- . ANEW RBIStDY. IN 'CONSIIMPTION.—A Phyla• clan who, had,-Consumptlon , for several. years; Kith frequent bleedings of the lungs, cm ad himself With a medicine' unknown.-,to the professio n, when 1116 -ease appaired hoplets.._lllals-Ho who has used It in b Is own porsetfor who has any knew!• edge of linvirtues, and-ho can =HMI' the degree of health-he now enjoys to nothing bufthe woo othis Medicine; and nothing but utter despair. and - entire extlnctizin of all hope. Of. recovery, together with a want of confidence In all others iodated him to hazard the experiment. To thoto a aufferlng with any 'disease of tho Lunge he prodeie a treatment ho confidently believes will eradicatmtha . dlseatio. Price $ . 1,50 par bottle or $8 a half dozen, Bonito , express. Sand for, circular or call on Dft. K. BOYLSTON JACKSON, , N0."250 North Tontll Street, Philadelphia.. 2gmay 08.1y.t ' G OL,DEN DA Y has dawned for all who deolro to resume In ago one of most glorious gifts of youth—the niagnlficenl black or brown tinge which renders the hair an- irro• sizable element of pereOnal attraction. INSTANTANEOIIB. EEAUTY springs from the application of but one hair dye • in . the world._ That chemical 'cuter contains the vita principle' and the coloring matter With which' naturo nourishes,the .most—beauthbl of the sllk6n fabrics wherewith-she adorns the HEADS OF TIER ,FAVORITES. Neal it be said that this- wonder of civilization her CHRISTADORO ' S HAIR DYE; the most genial, harmless, wholesome and certain preparation of its kind in the whole universe. Manufactured by J. OtIRISTADORO, GS Maiden Lane, Now York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by -all Hair Dressers. 17July4m., WHAT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS, good, cheinp, and rcllablo liniment : Such an article la. . DB.•TOBIAl9 , Venetian Horse Liniment. 'ln Pint Bottles at One Dollar - For Lameness, Cuts, Galls, Colic, Sinaloa, &e., war ranted cheaper than soy other. It is used by all the great horst:num on Long Island course. it will not owe Ring-Bone nor Spasln. as there is no Liniment In existence that will. What itis stated- to cure It posltlve.ly does. No owner of horses will be without it after trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saxes the Ilfo of an over-heated or driven borne. For Colic and Bellyache it has never failed. Just as sure as the sun rises, just so sure is OA Vailiablri Lint meat lo be the Ithrse Embrocation of the day: Use It one-and all. Depot, No. 26, Cortlandt Street, New York. Sold - by all the Druggists and Storekeepers Honilanit's German Bitters... WeinTendedto have called attention to Hoolinnd'n German Bitters advertised in our columns. This Bitters, as perhaps orerybod,,v in ewer°, Is as much a staple artlelo wilb_the drug store nn flour is with too gihrt mills,pnd call for it shore you will, you cannot go amiss.. There is no hotter medicine before, the it contalrm no alcoholic ingrodientjand come- moods Itself to temperance people, whosech. to avoid, who'lccer intoxicates or !cods to intemperance. Most proplo resort to. tonics in the spring of the year, Hoollantra stands al the head of them. all, and is potent of any lime of Mc year. Those who would'Come out In the spring with n cleansed and crated system should bbirin its non now. The aboi.e is the unsolicited statement of the Editor TIUOT," Trizukegan Ills. HOOELAND , S GERMAN TOMO Comblnnsalihe . ingredlents of the Bitters, with pyre Santa Crux Rum, orange. anise, Sc. It makes a delightfully pleasant rreparation„and is mod for the steam disease as the hitters, In eases where some Al coholic Stimulus Is necessary. .631 Areh Street, "Ph Sold by all Druggists 17july m 11011 S E and-Cattle Powders and 'Liniments, togetli• er with a largo assortment 61 fresh Drugs.nnd Medl• e Ines, Dyo Stuffs, &c., &c., just received at • Cornman yl'ortliingtoc's Drug Store, No. i, "last Male Street , AZURENE CONCENTB,A'rED INDIGO amtrA mt rorthe Laundry.—FrOefrom Oxalo Aald.—Bee 74VChemlat'a Certificate. 'tirf A Patent Pocket Plncushon.or Emery Bag DI SACO TWLICZY CIINT For Salo by all renectable Grocers andDragglsts. Taug 68.3 m L: RS, M. MY RS, M. MYERS &. CO., WHOLESALE G I? 0 CERS, HAVE REMOVED TO I%Tor 105, A - R . OH STREET, PMLAIIELPHIA 24Nly 68-Ous • 'ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! , SCRATCH I - SCRATCH I I SCRATCH 111 In from 10 to 48 hours. • _ , Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures ; Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Totter. „Wheriton's Ointment curer Barbers' Itch. V7hcatoo'e Ointment cures Old Sol.. Wheaton's Oldtment cures Every kind • ra of Manioc like !Slagle. Price, 60 cents a box ;by mail, GO cents. Address WEEK & POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street Roston, *ass. For swim by all Drugelsts. sot 20 07-Iy. NEW AD VER TISEMEN7 S FOR SALE. A very desirable Brick Dwelling louse on West street, between Pomfret end South. Possession given No vumber 15th, if desired.' Apply to J .11. WEAIII:EY. Mang 08-tf. M A. In Its worst forms aura Trro — strenpreft-TR. PLASTER. . Wank an d affected Lungs restored to strength and health. Sent by moil to any address,. on receipt of prise, 0,50. Address,?o. A. DRA 400:Chestuut Street, Plitlada. 17 1u 1 P 1 m. ATAthT PRIVATE SALE.- • lot on the west side of South Hanover Street e Ilorouglt of Carlisle), 30 feet front teiad 230 feet deep. On the lot there is a good TWO STORY ; FRAME DWIILLINGI now occupied by the owner•as ~,Sadler Shop. 'there is •an alloy 10 feet in width At the foot of the lot, conimunlcating with Pomfret . street. Possession will ho given hnnue. dlately. TOMS cash.' For further particulars Inquire of WM. CLEPPER, No. 20, South Hanover St. 31July 68.tf. • • VSTATE NOTlCE.—Letfrra .of Ad -IJminietratlon on the ostito of Levi Lino, deed , lot of East Penitsborough township, have boon' Is sued by the Register of Cumberland county,. to the k subsrflber, residing In the same township. Notice Is hereby given to all parsons indebted to sold °kat° to molts payment, and those having claims, to prii sent them fol.:payment to E. 0. LIARE., -- -- • - Administrator. 31july a•. conADMINISTRATOR'S , NOTICE.- Lottoro of Adminlotration' having this day homed on the astato of Hoary Rillheffor, deed. Into of East Ponnsboro township, Cumberland county, to the oubacribor residing In the Same township, Notice le hereby given to all parsons indebteff,to said' estate to make Immediate payment , and to all those . having claims against It to present thorn to ' DANIEL KII.LIIEITERII, " autOt. THE HOUSEHOLD GA$ MACHINL, ! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, .FACTOR . IRS, ogunonEii AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WPM GAB I Getieratei Gas without Fire or Matt The simplicity and ease by . which tole Machine Is *waged, as also its economy And great marlt, room. manta It to public favor. Call and see Machine in . Operation at the dorsi • •MeNorAttuasa bun Ems /mica, DAVID JONES. TIN an rusama HI LA pronE, Nol 733 GREEN ET., PDELPHIA. Ves.Senclfor liluterated Circular. 