Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 04, 1868, Image 1
RATES OF ADVERTISING:. Ono Sgrutre. one Inflection, For each additional Ineortiob, .For Mercantil° Advettleemente, " Legal - Notices, t -- • . Profosalonal etude wltbarit'ittper, Obituary Notice, and Oommunica• Slone relating to matter eof pH. - 'atoll:Aureate alone; ilcontff per line. • JOB PliiNTINC!.—Oor 'Jot; Printing Office is the neatest andin6dt complete ostabliehment in . the ,Jonnty. Pour good presses, and A general varloty of material suited for plain and Panay work of every kind, onaLlea veto do Job Printing at the shortost °tied, arid on the most. roasimablo terms. porsong 11. want of Bills, Olanke,•ur anything in the Jobbing no,)will and it to their Intorost to give us a call. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TT. ' S PATENT . IW AGCY.— C,. L. .Lochman 21 Illaln'Street: Cnrllsio; Ps., oxoautos &swinge, speellleatlonh ?to., and procures patorrtf or Inventors: " f 14 (elf 138-1 , . J. M. WEAKLY . WEAKLEY & SADLER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, °Bow:No 16 South Hanover atreet Carlisle n0v15.67. , • O. P. lIIIMRIOII HUMRICH 86 PARKER. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Officio on AC Non st., Marlon Hall, Carnal°, Pa. JTORN CORNMAN, Attorney at Law., Wilco in building attached to Srenklin opposite the Court House. • 16may ' G. X. BELTZHOOVER, TTORNEY AT LiiVir, and Real Estito Agent, Shophordstown, West Virginia. Arai-Prompt . attention given to all business in Jeffor : non County and tho Counties adjoining it. .lanuary 19, 1866.-1 y. ' 1 4 1 _ . BELTZHOOVER, Attorney .at Lai! Office In South Hanover street, opposite utz's dry good store Carlisle, Pa. September 9, 1804. TAMES A. , DUNBAR, Attorney at 9 . ) Law, Carliile, Pa. Office In No. 7, Rheete's Pall July 1, 1804-Iy.. 4TT ORNEY-AT--LAW.-GEO, -S EMIG, Offico, in 'liftoff's Building, with W . Shearer, Esq." Proifipt attention paid to legal buel. ness of all descriptions. ~ . Sant 684 y. , • _ 4, D. ADAIR, Attorney At Law, . CarlialO, Pa. Moo with A. B. Sharrio, lisq., No. 7 South Hanover Street May 77-Iy. • TOSEPFf RITNER, Jr., Attorney at Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg . , Pa. Waco on Roll Road Street, two doors north of tho Bank. OrAL..l.luslusso promptly attondod tn. July 1,1864. _ R. MILLER Attorney at Law. J. Oilleq-in 1 - Lennon's building immediately op poedtreba-Cqurt Huns°. tiOnnv 67.1 - - j_JA W - C A-RD.—OH-ARLES -E. OLAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, ...Wile° In the room formerly oneuploll - hy Jud g o Graham. __JuJy 1, 186.1-13,----- C HERMAN, Attorney at Law, M. Oarlisle, Pa., No. Rheum's Ball. July,LlB(l4-13, ITILLIAM KENNEDY, Attorney at, Law ,No. 7 South dlarket Square, Carlisle, Penns. April 10,1867--ly . ,1 ~, M;-- R.' BUAER - , Attorney - ail - Am - T - and United States 'Claim Agent, Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay &c., promptly collect; ed. Applications by midi will receive immediate at tention, and ,the propar blanksTM,Varleil. No fee required until the claim is settled. ' Feb.l4o, 1867—tf. -' , I -1 r1,4. GEORGE S.SE - - - , lr, Dentist, from the C " rental Surgery -veilr D 4. GEORGE S. SE ilia more l i t ; j ula ll g r o'o p flre t t i l ' t k l:ll f r S o g . g t e h r ° / P sj,„ollle . a at the resldemat of his moth; Loather atroot, three doors Ifelow Bedford. July 1. fiO. W. NEMICH, D. D. S.- kir r, Lato Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry oftl e 1131tilk _l3a.itioNalljlge nt 1 1t "Olg‘ol ur r t?..; 11 ens° pposite Marion Hall, Pest !fait street, Cm lisle. l's. my t, 1854. W. SCOTT COYLY S. M. COYLE COYLE & (.)0 JoBIERS Hoalory, Gloves, Fancy Goods nod §tatlonory All ardor° will receive prompt attention. - - No,-I},-South Hanover St. . Ult.-Ago : rag for. Alla • Chamberat)urg Woollon Omar 118.1 Y. M. E":SM [LEY.- .14ILLINER & DIIESSMAKER,. No. 19 s6iitil l- ritT — Strect, Carlisle, Pa. 11. Agent for Staten • Ishml Dyoing Establish moot. 24apri1 08. DR. THEO: NEFF, GILIDtiA.TE 0i PENIOA. COLLEGE OP DENTAL SURGERY DENTIST, Rospeetfully Informs the citizens of Carnal° and . vi. chitty tliat ho has taken tho office Nod 2s, West Iklain Street, lately occupied by his Father, whore ho le pre pared to attain,' to all profecsional, business. Artifi cial tooth inserted on Cold, Silver. Vulcanite and Platinum. 'Charges moderate. 17npr11 - • GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING. e subecribera haviuk peVrannoutly located In Carllsle, respectfully solicit a Aare of the public pa t tronago. Their shop la situated on the public Square In the roar of the lot Presbyterian Church, whore they van always - be found. • Being experienced mechanics, they aro prepared to executo all orders that they may be entrusted with In a superior manner, and at very moderate prices. HYDRAULIC WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, LIFT .tc FORCE PUMPS, • -- BATHING TUBS, WASH BASINS and all other art! clog In thri trade. • . . • • .... - , - ,AILI.IMBING - - - AND—GAB -,AND--STEAM FITTING. promptly attended to In tho most approvod etylo. taY•Country work promptly attended to. Ar-All work guaranteod. •t Don't forgot the pinto—lantdedlatoly in the roar of thu Fired. Preebyterlan Church. CAMPBELL 1 REDWOOD. • ' july27 SO-ly • MERCHANT TAILORING. 'JOHN B. TREIB.T.EIt, Practical Tailor and GrenW NO: 5, EAST MAIN STREET, OAItLIt3LE PA. , Mr. Trolbler would announce to the eltlzons carllsle and vicinity, that luithaa in store a very large and carefully selected stook of • . • . • • ' OABOLfdIiILES,• , . ' • • • vaemps,- - • • . . LINEN EWES, • •• , • 11011113AZINEiS, . . • WATER: MOPE, qo.; • ' I T'A B 1,41' F'o R. 'SUITS OF ALL DESCRIPAONS. &sing himself a practical TallOr, end having the ellstanco,of drat • class workman •• he la , prepared to • all SATISFACTION . all Mailing made at iris Ostablishnoorti. ~ • 'Place Goads of till kinds sold by Mu; yard and 'cut toxr . d ; r f n o t rga fie place; atliflinet. r Na. East Main Eareot:rirxt doer to Oarnman & Agt. r11}314 tARALUE'S RANK, •Dy - oAR. LIM, P.ENNEAVANTei,, ' : ._ ocontly orgardeed,.has been opotnd; for transaction of ' a general banking biiiiii3isOn the.cornor room of-B: Given's now'buildlng, on the North, Weot corner ,dt .High street and the Centro Square: , . , ,t ,' The Dirootors hope by , liberal arid careful manage. - ent to make this a popular institution, and a cafe repository fotall who may favor the bank with their, .., Deposits recolvod endpatd back on- deniand, intor• allowed on apecialdepoeits,'Ciold, Oilvor; Treasury L.,.. - - °Useful& Government Donds,hought and sold: ' Colleotiona..nutdo .-9A ' all- acceeldble - Ddinte'lh the ouritrY, Discount - daYi Tuorday. Danking hours tom 11 o'olook A. At. to 8 o'clock D. M n . , ,• , , - . , (1 R. Glrota,WM. HI MI Skomu Paxton payta Maul, ' • A. J. Horwitz, • iiitabAN 26 00 4 00 7 00 VOL. 68. RHEEM & DUNBAR, Editbrs and Proprietors. MISCELLANEOUS. HDIBERLAND. VALLEY HORSE k::/ INSURANCE 'AND' UETECTIVE COMPANY! The above Company has been - organised for the insuring stall kinds of live stock against loss by death, theft or accident. The i ates of Insuranco nee as low and ns favorablo as any Company of the kind In the United States, whlio an abundant capitalcand a careful manage ment of ito affairs, make it most dealrablo to those wishing to Insure NV". F. SADLER WM, B. PARKER F, SADLER, Secretary. Applivatlous fee insurance can'be made tole 11. K. PEPPER, Agont at Carlisle Pa Or to J. E. JOHNSON, Actuary, Shlpponsburg,Pa Smny 68-Iy. J. BEETE'DI & BROTHERS,. Forwarding and eommission: Merchants (Hendorson's old stand At tho head of MAIN STIIEIIT, Carlisle, Pa - Thu' highest market price will be paid for _Fleur, Grain and produce of all kinds. - ' 'Coal'of all kinds, - embracing r - LYKENS VALLEY,. - „ Limoburnere' and 131acRemiths' Coal constantly fo Nopt under cover, and delivered dry to any part of tho town. Also, all kinds of Lumbor on hand, - J. BEETEM R BROS. llapr 68 GR-0 S S'. UNRIVALLED LINIMENT I After several years' experience with 'thiii - preraiffition, the subscriber places' It before the public in the confident boiler that it will meet every reasona ble expectation... A fair trlti will con- Tine° the moot skeptical of its merits. ' For bruises, cuts, -festering sores, fistula, sparin, sprains swellings dm, in horses, it hue proved an Invaluable remedial' agent; while Its efficacy in curing disideas of the human flesh,-, such. as frosted limbs, cuts, sores rheumatism, burns, scalds. Ac., hos been fully,tested. .y-For sale at limners Grocery Store, Hugh's gonfectonary Store and Elliot's Drug Store. 22may 68-6 m. SCI-EIS K -'S Tincture uf._Roois WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Disordered ~Stonmel, arid , Liver, Costiveness, Impurity of the Dinoa - Head ache, Vertigo or Olddiness,Ntrvous Debility," Fever and Ante, Incubus or Nightmare, • -General Debility, Cramp, Colds, and Pains in the Bark and Side. This is not a now Medicine; the receipt' for making It was brought froth Germany .to BaMinoru,. Md, over fifty years ago by Mr. Klein, who introduced it among a few of his German friends and neighbors, who, finding it to be an local - noble remedy of the above diseases, recommended it to Othfirs until it beeame,.and still continues, _to le,L_the].housefiold medicine Of , a large portion of the Germans of Balti more. ' - • • • . . The hitter Tincture of Roots. is composcil of the Juices of a number of 4he most valuable roots, and seeds 1,116W11 to the medical ihcul ty, with a sutlici• envy of pure old rye whiskey to make one of the most effectual Tonic Tinctures ever offered to the public. - Ilvery person should use It every Spring Summer and Fall to purify the blood, give tone to the stomach and Invigorate the systenm i'ESTIMONIALB The Ilev. Cleo. Hunter saps :-- _ Jo hcmtby 'rertilY that harbor Used ono bottle of Sherk's Bitter Tincture of Roots; I here found 'it ifirufaafile, for the stomach And bowels. It releived ine.of pains„nausea and costiveness and created an excellent appetite. I confidently - recommend it to all as a reliable medicine. CEO. MINTER. .lan. 27th ISIS. _Ravin,. 'men nfilicted for rotor time with dyspepsia, costiveness, loss oftirmetite, load geiferarprostTation of the system, I used Shark's (litter Tincture of Roots, and in n short time found myself entirely relieved, and coy health restored. .1. S. lIERBST, No. 21, North Hanover St., Carlisle. I herein certify that the Medicine, trauma as Shark's Bitter Tincture of Boots, has to my knowl edge, cured costivent.PF, nightmare, loss of appetite and general debility. J. ly. S3III.EY, No.:M. North (hoover St., Carlisle. !laving been afflicted with costiveness for n lohg time, I tried Shark's Bitter Tincture of 'Roots, and have bound it highly efficient. relieving me inn short time.. 'fry it and you will find it gelid. A. W. BENTZ, No:27' ' South Miniver St., Carlisle. In the sumniel of 1 100117 my - health - failed no —that ml whole system was - proidrated nu ir - 170r11 - OUt7 - 110 - that I was unfit for business. el used Sherk's Bitter Tincture of Roots for sometime, and was completely restored to health. I believe this medicine , will do all that is claimed for it. SAMUEL GOODYEAR. Carlisle, February 1,186 S. Having UM, afflicted a long time with nervous dabilltyt and indigestion, I used Shark's Bitter Tincture of ItootS, and have fOund it exceedingly beneficial, and rerraninend it to all ns a reliable medicine. Mrs. E. KELLER. Thereds more medical virrue In one of these bot tles than in n gallon of ninny of the Bittern and mix • tures now offered to the public. REM MANUFACTURED O AND eOi.v pi ? A. VSCH A UB L A &• No 35, South Hanover Street Carlisle • Fit. Also For Salo by Druggists and all coun - ' try Stores. PAIN -V•IOTOII Cures Neuralgia, Toothache and pains in the stom seize and bowels in. ten minutes. It never jails to urn pains in the bscic and lame backs. It is the to I. da use for Rheumatism, Sprains Cholera, Mes hes. an Sunnner Complaints. The Victor is Nature's Cure, gathered from thu vegotitblo kingdom, not n mineral nelson. It should be in every house—a sure and certain help in tinm, of need. , . • • TLd citizens of Carlisle thathavo used It testify as 11,11011's : I have boon subject for tho last -fifteen years to att ergs of rheumatism npd limo back which for the last two yoiirs had become go 1109.0r0 at times that I II akqralroly disabled for'li'dsiness; I used your Dr. Rock's rain Victor this spring, 'iffid part of ono .bottle has entirely. cured I recrimmend • it-.with confidence to others., " • JACOB MARTIN., - No. li, South 'Hanover Street, Carlisle. I haw) used your Pain 'Victor for wt , altuess in illy back, - and ha - vi3Tnind itnarrect - Tura irra — ehort - time. I hollow It to ba an Infallible cure. J6111.4.R, PILKAY. The-Rev. E. A. Brady, Pa., Biblo Agent says: I have 'feed your Dr, hock's Pain Victor in my family, and found it a sure and quick curd for Neuralgia and Toothache."' N. ft.hRADY. It curod me effectuolly,, of Nouralgin and. Tooth .. JOHN 11. LANDIS, Dr. flock's Pain Victor cured ua of itlieuinatlsiu and Neuralgia. Mra. LOUISA .1101t1i1SON. We cheerfully recommend your Pole Victor aq an d invalueblo remedy for headache. WM. 13. BUTLER: • JOHN J. FALLIHt. -• . . Made and sold by , Ar Schaubln & Co.; No. 35, Kouth Hanover Strout, CarliAlo, Pa.• Whore ovary person afflicted with Neuralgia, Toothache ? Readout:llo and pains in tha Stomach is •invitod to call and ha curod in ton minutes, fray of chargo. For.sala by Druggists and all country stores. Gjuna 138.11 m, - , . ,„! . rIUMBERLOIP VALLEY RAIL IJIIDADI CHANGE OF 1.1.-OAT.RS! On and attar Monday, May 11th , 1868, Possongor Trains will ruin daily an follow°, (Sundays oncdptod) : t W-E S T W , A R D: • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN 104,08 Ilarrlsbnrg 8,0513. Machaniesliurgl3,3B, Carnal° 9,15,1iTa1vvi110.0,50, Ship , rg 1024, Chambersburg 10,45,13reeneamtle 11,23, 'arriving nt Ilagoratoarn 11,50 A. M. lion. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1,40 P. M., Mecham.' lesburg 2,13, Carnal., 2,45, Noirvllle 8,00,-813100one burg 3,60, Charaboraburg . 4,30, Grounetistlo 5,05 arriving at Hagerstown 5,35 P. M.. Emmen TRAIN 1031 , 011 Harrisburg 4,16 .P. 31 , Meebnalcaburg • 4,47, Carlisle 5,17, Nowville 5,50, 1311ippousburg 9,14, arriving at Cliambersburg' nt 0;45 P. M. A 511x0 TRAIN loaves Charnbornburg 8,06 A. M., Groonenstla 9,25, arriving 0 - I.lolerstown 10,10 A. u.. E A. 8 T A 11. D : ' ACCOMMODATION 'TRAIN Charnboreburg 4,45 A. M., 81iipponsburg.5,14, Newvillo 5,45, Carlisle 0,113, Mocluiniesburg 0,47, arriving at llarrlaburg 7,15 A. 31. MAIL TRAIN !envoi; Hagerstown 8,00 A: 51., Gratin enatio 8,857 Ohninbersburg 9,15, ..Bhipponstung 0 45 , Newv111.31.0,10; Carlisle. 10,53, Mochaniesburg 11,20, arriving at Harrisburg. 11,56 A.lll. EXPREBB TRAIN loaves Ilagorstown 12,05 P. 11; Greonenstio 12,33, Obamboraburg 1,10, 13hippensburg I,43,'Novivillo 2,15, Carlisle .2,68, Moohanlemburg 3,20, arriving at Harrisburg 9,56 P.M. • ' _ _ A littpu - 'llAur bayou • Ilagerslaru 1,15, --I'. -51. Greeboastlo. 4,22,. arriviug. at. Oliamborsburg' 5,13 tiking alma conneetione at liarriaburg• with trains to, and from • Philadelphia .Now York, • Ilaitt more, yirtiohlogton, Pittaburg and. all man to 'Pleat. "' MATILINTENDIINVEI . ()moo,' ' 0. N, LULL. • Clbambereburth•Pa., May 8, 11188,, • - . .. .. , a. cio; :G. 130013H - Rits...';, pOitio . . oivir mite.. for Apo TO them. • . . 1:49, • - . li. !.., • L . ...- ; • . r ,. ( , ~ . \ .: ?,,,, , •r. l , .. • (gr ~,,,, • lii„ . . ~ . . CAPITAL, $50,000 EMgMUI . • - - Pr esiden , WILLIAM M'CLELLAN, Vice Presiders , LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAIVIIERRY, se.,•&o DR. ROCK'S J,i_ , f D.Rlr GOODS POPULAR COODS EXTREMELY LOW =PRICES W. C. SAWYER & Co's IVojuk•ojyst reduced tho prices of our immoneo• ~ 172113 P,RY .GOODS, CARPETS ,te DRESS t+OODS such as Iloinanni% Crapo Montt, Grenadines, Silk and Worntor, Florentinex, 111altego Cloths, Chenny, Mohair and Empress Summer Poplins also a full line of G A N:l3 Y AWNS, Figured, Plain and Plaid at greatly redu . ced prices. Our stook Loathe advantage of as tine assortment of all kinds of Goods as ran be obtained in the early part of the season ' . Call and examine tno nno assortatont u4r.:reduced prlcos. • W II I 'l' Ji; () 0 1) In endless varluty among, which con ho found Swiss .lusllns In Plain, Plaid and Striped, Nainaookn, ovary graduand etylo Jai:omits In Hard and Solt finish, Victoria and Bishop Lawns, Mull and Froneh Musllus, Francis Noodle Work and Hamburg Embroldories, vory low ("MAIER ..-OA-SSIMERES, Cloths and Vestings. , Elegant rayira !Inequalities nt prices that day companion. Suits mad° t0,0ri.161; by tho host work• M. in the town. CARI'_kSIICARPET§M Brussols,Tbros Ingrain, Ilomo•mado suil, Tromps, tvitidut regard to profit, Oil Cloth'' In 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, &t all qualities, Itugn„ Mats, . Andes, Mattings and Looking Glasses HOSIERY , GLOVES - , ', , , NOTIONS If. c., &o Present to our.oustomora taro chanson for bar.' gains and would say to all, null and bxamlno our' largo and varied stock of . • SEASONA.BLE (3,00D5/ 111111tiomparo ourprlce list Please remember the old stand UNDER TrANNows HOTEL, EAST MAIN STEEET All who wish cheap DRY 0091* All who . Wish Cheap • .HOUSE ...1 0 1JR141S11114GOODSi, All : who wish a full:ltook-oc. • • 6,E4§04APX411, 'GOODS, and at Reduced Prioos, call at =BM • W. C. "SAWYER & CO'S. VAST M.I:IX-EdIIEBT. 23fu1y•68. ; - HOOPLAIVD'S, BITTERS "s HOORAH'S GERMAN BITTER_ Roofland's German Tondo. Prepared by, Dr:; O. M. 'JACKSON,' The. Great Reiedies for all Diseases LIVER, STOMACH; OR DIGESTIVE - ORGANS. Hoofland's German Bitters Is composed of the pure jukon (or, de they are rnedici• natty termed, Bz frosts) of -IL fro ta,, ll erb and Barks,j .r making a prepam. UOl3, highly concon trated, and entirely (Leafrom Alcoholic odmialare of any HOOFLANVS_GERMAN Is a combination of all the ingredients of the Mitten, with the purest:quality of Santa Crus Rum, Orange, etc., making, ono of the most •pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Those preferring it Medicine freo*from Alcoholic - ad. mixture, will use Hoofland's G-erman. Bitters, In ewes of nervous depression, when some alcoholic 'stimulus is necessary, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC The 13itters ST the Tot)lc ore both equally good, and contain The same medicinal virtues. The stomach, - from o variety of mses, such an Ind!. gestion, Dyspepsia, - Nervoud Debility, etc., is very apt to IN have its functions deranged._The result of which Is, that the patient suffers from • several or more Of the following diseases • Constipation.- Flatulence, -- Inward Piles, FulneWof Blood to the Head, Acidity of y the . Stomach, - Nausea, Heart • burn, Disgust for Food; fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour 'lllructations, Sink- , . big or' Fluttering at the Pit ' , • of the Stomach, Swim Ming of the Head, Hurried or. -Difficult— Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sendatiens when in a Liking Posture; Dimness of Vision, ^ Dots or Webs 'before 'the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defl- , ciency of Perspiration, Yol lownese-of-the-Bkin and y e e, Pain. in - the etc. Sid e fer Back Chest, Limbs, , • Sudden Flushes of " Heatilurning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, • and Great Depression of Spirits. These remedies will effectually cure Liver Complaint., Anil - dice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or, Nervous„Chronic Diarrlima, Disease of the Kidneys, and ell Diseases arising from a' Disordered Liver, Stomach, or Intestines. Resulting from any Osage Voluttover ; PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, induced by Severe Labor, Hard ships, Exposure, Fevers, oto. There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies In such cases. A tone and vigor is imported to the -whole System, the A ppethols Strength• ened,foodis enjoyed, I. m ' the stomach digests promptly, the blood :I L : Is purified, thy corn. plexion beco ni o • r sound and healthy, the yellow tl indicated from the eyes, a bloom Is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous Iry valid becomes a strong and healthy being. Persona Advanied in Life, Ana feeling the band of time weighing heavily upon thorn with all lie attendant Ma, will find In the nee of this BITTERS, or the TONIC, an elixir that will Instil now life into their veins, restore in a meneure the energy and'ardor of more youthful dap., build up their shrunken forme, and give health and happiness to.thelr remaining years. II It La a wollesfabllohed faotthat, fully ono.half of the L female portion of our ' population are eel dOminthoenjoyment of good health ; or, to we their own- ex pression," never foci wc11. , . They are lan geld, devoid of all enorgy,,extremaly nermus, And have no appetite. . To this class of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, is especially recommended. WEAK AND,DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by theme of either of these famed lee. They will cure every ease of MARASMUS,-without Thousands of carat:knees have accumulated In, the hands of the proprietor, but space will allow of the publication of but a few. Those, it will be observed, are men of note and of such Vending that they must be believed. Geo. W. Woodwaid. . , , -Chic, Justice of the Supreme CdaßajPa.,lyrliAig ' 4 Philadelphia, March 16, 1867.. ' "I • German !littera ' a goodAonlc, neeful In dlacaece of the ellgestlvoorgan‘jand , _ of great bandit. In caeca of debl*y, nod want of nervous ner tton In tho axstam: ~, ' Yours • GIN, W. WPODW ARM." Hon, James Thompson Judge of the Supreme Court of Palilsyloania, Phitadeiphice, April 28,,1630. "I considor Goolland'sGerman Bitters' a valuable medleincin.caso of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify Oils from my experience of it. , • Yours with respect, From Rev. Joseph - H. Kennard,'D. Pastor of the Tooth Bopyrt pr. Jackson—Derr l lr kl'have been frequently re quested to ,connect my. memo, with recommendations of difterent Wade of medleilt;Se, but regarding the prac tice as out,ef -m y up . . 'Propriate sphere, I have in all cages de , dined; but with a clear proof in yell I s ~oun ,instances and particularly. hi mk• 6 . 'df the usefulness of D. Itoolland's,l3lermen Maw's, ,depart for once from my usual course, to express my full convlction•that, for general debilityV Me system, and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a subs and ratnalde preparation. Ili Boom eased it May fall; Mit, usually,' I doubt not, it will be very bousficlal to those Vito suffer from tier above causes. ••' • , From r nev. t. D. Fondall, Aisistant Editor Christian Chronicle, Phitact4/4. I have. derived decided benefit from thd uncof lloof 1440 Gorman Bitter., and feel it my privilege to int• commond them ne n meet valuable tonieto e ll :who Buffering from general debility or from dlaeciea mining from durongemont of rho liver.. Yourotrnly, • • . . . . • • • . , .Ttoohand's Gorman Romodica nro counteitelled. 'See that thealgnaturi&Of , --. 'O. M, JAOKSON In on Oaf wrapper Villa . 'of end' If otl, I e. All others are coun I iNFP Week. , .' ' 1 • Principal (Mai,' - and Manufactory at the German MpAjoinot3tore, Np.. 831 Allo . . tr Streak, . _ Philadelphia. , , • ' . • ' •• ' '. ' 04AGLE/3 At: R.VANS: ' , 3 • ' , . r Gormnn Druggiat,Preprietor,. .. '*," .. • • ' , Formerly 0. M. Jdoaeox do Co.'" - , t For aide by all prumilatia and pedlar!' In Modicinpa,7 ' - 'floolinpdisGeininn lltttan, po'rVottlif` half ,dozotr •6 00 floottaud'a gorman Tonic; put up In quart iotile‘a;l 60 Der bottle, qr a halt doein for, .110 Do not toniet to unniltin roll this *flab pky, It order Is ipsi the 11=1'14 Y , - MEI Carlisle:Pa" Friday "September '4;18913.. AND PHILADELPHIA, PA. should . N) usod DEBILITY, NOTICE. TESTIMONIALS. l'Aisus 'l'llopvsopr.n y9urs, very . respectfully, • . .1; 11. umNrre,rcip; ••• • •• •' , SLigrith, below Costes'BL U. D. BENDALL, 11111 cAIYIVION Viixams. ...... s ' l ott ~,<~;., MEM =lll =I _ ,_ MEM PrOtot ''THE LITTLE WESTERN MAN. no following Vampayn'Song lajust now lmmeneoly popular. pat' our topitlalcon - frlmidd - nll "over tbo cparitry " take to singing it I" ' .-" • ' - It wan at Borinttdalluttartide—an boar of root in camp After &any of battlo r and.muddy, o mtdalght tramp ; And by tho long ontronalmonte many ., scattered • groups . • : , Wortrquletly reposing tho worn and wearied troops Wo had hoard dome broken rumors' o[ . glorione success, Won by our Northern comrados• In the distant Wilder ness, ' • Ilut we doubted when they told us that a little Wostern man Was marching-down to Richmond from tbo guarded Rapidan. I lay haft will° and watching' tho turkoy buzzard's Hight,,- ......m..... In many elrOloa whoeliug o'er tho field of our lato fight, And Ilstnpitt. tti•tho Ogbjng of the sweet wind In tho treee';'-''fr' " • Tho";lng of tho Mauch, and the bumming of the bees, . And I thought about the th.llog'e, and : lf they could be • • truo, And - I — turned - anti eakea the Captain, for - perhaps the Oaptain know : Bnt ho'd sorvad with George McClolltni and said thorn wasn't a man Could march a forms to Richmond from the guarded Rapidan. •Snddonly a Bound Ilko thunder rolled faintly from afar, distant k hollow muttering, that aeomod to fllttlie . • It cannot be a storm, there's not tho shadow of a cloud— Hark I. It sounds away-to Noithward-I, Hark llt cones again more loud. Oh, It's not tho roll of Minder so. short and sharply. rune, 'Tie tho roar of distant the boom of heavy guns IC is the glorious army, and the little Western man, Who was marching on to Richmond from the bloody Rapidan The sleeping soidiera started up fropeovery shady place And tangled Joy and wonder lit up each sunburnt face While louder- yot and clearer the battle roar•reng forth, As if the trump of victory was pealing from the North, ♦nd seen the did captain cried half choked with manly . tears, Three cheers for General GRANT, my boys, throe ItTrty rousing choors." - - And wo gavo thorn with a tiger, tot' the tittlo Wostorn -- man, - - Who was marching on to Richmond Iran the bloody Repidan. Four years since then hare passed sway, the cannon roar to dumb, The boys have all come home again ears those who no'er shall come; - But the heart Of the old army .boats through tho coun try still, • And.wo love"our silent General with the unconquered ' The lighting dais are over, the people yearn . for janic/, Antlive offer them our leilffo - r to bid their troubles cease. Three cheers for - OnArur for President ;- the little Wes- torn mall, Who marched the boys to Richmond from the guarded, .Raptdon. olrUcaL THE NEW REBELLION Record of the De»zocratte Party • AS MADE UP EIY 7 TITSELIFf. TILL BITAIR ..A MAIIINITION=WILIT - T 111 M2MfM The Vicksburg "Times" finds Blair jus suited to its rebel tastes. It says : Objection is made down this way to the endorsement of the Blair letter by a few timid people, on the score of prudence, and yet it was this identical letter of Frank Blair. to his friend, Colonel Broadband, that secured the .Missouri hero the nomination for Vice President. Wo want just such ammunition as'Prank Blair uses. • THE COMPLETE ALLIANCE, OP THE ,DE MOCRACY AND REBELS - lion. Preston, late of the rebel army, anti who was the first to nominate Frank Blair in the New York Conventilin, made: ET speech at Lexington, on August the let, and hero is what he said : "The platform itself is clear, broad and unambiguous. There is no dead wood about it. The want of tune precludes my gding 'into a full discussion of it, which I would be willing tq do, but we-have put two men on that platform, one of whom,Rentueky may be - especially accountable for. When the non3inatiorpof—Frank Blair by Kentucky was made unanimous, it gave .point ' and completeness to the whole thing. Two years ago I said I never would gdinto any party ex cept it was based on amnesty and, equality. I claimed no superiority after war had ceased. I claimed no superiority 'over. the Federal soldier; none over the gentlemen Who:had boon connected with the side of the Union; none over the third party—a repre sentative-of whom I see beta° me; but I thought I was ad good as any of the men I fought.' When assembled at Now 'York, I toll .you 'my heart was warmed when the first reso lution was - offered, and when Hampton and those swords that had been the brightest in fighting for the South were, greeted with. warm hearts by the greatest soldiers of the North; it made asteel.indeed as one people, on a basis ot equality. [Loud applause.] 'lthas been thy:fortune to leo. Napoleon when his conquering hosts returned from the great Italian campaign; I have - seen' the Queep of Spain, after the war in which her armies had bean victorious; I have seen great ovations given in.' many places, to princes and others, but I never saw so fine an ovation 'as upon the nomination, of Gen. 'Frank Blair, when they clustered . around Hampton and-the soldierslof the South,' and, with outstretched hands,. welcomed ; us to stand shoulder to shoulder with them-in the great campaign.. [Renewed applause.]: A GLIMPSE AT Vilna LITTLE GAME The Charleston Iffe:reury, which probably -did more than any other Southern journal to bring about. the late wart. mid ‘'whiedr, , now, a staunch. supporter-of Seymour and -Blair,' thus shows that another 'war will be' commenced if its favoritent - re.elected . ."l On the'othor land, the Northern Copperheads, • following' the ronegado - Bluir, are strenuous for another, --in7-caSt? their candidate shall bo defeated. And both tvings of the party are agreetk,to dispute.' 'the validity of any election which Wall be , decided by the votes of the new: _Southern.. States, ~.Our readers are familiar with the Blair m . o.„ 'gramme, - lint it, 'wilt int - Oren - them to `exam-. ine the annexed semi-official' exposition,,of, rebel opinions and intentions as put forth in the Afercuey:' Mere it is : • . Suppose nowilthet.the. Democratic, partt carries the next, Presidential election, and instals its President in' the 'White'. House. Must they not, forthwith, probeed to undo ihe-wrong, and restore the Constitution is this impossible 7 Why is ,it se Y ° The 'overnment.of the United Statee used'the array of ;the.United States, to.:elevate. the. 'negro to supremaey over, the • white man, in yiolation. of 'the' 'COlistitiatiiii — lVbiat" is' there to prevent , it. being..iusedj- to % put „the Bouti= Stetes, i lmplc, thein co,n ditionfof the' siiprpnumy of white man •over, the negro, in: 'vindication of the 'Constitution Y • . •: But it tapaid„t i lpittho negro: Stoto eov-, Ornmants can' prohibit:oe ;white:population rfrom,taiiinglany stops to •vitidioatO their du- , Prepuie.Yor•tho aupretnaoy of tho. eonstitm., tion. They pan call on the . Prosidont of Um' united States for assistance to' cameo their mu - constitutional rule, and ttio F.xvislypt,P. bound to oboy undo that-olOuso or tno - _ =I sim TERMS :—52,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year. ~. ....., _ .. Conititution .whioli . sayti ,:_ 'The United States shall, on apP:RatiOn of tho Legisla ture, or of tho Executive,*(when the Legis tnre cannot , be_ convened,) protect each State against dohiestic violence.' ' "Doi : nestle violence I" But the white population do not mean to institute',,domes tie violence." They intend to assail no ono, plotondingi or not pretending to authority in UM Southern States. They mean peace ably, to moot in Convorilibii;' probably roc ommended by the legislators of their former legitimate State Govermisents, and In such n Conventior. form a Constitution for 'the Government of these States." . But it may be said that the negro Gov ernments in the Southern States will not 'permit the white population to assemble:, They will assail them with violence. Sup pose this is done, does it afford any ground for their support by the military authority Hof the United States? Clearly not. A. :Democratic President would most probably answer, to any application to aim -by thii negro Government for. assistance. my •opinion, your Government in the first place is unconstitutional and revolutionary, and therefore I decline to recognize your appli cation, arid in the second placti f you' violate the-Constitution of the United States in en deavoring by force to prevent peaceable as semblies' by tho people.'-' Such tin answer, in our judgment, would secure a peaceful progress of events. We do not think the negro Government in the South will attempt, by.their own power, to force their rule over the white population. Suppoging that this will be thonourbe ofthinge, the white popu lation will proceed - to. form a Constituticin -and elect State officers and representatives to Congress. This can be done by the fourth of March next. -- Upoiteach branch of Con -- tress Oren will devolve the responsibility of determining which are the -legitimate Gov : . ernments of the-Southern States, the negro Government or the white man's Govern ment!- This determination can bo sought ' and-be obtained before any contest is made in the Southern States at all, as to these Governments. Wo know how it will be - determined in Congress. The late protest by the Democratic members of Congress in ' the House of Representatives against the admission of the carpet baggers from Arkan sas clearly indicates the course of the control. , The white men's representatives-will - be ad- ' milled: In the Senate it will be different; but a Democratic Executive will certainly regard the action of tho House of Represen tatives as the controlling authority -to de termine his duty. If after this, any "do, mastic violenao" takes place in any of the Southern States, he will recognize the white men's Government as entitled to his support by his intervention, if any is required. But let us suppose that the riegro Govern ments shall lawlessly endeavor to prevent the peaceable assemblies of the white popu lefiarto recognize their Government—what. then 7. The white population is amply sufficient to protect themselves. All they want is that the Government of the United States shall stand - aloof.. If the negroes are foolsenough to attempt—by. their_power-to establish their triipremacy over the white race in the-Southern States, they can try it, but the trial wilt not Very likely last long. We will have no objection to the Govern ment of the United States insisting on en fdrcing peace. la either way, the 'white population will form a republican Govern ment, and will send representatives to Con gress tccropresent the States. . HAMPTON TELLS MORE ABOUT - THE PLATFORM For great wo quote from another report of Hampton's speech let Charleston : "I recognize on all occasions the right of the people to demand from their represents- trves -- a - n - oecount - of — their - stewardship,--and 1 am, therefore, hero in order to renderan account of mine as a delegate to the Nation al Democratic Convention. "Well, gentlemen, I will only give an account of what transpired in Now York, and how the platform upon which wo can now all stand, was made. You recollect 'that the committee on . the' platform was composed of ono member from each I Statii: When we first met there were naturally , great differences of opinion._ . Among_tho resolutions offered was ono eclaring that the right of suffrage was purely a matter for State legislation. There were .men there, too, who told us that it wasgood Demo cratic doctrine. I agreed it waitood Demo -untie doctrine, but asserted that - it-was nee essary to define who formed the StateS; to establish guards and limits by 7%.,lii.eii we could go back to some certain poribditt; -- 6ur history, and say who Nvero the citizens: I therefore asked them to declare That, the question of the right of Suffrage belonged to the State governments that EXISTED UP 'TO - 1865, Some ,doubts,.howeveri were expressed of the policy of such a declaration. Gentlemen from the North, South,. East and West, all showed the greatest disposition to net in harmony. lam free to confess that they mot us everywhere' - with cordiality and .good will. In fact_ they. declared their give us everything we could desire, but they begged us to remember that they had - a - great fight to make at the-North, and they therefore besought us not to load -the platform with,a weight .that they could not carry against the prejudice which they had to encounter. help them once to.gain the power, and they would do -their ut most to relieve the. Southern States and restore to us the Union and Constitution as it had existed p7.-eVious to the war. .4 then withdrew my resoltition, and - agreed to the one offered - by,Bayard, of Delaware, that Psuffrage was a matter for State legislation," provided they' Would allow me to add throe words.; They agreed to this, - and I then added- the,latise which you will find etn hodieditAhe --platform : "anal -,we declare that the rectlnstructiow acts aro unconatitu tioniti, revolutionary and -void.' That id" my plank in the platform. The groat Demo cratio,partylieing:plimiged to that - .declare, 'tion; I w.ant.nothing.orse. I could wait in petionce for their triumph`te show us. how it was to be worked out in their own good time. That qe . right of suffrago'bolongs to thp States is a:pplicy that suits us, when the grant Doinocratio party is • pledged to the. declaration that the reconstructionacts aro unconstitutional, ; revolutionary and, void; especially whdn every member of the party ; and the' warmest' fire from the North, is, ,TPM.YAR.giceatAlPamade:rey-it-0nt.Y. , #. ,- .. I WHAT A. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL SAID Be - FORE rue Certymillox .111 m. . ' . . "On th 0.16 th of June, tho Now York IVor/d, after recopitulating o tho legal difdeultilLthe Onoinici reconstruction moilld - Oneounter, gl Since nogrOstifi'rago.ean bo upset during. the next, Prosidental :terra :neither by Con. o gress nor the Supreme Court, by what agent , - oy is it . totboovortUrned Net - auroly by the nogrubs or by the Governments ,in which *theyriiro vhters. If all, it 'willho by :the white citizens of tlio Smith . netingeetsidb the now Spite Governments. But whnt shall preyent the new,. Governments. trying them for , tionsbn o against. tho:Stato, as Rhode Is land tried and 'sonioneec Burr ? ,Or who cah doubt 'that theY would:do' it? .'lt is too evident that the nogroes can be ouptdd from ! ,tha_auffrage_,mlly by successful inourrec tion,' of , the' o .white citizens against, LW ,now State Gloyorninental:qind•tho, Wor/c4 has too' deep' attenso of respcMaibilitY, and, too clear 'of' consOqueljees, to advise the Cony on tion rooommond frietlfb - d* of •• 1 • , Yot ; in: spite of, the World's' .advice, the geriVontion bas recommonded precisely that metnod, as iho necessary result of its plat: , form, • arid 'the' IVOrt4 which id nothing' 'if not partisan ; jumping Domobratio• limit,. bellows tholoudest of all for tho inovi tablo insurrection and • anarOhy which it predicted. ; t • ---- , .Iiopr„BLAIR AConrre *is NOMINATION. ..,A'rora Ms official latter of accoManCO quote : . • T have carefully road the resolutions adopted by the ,COnvention and most car dially concur in every Principle and senti- Ment thoy announce. My opinions upon all tho questions Which' discriminate the great contending parties have bOen freely express ed on all suitable occasions, and t do not deem it necessary .at this time to reiterate thorn. The issue upon which the contest turns is clear raid cannot be obscured or die by the sophistries of our adversaries." HE PROPOSES TO STAMP OUT THE SENATE. Mr. Blair made a efibech - at St. Joseph, Mo., Augrpt Ist, from which wo quote-his throats against the United States Senate. It' is to be FORCED to submit to the Demo cratic schema): Read what he says : ." But wo are told that even if the Demo cratic party elect their President, arida ma jority of the Rouse of Representativei, that these carpet-baggers, who ammo to consti tute 'a majority of the Senate, will defeat legislation; and- and semi-barbarous race of nogroes upon the country as' the superior of the white mab. Let them dare to do it, and they will find that the more than ono million majority of voters who are opposed to this scheme will impossible for them to perpetuate such a continuing outrage upon American -citizens." .MORE BLOOD.LICTTING REQUIRED Stip thb Mobilo Register, of August tho 4th "We know there aro many Democrats at the North, including some distinguished soldiers, who believe that the political at mosphere, - poisoned by the- - long reign of Radical despotism, - will not be so purified, that liberty may flourish on it until a just adatieciment la inflicted upon the daring men who - have conspired against tko freedom of the nation. In other words, that the eoun ter-revoluticin will not be complete without more-blood-letting." There-was a• grand. Seymour ratification meeting at White Sulphur, Virgthia,.a few days since, presided over by Gen. Thomas L., Price; of Missouri, About twenty ex- Confederate Generals were present. Gen. Price spoke at considerable length. One of the resolutions paeSod was the following: " Resolved, That the-efforts of the Radi cals in Congress to overthrow the Constitu tion, change the form of government and establish .negro supremacy in the South, cannot , succeed without `sivolvizig the coun try in anOtluir bloody and desolating war:" THEYOURTEENTII AMENDMENT TO DE DE- Tho Charleston Mercury says - :. the Democratic - party succeeds in the next Presidential election, the ratification orth43,_amendmont will athibtiess be treated as it is—as a gigantic fraud, and, therefore, void." WHAT NORTHERN DEMOCRATS SAY. Mr. T. W. Clagott, Democratic candidata for Congress in. tlio licokuk, lowa,, district,. says : Do - not NOrthern . Radicals, who two the authm:s of all the miseries which hat, - Olenour coUntry within the last six years, know that the two million Democratic voters in tho North will never permit another Rda foal to occupy the. Presidential chair who may vuecced in 'getting a majority of the electOgal votes, either by exciudirig the Southern States from voting or by forcibly depriving a majority of the white citizens of _those States of the elective franchise. • We tell them that the days of their ty ranny and thieving are fast drawing to a close, and that they will go out of office at the next Presidential election either by ball= lets or by bullets—by ballots, if tho people are allowed to vote, and by Millets if,they are not.". 'ThomaS Ewing, Jr., of Kansas, at a Dorn oeratio ratitication-meoting_dcelared "On the third of November next the American people will endeavor to restore these States to their constitutional rights. Should this by a possibility fail, the white population of those States may succeed in placing themselves in possession of their governments ; otherwise, as sure as the An glo-Saxon blood runs in the veins of South ern men, there will bo an upheaval of civil war and then, should Congress sustain the blacks, ashes-will-cover the ruins of the whole Republic." TILE NEW REBELIS9N.PROMISED. The New York Wor/d,says " For as many crimes against law, the Constitution, and human nature - as our Con gress commits, the British pedplo would sruSsh Parliament and hang peers and com moners in Hyde Park'. . " In case of a new rebellion, Jeff. Davis will have a chance to go bail for his bonds man; whose paper now stirs up war." ' Hr. C. L. Vallaridigham, in a late speech before the Democracy of Hamilton county, Ohio, said that he would justify the action of the Now York Convention. Talk of Christianity, of religion, of priests, of put= pits, of churches ; he believed and affirmed thfit there was more of the benign spirit of Christ expressed in. the action of that Con vention,than in all the loyal pulpits of the United States in live years.' Tho " Old Guard" is the only -avowed Democratic magazine in the North. What it says, therefore, on the political situation, has special weight. ll oro is what it declares will bo the result if-its party regains power: " The return of the Democratic party to power will restore the Constitution and the Union. With this restoration of tho'Con etitution and the Union will return also the rights, the' equality, and • the sovereignty of the States. thon the status of the negro in (mai 'State will 'hell:cod and controlled by the State itself. All that has 'been (Vino in violation of the ConStitution, or by the sup pression of the sovereign rights of the States, is null, and void; all that the States have boon Made to do , by throats and intiinida tredis is also utterly void in law. The 'res toration of the Constittition and the Union will:mak° all things right . again." „ 1.. l then prObeeds to argue that nature's God has placed the negro in a condition of slavery. But to put the climax on it all, it adds : "The cause uphold by Jeftbrson Davis is the 'edits° of God, Liberty, and American Civilization, while that upheld by A-braham Lincoln, which blindly andimpiouilY strives to reverse natural oruer and amalgamato, races, is the most impious, accursed, 'arid duckastrous,:tliaLovorinsulteddlerivemor:ont- raged earth since timo begun." " Under the military rule of Congress and its.nogroes, those communities of-the South Are no. more States than tlio raid of, a ban , - . ditti is:government.. All that Congress•has dons, or is doing, is, null and void in WV, and will be swept clean away-the - next-hour after the Union is truly , reStored. Then, if the Sthtes so please, they muy lawfully treat to halters all caught within their furisdic-, tim‘ whci have been concerned in Overthrow ; ing the Government." • • 'ls it possiblo that any loyal man, especial ly any Union Aoldior; voto i,vith a party that indorses .suth atrocious .sontiinoritik as theso • In 'lda synnaohiGan .INlcoler:land said : . - The Dernearatie 'masses 'are roused in their arteiert strength .and courage. - :'They are upon tho war I patli, _Their muttering thunders 'aro hoard all' 'alturid ; and, as the nimble lightning from 'the :thickening storm cloud, so their voles hill peal in notes of tri umph in the approaching election." SiatuvicreNT THREATS OF:ANOVIIEICDBM.. Tr4ho'Missouri DomooraticState ConVon tion ,the other day, 'Col: J. V. Bogy, made a long and violont speech, in which ho ut torad thn following significant menace "Suppose, through the intervention of an in farnouarogietration woationld not sue-. coed? __'What then? Gontlomoni iti II notin• otir,poWor to make known our iptontions In advance.' Oh'! my friends, iris' a *lost ter;• ,rible,questioir to ask. .31m' hive doges:to, perform on north, pi/Idiom well al privato; NO. - 36. LB. - o too After Seymour gets into tho White House, if be ever gets thdre,) and the Southern Democrats, led by Wade Hampton, "tho butcher", Forrest, "Admiral" Semmes, Beauregard q i nd Wise, have risen in insur- - rection and "dispersed the 'carpet-bag State goyerninents," they may._make a _audden rush on Washington, to seize the - Capitol, "compel the Senate to submit," and declare Southern independence, President Sey mour will then address them, from the stops of the Capitol as follows: "Mr FRIENDS;—I have conie over hero from the quiet of the White House to see what was the difficulty-to learn what the trouble was concerning the Government. I Let me assure you that - I am your friend. [Uproarious rebel yells, led by Wade Hump, ton.] You have boon my friends, [cries from Forrest's butchers, - , Yes that's aol and now I assure you my fellow Democrats, that lam hero to show you a ^test of my ' friendship. [The old rebel yoll,from Wise' battalion.] I wish to inform yclu that I have sent my private Secretary to the dif ferent departments to have. this Govern- • merit euepended and stopped. [Prolonged rebel yells.] I now-ask you, as good Democrats to wat.t, for his roturn; and Las- sure you that I will do all I can to tree that :there is no resistance, and no harm done to any_of your I wish you: to p take taro of all _ _ government proporty, as good Democrats, and soo that Admiral Sommer only gets hie. share. The safe-keeping of public property and archives rests with you; and.. I-charge - you to take care of them. It is your day to maintain possession of the city:' and I " know you will do it. -I wish you now to separate As good Democrats, and you can assemble again whonevor you wish to do 'so. .. I ask you to leave all to mo now, and Iswill , see to your rights. • Wait till my Private Secretary returns. from the Departments,." and and you will, be satisfied. Listen t'o mo, and see that no Radical escapes with any of the public .property, but dispatch him peacea, bly." TUE FOURTEENTH AMJINDMENT-O,FFI- _ CIAL OPINION;01" CHIEF JITEITICP i IT IS A PAM: Or Tnk CONSTFIVTION. On the 6th-of August Judge Chase held at Prrkershvg, W. Va., a term of the dir- - 'cult Court of the United States. Charging the Grand' - Jury, he 'expressly reminded.. thorn that the Fourteenth. Amendatory tide, ( which the rebel Democracy have ox- • pressly pledged therifielves to trample un der foot) has been recognized by a solemn . 'gat ot ° "the nation' and: 'mado'n part of - the ' Federal Constitution. This` solemn opin— ion from the Bench is fitting pendant to the above' record of -the now Democratic scilunim for another rebellion. The Chief Justice :charged as follows: •, • There tiro three subjects, and so far as wo are at present advised, only three hubjeets, • to which it is.nceossary to direct your par-. ticular .attention._!: The Ant of, these: is The:: faithful execution - Of the'internal ravenuo laws; The war in :which 'the 'nation has been 'rgeontly ;engaged for:the:, preservation • of the nntional'llnion and Gov,orniment on, • dangered by' rebellioaf made tho contract ing of i!large debt ineVitable.h, This Aliiht is the price of Our. national ,enciritonee, and • ‘ binds irrevocably tho good faith of the:poo... pie:. Its inviolable obligation HAS. BEEN RECOGNIZED BY A SOLEMN ACT OP Tut - NATION 'IN ADOPTING : THE" FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT OF THE , • CONSTITUTION. -OF , THE UNITED . STATES, which aoclares lhat,tho . of the'publie dobt,of; the United States, 4i41- thorized bydaw,., including • debts incurred • for the payment - of biainties for : services:lr-- -- suppressing insurroothin or .rehellion• shall' • hot :borquestiotiod. :. There ,arp,, differences opinion na to tho mode pf payinenr , 4l-tffev.' - ' 4 " ed by the American peOpid thiougiCtheir .Governtnont, but nobody.questione;..tipordn..- - • if anybody at all, that thedebt qontraoted z tenet bo paid, and paid in iierfeet good 'The law Of the amendment of the nntional debt, shall sAot,be ggoetipnpd linichiready:irition' ion 04 'Marta - o'th° • ' 'people BEFORS THEY„TP.PART;'(' OF Vinii 109$13T.T.TITTIO/1.1. CM to their country as well as to their God; and , I do hope, that when all the means and ap pliances known:to the free,white.raeos of,tile f, earth have . been, used .to Obtain - the , rights'," -which everyone is investedivillrat his birth .. by Almighty God, then yea will be ready to resort to such moans and meashres as will secure le you your rights. [Cheers.] _ trrnG SWORD TO DE "AGAIN DRAWN. ' The "West and' South," a Demons - titre -- ; - journal - at Cincinnati, in its issue for Aug. Bth thus etimmente eponSoymourlsietter sicceptancei - •- - . . • Mr. Seymour is for the restoration of the States pure and simple under the" tkinstliu tion. •-* •, *. Ho styles the uprising. , r of the South a rebellion s but Ed.'s in favor Of restoring the status •quo ante bulimia. In' thasame connection appears the mostilse•s fills sentence of the letter. ,He considers himself a, party to-the platform, which is in his opinion„ , :in the nature of a contract with the,people. ' That platform - , - na our. 'readers understand, . treats all the stops of We so called reconstruction; by the multitudinous acts of Congress, as: revolutionary, and not • simply unconstitutional. They are acts which the platform means to say have over , Alirawn, without "the slightest - right, the - - very Constitution itself.- . They , are each and all plain, palpable and dangerous breaches -of that bond of our Union. :These facts, - in Mr. Blair's - Opinion, ought to be resisted by the representatives in every branch of the Government, by ' Democratic_ force of arms. Mr. Seymour does not announce that con clusion, but he arrives at it - necessarily by joining himself to the platform, which holds each and every stop of the whole process of Congreiisional reconstruction as notonlY null and voittbecause forbidden by the Constitu tion, but revolutionary—in other words, an overturning of the Constitution itself by whose warrant alone Congress can do any act. That is not any questionfor the courts. By the:fila it is roe sufsisedica stsysissi L M - r7 -- Seymour, as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, binds himself to it as a eon tracting party. Of course, then, if we suc ceed, Mr. Seymour will be obliged to draw the executive sword at once 'and stop the degradation of the States of the South from the momenthe has the power placed in his " hands. Ho stands in fact where Mr. Blair stands, according to his letter previous to his nomination. * * As -the presiding : officer of the Convention, Mr. s , Seymour says he wee familiar with the semi-' lutions, and, as a member of it s. he co'nsid ars himself a party to their Serene. He is bound to them; stands on them; hill not swerve a hair, and takes his part of the re aponsibility of- what inay come.--- And the - platfotin has no reserve about reconstruc tion. There is no chance there for inter pretation the acts of Congress are pronounced revolutionary, and everything done in pur- , nuance of them is as if it never had been done, and those who stand in the way of prompt restoration must be removed, and all the doings in the promises which it will be-profltable to undo will have to be undone. - We are glad that we stand together there; all the Democrats of all the States.. We are glad that a Southern State, and that ,5 tato South Carolina, led the way. Wade Hampton, a Confederate General, had the . honor to to make the suggestion. It was , eagerly adopted by the Convention, . and now - we have the cautious, 'Christian, patri otic and lifo.long Democrat, Horatio Soy- - mous, putting. his name-to the indictment and pledging his reputation, if ho be elected, to put aside everything the tyrannical Con gress of the majority of the States only, have done to the minority. From first to last-- from the so-called anti-slavery amendment of the Constitetion to the flood of trash for- - all- po . rposes,.military, civil, financial and commercial--all the- reconstruction laws of the Ntillolo peace period fall to pidces, if the Democracy succeeds in electing Mr. ,Say _ mew as theiratandard-bearcr. Wet= take part in such a conflict. -- Mr.- Seymour,-does-not -em Unsnarl' i nor anybody,else, by dealing" with the finan cial question. We very well know his 'opinions- and if events were not omnipo tent, and far more powerful than Presidents, we would distrust Mix Seymour. Ile-Is not for the ,greenback dodge as , the Enquirer teaches, and the West understand it, at all. He is for the opposite.' ,The debt tan not' be paid, and without the satrap and bureau and provost marshal system, the moans to pay the interest can not be raised another year out of the producers of the - West and South. Mr. Seymour goin g ono of the dis interested class of bond-holders, will not fail toyield to necessity, and he will go for suspending the interest of the debt in a very short time, and the principal can then be -managed with less-difficulty-, [From the Detroit Poet. SETrfOVR'S NEXT SPEECH TO A MOB