Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 21, 1868, Image 2
Ehit Afraid J. IMBAR, Editors &Proprietor; 0 A I:t '.-15 Friday Adorning, .Aupst 21, 1808 RIL.PTJEILIOAIst .MYAITIVATIC#CS PREICI:DRiiT—;GEN. 11. B. Nutt pßEßronNT—sorturrspn VoLrikx AIID'It ampi—JOHN F. HARTRANIPT.. GErvz—SAociii M. OAMPBEIO.I., Assinnix—essa. J. V. GI4II, of Shisipcnslnsrg. . DISTILIOT Arsonnst—WM.D. PARER% qf GzrZiabe OoMHTSS!ONOR-W. S. WOODS, V Dnaciroa OP POOR—JOHN SADLER, Of Nechaniost;u4 Avnyroi—THOSlAß McOLLINE J of Eat COUNTY SunvEron--JOIIN A. LINE, of Dickinson. Cononzr—JAMES M. ALLEN; of CarZis c. 'REPUBLICAN PLATFORM . The National Republican Party _qr.the Hailed Slates, aisembled in National Ooncention in the Oily of Mica go, on the 21st day of May, 1868. made the following Declaration of Principles: o • , I. Wo congratulitto the-country on the assured sec. ems of the Reconstruction policy or_ Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in tho majorit of the States lately in Rebellion, of Constitutions securing - Equal Civil and Political Rights tit all, and it is the duty of the Government to'llastain those institutions and to provont the people of such States from being remitted to a state of aparchy„ IL The guaranty by Congress of Equal Suffrage to nil loyal - men at the South erne demanded by every consideration of public - entity, of gratitude, and of Justice, and must be Maintained; while the' question of suffrage In ell the loyal States properly. belongs to the people of those States; Wo deinotioca all forma of Repudiation as national crime; and tho national honor requires tho payment of tho public indebtedness in theuttermoatgood faith to all creditors at home - and abroad, not only according to the lotterbut the spirit of the laws under which it was contracted. • IV. It Is duo to tho Labor of tho,Nation that taxa tion should bo oqualized, and reduced-as rapidly ss the national faith will permit . V. Tho National Debt contracted, as it has boon, for the preservation of the Union • for all' time to como, should ba extended over a fatrperiod for Redemption; and it is the duly Of Congress to reduce the rate of - in. tercet thereon, whenever it can be honestly dono. . That the beet policy to diminish 'our burden of debt is teen improve our Credit that capitalists will ;leek to loan us money at lower rotas of interest than we now pay, and must continua to_pay so long as repudiatiott partial or total, open or convert, is threatened or gun... potted. - • VII. The Government of the United States should bo administered- with the-- strictest economy; and the corruptions which haveAteen so. shnmofully nursed and fostered by Andrew Jolineon call loudly for radical re form. 'VIII. We profonndly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and regret the ac cession to the Presidency ~of Andrew Johnidn who hes:acted treacherously to tho people who elected ' him and the cause ho was pledged to supper% who 'has usurped high' legislative and Judicial function% • who has refused to execute the laws; who has used his high office to induce otherofficers taigncrro_and violate the laws; who has employed: his executivo powers to ren der insecure the property, the peace, liberty and life, of the citizen; who has abused The pardoning power,. who hae denommed the National Legislatureim-uncon etitntional; who harperalatently and corruptlyresieted by every means in his priwer, every proper attempt at the reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion; who-haapp'verted the public patronage into an en tine of - Nyholegele eorreption; an&who hue been justly Impeaohed for- high crimes .and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the votea_of thirty-five Senators. IX. .The doctrine-of Great Britain and other Euro pean powers that, because a man is once a subject he is always so, must bo resisted at every hazard by the , Hutted States, as a relic of feudal times not author ized by the laws.of nations. and at war with our no.' tional honor and independence. Naturalized citizens are entitled to protection in all their rights of citizen ship, ea though they were native-born; and no citizen of the United States native or naturalized, must be to arrest and imprisonment by any foreign power for acts done•or words spoken' in this country; and if no arrested and Imprisoned'it is the duty of the Gov •ernment to inteiTere in hia,behalf. X. Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more espeelel honor .than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of campaign, and cruise and Imperiled their lives in the service of the country; the bounties and. pensions provided by thelaws for those brave defend ers of the nation, are obligations never to be forgotten; the widows and orphaneof the gallant dead are the wards of thepeoplo- sacred legacy bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. , - XL' - Foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much lb the wealth, dovelopreelit and ro sonrcei - and increase of power to - tlds repoblibi the e. , ,ylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be foe• tcred,and encouraged boa liberal and just policy. XII. This,Convention declares itself in sympathy wjth all oppressed people- straggling-for • their rights. Unaniirtously added on motion of Gen. Schurz: • Resolved. That we highly commend the spirit of ‘-magnattlyaityand forbearance with which men who have served in Ihd Rebellion but who now frankly and - honestly cooperate with us in, rpstoring_the peace of --the counfry-mid7recialStFliatlag -the Southern State governments-upon the basis of Impartial Justice and EOM Rights, are received back into the communion of the loyal people and we favor the removal of the r dlisqualilleations and restrictions- imposed upon the late Reticle in the memo measure BB their spirit of lop ally will direct, and as may he consistorit with thectifd. ty of the loyal people. - Resolved. That we recognize the great principle laid down in the immortal Declaration of Indepund cocoon the true fcrundation of democratic govern. went; and we hail With gladness every affect toward making these principle's a living reality ofi'ev - ery hack of American soil. __Wx-will—furuish the HERALD from this to the end of the Presidential Cam: fslign for the small sum of fifty cents.