A NIBY lIPILEDY IN CONSVMPTION.—A . Phyla. 'chin *lto' haa' ConsuniptlOU - fOr ue . 77 1 1 Yaril with frequent bleedings of the lunge, clued 'himself with medicirio unknown to tho profession, when' his ..case appeared hoplese. Ito Is the onjy phyolcian who harmed tt in hie own puma, or whd has.any know!. . edge of Its virtues, anUhe can ascribe the degree of health he now ertjoye,to nothing • but the tied, of his mediolne;' and nothing but utter despair and ontlre extinction doll hope of recovery, together with a want ofconfidedce In all where induced him to'hazard tho oXperiment. To those'sufforlng with any Donee of the Lunge ho proffers d treatment' ho confidently bellifves will eradicate the disease. Price $1,60 • poi Bottle or $8 a half dozen, Xont eipless. Bond for eiroular or call on DR. E. BOYLSTON dAOKSON, ' No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. 22may 68.1 y. • b.AZURENE tors= ka--- AINT:r CONCENTRATED /NDIOO awaviA . Rothe Laundr7.—Freo from Oval* Aold.-43di • /;77Ghanian, OcrUficate. . A Patent Pockot Plncuchon or Emery Bag M RAM( SMI, MT /10X. For Salo by aLlyospectablo Grocers andDriagglati. Mug 08-3 m. L. 111Y1t8, J. LIVINGSTON M. DIMS, hi . • I'd •E ii S . WHOLESALE GROCERS, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 105 ARCIIi STREET PHILADELPHIA. 4.1 uly BS-Iltnn. ' ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH I I SCRATCH SCRATCH I I SC' BATCH i •in from 10 to 48 hours. Wheaten's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaten's Ointment ewes Suit Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Totter. •Wheaton'g Ointment curse Barbers' itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheaton's Ointment cu. ea livery kind .of Humor like Magic. e• Price, 'A cents a boa ; by mall, GO' cents. ,Addrese WEEKS le POTTER, No. 170 Wasbinglon Street Roston, Mass. • Formal° by all Druggists . . • &opt 20 67-Iy. NEW A:DVERTISEIVENIS FOR SALE - The very desirable residence, No; 26, West-Main Street, opposite Ennio , Church, In good repair and furnished with modern iniproitements.- Possession Rived olvint let of Sept molar, if desired. Apply to..' 11. E. CRESTON, . 26: West Street. EIMEM AGENTS WANTED: — 'LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF THE GREAT HEIIELLION. Containing Thrilling Ad vontures, Do ring Deeds, Startling Nxploits, and Marvolous Et capes or•Splos ' Scouts and Digective, Thb cheapost, most complete and Intensely Inter esilup,Xne.nonl: yet published, containing ovor 500 prkv, and numerous • eng.ravingx, Price only /0 • 275. Send for cireulars and terms. Alto PAM ILY QUARTO boot edit on pub. WILLIAM FLINT, Pupils or, No. 20, P. SEVENTH Phila. Va. ?long LCI Itu I NOTlC.l4..—Lottors of Administration, cunt te.;tontenfounacxn, on the estatol Francis hxa Ler, dott'u., tat of Carllltlo Barra, h vlng been grouted by the Register of- Wills for 'Cumberland county, to UM subserlbet, all persons knowing them, selves indebted to ostntil nto requested to Make pay ment and them) ha rim: ttlaltus against said estate to present therm to . WM.II. PARE" EIS, • Attorney at Law, 'it,. 201, West Maio St., ettrlisle .. ang 1.4. E N BANKRUPTCY. • In the District CM,/ of the United States, • for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Suntan! C. Erownm Bankrupt. „Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of creditor, of said bankrupt, will be hold at the Court House, S Carlisle Ea., on Thursday, September 3d, 1868, at 10 o'clock "A. AI., before Chas. A. Barnett, Min., Register 'for the purpose of cartmlitlog the ac count of the seithat It may 113 audited and passed . and he be disch . orged from all liability, prePara tory to a final dividend, and for all other purposes , named in the Twenty.eightli Section" 6fthe 'Rut of Congress patitled. "An Act to establish a uniform eystem , Of bankruptcy throughout the United Stator;'' 'approVedlUareh isq, and for the tramaetion of any such : bonito!. of any meeting or • meetings under the Twarrtenth eection Mille said Act .as may be unperformed nr notinsihed . . - R - .d. D SPONSI.ER,- A.. , f SANItb. C BROWN. MEE FINE, - OUS-TOM MADE BOOTS AND SIM:ES FOR GENTLEMEN AU tho LEADINCt Sri LES on hand or rondo to measure. Prices fixed at tt)W FIGIJItIIS. An II lus• :rated Prlre I,lst with lost, unions for soil toe...ur n:lea snot on rocolpt of Post Office address. WM. F. ItAItLIIVP, South Sixth St., abi Sr Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. • 2toog 68.1 y AGENTS WANTED I=l Chicupee Sewing 'Machine This machine Bold complete with table fur only $35 It make s the celebrated , 'ELASTIC LOCK STITCH, yawl MO drop or lour motion feed used by all first. clasrpmachines. It will hem; fell; tuck, cord, gather, quilt, bind, embroider, and do ovary Variety of work that can he done on any other machine. No war rant this machine to ho the best In the world. It Imatoon declared to be so by the best judgos to ha found, and was ~carded the first gob, medal, over One hundred and tWenty-two competitors, at Porta., We will . give a ivrittert guarantee to that effect. ltddress, with stamp, J. D. ORNE, General Agent, 922 Chextput St., l'ltiladulphla Ipay 68.0 m AGPITS ! AGENTS! AGENTS! WANTED: Ladies an 4 Gentlemen In every town and city in the United States, to act as Agents for , • AUSTIN & CO'S., LI EA'T ONE DOI,LAR. We are now 'hailing goods for ono dollar that cannot 110 purchased in any retail store In the country . for - twlro that sum, and are now offering greater Induce ments to Agents than any other house In the trade. Our method of doing business is legitimate, being a fair and honorable way of purchasing useful goods of every description at the lowest' wholesale cash prices. ' Send for Poscrlptivo Chocks in Clubs of ten for $l, thirty Mr $3, fifty for $5, larger onto, in the same ratio, and recolvein return- presente from $3 to $lOO -or for -Circulars, giving full Information, free of elmtr,O, AUSTIN •& CO., lot) Saint - nor Btioot, Boston, Mass. Illaug 60-Im.: , E. W. CLARK Sr, . CO., B A N IC, F,.11. S No. 115 S. Third St. Philadeliihhi,. 0 ENERAL AO),INT: MEM National. Lift) insurittioe (Jo ITNITED IiTATES OF .A,NIERICA, fittites of Pennsylvania aud.B outh. ern New Jeremy" . . • • , The NATIONAL UPC INISURANON COMPANY la h corporation Chnliered by Illpeclut...,Act. of Cougropc, approlod July 25 1868;u , . . , 4;714 Capital of Ono Million1141:8, and le now thoroughly orionlaed and prepared for buelnesa. . . Liberal tormo offered to A gonts and Solid torn, who ateinvlted to apply at our.,offico. Null pal ticulare to int had on application •at our office, located . :in - the second story of our, Banking Ifouso, whore Clrintlars and Pamphlets,. fully do scribing the advantagon offered by the Company. may belted. - APpileationg, for Central and Isostnnyl'eo iro DK to be madb to 8..8. 111188E1,14, Manager, Towan. da,,,Pa. E. W. CLARK & No. 35 S. Third Street, ' ruILADIMPIIIA. PA. :lau ca•l' 1: 4 1 0R SALE. A very deslieblp tirlck . Dwelltbg llonee qn Weal etruit, between Pomfret and South. Possereloh. given. November-1511n If desired. Apply to' '• . J Id. IVEAKLEY. llaug amr. ~,; ' A.:S "T . • :In Ile wont Tarim oared' by the KIIITALACIII TE•Eg PLASTER. Weak . and affected Lungli reitored to atreogth end health. tout by mall to any addrenh on receipt of price, VAAL 'Address. • ' • oriAMIAITE, • '4OO Medi/0 Otreet, 11131104‘ . • Viefillu. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 2,500 000 Customers in Four Yearn:: • PATMNIZE Having the largest capital, most.experleneed buy° and extensive trade of any concern In the 801 l Salo business, we GUARANTEE SATISVACTIOIst l o n ve ' r v o e Ve rientere'' and ?lap thn trot nolection of °odds. ONE DOLLAR, EACEL attar concern has any &loin lA - eraser our Agents are selling Our motto. "Prompt and Itoliable." Male and, female manta wanted in city and country TIIL LADLES, Are'particularly re,questod to try our popular-club . system of sidling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, 1)1114 1 35 PATTEUNS, COTTON CLOTH; OAS• TORS, SILVER PLATED GOODS, WATIMIESPAtc. (Established 1804.) A Wont pan fountain and a chock describing an article to be sold for a dolldr, 100 s; 20 for 52; 10 lbr 50; 00 for $0; 100 fin . 810. runt by mall. Free presents to getter up,.(seorlb b 0 in, cent. myre than those sent by any other concern.) arenrdlng hi,blro of club. Send us a trial club, Or If not do not fall to send. for II circular.' N. 11 —Our sale tibbuld not be classed with New York dollar Jaytelry Sales, or bogus "Tea Companies,". as 11,113 nothing of the sort. • , ' -- EASTMAN - KENDALL:" 08 Ilauoyer Street, Boston, Mass. 92 may OB4Om TUR NEE'S cj ELI' TURNER'S • , SURPORTINO. • AND EXTENSION " ' PATENT Tz;' EACH LADDER., CAN BE. USED IN,ALL TEN Forms Shown I N.BOTH CUTS THE. LADDER In Beadily 'Lengthened or ,Shortent,d, Bolt.Suppnt log Easily Transported, Convortible into n Step Ladde or Senffold. IT IS USEFUL TO FARMERS, FRUIT GROWERS, MECHANICS, HOUSE KEEPERP, do - - PRICE LIST. 20 Feet extra Ireight. 10,00 30 Feet, 3 BeetfonH (each 10 . feet long.) - Extended length about ,28 feet. • 10,00 40 Feet, 4 FinutionF, (one 12, two 10, and one 8 foot long.) Extended length about 37 feet. 21,00 Other deco In proportion. LlherA I 'lliKcount to the . trade. Single Ladders forwaracd,% : f reight pre paid, to nearest Station bn receipt of retail price. AGENTS WANTED ❑a every county to canvass and Alsoivented, Energetic, Sellable Capable Men to Travel and establish county Agents. For Circular and Terms address Turner's Patent Extension Ladder P.O. Box 2018, or No. 20. South 7th St. - 1411,ADELPIIIA. 2fjo no 09-4 n itieh as Crwsus .'—Tremendous Evitnment 1711pr,rodent oil rush for the nuw etta,srF 9 ("6. P Tim washing powers of this Soap aro truly marve 'lons. No pur,on who has ever tried It will do with out It. Its recom inundations are 'PURITY, - utte IIAiIIit.NeSNESS and - wenderful EFFICIENCY Warranted to (ontaln mot.° washing poorer to th, dollar's own t h than any other soap in - the market therein., the CIIKAPPT. Try It, Satisfaction guaranteed, (if used according to directions) o NONE'S: REFUNDED. Ask any grocer for It. MAlllo.llotillt 01 only by 1,1,11' I HALL, (611(ESUS SOAP WORKS,) No. 444 York Ave., (Old York Rood,) Philadelphia g.laug 65-6 m. - REAL ESTATE. pumAo BALI OF A VALUABLE LIMESPONE FARM On Pacsdqw, September 15th, 1868 no subscriber wilt ofrer al Pola - Salo, oh the, premites; his large LIMBSTON lt k.- FARM, situated in West l'ennsboro' taw nshlp,,thla county, about miles West of Carlisle, • soil 1 /,, of a mile South of- I/reason Btatlen on the Cumberland Valles . Railroad. Tho Improvements aro a largo DOUBLE-LOG HOUSE. - ,41, 11 II FRAMT , WASII-THATSE, ' g 7,:i.Zt.), a lingo BANK BARN, Corn Cribs, Wasuin Hog Plenskiand all other net:cntury outbuildings., It Coo. tnirA 170 ACRES, morn or less. has a lino young Apple-sad peach Orchard. A well of never tailing eater is on the property, two Hetet no. also a istege Pond is bleb furnishes water for the Stock throughout tho"entlre - year Tia- property being situated within 1; of a Milt! of (treason Station, niter° there is a Warnhouns at which the .1110 prices aro paid for produce as in the Carlisle -111arket, is espdcially—desirable. The lend is or It Alost excellent quality and will produce etas well an any other in the counti. Sale to CollsoleHVe at I o'clork 011 cJd day, when terms will be made known nod attendance given by 21ang.tits. JOHN DUN BAR. • SSIGNEK'S SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATEESTATE On - Sgturday, September 19, 1868 The subscriber, Assignee of .Theodore Willett, vlll sell at nubile sale, on the premises, in the Borough of New Cumberland, Cumberland county, , Ps, the deeerlbed valuable real estate, viz I No. I A Three-Story BRICK II 0U S E =SEEM No. 9. A TIIRICB.STOItY BRICK 110 USE, adjoining No, 1. Both of these properties aro situated on Market Street, each having lots 20 feet front by 15(1 feet In depth, and aro In every respect most desirable reaidoncea.•. _ . . N 0.3. A TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, with STORE ROOM, 05 by IS foot, with WAREHOUSE and STABLES in tho roar. This building has a -front of fifty foot on Market Street, and 150 on Railroad Street, and Is one of the most desirable business stands in . New Cumber. land. Tho attention efeapitellsts and business won is directed to . this 1-ele", se similar opportunity for In• vestanapt, and to procure - first-class dwellings 'or busine6s stand h a s never before Leon offered. I.lalu to commence at 10 o'c.oek P. M., on said day, wbon attendance will ire given and tonna- made known by 6iusswEar Ao Igneo of THEO WILLETT 21aug4t SALE OFA LIMESTONE FARM Oh 'Saitirdnai; Seplejabcr 20, 180 The subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on „the premises, - on the above - day, a vaTuabloThniastone farm, situated on the State Road leading front Carlislo to Newvillo,s allies West or Carlisle, shoat I uilloe West of Plainfield and i;i4 of a hide North o'f - Alterton Station, on the Ciiinb'd. It., in the towatildp of West kiennsboro,. this . .eovnty,, eon lainlng 34 ACRES 'grist Ineasuto.;Tha Inirrova minis 'welt good STONE ITOVSE,. with Kindian attained covorod with tin, n tine BANK BARN with Corn• Crib attained, n nover falling well Of watt.' near the -door, and a large oteternut the anima.' It is -all undor good post and inn and storm fence. The land' Haul( In ,of the hoot, totality of Bluestone, and is ti - xdost disirable prOnerty _for__any_ ono wishing to purchaso a' delightful how: • Salo to commonen at 10 'o'clock onsaid' day,. whop brine will ho madeltnowit byv •", L . • '2lltug r, Ail LEFEVER. ... . • . 173 . . ÜBLIC SALE.' ' • • . . J.. Thonubscrthero, Exiicuturs of Immo 'II. Porker dbo'l.l., will Hell ,ut - kui?ljo Halo, o,' the Court llouoo, In CorllEre, on flotni'Aey ~fioptombili 12tbi 1868,' at 11, o'clock A. M. ' Thu TWO-STORY BRICK 11041131: and ' LOT of.OROLIND, situate on West, Main Street, in ettrWleoind which I at pies= ;;': I ant in the oreupancy of Prirket J. filobra, 11l and which contains about 10 foot front on said street, and 240 foot in depth to Dickinson Alley. Besides the Dwolihm Ifoutie,there in on the promisor. a large One Steno Stable and' Oarriegolfouse, and on ineximustable Pump of Water near - the ifitelten dour, and all TIOCONFIIrY outbuildinea. ' Tortes made known pn the day of sale by. • JOIIN BROWN PARKER, .01011/111. WATTS,' 11.1coeittora of 1.11. PA1:14111t. ?nitlfltareOpy t. n. 21aug 1.113..tg. FARICI AT PRIVATE SALE,. • ,) The subsorlboi offers nt private halo . taryn,, situated on thoTurnplko loading - to Chanibernburg,, ono inlle.mrkst or Carlislo, pont/01111'1g sixty (GO) arm more °sloes, ,;-• The land IA In a lirgh slate of Cidtivaflon 'the hil provaleenti are first dim, while' Ito !intuition fa un equalled. Any parson dotting to view tho . preinlsea' ran do no by calling upon the onberritier who ruddier thereon ' , . •-. - ,2lauttf. • W. T. BRANDON, . A T PRIVATE SALE.— • ' r - , 4 lot on the west aide of South Ilariorcr, Street' I ftillio borough of Carlisle, 30 foot front and 230 foot deep. On the lot there Is a good TWO STORY r— - FRANK Cwt.:LI:MO' 'now , occupied by the. 1111 owner es a Sadier.Bbop. There ie. an alley k 10.foet In width at tho futitr the let, communicating with Pomfret street. PO9. Blom. will he glean humus ()lately. Terms cash. • - '. - ' • i -'. :! ' , For further particulars Inquire of ' - ' . wk. OLEPPkE ' io. 20, South MUM! 0. I : . 81ju1y 08-it. - BY4t"EST-4 PU.III;IOSALt OF ittittESTlOrg: On•Friday-thp4th dy pf Septemterr, A., D. 1808; at 12. o,cleek.M., will VS so ct - on the prrndisee_ at pub lic sale. Ist, a tract of lei d 'ln Frankford township, three miler North East`ofWerrville, on' the Landis.. burg'roarl,,co:ntainitif 'and hundred and thirtftwo ([ip) acratand fatty 40) parcheskighlw„.tipctru knell leboriedelf b.-1 tifelandd of °bristled fdycks Jai BOWL William Grabitin.W.'WOO'd helm, Dante Burkhol. dor and the Conehigulnet Creole. : . Theimprovemerits'are a.- • , i.., -, - ,'.: ...., --::n D 0 UAB L , E-. ,L. 0 G , k 0 IT 8 E ' two Barns, ' one Log and the other. Frame, a Copper ShOpi Hag Pow; and- other, pectscarY; out buildings.' There fa art Ipple'Oichard, on the farru, rinel • other fruit trees, Peeehes,-Pears,•Oherrles, &c...---; , • ~ - - ..; - 'The farm is in a good •state of-cultivation having; timber'girt been nearly all • limed, and Is all cleared except about twonty-fl 20, acres. which in covered with excellent 2d. isp.on the same day and'at the. same place, a. tract of Mountain' land situated • lq- Frankfard town , ship,•threenliles North-Aast of-Nowyllle, bhundedLy lands of Peter Myers, Christian Myers; Lands lately of Jacob Martin and John Haiku, containing twenty -six (28) acres and olio hi:tasked - (100) perches.. ' This tract Is cnvered with. good • timber, is -about, four miles froth the Mansion Farm, and is of UM , aecegs bglpg' but about a quarter eta mile: franc the' publievorld; . • • • ' • Terms of gale of both tract's niatio—known , on -the day-of Wale by i SAMUEL MYEItS, Atli, in fact 'for the Vondorn 31july-Gfo . .VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUj3L.TC SALEI 00 Saturday,- Se i venzber sth, 186.8 - no autscribor will sell a Public Side, on the abovo 51ay,on thc_promizes, situated in Monroe' township; on the York mall, about 434' miles East. of .oaritsie and about 134 miles West of Ohureidown, the follow log described.valuable real estate viz: - • , • A small limestone Vann .contalning -,) . FORTY—SIX ACRES, . , more or low. Tho 1m proyamorits aro a good two story. BRICK HOUSB with STONE KITCHEN, WASII HOUSE, and oth necossary outbuildings. • _ A LOG 'BARN- . Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other Outbuildings. Good well of water, Cistern at the house, Fine thriv ing Orchard of Choice Fruit. The land-irn good quality o f limestooe-ind under, good,cilitivation, a part of, It bating been -,limed this you It le eligibly located within easy :roach of School's, Stores, Churches, Mills, dic., and is in all respects a most desirable place. Salo-to commence at 1 o'clock on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made'known by .1 URA lIA 31 SOLLENBERGER., fang-it.-. • -. . . . ...,___ _ - 1 - • ES kJ OF VALUABLE REAL TA l VE.—Turiday, , September 22:1;18e:9.—The un dersigned, exeaufor Of John ZUg, will offerat public ge lu, on .thli above day, on the premises ' n South Middleton township,ono mild Ecet of Paportown, near Mullin's lower paper mill, the following reel estate,, to wit: The Meejolon Farm, of deceased, containing 130 Anres, more - or less,,havlng therenn erected a Large Trro-Steiy Brick Mansion House, containing seven rooter and h kitchen, a Large Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Con; Crib and other outbuildings. The laud is in a high state of cultivation and under good fence. There le a Wall of Hood-11 , nter-al the door-and one at the barn, and there is an Orchard of Fine At. pie, Peach, and other trees. “Mountai Crook" Neg es through the farm No. 2. Also. on the .tion day. on the promisead• joining the Curtner tract, a Farm on the Carlisle and Hanover turnpike, at i'aportown, toutaining 105 Acres, more or losy;having thereon erected a Weather• boarded linuse,Large Brink Bank Barn and other out• nuildings. ‘!Mouritaiu Creek" also passes through this tract affording a first class water power: There is a fine young Orcherd'on this tract, and the land is well cultLyated_and_tuader_gorLienee,_Both these tracts ate the, immediat,i vicinity of_ Wit. inns: Snrings, a section noted for the salubrity of Its cli• mete and visited annually by hundreds in search of health, No. 3. Also, Four .Lots of Timber Laud, the first only inn% 26 Acres more or lees, on the Corlidlo and Hanover tuippike, one mile South of hlt Holly paper the second containing 12 Acres, half mile East of Mt. Holly paper mill, the third _ containing 33. Acres half mile East of l'apertown; and the fourth, In Dickinson township, four miles South of Mt. Holly, on the Gettysburg road, containing 7 Acres. All these tracts coo covered with thriving Chestnut and Oak timber. Salts to commenco at 11 o'clock A. M., on -said day • lien terms - will be made known by, JACOB ZUG, • Executor John Zug TaugtB tr. VALUABLE FARM' FOR SALE.- By Virtu° of the ',list Wlll and Tnatament of Ilornatd - Staub, - deobi a ivo bin Executors.wi❑ sell at public sale, on Friday, thAlBth of September, at 11 o'cloch A. M., his Mauston Form on the ,liath nido of tile Yellow Breeches Oreuk, In. Norma township, Cmnborland eouuty, goptalnlng_llo ACRES. SS PEICCUES of Itrat rate Limestone 'And. having clott ed thereon a largo and rommodloua •• DWELLING HOU •• SE; " I • • of Stone, Brick and Frame, a large new - BANK BARN, • Carriage 110une, Smolte•lfouae, Wagon Shod, and the Whole fartn ' wolf feared with Locust Pests and Cheat. nut - - hails. There Is also a ilrbt rate Orchard of Choice Fruit, and abundance of Craps, Peaches; and other mall fruit, abnudanro of - water In Spring, and a Well that north. tails. The farm is about nue mile from Charchtown. and nix miles from Carlisle Ti' is one of the Most valuable firms In the county. There oill alao be bold nt the canto time and place, tw., tracts of Chestnut Land 111 the came. tywubbip, ontninlng 11 Acres 1:0 ,Parches and 10 Yieres 40 Perches. These two tracts lie witlin about Ono tulle of the mansion farm. The torm. , w.ll bo made known on the tiny '4 sale I.y BERNARD STAUB, • JOHN HOUK, DAN'L SENSIOIAN, Executors. 