Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1868, Image 4
00 0DS• smx . frat - 1.0 , TO Tali INTiMEIFf ;OF iS4 COMMUNITY ' ' • Juit.receiviuleandther Itti•A'etitiiplAr of o,o4ltrlied to the present tattoo.; • 7 • . rai , EB's ,- ,:; , : ,,- Cf - :dits,'l Mil A beautiful astortteeni'of DE ESS: SIKB In allcolqrsitna SUPERIOR DI;A01{. OHO; QItAIN FOB SAQUES AND . MANTLES A FULL LINE OF BUTTONS - AND TRIDUVIiNGS For the_triinming of SaquesAnd Mantles A GRAND ASSORTMENT OF Black and Goland Grenadines . French Organdie Lawns & • Bwissos, ' Pteneh Jaconot Lawns T i rana Pereaillsaigurod,' • French Familia Plain, Pure Mottled Mohairs, For Ladies Suits; Plain Mohair, All colors for suits, Alpacas, All Colors MOZAhII3,IQUES and FRENCH CHINTZES, SCOTCH, GINGHAMS, &c.,-&o Dress Goode allarling at aatorilithingl,yoaken, an we are determined not tO carry atOcia d'pet the season. WII ITE GO VD-S-, Plain and Striped Swiea Muslins, Striped Plaid and. Plain - Nainsooke, Plaid, Plait Land Striped Jaeonetts, Shirred, Puffed and Tucked Muslins For Garibaldies, Striped and Plaid- White French Organdies fo'tadies' Dresses, Black Crape, learott 2 yds. widefor Shawls and Dresses, ' Black Grenadines Two yards wide, Viii - Shst*lif rind --tiroises MOURNING GOADS, Of every description, suitable foi all• seasons:and for all purposes. A full line of FUNERAL GO-ODS, always on hand. DOMESTIC 9-00DS, Of all kinds selling at unusually low prices CARPETS!! CARPETS!! Great Inducoments 'now offering all grades of Carpota to oboe out our stock of, the season. FLOOR O'IL ,OLOTHS, All widths,for Entries and Rails TABLE OIL CLOTH'S, Plain.and Bordered WINDOW SHADES MEN AND BOYS WEAR, CLOTHS & 0 A. 13 1 M E IVES LINEN DUOICO, DRILLINGS, „ • DePAE, &c., of fiery description.' Call and see the best stock Of. MOW' wear In.the Lice OuirtalPB, ---`-tr~ one7C7binb . Quilts TABLE COVERB AND BPREA.DB, A great bargain In all kinds of Linen, fluckabsok and Damask Bordered Towels, Doylies,.., Napkins,. Table Clothe, Bath Towels; &a. - Lace - Mantles, Bilk Mantles and Segues:, of -the latest styles. The Celebrated HOOP 'SKIRT Of the enason, with the 'drop faeterdegi, enabling a lady to adjust the skirt, to .mako it any length she may, wish it, either for the trail or walking dress. NOTIONS'? NOTIONS!? In such great ,_varloty !Ind It 'ls impossible to enumerate them. Please give be a call and stur all descriptionrOf LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS,. HOISERY GLOVES, TRIM MINGS. RIBBONS LACES. EDGINGS, INSERTING/1,. MARBV.LLLES TRIMMINGS, Ac., Aro. • •• Please do not fall to give us' an p arty call' and ex. amine our complete stook, as wee' are always .well prepared to prove the Act that we do study the in• tared of our customore,And never ender onrsolVes to be undersold. LEIDICH & MILLER , . . Please bo Artictilar In noticing ttio heading and tho atoning of our advortisetnont, au It la sometimes , olOwily Imitated and may, deceive timer:funk on their LEI-DlO flt• MI.LLiR ON THIC CORNER, Sigii of the CJArr,© TI All. NO 4ABT ,__ ~(ftwrlial.: roinisylvanla WWW": ! ,, ,') i :, , .::- ,::;,:11::7i;ri „PR K: ( 19. 0 R*3.?,: 7 1868. is u E, 6 ~„ . magnificent stock of ass , 0030iN now on en liltition at Oreenfield,at No. 4 East Main St., , ifaylng Astern:tined _ao.keep 4 7 144011, larger '.stoak ofj Dross. Goods than' heretolbre; I inn, now. pre pared- to oihibit one - Of - ilia - most be:Venn; - lOck of goods, consisting of all the latest novelties of the season for ladles snits, and also all the thin fabrics fof summer 'wean ,-.I : . ! ,. ,;' , ; ,-. ' : ' 7 i ,I T . . . 1 NO OLD. SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Every thing in our Dress Good department, vigil :isn fotind of the latest importation 01 our purchases Lk week, we know we hairs some' bargains that can. I st be found `bleewhere. CIRENCiDEANB '..t3hABIDE LIIBTEES, • GRANIT POPLINS,' CRIMEA POPLIN'S. POliLINB„ The new and desirable shades of EBARL:and BIS MAIM ALPAOAB only 5 cents. ' :The BEST al - aorta/ant of BLACK SILKS In town from Wit Lb 4,50 per yd A, full lino of„ --FANCY SILK^S, Lawns, Oai,ut•rice, - Percale, . :111 . 4paoa Lueterp, Dolaines,_ Stc.,'&e BLACK GOODS, BOMBAZINES, I= CASHMERES, &a. A great bargain in all WOOL DELAINES, BLACK' DMA DEAD end DISSIARIC. assortment, bf • WHITE CASHMERE.S, Crape, - Collars, and Crapes; Beading, al ware on hand. 'Funeral 'ordera promptly grand otlehcEoilyOtilted A well selected stock of -- DOMESTIC GOODS bought very G ,leap, will be sold at popular r Bleached and Unbleached Muslin from the lowest grade to the finest N'ow Yurk hi Including all the boat makes. COTTONADDS, 14IORORY STIPES, TIOKIN GS, GINGHAM'S, - PRINTS! TABLE, CLOTHS, TABLE LINENB all at kites thatdefy competition WHITE GOODS, Pique, Neinsook's, Ow:Arles, pled and plain Bevlssas, Tarlatans, Brilliants, Striped Musline, Hosiery, In great varieties, all isizes of the beet English Good at reduced rates. BARGAINS IN SHADES BARGAINSIN SACKING CLOTHS A. large auprtment of Shades CLOTHS and CASSIMERES At the lowest market In fact Laany._or them sheaper then Idols the'war. . FRENCH CORSETS CHEAP The boat selling Hid Glove in town sailing at $1.25 A new lot of HOOP O KIRTS, direct from the mann lac tutor at a bargain., . FLOOR OIL CLOTHS OIL CLOTHS, STAIR• O.IL CLOTHS, • TABLE OIL CLOTHS,. NEE UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, '::. -. ,- - '.. 