;If our friends will .use . piVpitratioris for restoring gray hair they. Should use 'the best, in the morket. Our has lately heentcalled tonniiitiele which Alas an nx.- :-. - .tensiye sale,.atut a. -.very_ high reputation, knoyin as Tting'S VogotableArehrosia, and - we are in. - ailed to thinki that it ,possesses more desirable and less objectionublo genii : ties than any other in the market. It re stores gray - or faded heir to its original col or in a most rereafkable:tnanner, and by its invigorating and soothing pioporties. re moves all dandruff and humors frortt,,,the scalp. Give it a fair trial and you cannot fail to. liko It: • julylo-1m _ ...Onward, thrht, onward, Into the Volley of Death, lode the Six Ilenurrrl." But larger by hundreds' mu] iplied into millions,•than the doomed band who rods to swift destruction ih Tennyson's loom, is the great cavalcade of unhappy anon' Who are rushing tour timely graves, followed by the gaunt spectre Dyspepsia.. This:le-all Wrong and should cease, Plantation Bitt re, the great Stomachic Pain Killrr, cures Dyspep sia, .Briartburn, Flundriehe, Velltigo, Dull nose. and all symptoms of kindred char actor w as if by magic. For Languor Lassitude, Great Weakness' and Mental Depression, they have tkmoA wonderfnl effect. jtilylo-2t. • - • MaoNol.re IVXTEE.—A delightful toile article—superior to Cologne and at half thi • julylo-2t. MARKET'S CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Carl' ale Jnly 16th, 1868 Family Saperfino d 0......., do RIPE • WRITE WHEAT.— AED - - • • EYE CORN OATS, (new).... OLOvettsE CIII iTIIYSICED FLAXSEED BARLEY. ''''' 00 to GENERA'', P.ctOtUCt MAItICBT . Carnal°, July 16111,1868, Corrected Weekly by Andrew Washmood BUTTER 2.7 BACON SHOULDERS, 16 ccia LA ItD, • " lO TA LLOW, 0 MIA P, . 8 BN EB{I7AX, - 40 BACON RAMS . 18 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. . , FLOUR —The Flour me•tot Is dull ind depressed: and the inquiry for hoitie coitsiimption The stock consists principally _of.low.and medium grades, prices of which - are weak.-. The sates foot up Bus barrels •of $7,50u8..6 for superfine; $5 Wag 26 for eats; $9 59a1l for spring wheat extra fancily; 101 l 76 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do.-dor - llttal4 for - fancy brands according to quality. nee Flour commando s9a9 25 per .harrel. No change In notice in Corn M. al OltalN.—Sufmlies of Wheat come forwac d slowly, and the demand Is confined to prime ' for which n a again advance our quotations; sales of 1 005 bushels PenneyWattla - and Ohio red at $2 40a2 and gtin bushels new Delaware at $2 45. "nye is at $1 80 per bbl for Pennsylvania. Corn Is moderately active eta further advance; sales of 7;000 boo eels Western mixed rat :$1,16a11.7. Oats remain a$ last quoted; miles of 3,0,0-bushels-at- BSe- for Pennsylvania, and Doc for Southern. Nothing doing in Barley or Malt • Philadelphia Catile Blarket. ♦ • . • MONnay, July 13—Evening. 13BEVES.—Rocelpts, - 1,557 head. hero was is shod _supply of cattle on sale to day, and - the-market NAM _ _ 'eti_ryulte-dulh but later - in-the day, with n libhral at tendance of buyers, the dom..] Improved somewhat. ' soda moderato huskies.. was ClTeatett, but at the close the market woo devoid of animation. A rancid erable number remained unsold. The closing qua to thins were oalo l /0 for choice: 7aBc for prlied, sod ^ bate per Ibis, gross, tar common .deCriptions. The following are AND of the - solos: COWS AND CALYE.r.—R.relpts. 150 head. Prices geberally - were steady and notwlihntandlng the - op. pressive weather considerable Interest wits manifest ed in the tragic and tprlngt rs wore disposed of at $lOO6O and rows and calves at 5504721' _ 8111.4:P.—Receipts 60 0 bead The extreme do pre slot. which has charaateitsed t In department and the .ive stock market for some time PaNt war again - the m. at rooilueril feature in.day, and sates to ant extent could only hr effected at a still former coo ce.sion. Puppiles hove come.liirward .ith eunsidera-. hie ire"d en, but as the opinion is generally enter lathed that prices 'moo out yet reached butt m, hopes operate Aparinaly. Sales of e .nineee t choice jots were raj:sated at 4a534e per urea . 'lloUt...—hoclepts, 2.8u0 bead. Toe -receipts were email, uud u..deris hv. ly competition and au urieut demand he d cc or shut e d tour ...vended lo Ortabli•hlag an advance the early part e d the dn.. . which was,well amihtainod tbralivhout, Avenue nr,a limos Yards at irons up to sl.l,per 100 lbbs net—ihe latter rate for . ri.nu is led. SPECIAL NO7ICES TRY ROYAL BAKING POWDER It In the best thing in use for cooking, and Is cheaper and cinch but or than Cre tin_ Tarter and Soda /t,la for so.o at Carlisle 'by C. 111,ot/, John Mar in„Cho. B. Boliman, Washmond & Bro., Joe,.h Boner. John Iluma, D.D. /Sunny & J. M. MllllOl3 hummer. 17J uly-its. A GOLDEN DAY has dawned for all who desire to resume In age one Of most glorlms gifts of youth—the magnificent black or brown tinge which renders the hair an irro sletlble element of personal attraction. INECANTANEOUS BEAUTY 4'41 • springs from the application of hut one hair dye In the world. That chemical Miser contains th • vital principle and the coloring matter with which nature nourishes the moat beautiful of _the silken tabrb•s wherewith she adorns the - " Need It be said 1114 this wonder of civilization Is • o CEIRISTA,DORO'S HAIR DYE, the inint-genial o -barealessorthrdesome_and certain proparatlon of Its kind In the whale universe. Manufactured by J. OEIRISTADOROi o,l;lifrildiso•Lane,- Now York. Bold by all Drugibits./Ait,lled by all Nair Drearier& 17Julysim. Hoolland'a German Bitters We Intended to have called attention to Ilocdilandis German Bitters advertised In our: columns. this Bitters ' , ae perhaps everybody Is aware, Is as much a staple artlcle with the drug stein as flour - 11with the grist mills, and call for it where you will, you cannot go amiss. There le no bettor medicine before the public, it contains no alcoholic Ingredient, and come- mends Itself to tomperemee people, who seek to-avoid '.whatever intoxicates or leads to intemperancl— Mont people iiseit to * toolee to ,tho spring of the year,' 13oofland's stands al - thellead of them all, and is potent at any time of the year. T4coo.Vlo would come out In tho spring with a ekartsedand—invigorated aiatat b. - 7 The above :is the urtiolicited tptenteljt:tiff the-Mitor. "PATRIOT," Draukivan HOOFLAND'S GgnmiN TONIC. • Combines all thuingrOdlents 'of the ]titters, wlglt pure Banta Cruz Sum, orange, anise, he. It makes a .delightfully pleasant preparation, and Is used for the same dismiss as the'Bitters, 'imos where 'some Al coholic Stimulus is necessary. 