Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1868, Image 2

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- IWE'S":IIt :Z . ') •
J . A . Di JNB A R, • TVlditoiti 4.t TrdqiiietdrEfir-
0 A sr
,Friday Morning , An g lis t 28, , -868
t 3.
VICE PREirDin=BarliaDit
sußrn. onivr,,TACOB IST: CAMPBELL.
Caxonitir-SAIMEL EMALL;Ni:,
Sarvion-40IIN-ArcOURDY, Esq., qf Shippemburi,
Asseusa:4-OArx.,...LV. GISIL.of Shippenitylis.
-Mentor ATTonitir-1. D.-PARRER, of Oarlisk,
Comurzspe...ltoo49;_clf_ .
Ihnecron or Poon—JOAN SADLER, of .111'echanicsbytil
Adonos.—TlloMAl3 AtoiLIUNE, of Fall Itnnsboro'.
COUNTY SMIXEY6i—JOIIIki A. LINA, of Piclfitlion.. •
Conoxesc-JAMES Si. ALLEN, of Carlisle.
WE will fuinish the — fimumo from
this to the end of the-Presidential Cam
paign for the small sum of fifty cept.7.—
Our list is rapidly increasing, and we
hop 9 our friends throughoui tlie• comity
wilr assist in making it still larger. , '
THE Pbiladelphifi Post says : the
bemooratio pipers are busy trying' to
prove- that Horatio Seymour was loyal
dur / ing the rebellion. Nobody takes that
trouble for - Grant, beoause'it• is not nee;
tt VIRGXNIA'S vote for - Presidenrshall
be counted," says Hreen Clay Smith:
The law of the United States says it shall
not. What hi Green Clay going to do?
Ho says 11 - eisd another rebellion
to carry. out his edict I
THE WHIRLING TlDE.—That "whirl
ing tide" that Seymour speaks of, and in
which he was caught, pui's us in mind of
the "whirling tide" that Early was caught
in when Sheridan travelled afterhim,
and sent that great Derimeral whirling Up
the Shenandoah Valley.
TUE premium on gold has risen about
'seven per cent. since the, New York Con•
vention in July. This is , not at all sur
prising, and it will riot be surprising if
it shall Continue to rise until after..,tho_
election. If theria wjereltny prospect of
a Democratic victory it would; of
-hoot up like a rocket.
i. KENTUCIC.Y has been carriati- for the
Democracy by eighty - thousand majority.
So much the worse for Kentucky, and
little anus° for rejoicing to`the Democra
cy. They carry the Five Points and
'Bedford etreet by majorities of the same
ratio. Wherever their guns thunder,
there are suffering, wane., and crime:—
The choiieu holucaof Democracy are ul
cers on the body politic.
'''7lr another civil war.should come,"
exclaims the monster ort'b'cirt Pillow, ‘ '-
want: no drones in my drUin of bees."
That is, he . will wait till his enemy stir.'
rendels, and then he will slay his pris
oners in cold bloc, Doesn't General
Forrest .talk pretty 'hld. for a paroled
prisoner 7
Oun—Democratic — exchanges are piib
lishirfg a list of fifteen Union Generals .
who support Seymour and Blair. Two
of the number have already prontinneed
for the Republica]; ticket. Five more
were,retired in disgrace during the war.
(lee of the number has been court
tialed and punished since the close of the
Two were never in any engage
ments; one is dead, and of the remaining
four, Slocum is the only one deserving
of favorable attentirn':'
NEARLY every Southern delegate to
the Democratic National Convention was
a Rebel. 'Hardly one of them had been a
loyal Union man during the war. These
men nominated Seymour and Blair, and
every Southern rebel supports their noM
ination. Every true and tried Unionist .
turnA hiE,,back on it. Keep this Wore .
the 'people.
Fr WILL be recollected that Vallen
digham was_ refused admission into the
Philadelphia " Bread and !Sutter" Con-
Vention„ trio years ago, on account of his
bad politiCal TOM. But in ,the Sey
mour anti "Blair Convention he. wag an
honored leader. Yct in biaeoent speed'
at Fort Wayne, he said : " Every opin
ion ever uttered by me—every.tientiment
expressed by me from April,lB6l, to the
close of the oiyil Tu., commands my as :
sent, -and - pravails to•lay." -
ONE,of the Western papers prints the
following as. the certainly' appropriate
Dentoer'atio'earripaign .13011-g
-"Nigger, Nigger, Nigger;. ,
.710grior, Nigger, Nig, v. .
Nigger,,Niggoy, Nigger,
Nigger; Nigge,r,,Nig.t!.e!
There is a little "sameness" about it;
but it eontains,pretty ranch ; all, tne 'argu
ments found in • Mr. Blair's letter. We
recommend the: melody- to the, donsideraf
tion of our frietul'i the junior.editor_of_the.
Caucasian. He might Sing it to the tune.
of tho plaintive Ethiopiamsong, " POr I
am goingio' Canadar
Oun W.tnows 11110';.0itriLiN5, 7 The
incomes'r of tho'wid we add orphans who
are peiittioned hedau 'l3 thdit husbands or
fathers, wore killed b the robe's, depend_
upon the orddit-af th Carinerit. The
Demobricy advocate' practical repudia.
tion, which will destroy this credit. The
lieboliwould,rojelepAtiegger_thc Bur,
vivora Of those whom they iiterV;4 4 ' in the.
prison pans of the 'South.''
the-.face of-these plain facts, we have
hoard tip):
dierweven-in - .this:Ownty,
the receipt of ionsienij' from thci CFOreier
of, voting' for Seymour and Can
it be that there short elgl tell
as 0)'770t0 ,their.l?reta 'ollfo7:their own
mouths? •Ehi1.6100410q41.61441041m64
incredible, • -
(i •
But a little more than six we,Olislinter
,.vene between this and the 000k - elec.
P/ 2 . -In that filled time a greati :4100 ,
s hard and earnest work must be l id'pjia't if
we , would secure , the State Or' MfiT:
DANIT and CArainuniftrid , time render
it 'doublfcertain for' GRANT and COL- in Novembe - r. - - We lope our friends
in 'this county ; win - adoptan entirely now
mode c"o`ndlicirng the_ campaign. Long
pfccessions,,lnTgem l etngs , and e ' oquent
addressee aretill' vey . y.iie% arid,:donht
MSS, itiietiaccom — phsli greatanirglacous
results';;: pierafinal . e/fo"o,.oid•
untiring '-energy.ithat greatest. and'
permanent geed ean'be'ttecomplis*
ed.- "Noy does the, one Method Intelcfo 4 , -
viiththe - ; other:_ The' Platform - mud-the
Press must continue their, work !in the
education 'and enlightenMent of the
-masses of the peoPle: - Persenal,.effore,
on the other hand,. willreachverymaany:
'that indiffOrence and prefudice prevent
from being effeotcdin the other manner.
Tliousands. of meninea'se thertselves, as
it were, within the i3hell of their Political
. education-and prejudice, andSabsolittely
refuse to listen to an . argument from the
'Platform, er ; read a ; ,e9lumn of. solid rea
soning in the very•best of our journals...