— Our iist is rapidly increasing, and we hope our friends throughout the county will will assist in making it still larger. Tin Southern :Rebel' press are fre quently repiirting the " telling and elo quent". speeches of " colored orators," delivered'before Democratic, audiences.. white and black. It wOuid be a good thing if the opposition would imptirt one or two of these Dammed° orator's into this State, to support the miscegenation tiaket with speeches in favor of a white man's Government. -Ptscounaagn ENLISTMENTS. , "-There is, not a leader of the Democratic party in the land who attemptiLtci . ,Acny,tba( _his_party. l dincouraged enlistments in-the Union' army, and resisted the draft— thereby, we-say, prOlopging the war, and increasing the burdens of the •nation by adding theusands to the long lists of - murdered. Union men, and increasing our debt -by hundreds of-millions of dollars:. SINCE GEN. HARTRANET has occupied . the position of Auditor General, the State, ,debt has been , redueed more than live millions of dollars. No oven the bitter est papizau has lieen,,found ,to deny_his impart al and-mostefftoient performance of his official' duties. We are odnfident, therefor - e), that the - people _will re•eleot him in Ootober hy a majority which shall Attest their , apprecialion of hie - valnable seivicee. ,TUE Nivw, 1411g.1,LION.—We publish on our first page par/mord of the Demo 'erotic party an ;1;00c ' tui by itself, com piled by the Pittsburgh Gazette, and Will continuo it for a 'lubber or two more, We urge upon our readers ,to, .read: , it carefully thensigelves ? , and-'endervior .to, T \l havetbei pomoicaiionaiglibors lihewise 'peruse it. We believe' that , 'there are' in, thiS eon cy many honest' Domobtate,, Win); when ,tay learn Alio ,iiiiSehlef and ruin that theiflgiqera are now planning, will surideigir 7 Ohiparty ties, and ally themselves. witty:the - great Union. arj; under, ,tbe 1ead,003 . 1340 PO' •0 0 ,Witit, .: 'ilhe icacird speldni for itriall) , 'Oll yen need do is tolsranadejliem to , road it.: One '. Out 9 - faderyflige Democrats Who aarefuliy. reatt_and. 'reflect upon $ Will 'assurodly leave 4e pa#7th4t gardens !t Low re. bellion,4iid Alia anal ,OertliraW of our '' oillioftlei4grnmiut.'' ,:,; n :” I' . ,- It Hurts, and thep Squirm h 1 • Some two weeks since - .viepfa'u vs ,ati , , an'editotial, in which we Sndeuvered !"M . show.that_lforatio SaymouoOtlstly on tided . to the - appellation OPI;PMft-riatt Candidate." 'We quoted ge'4oly fr,OM hie•speeches,:deliviataupatiiffifferent oe easions (hiring the 'progress of the war, •andUspecially from his 4th of July pro; tion, delivered in New York -city,: in *Mai heStiatilgedin language that.could have no Other-effectthan to induce and ,inetite,thia linfainous 'tint; WhiSh-followed ,tipoisits 'heels . butten • days later.:- . -We. i stillfurther :quoted TrotrihfmSddreie Itzi - I 66 : x1i:tiers on the' second ;,' dnY :of' their 1 bleedyilperformance,when he went (limn. 1 Mnong the cowardly andbrutal futib,:rind Used thehonied. phrase ." my friends," told theta '!, they` had bid ciliba:ys _ edn,,,itis friends," and that-he . had always been theirs, and assured them; as a test of his friendship, that lie had sent 'his Adju tanttGeneral to Washington- to. have - I 'the_ l draft an:Tended and :stopped." . 1 Our neighbor, the Volunteer,' well know ing and felditig that. Seymour's record upon this subject is of so blank and damn ing a character as to admit of no defense, attempts -- to - answer our article-by-What *, no doubt, regards. as a very witty at tack Upon us and our conduct during the time of the invasion ; wiiile, on the other hand, its readers cannot help but regard its editorial as the very best display of "p6verty in humor," that it has ever been their misfortune to cast their eyes Upon.. ' Says the ," little joker" of the Volun leer,:. ".we-can readilyexcuse our neigh bors for being under the impresSion that ' Gov. Seymour-seized every-opportunity to oppose the war,' for they beth..had -pressing---business. -engagements- in the East about the 'tithe ,Seymour's heroic regimenta:parched - up the valley, -- gireeted by the thankful plaudits of our people, and saved the capital." ".To say the least," continues he, " it is rather un grateful to manifest so much spleen to wards the man who saved their homes` from pillage and destruction." .• The joniot of . the Volunteer is but a " earvetbagger" in our midst, and should . endeavor - to inform himself somewhat of the faeta of the case before he attempts 'to indulge in wholesale allegations either übout ourselves,- or about the, services rendered by Seymour's heroic (?) regi ments in . -three days. The fact-is, that '.long before 6eymonr's hernic (?) regi ments came near this place, the greater Portion of the citizens of this town -or -ganized themselves into militia corneal]: ies, and went some'distatico beyond the town, threw up entrenchments, and re-. Mained there until they had orders from General Knipe (at present a full-blown Copperhead and supporter of the draft 'riot candidate,) to disperse and hide -their- arrnm . --The-following dni the reb-- els took possession-of-our town and held it for three days. In..cifie of these militia companies 'did the editors of this paper enroll themselves, with it they remained while it wasiu. tho front, and if ter it was disbanded they returned - to their homes : and remained. there throughout the . en tire time-of the rebel occupation of the town. And now, as to Seymour's heroi regiments Saving our homes from pil lage and destruction. While we have no desire nor intention to say anything Unkind of the citizen-soldiers of a neigh boring State, we feel assured that we al lude to the proper,portion of diem when We say that those friends of - Seymour ivho were in their ranks, instead of saving our homes from pillage and destruation, behaved in this matter very much worse than the rebels themselves. ' These men broke into houses, stole`'clothing 'and jewelry, and as a general thin conduct ed•themselves in a manner so / utrageous that our citizens. would infi itely. haie preferred to have had the • rebels. them selves-in the stead of his ." heroic regi ments." And - what, in the name of all that is charitable, did they do to entitle them tothe cheap 17 . 0/unteer-ftle-of .4411e 'nits regiments?" They only ame after 'the main body of the rebels-hadgone, and *hen Lee and Stuart' attacked the town • .after their arrival, did they not- throw down their - arms , tmelc.refugein,,alle.y. , Imre and -biieli v -hiniSe6,l36friglAinied- that. in many: instances their officers feared • they,,weuld commit suieide? Verily did their conduct prove them .beroie,'but it was only-in the imminent peril in which they placed themselves by house-breaking, ' and larceny. Indeed 'we have a very - ffiltinet -recollection of hearing, the Son- ior Editor of the Volunteer on thetvery • tlight.briind them as" New York sneaki and co:wards." . ' . ' We wish to be tunderstood in this con: rid:Mien that we do not Fateful' to say • that the , NeW York-militia-behaved-in thia manner'; doubtless, there wore inane gallant and' gentlemanlY . men - . aniong them.... We allude especially, to the friends of Seymour.who were,:iii 'their:ranits men of the kind Who butut bipiiim As -ylums, murdered inoffensive negroes and hanged to . the,lamp , posts blithe eity,of New York, Vuion:artny ofqopiil:- , -ineil"of the Icind whom Seymour in thosehloody, end. foretirer. infamous: times` dOlight6d. to call his "friends." , :n.••••: t .• • . .. _._. 1 fl :.. WO:do - not btetiati.Of the ,part.we . took ill thS' efippiession-uf the ifinve-holdere", rebellion,,-nay,- ere:free:to : ooly ilitik We irierhao Should have taken it farmore tuitiveiiiKoiolte:#ld, biit; willo - Otik thit'reffectiend Oast upon 'us by-one who spent by far thee'greaterportion of the. : few • Months_ lie' . eOO4 1-.11q:, the army, army, in "hospital, hummirig,".ft gettio,Fitl(tin, ill'. gratfe ''.frOm'.thoity , tither, ! .- And - Volunteer, wif : eau assure You ,that`ncither yatejeor'uttenitite!nt witticism at our emiense,.nor YO,nieflilstiLiiiid,,alisurdiptiM;. ngyries eierthe notion of . Gov: Seymour in sending ,:inte our. State, of laetrile :did wall. serve .rnnifeee!fronii, the ;44 04 ~,e t 9; ni,oo V4plio the . port that . your Presideotinl " eandidtite acted' throughout tho viiholo period that good andbrave men were save„ . ,of the Nation. Uppf- his paltigt or e;ettai., his iii4Pathi : with tra**,),. , The American people:have; a long aonpnnt &iota° nextil& vomber,,and,no pur6 , effort of yourig will . serve to avert his terrible fate' , `r. The October . Election: In the midst of the, absorbing interests of the Presidential Clitnirass 'we must not forget the in — cifetiln.bki OiVhoreleation..'', Should we carry the State for. HARTRANFT . and HAMPRELL by it handsome majority; Las weundoubt edly will, if we buf snake-the proper ef fort, the work for November will have been in a great measure performed. On the 'other hdnd,' Should we lose the State in October, the struggle will necessarily be all the severer and fiercer. tvedeeni lt"inlicvember. Hence the great im pertttnee of making the first fight a'vig• orous and determined•one. Jr' the 'adinitilstration of our State af fairs for the last eight years, we have the prciud satisfaction, as party Of having - feu:cod - the debt constantly and rapidly: - The annexed statement. of Gen. HART -RANFT, our, 'present able and efficient. Auditor General, and our candidate for re-election, shOws that from 1860 to 1868, a period in which tho extraordi nary exphiiies incident to the war to sup press the Democratic slaveholdere'- rebel lion were exceedingly.heavy, the debt of the State' has been.. reduced more" than four millions, three hundred thousand dollars; while - at :the-same-time thO taxes have been . red need One million,' three hundred and forty-four thousand dollars per annum. - Could anything be more gratifying to the people of. Commonwealth than such cividonce their, prosperity, under cirentiistances so adverse as those t brough which we passed during the four years of our late war; but to the Republican party it is especially grzilifyiiig to know that they hiVe 'been so fortunate in the seleotion of innn t.. administer the affairs of the State. Tax -payers,—Deurocratio and Republi can, note the factthlit under the Present Administration of our affairs, the State debt is steadily and rapidly diminishing, and when you,come to deposit your bal lots, cast them—for '.the •men who have been instrumental in its accomplishment, and who 'at the same time have suceeed ed in very greatly reducing your burden of annual taxation _ Friends. ef Alt MA IVF1: BElt,, keep the folhi - vii)g iitafenieut be fore your neighbors from this to the day of election and you `twill b? . sura . to win for - your candidates thousands of Demo cratic votes,. • HARTRAN2 makes this -state ment in answer toeprtain questions pro pounded to hira, by Ron. GALUSITA A: Gaow,Ohairuan-of the Reptiblican State Central Committee. - It is ac follOws : A G EN-EltA i. ei OFFICE, ' Ilarriaburg, 6, 1868. ; Hon. G: .l. Grow, Chairoiwi, Dlika Sin: In answer to yours of the 4th inst.,Lannex state rent of the public debt at the close of the fl cal year 1860, and at this date •' _ Total State debt, Nov>h-30,- - 1860, 537,060 : 547 50 Total State debt, August 5, 1868, . 33,651,637- 48' Of this latter amount the interest is stop ped on $861,641 18, and the amount redeem able on presentation, elk:funds being on hand for itn payment. Tho tax on real and personal estate has been reduced as follows : The net amount charged to the counties annually from 1862 to .1866, ' $1,667,814 88 The net amount chargeable to the counties annually for 1806, 1867, and 1808, 313,222 29 Annual Teduetion, . $1,344,062 14 Extraordinary expenses to a largo amount have boon paid during these years for mili tary seivices, &c., the items of which you will find in the annual reports from this of fice from 1861 to 1867, inclu3ivo. Respectfully yours, J. F. 11A.ETRANFT, Auditor. General. THE cry•of the Democratic party in 1864 was ;that " the war is &allure," or "let us have peace," even at the sacrifice of the interests and honor of the nation. •at that piled united in demanding a vigorous - prosecution of the contest- against the Rebellion. In 1868 ,the motto of the - Republiettits is let us have peace," while the Demo crats are supporting doOtrines which, if Carriedout, Would inevitably cause anoth: or war. .The Democracy have , gained the unenviable distinction •of being peace men in . time of war, and war; men 'in time of peace. • . A WORD IN TIIE SOLDIER'S EAR.- The Men. Who cursed your or your com -radet,Andersonvillii- and Libby, tab not -boisterously shouting for Seymour and those very persons 'who filled the nation with widows and orphans are now seeking to rule the Republic by placing Seymour in the White liouse at 'Washington I Soldier, think twice be foieyeitTiiid in plaoing in•power , those rebels whom you conquered in the 'field. Tun, :next 'important State election :talfea:"Plaeo in Vermont September _lst : California - follows on the th, and Maine. 9n,th0.14t1 - of'thesatue onth. In Op; fober, and as late as the 3 of ve , some twenty other State atlas are also to be bold; and the whole oarnpaign will 'terminate' with t; Presidential strugglo in averygtate of the Union." , . :.,• Evirtx . )S4Asty4, 7 -- , Onti -great Tact will never bo every lovc4 of the'T.Telen+-thtitthei6,Oalled Demooratid party opposed, oiery measuro of the Fed *;?(4verinneit. to suppress the rebel lion ; and not only did tliat, but in dition-lnvented aUd : endeavored to carry out.plots to tb*itt i1u1t 3 91 7 . 11 9 NOre'tj'ying to oyivn the Union from dootruotion: Stratus. Major denqul Gordon, of Indiana, a ':Democrat until Seymonee _nomination, takes the stump for Grant , lind Colfax: judge Lindsay, of Kokomo; IciWATlctie; mooratio elector; Hon. Dennis ,McCarthy and Gen. David ,S/Wilsoh; both' of, the same State, life long Deniocrate, dit like wise." Hon. G-eorge M. :Weston, of Ben gal., Maine,,a prominent leader of ' the Domodicy, abindorts ,Se,ytnonr acid de (dares for`dient: 'The Hon'.'TliriMits.N.' Stillwell, United States Minister to Ven ezula, and Gen. J. L. Swift, onee'John . . son's supporters,.are stumping 'for Grant and Colfax: Collector Smythe, of New York, and Tkurlow Weed utterly repu diate 'the',Depopratic nominees.