'Principal , OAT, 631 Arch. Street, " Philadelphia,, Pa..' Sold by all D,fuggists 17july-lm REEBg SUPPLY of Sruge ann• afedicines, togedhar with 'Sponges, Chamoii, Skins, flea pa, Poriumory &a., Just received at Carman & Worthington's rug Still*, N0..7, East Main Streei.. . . . . • Mune 08. WHAT EVERY HORSEMAN WANTS A .good t cheap, and rellablo Ilnfmont. Buell an article is. DR. TOBIAS , ;Venetian Heise Liniment. In Pint Bottles at, Ono Dollar Bor Lamenop. Ciao, Galls, Calla ; Spiel ne, war sawed cheaper than dui other., It.le used by al l'tha ---- , _great bargeelea en Lbuilalitardcourse. ,It nlll cot °wetting Beau nor spavia. at there. le'no ,Linimost In rudstonEe that will, What It is staled to aura' . It • poSitively does. No ownerie horses will be without it ofier trying one bottle,, Ono- thistV roirivtuadaiai often' eases thorile of an overheated or &iliac horee . .... For. Cotta and Bellyache it ham never failed. Just &satire —as IhellUllr l / 1 011,4110,80 sureLle:: this _trent td be the llorsa'"gmbroestied of. tai . :litl,}. Ufe • it osa an 4 all: bepol, No; dil, Oortlaudt' Btreeti Bets •" ' York. _ Bolt by all thy Druggists' Litarokooliers . . /7/417441. • • • 11. - AITE . Y917,71-11YETEPsY----H Owe drinking coffee, take a - eup of Wm. Blair ;& Son's bent Japan Tea three times a day, -then mark the change Vane dinnerit extvisito. Our sales of fine Teas have; largely Increased since the public have discovered that wo odor none but the The host at , eibrithing'cheap d at , .' Whir,llllAlß & SON. Lind" Carlisle Pa. A NEW REMEDY CON'S,IIitiPTION.—A Must. clan who hid Consumption for several years with frequent bleedinganf thti lungs, clued bitimelf with a medicine ,unknown to the profession, when his . case appeared hoplesi. Ibis the osjy physician vibe has Used it In his own person, or who has anykuowl• edge of its virtues. and ho can ascribb Abe degrUe of health ho now OtljOSß to nothing but the use of his medicine; and nothing but utter 4cepalr and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of crinfldence in-all other's induced him to batard the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of the Lungs.be proifors a.treatetent bo confidently' believes will eradicate; the 'disease.i Price $1,60 per bottle or $8 a belt Mixon, wont by depress. Send for circular or canon • Dit. E. BOYLSTON .1 -WKSON, Na. 260'1torth Tontb.Street, Philadelphia. 22may 681 y. • AIIarDEAFNESS, .13LIND3rE88,, and CATAiIII II reatud with the utrunse P,uccess by 3. lan tea %I. D. and Proles,or of 'Disease of the Eye and Ear in the allege of Ponisytuannt,l2 years expekience, (6 opolorly'ol Leyden. Rolland.) No. 805, Aich estimoninle can be seen at tole aloe, - The medical faculty are Invited to. aecomp 111 their pa tieun., a, he bas no In.arets In his practice. Artificial sync inserted withou i pain. No charge for exam) nation. ,12june 68 ly. UORSE and CaLtlo Powders and Liniments, togeth• er with a largo assortment of treat nruve and Medi tines, Dye Stuffs, Sc., Sze.,jus . t received at Corntuan orthingtoi's Drug More, No. 7, East' Main 'Street 1.114_3'0.1-111 ITCH!!! SCRATCH I SCRATCH H SCRATCH I I I in from 10 to 48 hr urs. Wheaton's Ointment cures The itch. , Wheaton's °lnt umnt el Salt lthoum. Wheaton's Oin , wept auras Totter Whonton's Ointment curse Barber's' Itch. Wheaton's Ointment Cures Old Soto: - - - Wheaton's Ointment ewes Everrkind • of Ulmer like Magic. Price. 60 cents a box ; by: mail, 60 cents. Address WHEIIS & .POTTEII,, No. 170 Washington Street hasten, • . 15 For sale by all rugsista. ---- -- sent 20 67-Iy. 3160 ... 8 00 ... .7 76 --•1.06-•to NEW A-DITE_RTISE.IIIEIY TS. BACON WHITE BEANS '3 05 PARED PEACILES, 25 UN PARED PEACHES 19 DRIED APPLES, 2 10 _ 4 WANTED, by a manufntturer, Agfints to soil by sample. 'Address with stump for circular. ORM:NE Is CO.; 413 Chestnut St., Phllada. lm, • I AY INYOUR COAL.- Ac the sieillier Id now very propitious. ann . th prieef acorn oat favorable for tho laying In of yo WINT-1 R'S COAL. July-14th, Ig6B Tho sub. - 411,er Ir”uld offer blo otnc, to tbo . publ nowlng 101 l w«ll ihe disposition nftbe trada goner oily to make 'many promises to effect sales. The sulw serlber would prof T - to learn' 'Lbw quality nf tbn rl.l ho fusnlstles speak for Itself and he will be held to , tbe follow Inewhlph are him old standards. _ let. To sell none but the IBM =I as any In the trade. • ad. To deliver wind his customers buy, and not to mix with a ' LOWER PRICED ticlo In make the prier, to suit his 4th. liellexes-fn-tha,priirelpltii 1111— nnnt be in use ( w'thoot repairs) for a Cedes of rear • the advantinto of the customers. bib. TcriKeep ell'lcinds of coal to ho bud else where 6th. Novoe to oal to Make a.salo 7th. To the ton. ; Bih. To give the customers the advantage of ANY CHANGE - pries nt the mines. OOL.•1e-- tO7lO till In bls Dower 'for the bsnoit of those who deal with Win:end on 3 our ord •r , l and you akin! , 'he de:llt full and on ns favordtde terms as soy yard in the place. MEM and Book cf Politics fo 1868 Speria,lv. tudap'ed for usolo , tho coming Presiden• tin, esmfulan. Will contain ail the matter in Ihe Po. itri,,l %l a nt .'s of i Med 1057, and InON. l'utnplied toure. s Will give the .wholo PotitlOst., 4t CT111 . •/- OP TILE (RIVER. Mt.?, and Of i'lfrties, including 4th pachroent. Rec. , ' , ruction, donna! ittilittgA, fermis, Aesop tan, of Candidates. f , nm April, 100i todulc.18n8 Tahleson Debt. nod Tax.. ion. How.; nun P Expendjiurcs, MEM.. Ctuue hero 11. gnitrati .n ihrt Totes. Slot , ion lotion from 18110 to e. 4OU pn,os, fiva cloth $4 SO.p st Ind . The l'olillcal 11,00111 or 18 , 18, to:pars...fly, cloth gi piper curer, 711 cents, past gold. AdOrons EDWARD ‘lol , llt. !VON, • Cleric of flee House of Representatives, 11 SlitiosoSuN, D. 0. • 17july-lt. AGENTS WANTED IN TIIIB COUNTY FOIL THE SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HAN sp rod aamp erudition-4 lowed good Agouti , — • 'Add rass, 11. A. WIDDIF I '•, apeclal g•nt, 528 WalLut Sc., 17july lm • IVOTICE --Seakd proposals will be -la-- A. _151., Pa , urdat, Jul% 260, 1868. for furnishing thu troops at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., with the brat 0f... - FAMILY FLOUR, for six 46) menthe frOm and aftor the first day of August 1868. or ...Mb •lose .tleire , as the 'Commissary General of tiu , sistenco U 8. Army may direct, • Propnsals must be in duplleato ant 6ndnie•B Pro. posals or Flour," and tho nQm•e of two rasponslble persons who will alga their. bond and become respOnsible for -the faithful periormance of the'contreet. Persons who bid art .requested to .b 9 present at the tootling of the Proposals. The Government reserves the right to reject Any t nil bids which they may consider unreasonable or , or other euflicient cause. .1 JAMES EGAN , Ixt Linut., 2nl U. S. Cavalry, A. 0. 9 Office A: C. 9 _U. S. A., Carlisle Pu: 17July.2t. , T. worst florins cured by the SIRIMAOIr iItHE PLASTER. Weak nu iI affected ,Lunge restored on receipt (.Iprlce,-$l - ,60 ! Addreee. - • • 17July lm EBANON ',VALLEY COLLEGE Course of Instruction thorinigh .and practical'. Fall term begins August Bd. Oblo rges $l6 lower and su perior accommodations. Prof L. 11/Hammond, A. M. takes charge 01 thu Classical Doper Uncut, ' For thstelogUss and full partleul oss •add .851. 'T. It.•V I01(110 ,A . M., 4. 1 I -- • Aunvillo.t,ebn on Co., • . 30july4m. " A ENTSAVANTEp FOIi;`,'‘WEAR INGG OI 141F1 (MEIN" TUa Moot untertaining bodlc•publishod, abounding In Romance: Humor and Wit. .Ag re Fay's It - 10 - thy boot similar Maio uut,•ao pouplo aro tired of repetition of dry dots to and army report, pneA)ent Bold 58 in Ono r Wpok. • "• • " 182 " Ton .Tira r . Torras Liberal to Alionta. • Sdotl. for Circular. • • Runny Quarto Bibles.. Must hdltlah pu liobod WM. FUN 1, Publishur, 2d South -7th attduc, plipa Au phut l'a. • • , ' AWAIN TRAY OR'S •N 01'1011- Cottuss of. Adtolnletration on tho °auto of JttliOttlqun, o of Itleblatto tow tt•hlr, kovitnglotou leAted to Mu nuboutabor• ttio• ttonto township. Notion lo ht-roby itlvon . Van, prnons Indubtott to salt , uhtatu to moth payula•at tiini I Iti4o having claim to proartt thttm duly • tultbontlettlott for nottletti.no to bjuly:Ot • NIIENT EN witihing - a 46,6 fliwored. hi utiltl Cry (icor& o.' Lush's Block. Oruok, 111.11.) , b eta' ci • BO • G D . OS 11 b us, a prime cigar fortiva,conts. Try them. • wais:ai); ou nevor tried a cup of , beat Japan Tea ; at BEST COALS CHEAP SCALES MISREPRESENT GUARANTEE 2,000 lbs DETERMINED =I READY IN JUDY OP NEW TOOK C. A. DRAICH, .460 Chestnut Strain, PI It FOR . ,BOTII S,E.XES •.- JOLIN moitnrsori, • AdrululitratcF. -la lir Al? VER TISEMBN TS Q . it: ar t,e VII • S t'a ten zenV OP TUB , :FIRST N - ATIONAL CMILyILE PA..71117 0, 1803. ' Renurces. Lillis Discounted, ' . '• . , -. • 105,000 AO 13, H. Bonds, '' • . '', ' ' 100,000 00 Legal 'render Reties 'and Postal Currency, 28,891'44 Compound Notes, ' ' 610 09 Notional Back' Notes, ' ' • ' • 2,480 00 Cush ltdms, ' ' - '2,224 ST Real Estate and Insurance, , , , 8,092.17 Furniture and Fixtures, ' •. -' 963 08 Premiums,' - ' ' . 1,060 00 Protest;, 32 04 Duo from Banks and'Bunkors; • • . ' 27,862'44 Carouses • 821 40 Liabilities Capital, Burpluo Fund, - ()hm boron, lnecolutpt on d .Prollt and Loss, udlvld mkt Doposlto, • U. 81 do ou4 to Banks and Bankers, ' $ 337,1359 53 Who abnvo s'atoment to true to - the boat of my nowlodgo and ballet CHAS. I.I.IISPBIJItN. • Carhicr. Sworn find subscrlbod mo this olghal doy or July .18US. - R. A: ABLE N P. 10.july 08. A et_.OI.TNT-01 - 4' J. W. EB,Y„ TRE AS f=l UREIC 01? - 1 . 1113-11,AA D OF SCIDfM,MIII6DTWiS of B 'rough of Car late fur the •cannl your ono manaing A hue. 1807, and ouditht Brat alunday (Ist) of .Juno, 1,08: - 1567. Juno 3. To balance In hands of Tronouror at last axonal bottlement, this dote, $15044 To amount of duplleatefor 1007., 1t1,8.1e 15 July 14. - To etweepproprlottou .or -1,134 and 1,07, Dec 21. Tejudgment of aLd letereet to date. 1248 00 • 11309.' Jan. 1. To amount receive& for pay of, non fueldont neholars, 103 60 PATMENTS TIIEREOUT By Washers' salarle , for school year, $8,173 87 Uy sunday repairs, furol:ure so., • . 902 37 By coal and Wood, . ° ' ' 804 34 ity intorest on iodebtness to lstJunef96B, 173 Ou By printing, stationary, MuSSerhger and • other incidental expenses. 590 20 Total cash .expondlydres, . $9,803 84 By OEOI3 orn alluivdd on duplicate - 105 90 By abatmout made to prompt tax pay Ora, 3 , 10 J 2 By feu§ of cohnction of tacos. 347 -67 ' Whole- amount of orodite 180 r. Julia 1. By Wane° In __Trcaeury ads date: .. _______..—......,—. To balance cash In Treasury, • —12,716 83 Tbo account of J. N. Eby Troamirer, as above stated having been examined by me, and the bilis and vouchers compacted therewith,being duly compared, I there), certify Obit the above- statement embraces _.. _ . . . . a full and accuratu account thereof, lot the .school yosr JUDO 1, 1800. and that a balms. of two thousand tiro htindred and two dollars and sixty cants remains la" the hands of ,nld Treasurer .unex punded. It. n. ITOODWA RD, Carib& June 20, 1808. , Financial Secretary. - Juno 10, lbliti.—Finsuels) report rdud , approved and ordered to. be on ter nd upon the minima 01 the'lloa rS and published 1n the papers of the District. Ity the Board. C. I'. RUMP I^II, Secretary, 10july MERCHANT TAILORING JOHN B. TBEIBLEB, AGENT; Pructlettlffniloyn_n(Wents' Ft, r n isher, NU. 5, *UST )AIN STREET, C A it 1, I SA P - Mr.-T1 eibler would announce 10 tho citizens o Carlisle and that he has 1;1 store a very 'erg. and carefully selected stock et j CLOTH-4 CASSIMERES, Vjar,l NG .9, - ROUII A ZINES, WATER 131100F8, &c., &c SUITABLE FOR SUITS ,OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Being hiinself a 41m :tidal Tailor, and .bavin r the assisCaueu of L1,0te1,“4 sv., kot o'ha to prepared to GUARANTEE SATISFACTION I} ull clothing made .It ilia ustablishmout • Piece GoodFof all km& sold Gy thu yard and out lu oilier at a trills, g coot. Don't forget - plore. ho 5; Pu•t Vain Flreet, next door. to Common & Wont:lloo.We Druie SU Vt. Agt: MOE Manhood, How Lost, IloW Restlred. "J unL publnduld a new addition of 111/' Dr u verwell'q Celehrat EaHwy on r. radical cure (with... M dielle) or Spoil i1t1.1.1111.1 or e• 10111411 M 111 k Involuntary Seminal L , .O 5.. nr-TENer. Al.o tat'auti hysiral I be•pb.tty. t tlarrlatto, t ro ONSUNIPTION. nuti hiTfb _itttlueutt by IILMIES=I par In a envelop.. only 0 rents hi, a Irbravd atttir, In i hie 201.11. a do efts, 0,11 IV dell,ol,i 0 .I,btr ul ct ie... Clldt ttl I,liing • nem a fah ma, b,, ta.,llcally cult. I daugor..us lit, f Irriteronl Enithelne l.r tho upplimiLlun 01 the 1.111.; 00101.10 g 001 inorte 01 ctn ., ,Itoo.oll s mple, 001WIlr, .41,1 ram, inenrrs of yr hmh every sulterol I 0 rot tern hi t his nutty he, Mu) corn himself cliesiol) pr. v..te , y trq hrl, In. Levi urn Id he .0 Lim hands or °Vary youth nod over) lila. ill the land 4431,1_,u0i10r •eal, 100111tvelop0,• to any -ad dro, pOstpaed tillromp, 01 SIX cants or too pool. ^tviom. .01. m, Dr • eulverrvell Ilarrlano -I.luato," price. 26 oto,to AddrLos tbo J. , I. IiI,INE k '127 flowery, New York, rues-Oflleo Dui 4,680. T psoARORA ACADEMY. POUNDER 1836. Tho Folt &isi.‘n of this 11••urishing Institution will comm,. on !he t trot IVedoesdav in S.:pt mbor. The !object of tho lu titution is to pr-p re young mon for the wily.: duties of life, to wawa', pupils fur tern:lollg, and to town - thorduuhly such as desire to enl,o (`Moue. Toe Inutructiun umbra, en tho • ulture mlod and 10-art. ao that their powers may I o welt dlreqed m tl applied, and a Wee Mr Intellectual pursuits and virtuous habits do' eloped. For turther Information .euti for a Circular. Ap• phi:aids will please address. I) U. SToblll,7i. N., Principal, or N. A. NI'DONELL, A. N Ars% Prloclpal. . Academia, Juniata Le., Pa. MI L OOK our DRY GOODS MEN. Ti)tv TOE . I ,havejust rot Urned from tho East with my Spring Stock, nod ua usual, I am Hailing hood., a little chomp. art ban ally oilier Ory Goods house in town. I do not think It neccssary to occupy a column of news lallk.lo.ltrop up my' reputtitlon for Bailin,: cheap iloodomior du I whit to resort to clap trap to gull the public. All I ask of them hito call nod oxamino for trunoselves, nail 11 not oatisflod with tho prices . . not tb thy. Romember the stand' No. 3d North Hanover street, next door to Dr. Kleffer'S, and, Nlller tioweis Ilardwaro Storm 1Y:11. A. 1111.58. E. S. I will any nothing about my third and fourth grand openings. Oltprll-67. W.IIOWARD•, BROOES & STEVENSON', =I WIDE AWAKE CAPS, CAMPAIGN EQUIPMENTS 1 . 0. 'll3 lidrth Third Street; M=! Cape oud Cards, of conmolled oil cloth, of ott colors, made to orclorat shortest possible notice. " • - U.S. TREASURY NOTICE. 7'.31.J n —no'dorsof 11. 13. 7 30 TUEASUitY NOTES ' should bear in initial that the Limo allowed •Tor con.' version Into 0.20 Bonds, will expire on the lfith hod, for the Junwa.les, and the 16th of July for the July- art " , 0 ,1 6 .. periods the Oor.nment will pay off thu Not. In Greenbacks, and holder. of 7 9:1 Notes will laon the advakege of receiving a 0-20 Ste' 'or Gout Gold Bearing Bond, or,the_yroseut_hlgh putulum on iffel=3o'll: • - • TILL FAINEWF,'BANKOF OARLISLE. will attend In the Conversion or sale of these naes for 'purl!. holding VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY I' AT PItIVATII RALE 'rine dui oorlhdr, Inicedime IA remove from Carlisle. offen ot private silk his re,itienee, situated on BoptiP Ilaoover St.l.t.ot, No. 71and 37. . VhoproiTyty entisiNtp of a D .1/Th E 'Li 0U S , 3bo port ot uhlrh 16 bunt of Stone nod the other 11,10,.tdki41.4 Frvo en, tote. houses, eultehto for ,phmen of bunions. • •.- Thmn ore nom hive Fr• me'llundlogs no Urn premikee Phial mold Lo very 1. aVly ha cotivorted , Into. .14 , 0111n0e. - For term. And other' purtioulara onquiro hi thu staecriber. reeldlog on the premien. ' • • • tie NIEL It. RELLNIt. It Not sold bdrnro Ort., lot 1809, this, pr.porty win be frowi at public male or: that. dey. • . 10,Jumetf ~ I . •' WANTED.—.To..tbuyohase . a small lrialseliirthwAiorough - of trarilleihriying not Ws than four rooms andreituated In a good nehill'iret. hood, Any prroott•havinig 'ouch a property to Olopoto of will addraso, K. SMITH, • • July /MI Box Letter "D," 04trIlelo, P. 0. MiSCELLANBOUk ' ST_RINiO:::,:S.AL.E have commenced at the storo of•tbe underelgned,ln NORTH..aAN9Y.E4 e - s.. of all Wilde of trams Milted to the nants:of,flanee keeperg, Hotels, and all oontomplatlng the. furnish log of awl'. home: - flavlogiugt returned from tlm4t4es they are pre- Pared to supply all with • •,: •• . STOVES of . OVary 14nd each eta , . $ 337,059 fa COOK PARLOR AND. to.ono to 18000 OU 45.000 00 OFFX,OE "STOVES, cOnshlt{ng In parl of the '• t , • pardy Sheaf, ' Noble Cook, drietlial, • Parlor and ' - • , Heatera, a,OB 07 _.10.:171._117 AOOl 41 27,341 OB also the notad NAVI.6NAL RA'NG • 'nay kr,o,pronsracl to Diroish those contornp , atlncr boumilcouplog, with all things nscossary to a WELL REGULATED 1101:18E ouch as TINWARE., of nil descriptlone, COFFEE MILLS, SAD IRONS,' • • , . • SPOONS, 'LADLES, Ac. Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing, and ovellthlnv In the lino of the r Inner .lone at the Shortest Notice and on t h e most reasonable terms all ware. W UlOO theta a 0411 .14 1.14.. y me niixtuus to exhibit. teelhlg std.& d thrt—they_ e.te convince all that No Se, In the 511100 to pill chase -- . H --E A P o'o-D S - ME Egirl and BEAUTI FIJeW AAP of an kinds, foupd in a first :lass establishment, . • 18mar.68 WORKS. 10;613 •Z 3 INV. IV. JrNNINCIS, D STEVENVIN, " actteatlfattb2 ------- -PracH-Engr. d, Nachinis, 2,202 60 Franklin Iran Works, Corner of Short and South Streets, HARRISBURG, PA. MACHINE' D PARTMENT =I STEAM ENGINE & MACHINERY Pnrtfrular attention pahhto Roparin'g of Mochinory by day ur night, at home 9r tibrood. ALL' INDS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE; AND FIVIUNGS ON lIANt, Wrought Iron PIP , ' Doses and . eon Cocks Water (lanes, GaAs Valves, _ S no Whiqles, Onußil. Cocks, Cheek Valves, flei ernnr Valves, rinvernti e, Fa tety Valves, St eamiusages, lajeours, till Otits,. • Unions Poe ,Pipe; - & 4' cting/ui Pulleys,. . Etc., Etc: Foundry anti , Ornamental Department • .Ilan a Airline Cast a, W'r'oughtlran Plain and Ornamental . -Over oue - hundfeerand eoventy•flvo now and beautiful -pp turns. ,Verandahs, Window Oulda 'Bracket , eettees, Ittbleg, etawl-, True Boxes,- Division Stalls, RICA ansl food 13axe4 to L SA L ll,l6‘,ej,s i .te. 110 USE FRONTS & 1 RCIIITECTU RNL CASTINGS Executed from any design furnished, and have Orr hand a largo variety ff nation. for • BITTLOERT IRON WORIC,IN GENERAL Wnod Carving, Model and Poltorn 'kinking prompt. ly attended to. .IENNIN IS, STEVENSON & STOEVEIt .3.R113, A. L. SPONSLER'S COL U.DIN L. SPUNSLER, Real Estate Agent, Smivonen' conveyances Incur• anee and Claim Agent.- Mince Main Street Neal Gri FOR SALE - A tract of v11'100441 Timber Latfil , •nntaininc,' nNB hiSUN oIiED AllitE lying no. tlic 9 oith M.•iint In mi.. ahoy, Mt - I luily, known n. the steam saw m ill pnoperly Thu tract IF must farorahl, u ol accitic.'arld lhr, tirol or of Wu boo. quality. for loin,. apply to , A. L. SP.,NSLER. Union Pacific Rail Road Company, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, - InterCiat Payable Reml.Annually In Gold I" The sebbserlher htslog ken anteleted the Man vial Agent f..r the Oemoany at Cnrikle. will suhscrileletta for the above named 11..e.1e' which hoe bet it recently misuse.' to 102 and are at that state regarded thoebstpost seemlty to the market si.wrs•LEn, Offle6 No. 18, West Naha At. v - ALUABLE. LOT OF GROUND FOR BALK Situate and lying betweon Rant Main and Pomfret Streets extended. In the Borough of Car.isle and eon talng about four now This In one of the most deslriblo Lots In the town and could bo used for n vatiety of purpases— besid s he capability of being advantageously divided lii to de itahlo building Lots—baying a front on oath of the above 115131011 streets, It would thca - mnst - excellent In cation for son e manufacturing business. • The Gee and \Veto! , pipes aro already laid Juat In Trout a the Lot. Apply to • A. L BPONSLINI, . Real hetet° ,Agt. . Tenn:Al:attial--Lio,-Insurance_Comp_a_ny Assetts: $1,818,00,86. ' Life Insureince P9.llcy,ink-Favora ble Tho Board of Truntooplid4 &Glared a xertp divi. dond of • • • . . . PT.V - T PER - upon the cash premiums rodaved in 1967 On all Policies In forearm tin, alst of Dec.,and have decided to receive all the scrip Issued up to, and incindlug Jan uary 1866 in payment of premium Tao urderalgued Is ready o deliver cortificatos to 'parties entitled to receive thorn at the Ca. lislo Agency at his office. No. 8, Wool Main nlreet, at any time after date of this notice. tablo rules, applications and ovary in formation furnishod without charge. • A. L. SPONSLEIt, ,Agent. A liberal porcontago will ho paid to ono too good, reliable immune, to canvass quinberi and county on behalf of the above company. is the only Mutual' Life Insurance Chmpany in Pentisyhantin, and (was/ t,119 oldest aud most . reltablo in the country. • • neiNSLINt.,Ara t. - 12Junu . EAL ESTATE FOR'SALE, uu.A Dbuble 3 story Prick . House svitla Frame kitchen attarbea, suitable • Inc oreupancy of tm d,fatullirs, or as a a ;i; Store Ileum 'and Dwelling, nituatod on is I - .BET, CARLISLE, • PENN ST will be dlepord of on favorable terms 12jimo 68: • Also a commodious Tso Story Brisk • • Dunning Moro, with Brink Back • -- tru'ildliut, situated ou East Malin - 1' Stnytt [n I2Juno 08 , Also a valuable building lot situated on the South East comer or West and Penuret Streets. fronting 60 l'oe — Pontiret, end: 240 toot on West Street. Thin Is sue of the meet desirable bulb:l4lg lots in the borough. . . " •' 12June GB. . Also n Three Story Dwelling , Hemp, built of th lek. and Prame, centaltilng rooms 1111.1 tilielo.n. 'with all the modern ovenieuts. with stable nod carriage Tear, shunted nil nine ,of ground on 'West Louther Street, Cdrlielo, coetnining lit feet lu front and 2-16 feet In depth . , u very desirable reeldeinie: • 'L. SPONSLER, Dent Estate Agent. 12juha 08 IN" BANKRUPTOY. - • .: .. ... T. ', - Eastern District of Penury/clank a $", -_ - The,unkrolgi.othjilves notice that lid boo 'boon ap pointed Ai!tonitloo &O. alio. B. Itoyntilds,of Elblpinno burg, Poe within said nlotrjer,' who her - boon ltd. judgod u.bunkropt on MR ono position co the distririt Court- of mild 4nitrlct, 14j uTy BE lahey priuthig, doue here. ItINESMITEI & RUPP, 'No: lianoof4 St. ni RE= - - - Mann do no , tall to glvo us tin early call and ox. - alnlou our compluto stock. an ,wo ore always woll prepared tit prove the fact that we study Iho in terest of our customers, and novor sulfur ournolvett to be undursold. Pleinee honettleulne: In 110tICIllk ,tho.hending ;and the Amine of our ado rtleement. as It le sometimes ennely,lntitated n nd Luny dneelve those not on thoW N I JAS. R. SAUTI.I. • • Ardente • " 11111 7 CrOODS.- ALWAYS ALIVE TO THEI INTEREST OP TIIE COMMUNITY at tho OLD-CORNER Just-recelvlog.another large supply of Goods stilted to..the present season: T)I2iMSS .G-003DS DRI S Ia all colors and gaalltlee SUPERIOR BLAOIt. SILKS FOE SAQUES AND MANTLES A. FULL LINE OF BUTTONS 'AND TRIMMINGS For the trimming of Segues and !lantle A GRAND ASSORTMENT OF Black and Colored Grenadines French Organdie Lawns & Swisses, Freficb Jaeonet Lawns, :.• . French Percaills 'p 'gored, -French Parcaillti Plain Pure Mottled Mohairs, — Par Ladies Solis, Blain All colors for suits; Alpactu3, All Colop MOZAMBIQUES and FRENOH CHINTZES SOOT.CH GINGHAMS &c., &c. Dress Gords all soiling at astonishingly low prices, as we are deto(mined not to carry stook over the hoason. W•gITE GOODS;'' Plain and Striped asiiss Muslins, Striped Plaid and Plain Nainsdoks Plaid, _Plain and Striped Jaconetts, • _ Shirred, Puffed and .Tucked Moslins For Garibuldias, Striped tied Plaid White Feetreb Organdies fur'Ladips' Dreases, Block Crapo L 2lnnott . .L' yds. - wide for Shaiils-unil—Dressoa,-- • Black clren ad i es Two yards For shawls and Dresses MOURNING GOODS, Or ovary doecriptlLU. aultobte .for - al.l -seasons. and for ol , !purposos. A full lino of- FUNERAL -GOODS, always on hand D,OMESTI-0 - Godbs, Of ull kinds s i ellingnt unusually low prices CARPETS!! CARPETSI.: Groat Induromenta . now o ff ering in a , l grades or irpets to out our stuck 01 the HO.UILL• FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, All - widths for Eidtries and Halls TABLE S OIL OLc)TII9, Plain and Bordered WINDOW SHADES. MEN AND BOYB CLOTHS & CAS11%111111?,S thNENDUOICS, DA \ Ly , l l 7l t B A i n, • f ovary descrlpl lon. Call and atm We . heat. leek of ono' wear In the town; ' . Lace Curtalmh , Qullta, Comb Quilts TABLE COVERS AND SPREADS; A groat bargain In nil kinthrof Limn, llunkribark and ' "riUn_r • •• Nap l tilf a, Tabio Clotifs; llat Oa , __. Lace -151 gentles. 611 k Mantles and Batinkes of tho latest styles. The Celebrated . , .__ , - , cci . . . HOOP 'SK:I.RT Of the season, with the • drop fastenings, , onahling a. lady to adju 4 the skirt ,to mak° .It. any length , oho may wish It, either far t iro trail or WalltlogAroilb.„2,, NOTIONS! NOTION•SII In-suell -giant - varloty — that—R—la- .Impos.lbla -to enumara to them. P , caso glyo us a- call and sal - all doscdpflona of LINEN lIA NEE ERMIIIIPS, LAO 1: GANDIC (3 LOVES, THIIII - RIPIONS, LACES. EDGINGS, INSERTING°, Id A ItaEILLES Till SIMINGS, he,, eo. P.I C 11 . • Ig Li; D D ON THE c(»ta:creat, Sign of the Ciupit Hall :;W:C5. ' 2 11A MA IN .STRNPY ) „ 41 , 4 i;i0 1 f_tr44111Sms_yliA40o , °ALI A.IVEo ',.' . UP,OR'N4Nrg , ,...DISQ,.OV . ERY 1 "P - 0 TILTEIVRB! :FRIEND," „, .OR , OUIOICEN POWDERS. (Copyright tOcura) . • • . A CERTAIN CURE *OR DAPDF - IN" DDICRENS AND riII'N.N.EYS. Will p" ivont and Cure Chioken Cholera, 'and ..her Diacritic, common to Poultry, a d will prompte an increase of Fat. P DIRECTIONB ACWMPANY EACH PACKAGE. PI~ICN•26 cENTS. . • • . The annexed area few of the 'ortificatee'*o have received In prom of tho gieat value and emcee, of the . . P. olturers' Hood : ' . . . . Cannett.:rox. BALTIMORE Comm,,Ain.,Doc., 10,1867. Messrs. Clotworlhy Cl. , BENTIMIEN have used your "Poulterers' Friend" upon a broliti of young ,dlickoos that had the gapes,, and am happy to say, that by the uke of a few doses oh y were entirely cartel It wIl• certainly • aura the yipoit when used according to directions. Yours, so. ' ' 010. HARMAN. I EIETOWN, W. VA., April 7th, 180. .11 , 8ars. Pioheartliy rk itNrv:-1 have been - . selling your "Poulterers' end' ks the last levy - mouth - n: for the olio of Manua CM Irma, nod in every incense Where It has bone used, the dieunna vas...nrrested at'.;ohee. It Iv ohs grerdest ,dedmlne made. It lb 'in eat demand, And t em selling It'raolAy: It cerlnlnly,aneompllshen all that' you claim for It. •' •Yours; stt. . 'JONA!! T. TltUd ELL. SIIEPHEATA3TORNOV. V. Aprlll9thi Altair:. Clotworthy ca C 0.... . • . • . • with were dying vitylest_this Spring with the Given, end , h-aring 'at) our Poulterer , Friend; ilpuratianed o packag.• from .Idn. 31. atone. raker, r3hopherd.tmen. Ye., nud It netild liken charm. rho (Japer noon eiNappeared, and my chick.* halo b. tome healthy nud thrifty. 1 can reconantend the Poulterer& Friend to all Ronucctu Ily, SIDTIIERDB7 . OI7N, W. VA., March _23a, 1868 Messrs. C7ativort4 OENTeII-11aving lost a great many fowls, during thoearly goring, with “Chleken Ohokrs," I Vas In duced by-ldr. los, U. dtonebralter, of SOt - herdstown, Va ,to try a paper of- your “Poulterere . which I did; and I had only need three doses when the di,,ea-a diesspearnd, and I have not loot -a fowl L'•nn most safely' recommend It to go what It bsys,if the dlrectbne are followed. 'For sal.. by all c...untry M'rchuate• CiIItISTIAN %V glifY. CLOTWORTiII'_&-00-,-W-bologalo-brugglsts, No. 341D1Vent IStiltimoro Street, Ballituoro, Illd Price s2,ob per Dozen to the Trade. A Liberal Discount- Allowed, when Purchased lu • Largo QuanLitlea... - _ Abmaro al,any hnilatipa_ Nabe,ganuloa pacapt that awn triartured by Clotworthy All Stonebrnkor'e; preparat oba for solo by Wash mood lu [tr.., Went Mali, St., Carnal° Pa. -/Oatay 111 - AIIERICAN ANTI, JNCHUSTATION -00'S OFFICE, 110. 147 'South Fourth, Sfreet,. =1 • TIIE ANTI-INCRITSTATOI3 _ 0 -- ) I, v o i T l L l E r n , e m . . ,n y:; scoffs fr t n ii m ern S c T I F e A a ;: 1 - 4 'i,"i 'I; 1101 4.1 4 II I I I rem Pr t 0 1.0 0.5 A , , ... 1.1.1 tO - Erplnsf.n, and causing a . :L!li grearsai:ing affuel. Il Tho, • I.vsviiumniive having ' s '.,T 1 .. e In successful 1150 during. Foes-,the ''. bap! l.on years In many of r '.. -1 . .,i Ohs large establishments of ) Philadelphia and other parts of '?, th. United States And from whldh -, 11:V., - the un.at ji!dlering testintoniaiB - 7. 3 . 'iirilii - liF iooinTei stil.lVV H. 1 .1 fuel and labor hero boon re . ;),li/ . colvou. • - V • ';., I PARTIES baying ROIL. ye gli 8 would do wolf to - can at 1 , l _the- Odle°, and oxamino test. I,l'A intotials,:be., &Z. 11,1 1-1 6' --s -111'- PENNSYLVANIA- ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 Chestn t Street, PHIL A DELPHIA. ELASTIU SPONGE, A SI I TTITUTE FOR 0 A . ' R ALLi - OR UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES , C'heap'er ' than 'Peathers• or -flair, FAR SUPERIOR.- Tho Light...t.:Softmat a :d most, Elastic and Darn Mu mntwrinl kuna,n, for gattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage, and Chair Cushions. It Ie entirely Indu-dructlble, peciert, clean and ee from,du t. IT WES NOT PACK AT ALL Lcalways flro fromlusect Ilk la perieetlY healthy and for the sick Is un,quai led. ' If soiled lu any way, can be returatted quick. and ea.lor than any other Mattrees. , ,4eclal attention glued td . FU NISHING CHURCHES, HALLS, &c. Wirt - lad men are especially Invited to examine the Unehlon Ap..nge. dATISF kOTTON .GUAIIANTIRD: TkIE . TRADE SUPPLIED 12juno 138=1y. 'rho' atily — Vamily Machine that sots up Its Ten vurlt Ittiltatt ftl zoo, videos and narrows off the 'too oiupllto—producing all rarinticti of knit gOOds from a infant's stocking, mitten ot' 'glove to. a ladys .haul or hood' It Is ginyle durable, easily opeialed. and warranted anacced. in ttie hands of every pure/miser,' `, 40ENT8 WANTED.' • ADDRESS, with statuiT, for. circular al4 ratriplusi .1. I) j)ltllib, Peal Agt Imax 08 Gra.' GOOD NEWS! GOOD NES SI OREAI DEOLOTEIN PRICES AT THE NEW AND diIEAP CASH STORE CORNER OF ITANISVEIt AND iONIPRICT §TEETS aupscriber would rospectfulty, , inform the pub,. lie that he Is t arriving almrad daily from the Eastern eftioli, a lade lowdeu of Now and Clomp, domin o Inch L A .D.E.8. 5 , .:D, J 1:E§8 f!1 Black and Fancy Prptich Itotips, ' •Pialnianc.l ianei Do )41Ineli o . . • ?min and.F“nos, - • ,Poplins.: • SILAWL.SI,A W -BItOCIIA LONG AND SQUARE, BREAKFAST SDA.W \ IS in, great variety and v6ryeheap ! • • . CLOTHS ANHCASSIMERESI German and •—Au eriean Oaths, . ^.l, - .11lack and, • . . • .• • Fanoy-CaNalmares, Douakina,,: . • I - • ;flack and Fancy , Over Coatings, sattinotta, •• .....kobtocky . „ Underaliirta and , • - D - 0 - 51 - E S T I O.'S niiiMbio mid . • - ` 5 • r ••• -• 'z • !.• ; and Quilts ! • , • Cotton Vlannulg ant!• '• • • lin nloacbud Murdlne, ,• Obeokd, • , . TPArnia• . tqaplifol, REME . 3II3 TE.III PLACE; cpjultiv, OP rjA,NC A . N.T? i'94lfoT _ tim vrif tdrpHrly OCcUp led by JAgesobr On •'. t Tilo3. i../r.4,110111f' 4 e'. r xis oly,i,,ikea ITS VEGETABLE AMBROSIA = Gray-ileaded People have their locks restored-by-it to the dark, lustrous, tresses of 'youth, end are happy! Young People, wifh light, faded orred Hair, have these unfashionable colors changed to beautiful auburn, and rejoicer People whose• heads arc covered with Dandrqf and liumors, ti,e it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! 13:Ala-treaded Veterans have their relnaining locks tightened, and the hare tpots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, - and,dancef9r joy! -, Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly perfumed!. Young Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair in ,placel . . Erpryhmly..mitst and will use, it, because it is ,tlfe cleanest and best Article in the Market! ri'HEYARNIgR'S 13 ARK, ; OF O&R. I I PRNINSYLVANTA, Recently organized, has been opened, for tranattot ion of a general hank InA business, In the corner room of It. (liven's now building on the North Rest corner Illgh street tivid the C,PutreSquer... The Directors hope by liber,l end careful manage ment to make this a popular Instituthr, and g safe do apesitary for all who may favor the bank with their account 8. ITEM Deposita rezeitnni and paid bark on dsmand.- Inter est all, wed on special duposita,itold, Silver, 'treasury Notes and Iloaernutent'llende, boughtand sold. -. Collection. made on all acceasibla points 'n tho c, unt ry Discount lay, Tuesday. Ban Mon hours from 9 o'clock_ A. M. to 8 o'clock P. 91. • 'DIRECTOI6. . It. Given, President, V m. 11. Miller,' i homes Paxton. Pnvld UmHee,. - - John IV Craighead, . A.. 1, Dorman, 27mar-iiti tI. Abraham Witmer. 1867. SPRING.. 1867 B..kRGA NOW OPENING IN , DOMESTIC - COODS DRESS GOODS, OASSIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, WHITE GOODS - - -- DRESS TRIMMINGS, . ZYPIIERS, „ RIBSONS, NOTIONS, &O AT RING'S NEW STORE, • No. 05 WEST MAIN 9 FROST. Opposite the Mansion Ilnue . e, nest to Post office; TURNER'S SEW TURNER'S PATENT . I-1 -A- ji 3:5 .= R. THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS, FRUIT-GRAWERS, -- MECHANICS, find FAR tin ti, President Ent A I,IIIC 1.11 , 7 q, , - See'y and Treas liJune3m To this useful Improvement It Is composed of any 'number of Sections or Jolnts,,Whlch can be used, eithOr singly. or connected, imming a Ladder oLany P slrrd Le.,gth. It ran bo LENGTEIr..NED OR SHORTENPD, without descending to the ground. la SELF-SUP Pt.RTING, not regeit Init the upper_endln lean against niip ohjsct Connected with It le a movable step, giv. 'lig an envy foothold 'or those using It. It can ho READILY -TRANSPORTED, hPellllls,, easily eff%sed to a small , Alzo—nod quickly clm, Cloto olth.r STEP LADDER OR SCAFFOLD. inav troop lifferer t Seetehn fin use et Permeate place. en their farms. ai d When in flood of a long Ladder the ,:ertiont EAU be consorted. ,' FRUIT GROWERS ran gulf, the fruit a Ithodk a raiiihia ogainat the tree voiding 1.. j .ry Vett. or.thormati ...rk at on n dine. and truit - riiirloCirached by th'eald of thin Ladner. that would o'horaiihat be unattainable without strainint nr imoislog the limbo. MECHANICS' , . ran ratite or lower It Suction or Round at a time, with. ut dewonadlna to the ground. an eon be mean ly changed into a firm, sulooaptlal Scaffold. HOUSEKEEPERS, can rmpiny It He a S.or:Ladoir or ordinary elve r or convert It Into a long Ladder. • PRICE LIST.- 20 Feet, 3 ! . 70etiqna. (each tih'_ lent) 1414 weight fn. liouNakeepors... Extended • to ath about la feet $ 0 00 20 Peet, to re welaht 10 00 30 Peet• 3 cac lone, (Oath 10 feet long. Ex- ' feuded length about •la font. . 10 00 40 runt, 4 bectione, (one I'4 two 10, and One ti feet long.) Extended length about 37 feet - • • 21 00 U. her alum in proportion. 'Liberal discount to the trade • Single La•ldora forwerded, freight prepaid, to the near oar Station on - receipt of retail price. . AGENTS .W•ANTED• In ev'ery.county to "caniaaa and toll. Also wanted, 'Hnergefle, Rellablo,'Copable Men to travel end °stab. 11th countYATairta:—ForCircularVermtraddreaa TURNER'S . PATENT EXTENSION LADDER, P. 0. BOX, 2018, or No. 128 S. Front St eking 'Min. , 26June 6 AA 7 O_ES IRA B „PROKIRTY,___43 PRIVATE-BAM • • •••••• • In Clonrspring, -Washington County, Md. The suhscriber intende changing his location to business, °thug his two:story- • - -' .13RIOX STORE AND 'MVELLIIIG .ROUSE: - - The'Eltore flouse4-2 - 0 by GO feet, the DweMeg bee to rooms with roller thutur the whole house end. Ap . irt Is covorod with 'Slats and part Ttu, with iriTirolf§b" - isio SPE QD al . Lrl'?fF," • CARRIAGE ROUSE, GOOD LOT and all good FittlLT,, ..ono •of Ibo • best locations kw business Its town Persons buying the atm Ye property atm gat posse. lon by•the Gth day of Angust or Ist of Sbp inbbr Can also If thoy desire buy .thw Stock of 0 ds ax 1 I,.trill-glOaut-goodllargitlniti-tuem—itt—costT el two-story . „ MI Brick House with 8 Bodine and HIIf Lot, with all good Out Buildings. and watur in the yard now occupied as a Confectionary 'horn, Also • tl FRAMV, TWO-STORY-`SHOP. - , . . - P,ossinadon of the two last namod proper Mas wil ho Wee on tho Ist ,nr April ,next.• Ver. furth t e_r In. formation address, . . " >MARTIN aIYEI 8. , 22.mayan. Oluarspring Mk , • (ZOIIOO.L TAX FOR • - . rho Duplicate School Caicos for tho Borough of Carlinlo a le eon. to he hands of tho Treasurer for col loctlih Notlie Is therefore, given that, the Trees o'er at'tond ul the county Conn nom°, (Cow niltslorters °film) on . .„ , botus'on'thu hours of' 0 and 5 o'oloolt.of add' day, tor the ptirpoila of recelVlng • wild Taxes, up t. • whist lime ail nbatetnuat Of rive per cent. Will be mettle o 0 all taxca•paid • Persons wishing to pa. I heir tone. bolero th above date, can do to, by Caliln, at 'thr ulnae of the Treasurer Jla• Marlon [bill building. • J. W:titlY, Treasurer. 22may-20t. ' I IN'II'ANKNUPNY. Dentorn District of Pennsylvania. F. 8.- " • • at rarlble In .ftine InBF. . The uuderrignoB hereby gl en. notice of-Ide -nyolne. lee tae %sag on of M. el sruily-y of ,rb avdb In• 1110 tVn,ty of thrtnbui land .and. Ftek. o or Pe to 3 Dnar% * thin no uPbbiti Itt *lO ton boon adjudg d a Monk• rug% tri lb:titian by, the 'bottle% 'court. , or 4-111(1 dlet Oa, FLING-'S IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGO For Sale by Druggists generally 7fobllB-ly HOFOEII.,'CI4s. SUPPORT-I-N-G AND EXTENSION 110 USEKEERERS IS INVITED FARMERS Win. M. MELOY, Agt., Carlisle Pa• Friday the 81st of Stay nead, v, M. WILLIAMS, AtiAcusio sc. DAY ' GO ODS. 1868. SU " R 186 g. . . _ A magnificent stook of now (Woods now on on Malan at Greenfield, at. No. 4 East Main Eft:, • Having determined to y keep a ranch larger stook 'of Dress Goods than• heretofore, Lain now • pros. pare.: to exhibit one of the most beautiful Ethel' of goods, consisting of all the latest novelties ,of the season for ladles suits, and WM) all the thin JIM Ice 'Mvsummer wear • NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Ivory thing in our Dress Oood department will be r•und of tno 'stoat lino wt,tlon of our purshases last wsek, wo know we have 00010 bargains that can• not bo found elsewhere. GRENODSANS SEASIDE LI3BTERS, GRANIT POPLINS, OIIENEA POPLII,IB. BUISIPSER, POPLIN% The new and desirable shades of VIAL brad BID MARIS A ~ PAQAd only 6 ',cents. The DEaT "aftortment of - - BLACK SILKS In town froiii 51, 1 5 to 4:50 per 74 A full lino of FANCY, SILKS., Lawns, Oamt. Percale, Alapaca Litsters, Delaines, Challies, &0., &o BLACK GOODB, BOMBAZINES, TAIIIB-OLOTII; 0A131:131006, &e. A great bargain In all WOOL DEL/anti, BUM BLUI, DRAB and BIBMARK. • A good assortment of WHITE CASHME-RES, ISM Ort% de,,'- Collars, and Crapes, Scarfln Bilks Aiwa.. cl2t tuind Funeral orders promptly sand satleketorly.fLUod A welt selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS boyeht very cheap, _will be sold at popular I Bleached and Unbleached Muslin , from the lowest grade to the fined Now York DI Including ail the beet makes. COTTONADES, HICKORY STIPES, GINGFIA3fS, TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE LINENS all at prices that defy sampetition WHITE •G . 0 0 D Pique, Nalosook's, Otmbrice Oita and plain Swizzes. Tarletons; Striped Muslin', Hodifyi tt great varieties, All sizes of the best English Good t -ficluted rates. BARGAINS IN SHADES BARGAINS IN SACKING OLOTAB. A large assortment of Shades CLOTHS and _DASSIMERES. At the lowest market rates; In !het luny Of ens_ cheaper than before the war. _ FRENCH CORSETS CHEAP. The beet selling Rid Glove In town Belling at 11.26. A now lot of 1100? BKlRTO.direet from the MUM. the turor at a bargain., • FLOOR au., CLOTHS IlR_ STAIR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE •OIL CLOTHS, UMBRELLAS; PILRASqLS, SILK UMBRELLAS 'AI) I ask Ii \an diaoiloatlon of my stook iikriors will I a as ordsbt d at the difference or prised latuss II this and utkor satollaiddmts (laming 00611 chasm L :GRE.ENFIELTx • - ENO:. 4, 'CAST MAIN ititidth/M ALPACA CHECKS, TICKINGS; PRINTS BriUtioto, L 3 '
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