Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 17, 1868, Image 4
Ell ---2 , OWPW44E. IND Pl i l? lA' PR 0 AS'PERE T. I have tataj3e rondo largo additions .to ms; already • XTENSIVX STOO E. 0 HARDWARE in all Its tiran , b'es and departments, and buying ex elusively far Cash,_ amSble to ompoto alt),to Ill'holetaole at *mu ' 1000 Kegs of NalleJust received and will sell by/ the go ntity at manufactures pima tor cask. - All orders attended to :personally, And- with our •UFRIOI promptness, - Coeds dqiverod to , all parte,of the , ..; - )9,e, invite the; hae'Fial Adpatina' or Blacksmith's it apd,Wagan-Nlakeis extonsido' stotlk Itt• that'. lino,'AomprlfiaLlri part Of: ammered, Rolled, Engllshed Refined, and Norway Iron, • - • L of all shapes end sizes. • , , Burden's florae - 4nd Slibes, Naihrof different brand 1, Rowland's Black and • Polished Swings, ' • Sandorion's Cast-Steel, • ' Spring, ' 'Sleigh; I Blister and-- - Too Stool, • filtteiriuTdill's Prins, alld-BoX Thal, Bellows, A Piles, Rasps, and -Case hardened, Wagon, Car- , :HOW," T and Buggy Aales. CARRIAGE, WAGON AND SLEIGH Fixtures, embrlicing • lri part : =BBB,. SPOKR - 8 - ,• 1 ' • FEL LOBS, BOWS, CARRIA4II I •EILEIG II RUNNERS, FENDERS, TOP LEATHER, DUCK CANVASS, -- -; '3 2 / 4 1MASK, LACE, TRIMMINGS, Ac., Ac, 7 :. 1 .....~ 17..7;. too numerous_to mention. Out and Clinch Nails, fit' the 'very lownst ~ m arket ...rates. Country Merchants supplied at, manufacturers. _CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS will find it to their advantamo to buy Naa. Locks, Pnlots~ Okla, and.othor Building. Alntorinls, togothe OA.R.PENT.ERS TOOLS • from tho Boat MakersX war'rnutod to givo on tiro sAlsfactlon In quit , ty nud prices. CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTATaRS we would invite - yenr7atieutlon to our largo and oheep stock or NVldnulAnd Mahogany Veneers, Chair Fora, and Bed Springa., Moss, Pair &c.. &c. Coffin Ilansljos: Ldeo, Nringe and' .I 1 necessary materials and goods In their lino. SADLER'S FINDINOS. Atb TOOLS of every variety comprised In pat t of, Bldck Rod nog ' White Ennunded and Patent Leather, Ilt.g Skins Saddle Treee, Stirrups. Japanned and Silver lianten • Ifoesd-Biabitets{ Cellars. fifitkle 111,ttei Mingles, Rings Beak-Bands, nein Wok, iiirtlAngs, Blanket Binding. `Yves' and Worth's Self Adjoßting Trees, &c., &c. - - - A LARGE STOCK OF SMOBllAlitiltl3; TOOLS o And, findings, Morroc T Wes, Tampicoes hoop "'Skins. Colored Lining Ile., all of which will be sold at;Thiialdordat " ' cash rates. • PAINTS AND • TLS' . Twenty tons of the following brands Whit.' Lead -and Wetherill'a'Lcad, Liberty do., Bunk do. Orysial do.; Mansion db., French Zinc, American do Snow Whits do.. Floreuco do., Colured.dw. Colors of every discripthin dry and in oil in cans and tubs. ,Also, Gold Leaf, French and Gertnal Brouse,.l'aint, Varnish' and Camel. Bair Brushrs Graining Combs and Brindles. • -7 O—L-1 4 13.__A YD. V All N 1 S S Linseed Oil . Bparrn do., Fish do., • Lard do., ' . _Lubric_do., —_ ' Nears Foot do., . _ Turproil'ad,, 0 ' . Couch Varrdrh Furolaiiii do., • Whlt . o Lamar do., JAPAN 111.0N.AND Li ATrallt VATthfISIIES Also, - Patty, Llthargo, -- • ' ••• • • • Whiting, - Glue, • Shellac, ; 4 Roetu, 1 .4 • , Ohalcd: - • Alum, Comoros," +Borax, Madder, • &o_, Ac. Wo wOuld especially In ... N rite tho attention o 'Farmers, Mechanics and the community In general tho following articles: DOUGLAS CONING & BUINISEY'S WELL AND CHAIN PUMPS, DRAWIN - (I . IVATER FROSI FIVE TO ONE DUN Illt.ftM AND FIFTY FEET Wood, lion and Load l'ipo to,soit, - HYDRAULIC 'n:Ams &,6 A constant and frtsh,siknply of Duponia,Atock, Hide Eagle and Duck Yowder,•Dogothor .ith lEgifety Yth.o. Picks, ,Niattocks. Oruro ears, Drills, :ledges, Nappinp lieintnera, Cerdont of the Followlmr brands, (Warrant ed fresh, and good,) Rosendalo, ecotlapd and Hancock, Also,•Cialolita Plaster, Putru, Sand, &c: • I al • •••"i • 1 : 1' Sole tigentfor . rifink's Shifting Beam Plows. - do High and Low Cwlter. r.lso „agent for Zoigler, Weirlch, Bloomfield, Eagle-and Ydok Plows,:Plow Handles, OnitiVator Handles Plow beam. and casting of every desoriptied to suit the above plows constantly on hand, We aru agmits fcr the patent improved, Measuring Faucet rlVaguiriritoo them adrato and vicasure cor rectly the heaviest Molasses, 011 s, Tar, Varnishes &e., In the coldest Itemouiber the old place, "N 0.15. EAST MAIN St. carllele, Pa. ILENSY SAXTON. an&Loudoii fumes, strati-gilt and ,•tviletid, Butt al:.1 batik Vices, 6th Chains, Spreads naleet i a.eßajos, Cow Ties, &c. ^ • • ' ... A B 1 4 L. I S • of all ofaos, (warranted not to craok. Mill and Clr oular Sawa, lintel:4r saws, ltnlves, Steu are., Ste. ,tL'ARki AII)'NEW.STOCIK (p. CLEAR WAKE COMPRISING IN .PART. Ei t yg . , rl3, 9l.jue,4 Bl7a!tliTS, • BUTT!,:p. BOWLS, Plain calk •,• • -• ~• : , .• Porcelavn-Lt - Vii, -- --- Oval and ?A'li';'.(l.!..°lllFB°i/ersi ' ceihin; •' BrVsaaad et,,vp'er 4 l!rescruzng ENE Wage and y -• .. ; Gridirons A NEW LOT O.IIAIN BAGS. • AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. • .!ITLNNERS. iDOLDERIND. IRONS, BOLDED, AliAl• . r,.. V AD,43DELTEDALOOK-TIN, •Pla LED, MEM • EINGLE AND DOUBLE BARREL SI/OT. GUNS. , . Bmooh and Tialtd, Il k Rifle's. and Itlllollarrol, andl63 pi p varp anallowto also, Ito Oatrldgoo of ftllthoipproved ME! TAB .1413,G45,T A§spwriilinsl ANDIIII.STYLES ON. BIND CAGES. Also, Chamlier Wl.atdrit...Mot all]. Irf guiders, Nolk k'FfuNl el , If miffing.. Ilauliet‘. CLOTHES 1 11OINGEE.S, OFPINESE GONGS, - • :,1 4 : HANS) BELLS., , HOTEL REDPRn PLAIN 'AND GILT Lurtt tfl.Y>n'N.ldoorzs. EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR . . PATEN , ; , x.xopLslon.w.unninn STRIP, . ,L ,, • , 4 )7 6t)i used on doors and windows for excluding cold, rain, duet, end snow With Out montloning the • BAVINU OP GOAL.. • ' , Rork . xig othpi' exbendt ALSO SOLE • AO:E'Nq'S MEI - ZAIRDANWS STANDARD SCALES • larltemember thci 7 old stand. 1 ^.../f.E.NUYnSAMPIT; INC>. DRY -G-0:01DS''" NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS 1 i . • SilNi - a Sa CIO , . . . I; E T,, _ . Under the Corniati Ifousse, Rave 'Just , - got Ali stoio Now.' York and Philadelphia.: All-the beet styles • D : R 19 S. WO' 0D S , . Mika In . all altylos midi colors, Silk Poplins Sprtvg Mobakapd °nano 'PoplltiOn single and double lbld for Ladles and Misses Yolk, - ME ALtAOA'B, in black and every shade of color MIXED GOODS, STRIPED 009D8, FOR.DRESSES IIeauIINITOLORED and WEITTII IIIARBEILLES# elegant GREZIADIN ES and LAWNS, • . All-;kinds of WI3I.TP GOODS, BRILLIANTS, TUCK MUSLINS, - OAIVIBRICS, SWISS, TARLETONS PEROEL, WHITE ana FIGURED, CAMBRICS CHINTZ, SAIRTINdSihINENS, EIICiINGS, F.LOUNCINGS, LACES bought froth Jatfray's Now Yoik; selling much less thnn 'regular pekes, newest,style of . LADIES COATS, 'splendid styles of FRENCH .. .and ENGLISH COATINGS, FOB LADTES and MISSES Ornaments, Buttons and Trlicorangs, to match SPRING, SIT-AWLS. - Elegant printedCA - 91 - 151 - EltE STRIPED and BARRED. All kinds of MOURNINC.COODS, All kinds V AM FUNERAL GO ORS," W. C. .SAWYER, & CO Purchased before cotton advanced an Immense stock of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS. CAL , COIS, OI\OIIn\U, SIIEETINGS,.. BLEACHED and UN• BLEACIiEu MUdLINd, TICKING% COTTON and LINEN- PANT STUFFS, be., Ste. - OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT is full of Hosiery, , Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Collars Linen. Bosoms, Zephyrs, Buttons, Trimmings, Ribbons and other wares JUVIN'S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES ALL come. "The Duchess" lild'Oloveb, at low prices, latest style of Parasols and Bun Umbrellas, Hoop Vella and a thousand other articles not mentionod. . . We edo;the largest ,glealorEr of C Q.R ~s, . . in Carib;lo,, from the lowest price to the finest O. SAWYER & -k. Are vnthalled In their larie ant) solact stock of CARPETS, • , Na - buy from manulticturore and save JObboya tommlealona , . Best Quality of -ThrsuPly. Best Quality Crosby Brussels, Badt:lngrains Best Venetian Best Philadelphia make of Ingrains. ' Cheap Cirp:di to suit all customer/ ALL 7IDTII}3 ACID QVALITiES OB OLL CLOTHS, for rooms; halls, Attars and tables. brattlnge Velvet ilugeOdatta, 011 Shade'', Holten& tbr Curtains, Darn ark (CO Lounges, Counterpalne, ' Blankets, Table ',lnane, Napkin°, de.. 1 , - i*. 0. sAiv.Y.F;R.eG:lao haVer'e.oolva4 - ,tho'neweilt styles of. SPRING COATINGS;.! aSSIMP:RES' ;Air• . . • : •„ - • 2, !it) .order, fri ibe.lateat iity!es, new .got4i N!lll4iddil sa t iOR • • •••••N]••o'bu• z -a.ioiC"iikoif:Ai3,o4'can c Y. 0. EAWICEns CO ) , .) -I . l q l Pq TURE. b 1 "as n g: 1 -1 8 A nrnlinre and Mahogany to the lowest prited maple and pine lEEE Parlor', • Chamber,. ' .PCltchen and, 'ol7lco Embracing ovary article used ,by House and Metal keepers, of the most approved and inalienable design and flash.. Including also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp Chairs. Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, Ace., to. AllarPatticular attentloe given as usual to funerals; orders from town-and country, atteitted to promptly and on moderate terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TOTIIR SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. BARRED GOODS I 1- ma • r&h2l, 64. . • • NEW: FIRM, • - NEW BETSINES§, NEW FURNITURE: The suliscrlbers having asSociated themselves in partnership for the transaction 'olthe • - • - FURNITURE :BUSINESS have locatod themselves In tho well-known and pop ular stand,ately occupied by the junior partner 45.4 grocery utoro, on tho south-cast corner of Hanover at. They desire to announce to thri public that they have now on hand andaro constantly manufacturing and purchasing from tho best eaainrn manufacturers' the latest and boot styles and patterns oi—FILLUNITURE of all qualities. - - Their stock of reacyrroade work, consists in per of . „ MAHOGANY SUITS, WALNUT MR IS, . GIIHSTNUT SUITS, FLORAL D. E. STANDS, . TEA DOYS, DRESSING BUREAUS, cf all stylus and prices. Tots a Tates, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cot tage, Panel, Japanoso, and Jenny Lind Bedsteads, C•Atago Bureaus, Marble Top Tablns and Btands, Washstands, of all varletles;Chalrsofall Kinds, (]ruffed Furniture In suite or In pieces constantly on band. Mirrors of all styles and prlcot. HOMEMADE W - ORE.,. Such as Side Boards ' Bureaus, Bedsteads Safes. Secrets. ' ries Chairs In Setts, Rockers of all descriptions, Ike., made by competent workmen front the very best, ma— taint and at reasonable prices. SHAPLEY & lIALBEI T. SHEET MUSIC, constantly on hand. 14feb..6S • CLOTHING. CLOTHING HALL. Samuel Arnold informs his friends and customers that his etock of Winter Meshing is now complete, that he Is ready to sell at P hiladelphia {nehmen, pekes. Before buying, elsewhere examine our stock and you will find that you can ease. - TWENT'k-FIVE r•ER CENT. All Goods warranted to be as represented, Tim Immense sro—clC6l - VERO O-A S from $8 00 upwards. Cull early at • SAMUEL ARNOLD; North West Corner 61 - I.tatinverautlisouthur street, -- . , . .8 nov 67. DRUGS ! DRUGS Dr. D. Common having to relinquish an 'extensive practice, as well ae *his Deng Business In•the city of - Pittsburgi - weveral years ego - on account of ill - health, has now opened at No. 38 North Hanover street, be tween ofilho's of Drs. Kieffer and Ziesur, a DRUG BTORtI, where ho has and is receiving every few days pure stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs and everything generarly kept in a well-regulated City Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully compounded and family receipts will 'receive pee 01 care. The Dr. can be con.ulted nT any hour, at - his ofIlee„ back of - his store, oral his dwelling, N 0.112 North Ilano,r street, after store hours Remember the place No. 38 North Hanover Street, Carlisle lasept67-ly Ell * - 1; - ,%• 1 ‘' ) Uttki' l • iivlßKomErx Raw RESTORER .411A1R--DIftSSOK f_ ~,',.,;.- .• b - - 7 . P ' , l. iVeV4StaYti iii *on tBo Lite will quieklY restore Gray Hair to its natural cplor and beauty, , And produce luxuriant growth." It is —perfectly_harmless,_and_is_ preferred_ over every : other preparation by , those who have a fine head' of as well as those Nvho wish to restore • it. The beautiful, gloss and perfume : imparted to the Hair makeit desirable • • for old and ymmg'. • Sae by sal "llingglittse DEPOT, Ills GREENIVICIi ST., N. V IluctllNETyol4lli 14teb-13plly NEW MARBLE S.TORE. r ;,.k •NO 902 • , a .. rirr ._ .V - IS — V4rarircri. • ' 1., 016-6 JAMES E. CALDWELL' & CO ! , "! - .l.7crmi.J..rimp,s,.; va udenappolntod ' „ty,tda ally far, 'the sato, of, the QOREjAM litFU. COMPANY'S ELEOTRO•PLATED WARE , We iruerantee those goods to be deoldedli superior to sorbing In the menet, exeolling In design, finish , and quality. • A b rge assortment will be 'maintainc4l, ind sold at ,tbardenufaotwers' regular ' • • . , Ti'Oda Stan:motion tlui of Loco of mill ElOctro PlatowiLenflerj ea article. / . 1 • . t.l Lok Low.ELLr&co, . - 002 OUEBTNUT TRH OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. 14011MIDE101e A bo., • • . 120 PIIIIAD'd 4 Dfdriulltoturlue t)onfeatlonere' Mid Wholesale Dealers in BrlilteiNuts; ko.i in. the ifnitod FURNITURE I=l3 es t. MI SPECIAL AGIINTB FIXED• PRIOES I---... ':0-0;4*'Otig:'...1 , - -.._. ....._ -. . .......___................. ... • •, - , - 17. p, - ,:'i, ',? , 7 4 ; - 4, ! ,‘--. • , • 4 , 4., - : .1. --., 4-7,1,144 ~ c-,- it4 , 1::111:4-cip_id: - v , :•: • : - . ~..,-.. 1,-1,1;-.(.4,,-;01.-, , ;7 1,,.,..-X:i. c :, . 17'4): f • • . • ----, '. , 4.66 ~. - 5 1 : - .--t,:: , - -- -'4: , *t , - • 4 1.-v •:-.. ~- * ,.....1, , ,.. ,1,4 ~::t 4,- • ..;: - ,..c..... - ..r. 7: , Wheeler & Wilson and Elliptic ' -'' 'LOCK' ,STITCH ' ' ' SEWING MACHINES: . • . The , '; Best Sin' tplest ancl Cheapest.. • . - THESE mabhiries are .adapied to a , kinds of family sowing., working equally well upon Silk, Linen and Cotton goo. with Bilk. Cotton and Linen threads, 'making ti be ntlful . Apd 'perfect Stitch alike on - hoth sides of th article sowed. All machines sold are,warrante Call and examine at Ball Road To graph Omen, Car. dk lialc, Pa. . ' - .roax CAMPBELL May 24, ¶Bo7—tf. ~. . . .., TO FARMERS 1 . .. ~ ' - Pacfic Guano Company's Soluble PA OIFIOr GUANO THE ATTENTION of Feu more and other consumers of Fertilizers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notice. Its use for" Illa'y land,-Virglicia and other FouOhorio Statetofor ail crops, has given it a standard character for excellence um equalled by any other. It possessetrall Oho - quickness. of Peruvian Guano with permanent qualities net found in that article. 250 the of this Guano are. found more than equal to 300 lbe of the best Supor phosphates. It ripens the wheat cropfire to sovenWays earlier than-the -phosphates-Which-kat ,alone gives-lt incalculable advantages • For Bale by • _ • JOHN El; DEMI kCO • General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 33 South Deleware Ave., PhilaWa, And 71 boutleStreet, Baltimore. • VIJEAD aild keep Yourself "Wonted: . . !" eying plirchatie . d the °bland well known business stand which I have occupied f r twenty years, I have determined riot to retire from my present business, but to continuo on in the manufacture of READY-MADE . CLOTHING; of all Fines and descriptions, • no ,welras place goods by ~yardund a general assortment of ENTS FUNN iSGING 01)01)9.1 woulkrespostfully invite my islands and pa trona• who need a good suit of clothes tb give ma a call as I havejuoteeturned from the a ty with a large as sortment of tho best quality of Spring and Summer Goode, via: • Fino black French and English Clothe, 11l " and " Doeskin • CASSIIIEREB, Fine Light Fancy Doeskin Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Cottonadei, Velvets, Drab Wale's Alapacno. Linens, Satins, Velvet Corkand many more too nu• morons too mention, Also, a full assortment of Trunks, Valises, and Troveling•bags of the beitt description. With thankr to the public fin post favors, and hope I will recta, a call soon at my place, . No. 22, North Hanover St. • - - . I.IVINOSTON, F r i 1. • 1\! T • . PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SA LE WITKIN-se CO. AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY BOUGHT AT.UOVEIINMENT SALES Consisting chiefly of 10,000 SETS NEW AND SECOND HAND Harness, Bridles& Collars, 3,000 SADDLES, All S ylas 2000, WAGON .covrns, All Sl oa Now nm.l Worn, 6000 Wool & Rubber Blankets, & Horse Covers. • OIILITARY CLOTHINWOREAT - COAT3, FROCK COATS, BLOUSES, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, Am., Also a large lot of Reins, Load Lines, Buggy Amhu !emceed Cart Harness, Double Trees, Lead liars, Port able Fe rgee, be. ' Wheel Team Harness, little worn all oak tanned leather, serviceable, clean. d and oiled $5 per horse; including Bridle Lead. do $4 ,Ambu Stage Harness with' superior' leather Traces, perfectly suited for farm or general team work, doub le seta comph to $25 to $3O, Bridles $1 Cellars Site $2 extra bale lined Artillery case, do 2.60 and $3, Double Hein - $1,'16 to 2.25, Halters $5 to 512 per dozen, Non teems McClellan Saddles, $lO do, with plated iii. Bridle $lO Brass Mounted Saddles, good as now $O, with Bridle $ll Boys Saddles, $0 Wagon Covers supe rior 10 and 12 oz., Cotton Dusk $0 to PI 1000 H spb, tel To ts. now and god as now, .12 in.. Duck. 14 feet squire 525 to S:0, with poles and pine complete. Wall Tents tab to Wedge do $5 to sB,Elielter TenDi for Bay Cups $3O .060 per 100. Drain Bags, 12 us. Duck, 2 to 3 Rin,hol 50 to $lO per dozen, also full assortment of Seamless Bags- Small order by Express, U. 0. D. , LIBERAL.DEDUCTIONS TO WHOL,ESALE DEALERS P.T.TKINSCa., (Formerly on Front 61., non) 71 North Second St., juetbelow Arch St., :,.PIIILADELPEIIA, PA. • Also, 5 PARK PLACE, N. Y. vosanpuvo prise. .eul on,appllcation. • 17aprII-3m. BENTZ & T CO. WM. BENTZ, JOEIN BEIsITZ, MARY M. BENTZ. • • • • . N IV . FIRM ! NEW GOOD S 1 Having yilvelialiad the largo stock of goods from A W. Bunts, wu havo aosocialed tegether for the pur pose of conducting the Dri Ooods Kuslnces under the above designation._-Tor_thia large and well assorted stock, wo have added largely of now and - ELEGANT GOODS Oursolvos in a condition to±suctesshllly-cont , pots with any house in the trade between Phila. dolphin and Pittsburg. Our 'mimosa stock consists In part of • CLOTRS, CASSIMERES, ViESTI.NOS, . !ngroat - varlety and of chides deolgus ' - suitable for 'spring, .summer end ((inter wear, and oil art.cles necessary to compiete it ()cinnamon's Wardrobo. Nor nits dopartncort wolinvo. engaged the services of an • A NO. -1 TAILOR, whose garments are 'warranted to At, BlLKSiplainfacmy and Mick, ' • • DNLAINES all wool, desirablo colors, .I , IPLIN ALPACAS, all shadee, MOILAIR LUSTSES nod POPLINS, . r • PESCALES,idco goods, - - SILKS, heavy blackysind plain solid colors, ALOACIIAS, Poplin do, bleali nod fancy, Parasols Umbielles • all colors, • and e I the moat fashiebabial/ress Stuffs In the mgr. ket, Kid, Silk Melo Throad, Suck Cotton Gloves, and Cambric and Olwlss Edgings and lnoortings, In great abundance, Lace?. Handkerchiefs; from tho lowosi 'prlco up to Unesktioedlo w embroidery. ltlbbons, all shades from , 1 4 ye wide, down to' the vary narrow. . Trlminlngaa very largo ansoAmont comprlalogo evy good thine In use. • • • ••-- BUttofll3, ' Fling, • Calicoes, .'pinghatfis, • Flapnels, • • Tiolangs, .• •• ' • • checks, iiinOns,• all in great variety. ' ' panttie; Nalosook, Jeennot; arld Swiss Iluallner Table Llama, and Llnon - and plata Table Covers. GRAIN DAGO,• BALIIGRAL ...SKIRTS : * BANGOR COIteRTB. •-• CARPEVSI CARPETS!! ' From 06 eta., por yard np to the bestimperial throe ply, ceiling lower than tbo-market ratoe, Carpet ply, Binding, Floor And Table nil Clothe, Diettlngit, Mtge, Window Blinds &C. We kayo the stook to accommodate the" entire ann. mutiny and be mid lower than can ho hought anywhere in ,Thle section of the country. Call and see •.... . . _ . .) ARI :TAO' .111 MONUMENTS, 'TOMBS, :11EAD . STON.Ed t Mantels Door sills, on bend and'medd Co' order Borah Hanover Stroet o Onrltelo, re. . . ' • n. OWEN. • inaichld Ora BFyans . Pulino*. sIYYKE:s, AND T.T.k,'*Aii.Et" • 1 . 4? • ; YOU r: WANT' TO BEE_ THE - Je•mnst perfect 'Parlor. StoVe ever 'offerral to the prthllo o 4tepinto ' ) WM.' ''FRIDLEY!S Voither- street; 'ha: the' rear of, 711albert'egaroesry Store and ado the , • GREAT . AgERIOAN BASE; BURNER in operation. It la a perpetual Cimino., and por tant- Radiator, ak- well—as—a---porfcct—Yet-tilator 'of, the 'room, and is Waranted to consume lean !coal' than any other etove of the name rite. over °Garcia to the public requiring bu ono ordinary mettle of amoll coal once In twenty-night hours. being &Meetly 'armpit, in all Ith - working., batting a , simple ; shun to regulatoLtbe firo-for-keoping—ak-night - one' kindling of Ore.being all that Is required during the winter. No dust, no gas, no slag or cinder.• free lifagasluo, • or Reservoir, for. Cog], having a free a charge. mouth, the magneto° being adjustable to different heights of six to nine !mhos from the grate; so as to'accommodato tho supply of Coal as to Its else and quantity, thus perm itt lug the maint,Manco of a certain depth of coal for- active . combustion iiithin Iho fire-pot (whether It be of nut or Stern Moe), which is the only way .to b6rn An thracite coal to advantage. _Minna sizes of cool require more or loss _depth for perfect combustion. , —A. Fonnel r or Hopper, .for the, passage of Cs , coil to the =gash; e is so arranged as to permit th introduction. of fresh 'coal, without .allowing any escape of fumes and gsti.into the room; and further, whoa thp Stove is loft with its fop uncovered,' corn polihng.any NUMB that may escape from the supply; •n the reservoir, upwards to its tem, to pass over the. top of the reservoir Into the surrounding flue,, and so to the ba-o and outlet. fi.—A Fire-, of with a-. continuous Flue, over Its _entiro upper edge and_down whole". cidy - to the base and outlet fill. by which means the heat is transmitted, not in separate Sure several Inches apart, as Is usual in downward draft Stoves, but ht a continuous sheet of flame on contact with the entire eircumferencoof the tutor easing of the Stove, froth the top of the Fire-Pot downwardd, giving a far more 'extended surface of radiation of the heat that any downward dtaftStovo extant. 4.—An ample Ore. Soriano and Air—Passagest'and a complete arranged 0 rata, -for shaking and dumping. with a good site Ash Pan to reoelvo the ashes and Finder. . tvlsh It Who noted that there 10 nu ab.nluto. . • . "SEGLIRITy FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS I upon the removal of the cover — freed the Scow', which 14 . 0 C 6111111611/ ), o,,ctire upon iburremoval of the covers with other Magazine utoves, for such le the effect of the Funnel. as conatruated and at:ganged In reference to the Dfogazhi - e and Its aui rounding Flue, fhat NO RAS CAN ACCII utILATE - Tini UPPER PART ON fUR IRAGAZINE TO EXPLODr.. Nor ca., a current of air, or draft, be created Upwards through, the' ifaeaalno to Inflame its roll tents, 111111[101iS wiob caller Stoves loluting and destroy log the Magnal. Every feature of thla Sieve Iq calculated to elTuct. - A1i...V"1 -4 300NC) MY: „,efir IN TIIF, USE OF FUEL, bUSAIIILITY- IN ITS -CONSTRUCTION AND SYMNIETRY IN ITS hi addition to the uliuvu Stosus, Fridley - keeps on lusu/raTull supply of the boot Cools, Parlor and Wilco 4Lovcs. Tin and• $h eat Iron work of nil hinds on hand, nod Spouting, Roofing end Jobbin4 atoll kinds, done nt short notice, nod of the hest matorlnl,% Fruit Cons, tod Jere of the must approved patents, and in Con elusion the • est Pokohle nod Brick 61,tt 3ff 1 :1L1.1 . 33.n.: 4 0 le Sr. ever 01/0111111,1 Lou p ° Wry I.ce rail on T. •:onlyn; p. C. Fleming; Or, Oen. Nenligh ; A. L vonaler ; 11. Saxton; Prof. 1111(man; D. J. Loidigh; .1. Baler; and others. - ' 20000-611 y . 1, HATS AN l' c.AYS, ::14119111:711.7", Do you want a nice gat of• Cop If no. don't fail to call oti J. G. OALLIO, No. 29 3tiottt67ttfu- ktroot, NVlmroyait 'be goon tho finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS, °ger brought to Carlisle. Ho Takes great pleasure In 'Molting Ills old frionds and Customers. and all now nnesoto his splendid stock just recolvod - from' Now Vork-and Philadelphia, consisting- in part of fine SILK AND 'CASSIMERE HATS, Besides an endless variety of Hats and Carts of Ito latest stein, all of which 110 will sell at the Lowest- Cash Prices. Also, loin own manutacturo •f into al ways on hand, and .1.144 Manttfitchtrait to Order. Ho loots the best arrangoment fer , ,oloring Hits ' .d all kind of Woolon 'Goods. Overcoats, Ste., at tin. shortest n tice (as ho colors every weak) and oh thr most roasonablo terms. Moo, a lino lot of chalet, orauda of TOBACCO AND CIGARS . Always on hand. He desires to call tho attention of persons who !moo .COUNTRY FURS To sell, as ho pays the highest ca.,h prices for the same, 01. him a call, at tho above numbeh his old•stand, as ho fuels confident of giving entire satisfaction. julyl4 67. 'IIIIE CARLISLE -COOK STOVE. • ta n ufactured at F. GARDNER Co's Foundry and Martilne Shop, Car li sle, CANT - BEAT! This Is the testimony of scores of families In Cumberland, Furry and Adams Counties who are now usin g them. Jail and eee'thern. ' `O4) RN SIIELLEE „Innin g either by power or by hand—constantly on nand and for sale by . F -GARDNER •dt Co. „Foundry and Machine Shop; Mist Main Strout. • STEAM BOILER MAKING. . • No era propared to make Stearn Boilers of nil sizes and kinds promptly and on the Vest terms.. Also Awoke Stacks and. all articles Ao that line. Hermit too on BOILERS and Bnginos promptly attonded to in the beat manner. Jan 24-67 SEEING IS BELIEVING At 704 ARCH STREET. NEW PRICES I 'NEW GOODS I . Rielt,Silver ,and Sher-Plated Nares i . . . SINA: i 4 ,.._,' . I , :r . —firaaff; g every Le S rle-ati , .Va d eacrlption, made ospreceb .10 4 , ,!ak t. ter do Winter trade. which ...„4:w fur. neatn e ss mid' dur4blllCy :gor. - .- I ,i cannot be surpassed at , 4. 1 , . C- 11 1.•0 0. - . Minutuaturing Esttiblehment, No. 104ARCSTREET, • PIIIADELPIII4. .Ito-platingat short notice 0.48 PITTING and PLUMBINO. FOOTE & LYNCH, Praeti9l, Gas ..Fittetli • and Plunibers • Destro to Inform their old oustomore and the cid sons of ear Hole generally, that they have removed their establishment to the commodious rocimin the Sair entrance on Oburch'ADoy.r - - • - .Thoy will Used promptly no horatoforo, to atl work entrusted to them.. , they. hoop constantly on hand and aro prepared to' Introduce LEA D and !RON PIPES, HYDRANTS, MIT, end : COLD SHOWER BATIKS, WATER CLOSETS, FORCE and LIFT PUMPS, IRON SINKS. BATH TUBA, BOILERS, WASH BASLNS, - HYDRAULIC RAMS, all kind, of GAS, STEAM and WA'PER Fll TINOS. COOKING RANGES, HEATERS, AC., sot up in the most molest) Style. country WoHc and'. 4 pbbing iinno4o at , toildea , to. • • fl. , AtBki,l CASH II , . , Yitavo ibis - day ootimenced soillipg of my entire atm* of Wiotor Goode et greatly tuddeoil prima for OM'. rittiNCll AllittlNOldfl, . ittitlll, ". , ALPAGAS,. ~' PARMETAd p WOOL MUDS, . . . , and O th er Drees GIN do, at cost. Shawls, Malcom, Flan:Iola, Lindsey% &a.p at very groat bargains. . CLOTHS. '_CAS'AINI:ERES , ' OASSINITTS, • &c., vor . Icavar than.eiar sold b • iiip/i7tS, • „ . .Tickings, Ginghoins, '.' Cheeks • Canton Flannels, At ,tbs prya, , • 411:„tlia.15a6triiialco'IDALOOS at 121 ets. As ley stock has, Iwoo bought eluci the great; de elide fa pticen,,great bai•gaina may be esfected. Oome articles leas than u n i a Ls e nt o r_,x o e n t t :ga 'possible, . BOOTS AND SHOES!' ; - _ . 33HNTZ & 00. LADIES' Amens' and OHILDItadVB *. Boots and Ohooe, of tha yory - bast inakae, at (1073 to CIOBLI out the ;:1) • lUlt,,iviroi F. 0 AUDNER it'CO. Foundry and Machina Shop, CarllEao, Pa JOAN BOWMAN'S IVIz~CEIrANEO U 2 _ €OO MLLES OF TEIF, U NTON," P AC 11\F I R j A 1 0-- L-R,A D Aro now finished and In operation. - `Sixty taloa of track 'Lae been laid tole spring, on the work along the wholo, lino between trio Atlantic and Pacific tt - Statoii - oing'pue ed - forward - more - itipidly - than Over before. More than twenty thousand men aro employed, and it is now possiblo that tho entire track, 'from Omaha to tlacramento, will bo finioriltel In 1800 instead of Ib7o : The means provided aro ample, and all that onorgy, men and money can do to secure the • coMpletlon Of this - • • GREAT NATIONAT 4 WORK, at tbusarllest possible dayevill bo done. The 'ONION P.A011•10 RAII ROAD COMPANY'recolve I.—A Governuient.' Grant of t h e right of way; and ant necessary timber and. other materials found • along the Hue of Its operations.. ' ' • -IL—A Government Gritnt of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, Mum In alternate section!' on each !dire or. Its road. This Is un absolute donation and will boa oourco of large rovenue In the future' Government Granted United States Thirty y ear Bonds, amounting to $11.1.0 , 10 to 418,000 par mile according to the difficulties to be nut , mounted un the various sectiono, to bo built. '1 he Government takes a second m rtga•ie as security, and, it In expacted that Got only tho interest, but • the principal actioniit - itiay be paid in service ran• tiered by the Company , in transporting troops, mails, A. The interest is now much more than paid In this way, -- besides securing a groat saving in time and money •to the tiovernment. - 1 , 7.—/t.Go'vernment Grant of the right to Woo its ottn FIRER` MORTGAGE BON,DS. toald in building the road, to the hams amount as the U. S. Bonds, lama for the same putnnso, and .no more. The GOVERNMENT Pamirs the. Tructees of the First Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the - the roadlueomple: o, and after it has boon examinvd by the United States Com ntlesionas and - pronouncedto be in all respotts it Bret-clog Railroad, laid with a " heavy Trail, and completely. - supplied with depots, actions, turnouts, carshops, locomotives,. ears, V.—A Capital Stock Subscription from the stock holders, of which over Eight Million Dollars have been paid in upon the work already dune, and which will ho Increased as the founts of the Com pany'ruquire. tl ..-, . N m —Vl.—riget'bash Earnings on Its Way. Business, that .already amount to MUM THAN THE,INTEIIEST on the First Mortgage Bonds. Those earnings aro no indication of tho vast through trafilo.that must • follow the opining of the lines to tho Pashto, but thereeithinly prove that " FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upon 111141 a property, costing nearly throo thnen tboir amount. Aro Sccure-boYond any Contingency The Company haveSbundaht matted •In their, trod• aury, and make no appeal to the public to purchase their Bonds, as the daily aubseripaons are entirely sat's!ac or,y; but they submit that, for entire security and liberal retuens, there Is certainly no bettor in. vestment In the market. The Union Pacific Bends run thirty years, are fcr $4OO each, and havo coupons attached. Theyi .hear uhnual interest, payable on the first days of January nedJuly at the company's ulalco lu the City of New York, at the rate f, six por Coot.- m gold. vno prin cipal is payable to . gold at maturity. The price is 102, and at the present rate of gold, they pay a hit,- eral iucemu on their cost. The Company believe Chat thoso Bonds, at the pra en I. rate. are tip cheapest security, Au 4be markei.,aud reserve the right to advance the price at any time. cubscriptions will be received I u New York Portico subeeribing - wlll remit the par value of the bonds and tun accrued tntereAt in' currency at the rate of six por coot. per annum, troln the date on which the last coupon wits paid- Subscriptions, will be roeeiDed in.Carltslo- bv A. L. SPONS It It , • and in New York - • At Ric Co4any'sk Offico: kin. 20 ' N.F.B u Street, Joan J. Cisco eSon, Banicore N0..5 , 3 Wall St., And by tha_Company'ci adyortised agent!, tbrOgghout I= Renlittan&s,should be made in drafts or other funds par in Nem York, and the lioluk will be seal free of charge by return express Parties subscribing through local allots, mill look to thesis for their safe delivery. A PAMPHLET AND dAP FOR 1698 Inni.jnot been published by-the Company, giving fuller Information than Is posslb.e In an advertisement, -respecting the Progress of the Work, the Re.qou,e3 of the Country traversed by the Road, the )leans. for Construction, and the %aim of the Muds, which will ho sent Iron un_apptleadon_atAhQurupauv's f•r.Lo _auy_ot_ the ad ver. iced Cuts. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New Yurk. 2Orna3-68. CHARLES WILLIANS HEATING AND VENTTLATTNO WAREFIOUSFI, Nos. 1132 & I.l3lilltirket Street, Has an entirely now heater. It is constructed s its to at once commend itself to - general, Inver, being a combination s f wrought and cast iron, It is very simple in its construction, and is perfectly air tight; self-cleaning, having no pipes nr drums to be taken out and cleaned. It is so arranged with upright flues as to produce a larger amount of heat from the same weight of cool than nay furnace now In use. rho hygrometic con Mon or the air an produced by my I.W arrangement of evaporation .will at once de monstrate flint it is the I mly • - HOT AIIt FURNACE that will produce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. I am now molding Oyu oboe of POHIAALES, and four for Masonry. AN S Special attention is call to toy NEW' GOLDEN EAGLE CO , MINO RANGES, an I feel assured there is nothing in use-that can compare with them, es regards their durability, economy nod efficiency, with a largo assortments or Low Down Orates, Fire Place Stoves' Registers and Ventilators. Send for Elm tested circulars. lmsy 68-vtn. D E ImpoliTlNE AND 'IIEAIEII. IN C. A R P I N-C. MATTINGS, OIL•CLOTIIS, RUGS, ETC. Wholesale and Retail, No. 37 South Second St., above Chestnut, PEI LADELPIIIA, N:11.--.Purclinsura will do wall to call Bma.s-21a. iT ALL'Fi PATENT CENTRAL AND OUTWARD DISOIIAROE WATER WHEEL, Bekringiltdo April )30,, 1807 JACOB ABRAHDIS & CO., _Armyllle, CumberlantCotnty, Pa., Proprlotore of the above named Patent for the Counties of fIUMBERLAND and FRANKLIN, PA., and WASHINGTON C•UNTY MD.. Wudesire_to calLtlto_attentionuf-Millwrights,4llll Owners, and others, to tho merits of the above Divan • tine, which for DurabilitYllifficioncy and , Cheamicsa, they ain confident cannot bu surpasted. Wherever It low Wen introduced, success lint In. variably followed. 'von under the most unfavoM hie circumstances. Ibr Back flitter anti Low .lleasi and eeenonit•cal use of lEafer, 011 . 8 Wheel is without a rival! A Working Model of, the %boel can be' examined at the Estallishment of the Mennfactuters In New .vlll.r..l.A.,,ivhere all .1349rmation..may be cheerfully given. . We append the following rufdences & 1. 11. lIUIISII. .101111 DROTtBAUOII, BENJ *MIN LANDES,,•• Millwright. SAMUEL.LANDES. O.& A. W. DA VID•4ON. 3.5. LINDSEY, Millwrights • J. F. RUSSELL 'LEWIS BOWMAN. SAMUEL PIPER. SOLOMON STROHM, ADAM ItAkID, , • -Millwright. -JACOB lIAMP. sept2o tf. - • - TOE' • li7 Of si 41Over Med.' • VV" WAS NVAUDED TO 4:r BARRETT'S HO3 RESYORATIVE h r o l id F e n ; ; 1ATi1 , c 0 1: , 1 . ttg,r41 ,... F ... tc1a et 11,4 8A.11.12.10T9C , 13 .'Vegetable Hair • Pestorative • Restore. Dray litdr to it. noturol Color. Pro nto. tho gourth of the Heir. Chun e. the root. to their original oriranla nation. re, -rate.- Dandruff 'end /tumor.. Proven!. lintrialllng out. lo denoribr Dr...4104;f It InJution. Ingredient., nit Is the at popular and tell.' able ante!. thr.ughout, tho *. t o. Lest, W l 7 , e , t au - it! orth sty• ' VI' . • J, R. BARFIETT'6 643.,'13;opriefors, aimiciisTEn, it. 4, ~ . . , SOLD. BY ALL' DRUGGISTS. 22nov 67-Iy., -N. ._. vAS FITTING AND PLUMBING. he subscribers liming. peruninoutly located in -Carlisle, respectfully.sollolt a • share of the public pat tronage. Their shop is situateetw the. pu bile Square in the roar of the ist Presbyterian church, whore they can always bo found. • Deittg experienced mechanist, they. aro prepared to execute all orders that they may be entrusted. with to d surrerlor manuer; and at very modercto prices.' HYDRAULIC • ;A:;: _t" , WATER - W[IDM, • • lIYDRANTS, - - LIST-k FORCE PUMPS, DATNING TUIB, 'WOG BASINS and all other arti cles in thertrade.. , • • • , • • • PLUMBING , AND GAS - AND EITNAiI PITTING , promptly attended to in the mast appros'ed style.. 'AlGKountry Work promptly attended to. , i • lisarAll work lguareinteed. ; Don't forget the pirigo , --innediatoly, In,' ; the 'War Cl fits Rind Prosbyterkut Church. • • , • • • , .; OAALCAEL.L.4 IT,NNWOOD. .;, MILLER & BOWERS' T __~ARD TVIIRE S-T-ORE,,-- .26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, 7 E11.111.111°11...- 0 . 1119r,“11,10 , 01,1 ,1001° 11 . V, li,lUll'l' • 11 - :: : ;: z • -r.. Illl liogir,'4151111, 1111 1 11li'' ; '" „.„ „ • E would roappctfully call die W Wen . tion of the public to our toceistly rcplenlsbod STOOK. Wwbave carefully avoided purchasing dui fug the regent decline, and now that the market hoe become settled we have filled up our shelves and are prepared to offer special Inducements to oil who will Eater us with a call. . We have constantly on hand a FULL STOOK ON • Ifantiaer4 English Ref Wed, acid Not way IRON; Berdan's Horse and --- 7 .lllnlc' Shoes ; Norway Rods; - Norse Nails; Black and • • Polished AS:4)rings, &c., • tossiVer with a full stock of -• ToR • • . 1 . , TOOLS, •. sueba a Drills, Elolid Box Vlees, Dellowa, Rasps, Files • BUILDIN Gr fi* • M A TDRIAL. ‘ We Invite all persons intending to build, to come and take a look thruogh our stock. We tiara ou Bots, Locks, Glass, PdintS: Oils, and all material in tlibblino marked down at tho lowest C.toll PRICES, and feel'assured that we can offer special inducementO In this branch , • . .. lIARRISIititG NAILS, always on hand. . • = ccr * --, ~ .. . 4 ----, •,"" ,„.,,,q,-,.,41.5...„;:. , :r-'l` .. : - -'7 , -' CARPENTER'S -..7gL / ,., - Ir 04047:c.,,g,W-71.011 • - ~... AWN:me ' ~.,-• . kz:,- , E),_.. :- ,- , ---- , -igsv.iokz -,, .0,.., - V „..„4.r:77-; TOOLS - c , '" - - - .;k•,...* . - • Can be had 0' the best quality. We hobo special (taro In selera Ina all tools and tiro houbd to keep up the reputation of the old this particular. ' TABLE AND f c,l, l] -POCKET CUTLERY, _ . of all Immagl able patterns-, We keen,on hand a fall /Inn of thesegoo to and are alwaye able to suit the taste of oven the moot fastidious, 1 , r-s.;g_4lo 7° SADDLERY, .• „ =I • of every varlet embracina ' in part self adjusting and' Gig Trans, Plated .Japanne d and \food Hauled, Grid!. Mitts, Brow Bands, Clirthing, florae lllankolo, &e. t also -SADDLER TOOLS, SHOE FINDINGS, consisting of 1110ItOCCOE9, LININGS, ' 1311D1N09, . THREAD, PEGS, —.&c. • \At .WHITE LEADS 1 -4 ciii7:lst77. ANI3 ,INCS. Our friends will always find us well supplied with the beat brands of those articles and ready to sell them at the lowest prices. NO are constantly In re ceipt of Pain's, Altus enablin ourselves to supply our customers with fresh palate, colors of all descriptions contently on band. Also pure • LINSEED 011., • COACH FURNITURE, • .DEMAR LEATHER, and IRON VARNISHES, 'PUTTY, GLUE, LITIIRAGE, Cabinet Matinrs-and _Undertakers, will alwoys flud us having n full supply of goods In this Ilno. PUMPS of all descrlptlou,and of no boat munufac turera, Wood, Iron and Loud pipes to atilt. • • • , . FARM AND - 11.017gkBELLs: ' ‘ • • • -;2'1;-- Mill, Cross-cut and Circular &Isis, Rifle and Blasting Powders, liosoullale, Hancock nod Scotland Cement, Calaino Plaster, Crow Bars, Sledges, • c 7 - FARMERS, • will do woii to call and emnrAtio our stock of Mamba, Traces. Breasts Chain., Tongan and Stay Chains. Jock ey Chains. Spreads. lialmr Cheing: Cow Tit.. Shovels, Spades, Forks, itakos,..Urnin page, .&c, b fora buy Inc elsewhere. • Wo aro ready to offer spacial Inducements 10 .111 s line . Repairs for NoCorm,iok's Reaper and Mower . constantly on hand. _" E SL lo AND.2%.IBTIM, • Double and Single-barrel SILOT-GIINS, REVOLVERS; CARTRIDGES; WIPERS and Min 'Trimming(' of (Ivory kind. 'CEDARWAIt E. T1 . 7116'8' Soldi.riiig. IR ONS,„ Bar-Lead, Block- Tb 6 PalZit-Ifletcd, Skeet aro solo agonte-for. tho , . • BUFFALO SCALE woßks; • and are ready to supply Scales warranted and ftirry nished at lower prices than any ether Pcalan In the market. We are constantly in 'receipt of goods direct from the manufacturers and at o able to 'urn!) h Country, Merchants at Philadelphia, and 1:1000 York: - prices. • • • . ..4 - 4r`hkj;h ObACH . exn • --- , NV4I =7 - iNg*Ttab-Nrea SOP A GO N FIXTURES, always Oti band 'and at the loWeet - market rates, Hubs; Spokes, Yelloos, Axles Shafts Duck, "•Drlllbuy, Damask, ' ' • : .0001:43 doiivorecl to jell parts of, tholowit froo of chargk • • - HARDWARE. -- EMI CARLISLE, PA. of every de,rlpLpm MILLER & BOWERS. No. 213 • P# INSURANCE COSIPANIES. THE'OHARTER OAK , . .• . • LIFEI.I4SURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTV,O4II, ; OOI(IN. Incorporatal.,'lBbo; `oliirier: Per- C4H..4.S i SETS, $4,60,000 ,r JAMES C. WALICI I EY, WogWent. .Policies lahued on all Popular A few releonalwhy, peopleiosiWa:iri - thilrte. let.—All banking .privileges . ere• prohibited, fin buelnees being confined entoluelvely to the innuranen of liven. ~ . ~ . 2d.—lts Risks ar , selected with Feat care, thus in cut ring small loeses.nudimiiiii4iiintlY liana dividend accrue to tho'Posicy holders.—Sou Mass. Insurance Ile ports last s x yenta ard liatlo'orDspondltnres, including Doatl t.lalms and Working I.Capposes, to_ Receipts, aro un procedentedly Fame 'Reports. 4th —lll the profits are divided among Folic/ holders, the orignarcapital being limited by Chartot 4 ,, eight per cost dividends, no rairo than it earn for,the Company at Interest. • ' ,6tit.-4t declares and pa , a itaDiv,dends annually h CAM thus assisting the insured In the payment o promluma. laprompt In the,paymont of losses, havin paid to IVldowb and Orphans nearly — TWO SIILLIOA DOLLARS, and has never DI/gated a claim 7th.—rho man of wealth ihseres wean Investment an of small means Insure to guard their Dm like against want , Oth —The man of Outmost Insures to providt against passible loss ,In .trade, n life Policy, being basis for capital. 10th —Persons In debt inshro that their earning, for years V toll may not ba sacrificed at death frost - vast of ready cash to caner,' liabilities. 11th.—All Insure, as money thus laid array by Mies is sure to come bock largely increased to their 'sallies, death being cerialn to occur. _ModicaL.Examincr.. .1. C. ATOCK, Agent Carli•lc, Pa. L. 11. BLAIR, General Agont,-for Eastern Pa. Office, No. 07 West third St, 1111111finaport, EI3E9 FIRE INSUR©NON• „ THE Allen and Eastport - Mt1165.6 , Mutual Fire ht sumac° Company of Cumberland county, incorpor. atad by an net of-Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter etxonded to the year 1883, ix now In active and vigorous operatics under the suporlntendonce orthe following board of Managers, vie:. • • William R. Gorges, CbtletlanStayman, Jacob Eb• erly, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart. J. 11. Coaxer, John Elchelberm.r,, Joseph, Wickersham,. Semi. Eberly, iiieses-Driclicr,'Rudelph Martin, Jacob - _Cooror, and J _ 0. Dunlap. .. . The rates of Insurance are as low and 'favor/)1e as any Company of the kind in . the State. Persons wishing to become me - inhere aro invited to make ap plication to the agents of the Company, who Rul ing to upon them at any time. OFFICERS OP 'AIR "WM. R. GORGAR, President, Eborly's 'Mills, Oulu erinnd county. A LEX. GATTI° ART, Vlco - Prestilo t, Car Egos, Cuth erlund ebunty.. 'JOHN 0. DUNLAP, Soct'y, Mechaulesburg, Cum .arlfincl county. DANIEL lIAILY, Tronsuror,'Lug, york Co MANAG SITS. William it. Gorges, Alex. Cathcart, J. C.- Dunlap, Daulel Balla", Chrlktlan Stayman, Jacob 11. Coover, Joseph Wickersham.; J. Efehelberger, Moose tricker, Jacob Cotver, Jacob Eberly, James Anderson, Jobs ii. CooV9r. MEM Cumberland "county-John Sherrlek, Allem Hmny Zear ng Shiremanstown; La Vityettee 'Peter, horn Diekin lleeq Bowman, Cburelanwn; blinle youth Apddloton; Samuel OrahaM, West Peons borougbi Samuel Ceovor, .I.echantesburg; J W. Coe!, lln, Sbephordatown; Santo: . ., Sliver SprleM J. IV. Eby, Ctilliele, Valewinepeman, New Cumberland; Wm. 11.-flood burn. Noir Ille. YOrk"Coents.—James Griffith, Warrington, J. F. Deardorff Diflabors; Daniel Rutter; Fairview - Winos. Carroll; Adam St4yens, Gpldsbuough; J. S. Diurdurff, Mulberry P. 0. . Lauphln county.=Jacob Elouser. Harrisburg. lINV INVENTION TN (MAU\ DRILLS. The subscriber, having procured patent for a novel and most excellent improvemen n Grain Drilla by rhfch the grain instead-of he:m planted in A 4 inch rows as in the old method is scat tend ever a surface of three inches, thus securing a, equal and even desttibution of the seed, and a con siderably greater yield of grain. - This improvement can be readily attached to aej of the drilla now in Use. State and County Rights for sale, agents wanted This is an excellent opportunity for active, ene, getic young men to make large talaties. For particulars address J. G. VALE, Jr., Intontor and Patentee, Shiremanstown OumbCo. 2Jark I 8 ly 628 II 0--O•P 8 - K f ILS . 62t WM, T, lIOPKINS "OWN MAKE' "KEYSTONE SKAITS." aro the best and CIIDADEOR Low PRICED Hoop Skirts I, the market. Trail Skirts, 25 springs, 51.00; 30 sptine , $1.20; and 40 springs, $1 45. Plain Skirts, 6 tapes, 2 springs, 00 emits; 25 springs. 05 Cents: 30 spring , $1 IS; and 35 hpriu_s. $1.25. Warranted I'D every r , sped. ----- •Our OWN maltn't of UNION SHIRTS." Elm, Tape Trails, from'-2 - 0\ to 50 springs. $1 20 to 82.0 Plain, - Six Tapes, 20 - td - 50 ivrings, front 95 Conte t $2 00. These Sk irts rve better than those sold by nth or establishments as first class goads, and at most _mwer prices 'Our OWN teaks" of "CH ANIPION SICTItTS” aro 0 every we; entrier to all other Hoop Skirts berme th public. and on.y have to be examined or worn to con vine° every ono of the foot. Manufactured of the boo linomfinished English Steel Springs ' Very superb, tapes, and the style of the metallefastenings an, manner of securing them snipesr for duratllty an. excellence any other tddre in this country, and or tighter, more elastic, will wear longer, alv,o more sal isfaction, and aro really cheaper than all other Every , ludy should try them. They are being sold ex teMitely by merchants throughout this and the ail Joining states at' very mo orate prices. If you won too best, ask tor l'ilopkila's Chao pion Skirt." If 3 nu d notAlud them, got the merchant with whom you den to order them for you, or come or send direct to m. Merchants will find our diffe.ent grades of Skirts ex natty what they need nod ire especially 'invite then to call and examine our exteuSlve assortment, or sth, for Wholeialo Price List. To be had at Retail tt Manufactory, and of the Ito tall, Trade generally, and at Ith . desale of the Mono facturer only, to whom all orders should be address. MANOFAOTOUTY•and BALESROOSI, - "628 - ATICTE ST i3etivoen Gth and 7th Ste., Philadelphia. W.M. T. HOPKINS Mob 68 10m FRESH ARRIVAL Of h.ll the New , ! S'pring Styles of HATS AND CAPS._ Tbo Subscriber bag just opened, at No. 15 Nortl Hanover St , a few doors North of the Carlisle Doposi Bank ' ono of the largest and boat stock of HATS ,1 CAPS ever offered In Silk •Ilats, - Cassimiies of‘all l 4ityles And - qualities Stiff Brims different colors, and every description o Soft Oats now made. rho Dunkard and old fashionm brush, kept constantly on band and made to order all warranted to give malefaction.. A full ossortmen .of STRAW HATS, Men's boy's audsh,l,fraula_f,,,,cy_ 1 - liaifffiffSil - radotTliTiq stock, Not:our, of differen {sines, consisting of Ladies and Dent's Stocking; Neck-Ties, Gloves, Pencils Thread, pawin g Silks, Su; ponders, Umbrellas, ,ta., Prime began' and Tobacco alwiys on hand. - Give me a Cali and exaMino my stock, ant tool con Heat 19t pleasing, °asides aavlno you money: A. 10ELLEff, Agt. No. 15 North Hanover St. 31my67 ISA AO K. ST,AUFFE Watchmaker .ana'W-capplery, No. 148 NO.D.TD 2D ST., COD: OS PIIILADE~I:I'Il1A; do assortihent-of • Watchoe:- Jowelry, 'Sitver TAU r Plated Waro . conitantiy:pn . liitid. IRTiTABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRFORNTOI xe.. - Itepalrlng of Watches - and Jelvolt7 iirontitr ottondod to. , • • , • - 10,100 07 -.- • JOHN DO It .N ER MERCHANT: T&ILOR Kramor's Building, nrarlithoinn'a Barn oli J, just returned from the:Lamont 0111 es •wit'. 11,0 ligguat and moat ,-- • ~ , .1? COMPLETEssoIiT.TorTT OF - • Cloths, OnsOrnorps, • Vesting, , Gents' Furnishifig Geode, &o„ over brpugiltto °arilsle. H EM eoths,,comprise- • ENGILIBM . . • „ ", • .• ' and .:ABIDRIOAN EXANUINtOTORP3p , • of the fi ;— ned teittori and hr all eludes: • "' , 'Mr. Denier tieing hlinselfa prariticaCcultek or long experience la prepared ' warrant poribot Me, and prompt tilling Of orders: , , , — PloonGloode,hy the yard or out to order. 'Don't forget the ' place: • • ' " ' ' lOrcay 08 7. U, . • - ' , CIEO. 0-.• the , "get , 4 1y d t ih a o v ra na n tlerlgar . ~Lletitoon 'Bloom's !' nui° T I=III9IIM