14 Ohm, • T IJfiCARORA' • ACADEMY 17.0171 V DE D 1 8 The Nall Session of this Sourishing Institution will pcomosence On the Hirst Wodnesday in September. • The oldest of the Institution is to prepare young nom for the active dutios of life, to • qualify.puplis for °teaching, and to train thoroughly such an docile to outer College. The inetructlon embraces the ° culture of thb mind and heart; no that: their powers may be . direatod and appliod, and a Mate for intellectual pursuits and virtuous habits developed. Per farther lufbrmotion, send for .a Circular. Alp" - plloants addresS. • D. STONSV.A.. , 'Principal. or A.I.VDOIVELIi; /tat... Anal Principal.: ' , ' ' Acsdomist, Juniata Co., Pa.. 10Julp2pas. • ' • • ••. • , NEIV . ADVBETISEMENTS. LATOII(3R-4•Notico is'ileriby givento: .Li nil persons not to dthoount the vendee note - glvon - by - Enos Stauffor - nnd -- John - blorrlsoni — to 13; Henry Batas, dated thfijOth day pf March, 1868, due December., 19th 1868. ENOS STAUFFER.' 7aug4t. - ... , . ' I TTARV.EST HOME. —The_ Camber s t Lind County. Agricultural gaiety. will bold is annual Ilan - est Home at the Fair around, on Sat urday, August 15th.. Appropriate addresses will bo delivered grid a:bountiful coliation.. prepared for the Occasion. • . ' • . . By order of the Society, ' Taug•2t. TILOS. LEE, Jr.; Pres% QOLDIERS! MO.TUDIENT ASSOOI- Ly ATION.—A general meeting of the Soldiers' Monument Association, wlll.be held In the Arbitra , Mon Chamber, at the Court Rouse s me Saturday, the 29th Inst:••; -- ttr the Orposo of selecting by ballot, a suitable site for the location of thc7,, proymsod noun moot. All members are• earnestly requested tcrat terid. The balloting will take place between the hours DIN A. M., and 5 P. M. l'aug4t. , - 1P STATE NOTICE -Notice is hereby .I.lj given Mat Letters Testamentary on the estate °la eraitamMartin, late of Yrankford township, deed., hive boon Issued by . the Register of Cumberland county, to the undersigned residing in the same ownshlp. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment and those having chime 'will present hem for gottlement to 4 SISMIIEL LERMAN, EME VOTlCE.—Notice is hereby' given 1 that an election will bo hold on ' Monday, Sept te_mber 7 lb, 1.860,' between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 4 &clock P. M., at the office of the Cumber: land'Velley Mutual Protection Company, at the Stone Tavern, in Dickinson Township, Cumberland county, for 'tho purpose of electing thirteen Directors, to servo for the ensuing year.- By order of the Board 3011:4 T. GREEN, Secretary._ 7aug Gt. 1 4 " : NE CIFfOIVS NOT leg—Notice ie hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Rebecta Weaver, lath of New Kingston, deed., have boon issued by the Register to the Un dersigned. All persomi having claims will present thorn for payment, and these knowing themselves in debted will make immediate settlement with DANIEL WEAVEK, Executor. • 7aug•gt • • ' OTICE TO TEACHERS.=—Notice Is hereby given that Jen Teachers will Le em ployed 10 take charge of the schools of" Penn , town ship, .111111,511C111.4 . 1 , 11 the flrgt. of September.. Schools will be given out, on the 241.11 day of August, being the day of examination of teachers in said township, In Cenlerville. Liberal wages wil paid to good and competent - teachers. ity older of the Board, C. V. I.c.ELLEy, &c'y. yang-31. FA IN - AT PRIVATE SALE. The sulimriber offers at private sale his farm, situated mt the Turnpike leading to Glunollersburg, ono mile west of Carlisle, emitaininmi,ty r ., 0) acres mord-tir , Tln land is in a high state 1)1 cultivation tit, int groyements ore first dais; While its situation Is un equalled. Any person &siring co view the rremisas roil du so by railing upon the t.lig.,e'riltrr who, resides thereon. 31july W. T. DON. V „ 13 1, .EAL ESTATE A LIT: A.T. PUBLIC SAL'E, On Saturday, Septcniper sth, ISGS Vhe cut mntler re ill tell at Public Sele,.bis ',pueblo term, situahni in lust l'enosboro' toevuSliip, Com b, land county, 2 miles West of Harrisburg city, I mil.; Muth West of West b:ftirvlew, Containing 1)2 Acres 122 Perches, (more c r less,) Llacic Moto land, under a high state Of cultivation. and good fence, lands of .It. J. laldoinan, 11. ii auti other., 1.. r -In( erected thereon, a large Two-StotS • . B 11, I'o \ K. H US. E Ala • Two-Story Brick Kitchen, and Frame Wash Douso. al tacked, a well of water at the door, a large Olsten, • A FramoBANK BARN, and all necessary outbuild ings, also a cistern at the barri(The - buildingsure all hew baring been "built In the y •are 1860 nod 1661.) Tere Is also a fine young Apple and Peach Orchard of Choice Fruit'near the house. -- 'A good title and possession will be given on tlio Ist day of - April. 1869. Pale tr commence at 1 o'clock P. M., on said day, when terms will bo made known by RUPLEY. iblonteer copy t. a., and send bill to this °Mee. Haug-ts. ALTJAULE REAL ESTATE, AT PRIVATE -S The Subscriber intending toremovo from this State, offers at private sale, all her real estate- situated at Lisburn; Cumborland county, Pa , consisting of a now - - - . — BRICK DWE'LLITG HOUSE, with good Store Room, the buq ng Is 38 by 36, and is a most excellent-business stand'. It has also a good Barn attached with good Cistern • and a number of Fruit Trees and Orapose.—., Two St ory PLASTERED lIOUSE, with Orchard of Choice Fruit attached. 3. Lri'INOBTON TWO STORY LOG HOUSE. with s large number of TOWN LOTS which 'kill be told single or In connexion with either of the above mentioned Louses so may best suit the purchasers I,lom rn `lf'thriving—village—on--the—Yellow Breeches Cieek within 7 miles of Harrisburg and chaniesionre. Is possessed of many natural,,advantages such as excellent water power, be., which Ott - scarcely to attract capital to be employed in manufactures, be. The town has already commenced to.lmprove and gives eviry indiration of speedy. ndrrllroarleretta growth not sold by Saturday, September 26th, the prop erty will; positively Ina sold at public sale on that day. For terms 111111 Other particulars apply. to • - 14;m4. at. M.AROAItIiT I. MATEER., pUBLIC SALE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY On Thursday, September 3d, 1808 The subscriber Executor of the estate of Abraham Martin, late Frankfi.r.l township, 'deed., 1011 sell at public sale, at the late residence of said Abraham Martin, on the public road leading from Ml. , ' Mill to Illoservill, in sold township, the following Real Estate of said doe',!. No. 1. The undivided interest In Saw Millproper ty nOll Water Power in said township, known os the - Lackey's Saw 31111. The mill and dam blve boon recently repaired - and ate now In good order, N0..2. A tract of Slate Lend in said township, con 'Mining IV, Acres, more or les6 having thereon erected a gond Two-Story Log House Weather. boarded, good Promo Stable and nthei improvements. Thera b a well of water 'oh the r remises, and n variety of og fruit, Call sisting of Appel, Peach'eS and Chi cries. The laud is in a good state of cultivation and will make a Iliac, horn, Nb.:;. .1 Iraq of ,Slate' loud In said -township, ad. Joining W. Wagoner and IV. Burkholdnr, containing Acres, nore or less. The lot 14 cleared, well follced and under a high stato of eultivation. mkt,ex-0.t..g..`u0ur...t. • • ,r dace the following- per,,onaj , pv . ourty wlll . l sold, ~e: no good Mr all work, ono Colt six months old, ono Cow, Cue Verso W!igon, Carrlogo, two Setts Single !lemons, two Saddles and Bridles.Plouglis - ,'Slitivel I"loughs, Grain Cradles and other terming implements. Also -lot of May, Straw, , Luinlier, Augers, Chisels, Planes, Mattocks, Shovels, Picks and a lot of Cooper Quit A: varlety,of 'Household and' liltehen Furnlturo, con sisting of Tables, Cook Stove, Coal Stove and other - articles. too numerous to 111011E101i. The property carrbo oxatniuod by calling on the promises. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. ' - said day, Ivintu attendance will be given and terms made -bp ow by , SAMUEL - 14FAIMAN, • Executor of Alan. Marlin. .7 aug4t._ ' p EADI'ING RAIL ROAD: - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, AUGUST 3d!.1868. GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM THE' North and Nerth•West for Philadelphia, Now York, flooding, Putt utile" Tamaqua Ashland, Shamokin; bobonon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lids, LAl:castor, 4:c., Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as 'follows: At. 2.50, 5.25, and 8.10.A51., and 12,20, noon, 2.06 and 0.35,P.M. connecting with - Similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Bail Road, and arriving at Now'York at 5.00. 10.00 and 11.45 A. N., and 3.60, 0.55, and 0.50, P. al. Stooping Care aeon:lanai:ling the 2.50. A. M. .and 0.36 P. M. Trains without change. ' Leer° Harrisburg for Reading,,Pottsvlllo, Tamaqua, Minor:1011e, Althland, ShamOkin, Pine Grove. Allen town and Philadelphltiot 8.10;A. M., autf2.o6, end '4.10, P . 51., stopping at Lebanon •and Pritsipal Way 'Stations; the 4.10, P. M.train making connections for Philadelphia and • Columbia only. • For- Pottsville, Schuylkill Vaven and Auburn via Schuylkill,. and Susquehanna Railroad, leave llnerisburg- - 8.30 P. M. Returning: Leave New Tart at 0.00, - A. N., 12.00, Noon and 5.00 and 8.00 P. DI.; Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. gad 850 P. M.; Sleeping cars' &computing the 0.00, A. 51. and 5.00, and 8.00 P. M. trains from Now York, without change'. • . 'Way, Passenger Train loaves Philadelphia 7.80, 'A. 51., connecting with similar. lrain on Haat Penn sylvania • Railroad, - . returning from Reading ut 6.80, P.M., stopping at all Stations, Pottsville at 7.00, slid 8.45 and 2.45, P. .51 , Shamokin 6.25 and 11.20 A. M. Ashiand7.oo A. M. 12.48 'Noon and 1.65 P. AL; Tamaqua at 8.30,.A. 111.2.15 and 4.35 P. M. ' Leave Pottevilla viA-Schuyikill and Susquehanna Bali Road at 7.10". A. Eli for Llarrisburg, and 11.30 A.M. for Pins Grove 'and Tremont.. . , - .Reading- Accommodation Train: Leaved Reading at 7.30, A. Id., returning , frau' Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Loaves Potts town at 0.45, A. N. returning leaves Philadelphia 4.50, P. Al. . • Columbia Rail !load Trains leave. handing 7.00, A. 'DI., and 0.16," P. 51. for Ephrata, Lith; -Lancasto4 Columbia. .to. Perklmnon Rail Rood Trains leave Pori:lomat/ Junc tion at 0.00 A. N. and 6.00 1': M. ,, Returning': Leave Bkippack at 8.10 A. 61. ; and 1.25 P. DI., cannectlng with shullatleains•on Reading Rail Road. On Onnilaya, Leave New York at i8.00;'1'. - 13.1: Philadelphia 8.00, A. N., and 3.15, P. N. the 8.00 A. DI. Train running only' to Reading; Pottsville 8.00„ A. M., Harrisburg 5,25 A', M. and 4.10 and 0.85 Pi M., and Reading at 1.10,2.55 and'7.l6 A.M. for lin risburg, et 7.00 A. M. and 11.40, P. 51.-for New York and 4.26 P. M. for Philadelphia.' . • Commutation, Mileage, Beason,'School.and Exeue.. slut TM:ate, to and from all•pollts, at' roluced rates. Baggage allookad through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. ; "• • • . „ A. NICOLLS, ' Ben. S upt: 14aug 68. "•1 • ~:. . Aaministratott Fancy 7 Printirii :VALUABLE PRQPEIITY .7 • ' The aubdriber Intendlngto remove Col:kilo villige, offers the foliciwin g valuable town ,PrOperty •in :the town of (] reason, Cumberland cOunty, at private sale. Two lots of ground containing cash 40 feet frcint by 200 foot In deth to an alloy. • • •• • • • efflLLho i ris has erected upon it a two-story • FRAME HOUSE, . . . . nearly netr.' • t . , Lot.No.:4,luut upon It a .- -.': in front, and a , . • .., • G 0 Ci . D ST Y p*.L. in roe-. _ Thla' would bi a • most 'excellent locatioti, for a - Mechanic, beinglocated In the:midst of a,most thriv ing agricultural community, and•the bullylinge 'being . wall calculated for that purpose: For tormvand other information, apply to the sub eiriber residing on the promicoo. • .' • • • • J. N. ALLEN. 31july-3t: IJBLIC,SALE-OF REAL ESTATE. P On Friday the 4th 'daY orSeittamber, A. D. 1868; at 12 ci,clock M., will be sold on the premisies at pub lic sa t e. rat, s tract or. lend In. Frankford , township, three • miles North East of Nowvllle, on. Also Landis• burg road, containing, one hundred and thirty•two (in) acres and forty (40) perches. .This tract of land is hounded by the lands of Christian Myers, Jambe and WDtlam Graham .W. WOod's heirs, Ddniol Burkhol der and the Conodogulnet,Creek. . The improvements are a DOUBLE _LOG --HOUS.B,. two Darns, odo Log and the other Frame, ,a Cooper Shop, flog Pen, and other nocescary out buildings. There is an Apple Orchard, on the farm, and other fruit trees,Peechos, Pears, Cherrits, Sc. . The farm is in a good state. of cultivation having been nearly all limed, and is all eleerad except about _twenty-five (dsi urea, which le 'covered with excellent timber. 2d. Also on the same day and at the came- place, a tract of Mountain land situated in Frankford town. ship; three miles North Bast of Newville, bounded by lands of Peter Myers, Christian Myers, s• lands lately of Jacob Martin and Johts Mikes, containing twenty six (20) acres and ono hundred (100) perches. This - tractlsreovered with good tlmber,js about four tulles from the Mansion Farm, and le of easy fleecier being but about a quarter of a mile from the, public road. Terms of solo of both tracts made known on tho day of este by . rzEn 31jt03 lit 9 I) ECISTER'S NOTICE.- A) ORPHANS Conn!, Augtist- - IStb,-18013.. - I . The account of !David' Eberly. Odardlnn of SaCah Plough, minor chill of John ltlonot, doe'd. 2. The account of J. It. Parker,and Frederick Watts,. Executors of Martha Duncan, deed: 3. First and final account ofitobert L.Darr, Adminias t rotor of Sarah Jane Gilbert late of Newburg. dee'd. 4. First-actouut of D. G. May, Guardian of Levi Icipard, minor snn Of Joseph Leipard, late. of. East, Ponnshoro, daed. 5. First account of D. G. May, Guardian of Goorgo Winger, a minor child of Levi Edinger - late of Peunabaro deed. — (1. First and final account of .Tosoph Pierce, Jr., Ex ecutor of Paul S. Pierce, deed. 7. The first and final acconnt„of Win, Darr, Admin._ 'aerator or .1. 0. liars. late of Nturville, don't'. • S. 'lice account of John Miller, Guardian Wolin 11. Zeigler, Mary E. Zeigler and Small J. -I/adgler, minor children of Phillip Zeigler, deed. D. The first awl final accr,unt, of Samuel Eberly, lahu'r, of the estate of Mary Garver, late of Silver Sprink dee'd. 10.-The account of Peter S. Miller.,_Adm'r. of Cath arine Miller, deed. I. Second nod final - .lri•ount of Isano Miller and Daniel Miller, Executors or Itudolpit Miller, deed. 12 First aid final n.-count of Rebore Mateer, Adm'r of John Meteor', der'd. 13. First and final account ofWllllam . Monre, Aditer ..lackson Moore, late of SOit - th7Criddleton, deed. 14, First and partial aelmunrof.fmes Hamilton, _Eag.,_llon..l. 11. Graham had Rev. David Sterrett, t's'ars. of Susan 11. Thorn, deed. 15. First and final account of N. li Hen, All,llllll. sir:arta of F. A. Dell. late of Merbanicsb,,rg, deed. In. First and final account oflllary Martin, A Main- Gra CON. of lielwrci Nattin, 4 dded.. • 17. First and final aerount of Samuel J . - - of Anna Clouse, dec'd. • . 19. The final account of William Ileighlands, Guar dian of George Warrinaor Goo. 11. glover, Ext`r. of William Highlands, deed. 19. First and partial account of Gen. II Clever, Eet'r of William Highlands deed. • -- 20. The account of Abraham Lamborton, Adm'r. of of-Abrabam Swigert, late of North Middleton.. deed. 21: The account of Abraham Lamborton, Esq , emitor of Williamflonwood, deed. • 22. First and final account of Noah Cockley, Exfr. of Joseph W. Hoover, late of Penn toimship, deed. 23. Second and laid account of C. V. Kelly, Adm'r. of Alexander IficKlustry; late of Pon n township 24. The second :sod final statement of Samuel Kun kel, Executor of James Gillaird, deed. ' 25 The account of Andrew Kennlidy Executor of Leonard 51inich, late of Frankford township. • "tin - Firstand final account-of-Samuel- Mohler,--Ad— ministrator of Magdalena '3lohjexilate of Mechanics-- burg, deed].. 27. Third and final account of Samuel Mohler, one of tInTER - e - eutors of Christian Mold. r, •late 04 Upper Allen, deed. 28. The account of Daniel nyers, Adminif trator of John Ileffiefinger, bite of West Penusboro, deed. 29. First and final account of Christian Swartz, Ad. ministrator - of John Swartz, late of Mochanicalzurg, deed. INIE 30. First and flital account of D. Nelswanger, Ad• nairdstrotor of John • Westfoll, lota of N onroo tarp., dec'd. 31. First and trial occant of Andrew Setffort, rueteo of o:fitherin . e . Cop under the Will of Hue ry Coover, an &decree of tilt Orphan's Court. 32. The account of Richard Woods, and Samuel Stuart, Jr. Executors of Bobcat Donaldson, late of Dirk- Inson township, 'deed. ' a 33. The first and final account o I Francis Mentzer, uardian of David [denim, 34. The drat and final account of John Creasler, . . . Sicith 'flea, late of Shlppensburg, doc'd. 35. First and final account of J. A. C. M'Cuno, .. • dfli'r of Sar ah Galbraith, dee'd. 30. First and final account or David Wherry, Adm'r. .llsrael - Waggonet, dec'd. 37. First and final neat - lint of Samna] Silyder, Adin'r. of O. W. Snyder, Into of illechaniestinrg;dec'd. " 38. Tho account of John S. Munro, Ex Er. of William Glenn. Into of Dickinson trrp. 39. First and final account :of David Rhoads, Ex ecutor of Dr. Wm.,..Monttor,lale of Carlisle, dee'd. 40. uarillanshly, account of David Adam, 0 nard /An, of Sebastian, Layman C. and Mary Alice Spa.uslor. J. DOESIIEIM ER, Register. 24j1115 , 4 PROCLAMATION • WHEREAS, the Hon. JAME,;' o¢ollsw, Presider t Judgeof the several Courts 'of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Per ry, and Juniata. and Justice of the several Cori to m Oyer and Terminer:n.l General Jail Deli may In sold counties, and Thomas P.M:dr:int! Thigh Sthart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of. Oumberland, by their precept to me directed,l, dated the 13th day of April A. D. 1868, hare ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General' .Tell Delivery to be holden at Carlisle on the 4th Monday 01 August, 186 R, (It being the 24th day), at 10 o'clock lu the,forenoonrto continue one weeks. NOTICE is hereby given La' the Corouer,Just ken of the l'eavu, and Conntables of the said county of Cum berland that they are by tile said prompt ceuanande'd to lie then and there in their Proper persons, with their rolls, records, and inquialtiOnatixanainationp,and ill other remembrances, to do thoso things width to their offices Appertain to ho done, aria ell those that are loud by reeognisanctm, to prosecute against. tile •'• , that .ire or then shall be In tho Jail of said e❑/1111 ) tro Ili I . 17JiI l',( 8 DItoTHONOTARY'S NOTIOE.t Solicit to hereby given that the follow leg ne- C4l.llltS have lbeen•filoti lu the • Prothonotary's office for examination, and will be presented to the Court of Colman Pleas of Cumberland count* for confirma tion on Wednesday the 26th day of August, 1866, viz: 1. First and final account of Daniel Echols, assignoo of Gems° t'. Myers, under deed of voluntary assign ment. • . 2. First .ind final account of S.X..Wagner, assignee of M. 'l'. Walker, &M.-A. - Graham, doing business as Walker•& arahani:tuler lee& of voluntary gsslgn• went. 2.1101v-4t NTOTICE TO CLAIM yy A largo'numbei of claims for daivages neffer - t - e - ret — orAssoMbly - rfor lb& roller of perseMs who suffered loss durlngthe War to'fitipprous tlio late re bellion having boon Walcott in my hands, I desire to inform all having,cialms under, sold Act that I am now prepared to but tho claims lm:prtper, - Mtn) for pro sontatiod to'tlicrllettrd of Commissioners.), • As the proof requlrog gm the anthenticatien - of the - claim» depends very much upon the different circum stances attending the Mesas. or. damages I stoUld suggest that claimants should call and eue'Rne before bringing their Witnesses; In order that ,I may beable to give them properinformalion prepariltory;l e mak ing outtheir- This 11)11' dorm's all damages done to personal-property or real Malik» either by the Union forces or the rebel army. • JOAN LEE. ° LIS - mmi A GENTS WANTEDFQR "WEAR: „CA., INC ,OP .Tlll.l CIREEN,". ' • The most 'ontertainlng book published, 'abounding In Romance, Humor and Wit. Agent says' It In -the beat selling book out, as people are tired of ropotition of 'dry details rind army reports. • r , • One Agent Bold BB to One Week. • ' " .92 ." • '•" " 182' • ' Dais. • Liberal Terms to, Agents: Head ter Circular,. Also Family ( - Puerto Bildoe._. IldseSdition published WM Publishor,4ll South 7th — street, Phila dolphin, Pa. • • ' ' ' • 7 1031113 , bn. , .." , WANTED A FEW GOOD AGENTS OUISIBI RI4ND ,COUNTY,, TO BELL • , Sartan!s Splendid ',...Engravipg_ GENERAL GRANT •Thla Engiaving fimeetlng - with rapid antes whore. ever Agonto bnvo boon appointed, and all i wlehlng,,to wine twittery should do so at' once., , ,• We. are offering extra Inducements:4i g099,,,1y!,1, : e?!.- perlenced,Oanvaesore. , Agontemolllng the Lif t of arant 'should, hayo' , ,tltte dine pletnio With Won. '. i 11ot terms', address.. . , • itniaLtsorei , b6;;,,H. • 526 Minor iltroot,,Plllledolphlrt.. :FIFTY PER • upon the cash. prOniiinnS recOPea In 1807 on all Policies in force on the 81st of Dec., and have decided to ,receive all the scrlp_iffitued,up to, and JurltcllpgJann nary- 1868 tin puyment of premiums. 'Phu undersigned Is ready to deliver certificates to partice entitled to receive thorn at the Cat lido Agency at ma race, Net. 8, West Main Street, nt any attar date of this potical , . - Pamphlets, table rates, appllcation find loyery formatlon-furnished without charge. A. SPONSLER, ,Agent. A liberal pereentago will he 'paid to Otto et -- two good, reliable persons, to canvass Oitmberl awl county' on behalf of the - above company, which it' the only 'Mutual Life Insurance Company in 'rennnlnvanin, and ono of the oldest nod most r enable in the'country. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, Agent. SAIABET. MYERS, ° Atty., is fact for the Vondora. Fulls, I,‘ tr JOB. Q. TILOMPSON , Sheriff J. P. BRINDLE, , Prothv 2ISPONBLER;i . r. Real Ratite Agent, *livelier, conyegaimen !gene: , anco . and .:01111nir yßtreettrNetu ,cantro 811.100:" •-• F °" ' sALy, _ • A-tract cif - VidoMbit. Timber Land Oontalnint ONE , HIINPRHD AollEfi t lying on-the„South Mountain .8 miles above Mt. Holly; known ao'llie•eteam.ffew mrii property. The tract is most folorably loented, — ooefo: Of noceßs and the timber of the boat quality, • •• • For terms &c., apply to I Union Pacific Rail Road Company,' FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Interest Payable Senil,diannally to Gold, - • . Tho Subbscriber, hartinit been 'appointed the }linen. dal Agent, fer'tlirfOoMpany at Oarlisle, will receive subscrlbtions for the above named Bernie, which has boon recently advanced to 102 and are at that' state regarded the choavat 'security in the market. • A.L. BPONBLES, Mice No.lo, West Math St. .• VALUABLE ;• LOT. OP,GROUND FOR BALI] • " Situate .and lying .betweem Main and Pomfret Strode eltonded, likthe•perough ef•Carlisio and con. taing about four acres. ' -- This le one of the Most deeirablU-Lots In the town and could - be used fora ,vailety of purposes—besides its capability of being,advaritegedualy.divided into do sirablo building Lots—having•it Rent ma each of the above named streets, It would he timed oxcollont lo cation for come' marinfactiarlng . business. Tim Gas and' Water - plpes aro already laid Piet In front of the Lot. Apply to A. L. BPONSLER, Real Estate Agt Penn Mutual - Life Insurance Assetts $1,818,000,80 Life Insurance PoliCy',prt FaVOrd- F22112=3 ' Tlio Bo ard'of Trustees hnve declared a sett} divl dond of , .., , . : : ]cl" RAI, ESTATE FOR SALE. Double 3 Story Brick House_' . . wh Framo_ititslion attached, suitable t. ',l, for occupancy pf Iwo families, or , as.,a ••• • I ,t, Store Boom and t Dwelling, situatbd on "NI I , II 11;± ....._. • ' - FENN STREET, CARLISLE, will be disposed of on favorable S orms uno. .1 9 '-J '8 • A INn nenmmodloun Tnoßtnry Brick Dwelling House, with, Brick Back Building, situated •liinlin- Stre,q, Ca rlisle. 12juno f 6 ' Also n valuably building lot..situnted on the South Ihtst corner of 'We'd and Pomfret Streets, fronting 60 feet on l'otnfret, and 240 foot on West :trent. - Tlfigrß one of tho'fitost Ihsiritblo buildloglots In the borough. 12june 68. Moon Throe Story Dwelling House, built of Brick and Frame, containing 8 p rooms and kitchen, with all the modern Improvements, with stable add carriage . house In the 'roar, situated on a lot of 2 • • ground on West Loather Street, Carlflo, containing 62 feet in_front mutat° feet in dopth, a very desirable residence. A. L. S PONSLER, - . Real Estate Agent 12juuo 68 IMPORTANT DISCOVERY I T 11. E i'POULTERERS' FRILND,' OR CHICKEN POWDERS (('opy right gocurod.) =I GAPES IN CHICKENS AND TURKEYS Will Pr vont and Cure Chicken Cholera. and .• r.her Disease common to Poultry,. s • d will promote an increase of Pat. _ PIRECTIONS ACCOMPANY EACII PACKAGE PRICE 25 'CENTS. Thu annexed era a row of the certificates we hay . ° rielved in proof of tire groat value and efficacy of the Poulterers' Friend C411ROLI.ro::, 11,!aTITIOILL COVNI'V, M0.,D0., 16718137 Messrs. Clotworthy Co. 17 ENTLES EN have used your r •Poulterers' Friend" upon a brood of youtig chickens that had. the gapes, and ani,liappy to say, that by the use of a few doses th y wore natively cured. it will certainly curd the gapes when used according to- direAlons, Yours, Are. "GEO. HARMAN. f.EvrowN, IV. VA„ April ith.l.Bf3B .I[l,..ssra,elotworthy 00. • drar,—l have been soiling your ,"Poulterorre Mr the last few months, for the care of i'hicken Obolera, and.in every instant • where It has been used, the disoase'svannrosted. at once. It is UM greatest )10111611u mtnhi."— It la In Teat demadid, and 1 am selling it rapidly, Iketirlainly accomplishes all that you claim for It. Youraac. .JONAH 'l'. TltUS'slll.l.. .S,IIEI'IIpTSTOWN, W. VA. April nth, ta Alears. antworthy i[.6) with the OnpoN uud hearing Friend, purebased-n-mackage from- dos. M.'fitono braker, Slappliordstoirn,, Va., t ectlid like a charm.- The llapee soon disappeared, and my chickens have hoemnir healthy end thrlity.• I can recommend the Poniterera' Friend to all =EMI S/ICPIIERDSTOW:i,.W. VA., Mareb23tl`,lB(lB Jlepra. Ciolworthy th.-Cce. GENTlir:—llwilmlost a knot - Many. lama, dining the early Spring, with "Chicken Cholera," woo Ito duced by Mr. lon. M. Stonebraker, of Shboherdstown, Va., to try paper„, of your _"Poulterers', Friend," Willeh I did; and I had only. used throo dosos when the - dlutce disappeared, and I have not lost 'A 'fort , since. I can most safely recommend It to do what It IyB, it tho direetiOnll ord f.M.Vell. for Sale by all country Merchants.' CHRISTIAN WELTY. . CLOTWORTIFY Sr. CO., Wholesale Drnigleis, No. 33ZWestilalthnore Street, Baltimore, NS: Pkice q12,00 - p'ei D9zon Tradd. A Liberal Discount Alloitod,' when ;Durchitsail . • • Largo Quantities. ' ' ' Ibitiaro ni any imitation'. None gonulno eicalif, that manufactured by Clottvorthy & Co. All 6tonebraker% ineparattona for' onto by Waal,. mood tt Brott, t yf pat Main f at., Carlialo Pa. . tiOnnty-int. t' .1867. SPRING, • 1867 .• BARG AI 'NUS . _ • . NOW OPBNING . • . DOMESTIC 'COO cmcnisi • _ • • .c . Apeam ERES,' • ' SA I'INETSr • JEANS, wirirrE • TAIMNINGS, ; ItIBUONE4, ' AT NOTIONS, 30. . . NEW ST 4 :9 I Ei.I/. , No. GGYVEST:KIAIN.STRET. 9 ) 08(0 the' tf!lonlon Troupe, no*.t 'to Mplit 'ol;e4j. • • '.'rho 6Oly Zntalty . .d.tachlna' that ,itota',iaii olvt? woidClaittaiyll . ol.9o,,wldonfTilid - •4airoisii oft tho too cOroplote.'—produoloig=all-;vartotios• of kOlt goods from an„, ipr'ant's stookips, talttoit:..or glovo /dtly4 Bhavit Qr 140 pd • . - • • . . , ' • "..i'xieo-Itgducsa: to ssDollirs,l- It in Z 1 pVt6 cuyabfe,CatitgtoperninilondiAcoriintet imniecect.ln tho4Mlo 9reveil f , Anonccorwith 'chimp tot circulaCnfxd coniplo stocking. OuNE, Gott!): •SdviSitiho in de ,-4J YJN.P i3'Aftil - Allst, 1 . ! S . • - t i i IMIM I have this day corium:mood on_Grs 'hock of Summer Goode at greatly roduced-Viletia • • • - • • 'F..OIt"O4:SH: ; OADNADINE9,, ~ • _ _ 'LAWNSi : • - • . ••• "IMAM:MEV . • •;114itILDD YAM°, - • ----- FRIMOCE PARASOLS, • OLUENR-Poi;tlNl3,. ' • • --A,LAPACONgi'af,k,,i:., at cost BPONBLETt •I; BLAOK A full line of SATIN, RAMMED end STRIPED JACONETS, and WHITE MARSEILLES "under price. BUMMER.: CABSIMEREIS, and - COTTON PANTS STUFFS, groat bargains. • HOOP_.SKIRT 4 S & BALAIORALS, ora'r sold'ln Carllefo. Pickings, (Weeks, Sze., at the lOwest price. Stockings, • - Gloves, y - Corsets, 'Biattor . is, and 'other notions in greatv , prietrand very cheap. DELA.IIsI::ES, 12/, 18, and-20, •. GALICOES, 8, 10, 12/, ompany, CARPETS AT COST Now is th 6 time •to secure bargains to all kin of DRY GOODS as many articles will bp clpeed, of loss than cost. 0 . 1:1AS. OGILBY, No. q7, ' We=t Main Streot, Ciilislo Great Bargains in Parasols and • , White QuiltS. E ljuly OS , - PATENT - FROTECjialt - FRUIT. JA ALW A I'S 11E1.M . BLE!' THEY MEET , EVERY WANT TN A GO0f) FRUIT ,TAR, RIM RR- FUR -BY ri4 tili Jill amilios of Fruit" Presavers 'THEY CAN BE MADE AIB-TIOTIT ITIr.CERTA IN TY , AND EASE, READILY OPENED WITHOUT INJURY TO THE COVER The Protector Jars have metal Lida with Anne, which turn on the inclines of the neck of the Jars, and thus tighten the rubber onto the Ground Edge of,the Jai mouth. .The result is, a combined Lid and •Clamp (one piece,) which"closes or opens the Jar with 'slight turn, and without - injury to the revers, a which can thus be used repeatedly. GLASS AND -CROCKERY DEALERS lIOUSE - TITRNISLUNG AND DRUG STORES. - . TRADE SUPPLIED BY PATENTEES and MANUFACTURERS DRUGGISTS' AND PERFUMERS' GLASSWARE. Wine, Porter, Ale and Tdirceral Water, Bottles, Pickles,. Preserves, PATENT MEDICINE BOTTLES 111Z-Partleular attend lon given to Private Mould 'Office, No. 26, South 7th Sireet, 2 july4t 'TALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES , September 22d,1.868,—Th0 un dersigned, oxeentor of John Zug, will offer at public vile, on the ainvo, day, on the promises in South township,one rsilo }last of PapertoWn, near liltillinie lower paper mill, tiro following real estat in wit: - • No.l. The Mansion thin of deceased, containing 130 Acres, more, .or less, having thiirbon .erected a Largo 'L'a•o-Story Brick., ;Mansion youso, containing 000011 romes'and a kitchen, a Large Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other outbuildings.' The. land is in n high state of cultlvationotiodunder good fence. Tlfero is a Welt of Good Water at the dour and oifo at the barn, and there Is au Orchard of fine Ap ple, Beach, and ether truog. "Mountain Crook" pas, es through the firm No 2. Aloe, on the Outgo day, on the premises ad joining'tho foriper troth, a Barn, on the Carlisle and Ilanover turriplkt,. at Papartown, containing 102 Auras, moronic loss, haring thereon erected a Weather botird,l llouse,Large Brick Bank. Barn and other out• - nuildinga,—P.Alounttiln_Creek!' alM__Pasms through • - urst__o4.ss 'rat , r ismer; There ., th• VEMM ~ - Is a fine young Urelutrd - on this - tratt, - and - the nt. these Is well enit'vaCed and under punt Inure. Both Creels are In the, Innandlatt vicinity s,f , Mt Ile y Springy, a section noted for the salubrity of Its mate and visited aunuali39 by !sundry& In searchf ‘ j health. , _ BEM No. 8. Also,..roui , Lots of Thubiir . Land, the first tenth ining 20 Acres more or loos, on tire Carlisle and Ilann.vor turnpike, one mile South of Nt• Holly popor Tlllll, 010 second containing 12 Acres, half mile Diet of Mt. holly paper Mill, the third containing 1114 Acres, half mile Bast of rapoi town; and the fourth, In rtlckinson township, lour miles South of Mt. Holly, on ho C ettysbumrmid, containing 7, Acres. thcso _tracts aio covered NVlth thriving - Chestnut and Oak timber. Salo to corumenco at 11 o'elotk A. M., on sold day, when terms will be motto known by JACtIII ZOO, ..grecittar Julio Loy 7nug'6B t yALUABLE _AEA]. ESTA,."R,III • PU-BLIC SALE{ On Satitrclay,. September 511 x, 11868 . The subscribor will soil at Public Sale, on the above day, on the promises, situated In Illonroo townshifn_ on. the York road, about 43,5 milas East of Carlisle, and about IX, miles West of Churchtovtu, the lug deathbed valuable real gatate, A sulaill bimeetone Farm containing ' ...FORTY-SIX ACRES, - • more or loan. .Tho . 11;1 proytifivi to nre •., goßd tiva. story. BRICJC I-10U S , with STONE ICITOLIEN, WASIII ROUSH, and Whet , necessary outbuildings. Wagon natl.:Coin Orib, ,nod other outbuildings. Good well of water, ()Intern nt the house, Flue thriv— ing Orchard of Choi. Fruit. Thu landls a good quality of llmnstolit; and uudor good MAW tlon a part of It buying Lon ilmed-thle year. • It le eligibly -located within omut, roach of Schools, Stores, •Ottutelto4 Mills, and le In all resipsete a Moat dosirablo . placo. • • Palo to commonest-at 1 tt'clesik on said day, when ettendanee will be given Mid torma made known by '• • . • ABRAHAM SOLLENDEIIOEII.." • 7,aug4t.. • • . BAII.;1"8 WAQON j3RAK.E; . ' , FARAIERS , ANIS . :VAGO,RERS, LOOIC TO .y, QUIVINTViESTS: • °BMWs rateut. Winton Brake Block' Bolder, la Just . the thing needed•hy,evory• person owning 'a wagon. Foloheapnemaisnd convenience It excel° all °thorn -met need or brought b. Bra the publld. It le made to FLOG all sloes of blocks—Rouud, Square, 'Thick or nod can be opplyld with- the greatest entree., 1111013., without hammer:or. voile. , • 4 - Agent'. wanted In every. county In the Ualted !Betel. For particulars applyto. _ , , •'•'" P.M.M BAILIE, Pothole, Po. •• .71ing 438-6io.‘ '• •'' , r " ' ' gNTLEPi cipr should 10july41 e, NETT S .at, scost AND =I & J•. BODINE, ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF Jolly and Snuff Jars PHILADELPHIA A Lala BARN, el• g nano flayorad kla W orro 0 1 . 11 Dosh'e Black Crook, ME Jima RING'S iilE VEGETABLE_AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! G ray-I-leaded. People have their locks restored by it to the • dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and arc bai)py 1 Yoh - rig - Pe ople, iyith ligh t,faded ors ed Hair, hav,o these:unfashionable colors changed to .a beautiful auburn, and rejoice!. People whose heads are . oovered, with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy sealpSl Ita Vottoinms have their remaining'. locks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth, of Hair, and dance for joy! Young Gentlemen use it because it ie richly perfurued! ' Young. Ladies _use -it because it keeps their Hair in--piaa - Everybody souig - ant.Ltsill use because it is the__ 'cleanest _and. Led article : - in - -tbe market! •• . -• • _ -For Sale by Drdggists generally. • f0b00,13, SHERIFF'S- SALES. - ' • .133virtus, of sundry. write of Vondltioni 'Milkman issued out of tho Court of Commrn Pleas ofCumber,- land Dimity; and to -me directed, 'I will expose to sale, by public vondue or outcry, at, the,Court House,- in the Borough of Carlisle, on Friday, Aitgust 21, 1868, et 10.o'cleck, A. 61., the followin# described Root, Estatei to - wit : - A Tract cf Land, situated in Sliver Spring township, Cumberland 'couoty, Pa.i • bounded on the East by land orlfonry,l'oglesong, on the South and West by lands of George' Belatline and -the Conodoguioet Creel<, and on the North by lands of Samuel. yogi°. end ;Jacob P.lmtnons, containing 176 Aerea, more or les, hating thereon erected a Two-Story Frame '1), i Tin and 'Bach Nil-ben, Frame Barn, . Vagon Hot Pen, - ami other ontbuiblingg. Pei ed and talon el entiou to tin property of dward Dem gl. -ALSO A tot of ground situated in New Kingston, Sliver Spina pownship. Otimberland co_nn_ty,,bounded nn for North by the Carlisle rind ifarrisburg Turyndkn, on tin. by an .t !ley, on the" South by an alley, .an .. tire met by I, of John containing 40 ieet in nont, and 11l feet In depfla, by themnle more nr I...,;l(`Hing therein, ...reeled a Two-Story Yvonne 11. n •, Fraine St dd... Smoke 'louse and Hog Pon.- F. • • taken ,•,,,otiod as the property of Jo. •I • (. MIES A god of ground situated in Lipper Allen township, Cu I,ll , ,rland county, boundeelfit the Ninth by the iteadom the East - byinul of George, Beelntan, no the youth by land of George Engle, and on the 1 , , -Abraham Zook, containing ono .liltif Acre, ~ e less, haying thereon erected a Two-Story Icalne .Dwolli . ng, Met Kitoben,..ltraxne Stable,'Slaugh- Et? Trnas., -- mat other outbuildings, Seizod.ond•takon hn esocutfoo as the prone. ty or t'eter Cecklin. MEM A lot of ground sitnated In the Borough of Carlisle, Cue, burl:tut' county, bounded on,the North by West Locust alley, on -the East by private alley t Dr. W. W. Dale, B. Corbinan and the dof't, on the SOuth by Louther street, and 2 on the West by .Mrs. Smith, containing -IS feet In frbut and 240 feet In depth, Mere or less, having thereon erected a Two-Story Frame Douse, Bach Kitchen, and ontbuildinge, on Louthrr street, ;mint Two• Story Frame House on the alley. 12329111 A lot of ground sit uatpd in the Borough of CarliSTO: Cumberland clunt?, bounded on the East by the Lotort Spin, on the South by John Spahr, on the West by North k.act Ail - et, and on the North by William Spahr, containing GO foot in front and 300 foot In depth, more or le,s. having thereon seeted a On-and-a-11:01 , Story Brick _House, Two-ono-and-a• Half Story Frame Houses, and °Per outbuildings. =MI A lot of ground Idtuntlit,lu the Itoiough_of Cumberlifiia - counTy, inTonthid -. ale Eoct by John Pork, ncf tlm South by gnat South street, on the Went by John Meet rtney; and on the North by flodfroy Bender, con tAinlng ft teet in front and 120 feet In depth, more pr loco, h y ving• ther,nn eructed Two Two- Story Promo !louses, Ono - Frinno - nntrlio r Tifounecand tther ontbullding, MEE A tot of Ground situate in the Borough of Car . lble, Cumberland county, bounded on thd East by James M'Conigal, on the douth by John Natchor and Amok Sweigert, on the WesChy Mrs. Jefferson, and,on the Fouth by Liberty street, containing- 60 feet In front and 120 teat In depth, more or loss, having thereOn erected 'flues Two-Story Frame 1i0116178, and other outbuildings. Petted and taken In execution as the property of Michael Lnloy, and JanerLaley his wile. IM=l The undivided interest in a tract or land, situate in East Penn sborough township, Cumberland county, bounded - on -the y North by - lands of George Kuntz and Win. Drayer, on the East by Jacob Kuntz, and on the South soul West by land of George Longsdort ) containing sixty acres more or less, basing thereon erected a Two-Story Stone Dwelling House, and a Ono andst-thtlf Story Frame Tenant house, Bank Barn, and other outbuildings. MEM A tract of Mountain Land, situate partly In East Pynnsborough township, Cumberland county, and ',Art!) , In Perry coutity, bounded on the North. by --on the East by lands of Wm. Drayer and .l;n•nb Kuntz, on the South by other lands cftho heft., and on the West by.lands of Longsdorfs hob's. Seized oLd taken In execution as the property of (lea, a Ktmtz. To Lo Fold by me, JOS. 0. 7.IIOMPSON, Shen:if: • 811E11111'a OFFICE, OARLISLE, July 29, 1808. CONDITIONS.—On all sales of $5OO, or over $OO will Le required to ho paid when the property is stricken elf, nu d $25 on all sales under $5OO. AMERICAN TI-INCI . WBTATION CO'S-OFFIOE No. 141 South Fourth Street, ==! TICE ANTI-INCRUSTAT9R • '_. .01 , Th. '.WIII moo ye scales from ".. , riiM ( 1 1 NlI l l 1 1! i ! -..- ' . 7: I r li e 'l l l ll ' e7t6o Mi lto k ii ' -e7 I t o h s e s m l c h l :Ne * 'IiINIIrir. - -. 'l ' - to .Explo . gion, unit causing n ';; i 1 1 ,11111!:, . ~,, (prat xaving - rffuel. 'IY It l ',,i ~, t:. ,1 ;11Til 'I! " : ~.yfi-beanl- M -sycces.tfia uno_d Ong ny_ of ~ „ I Pll,' I 1 , I , 1 , 'l4 l, o[l l ll\ 111111.11 1 1, ,1 ', 1 1 11 1 14 1 ,0 [llll.l the largo ext. ,lialanon a i r j ilmlelphiq and' other parts qt , Ito .11 - nthal States and front avldelt 11 the most /I atteri ng testimonials 1,1 or th6lr wonderf saOtag tti , r.l f ad and labor bay° been rv- Si,' volved. , tn.PARTIES having 1101Ie Ellti would do well to call at a • no, (lake, nod -eSamine ledli monials, Br., Rm. JOhN - FAitEIRA, ~/Wsident 6j u ne.3m • ; 0.0K , -OUT DRY GOODS ; MEN. I havn bud returnecbfroin. the nidtWitli-my Spring Stock, and no usual, I am Oiling Goods a little clump. or than any other Dry., Goode 'Louse .in town. Ido not tliBM It necossary icl odqupy a column of norm paper to nif ieputation ,reF.aolling cheap idoodo;nor do I wlah to roaert trap_ta_ gull thu public.' All I auk of thorn ix to, call and oxamine for themsolves, arid if not satisflui with the prices: net to buy.. itoluoinbor Um stand No. 32 North Hanover street,..no xt door to lb. Kieffer's and Miller & Bciwora IhOrdwaro Store -w5l. A. MILES. P. S. I will say , nolhing . about my th h . & and fourth, , grand oprthings. • • Oapril-ST.. J. • s. M c 0111 ji-L'AN', ESE BA RTA Lorr sz • B LYNN, = ForS & Straw GoOds, No. 4N, Market Sifeet; . . • riIipADEI,PIIIA, 31july 09-3 in , . TN BANKRUPTCY... District Court lin itaiStaicti pastern District of Pa. ' John Bentz, of Carlisle, eumberiand county, n.112* rupt'haring potitioaed for his discharge, a meeting 'of creditors will be held on the nimtoenth day or August 11.38, et 10 O , OQOk 11., before Register Chu, A. harnutt, emirt Rouse, In Carlisle, that tho examination of the Bankrupt may be finish ed and any'business of mooting° roydrOd by aoctionat 27 anii, 0 8 of the Act. of Congress traunanted. •• • 'l' Tbelitegititorwill cartify.whothorlho Bankr‘npf cc,l formed to his. dnty.' - t. , A hearing Will also be had oft.Wedinuitlay,. the -eueonti,alax or Beittumber,' beformthet.COutt .at Ph (la pelphiaott 1Q o'clock wlien'ind' where Parties 'laureate& tray show came against the discharge I'. 0. IiLLSIAKOIIO. B. Marshall, • • t ' Bar B.:I I .A4ALeItAMMPuPq7 ti'Benity Morainal's . . • • 31July It. ANTEP,. .:by - manufacturer, V Agonto to tie:ll.by raniplo. Manse oltli !tamp for circular, • • • •,. 0.11,111101 E & CO, op Ohootriut Pl/litUla. • 17,july•lm. ALWAYS ALWE TO TRH INTEREST qa THE COitgENiT:tA , Ali the .OLIJ CORNER • • Just receiving anotner largo supply of,Poodsidited o the present season. - DRESS CEFOOnS I A beautiful aBRO rtment of DRESS' SIDER,- SUPERIOR BLAOK SAQUES .AND MANTLES BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS For the trimming of Saques and Mantles A GRAND ASSORTMENT OP Black and Colored Grenadines -Frenelitigfirdie Lawns & &Asses, French J aconet Lawns; • • Franey PCrcaills 'Figured, French Vercaills_Plp,in, Pure Mottled Mohairs, For Ladies Suits, Plain .Mohair, MOZAMBIQUES and FRENCiIbfIPNTZES SCOTCH GINGHAMS &o. i &a Drove Goode elt 'atastonlehingly km prices, as we are .Ictolrained not ,to carry stock over the WHITE GOODS, Miff' and 'Striped Swiss- Striped _Plaid and Plain Nainsooke Plaid, Plain 'and Striped Jaconetts, Shii•ied, Puffed and Tuekod Muslin: For Garibaldies, Striped awl Plaid White French Organdies for Ladies' Dresses, Black Crape, Marett 2 yds. wido for Shawls and Dresses, Two yards wide, IVIOURNINC GOODS, Of every deshlptlon, suitable for all soasont and for all purposes. A full line of FUNERAL GOODS, D 0 Al TI G G 0 OD S-, Of all kinds selling at unusually low prices CARPETS!! CARPETS! Great Inducements now offering In all grades of Carpets to clone out our stock of tho fstoon. FLOOR• O'IL CLOTHS; All widths for Entries and Halls TABLE. OIL OL'OTIIB. I • Plain and Bordered WINDOW .SHADES CLOTHS S: CASIAIEIt*ES LINEN DUOICS, of .svory description: Call And edit beet stook of mons' year.ln the town. ' EZRA LUK814.9, See'y and Treqs,; I= 4 ,1 TABLE COVERS AND SPREADS, . • .. , , 'A. greatLirgaln In alElthile t bDLlnen7aba e - k - ' - ' ..---... .and Damask Bordered Toivel S : Asylle4- - Nri 112 - Tabby Mlotbs,l3ath Towels, &c. leer Lace Mantles, Bllk Idantfes aid,, agues - of the latest styles. The Deb brated , , Of tbe swoon, with the, drop' tantenfogol,enabling — a lady to . adJust the skirt to mako it any length rho may wish it. Dither for the trail or walking dram N OTIONSI NOTIONS!! In such groat variety. that it le impossible to enumerato them. Please give us a call and sea all doscilptiona of LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, LADE HANDKERCHIEFS, --BOWERY, CLOVES, TRIM; MINOS, IPIDDONSSACES, EDOINOS,INSEKTINGS, MARSEILLES TRIMMING/1,, Ac., Ac. Please do not fall to give us en early call and ex amine our complete stock, as we era always wall prepared to prove the tact that wo lo study thie in toned of our eudotriors,.end . never -suffer' ouredlves - to Go undersold. • • •LI•;IDICH..& MILLER ' Hesse bo partiOnlar In notleing ,thn heading and the closing, orouradyertisemont, as It' Is sometimes closely' Imitated a ndlmay, deceive those not on their mud. - LEI.DLO,IrI& MILLER Sign ofthe Carpet gall. - WO. 2 1 i 'MAIN 'STREET, 1i , 418,1 In all colors ,aAd qua:titles FOR A FULL LINE OF All colors for suits, Alpacas, All Colors. Black Grenadines For Shawls and Drosses always on hand- DRILLINGS, DRAB, DeTAE, &C,, ITofioy Comb Quilts. 1100 P SKIRT ON TEE CORNER, Qarlisle Pennsylvania SP'RtNG, SALES Have cothinenCed . ai t e otore of the notion! pod in NO4l'll, SANOVERSTIAET, •68. • of all Ulnae of ,wares united -inithri ,uutilts of . gonse keepers, flotebrearid all contemplating the furnish. houses.' • - fleeing justreturped from tio elqest!,they.nro pre pared to gni:Ay All with- _ STOVES of usury hind such ss' ' • DOOR PAROR . AND OFFICE ,STOV.F,S., .conolotlng In part of tho Barley Sheaf, - _Alrohle Cook, Oriental, -Parlor and •- Heaters ffai also the noted NATION-AL RANGE They ire prepared to furnish those contemplating honsokeVng, with all things necessary to a WELL - RECIIIL ED HOUSEauch as TINWA"RE, of all deecriptione, COFFEE MILLS, • BAD IRONS, • SPOONS, _ LADLES, &o. Roofing, Spouting and, Jobbing, and everything inlho line of the t inner dorm at thq Slortest , Notice and on the most rea r :one* terms all wares WARRANTED. Give them a call as they -are anxious to exhibit--feeling Satisfied that they. can convince all that No. OS, is the place to purchase • EA P -- G-0-0 and DEAUTDJUL, WARE Vail kinds, found In a ekes establishment' RINESMITII ic - RUPP, ,_ , No. OS, E%anojilk:tia 13mar68 MAC'IIINE• WORKS. - D. SiEviitsoN,.7i; Pract'l Engr.c6 Attichintzt J, DI.-Bx6vEre. W. W. Jsmilkos, Practical Aforader. Franklin Iron Works, • Corner of Short and South Streep,. EtARAISBURG, PA._ MACHINE DE P'ARTMENT MANUFAOTTIAB STEAM ENGINES & MACHINERY Particular attention paid to Repairing of Mach' nevi, by day-ov night itt-home or abroad. . ALL - KINDS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE, AND FITTINGS ON ELAND. Wrought Iron_ Pipo, Brass and Iron Cocke, Water Gauges, - Globe Valves, Stearn Whistles, Gauge Cocks, Check ValVee, ' _Governor Valves, Governol e, . Safety Valves, Steam Gauges, Injectors, • Oil Cups, Unions for Pipe, - Shafting and Pulleys, , Etc., Etc. Foundry and- Ornamental Department - - Manufacture Cast and Wrought Iron Plain and Ornamental Railing. Over one hundred and seventy• Bye new and beautiful patterns. Verandahs, Window Ilaads, Brackets, battens, Tables,-Stands, Tree Boise, Divialon Stalls, Rack - and Food Boxes fur Stables, etc, etc. HOUSE FRONTS & AROHITISCTURAI, CASTINGS. . • • . . Executed from any. design furnished, and have On— hand a large'varietyk of patterns for • ittl I LD.P. gar Ift - ON - ,.IVOTt'R: 7N G ENE RALT - Too Carving, Model and Pattern Making prompt. Irtitanded to. JENNINOS, STEVENSON & STOEVEIt ajuly 68-oins. VITTAI3LE7TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber, intending to remove from Carlisle, offers at private sale his residence, situated on South Hanover Street, Noe. 36 and 37. The property consists of a DOUBLE ROUSE,. one part of which Is built of Stone and the other of Erick, making two complete Houses, suitable for dwellings or places of business. There are also two Frame Buildings on the premises which could be very readily be converted into dwellings. • --Por-terms and other. particulars unquiie of the subscriber, residing on the premises. DANIEL R. HELLER, If - Not sold before Oct, Ist 1868; this property will be offered at public sale on that day. . I.ojunett LAY IN YOUR COAL.- ALJ.ll,7l.l,V,`Lnor`ov, very laying in of your WINTER'S 00AL.6 The subscriber would offer ble stock to the public k nowing full well the disposition of the trade genet. ally to make many premises to effect sales. The sub scriber would priter td learn the guidlty of the coal ho furnishes, speak for itself and he will be held to the following which are hie old standards. Ist. To sell none but the BEST GOALS lIELE2 2nd. To Poll as CHEAP as any' In the trade. ad. To deliver what his customers buy, and not to mix with a LOWER, PRICED article to make the price to suit Me sale 4th. Believes in the principles that SCALES cannot be In use ( without repairs) fora series of xnara to the advantage of the customers. ' - 6tln - To . keep all M coat - to of boat tbe had elsewhere. 6th. Nisier to- MISREPRESENT coal to make a tale 7th. To GUARANTEE 2,000 lbs to the ton, Bth. give the cuatomora the advantago of • ANt C - RANGE in - price at the minoe. ' Bth. TElthil. ED to do all In hhi bower Tor the benefit of those. who deal with him. Bend on your orders and you shall be dealt as fitlrly with and on as favorable terms as any yard In tho plaet, 17ju11 1 38. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— v By-Virtue of the last-Will-and Testamont —of Bernard Staub, deed., we his Exeeutern will sail at public sale, on Friday, the 18th of September, nt 11 o'clock A. M., his Mansion l'ipm on the North side of tho . Yallow Breeches Creek, In Monroe township, Cumberland county, containing 110 ACRES 81 PERCHES of first rate Limestone Land, having erect, ed thereen a largo and commodious • lIJf of Stone, Brick and Frame, a largo new DWELLING .BANK 13,ARN.,. Carriage llonse, Smoke Muse, Wagon Shed, Tad the whole farm Iron - fenced with Locus t Pasta and Cheat. nut Italie. Thera le also &first rate Orchard of Chola° Fruit, and abundance of Grapes, Peaches, and other sac ll frulOtaindanco of water In Spring, and a Well that never fails. Tho Perin la about one mile from Churchtown, and alx miles from Oarlislo; Th - le one of the moat valuable farms In the county. ) There will also be sold at the same' time and place, two tracts of Chestnut Land In the same. township, containing 11 Acres 20 'Porches, and 10 'tares 40 Perchep. Thefts Ur° 'meta about one nib of the Mandan farm. - . • - • ^ Thaler= will bo made knoWn on the day of sale by BERNARD, STARR, 01!N nouK, DAN'L BENONBAbrs" ' .Erccutors. - ' - . . Lancaster Exar Et(4.;rierfeati 'Volunteer, , copy to.,And send bll to tb Once.: ; - .. - -.... AGENTS WAN.TEp Of T11113',001/AVY'POT TOL • • • SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or nig Una, • . . Handsome coinpenaatlbn allowed good Agont, Address, . ILA. W,EDDIBIBLU;EipeoIaI Agent; - .- , t 29. Walnut Bt., RhUeda. • i7julpliq, Q . s ET All'a ' best' Phot'ogiapbe ' at raehmants Prorate= to phogfaiikk , Oantrt, in Btraot, Catnap Pa, 2 , ... ' ... ~', IA 08.1 y. _ _ II E U' II A. 11. BLAIR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers