II NE ; MORE TROUBLE ! • • • LUMBER I .tugBBR !: ttrattrat . . ALL ..KINDS -- .ORALUMBEIr.Ar ,- .THE DUNOANNON LUMB4R MILL. , • ;. ,•-• 1. -• AT MIDI:M . 0 o : WMTI6•'•4" • 'nositos." • - . • . 21ticii barn' Bleeringcd'ri,i2 reedy fit 014 4 2 mi, ineb..oalCPlanki - I , lusli , palv boarde,'s4l;balr Yoliewe'Pletedry,Westbelbourlings Inch Yelb? Plue diyAlnlng. for Wagonmekers ;and ()Clara; Thy Poplar Scantling 8 by 4 and. 4 by. 4, • pry Poplar ,Boards 1 inch end .2 Web, Roofir t o .Latba all lengthaderediscad prices,,Celllag..Lathe 3 and 4 feet long, Palling, Oak . Shlriolet,•Large lot Of [dales at $3. to aO. per thoulande.a,l.lc Iluds ,of frame lambent Joists and legsintlln4 at old '. 'Piclooe, ,816 per We are preparibi Edeiny oreler,On abOileatjUdice We call saw.47.foat lia•Jontb,(ternlng,oultoesne, we; can dollverbY. , wagon - Please give us a call before putabaslok All orders promptly, attended to. Call, and gee our stock: , . ' ' ItOCPEIt, LATAiEI nostiochi;:- • , Duncannon P. 0., Perry County. Pe. V ALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE HALE OR EXCHANGE 808 "L' PARK. Thdsubscriber Were at private tale the wall ktiOwn hotel stand In Nowvillii, Pa., knowyto the - LOGAN, Tho lot (nylon which the- Hotel stands)tontaltia• 75- by 180 feet, and in addition . thereto will, be sold an excellent,GAZDEN Containing 05 by 180 foot. • The hone° la largo and substantially built of stone, containing 8. eloping apartinenta, good Oar-room, Dining-room, Parlor, Kitchen and all modern omen lencen. A good Well of Water at the door, EXCELLENT. STABLING for forty horses, Ice House,' Mood :House) . Smbker House and all necessary out-buildings. The Logan House is widely and favorably known. and is largely patronland. 'lt has boon, quite recently renovated and repaired. throughout. • • • . Trims to suit, the puroh'aser: - ~• For forth° partiCulars, apply to the srmiscriber, or lu hie absetice to Peter A. Aid, at Nowvillo, Pa., , FAA nit-tf. JOB. A. WOODBURN. ✓ . . 1 41 . 1:1; efflioiedlaitiny . iiiecnieee are in vited to consult Dr. D. Hall, whose many yearn experience barriestly.won for him the confidence of the citizens of New York Philadelphia .and Boston. Neerly.ono thoutand,patiente have been cured, by him during the-past year. He will give epeolal at. tontion to the cure of the fallowing .dlseases, vie : Consumption, Scrofula, Cancer, Bronchia., Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, ErysTiblua., Liver Complaints, St Vitus' Dence,l3loltre, Paralysis, Neuralgia and General 'De bility. . Dr.lilary Rail, a graduate of the Philadelphia Col , lege, given special-attention to curing of - all 'tomato dinounes. Ladies can consult the Dr. or hie wife, with perfect safety. Rooms strictly private: Consul tallow, free. No cure; no pay. - . RENERENOk.S. , • Prof. 0. Ifilrring 114, - North ' 12th St.., Phila. " J. O. Morgan, " 1700, Chootnut St " R. Roch, " "33 North 12th St. • - " -- C. — O: Roue, 121,-North .TOth -St, Ad Lipple, " 12th and Walnut St. " " R. N. urtumg Chootnut Et. " " R. rower,- " Columbia .4 Span:wok St. " Tho• Doctor and hie *lre gnu bo oonoulted fora low weeks ihrooma 23 and 24 Coinman /louse, East Maln Street, Carllsto,Ta. • 23ang-4t e. • QALE .OF 7 VMAJABLE REAL ES. - 1i ).j TATE.—On Thursday; Septainber 24, 1868.—Tho untiersigned;Exocutors of -Daniel WOrtdorly, deed. , will offer at public sale; - on the above_ day, on tho. premise's, In - - Dieklimon townshlpitnithit North bank sef,the Yellovr Broocioual Creek, six mils!' South of Carlisle, nearßarnits Mill, the following Real Eststo, to wit:. No. 1. The Mansion Perm of deed. containing 109 •• Acres and 100 Perches of drat rata Limestone. Land,. having thereon erected a Two-Story Woather-boathed House, Wash, Molise,. Spring House, Frame Darn, Wagon Shod Corn Crib, Barrack, and other outbuild ings. The land - Is In ,a • high elite of cultivation --and-undirgeod - fatics: -. Thara .1s a kv6a — BRIEC.: Water at the door. An• Orchard of Choice Fruit. ;Yellow Breeches Crook posses along. the South line of the farm This le. .a very desirable property; md worthy the attention of persons wishing to .purchase a nice faisn No.-2. Four 'Lots of Timber Land, in South Middle. ton township, on the Carlisle and Hanover Turnpike, About two miles South of Mount Holly Paper Mill. Ind Int contains 0 Acres, 20 Perches. Second lot Acres, - 42 Porches. Third lot 0 Acres, 15 Perches. Fourth lot? Agree; 26 Perches. All - these tracts are covered with thriving Chestnut and - Oak Timber.. Also, 100 Chestmtt - 1111111. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M , en said day, when terms will be made known, by _ ,JOSEPH A. STUMPS, . JOSEPH tiextat Ex'rs. Dan't Ironderly-dec'd 213aug - 68-t . ELECTION NOTICE ! CARLISLE BUILDING AND LOAN . ASSOCLAT.T.ON. . , idMire. la hereby, given thatithe annlial election of (ailment the Carlisle Building and Ldan Association, , will be hold at the Arbitration ChM:dies-ix the Bor . Owilh_oLCarliale, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1858. (It being the first Saturday in September,) at 6 3,1 o'clock, S. hi., at which time, all the members are ex pected to be present, and sign the articles of .the A sociation ;sand pay an installment of Fifty Cents aSharc on each share'ref stock subscribed. 28Aug 68-2 t RALg_OF CARRIAGES, &o. fir e, the ufidersignad, have now on hand, and offer for sale at a .bargain, .a great variety of Carriages, such as GERMANTOWNS and ROCKA.WAYS, TENSION TOP PIIZETONS, CARRYALLS and TOP .BUGGIES, Leather and Canvass, at all prices. Also, a lot of Second nand Carriages and Ilugglo s, which Ave offer very cheap. Everything In our line made to order at short notice, and warranted to give satisfaction. We employ in every branch none but the best work men. Particular attention paid to Repairing and Painting old work.. A. B. A: N. gIIERK, Corner of Pitt Si. and Church Alley, Carlisle, Pa 23Aug 08- pm . PENNSYLVANIA STATI•; ,Aorni i_ CULTURAL SOCIETY. 'Cho next Exhibit lon Otitis Soelefy will beheld at HA RRISHURG, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friiiity, September 20 and 30—October 1 and 2,.. '6B Catalogues of 'Premium, can be halt , anti informa tion given upon application to the EiSerary, at Har risburg. The PitErd/lIM LIST has ben enlarged, and , bb• vary liberal one. 'Exeuraloullekets will be' sold by the principal Railroads loadin to Harrisburg, and.treightcarried at reduced vitas. , A IIOYD HAMILTON, PrMet.' A. B. LONGAIIRR, Sect'y. Mag.:6B43f THL` 9- 11.11:13,Y INSTITUTE, CARLISLEi PENNSYLVANIA 1 111E ' Ninth Anitual Session will Open WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMEER 0,1868. 'Rev:Wm. .0.. Lavencrr, ROctor. or Mrl;'.'io tin R SMIUD, - Augunt 21,1808.-2 t. • -.AGENTS WANTED FOR. -"WEAR ING OF THE GREEN." most entertaining book published,, abounding in Romance. Humor and wee, • Agent says 'it' is• the hest selling book out, as pooplo aro tired of repetition of dry details and army roports. Ofr Aunt ti4pld,s3 In One Week. • " 13 4 " Ten Days, Liberal Terms i(f•Ationte. Rondo for Olreu Also Family Quarto Into& gent Edition puhl Isbed WM. BUNT, 26' Phils delptila, Pe, 10July-lm. • IN BAN i KRUPTOY, /Herta. Cbuit trnitoiStaiis, Eastern Disiririt of Pa John Bents; of Carlislai Cumberland county, Bank rupt having petitioned for his - discharge. a ,meeting of Crodltorewlll be 'held on the nineteenth' day, of - August, 1888, at 10 o'clock A. 01., before Register Chas, A. Barnett, In the Court Muse, in',Carlisle, that the examhantlon of the. Bankrupt may be finish._ ed and any•busliwas of meetings required by sections 27 and 28 of the Act otOoogrees trattsinited.',• .The Register Wllleettify whether the Bankrupt has conformed to his duty. • . . A hearing will also he bed •on 'Wednesday, • the socondAai bE BePternbdrrbefonl the °Mitt et' Miller ,pelphls, at 10 o'clock A.M., whew and whore parties Intmetepp,ay,Atiow cautoagshast kho„difichbrge, i „ ; ; ? B.lslaraball, .Per 8. If. UALBBAITII,,Dupti. • U. 8. Deputy Marshall's 0111ceplootalleid. M. • /.I. : DMINISTRATOIt'S NOT Litters of estate)tion Istvlniv thiii day inn issued pa the Of in ty.l.lfilheffer, deed. late of East Pennsboro township, Cumberland county, to the aubscriber,resipm in the mane. township, Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to maid e s tate to make Imurediale payMentr and torkil those haying claime'against it to liniment them to DANIEL;KILLMISTEII. ' ,. , Administrator. 