• °Gen. Steedman supports - the Chicago nominees. Chief Justice Pearson, of North Caroli na, lately elected to his present position, a Conservative politics, publishes an appeal to his fellow-eitizens and deolares for Grant and Colfax : Caleb Cushing, off Massachusetts, regards ..Siymour and Blair with Contempt. Messrs. Evarti3, Seward and McCulloch, and other mem bers-of the Cabinet, are Grant and Col fax men Chief Justice Chase, is on the same side. Senator Doolittle is lulce -warm in his f advoeitcy - of the Democratip candidates ; whilst Gen. Ewing, of Ohie,, a delegate to the Ne 7 York Convention, and Gen. L. D. Campbell , are supremely disgusted with the Disunion candidates, Seymour and Blair. We might ennmerato many other load ing-Diiinocrats who have abandoned the party that propene to make treason' re spectable and loyaltpodious. And be- Ibrethcclmpaign is closed. we have. no _doubt that batfew—men of- prominence will be found in their ranks Those only able to retain. who have hope of 'personal advadeement--and ag grandizement , • The good- cause moves steadily on-; push forward the column ! FRANK BLAIR'S OPINION, DP GEN. GRANT. J-AftetFrank Blair had made a speech, at I,eavenwo - rth, Kansas, in a re ply to a man who expressed the opinion that " Graut.was a fool," said - '' Sir, you are mistaken. Grant-is no fool. I know him well.. I knew him before ho went into the army, and when he used to haul wood into tho city of St. Lottis.: - . I met - him often in the service. I know the mat. He is the greatestman of the age. Siternotut,- Sheridan and Thomas am good men, but -Grant is worth more them all of them: Oliver- Cromwell and iNapoleon Bonaparte were bah great mon, but, ,, Ott',l tell you that Grant is a greater man an Cromwell and Bona parte put toga H } r. eis net a talker, but man an is ono of t 0 ,greatest, thinkers in the .world'. LtolLyou, thatibo people are mis• taken when they suppose Grant to be a fool. The man thatemi - spring - vight up from pov erty stud obscurity, and do what he has done, - is no moro creature of eircumstances.,. Or etunslanceS don't run so much in one way." , What say our carping Copperheads to this opinion of, their Vice Presidential candidate of Gen. Grant and hit tiMat ness ? Blair says he knows him r and certainly his opinion - should be taken by them as a finality. if they have any shame in them, they will forever cease to denounce him .as a weak niam'but will ootdially yield- to him the same high praise that Prank . Blair gives him. ',Re. .._ member, Blair says, Cir Mil, is the'grrhtost swan or tho age ; yrPater than Croon/v.ll (tor/ Bonaparte pot together. ' ' . Tim original Carpet i Baggers have. at last been discovered. They were the Democratic patridts who, with a small roll of clothing under their arms, ran away to Cat___±...escape the draft. SEYMOUR, in his letter of acceptance, says that the 'great body of those who ,served in the Union army and navy dur ing the' war now co-operate with the de mocracy. The Governor is slightly mis taken. If' he had inserted " served in the rebel army and navy," he would be just right. • THADDEUS STEVENS The following 'sketch of the life and character of THADDEUS STEVENS was writ •ten fey these columns, by Hon. FREDERICK WATTS. * It is a remarkable feature to bh'related in the life of - a lean, that his death Should• command universal and excited • sympa thy: this is the recorded testimony of his . fellow men of thedistinction won in loVing accomplished; 19r1O,fmentlev for.h aying'sbed light upon the intelligenco of the world, or for having guided the destiny of his Coun try, by the power of his eloquence• or the mysterious influence of a great mind. Then-, DEUS'STEVENS' record has been thus made up,`by such an outpouring of public senti- . and abroad;' as few iron Who have lived, sWould justly command when they died, The "first wo know of hie early bistory,.he is found 'teaching a "small school in the County of • Ydrlc; hero there was ".notbing to indicate his future: butthe walls of a school room wore mani festly:not destined to limit the powers of a great and growing - in'tellect, and tlie Bar, that extensive field fat:the growth and ox pension of mind; soon attracted his tateri- Hon, and brought' him in contact with oth er-minds, calculated to whet his genius to .. that standard of superloriti .which signally •marked his.hftor life. Adams -County; Pa., was his early field of action, and often' a few years of most successful practice ho launched into thellold. of:politico with a 'convictiou of right, and poWer of 'eloquence to enforce it; that few men of his day pos sessed...To fled amen of kind and generous• heart whose impulses constantly constrained him to acts of alertly, and :ynir possessed of a spirit OHM severest aarcrism,• actually. ,goa_ding his opporients to slander and lifnco r is anomalous in tho history , ofile Un man heart: • but such was lie, lidasonry,was the dist object of his' attack; and ho loft no stone unturned, no 'opportunity to eipapo whore ho might hold, that Institution up to the world. inmost hideous • cd!?rs; and al though all his associates ' belormed to the order, be never suffermlan opportunity to ()agape whereby ho might exhibit its fda tureiin.all that deformity, in which his im. .aginatton pidtured it. ' Ho- liad arrived at tho bonorupton that its. hilluence was work ing immense, political that it had cor yupted the source of rill 7 pewer, and lull convictions of right ho dotormined to pur hue It -to, the death. l'his brought upon gim, a persecution as relentless as the attack; and, thoro was naively, a orlon is the ooloudar With which he Was not ..Publiely — eharged,' even to murder itself. -The history of a ease which grew , out'of this stop of-things williserve to illustrate the character of the naanOluindictedand also brought a 6 '4 41 Snit for' damages" againsriin editor for a ndoitgiossnad , infamous libel. Mr..,PTz !Ana felt thatthe editor was but the inetru rmontAin the hands of the free-masens,..' . and . r tiopght - hodOitld put hilrinuidmpon the sul- , 'thor the articles, and :Proposed therefore, to relieve. the editor if ho would . name the writer. Thisbe refused ilddo and the pros 13cuti.divivent'dit ' On the defence' was or could be made, but the-Counsel for the defendant, who was .a mason of high 'standing from an adjacent town,' took occa Mon to say: "By the Law Tof - Penna, it is , not competent ',for a defendant ''.to give evi donee of the trUthlo relieve him fronacan vietiOn, and therefore the gentleman has chosen this prosecution to relieve - him from 'the damning odium which the charge im putes; . but there is a time and place when tlietruflirriay be proved and the gentleman may - have to hem its consequences". Mr. SrEvErre,,anticipating this, with a sagacity 'which he 'possessed in a- most remarkable degree ? took fromhis pocket and, hailed to his counsel to be road, a . notice which ho caused previously to be served upon the de fendant, that ho would not, on the trial, ob. jest to any evidence. tending to justify the truth of the libel. .. The answer to this was "we can receive no favors at the gentle man's hands." Tlio defendant .was convicted and sentenced to a years 'lmprisonment and a heavy fine. - Efe was relieved from both by the clemency of the Governor, who was a_ mason, and looked upon-the offence as inoro ly political. At the Host Court camp on the trial of the civil suit.: the Same counsel of the defendant did , not appear "at the time and place when the. truth may be proved." The truth was not proved or attempted to .be proved. The plaintiff proved the publi cation; of the libel and that - the - entire value of all the defendant's property, - including hie press, was two thousand dollars, and the jury were asked to give this amount of dam-. ages. They did so find, and judgment was rendered upon the verdict and execution is sued, the property all sold. by'the Sheriff, and Mr. SveyENs,was the only purchaser. Thri property never wee, removed or taken from the defentint, - and some years after, when the 'l:loHant was milking an effort in an adjoining- County' to establish a new busi ness his friends asked Mr. STEVENS tore-. neve hifn from the balance of the judgment which remained; anti' he directed that it. should be assigned to his wife. This iihts trated the dharaoter of the,mo, who never knew vengeance and whose - whdlo soul,was an embodiment, of charity which knew no boiitid. in administers ljg to tho comfort or happiness of his fellow-man. • Mr. STlivicns' eloquence was of a peculiar character; it consisted mainly in what he said, and frequently was most poweiful in what he suffered to reainin,unsaid, leaving a blank for the mind of his audience to fill . up; but it - Was a blank thatAhoro was but ono word or but one idea that would fill up. His eloquence was as effective nsit was curt; ho took -possession of the hearts of his audi enee_nticl.borci them along to bis conclusions as irresistibly torrent c.fiirics floating substarico. Mr. STEVE:I;S was not a stedant; such was the brilliancrof his genius,:thoamita,_ noes of his apprehension, the quickness of Ins intolloot, -that little- reading--or study, served all ._'the purposes hp designed to ac complish: studentsjudges'and man of learns ing, doubtless were often surprised . to find their ideas_wero enlarged and improved at ~ h is hands. Thoughtless "and ignorant mon ascriberreiinning to-the diameter of Mr.. STEVEN'S; they wore either ignorant of the meaning of the word or the character of tho man; for if over generous frankness, uncon cealed truthfulness or open development of purpose characterized a man, it belonged to the trial of causes ho never took an unprofessional ur ungenerous advantage of his opponent, his resources on such occa sions were ample without resort to cunning, which was a trait of character ho utterly despised. Whilst there were few Men in the world more extensively known, it may be truly said that ho was known by very few. Close intimacies with his follow men ho seamed to avoid; and yet amongsk them had it, mysterious' influence, whleh'not only. commanded their respect, but brdught into requisition all their aid to accomplish his personal ,purposes; and this, too, in the midst of a conflict of political excitement, which ono might suppose would dampen all the feelings of pride of the man, or cilio for his individuals success. No man just like him has over lived before him, and the un thinking world may not care to soo his like again. c o • grown and:Olounta .Aftattms SH ERRY TH EATRE. This . Company has been reorganized for the ensuing season will, bray a 'short engagement here commencing September 24th. I=l2l ,SALE OP VALUABLE ,P EItFiONAL PROP ERTL—Doi*, - forget -the sale to-morrow (Saturday) morning at East Dickinson Col lege. All the effects of the late Dr. Johnson, consisting of Household furniture,_ valua ble bocilis &c., will bo sold without reserve. =0 G. A. 11.—At a meeting of Post No. 114. at Carlisle, hold on Wednesday, • An • 19th, Capt. I:- H.'GRARAM was elect- Hted Post Adjutant, to 1111 the unexpired term of Capt.'EDO.A.l!. LEIC. _ ' •' CMS STUAYED.,—About tkree weeks ago, feria near Carlisle. a young Roan Rull.; Any information . :, regerding his whereabouts will be gladly received. SAML. Eroth the best authority we have lea non to believe that the “Creesus Sciap," manufactured by. Mimi. Hcockloy & Hall, advertiiement in this Issue, is en article pos sessed of- superior merit. Reader try it ! TEE EPIsCOICALCIIUROq lIVCENTRAL .PENI•IsYLv.eari.L.—ThO now diocese to which the last Convention consented, and which litshOp pT.v.. b so strongly . reeoramands; will have 28 counties, 40 elergynien,' - nearly 60 'parishes, 8000. communicants, and over ono million of•peolile. • , • Great interest is felt in the movement in some quarters; 'and generous - pledges in mo.: ney aro made to support a now Bishop when elected. The deoision of the subject by the members of the cluirch will soon be required. =CI • APPOINTMENT.—Gov. GE/Itir has tip. pointed. Capt. JA.OOII Ziro, of. this place, as Notary Public, to fill the vaCancy caused bY th 6 expiration of tho term of R. A. Noni.), Esq. This is a very judiolous appointment: Mr. Zuo is a. meritorious young man e who lost on arm in the service of his country, and is. : eminently entitled to ,this recognition of thole services. , , RonuEitY—.on-Banday_ Morning last, while a portion of,,,the family of the Rev, DAVID STEIMETi . was at church, the servant had her attention : drawn to a.. noise on the . seCond stoiY of the dwelling.. Mies STEIL- , Ex , r and theCeivant Made an' examination of the promisee, when a•nian appeared on the Weeny and hastily Made .his ,escape, having secured !jeweler . , two gold watches and a small-Suit of. money. On Monday night Mit the robb* . in company with some others of like ilk, returned and attempted to force an entrance through 'the parlor window but the family') becoming ~ alarmed by the noise, the marauders weiefrighteued off.. No arrests have been made. 'Hero is a fine opportunity for our police to exercise their,detective:powers. Oua Pus Lid &mooLEL—On- Monday morrfing last our Public Schools, after a very pleasent.vaeatiois of about two Months, non vetted in the different school - honks for the commencement of t t he-wiffeY'l s esion. We presume the ,pupils, after so 'long holiday eettson Nfill enter upon ;their studi with renewed' eal. The teach'ers,wcifnel asSured,- aro glad that the long vacation has terminat ed, as, during its continuance they .receive no pay; . Our 'publie schools aro among the best 'in the State, and-their organization and admin istration is almost perfect. The Directors _are gentlemanly, attentive and zealous; the teachers life competent and elporienced, and the •scholars make rapid progress in their studies. We think it is the duty of parents and guardians to make occasional visits to the school rem. Such visits usually en courage both teacher and pupil, and when parents fail to visit the school room, they not. only neglect a plain duty, but also do 'prive themselves of a great privilege. Again we say, visit the schools. =II OUR AGRICULTURAL FAIR,—The of ilcois of the County Agricultural Society, in this paper, make the annual announcement. of the approaching Fair: It will bo hold on the 14th, 15th, and 10th of October next. Tho indications - that Wi shall have a fine display of.our varied products next October are highly favorable. It is a matter in, which all our people, of whatever profesdion; calling,"age;or sex, should lake a-deep in terest. A Proper pride in our gobd old county should stimulate every one to, make the best show of the producis of 'the soil and the mine, of the workshop and the factory, of the . garden and dairy, of the kitchen and patlor: Above , all, tire live stock. of the county should be well represented—horses, mares, mules, jacks, and jennetg. ; .bulls, cows and calves ; sheep, swine,' &e.. Let us all turn in and make it a success. We can assure our readers that the villcors of the Society will spare no pains to dt. their part. TUE TAX ON WIIISKY.—The attention of..distillers, liquor doalers - gird -- all:Tersons wlio have distilled spirits -on hand for sale, is called to the following section of the new tax.. bill, which is now_in force.: S . tm'rro 67. And be it further enacted, That any person owning, or having in his pe,session, any,distilled spirits intended for sale, exceeding in quantity Ilfty.gillons, nod • not inn bonded warehouse - at the time when this act takes effect, shall immediately make a return, under oath, to the collector of the district wherein ouch spirits may be held, stating' the; number and kind-of 'packages, together with the marks and brands thereon, Aind.tha placeiiihere_the same are stored, to, gather with the quantity; of spirits, as nearly as the owner can determine the same. Upon the receipt of snob return, the COB - odor; • ing first satisfied that the tax on said Spirits has been piod, shall immediately cause the same to be gaguedmid_proved by an internal revenue gauger, - who shall mark, by cutting, the contents and proof on each cask or pack age containing live wino gallons or more, and shall'affix and cancel an engraved stamp thereon, which stamp shall be as follows : jilere follows a description of the stamp.] HOME REPUBLICAN PAPERS,—We wish to impress upon our Republican friends_ throughout the county the importance of extending the circulation of their own coun ty Republican papers . .for the next three months. There are few members of the party, however humble, who may „not in this way render themselves efficient latorers in the cause. Letovery Township, Boimugh and Ward Club make this ono of the first stops towards the progress of the campaign.- The subscription-hooks of the HERALD are now open, and we will with pleasure record any number of names for the campaign, six months or year. Send them in. ECM 11I01'FIER60N'8 HAND BOOK. OF POLI TIM—We acknowledge the receipt of a copy of" McPherson's Hand Book of Politics for 1868." This - vx — tme of the'most valuablo Political Manuals ever published, contain ing, as it does, data bearing upon current politics, and other valuablo Information that no man who desires to be either thoroughly or partially''Vehed . iiitheViiiiings of the Governpant of this country can do without. The tabular statements placed in the volume tiro of great value, and fully meet the wants intended to be supplied by the author, Hon. EDWARD McPx(Execar, ''whose long experi ence in public life is a guarantee that the work is everything it pretends to be. The book contains 382 pages of rending matter, together with a copious index. The price of .the work is $2 50. - Washington City. Philp & Solomons. I= DEATH. .OF.. THADDEUS ._STEVENS-,--_. 9n Saturday evening last a meeting was hold in Rheem's Hall, to take action in ref.. 4 erence to thci death. of Hon. THADDEUS STEVENS. JOUR TURNER WAS called to the chair, and J. D. ADAIIi appointed SoO s eet , . W. F. SADLER offered the ..following rose iutions, which wore Unanimously adopted: Whereas. GO in his wisdom has soon tit to bring to an end the laboreof the Hon. THADDEUS STEVENS and whereon it is but tit and proper that the citizens of Car,lislo, should give s soino testimony of their iie l tisc of the worth and exalted character of thorile ceased. Therefore.. Resolved. . That , in the death of 'lion. TILA:DDEIJS STEVENS we recognize a sore affliction to our common country, in the loss of a most. wi so and incorruptible States- Man, and an .unsollish Patriot, whose only desird-was-to-promoto tho best interests of the Country and that hie eminent services in the cause of Human. Liberty and Univer sal Education, and his• untiring zeal in be half of his country in hor late life-struggle, and his unswerving devotion to the right, have made his name and.doods !'part of our Country's glory. ' Resolved. That a commitioo he appoint ed by tho.Prosidont of this mooting to rep resent the.Oitizons of Carlielo at the funeral services at Lancaster on. Monday the 17th 'inst. Itt pursuance of the lest resolution sever al gentlemen were' designated' ni a commit too to attend the funeral. On - arriving at Lancaster several , other localities in our County were found to be represented, when all citizens of the County present wore or ganized in one Committee and procuring appropriate badges wore.nssigned a place in the procession: The following' goi „. itemen constituted the Jolnt W. Wallace, L. Kaufman. , John Lee. . . Abm: Witmer: , IL Thomas. J. W. Ahl Jos. West Wnin. D. Halhort.i John A. Swartz Sarni. Van Bead, John O. kloyor, T. Comfort. Tap CROPS.—The corn crop In Cum• borland county, this year; will bo very large and of an excellent quality. The Oats crop, we believe, was much below an alierhe one. Potatoes promise over. an .average yield.— Apples, peaches, pears, and . indeed every kind of fruit Will bo scarce and poor. ' , VALUABLE FARM AT, PUBLIC. SALE. —We desire to call the attention of our read ers to the'advertisement of the Farm 8f Mr. JOHN Duxinen. It is a large and valuable farm, and we have no doubt will sell at such' a price as will; enable its pUrchaser to re- Collie from it very handsome proflte. The saio will take place - on Tuesday the lath of September, When it will assuredly be knock= . eddoWn to the highest bidder. • =EI AGRICULTURAL ADDRESS.--TlOti. A. B. AfeCLinz; of Philadelphia, will deliver the Annual Address'before our Agricultural Society, at its next pair, to be held in Car lisle, on the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of OCtmber next. . I= GREAT YIELD 01` POTATOES.—Our friend, O. P. Hussman, Esq., cn the 20th of April last, planted ono pound of Early Rose Potatoes. On the 10th of this month' (August) ho raisedthp'cron, which amount ed to 48 pounds of the finest potatoes wo have ever seen. The seed cost $2 60, and Mr. Humrich considers himself very well paid for the investment. 1=321 Tttut..--No obserration mat be truer than the remark of a cotemporary that local papers always.render a full 'equivalent for their cost, and afe deserving the support of the citizens of the 'county. There are in every vicinity, many 'things of local interest which the county papers make known, and which could reach - the public in •no other way. The reports of the proceedings of the courts, of public meetings, of local societies, etc., art all of genernlihterest, and are worth more than the 'paper costs. It is taken as an index by strangers of the prosperity of the section whore published. Ono wishing to go to a new place naturally looks to the local 'Tot; to give him information con cerning the resources and development of the- vicinity, 'and its appearance and-con tents exercise no small influence in deciding is , to the, darability of the location. The influence of a well-conducted paper in at tracting attention and immigration 5 a town and county, and, consequen;tly, in creasing. the value of property, is very great, and is a suflicicia reason why it should re ceive support from all enterprising and inf• telli,gent citizens. =I HARVEST Flotdr..—On last Saturday we had the pleasurc•of attending the 'inn* Harvest Home of our flourishing Agrieulth 6. _! 'rid Society ; Quite-n goodly number of far mers were in attendance. After en hour or tiorof social intercourse, it was , announced that dinner was reedy. The supply of pro; visions,. Under the management of Major BhuTz, wee most excellent and bountiful. After the compa4 present had feasted in the good iiiings'of the table, Judge W ATM delivered a mot exCellent and instructive iiddresis. Ile argued that the reason for the ateady.decline in the capacity-'of Our.soilito iirOdure the-great staple, wheat, is• owing to tne fact that our farmers fail to return to their land the element of which this grain is chiefly composed, viz-: phosphate, or, as he expressed it,'" bone materials." Judge W. -speaks- from' -experience, and -his advice shOuld be hearkened to by our farming coin% munity. At the close of the addi:ess, the assemblage dispersed, well satisfied with the day's proceedings. • EZEI CRAWFORD COUNTY SYSTEM —The Demneracrlast j3aturday held an electiod to ,determine whether or not the Crawford County System should be adopted by them. The vote Was a light one, amounting to but ten hundred and eight=y-two.; of which eight hundred.and fifty-nine were cast in favor of the system and two hundred and fifty-three, against it ; giving a majority of six hundred and thirty-six. The system is, therefore, adopted by the Democracy of the county. The late public sale of delegates at their last County Convention, doubtless, induced them to adopt this system of nomi nations. - =EI THE GOOD WILL E,NTERPRISE.—We aro glad to learn that the Good Will Fire Corripany have resolved to start. their now Building Enterprise on a'r.olid basis. They have resolved not to purchase their lot until ,they have raised the eum of eev nteen hun dred dollars by subscription, nor to com. monco the building until they have twenty- Live hundred dollars subscribed. Already have they raised the sum of eleven hundred dollars withili their own Company, having done it since'last Saturday, evening, and now they are among our citizens soliciting aid. We have already heard of several'very lib eral donations, and hope and expect., that the' will contirfuo to meet with the eame generosity from 'others. The Company, we understand, intend to erect a building that will bo an ornament to our town, and tolocate it in some central position, in order that they will bo'all the better enabled to render effestive service in cases of tire. ' . Lot all Who desire improventent' in our town subscribe with liboralityand prompt ness. COmMittees will wait upon e our citi zens and solicit their aid. • The spir4, l 3f en terprise is alive, and let it not receive dig conragenient at the , hanth of those who aro . . 14a. A. R.—At a meeting Pas!. No. 28, grand Army of The Republic located at groason, tho following officers wore elect ed. • able to give Post Commander—Wm. A. Lindsay L. V. , C—Joa. S. Woodburn... • . S. V. C—John K. Longneokor. Quartoramater—John 4.13 r, Jr., ' Adjutant—John IC. Trego." Sorgdantlaajor=W. Comory. Q. M. Sergeant—A. H. Bixtor. —o— . < AN; -lAIMENSE ESTABLISHMENT.— Messrs Smueirr, 'PETERSON & CO.llliladel phin; possess the advantages a ordeil long experience and abundant capital to conduct a business of immense • magnitude in a thoroughlv,systematto marmot': Their Wares are known and approved in every section of the country, and in the lino of specialities they have achioied a lasting triumph. Their groat "Barley Sheaf" Cook in particular; is one of the most astonishing and important inveistioni - of the day—a stove which has no superior and is far Alicia& of its competitors. The !Barley Sheaf" burns coal or:wood with equal ease and economy. . Send for an Illustrated Circular, and. hewaro . of bogus oßarloys.". For Sale by. RINI:SMITH & RUPP CAtheie The ancientsproclaimed tliat- 3formaids, Naiads, and ;the Graces, had ldng flowing tresses wideh made thorn envied by . theif sistors of earth, But they arm' out of the sea foam or bathed in fountains !latched by no mortal bands' and kop - t.- their loots of dewy softness, dark and lustrous, and thus ad no need of Ring's Vogotablo Ambrosia 'Which is doing tim same thing for thousand of pope in,our-day , - DEATH. . • . CORNEIAN.—.OITCrIday, the 14th Inst., Ball le r infant daughter of Theo. and Lydia C,ornmaii. • . Scarce three short years the little Menem blot:mad and shed its., sweetnosi round its home. .But,' Cod who in the end takes 'all things lovely to Himself saw lit in Ills wise provldoneo to plink, from off Its parent stem the little flower, and 'place" it near lIW throne„whero, clothed in robes of drizzling whitoness it allures to Iloayen, those who on Earth who had loyeditmosk; that they, witt'lt might. Join In zing lag "praises' to the Name of llinr who death all things well. , MARKETS. .CAD.LI9LE PRODUCE MARKET ' • Carlbis Aug - ipt. 20th, 180,, ' , Family Flour..: Saperuna_do.... do WHITE WIIHAT IND ' d 0... RYN...... DORN - OATS, (n0w).... OLOVERSFIED . , TIMOTHYSII ED FLAXSEED .... BARLEY GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET • Carll4l4, A uguo2ol9, 1868. • Corrected Weekly by Andrew Waskmood BUTTER . .- , 30 .BACON 911401.TLDEBS, 15 EGOS, .( ' • — 2O" 'BACON SIDES, 16 LARD, 10 WHITE BEANS ', 4,..06 TALLOW, 9 PARED PEACILES, 26 SOAP, 8 UNPAItED PEACHES 18 BEESWAX, a 401 DRIED APPLES, 2 60 BACON lIANB 18 I RAGS, SPECIAL NOTICES. Groceries' _`and Queensware.: We won't quit aUvertising to long as we bate on band the largest, and cheapest stock of goods In our line, that can be found outside tho cities. Goode constantly receiving fresh from the factorie s and offering IT'holesale and Retail at greatly abated prides. Coal Oil and Salt In large quantities. • No cbargo for seeing , our stork. have again reduced our prices of Qurritvieure. WM. BLAIR 8 sort, "Seuth Eud" Carlisle Pa nr.A.ll, W okly • • •Slienr•Snoomt."—Nov.3l, Practical and AWFULLY Sharp on Foglea, Quacks, Thai-isms Politicians, "boring them. right through!" Only +5O Canis a year in advance. Saud 3 cent stump for Sample. Addre,r, Dr. S. M. Landis, Philadelphia Pa. 2laug 0/I.lm LIFE 'OF GEN. GRANT. Miss M. Botcher is now in our town, convulsing fur the sale of tholife of. Gen. Grant, written by Hon. Henry C. Demming, rf Ilartfora Connecticut. We have no husilitiOn in pronouncing 'lib, pi.rhaps the very best life of Gen. Grunt In print, and can strongly recommend it to the friend, of the party. tlnug-31. 428 - tD2.4IYNES3, BLINDKESS, and CATARRH routed with tha utmost rdiccoss by .1. I b•ACh, M. P. .and Profesor of Diseases of the th'yof and For in th 4 .Itedicutenllegr Pennsyirmia, 12 yeata rapericice, (tormarly of Leyden. llollaird;rtto, BOA, Arch Strout, Pliiia. 'resEitlioniala can he soon at this onion. Thy medical faculty HE. Wilted to accompany their pa dents, at he TIA2I - 110 . ser(ets'Ilk hls ptartMe. -Arts tic•lal cyysteyerted scittool imaln V.. (11,..11' LOll. • 12jone hb . • • TRY - 'RO'YAL pAK-IgGPOWDER It is the 1.44 thing In utot for .noking, *t o t tr cheaper and much butter, than Crotty l'lrter and Soda. ft is for malt .tt Carin.lo I.v 1. 1,11,41 J o h n Martin, doo-lt. Hoffman, W 11,11111,011 & Jorot• Scour, John flouter. D. 11. li my .1 m II n , no hui A 110UiAFTOLD WOItD. 'VISE BET, THE ONLI RELIABLE, the cheap/n.1,, • Try it.. Mrs. B. A. ALLsn's ItienOrEo (urn, style.) Irmo Ity,roittAt or DRONING, tin opf bottle.) My wife and children prefer. It I , :reo - Druggest sells It. , Priot C)nc. IMEIMIM 11011 S g ank•Cal tle.PowilerstkolmoutP, togeth er with a largo attortment'of Oat Drugs and eines, Dyo Stulfs, kr , kr., Just ruckivok at Cirnmat k Worthlngtot's Drug Store, No. 7, I , ,nik 71rdo Street EIZIE II- A- G-0 J I) -143 'IN DAY -has Uawnoti for all who drain, to ITAMIIO irrbro-Ono of most glorious - gifts of -youth—tha magniciecni black or brown tinge which renders the .hair an irre alqtible element of porronal attraction. INSTANTAEEOUB -BEAUTY springs from tho application of but ono hair dye in the world That chemical clix or rontalus the vitu principle rind tho coloring inattef with which nature nourishes the most beautiful' of tho silken , fahri, ,herewith she adorns the =1 Kurd Mho said that this vendor - ereivilizatlen I, CHHISTAHORO'S HAIR 14\TF, thb moot genial: narmiess, wholesome and ros iniu proparatioil of its kind in (ho whole eel vorsa. Manufantut vd by J. cmusTAl)ollo, 6S Malden Lam', New York. Sold by all DruntiAts. AN.lied by all Hair Drpssors. • 17jnly-lm. • WiIA,T EVERY . HORSEMAN WANTS. A wel, cliCap, and reliable li niinont. Such an article DR.II'OIIIAS , • Venetian Horse Liniment. In Pint Bottles at One Dollar For Lameness, Cuts, Galls, Celle, _Spud no, &r., war ranted cheaper than any other. It Is used by all the great horsemen on Long Island criers, It will net cute fling Done nor Spaxln, us there 'ls no Liniment In existence that will. What it is stated to cure it positively deps. No owner of horses wi f be withensi after trying one bottle. Ono, dose revives and often saves the life of au overheated or driven horse. For Colic and Bellyache it has never failed. Just an sure as the sun rises, just so sure is this valuable Lint •inent to be thq nom -Embrocation of the day. Doe It 'one and all. Depot, No. do, Cortlandt 'Street, Now York. Sold by all the Dr. ggists and Storekeepers }Thailand's G ; man Bitters. Wo intended to have ailed attention to Iloollandro German Bitters a& .rtieod In our columns. Thir, Bittors, as perhaps . verybodv isitware, is an much a staple article with , drug store as flour is with the grist mills, and call for it where you will, you cannot go amiss. There le no better Medicine boforo the public, it contains no alcoholic ingredient; and come. mends itself to temperance people, who seek to avoid, whatever intoxicates or leads to intemperance. Most 'people tegort to tonics in the spring of the year, "Ifoofleurs stands at the head of hew all, and is potent at any time of the year. 'flips° who would como out iu the spring with, a cleansed and invigorated sysleot , should begin its use now. The above is flee statement of the Ellitoi "PATRIOT," IVetukegati Ills. HOOt'LANDPS GERMAN TONIC Combines all tho 4470,110110 of the Bitters, with pure Santa CI us Rum, orange, anise, Ar. At makes a 'delightfully pleasant preparation, and' is niei - for the same disease no the Bitters,. in cosmic whore Roma, Al cohollc Stimulus le necessary.. Prim:J . /74/ 63 . 1 Arell _Street, Philattelphitt, Sold by all Druggists. ' 17july-Ivi THE MAEY INgTITU_TEi-= .CARLISL I E, PE r k.NS YLVA NIA. " .„ THE Ninth AnnunlSession will open WEDNESDAY, SIIVOIOIIIIIII 2D, 1808. Address. . • Itov. Wm. 0. LEVERETT, ROCtor, or Mrs. lona 11 1331EAD, 0,101510, Pa. Atiiiust 21, 'ho.4..GENTS WANTED FOR “WEAR ING O,F TIIE GREEN.", • most entertaining book published, abounding In,Rontance, /ruiner and Mt. Agent sgys it Is the best sgiling book out, as pimple aro tired of repetition of dry dota Gs and army reports • Ono Ariont 8o)d 58 in Ono Wook. " 182 • • " Days. Liberal Toils to Agents. Eiond.for Circular. Also Family Quadri Bibles. Bost Edition published WM. FLINT, Publisher, 20 South 7th fared, BBB& delphla r ra., , 10,Julpira. • - . • , TN• BA.NICRft PTOY. . J.. Pieria Cbtot United Slates, Eastern District of Re. • John ante, of Carlisle, Chpuberiand county, Bank! • rupt having petitioned for bin discharge, le meetinge, of Creditors will bo hold on ,tho nineteenth' day' of Auguel,',ll3llB, at 10 o'cloelr A,. r .,before Bognitor Chas. A. Barnett, in the Court ' lu Carllele; that tho'nxiontnation of the Mini rapt may be ed and coy Mildness of meetings`rodulrod by eoetione 27 and 28 of the Art of Congress' transacted. The Register will certify whetlirr tho Bankrupt /tan con formed to his duty. o A bearing will also be, 'had on Wednesdny, tho uocond day of Beptember, hefoielhe Court at Pbtln ielphla, nt 10 o'clock A.M., when rind whore particio nterested maywhow ammo against the discharge. • P. 0. BLLMAKBII, U. B. Blarehall, Par B. 11. GALBIIAITU, Dupty, „ • U. B. Doputy 00tce4lUloomnobt. 81Juiy•Ot. ' 113 ..7 76 ..230 ..220 -.130 -116 .. 226 ...2 00 , . -126 I. A - • JO-