Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 07, 1868, Image 3
S'PBCIAL NO T 1 CES. 'IMPORTS TOWN. 13L.A1RS SON. ' thrco Ships P.l3laOk Prothers" ".11 1 yoniing"-and "Graham's Polly" im; all arrived withintho-lrkvlV - bringing separate . • invoices of @lemmata from Llyerpool,., consigned di ' ready to oursolvea.' On account of our Importing our. own . vraro, and . also conducting business at' lose than half the ox' • penile at which it can be conducted in Philadelphia, Baltimore or Now Ybrk; we - can and wlll soil ill sorts of Faro, both Wholesale and Retail, at considerably less prices than it earfpoasiblybonold in ;Inv of the • above named elide. Very Respoctfully, _ • WM. BLAIR A; SON.. . . ' " "South End" Carlisle, Pa. P. S. Finest quality English .. China Tea Sots of 40 pieces at 110,00 A largd - supply_pt Groceries, Cedar and IVilloiv are r &fit, Fisleiind Otis on hand at all times, at low est cash prissy, both Wholesale and qUu IY "w A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION.—A Physl• elfin whc hnd Consumption for several years with fragment bleedings of -tholungs,-eused-hlmself-Telth a - Medicine "unkiroTrti — fil - I.lfo . pr.:4'6l3ton, when his case appeare'd !topless. Ho is the snip physic!an who has used It in hic k own person, or who has any knowl edge of Its - virtues, and he can'5...1.160 the flog!oe of health ho now enjoys to nothing but the use of his' medicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of Millen, of recovery, together with a want of confidence In all others Induced him to hazard the experiment. To those suffering with 'any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treatment ho confidently believes will eradicate the disease.- Price $1,50 per bottle Or $$ a half dozen, sent by express . . Send for eiroulEr or call on Dll. 11.,110YLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. 22may 63 ly. A GOLDEN DAY 11,n, dawned for all who desire to rosmno in ago one of mlist glorious gifts of youth—the • mognificonl black or brown tinge - which renders the hair an Irre.: sistildo ehunont of personal attraction. INSTANTANEOUS BEAUTY -springs from tiro application of but ono hair dyo in the world. That chemlear clloor contains the vita pi Inciple and tho coloring matter with which, nature nourishes tho most beautlibl of the silken fabrics whorewith sire adorns tho aIEADS OF,JIER FAVORITES Need It be sep tbettble wonder of elsllizetlon le TaffiTST A DORQ!a____ll AIR DYE, the most genial, barmless, wholesome and certain preparation of Its . kind In the whole universe. Man uthetured by .1. CHM sTA DURO, Malden Lane, New York. Sold_ by all Dru.Nists. Applied liv all Elsie Dreesers- ME= W,IA-T EVERY 11012SE . Al good, :Mum, , and ridluble liniment. an lartiele la DR. TOR➢AS' Venetian Hor'sr- Liniment:- n 'Pint Bottles at One Dollar For liamenerr, Cuts, Ste :tins, Sir.. - ivat, ranted cheaper then any other. lt_la • need i.y all the treat. berentnen on Lone. emir et. It will ant cure 'Ring Bone nor Filet in. as there k liininnipt in ettirtenve the( ,_tVliat ed to aere kL , f, own , r ho n , war 1.. withr,el ih nften'tnying one . llnali th.c d,ise t e a t,, • and orlon ..haves tht• llftt it VI/ ti• l'or anti 'telly:l , llv it h 1,, -1. biW , I. .1 .:C tut Its 1110 .111 11110 1,11.1+ , 101,in! wont to 110 Iho Ib.te•• . ho d,r. ouottodgli, I,;: II et . pork. 9u1:1 he :rlt, , ,tlbl litytilterpors tn. Hoof and's' German fitters We inlynded to hole rolled attention to Boollaud's tier won Bitters advertisedour columns. 'flay Bitters, as perhaps everybody is aware, Is on Mlllllll staple ortielevlth the drug store os btour Is with the grist-mills, and call for It, where you will, you Cannot , go omis. There is no better Medicine before Ate public, it contains alcohollC ingrodittutgandccite- Mends itself to temperando people, who seal: to ovoid, wieder, Ottoricates or Pails to intemperance. Most people resort to tonics in. the, spring of the year, lionfland's,slands pl the licatl flf thrm all, and is votlil al soy time of the year. Those who would come nut In the riming with a c lertn,ccd Aaft,zinvigoratrd pysknt should begin Its use now. . The above is the umolicited doh:mot( of the , Editor • "PATRISII 4 — l7ls. ROOPLANDIS GERMAN TONIC.. CiAnhinee all the ingredients of the Bitlerg, with pore Santa Cruz Rum, orange, anise, &e. It nuiltes a delightfully pleasant preparation, Aid Is i nsect fur the same - disease as the Bitters, In eases where -Fame Al coholic Stim u Ids Is necessary. • Print.w(et ogiec, 631 ;L•rb I 17,1;1,1p/I ler , J'et _ SulTry 1 Druggists. 17ju13 lm 4Z - DEAFNESS, .11LINDNENS, and CATARIIII rented with the utmost success by .1. ISAACS M. D. nod Protestor of Disease of the Eye- and Mir in the Medical Cblielle of Pylnsyfeania, IS ,years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland) No. 805, At eh Street, Phila. 'testimonials can be seen at this alive. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their pa tients, as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. No charge for ummni• nation. .*w.r.+l'djung~6A ~ t7' TRY-ROYAL BAKING POWDER. it in tho hea thin F , vimapOr and much hatlv than Cromn Tartar and Is for sale at Carlisle by C. !obeli, John Martin, Geo. 11. floffumn, Washinugd " lire., Java; Senor, John limner, D.ll. Keen) , .t J. M. Mason helm°, 17july-Its, -A 110U8IMIOLD WORD. TUE 11E-T, TIIE ONLY RELIABLE, the cheapest. Try It. Mrs. E. A. ALLEN'iI IMPROVED (7.0 :gyie.) HAIR itEtTollEll or DRUSINO, (its sir bottle.) . My wife mad Phlldren prefer It. Every DruggeM.solls It. Drive .Ono Dollar. _ , 3ljuly 1101iSE and Cattle Powders and Liniments, togeth fir with a large assortment of frosit Drugs and tied! slues, Dye Stuffs, &e., &e., just resolved nt Common WorthingtEn.'s Drug Store, No. 7, ,Enst. Main Street L. MYERIt J. LIVINOBTON M. )TIERS, M. 31 Y zits & bo., WHOLESALE GI?OCEITS. HAVE ,REMOVED TO a NI 105 A H CJI ST REST, PH ILA DELPIII.I, 21July 0.6.11 n. 'l' C ! CII ! ! .1! 011 ! scitATon HcßATcrill ~ ; (11Alvit!!1 • in from 10 lo 44 hum,. - Wheaton's Ointment s 11/ . ..s The Itch. " Wheaton's Ointment stars Salt Rheum. Wheaton's OiniMent cures 'retter _ Wheaton's oiptment . mires !Barbel,' Itch .; WhealronlOintmeut come - 010 ei'vs. `Wheaton's Ointment ernes livery kind ' ' of Rumor like Magic. PrietTGO'l , fint - WW - lATLy•Siall; - 00 cents. • Address Purriui, No. 170 Washington Street Photon, Mass. Rorsale; by 01 Druggists. - . NEW ADVERTISEMENIS NOTICE.— otico is booby givon to .L I all persona not to discount' 'the vonduo note. given by Enos Stauffer and John Morrison, to, S; llonry Balsa, dated tho 1010 day of March, 1068, duo December, 10th MS ENO 'STXITfRiiIt, 7aug at lARVEST Cumber land County Agrldultural &slaty will hold -nual- Unmet Home at the Fair Uround, on Sat urday, August 15th. Apprcpriate addresses will ,hq delivered and a bountiful col:anon ' prepared for the occasion. . Ilyordor of the Society, Tang-2 t. . TIIOB. LEE, Jr., Pres% . • • QOLDIErtS' MONUMEI4T,ASSOCI- Ky ATION.--A general meeting of tho Soldiero' Monument Association, will be hold. In , the Arbitra- Mon Chamber, at the Court Mouse, on Saturday, the 29th lust • for the purpose of selecting by ballot, a suitable site for the location et the' prop...sod 'Aleut, moot. All member§ are earnestly requested 'to. at tend. The balloting will take place between the.. hours of 10 A. 91.;0ad , • 7afig.4t. . . , ISTATE ,NOTIOE -= , Notieo is horeby Avert that.Lettere Testamentary 'on the estate of northern Martha, luta of Praukford toseuell43, - dec'd,i have beau Mood by the Reenter of Cumberland county, to the nutleralgued residing In the same tolvtiship. All person' Indebted to pale estate. 7111 ninkeint yment and these, hayloft chime pram t them for GO - Element, to _ en.munt Lnunu.N; , :•' • . Efccillork IMIE .21 7 1 , .;17 AD VEI?-I'I3E,JITENTS: ... .... .. , .. V_Eilr 4,7) TrE.RTIS7II Al 11',1k1 TS.' • •:r '' ' '. ',,- '", : ~ .. • . IktOTltia--Notic,e - i!i, - II tt t:i: iv . g i'v on I. ATALUABLE ' , A)wis - 1 5 _ _ go - PER:TY 1 th., on ele.4tion will e Weld en :\iintd•iy, l 4 op- :- V . . t,nlk , r int, J. , llpi letween th e hours of lo otel,Ock . .3E. and 4 r.'eloclTF:ll7, - ot - the enter of the (lumber -103 d Volley ,Dlntna I ProteatirifiCompanSTat`the kotto Tavern, In Plektren Township. thunbrrland county, for pnrpaho of electing thitloon D ' irectors to servo fbr tho onsuing,year . tty order of tho Board ' JOHN T.•OREIIN, Secretary, EM/32/ gy I XECUTOWS NOT I CE._' Notice is hereby given that Lettere Testamentary ou'the estate -of Rebecca Weaver. late of._Nelv Megaton, deed., have been Issued by the Register to the un. derslgned. All persons having claims will present thorn for payment, and those knowing themselves In debted'xvill makelmindlato settlement with DANIEL WEAVER,• • ' Executor.' • Nohog TO ' TEAC HE I{S..-Ntitice to hereby gl'ven that ton Teachers will be em ployed to take chargo of the schools of Nun town ship, commencing un •the first of September. Schools will be given out on tho 2.Bth .day of August, .boing the day of examination of teachers in sold township, In Centerville ; Littoral wagon .Wlll- bo paid to good and competent teachers. • "d" eni"l3"ed' O. V: KELI:EY, gx'Y 7aug-3tdi • - pAux's WAGON BRAISE. -07/ FARMERS AND 'WAGONERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. Bally's Patent Wagon Brake Block folder, to just the thing needed by every person owning a wagon, For chiemness and convenience it excels others over need or brought before the public. It is made to suit all sizes:of blocks—Round, Senate, Thick or Thin, and can be applied with the. greatest °cove. nience, without hammer or nails. . . . . Agents wanted In every county In Elm United States. For particulars apply to U. M. DAILY, Ca,llslo, Pa. c.7aug . VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE,_ By Virtue nf,the loot Rill and Testament of Bernard Staub, dec'd. ' we his Executors will sell at public sale, on Friday, the 16th of Soptombor, at H o'clock A., Al., his Alanslou Farm op the North side of the Yellow Breeches Crook, In lionroo township, Cumberland county,. contalnintf 110 ACRES PERCHES of first rate I.lmeiitono Land. having erect ed thereon a large and commodious DWELLING 'HOUSE , 1B 16 BR ' 't.t . Stone, Brick and Promo, a largo now 6arringe Muse, Smoke 1101180, Wagon Shed, and the whole larin will fenced with Locust Poste and Client. nut nails. There is alma first rate Orchard of Clinic° Fruit, and abundant , . of arapts, Peaches. and ether buten truitolanitletteo nit water in Spring, amid a Well thaLvever tails. 'rho unit iv about oar omit° 01/: Chltrrllto,vn, nod t.iS tulles tram Oarlkle. T 1: is Iv one aline tnot.t valuable fends lo the CU linty. T 1,1421,111 also bo sold ant the Nan,. time .1 tart pl t two tract Clitebnutlauld is the 111 , tow to containing 11 Acres Omaha, mod IS Sett 10 Perrin,. Thbee t we - tenets 110 .!thin about one stile of la rm. The teima be - ma Iv .I,ll'.amn 01 'I,Y of sn le: by ( Ite.llNA D Ott. .1011: , 1 111).Uli, - ' / I AN•L el:fiSii‘l.k N. .. • • i.“ 1,4.11, it. /2.r.riatro./ . .111.1 t.. r; EA =9 =TIMM . . • • '2 A It .ta oCill:ato I and 111 too n. hip, rlll, A oros. more 01 11-,a, hat nig lhoroon r' ,l " , 3 grind Tioa.l l !tome •'‘Voatlior. good Fraino litiproronionlo. Thorn is In Wen at wit' oron the t rein lien. nod a sarlety Lit young ft nit, of A Niels, l'inelios and ellorritito Thu land Is In a good state Of cultivation and will make No. S. A trait of Slate Land in said townidrip,":ad joining W. Wagoner and W. Burkholder, containing 534 Acres, nere er less. Thu lot is eleared„, well fenced and under a high stater of cultivation.• Also at the same time and place, tho following personal property will be sold, TN: One Bay Marc, good for all work, onitolt six months old, oue Cow, One Horse Wagon, Carriage, INio Setts Single Harness. two Saddles and Bridles, Plo - Ughs, '3llovel Ploughs, (train Cradles and other farming linplerhents. also lot °Flirty,- Strarr, I.umbor, - Augers, Chisels, - Plebes, MattOcks, Shovels, Picks and a lot of Cooper stuff. A variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, mu sh:Hugo( Tablas, Cook Stove, Coal Store and -other artfeles __too numerous -to mention, property .111 he examined by calling on the promises. Sale to Coll3lllolleo at lb o'clock A. 51., of said day, when attendanc e will he Olson and berms made knovr by SAM U El, 1.111151 „ 4N, E.rr'culn , 4bna. lartio. iaug4t. VALUABLE REA 6 ESTATE AT .Se ph sth, 1868 The oulwetihor will sell at Public Sale, ott tho above day, on tho puendses, all noted in 11louroa township; on the York road, about 1!..,1 miles Lost of Curli.lo, nod about 1,l; miles We or Churchtown,..tho lug descalbed - caluablit real estate. viz: A small l iniestons . Farta containing FORTY-SIX ACRES, more Or ss. Tit .' i u proveineots :pro a good two story. with SroNE KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE, aud other n,ossal y I 1,01,11,uv. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings. Good -will' water pt the Ethnic - , 'Floe t libly- Ing Oreha rrl of Choler bruit. The laud Inn good quality of ihreotone nod under good cultivation, niriot of It ha•ing bean limed this year. It is eligibly located. NI. (thin taiky reach of Schools, Stores, Churthes, Mink, Ac., and is In all reopeets a moot destrablo place. Sale to commoner at 1 o'clock on said day, when attundauce will be given avid terms made known by ABRAHAM SOLLENBEROEIt. [®+ A L OF VALUABLE RE AL ES- L TA S TE.— Tuesday, September 22d, 1868.—Tho un deruigned, egeoutoe of bun Zug, will offer at public , eale,44, 11,, , above day, on the petnlees Li 6pmtll 'Ottiritotrartulvioitaiiarne idle E:o+t. of g'sherto,to, nog, Mullin'q Inner paper mlll, the following' real estal u, to wit No.l. The 3lansion Falai of decnnrotl, colltainhig VP) Acres, too, or [ohs. having thereon to cctod Loge Two-Story Brick • Mansion House, c,oltaitlih4 roOnts and a ithoholl, a tango Brick 11.1111 J Beget, Corn Crllpaud nth,., The land Is in a high ,tato o •ulti, talon and untierl,opti donee. There Is tpArt- tt tined It - ;tier at the douror one at the barn, a Huo Is nn Orchard of It., , pie, Peach, undo trees. 4 •llountain Crcel," pass= 'es through the llirut. No. 9. disci, on the saute day, on the 'prionistla ad-. joining Lim former tract, a Filllll onAlse Cal I i , lO and tuniplke„ , lrapert torn, condlittlug 101 Apetsonortror-lessintvlthereon orectod a St eattlor boarthdi Iloused4rge ilrlett hand Barn and biller bet' "31ountain . Creek" alko passes tin ough this tatpt affording a lirtd rho,. water plover. That° le 11110 shun; doelierd trot,WWl (110 laud in fil I cult', aka and , nod ,, , r.t•eti fen, : Both the.' tracts are in the .e •• o trinity of alt. 11011:r ing,. a tlection noted for the ,flotoity 'Of its via,' 00,1, wuwAlyby huatireds In Ceara, of health: - Pour Lot, of Tim thn 144 1:1111TVI, 01.1' tlalf. Of MC' 'lolly 1 , 11. t h• 11 , 113 rip, mill. Ho , 11t1rol r , ll , tilnltar A Itillo of nip-. WU , II; i,l i041.1p1Io• 11,01!, tlit I il aaV:II .1 lu all!lt mid ad, r,toinv: l cu at 11 p dock - A: M„ - U 1 I I'o 1111i4 • • ' Ex' cutup Joh,fug ,iiti, 08 to ri.sitm AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber olTers at private sale ills farm, situated On the Turnpike loading to Clininhsrsburg, ono !olio west of Carlisle, containing sixty (GOlaeres more or Imp. • The land la In a high stato of cultlvatiOn the Im• prosemenUi are !list elails, svhlio its situation is un equalled. Any person desiring to view tho promlsos .con dd sohy calling upon the subscriber who residue thereon. 1 LEM \kVCONCENTIt6TED INDIGO ATarrk't 7rto For the Lnundry.—Frcotroni Oralto Aold.—Sea I_4l.4pir Obemin's Certificate.' ° 1 , 4 ? A-Patent Pocket Plncushon or Emory Bag sacu M." V . cane not. For Bula by all respectable (tracers artuDruggiate. 7aug 08-3 m. . • . • • _ n 4 T .PRIVATE ,SALE.- .: ' „• A In'iontho West Ala of South Hanover Street I t o Dorough of Carlisle, 30 foot front and 230 foot deep, On the lot there Is n good TIVO:STOILY PRAM , : DWELLING now occupied . by the p owner at n . Sadler Slfop. There Is on alloy tt 10 feet In-width et the foot' f the lot, Collll3luulentlog with Ponifrot street. • Posseplon 0111 ho glven.lmme. dlatel,r. Tonne cosh. or further particulars inquire of WM. °LEITER, No. 20, South Hanover Et, 31july 08•tf. FSTATE . NOTlCE,,,Lottpre of Ad:. 'imiletratiowen the estate of Levi let of East Pannsborough township,. have boon atted_by tbottegister_ or Cumborland-eountY,to—tim subscriber, reithling to the eamo township. ;loth:4Mb hereby given-to all persons indebted to said estate to make payment, and' those having-eNimp, to pro• smut them fer payment to 0.: DARE, 'Adminfetrator. 31j141y-Ot * FanO'priiiting dOe hore,„- BANK BARN, ,LIN MEM a ...1,,L1/..1 I•TH.' .11'11 410 PUBLIC• SALE! 13 lt K OIJ E L O B A RN, W. T. IMAINDON. _ 4 • IA 2-U-14 A `IV - P lta V: A. T E S fillbECl thee IntendinA to rim - ort, from the village, offerklTUTfollowiwg- valualdc_lown_l!hmertlTA tlue town of °reason, Cumberland county, ar inivato info. • - Two lots of ground eohtntulng each 40 filet front by 20D foot. In depth to an- 41110 y. -' 'One of the It to has &rooted upon It n two-etory ' FRAME nearly now:' • - Lot No:2, Las upon lt , O " ..T.,ARGE SHOP. . . . . in front, and a' • . , . , . . , . GOOD rST.A.I3L,Ei - - In' ea-. • .1 .. - •• This would be a most • excellent l o catio n.. for a Mechanic, being located in the midst of a most flirty,- beg agricultural community, and the; buildings being well.calculated for that purpose. For terms and other information, apply to the sub-' scribor residing on the premises. • • ~ . J. N. ALLEN, 81july-at. ' ' . . . . PUBLIO SALE . OBREAL BSTATE. . ,OrrEridaS , the 4tli - daY of Sopttaber, A. D. 18(38, at 12 o.clock will bo sold on till remien ,at.pule lie sale. Ist, a tract of land In Era kford township, throe tulles North East of Newyille, on the LandlS burg road, containing no hondred and thirty.tlyq (132) acres and forty (40) imams, Thin tract of hind is boundod by of Christian 'Myers, James and William Graham. W. Woods heirs, Daniel Burkhol der and tbo Conodoguinot Crook. Tho improvements mom, DOUBLE LO-G HOUSE, tiro BarnS ' ono Log and the other Frame, a Cooper Shop, Hog Pen, Agit other necescary out buildings. There is an Apple Orchard, on the farm, and other fruit trees, Pooches, Peers, Cherries, Ice. The farm in in a good state of cultivation having been nearly all : limed, and is all cle ated except about twenty-five (25) acres, which is covered with excellent timber. • 20. Ales on the - Barrio day and at the same plasm, a tract of Mbuntain land situated In Franbford town ship, three miles North East of Newellle, bounded by lands of niter Myers, Chi lethal Myers, 'lands lately of Jacob Martin and John !lollies, 'containing, tnainty six (20) :tereo and ono hundred (10O)'perchee. ThILI tract is covered with good timber, Is about four tulles from the Mansion learnt, and Is' of easy access being but abqut a quarter of a info front the public road. . TOllllB of role of both shads rondo known on the day of sale by B'AMIIMI f. MYER.% Atty., in fart for the Vendors. 31july-Oho EGISTER'S NOTICE.- JCL ORPHANS COURT, August 18t11, 1803. I. arceunt of 'David Eberly. Guardian of Sarah - Plnuab; - minor - child - of - , .inlet Plouelr, 2. The aCeolln t of J. 11. Parker, and Frederick Watts; Exerutnra-nf-Martha- Duncan, dee'd. First :Intl final iierrintit of Hobert h. Barr, rat,. of Sarah Jane 1111bert late of Newburg'. fleO'd. 4. Vir.t oust of D. O. May, lloardion of rif , t, vipard. minor ,no oY Jrwoph Leiparcl, lota of Eto,t 1. PhFt amount of D. n. mty, Glint clinn of iloorzo Eslinger. n Iniono child of lovi late of l'onnf bon; di•e'd. . • ft. f Irst awl final ,eIIIIIIC 01 .1 , ,,v1•11 Piero°, of Pierce, eoc'4l. Tho lint 1.1 final neconilt of Wm. Adudfi. 1 , 4 rat. r 0: .1. O. Bare. lath avrouut ni JO. ‘1111, , r, Intri "7..1,1 , 1'art , 1 '4llo' .T. 7 -, 11. - t 7 1,11 - 1 14 t . :1444 4 , 44 ri i ini1 Z0ir,1444 4 ,4 4 1 et.). to Tito r14,444144/..44114.14 .4,14114 4 Of ,SAlitt.,..l 1 , 11,1 T, -I ITT. • •iit. t Al ni 1.1 t,. 1. • 1,1 11, .0.4_4: I . t.ter o. 1: ',l . •ll;:trm • lIIIIIEMBIItiIIi f , tJro ~e. accts. . :in.‘i Heighlands, Qua, rdu, our ho. Fl. Clever, Ext`r. of it itli:,m II WIN lads • ' ' I'd tir,t butt pm Clot account of Goo. ll.Jflornr, 17,t'r . of Ilighlando'deed. 211. Thu account of Abraham L'authertoth Aline, of of Abraham Stvhfert, late of North Middleton, doe'd, 21. The account of Abraham hornbeam), .136,1, Ex ecutor of Wllllom Iletwond, 'deed. " 22. Vicat and tinaluccount of NpahiCookley, , Ext'r ,nf Lis plh. W. Moyer, late ef-renn township; deed:: 23. So,outl and final account of C. V. Ke1137 - Adne4 of Alekander Mefilnstry, lato of Penn township 24. The second and final stittetnent of Samuel Kun kel. Executor of J 111.1106 Gillard, der'th 3110 - account Of Andrew lielinody Executor o Leonard Alinlch, Into of Frankfort! township. - 20 First and final account of Samuel Mohler, Ad tut nistrator of Magdalena Mohler, later or - Nlechanicr burg, deed. • 7. Third and 'dual account o( Samuel Mohler, out of tha Exacutor of Uhr;Rilun Muhl. r, ,hita xi. Upper Al le u, . . 24. The ticenthicof Adutiuietrtorof John .Llefilethiger, late a° West l'enuxboro,del d. 20. First, and final account of Christian Swartz, Ad. niltißtrator of John Swartz, late of Mechanicsburg, dee'd. 20. 4 1ra.t, gold final .teCount of D. -NeDwanger, Ad nilnistrator of John_ Westfall.,_littaa et Monroe twin deed. 31. Fir,t and final account of Andrew- 'Seine!, Trustee ra Citharine Conver uudor'the Will of Una ry Concur. and decree of the Orphan's Court. . 33. Thu aoeount AVoadlli and 6 .. 0 .0 - Stuart, Ir. Executors of !taloa Donaldson, lain of DM, bison township, deed. 33. The tient and final :UV.) nt of Francis Mentzer, Guardian of David Monitor. • 34. The first and final account of John °resider, Ext.', of Sarah fleck. lets of 9hlpilon4burg, deed. 83. First and final account of .1. A. C. liVeu no, Ade'r of Sarah Cnlbrafth, deed. 33. 1 Dui and find account of David Wherry, Atha', of Israel IV:14,70111, 37. First, ull , l unt, of Sam /101S/Iy/fur, Arlto'r. of t/ W. .np.l,•r • Into deed. "' " 39. Tin: :1,01111 Lof John S. Munro, EsCre of 1 1100 0 Icnn. late of Dickinson twp. 39. Shot and final ace:int of Darla 'Rhoads. Es ecntor of Dr. Win. Mentocr, lnie of Carlisle , deeM. Duarikianship accotknt of David A than, Guardian, of syl c D,Li , ll,.Litylua , It. , Regiiebir. PROCLAMATION. ' 11EllEAS, tit b 'Hon. JAMES H. 9' V 01,1101, Presider.t Judge 01 the several Courts of t , 11111:1011 Pk, of Ihe mantles of Cumberland., Pea— ry, and Juniata, .rnd dustier, of the several Courts 0, Oyer .I.nd Tenon/era:id tienoral Jail Delivery In said conoties, and Thorn, P. Illalr and Hugh Stuart,' udgus or the Courts of Oyer and Terminus anal Jail Dellver'Y for tho Dial of all capital and other °arm dors, In the said rounty of Cumberland, by their precept to me direeted,! dated the lath day of April A. D. ISIIS, her e ordered the Conrt Of Oyer and Terminer and Genera -.Jail Deliver's:to be.holdeu art Carlisle oh the Jul Molds) , of August, 1050, (It being the 's4th day), al to &sleek In the forenoon, to urethrae one weeks. NOrICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices 01 the Pease, and Constables of the said county of Cum -beriand-thattheywre by - the said precept-commanded to the'll and there In their proper persons, with thtlr rolls, I smalls, and inquisitimmexambrations.and ail other rem , Inbiteorm to do those Mune whleh to their ertain to be done, and all Close Celt 'no: bound he reengnizdness, to presoeute n gnitipt the `pri-on,s t ;re or then sir ill be In the Jailid said I . coon t,'. ale to be there to prekeente them as shall be ' Jog. C. Tin 0: l'tlON. , Sheriff. 17jul I. S. • ). It OT I TUNOTAIIIr'S NOTICE.- Nwir, I. lon given that tho 1011010 w, ar voil.. have loom to OW . l'iothenotary' 'for, es int.ation, al/11 ialt hr prt.lllltra ko , thnveourt oft . l'keve of Cutel.crlotol county fin cool], net tf• n l,u ‘‘Pdgit.,J;i3 trr2fillt,ISOS, I. pu , t nvJ lto it it l 1 lit' !violet , t ,, , or I' My, ,; (to:1 or ntvf ut ,olud V.ny Jocol• !. ,! .1,1 11111 tli 5.‘V11.... ' 111•1 . : Vf 'i I. ILlll,l', 5'.1..1.111,11k.tni, .1 , .i[tg.11111.1”1.88 In voluuttity 3. 3 1 , , TO O I • . ~• 1,1:1111,3Pc•r2tolail.1, inr dam. /os umler k ..,...oabh - tor tho Witt, of who the 1,11 tooampsess..tho 11 , 01 d,.: boon placed Wray tutthlo..l dosing to lobo nnadli, Ind claims undor - said Ad. that I ant .1t0.*14 . /ypalt4l: to pub Um challis' in propOr lotus 10r - ptcboutatloli - tdtlia - Ithaid - OfeOluntitlatintdra. A4thu proof required fur the twitbentication • of Iho clahosaldponds rosy much upon the different elrcum utances attending_ the losses-an.. damages,: I would ifuggest that claimants should cull nod see 1110 before - bring{ tut ,thoir n Knossos, In.ordor that 1 tritty'ho able to gIVO thorn proper infortnation preparatory- to Mak ing out their claims. This 11111 rotors all damages' done to personal property or Tgatestako either by Cho Union forces or the robe! array: - ''• JOIIN LEE. 21july 4t. A GENTS WANTED Fait "WEAR, iNa OF TILL CIitHEN " Tho most enfortaining book published, abounding In Romance, honor and Wit. ag,,;nf sue it .'le the Lest soiling book out, on poOplo nr,l tirod of repetition cf_d_r_y_detoThLand.utlay.roporte•,,, --.--,- o.peAqpnt Sold 58 in 01 . 3,i,37 , 60k;, -.. • • , 182 •ton Days. ; Mural Torras to Agents. Sand for.. Circular. • • Afso Family QUatto 'idea Best Edition published. W.M. FLINT, Publisher, "a South 7th streets Phila dolphin, Pa. • ' - ' • WANTED • A FEW . GOOD AGENTS I OR CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Sartan's Splendid &graving GEX.ERAL GRANT. , • Engraving le meeting with rarA' sales where , ortm.Agente hare boon .uppointed,,und air wishing to Seeur‘teiiitliffelleiffirdo no et' once.. • '• .• • . are offering Calm inducements , to good and , ox perloheed CAMroassoCs. Agents selling the Iffe:of Crary! should hive .11de fine picture's/Ith them:. For terukas, Address. • • ••• • - I ry . . •. • BARTLESON i:10 623 Minor Btreet,rldinsblybln 3,lJuly4t. IMW-A-DEERTISEME:NTS it.AitilltiNS -11ARd--AIRS-lII' , . have tide 'day commenced 04)111146ff my • 'entire atoc ofSirmtner Goode at greatly rodeced .prleea , . . . 2 01LENADINES, • . , - .., - ..• , , --' • .SIELANCIEB ? . • ~ ~ , . - ''. - , --- - 8A.11.110 :LIMO, • , ..:':' 7- - '---,- • ' • 'FRENOII PAIi./.190L8i• - s ' . • ','' 1:11.1IgNIC "VOPLINS, - . - ' ALAPACCAS, See , &0., at.iost . BLACK SILK; - • • A full lino of SATIN, MARRED and STRRED JACON STS. and WHITE MARSEILLES under price. SUMMER CASSIMERES, and COTTON PANTS STUFFS; groat bargains. 11001' SKIRTS & BALAORALS, Cheaper than over sold In Carlisle • Muslins, • —; Tiekings, Oingliams, •; • - Checks, Sco.,.pt the lowest price.' Stockings, Gloves, Corsets; Buttons and other- notions in great" variety and very cheap. • DELAINES, 12A, 18; and 20, CALICOES, B, 10, 123., OARPLTS AAP COST NOW - 111 tbo time to secure bargains in all kinds •I'DRY GOODS im many articles will be closed out cos than cost. • ()ETAS. OGILBY, Street, Carlisler Great Bargains in Parasols and White Quilts. 2 july-OS PATENT P Rb T E C TOR HEY MEET EVERY WANT IN A GOOD FOE .USE BY ~, ~. ~- , nub Hies or Fruit Preservers SD El . CAN BE MADE MEESE W I Tll cERTAINTY AND PAST, READILY OPENED • WITHOUT INJURY ' TO Tin COVER, Tho Protector Jars have metal Lids with. Arms, which turn on the inclines of tho heck of the Jars, and thus tighten the'rubber on to the Ground Edge of the lar.Mouth: .The result is - ; a combined Lid and Clamp (ono piece,) which closes or opens - the Jar with slight turn, an•d without injury to the corers, a wi t lcireati 111111,11 re used ropeetedly. . . TOIL SALE 111 • GLASS AND UIaGKE WY DEALERS, IIGUSI: FURNISHING AND DRUG-STORES. TBABE SBPPLIED BY F. & - J . B 0 D..T_ ,i.E, P A TEA' T.E.ll'S'and MANUFACTURERS AL , o, , MANoFSCitrimilp OF . DRUGGISTS' AND PERFUDIRS' GLASSWARE. Wino. Porter, Ale and Mineral Water Bottles, Pickles, Preserves. PATENT )iEDICINE BOTTLES ,r - Parileu la r nttou t imi gi von to Private Illoulds. .;49.1/I!;l4,;4..A4V,4J,Wiva.al4lWiStE4Cif'''• It Jul) It I A-Y IN YOUR COAL.-. As 't he weather to now very propitious, and the prices are curt lavorabto for the laying in of your WINTER'S Thu subscriber would offer hie stock to thq.. public It sowing full well the disposition of the trade'gener• ally to make many promises to effect sales. The sub scriber would prell r to learn - the • quality of the coal ho furnishes .spealt.foritself, and ho will be hold In the following which are ids old standards. Ist. To poll none but thu MEM IMERZEI ,I 8 ails, In the'liade. - • :3(1. To dell, Sr What Ills eut,Lutnutii buy, , autl not_ to. mix. w itii.a. , • LOWER Plti. -. CED • article 10 114. LAW TACO to suit his"sale. 4th. Believes in the principles that SI: AL ES • • • • einnot be in use ( w!thout repairs) for a series of years to the advantage of the customers. • Oth, To hem all kinds of coal to be _bud elsewhere. oth. Never to • MISREPILESEV , coal to sal,,. 701. ' RANT I.: 2,600 lbs. '. ~ Prnthr. ~ o tJ o too. Bth. To - give tilo ruxtomm•d tho adynnkago bt , .• ANT'II 'A N-G E prico at U) nitues. • 9th. - DETER Ai I ''' to drigill 'alibi bower for "tif: benefit of 'Mimi - wlx tidal with him. eand on your Orders and You oho I bo dealt no fairly with and onao favgrablo terms_ auy ya - rd to tiro placo. 17j Lily 68 Hand Book 'of Polki.6‘ fo ; 1868 Spaclnlly atlaptod for use in the. coming Presiden tial campaign. Will contain all the matter In the Po lltical Manuals of 1800, 1801, and 1808.,idomplied from official sources.' Will giro the whole POLITI6I AMON, • ,2 TlCX .l3o V . P.lMMENTrand7Of — Pariiol47llloll.lditleitti; lteconstruetlon, Ooperal Politics, Plat, forms Arcoptancu of Qatiil!dates; &c., v 4134 .- to Jay; 1808. Tables on DOA and Takavion, 11110 end Expenditures, Dania. Southern Registration: and Vote!). Election Tables from 1800 to •date. - 400 papa, tiro cloth, s2,Bo,post,.pnle. . , . ; , It'Phe Political Manua for 11308,i . sepaiatellicintli4l' pilpor cover, 75 rents, post 'paid. Addreai, • , „. lODOBAItD , . • bad: ef the House,. of Rwre.sreattres;. '; • • • • . 17july-it. ; WAsuiroaast, , O, . • AGENTS .. ,ANTED IN THIS COULTY FOIL' SEPPRITY:EItiIqisISTIRAN.6)3,COMP'AN'k, • handsome comj)eusatlod‘ allb seed good Agent, ~.Addrasa. 11. A. wlDDlerlUD,t3poelat Agent,..; • . r.ut.SR., P l g l l/das . 17July 1 , . - 'M -:` ; In Its worst forms ',at : a:Litho; fiII4AOII,TII,/311i PI,AISTI3It. Week" an d .Id:footed' Lunga - restored .to stroustlmuld health. moll to, any .Addreaap On rosedid of price, $1,00:' Address; .1 • . • • • th.i.iitham, :400 Ohestuut,f*est, Rhllada. t`• 17jUly•len.. • • Advertiffe in the HERALD. FOR CASH NLfiT S.HATVLS at coat _VglUpr JA " L WAYA REL-TABLE.'' A 1 1? - 1'._121 -H- 7', /MEI Jelly and Snuff Jars PEILADELPHIA .B_E_ KT_ _C S OHE AP A. 11. BLAIR READY IN ! 1~ING~?S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS - THE MIRACLE. OF THE ACE! Givy-Treatlectiocopie have their locks restored by it to the •dark, lustrous, silken tresses &Tenth, and are happy! • • Young People, with light,fadecliirred Hair, have thesci,unfashlonable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice! People whose licads!are covered with Dandruff and lIIMOri t use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! Xicai-trea.tied. Veteran have their remaining locks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth pf Hair, nid dance for joy! ,Young Gentlemen use it because ibis richly perfumed! " Young - LadieS use it beeriuse" it keeps their flair in plaCe! Everybody•mitrst and will use-it, because it is the cleanest and best article in tile market! For Sale-by •Druggistsgenerally. TfabbEt ly SEIERIFFS SALES By virtue of sundry writs .of Yenditlord Exponas :issued out of tho' Court ef-Comm-n Pleas of Cumber land County; and me directed., I will expose to , sale, by pnblie vendee or outcry, it the Court House, in the Boroukh of Carlisle, on Friday, August 21, 1868, :et 10 o'clock, A. N.,- the - following described Real Estate, to wit : _ A Tract cf Land, situated in Slifer Spring township, Cum borland county, , . Pa., bohnded on the East by land of- Henry Voglesong, on the South and West. by lends of Beargo Beistlino and the- Co:nick:gob:let Creel , and nn the North by lands of Samuel Yogle. song and Jacob Simmons, containing 176 Acres, more .or less, having. thereon erected a • two-Story Erna,. Ihrtlliug and Back Kitchen, Frame -Barn, Wagon Shed, Hog Pen, and other outbuildings. Soloed nod taken in execution as _the property . of Edward MEM A Int of ground.sithated in - Nov Kingston, Silver Spring townbhip, Cumberland, county, bounded on _the North by the Carlikle and Harrisburg Turnpike, on the West by an rilley, on the South by an alley, ' on the East by lot of John - ranch, containing 40 test 10 front, and 184 foot In depth, bp .the same more or less, having thereon 'erected a Two-Story Frame Iletwo, Frame Stable, Smoke House and Hog Pen. -.Seized end taken In execution Its the property of Jacob Wert. • , IMEIMI A let aground situated in Upper. All en - township, Cu niberland - ioniity; bounded on the North by the :tut c Bead, on the, East by land'bf o.rorge Hochman, on the South by land of George Engle, and on the - West by Abraham /hook, containing ono half Acre, more or loss, having thereon erected a Two-Story Frame Dwelling , Back Kitchen, Frame Stable, Slaugh ter house and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in (monition as thenrope- ty of-EeterCocklin, MEM A lot of ground situated in the Borough of Owlish), Cumberland county, bounded on the North by West Locust alley, on the prirato alloy. r t Or. W. W. Dale, B. Cullman and the derel op the South by' Louther .street, and on the West by 3lra. Smith, containing 48 feet In front and 240-feet In depth, more or less, having thereon erected 4 Two-Story , Frame House, .Back Kitchon,—and outbuildings, on Louther street, and a Two-Story Flame Muse on the alloy. MEM . . , A lot of ground situated to the Ikrnugli.of.C,ulisle, Cumberland county, bounded ,on tho East by the Lotnrt Spring, on the South by: John SpAhr, on the Vest by NertirEast 'Arcot, ana PTI t 111 - ' Nor th iy William Spahr, containing 60 front — and 3io foot in depth, more or lean; haying thereon eroded a -Ono-and-a-Ilnif-Sthry Brick House, Tsh.on,T.iind-a. Story Frame Houses, and other outbuildings. . MIME A lot oNround,altuated in tho Borough of Carlisle; Cumberland count,bouted on the' East by John -Bark, on tho South by Rost South street. on the West by John McCartney, and on the North by Godfrey "Bonder, containing CO leer ItiVont nhd 120 feet. in depth, morn or lesshexing thereon t roptcia Two Two- Wry. Pramo Houses, Ono Frame and Lowilonso, and ether outbuildings. —ALSO— Alot_OLground situate ini , the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, bounded on the 'East by James ArGonigaL On the Youth by John Natcher and Amos Sweigert, on the It tot by Zdrs. Jefferson, and on the booth by Liberty street, containing GO feet in front and 120 feet in depth, more or less. having thereon erected Three Two-Story Frame Houses, and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Michael lathy, and Juno Laley his wile. —ALSO— ' 'Tile unevitidd interest In a tract of laud, situate In East Pennsburough township, Cumberland county, bounded on the North blob ' Ocorge Kuntz and Writ. brayer, on the Erie • Jacob Bunts, and on the South and West by laud of George Longtalort, containing sixty acres more or less, having thereon erected a Two-Story Stone Dwelling Rouse, and a On. and.a.tialf Story Frame Tenant House, Dank Barn, and other outbuildings. MEM A - tract of Mountain Land, "situate partly In East Petunborough township, Cumberland county,, and WAY , ,inl',orruntyii.l.greindett , Nif&theTrditE”,o , ---on lho East by lauds, of Wm. Drayer and Jacob Kuntz,. op tho liouth h, other lands el tho Dell., and on the West by lands of Longsdorfs heirs. - Eelzed runt - talian - lti - exotntiorf "oh - fhe property of oe9r„o liuntz. To i.e sold by t00,J09.. 11101PSON, Sheriff. • SIIERIFeB OFFICE, CALLISLE, July 2S, 1865. CONDITIONS.-00 all sales of $5OO, or over $5O w I be required to be paid when the property is Wick° off, and sis co all sates under $5OO. A. 11 , 1 . R 1 C N • ANTI. INCRUSTATION CO'S OFFICE . _ No. 147 South.Pourth:Street, PIIILADELPIIIA INCRUTATOR THE ANTI , i . l 'll',i ll, , ;', -;1. 11 i' ,! illit._'-- -:;,' lli.. 11 l'h111?.! - e . 4; r:-.1 1 i1 1111,1 , , f, I . 1 ';'. [ - '.1 , 1 ,r,14.-- ~,k.f.L rdl4lll ll i''i. , i'', , 4 1Pill'Ir ' '''' z j ''''' ?:.Iq,. 1 .. , ;! . ,[ 1 .---.---' 1'; .- ' , :,!,1, I, 1 ,1 11 11 . ;1';;;I . • I;' , ' '4ii i e , i ill.111i! . 1,1 : . [ , 1 , . ~..- 1 1.,Ei,j . ..._,..-.'4:' : :illM i ll 11 1‘ ,1,1 ' , 1 7 - 4 " 1 :0111k 111111 '''''f. Will remote scales from STEAM nod keep them clear; render the BOILER loss liable to Explosion, and causing a greataacing If fuel. Those INSTRUMENTS . having been In Successful use during lasthoo years in ninny of the -large establishments. of Philadelphia and other parts of -the United Slate:land from which the mot Jhtflaring testimonials of their wonderful saving .pf fuel and labor have been re ceived. fth..PAIITIES having 011. EIIS would - do well to call at .the Office . and examine testi monia/a, Office. I .10. • .101 IN . Presicknt EZRA .LU/LENS, kr'<ey and Treas. aiunc-3m 00K;OET DRY• GOODS MEN. • - TO TPtF.(I;I.I.IILIc, I bayujust returned from tho East with 6 Spring Steck, and no usuol,4 am selling Goods a Halo cheap. or than any other Dry Goods Ilouse . In. town. Ido , not think it necessary to occupy n°llllllll . of metro. paper to keep up my reputation for sollilw cheap I.3oeds, nor do...tut/ALM resort to , clap trap to gull -the public'. All I ask of them is to! call and oaamino for themselves ' and it not oatisllod with the prim. not 'to buy. ,Nomonber the stand No. '32 Noip .11autrer street, next door to Dr. Mottoes. and Miller A Dowers Ilardwitra Store. . ••. . . . : war. A. MIAS. P. S. °IvIII cay nothing about my third and fourth grand °pint uga. gaprll-07. . - J. S. M c 1;r, A N., WITH • BA RTALQTT Oz' -B LYNN, '- DE/CI=IN .- 7'7,7 Hats,. Caps, Furs & StruwOds, No. 486, Market Street, , • ," 81july OSttho . . 13.A.N'KltUPTO,Y.' • • . Dtattlotttnyt if/After.? Slacar, EastcrssDistrict of Pa ,Jebu itants,OfaarUsto, enroborland county:Bank impt having potklo.led for his discharge, a meeting of Creditors will lto hold on tho . of August: 1868; at -10' o'clock A. 81., before Register Barnott,'ln. the Court House, in. Carlisle. that thoexaminatiou of the bankrupt may .ba, finish ea and any buelneas of meetings required by soctiope 27 and 28 of the • Acted•Congrose trauseeted. The Reglater•will Cortlfy whether the Bankrupt has Unformed td duty. • ' A !meant will also bo.• had on Wednesday, the Second day-or 8o clamber, before the Court at . Philo ialphla, at 10 o'clock A.M., when and whore parties nterested may show, cacao against tied discharge 'P. C. lIIMMAKIIIt, U. - 8. Marshall," • Per 3. U. UALDRAITII, Dupty. ! • .U. , 8.-Doputy Cifflgulitednifleid , . 4 1 SulYtat• WANTED; by a naitupfaivirer, Atiouts-to soil -Adtiross itamp far blrcular., . 0,111/ENE'&OO.; 4130heiityint • INalplia. , MISCELLANEOUS: - 1 $ - P,R , ..I.,NG__• - • SALES nitre eomnteocelleitlthe'etere of the underelgoed in NORTH HANOVER STREET, , 'nf tdtlchute of wares nutted to the wants of louse heejuers;lfotela, and all contemplating•the • furnish. leg of their home:. • — , IhttingJnet returned frem the cities they are pro- pared to supply all %ink • - ,STOVES of awry klod suoli os COOK PARLOR AND 'OFFICE STOVES, corteletieg ha part of the - Barley ;Sheaf,' •-• Noble Cook, Oriental, also the notod NATIONAL RANGE Thoy ro praparod to furnish those contomplatin housekeeping, with R1111111:10 necosoary to a NVEL REGULATED HOUSE ouch as . TINWARE, • or all descriptiole, COFFEE MILLS, • SAD IRONB, • SPOONS, LADLES, &a.* • Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing,, , . and everything in the line of Cie t inner done at th Shortest Notice and on the most reasonabie, terms al. .wares WARRANTED. a Give.thom a no.. they are anxious to exhibit, feeling satisfied that _they can convince all that No. OS, la the place to pnrchaao .C-2•E G 0 O,D S and BEAO . TIFLII. WARE of all kinds, found In a first - 4ass establishment. RINESMITH & RUPP, No. 68, Hanover St. - . Carlisle, Pa IMO MACHINE .WORKS. W. W. JENrriNos, Pmcric.l mood, r. . D. STF.VENB6N, JR., Pracil Eagr. ce Machinis , J. hr. STOVER. • Franklin Iron Works, Corner of Short chid South Streets, -P . 4; - MACHINE DEPARTMENT MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES & MACHINERY • Particular attention paid te Repairing of alachi nary by day - or night; at homo or abroad. - ALL KINDS OF BRASS WORK, AND. FITTINGS ON HAND Wroug Wrought Iron Pipe, Bras.and Iron Cocks Water Gauges, Globe Valves, Steam Whistles, - ' ' Gauge Cocks, Chock Valves, Governor Valves, Govervio. a,. Safety Valves, Steam Gauges, Injectors, . Oil Cups, , .., ' ''' Unions far Pipe, , Shafting and,Pulloys, ' —Etc., Etc. Foundry and Ornamental Department Manufacture Cast and 'Wrought Iron Plain and Ornamental Railing. Over one hundred and seventy-Ave now and beautiful patterns. Verandahs, Window -heads, Brackets, bOlfees, Tables, Stands, - Tree Boxes, DivisiOn ack arid Feed Roses for Stabloo, etc., etc lIOUSV•RONTS•& A ROHIT-EGTURALA • -CA,STINGS. Executed from any design furnished; and have on _handn large yaricty of patterne.for IRON wortic IN GENERAL. Rood dirviog, Modal and Pattern Making prompt ly attmled'to..„, JENNINQS, STEVENSON & STOEVER. ajuly V.S-Gme. A, L, SP . ONSLER',S cor,umw SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Scrivener,. conveyances 'lnsur ance and Claim Agent. 'Office Main 'Street Nene Centro 8 'nem F OR, SALE . A tract of valiZil er d containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, lying 6 • South Mountain 3 tulles above Mt. Holly, known as the deam saw mill property. Tim tract laroost favorably located, easy o of access and the timber of the best quality For terms be., apply to 4 iorr~vPacifie~~Raii tßoad' Comp n y FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Interest Payable Senal.Annnally In Gold, Tho subbscriber, having been ez. appointed the Pinan. dal Agent for the Company at Carlisle, will receive. subscribtions for the above named Bonds, which has hoen recently advanced to 102 and aro at that state regarded the cheapest secullty In the market. A. L. BPOPIOI/IR, Office' No. 18, West Main St. VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND FOIL SALE Situate and lying between Emit Main and Pomfret Streets extended, in tho Borough of Carlisle and con. talng about four acres. Thlsisune of the most desirable Lots in the town and-could -be-used—fnr-a-variqty-of-purprises—besides Its capability of being advantageously divided into de. F !ruble building Lots—having a front on each of the above named streets, it would be .a most excellent to cation tar some manufacturing business. The Oas and Water plies are.already laid Just in front of the Lot. Apply to Penn Mutual Life Insurance pompany, Assetts , sl,sis,ooq,so Life Insurance Policy "OA Pat Orr Lie Terms.- . Tho Bo and of Trustees bare declared a scrip dirt' dead of tra FT Y .P Edt CENT., upOq the cash prsmiums• received iu 18Ork all Policies in force on the list of Dec .; and haye - decidtid to -receive all tho scrip issued up to, and hfcluding Jam 'nary 1865 in payntent of premiums. Tao undersigned is ready to delivar Cortincates to parties ontltled to receive them at the Cat list& Agency at his office, No. 8, West Main Street, at any time after date of this notice. Pamphlets, table rates, applications and every In tortitatlon furnished without charge. A. Ti. SPONSI,IIII, Agent.• A liberal pareentago will bo paid to ono or two good, reliable porlione, to.canvnee Ouroberl end county en behalf of the above' company, which ie the only Mutual We Insurance Company in Penareirania, and ,ono - of,tho oldcat and moat reliable hi -the country: Apply to ' A. L. SPONSLER, Agent.. • lltjuno - • ' ' iIIEALEST TE FOR SALE.. A Double 3 Story Brick House h Frame kitchen attached, eultable, for pccupanoy °Nue fandliee, or as a !!•! ll' Store Room and, Dwelling situated ou •• • I t. _ - PENN STREET, CARLISLE,'" - will be disposed of on favorable terms, Mune 68. ••• "Also ignmooo.ffluutakto Story—Brlok— • - Divorniff'Homo, with Brick Book' • Ituilding, , oltuated ou Rad Malin Strout, Oarlisle. • 12June a 8 • ' Also a valuable building lot, situated ou the South East corner of West and Pomfret Strada, - fronting 60 foot on Pomfret, had. 240 feet on West Street. TOte is ono of the roost desirablO building. iota in the .borough. .12Juno 08. i 'Also a Three Story - Aweltng. nous°, built of Stick and gram°, containing 8 'roma arid kitchen , with all the modern, e itolnovemonts, with stable and carriage t house in the roar,. situated. on lot 'of ground ou West Loutber ptroot, Carlisle; containing 02 foot 14 front and 240 Jed in depth, a very desirable residence. r . A. L. SPONSi,ER, Real Estate Agent I.2june OS CBANON :VALLEY: COLLEGE. FOR'AIOTLI • Cuurso of fristritation thorough and pyre:kat. Fall term begins August ad.. Cha rgee 816 lower and su perior accomolodatioink — Prof. L. 11.7Tammond, A. Al. takes charge' of .the Classical , Dopsietment , .; • .For Cataleguns,and partionima , addrass. • ' • ; T. It: V/01t1t0Y, A.M. AntivllloiliOanonect.; 111july•lin POPULAR GOODS EXTREMELY LOW PRICES W. 0. SAWYER & Co's s 4. We turrejust reduced the prime of our 'Lemon Parlor and Hedtera, 113:11 'DRY (FOODS, IEI -_, ~,, DRESS GOODS,suoh as • - Iternannl's, Crape Monts - Grenadines, Bilk and Wonder, Florontlnes, Maltese Clothe, .01iiimeillobaii And Empress Summer *Poplins ORGANDY LAAWNS Figured, Plain and Plaid at greatly reduced prices; Our stock haOthe advantage of as' fine assortmen .f all kinds - of Goods as can be Obtained -In th. rly part of the season , Call mid examine the tine assertment and reduced prices, n endless - variety among can - be Toinid Swiss Aluslins in Plain, Plaid' and BOlyed, .Nalnsoeks, every grade and style Jaconeta in nerd midi:loll finish, Victoria and Bishop Lane, Muli and French lanoline,: French Needle Work and Hamburg Embroideries, very low SUMMER C'ASSIMERES, =! eetange "'Elegant stylee and qualities at prices that defy competition. Suits made to order by the beat work• men in the town. CARPETS!! CARP-ETS!! . • • Balsa°le, Three Ply, ' " Ingrain, Horne-made and limps' without regard 'to profit, Oil Cloths lu 4-4, t. 4, 134 i 8.4 all qualities A. L. SPONSLER, Beal Estate Agt Itugx, Ales, HOSIERY, NOTIONS &c., &c We present to our customers rare chances for bar gains and would say to all, call - and examtneY" our large aud wailed stock of SEASONABLE coops, and compare our price llst. f: Please remember tbo old staud I.TNDER ITANDION'S HOTEL, All' Who vileb clump - - - - Ail who wish-Ai:ip. - HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, All whO wish stook of • SEASONABLE GOODS, and at lioduced Pricori r calrnt — • ' . PATYP & PO'St EAST MAIN STREET 1122; D:g Y 0 ODS. • ' (;F„A R P & c also a full line of W T E . G.O 0 I) S - Mattinge and Looking olnsgoii. • GLOVES, EAST MAIN STREET DRY .GOODS MISCEL.L4NEOdq. IMPORTANT 'DISCOVRRY,I . ~ • . . RILE "POTILTihEREO FRIZIVD,' CHICKEN POWDERS (Copyrtgbt aaoured.). A CERTAIN CURE FOR GAPES IN CHICKENS AND • TURKEYS. Will Or event and Cure Chicken Cholera. and .:Glier Disease common to Poultry and will prolYin - tb — an increase of rat:„. F _ DTIIETTIONSACCOMFANT BAWL PAOKAdE. PRICE 25 CENTS. The annexed are a row Or the ceitificitee no have received In proof of tho gloat value and efficacy of the Pallitorere' Friend CARROLLTON, BALTIMORE CoUNTY;3ID., Dee., 10, MT Messrs. Clotworthy ,0 Co. " , GENTLEMEN hare used your "Poulterers! Friend" upon a brood of young chickens that had ,the (gapes, and am happy to say, that by the use of a few doses they were entirely cured. It will certainly cure th• gapes when usedaccordlng to directions. •?burs, Ac, GEO. HARMAN. 1E TOWN,W. VA., April 7th, 1.868 . Nam. Ckiworthy d CO. • GENTS :--I bays Boon sollifig your "Poulterers' Friend" for the last few months, for the curs - of Chicken Cholera, and In evory Instanat whore It has boon used, the isease was arroston at once. It Is the greatest Medicine made. It Is in groat demand, and I am selling it rapidly. It certainly accomplishes all that you claim for It. Pours, &c. JONAII T. TRUEISELL. SuEruznisTown, W. VA. April 19th,1868 Messrs. Cloldorthy ce 68. My young chickens were dying you , fast this Spring with the Gapes, and hearing of your Poulterers' Friend, I purchased a package from Jos. M. Stone beaker, Shopherdstown, Va., and it acted like a charm. The Gapes soon disappeared, and my chickens have. become healthy and thrifty. I can recommend the Poulterers' Friend to all SPOTTS. Itespo4fully, BETIMERDSTOWN, W. VA,, Mardi 28,1, 1888. ./.o.sra.."Clotwprthy,ik - Omni :—llitving led a great malty fowls, during the early Spring, with "CRlciton Cholera," I was In duced by Mr. aos.,AL Stonebiaker, of Shenhardstown. Va. to try a paper of your "Poulterers' Friend," which I did; and I,had'only• need three doses when the disease disappeared, and I have not lost a .fowl slum I can most safely recommend it to do What It says, if the dliections arefollowed, .For. side, country Merchants. CHRISTIAN WELTY. CLOTWOWBUY d CO.rWlselesale Druggists, N 0.339 West Bantams:, Street, Baltimore, lkta Price $2,00 per Dozen-to the Trade. A Moral Discount Allonnd, whoa Purchased In Large•Qdantltles. Bankro nt any Imitation. Nono gonulno except:that inenufsctdred by Clotworthy Sr Co. . All Btonebrakor's preparations - fur sale by Wash mood & Bros., Wont Main Bt., Carlisle Pa. 29may.4 co. MERCHANT TAILORING, crolix B. TREIBLEB, AGENT, Practical Tailor and Goats' Furnisher O. 5, EAST MAIN STREZT, CARLISLE PA. Mr. no!bier would announce .to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has.ln store a very large and carefully selected stocks(' a, • CLOTHS, • — 1:1 - ASSI6IERES, VESTING'S, LINEN DUCKS,_ • . BOMBAZINES, WATER BROWS, 80., Ac• •SUITA - BLZ FOR • • SUITS OF ALL. DESCRIPTIONS , • lelng - himeelf a ph/talent . havlng tbo aselstanco,of &et ellmr workmen he le prepared to GUARANTEE SATISFACTION n all clothing made at his establishment piece Goode of all kinds sold by the yard end rot to ordor at a trifling cost. Don't _forget dho place, No. 6, Last nein Street, nest door tlYoOrmiiii A Torthington'e Drug Store. J. 13. TRIDLED, Agt. 3july-08. ►"illE FARMER'S BANK, OF CAR- A_ LISLE, PENNSYLVANIA, Recently organized; has been opened, for transaction of a general banking business, in the corner room of It. Given's new building s -en the North, West corner ct High street and the Centre Square.,; The Directors hope by liborel and careful manage ment to make this a popular institution, and a Bare despoaltory for all who may favor the bank with their accounts. 'Deposits mai:trod and pa id back on demand, inter. vitt allowed on special deposits ' Gold, Silver, Treasury Noten and Government Bends, bought nod sold. _ Collections made on all accessible points in the country. Discount day, Tuesday. Banking _hours from 0 o'clock A. N. to 3 o'clock P. N. J. 0. HOFFER Cht. r DIRECTORS. =1 It. Given, President, Thomas Paxton, John W. Craighead, 2.7mar-68 Wm, IL 31111ot, L. David Heiken, A. J. Herman, _AbralcatiLlYltman SPRING ELM B A RG Aa N S NOW OPENING IN , DOMESTIC COODS DRESS GOODS, • BATIRETS, JEAPIB WRITE GOODS, DRESS TRIAiMINGSYrSFI, RIBBONS, • ' NOTIONS, &O. AT RING'S NEW STORE, No. 55 NEST MAIN STREET. • Opposito . the Mauston "'Sousa, next to Post Office, effete. • T USCAROR A ACADEMY POUNDED' 18,36 • The Fall Session of this flourishing Institution will commence on the First Wednesday„ in September. The object of the Institution is 'to, prepare young men for the active duties of life, to qualify pupils for teaching, and to train thoroughly such as desire to enter College. The instruction embraces the culture of the mind and heart, so that their powers may be well directed and appliediend a taste for intellectual pursuits and virtuous habits &mai:rpm:E. For further information. send for a Circular, plicants will please addiess. ' - , ' - D. D.'STON.E; A. M. , Principal, or W. A. M'DOWELL, A. M. Anal Principal. Academia, Juniata. Co., Pa 10july-2um itho only',Family Machine that lets up its own 'work knits all BiZON, widens and narrows off tiro toe; ,complete—produeing all Varieties of knit - gob& from an lufant'e stooking,triltton or glove to a lady shavil or hood' Price Reduced * to 58 Dollars ! It h simple durable, easily operated — and - warranted to succeed in tho hands of cVery purchaser, • • AattiTS arse. • ADDA.T.AN tvtth stamp for circular an 4 samplo cracking ORM; (hall Agt. 022 011eatnut Of., Phila. ' • •TALITABLE TOWN PROPERTY • AT PRIVATE' SALE, he aubocribar, intending to romovo from Carlisle,. offers at private solo hia.roaldonce, situated or, Ponth Hanover Street, Nos 33 mid 37. , • The propetty„oonsists of a. DOUBLE. HOUSE, , • ono part of which 1e built of Stone and the other of Brick; making two compichfOlottectt Spltrlb4l- for ' dwellings or places of business. • • There are else two Fr ethe Buildings on the premlies tihich could be 'very readily be converted into dwelliegs. For terma and other particulars enquire of 4,11 e. subscriber, residing on the proatlies. . • ' DANIDL'if. BELLIBt, Not sold beret . ..if/at., lift'lBBBilitia property .DO c tiered at puhile solo on that day. . • AJD.MINISTRATOttIp • •NOTICE.--.-. Letters of Adinititsilnitithi on the estatlik.9l.,:,; re. ane Glenn, deed, late-uf Dickinson township;! ,- having been issued to the mibicriber ivaiding in the same township: Betio, Is hereby given to all persons . Indebted to said estate to make piomeot • and these having claims to prossot 'them duly autliontlmted • ,„ for settlement to . , JOTIN mcimasoN, kuroutatrator.,, aJ alpet *. • 01)NTUNItN-wishing-a4lne4lit4ored--- cigar awed try __Gslarga_g, , Dgll , B43laxictraolt,77:7. • • - • 1867 -