14uug•6t In its worst fOints ourod SHlrliAthi TRE E PLAFSTRtt., , TK i tnaIs : ooteit 1141:map tostorad •to strength snit - Seat by_ moll to any , address, on MOO Of prlce, - $1,51:14 Addresep; z •,"."' •.‘ t DRAKE; • , ;*. :400 Ohestdut etroptj • - . • OR SA Ttie . dentrablz i f i e ur alret 4 No, 2 :; . West; Me It Laittt:t r giii strisomAqs , rtfopt4.4per•htf deo/10: "Aibla-to4 No. 26, Wed gitidt..' 9laug4B 51 . T" L: SPONSLER; --- _Moll Carat° Agent, Scrivener, Conveyances Insur ance and chilm Agent. Office •Mato Street Nen Centre Steam: Foie..., •__ • oit--- • ~: -___ • SALE, .',.O)'..:, .•Y:c 1 ..:1. ...c A tract of raluabid Timber Land containing u. 11UNDRED ACRES, lying on the South 'Mountain' 3 -mild abovo' idt..liolly,'knotan as the steam, seta' , mill property. Tho tract is most .favorably located,' easy of access and the timber of tho boot quality. - • Tor terms &e., apply to . ~ ~.A.l, SEC/ESLER. .N9RipppY o 'FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, . Interind Payable Neml-Annonlly In Gold, I.' The aubbneribert having bead appointed the Finan. • dal Agent for the Company at Carlisle, will receive .subscribtions for the above named Ronde, Which •haa been recently advanced to-102 and aro, at, that • elate 'regarded the cheapoet steutlty Id thedinihot. 4n,j3,FONSLEIt, ".• ',Mace Noaffilyotlt Main tit. VALUABLE: ,1407 . :0FTT.GEOUND. 'Situate and lying betiveirt . liast Main and Pomfret Streets extended, in the Borongli of Carliolo and con- Ming about four acme, . - • -•„- This le ono of the most desirable Lots lie the town end could - be used' for a variety of purposes— beehive its - capability of being advantageously divided into 'Stiehl° btiliding • LAS—having a , front on :each of ate above named etreets, It-Would ,be a Most .excsliont lo • cation for some manufacturing business. . The flee - and Plater pipes are alteady told just in front 'of the Lot. ; Apply to RICK BALE. - - ~ A LARGE THREE-STORY RICK GOUBE, with a commodious . Back Building, occupied as a Store, '.:;). ■ and private rosldenco, situated on I ! rl .West Main Street Carlisle; near the .' • • kornor of West. This proporty con- - ' I tains ail the modern improvements., The lot. being 30 foot in front, and 240 in depth' with a Stable and Carriage Rouse on the alloy in the rear., The build ings aro all now and In good conditionaudt the loca. ,tion Is a mat deshable one for liusinosa. Enquiro of ...,, A. L. BPONBLEIL. . 2.Baug lit. yOU l' , OR - SALE. • , Two now IVO-STORY BEIM : : ::-.-'...:. • ,'. SE.% situated on East Street, a 1, - short distance South of the Railroad....''. 11 ti • . Bridge. These buildings have boon ... : lately erected and aro In excellent - .":„.,..,,•-• • order, having water,lutroduced, with ;.:,.....-.• .... .... other convenient improvements. Apply; to . . . • 2.Baug, 68. A. h. 6PONSLER. - L"Olt :SALE. , - . , A:. commodious TWO-STORY ~,,,,...... BRICK PRIVATE RBSIDENOE, with i '.ccf in a TwO.Stori 13: lac Bank. Bhilding and Immo Wask,Bouse altached,si 'male on `''''Vi i , West Lout h& Strad,. near the corner ~-: : ,,,:::,4:,,, of Pitt, in the Borough of Carlisle. The lot contains 20 feet in front-and 120-In depth, the .house contains soy od rooms and a kitchen, and has been but re corrtly.built. The owner being deslrions of removing from Carlisle, the property will be disposed of on the moot reasonablo tenns. Empire of A. L. SI T ONShEIt.. ' 28ripg 68. • . . 'y ALUABLE GRIST MILL' AND PALCII AT PIIIVATE : SALE. ltuated an the Bonodeguina Creek, d miles Eaet, of Carlisle, and 2 miles North - of - Near' Kingeton, In. ono of the moat fertile and productive parte of the county. The Mill is built of Brick and Stone, has been recently repaired and is in oiCollont condition, co.ntaining.four run of stone, and hae one the Inist water powers on tho creek, with al 821,74tIllattekelAild„ The farcontaino 50 ALT.Ep 'of - e xcellent land, with n large" n;.., hro-Story . . - - - ALA: NSION_ S E BANK BARN, FRAME TENANT HOUBB and other outbuildlop thereon erected. The land is In ahigh .elate of cultivation and under good- form, and hoe ail - excellent apple orchard, besidee other fruit. The 81111. with the water power and 8 or- 6 urea of an - C'elibi --. affifif The IM -- 3Euit 111TrilleWaiiTETI - 'operate from the farm should the purchaser desire For tiirma and partlintlars apply-to - • - A. L. SPONSIIat, Boul Estato Amt, 288 us 68 DEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. PEAL Stcry Brick Items • with Frame kitchen attached, suitable' • for occupancy of too families, or as a ••• •It Store Room and: Dwelling,. situated nu • PENN STREET, .CARLISLE. • willbeAlloppeoCoLon fhypi'ablo _terms, _ 12ftthe 68: Alto a commodious Teo fltor Brick Dwelling - House,with Brick Back Building, situated' on Fact Malin' Street, Carlisle. lawno 68. Als6 a valuable building lot, situated ou ttio South East eorner - OflVest and PenkfratLEtveete,fronting -43(1-fest-on—Potitfietritirdßo7 feet on Went 'Street.• This le ouo of the most desirable buildina lots in the 1 borough. lgjum. Also a_Thrett Story Throßing House, built of Brick and Frame, containing 8 ! rooms and kitchen, with all the modern " improvements, with stable and carriage 0 . • 'house in the rear, situated on a lot of giound on West Loather Stroot, Carlisle, containing 02 foot in front and 240 feet in depth, a very desirable residence O. P. lIUMITIOII, ' Secretory, pro tem 12juuu 6, 750 IVITLES U N I O PAC IF I Are now finished and , In operation. Although this roadiabuilt with great rapidity, the. work Is thoroughly done, and le pronounced by tho Bolted Staten Cemisembeis to ba trot-class in every respect, before it Is accepted, and before any bonds can be Issued upon It. .Rapidity and excellence of construction have been secured by a complete division 'of labor, and by die-. tabutlng tho twenty thousand 'men employed along the lino Ibr long distances nt.once. It is now prob. 'able that the Whole Line to the PACIFIC. will be Completed in 1869. ~ ;The Company have ample means of which • the Government grants the right of way, and all • nacos _ "nary 11mbor and other materials found along the line I of its oporationn; also 12,800 acres of land to the mile; I taken In alternato muttons on each side of Ito road_l also United 'States Thirty-year Bonds, mounting .to front $lO,OOO to 818,000 per MIN according to the difficulties to be surmounted on'thM various seCtlpos • to be built, fotSvhich It taken ri. second mortgage-as— securiti,und tt.la expected that not only thq interest, but the prinolpiti amount May _be paid In. Rory Igoe rendered by,the' Company in transporting troops, waflb &c. , '. : • , AIININGIB OF TEE UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD;, item ita Way or Local Business only, during the year ending June.39th, 1818, amounted to over, irqur Dollars - ' which, after paying all expenses was much more than' sufficient' to pay the Interest upon its bonds.. Thosu earnings are no indication of the vast through teethe that must follow the opening of theiltrto.tho Paclfleibut they co: tainly prove that, , • FIRST 3 . MORTGAGE .:BOLDS: upon such a property, costing nearly . t hroa thaws their amount, : ,4 7 • it:. • 2 , 11. • Aie, Lntiroly :Sec*. -" Tho Union 'Pacific Bonds run thirty years, aro .for $l,OOO each,'and have "coupons attached. They:. bear annual interest, payable on the first days of January' and Julymt - 21* ckirnisaliy,s",qlllcairi thuoity ofTlest York, at theratottalfr,pesconE:l4 gold... The prin• clpal is paydblo in geld' at - rnatinity. "fhb - price 'ls 102, and at the present rata .of gold, they pay a liberal Income pn their cost. •• .A 1 ,0 3, Important consideration Ati dsterrufnhig , the value - of these bonds is the.fength , tfmc they, hare to , ICU rioll-furOwn that ado 4 g bond clout-a doniimuMe a much higher price tlian a short ens. it Is we to assured that during the, next thirty, PM' 8, nu, ra ta I of intarestitithbyliited /Retail will'drollnotatit- has dorm in Hump, anduve.have a right, ;a - leanest that such'aix per cont. neural..as - them, toll I be' held *4. as high a pretelurn as those of It his Ooyertanont,, which, Ins,4Bs7,',wera bought In , at from go A0'2,1 por• cent. shelve , tar. The os.Port' demand 'Mime 'may' .pfodlucu this result, arid ~as the issue • of a ; private. 'corpomticinithej are buybiul' the reath -of political ',The Oomsan'ibellovo"tket - their nt' the present rate, are the cluatierAt seourlty in the market , and the right to advance the price at any time is 'rosoryorl. Subscriptions will. be rpeolvoti in' by ; ' • end in 1 4 11' L ,„ \• - ' Now York • 7At 666 pat4'i -204=4 , . „.: '..' i , " .'.' ",•• . :inV.T.' •• . , ..; '•"i..'' :Jelin .t: Cisco , t, Sen.' A ./istikers. N0..89 ValkSt, ,Il And by the CoidliiiiiiTi advertised agouti throughout I 1::! - .••theAtikitod States. !Itemiltancei,i)sinild be snide in drafts' or other. funds par in New Ilicril,nuid the Jiouds will be sent fre of • charge by relliins' epress,.- Parties subscribing . tbrough . • 10,,cit agenta,isiftb3noles to tbsin.for tbeir4ifo deliniry.. --,it-rmaillimt-Mirejorfiroft-1868-unalugt—treir .piablisheaalthis,qOpspanyi, giting.fullertnformeition, thatl.s.pinisiblein etindsortisomout, rosbuspni the Singtosentriyoric;.this 110:mousses of the Country Unversed . t4o Itosd, , thp Moans for- ConStsuotioni.• tiled the •Vo iiii of the Bonds; which sellrbo"sent fan' on appticatiori nt,thoCoolviitly's Once or . to o tiny-,01. thd itelVerthekl ;natl. .. ..;.-. ~ . . • .., , ' 5 ." ....1011$1 . 'J ClSClVirdrdd-wi b1e.w..i.04e,..„.•.:,.... X • ---.-- , 1-..•-•, , , - E ,,,,..,,tgAh r :_ ;;..,., 1"..A vary deal able Brick Dwolling tK-us. on Wont n js net, hotwoun'r nirret• and Borah. Pnasoadon give 1(0.-TeglIPI16MVS:414re°'''',4PP)Ytitt WEAIiLLY.. A'r'' - 'i'- 1 ' ' ldatingi.' t ' • ' ' -- - ' —' ' • • ----- .-_ „.., • .. A. L. sro:Nsum, Itonl Estao Agc A. L. spoNsixit, Estate Agont or THE RAILROAD REAL-ESTA ALTJABII ' Y 1 EST 14' • -, • AT PRIVATE' 5W.1.,14.. The.Ereeutere orbit - a:Oa - tido ofJohillitabori Will offer at PrlvatelishfAuntil tholidlth day of Octo- UrirJSSlirwiremodraideted at BUblle_Bala-thcb following valuable a'S , • iv • •• • situated in West Penusbortr tnnabV;'Cumberland notinty, Stabs of Penntrylvailie,l.bottridOd by . lanai; of Samuol Myers, Salim' Plongh,BamtterAbrams, John If. Bricker J. Snydor and Capt. J.!.h, Elliott; contain ing' 162 A CRES more or less. 'Thistalikis located.in ono of the most populous districts of this - great agricultural valley, being 8, miles, West of Carlisle, and about 8 miles East of Nowvlllo, having tho Cum berland Valloyblail Road 34 mlio• and tho Turnpikh near twat - Milos fron; its Seidhorridlolindry, tboßtabti! 'Road 3,e, mile and the Conodoguinet Creek near two mile!! nom Its;Northern. Boutularyrwitb- a public road near thdliintsb,lriding fronithit.',Rock to bargers Mill, intersecting the framer, great Ihorough • fares at right angles, render( this farm easy of access, convenient fat' travel-,.pad trad o , .close ;to schools, stores,'shops, good 'Mirk, ta'and blnelllis. It be also located, on, he roam, oftho Iron 0 o which opppr7 - .scaly °stands east to , Weet-threugh4 hb 'valley; -one. field bearing strong, itidicathios of tide valuable •• •• • . Tho soil foot the best quality of 'Limestone; .some what rolling, and all Improved/tied arranged Somas y •harvesting with "Plower and Reaper." This (Mtn soli Is made more highly productive, from the Met that dyer 7000 bushels of lime have been pr trilt thereon during the last three - years: -:Thp fences r \e t ti good con. dition,y 3 of thermbeing of - flocuq -Con and Chestnut Hail • • There is anoit.ls limos of young and •thrivirig Oak Timber upon the, premises, end, also a, large quantity, of superior Locust Pests. The Orchard contemn upwarde of- 70 dirterone-va rieties, Besides a large number of choice grafts, there aro also Cherries - , 'Orepee, Peaches and s other choke . . The )Hamlett lleuso and Kitchen are nearly new, being partly Brick and partly Frame, containing 'll rooms. Near the door Is a large 'cemented eintate, a well of never failing water, a new. °con, • Smoke- House and other outbuildings there is also upon the premises a Bank - Barn, two Hog rens, two Oranartbs, two Carriage Houses, Corn - Cribs, a Wagon Shad, nearly now, end other sheds convenient and necessary for farm purposes. •• • The exact number of acres in the farm to be Ascer tained by surloy. 'Terms easy. Persons desirous of _purchasing or viewing' the prspertywill call upon W. 11. Bricker, residing upon the prenaffek -- -upon John 11. Bricker, residing near the premises. Perscitai desiring information by mail will address JOHN 11. SMOKER, Executor, Nowrllle,OumboilandCeudly Pa. Lancrister I.4amincr copy t. c. and sand bill tq thin office. 28au = • • pUBLIO SALE OF A. VALUABLE MILESTONE FAILM. 0 . • n• lesday, Sefitcniber 15th, 4868. ~-.The subscriber will "offer• at Public Sale, on Mei promises, his - large LIMpTONII FARM, situated in West Ponusluiro' township, this county, about 634 miles West • orearllslo, and % 4 . of n mile South of Grosson Station on the Cumber land Valleyltallroad. - The hnproTemonts aro a farms DOUBLE-14OG •HOUS.E, . _ I a I .. FRAME WASH-HOUSE, 7 I I a largo DANK, BARN, Corn Cribet•Wagon Shedes,'llog Pens, and• all othbr neceseery outbuildings. Ct con harm 170 ,ORES , more or less, haw a tine Young . Apple and Peach har Orcd: f well of never ailing .water Is on the property, two cisterns -also a largo Pond which furnishes water for the Stork throughout the entire year This property being situated within.% of n mile of Creation Station, where there is a Warehouse at which the same prices are paid.for produce as hi the Carlisle Market, At is dpeclally desirable. The lend iv of most excellent quality and will produce es well as any other in the county. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock em said diy, when terms will he made known and attendance given by 21aug.3ts. - • - JOIM . DIINHAR: ASSIGNEWS SALE. . . OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Friday, September 18, IA6B The subscriber, &slum of ,Yheosiore__Willett;Twill ee liii.TflibliFeTilow the ptenilses, In the 'Borough of New Cumberland,. Cumberland county, Pa., the following. described valuable real estate, via No. 1 A- Throo-Stqry 1111 j. BRICK HOUSE auated On Market Street No. 2. A"PIIIILIB-STP111,7 BRICK ROUSE, sitiolning No. 1. Both of these properties . are situated on Market Street, each having 10t5.25 feet _front try 150 l'eet In depth, and aro In erery respect most desirable residemes.• No. 3. A TWO-STORY BRICK ilOll9B, with STORE 110011, 85 by 18 foot, with WARE 1.101.181: and STAlll,ESin.the_rear. ' This building bas a front of fifty foot 0d.5 - larltit Street, and 150 on Railroad Street, and is ono of Um most. desirable business etc tois in New Cumber. land. The attention of capitalists and business Men Is directed to this sale; as similar opportunity ,for im vestment, and to Wenn 'first-class dwellings or business' Stand has never before boon offered. Salo to commence at 1 o'ciock on timid day, Wlion attendance will be glyen and terms made known be IL W.-VUSSIVELL, ssignPo of THEO. %V 11.61,.TT MEE SALE OF A LIMESTONE FARM On Saturday, September 26, 1868 . The subscriber will soil at. Public Sale, on tho pro:111;1es, on -tho- above ,day,..a valuable -limehteue farm; situatodLon the StaieJ' ]toad loading 'from Carlisle to Norville, i miles,Welit of Carl tale, about miles West of Plainfield and nf a milo North orA Iter ton' Station, on the Cumb'd. Valley It. It., In the township of West Pennshoro, this county, con taining 34 ACRES strict measure. The improve monis aro a good STONE ROUSE, with Kitchen attached c;ovored with tin, a tine BANK BARN with Corn-Crib attached, a never failing well of Kato near the door, and' a largo -cistern at-the house. It Is ell under good psst and rail and stone fence. The land Itself is of tho best quality of limestone, and is a most desirable_ property for any ono wishing to purchase a delighttul home. Side to commonca at 10 o'clock on said day, whoa terms will ho made known by "21aug 00-to. ISAAC LRFUIIIt. .PUBLIC SALE. The suliscl (bars, ExecutLrs of Isaac B. Parker deed., will son at Public Sale, a,s, the Court House, In Carlle'e, on Saturday, September 12111, 1868, at - 11 o'clock A. M. Thu TWO-STORY muck irousE nod LOT of GROUND, situate en West Main As Street, In Carlisle, and- which Is at pres ent in the occupancy 4if Parker J. Moore, II I and which - contains Omit 40 feet trout en —•— said stout. and 240 foot In depth to Dickinson Alley. Resides the Dwelling Mouse there 14 on-the premises a large 800 Stone Statile pod Cafilrge house, , and an inbxhaustable -Primp of Water near the ACltaton door alt diceSsary out bu ildings. ". 'ferias coaddlinewn on the day of sale by • . JOUN IiftOWN , PARKER,. • •' Plit4D'Kt WATTS, ' • . . . Executors of 1.11. PARKER. fidinifter copy Om. 4 2lang. 6845. . • • VARM .Y.r,,PRIYATE SALE. The subscriber, offers at privnte isle his lam, sltuatod on.thoTtiriipiko leading to' Ohaniborsleurg, ono milo west at Ourllolo,,contllning'slxty . (60) acre s more or loeP. ' • ' , The land is in a high: state of celitvatlors 'the :im 'pi ovoinonte erellret class, while Ito sit ustions.:lB% , un• equalled. • Any porson dosirineto vlow the prernlsos can c losO'hy coil) rt; upon the subscriber who roSldoo thereon - ~ 2 1oug, if. , T.JITIANDON,-- T A lot °litho weld lido ofikinthiltituoi‘er 'Street the Borough of Oarliioo, 00 foot &put and 230 feet deep,. Ou the lot there le a good' TWO STONY r FitillaE DWELLING now occupied ,by the p owner as ' Nadler Multi, Thorn in an -10 feet in width at tho foot of the lot, communicating' wlth Pomfret streot:, l'oniession will be given hunter. diatoly, Ternis utak. !For furthi.r partlealarato intlro of ' WM, CLEPPER, ,!J 7 , • '. ,No. 20, South Hanover Bt, ' ' 138.tf. T - - -- "' - '''' -4 • • '•' 4 ' • " 7 A GENLIEMAN9III). , , ~. 4 , ~•••, mown; ,AND„ SHADOWS ,OF THE GREAT RE DELLION,• '.,Containing Thrilling': Adventures, ering Deeds, Startling Exploits, and Drarvelons Ee• pex of Splesillsouteand 'Detectives, ' 4 ,"., ' ;The cheapest, niost climpleto and inionsely Inter esting war,buok yet published, containing over 500 ,Tacos and numerous engravings; Prise 'only -- s27b: - - Send tor, olroulara and terms. • AlsoFAlittriy9UAltTOllllll,blit,,bset e4itiOn pith; • WIA4Ard-ELlisiT; ruPlisier, .i'- ' . •,' ~ • . :4 1 '394 V4P4:3•4 wytinut PhDs:, yik:, ca.inlig'ou-iin••• .• ' .. , -•,• .• • .N of OTlOE.4:,:tetfors Administration; • 01.r1restdmenlianciemsi on the , entafe- 'of Doi de, dodo., Into or Parllalelliiiracke, having been' gten tr t e Y,r airs ' u l lis e rrlt t i:ac 6 ll - pt i s " o 4 ne f k r Ug th n it t Vetil ,e+lveAlndotitial do elitate aro reguesrad , to make 'payl unolof and those haring eitilms, *talent bald , estato.to , iptesent them to '',- • ~ ',' • •"! n WM dill! AEFIlit,--,, • a .. 4 4; t ' I 11 . • , ::,! .. ; ,• I :;•it',.. , •• Attur.l,l',4 had, 7. ' ' -4 " i -0, 1- , ' - No. 20, Weer ?ditto' t.,'Ettrtillio. - l'l 'lneilig,i3i: t'. -,'• • , —.:: F —,---.,±,- ).O.?,OIJTOR'S' N0T1C11.3.-uNotjosi& .` ' ''' ' ' TestAibpith nci't ' , licreby,givon that Letters t, ,- lie . . e MU; orllebeCca Weaver, lath, or Now I II:IWO, dec'd., have been Wind by the Registei' to'illo. r Vilses :derslgned. All persons having deltas will 'pedant jp,eavfQr_pitylp,9nt,atr uOoKp ipowing thuiutiAtql In debted' wHiAnalin .11,nidetiletu eettlotneut with .. ~1 . - .. - - .... . - ::D.A.NIEIxWEAVEIi,. .. .• - - .Exeoutor. - iraugSt ,1... .FaiSTATU 4 N_OTJOBLAtLiirt 3 rof, ALL! ministration ou tho ostatd of Lori Lino, deed . , tof East .Ponneborough tosinship, have boon Is alma LY - thi) Register of Cumberland county, - to - the iiiiitissithf flisliiinifin; the imam Yiotive Mireby givou phrsoni - indebted 'td`oililti — Ostotb Ito mago payment, and those having, ,claims, to - pie sent Mom for paynnini to ; 1 ';; ; ; 0. DARE, - • ; Administrator. 131July•Ct , Ittb - Advertise in the HERALD : IpITBLIO 8 ATM (SF REAL ESTATE: , • On Frlday the 4th day of Beitember; kith 186/1; at 12 Molocloloo 11;bollitild ;ore if preMlailq lag tub - lake tract.cd•-litid.4lV' 114111db/a 7 1o7iiiiihlp, threq,rallea Norf,ll East ; , :the lan dlur burg road, confalnlnt oneatnifdred ; thirty-tyro 4122) acres anditirty. 40Aarches:_Thli_tractnliand brbeinadodbliblialan Ohrlatlah'llfinre,Jalnes Mid William graham. W. Noodle helm, Danlel.llmbhol, &Elea - the Conodaiffulbet Ordolf..: 7 • • Th9TP. k r r . rt q' r q D Oa - -11'0,1713-EL:- tvrollUme,'Clnktograild ihn — Other Shoil;llag Vat and other madam*. , out • Therela a n . Apple Orehardi on , the !Min ' ''. MA': ONT . fruit treini; Peacheiri Peair,-Oharilea; &el- , • i', ' • The farm la In a •goifid. stata'ofoultliatlon having bedn nearly all -limed, and Mall cleared except about tirenty-flve (25) acres; irldcble covered wlth — excelleit; timber. - . , . Zd: Afso on the mine any au d at the same plate, a tract of Mountain land situated . in Fmnkford town ship,' throe miles North Eatt:or Newsille„ bounded, by lands of Peter)l3lers,..Chatithlta Myers, lands lately of Jacob Martin and' JohirilelElis;' containing twadty, sir (20) acres and ons7hitudeed4loo) perehes. ' , This tract is covoired".`mitli , golid; timber, Is about four miles from the. Miltisjon•Bartd, and 'du of away access being but about, eotiarter at mllo from the read,. • Torras of sale. - .tirade :'known On • tho' day of sale by ~ • • : ,SAMTERI, MYERS,. -4tti,..iti"tact tor the Vendor's. Eljuly-Uts . • ATALUABLE ., ItEAkTATATE AT " P R On Sciordak4toiibi;'6o, „ the anbacilber will Gall ab Pnblle 8&iO1 on the above day, on theliremises, situated - 1u Monroii ' township; on the York road, about 4% miles East of Carlislo, And about 134 miles West of Churchtown, the follow ing described valuable real estate, viz: d small limestone Firm containing ' FORTY- pIX ACR . ES, more or Ism ' The im prOvemonts _ are a - good two story. • _ BRICK HOUSE witL STONE KITOBEN, WASH HOUSE, aml othoi nomisary q,utbuillainge. - LOG BARN,„ - Wgoti Shed, Corn 'Crib, and, other...outbuildings. Good well of water, Cistern at m •hountt, Tine thriv ing Orchard of Choice- • The land is a good quallti of limestone and under good cultivation, a part of it having been limed this year.. Ws bligibly located within easy roach of Schools, Stores, Churches,blillii, and is In all respects a most desirable place. - . dale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Tang-ot< _ABRAHAM BOLLENDEROIOI. Q ALE:OF 'VALUABLE REAL -ES; TATS:-2headak;gelotimber 22d, 1868.—The un .dorsignad,; ozeentorofjohn-Zug, will , Offer at public eale,pn 'the ahoy° day, on the promises 'in South Middloton township,one mile End of Papertown, near lifullhdolower papor mlll, tim following real estate, to wit: 'No.l. Tho Mansion Farm of deceased, containing' 130 Acres, more or loss,having thereon erected a Large - Two , Stork -- Brick - Manalon - liouse, — Vontaining seven rooms and a kitchen, a Large Brick Bank Barn,. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other outbuildings. The land is in a high -state of cultivation and under good fence: '.There tea Wellof Good - Water at the door and .ono it_tho barn, and there is an Orchard. of Fine Ap ple, Peach, and othec trees. - "Mountain'Creek" pane es,through the farm. Nd. 2. Also, on the same day, on the promises ad joining the former tract, a Farm on the Carlisle and Hanover turnpike. at Papertown, containing 105 Acres, more or less, having thereon erected aWeather board,l House,Large - Brick - Bank Bn%n mud other out buildiegs..'"Mountain Creek" also passes, through this tract ;Fording es firbt class water power. There is a One young Orchard on this tract, arid the Land is well cultivated and under good fence. - Both these tractsmre .In' the. immediate vicinity of Mt. Holly Sprinis, a section noted for the salubrity of its cli mate and visited annually-by - hundreds - fir search of henitb. . , . - - 1.1q.-.3,-Also,Youc- Sou,- - of Timber - Lanch - the - fi rst con to I n ing 26 Aaron more or less, on the Carlisle Mid lien over turnpike, ono mile South of Mt. Holly paper mill, the-serond containing 12 Acres, half mile East of Mt..llolly'papel mill, the ~ thlrd.,,containing Acres half mile East of Sapertowfl; and the fourth;. In,Dickinson'township, four milca,South of Mt. Holly, on tho Citittysburg.road, centalning 7 Acres. AlEthese (mar Ito corrrnd with thriiing Chestnut. and Oak thither. ' Bale to commence at 11 &cluck A. M, on eald day. when . ,telins will be metle - kiwiwn by .. JACOB ZUG;: -'- , .E.l.,cutor John Zug:, . . _Tank 68 tc.•' i VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— - Bye Virtue of the. last Will and Testament of Bernard Staub. dec'd.,, we his Executors will roil at public sole, on Friday, the 18th Of September, et 11. o'clock A. 31.. his Alansion,,Farm on tho North side of tho Yellow Breeches Creek, In \lmmo township, Cumberland County, containing 110 ACRES 88 PERCHES of first rate Limestone Land. having erect, ed thereon 3 large and rommoßione DWELLING HOUSE ;; 11l • of • Stone - , Brick and Frame r a large new - - • BANK; EARN, Carriage Honso, Smoke House, Wagon Shed, and the whole farm weit c fonced with Locust. Poste and Chest. nut Balls. There Is also a first rate Orchard of Choice Fruit, and-abundance-of-Grapas,- Poaehes,-and-other small fridt, abundanco of water in Spring, and a Well that never fails. The farm Is about one mile from Churchtown, and Aix taller from Carlisle. TI is is tme.:ll the most valuable farms in the Tbere will also be sold-at the sarrm time and place, two fr.rets of Chestnut Land in the same township, containing I I Acres 20 Porches, and 10 Acres 40 Perches. These two tracts lie within about one mile of the mansion tarn]. IMM=6(Mnil BKIINAHD STAUB, JOHN HOUK, " DAN'I. SENSEMAN, Executor:. lEEE Lancaster Eraminer and Americtin • Volunteer, copy t. n., and send Llits to this allies. DUBUC SALE • , • OF REAL AND PRESONAL PROPERTY On Tliterclay, September ad, 1868 Tho Subserlbor,Xr.eauter, of the estate of, Abraham Martin, late or Prayikfora township, deed.; will sell at public. sale, at the late reaidence of said . Abraham Martin, on the public road leadingirom Alters' Mill to Blosorvill, In said towtmblp, tin:llollo'ring Real Estate cratild deed. No. 1. The undivided ?A intorest iu Saw Mill proper ty and Water Power in said township, known as the Lackey's Saw Mill. The mill and dam •lpro been recently. repaired and are now In good order: No. 1. A tract or Slate Land In said township, con taining' 1%. Acres,. more or less, having thereon erected a good, Twp-Story Log Ilouso Weather. 'boarded, good Frame Stable and other ituprovemonts. There is a wall at water on the promises, and a variety of youngfrult, consisting cot Appele, Peacheit and Cherrie.s. Tho land is In a good state or cultivation and will mak° a nice home. ' N 0.3. A tract of Slate Land in said township. ad• jolningW.-Wagnuer and W. Burkholder, coutaihing Acroc,mare or—loss. lot la - cleared, 'well •fouced a nd under a high state of cultivation. Also at the simo' time und.oince (the followina personal property will be sold, viz: ' One Bay. good forainvoik, one Colt nix months old,' cue - Cow; One Horse Wagon, Carriage. two Setts Single Harness. two Saddles ' and Iladles, Ploughs, Shovel.Ploughi, Orkin Crodloe and other looming Implements.. Also n lot of Hoy, Straw, Luniber. Augers,. Chisels, 'Planes, Mattocks, ,Shovels r ricks and a lot of Cooper stuff,. A variety of Ilmunliold and liltch4n Furnitueo, con , slating of Tables, Cook' Stove, Coal Stove 'and' other, articles, too numerous to mention. T property he pperty can be examined by calling on the promises. .. • Sala to commence at 10 o'clock A. AI. of mid day, when attend:tun,. will be nod. terms made know lij Execulor of ALm. Aturifn, ALU A I3LE REAL ESTAT 14: V P RYVA•T E s - A - r. , Tho sul,,erlber Intondinz to ',Minya from this State; offers at prlyato mai, all Lei• roal tatuto altuated at I,lob urn, Cumberland county, Pa., consisting of a naw .. • • with good Store nom, the buljding is:18 by pa, and is a most exceibrat'huhlu'osi atiodi It his' also a good Horn atterhed with- goon Cistern and a number of. Fruit Trees dud Gra'bes.. ,, ,;-„ , • • •, • • • i •• To Story PLASTERND . ItOUSE, :with ifrelOwd of Choice Fruit attached. '' • -TWO STORY 3,00 ROUSE. ; filth . largo number of TOWN LOTS willeb will be sold sloglo or,lu ,connexion ndth either of the above meutlouod houses as may beet cult the purchasers " • Lisburn is a thriving village on the Follow preenbe/dCreoli- within 7 miles of fliliviiiburg pad Mir chnnlcebiirg. Ie posseased of many natural miyantfikee suciras excellinit water power; &c., which' can scarcely fall to attract capital to ,be omployed in manufactures; de. The, torn boo already commended to impniva aed Wives' Ove7 of; speedy, and' prOonaropt '• if ,not Hold by ThUreday, Octobei,let; the',proli ?tarty poeltiVely - be sold at pubilb saloon that flay.' For torms apd other pavtintilailrapplY to • • • ' 14..gtut t'" , ''' - MAIILIAITET I PlATillilt VALUnXBDE REM, ESTATE On, Saturday, Seitentbcl- 6th, 1868. /r ir ,1 , 'hie4olibaiAtt 4iil f Ma l aiha l farm, sl 'eor itiated in nisi Younpliorot hiatriship, Ours borlaildirity, 2trolles West of itartishott, CIV,, 1 Ala South Virast' ar, West Pulrtl* cbritalall 22 ' ' Acres 122 !Maine; (otet!. lees, ) black ack elates - land, gooier nllgh`atato cultlratiods good' fence,' ailjohdlig' lands or Col. R. Y. `llaldoulart,t ; IL D. Illustiot and Otherd, havingers ; ntoti thOreon, Isms I - B 0K LI:0 Ti 8. 11 pic;;;Dtory lirlcli , ,Klltchon, ,bratao ,Wasdii /times nt tashl3o, a well otwater 4 the , door, altos Cistern. Vargil DANK DARN. ISO all itecsuary oatbulld• logs, also a detail, at - the harri. (The bull4lno are All, now, hartog boon: I)6lllt,ip yvarsl6o _}utt 1261.) There Is also a fine youpg Applo and reach plobiril of tetholso Frott near. tle,houpo. ; . I A pod .4We and potsesalott xo.oTeu day.f l z Apru4lo9. _ •-• Salo tc commons° at 1 tettfooi r: oh s'ald"-day; Rhea ClttrtitYtkl.l sde kn°W9 .; -Ar• I Volunteer copy;:e u ltuu loud t 6 t.blo Out4e. Thug ts. • HARDWARE HARDWARE HEADQUARTERS. _ ......„. , ~:.,. ~ "* E E ., 4.74j 3 JA : : . ..T9E' , :_ _ EAST - STREET Ctiriiele, Pa. - . . i r , - TN In iai.: P•Wat llf go 11il r i Perl. Ie -i 0 - buying, and Invariably of the, manufacturer, ; and always paying ottak v wsiPettus ~onselyea„that• we ran buy at the. chespegti.otfs 4 polllible,, , ifuld;its ( Quick Sales and Small Proilts is our Illifott6," . ."Wef4r cool!- , dent thatmte, can pleads our, runtime/A{ln ,every instance": , I. 7 ,i , , .1 -", i :,:.,,.` !,, • .'! ;,, 4 y . ', i . - We have lately ipurrhased our Pall :floods, and re- ducted the price of ens entire stock, and would advise Zuliderti;bfachaiilds, Parmersirand••.all those wilti would look to their Interest to come and examine , Oar extensive atO c k in the Singkiuith'a-iine .pOi ' ffa i rinered, -,, !, ',, '••" • ' • ••:. Englished Refined,' .• •, . ' ' , • *- -, ' ` -- 'and Norway Iron," ' -,' • • • • • atoll shapes nod SiZeit. •Purdo'a Horse and , • , : . - • Mule Shoes, • , . - Those and Mule Iron and; Nails, • limit, ' Spring,. _ . . ? , • Sleigh, 4 , • , ; -- Blister and - ' - , ••• ----Tusalleitl '',. English Wagon Boxes, also - Sledges, Drills, Viiiii -Bellows, Flies, Rasful, 'arid Tools cy every description OIIT'LERY Pocket aiid Table Cutlery, Buteleer Knives, Table and' ntteber's Steele, Barbar'a' Itar,ois and Bellmore. also Tenors Shame; 'Embroldmlng &lessors kh., In sadism variety orthe most celebrated 'English and' American makes. . . . Our Carrlige Wagon Sleigh _Elzturee `and Trlmminee are tca' extenelvp,tou enumerate.-- - CARPUNTERS AND BUILDERS supplied with materials at a very small, advance on •Manufacturers, Prieeff, • - .CARPENTERS T00.L5 . . . anal as . ~ PLANES .., .SQUARES, . OHISELS, - , SAWS, AUGERS, - • , , HATOLIETB, uotraEs, . • fIASISIERS, • AC tic of every vartety,seleetad :with. great, care tram the most reliable manufacturers and warranted. S A.. 11 D.L E R Y , .comprising-ln part Xvoo end Norths selfladldsting and alg Trees, Lfinnee, Saddle Trees; Collars, Patent and Enameled Leather, Hog Stine, Shark do., Blankets, •Reln"Web, Stirrups, - MUG - Buckles, Blom Om- - merits, tegether ,selth all the Fancy and Int prevedtiloods and Tools In•thls "department. S 0 El& A - K 1 7 .; R will find a replenished ;took of Lasts. 'Thread, Tools, &c., at reasonable figures. CABINET ?TAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS .... . will And Rod& In their lin% nick as IlAir - Cloth; Springs, Hair, Noss, Veneers, Mirror Plates, Coffin . Handles, Lace, Fringe 40., At a great 'decline PLUMBERS AND TINNERS Soldering Irons, Bar Copper, Bar Lead, Solder, Speller Block Tin, HAMA Metal, Sheet lira Copper, Braes, Steel and Wares, &e, tc , sold amen. PAINTS lirge itneli of NhlEe Lead; Red Lead and Zino/ , bought beftwe_thureclnt.iise,.l__comprising_lyether---- .111'. Back and I lberty Loads, Franck and Amerlcin Zinc., beside+ all the lower grades," altn (told Leaf Bronze. COLORM • Dry and in Min Cans end In Tube., Paiut,.Varnish Camel Hair, and Graining Brusbei of every diSerip Sion. , 04LS AND VARNISHES `4....>i Ltnie4,oll, - . ._ _Furniture -Varnish. _ • Eperm do., .. - Coach do., ' While do„ - White Lamar don . Lard do, Iron do., ' - / (Alvin In., - Leather in., , Nenta Font do., Aplrlt do. • TEA it (1 lab., . ._ Putty. s - I,ltharge, - . Whiting - . - Shellac,. - • • - -• _ Raft, -- .. . . Chalk, - - ~,' Alum. ' , . ()opposite, - - - . .Rorax, - - •11.1dder,--,---, , Loprood, Clltte,• PUMPS Rum.). , Douglass and Cowing Iron and Chain Pumre, with wood iron or lead pipo attach manta, guaranteed to lift water from 5 to 150 feet not to Freeze in winter.• • • --- POWDER, ♦ constan t anti fresh supply of Rook, end Rifle Powder, together a Ith Safety Fuse, Picks, %I attoeks, Digging Irons, Drill... Crow Barg, Sledges.' Napping Hasa. mars, Ac., CEMENT_, Rosendelo and Scotland Coniiut, Calalue Plaster, Purr. SAnd,&r., (ell warranted!rosh and good.) FARM. BELLS. "All sizes," "warranted not to crack?' Disstea 11111, Circular, Crtisscut and Satchel Saws "wareaated."-' ' (Mill and Circular Saws Gummed. CEDAR WARE. A large and uew assortatout °Yew:tar Wars, Ruch as Buckets, Churns, Tubs, Bowls, Ake. s, HOUSEKEEPERS 666iis-, Plain and Porcelain-Lined, Oval and Round Boilers, Porcelain,• Brass and Cr Jopper, ' Preserving • Kettles, Bake and Frying Pans,' il'aftle . a7lll • grid Irons: - Sad Irons, • Clothe Irringers, - Coffee Mills, • • Svittaniaand Plated Tea and. Table Spoons, Shimmers eau: Ladele,. 'Dinner Gokys. -and 'Bells, Beater Seales,• Large Iron KeOes,' Sheet, Zinc, Floor Oil ;Cloth, Stair, Rods. B I 11 .'AGES: '. . Lergeet assortment sod .Most beautiful - Styles-of, 111 rd i'enee. Cot Fiercer, 'MAO'. ;Nom .Ilanglpif Baskets, Se, G IT - N 6, Single and DOuble• Shot UoritytiliCe - Barrels,. Loam and Routitingi. BevulverY, 11 owl n Unlace; Cartridges snit any Rifle or Revolver. Powder, Shot,- Csigit Ac. FISHING HODS AND TACKLE, G ,E,Al7sl, If 4 'a 2, 2. , , f ; Fid pottion, and at tho . iiry, tiviost . . ' ' 2. • 1., 0 - : W 8 . ' Flanker Philliiig Beam High and Low Qatar,' Zeigler, Weirleh, Bloomfield, Beale and York Pinata Plow and Onitlyator, liandles, Casting!, tr on rilt any oe the 111.• e Noire ronntantly on bend. . , , UEI A -N , - attaight and Twist Butt and. 144 Traces, 6th (inaluq, flpreade an.l.llattoro,Jonkay Col and Pas Chains, E,LEZ.A_BE;Tii ' We irriagente fcr the patent luitiroved Measuring trainee. We guarantors them to draw and tnlasure cor rectly the hesitant 7dolae6es, 01le, , Tar, Tarnishes lc., In the coldest weather. , It arenolo , Agenta for Pairbrinkis Standard Bailee; acknarrledgad'the' bruit ahrerposti • IVE : ARE SOLE AGENTS PATENT EXOELI3IOII. ' 11. 4 1t1 'Maid In Mina and' Windows 'l°l , A:eluding cold, italn, Dust, and .9nowiwithoutmontloalng the . SA, V pT G OF. • " beilhea,uoaailaesikli . 'comtoit'ia no towel of !not ban command. • "CAMPAIGN" OAP AND (APES, 'firB"mmur.LnAlle ' , . 8 t 211 4. 1 WO. /fii ,igegT RIGEL STIttET, t+-H-EN.lty -13ANTOg. 2saug f 4 ., ' 3l '1 N t;i 1 ; " , ArPIV-AD*EiIiiSEIVEN.749.7 flidatlK & - . - WA. IT°. ;t:iriaird mt. eipnig; o f * .koit r_ FOB Ttin National Life Inauranca Co 1(;ft TUE ITEI? t STATIS: OP, 1 : ! 1", MAllif 0A , ON TIIR Biota of'Penneyhritnia 7 404 A outh- ern Nei! Jersey The NATIONAL LIFE INBITEANOE. COMPANY ia a corpoiatlet Ohaitered by Special Act of Cpagresl; approyed July 2 . 5, MR; with' a • - ' • Cash , .Capital of One - Million Dollars, . . . . . , . and is now ibbriiiiibly - organtsoil noO__pssparsif rdr business, ____. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitora; who .al6 limited to apply at our office. - A - Pull pm titulars to be .had on application at our .ottico,- located in the second story, of our Banking House, where Circulars 'Mid Pamphlets.' Jolly scribing the advantages offered by the Company. may be had, Applleatioim for Contra] and Washita l'eunaylva, oL to hp main to B. P. I:USSELL anager, Towaa•. de, Pa, i.o'. E. W. CLARK & - C(..).; ,'No. 35 8. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA • MEE= AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TUE Chicopee , Sewing, IVlRchine, This machine sold complete, ith table br only $B5. • :It makes the celebrated" ' • A Et:TlO "LOOK ST4VOIL, r _. ; • „ . usos the drop , or four' motion feed . heed by all Oris - machines. It Will hem, fell, tuck, cord; gather, quilt, bind, embroider, and do every variety of work that can be Ilona on any other machine. We war rant this machine to 'be the best in the, world. It ;has been doctored be to by the beet Judgos to .be, , found, and was' ardod the first gold medal, over one hundred and twenty-two competitors, at Parts. Wo will give a written.guaranteo to that effect.. ' Bddress, with stamp, -- ' . 3. D. ORNR, General Agent, 0220hostout Bt., Philadelphia! lmay 08-0 m AGENTS - 1, A GENTS I AGENTS 1 WAN 'T E ' Ladies and flentlemon In every town end city In the United States, to act avAgenta for AUSTIN - & COIL, GREAT ONIS DOLLAR RALLIS. We are now selling goods for one dollar that cannot 'be pnrehased In any retail store in the country for twice thnt sum, and are now ufferlng greater Induce melts to Agents than any other house 'in the trade. Our method of doing buelnees is • legitimate, boing - fair and honorable way of purchasing useful goods of ovary description at the lowest. wholesale cash 'prices. Send for Descriptive Checks ,in Clubs of ten for $l, thirty for $3, filty - for $5, • larger ones in -the same ,ratio,and receive in return, presents from $3 to $lOO or for Circulars, giving full- Information, free of, charge. _ . AUSTIN & 00., 'lO6 Summer Street, Boston,—Mass 2iaug 66-Im. N BANKRUPTCY. I Dostrt o/ c& United SOU; ' • - for the Eastern Distrsct of Pennsylvania. In the Matter of Samuel C. Prima a Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that a general mooting 'of crediten, of said bankrupt,ATtll be bold at the Court' lb. IMO ; in Carlisle Pa. on Thursday, September 108, at 10 o'clock A. J, before Chas. A. Barnett, ,Esq., Register,for the purpose of examining the cm- count of the ssignee, so that it.may be audited and panned and hobo discharged from all liability, prepare,: ' tory to a final dividend, and for all other purposes named in the Twenty.elghth Section of the--Act-of,, CloriirOss entitled. ' Act to estabilab utillerixV system' of bankruptcy throughout the Ignited States,'" : approved Mareh 24, DM, and for the transaction.of.- any with ',unloose ofany mooting or meetings under the Twenty.seventh fection of the-said Act fle may I I be onperlormed nr untionlhed . • Wed. D. SPONSLER, As Signer, of BAWL. C BROWN. VINE -CUSTOM' MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN All the LEADING STYLES ou hand or made to melons°. Prier's flood at LOW FIGURES. An_lllus• Crated Prico List with Instructions for self measur• merit Rent on recolpt of Post °Mee address. ' • Ponth Sixth St., ale vq.Chostnut PHILADELPHIA. _ aaug 05.1.. y TURNER'S LI ELF TURNER'S 4UPPOR.;TINI4 AND EXTENSION - PATENT E A C II L ADD F. 11 VAN BE USED IN ALL THE Forma Shown IN BOT.II CUTS THE LADDER Is headily Lengthened or Shortened SoltSuppotlng. Easily Transported, Conlerttble Into a. Stop Ladder or Scaffold. - IT IS ;USEFUL TO FAI!,111E118, 'FRUIT-01t0iVERB. - ! • MECHANICS, HOUSE KEEPERS, • PRICE LIST.` F.ert extra weight. lO,OO 30 Feeta...3. Sections (each 10 feet long.) " • Extended• length about 28 feet. • 10,00 40 Fret, 4 Seale., (one PI, two 10, and one 8 foot Extended length about 37 feet. 21,00 Otlter'el zoo . .1040 , rortion. (Aber ii• liiKOUllt to the trade. , • . Binglo Laddera iorwarded, froight pro paid. to neareat Station on receipt of 'AGENTS WANTED In ovory comity to calivaaiii and 1011. . Alma wanted, ,Energetic, Bailable Capably Men to Travel and eatabllsb county Areal,: For Circular and Terms addreer, . . Turner's Patent Extension Ladder, P. O. Box 2018, or No. 28, South 7th St; PHILADELPHIA, 21Jime 138..4m 2,600,000 Customera in - 2'our . " PATRONIZE, THE .REST' . Having the largest capital, most experienced buyera . and extensive-trade or any oensern,ln , the Dollar Balelnislness, ; • GUARANTEE 811,TISF4CTI9N in every'lnstaneo, and also I ho bee , aeleetlon or GOOdE ever offered at • • J ONE 'DOLLAR,EACEI, "'• - • . .. No.other concern has any shot° loherever.our Arias are -selling Our :motto., "Prompt. and liallabla/' Male and , temalo.agentsi wanted Inelty and auuntry 2- 7- - 'T. I IX"L 4.D,- 1 Are:partiturarly'requeated to try Ou'r popular club system of selling kinda nr.DRY AND FANCY GOODS, DBMS, PATTERNS, COTTON OLOTH; CAS. TORS, 'SILVER PLATED OOPS,- _WATCHES, Ac. (Establiabed •A petont you fountain and a blunt desertbiott an article to • be, , soidlor rdollar, 10elef 20 fors . 4 40 for s t; 09, for $0;q00 'Par $10; 'sent by mall. Free prosentn to getter up, (worth .00 per cent. tAirre , than thou oent by" apy,..other-colcernA. According' to clea.of club Send us a trial dub; oral notdo not fail to Send for a circular...' • ,;i .; • • N. B —Our aide should not be elesied with Now York dollar Jewelry sales or bogus "Tea . cornpanitm," digit la nothing of the sort: • sr; •••:. • ••' • EASTMAN A' KENDALL; . .05 Memover &trot, goston,Mass. 22may•IlikOrii; ' '" ' " . .. . ", in; • ,Orkeiu"—Trenien4wie ilhprereduntell'rnehlor the new CIRCESMI ;:, S 0 A.-P. The washing powers of; thia,Elosp Oro truly 'mend, lone. Ne...percon who his ever tried it will do with eutit.' "Its recommendations - are i. PUSITY, utter LIASJidLittnINESS and Wetiderful BPSIOIIINOY. WArranted.to -contain more-'lscashing power. to thL dollar's worth than any other-40p.. !the market— therefore the' 0111.1APHST. . Try 'lt. Satisfaction guaranteed, (If used according to directions) o r I MOJIHY4tVIUNDED. .I(cloallythustfeer ,ITdantga 1. ettir ed qu'lY hyi ;i .(OltdiSUS SSAPXOIIIOW... •.. t I No. 41t Yarkloro.i.(olfriforr Pidliidelphla Slang 68.8nt. y 7.. TL tho Pholr i w - te t; , • lixictimAlioii.J Plioeo r . •Pa ri _1 Ma fitraet, Carlisle l'a. • ~• ~, , , ... . NIT • , ANTED,' • i , Eiy -a.. - manteanturer, , ' • Agoiit,e•to , ..eiv, !v. •tamplii:," 4,ddrisf , •lii,ltli gist' for circular ,.'. ' . ri ', , ':s. , , ~ . I. ~ . t 0.4 . • •.... t 17,July -,1 GILEENI9 d 00., 414 Obektnut t Bt. Plllyd.lh.',, mzsdAiiividek BARGAINS! BARGAINS! I I have this day commenced yelling off my, entire stack of Summer Goode at greatly reduced . prreas i Orit • OAStEI v CIRFiNADINES, _ - . • LAWNS, -MELANGEE, - BARRED LENO, - .FRENCH FARADOLS, CHIME •POPLINS, A LAPACC4S. &e.. art, at coot MAACK_ _SILKS, • NETT A iVid Rl, cosi A lull line' of SATIN, SABRED -end STRIPED JACONETS. and-VIITE MAREIBIELES glider pries/ BIidADDL” DADSIAIRIIRSi" end POTTIErPANTS wrve,.Yq, , ; • HOOP SKllii`S & Bii.:IttORALE3+ :phefippr Ilan eyerlEnlqlnqtrprkle.„ .1 31unlins, , Tickings, .- • ' Checks, Sm.; at thraowest • ... Stockings, Corsets, Buttons and other notions:in great variety and very cheap.- . • TIELAINES; 12k, 18, anil . 20, OAT:J.66ES, 8, 10, 12i, CARPETS AT. OaS2', .Now is the time to secure bargains In all kinds of DRY GOODS as many articles will bo closed out less than cost. . ' .`, • CHAS. OGILBY, No. 47; : West Main Street, Carlisle Great Bargains in Parasols and ' White Quilts• 24july-68.' SPRING 18 67 B A-RG A. I N S. NOW OPENING, IN DOMESTIC GOODS DRESS GOODS, OASSIMERES, SATINETS JEANS, WHITE .GOODS; TnisintiNcis - zyttrthits, npatoirs, NOTIONS, /10 . , • RING'S NEW STORE, No. 65 WEST MAIN STREET. Opposite_tha_Mansion_lionso, nail W Post Office, Hist°. - WANTED A FEW GOOD AGENTS 1311 CUMBERLAND COUNTY, TO SELL Sartan's Splendid Engraving GENERAL GRANT Thio'llngraving id meeting with rapid males where ever Agents have been appointed, and all wishing to secure territory should do no et Q4CO. • • We are oliering extra inducements. to good and ex perienced Canvassers. Agents ceiling the Life of 'Grant should have, this fine picture with them. For te,rrua . ,*_, address. . _ . --- BAntttsO- - s do., ' 625 Minor Street Philadelphia. . 31juipit.v • • -- THE HOUSEHOLD GAS.,MAOHINE I FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS,RTORES, RAOTOR r-; OIE URCHES AND PUBLIC PUILDINOP WITH GASI Generates. 0,14 without Fire Or Heal! 4 The simplicity and saes by which this Machina Is managed, as also its economy and great merit, recom• mends it to public favor. Call and see machine In operation at the store! M NUFACTURER 16i0 SOLE AGENT,- . DAVID JONES. TIN Fil/INIIIIHNG STORE, No. 738 GREEN ST., 'PHILADELPHIA. 6.3.-Sendfqr Illkstrated circular. Llaug6S.3m. - MV.5.0 A ROA A ACADEMY. • FOUNDED 1830. The Fall Session of this flourishing Institution will commence on the First 'Wedneliday in September. The olsect Of the Institution je to_preparniyoung men for theractivo duties of life, to qualify pupils for teaching, and to train thoroughly such as desire to enter College. The instruction embraces the culture et Cho mind and heart, so that their powers may be well directed and applied, and a taste for intellectual pursuits and virtuous habits developed: leer furtherin formation send for a Circular. Ap -1,110210s will please address. • D. D. STONS, A. Principal, or A. M'DOWELL, A. hi AWL Principal. • Academia, Juniata Co., Pa. • I.ojuly•lims. ' • VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. - The svbscrlber, Intending to remove from Carlisle, Offers at private sale his residence, eitnated,on South Recover Street, N,os 95 and - - " The property consists of a • 'DOUBLE HOUSE, • , , :me park of which it 'Milli of Stone and the other of Brick, making two complete Donors, suitable for dwellings or places of business. There ace dl.o two Fr. run Buildings on the promises which !could' to very :readily by converted 'lnto dwellings. , For terms and other particulars enquire of the sulscriber, residing on the promisee. DANIEL It. KELLER, • It Not sold balcrrarOct - Flet-i£4lB, this_ property 1111 be offered at'nublle ante on ' , hit dey. Injune-tf VALUABLE TOWN PRCiPERTY ."- AT I'RIV ATE SALE. • The subseriber intending to removelbowthirVlllage. offers the followie g valuable town property In the town of Greason, Cumberland county, at private sale. Two lots of ground contaluirig each 40 feet front by 200 feet In depth to an alley. • One of the It ta hao erected.epontt a two-story FRAME' ROUSE', nearly new. . _ Lot No. 2, bast npoa U LAiR (4 El ',64-1:0%F in front, and a G 0,1) .8 q' 0. A131, E in raw, • • This would be ri - most excellent location for a Mechanic, being located In the midst of a most thrly. leg agricultural-comm Unity, and twe tillEtllngebelng well calculated Ins , that ;purpOie.• -„ - For tertilit'aell other Information, apply to the sub scriber residing on the prentlees: • ' J. N.-ALLEN. . 31july--3t. AAI.tYP 144 T 41/t-7.--'X4oi..,4clumber ' land County - Agricultural SOcleti will hold Ca annual !Tartest !tome at the Salt. Ground, on Sat urday, August 15th. Apptsprlite addresaea will be delivered and a bountiful coration prepared for tho eccaslon.. •-s - • ' . . s . ' r ~i .. I . „'; - i i , - 1 BY orderlsf the BooletY, • 7aug.2t. : TILOS. LEE, Jr., Rest. • FiSTATK,NOTIOg •Notiry je hereby given that tiarniTaetrimentir'y on the estate Ot A reborn idartin,,lsto of Frankfort; township, deo'd,, bare been Issued by tbo Register . of Cumberland county, to the undersigned . residing In the same , All persout intlebted,to, said .antator will taake.pnyment and those , hating Olattcus. Willpreabitt begirt:lr settlement tot ' t-Cu' ; a SATIVEI, pill MAN, . Executor. , ug-01.. • N QTlO N .r i stp MOO, ..hepby t given troveey, em er W. 1808, between tho bourn of 10 o'clock, A. M.. and 4 o'clock P. M., at the office of the Cumber land Valley Mutual Protection Company, at the Storm Tavern, in Dickinson Township. Cumberland county, for the purpose Of electing thirtolUldreators, to servo for the ensuing yeidc , Ily'ndhrenf the Boaid JOIIN T. QIUMBN, • ~Foretary. = N O al T i p aE " .i-,-r no T t o . d a le , I a a n ne e bp . g d i u v e on no to to Vren en „ b is P tt , n % LTA` IV: d j i4 h ol / 24 3=f46td4 ' ,., pocamber. 19th 1899. SNOB BTAUFNBR. 7aural. __Nisce,t,(Ade§. RINGS YEGETIIBLE ANBROSIA f5 ' N IS THE mumcLE,fir THE . AGE! Gray-rifertdoxi.TAc'tlpleTlllYo their locks restored' by it te 'the'flizrk; • lueilrovs. silken tresses of youth, and are happy! • YoungPeople,trith liWlit; faded or red Irai r. have these unfashionable colors changed le a beautiful.aplairn, and rejoice I People'':wlMsO ? itetuilt o - civeied r with Dandruff and Minors, use it, and har,• clean coats'and clear, and healthy scalps Bald-rietAcletti • Voteraips have their remaining locks tightened, and th.• - bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth Of flair; anti dance TOr joy ! ;- ; • : . — Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly parftimed! Toiiiig Ladies use it becnupe it keeps , their Hair in place! Everybody must and will use it, because it is the cleanest and best article in tie inarket I - For Sale by Druggists .generally 7febeEt-ly -I [ -4 AY IN TOUR COAL.- As the weatiier - ls now very propitloue, And the p ces are m oat favorable sbr, . the laying:ln of your WINTER!S COAL. The subscriber would offer hie stook to the public knowing full well the disposition of tho trade gener ally to.make many promises -to effect Sales. The sub. scriber would prefer , to learn the quality of the coal heTurnishen, Speak forlteelf and bournl be held to the following which are - hie old standarddj Ist. To sell none but the - B Bl' 'COALS to be had lIIIM 2nd. To roll no C•H BA P an' In the trade. 11. To deliver What his customers buy, aria not • to raiz with a ' LOWER PRICED aiticle Omaha tho prlco to Emit his solo, 4th. lielloTes in the princlplea that SCALES cannot be inmso ( without repairs) for a series of year s to the advantage of the customers. sth. To keep all kinds of roal to be had oleeuhere Bth. Never to • MISREPRESEN coal to make a Onto. 7th. To GUARANTEE 2,000-Ih,. to the ton. Atli. To give tho oustomeni tho advantage r A_NI CHANGE In price et the min. Dth. ie DtTERMTN , EIS. - . . to do , all In his Dower for the benefit of those wilt deal with him. Bond on your orders and ,you shall be dealt as fairly with affil on as favorable terms m any yard in the place. - , - . _ 17july 68 AMERIOAN -. ANTI-INCRUSTATION co's pvulcu, No. 147 South Fourth Street, PHILADBLPIIIK - THE ANTI-INCRUSTAI'O.I'jt. till renniVu scales from , lemma aril keep, them dean_ 'rider the lleitra' lose liable , Explosion, axd causing a , eat saving offuel. These lNernumEwra having__ ten fin sneccssfal - nse to last two years in many nt IC large establishments of hiladelphia and other parts of to UnitedStatesaud frets which to most flattering testimonial, r their luondolini saving 1p set and labor otco been r, OOK dttAtx GOODS ' vfi E pi) is Lie. Wejust returned from the EastAvith my Spring Stock, and ait usual, f am selling GoMis a little cheap er than any othei'Dry Goods Marx * . in •town.. I do not think It necessary to occupy a colunft of news paper to keep up my reputation for selllne cheap Verde, nor. do ,I wish to resort to chip trap to gull the public.' All I ask of them Is to cal and examiun for themselves, nod It not satisfied with the prices. not to buy. Remember the skatol No. lii North 'Hanover street, next door to Dr. Kieffer's, and Miller & Bowers Hardware Store: .... • W 31../.. 3111.E5. l'. S. I will ra) nothing about roy third and fourth grand openings. • Dapril-61. READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER AREiNGEMENT IifONDAY;,4V,GUS*7' 44. ~!A . . • GREAT TRUNK - LINE FROM TILE North and North-West for Philadelphia Now York, Reading, Putt sville, Tamaqua, Ashla nd, Shamokin, Lebanon; Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litio, Lancaster, Colum bia, Sc., Sc. 1 Trains leave Harrisburg for-Newt York; as 'Mlle we At. 2.00, 6.25; and 8.10. A. M, and 12.20, tmon, 2.05 and 2.35, P. M. connecting with similar Tral ns on tbe.Penn• sylvania Bail Road. and arriving at Now Yorkm,t 5.00, 10'00 and 11:45 A. M.; and. 3.19, 0.55, and 9.30, P. M. Sleeping Cara accompaning the 2.50. A. M. and 9.85 I.; AI. Tralue without change. / Leave Harriebtirg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minaret:lllo, Ashland, Bliamoltire, Pion-Grove,Allen town and Phlladelphla, at 8.10, A.M. and 2.05, end 4.10, P. M., stopping at Lebanon mid Principal Wa3 Stations; the 4.10, P. M. train making connections foe Philadelphia' and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill-Haven and Auburn Schuylkill, - and. Suaquebanna Railroad, leave 'llirrlaburg• 8.30 Pi M. Returning: Leave Now York at 9.00: A: M., 12.00, Noon and 5.00 and_B.oo P. NI.; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. M. ared_3.22.Y.:4l4'Slooping cars mcompauing,the 0.00, A. DI, and 5.00, and 8.00 P. M. trains' froin Now York, without change. • way .Paesenger Train leaves Philadelphia 7.30, A. M., connecting With similar Oar on East Penn. sylvania Railroad, returning fom Reading , •at Dl„,stopping at all Stationa.. Pottsville at ISO, yat' i d N. Ashlandl.o2 A. M. 12.43 - Ncon nud 1.6 K , P. Dia Talletigup it 8.30,.1,.01,.2.15 and 4.55 P. 111. • ' Leave l'Ottaville vla,Schuylitill and Susquoliani;‘ Rail Road atl.lo A, 81. for Harrisburg, and for Pine Grove. and Tremont,- , . • . ' Reading Accommodation Train; Leaves ItOadlue: at 7.3 n, A. Dl., returning. from I Philadolphia At 8.15 P. M. - Pottstown - Agronecomlation TrOIM 'eSetione Potts. town at 0.45. A. N. returning loaves,philmtelphis Tralhe lanyh' Reading 1.09, M.,'Whd; for EPhrati, MHz, Lancaster„ Columbia: k 3. ...-• Perklomen Rail ReeidTietins leave Porkkonow .1119 r. , Dion at 0.00 A. :Wand 0.004: Af, Return:l . lg : brave, Skippack at . 'o.lo.A. I:l,,'aud 1.25 P. 51:,;ronethrtIns, with similar trains on Reading Rail 'Road'. •' 09 Sundays:.., Leave New York s at .8,00, z :P. , Plitiadelpblet 8.0, A. /4.opd am; r. 0., the ..8:09 - A, • Sl:Trein running only ;On' .Saad.ing; /,15.4(ev Hie A.9l,,,lfarriektrgi 5.25, 4;;M and 4.10 and,9.05,..P. - :51J„ and Reading at 1.10,2.55 artsll.l9A:M•far at'7.013 'A. M and 11.40; r.'lll:lbr New York - And 9.261, P..-Akfor Philadelphia:, • , -1 , , , „I, PoulmiliAtlenekilloago, , Sesson, Schen:Riau:4 • , Snoop', - , COIL TiellotßAPA.tt frelu all pasta, At reduced rates, .•, Diggagwebegiceil o tgh;. 100 pounda allowed: o 9oi, rassonpr. o. Den. Sup't. r-fl .;1 LL it . , OTIOU TO Th. ' 49, ll ,Eß,P.7"&tiq, ', ~ Ilierohj given that tsif : lrogiSors: will bit.ent,: - '. , oyedlUtako charge of the. :0°05 ; 0. Pouri-,:tow . n., ship, commencing on the first of September: Selitad,... Will be given out on th e 28th day. of August. being ~ the day of examination: of teachers In said townships In Canterxille.,llberal wages ,wlll po .ppi .ect 0901, and competent teachers. „:,., .11 ...I 1. ~ .I IA I , . ' • By order of the Board, . _ ..._ . • .. . . O.A. KEL.Lh'Y, Say. ' ' AGENTS WAN-TE'D ".. inittidkairt Vox SEOIMITY LIFE INSURAIIicE:COMPANY, istidsonio compensstion allo wed good Agent, Address, ~11.A.:WICIDig LD,SpeolstAsrout, 628 Walmkt, Bt., khilsda. I.7julplm Fancy printing done here.','"•l' 11 BE II 013= tEg_PARTIEB having Bbl 1, ItS would do well to call al In Mee, and °lamina Ar., Sc. PAREIIRA, Presider EZRA 1,l; Ii ENS; Scc'y and Trvas 6June.3m