace towards all good citizens, par ticularly Mr. Eck es; each to pay h .1f the costs. Mnglaughlin for corn., Penrose, Poulk for defendant. Corn. vs. Jacob Shearer—surety - of - pence. Jacob Shearer to enter' into recognizance:in thp - sum of $lOO to keep the peace, &c., par: particularly'to Susan Kennedy, Susan Ken nedy to pay the costs. Maglaughlin—for- Corn., Shearer for.defenclant. Corn. vs. Chas. Sems—surety eftpeace.— Prosecution be dismissed, and' prosecutor, John Walters, pay costs. Maglaughlin for corn., Keller for defendant. - Com. vs. Sarah" Harlan and Ann ,liarlan —surety of peace, Court directs that. Ann Harlah enter into recognizgnee in the sum of $lOO to keep peace, &c., particularly, to Mary Ruggles, and pay half the costs. Mary Ruggles to enter into recognizance in the sum of $lOO to'keep the peace towards Ann Harlan.. Mnglaughlin for corn., Sboareiln defendant. =EI A GREAT AciIIEVEMENT.—In the stovo way is the" Barley Sheaf," the new Cook introduced by Messrs STUART, .r.E. tEICOON & CO., Philadelphia. This Stove combines nil the- advantages - possessed by Other first-class stoves, in addition to num erous features which are peculiarly - its own. The trade in all sections era alive" to the merits of the "Barley Sheaf," (burns either wood or coal) and speak of it ns one of greatest and Most important novelties of the day. . ' Certain pArties, WO are' informed, am en deavoring to impose inferio - r stoves ufion buyers, claiming that they aro "all the same,' and "just as- gbod" as the ; Barley Sheaf. This game cannot be playa suc cessfully. For Sale by RINESMITH & Rurr, Carlisle, Pa. =CI Time's first footprints' are wrinkles and gray hair, and although nothing has yet been discovered to eradicate the former the latter may be easily obliterated by the use offttng's Vegetirbtff Am brosia.. -- _ - _ - _Wo-knoi that it will restore gray hair to its original color and remove from the scalp all itching 'or ii;ritation, whether caused by dandruff or iiuMOrs, at the sumo time imparting to the hair that glossy and beautiful look so much desired. Septl-lm. INLI RADICAL RESTORATION.—Its - good effects aro permanent. It not only restores the color of the hair, but the quantity and natural glossiness. This is said by every one using•Mrs:'S: A.7 — AX,ritres Improved £new etyle) •Hair Restorer or Dreising, (in one bottle) Every Druggist-sells it.. Price ono Dollar. Aug-281m.. -- • IMIEZI "Poor Tom's Weald." • How warm so'er the genial sun _ May look in Mildness on the earth, In Tom Jones' role; so ghosting warmth le the gloomy sorrow of his soul. Dyspepsia, like a goblin, hunts him down, Ago; grim chamberlain, light; him to bed, • While Dullnosa Vertigo, and Headache • • With fiercer ache; combine ttimake him groin. Hearken Thomas, to instruction: For alt.thy ills a remedy Is found, A Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure, Plantation - Bitters-8. T.-1860—X., A wondrous Tonic, made by Dr:Drake: . Wo presume - "poor Tom's" ease is not .worso than hundreds who aro euroldaily • by tnis_wonderfulmotheino. MAGNOLIA. WATEIL—A delightful toilet artiole—superior.foColognoilnd at barrtlio price. . . Aug2B-2t. . . =EI FOR - SALE Ort - RE'NT.—A goOd-socond hand • Enquiro•of hira.• Mit.? EdE, No. G. Irvino's Row. MARRED. FRRNAND.P.2.-.WORTIIINOTQN.—On the 18th of Feb. last at the residence of renter H. M. Jchnson, by the Rev. R• B. Drown, Mr. J. Manning Fernandez, of Norfolk Va., to Miss Ratio Worthington, of Carnal°, Pa. •- 'Washington City D. C. 'and Norfolk pawn ploasa o7py. -;-LERBW—SWORCI - Init., at York Springs, Pa, by the Rev. D. AL Illaokweldor, Hr. P. W. Lonny, M-Dickinson twp., to 'Miss . , M. A. Swongor, • .ofillouth Mid.; Oumb. Co. BANKEI—DATES.—On thotisth•ult„ In Mochanlcs f buig, by Rov. John Ault, Mr. Franklin, C.. Ranks, o West Palrvlow, to Aliso Lizzie Bates( of klechatiles burg. • HERSIIMIAN•i—DANNEIL,—On tho 30th ult., by the ne me,'Mr. Jonoph Hershman, of Mochentcoburg, to • M lea Time Danner, of Shiremanstown, _ ' I DEATH.' - • „. .RIONOWEJt.