81.1 4 7 t Ar.niiiiiia4B:, : : ;-7 ; ; ',' , . All task le an examination of my stook. liven will be lutanist's& at thedlfferenee of.prleee between this anketber establishments claming to sell cheaper L. ' _GREENIFIELD,' Nc). =Z2M=M MINI =I t , , ' il ' i g . o ,° 4 • a • CO cr, g t i , r , ~ . . . i'urnlttire , of all varieties aid le tylai 'Of ioielgn . and Domestic manufacture; from Pm lineal, rosewood'and Itfahogany.tolhe lowest prlced - inaple no pine \ , , • Parlor; -Clamber, Dining-room, }Mahon and Office Embracing every article used by Muse and Wird keepers, of tbemost approved and fashionable design and bulsb. Including also Cottage furniture innotts, reception - and Camp O hairs. Mattresses, Gilt fumes, pictures, au, Ac. ,.• . .461-Partlaular attontloe given as usual to funorabr, orders from town and country, ettontod to promptly and on moderate tenon. . • SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. _ _ march2l, 64 NEW FIRM, NEW BUSINeSS, NEW FURNITURE! FIIRN'ITUR - E - BUSINESS have located themselves in tho Wail-known and pop; ular stand lately occupied by the junior partner as a grocerystore, on the smith-oast corner of Hanover at., They desire to announce to. - the public that they. have noir on hand and are consantly manufacturing and purehaising from the best eastern manullicturere_ the latest and best:stylcalind patterns of FURNITURE - of all qualities. , Their stork of reauyemado work, consiati in par of • - MATIORANF SUITS. ' WALNUT SUITS, . CHESTNUT SUITS, FLORAL D. N, STANDS, • TEA SOTS, 'DRESSING BUREAUS, .of all styles and "prices. • Tato rt.Tetes Sofak, Lounges', Cottage Trundles, Cote tage,_ Stifle', Japanese, and Jenny ,Lind Bedsteads, Cottagli Bureaus;- -Marble Top Tables and Stands, Washstands 'of all-vari dies, Chairs of all kinds, Stuffed Furniture in sulfa. or in pieces constantly on hand. "Mirrors of all styles and prices. 11 . 011EMADK : WORK; . Such as Side:Beards, Bureaus, Bedsteads Safes, Secrete. rtes, Chairs In Suits, Rockers of all detterlptlons, &c., made by competent wertundo from the very best ma terial and at 'reasonable prices. ; MEM SIIAPLN,Y & lIALBEttr. BlLEBT.llll,l . C,cpaFt4ut! _ BEE2IE2 CLQTIIIIVG. CLOTHING HALT, _ - Samuel Arnold Informs his friends and . customers that his stock of Winter Clothing' is low complete, that he Is ready to sell at P hiladelphia Wholesale palm. Before buying elsewhere examine mu' Stock and you will find that you can save .. I'ER C 1 NT.,••• AU floods warranted to bo as represented, Tho Immense Buick 01 • OVER OAT • from $8 Oirnpwards. Call early At SAMUEL ARNOLD, North Wost Corner of Ilanover and Louther street. 8 nor 67: BAILY'S WAGON BRAKE. FARMERS - AND -WAGONBRS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. Bally's Patent Wagon Brake Block .Holder, Is just MST thlinfliMlA - b3r :eVery - pawns — own' ug --- a — virgon, For cheapness and couveniende It excels all others ever Used or brought bolero the public. It le made to suit all shallot' blocks—Round, Square, Thick or Thin, and can be applied hltb the greatest convo nlonce, without hammer or nails. Agents wanted In, every county in the United States.. For particulars apply to D. 61. MI LY„ Carlisle, Pa. CHECKS, I 7aug 68-om. The f'tPßov,-Efirh pa RESTORER . FAVOilln BAIR lU i ivewptyle in oneßoicte will quickly restore Gray -Bair.._ , to its natural color awl, beauty, • And produce luxuriant growth. It perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation -by, - thoie who have a fine head .of hair, as we as _those who wishio restore : ll it. -The beautiful, gloss and pFfurne,_ imparted to the Hair'riakeic desirable • for old and young. For Halo Ly all Druggist.: DEPOTO9B GREEN_W_ICILST:, N. Y pooNE:4o . * 14feb-OBiy NEW MARBLE STORE. _NO 902 CHESTNUT ST., 1 1: ,TA.AIED E. CALDWELL Sc . CO., %TM "7.7" — M M S Have boon appointed s • SPECIAL AGENTS In this city for the sale of the GORHAM MPG. 00.11PANY'S HINE ELEOTRO-PLATED WARE. Wo guarantee these goods to bo decidedly ;superior to anything the market, excelling in design, Rah& end quality. A large assortMent will be maintained, and sold at the mannflukturers' regular FIXED PRIDES. - I Trade Hark Stamped on the of - , base of each . Metro Plate allgra article. J. E - CALDWELL &CO: pQ2 OHESTNCIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. - 20febly08. , - TAB 'OLD htE4TBILISHEID 3.3, ItIOLIAIIDBON & ,00., , • • /20 ritinglr OTAIXT PIIIL&D . A., ' • ,„ • la. tie 'melt tionfoottoners (hi Wbolesal• Dealers ttr itiltAtiNutei&o4.ln tho VolAed states; ; ; ,; ;,(,;;" foairo3.l7 INBA-TT( I O4 PURNITDRE EEO En li " . ;MISVEL -- I.7A=OVS: Pacific Guano 00171 p any' s • Solubli PA OIFIO GUANO.: ATTENTION of remora and other consumerx of Fertilizers la invited to this ',Gaon° as worthy of their special notice. Its use foravenit ' Yearain.Mary, land, Virginia and,otber Southern Mateo, forallerond, has given it a standardobareetior Sr excellonea equalled by any other. It poi3tessos all the quickness of Paruvion Guano with pbrrnanent qualities not found 'in that rertiele;• 250 lbs of this Guano, , aro!, found more than equal to 300 lire of the best , aper phosphatee. It ripens the wheat crop fine to seven days earlior than the phosphates: which *tot alone :loos it Inckleulable advaritagAi t rA.:.var . General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 38 South Deloware Ave., Bhilad'a, And 71 South Street, Baltimore. 27mar 68-6rn. / 23 READ •and keep Yourself inforuked.* laviog purchaeed thwold arid well known business stand which I have occupied frr twenty years, I have determined not to retire from my present business, but to continue on In the manufacture of • READY-MADE CLOTPING, of all sizes and dascrlptlrms, AS well as piece goods by 'yard and general assortinent ofGESTSSUBNISSIDP GOODS, would respectfully invite my friends and pa . teens who teed a goodsultpf clothes to give me a call; asil have just returned from the arty with a largo as sortment of tho best quality of Spring and Summer Goods, viz: • • Fine bleak French and English Cloths, o and Doeskin CA-SSIMERES, - Fine Light Fancy Doeskin Cassimeres, • Casshoetts, Cottenades, Velvets, Drab Wale's Alapacas, Linens, Satins, Velvet Cord, and - many more tee nu merous too mention., Also, a full assortment of 'Trunks, Valises . ; And Traveling bags of the best description . With thanks to the public for past favors, and hope I will receive a calf soon at myplaco, ' • _ No_ - 22, Surth - lialiaverl3t. I. LIVINOSTON, GOOD NEWS 1 GOD NEWS 1• • - CIRR,Ag DECLINE IN RICES . AT THE NEW ANIYCHEAP CASH STORE CORNER OF lIANOVER AND POMFRET idEETS The subscriber would ,CespectfullY Inform - the pub lic that he Is receiving almost dilly from the Eastern Cities, a arge I avolea of Now rind Cheap,Oootbi, such LADLES' DRESS GOODS French Mertz:toes,' Mohaire, Poplins. Black and FinCY French Repps, Plain and Fancy Do Woes, Plalaand Fancy Alpaca, Poplins. '- SHAWLS! SHAWLS! BROOHA LONG AND SQUARE, BREAKFAST SHAWLS in great variety and very cheap • OAOT-H-S A N-D CA-SSEH ERES French, Dorman and moricem Cloths, Black and - Fancy Cassimeres, Doeskins, Black and Fancy Over Coatings, Sattlnetts, Kontuclry Jeans, . Undershirts and Drawers. DOMESTICS! Bleached and Brocha, • Table Diapers, Counterpanes, • and Quilts, -- Cotton Flannels, " Bleached and • Unbleached Muslim, Ilekinge, Checks„ • Towels, • • Napkins, de, REMEMBER THE PLACE, ON THE CORNER OF HAMNER AND POMFRET STREETS - the room formerly occupied by B. R. Jalom• oti 6 CO. • BENTZ & CO. WM. BENTZ, JOHN' BENTZ; MARY M. RENTZ EW FIRM! NEW "GOODS!. Raving rurchased.the large stock of goods from A W. Dents, we have associated together for the pur pose of conducting the Dry Goodd linsineas' under the above designation. To this large and well assorted stock, we have added largely of new and ELEGANT GOODS we ihnrontaeldes In a condition to succesidhily com• pate with any house hi the trade between Phila delphia and Pittsburg. Our Immense stock consists In port oP CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, _ :VESTIN OS 3 In That variety ‘ and of. choice deslgns, suitable for spring,---summer and winter wear, and all articles necessary to complete a Gentlemen's Wardrebo. - /For this department wo have engaged the services of ah A NO. I' TAILOR; whose garments am warranted to lit. BILKS plainfancyand,,,llacic, DE LAINEkaII wool, deelraLlS' , :POPLIN - ALPAOAKillfebadis, ' LDSTRES and POPLINS, FRENCH PEROALiaI, nleugoode, SLLICILLeasy black;and plain solid colors ALPIOILAS, ?Unita do, blaelfand fanoy, .Vamsala Umbrellas, all Calera, ' and all ,the most fashionable Dross 'Btuda In tlie-m—MC ket, Rid, Silk LLele.Thread, Duck Cotton MOOR, and everything desirable in the Glove line, Cambric and BTlhrti Edgings and Ineertinge, in groat abundance, aces, Ilandkercbleta, from the- lowest price up to finest noodle worked embroidery. Ribbons, all shades from 14 . yd. wide, down to the very narrow. , Trlmminga a very largo assortmeuccomprlelagsr.ory goad Into. - - - Buttons, 1 - • • . • . 'Fans, , ' , Muslins , -. Calicoes; Cli • ngbaniSi . . . Flannels, ' Ticking, _ °hocks, ~ Limins; all in great - variety.' ,_ • Cambric, liainedoir, Siconet, Mid. Woe ?dueling !ritblo Thiene, and Linen and 010th Table Oorare.. , rORAIN BAGS, •BALMORAL SKIRTS, FRKNOII CYA 41 3 ETRI Alt,f ) .ll.T 8,41 -4 41 ; Prom 35 ote., per yardnaTto the beat Imperial throe ply, naling lower ,than the mark os. Carpet Chain Binding, Moor and Table 00 Cloths, Ltattings, Rugg, Window, Blinds _1 • We,bave the stook to accommodate the entire amp iounttyand all to bo eoldloteor than can be bolight anynhoto this section of the 'cr94ntry, Call'and eoe ;• ) MNTF , N fm*v 68.Lf ' ` - MARBblio 4 1 7PJ' ' • ' MONUMENTS, Tonilme , uubsioNics t Mantels Door 8111 a; on hand and modo to' order SOntit Hanover tit!opt, potliqo PA , ° • • owvs . stauthl6 - 674Y . ' _ _ Bryttas Palmonie Wafttre, ...570 TrErA ND - 2'llV -WARE. YOU WANtTO :OBE THE Atoie, byir; colred j.tolafik dth , AlteP 11 4 0 ,- r • , - i.r "' I }fiat Lonilier street; In . the 'rear of Pracery qtera aad orgollt, • • • , GRRIT 4iitEL'IdAN:BABid 'BURNER 'ln • ;operitlon --It' le ainniintrutlJ3iirnai , " feat Radiator, as we ll' as a perfect :Ventilator of ithe room, and Is waranted to connate lest coal than any Other gore ofthe same else, e v er offered theto i lubl requiring but one ordinary, scuttle of In twenty-eight hours, being f.errettlrj ol: mple in &Wits working, having a simplo edge to regulate the fire for keeping .at. night, one kindling of Ore being all that is' required during the' whiter., No dust, no gee, no Slag or cinder. 0 i-a 14 ti_ fi nj 0 r , , r , N t 0 041 0 , t 0 q 0 6-, .4 , 0 g g 4 Fe. 0 EL IN , I.—An no. . volr, for Coal, having a free Magazine' being adjustable to different heights' of six,to nine Inches from the grate, so as to accommodato the ' ininply •of Coal Its sine and quantity, thus permitting the 'maintenance oVa certain depth of coal for activo combustioithin the fire-pot (whether It be of ntit , or stove siX , which is the only way to burn •An thraclte cod to advantage. Different sizes of coal require More or less depth for perfect combuitien. 2—A Funnel, or Hopper, fop the 'passage of tho coal to the magaslue is so arranged as to, permit the introduction of fresh coal, without ',allowing any escapeOf fumes and gas Into the. room; and further, -when the Stove is left with Its top. uncovered,- com• polling any filmes that may - esripo from the supply n the reservoir, upwards to its top, to pass over the top of the reservoir Into the surrounding flue, and . mo to the taro and outlet; Flre:Pcitivrith a continuous Flue, (liar 'Re' entire upper edge and deem Its ‘vtiolo body' to the base and outlot.flues by which means; the beat Is transmitted, not In separate flues several inches apart, as is usual In downward draft Stoves, but to, a -continuous sheet of flame in routactwith the entire circumferencoof the. outer coiling of t4e Stove, from the top of the Fire-Pot downwards, giving a - far more extended surface of radiation of the , heat that ably downward draft Stove extant.' Grato - Surt‘ridand - Air s "Passages, and a complete arranged CI rate, fur shaking and dumping, With agood sire Ash Pan to receive the ashes 'and cindeV:-. .46-We also `wish ho noted, that there le an absolute. • SECITRITY.FROM EXPLOSIONS OF-GAS upon the removal of the cover from the Stove, which so commonly occurs upon the removal of .the covers, with other Magazine Stoves, for such is the eliect of the Funnel no constructed and firrautted In reference to the Magazine and its surrounding- Flue ' that NO GAS CAN ACCUMULATE L! THE UPPER PART OF THE MAGAZLNE Ti) EXPLODE. Nor cal, a current of air ' or draft, MI created upwards through the Magazine to hiflame its contents, which happens with other - Staves injui Ng and destroying the Magazine Itself. Every feature of this Stove Is calculated to_efto. 1 4 .3 0. N.O M .3(►:spg IN THE USE OF FUEL, CONSTRUCTION. AND_ Iu addltiou to the above. Stove, Fridley keeps on band a full supply of the best Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves. Tin and - Sheet Iron work of all kinds on hand, andllpouting, Roofing and Jobbing of all kinds, done .at short notice, and of the best 'material, Fruit pans, and Jars of the moat approved *patents, aftd In *cop 'cluslon the Best-Portable and-triffic--fiett-- ' Vwurxtetcess. ever offered to' the ;sync. For reference call on T. Conlyn; F. C. Fleming; Dr. Cleo. Noldlgh ; , A. L Sponsler ; 11. Saxton; Prof, Unman; D. J. Leldlgh; J. foster ; and others. - 20n0v.671y At HATS ANP 'CAPS, Do you want .a nice ,Hat :o! If ire. don't fall to cell on . • J C - A - L LI 0 , No. 29.. West Stroet, Where can be Foon . the finest nesertmentof ever brought to Carlisle. Lie takes great pleasure In inviting'his old friends and Customers, and all new ones, to blEsPlepdld steels Just,recelved*.trom New York and:rillidelphllt, consisting in part of doe SILK AND CASSIMERB•HATS, Besides an iiindiess variety of Hats and Caps of the latest style, all of which he will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Also, his own manufacture of flats al. . - 0 - trah - b - struTarrel Hair) Nanufaclurezt - ick-Galer. -lie has. the best arrangement for coloring Flats and all kinds of - Woolen Goods, Overcoats, &c., at the shortest notice (as ho colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms. Also, a fine lot of choice orands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS _ Always on band. Ile desires to call the attention of persons who have 1 COUNTRY FURS - To soli, as he pays the highest cash prices for the Fame, Give him a call, at the above number, his old stand, as he feels confident of giving entire satisfaction. julyl4 67. T im CARLISLE COOK STOVE. tanufaetured at P. GARANNN A Co's Foundry and Machine Shop, Carlisle, CANT BE BEAT! This is the testimony of scores of families In Cumberland, Perry and Adains Counties who are now using them. Call and see them. CORN SHEL 1, .11; It R, ..arming elthor by holler or by hand—constantly on hand and for sale by P. OARDNEIt & Co. Foundry - and Machine Shop ; East Main Street. , TllOO. A. RAPER STEAM BOILER MAKING We are prepared to make Steam Boilers of all sizes and kinde promptly and on the beet terms. Also Smoke Stocks and all articles in that line. REPAIR. !NO or Bon.mtp and Engines promptlrattended to in the best manner. F. GARDNER k CO. - Foundry and Machine shop; Carlisle, Pa jan.24.67. GAS 'FITTING and PLU BING. I.sir. insrd ,00 & L. iir Pratiti6al Gas Fitters ark . Plumbers ...Doke trtinibrm their old uustomers and the cid. sena of Car lisle generally, that they hive removed their :establishment to the commodious room In the Basement of Itheem's Ilan, • _. entrance --- on Church Alley. They will sttend .pramptly as heretofore, t',' ail work entrusted to them. ' They keep constantly on hand and are prepaiSdiii introduce LEAD and IRON PIPES, ItYDRANTS,,ILOT, and - , COLD' 13IIOWEIVIIATIDV WATER . CLOSETS, FORCE and LIPTPIIMPKIRON SINKSJIATII TUBB, BOILERS,WAI3II DARNS, 11YDRAULIO RAMS, all kinds of. GAS, STEAM and WATER FITTINGS. ()soma RANGES, BEATERS, AO., sot up In the most modern style. , . Country 'Work and Jobbing-promptly a tended to, 17apr 08 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company Assetts 41,818,000,80. - Life Inmercence Policy m Pavora ble Terms. Tho Bo ard of Tradoes have declared a scrip dlv dead of • , FIY.TY'RER .• upontho cash premismis received ,In 1807. on' - all pellohnlinforce on the 81st of Dee, and have - decided to receive all tho scrip Issued up to, and Inch:Wing Jan uary 1805 in payment Af premiums,j2 The undersigned is ready to deliver,aertilleatee to puttee snit tied to receive them - at titpOstlislo Agency. at Ida office, No. B,lVest Main /Rivet,. at.any,.tlmo. after 'date of this notice.. • Pamphlets, table 'rates, applicalloni and - every in- . I°"natNn 111"1 " 7 14" ,V.1, 1 . 13 13 . 0418iiit , Agent.. A liberal percentage will bo paid to one or two good, reliable persons, to cauvass'eumberland county on behalf of the above company, which is the only ; dfultud Life insurance annpany sn nmnrylvania, any one of the oldest and most reliable In the country: Apply to A. L. BpONBLER, Agent. sine 08. . . . Manhood, How, :Lest, ,How Restored: Just published a new addition of . • Dr. Qulverwell'a Celebrated Bossily on the vodka/ cure (without Medicine) of „,-. firocauarmutnesa, or nominal Weakness, ..Inraltititary lemlnalLosede;, Itreorssor Mantel. and' Physical Incapacity, Impediments toMarriage, eta.; oleo Cossuarrviorr, IPlLargi, and rue, 'induced by • selaindulgence or mutual extravagance. • • ..4Gr Price; In a sealed envelope only a rents.' ' The celebrated author, - ,in admirable essay,. clearltdbitionetrates from a thirty ' years' successful . .prectigiokthat the alarming consequences of selfabusa uktb4 tali** cured without the dangerous use of letenuti midicine or ' the application of the knife; pointing out n,mode of cure at once simple; .certadn,. -and effeettild" br matins' ofwhielt every. ganbrer,, no T e tt or p le Alt a htf i ••••n an d ilice.3lLeirtureabould be in d :the hands 'of every - yeuthltnd every Man Id :"- • _rent, under seal t .in a plolu'enrelope, to Ivy Ad 4 dresspetipaid, on receipt of eta rental or ,two poet stamps. Also, Dr._ Oulverwell's , !Blarriage' . ti ' rlee 26'cents. Address the ratliobent, ' • — 7 - 7- 7 r ' 7CIIAIII. C. XL= *VO4 • MOWM7e tAi 8 Ev, N 4 - , -DURABILITY IN ITS _SYMMETRY ,IN- ITS ==M HATS ANROAPS, MIS'OBLL6.N . EOrbS!:, - IMPORTANT ,' DISCOVERY I THE . "P CULL E WEB, F D, 08, CIIIOSBN POWDERS. (Ooßyrighi: secured.) A OERTAJN CURE FOR GAPES IN CHICKEN'S 20 , 1 D TURKEYS Will pr avent and Care Chicken Ohblora and other Zolecase common to Poultry, a mi,will promote an increase of Fat. F =MOTIONS AbO=PANY NAM PACK AcIE , PRICE, 26 CENTS The annexed•are a few of tho certificates we have received In proof of the giant value and efficacy of the Portltifiers' Prlond 0/1120LITON, BALTIMOnt COlnifly f1D.,D0C.,10,1867. Nairn. Olotworthy '0 Co. . GENTLIMN t•-•I have undyour "Poulterers' Friend" upon a brood of yoUng chickens that had the gapes, and am happy to'ggy, that by the use of a few doom they Were entirely cured. It will certainly ;qtre the gapes wheriUsed according to direntioun: Yours. etc. GEO. HARMAN. LEmonlic by. VA., April 1th,1.808. Mews. Clotworlhy t. Co. • • GENII :—I have been I selling your "Poulterers' Friend" for the last few months,. for the cure of Chicken Cholera, and In every Instano • where, it has boon used, the Alaimo was arrested at once. It le the greatest Medicine made. It is In peat deritandc and I am selling it rapidly. It certainly accomplishes all that you claim for It. "Yours, Ac. JOGAI:I T. TRIISSELL. BIir.PLISIINTOWN, W. V. April .10th, 180. Messrs. Clotworthy d Co. My young chickens wore dying very fast Ms Spring with 'the frappes;. and hearing •of your Poulterers' Friend, I purchateira — patkage — from — Jos. Stone broker, Shopherilatown, Vie,whd It acted liken charm. The (lapis Oben disappeared, and my chidkana bade become healthy and thrifty. 1 can recommend the Poultorera' Friend to all Respectfully, It. BPOTTB. 811±1IISIVOBTOWN, Ttlarrh 238, 1808, Messrs. Cloiworthy 5 N. • Gams :—llavinglost a great many fowls, during 'the early Springovith "Chicken Ch - olerif,'" I was - In. duced by Mr. Joe. M. Btonebraker, of Shenherdstown, Vs., to try a paper of your "Poulterers' Friend," which I did; and I had only used three — toses when the_disease diiiappearod, and I have not lost a fowl since. I can most safely recommend it to do what if says, If the directions are followed. For sale by all country Merchants. ° CiIitISTIAN WELTY. CLOTWORMY & CO, Wholesale Druggiste, No. 330 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Mil Price $2,00 per Dozen to the Trade. A •Liberal DlsCouttt Allowed, when Purchased' In Large Quantities. .beware ninny Imitation. None genuine except that manufactured by Clotworthy .t Co: - All Stonobraker'a preparatlong -for sale by Wash. mood & Bros., West'Maln St..-Carlisle Pa. • 29may.4m. • CHARLES WILLIAMS HEATING AND VENTILATING 'WAREHOUSE • Noe. 1132 & 1134 ISfarket Street, , PHILADELPHIA Has an entirely new heater. It is conidructod as to at once commend itself to general favor, being a .combination of wrought and cast iron. It is very simple in lis construction, and Is perfectly air tight; elf-cledning, having no plpas or drums to be taken ut,. and cleaned. It Is Is arranged with upright flues as to produce a larger amount of boat:from the same weight of coal than any furnace now In Ilse. !The hygrometic comiltion ol the air as produced by my new arrangemeht of evaporation will at once de monstrate that it is' the only AIN. FURNACE • produce a porfectly.Ecsithy atmosphere). I lin now makinig , five sizes - of PORTA&LES, and four for Masonry. • ICANG.EI3,. • • Special attention 1s call to my NEW GOLDEN EAGLE COOKING 'GANGES, as I fool assured .there is nothing inliso that can compare with them, as - regards their durability, economyand eilleioncy, with a largo issortopents of Low Down Grates, Fire Place Stover Roglelci's- and Ventilators. fond for Glue tratod circulars. lmay 084 m. PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR MIMI UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper than I r eathers or Hair, PAR SUPERIOR The Lightest, Softest and mostlastle and Dura • ble material known. for Mattresses,Pillows, Car, Carriage, an Chair Cushions. Itla entirely indelructlble, perfectly, clean and free from duet. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I Is always free from Insect life; is perfectly healthy, and• for the sick to unequalled. If soiled in any way, can ho renovated quictei and easier than any other Mattress. Special attention glued to FURNISIIMQ CIIUSOLIEB, MALLS, Ac. Railroad noon aro especially Invited to examine the Cuehion Sponge. SATISFACTION ONAItANTiED. THE TRADE SUPPLIED 12Juni? 0-I.y. ATE irt o 1 ,,,,,, IV R - V FIRST PREMIUM ' '". . Of 'a Silver Medal 4 4 • WAS AWARDED TO lir BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE' i d , Ily the N. 11. State A 0.1011.11.1 Soetely. et Ito Mr it olden Ir. Ne.hua, Septa/3,ISW. 0 HAIL HE TT' S Vegetable Hair ,_Restorative , ,,, Restores cirsty.Thar to Si natural color. _Pro..I.L. vlinOtes the growth of tho.Lialx. Change. the roots to their_ original ayianleacUota..-Eradl mita Dandruff and umors. Snreenff ti Hair taWng out. .T 5 Superior' Drandrig* • *lt contain. no Injurious Ingredient., mid Is the mod populorand able ~Halo throughout the . Rut; Wed, North and ifr South. WO V*. J. R. BARReTT & CO., Proprietor., EdANCTIEFEIt, N. it.' SOLD BY ALL 1:0111JdOSTS. 22noV 674.7. A PATENT OENTRA D AND OUTWARD DISUUARUE WATER WHEEL. , Bearing date,,A.pril 80,'1867; - JACOB ABRAHIMB & CO., \ Netpvtl4,' Cumberlattd County, , Proprietors of the _above named' Patent :for the Counties of _CUMBERLAND_ and_ FRANKLIN, PA.,. and WABIIINOTON COUNTY. MD. • We desire to call the, attention of Millwrights! Mill Owners, and others, to the merits of the above leven• tion, which for Durability, Efficiency and Cheapness, they are confident cannot be surnamed. ' Wheroveelt has been introduced, emcees 'his In. variably followed;aven. under the most. unfavdrabla circumstances. FM* Back Water and"Z•oto Head and eanomicaf Me„ Water, Whal,to WithOlig Timid/ A Working M odeler the Wheel can be examined at the 'Rotatable:mut of-the Mantillictdrefil In NM% vista Pa.,) where all. information may be cheerfully given. . . . . We append the follawing relbronces : ' J. & J. B. lIIIRBII. JOHN DRORBAUGH, BENJAMIN LANDES, Millwright. SAMUEL LANDES. , 0 ,Jt A. AV. DAVIDSON. J. B. LINDSEY, • . M il lwrights. .7.-8. RUSSELL. -' : t ' - •• LEWIS BOWAIAN, .' SAMUEL PIM.. . SOLOMON STII.OHM, ADAM RAMP, Mtplwrlght. JACOB %RAMP . . ' ' • .. • , eept,2o4l: . • ~ : . ' . : .. • • • „8. MoC.LELLAN, WITU BARTAIMryt & ' BUitNN, "fats" 4paps, Furs 4 shrew goOds, No. 486, Itarkot _ • : " • ' 01juls 68:8m. H4.RDWAHE, JIILLER & BOWERS! HARD WIRS-S 1 TORE, 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, -- 'CARLISLE; • • -01 !r r a M r..' /5/4, ' • • f) ~t olNry• - • • . •- y.7=• .". , • Mr .Lb .o.b; '. • .:r_ L :, ..v..,.; E would respectfully call the, atten tion of the public to our recently replentahed• BT. K. We hove carefully avoided purchasing dur ing the recent (Wilde, and now that the market-has become Settled wo have tilled up our shelves and are prepared to offer spoclul inducements tomll who will faVor no with a call; . We Lave constantly onland n FULL STOCK OF Hammered, English, Refined, and Nor way IRON; Berdan's Horse and /lfale,:phaes-; Norway Rods; Horse Nails; Black and , Polished ( ' Sprin:q's„&c., togother with k, fun stock of ~' • -BLACKSMITH'S o 0 L seam Dellis, 2olld Box Visas, - Bellows, Rasps, Files &a. . . _ BUILDING • rick - 0 , o. _ --- 0 M A T E R-1 A a We Invite all persons intending to build, to come and take a look tbruogli our stock. Wo halm our Bolts, Locke, Glass, Points, Olin, cM& all material in thin line marked down - at ;the lowest CAM PRICES, and feel assured that wo can offer special Inducements In this branch. HARRISBURG NAILS, always on band Can be had or the best quality. we take special care In selecting all tools and aro bound to keep Up the reputation of the old stand In this particular. - TABLE AND i POCKET CUTLERY,. ofall-Immaginable-plits.s9o hoop on hand a-full lino of therm goods and are always able to suit tha taste of o eyen the most fastidious, SADDLERY, • of every variety, embracing In part self adjusting and Gig Trees,Plated :Japanned and Wood flames, Bridle latts - Brow — Bandy,Girthingi-Horse-Blankete r lke. r also SADDLER TOOLS, a every doecription. SHOE FINDINGS, consloting of MOROCGOES, LININGS, BIND NOB, Our Monde will alerays find us well supplied with -the best brands of these_ articles and ready' to sell them at the lowest prices. We are constantly In re. celpt of Paints, thus enabling ourselves to supply our customers with fresh paints, colors of all descriptions contently on band. Also pure LINSEED OIL, . 00A0II FURNITURE, • .. • DEISIAR LEATH ER, end IRON VARNISIIEI3, ~ . PITITY, GLUE, LITHRAGE, &o Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, will always find us havlng f a full supply of goods In this lino. ' PUMPS of all desciiptlou and of tho boat marinlac• torero, Wood, Iron and Load plpos to suit. FARM AND HOUSE BELLS, . . Mill, Crass-cut and Circular Sawca-dtitle and Blasting 'Powders, Itonendale, lianeoek and Scotland Cement, Calcine Plaster, Orevi - Bern, Sledges, &c.., • • `. 7 FARMERS;. -e t (' , • -will do well to call and o*-.mine . our stock of. lames, Traces, Breast Chains, Tongue and Stay Chains, Jock ey Chains, Spreads, Baiter Chains, Cow Ties, Shovels, Spades, Forks Bakes, Grain Bags, ae. beibin buying, elsewhere. N y e are r ready to offer , special Inducelnents . In this line. . , ° Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. RI=FLES, SATOOTLI AND TWISTED, Double and Single-barrel • \ _ - SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, CARTRIDGES, WIPERS and aun Trimmings" of every 'CEDARWA RE. Tinner,9.'. Soldering IRONS, Bar-Lead, Block-Pin; 47teel-, Prase, &O.; ay. - We aro solo agente Ile: the • - BUFFAI,O.'SOALE WORKS, and are reedp to, supply Balm warranted, And fur nhthed at lower prices than any other. Emits the market: „ ' - We aro constantly In, recelptuf, gooda direct from the .manufacturore and aie Able to familia Country Merchants at , Philadelphia and Now 'York. prices: COACH • W ,414. 0 NtZiVritalse i l &TifilaTedV;., FIXTURES, stivinyis 'on 'band and at the - 1 1 44 Dubs,a nnusk Spoken, golloos, Aziosh Shand, Duck,' Drillings D, r' •• . GOODS dolivorod to all parts of -..tho to ly n fro Of oporgo.' . BOWilatS. , • No; 20 , North BlihOvar ' • - . • . --- 11VSURAIVOE - ttgrizA-NIE ,Sr -- ~ ., . -, - - ,- , - --7-3.7:;-- - -_ - ,q4x.:•‘-t: - 1 4 1, , .. . .11E CHARTBR-OAK- - - - , Ir L ! fiv,ifiTic - '-• - ' k k • / --- 1 ,-.1 7 ' . /FE iN P I T I IAMJE ppbtr4ig, ‘., - ; OF - HARTFORD CONN. • Ineorporatedi. l . l9 6ojaChttrtefr,:i'Ver=' ,op "litittiat. 7,,twCo. ~), \Jo CASH ASSETI3, - 14,000,000 • . • k ) ~; • JAMES 0. WAL.IILEY, President. . • 11° , 4 P 10 # • fen reasons irh,r:,tottlnimra l lT 'unatter Oak.' Utt.—All banking privileges-are prohibited, the hutiness being confined exclusivey.t? 1,111.831”.mr, oft:a: - "... , t GL'-‘..ltei Kisk a are aelected 'with, great Cato, thus th Cu garnet! losses, and conseetentirlarge dividend!' acctrne to the Polley holderecietqlfase, Inentance ; po4tslastaia years: , t" - • • t,•• t t" .. rd .—lts Ratio'oftlisperiditiutite including Death tAdims and Working - Expenses ,. to_ are •precedentedlyTOW: 'iltimelleporta.-- •- ' - th. , --All the profits are abided' tuning Pollei; holders, the orignalteapitalleing limited by ()barter -to tight per cent dividends, no more than - it - Mit!' forithe Company at interest. • "•• • 15th.—It declares and pays iteDlVidendsonntazily a OAp, thus assisting the Wanted In the payirtent,, - pr fume. •tt - • th:z-lt ld Prtimpt In the'Paisteentof lerae_e,havlng lo aid to Widows and Orphans nearly TWO MILLION 'DOLLARB, and - bas never litigated a clairn.: Tth.—The man of wealth Insures as an Investment. Bth.—Men of small means insure to guard their tam. Bias against want. • - 9th,-The , man of- businesa lionnui.- to pioilile`, against possible loss in trade, "a life. Policy, being a basis for capital, ll:lb.—Persona in debt Insure that their earnings for years of toil may not be sacrificed at death from want of ready cancel liabilities. • 11th,-All insure, as money thus; lal¢ away by littles Is sure to come back largely increased to their families, death being certain to occur. Dr. O. B. KIEFFER,',D. Medical Etaminer. , • - J. 0. STOOK, - Agent Oarlisle,,Pa. • - E. 11 . BLAIR, General Agent; for Eastern Pa.. - - Office, No.3T Meat Third St., Williamsport, Pa. EMIZI ipIRE-lIISII4ANCE - • THE Allen ad Eastpenineborof Mutual Tire In eitianco Company of Cumberland county, incorper. ated by, an act of Assembly, In' the year 1843, end having recently. had , its charter etxonded' to lhe year 1883,1 s now in active and 'vigorous operation, under the superintendence of the killoirlng hoard ot Managers, via: • William R. Corgis, Chrlitlan !Hayman, Jacob Eb erly, D. Daily, Alex. Cathcart. J. H. Coover, John Zichelberger, Joseph,, Wickersham, Band. Eberly, Moses Ihicker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover; and J C. Dunlap. Tho rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the -kind -.ln the State. — Persons wishing, to become members are invited, to make ap plicatiml to the agents of the Company, who ;are Ind to watt upon them at any time: • , OPFIOERB OP TIM COMPANY. NM. It; GOMM.% President, EberlPs Aillis, Oum becloud county. ' • ALEX. CAT E OART, Pico President ' , Carlieles, CUM Noland county. JOLIN O. DUNLAP, Sert'y, lOcbauicsbung, Cum becloud caunty. DANIEL BALLY, Treasurer, Dfflaburg; York Co, 111ANAGERE., William It. Corps, Alex. Cathcart, J. C. Dunlap, Daniel Dailey, Christian Stayman, Jacob 11. ()corer Josoph Wickersham, J. Elchelberger ' Moses Bricker, Jacob Coover, Jacob Eberly,, James Anderson,- Alto D. Coover. Cumberland county—John Allen• llenry Bearing Shiremanstown; La Fayette° Pere, 'Dickin son: Henry Bowman, Chtirchtown; Mode Orieflth, South .1511ddletom Samuel Graham,. West Penns borough; Simnel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cock- Shepherdstown; J. Saxton, Sliver Spring; J. W. Eby, Carlisle, Valentino MieMan, New Citinlierlaridi Wm. U. Woodburn, Negville. ; - York County—James Griffith,. Warrington, J. F. Deardorff, Dillsburg; Daniel , Itutter; Fairview; John Williams, Carroll; Adam Stevens, Goldsborortgh; 5.-S. Mblidord Mulberry P. O. Dauphin county.—Jacob Houser.Marrieburst. PE - 61.TE ItS L S •• NEW INVENTION IN - GRAIN - -DILILL.9.—The subscriber, having procured , a patent fbr a novel and most excellent Improvement In Grain Drills by which the , raln instead of being planted In 14 inch tows as to the pid method is seat tared over a surface of three Inchon, thud senurlng • n equalandaven distribution of therseed;.-and-a con sidetably 'greater yield of grain. This improvement can ho readily attached tb' ant of drills-new in use. State and County Rights for sale, agents want° d. This Man excellent opportunity for active, one getla younginen to.make large Ullatieti: For particulars addrefut.- - - J. G. VALE, Jr., Inventor and Patentee, . Sbiremanetmcw Oumb. Co. 3ImA=U 628 HOOP SKIRTS. WIK T. 110PKINS "OWN -MAKE' "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." are the beetfand Cturarrse Low PRICED Root) Skirts In the market. Trallfilarts, 26 springs , $1.00; ao springs, $1.20; and 40 springs, $1.46: Plain Skirts, 0 Lfipee_,_2o 'pangs, - 80 — Crintis'25 — sgarige, '35 COIR - ROT sprlnge: - $1.16; and 35 springs. *1.25. :Warranted in every re spect. "Our OWN make" of UNION SKIRTS," Eleven Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to *2.60. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 60 springs, (real 95 Cents to $2.00. These Skirts aro better then those sold by oth at establishments as first class geode, and at much lower prices. 'Our OWN make" Of "CRAMPTON SKIRTS.' are in every way superior to all other Roop Skirts before the public. and only hate to be examined or worn to con vlnce every one of the foot. Manufactured of the best linon-finiehed English Steel Springs, very superior tapes, and the style of the metalle fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for duralalty and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and or lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, give more eat' iefactiond.and- are - really cheaper. than-all. others - Every lady-should try them. They are being sold ex toneively by merchants throughout this and the ad joining states at very moderate prices. If you wan: thnbeat, ask (or "Replan's Champion Skirt ."lf you d not find them get the merchant with whom yon des to order thedfor you, or come or' send direct to us Merchants will find our-different grades of Skirts ex ectly what they need,:and_wo_expeclally. Invite them to call and examine, our extensive send for Wholesale Price List. THREAD iTGB, W lIITE LEADS AND ZINCS To be had et Retail at Manufactory, and of thane tail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Mann lecturer only, to whom all orders should be addresaed MANUF46TORY and SALESROOM, 628 ARCH 8T Betweon 6th and Ith_Stn, Philadelphia: WI!1. HOPKINS 28fob-438 10m FRESH ARRIVAL Of all the New Spring Styles of HATS AND OA-Pk. Tife - Subscriber has just opened, at Noc • 16 North Hanover St., a for doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, one of the largest and best stock of HATS k CAPS ever offered ' Silk Hats, Casalmeres of all styles and qualities, Still Brims different colors, and, every description of Soft Hats now made. The Dunkard and old fashioned. brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order; all warranted to give -settisfaction. 'A fUll assortment of STRAW .I.IATS, Men's boy's and.children's fatioy. I have also added to my stock, Notiotie of different kinder, consisting of Ladles and Gent's Stockings, Neck-Ties, Gloves, Penclls,'Thread,'Sowing Silks, Sus penders, Umbrellas, dtc., Prime-Segara and Tobacco, always on band. , Olve men call and examine my aleck, as 1 fool con. fldent °Weaving, beeldes Laving you money. -" “JOLIN-1. HELLEIt,-Agt.-- - - No. 15 North 11anover St. 31my67 T§AA9 K.STAUFPE - Wa,tchmalcer and J'eay . elery, NORTH .2D ST. ) , bOD.I . DF QUARRY' PiIIiLADELI ) III,II. An aeeortment• of Weitabae, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware constiintlion hand: TT . BIIITABLEI FOR HOLIDAY PItEBRNTEt I attendlt ed epalrlng.of Watches and Jewelry -promptly-promptly to. 10dee 67.1 y.• j 6 1 .11 4 MERCHA,NV R. In KraMarls llulldhig, )tear Pik., ha■ Ault sturned.nomth. Easterk allow with the largest allklhost.,. , " • COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 01P— i Oloih . B, . • • ,‘ Gents! .Goodo;. &!.; ern brought to Ostlitto.' ' ' His cloths. comprise * . . EN9P 3 . c 1011i1.G34. and . ABIGIGO.44 . IIIkIaP,AMIRERG, or the finest textnnisiloi'all Mr. Dawn belnirblmselta practical of Inns experience is prepuedl warrant perfect tits, and pcompt filling or orders. .rieve Goods by the yard, or, out- to *Mee, -soul forget the place.. - i lemay .084 f. Ed: G. DOSE. ) § . 111119 . 0 tO ' get ' AA 4OM nve abtr. Itheittite 'IIIII' gioleankO t t goo, ,/q1aM81" 0 " ' - • MEM I'ro. 146 Cpseimores~