These are the men upon-whom individtzill
effort willalone make an impression. A
man who knows his neighbor and ,haa
confidence. in his. integrity, Will listen ,
with afar better attention-to that neigh
bor than he will to the man whom he
knows alone as a politician. A sound
argument coming from him will do far
more to 'convince his mind, than a whole
column of the every keenest logie'lie
,Might be induced to road inn partisan
journal, in which ho has no faith. '
In short, thou, what-we-Wish to -im
press upon our - mailers is the absolute.
necessity of each - and every one of them
taking ad active part-id the present can-
VaSs, It is a saying almost threadbare,
- but - none - tho - lesstru-orthis--is—the-most,
important campaign upon which we ever
outered. Upun its issue 'depend results
which will not onlyeeffeet us, but - the gen
erations to come. ,-All-whO desire peace
and prosperity , throughout tlio length and
_breadth— of—the-land- should—ally — then - 1- -
selVes with the great Union party, which:
under the leadership of GttAi and Col,
FAX is destined either to save-this-Na
tion from the rule and ",ruin df_unrepen-_
taut and threatening repels, or to go
down with the free institutions of the
country in 'the general anarchy and des-
truction which would be sure to folio*
the success of the Rebel-Democracy.
The Republican party, in spite,of tinn
ed treason in the. South, • and rebel sym
pathy in the. North, suOceeded, after a
severe and
,bloody war, in suppressing
the great Rebellion.- SineO then they
-- lrave - Aevoted - tin3irtrest - energies - tp:effee
sueh..kreeonstruction as Wilrindure for
all time They have ahnost accomplish
ed - thi§,:iiini_one, of the results of this
. eampaign will-be to determine whether
their great work shall be carried to cony
pletion, or whether what is already done,
as, Frank Blair boldly proclaims, and
o_ver_whieli-h is-rebel- supporters-go-into :
eestacies, shall be overthrown, and the
priiiciples for wldoli the traitors of .the
South did battle on many a hard fought
field, be established lit the ballot-box,—
in short, whether cfloyalty shall rule. what
loyalty has
,preserved," or, whether trea
son, defeated in:the ordeal of arins, shall
gain. quiet possession of what it went to
War to destroy. And - We firmly believe
that there;tre thousands of Democrats in'
they land; who, if left to theruseltes, un
der the inspiration of their early political
education and prejudice, will vote for
Seymour and Blair, who, if the case be
fairly presentato them, notin the heat
Of partisanship, but in the coolness of an
unselfish hut; earnest patriotiern, will leave
the party that is struggling tu t make trea
son respectable and heap honors on the
heads of traitors, and - join- hands with
the mon who are doing battle to make
treason odious, and loyalty the 'glory of
our national existence. If' they. are
properly approached, and the danger
which threateris„ the 'Republic properly
c,xplained to thole, their partisanship will
surely give way, and, they will enroll
theinselves under - the banner of giblet
isni and loyalty.
and; just heie, permit us to remind
our friends that this work must be done
before the Ootobrir 'election, that this"
great preliminary contest will havoina
mense weight:in deterthiuing th© result
in November. Tlie,lirosileetie a bxight
tine, everything seems ,to be , cesepdiating
fo.nssure us a gloFieuS "reenit; and notfi.
in6,but apathy, indifierenee and idleness
can dofeat us; while on thh''ether hand,
Wor/c, 'work, earnest,, native and untiring ,
will givi us a victory that will render our
tasks ,heretifter . easy . and ,pleasant Ones.
ivhile w,o effort,
we moulii.not for a moment say Ought to
dis Courage combination and•orgablzation.
This is no less needed, no less absolutely
neoessary:,',Byerr 'Township; Borough,
and Ward in the county shenld liaye,
its voters canvassed,' its necessaryAunds
'raised, and itirdlubs erginizeil :rifithin
wseic at; furthest; !and We loge, in .a very:
ihor9uglf4Diganization otthe atopubliimn
partithr i p'4glitiiit; t4d, county ,, Lot a few
notivrolpirits take.tho matter is harlot at
once', ' . l:f the pren,'vr!ip: hnve"been your
reetnized leaders, heretofore, hack
and fairto enter upon_ the task,veith en- ,
Orgi 'and' entlinsiiteni;let.iithers'step
Iviir(4' and - t.44°:Mldir:,,i' 4 ° 6B : .MF:I49OTi
in a 'niattek , of4hial hind shouldstresty,ain
PO, It rki#o4#.o9tlY:ao:' , "irio; Pt, 11 .
tho might;and—vigor-thaVAs 91. 1 .
peat and gloriO# kinusO; ;
for. Ifart 7
but little . trouble- in adding thousands 'to .
theii:n4Oritiin . .NOvember. v'itha ice tlitt
Patriots, GO. to •Trorki
Republicans 'of this county hive the
-proud satisfaction of knpuing and feeling. :
It q itithey,hroie done thCir whole - duty; eo
ittat the d4y_of`yictotisonr-spAs,
dinneiiikely can 111 14.144:n
Ally Olcoi4Wilnd thid.
?,•::-),' . ..2:'"`"""'"!"" . :
'The Peofite tne
Dentwatic Record,
While-the Democracy profess'
filled with sierra lest - the negeoes.should
become, their equals, they welcome 3 cob,
.ored .delegate, to. a seat ;iiiltheir:Xiitiopal
Donventionranir-make-- - great-beasts
!securing- the, negro vote in- the . recce
'greeted' State's. pi.# 4 .f 9T we, f the since
grew of
moat_ eeste r .tio over the' fad" that "'bun
of:colered voters were in the Sey-
modr,,a - nd, 'Blair: procession at Macon,
Georqia,"_•tdid'.."that ' ' . thousands more
cheered •it oriwith a right- good will."
We might enumerate- many other in
stances that would go to show that,. their
profesirioni: of •feaqdre all affectation
while, on the other fin e d,_ they really are
endeavoring and struggling to drag down
this ' - nowly 'enfranchised 'race to their
own.polit(eat level.
Again their orators and journals are
indulging themselves in the most plain - -
go:of lamentations 'dyer the size of our
national debt and the consequeneburden
of taxation,: at` the .same time charging
nport .. the Bekblicanyarty:the responsi
bility' for haYing contracte"d it Verily,
must they think that our people ItaVe
short memories. The following facts
never will and neve'r . can be forgotten.
Thee Democrats. irMegdrated the rebel
lion;: the leaders of-their-party were:the
leaders of the rebellion; every State that
wont into the rebellion was a Democratic
State; the Democratic 'Lady opposed
every 'measure of the' Government to
- -
suppress the rebelliodi they discouraged'
enlistments into the Union army and re:-
nisted.the draft:even tO"the incitement
of bloody riots ; they gave aid and en
couragernefit — fo the Teltols during — the
whole War; they refused to give the men
who did blittle to save fWlife of ftict
tion the right to vote ; having forced
upon tlie-country,' without cacao, a long
bloody and expensive_ war,they,nceessi-,
tated the-creation of our present- national
debt, thereby •impos'ed upon .the people
the heavy burden of taxation 'tinder
which they are now groaning; and are
responsible- for_the high faxes, the high
prices-of provisions, and for all 41i6 evils
and troubles that grew out of that war.