-:ZOn tho 10 of August, Bliss Annie ,O Conowor, the slat year of her ago. • . , . MARKETS. ISLE 141:0DPC1E6 31ARKET. .Carlisle Septembtir Bnd, 1808. • . • 11 60 Onpardno d 0..... - 8 00- . . ' 7 76, wurrp WHEAT • " ' ' ' '7 ao dED , . do - 220 RYE ...... ....'.... ' .i.'.... '1 06 DORE ~:00 to..'' . ..1 HS • OATS, (now) . (fit - ''oo i . OLOVERBEED.. ..... . ' 700 . TIMOTHYSEED ..., . ' 800 , FLAXSEED. 2 00' . ..... 8eaux...:"... ...•• .•• • 1 .00.• t 0..• •-'•Pa GENERAL DUCE. MARKET . , . • . .. Carlisle, SeptembOr 2nd,1868: -,. - Corrected Weekly by . Andrew Waahmood BUTTER • 35 BACON /31:147IILDERS, •17 -EGOS,-^ -22. BACON SIDES,- d 7- ., LARD,I7 WELTE_BRANS . .:8 06 TALLOW, 9 PARED PEACII,ES, 25 BEESWAX, - 40 - '- SOAP, - . 8 UNPARED PEACHES 18 BACON 11A 518 - . 20 DRIED APPLES. 2 50' I BAGS, . -- SPECIAL - .11TOT10ES: ---- . Store Keepers Please take Notice . • - The undersigned-; are selling their whole line' o r In large and small quantities at less prices ;than they can be bought In the cities; all unsatisfactory goods to be returned, please call and learn prices or pond for a price flat. Salt - and nib in large quantities 194/.I3LAIR dr SON, "South End" Carlisle 4,a, READ, Weekly “BilAit , 9 ll ooTEl."—Novel, * Traction' and AWFULLY Sharp on_ Foglee, Quaoke, Pharisees Pn'incline, "boring, thou right through!" Only 50 Ceiits a voar kr — adyancr — Send 3 cent: stamp, for Sample. Address, Dr. S. M. Landis, Philadelphia Pa. Slang 68.1 m. LIFE OF GEN. (R4NT. Meal% Catcher is now In our town, canvassing for the sato of the lire ; of Oen. Grant, written by Linn' floury 0. Dimming, of Gafford Connecticut. We biro no hositatlon In pronouncing, this perhaps the very best Ilfo of Onn. Grant in print, and on strongly recommend It to the friends of tho_party. 21aug.34- ;MY-DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and OATARRN rooted pith the,ntmomt success by J. I M. D. and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Pennsuitiania,`l2 years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Ifolland,) No. 806, Alch Street, Phila. Tcetlmoniala can be seen at thia office. , Tho 'medical inanity are invited to accompany their pa thinte, as ho hae no aocrets' In hie Practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for exami nation. 12.1nn0 68 ly. HORSE and Catile Powder. and Linimunte, togeth• or with a largo assortment of fresh Drugs and eines, Dyo Stutfa,.&c. - , &e., - juet received at Cornman & - WerthingtWa Drug Store, No. East Main Street Carlisle. — N I3 IV -11 EMEDY - 71N — CO:NSCMPTION.—A Physi cian who had Consumption for several poem with frequent bleedings of the lunge, cured himself with amedielfie ifiskiMwn to tho profession, when hie cam apPeared hapless. Ile is the oojy physician who has used It in bie own person, or who has any knowl - edge of Its virtues, and he can ascribe the degree of health ho now enjoys to nothing Mit the use of his medicine; and nothing but utter despair 'and entire extinction of all hope of recovory, together with a want of confidence in all others induced him to hazard the experiment. To those suffering_tylthAny.tlfrature. of the Lungs•he proffers a treatment be confidently honeyed will eradicate the disease. Price $1,50 per bottle or $8 a half dotes, sent by express: Send for circular or call on DR. B. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tooth Street, Philadelphia. 22may 68 ly. COLGATE & CO.'S tforz G E 31 A N (-I S(GO:ERASIVE SOAP v v Is-manufactured from OUR "MATERIALS, and may ha co Adored tho STANDARD OF E r , , -- n-salo by allArocore. CELLENCE 4sop3t. IMPORTANT DECISION Chief Jirstice Noodwatd pf the Supreme - Court el Pennsylvania, has delivered the following opinion . which - is important to our merchantsonanufacturers, workingmen, and, In ihct, the people of the whole country. He says : find . 1100PL5Nn'e GERMAN 1317' Tons is not an intoxicating beverage, but is a good tonic, usefut In disorders of the digestive organs, and of great benefit'in CARDS of debility, and went of nervous action in the system." • No better recommendatlori could be given to go valuable a tank as Ibis celebrated standard Illtters • "Hooftand's Girmtinßitters contains no Alcoholictna=— HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Is a mixture - containing - all - the Ingredients of loot land'e Bitters, combined with puro Santis Cruz Itum oranm anfze, &0., form log tbo best and most pleas: ant Tonic in the world. - _ Principal- Office, 631 Arch - Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • 'Sold by all Druggists. 4tiop GB-1m giiii - N - 10 would paralyze tho world of fashion If It were PROCLAIMED ETERYWHERE that henceforth no lady of palm - nun could chango the color of their hair with rafety. Yet such would be the • .DREADFUL DILEMMA of both saxes, if that genial; balsamic, poisonings, and gearless preparation', • , . CRISTADORG'S HAIR DYE, wore stricken off the roll of toilet luxuries. No-dan ger of that, however. It is not for a day, but for all Um. Manufactured by J. ORISTADORD, 68 Malden Lano, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by , • vrtallisfelepir6olLossitra. A-ZURENE' CONCENTRATED INDIGO , • For Ma Letmdry.—lrma from 0.31., Ackl.—}lea /;7 •' Oheralst's Cert.thoste. A Patent Pocket Plncushon or Emery Bag mez Imam C.lty W 2 .. For Bale by all roupeetablo Grocers endDragglsto. - 7emg 68-3 m. . - m7lalM --- WilviNornow 11. ?AYERS, M . DI Y E S & WHOLESALE' GROCERS, HAVE REMOVED TO ' No. 105 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 24July 68-6rus. ITCIIIII SCRATCH I SCRATCH I SCRATCH! , An from 10 to 48 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch.— ' Wheaton's Ointment cures Bait Rheum Wheaton's Ointment _ cures :Tatter.. Wheaton's Ointment curse Barbers' Itch .-- Wheaton'a Ointment cures Old Stook Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind of humor like Magic. Price, 10 canto a boa; by mail, 80 cents. 'Address WEEKS At POTTER, NO. 170 Washington Street Boston, Mass. For sale by all Druggists. sopt 20 07-Iy. • - NEW ADVE.,RTISEMENTS. r i STRAY NOTIOE.—Left the red .jdonce of tho aubscrlbOr, ou the 28th ult., a about 12 yoara old. A liberal reward paid for her recovery. JOHN B. TREIBLER. dreirSt •. . •. . • STATE . - NOTICE.- 1 1 4 Lettere of Atfmlnlatratlon on the nelede of Idles Sophia Sturm, late of the Borough of Culla°, deed., having been leaved by the llogleter, to the under signed' melding In sold Borough, all persons knowing themselves indebted to eeld estate will Make pay ment .and those having claims will present them for settlement to . - ISAB.GATtET:O. D. 8117101; • ' Adminbtratrix Or to her Attorney_ 0. P. 11IIIIIItI011. 20 West Main Etna, OarllBle 4enp•Ot MO THOSE;qITERESTED. • We aro fully.preparod to make out pa era and prosecute claims before the board of Commissioners, dur appOi ingntth ed late to motes an and appraise damage sustained t e rebelli JAS. R. SMITE!. Oirloo No. 7, Ittiodm , o Hell 41304 t FHOUSES FOR SALE. ' . ' 1. , The,linderelsneid offer at private sale are new . TWO STORY HOUSES,' with TWO, STORY BMA BUILDING 11. Each Renee contains six rooms, finished • In the best style. The lots are • 200. feat deep . The ~,' properties, will be sold- together, or seperately, at kW rates and easy terms.' For further partlediamenttlarlest ' ; . , • v & iLANOY 01110021'8 ' , Coal and Lumberyard. 4sep4t. , . TTALIAN, BEES 11 subicrlbbr baying aconmsdated large numbor of colonies Of Italleurneee, will dispose of them the n fell at reasonable 'prices. Persona wishing to par, °bees will call at my, Apiary and select for themselves, • 1000 lbs. pure Virginia broney, .made this season by . the above pees also, lbr sale. .10.11 N OIITSIIALL 107 Elonth Uanover )3t, 4eep•6t +. 00 . , JAS. A. DIINDAR,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers