Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 07, 1868, Image 2

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    a tt
IMEEM ' Editors ..n.opriotors
X. A. IYUNAR,. •
Friday I.slorniag;L'Aiigust 7, 1868.
PRESID.ENT—Gen.tni/00S. Gravt.
Vmra PurslDANT—c Colfax.
Auron , GEN'L—John, r. Harti.anft.
,Sunv'E, GEN'L-,Tacob
TIM " - HERALD " for the,, Campaign I
Friends, Assist its by getting lip
•ViillTElMireelating the vast importanco of the pm
ant political campaign, and being aware' rof the fact
_ that there are many persons In the county who do not
feel themselves justified in subscribing for the full
year, we have determined to furnish the lithatn at
rates so low for the campaign that it will be within
the means of every man In the county to secure it.
The present campaign is one in which ovary princi
ple for which the war was wage 1 Is at a ateko Already
have the rebols, through Wade Hampton, declared
. that their cease la not lost, Mg, that in some form or
other, It will yo[ triumph. • TO waist them in seepring
the triumph he predicts, tho Demdlarcy have fibbed
with them hand and heart; !MVO placed in nomination
for the Prethlency tho nun of their choice; and have
eonstructed the platform in accordance with their
• -411othtion. . _ _ _
Is order that the people may not intelligently in this
contest, they should inform themselves thoroughly as
to the nature of the efforts these traitors aro snaking
to secure at the ballot-box what they lost In the field;
and this they can de__only through the medium of
sound and loyal Journals. It will be our effort to pre
sent the issues trutlittllyt and to arouses every patriot
to.o true sense of the danger which threatens the
country sho.ld the rehnl Demociacy succeed in elect
ing their eahslithste. We will advocate to the hest •of
our ability the great and generous principles of the
Republican party, and in so doing will labor earnestly
to secure the election of ORAtie and COLFAX.
. .
Our rates, strictly In advance, from t his until liner
the Presidential election will bo an follows
For ono copy,
. Five copies,
Teri copies,
-WO- hope our Mends will assist us In securing a large
circulation. in a Cory short tlmo we will greatly en-
I arged the lientre, adding a column to each pogo, lied
time ho enabled to furnish the largest and cheapest,
paper over publisholin 'the county,
Ttepublican County Convention
Delegate Elections.
At a meeting of the Republican County
Committee.. On the 18th inst., it was or
•That a Republican County Conven
tion be held at ltheem'S Hall in the Borough
of Carlisle, on Monday the 10th day of Au=
gust next, at 11 O'clock A. H. for the pur
, pose of nominating -a County Ticket, and
selecting Sentttorial and Congressional Con
ferees. .
. .
2d. • 'That an election fur two delogdlss
to represent each Ward,. Borough and
Township in said Convention to be held at
the usual places of holding -Ward and
Township Bleetions-on Saturdny , '•the Bth
August next. Said elections to he herd in
the Boroughs and Wards between the hours
of 7& 9 o'clock P. M., and in the Tow n
shipsibbetwoon'. the hoursof 4 & 8 o'clock
P. -.slofstrid—da--A-fall—Genvention—is
'earnestly desired.
July 18th' 1808. By order oil the eow
mittoe. • -
_CRAB. H. Armada.
TlON—llablenzait's greenbacks.
AT Appornatox General Grant- dictat
ed-terms,of surrender-to the -rebels;
among others, that they were 'coot to 6e
disturbed by "United States authority so
long as they blivrved , their parole, and
the laws 1 . 11 force where they ma y.reside."
These terms"were distinctly accepted by
Gen, Lee, Hampton and his associates,
who are endeavaring to stir :ttrp another
rebellion, are clearly acting in violation
of their parole-
SAID Toombs, at the rebel Blair rat
fication meeting in Atlanta: "The Be
, 00nstruetion-acts are null and void, and
shall not stand. * The grinning
skelelone which have been setup in our
midst as legistatora shut/ to ousted hy
Frank. Blair, whom OUR PARTY lIAS
: POSE." Let no honeSt Democrat declare
that he has not had fait.' linden of the
real designs of his leaderfr
Columbus {Ohio) friarna/ charges di
rectly that Horatio.Se'ymour, while Gov
ernor of. New Yorkova's in communica
lion with Rebel Commissioners in Canada,
witlia view of arraying the State of New
York against the National Government
during the rebellion. The JourOl de.
olares that forthcoming
/ documents 'will
fully SubstantiatClhe fact. This accounts
for his declaration to Judge Charles H,
Ruggles, of Now York, in favor of the
Montgomery 'Constitution, the adoption
of which be recommended on the part of
his friends. •
r- IN October, 1861,-14 a imblic Speech,
delivered at Utica, New York, Iloratio-
SoynfOu'r,fienioetatic candidate for Pres' ,
dent.of the United States, said :
"AT it is • true that slavery must be
abolished to save the 'Union-, then the
people of the South should be. allowed to
GOVERNMENI"whicip cannot- give them
guarantees-by ita terms
Boldiers' and patriots" of - thif:Unieff
-can you' vote .or f manfor fesient,•
who, , in 1861, after the rebellion liadrafrt:
7y. commenced, after the battle of Pull
Run, declared that he preferred the die ;
solution of the Union_to the destruction
of - slavery?, Can you "vote for an origi
nal Northern seeessioniat for President?
ITELE:.llobile..Re . gister (Seymour and
Blair) in, speaking-'of, tho Rebel yell in
frammany Hall. when'lllo — ableetion of
Seymour was anneunoesl 3 says " How
clear that note used to, ring upon the air
of Vicksburg of a night in, years . lon'g
past l And
,who thitt heard it,or heard
'of it, will ever, forget the panic it sent to
the, Mexicans- when --Jefferson
Mississippians pealed it forth at Hifi Fel,
come order to charge the Works of Mow
'threw. ' You ban'_noW. in the
paper's •as lhey recount \the
• incidents of their recent : vietcry bvor pi-
olence and fraud, and it , will make the
air resonant from tile Rici GrandeLto the.
Potomac rit-the last iiiesistible :charge
neat November, cheering. 04 bearts
onr Demcieratie friends and chilling these
of our oppreadore. • Stand for'tliat
Bo;yo,ir;bluiolp yon train with
'Vile —6104 V
`At the 'outbreak of the Rebellion, all
of - Horatio .Soymourls. sytupathie's were
with the rebels, He boldly proclaimed
in a public speech that it was a'yeryse
rious question whether " successful coer-
Men" was not as revolUtionary as suceiss 7
ful secession; 'rind Pronounced the war
-for the Untion an infamous warfare:—
After the traitors had adoited their in
famous Confederate- Constitution; he met
Judge Ruggles and asked him Have
you read 411 e Confederate Constitution ?
kig"Niter than ours, and tvriji
not obviate all this difficulty ,by Simply
adopting that' Constitution P' In Octo
ber, 1861, he said : alf h - iktrue that
slavety must be 'abolished to - save the.
Union, then the. peo l ple ,of the South
from the Government." As the war
progressed ho seized. overy opportunity
that presented itself to denounce the war;'
and to defame the men at the head of Ur
Government, who were; devoting their
best energies to saving the Nation. On
the 4th of July, 1863, he made a speech
in the City orNew.York, in which be de
nounced in the , most violent terms the
draft that was then impending; and sug
gested that if it was not stopped that a
mob stronger than the Government might
take the matter in hand. On the 13th
day of the same month, incited by the
Sentiments lie uttered on that occasion,
and a legitimate result of all his teach
ings, the infamous draft riot broke - out-
The mob first destroyed the offices an.d"
records where the draft. was-going on ;
_then attacked and hanged upon the lamp
posts Union army officers, pillaged -and
fired* stores, murdered numbers of inof‘
fonsive negroes, filmed_ down Orphan
Asylums,' arid' roasted innocent children
alive. For three long and terriblo.days
did the brutal and bloody 'mob hold the
great city: of New York in its murderous
control. On the second day, Horatio
Seynionr, - the Governor of the State; the
man wire should haye dispersed the mob
on the first day at the mouth of the 'can
'non, Went down among them and said :
" tlly friends : I have come aiming you
from the quiet of 'the country to see what
it this difficulty is about—to learn what
all this trouble concerning the draft-is.
LetP Me assure you 1 ant
Yon have been my friends; and r 1 ani
here to give you a test of my friendship.
uta Gen e ralto
Washington to have the draft suspc 7 ;')Zed
and stofipea.'-'
Such-was the action, and such were
the.worda of the 'disloyal man Whom- the
Democracy have placed in nomination for
the, Presidency. 1110 there been 'a, loyal
• Governor in the StatifiNelir York_in
those days, thefe 'would have been no
speech made by him which Would have
incited riot; and, if' riot-livid broken Out,
he would have-uttered no honeyed 'Words
ti.) encourage acid inilame the Passions of
the brutal throng. Instea:d - of Such ex
clamations as "my :/i•lends, I will see that.
, the draft shall be suspended find stopped,"
grape and canoister would litive 'noised
them down, just as their 'rebel friends a
few days pre;rdifsl3.difeen mowed down
by the batteries on Cemetery Hill and
Round Top, But, no, Horatio Seymour
is the representative of the terrible idea
of mob violence' and snob law. Said Ise
in the speech delivered but nine days be
fore the mob broke out : " Rernember ,
this, that the bloody, and treasonable, and
revolutionary doctrine of public necessity
can bcprocktimed as aril) a mob as by
Verily is'the title " Draft-riot Cand.l.
date" appropriate' to him. Had there
been no such riot in New - York, and had
it not been the legitimate result - of all .
his teachings, and especially of
. the sen
timents he uttered in his fourth of July
speech, lie would not to-day:be the can
didate of the'rebel Demoeracy;-._ On that
account alone did they pass over the
names of the honest war Democrats, who
were mentioned iti the Convention, and
select him as the fitting representative
of their aold,blooded and treasonable clod
trines. •
$ 76
a 00
5 50
C. P. Hukruon.
Republicans of 'Cumberla . nd County,
'go to work in ear4st : Let us dc..?, our
full share in defeatihe diaft-riot can•
dididelbr the Presidency. Each,,town
ship shoal d,,,a.t r ww l rgmigagjAtliEJ,
Colfax Club.--To:MWIYOw,at; the various
delegate eleetionsis a:Most fitting °ppm ,
htunity .to organize. Don't neglect
Urant and Colfax Will surely be elected,
and when the triumph is won, let us be
able to feel that'we did. our 'full share in
securing It.
-,-, IN an adMirable impromptu speech by
Hoii: - SChhyler Coltai;Subsequent to his
groat reception speech at South - Bend-to
thousand's of his constituents who met
tii"Wiiletime;hirn home, he uttered these
tell written on the
banners of the - earnpaign .. : "LOYALTY
- Tan _Terre , Haute Ea.; rcsk of the 20th
iset.,-Saya that Prank Blair; in a speech
made in 'Gilman's cooper shop, in that
city, declared he "would_jather sleV
with _a .—The
LilverCaa adde that ''hundreds of 'our citi,
sons of both politibal patties will swear
that thcry, heard .Fraisk ...use the' exact
language above quOted." - .
en,bis_way home 'from
the Demoniac, Convedion, made a
speech in..laehmond, in which. lie ex
pressed 'llia cenfiddnoe . 'that whii i t 'the
Cotifederaoyfeught for . M;('ittld be Ton by
the,. election of Stiymeur and . I3lAir. We
heartily figree With ilip_ - so_far,; but.the,
people Who heat the Confederacy. on the
field are _net la be beatOn by it at _the
polls. If Leo oodld not whip Grant we
dpn't believe Elora* Seymenr ciin do it:
. .
TION I ,---COtigreSSiolio Otikey.;
the Draft-Riot Candidate.
Th.o Dentocracy—lts Tdates
and Tendencies.
It. is with considerable reluctanee,
that we give circulation..' to. the . extritete
whieh _ ippoar below, because of their
unblushing. indecencies. • We. have no
other`-purpose in making thiS exposure
of the of the literature" than
now is the mental food for . so fordo a
portion of the Democracy, than a desMe
to•induce all mon who -have a regard
for. the welfare of the • community, to
unite in_ putting'down a party; which
circulates profanity, and obscenity such
as is now flooding the laud, and•lbohore
arid.enriChes those who manufacture-the
same. . Our readers have - all doubtless
heard of it although, we 'lope, few have'
ever seen-the great - National organ of
the Denmeraoy,th4scVioacpcniPc?!c!G-
We intend ; giving them now a marnple of
its litcrature,.and also,`'sonie idea of its
circulation and influence—the one will
'oe'riYrily prevent-their subscribing for
it,arftbeOther • will We hope arouse
their efforts,to overoonie the .party, that
has made, this sheet a power for- every
species of evil known tti depraved hu
From the,laat issue of the great "Na
tional Democratic. Paper—" Democratic
under all circumstances"
."edited acid
published by M. M. Pomeroy, LaCrosse
Wis " wt .. .cstrAet .the following .. gems.
Here IS No.. 1; a deacriptimi of 'Hen.
Butly:,,ftitten by Pomeroy, in sOlilos
quy term.
l•And from thenCe at intervals I trace my
. genealogy
• Before GOD with His high hand moved
the world into form there were xi-liras of
evil,-souls naturally- damned, Each cycle
of yeifn made .a hell There ware at the
limo of my
,conception seventeen -thcisand
hells, or vaults of damnation, in which had
been swept the damned ones of the damned.
And each of these vaults was a hermetically
setired cauldron, hotter then hell itself,_ in
which 'rolling, sicauiing, frying, roasting in
the putrid heat of nastiness-and corruption,
them stewed the villains of perdition, whose
sins had been so great that peer of mortal 'or
immortal never. had dared attempt a de
scription of their wickedness; lest the hand
that wrote be- poisoned—with -cdrruption.-
And as' time rolled on, Were, ig atheredin
the centre of a heated dome, a single drop of
distilled damnation, too vile to burn.
And ono d y the: o was • n convention of
fiends Where the credentials were to be the
fouleit titlark oven fiends could imagine.
-And - slrangu ,chanee each fiend
brought a single drop of damnation gath
ered with a spoon from the dome of perdi
tion's vault—they werecmplicd into a-waste
veslel, and thus my - .soul was consolidated.
And then to give 'it life,, each fiend and
villain dirinned gave an offering, Enid) gave
a part of himself, to make inn a pet of hell.
One contributed hate; another, envy; anoth
er, falsehood; another, cdwardice; another,
treachery; another, theft; another, infamy;
another tyranny; another, licentiousneks;
another, malice; another this, and another
that, till disgusted with their offerings
•whichllled a pot with slime, they left me
in a hiding place till infamy consolidated
and I took the form of burner. child, was
chilstened• BENJAM FIEND BUTLER . ,. and
Imp T. em, gewing 'ready to return to
my nuinerous lionmos -no one hell could cm.
duFbAtie, disgrace, infamy and•beastly 'cor
ruption I Sh - ould lake there. And to make
an' name more infmnous, my birthplace
was Massachusetti4
And here I ani at a innn's estate, a living
evidence of '-rascality, -ehrruption, double
dealiim, trickery, fraud. swindlog cowar
dice, bank-robbing, spoon-stealing woman
insulting, holite-plundering, enemy-aiding,
country-betraying, •government-sucking„
treastiry-filching,- soldier-killing, • prison
fi I ling, God-forgetting, bell-deserving,
truth-ignoring, virtue-wronging, negro
lovirg, vice-cares Sing, man-deceiving, law
destroying, church-pi I feri ng, bullion-bag
ging, cotton-stealing, diamond-fending,
vessel-clearing, croL , ltery-marking, speech
making,, town-sacking, enemy-helping,
powder-wasting, officer!murdering, spite
loving, nation-disgracing, friend-forgotten',
and all detested thief, robber, brnggart,
plunderer, bag 7 eyed bullionbagger,.and the
most detested, corrupt, selfish, false-hearted,
net of perdition in all annals of crime and
past, present or to come.
Rise Christians and salute your manager.
Here is -n description of Genera
"One little inlin—Tti.o little InJitt.
Three 'little Nin Boys!
ULISBUS, the monkey who rode two jack
asses, or the jackass that rodd'two monkeys,
or something like that, has , started on a
Western trip. • .
He is going toward the setting sun and
the Pacific ocean.
If UL'IrBI3US gets posted Away off in the
mountains, ho can get gloriously drunk—
he can dance' nigger break-downs—sing
Bacchanalian songs—zget off foolish speech
es, and engage in loving dalliance with the
Digger squaws, as of yore, and be free from
the piercing eyes of the copperheads'. who
publish so muph more, than they should do
about the valiant Captain.
But good-bye ULYss—have nice time.'
It is something like twelve to fourteen
years since the brave warrior has then
among the noble red women -of the forest,
and mo should think ho would again bo
• anxious to go among them to see his chil
-uren, if nothing mare_ •
In 1854 he was AVE:night's Ferry, Cali
fornia, where he was the most despised; and
'most depraved person to be found in the vi•
11,414 ,p. — A — 10w - yiloz,7 - drurrhan' - vagri - firmit
and blackguard,
,who had no respect for
himself, and by his actions permitted no ono
to have any for him. • No one having
claims'to the least respectability would ad
mit him 'to their houses, and he was spurned
and shunned. even by his relatives, his wife's
brothers, the (.I)ExTs) who lived in the town.
Kicked out °revery drinking saloon, re
spectable • or otherwise, he was constantly
attempting to sponge drinks. Ignored by
his own race,. and without a single- white
associate, he betook himself to_an adjacent
'‘Walla lamp" and there with the he and
'the she Digger Indians he housed himself.
Iri-their miserable - kennels - made ot bark,'
skin and dirt, he ate and slept, and slept
and ate and ate in__ jey_ous harmony with
those - filthy, dirty. lice-producing, libo=iiat.:
ing and vermin generating Aborigines of the
country. t .
Alrimat:any morning he could% seep .
emerging from' ,thoie nasty Indian hiffs,
with his old plaid shawl reeking with filth
and vermin, thrown around his Shoulders,
wending his way to a grocery store near hy
where he-would- - sornotirmis - etantrfor hours
waiting for a teamster • to come, along that
its might "hum". him out ornfiose of "min
nie rifle" :whiskey,; his -chances for a "nip"
being greatly oalianeed.provided the t2arno
tor did not know who he was. --,•
After. ono. of. these.- oxploita• it is but not=
urallo suppose that llTAssus has some chill
dron' scattered around among the Digger
is known to havo a largo number of
thetn,but the fact• is ho never has defi
nitely ascertained how • many,thore are.. •
Itis about Limo ULTSS was going out to'
look after thorn., .
Poor ' . .
Imagine their, delight to receive . a visit
from thekpapa, the general Of thearmies t
and, th'crp(Ould-be President of the United
, You'do Manua, to again 4ielt
lour family of little ones. • • ' ' •
01-13-en:l' - Meade,— whom POmeroyli
readers in this opuntry : may remember
as tho , man who, defeated, their, erring
brothren;•and. made it safe for
keep their hems, cattle, wheat and coin-
In'thoir own farms , instoad , oPpinding
thou(aPkogs the su6quohanhn, ~(o'koap,
tem frOin tieing stolen by the gray
backs who' held. a Demooratie map meet
ii(this valley in' 1863,A1m "National
organ, of the Democracy" gi4lthe
lag account; Gen. MOade,it aays,.aftor.
he was.appoillted a oommankirrGeorgia
met a Dr. W.—who introduced. the
General to Ifla family 'which eetifihite'd of
."Mrs; bandsonio ivoisa,„far. ono
of middle age and also of WY:charming
The test, of the story. , we
will give in the , la4uage of the, organ Of
the .Dernootii4: • After .." .st's4iag: that
Gen.' Meade fellin 'hive with
the obaSte'and trathfur:Ponteroy says.
Taci valiant. hero. of 'Satrapy Number
,T.tiree wans't one'of those fortunate follows.
He got therris into him; and got a 'good
many of them.
Ho Mid pressed his, suit moat earnestly
and industriously; showing more gallantry
than he ever.did in battle:
The.gods-seemed 40-favor- him. '
The Doctor had business opt - of:town that
would occupy several days. Happy hour!,
The. Doctor went—MEAD.E came. Sed-
ands, and minutes; and hours flow by. There
wore cooing And wooings. Therecame a
serenade by the headquarter's band, after
which thorn was another installinent of
cooing, and thus the time flew merrily by
until the wee sma' hours were ushered in,
and the beautiful orb ofqiight had blushing
ly hid' herself behind protecting clouds,
"Ifer hand ho sols'd,:and tonlihady bank, -
Thick oyorhead - with verdant rootembowor'd
110 led her nothir4 loth; flowers *ere the snob, .
Pansies, and.noleis and asphodel;
Ar.d hyacinth, earth's freshet, softest lap."
'And right here-appeared upon the-scene
in a pretty sudden manner, one Dr. W.,
Who tv.derte husbiuld -of--the ludy 'whoge
. •
couchwas the-pansies and other hosiesOlnd
one captain' MEADE, who is supposed to be
the son of the mtin who, hunted up such a
nice couch-for thy lady, although It is.not
definitely. know' whether the young gent
over had a mother or not—and if so was her
couch on pansies?
• 9f course there was , scene. The hus
band saw:more than he • wanted to, but he
couldn't very 3voll help it; neither could
- MENDW - fior thb lady. ,
There was a good deal of explanation;
something of a.row; Munou was suddenly.
called to:Washington; he went; the matter
was hustled on account of the daughters,
and the reSpei:tability- of the parties I A ne
gro overheard it, and leaving given in his
loyal testimony to. certain 'herons, it has
dot out, and. they do say , General-
Mninn will not returh again to Atlanta
Very good. Perhaps ho: bad hotter he
sent al to some other point- wherd - he Can
•praetiefi• hlsioyalty, or there is l.danger•of
his pining away to death: Tile ititrapfes
make rather convenient houses of assigna-
I lion, with. their shoulder-straps and hand
lionsuarters'. bands and other gorgeous atitte
to allure the eve to beautY.
We beg our readers to h lieve that
these extracts are not, unusually vile ei•
thei• in their falsehoods or expression.
Friuli the same number from which these,
extraos.pre taken, columns could be cop-
led, fully as obscene, as malicious, as
profane as : . hose - are have quoted; and%
hiring examined about a dozen of issues
of this paper, we are inelined to the- be-
iellhat the number - we cow have is not
- Imre than - IT qvgroge , specimen of its
horrible iudeeencies. But why do we
copy ;mob things?,,' try to tell
hold that the Democratic) Putty
as at present constituted -is the- open
avowed, and vigorous enemy of loyalty,
patriotism, hotioi:;deeeney - , order, Chris
tianity, and all else that is good or noble
in. humanity, and the Sturdy chanipion,
defender and friend, of everything that is
-dishonest - , obscene, vile and Wicked, pod
we bring pomeroy oti the stand to prove
it. Li the very jfistle_ from which we
quote, Pomeroy, boasts that' his paper
has a circulation of 274,000; more then
double any other paper in the country,
and he further boasts that if his circula
tion increases at its:present rate ( for a
year he will have; half a miqion, one ply
per for every fear men who voted for
McClellan in 1864 throughout this entire
1 " .
nation; '
Noiv just read those extracts. Is it pos
sible for vileness to go farther in any re-
Slittirtgi- 44 1 1 Fte-Parot.
to dispute the Cacti. The man whose
brain is narrow enough to believe. theln
is certainly big enough fool to vote for
Septic= _and should di; it. But even
from such an idiot. the,obscenity peryad
ing thole recital is criminal.: The wbole 7
sale cireulatron ore sheet, whose every
number teems with such outrageousinde
cencies, such elaborate obscenity and
,vileness, can have no other effect than to
debauch"--and degrade every one, who
rends it habitually or fregytefftly. The
very -same words. and sentences, which
Pomeroy Amshes up .for his readers in
every issue, would, if they appeared 'in.
any other:thana .pplilical journal, sub : ,
jest their' author 0311 - indietmebt for
circulating obscene prints, and to have
is-paper-suppressed. - - -
Our friends frequently indulge. in,
wholesale abuse of , Prick Pomeroy,
which is doubtless justifiable on adoount
of his vileness, but do they not forgot
that there is it large number of persons.
who aro worse than he? We mean the
men witbeirculate his paper, endorse
his sentaments,and contribute their-men;
oy to make him rich. That Pomeroy is a
low,..vile .seoundrel,who_slanders-every
tian who isn't a rebel, scoffs at churches
and ministieVs r and Uses his vast oiriatilatiox_
for the purpose of making the commu
nity • familiar'
,with the latest , improve
ments in vi le slang and. unbliishing oh
scenity-- any onq may know who reads
the abowi quotations. 'He however has
one inducement for being -this—it pays.
His paper brings thousands of dollars
into his peeket every •month—it has made
conspicious n •d. vastly rich in% less
than five yeartr. — The - meti ivhe circulate
his payer are as vile as lie, :is much . the
enemies of all that is good or decent, as
great libellers of -soldiers of the Union
and-defendiws of theta of the confederacy
—as degraded in their tastcs.anddesiras,
(lathe rkidoubtable"l3rick." himself.. They
are worse than he is ig f this. 'They have.
not his' talents; nor have:they th'eaame
leadtMements for. the'ir wickedness;
But say some .Demooratsithe - perty - ir ,
upf rostionsible fbr Nineroy'ri indommoieS. •
If meii,subsodho for ,this Raper, that is
their affair `and•• not that of the party.
Indeed! One man .out of every seven in the
Democratic) party throtigliodt the nation,
subsc'ribe's and 'pays for .this-... Paper, and
not 9nlY : that 'kt Swears,by Dotins ‘
4 tilinaoiate 'go away., fro.m.,4ho'..oevrj,
store hero every week disappointed that
they, cannot get it. Ne'ver, before had a
journal: of any party, sect or church, .a
,more 'general and spontaneous circulation!
among the faithful, and never wati there
ohs so oagerlyl.ead, and 'thoroughly ap-
preciated and honeyed. There is no man
Who. belouge to the'DemooraoY surd acts'
with it, who does ;not direetly .or indi
rectly.oontribute to the moral ruin that
this infamous -skied is aurely working.
Such_ ni ay not be their intention or design,
but it certainly is the result of-whatever
influence thoy,pasess. II rink Pomeroy
is the inspiration, . the;,-soul and ,life of
Ttmooraoy to-day—the pitity ia the rich
an e, from which he gets vast stores of
gold. Men of the Democratic party, who
hate everAiiing that-conficts with moral
-ity,-who-rkrat--that-A'some -people---w ill
read this vile uff, tut thik . can't-be
helped ;" who ho eand_work for_the suc
cess of the .De4aratio party because
you . believe it uslks in a political mit
lonia% bow lovi before, the:, pure 'and
noble Pomeroy—he is now your pare 's
Priest and soon will be its . King. -
Another Auction of Democratic
On Monday next will be exposed at
public sale, in :the streets of -the quiet
little town of Bloomfield, in the - neigh
boring county or Perry, the'Delegates to
the County DemooratibOonvention. The
sale in some respects will be very similar
to .the one that took place'on our own'
Court House Square, some tyto weeks,
since, but iu others will differ very ma
terially. .Perluips, the greatest point: of
'difference will be found in the feet that
in Perry there are two then who will bold
ly and openly bid against each *other,
while here the contestants for the nomi
nation allowed the one bidder; it is said,
to determine his own priceS for the dif
ferentdelegates...,•,,, •
Already have WO heard &Wing de
scriptions of*Haldeinan, with his dilapi
dated suit oh clothe's, in . an equally di
lapidated buggy, - drawn -by a- famous
black mare ; and of the ever mawkish
Glossbrenner, with his antiquated beaver,
in a carriage of very decided Teutonic
appearance ; traversing the county in•
quest of the Cheapest and most desirable
kolumodities in the shape of 'purchasable
things in the fm•#y of Dereocratic dele
gates We hope each of the gentlemen
above' named will- find in the Perry De.
mooracy men who know,what their votes
are worth. Both of them are decidedly
rich turd can afford to pay well for the
dor - 1101i honor for which they are strug
gling: The more -- tuoney - taken from this
and_York county, the. better-for little
Perry, and well. should her corrupt and
finni-serving . Democracy know it. In
selling yourselvos; - ye Perryites, demand
a good - price and you will get it. Hal.
demon is worth a quarter of at million;
and Glossbrenner fully as much. Com
petition between the two runs high, and
now is your chance to bleed them. Our
Cumberland county. Delegates are exceed
ingly sore that they , sold -- themselves so
cheap. Don't let the same be said of
you. This opportunity once gone by,
you will never have another so good nor
so rich.
We venture to predict that Glossbren
her will pay the most niorrey and ,will be
your=purchaser. Don't let us be de
Why did they omit to-do
...,.mw rrts..lC+fV^~`~~"'~; ux xvar+u~anw~;lrw~e:+?u~u~.nsm
We notice in the proceedings of the
late Democratic Convention, that they
ihrlitted 'passing the usual resolution, en
dorsing the ticket and tecommending r it
to the support of the unterrifteci and un
washed Democracy of the county. Why
did they do so'? Is it because they were
so utterly disgusted by the littleness of
the price for which they sold themselves,
that they resolved to have revenge upon
their purchasers ? Or is it because the
delegates were so ashamed . of the ticket
they had made, that theiwere in k aious
to get to their homes. and do penance for
their venality and dishonesty? Mr.
Bratton elected twenty-ono delegates ae
his own, and got but tifteen.' , l Perhaps,
after his defeat,The Judas delegates tried
to redeem themselves" by giving, the 'men,
vairharglirtreTif - the cold s(MitleTr', *Mid
a Colder support. Perliaps, they await
thepurChase of the - Perry 'delegates
`l 4 That the 'so-called Democratic par
ty threatened,. commenced and carried
on the war of the rebellion.. •
2. That the leaders of the Democratic
party were the leaders of the rebellion.
3. not the'Domooratio party controll
ed the rebellion
4,—That thn Deinobratio party opposed
every measure of the government to sup.
press the rebellion.
5.. That the Denworatie ,party dis
couraged, enlistments' in 'the Union army
and resisted the draft. ' •
6. That tho Democratic _party gave
aid and comfort to the, rebels in aria
during tho war. ,
7.: That the bemooratio party refuse'd
to give our brave and patriotic soldiers
io the field, fighting for the life of the
nation, - the right to - vote. -- , --
8. That the Democrats opposed every
measure adopted by. Congress to restore
peace, harmony and security to the coun7
9.:• , Tbst thle.Dernooratio party, by Biro
ing . upon the ,canntry , without cause a
long, bloody and experi.v,eweirliireated
a vast public debt and tinpoilid'Upontlie
people un to!d sorrow's and burdens griev
ous to be borne
10 . . That the Democratic party is re- .
sp onsiLle for the high taxes, high prices,
derangement of ,husitiess, etc.,. whioh aro
the fruits of the war. .
1.1.. That the Demooritio , party, hai•-
ing not quite ruined • the country, now
ask the' people to give
,thera th e ismer
to rule it. - • •
o.n.fially leinoalrat snit yoUTI Snd
a Rel?el,aad: 'the akin:
Political Items.
11091 motto-=Seymouvand Elecesh.
The Irish Republfcane of Chicago have
organized a Grant and ,Colfax Club. .
Seymonerind Blair . are tient on revolu
tion ; but they' Will .be atraightened by do
While plait.- is as noisy as a pop-gun,
Seyieour is as Silent as .a milky July oyster,.
Bicire till you Wiest seems to be the motto
of one of the Tammany Hall coadidates.
"The authority ef;a"mob is equal to that
of a Government:" [Hoihtio Seymour
July 4, '63.] , _
tippoon's physician liinys lie ie.lilirly to
become crazy.. within' a year. -- Beware of
Now, rondOring by Cicant—"l kopose to
fight it out on this line if it • talcasf - all Soy
modr." •
I the Democrats love the :Union and the
Constitution so well,.how is it that they
_waged War on both for four yearsq
TRH Hon. Y. W. Groon, a prominent Iti
dianapolis Vemnorat, "Wgtdiates SoymOur
and Blair, and cornos• oltfor Grant and
Colfa r. .
Tun Ku-KIOx go for Seyinonr and Blatr
to a man, with as much - avidity as they go
for a defenseless negro' or Union' man at
midnight. -
Tits Democratic party deliberately sacri
ficed thousands of white "men in •ord'et to
save their slaves, and yet it 'dells itself a
white map's party) —Nero Nation.
Bolos romsnoy positively declares'that
from tho lot to , tlurfith of July, Belmont &
Co; paid out one'hundred 'thousand dollars
to buy delegateSaway..from Pendleton.
Two marked eras in our history : Penn
sylvania was invaded by the rebels July 4,
1863; NeW York was invaded by the, rebels
July 4, 1868. • . • .
SEYMOUR is the ease," say.the Democracy.
That's what the New York rioters said when
„he addressed them as "my friends," and
told them that he would do all he could to
protect them from the draft. • "-• •
15•1.36:4, when Seymour was elected Gov
ernor of Now York, Stoifiwall Jackson, rid
ing by rail from Freftiaksburg-to . Richmond,
called upon the people at every station for
cheers for the triumph of their friend in New
Blair, to spite a companion, once sank his
own shirt in the river. By accepting the
Tammany hail nomination he repeated the
operation—and sank himself with the shirt I
One of dur Democratic exchanges, after
noticing a Seymour ratification meeting,
exultingly exclaims: "The goose hangs high!" .
Wise ;goose; he ftatigtit when
Seymour's - -
The Democracy in Morgantown, W. Va.,
have actually hoisted the "'Ted, White, and
Hod," flag. What a glorious speech Frank
Blair would make tinder those colors
At a Democratic flag-raising in Richmond
recently, the - iipeaker's platform -- fell, se-
Viously injuring several persons. Probably
it had some rotten planks in it, like the New
'York platform.
41_1860, 81air,"pr a campaign speech, pro
nounced the Democratic* party ~t he most
miserable and corrupt party that ever-exist - -
ed." And now, after having got into a, he
Was never lo much at home: -
Wade Hampton says the workingmen of
the South must vote the. Democratic ticket
-or starve. Do you hear it workingmen of
the North ?
GENERAL GRANT i 9 travelling' with Gen
erals Sherman and .sheridaitlAnneral Blair
with General Despair; Mr_ Colfax with Gen
eral Satisfaltion; while Mr. Seyniour'staye
at home witliGeneral Gloom.
Gen. Robert Toombs in a recent speech
'eulogized Pendleton, tersely saying .he was
"true, in peace and true in war . " So.was
Toombs. So was Wirz. The'biti crest ene
mies of the Government are worthy of the
greater credit—in the Georgian's eyes.
Taken may be a pungent political lesson
for soldiers in the ranks in the following. •
Grant's Supporters. .Segmour's . Supporters.
Democratic stumpers and editors tell us
the bonds are held by the rich' while the
poor pay the taxes. Seymour says the
bonds "have gone into the hands .of inno
cent holders, who, to a vast amount,. are
compulsory owners. It is a mistake to sup
pose that they are mostly held by capitalists.
When Blair, in `tB6o,Aluring the campaign
in Indiana, branded the Democracy as a
"vile, miserable party," anoi,
las so fiercely, Dan. Ver,lid'es called• Blair
the"prince of blackguvdS2h . „l3lair in return
branded Voorhees as a "hZll,4:hound." Now
the 'hell-hound" suppprO•the "prince of
.blaeltguai‘ds://atiie2e4dpitptertrukyvi-avwi ,
The Louisville, Journal sounds the long
roll, and says: - "Democrats, stand to the
polls. If that avill not do, stand to your
guns," and the spirit of these words breathes
through mad speech and raving editorial,
friar: the Ohio to the Gulf. The only hope
of quenching these flames is by smothering
them under the overwhelming bapots cast
for Grant, Colfax, and Peace.
LY.—Tho La Grosso Democrat„ the - special
pot of the Northern Democracy, a .fow days
before , the—assombling of- - the_ Democratic
National Conventlon "pitsjted" into the
Blair family in .alto Mewing broad-az
style: .
. . _
"Has the Democratic party lollop so low
as to bo used by such creatures? Is it so
craven as to allow such follows to say what
it shall do or what it shall not do ? Ono of
these Blair has the unpudenco to say that
that the pat:ty cannot bo united on any ono
of the candid'atesairciady nnmod—somo now
man must be taken up I Think of it!
I -Look-it- over-I --.-Ortim-sublimity-ofthis-fe
low's conceit I Where's .Train? Send foe,
him! Ho only can match hint I The Dem
ocratic party cannotio united on any-can
didate already named ? Good I Whore
did you learn all that, Montgomery ?
going to SilVer Spring, and consulting the
old man, or sending out to St: Louis and
asking brother' Prank ? Than the Blair
family stands out against the nomination of
,any candidate already named 1 Of course
the Democratic partrcanifot bo united then,
on any of those candidates Tho Blair firm
ily "goes back'''; onthese- candidates 1 So
tho party cannot unite on anyone of them I
The party is not united- without-tho Blaira-!-
In fact, it ivies party 'without the Blairs I
Whew I What a big family! To use, the
elegant ezpreosionof thoir late lamented
master, '!What a long. tail our cat has gotl''
G100n. , -.Among all the curious, and
puzzling matters .connected` with the
Democratic' Convention; nothing . has
bothered .us more tlian a set of resolu
tions kindly forwarded by Alexander y.
Staphena r thich -began in the folloWmg
ingiti3tounding style :
"Re - solved, That; in - the future, as in
the past, we will adhere with unswerving
fidelity to the Union."
The , "unswerving fidelity" with Which
Mr. Stephens adhered, reminds us, says
the Now York, Tribune, of an inscrip
tion, referring to' the.oufaide of a letter.
It was ,as, follows : •
"Paid if the d=d think, stioks." •
TUB Democracy' of tho West are hoar-
Lily dissatisfied with the candidates put
forwent for their suffrages 'by the Now.
York Conieation.. Boymoui is looked
upon as an artful trickster, while Blair,
is regarded as a - revolutionist. Neither
name :evokes any enthusiasm, and the
Bepublieens with their , rkebla standard
hearers *haVe matters rot 'much 01
their own way'.
gown and o.l.crunt Siatters,
There will be morning service in St.
'John's Chunk._ on ;Sunday next, at the
usual hour, when tho Holy Communion will
be administered. ' * •
. .
—Brovet Colonel RI F. BERNARD, at his
own request, -- has been ordered to - join Lis
. regiment, which is now stationed in Arizona.
It is soldoin ,that We hAViTtidopportunity to
chronicle- more praiseworthy act ea r ths
- part of any man thin this of Col: BEnnAni).
4:japt. Bno_ Nam, as well as the lately ap;, ,
poi ted Lieutenants, JouN C. GrunAif, and
'A. II . B. BNIEAD, are also ordered to join
thei regiments. Col. BERNARD takes . with
him two hundred ..and fifty recruits Id his
regiment the first Cavalry
pleased to leatn
that-the boy STRATALY who, as we mention
ed in our paper of last week, 'was so severe
ly injured at Stri!:'s noW building is improv and will likely recover. This evinces
a high degree of surgical and medical skill
in his attending- Physician, who has been'
from the time of the accident- Dr. DANIEL
CORNMAN, With Dr. ZITZER, as consulting
—A general t'tieeting of tbe Soldiers' Monu
ment Association will ,k held in the Arbi
tration Chamber,at the= Court 'House on
Saturday the 20th-itat'S., for 'the purpose of
selecting By ballot, a site fur the proposed
monument. All members are expected-to
be present tvt, some' time during the day._
The ballot boxes wdl be-open .from JO A.-M.
until 5. M.
LOST.—Un Saturday, 'at ten o'cleek
A. M. Obrindle bulldog strayed away from
from the Cornman House, when last-seen
hti was going in- the direction of the' market
House. .Any information concerning him
will - be thankfully received by the Porter
of-the llouse,, who will-also give a Moderate
reward for liim. . •
ItkitvEsT Ham Agricultural
Society in another column advertises its
Annual Harvest . Home, to be_ held on the
rttlt, of this m9ntfr. A noniiter-tsf-addresses
will be delivered and: a bonuttfid Aidlation.
prepara: We hope that our farmers will
attend in nunthers. They certainly need
recreation after the toils'of the Stn,; - .11, and
and we know of no better time nor manner
of taking it, than by attending the ll,artmst
Home, and particiPating, , trf its festivities.
The Ladies l!lite Socioty Of I I oiry
will bold a Festival fp the':ll. on.
Friti - Y Saturday Fwd M . ouddy f,rewngs.
August I'th,,,'lOth. lee cream.
Lemonade, Confections of every deseriptipn
wil lbe served upon the occasion. A grand
Supper will be given on Saturday evening.
A cordial invitation is extended 'to all.
Doors open each eveningnt 6 O'clock R.
M. A - dniission free.
THE MUIVERER OF' Yotr&o (Alloy*
—W learn by the Ilaltimbre,§mi, that John
Clitre,"the'young man convicted at Towson
town, (Md.) some fifteen months since, of
WO murder of H. B. GroVe, (son of Mr. II:
11. Grove, of Gallisle;) and sentenced to be
,hung, is still" confined in tolia,citY.,jaii, torait-_
ing the decision of the Qourt-of -Appeals in
reference to the . validitplef , the indictment
upon which ho`was tried, the demurrer to
which; made by his counsel, not having been
sustained Jefirge Emery, en appeal was
taken from his ruling. Clare is looking pale
and thin from the effects - of his long Meat.:
eeration and suspense of mind.
The murder of young Grove by Clare was
one of the most cold blooded and premedit
ated on record, it having been committed
for the sake of a small amount of plunder.
Should Glare be permitted to escape thl3 gal
lows, it will be forever a stigma-upon the
laws and justice-of Maryland:
CONTRACTS AwstillEn.—The contract
for supplying the State with printing , paper_
for the ensuing year was awarded onSaiur-.
day last, to our fellow citizens .Messrs.
4.1 4 / 4 7A4,104:1.0f....114.1.101,ipete5t
Tho contract for the cap and bill paper
I,yas awarded to Mr. Cues. H. MULLIN,
alio of Mt. Holly Springs.
It is gratifying to know that m the manu
facture of paper—fine, printing and book—
Cumberland county stands at the head of
the trade: The two splendid mills of the
. Mt. Holly Company with the two printing
Paper mills- of Messrs. MULLIN SONS,
combine facilities' for- the - manufacture of
first-class.paper which are unsurpassed by any
State or country in the' world. We feel' an_
honest. pride in adverting to this 'evidence
of the enterprise and business capacity of
our citizens.
AT :NE aIIIANICSII6IO.—Our Mechaniushurg
friends have opened the Campaign in earn
est. On last Sattirday evening . they held
an immense meeting- in their town Ilan,
which wee - eloquently addressed by Govern
the Con - intimWealth, end ...ida..WinsTmtvo
of Harrisburg..
Governor GEARY'S speech is said to have
been especially eloquent and forcible and to
havnaroused the_amLienp to the wildest
enthusiasm... , - .
Tho Mechanicsburg Republicans alWari
do well, but we fed assured by the enthusi
astic manner in which they have entered
into the Campaign, that-"will this year do
oven better than usual.
AZORENE. , ---Azurona, or concentrated
blue, a newly discol;ered laundry compound
used for- th'o same purposes -as• Indigo, to
which, however' it is in every respect, far
superior. Every washerwoman and every
„superintendent ,of, a laundry who has ours
tried it, declares that It is unequalled. It
always gives an even and perfect tint, never
streaking or Pclottlygi in any way,-and-is
invariably •oolublo., Thu; manufactlirers • do
not, however, offer it as a mere 'substitute"
.for indigo, as is done witli other . blueing;
compounds, being satisfied that all who once
give it a trial will afterwards regard indigo'
its'a sublititute, and a very indifferent ohe
for it. It is also.unlike. all other articles in
the market which nice intended to be used:
in the place pf indigo, from the fact that it
is ohtirely free 'from oxalic, or other acid, or
any poisonous ingredient whatever. Those
poisons 'are geneially 'need to make the sub
stitutes for indigo soluble, with destructiv.,
'restrits to the material which is washed, but
nothing of the kind exists in Astiveye. a
The inOsbronsFkable property of Azureno,_
next, to, its unserpaised richness of
and itseuperioriti -for washing, is - its extra
ordinary strength and Cheapness. • A piece -
of the same bulk with indigo will givenoarly
dye timed as niiteli.'cOlor,',!Tlitiflsi-to
for twenty crate the paraha'eer jets tho'igaioa
lent of nearly a dollar's' aural. of
Every housokoOper will understand itS Merits
Wiiou, we stator that a :tivOnty-cOot . , bdx ; of
''Aistirens will suffice for. the three or. for.
Having examined and tested Azurene, the
writer can speak with'. a perfect ktiowleac'-
of its exquisite color and incredible strength
It, is. manufactured it the (* . ay's Ferry.i ,
.ohemical Works, the proprietors of * which
ran aniOng the oldest Orresin -
Their offiec'are at No. 105 South Front street
Philadelphia, and,,No. 10 Burling. Slip, Y
They also own the only private line of tole
graph between Philadelphia and New York.
We mention these facts as, establishing the.
extent of this highly respectable firm, and
as a. guarantee that it would allow no ex
_aggerated..statements, as to -the qualities-of—
its goods to lie published. All thatwo have
said Of Azurene is literally true, and we
invite grocers, afore and hotel-keepers, and
all interested in the details of housekeepers,
4to give it a fair trial, which they den do free
of expense, as samples will be cheerfully
'furnished gratis in ,nent boxes to all who
apply for them.
Mr.: Henry 11. Trough visited Atha tic
-City on Saturdal,---. morning , 4n company
with the members of Merrick's Benelici
Association, and at the'usual bathing hour
Went into swain] near the spot where Mr.
Vankirk and Ballow were bathing, and
must bade disappeared about the SWIM time.
Ono .young who Witlc - wicli theid cliMe
near being drowned, Mr. Trough intended
remaining at Atlantic for some days, and
his son was in the net of registering his
name at the hotel when news Of_the_drown-
ing of his father reached him. The body
of Mr. T. was washed ashore and brought
to the city by the excursion train. The de
ceased was of the firm of Trough & Lem
n•ensy dealers in tinware, at No. 521 South
Seecind street, and was a well known eiti- - •
zen, particularly of the residents in the
southern section of the cit,:;. Ile had been
an active fireman, and was President of the
Southwark Engine Company, and. School
Director dr the Second Ward. He resided
'at 220 Washington UNelltla: where he leaves
a wife lindeveral children. He wits about.
;10 year> of age.
Parties who Caine from Atlakie City last
evening-say that Mr. Morwitz was last seen
in the writer endeavoring'to save two Men,
one of whom he rescued., but the second,
L.lll;,,ll4oug.ll4Was;,lols4l44l., , i;anae o ttirithitai,,,,,,
his elfortsto save hum hi) lost hi; own life.
Ilaying bad the pleasure of attending the
Sabbath School Celebration of the 2u Pres
byterian Church of this place on Tuesday
lastil cannot but express my gratification
in haying witnessed what I deem an "entire
SULei;S" Although the morning seemed
somewhat gloomy, it, resulted in -a beauti,
fill day whiCk added much to the cheer. -
The entire School from our - worthy Super
ntenden IluttLTON Esq„ 'AI own to .„
the-"lnfant Class" with a full band of teach
ers appeared to turn out, each one apparent
ly delighted with theinsels, and striving
to render comfortable all around them.
The Rev. Da. 'DAVIDSON hlentM us With
h is prc:-tence hind delivered a very happy and
interesting address to te . the School and Au
dience—while the Young- Ladies led in the
singing inn style which (vith all deference)
we, must say would be hard to excel:
'But 'What appeared Co excite 010 admire
tnm and attention of the Youtlis,'Specidlly,
w LtLIBLILLIfIatiIIIWO Or thr, ' , good thinp_or
this life,'Which were st) neatly prepared.and
spread out by those ministering
.. angers, the
Ladies.. What would a Pic-nic be without
their proSonco ; well I for one would ncree,
find out, for I would not go.
A fair representation of the "Lords of,
creation" were also present but did not appear -
to vie with the Ladies st to Modesty (eicept
the Lemonaders) 'until Dint er - was an
nounced-111 which tium they displayed A •
prOllll)fitei , A and also perseverAnce, Which
WIIS cornmendable.
The members froin the Cone try were
out with (hair fanulics and baskets which
latter. o'O must pdmit seemed a little more
croiVf'riithan sonic of Ours bul thicis easily - . -
accounted for. Thu cofmnit top of arradge
meats deserve praise -for the manner in
they-perforined-their TheLentire.-
party was taken to Mr.tHamilton's Grove
and returned in the evenilig carriages=
mud) gratified with their 'excursion, which.
we hope•may . prompt the S'oultg to increased
energy In their Sabbath School Studies—
arid may they all .to see many such
happy days. • . GitANT.
DILLEIL—On July tIM 4th, 1168,. In 011ainnahrn
county, Illinois, Elmira 'Diller, wlfo of Usury IL'
Eillor,,tormerly of thiskcounty, aged 84 yam alul 7
11 60 -
6.. 8' 00
7 76'
2 10 '
1 ... 106
6 00
'r • "
Fondly Flour
B µporno° d 0..... . ...
' do RYE
VIIITE WHEAT..........
um AO
OATS, (n0w)....
, .
Carlisle, July 90th, 1808:
Carrielea Weekly 1 8 1 Andrew . w as hi w ad
EliOS, 26
TALLOIV, • . .0
SOAP, ' ' • " ' ~ 8
'BEESWAX, ..: •• . ' 48
is sold for convenience iit retail, in boxes•at
twenty, ten and -five centa each, each box
containing n \ strutll bag. It is, however, re- , •
d ' oMmended that a double bag of 'pantie' be
used, owing to 'its great. strength. .•E'vei•y
twenty cent box also contains a very noato.
metallic pocket
v oniery bag or itincna loft.
DROWNED.—One a..fcTnacr Cli!izett of Car z
lisle.—Woextract froni, the Phila. Leqper
of Monne.) , last the circnnisthnces atfendfhg—
.the drowning of tone respected citrons of
IThrotITR. TEOUGiI, one of the victims,
Was a native of Oarlisle,and was well,hnown,
hero as an amiable ._and courteohs gentle
man. - Mr. T, - Was a - hrother - of Mr. War.
TROIWII :Of our town, served his appren
ticeship mniiy yUars„ago, with Mr. JOUN D.
Go RO As. Ho . Philadelphia and
estal.lished lihnSelf in hiuiness on Sechnd
street, where ho has.buen most successful.—
We append the Ledger's account of the`
-drowning :
Saturday last will long be remembered at
Atlantic City,•:n consequence of the drown
ing of four well-known
.citizenii of -I'hila
delphia, while bathing. The 'matins drowned
were Mr.. Jo:icpli ,Vankirk, aged' h 3
yrair,: 11 r. li. ...1311.111.11.1.- 11111 R ev .
13n na, , wr of the Second lni veria
lidt Church, in . Eighth street, above_Nol,.,
Mr. Ilenry It Trough lefiti
i'opo - rter nn thr German lennuttat.
Arr, y:eingeiq daughter,
ant ynting Mr. and mother i • went
1:: Atlantic Cll\ nn 1111.1 ::day itt , L, intend
ing to I.OIIILII or two, and wore
,t..ning at 111.2: 11011-e. 011
utdat the roar w,nt in to- b:Ii110
and lir
tcr leant:l:mg in the water tll th,
r . ~ijr.-irk rHil4 I l.i•
him and Mi. ilallou ° , d
whin is OW_ It till, L 11111, 4 , 1 .
the l,url,r-i• or having IL 1.11, 'oil),
and the tie,
c:uillin-nced and -::
oilier bathers. Tile ladle. in Ow
meantime Lad re-appeared upon the
ityxl wait, kir the of their coot
and were bceoneing• anxious - - at
thelf long slily in thtt water, when the life
le:isbody of :Mr. Can It irk was washed 11511011 i,
and there was no sign of that of 11r. Billion,
The - scene -that snorted when the ladies worn
made aware of the fact was most heart-rend
• Nomtulluleatlonl.
Sabbath School Excursion
_ f 7nly abth, UM.
WHITE 3 05
PAILEII P.11.4.011.E5. - 25