And in the face of ail this, it must not_
bo forgotten 'that:they now threateda new
rebellion, should they again
_get into
power. A new. rebellion would of course
increase the debt; and render still more
grievous and heavy - the burden 'of tax
ation. •
Ah, ye treason-loving, rebel•sympath
- liing crew
in'the'past, and acknowledge your hypoc
risy in the present; and then hide your
'diminished heads away from the" - wrath
of an outragqd and suffering- People,.
The peciple will -41euet• forget that had
there been no Democratic. party, there.
would have been no rebellion. They are
titer - opportunity to inaugurate - another
one, and in that determination they will
vofe 'you down at the polls next't):To.
vember. W-hat they want is peace and
prosperity, anti a reduction of our na
tional' debt and taxation; and the only
way Open to that end is the success of the
Repa de
lican party, un:tr the leadership
of the great and iloriousGnAwr. -- They
have made up their minds upon this sub.
ject, and no sophistry or. shifting of re
sponsibility on yoUr part will serve to
turn them from - their, fixed and settled
putiose. neduetiOn of the Nationril debt
and taxation, Liberty and onion, Grant,
and Colfax ; aro the mottoes under which
they will March to u great and glorious
-victory—a victory the 'good fruits of
which will last through all time to wine.
Gr4nt .and Colfax':Clubs.
Nut hilt es many Grant and Colfax
Clubs have been organized in Tennsyl
iania as should 'lie in working order to
day, , To thelikapublican who readktlibi,
we have just thiS to say : If, in jthur'orrn
ward, district, or neighborhood,
_a - Club
has not been formed, lot not the sun- gO
down again , without doing something to
make.uP the lost time. If ode has been
formed, takb - the.. next: step, them the
next, and so (m g; till you have made it a
dead• sure thing that every Republican.
voter will U . cillhe polls th Octollcr. 'The'
time' is not too long, nor is it too short,
if the work is begin at once, State
'must: be carried in 'October.. That done,
the November battle will be more than
hair *on. Stand;therefore, "not on the
ordor:of year - going,7 but go at - onee;nna:
perform, the. duty which is required at
your hands.,
ONI thing the Dance:mats carefully
ignore. •.While they prate about the, in
orease4,Cost as. compared with
eight years ego, they are edreful not . to
inentionthat,thr faot ,is due to a war fo
which their party is responsible. They
loudly doe against - the worthlessness
of greenbacks, 'end yet "propose to
frore..tirp, ; te three.thOtisamtmillions more
.of them afloak , Ifit costs twelie delltu's
ih currency to buy a'barrel of flour l s With
gold atl46,lioW:ruiteh would it be likely
to; cost aftor. 'hes Bent
the figiiree tii'4o6‘or
REABOistg is'rio deriying
: the facflthat onergreat reason why Dem
ocrats hate Grant, is ,beoause_ h e v i al th e
means of killing off a quarter Of a million
:of! their voters--gererrilly known as rob
-also And,nrhour part, we Aloni,t hesitate
'to' nfid,: Oat' r o ottscvA Why ;We' knoW
Seymour is not fit for the Presidency, is
because iroridercd aid and emnfort to
110114=H;trderef4,_ linarter
Tied 1. 9 Iti faitizeiii3—=our-Uniori-votere:t
.*.Our Candfdate for Ciivigresis.
:•-••Tlia . _dmterees of York,-- . utn --- be - Ims 4 .
and Terry met at-Bridgeport,iitiffhe2o - tk
insta placed in -nominituijs* - 40:,
'Atottdilitaln candidate for CottgritatslH.
'tuti : 'HataLL, Esq., of York.'
inatiat - they did their btufintiis:Weil,anill
._ •
e ..
in' a pounder most satisfitciori to the R- - -
-p - riblicans of the District. Never apoli
tician or wirezpulfer, but - always a liftin of
and-generous _patriotism, he is just the
style of a man to properly represent the .
lettintateAta --- tlialdistrjetin ear Na t '
tional Legislainre.. His iutegrity;lis
public spirit, his philinduepy; andlus
devo.ted:l9PlJVi.s!!"khkP.ePiire.2foF Li m
the vote of every man in The district - w w ho
desires to :piimete the vielfarO of his
country: - • •., •
The nomination was not sought for by
.him; indeed it was forced ripen him, and
in this particular the Contrast between
hini and the Democratic nominee
culiarly striking. HALDEDIAF:. not only
sought hie nomination, but it is openly
and-emphatically alleged, by men of his
own party, that he actually bought .it.
Nor does the contrast stophere.
deasan is a bitter;iaaligliant Copperhead,
(at least at present); Small is an earnest
and determined patriot,. The former is
a man who moved into theDistriet simp
ly to get the ncirnination and endeavor to
beeleeted ; the latter is an-old resident
of the District, who; should he be elect
ed; Would serve the f;eople at. <neat per
sonal sacrifice.
'Voters of the Fifteenth District, Dem
°crap or Republicans, choose ye•befween
tbe_intrigning r i ebel-sy,tnpathizer arid the
honest, earnest patriot; between the, as
piringpartphin gortrtyearimt-bagger:, and
the unambitious, unassuming citizen of'
our own' district- : " -
" OUP Grendidide for Stath'Senatoi%
seen byrefereUce - tOtto . pro,
'ceedings of. the Senatorial Conferees of
37trilt aud.Cumbeiland-couniim-publish
ed in • another column, that , they have
selected Jews 4eCvEtnv; Esti,, of Ship
penshurg, this county, as the Republican
candidate for Sfate Senator
We hail the nomination of Mr. Mc
_CIJIUSY with giicere pleasure; tort
give him our most hearty support. ge,
is just , the. man •for_.the pOsition, a d if
brains weie the criterion of success, his
election Would- rtaibe for a moment a
matter of doubt. Mr. McCtirtuy is well
and farorably,known to the people of'
this county, having represented them for
two successive terms in the House of
Representatives at Harrisburg, where he
distinanisbed htm;elf as - an able debater
upon the floor, and a prompt and correct
business man in committee'. _.Should he.
be so fortunate as ,to be elected, the fn.
terests of the district would be safe in his
ibands, aslte has the_abilitfto advocate_
and sustain them, as well as the industry
to attend to them, Again..we say, jouiv
McCuhtly. is just the man for the position.
Thoroughly educated ;_intelligent, patri
otic and hi:Waist ; a fluent -speaker and a
food writer, he would reflect honor and
credit upon his constituents. W hope
be will *receive a lame support. ,
Gen. J. F. Ilrartranft
The Harrisburg Campaign, Telegraph
contains in its first number the following
very complimentary notice of theelmsi
ness qualifications of our candidata for
Auditor General All must ailruit that
it is not overdrawn, and that he, does
"guard the interests of the State" With .
an-Argus, eye, and will be continued as
the people's sentinel, watching their in
terests in the Department : • •
• "The numerous duties of that office have
bedn.discharged ly him in such a satisfae
tort' manner that his political opponents
bare not even, dared .to charge him .with
partiality or incompetency. - -The interests
of the State have been judiciously guarded,
and notwithstanding the extraordinary ex
penses, incurred by the war, the State debt
has been reduced more than FIVE , MIL- ,
LIONS OF- DOLLARS during the admin.:
istratiori of Gen. HARTRANFT. It is uni-
vernally conceded that a clearer-headed, a.
closer business man, and a more conscienci
ous gentleman in all his actions, or • fairer
or safer official, could not be selected tq guaid
the interests of the people in the Auditor'
General's office in Pennsylvania than Sohn
F. Hartrank and we feel satisfied that the
people of this State will re-elect him to his
present "position by a largely increased ma-•
. „.
THE election of- Seymour means war.
If he is chosen President there can be,
no doubt but that the reconstructed gov
ernments will be overturned at the point
of the bayonet, if need be We have
Blair's word for it. The attempt to over
turn them will cause a negro war—and
justly. What then? We will beplung.:
ed into • another. vortex of .strife, worse'
oven than that from which yoltave es
caped. P.:ect Grant, and the disappoint
ed Rebels will yield to the decision of the
loyal North, and Reconstruction, now so
auspielonaly progressing, will be happily
completed. Which shall ?- 7 peact)
or war •
- -Nor -Tnuz.--We are say
that the, statement that lir. JOHN. Hen =
-ids bad his Mane placed on the CoMinis
,sioners' pay-roll from the date of his
nomination by the Democratic Convert-,
tion, is premature. The question is first
to be passed' upon -by-tile Pemocritto
Standing Committee, and we learn that'
many of the - memhembf that body are of
opinion that. in Coasequence) of.the! ad
option.of the 'Crawford
Mr. HARRIS cannot draw pay until after
hts election. •
.. . .
THE DJEFEIIENCE.—BIair goes up iwa
dOwn, -reiolution i . teaching, defi
ance d'itlaws duly enacted; and impudent.,
ly aktiorting
, tleat Generalg of the arniy= 7 .
Buell* Grant, Sher m an, Thomas, Meade,
Sheridan, Sehofield;axid the res
a "Military deSiotism A gentlemanly
.'and 'decent thing to d?, is'it notr Mean
while the IlepnbliceneMididatesintteting
not a word agahmt - the. repAtatme )0,
lactation. ot the:patriakisin - ft,theii 3 Oppo,
nenticleava the iiebide to - indgt - Iti in tall
oonfldenie that they will judge rightly.
,44itliaiolix :„ of 'the' Re üblieart • State
-, ...yi l. y.i,.Yokontr'alCoxaittee.---------,---,
. _ •
•,..4y, 1
....,..":„ .. -%!••j_,•!-:*:: ..-9._ ~. ~,,7,- -, : , • :
,:-:,-,33P1011.1 OP ,T,HkAPPUBLICAN STAlir,
C ,..' : :': ''
• *-:
_',. 1 1:46Tpii . .4L COMMITTEE, . , I
~.':‘ '" :I!lin.4.Mittax..t, Aug. 18,1808 .' ' , .. -'.'
Ibligs-Vofirils'o [Pennsylvania :
:Within sixty...lays you are to deelilet the
'polls upon the prins,iples,and general policy
that axe to controlthe adtninistratioapf pub
, t , ,, ,,
he affairs for the next fouryears. On the
- .
,result hang the grave questions of the posse
'and good order of society, the proverity of
ihe,industrial , intorests, the ; 4oyepipmont of
lha.rosou ' re,ia . of the countr, thentogrity of
the tregii.4filiiiii,a4tifti:ai4hs.ifikiii„C,l
In the outset or thkeonteit;lhoparty that
for four years paralyZed thi3 'arm of industry,;
giloacling, it :with. c a;burdenOf ... tw9nt - ,Y 7 Alyp
itundiaMillfons of dobt,iittMlied the coun
try in civil war, an4,threatenedthe,4Fstruc 7 .
tion, of. the Union and the oyerthrow of
Liberty, t'ktits - your 'snifrages;ldeclaring
that it bas . n4rincip!es to advocate or mea
sures to Support, and attilenpOti its followers
elsewhere todefend nothing,. With nothing
in its history for years worthy to be defend
ed, it is the partol`' wisdom'imt'to - Mnitie l tjut
attempt; for it. has. reenacted the';freadoie,
of the press, crushed out 11 hi:n.6; of speech,
and brutalized the public conscience 'in • 11 . 1' 7
teen ostracised' every tnaa• who •
had the couragel.o'dgelare human bondage
a sin fitgainst God antra flagrant violation'
of the'sPiritand genius 4the Reptiblic.
wage". a cruel war against,lthe pioneer set
tlers of the territories, and covered' the prai
ries of' tanSai with murdered babes, because
they preferred freedom 'to, slavery, 4 . e5 7
tabliihld — a*reiga "ofaurror, and - Made the
residence of men faithful to the principles of
the Declaration of Independence impossible
in more-thanhalf of the territory covered by
thell4 . biti cornman'cOuntry. Def‘cated" in
its etforts4e : elect a President of its choice,.
it appealed to flans to nullify tliedecision'of
the ballot-box:, In the , atrugglo it lgid, a
iniorr-of-brave --anon- in:- untitnely'gravos?
shiondrA the nation in mourning, and flood-
ed it with tears. Such are the gbaftly tes
tiMonialsof what the Demooraey Ims :done
in' years past
No thanks . to that party that today wo
liuvo itcomAry lo,loye or a Coniftitation to
- tavern. ditiTnii - in it, power to.-ditittroy.
And now it again seek.; Tower, through
discoid_ and civil- I trife : For- !bun. year's,
&icing the height o the nation's peril, the
only hope of the Party - fer niccess - was ividli4-
aster to our ; arms. Hence it rojoieed nt
every Union clefent, and mourned ovor every
:Union victor3.l.
Its candidcite for Vico Prositlcnt.deolpred
to the Convention that nominated him; that
4, we must have a Piesident who will axe
'cute the will of the people by trampling into
dust the usanuitions of Congress - known as
the Reconstruction nets. * * Irprat,
thisis.tlie real and only question. wbiadi we
should allow to caritfol xis: It is idle to 'talk
of bonds, greenbacks; gold, and the publiO
credit: -. * - 7; * * I wish to stand before the
Convention Upon this issue." Thus was he
nominated; and• Wade Hampton, advocat
ing-the -tichot-before-an-imtlioneo-in-South.
Carolina, declares "that the cause-for which
they (alight, and for'which'Stonewall Jack
son died, will yet be gained in the election
of Seymour and Blair."
It this pnrty-can succeed at the ballot-box,
the work of reconciliation for four yeirs will
be undone, and the priceless sacrifices of
!bur other 3 will have been madam vain
The issue is icinrlced: end Nell defined
GRANT, COLPAX And PEACE; or Str . 2ol4t,
BLArit and WAIL -
Chairinan Stale' Cin?ral
G. W. HAMERSLET ' S ecretaries '
J. R. AlcAvEz, .
Thaddeus Stevens' Will
of the late .lion. TEIAL4>BUS.