7sug 6S 7t. Lancaster Examiner and American Vo(piton., Copy t. and sand bills to this allies. I3IJi3LIC SALE OF RFAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY On f/+{trrdav, Sepirinher 3d, 1868 . _ The subscriber ni:eMylOr of the ostito of Abraham Martin, late of Frankford.township, -dee'd., will sell at nubile sale, at the late residence of said Abraham Martin, on the pubtic road leading from Alters' Mill to liloservill, in said township, the fellbwlng Real Estate of said dee'd. . No. 1. The undivided I,llntervst In Saw Millprope ty. and Water Power In said townshffiA knJwn as the Lei:key's Saw Mill. The mill and dam hnve been recently repaired and are now in good order. No. 2 . - A (root of Slate Land in said 'township, con taining .116 Acres, more or leek having thoruon erected a good Two-Story Log House Weather boarded, good Frame Stable and other Improvements. There ic_avvel I otrtiter on_the.r remises, and &Variety_ of young fruit, conaistlug_ of Appola, Poach. and Cherries. The land is In a good state of cult,ivetion and will make a nice home. Nd. A tract of Slate - band in FaiLV township', ad joining W. Wagoner and W. Burkholder; containing Acres, more or less. The lot Ix cleared, „well fenced and udders high state of cultivation: Also at the same time and !deco, the following personal property will be Hold, viz: Ono Bay More, good fur all work, elm Colt six mouthi old, one — Cow, one l Corso NV/lath', Carriage, two Setts Slagle Harness. two Saddles, and Bridlcti, Ploughs, Shovel Ploulliks, Oran, Cradles and other terming implements: A too lord? hay, StintrVlßuillber, 'Augers, Chisels, - Pianos, Mattocks, Shovels, Plekaand a lot a Cooper stuff. variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture,, eon idstingof Tables, Cook Stove, Coal Stove and, other articled too numerous to mention. The property cap lei examined by calling on the promises. Salo tocommonco at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when attendance will be glvon an d , terms made know-by SAIBUBI, 41i11y4n N, Executor gf Ala. Martin, laug-4t. • VA LE A pLE REAL ESTATE AT PR,-I,3VAtTE SALE. Tho subschlie r intoudhig s to remove from this State, offers 4 zirivate sale,,all her real 'estate situated at Lisburn, Cuhrborlaud county, Pa., oenelstlng of a now '•'. DiyAL LINO frotrSE , ; ^ good•EitAUltriow, the building's 38 b 733, and Is '.-a tooet excellent business stand, Ikhas. alto "a good ''lTerliattitalle.d . 'irith "good' Cistern and a nunibor of Fruit. Taws and. Crapes. Tun& ory I 3 LASTERILIV , IIOII3I, With Orchard of chidenyruit attabbed.:,.l ,• • , . ' TWO' STO LAYG-)a- with a. largo ninnher ef..TOVIN Will& will be trOld sin& or in. connexkon with either aboto uphitlonod 'houses as may bectstillthe pmchasers • Iv a ,thrlvlrd'lrlllage' in. - Abe Yellow -Breeches Obilet_itltliiq,7 • inlleil of OwViborg and Mir chanicaburg.lii pow:owed bf many natural advantages such Ati . eXCOllollt watertumor. ite.iicailtich can ammo ly fall to attrabt:kiPl4 l t4...411.0P10yea run ufeatttres, .&c. The alrealig Ammencea to'improva and' glves °very laircitfoti"ot speedy and proapardue growth.,, ••,- , - • If not sold by,Satuiday, boptember .20th, We prop, arty will positively' bo cold at public Nato on that day. liaugAt NATFEIIi For tom . es and other particulars Alta,AltET, apply to. • VALTiABLid REAL ESTATE 1 / 4 A T 13 L 0, SA 1.1 1 • S:alterfak; pth.VBl3B. Thu euhx rrlber. tvlllfrell at PubllO aalo, Ma valuable ,htrta, spouted In Suet Peonshiiro".toivnihip,- Oum, boriatbcountdi, ii.mllee, ,IVeet of Ilarrhburg ruffle South West Of 'West , ' Valnifetvi containing 112 Acres 122 Porches, (more tr• less,) slam land, , vnder a high Mete' of Oultlvatlon- and ' - good toned,' ncljulialng lands -of l Col. It. d, ll:Ottoman, U. DI Musser and others, hitting frertill laygd" "L 0-1.1 .14.E.;::1 lititehen, and `Frame` *ash • Ilona° &lathed, a well °Twitter , at thd • cloor,'n largo Cistern: Frame DANK DARN, and all necessary 'Outbuild— tugs, oleo a cistern 'at thd barn (The huildinga are nit new having been built In tho y •arsll6o and 1061.) There Is also a One young Apple . and Pearl, Orchard of !Thole° Fruit near tho house,- •• • .• ; • " good title and ponneelon: will : tiaglieei' on the let my of April. 180. t• ' • •Eale.to powniatiae at 1 o'eloolePiilf.. :On !held 'day, wbenteima ,will ha made known-by ' • • :,• ••• IMPLpY. , Volmtiee . e., and send 14111.0 this bMee. • ' 14 SgfixtrierVlALts.' -- --- IMiii Cif Vendliihni:Exprinia bitted btit of tho Court of 001IIMM,Pleas of Cumber land County; and to me directed, -I .17111 expose . sale, brpubllooontlneursqtary. at tRaNOPtt nom., In the VerdiEl47„Carlkil,6,4rin.Pri, dayattgidr6 21, 1868, at o'clock A. M., Cotc. 7 lv g described RatatO, t 6 wit '• ' • • A Tract cf Land; sittiatedin Silier Spring toirnahlp, Cumberland counfy,- Pa., bounded. on the East by, land of - Henry Vogiesong, on the'South 'end West by lands-of George Beistlino, and the Conodoguinet Creek, and on the North by. Janda of Samuel Vogle aongandlacob Simmons, containing 175 Acres, more haring- thereon created a • Tw.Story .Frame -Dwelling: and-:Beck-Hitcltan,_ . Franco Barn Wagop 'Shed, Rog Pan; dud other outtinifdliiii. Seized and .taken in eiecutlon - . the !propeirty. of 'Edward .Dommy. ' .; • • • ~• • • . . A lot of ground situated in Now Kingston,. Sliver Spring township, Otnnberland• county, bounded on thoblorthlry the Carlldlo and Harrisburg Turnpike, on Aim West by an alteyoin the, South by an Alley, and on the East by lot of:John' Hinob, containing 40 biotin front, and 184 treat in depth; be the name more or lees, having thoretinr nitrated a. Two -Story Frame Hoirse, Frame Stable,Sirmito_llouse and Ilog Pen. Seined:AO taheti:iitiritedUtton" as the property' of Jacob Wert., - A lot of groundm , itnated Upper Allen township, .otuntierland county, boutidad on the North by the •tate hood, on the klast.b.f land of George Badman, on the South by land.of George Engle, and on the 'Beet by Abraham Nooks,. containing one half Acro, more or leen, having .theroon . erected a The-Story -Frame Dwelling; Back Bitchen,Frazno Stable, Slaugh ter Gotten and othot. eutbulldinga. .Etisod and taken_ in es °cutlet. se,ple rwripo:ty of Peter Cockltn. Tho undivided interest Ira"a tract of land, situate, In East Pennsbmotiglttownahln, Cumberland county,' bounded on the North'by.landa of2.ooorge Kuntz end Dtayer, on thO East by'aiicob, Kuntz, 'and on' the South and, West by land"o Oeorgo tungsdort, containing sinty acres morn. orlesa, _awing thereon tueeted'a Two-Story Stone Dwelling Rouse, anal a Ofic and-a-Half Story Emma' Tenant Rouse, Bank Barn, and.other outbuildings. ..A. tract of Efountain'tand, situate Tartly hi East Sdnnborough township, Cumberland county, and partly . to Perry county, bounded on the North by .1111 st by -lauds - of -Wm. Drayer- and Jacob Kuntz, on the - South by, -ether lends of the Deft., and on the West by lands .f Loogodorfe helm. Seized and taken hi exec - title& as the Property of George' Kautz. To bo sold by - ma, - J OS. O.CIIIOIIPSON, Sheriff. BIIERIFF'S Orme, CARLIBLE, July 28,1.868. • CQNDITIONEL—On all sales ofssoo, or over $5O will bo requirod.to be paid wier.' the property Is stricken off; and 6206 n all sales under $5OO. •. , PROCLAMATION HEREAS; the Hon. JAMES H. Drosidont Judge of the several Coatis of Common Pleaii ol the counties of Cumberland; Pere ry, and Juniata ' and Justice of -tho several Courts e: `Oyer and Terrolner and General Jail Delivery in said counties, and Thomas P. Blair and Hugh Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyor and Terminer and Jail Delivery .for the trial of all capital and other offendere, in the mid county of Cumberland, by their precept to me direeted,i dated the lath day of • April A. D. 1808, have ordered the Court of , Oyer and_ , Termluer and General -Jail Delivery to be holden at - Carlisle-on the 4th Itionday of August, 1508,•(it being the 24th day), at 10 o'clock In the-forenoon; to continue one weeks. NOTICE is hereby; given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Cum berland that they are by the said precept commanded to bo then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, and inivisifions examinations, and all other romembranceii, to do those things which to their ofllcesAppertaln to be done, and all those that are bound by rimognizances, to pro,ecnte ogaleet the prisoners that no or then shall be in the Jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall be Just. JOS. O. „THOMPSON' 17jul lit,4, P STATENOTICE' —Notice i"s 11 . 4 given that TAters TestamentalWegtate . of A br‘thecli Martin, late of Vrankfdrd township, deed.; -lily° been Issued by- the, Register of Cumberland county, to the uhdorslgued residing in the same ownship. All persons Indebted to said estate will make payment and thou basing claims will present hero for gettlement to • - YAMIJI.I. 1,E133.1AN, Executor. ug-6! OTIOE.-:—Notien is hereby 'given that an election will be hellion Monday, Sep. ember 7th, 186 k, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. and 4 o'clock P.X., at the olUro of the Cumber land-Valley Mutual Protection Company, at the Stone Tavern, In llickinkbn Township, Cumberland county, fo; the purpose of electing thirteen Dlredtore,_to servo. rforlbe ensuing year. By ordure( the Board • 41111 N Tang bt. h` XECUTOR'S NOT ICE:—Noocei.s ~hereby given tint Letters !testamentary on the estate — of Rebecca - Weaver; Into of - ZieW - Kingston, deed., have been issued by the Register to the un dersigned, All persons having -claims will present tham-forpaymentFand - those knowing thainsulvos to= debted will ninko inunedlitte settlement with ' _:•.-, , - - PANII3I7II - .EAVRIt, . Bahruter. ;nag-nt `. USTATE NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad jministration on the estate of Levi Line, deo'd , at.of East Pen oshprough township, have been ia eped by the Register of Oannborland county; to the .uhscriber, residing In the same township. Notiee iv tereby given to all persons Indebted to said - estate to make payment, and the having' claims, to pre •ent.shern ter payment to E. 0. DARE. dm! n Ist rator aljuly•tit 0. , A nNISTRATOW-S- NOTICE.- pet' Jrn Adminiatration baring this day been i ssue hn tip. a'staio — CX iiollry liiltheßer , dec'd lot. of East Penns] .0 on township, Cumberland county, to the subscriber residing In the same township. Notleo Is hereby given to ell persons Indebted to said estate to inks, immediate payment, and to all those having claims nealost it to present them to DANIEL KILLIIIWIrEII, AdMinistrator. • 14mig.nt. "[NOTICE.—Notice is hereby given to all.persons not to discount the vendue note given by Enos StaulTer 'and John Morrison, to S. Henry Bat., dated tho 1918 day a March, 18118, due December, Nth 1808 7aug-3t.. $ THE HOUSEHOLD GAS MACHINE I FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORRS, FACTOR lES. AND• PUBLIC PUILDINGS WITH OAS! (k aerates Gas WM.( Pire or Heat! The simplicity and ease by which thin Machine In managed, us.also Ito economy and great merit, recom. monde it to public favor. Can and see machine in operation' at She etoru I • MANUFACIURER AND SOLE At:ENT, rs. DAVID JONES. . TIN F tlTOlCEod^fee ~ 143 flltEttN„ ST., tra..Sen for Illustrated Circular, . .1.4 a ug ne.:111. • • . 'TIJSCARORA ACA:DE3IY. • P0 , U,NDE,pn7.1836: The Fall SuFsion of this flourishing 'lnstitution-will commence ou the First Wednesday in Septeinhor. The object of. the I nt.titution is to prepare2young men for the active duties of-lifecto qualify pupils for teaching, and .to train thoroughly such as- desire to enter Collette. Thu instruction embracek the culture Will(' mina and heart, so that their powers may ho ell - ritrneted and - applied; and a - tatito - foritytaticetual 'pursuits and virtuous habits developed. Foriurthor Information scud for R. Clrehlar. Air pile:tuts will _please address, , • D. D. IITOIIB, A. 'M., Fri uclpal, , . W. A. Asn't PrincipaCi Juiniat PS, . ATALUABLE TOWN - PROP] V AT PRIVATE SALE. ' The roubeeribt , r, Intending to rergove front ofhirsortt private Jude Lis residetiry, sttoßtra on Smith ll:mover Street, Nos-a 5 nod 37. The property cot:mints of tr - DOUBLE HOUSE, - ono pert of which is Built of 'Steno and-the- ether of Brick, twctromploti ..)tonseU ? LOA° for drrellinga &plates oebusinees: • ' •• • ' There are also two Brame Buildings on the promlena which could Le very, readily be conVortod Into Iwullings. For tonne and other particular. mutt re of the crihn6riber, residing on the promises - ' • BANDIT; It. KELLER. It Not cold before Oct., Ist 1868 this property will tie e. dared at public sale on that Joy. . ~.. lDJuno.tf ALU ABLE TOWN --PROPERTY .•,•• . . • • . - . • 11. Tri•V T S A ..„ The subscriber Intending to remove row Gm village, of ira tus follow In g valueldo town property in the tonic' o fGrecian, Cumberland empty, at private snle. Aatela gouniragtitoulitipliq9,Ettfl3Pnt 200'fiet16:d4pth td - au 'Huey. ' • - One or the leis ban created upon'it a tlYtoßtoll,• . .„ „ • -FRAME . TIOTJSE, noArly. vow., , • Ilia' ; • Lot Noi.2, Lae upon , ":' • , •- r • LARGE- -8' Infrant; an'cl. . 'WOO D l'7/1. ! • .tea-.' in • • Tide would .be a( meet excellent Aeration Blechtmle, being locat,id lu tile midst of &Most. thriv. lug a:gricialtural community, and the buildings, being well-calculated for that purpose.. .•, , • For terms and ether information, apply to the nub.' 'Wilber , residing engin) premium , „. • - • - • ,',144: -ALLEN', ° , • • E • , ~~~ _,,...,_____—______ - • ARYEST-HOM'Er.4llf•=l:lninbeii'- . . . , „ hind County kgrloulturill Eualotf, wlll'hold to annual Ilurvofit'llonan nt tho Velr'Orau,nd, on kint 7 1 11 urdnY, Auguot 16th. Approprinto eddreonoe . will Iber tiollverod arn,l'a tat4pUtul.col!ation Prtipares for the eAnelon;.,' .•", . • '• Pi:Cider ' of the Eleoletyi" ,'`'. _,''''' '•" , 'feet= , ..; , ' .. , Tliteld. Ltz,•Jr.,rritet: • . ME= -ALSO upon the cash preiniuma received in 1861 on all Policies In force On ibanst of Dec., and have decided to receive all the scrip issued up 10, and Including Jan uary 1805 inpayment of premium. ' The undersigned is ready to deliver certificates to parties entitled to receive them' rit the Ca, lisle Agency at his office, No. 8, West Main- Street, at any time after date.of this notice. Pamphlets, table rales, , applicitiens arid every in formation furniehed without charge. A..L. SPONBLER, 'Agent:. A liberalpercentage will be paid to one or two good, reliable persons, to canvass Cumberland county on behalf of the above company, which it the only Mutual Life insurance Cbmpany en Pen mytoania, and one of the oldest and most reliable in the country. Apply to_ _ A. L. SPONSLER, Agent. _ 19jurin M. • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. - A Doubled Story Brick, House, with Frame kitchen attached, imitable •. for occupancy , of two famillee, or 11. a !,!!!, ' Store.ltonm and Dwelllng,,ltriated o 2 gist PENN STREET, CARLISLE, • ditmosed of on favorable. torn, 12june ft, EOM •Aleo - a commodious Two Story Brick Dwelling House, with Brick' Beek Building, situoted on lOot Mello DDiret, Also a valuable building lot, situated ou tho East corner of West and Pomfret Streets, frontlng I 60 feet on Pomfret, and 240 -feet on. {Sent Street. I This Is one of the mo=t desirable iota to the borough. - • 12june IS. • Alsoa.,Three Story Dwolling Howe, built of Brick and Frame, - containing . 5.a a.. rooms and kitchen, with all the modern aa a immovementsovlth stable. and carriage . house in the rode, situated on , 0 lot of • ground on West Louther Stulet, Carlisle; containing 02. feet in front. and 2.1 U root In depth, a very &nimbi reeldencr. pARUAJNS! BARGAINS! f-flavo U day commenced retling - olf - my - - Wire n(Rmnih,•r flood, at greatly reduced grin, , 1!( I I,l< A full lino nt SATIN. lIAIIRED and STRIPED JACONETS. and WHITE MARSEILLES undor price. SIIM3IER CASSIMERES. And COTTON PANTS STUFFS, great; bargains, - Cheaper than YVIIr 7nld In Carlloe. )eosins( Pickings, Pickings, Ginghanns, Chocks, tic., at the lowest price. Stockings, Gloves, - ' Corsets, Buttons and other calcine in greet variety and very cheap. I= D AT NI ant):. - k, ; Now It: Wo timi • ;wore bartvilto ill oil Muds of DR? .000DS imirly 110 lio_virwo nut roqi. Great Bargains in Parasols • and White Quilts• 2 tkil3 1817. • . .I{l N . , . 11' ARG A IN S DR Ks;., 14noir9 „ .. ~ • i , ANAIVNIIPs , ;,/. -2., • S..kriNETS,,i , . . v • . I.IIUNS , _ Mt N. 54 'PRIFIMINOB; , ZYPIIHREi d - Itinnnxs . • NOTIONS, JO AT , • • LUNG'S NEW STORE; • • No. ,AV EST MA ni . FITILFIET:, . Opp6lto the ManNlon' •Ilotoin„noxt tn Prirt '•, • . WANT I) A FEW GOOl/AGENTS This Xngraving'islueetlng with rapid sales where.. over Agents have boou appointed,- and all wishing tb secure territory should do so at once, , we are offering extrg. Indneenionto *to good and att .. - 'pnaeneettVanvaseora:s' • '- Agontn'aelllott'thd /AA of 6rritit should 'tittvo tide Ono picture With them •• •• • . - - -•- • For tern's, do , inkilLoax. EEC] 11jjAlY'S: , VVAGOI , s1 BRAKE AND :WIKION.ErtS , • LOOK TO .YOUK IXTERPSTS:' •Wally'e - Patent Wagon Utak° IllockjiOlder,, Is Just tho thing needed by overy . person owning wagon. • For cheapness and couvenienoojt. '4l . n - them' ever used or brought befbre the pilblitti .It to stilt all slaps of Square,'. Thitik , or irldw, and eau, be applied- •tvith the greatest Sanyo. lone°, without hanuer.iir nails. . Agenteiwanteci In ,every county in thb 1141tod 6tatoa. hog,partldUlaro apply to D. DAlLY,„cgqilalp, A. -Ig-LSTONSLERIS=CIOL--UM.N , AEs: - SI),QN3ti.B • • • • • Real Rstato Agent, SOrivoner, Convoy:mien Insur ance and Maim Agent. .oMce Matn Street. Neal Centro Sluatd. . ' . , ," BABE., tract of. vrilturtile q'isn'bify containing s ONE HUNDRED . AgRES,' tboAlloutb ISlountsin miles above' MtMollyiksiolifts , as the, etcans,row mitt property. - Thor tract le inbatlrlottrObli%locatdd, ashy o of access and ttrAlinliair o . t . ttojmot qutplty. For terms; Ac., apply' 4(C • • A. X. SPONSLER.. Union Paoihe Rail Road Company, /fCI2-n7c1;,A•62. To'Cereal Ihaynble Soml.A.ninuolly In Gold, -• $ The subtecHliei; M dkp elds - need ioinfed. the linen. dal Agent fat the Oompany at Carlisle; will revolve subscribliMeaSM. thdaboec‘ named Ilbettle, ,Which baa been Indently'adidtlieed tolo2 and fire'et that state .regarded-the ebeepeetenetulty in tlio market. A. L. SPONSLEII, • Office Nb. 18., West Main St. • VALUABLR -LOT OF GROUND Y. ." FOR BALE . Situatty'endlying between East Main and Pomfret Ptreets extended, in the Borough of Carlisle and nom, Wok 'alma four acres. Th Isis one of the most devisable Lote in the - Amin and could be used !of a variety of purposes—besides Its capability of bring advantageously divided into de airablo building Lots—having a front on each of 'tha above named streets, it wouldebe a moot excellent lo cation for some manufacturing business. The Ofl6 and Water pipes aro already laid Just in front ofths Lot. Apply to /e. L. SPOIC3LER, - Real Estate Agt. Penn Mutual_Life Insurance Company 'Assetts $1,818,000,88 Life Insurance Policy on Favoi.a.= Lie Tern s.! The Do nrd of Trustees here declared a scrip ;Iv!, dead TER'CENT.,, I . 7junt . r.N. L. SPONSLEIt, EIMIZSI F R t). A- RI I t;I: KNADINES, - L 4teNs;. FLANK RS, BA fIRE LIMO, CHI F:NE POPLINS, A LA PAiltflA S. Ar, nt r.,,4 VETT SIIA ePt cost, Ji(wy sKißts fi ,I3ALmoRALs 'I I ,A LICOES 1.27., Q A Ill' J P S C US T CHAS. (.1 1 ST No.• 47, WNI M,in Stront, .Uar liylc NOW OPENING Its DOMESTIC .GOODS WHITE Goons. OUMBERLAND.COUNTN. -TO HE.LL . ' . Spl*id ikraying GENERAL- GRA-NT MAItTLBSON h CO, 626 Minor gime, rhiladolpbla. :11118 C-:EL LA IV Bo Mt 'X VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 2 IS-THE_MIRAOLE_OF_THLAGE! C.4rn.y-Iletkactl. Voople have their locks restored. by it to the dar7 lustrous, Tilken - tresseintyouth, and are happy]. Young Poople, witicit;Oitjadeil orred Hair, havolhese'unfashionable colors cluinglitto a beautiful auburn, and rejoice! People. whose heads are covered. with Dona rtrjf and Ifunzors, use it, and have cleat h coats , " and - clear and healthy seitlps ! lit veti6rails haw their I.c:ill:lining locks tightened, and the latri.!_sp.as covered with a luxuriant growth 11:rir, and dance for, joy! Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly perfumed! . • , - You'd; - Let :be - ea - 01d jt - keeps their -ptii place! 'ive'ri ,.- Inidy'nzdstand'win Use it, because it is the clean& and_ best, article in the . Far Saki - by-Druggists generally: 7fib*ly • LAY IN YOUR COAL. - A's sthe *cattier le now very.propittoiro,:seil_ the Dricso era is oat favorablo for the :laying to of.-your WINT.E.R'S. COAL. The subscriber would otter hie stock to the public k nowing full well the dispositiop of the tradoltener ally to make many promises to enact Bales. The sub. scriber would prefer to . teTtiii thir - g - tVilltf of the coal hufurnishes, speak for.ltselt.and he will he held to tho following which are his old standards. lst. To sell norm but the BEST COALS to La bad. • '2nd. To Full an NM CHEAP us any in the trade• • 9d. To deliver what Ills ,ustonisrs inly, and lint ..to [nix with a• LOWER PRICED article to tnalto tho piton to suit bin nolo. 4th. Believes in tho principles that SCALES. cannot be in use (..without repairs) for t‘ steles of years to thu advantage of the elastomers. iith. To keep all kinds of enel to he lead' else whore. 6th. Never toe• ArIB.REP.I,t.ESEXT cold to rottAft.tt Oslo,. - 14I7ARA:NTEF, 2,000 Ihr Sth. To dive the edfnmern the ntivantalfn ot N Y fi A NGE In price at tho nth. Tq DETER gINED • to do all in hitt Uower foi• the:het/ant of Ulm.) who dual ith him. .and on 3 our orders and you shall • • • ...I .to thvorablo term: as .hp-ry,li4,llrti.l.o ra A ,k 1 ERIC A,N '4 - ANTI-INC ('STATION (BU'S OF PIOE, 2V O. 14.7 South Fourth Street. =I E ANTI-INCRUSTATOR 'rirl,, -- ._ ' Lir -:{..•. Will rianoiii3 scalcs from byaau .!,,, 01 .... k lion.ooo and keep thorn clean, ' 'Y,' ; ',il. I , e- _ .-',lfi render the Beane loss • liable t 1 11 , 1. , ---- - .. 1 , to Raploam?, and causing a :r 11 . liii it to raring 'of furl. .4 . tii !,' • Th.,. I:tbritumvas bAting , I o' . :6 been id siiccessjid i use during '4, 1 11 • ~'- ' l.',.:N'('• tool l i t 4a o 21' c u s ' ta v b„; ' )„ m ac a 41 ofi :) ill IL ''- tl,l', rkilarlelplda and othrr parts of ~ , 1111 j; , ..,,, the UnitediSlalcsaudfrom which - .'l ',,: !. .., ` '; , '' l .,f the most fl attering trstimonialz 4 1 , 11 ' ,i , 1 of limy nainderfal sav i ng of : l ap, Inclined labor lime been re -41 "\ I! i '3 1 .i i . t i . zi coined. ' ii:e -rimPAltTlES.havlng BOIL , ' 1 • '''' ..... - li, Eltil would do well to call lit \ -•- .. r '4 1 -r 11l i. ',l, the 0111iiii, and examine lerti. . 1 , monials, he., ho. .1 II I l': ;1, • - :: .I'4 ,! 1 11,: I .. :.'l' di - : , 3 r 1411 '1 ':1 .---.- !': 1.1 4 ..1' .. ' ,) 1 ' , 5i u ne•Lni. 00K OUT DRY GOODS MEN. JL TO TILE PUBLIC. . • I have just returned•from the EastAthlnY.SPring Sleek, a ode& usuril, I em sellidg GoOdka little cheap• ur t boo any other Dry Goode House In town.. I do not think It nooessary to ocenpr, a column of news- Paper to keep up my reputation fort selline. cheap ods, liar do I wish to resort to clap trap to gull the polite. All I ask of them le to call and examine for therespl‘:es, end It not sandlot/ with the prices. oirE to • /lux,. Iteniember . . tho..stand No. .32 North Bonin:4l , street, next door to Pr. Kieffer's. and Hiller Bowers Hardware Store. , . . . W3I. A. idfl,ICS. 1 , . S. I %MI i. 13 nothing about my third and foortb grand opening.. ,9april-07. • . . . . ~ . _ . . READING _RAIL ROAD.. .. 4 SVMMEIV.-ARRANOEMENT AUG UST 1868. . „ . UREA r . TRUNK !Arm 'Tom: THE, North and North West for Pidiadelph'a, . New .York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon. A llentown; Ess l ton, Enlnats, Linn, Lancaster, Colum bia, Ste. - , - Ac; - • : - . : - Trains leave diarrlabor:; for New York as itillows ; At 2.50, 5.25, and 8.10. A. M., and 12.20, noon: 2.05 and 5.35, P. 31. connecting With similar Trains on the Pon n. Sylvania Roll Road, and arriving at Now York - n - t 5.001 10.00 and 11.45 A... 51., anti 3.50, 0.5 . 51, itatd 9.50,1'. 51. Stooping Oars acliompanipg the 2.50. A, '3l, and 11.34 I'. M. Crates without ehange. • Leave Harrisburg for Reading . , Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minorevillo, Ashland, Shamokin, Phu 'Grotto. Allen town and Philadelphia,at'B.lo, A.M., and 2.05, and 4.10, P. 314 stopping at Lubquon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10, P. M. train maklug connections for •Philatielphia End Columbia -only, ,For,. Pottsville, Stitinylkill Haven and Auburn via Schuylkill, and Susquehanna Itallroid, leave Harrisburg 3.3 Q P. M. - Returning: Leave Now York at 0.00, A.: M., 12.00, Noon and 5.00 and 8.00. P. M.; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. 51, andt3.3o P. AL; Sleeping cars accompaning the 9.00, AUL-and - 11,00, and 8.00 P;+:sl. trains trOm New York, without ohango. , .. . Way Paasengor Train feave's PhiladelpillatBo, A. M., connecting - with Avatar train on East Penn sylvania - Railroad, . retdrulmi,. from ,Reading, at 0.311, P. M.., blopplug At all Stations:Pettaville at 'OM, and 8.45 A. M. stud 2.45 P. 51 , ShamMtin .5.25 and 11.20 A. M. Ashland 7.00 ' A. 31.-.12.43 Nl`On and 1-.65 - P. Al.; Tamaquttalt7l:3o,4l.• 51. 2.15 and 4.35 I'. M. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and- Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.10 -A. 111. km Harrisburg, and man A.M. for Pio° blroyo mild "Protta Ut. ; .-, - 1 .1 ~it Reading Accomniodatleri Train;' Loaves Rtuttlintr. at 7.30, A.. 51., returning ?rem Philadelphia :at. 5.15' :Pottstown 'Accommodallurilt.Tralo: Leaves; :rats. ,town at 11.45 l it . returning Lewes .191tilaile)pitia 4 . 30, P. 311; , C 01,1101116 Rail /told Tralitileitiet lioadloir ,7:00„4 . • ' L and 6.15, '' SI. tor, Ephrata, MHz, Liu:Master, .i Manilla. Sm. t, UM Poritioufail (toil gond Fruit,, 121.1.y0 Vijrkiolllutt Junc tion nt, 0.00 A. And 0.00 P. AI, Aetitrn Ind Leave tikip . paelt 01 0.10 A. M., ;Intl 105 P. M., etinntietlng with uinti Jar {minx os, Iteading•ltnilltond., Stindayi: LeAVC 0,00, P.I Philadelphia h UO, A.'31., and 3.15, P. Al ~tho 0,00 A. 11. 'Prain running only to gentling; l'ottsvillo 0.00„ A. Al,, liar, Ir•bur.; 5,25 A, Al. and 4.10 and 9.35, P. ! and Handing at 1.1Q,g.55 and 7.15 A. n. for at 7.00 A. Al. and 0.40, P. AI. for Nov York and 4.'25 P. 51. kir, Plilladnlphin. ' - - COllllll utalon, Alitetige, :Stmm, Bath"' and . Extern efuu Tiekotn; to and Iron, nil potato, at rudneed rates. ilaggagd cheek,' thronvin 100 pounds allownl.l each I . ,enfeintgr. , „ _ , • 'H, A, 111001,LS) QQ • (400 Sup 1. 'S.. •Mc V J 8..1., ( .L . AN ', WITH, • _ IparrklLOTT & BLYNNi!.t .D 1 ALERS IN ' edpki,' Furs & Straw GoOds, No.-13C, l!ar4t,St r et;':.3 ' :.• thjUly18:3111. . OTI t TO I'EACifERS' j 1 I. hornby given that ton ,Teaebera - trill aiut ployed to, take charge of the, schools' of Ponn town . ebip, , canuerkeirig iliehret Uf'depterriber. arhool will be given out on the 28th. day of August,ilbeing Ike day of examination of teachers in said totriothip, in Centerville. Liberal wagos, , will ,be paid to good end 'competent teacbois. ~ By Order of the board, o.N.l.suny, sees'? .741431. , , . ~. • 4 ',.. ,I', :i4,Q (11)4 A vivkyg,,,ALlvt COMMUNITY at the OLD CORNER, j 1 Just receiving anotner htir nupply ofano4in nnitod 10 tho proson ktennon. ' DRESS GOODS • • A finutlful )tmittml+nt of 11 , 1 s.s:..•y I L 8 --- 7n - rtliTnhrr,-nnd-ganlittcrg MTIPERTOIVBLAOK (1110. GRATIS' 81LECt‘ MEM SAQUES AND--MANTLES A. FULL LINE OF _ . BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS For tho' trimming of Saques and Mantles A (iRAND ASSORTMENT OF Black and Colored Grenadines French Organdie Lawns S& SWitlfeEl, • , 440±1011 J noOnet I:Amins, French Parcnilla I . (gured, • French Perenilld Plain Pure Mottled Mohairs, 14, MOZAMBIQUEH-nittIRRENOH CHINTZES, SCOTCH GINGHAMS &0., &o. Dross Garda all nailing at astonisliinglir Ikpg mploan, an we aro determined not to carry atdolt tb• ssaron. WHITE GOODS Plain and Striped SV7h33 Mullins, 7 Striped Plaid and Plain Nainsooks, Plaid, Plain and - Striped Jaconetts, Shirred, knifed and.. Tucked Musline For Garibaldies, _Striped and Plaid Whito French Organdies - for Ladies' Dresses, Black Crape, Atarett 2,yds. wide. foi • Shawlq riod DroskoW , BEM= Two var,l4 Wide MOURNING GOODS, Of every description, suitable rnr no ..eon • %mi. for . 11. PurPow . "• A drill line n:. E U N 1 E A I 001 uomEs () r oo :I UN FAILEIRA, President Of all kinds selling at unusually low prices EZIt A LEE ENS, .Svey and 'Prom WARPFITSII CARPET,SIII Great imlueomoula uow offering in all grades of Carpets to r Into out our ntook of the SHARK, RI,))UR 011, Ul, 0 T Alf widths for Entrlo9 and halls WINDOW' 51 EN- A ist.l4- BO VS WE Ali 01, TH S & CAA-11%1E11Es MN MN MOM,' , of .very Call aml-sor tho hrst sloOr of mans' wnar In the town. El= TABLE COVERS AIM SPREADS, A great Vtiyrkatn'laall khotn ot,Lluon, , ltunknbnek and Domed( Bordorod_Tontein, • Doyllen, 'Nopkinn, 'Roble Clotho, Bath Toivetn, &c. ' • . Loco . Mantles' Silk ,llantleia, And fiaiuso nt tho httont ptvien — , Thn Col; brntod Of thu nensoil, with the drop laqbmingg, onabiltig a lady to Idiot thaelcirt to tuako it any longth rho may erlnh it, either Mr the, troll .nr walking aro, N (),,.1 IO N N 'i` 10.N.S Iu sSch grant Sarlety that It Is imposnible,to enumerate - them.; Please RIO Us a call and. P. all dascilptlans of LINEN lIANDKERGUIEPS, LAGE lIANDKERGIIIESB,IIOIBERY, GLOVES, •TRIM MINGS, RIBBONS, LADES, EDGINGS,INSERTINGS, MARSEILLES TRIMMINGS, &c, Please' o not fall to give us an early...all null ea • entitle, our complete etnelc;' an We- are always well prepared to prove tho fact that we do study tba In terest of our customers. and never cutler oureelven to be undersold. • I) H. M I L L E R. • Please • in noticing the heading ling the cicala gof our advertisement, an 'lt Ie nomutimen eloceitimitatectli nd may doceiro tlinso not on their gnaad. T FIDICH & MILLER .4 A (1111:i1144a(6/6/ r Sign of the Carpet Hall. ' NO. 2.! • NAST MAIN STREET, -Carlisle Pennsylvania. akerts. I=3 FOR iiall For Ladies Suits, Plain-MO:lair, All colors for suits, Alpacas, All Colors Flack Grenadines, For Shawls and Dr e 3 I.l,walls nn hand TA TiLlt !1, .01.0THN Plain and Bordered ...._ DRAB, l) VAIi, ke. iyme . y Comb - ~.Quilte R. P r SRI MISbELLANEO US. .5:Pi - RTN:G- 'S At E'S Itaye completned at #iWtl6roof the ittdortilgnolfln IVORT 11 . .&*)VER gTREET, of ail. kinds of, , wltrooitiltiil , io*„the` retail Or from,o koojsiO,:ffotelo. 'lug of ibefillouer,,e,: I.l!rvlisjlyet . settrined iroiit the ciffoi pared tro ,' • • : T 0 V-11114 -- qf every kind, 'inch se " COOK PARLOR AND OP Pi. O,E' S - 1' 0V E contacting in Pat tp; Ate_ ' Barley Sheaf, . • . - ' Noble Cook, - Oriental, 'Parlor and NATIONAL \AR G =I They no prepared to •farnisiv•ttiont• 'conterupleting housekeeping, with ell things necessary toe WELL REGIII,VEED ROUSE such as • • TIAWARE, lEEE of all deecriptfour, COFFEE MILLS, SAD IRONS, SPOONS, • _ •. j , _LADLES, C. Roofing, SpA l ting and Jobbing, . - . and everything In•tho line of the t inner 4 deli° at the Shortest Notice and on the most reasonable terms all wares WARRANTED. Give thorn a call ns they, aro anxious to exhibit, feeling eatlsfied that they can convince all that No. OS, is the place to purchase CHEAP GOODS, And BEAUTIFUL NAfIE of nit kinds, found In n first chum establlehmont larastr.BB MACHINE -WORKS: W. W. Jsuirixos, Piaclicai Moulder. D. FITEVENBON, JR., - Pracen Engr. .kachinist J. hf. STourt. - • - Franklin Iron Works, Corner of Short and South S'treets;. HARRISBURG PA . , MACH I N ' t DE PARTIVIgNI MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES & MACIIINERV Tartieniar attention paid to Repairing of Mach i nary bp:Direr 'night, - at home or abroad. 11:INDS O,I".BRASB 'WORK, PIPE • ,AND PNCTINGkON- SAND. Wrodglit — Tron Brass and-Iron-Oohs Water Gauges, .;• Globe Valves, Stearn Whistleo. Gauge • Cocks, Check-Valve A Governor 'Valve.; Governois,Safety Valves, • Steam Ganglia, Injectors, • Oil Caps, se, .Urilono for Pipe - snamogana'Ptiltoye, Etc., Etc. Foundry and Ornamental Department Manufacture Cast and Wrought Iron Plain and —Ornamental Railing. Over one hundred and novonty•tive.now and beautiful patterns.. Verandahs, Window Hauls . liras h ots, ;settees, Tables, Stands, Troo Ilexes, Division Platte. Raelc.and-Feod - Boa etribt' StablesT;eto, ote.. HOUSE FRONTS Lt A.II,OIIIT.ECTUR A I. CASTINGS: Executed from any deilgn furnlehed, and have' on. hand a largo xarloty of gatterug for BUILDERS' IRON WORK IN GENERAL. Wood Carving, Model Pattern M prom pt aking le attended ta., JENNINGS, ST EVENSON R - STOE VEI 3July 68-61un. IMPORTANT , DISCOVERY ! THE "POULTERERS' FRIEND, OR CHICKEN - POWDERS (Copyfight secured.) =III :CHAT - AIN - CUM FOR GAPES (N CHICKENS AND TDILICEYS Will Pr Arent and Care Chicken Cholera. and . her Disease oohimon to - Foultry, a • d will promote an increase of Fat. -rtteIECTIONS ACCOMPANY EACH PACKAGE; PRICE 25 CENTS Thu aunnaad aro a few 01 the eortlfleatox ire halo rocelvad In proof 01 Mu watt value and Ilflirnry brtha Pooltorara' Friend : CARROLLTON, BALTLEORi. COI , NTT. Dec. 16.1007 Alersrs. Clotworthy4 dslvrt[usa :—I hti,4l,used your "PouHerein' Friend" .npcin a brood of youn g rhiekedis that hod. the inpon, end anituippy to any, that by the nee of a few doses th y wore entirely.eured. It 7111 ce;tainly mire the gape 9 when need neeording-tedireetionr. MEI= . LECTOR:I, W. VA., April 7th, lolls Aftmrs. elnOlorthy ik Co. • b.nre:t4i have -lawn - )dur 'Pooh...den; Frond" fOr the last' fqg tnonths, for tho rum ° of alekon Cholara, and in every instane whord It flar huoo toed, thnwar arrll4.toll. at olive. It i. the greatest Medicine muds. I t "Is in u. Pat demand. and I am selling It rapidly. • tl ;441110:11y neeompliglos 101 l that jou claim for It. - Vours, kr. .10NAll T. T.111.1.51.E1.f.. ' SIM:41E111)8TO \TN, W. VA. Apr,ll I . OCII, IF(IS Idessrx, Ciatioorehy 41, My young chicken,: were dying eery 144 this Spring witirtiee,(l.lmote.,_anlhenriug_r_yoneelnultome /friend, I purchased et packago from Jos. M. Btone Maker, fibopberelettown, Va., and it acted Ilkon charm. The Clapee coon desappenrod, and my chickeins have heroine healthy and thrifty. I cam recommend the 'f'oultorerte Friend to all.. liemplectfulq, BUIPIIEILDSTOWN,W. 11Ifirch 2 I, lq O p: trotrorthy d• Co MEI GENTS :—llavitigioi , Lin grant many fowb:, dodo:: the early Spring, with "Chieltoni - lholera," I was in tludtd by MS. los. M; dtonnbraker, ur 81.1 , 111,05 t owl, Va., to try a paper of your "'Poulterers' Vrtond, =- which I did; and I had only limed tiireo doses %thee the disionmilleappearedond_ I have not lest: a fowl since. I can most - safely recommend it. to do what it says, If the dlrottions are renewed. FOS sale by all country. Merchants.' 01,0TWO1tTI11( 6: Ct) • ,Mholesnlif Dr ugglnt,, Nn 8.9 WOO Ibiltinioro trr•ot, Bnltlmorn.4 ma Trice §!2,00 per Dozen to the Trade. A rabor,o Allowod, triton Purrbasrd" to Largo Quantltles. Doware nl tiny Itoltattno. Nom) lollop. , ottctipt. that Manufactured by Clotorerthy , t)o._ _ • ~ All Btortebrakor'r pt.oparaLions for sale by «:v.1,, mood & Brom, Wettt. Main Pt.., fttallelr Po. Bttmatydro. . M9NUSIENT ASS ATION.—A. general meeting of the Poldlors' Idonument Asseelatiqn, will be held In the Arbitra tion Chamber, at the Court Home, on Saturday, the 29th lost , for thi pufpose of selecting tev ballet, e suitable site fm• the Mention of the propisod Monu ment. All members Mir. 'earnestly requested to 'at tend. The ballotlitg will take place betwe9n the houta of 20 A. M. nil fiP. M. • .- 7aug-ot , ,' - . . A : 6 N I r, 8 31 !I! .E D IN TIIIB-COUNTY FUR Tyr - SCOURITY LiFFONSURANCE COMPANY, CEZIM! Handsome campansatioll allowed good Agent 7" - Addroio, ILA. WIDDIFIRLD.BpocIaI Agent, 628,Walnut,t3L, Phpads 17July•ljn VT.44 , the best ,• 'Pliiitegiaphs: at mobauwa , Promrunt Photograph Papery Street, Carllello Pa. 61 1184••• • WANTED .by , a manufacturer, Agents W:sidt by . semis. Address lattb stamp Air elroular. ' ' ,' • WIEENNI C 04•443 Phllsda. • I.sjuiplm. . „ . rin g printing done . hero. Hcafm• RINESMITII & RUPP, • No. 88, IlanoVer Bt. CarllBlo, MBE= I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers