Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 21, 1868, Image 1
11 RATES OF ADVERTISING. one Insertion , Fornath additional insertion, , For.Atereitin ply Advertisements,' Copt Nnticis, Proteiodenal'eaids - without paper,' Miltnitry Notiees and.-Communlem.' tionitrelqing, to mattei not .ori. vote lliterentit alone, 10 conts .101.1 ptintlng Office is thir '11",4234 . mast Cniniiieto nstablishiimn't In An 'ntn ( Y• Four gjOilPrirsses; and # variety of 0 ttertil sultrni for plain and Fancy Ivolii.c2l over; riJ t enst,lcg us to an Job. Printing at tho s'llortost otlca, tin.l most reasonable terms. Parsons 111;inlis, or any ihlitg In-the—Jobbing net' will Had I L'i.o their interest to glee us . a call. P Ft.',sSl O r llrA L C'A RD& • 8. l'A T E '.l` AGENCY:.' C. L. 2.1 - Main Street Carlisle, re.,.enueutes epsenicatielis kn., :1111i procures patente sr Inventors. Pi IA•1, I= WEAKLEY . dc SADLER. • t TroItNEYS AT 14,W;1s Office No It_ Srmph tlauo ,itrvet IM=l iitTkRICFI & PARKER 'l"l'()lt.iNt I Y 8 AT hAW, Office on 11.111, CarllHlo, Pn. joriN conN:m AN, Attorney atLayv otit,o in Lnlidin,, attositeit to Friuli:lln lipase Apposite tile Court llourte. tintity ti'elY• • a M. BELTZHOMR, "I' .V( )11,N 1111' Al' LAW, anti Real Ldutr Agent, Sly plterd4Lown. Wok.( Virginia. ALI vilron given all l,usinras count, .111t1 Collittlt....ljuilklut . : it. - , s. - ;,;r - 11 E IAT 00 R, Attorney °Oleo in,South Honorer street, opposite CM thy gootl,stort, p• • 9,1814, AN ES. A. DUNBAII, Attorney at • l'Ar11•1”. OM, in Nn. 7, libeeniq unu • ' ll ()ENEI'--111'--LAW.—GEO, S i Est DI. Cnileo, in Nie. , Ball - ding, with lc- Egti. 1 . ( 1,10pt. ztt.llloll 'paid to 11,4,011 mi. ol 01l .1,00-4.toino. I) _1 ft% TR, tionrey r ilaln--11g.....3.1111ta,-..1 , -h IL po. No. .17 :101111, 113, 11`c I 7 .-iv • us, , ;l'll °I{I'FNEIC., Jr., Attorney at $ I. r A ,11.1,11rv0y0.1 0 111 , *. en tcl two awl, wren, rvi prom pl k 011..10,1 in •)1 TrA E it - At t,,,r0c..y -it. i,ul:,rir•• , • , .Tv np •,t, t. 7 \V a. l) —( I-1 Alt I JES E. AI ,1;113t1111.1the f. , rlnr;fl,- rr.rntp;,ll..y .I . o4l. ,, Arnhaur dily 1. 1.5”1--ly. , C II P 3 It M Al\;, tur no) . f .IAIIW, 1.1,10 , 1, `(TI 1,1,1 .1 `.l K I';NNE.PY, Attorney at. C.trli.l6, 11. s \ 1 :,, 1 13 . 1:1 E , I; ( , „ Attorney at Law C . 111111, 1 rino.r C. mar, lin. Mick Pay , ppauptiy •.t. will •fiwt ion; nnil the prop, Ill\ etts'forivar nitt. \•n re.. required u•ttil thei•laini rieLtled 11111, K. (3 KO 1iA311.1 S. SEA /i; IG II nal ti • _ _ 0t.113,;.. DLltit;d . .qlil2 , lly. • .A. 41111, the rt,itkovt• ni4.thvr. Kant. tltvve I 1 '•;( - W. NEIDWIT, D. D. s.— ii,tn.otitilaa for of I t I E. I Jout 1,1 ey .;the l':11I Ito., Col t.f MITI' a I, , or7cry, —2O ES Sz 4,11 1:..11.1 =MEM t',l) Li.; A (I 11 11 1 , 1 I{ alt 'I. "...11111 l.t 1.. Ili.• (.1,11.11....-Irt,. 1% ..1111t . i% 2 0 1 1,14;1 \4 I 1,10. N El: & ICI:. No. 19 't .4 .ott 11 Pill i-31reet. ( . .; 11.1,i l l';1 , N. fl. .I.,ipt 1... St Att.r. 1 , 1311.1 Igtrvil TIIEO.F.Fr,,, “t. C4,t.r.Et:E Sel(.l.:Ry I)I:NTH,T, Iliecpuctfully inforoot the i•it izeile 01 Co Ohio 0101 cinity thatclahluts taken Lho alike gent-Niain Str.t, lately occupied. Ily hie Father, whole he la pre t,pared to attend to all prorelonal sin.. A rtlll- clot teeth Ineertcd on ie ba Vulcanite dod Platinum. Chat gici mtaltritt 0. =SI CI AS FITTT,N . O • , The ,uhs'erifer t vim?, pertnaneutly Carlisle, respeetfully 'solicit !I shore of tim public pat trotute. Their .slip-ib situated all the public Sqlltiri• in Hui rear or the Ist Ihrabyt ibis Chu, oh, hire 110. y ca al ways be tbutui. Ih lug Ittly al.- prepared to n...ecoto - ali IMAMS 01::t they may be entrusted with /.uperior Ill.illlllT,aml at 1.40, pri, HYDRAULIC RAMS, W ATER' W11E111.53, LIFT k. FOlLtiki itATlliNti Titus, WASH 13/SINS nod ell other ertl --1, in the triode. IN.UNIIIINO AND (135 AND STE.VSI po•teptly oftended to in the not apprpred a .g Count re Country wee I; proptl ekteudtt'd to. 410•.111 work guartinfee,l. thee't toritut the pitten—ineintolitetel3 in the i - eor of Ftnit ,INteehyterietti Ch ur,ll. NI I. tile oF 1I EN WOM I ., 111S:I',c; TAILORING MERCHANT. 1011,V B. fI'IZEIBLEB, AGENT, .111(1 (4vnts' Furni•lior - NO: 6, EAST Ai A . IN '.,z,al - ; 1.1 El =MEE= Mr.lor. wOuld atittottnvo to the eltizOi; • Carlittrti titt.trvieltiityi.tintt. he 'low tn ttorf , ,t vory Into! ruefully tr!ttoet , ol ',tort, of o,t;f 4 :il,Nllltl'l6, VESTING% • • DIN11:8, . . • ' .IiO3III.MNILi, " • WATHI BitOOFfi, SUITABL.E:FOT"'. !•!i f IT'S. OF :/}4 . 4ii: ,PFISCI3.[PTIOpi'S .Bolng illtnsolfa prAntleal 'Pallor, a nd laavlug Ole first elms wol loam 110 . to prepared' • SATI..PAPTiON • it till not. 4 - Piecetlnodo of till idadri void by I,ho yard and out tomeder at o trilling, eott:' ' • -• . • tbrgot the place, No: r,, Enxt Main Street, next door to Comeau I•WortbingtOn'el)rux State:, = EMI •rti ILE FARAIVIR'S ,BANK, 'OF CAR: PPMINS.YLVANIA, itetently , orgeolztal, him boon opnoti; for trelmaction ul ;goner& bunking imaineyo, in - 'tb'n corner tenor or P. Given's now. building. on .the Ninito, West:corner cl 'High otroot and.tit Centro Square. „ - ,Dlroatorn;bopo by liborol nud'careful ; manager Mont to make MO a popular institutton, and it wife despository for all wltommy flavor the bank with pair :Accounts. " bopoalto recoired nud paid !Ark on detuand, lutor opt, allowation special dopoolto,Gold, Shyer, Trangttry Notes and tiorernmant Pondsbought and gold. Colioetionn krunto ou mil accessible Onto in the country.,; 'Numbly. tpurn from 9 o'clock' A.ll. to o'clock P. H. ' O.IIOFIEII, (VP. ; PI . . , - . - . . -nrne IL. Miran, Prasitiont; lVra. U. ➢llllor r , , ,„, Thomas Paxton, - - -_, .:. David liallies, John W. Oralgbead , A.J. Herman, . ~ .27010.08 tr, . ~ Abrahnln YlimAr. . , 'PI 00 60 25.00 4.00 7 00 VOL. 68. RBEEM & DUNBAR,. Editorgi find .Propr'etors MISGELLA NEO US. - - i11UM1. . ND VALLEY 1.1011$1i; I,_l INSURANCE AND DDT,I:ICTIVII COMPANY. - , .CAPITAL 560,000 'Flo , al.'. Contynov has been .organited fur the Insurlng.of all 1.0.41 s of , live steel: against loss by death, theft or The I TAPS of lroinrabee:ate as lthr mans favOrehle is any ColiqMfly of the kind In the United, Slates, while on abundant tirdtal: and a r: rein manage ,,, t o, t tt_n_lt of t to thOrll to -11 im'ii. Ironr, , 31111,1,111. fresid , nt. WILMA)! IVCII,III.ION, • 17,"Pre$Nrill. =I! I= F. • • Pcrrfary,• • A pplivatiour h r Insin.met can•bo mach to . . IC. PBELLPI', Carlfslo 411. Co J. Artunty. Sitippenrlnwr lu Sooty .T. 11R . ETEM BEOTI - CE RS ain7 (Amon ai,m illerchrtnts (I I crlorsort's old stand. At the bend of . M AIN STREET, earlisio, re The Itlgbent market urine 11111. be paid P.T. Flour Wain and produce of all kiwis. Coal of all kinds, einbravitur LYI7IINS I'ALLEV, birnebuf nerd' and Cod' conAnntly fn sale. Kept under rover, dnif.AelWered' dry Counr part of the All Mod , Of Inunber 111111111111. .1, III:El:KM & BEM 1 ROSS' Ii__NTIIYAI,IIEkI ) jr LIN IMPYT ! . , Af tor Fervidyears' or pe Here, with titre prep:trait., the sunseriltor pine., `a i, 13 It be-lore,tho.p111.11,1" the theitident- ..,/^- tellor thht-lt w ill moot every tenor - in, - _ . erk Irk ex rieetatitat. .S ntir Cr 1 tlN.ill I ori k 2 -A-, I int , the molt step, it of of it, ttiorits. 'ill, Fil r For lil, out=, re.det tin, rot; -. iM , " - ' 1,7 ="1-l r 11 , nit. syttirlur t•prtrint., swellintts. t'to , in linrrer, , it hart Flri.VPti an Ii v/ route till agent. srbilti Di eillidtty In l'lll ill!, , ii,.., , , ~(- tho basso ile , ll, t troll 3, trent et !helot, vets. sorer tt ritetritortisio. horns, it ills tie., Yoe: It, ir telly toed. - , Is,i-F , ., slit. et II ruler, Groot 1:, :Intr •. fin. h's Crintertotrory :ter , sod Elrod :-. lire t r "dots, tt2ronty tot•t"1.1 S E K " Tincture of Roots WILL EFFECTUALLY cuirtE ...1 , 111 . .13 1.1 .11 - .11,_1 1 ;g1 , 11/..1 , .1 St./11'1i .11d impurely 111 the Blood, 11.0t b... Vert :ITI/1 Nidhtmaro, t;e:lort1 xlOl ilily, C,1,1). Colds. aurt Pahl- in tho ih ,tt.l i< iwl a now it bun irotn 0P...1y lu over 1111 t pint , into by . )11, hro 1....41 rt among a foto of his Chirtioin frionds who, - finding it td Le an insillual.lo romn:~v-ili a the wire disease+, rnccinunend , it other, until it lierame, and still iontinuno, 'CO loi_ n bou,ohotl int. of it o portion , d' the Of ti• Tito IlitlucTiot unit IA hoot: ;it, nt juiros Si 1 numbe ' r vf the sotof t.,lunhl f• steels kilo, la to the medical P,ruily, witli oh,. hi sirs old ,y,• whi•loiy to mai, ono of most iilhielual Tonic 'Fluid twit, 1.1 0r i;lhiYl tlir publir Lorry poi shoind 000 it every Sunoner :11.1 Fall to puril l y tiro hie, d, t oo,• i.,,,„ - i s , tin rtinntieli uuU hnvis'oratr the ~tehl. TESTI \I ON I ,A 1, =I I I. hereby oertny 11ml Lavin!, U 0b11..4.ULL.n1 She, ut , L , I 11.t•t,., I Ito, too LILL II m:0,4 , W. ft"• the ettonotob end Inovelo. relelv,l mg. ol Toomen nr2rl =tilr•n_;e' and 1..0,1 LILL I.L.ll..Kftilpixtito. I eontbb otly 1'01 . 0111,1101111 11 to 1111 ,liablo no Nino. 1.11.;11. 11 l'NTI:11. Jan. ,0100E,3 . rzLtne wr0.1.4 ro,tivenno, Into o r tl ,tian 1 tz , l!‘l,l - IC , Illt Lot 'hoot tiro of Root, anWin It rtbe !nowt on( relieved. tvg.lL 1. V.. 111. N. , 1 lb I ILL riovt, • I 11,0, - . .111 f) /Mt, 1111, h.,- 1 , unv Imor.l edg thir Moil, 0, Iv,. ~1 ."11 , 1 l S ,1••1011,' .1 NY. SN)II.EY. I Is it II '4,,,ti,ellOsb loiit 101 , 4 till, I I i Tin •!0.4. ~ f altti Imv.• 'tit, tor it .•!i1t.1,11. tug It y 71 r 11,1, to 4.1444 th0n4444 . 11 , 4441 Ivy 1444.41111 (4114441 4 4 that, my 1114441 y ty444•444 11 I. 11,4 :rated .In if 1tY444411 4441 t. 44444 1.1444 l w:1 , unlit 4444- 144144:444, I u• 44•4.1 Bit tot Tito, 4,44 , 4! 1444 4144 for 444 to, :lino, and r:44F 4,414104.h+. •4t , 1 t,l Ito. 11114: 1 I. rho, this 444,1i441nt. %till do :th 114 4 4: 14- I jot , 41 11, 11, 414:011 4 ,Y14:111 14.4414-444,411,144-444+44 14 ' 04. • • 44 4 II 44.14 4. a o .'.••,4 It Ills too and itoligestiori, 114444 41 tlbtirk's hitt, Tit•th, nt hoot,. :tad tsar,' found It Oh geedingly I , vm.ncial. riy,.11,1, It to all lit. II rellaulti . . nnlicine.._ Mrs.E. Ki.ibLEit. 'Elivii• ib 'aura medical virtue in one of ilieia bot. ties Linn, in a _allow al loony of OM 131ttarp aini.nii , 1itt....i.i., nilertia Co 11.-i. nutilia. . .'.1.0:11F/AC RitED ANDSI/1.1, . /1 A Lll L A A: U I 1., ..,No 1;6, South Hanover 6treet Carlisle Pa. Alto P ,, r S:11 , by Druggists mid all ..ouri, try lit,ore--_-. 1 3 A1. VICTOR. Uurea N1.1,111:011, Tooth:10m and pa u/, in the stout aelte and butrok In ten mLnu Mi. It rievor fails Ca ,no• pulhe In the lorek and lathe liarkx. It Is the he . for Rheum:alt.°, Sprains Cholera, Mur• ,11 Complaint, I Mrtorith, Cure, gathered hen: the habit/ 'kingdom, not a niineral piveon. It bliould Ln iu every linuse—a- :mil raulaln help in time of need. fho ol(fizon3 of Curl loin that Lane ui.okl It tanally eY kollOol,ti : 1 havo Waal F , lll6vot for the lot lit t , on rear:; to atfacks of 010111mill:on 1:1111 , : for the last two"yoarb had huromo so :,11,1.11 at' titato, that oar entitvly_dhabled 11 r bLainoss, 1 nom) yotil I,ttlo has entirely cured me. I I'o4ollllllolld It with couthlenee to other, , 3ACIII.NI A ItTl\,•. MIZEZ===Z I have used your l'ath Victor ter vi - entheas In my Inlets, and Lave found liTerbict uru ill a slim:, Limp, I belitu•e it to be an infaliible ewe.' '.IOIIN 11. PkI,Ii.VV. 'file lion, Ile A. - Brady, Inblu sg,•ut, sa,)o: thane nsud your Di. Palo Vielnr in my Gruffly, and found it a stun 311 , i quit cure for Neuralgia and cured nu. ~efroethally - Neuralgia. l o rd 'anode :who •• /(JOHN 11. LANDIS. Dr. Hook's Pain Vietoi "tired uu Ithoutnatisto and Neuralgia. - MOICIWIrd: We eho.rfully al,ll3llllolilrYi3Ur . 1!2t121 IRS athable remedy tier Le/143f411.. ' WM. 11. , • • 3011 N .1. vALLEir. and cold tithanblv 4, Co., N0.:36, South Hanover Street, Cathsle, Pa. Whore every person ',Meted ultlisNeuralgin,. Teothaeli.e. lleadtheho,,aml 'pains. In the etomaelb lx illNitea. (IW‘ll and Iwi rUIC It in fun tulnablr, fine of-rbali-e. - 1 • For MOO by Druuelets and all couul ry sthrtu, , sjune `v. , . V.A 1,1. E V; ,- CA ' - CHANOE OF IJOURSI On'ami after . Jfent , ; AIEtV 11(, PasgoAagqr Trnimi will/run daily asvfollown, (SitnAttys excupte"ol): S W' A II: p AIICOMMODATION TRAIN lORVIg , liarrlnbuig.B,os 'A.-M. .14robanIc61 urg H,31, Oarlista 0,16,14.1wv1110 0,200414 in. in,unburg 10,24, Chnnybusburg 10,16, Gl'llmcantlu 11,21, arriving at, Ilitgarstorn 11,22 A. M.' • - • • iiarriLburg Xl,lO I', II.; Mintint icuburg 2,13, Carlini., 2,40, New villn 3,20, ;311ippopr buig Chamborsbnrg 1,10; , U dame:LAW 2,05 Arriving nt Ilagarntatvn 5,135 • • • • I.IxI,IIIIKI—TII4IO Harrisburg 1,15 ;Lk 'M Alachaniehl,urg' 4,47, Clarliglo 2,17, Nuvrvlllo. 5,20, Sbiprasburg . 0,17 1 arriving at Chataberi.burg t{t , A . 1121:1, Uhalabernburg. 8,02 A. 31., ruauca.41.1.1r,26,41141,v1r.g.1,t ..11agfmco,syn_10,1441..,111. , • S '. .V.IV• - . , 'AccoataranatioNut r loaves etuunivaburg, 4,45, A M., Hilppunalirc, , 5,14, Novvillufv.4s, 135rilniu Morbriniraburgo,l7, Arriving at Harrisburg I',l6'k - ,51,1 U. TRAIN lea Vex lizigerviolvn 8,01) Cliniuberaburg - 0,15. Hilpfunaburg 0;10' 5103vv111,510.19, Carlisla 10„53 % Meehan Ira/Axil; 11,211, arriving . Harrisburg 11,55 A. 111., llavaiss TItAIN Wawa Ilagontown 12,05 P. .. c 4.` Grainva'stlo .11,33, Olniiiitirraimug 'l,lO, ,Shipperisburg 1,43, Newyillo 2,15) Carllsiu , 2,50, .51evhanicabur6 3,20, arrivipg nt Ilarviaburg :3,55 P. 51. • A Isia.P3-/Pithim learea , TlagoialnUrri % 3,15, P. ..or..encoitlo 4,22, 'arriving at Ointinburaburg 'P. 51, • • g .htnldnlq i• lose enninistioll,9 ntrl lh trop hluiv • Yoch, , Riots, 'Washington am! Oil 'WSot. IiPERI NT I:rl,deli 1,111.1,. • ~ glininbotsburg, 18th. ;,t -16nohy-08. • • • • •.1 DOSII . has- le' iiiiiiidlllgar for Ave conto. TrOlioto. nly•OR. ~ /- ..% ',- ' '''; ,/l . . 1 1 ‘ ( ,44,f) : - . 1 , 1 ' ,1 ~..." A ~e... iR ; 'fA 1" , , ,Iv ki YT (I - 1 OEM MO T,ocup•is Morns:TAT:I, • • ' LAWBERTIV, Ste. • 11=5=MMORI A IV 111.N . 1 Z, Ilat , oxer 81., (2:trltslo DR: ROOK'S ME =1 !‘_Lr'; ); I ( • ,• =EMI =ME PR Y O.PS, POIRULAR ,COODS EXTREMELY LOW PRICES W. 0. SAWYER SOCO We haTeirtst redurod, tbe erleelt -of OIiC Immo:lee Ella Dll Y 04) () PS , cArtrEl's & e DRESS GOODS stiol lickmnr., Crap° Mont. r.enailithl'F, Filk .and R'ortf r, Floren N1A14.4 ,, ninth 11,1 , 1111 N. 111:4131r , Np4i Ellip Pop Unit Iv a full lint! it o•HiAND . V..LAWNS Figired, Plain and Plaid at, greatly reduced prices Our ',took tor the rrthintitoge ff :t ItLP xtntrnt of all kinds ol•lhwhr to , to lire earls port of the se:r•e•ri . • CAll and examine the tine,agsortni tat viii udin .1 H I 'ln 0 0 I) vnail,, snrh,rn• im.•na which run, I.,tnkt In atnl 51"-i Nann.ooa,, vvory grad. , and Aylo ". , • 4 1^ ill :110 • iatorin and 10,11np ti nll and' roneh 4u+li ii. NVunk tnl I 'author, Elnlrtiol , l,li, , , 1./ y A'l . 11111 ( SS I :111‘; (Molt's uud E9itlo,o. e:tylt, hoof ootlitic.. At. pt lees defy competition. IF.nitn. mode to order hp the boo n ergo men in the IOW!! A R P.M - 4! A 6 VE eeele, Three Ply. Ingrnle, If empe;',Sellhout ogf•1.1 et W Vol Oil elotlo lu Q 4. 5:4, 1114,'5:4 e lf qumitin,, Itur , rtt. . Mattintrs any rflavgpi -4 TIOS ERY .I, 0 V I+3 S N oTto N S &o . lib present to 13111 c11:4(.0111ME rareo.lo.llfOn CM . boy ~, , IM: Mid W 4,0,11,137 hi 101, ,•311 ':$11,1 itX:11111,10 111 birgit Alta varied t(1,0( , of . ..._ .. . •- sii;AsO.NA 1314 E oo Ds, an ! lcOpj,rire oite: l 4l ? .;;ll7st,, tlio Ey. ti ' le 4 it ir &I N i - iN.l ., '' II 0T.4,. ' Str 1 14.!; PN STA ' ;Ali who, wixh phcaji D WY: GOODS, All who MA :cheap . t ILOUS.P GOOnfii • Alrwho Widi I'till'at,O6l( of . , l '' . 'SiMISO.ii'A 111:1( 600DS; ngil,Ottem,l . 1? al t;iAwYER - & 'STREET, r A5T' a~ ':.~~aip.~s STE NOME MEE I . Carlisle; 1 , 64 Friday August;, pi, 1.863. ITOOELAND'S BITTERS. IMMVFMTNTINriT7I , Hoofland's German Tonic. Prepared . by Dr. C. M..'hoKSON, ----F~xian nic~,rif rn,-pn~- The Groat Remedies for all Diseases LIVER, STONACH, , OR D,IGSI'IVE ORGANS. Hooflaii - d's' German Bittels , In ropiponed ot the purl) .Inlern - teros they nre medial- I I nally named, .Es r --- ,-- dr ank) of R 0.0 ta, 11 erl) H owl itarks,• . - ranking a prepara tion, highly enneen ' tra, and 'entirely free (.41 .41,:0h,1ie r - ' ' adiniahmc of any HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, ika.conit , lindian of all tlioiligreilkail.s of [ha Bitter?, with it' pur7•Pi quality of ,Cu oilrt griv.Cntint, Oraiige, tie., taming nun of Ihv lunar lilt Rxaul and agrevablo Icntvtliel efer oflot of to the public. Aledlan, free - frCall A Iroliolleral. mixture, Will aae. - Iloofland's German . Bitters, In ewes ofilersiouß ilepro=plon, v:llen Porno nlcnLoge elymulus In tieryAsury, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONTO • The Itittere or the Toltic me both equally good, nod contedurle• moo ntetlielital Trtttlee. . Tili• otettdtell, ft.ol, t.. - ,riet or ea o,.ee, 7oall no Indl• getdion, Dyettopelo. ' .--- ... Ner..tele Debility, 0 ,: etc., in very opt to ( . ' 11:vve Ito 1 , 111a1611. ~ a,,fig(o. fri,t , result ;1_ ) of reltlth In, 11111. the -I)llLiellt.aulfdra frodr.r.l._ . revered .or-tottre -of the tett, -rein,,: d',t'ite; t" Constiffittioo, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of lilood to the Head, Acidity • .of the Stomach,- Nausea, Heart , burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Wets ht in the Stomach; Sour - thaletations, Sink ing or Fluttering at. Ihe Pit, of the Stoma th, Swimming of the Head, Hurried. or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,- Choking. or Suffocating Sensations when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, • Dull Pain in the Head, Pen' • eieney of Perspifation, Yel lowness of the Skin and' P-a in in --• the Side, /C): Daok,Chest, Limbs, etc., S u d d, o n Fl uS hes of Heat,'Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imitginin gs of Evil, . and Clreat - Depression of Spirits. Then° ror, e,lme will eo ' eetiill.l3, etile CO/nlaint, Jaundice, Dyspfpsin, Chro lie or Nervous Debility, Diarriaca, &yak , of, the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a 1 dere., LAver, tilotnacb, or Resulting from any Canso whatever; . PROSTHATION OF THE SYSTEM, induced by: Severe Labor, Hard- - ships, Exposure, Fevers, eto: There is no InCtiiClll, eltant equal to these remedies In such cars. A tone and vigor Is Imparted to the em, TtWo" w 4 VppeliteltiSir6itgth• e — rred7TOW‘liiinjoyell;' digests promptly, the blood- - .. Is mailing, the-eom plexion beco of e sound and healthy, the yellow tinge is erapleated from the eves, abloom I. given to the cheeks, and the 'weak and nervous In valid becomes n strong and healthy helm!. PC1 . 80218 - Advanced in Life • And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon thorn, with all its attendant Ills, will find in tl ose'of this BITTERS, or the TONIC, on elixir. that will instil new life Into their veins, restore in a meatnte the energy and ardor of more youthful dove, hued no their shrunken forms, and give health and hanpine,s to their remaining years. It lea wolketablirlird feet that fully, onti-bolt of the ...11 female portion of our iomln the njoyn . lent of hood 1,,,,,;,, -. er, to nee their own' ex .. presHiot., , n,,, . I , well." They ore Inn 1 -- wild, Ile N a , iti • of . 0 ' energy, extremely nervolei, and have no npl,oito To thin, claim of pni•-vnn the J3l 1I or thr TONIC, fa oopeclolly osc•oonmmdod: • • WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are mode strong by the use of either Of these 1. They will cure, every rase of litAlbAtatilS,'„wlthout Thonsande of certillcatea hat 0 - accumulated lo the bands of the proprietor, but opoOe willallow of the publication of but n few. _Those, it will be observed, are men of note and of ouch standiug that t her moot be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward. , Chio . ,./orlic.s tzfirte .Supreme Mort of i'a , , rites Philwlelphlrt ; Marsh t 6, le ,- .'. - . , "I 1100d.,11 - unflotoicroolioortiori , -- .4%. n lALtit,oo 'lo irgootl. tonic, uncrol / In ‘lll,,azios of tire digestive °root, , tool , , of •great, I,..liviii in easee of debillt.S., tool F • warn of nortot is 31, lion to the oystoto. Yours I n, ly, r CORM 117.- - WOODWARJ , " - Hon. James Thompson Judge of Mr Stoprem, ancri ;1-.PenueOveinO,Y. cooßhler ' GoliorM ' medicimlin Cape of aitacktfof 1 ntliv,tioo or 11‘,1, , •1,,1a I can certify title from lily ex purl, pt • with rer , h,o l e j 6, Prgm Rey, ,Tosei)ii, K ICenr_iao, P, D,? Pint, gf the Terzys. Illittreh, & c , hr. ./ae1...,.--I)eikr Sir:. I dove been ft t. , ,t0 hi IS 1 . 0 , 11U,MtQl1 tlClCOntat:illy radio %yin% roeunint iodations ofilinoront kinds Of ioolicinv.i,lnit. WV:1111111V tilt' 111 lal v I tie,' :eti.Oilt of my nip. r ' --- .. ~- pi .pi t:d‘• ,p1,..e, 1 imv,, 1.61; ~,,,,, do • ,;;,,,t; .I.t. wltii, 6 altar pion!' in viari. ' , .. ~.' • VIIS Anstatives 31110 11:11'111•111ally, ,ill. 1,13 r. ' ( . A.11111.11 . 111111y, Of iilll .11Ft•I'llI11 , , albr. ttobrt,,,,,n Ge.,..6u ritier,,-1.,-dc i tnit for tit.,i."ft y. , oin-ininiiiiii cutti PP, 1.0 {,ilCl`,l nun full c „„ vi , :t i r „, (loot, fp,. 0 ,,,,,i ri,q,iltly , V the ,yrlent, rail esp,inityfor I,loor Onopbinft, it 1 . 4 ll SOP tl,ei t.:M7,llde pr , pop,qi . on. , In row, etnivtl,i , e,“6‘y full; bill Tiiiii,li.YD) doubt not, Ai Will tin Vet v benitliviiii to titoile ~.lo roill'iir from !ha :.i.lovoltittimniL ~ . • . _. _ yeuv., ‘ei:v regpectrully, - fT.'ll.lCliNti.ltb, • • , • Atlghth s 'below Cdatun tit. From-Dev. D. Pendall, ..;43sirtant Editor I.7lqrtion Chi•oniele,'Phitaflelphirt.i 1 have derhol I,ent , llt from Um, pf 'toot. land'a WWII., and fm.l W nritlltdar poniatond. them na a ald:t datdo tt'allo, to 411,,tv1i0 salrefing from Oneral dainty or front IllneaticA atiklog %from deranitenleai of , no': Ilvtr,i!,Ytalrii 43A.. * • • , 1 I (ice IllUnlgnature p i - -N. 4.4o.Ktiozr 0,. w , 01, t 0 . . II slt !de 4..010 n " d t,,f tcrfelt. Prlnelpal 0114:0 'e I tifid , l•.r Manufactory 01 the (lerinan 1'4.1101m , Store, All.Oll , Oi:O:ALES • r Goininii 13ritgulthi I'dw r rlrtor, tigglgte r n i VigO i tirti a lft7l3hrti o eti. 11( lion,i.litpe• • : *l-00 I • i%l ,',{. 5.00 :I',. , ltly,ppt. up In biittien ? l,6o pit bottle . , otnlinit dozen ... . 7,61 1 th; 'not fotgut u'rc;ltiit.;t;strilele In nnler to got the getaltlit • ' ! , mans 4,^,27,74fi,,0;,-,t11,,i-',' r' r"..";e.. W . 14. i =v.---,4.4,,,,, f;t"lL.,,-....4't .Pfxlo-i_-"TF.Ir--- 5.7 ,:,„ 4 ;,..,.. ~....: ,to,il /1 • . . ~......Z•.:r_. 1. 1 1. '• A2in • f rfF:Li:c,: ete::Cfr-4-1 fret ;I,g 101460 0 6...1t I_, i , , _ ,- =EN Z 7 ,1 uz lin MIME MEM ECK= =1 NOTICE. JAMEOI :E, y1:11.1,3,9f1.14f, . 4 44,4*• i ; „ IJACticnl. .THE NEW ItEBE`LLION: the Denwerdtte.•l'ri)4,ll i.•fA9 MADI UP' • • 33-Y LETTER, DICTATING • TIIKUnMOO,R.ATIC'POLICYI Or( the 30thof June Just prior to tlie:as-. „ , sembling of the Dbmooratie• National Con vention,., Mr, F. BLAIR Wrote from Washington a, letter which at once folind its way into the' neWspapors. This letter had evidently been prepared upon free concert with friends, and was designed to indicate the 'policFthe Convention should adopt,. and to hold mitinducements to Inuit° him one of , its, nominees: That letter containeethese. paragraphs:, . .• !‘lf- the President elected by the. Democ racy enforces or permits otliors Co these Reconstruction acts,' the •ItadicAls y the accession of 20 spurious' Senators Auld 00 Representatives, will control both branches of 'Congress, and' his administra tion will be as- powerless as the present- one of Mr. Johnson. "There is tail ono way to'rostoro theVoy ,ernment and the- Constitution, and that is for the, President - elect to declare, these acts null and void, 'compel the army to undo its icsurpVidn at the South, disperse the carpet bag Stec 'Governments, allow the white people to reorganize their own go VernnieniS and elect Senators and Rtprizentativcs. Tho House- of- Representatives will -contain Majority of Dernoerats from the North, and they will admit the Iteprosentatives elected by the white people of - the.,South, and, with the co-operation. - of tbe*President, -it-. will not be difficult Cu COMPEL THE SIdNATE to submit once Moro to the, obligations --of the Conittitution., It will not be able to withstand the public judgment, if distinctly invoked and clearly expressed on this -fun damental issue, end it is the sure way to avoid all future strife to put the issue plainly to the country." "I repeat that this is the real -and only ques tion-which we should allow to control us: Shall We sfibinit to the- usurpations by which tit ii - Governinefft - has been overthrown, or shall we exert ourselves for its full and corn plete restoration? ft is idle to talk of. to-ink greenbackC, gold, the piddle faith, and ihe !addle credit. What can a Democratic President do in regard to any of these, with ingress in both branches controlled by carpet-baggers and their allies Y. Hewitt be powerless to stop the supplies by. which idle Degrees are organized into political clubs, by which an army is maintained to protect these vagabonds in their outrages upon the ballot. Thesi3, and thin* like these, eat up the revenues,and resources of the Govern . •Tet T -4.lestroy its credit, and - make the di r ; .felienee be:Lween gold nod-greenbacks. We must restore the Constitution before we can restore the linances, and to do this-we must have a President who will execute the_ will of tife•pe ,, ple by trampling into the dust-the .hsurpatiolis of Con - grilss, kitcfoin its the lhi e.enstrection acts. I WWI to stand l+croi•a, the Caurehlion upon this issue, but it is one which embraces everything else that is el io its : large-and-corn p reh ens i ve-results Ii st our thing that includes all Maris worth rollieSt, and without it there is notlgng that gi,ves dignity, honor, or value to the struggle." 1)11MoCICATA: PLATiORM. - This doeunkent contains, among others, the following declaration or principle=, fol lowing Lilo direction indicated by nr BLAIR: • 1',,. , 1 .-=lmmediate— i restoration. of all the - , tatcs to their rights in the Union under the Constitution and of civil government to the American people." ,Y,,,ead—Ainnesty for all past political oiletice,.,- and the regulation of the elective franchise in the St-des -by their citizens." We do declare .and resolve that over since the people of the United States threw oil' all subjectinn to the iiritish crown the privilege and trirt, of :suffrage have been grti,led, regdlated and•controlled exclusive ly tha i r dincat power of each state res. pucti any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive .any Stare of this right, or interior with its ez.erL is a flagrant usurpation of power which can lied n 0 warrant in the Constitution, and it sanctioned by the peopleovill subvert our l'opo of tiovornment,. and gin poly end in a single ocniraliced and consolidated 011inent, in which the separate existerree of the states will be entirely absorbed, and an unqualified . despotisin be established in place of nideedural Union of co-equal &Ito's; and dna sae tegaid the reconatrublion acts (so edit d) of (fungi . ass, as usurpations, and MI, constilji nn rcoolatioaary and VOID.' THE PLATFOWNI WAR . 80 FRAMED. }Vh:kt., Wade IlittkiptOrl now ANTr WIVY When Gen. WADE HAMPTON • returned • from the New York Conyontion to Charles ton, he Wtt'S WOlcometi ar iiitirniTioloto Demo -- credo mass meeting, called to ratify the maid nation ot . Sn - moleall and 11 r„s in. To this meeting Is 'said ; O , As it was toy good fortune to boon the. .Committee whichfrittOod..til is flotrionont,. [the Platform,3 it ;nay. be interesting to .you perinwsrtfs4samn-bhas-elets3 , --:010b , ; 44 4 ,, fwee. pcirfucted„and the views of those who made it. .:-As you aro aware, the Committee on ' Resoluti'fins consisted of one member -from. ouch State. :lln assemblingltwas,Rifinff that a ; very groat ditYdrence• of opinion ousted. Among other resolutions offered, were some deohnung•that the right of suffrage belonged to the Siatesould • th is -was announced—W.4 ' gddd llomocratic doctrine. .1 agreed MAIM propositions, -- bUt at the same time . said that it seemed, to me they lied omitted ono rerj, - iinil - ffoint,:-Which "w is to 'declare: to what States Out doctrine mplied. I thought it 'very necossary u uard and limit that dec.:: ! - !matron;arid ~ ,c .., end that iYeinir,ht know at'what:timeiveSnught go back and say who' were " thdcitisces of.,the States, 1 naked that they-would declare that thesesjusistionS belonged to the States',under their Conslitu- I : lions up to the year 1/6ff. Geritleinen . wore, 1 tlwro'froin tho , North,. -Senth; 'East and I West, ancbby all WO WSW() met with .extriime I ciirdiality.. 'Musa i; I VID, Tiiinr , wElfr; wf.f 4 ll- lOU TO MVO OS EYERTTIIINUc, WO OlipIltEll; , Atit, we of tbb - South must :remember thait' they had a great lightto_make, and it would riot lot policy' to 'place, ripen the platform, that which would engender ,prejudice at, the ; Noth. .They,quiwever, 2dedged theorelves• to do all in (heir iionter to relieve the 'South ern Slates, and restore to als'iqed Comdtintion as allied e.viBted: , Ae we were met. ig;..such a' kindly.sfiirit, - .1-vould,mat but, eeeipreeat , !it.. 1, kncw.l wise re p res e nting. the Melte s oil' any poaple when 1' did 80, Mid T. to di 0'13103 would wtihdrari all the rosiffutiens. I Fula offered; and -no doubt othor.Southern • .delegation. Wouldilo the same, , and.. wtfuld , . oteimp; the resplutfe_us offered by,Alon. Mr.; .313aymd, .the, Or from .Dolaw,are, which 'declared Abet re riOit'ef suffrage TAO:gaff' te'theStldeS.,' I said , I.Woidd , talfe l the TOBT: :iltiOnSir. they - would allow me to. oda ;but 'throe words, will find onlho4leff in, the. ididform. „I- added :'• "And ',14 (MI bare iltartke Rectina'6itetion• acts- ary i6ct lutionariji nticonsadntional and vOld." • Whojt, I prOpbs . ed that,.oyery singlmMernbOrolliffr, .Committee7-4,,tubi the: warmest mmt t ,ln :it , were the men from the. North--,caine -for ward Mud otmlci they ,Wotild - e l ffir'Y.:it 66e , t0 th6.06a.L. th6.06a.L. - Hitviit thks.jiled gq d•'thern§ellies, 11:fefff...assUred•'lliat when' !,he.1,./emoc,rat;g -.p!lybr.ciimig.tool,k .I,nipli:illpy will show ns if .remoily, forolir Oinisfortnpea in,ilicir biNtf. '40,1. thne;Tor whichl EMT perfOctily 14111iiip; to' l iniiWt. '' ' 5 .'!: ' •!:.1 . ..1: ;,.: i.` . :. , i1:''.7.21„....: 1 i VAlZl.:DllMOoratßliarSonth J.Carolinfeboatt State Convention. at Paillalida a 114 days _ . . . , . 01 . 'r; • • ~t . after,lO ratify the non?ination,•:of l3cynopr and Mir. Gov. - Perry, who • had been a delegate; said that "Wade.- Hampton• wive the lion of , the' Convention." , And ho add ed: • • .Jiarnpten was eotlrteid by idl:partles; North, South, - East and West, and whop; as a member of the Coinmittee - dri Platfdrtn,; w ho' submitted that - seetion.,hicb„:_,OclareS the recenstructio acts void, and - revolution? ary,.._the 2.C3tlc the Coininitiee, told him to' made it as sti• ng as he pleased, they would rudOrso it. . • DOMOcitATIC CIIAMPAONS. - The Mobile Register, edited by,. John Forsythe, 'a delegate to th'd Now York Coii nention avers: " ."No men reoeived.nwro , hospitable and intirlsed welcome in the Convention, in the' citified in the North,' than Gonorals Hamp ton and this, net only from a genuine IMO - lir:Alen of the heroic character ettlieSe greilt ertvalry idllters, but in-order to- signalize: 'and -mirk-the-truce that-has been-modOetween the friends - of liberty, in the North' aind intho This - act broke - . the spell Ora doubtful policy. And now,,so far from adv'sing these gen lemen,. including Admiral, Bemnies, not to appear-in public as the advocates ofSey motir and Blair, if we had our way, we wonld.put them in the field of campaign in 'the North, and lot them 'Speak and'eanvass and utter the boldest truths that they fool, from every, stump in the North and West. The period for sparring has gone.past We must gloves offnow, and with bare "up lee, aye tvidh-majled ' hands Nye must nod at" the enemies of our liberty." I=l The Montgomery (Alabama) Mail sup ' , When tiio t'oleMittee came to consider tile reconstruction question, was doomed proper-to simply declare' the present Gov ernment at the South "unconstitutional, - null and' void." But at the the CoMmittee, with buta single -dissenting. voice acknowledged' that the remedy foi the Unconstitutional proceedings 'at the South -would rest with tlia .Executive, .- Tht seno ment of the Comnuttee and Convention upon the question of the remedy agreed with thee declaration of,,Genr:Blair,wed was salltlae.. tory to every'S ontherli delegate." tkni nempbis'Cronn.) Avillunelte, in quo ting frbm Gen. letter to Col. Brond- head takes occasion 'to say: — ''it was the publication of thibrOttaFtliat secured-Mr. Blair Isis nomination' for the Viee,Presidoncy. Thus it will be soon that the North is far ahead of the .Botitb. They are ripe for ):evolution." The Augusta (Ga.) Chro?acle, n'bitter an ti-reconstruction journal,xquotes Seymour's peech'ficlivered en his election as perinn- vent President Or tho Non' York Conven tinn,-and Blair'F infernoul letter. It then says: 7, .Th0 E.ontimonts expressed by both dictates are consonant with the Vio WE end wishes of the Southern . people. Gen. Blair. has only one way in-Agileh these - outrages on the J3onstitution can be checked and remedied and imGo.vernment restored. It is this; -Tho-President shall declare there- construotion ants-null and void, ebriapel tho army to undo its tis'urpations at the South, disperse the carpet: bag Statp Governments, allow the white people to reorganiie their own governments and elect Sonatora add klepresentativeq. •'-'l.2hionc—sdutiment-eontains--a-deelara— timi of principles broad enough and com prehoroiVe enough for the people of the South: It retiecte the eenti.nents of the Dion acre tic party: ?JR. BLAIRS F.A:POSITLON . OP TILE PLAT FORM. _ . In New Voriz i. the evening after ho , was loulinnted, Mr. Blair rindo n speech in which he said: ac.opt the platform of resolutions passed by the Democratic Convention, and I - accpt their nomination with- feelings-of the most profound gratitude." 'What avilit.ted people on the earthild refuse to associate with themselves ih all the .4ghts and honors and dignities of their count ry such -Ines as Lee and Johnson? (Voice) .Noue' .Niinti') What eii7ilized country would fail to do honor to those tuhojighting foe an erroneous cause, yet distinguished Mont- . selves bygullantry serer surpassed (applause) in that contest for which they arc sought to be distn franchised and exited front 'Ad?' ht hilhat contest they, • prb'ved theth- selve. , to hp user A kers. °' 110 AV T 72 SOU TII ti.vrnannnas r ri.kir,:AcTiom •co: TUE CONVIANPION. . The Richmond Examiner; commenting - on 13inirie speech and letter of acceptance, says: „Oar - i N - ohio candidate has placed himself a the sinn- of the ceusikdo which is - to deal derftlf find destruction to the miserable men who have made our. halls of legislation-the dens of' 'thieves. 'Ho .shows himself., welt qualified by _'wlso, istattainariship.- and . by courage tOtrid us once more out of the wil derness-of Iniquities." LET, TICE r.OOll . CORNEM ALONE. , The.Rielimond„ - Divatch, in alluding to lie delay oT MPe'eledtititial "6&ndidate to tempt tho nomination,..malatains that: , Governor Seymour , .shoUld undertake o smooth off the rough aorriers ;of ,C4en; Blaii's platform, he will only ..hvjura• the cause.he desiyes to 'promote, :and ,lesson the cliiincq of his cwn success. is'no tiin6 flOr' ternporithig.‘ Lot is of thb South know what wo to expect.. -Let us :know whotlier we ‘iro to bo proseribid our na TirArlirfArrifild call themselves. our ‘liprthern.brothron,'. 'PAR ritoNouxeit p.tiYMOUR ALL ,• The "211Obile''/Ogistin",. °nista the earliest And,bitterest or*lxt rip of this, Itobellion,:raised the names pf -Seymour mid 11lair with ti shout eitiltntion.',OfAkrmenr irtistifd; "UpuriAlie;qtreStiOnsoil the tlaY::.q_ i r4fllu'i ocularly the,ci on-which with the South s all overshadoWlog y ,his pesitillnis snfilelent= ly pronounced to be 'ilittnistaltahld.and:Un} objectionable:...4l.o,has.....daulared' emphatic} ally his agreement with that decision of thb Suprotne Cluert'Whieh 'adjedged tho:ltecon}:: gtrtiction acts.ol :Congress 'outside of. thb Constitution' and tv,ithout validity,' and 'lib foyer of tiv pr th row I ng 't no - Roconstita4.• tloMmensures,•with mongreband ills inho Southern Statos,tby promulgating that 'decision, which would letiVe them without foundatiomin laivi.and Witlibut the moral support.of any oxotipt-thh -hromoters of arairtlty and the 'arehitectO of anarchy.' ' • • • •: IN011;.! The Supreme ~ C otirt Inis7 , l l "PinP• "sorb deciSien.—En.j " - --.Croneeraing'Frank this- Clontildt orate artielolis minis more onthusittstle,anyi• "Of th'e'seleclion'oT •for•Vico l'rasidont , nothing.need to be said: at present,wowint a letter dolln!, fay (tip position in , the molt - erOphatic lain; pesition:to:owhioh,the South :can have no possible. objection, as ? ,it,rattltes atfertieraw of tf4iZ recon;iiructioli ath had 'MI6 rastoratitm Ofi.• the Southorn Siatos to their, ,Gonstitutionat ; rights, ,t/ik root an,(l, on/1) issO, en this comest. , • } ' rx•GOVerrint• Printer ) of , SOfithl .i,'rt pomouratip meeting at Coluni bitt, said.: -•- - "With Bath - men. as: Horatio :Seyniour and Frank-rirrillairasour,statidard-b,parorq,i l ta e n rl d er g t o ie n i p l l 3 W otrrui i ti p o q p r ti6odi c -,tht.,Bounclr • York'. 'potivontion,;; viryqmuzit:lnv Btio'pesq i,l:o kn f idko, l'remd,gp t ial elc9l,lon,?.'t, 4 • • iii platiVr of - 'tlo l liiiitt,QuflopteilincsTpw,•ffl4,l 41e9)111144 iminfOlato.i!osomtio,riof: 01,flo ~ r 14111,8 titt qv '111(1' Voii.4titkiticint,q :lattst plalfo4ll4.rs4, kho net.e,of Congrnss to nnseinpillotis.nnd un uonstitutibniii And -votiLLTho .Istenr:Arirrir/.il3,4nyontioll-AO.l-40rniolii914.1 tp rn its action tbugh W out Its session. There AS' • - t - • J.. „• • " ISE ,;S - 1 ~'L si.)~'-' Advancer & .$2,0 within _the; .year.:: OEM ME .no difference , Of - opinion on, any siubjectAit . twain Northern and Southern .delegatii They were: united as a .band of pats eta { 'Whose solo obj eat .ivne , to &Touts thmri:Gov. .erament from tinfurpers;:and .tyrafits t ., ;anal 'oppressors, and restore the Constitiftion and the Republic,--amalL3heir , original purity and freedom to, the Americampeeple, ,Thp Southern-delegates determined to be ref.': ce n t in the Convention, and take no promi:. neat part in its . proceedingsi while the Northern delegates said to thorn, ""On ihe subject of your peculiar grievance and ap pressions,, draw ypur platfornz,—and_ nurkait - as-scong-ns-youplease,-and endorse it.' • _\.-• 11l WILILT TEMPEE THE BOUM RESEOODS •TO =I , At Little Ro6k, Ark.,. Mr.. O. S.' OAME ON, a delegate to the New York Coreentpizi, declared::' sixty days frOm the adjOernment of the Convention five hundred thousand soil diers..w,ould be organized.. into _companies, regiments, brigades, and army corps ready, if need bo, - to march 'to Washington. We will send three' :voters into ::tho' Electoral College, and three Representatives .te gross, and if Ben. Wade does not count &O vote. then comes the military orYaniiation, with Gen: Slocum a.t. its head, all armed and equipped." THE 'LOST CAUSE TO DE BECiAINIID The Mobile Tribune, in'urgingits readers to ratify the Now York nominations said : "Friends—fellow•rcitiiens . of Mobile— comrades 'of the QUeen City of the , Gulf-1' let us make ono more effort ins .• behalf of our rights and liberties. If foe are successful in Ike approaching contest, eaC shcill figain all that-we loss in the ,'Lost Paitse.' L'Once more to the breach -then,—yet once morel and whim the cloud Shall have clgare away from. the flaming field, our ;flag—the grand old; Democratic flag—will beseon in all its glory, and streaming like the thunder cloud against. the wind. Lot us - then • rally: once more around the dear-old flag, _ilia we have fol lowed so often to honer and victory. Let us plant our standard in the midst of the field, and lot us 071C0' snore raise Vic soar cry —'ho who doubts is damned ; he who dallies is a dastard:' " • . . AFTER TREIR-RIGIITS ONCE MORE." , The Vicksburg Herald was so excited by the doings of the New Yo,rk Convehtion that, Itcould_:not bear to Wait till the election, but urged: "Hero is the easy solution of all those troubles. We claim that we. taw: these rights secured to us by every lair. Then lot us executothem;and if they areprovontell, let the onus rest upon those who „interfere. In other words, we owe it to ourselves to deszand our. right., and endeavot 'to exorcise them, otherwise they will never be forced upon us. It is the duty of the, people to SEAT THEMSELVES SONARH UPON .THEIR RIGHTS AT ONCE." VOTF.S OF RECONSTRUCTED STATES. TO BE THROWN OUT. The Charleston 'Courier insists: "Congress, by numerous nets nra deela rUtions, hits recognized as legitimate all the State GOVernmerits existing in the South at the termination of the war. Therefore, in efISO two sets. of. electors 'should present themselves from suekStates, the votes only of those should be counted who Were chosen under the GovelTment so formed by t he.peo pie: The-coutitryshoitidlee-to 'it, that :the voles of the negro organizations ShOuld not be received." TUE DEMOCRACY RESPONSIBLE FOR TIII LAST WAR. 'Said the Georgia rabbi, Toomns, in a sneeeh ratifying the nominations, at Atlan ta, the other day : . . "I will tell you anetl fi ler feet, which is ent,ugli Sur this titne, dila as the late war was produced by the defeated Democratic party in 1860, we shell never have peace ,until it-is restored in-1868." RE P,UBLICASS PROSCRIBED-THE GOD OF BATTLES IN ..01i.ED. At is ratification meeting held at Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Howell Cobb said: - • I want to express •it, and I urge it• upon you, until there shall exist in the heart and soul oC every son and daughter' that walks 'and breathes her-pure 'tiro and lives,upon her happy soil, this eonyiction,,that these men of the North, -these Chicagcr'thers; these Mon who call.upon You to•vote'for.•'Grant and Colfax, and that ,Grant and ,Colfmx,,whe have indorsed these tlitpge, ace neither wori• thy of your votei your 'respeet'flor you). con= jidence, much less of your kindness and hos pitality. My friends, they are our enemies. I state' it in cool and calm' debate. If they wore our friends, they could. not doubly wrong us, and if there beat in their bosoms one single kindly, emotion 'for tho' people of the South, they'would never have made this public, declaration to the world of your, un worthiness and the contempt which they feel for you. Enemies they, Were in war p 'enemies they continue to be in peace. •In war we clrowlhe sword and bade them de- Alone°, in peace-we gather up the' intinhood of the South, and-raising the banner of constitutioniles - polity, Mid -'gathering around it the good • men of the _'North well at the South, we hurl into their teeth to'-day ihe samo clef ianee and bid thein. come On to thi • struggle. We aro ready fco' it if yOur are. , 1 come today to present candidates and , 'MAW Very good and true maii-in'GeOrgie to join With me Hi the good 'work,: •Conle4. teritt*ltifitrWertr - treMtb7OrattV" — Thlt deors are wide dliOn, wide Onceigli; braid .onotigh rebeiveeraryfwhite man in Goon'. • gla, unless you should,discoimr.him ceming to you creeping And—crawling under 'tho'Chi, Cap platforms • illpon'•them themiehottldte no morstsThey , have, dishonored them.; • selves-and'sotwnt lialonor!You: Anaties -eaatize -theni,:-'7-bidoe-:theiw-POJii=the,4l,llaLdf zqcial and political toddy. , , 'Come one and sell, and de snatch thb. -old' beim or:froin the dust,, , ,give: it again tti breeze, and, if need be, TO - THE,GOEt2F , BATTLES, and str i ke one Moroi; liOneit 'blow for constitutional liberty: 1 MURDER SW REPUULICA Nb wwciTheithr..4- - ; • • Albert S. Pike, 'Judge find •Ueigl Qe . nerali•inys: ,• :'• • , - • . - °A .1 " ) !/"; 1 ,04'c'gr.fc , noir4 4 i . Northerri Rulik! Arm ,yourselves dfid organize, and: ready'ta . *roiiintti pron)pak <m4 : fight bravely even if yquitef The,Pitie Bluff "1/?ngicltor;", • • , . , • ' .'"TETE:SPIR:2I.` 0F.' , 1/71.1.7LES BOOTEE STILT! i .I.:ol . .ice,,thlink God!" Thorefore, taife,coar ago! Soyinpqo:llair;lind. -; ruE lIICV . II4L ol' TOE ORNAT i ''Ulig 'is the tilOteo' . of '6l. `,:titio'hltllll'! ' : . ..• , :, ..'... • ~ 'r, ~'.:.! - '1 I TAlo„`A.,ll{lntil Intel Aigeneere describes. how' 'the 'nomination of' S';'lnSibillt: - ,Tilid ' BY:thtti wasc received there: ~, i. :'. •....,' f! • • - “The entire city beck ma blazing :inonu.• 'inent 'oribeipeolo , e joy; , and 'a etrong an 4:, : anainienotiniSothnent,: • nlingiod with A con fidence as true and firm ne-eviir 'filled, the' Ithatti'of;n4triOti,'"htfifst. tfr ) oni '6ery , Tn.:. . We fanlike we iberelEath Agetill en, the old Aegs, ,q(,.-ozin countrO fiNry,rtn4 that4ho sesctiggV wild going 'to bo'one, *Oriliy OVtlie-!caufie ; and - of the greathisnes at atake,n.:' , . r • •••ii 1 i 'II344IIIOUVI:AT TIAB . .,POUVII. TO, Four.q . w.., :.• ~ DEnlocitiwib Tiin.ii7ll: : , '. ‘Th4CliaideAtotOtieN:tir . yil44ddiefiieiilifi'. janthorities at (Columbia& • 'i '•:: : I: 1 -.! .. o .1 ` . j , 141-ceXaxy . we hog _h3e,vo_ to, enhnlit. to Arse •ktf cclunda organizing negi? rule ' 11'04E1 13tiati-LitliiiL 'ladle' titet , e , In , 'your ' efi3oting! J aillcerei.oritnietdog lave. o for• the„peoplO,, l' l sf taoat l 4,,Pnrolina? You kneii that-you can= 'nOttive thein'effleany .by..s7Otii.' °Wm.:pi:o;7 - o i fatialther:iria:n6.hope, - ; of any.? ppLivevqt,o_fi f - 1 1 7 . yqp Or nx ; i frothe government zor , army t 0 , UM tod Stittok - 4 ~W hy, Watt 431'0 , the farce fdfiatiltninle tering i and Icaiitrollii)g vklgqyArri,. 11$41'llitataflt4IntItglIgittg!: 0:1.-T, hleof supporting itsolfi Would it .not„.he.' whier, ta wait three,, *Mt,' alo punivifilitiiktfiliirgfign,Nith frp, ,f 1 ), 1 _1- ItyJdf its•daration .clr*ive it up•torever.Vo the Radical party iii•oVerthrown'in' every'steptaken to set up their mongrel i governments n the 'Southern. ,States, will be mvset Nal& every:man- WhoAris : identified himself with their orgabikatione)vill lid held to resporisiliilitf.", The Mobile Register thus' cralti-fi3? war— . so if:niit military-- against - N - eithern . 111 .06 in Offlotlikliff , :- • "If on W o assails your linhor, slanders your :o 'character, niteele tqui.mOrkey, self-respect liis:iiequaintaiiee.' But here aro paeri,v!hp, ere •Iponlyjobbing:Eyott or- 79Pr and yetgen.- glfisSeii< illfalielb r ltridL!.ho'b-nob: 'on the, streetawitilthenv r We deapunce this facile complacency as a crime to the outraged ma jesty of .the people, awe, treasonable corrcs pondealee With the bliprr . 4s of the CcimumitiJ wealth. • Thig'iriitirogs; and shoMlii be' ireathi as dags---dOgs-only'••toldrated"4 now , because the power of the An-thp, hands of our enemies in- Congress, liiit.73.lT not he tolerated Mi . ° hour hfter the' peOplii recover the libertylto do justice uPon their oppres sors. It hi the duty „of every Southern man to cut-these vermin, Excommunicate; tli <IA ; spew :thern , ,out as & outcasts and : social 'Plirliths, with i'7l . lOlTl it isilisgraceful feAiold social intercourse." • , ISM EEG ;Kih" tor, Mr. WILLIAAPON; a prominent Democrat, at a SE.Vithint and'Biara 'meeting in New •,Orleans, - said ..-L 4 tWe tkriltigm them ifs ,the name •of .our own' ;,dearly. :Veloved Confederate'dead • (cheers) *hese bones are . strewed all over the Northwest; killed in battle by the atro cious cruelty;'of the Radical. `Government. Again says,the Ortitorzi believewd.will carry our candidates awfiririly as there is a throne of God. And oven ••defeat should fall upon u; do not. be discouraged; the time Will come whquAyeshall redeem the country, dot no man.-leave the State—lot us lay 7 our bones in LoniSittne, 'and if these scalawags and' cart)et-baggbre remain, t .tis hunt them from the country." - • 'WHAT BLATit' WAS EXrinssr,"r APPOINT- In a simeiM. endoraiiig the New' York meminees; Mr:lonin,s said.: • ' - "The one:great ; ipestion of ,pecullar-in terest to us, which, the Democratic party. has takeniby the throat, was that military des -Imam 'shall henceforth and fdresver.cease: 4 ".* Thd'agtioning kleelatons.Whieli'haVe been set up in our midst as legislators, shall be ousted by Frank Blair WIIOIM i OUR - 'PARTYRAD EXPRESSLY APPOINT ED FOR TRAT PURPOSE. All these things shall-be swept from the bosom of - the - country., When the war ceased', the rob bery 'should have been over and the rights of conquest liqiited by the terms of capitu lation. Mr. Johnson's reconstruction was illegal rind unconstitutional, for ho had pre seribed,who should vote and-Who- should not. on a more limited scale, what successors-havehis.. done; but he had tried to make the i r/me,* honorable and ought to be forgiven." • TfiE IVE:I3ELS ALL SOUGIIT 3)E,AldflaxLs. ^ • Adiairal Semmes, commander of ilia Rob e! privateer Alabama, in a speech at a Dem ocratic meeting at Mobile, said: ''He•had always been a Democrat; lee had fought in the war as a Demacrat;_that he had once despaired of a republican govern ment in this country, but now there was a light in the Bak which bid them hope. flr had drawn ids mom - againse, the old. lag be e42l3 C he was a Democrat ;and it had! ceased to wave over a free and ConstßutiOnal count ry." - *. * ** ' . "Hogoncludeclo with the'reiriark that , he there renewed his'adhesion to that flag provided it could wave over a government ' preiided over by each constitutional Demo. chits as Horatio Seymour and Frank P Blair." - . THE COLORED VOTE TO BE THROWN - O[lT IN SPITE of ISA.T.ONETS. . At Now York, on tho _evening after the nominations wore made, Wado Hampton "We (the rebelsleictermined to take de feat with the Democracy rather than by sae rifting our-principles to gain success with the Radicals - . (Applause,) Wo believed that if we were true to thosei principles, if t -we were true to-ourselves, that; God would-not forsake,us: and that those _broad principles of liberty nderlylng the principles of the . Democratic party would triumph, and that wo would at least be free and delivered from ho ruin that has been-Impending over us." (Applause.) A - We van have .no relief unless the Demo cratic party will coma out and pledge itself that we shall have a fair election; that the white people of the South shall vote. I want you air to register an oath that when they do vote that their vote,shall bo count ed, and if there is a majority, of white votes that yOuwill place Seymour and 131 air in the.Whito Househi spite ofall the bayonets that shall. be brought - ttuinst them. • At the Seine nieeting•Mr: Vallee ; of 11 orth ~;c • -; 019 r, 049 y els ). had bbwod to the yoke long enot•Oktuid it was now'time that they -ShOttlti N145(.1 .1 , 1111 asset; their manhood under the constitution, This groat coun try must ho riciiiiint6 'l6 - Original position olgrandeur - anilireatnessi• or else .constitu tionallibert.y, is: gone, forever,. The Demo cratic Pti - ay - iStblelo right these evils.' ( A p- • Alid•the party•noed only putthe ,shoulder t,t, the wheetto help the Sputa out of the "Slough of Despond" into which at, 'has ' ',-Mr. Walk> yco,tt, in the ~Georgia 4ouse of. Representatives, declared: "The time WAJWltilin• we ' nhl thought thc• Nerth vas against us,. and ,that, we Joust submit: to the terms of We couqueror,e7'how ever degrading. Thattimo 'has peeled. Al ready her signtirguns have . been fired from her greatts.metropolis,,and. their reverbera• .tioue, no they roll iu k tbuttler r tones from the 'Pacific th the - and i'rdn the sea board to the molintaing, bid us to he of 000 d cheer, shind.firtn; dispute every inch or the constitutional rights left us, 'until the rein • torcements reach:Am....There is no retreat ..crsttuVentsteitwo-tvt"-tWeit‘tuoe . l - rittiteviafits herinopylai of our political existence, and let us hold it till , rolief.• comesi:or, like thr. ,hrave Spartans, die in its defense." , f 7b be continued."' '• TIiH ago of a' yeutig lady' is now expressed aono:rding to the pyvent style of skirts, by saying that eiglitteen springs barn' pnssod over ina.) , not he.a gory tercilkle set of Linnian,' ;. .114 ebori niaifyit 'lBlMary': Officer who; although vain or his ,694.iigs,.nouNn'tiook his tailot in the hie 4.. AN 'aged uiaieloi• being risked' if 11 , „-licoi eYer!witticAsetk,a , eXcaßtiflNC,'rePtied —"No ; but I once saw-e. tnarO!tge I", t , ' (3i 0110 . E Washington's title (neethqiing to Aiienina Wata).iyas notto': WINO 114. Y Pukllic , inel,r of the :presellt•dp,y 'Feqemble hltn to nun alivrilin' extent. ' -Miss .13.rovanyllaukida.,-, fellow. to a Igiukbrutictto, have been to learn to tell fortunes.'' Just- -lot inO.:haye•your'.thind, if .yoll 7 .pleasd.l: "La I Mr.' Wlllte i : , t:kw aucldun ,inlia.Fo 1 ,Woll, go aud aslc father." . • , . • ~ . 'A. ikbunk .1 Ay Wo,l3dificlia'rgdd fr9nt one, ot .1.11.6 . , Ip,rsgst. ipirAT ; I?ouses. iii .1494tim hut week, l . )ven sp sho 4,116 Eio'swodt that" eke liefitAluilvil egiaiqrom , feinpStiting: -,- A. 4tlur mOrt,ipfyiA, tmlco,fikylur place,. ~ • , . A ytount , nbuck, ' ntrsv-aLsinSra, mentions noinitonaded; tto:bni n.hbaver on his bond, gpt*oo qn tap; chL l ,,.ldsp', on Isla Laud, Chives on,bialetOtiftst doe-skin alRo), CllBO oyog r anil la ilodked upon by bin[doo tfng citipk,ne deoF•At.i.Npr • iieuitlii'dkli,"*.eit'liTitir.:invitbd _to .lake a. Polier.,,lutrlPP:FAA°g; thankeej t,,playpd polcor an ono. airid.titiAldAvelirlnatikoen panti , nll mext rtvri teti 41:4,1 VI ,f,kplus9!itinli,3lnFo. , le a 41.2 p. qttaol;o4 to' why 413i3iy•litott,criii,lt 'from 'lt blit' Ho one &vitae a 3. S 01 6 'ClItrfin girl tt like ' ",49w. . V• a oirithVllikibol'liitt 'OA oivtlAtkiiiiolc of drop o ,ppylpll 144r,,b)ipsod, • ED FOR