STEVENS was admitted to:probate in Lan
caster county orLThursday of last week. It
is in the. harislUiiitirii, of the deceased, and
reads as "'allows:
Last Well and Testament of Thaddeus Ste
vens, of Lnncaster,Tennspivania., . •
I on; all my estate, real and personal, to ray trustees
and 'executors, hereinafter named, end their heirs, on
condition, nevertheless, that they will dispose of it ,as
hereinafter directed by thopitymeht of the several some
. . .
mentioned. They will reduce such of the property as
they deem proper to cash, and put the riettproceeds-at
interest by investiug theism° irs guyornment securities
at not less than six per cont.por ammo. 'direct thous
is pay to the town of Peacham, hate of Vermont, one
thousand dollars, the Interest wheroof, at six per cont.,
to be applied in aid of thelisvenile librasy association,
which was formed at tho Caledonia County Academy,
if the stone Is still In existence, and continuo to pay the
same so long as tho salmi coutlnues In active operation.
I give and bequeath to tho trustees or title holder/
of the Bravo yard in which my soother and brother Al-
anson aro buried, In the. town of reaehom, Vermotiot,
fire hundred dollars, to be put at interest perpetually,
and the Interest to to paid annually to the Sexton, on
condition that ho keep 'the graves in good order,
and plant roses and other cheerful Itimers at each of
the four corners of said graves, everyr n i i ng. If either
qf the opfd legacies should taped , the o to go to the
support of tho Daplist,Chumli or 'meet ng nearest to
-Danville Centre, my nativo town In Vermont..
. .
I direct ono bundrod dollars to bo put at compound
interest, and the aggregate mount to ho paid to Thad
dem Steven' Drown, eonofJohn lt. Brownot Philadel
phia at ago. • ..
I giro two.thoueandtlollore to my nopliew, Dr.. Thad,
dens-.M. Morons, of Indienoptle. giro. to hiceleter,
thousand dollars. givo'to George
P. Steven., soh of Simon Stoveno, ono thousand dullard,
tube put at interest' ad paid to Mtn by hie foams when
I give to Firs. Lydia Smith, my lionsokeeiter, five
hundred dollars a year during her natural life; to he
paid somi.annually ; or at her option sho May receive
five thousand dollars. 'She mayniako her election, and
then release 'all - further claims on my 'estate, 'Fit's.
Smith hair some firrniture of her awn,used In common
,with mine, some bought:with her Own money, '
t ;ts well
as others;wlticit It ,wouldhe di ffi cult to distin
flow, she must he trusted on honor to take snc as elm
claims, wlthdot further proof.
• I give to my pophow,CaptainThaddouli Ftcyene, now
let Caledonia, my gold watch. "
I hive to my nophuni, Cipt. Thaddeus Stevens, night
hundred donate a Soar, to be' paid by
reason of, sickness he need More, at the discretion of
the trustees. '. None of the legaelos, except' the annul.
lies,.wlifbapeld'forthreri yeare, during whieff.tintio'tho
bongo I nowliv,o In, and . furniture end, treolut; ni 11 ro:'
main (tithe.), are, except the mlestellitioons books, which'
niay be sold at any time:. Mra Smith 'may oceupy the'
house the first' year;and if Thaddeus, eon of Morrill,
prefers to hoop house to boarding, ho may keep house
there with her, or with any one else; durtng the three,
years, or any part thereof. Ira!, the end ((Nitro° years,
•Thaddotte Stevens prefers mine other mode of• living,
then the trustees shell dlkitelta . of aid' , property as they
may deem best.' While It is occupied by sty .nephew,
be shall be charged with three hatulmti dollars a . ,yean
rent for it, property octopi-ditty .11r,, lllOngerOlA
tor adding two feet of the lot 0 40 thO other, lot,
maybe sold. As ,Ilva thiavand :dollarq hsvolteen,pf
feted, for ItOt should not go ,
. , „ ,
Thit Furnace and attother nap :estate may,be'rintinl
or sold. The Furnace muct not be,worked lougar.thau
to consurne.the stook ort Itat,tbe end of any
Ara yeaph Thiuldelui,"*Phokr,ehall have shown that ho
shaltharq totallYabOaluedlrtun all Inroalcattng drinks
thypuglithat tinr;thetruetboa may erinvoy to him one
' iluirth of the lrhoiaproperty,—lf at the entlet the next
successive five years, he shall show that helms totally
attained from all Intoxicating drinks, they may con.
voy to hinVone.feurth, being ono-half of the property.
If the outinfrinother emumeutiveilve years, ho shall
show talit ho has abstaltioil frortiall Ititrulicating drinks,
theyloal conveyttloMwhole to, bitn,ln :fee simple,, If
ho shaltget married before the hens° I llye in Is sold,
'he shall recolVe thatattue, had oc - oupy it without nmo d ,
II the 'UN Catato of nay nephew; airather . the hnunity'
of 'PM Copt, Thaddeus Otavena r dNeranont; a1n.411
pita before ho hoe enabled himself to .becomo' entitled
IA the- OPIUM Or fdo AWOL° of myestate*en,/ tuvoso•
Orwlisteior tomato as 11011 , 214; _A2, agipolao
sum shall then amount to fifty_ thousand dollars, with
out which no ferthar_disposltion can be made, Igivo It
all to mytrusteep, -- to ere at, establishand endowa house
of rattle (4 the relief of the homeless and indigent ore
phons.44hose shall be deemed orphans - Mb have lost
Hither-parent: devisee twenty 'thousand' dollars to be
:i m perilled In erecting killable bulldings,tho residua: 4 9-
sectitridin government neentlthie, bering not does%
t han el;-per cent, interest: r the building to; bit:
',erected in the citipf Estacasteroptith of Xing street,'
•,,Erovidoirolifficient stoned, not lees than Intivicros, eheß
it donated theralbr4 ' • ' : •
: Ti het/then atthit'ivest, sidOtittisid Street, on sante.
- conditions. If suffielentscreundls not grateiterusly
fared, then I direct it to be built at . Columbia. .The,
orphans-who cannot be bound out, may remain in the
institution until the age of fifteen years, and longer, if
infirm, at the discretion of the trustees. They shall all
be carefully educated in , the_varions. branches of en
English education, and in all induatrioun trades and'
pursuits. - - This must he left to the discretion of the
authorities. No preference shall be shOwn on account
ofrace or calorie the admisslotoer treatment. .Neither.
poor Hormone, Irish or illahomodana; nor any other on
a. count of their race or their parents uplift be a:chded.
All the leniatee shell-be educated -16' tile sairlb'clatises
,ridnrouner,vothentragortitopolor„Thpy eturlitiefed_
at the same table. The dormatoriedlo be under the
, direction of the authorities. ~Thoi truetpeashall provide
an act of incorporetion At'ainne convenient time. This.
I declare to too my lest will and testament, and name
;as my executors - and treetops, Anthony E. Roberts, 0.
'J. Dickey, and Edwardliteßherson, tole thirteonthdoy.,
ofJulf,lBo7tv.4 "
- Witnessed in the presence of Edward Riley and Chris.
tophor Dico. .
The Codicil totlie will is na follows
I, :.Tliadcleuti Stexinut,bf.listiciuttei 7 niiiko and declar e this-a codicil to My. Isse ana ,* ,
- bought Zahn Sheftz' pr perty, at' Slitirlfra
sale, much below its lonty want my own. All
except Hiroo hundred dollars, the proceeds of it, and
the interest, I direct shall be returned to the estate.
Item—lf within five yours after my death, the Itaptlet,
Drothron should build ribioneo.of public worship In tho
city 'ofllinetniter;for thaligrpotia otworshipping accor
ding tilalieir creed, I afoot ono thousand dollars to -tea
paid towards its coat. • I do this out of respect to the
memory of my.mother, to whom I owe what 11010 of
prosperity I had, and which, enroll as It Is, I desire em
phatically to acknowledge.
Item—lf my nephew, Major Thadd;us Stevens, should
gat married before my decease, ho will be at liberty to
take possession eland hold in fee, the house in which
I now eliveil;wlth the furnitire thereof; and I in that
event, remove all the restrictions which I place upon
the dovlso of that property in tho 'body of my will. I
hereby exclude tiro corner property, now occupied by
Effinger, from title provision.
Itom—ln eight years after my decorum, if my estato
shall have sufficiontly accumulated to do it without
embartassment, I direct ono thousand dollars to ho 'paid
to the Pountrylvania Collegnit Gettyabitrg, for the use
of Stevens' Hall. I hereby request 0..7. Dickoy, yeq.,
to net an executor to this codicil: •
' In witness whereof I leave hereunto sot my Mind and
seal, this oloventh day of November, in the year of our
Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixtyeeven.
'r Own. and OjuntA atlaft.mi
REPUBLICAN CLUBS all over the coun
ty should see that .every one of their mem . -
tiers is furnished Avil'h a copy e ratiT.D.:
Also, that their-neighbors, and especially
DernocratS, haire a copy. No campaign
document is so effective us an active county
paper. Make up a club for the Huakt,n.
•,—The meeting of this association, for the
purpose of selecting a site for the proposed
monument, will be held on Saturdity, the
201 h inst., in the Arbitration Chamber at
the Court House. All members are re
quested to attend. The lelection will
be made by ballot, between the hours of 10
A. 11. and-lip: N.
atorial Contereos appointect,,by. the ,late
Conventions of York and - Cumberland
Counties met at Bridgeport, on Thursday
the 20th inst:
On motion, JOHN MeOunnY,'Esq., of
Shipponsburg, was unanimously 'chosen as
the Candidate of the Republican - party for
this Senatorial District,
UNION CAMP MEETlNG.—'here will
boa Union Camp Meeting; held by the Af
rican Methodist Episcopal and the A. M. E.
Zion Churches, near Shermaiisdale, • Perry
Co; commencing Aug. 29th and continuing
over two Sabbaths." -
the meeting will be conducted by tlie
Rev. Jacob .11Andorson and Amos Wilson.
Bishop Campbell and other eminent
divines are expected to be present.
:,HEAL ESTATE.—We to-day, printed Sale
bills for - the saki of the Personal property,
and Real estate of John C. Diller of Me
chanicsburg. He niters for sale, one horse,
one cow,alieifilot of lousehoFirind
en furniture. 'Also a fine Frame dwelling
house and three lots of ground. The sale
-to take place on Saturday September 20th
at one o'clock P. M.
,THANKa.—We are - indebted to Will
iam D. IhrlbOrt, Esq., Clerk in the officC of
the Secretary of the Commonwealth, for a
copy of the Eleetioni Laws of Pennsylvania,
Digested and Airanged with "Notes and
Judicial Decisions."` ; . The compilation is a
:most careful and exlhaustive ono, and is of
the 'very highest value to all who desire to
'be thoroughly inforni&l upon this most im
portant subject. All election officers will be
supplied with them, and wo hope thaf the
information they impart will bo of great
',benefit, especially in our East Ward.
: —On Saturday evening last, the store of
Josimi Ek cots & SoN, of MeehanieSburg,
was entered by forcing the shutters of the
front door, and about four hundred dollars'
worth of different kinds of silk carried off.
Eiporienced detective have - been employed
to invostigata.`. the affair, and therefore we
abstain from any further roinarks •in.con
noctton with it,
EXTENSION.—We learn from the' Hagers
town (Mw.) Mail, that last week Major ED
WARD WArre, Chief Engineer, completed
the supplementary survey of the extension
of the above road from Hagerstown to Wil
liamsport, and made such changes' in the
touto as it is believed will prove satisfactory
to the farmers throughwhose land the line
paises. The Major, .whose health has been
.delicate, being unable to procure the ser-
VieeS of an assistant, superintended the sur
veying of the line'hiinsolf; 'and in cense
quenco.of the intense heat to which he was
'subjected' was 'tontine& to his bed for soy-
Oral. daysi.after tiMcompietion of the work.
On WedneSdailait, - howeVer, he was' again
.moving about and paid a visit to the Presi
dent of the Company fit,garliste,with,ayiew
'to closing at once for the right of ivay . ..From
present indications, it is highly probable that
work., on this road will bo
,speedily CcArtr
Melleer '
Penna. State Fair will be Harris
bUrg; ommeneing September:
..and will continua four•dayS. It promises
:to;ho one of the- largest ever hold in the
State. The locality is very_contral, and ac
cosaible from all , 'Parta of the:Stattily
rbads. 9 , We aro informed by the Secretary
that already many inquiries are being made
by exhibitors Nith great proinissi of an ex-.
hibitien 'Of thbir artioles. The grounds con
sixty acres' and . are , looated.iiia the
banicsof the , Susquelnumm
diganca .of. the, qty„pf,
and a b °1449194 1 9 1 c pailofrem the'line of the
Penne'. ItailrOhd. 'll - ;GLlOeidity '84044 in i
sure a largo anaiiicifitAiitiiraditg '•
The. attention of our citizens is called
to the adyeTtisomerit of pc. , which
will bo found in anothor coluinn. Tho
comae recommended by the first mon in the
i'rofoceion. does-not; Notend._ to cure
all ; dicOnsaii, 'but puttering hunianity will do
well to give him a cell, Consultations free.
• F.
—At a meeting of the Carlisle Building and
.Loan Assodintion;:held* ; the 20th-of Au
gust, DOW, 'at''-,the •Ofilde of Messrs
& organization was
:eifeefed* electing the following -officers
Henryj;pro J0091'6!
Paxton - , President.:
W. Blair McCoMmin; Vice President,
Theddore Common, Treasurer.
Cl. P. Humrlch, Secretary.
George S. Boetem. Sohn Plank:Y. -
. Joseph L. Sterner, Mac" W. Werrier;
C. 8.-Maglaughlin. W. P. Sadler.
Theodore U. Smith. S. J. Shoop:
Sise - hundredsha'res - of 'Smelt have already
lieenliftbscribed; and the• 'Association is de--
sirous.of increasing, the number to at least
ono thousand. ,
Messrs CORNEIAN and:J. P2Btx
i,in, have been' appointed a 'Committee to
solicit subscriptions of . stock.who will call
upotFolircitizons duritig — tbe two
i.:The charter having been granted by the
court of Conimon Pleas, the annual.elootion
of officors . wilrtake place at the Arbitration
Chamber on Saturday the Gth of September
next, Aa will be - scon by notices of the
Secretary published elsewhere.
THE LOT PUROHASED.--The, - c fGouti
Will Fire Company," liaying raised the sum
of eighteen hundred. dollars, last -Saturday
'evening, in ;Accordance with the resolution
passed "at the previous meeting, purchased
the lot of ground formerly owned 'by Mr.
Wit: CLEPPER, si,tuated on South g a [lover
street, - adjoining the now building in l qour'se
of erection by J. M. \YEARLEY, 'tn.
They have thus- fur succeeded in raising
by subsefiption between two the Band and
twenty-one hundred dollars ; of Wilich sum
twelve hundred and eighteen _dollars' bave
been subscribed by members of- the Com
pany: Four hundred dollars more must be
raised before the New Building is com
mepced,mnd, inasmuch as. the season is al
ready somewhat advanced; we sincerely hope
our citizens will-respond with 'sufficient
promptness and liberality to the solicitia
tions of/the committee to enable the Com
pany to go on with their enterprise before
the cold weatlier - sets Many have already
contributed, lib ally, but there are' many
others who, mple hesitate. This scorns to.
us wrong, for the Company that can raise
- trnion . gite tntnemi , mbers-rri thin- the space-of
one week over twelve hundreddollars, most
certainly deservee'the liberal support of all
who wish to ' encourage enterprise, and to .
help build up and improve our town.
RR; of Silver Spring Township, has torn
down the old Silver Spring Mill, and in its
stead built a now Mill of stone, the walls
being erected Op..te the third story. On last
Friday the---21st inst.; while the workmen
were engnecd nt the building, -the scaffold
broke, and one of the masons named SAM
DEL HDGDES was precipitated to theground
a distance-of-26 feet;l-falling on- -a - pileof
stone. Also stone, that were lying on the '
scaffold, fell on him, causing almost instant
death. He lived about-30 minutes after the
fall. The other masons had just gone
around on the'other.side of the building to
work, and were consequently o not injured.
Mr.'Huomis lived in Landisburg Perry
Co., and was recently married to his second
wifo. Ile_bas children by his first wife. He
was 59 years oTiige,
have, received a.
,cOpy of Doming's life of
GRANT and find it all that could be expect
ed even from the pen of so able a writer as
HENRY 0. DEMING. This work may very
properly be regarded as the very best offi
cial -history of the Great. Soldier that has
know is a grand one; the style is a very
pleasant one, and the information given of
so reliablom nature asa to well repay all who
are anxious to know all about the greatest
lifffitary Character of the Century.
Miss M. THATOWER is now canvassing our
town for subscribers for the Boole, and we
would advise all to subscribe who desire to
own the best life of GRalim written.
G 23
TOBAQCOS.—Our gentlemanly
friond Capt. JOEIN A. SWARTZ, of tho firm
of HEMPHILL, CLIANDLna & Co., No. 222
Market SC Philadelphia, is entitled to our
acknowledgmdntaifor n package of the pur
est and Racist chewing . and Smoking To
baccos we have seen for many a day. The
Gen. Grant and Michigan brands aro be
—Aro the operations of many of the Cook
ing Stoves which are thrust upon the public
as "first claas cooks," "splendid bakers,"
etc: etc. When brought to a practical test
in the family, then their
_demerits fully ap
pear, to the infinite annoyance and dissatis;-
faction of tho housewife. A really excellent
stove—one whose clainis have `already ;been
clearly substantiated, is the "Barley Sheaf"
Cook di Messrs STUART, PRT.RRSUN
Philadelphia: It is both -a ~Wood and coal
burner, and operates with the greafest ease
and eeeawny. The trade in
, eur vicinity
,aro advised to make the acquaintance of the
"Barley - Sheaf" at the earliest Possiblo,,op 7
portunity. BeWare of counterfeits.
For gille by E/NESISIVI aSc RuPr,
As Wri" c,. sAwyER, & 00.' j now
making preparations to pirchase t air Stock
of Fall and Whiter goods, they` 11.dispOse
of their imthenso" stock, of . ode at very
reisonable prices.;. -All persons' wishing
great bargains shoidd call and secure them
before they-are closed out.', _ -_
We would remind those of our Customers
who are indebted to us, that this is the sea
son for paying up.' Please call' and settle.
yoir accounts.
effects are.plirnisirioat: :It not only restores
the colorof the. Bair, but ON quantity and
natural glossiness: This is, 'said by '64y
one using Mrs: S.
,'. A. •Ala.zs's Improved
(new sty/e) Hair RestOrer or Dressing, (in
one bottle) - tvery : -Druggist sells' it. Pri4o
one Dollar.
Aug,2Blm. . ,
, .
• :V
• .Poor Tom'a a'coip
• -
How warm s'e'er, the genial eon •- • '
May looh in kindneee on tho
In Tom Jones' reins no charring warmth
Dispels the glbozny sorrow of ble soul.
plapapidadtkon goblin, bunts him down, .
• Ague, grim chamberlain, tights him to bah •
While Duilneka'Veriigb, and Areadachodfre, ,
-With fiercer actiaa combine to rnaknbiro groan.'
' Walton Thomini, to - Menet! odr
Per - all thy glen - remedy la found; ,
A Panacea, certain, ideasant, 'cure,• •
. Plantation Ilitters,--s.
A wondrous Tonioonade by Dr. iiralM, , ,
prom= 'spoor 'Tom's onto -•ie not
warp than ';
b, thismanclerfullneiicino.. ..•
Mearrcqa. •
artiole÷snperior to Cologne, and at half the,
price. •
, i - eort. SALE OR RENT.=-A good 13 . 00d11a
Land' iAno : -, Engulio of Ws: FJ. X. ROB,'
No. Initto'o Row• ' '
4?•1O ;-:; I.A
-- • EARL 11EIL E- PROD 16ZE-EARICE T. ----
'' • Od/rllsle August 28th;1800,' , '", i' '
aa.iii Flour ........ ...... ' ''"' ' ''''''''' '' ' '''''..'22 to:
• ",....?...7,.••” •:•. . 8•b0
etzernl 4 l • . , . ,
WHITE WHEAT.. •., / 4 . •,/,'. l . t .... F:::::'''.';' - :..i.2 80:
SETO . do - - . t i.'”, - .:..''.;,: . 220
RYE ' ' .l.;.:-..4.'..25
DORN 'DO to.. ' ' - ' ' VIS'
OATS, (uew)...,•,..
BARLEY," - . '
kuktiet -
Correcte4 Weekhr W
Anffreto d.s4mooce
B P7TEI,I - -apii34.dg sao .'
LARD• 101
TALL6W, - - - •'
DRESWAX. - 40 1
841,00N.11A148 ' ,
DRIED liPPLEI3, .2 10
— Groaerzea and Queenaware
Wo won't quit advertising HO long as we. ilwre on
liana the largeskito..chatpest stock , of gaup - la our
line, that can be found °arable the
constantly receiving , fresh from the ft:A.oo,e'
and offering Whole:vile and Retail at greatly abated
prices. Oaal Oit and Salt in largo quantities. . '
No charge for seeing our stock. Nave again reduced
our fild'oe of 9ucencluoiT. • • -
• ."? o iiih End" :o &Melo Pa.
RRib, Weekly “Sueiteatooska."Nevel, Practical
and AWFULLY Sharp on 'Fogies, Quacks, Pluirlices
POlitichins, ' , boring theta tight . through!" Only fofi
Cents a year In advance. Send 9 cent stamp for
Saniple. Address, Dr. S. M. Landis,.Philtidulphia
21aug 98.1 m.
lillse2.l.ll4eher Is new In our town; canvassing ter
the sale of the life of Gen. Grant, written by Go u
Henry 0. Damming, cf Gartford”Connectiont.• Wi
have no hesitation In pronorincing this perhaps the
very best life of Gan. Grant in print, and can strongly
recommondit to the fiends of the party.
. . .
rented with the utmost suCcess by J. I mace H. D.
and professor of Diseases .of the Eye and Eat' in , Mit
.itidical College of Pennsylvania, 12 years experience,
(formerly oC Leyden; Holland,) No.. 806,—Arch -Street,
Phila. Testimonials can be seen at thin °Mee. The
medical faculty are invited to ;accompany their pa
tients, as ho has no secrete in his practice.' Artificial
tiYaii Inserted without pain. No charge foie exami
12june 681 y.
It is the hest thing in usa for cooking; and is
shearer and much better than - Cream Tarter and
SOda. It Is for sale at Carlisle by 0. Inhoff, John
Martin, Goo. B. liollnau, Washinood dr' 8r0.,. Jacob
3Oliii . lfiirieT, — ,lff:ll — . — lfierty kJ. IfiVaisi—iii—r—
ROUSE and Cattle Powders and -Liniments, toiteth:
er with w- large assortment of fresh-Drugs and blade
sines, •Dye Stuffs, Ac., &c., pat received .at Cornman
& Worthingter.ii Drug Store, No. 7, East Main Street
A good, cheap, and reliable iltdnient, Such . ah
article fa •
- DB. TOBIAS , . - -
Venetlab horse Liniment. -..
- In Pint. Bottles at One Dollar. . .
For lamenese, Cute, Galls, Colic. ilm hi no: elc., war.- •
rantedoheaper 'than any other. - It le usedby all thd
groatlikilioriiiiii - iiileficill cotirTsi:77i will net •
cure Ring•Dond nor Sparin, es there is no Linimeet •
in existence that will. !hat it is stated to 'cure it
poritively does. No ounicr of lorses will be wilhoitt it; .-'
afro trying one bottle: One d se revives and often
Naiad the life - or an over-heat° 6r driven horde. For ' •
Celle and Dellyache it has °eve, failed. 'and as sure
ai the ennrlsca., Just no sure is thfs reliable I.lnl
ment to be tbe Homo Embrocation of the 'day. Mae
It one and all. Depot, No. 26, Cortlandt Street, Nen :-.
York,: Sold b'y all•the Druggiste and Storekeepers
17july-lm. - -
goottan - d'e - GertneTn Hitters.
• We Intended to have called attention to Ifeefland's
German Butters advertieed in our column&
,Thin ,
:Bitters, co perhaps everybody is aware, -la as-much-e
ntaple article with the drug strieb7blitlcTnr is with the
grist ruGls,•and call for It ivh(iro, you will, you cannot
go amiss. There is no hotter medicine before the
public, It contallis no alcoholic ingredlent,.anri come
mends Heel( to temperance people, who avoid,
whatever :intoricates-.r leads to intemperance. Most
llooiland's stands al the head of them all, and is potent
at any timt of the year. Those who would come out in
the spring ;Kith a cleansed and invig crated system
should begin its use now.
The above is the. unsolicited statement of the Editor
"PATRIOT," Waukegan Eta. .. '
Combines all the ingredients of the Dittos, with
Pure Santa Crue Rum, orange, anise, &c. It mahea a
delightfully pleasant preparation, and is need for the
same disease as thoßittersAn cases 'Where some Al
coholic Stimulus Is necessary.
Office,' 631 Arch ,qtreet,
Philadelphia,- Pa.
Sold by all Druggists.
clan who had Constimption for several lows with
frequent bleedings of the lunge, anted, himself with
a medicine unknown to the profession, when his
case appeared hoplese. fie is the Onjy.physician who
has used It In his own person, or who has any knowl
edge of Its virtnes, end he can ascribe the 'degree of
health he now enjoys to nothing but the .use .of hie
medicine; and nothing but utter despair end entire
extinction of all hope of recovery, together' tab 5
want of confidence in all others Indliced Win to baud.
the experiment. To those suffering wlth'any disease
of the I,unge ho proffers a treatment he confidently
believes will eradicate the disease. Price . $1,60' per
bottle or $8 a half dozen s sent by. express. - Send fur
circular or cal on DA. D. I . 3OYLSTON .I.AdltSONi
No. 250 North Tenth Street, ,PhlLedelphis
22oay 68.1 y. ' ' '
RELIABLE, the cheapest. Try H. Hrs. S. A. ,'s
'llSidlovsm (nits style.) Thus. ReasoiEst.'or Dh I INe , (in
ohs bottle.) . My wife and children prefer IL — Every
Drnggest selle It. Price One Dollar. • ,
3ljuly-lm. '
.4A.; AzuRE.NE
Ewa.) wmary.—Pre,dral'Adch--are
A:Pateni PocVer Prigsho4PEmeri Bib
ior Oslo by all rospird% t
Grocers ca Anatagglete, :
7aug q-3ra. , .
M. yERs 8 . 6.' CO.,
No. .105 ARCH . STREET,.
ly 68-oms:
in from 16' to 48 hours..
Wheaton's-Olntment etweaThe Itch.
Wheaton's olntthent earosb 'Salt Rheum. •
Wheaton's Ointment. care Tettor.
Wheaton's Ointment "enree Barbera" Itdb ,'1
Wheaton's Ointment ogres Old Sores.
-Wheaton'a Ointment. - enras•.-Every,kind .• , •
' ,of flamer like Male, • ' •
Price, 00 cents a, howl h mill,y,6oq •poptp. ..Ad4reas
. 170' WdebltMlon
Il oaton, Mass. '
Iror pale hy Drugglete.
*Kit 20 -074 y,
Ono tbousand bustle's Plastering Hair ?dr 'sale
a bo - Oarllsle Springs 'Tannery- Bead. your Carlisle Ogrlngs P .O.' . '• • ' •
• 911aug-3t • 4AMEI3 OLENDENIN'
ESTRAY . .--Cateo to the rosidertee of
the subscriber" in : Eaet :PenTiaboici,
orator apopt AN3u#,stbpl.l3oB, • .
'between one and two years old'. The owner can liOre,
said aniunstbY sr* nut,.proyttohls oronertg
and pitying , ohorder..• Otherwise the' Bun Mill he
posed et eaeordiog Lo raw ~ •
28ong-tlt'*: 'mom.
FUND.--On ,Saturday 'ei , en - iiii; on .
the road leading Mon Bldden burg to ghepherde,
own, a pocket:hook containing a ;mall mint of money.
The owner can have it by proving ProPa.tYPnS l . JAY".
Ing for this advertisitosistA If hew ili hall art or Stk..
dr 2,11 12 mit , ~.-.:: ~ .-. ..! aill , , NB : Y .
81'4 1 1°1 11114 1 0 1 4 .
, ,
t';,, I