___ ..~ir.,~. ,;. —..-, _,• Into On! liodo Lho Six Heinar,d." But larger •b'y hand reds multiplied into then the doomed band' ho rode to swift destruction in Tennyson's 1 ocm, is the great cavalcade of unhappy men who tm rushing to tirtimety graves, followed by the gaunt spectre Dyspepsia. This is all wrong and should cease. Plantation . Bitt,rs, the great Stomachic Pain Killer, cures'Dyspep sia, Ileartburn, Tleadnehe, Vertigo, Dull ness, and all symptoms of kindred.cha, actor, as if by magic. For Languor Lassitude, Great Weakness - and - Mental Depression, they have a most wonderfnl effect:. j ulylo-2t. , • .11Ausui.r.x WATER.-A. delightful toilet article—superior to Cologne and at half the prilc. . . Julylo-21. , . MARRIED. INIIOFF—DALE.—On the 4th of June, 1808,..hy the Item Jno. 6d mind P. lotion% •to Mies Linde Dale, both of Carlisle. , the Mir-Ina:. by the Roy. W. It. tIItIo Mr: IVlltioni F , idlry, of Cartlgle. to :Iri4.l4).ankllola It !hitcher, of Marlton Nevr Jersoy. DEATH. NPILLIIENEY.—Ou tho 27th ult., lu Mochahiro bur¢, Hannah - rdeElhaneyi aged Rol years, 11 months •nd 23 days. ALA:RICE 7S. CAIILESLE PRODUCE MARRET. CarUslo,lll . ly 901,1869 FaIIIIIy Floyr upvrflnit do. do EY W II I IED ftYF DORN OATS, (new ... CLOT E RSEP. T I MoTH YENED. FLA XSEED MEM GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET Carll,oo, yuly Dth, 1863. Corrected . Weekly by .Alkew Washntood BUTTER 23 BACON SJIOULDERS, IA ROBS„ 22 BACON SIDE, 15 16 WHITE BEANS 3 05 9 PARED PEACII,ES., 25 B UNPARED PEACHES 13 40 DRIED APPLES, 220 19 RAGS, 4 LA RD, TALLOW, SC'AP, BE HSWAN, BACON !lAMB PHILADELPHIA MARKETS I= There Is no ltality in tho Flour market, and only a few hundred barrels worn taken. in lots, by the home consumers. who operated with extreme caution, at $7 5003 25 for Suprrfine; .T . S's9a9 25 for no ran; $0 50410 75 for fair and good Northwes. ern p.xtra Family; Sinai' 10 ror Pen ovlvania and tibia 'o; and $12a14 for fancy brandy—according to quality: Hy° Floor ranges from $9 25. Nothing doing In Corn Meal. There is a very firm haling in the Wheat market, and more Jikprnltlon manirested by the trollers to om•rarn in prime lots. Solos 1,000 bushels Pennsyl vaniamnd Ohio lied at $2 35a0 411 Rye Is quie•, with small salon of Pennsylvania at $1 85 Corn In better request, but the hi •ti views of the holders rr,tret operations Sales of Yellow at $1 17, and 2,000 bush -oi3 Weston lilted at • 13:11. 15 Oats are unchang ed. NM sof 3,000 bushels Pennsrvtutl;t. at 80081 c., and Southern at 88080 c. Nor Bing d ding In Itarloit. or. Mail. SPECIAL NOTICES HAVE YOU DYSPEPSY Cease drinking mine, take cap of Wm Blair & Son's boat Japan Tea three times a day, itch mark the change. 'lave you never tried a cup Of Pest Japan Tea fibt dlnheeil is exquisite, Our eider of fine Tees have - largely. increased - Pince the public, have dleerriered that we offer none but the best.. The be of e - verythlng cheap at WA!: ELAM & "South End" Patilale Pa A NEW -CONSUMPTION.—A Physh clan whc had Consumption for several years with r_frequent bleedings of thedungs, con ell • himself with-- a medicine unkbbwn to the profession, when his case appeared hopless. Ho is the only physfelan who has used It ire his own person, or who has any know!. edge of its virtues, and Ito can ascribe the degree of calthluOnow enjoys tonothlog - but the -- uro of his - medicine; nuditothing-butwtteTV:despalr and entire extinction of nil hope of recovery, togotho'r with II 11110, grcifbfideriehiiTit 1 oclibiifintfical IT Mile ' ll . 7iiid - the experiment. To those sulT4lng' with any disease of the Lungs ho proffers a treatment ho connently believes oradlaate•the disease. price $1 ,50 per --be ttio-or-48-a-half-dosou r sent-4-esprese,---Seml-for olvottlatorrcall on Dd. B,BOYLITON..I,AO4SON n. Fiala:4l;la, - . --22 may 08 ly. - - • AlTr-DEAFNESS,' BLINDNESS, 'and CATARRH ,reatelrtitlt the utmost . sucrose J. D; and Profestor ofbirttire• of the Eye and • Etir - in fhe Ifedicat Cbllefle of j'yottryirsnitt, 12 years experience, (formerly of Loyden,'llolleml,) N 0.805, ,Arch Street, Phila. Tefithnonlele con be soon at ,tols oleo. The medical focultYore invlted itjeotripony their po tlents, as he Blume secrets tn hlopreettce. Attlitelst . oyes Inserted without pain. Na charge for, exam' nation. ' M I XM 4 P 1 :SU ,I3UPPLY of Drugs aria ntedlelnro, tdguther • refth Spun . ges, Blqns,' . eolips, Perfumery, krl., just reFulred at Coroulan tr Worthington's I rug 8t0r0,V0..7, Eget Malu4treet. , , • 12f une 08. - -- - ", 11ORBE and Cattle Powders and I,lnlniunte.,togoth wlth—alarge• assortment of -fresh Drugs and Medi. claim, Dye Stuffs, &a., @e., just received at Cornman & Worthlngtot.'s Drug Btore, No. 7, Suet Main Street Carlisle, • FOS! ITOI-flt..IT,011:111 . • • 'I3CEAfOIII SditA'l'Clll I 1 'SORA. PCIIII 1 ' in - trai 10 to 48 htints.. , " Whiiston'• Ointment cures Th,o, 1, IThlialanta.Olatmont--curait.-84141hatn.: ' Whonton's Ointment . cures Totter, Whoston'e Ointment 'cored' Mohacs' Ttcb. - Whontou'u Ointment - cures Old Solos. 'Wheaton , Ointment cures • Every itinB .or iyumor Prim, 50 coutd a hoc; 14 mall, .00 , petite.. Atidrons Whiltilft & rPOTTEII; No. 170 Wetpbluatqn_ 8t194 Mass. • . • ' • I. ' 'NEW .ADITEIiTISEMENTS, Quarterly 94a,to?tien't, OW TII7. _ • FIRST IYA-TIONAT~. BA,N ' or CAULtOLE PA. July 6, 1664 ' - —R6lggirceJ. , 11111 n Discomiled„ . , -- .r . 165,000 69 U 8. 000,10,, 100,000 00 Legal Tender Not. and Postal Currency, 28,091 44 Compound- Note s , , 610 00 National Hank Not., , - .. 2,660 00 Cash Items, " -- 2,224 87 Real Estate and insurance, 8,002 17- Furniture and Fixtures, 063 08 , Premiums, 1,060 00 Profeoto, Due from Banki, and DanMfro, Expensee, =I Capital, Surplus irund, Circulation, DiscoUnts and Profit and Logs, indiriduaLDaposits, Ur S. , do Due to Ilabks nod Bon (curs, • $337,669 63 The,atiovo.statbiuout;lo truo to the boat of my kuotvlodgo and belief:, MIAS. Tl. lILICBURN. Cashier. Byrom and subsvlbetpoforo me this eighth day of July 180 10july CS AMOUNT OF J. W. EBY,.TREAS- UltElt OF THE BOARD OF 8011001, DIRECTORS nf toe 13,,rough of Carlisle, for the' : , 'coons year Com mencing 3,1 lone, 1807, and ending Drat Monday (Ist) 01 Julie, ISOB 1567. Juno S. To balnnco in hands of Troasuhr . . ..' ~d ate,. $46044 . To amount of duplicate for 1807, 10,329 16 Jul,y 14. To Stain appropriation ior land and 1807,4 631 C 4 Dec. 21... To Judgment. of Wt n. L. 11a110..., tt,— and Inturest to datb. . ' 1248 00 ... 1868. Jan. I. To amount received for pay of non riAdett t scholars, 103 fio. PAYMENTS TIIETtEOUT. 8y Tonehgr.e..salitria. for school year, - By sundliy repairs, furni-uro By ...I and trued,, By interest on indebthess to ls t June 1968, By printing. • stationary„ ImP.,douger and other inciduntal exp., IE ! • Total cash expenditures, $3,603 84 ,IlLslmomatious allosteds. duplicate • 105-00 ity_abgtaneakt, wade to-prompt tax payers; 305 On By,fees of collect.° or toxos. • 347 57 Whole amount of credits 10,51.3 23 June 1. ity balance In Treasury this date. 9,202 To balance.cash In Treasury, The account of .1. W. Eby Treasurer, as elan stated having been examined by mu,iind the billnand vouchers connected therewith, being ilply comp trod. I therefor certify that tutu above, statetnetit einbractv+ a full and accurate aceount thi.reof, tor the school year Julio I, !Sea, and-that II bllillileo two thousand nen hundred and dive &MAI, and sixty cent, remains in Um bands of said Treasurer unex pended.. Carlisle Juno 20, 18014. Fillt Secraitry. J u,ue 10, 1 suB.—flux ti Lila] repor read, apprul od and ordered to be on tell ed upon the intim Los of the Board and published In thu pipers of In District. fly the Board. lOjuly.3t TUSC ARO R A ACADEMY POU2I'DED 183 6 . The Fell Sossial of this flouoishing liwtitution will commence-on the First 31Tctifoostitiv . in' - sopt on bor.. - - . The objuct of the in•Llfacion is to pr-p rd young inomfor toe :olive duties 01 life, to pupils 1 0i teaching, and to Inll ll thuru aphly fiurh as dts-lru to untor Cialuao. Thu instruction cmhra , un tho, ulturc of the mind nod Ir so Mal their powers may I e %fell dbected a d applied,:and a taste for intellectuai pursuit, and virtuous habits dug eloped. For forth., in formation .cad for a Circular. A p plicants will plense-adtirem. ' • D D. T,,N N. A. M., Principal, or ' N, A, M'DONELI., A. M Asn't, Principal. Juniata QO., Pa. 10july-2ins. • _LEBANON VALLEY COLLECIE. R 13,0 T E X COO,. of Instruction thorough and 7m:fiord Fall term, Lehlog August 3d. Cnit rges $11) lower and su perior accommodations. • 'Prof L. 11. Ilauutiolid, A. M. tait es charge of the Classical Dopar t taunt For Catittoguoutuid full.particulti s addi ohs. T. R. v leli Itt:lY, A. M., A n nvlllo Lebanon Co., l' a. 10july-Lai. . LOOK OUT DRY GOODS • MEN. ' To Tim PUBLIC. I have just returned from the East settle my Spring Stock, and as usimi, 1 um selling llood, a little cheap er thy any other Ur oils Doilies in town. Ido not ti ok laletalaaly to OC py a column of 0000- paper to keep up my reputation for !milli. cheap elaatia. oar de I wish to resort - to clap trap to , gull -Cho public, All task of them is to call and 0.1311110 for tnemsol von, and It nut satisfied with the prices out to boy. Itemembee the stand No. 32 North IlanoVer street, next door to Dr. lIIMfoPs. and Miller 1100 ms Ilard‘varo Store. WIC tC 11. A. AIILES. P. S. I will Ell) nolbing about lay third and Jam Lit glued ui!ign. - A GENTS IV N'PED NV E "A_ 'Nu lit Till: " .Thu most untertsining Vent published, abounding lu Romance. Ilttrotor and Ag n• says it IS thu best seolog 1100 n oar, ito people are tired of repetition of dry Meta Is and iirroy reports. • Ono Agent Sold 58 in Oho Week. " " 92 " 182 " Ten Days. Liberal Terms to Agents. Send for Circular. • Alto Cu•irte Bibles. Bust Edition pu' Tithed IPM. FUN P , PribllAlier, 2 1 1 South 7th street, Philo' dinitbia, Pa. • iIIERCHANI"fAILORING JOHN E. TBEIBLER, AGENT, Prnetical TiolOr Go\s:Farnislier, M NO. 5, EASTMAIN :TREET, - Mr. Tjoibler would annhuneu to tho cltlzous of Carliolo a 1,1 nlolulty, that ho has lo Aw( a Tory laro nod caTorulty aoloet.al stook ()I' , al CLUIIIET Cn St4IM ERE±, , VESrINGS, • ~ ,L INLN PUCK :3, WATER 131ilOP8, .te., s:c SUITABLE .6 It • • • .SU7SI-. OF ALL .DESCRIPTIONS. Being himself's' practical 'Pallor, and hosing .the assistauca or first ciao; wol limes ho is prepared to .' GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in all clothing mado nt Lis ociablichniont Placo (looda of all Moth sold by the yard end' cut Au-order-4v. trilling cost: - Don't Illrget pit, place, No. 5, Fart Hain Street, next doer to Common & Worthington's Drug Morn.. J. It. Agt. • 3july-68. Manhood Row Log,_ .11owAtestored. Just published a now addition of — ( 0,01;3 .Dr-Culverwellis--Celebratell liessay_an_ • - _E e RM d O cal l c E o l r A n O w r I P tha al i u a M lWP c I i S n n e E S o S f , Involuntary SelllllSti Losses, IpipspENCY, Mental mid _Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc., MEP, COXSUBIPTION, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induced by - soli..luduigence or sexual onravagatico. .05) - PrIce, In a healed envelope, only cents. 4 Clearlydemonstratei front a thirty, .years' auceossful practice, that the alarming cOnsequences of unit 'Abuse may be radically, cured without the clangorous use of internal midlclne or the application of the knife; pointing out a' modem( aura at once simple, certain, and effectual, by lacuna of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically, v. ricgt...this Lecture should he in the bands of every youth and every man In the land.. Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to "any ad. drotspeffpaid, on receipt of aim conts, - -or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Oulverwell s - .Marriage Guide," price 25 Conte. Addriss the - Publishers, UIIAS. J. 0. KLINE 12 CO., 127 Bowery, NOW :York, Pbst-Offieu Box 4,680, ajuiy. 08-Iy.' • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- pAtors of 'Administration on {ho estate of, taro. Jana (Ilene, dechla into' of Dickinson tow neb having boon Issued to tho subscriber residing Ramo township. Nobles le hereby givon to all poreone Indebtod to. said estate to makes - payment - and these havin3g cloture tq proeout thorn duly authenticated for oettloinent.to • " ' :ijuly Ot G'TLEMEN wjßhing,hfin.o.ll4vored cigar should try George G. Doah.'s Black Crook, •ou if t, ctn. • 10july•68. • • • D 0 S the -pi aoe _to 'got NIA .ft good ilvoront choir. Betnoun Itheasn'o Moll and tho Franklin flown .liijiilyAll3, • , - - (TI.EU, • G. DOSII hus a priiao cignr for fITO coifs. Try thorn. July W.A . N:III{ID.-: To purchasii—a small bouso In the botuugh of earn. 10, haviug not loo.ithan lour roping' nod bituutoa lan good nolohlon , hood. Auy portion haying•ouch a proporty_to dh.p0.,0 of Will addralo, • A. SMITH, July 1041'. • • Box Letter "Br Carlisle, P. 0. 32 94 27,852 $ 331 - ,,,0) 53 - • LiabiMies. 50,000 00 18,000 00 45,000 00 3,084 07 15,282 07 35,301 91 27,141 08 it. A. NOBLE, N P nt Mat annnal aettlomout, this lEMI3 $6,17a 67 36 , 37 301 24 17J Ou MEM R.O WOOD W A RD, lIUMI2I'II, A'rrretary, =I MIEN MORRISON, • AiltululstrAtcrk NEW ADVEI?'II:SEHEIVTS ENE EIJIIOI LAN• CIROITSI Quoted for its . .extOnt-:-fam'ous for its sPlendors—noted for its magnificence, wili.,present this season a most unprecedented GRATUITOUS STREET PAGEANT unlike all precedents, eiceeding any of the attempts made by Royal Munificence in the princely days of Chivalry. A Drove of Diamedaries ! Bed6cked with luxuriant pomp drawing. A. Alussivo Rolling Structilre conteinilig SCOTT'S CORNET' BAND, add liearing- in proud signifi cance . VO 26 A TOWERING GOLDEN HORSE. Among the principle points of-this masterpiece cf ART and EFIrECT are a Cavalcade ,of KNIGHTS in Burnished Steel Armor. accompanied by Ladies magnificently attired in the costumes . of the days 'of tile Crusades. . .. '''<z , - ( 4101.,—,7'"' ' • ' ) =VV`..o_'•fs ' . . -4,,c _ . ,-;•:::-.- - - 'S 4- L .. I- V.,' ' Z . , S, • t ' - • ••.' '\ ' 0 1 1 , ,•,, • 7 -- \". ' . %. ' , ; ' • 1 " \` '"" 1 ' The Beautiful Tableaux Car One of which will 'carry a Living Lion iu"tile Stree Free, Untrammiled and U, chained, and contain 'an-All, gorical Tableimx of America represented . by a gro - arrof - Rum ti NI nannies, elasienliy drape , At the feet of - tnn Goddess I. Liberty cronehes a large Livia.), Lion; trained by Mr. Crocketi around are grouped Beautift Girls, ,representing En roin Asta, Africa and America. Naphha's Sea- Chario Chinese Chariot of Coi fucius, Massive Cage of- Lime and other ,Chariots. Cars an , Berlins of exquisite workman ship, drawn by a mag,nilieen Stud of Foreign Horses, ate succeeded by the whole troup of drtistsiinaluding the mm beautifu Lady riders in the world. Fm. rteen Shetland Ponies draWin4. the Fairy Chariot o• Titania—the whole fUrming the most attractive out-door dispin ever witnessed on the contineat- CROCK ET?'S Dew- of Wild and Ferocious will be exhibited at each pet•. furmance, by. Mr, Pier,e, who will enter the Den Of Lions, end exhibiting Insastunishing magnetic power over the mons- , tors of the desert and the, jungle, 2 feed Ahem with raw !neat from his IthlOd hand, and demon•„ strut° his complete. control `,. over them.- The Company numbers over ONEIIUvDREU Bale and Female Artists. Double Troupe of Gymnnsts. Admission ' 50 ets. - Children nuder 10 yr5.....25 Porlorman'co - nt - 2 - and - '7? !. - P: M. ' Fur I'6ll particulars see largo posters and -eirouhirs. lil,' Remember Tun?, Eußo- ~.., PUAN,CIRCUS will be at . CARLISLE. 't . t 1i.,• 1 . .Tiiiirsday July 10, t -,. Ilarristurg, Friday, July 17, I , l l 'i , Suippensb'g, Wednesday, July I ' 15, Chanibersburg, Juesday, '' July 14. V. t ok ,P4.1,4k, ..7;2415:--,._.:-.-7 i' , 4 „ •:--;',P"''.......-4 , k' , ,i,,,y,,,,. -Arvt.--1-., .'4' ' ' 'r - • 01-11 ..':.-%...--_-_ IEI lOW All D, linoOKS & 'BI:4•:VP.N.BON M==M A-K-E A r S 4 WIDE MIN (JAM PjtIGN..EQUIPMENTS No. • dI.P North Third Street, , IMILADELVIIDE Cana and Capoo, of anamollod all cloth, of all calm a, made to order at shorted pound.) nallto. • Auly-lm, •- 7 _ 3o n LTR E A,WRI NpZl C ltio, ~u. 720T,EApR:N. sliould'h ear In Mita, that the thou allowed for 4con version into 0- It:Ads, will expire on the pith 'lnst., te , eti for the Junuw , nd the 15th of July for the July series; ✓ which periods the thwernment will pay off.the otos in areenbaelte,ilud holders of 7 80 Notes will lase the adeantego of reettlTlng . a 5.20. glx Per Coot 0 old Bearing Bond, or the present. high pendun—on the 7-30's. TI FAI6IERB' 2 RANK OF OA.RLISLI , attend to tho convirstou • or solo; of Mega notes for porthm.holdlog them.. •.. • . • • . • . _ 'VALUABLE" TOWN. PROPERTY V AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber, Infantility la ;remove front •Ctirllpia. afro', at private sale lila retidenee, situatrd 'on'South .11anover Street, Nati SS and 37.. • • , Tho - properti consiets of a • • r DO.IJ B "E.. HOUSE,. • 3tIU patt 01 winch is built. of Stone and. the other of Brick, making two - complete -Ifouecs, suitable for dwellings or places of buainues. • Tliere are steels. Frump Buildings on the promises which- (Muhl - be very vendlly be converted Into dwellings. For terms and other' particulars onglilro of the subscriber, residing on the promises. Da HELL'EFt, Yt NO mold before Oat., V, 1868,1hte' property will fferoil at public tall on. that ' Autid•tf. -• • . • • . . .P -RI NG .- E , have commoncod at tho Biota of. tho; ultdoc;igned In TIANOYERSTREET, of all Mods of:ivarmaulted ro tho waste of Howe Iceepoit, Hotels, and .all Coritomplating I,lip furnlgh log of tholr.bouFeß. Having;just returned froni the tutee they are pre _• pared to supply all with 'of every kind each ills__ consisting In prirt of the Barley Sheaf, - Noble 'Cook., l i 1741111 1t:...40ir .4;41t _*e, -iit-• , :. ._ . / also the optod • Thoy we'prepar - ed to furnish those contemplating housekeeping, with all things.necossary ton WELL REGULATED HOUSE such as of descriptlonp, - COFFEE MILLS, . • • • SADIRONS, - SPOONS, - - - LADLES, &c. Roofing, Spouting„ and Jabbing,. and eve' y thing in the line of the t Inner done' at the Shortest Notics and on .the most 'Tamable terms all oar. WAIIRANTbD. Clive chum a ealt , a they are ansious4oi exhibit, feelingl.saticti d thot Choy can convinceltil•that No. OS, Is the pines to mucilage G.HEAP GOODS, • ^ • ~ - NW 6, , r° ? ? -2 ',.? . r 4 . a. - .1; 1 1 1 : 111 rail . -- 7 i. i i . 1) . --- ' , .0) 1 ,-- . -- ::,.. 4 ,„:;) f p 1 -- r;I"..A ;11--Y and BEAUTIFUL WARE of alb kinds, found in a first ines-establishmetit. cmirm AIACHiNE WORKS. W.W.JENNINGS, Practical 21fouttl Franklin Iron Works, Corner of Short and , South Streets, MACHINE DE PA RTMENT STEAM - ENGINR' &11ACIIINER'Y . •Ibutienle'r attention peed to Itepairleg of Machinery by day Jr night, at, twine or abroad. MINUS OF BRASS WORK, Wrought - Iron Nee, Water Cougoq, S iun W buttes, Chock Valv es. ,ioverno Steam Gauges, InjeciorA, Olt Cups, - Unionx lite., Eto. • Foundry and •OpiannuitaLDepartnidnt - Itpufacture Cast nod Wrought Iron Ilain and Ornamental Railing Oyer ono hundred and Ep vent fi v e now and beautiful patterns. . ,Verandahs, l‘:indoor 11-ads, Bracket., settees, Tables, Stand., Tree Boxes, Incision Stalls, Rack-and-Fned-Box - os - tor - Stablesiet , i - etwc — JEW USE 1 , 1101srla& A RCIILZECTVEMA Exue'uted from :toy t 1.11.711 furniqhotl,'?and ilaVO Olt haat) a largo varloty of plttorrtv for BUILDERS' IRON WORK IN GtiVERAL Wood Carving, Model andfattern Making prompt ly attended JENNIN'IS, STEVENSON & STOFIVER. aj ul y 6S-tims - _ - A. L. SPONSLER'S COLUMN A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Sethener, "conveyancee Neu, acre and- Claim Agent. Vince Main Street Near Centro Sluare. Ii ox SALE • • A tract of 'valuable Timber Land containing ON BUN OREL) ACHES, lying on the South M , tunt 'ln 3 miles above Mt. Holly, known as the steam saw 'MU properly. Ttio tract is roost favorably located, easy o tit access and the thither of ihe best quality. - For icons Sc., apply to 1 .1. L. SPONSeIt. Union Pacific Rail Road Company, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Intere.t, Payable Seml.Aunually In Gold, _ who subbsetiber ,having helm appointed the Haan. dal Agent for the 'l,nio puny at Carlisle. will re. °lvo subserlbtious for the above noised Bono, whieh hint be, 0 - recently advanced to 102 and are at that state riTarded the she Post seeusltyrho iluirltet‘e A. SPONSLIIIt, omen 101 , 18, hest Main St. -LA ' • ' . 4 , If 'Tr • P -VALUABLE LOT OF .GROUND FOR SALE Situate and lying' between East Main and Ponifret 'Streets extended, In the Borourill of earlialoand con talng about fan' acres This Is one of rho most dirsirabla Lots In the .torn d could be used for a variety of purpases—hen‘d a Ilk capability of befog advantageously divided Into do. sirablo building Lots—haviLg a front on 1:3:11 DI tile above urrinorlstreeta,,it wuttid_het.trioLt_tx.cellent lq cation for Lou 6 manufacrur bushorps. Thu .Ilan stud Water pipes ma already laid just in front of the Lot. Apply to • A.L SSO,N SLIM. 1 toa I Potato AgL. Penn Mahal Life-Insurance Company Life Insurapee policy on-Favora- Tim Board of Trustees Lori, duclared n floNp divi dond of PII.rY PER CENT.,' upon the cash proud omit received in- 1501 on ndl .Policiealuirreu have _dee' dud to !w iii.eir° all the scrip Issued up w. ¢nil hi nary lBll5 in payment of premiumv. Jo iP doralgurd Is ready n deliver certificates to portico entitled to receive there at the Ca. lisle Agonry at his race. No. if, West Maio trret, at any time after date or tulle nottoll. Pemphlets, table raloi, lipplications end every In formation Turnisho.l without charge. A. L. SPONSLEIt, Agent. ,:.,:. ~~~~;~. A Ilbrral pereontago will bo plbl to oua or "two. ieltablo porno., to cnovasa C umborl awl county on bulitilrartlm--nhiww-company,- only tinnpuny in _,Pnntyiromit.....d.7' 000 of tho oldest nml most r in the coo litry. Apply to BPONSLEIt, Agent. - --12juno GR. - - - FL / /1 • • A.Doublo - it Story Brick House ; p • with Ilfranto kitchen attached, suitable ' for 0,0,pm.y of too fiuiilire, or as n !!!! Storo Room and Awelling, situated on o ;; • ; • A ,. - - - - " PIWYSTREET, CARLISLE, rill be dispOsod of on florablo form. 12,jun%03, Also a commodious' o Story Brick Dwelling Roust), wieh Brick Back Building, situated on East Malin Street, Carßelo. I'2,juou OS Also tt valuable building lot, eituuted , on ilia South East combo Wost recd Volniret Streets, fronting 00 foot .on ['miter, end24o feeron 'West Street. This is ono of the hoot deeireblo building Jots in tho borough, 12June f 0 • - Also n Vireo Story- Dwelling" Ifouso, ' built of Brick and Frame, containing el rooms and tiltehun, ‘vith all the modern Imptovomonts, with stable and carriage • house in the. roar, altuntod on a lot of ground on West . houther Strout, eon alnlug 02 feet front and -2.10 feet in depth, a voiy desirable residence, 12jutla 138 N' :BANKRUPTCY The lintlersikinni iiives notice tloc. he thin Wino 'ap pointed neyignou of Ch arlos B. itoynofds, of Shinny.. burg, in., yithin said distorter, w h o has boon ad judged bannrupt on his own piititlon to' the district Court or hold district EIDE MISCELLANEOUS. N 0 6 STOVVS COOK PARLOR orrrcE - T 0 VE Orley/al; ------------,_ 'parl2r and NATIONAL RANGE TINWARE, RINESMITU NUPP, No. OS, Unnover ' - Carholo, Pa D STEVENSON, JR., Praci'l Erigr. tS Machinist. J IL STOVER. HARRISBURG, PA =I AND FITTINGS ON HAND Brass and roil Cocka, lobo VOtvos, (long° Cocks, ornor Volvos, lety Valves, CASTINGS Assetts $1,818,000,80 E:MZtla A. L.IIPoNSLEII.I . _Real Estate .Agont /t/qtay/calya.S. 7 k JA q."llt. Fanny printing clorai heie DR Y GOODS. "A LWAYS : ALIVE- - • - TO TRI INTIMEST OF Till CfOkINIIINITY ftt the OL1) CORNER Just receiving nnotnoi largo Plspply of Clonne.oulted . - to the prosetit season. . DRESS A beautiful am rttuent of DRES'S ;8 1 IC S ; In all eolora and qualities 811PEILIOIL BLACK. GRO,CIIIAIN BILKS SAQUES AND . MAN PLES ...., ^ A FULL LINE OF BUT'VNS AND TRIMMINGS .... z .... 5. For tliO trimmfn of Saques..and - kantloi -- - - V , A GRAND ASSORTMENT OF Black and Colored Grenadines French Organdie Lawns C Swisses, French Jeconet Lftwns, French Nrcaillsgured, --French-Percnills—Plnin, Pure Mottled Mohairs, For Ladies Suits; • - Plain Mohair, _ All epiol•s for suits, MOZANIIiIQUES itud FRENOII CHINTZES, SCOTCH GING HAMS &a., &e. Dress Goods all selling at astonishingly low prices, as we aro .dotemilhod not to carry stock over the 'season.• WHITE GOODS, Plain . . and Striped Swiss Muslim, Striped Plaid and- Pet Nainsooks, Plaid-, Plain and Striped Jdennetts, .. Shifted, i'liffed end- Tucked- Muslins For _Gtiribaldies, Striped and Plaid . White French Organdies fgt. Ladies' Dresses, • Black Crape, Marett yds. wide for; Shawls and Dresses, Th.) yards wide, MOURNIBIC COODS, • Of every description, suitable for all season, and for all purposes. A full 1100 of FUNERAL 0001)S, always on hand 1)0A1F,STIO GOODS, Of all kinds selling at unusually low. prices CARPETS!! CA,RPETS!!! Great induetAuuls now olferiog In all grades of Carpotato closo out our stock ot,trpo suabon FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, All widths tor .Entries and Halls TABLE 011, CLOTHS I=i== WINDOW .S A") . ME .AND BOYS WEAR, 1 UI.UTIiS S CASlilll ES LINEN TAJOIC9, DRILLINGO, • of ..vory thweripl Inn. Call and zoo the beg k took of 111001 i lvera to thn town.' Lace Cackles, . Martialßoo Qulle, C 0711; R§, AND SPREADS, A groat bargain lu all klutle of Linen, 'flunk Oarlt nod -Damank—Bordaretl -Towele,—Doylleni--Nnpkintr, — Tabln Cloths, Illth Towels. Ac. .. . —..-Lann-. Mantle!. ...taiatlan,..a.i.l4:anattnn • .ne-tlif ra Integ) las 1116.0.11. in .11olosr SKIRT • .. &the retven, with thondlrp Insteleinge, linabllng ) sk laity to adj.:, the skirt to melte It any jengtit she may wish it, either for the tWili or ',milting drum.' -.-- NS ! N.. 9, O ITg. I I „ ~ p :x=-'. ♦fir _ { nn' : : , ;r;Q;ll:< '~~?=~ 4 'ln such groat variety that It Is Impoinlble, to enumerate there': Please give us a call mid see all desc,lptlons of LINEN lIANDItEItOIIIEDS, LAOII lIANDKEncturtIYN, ROISIIItY, GLOVES, 'DUNI MINOS, LACES, EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, MARSEILLES:NMI:AMOS, lac„ Please do not fall to giro us ainsearly call and ex• amine our comploto stock, .as sot ere always woll prepared to prove - tho fact that we do study the In terest of our customers, and never suffer ourselves to be undersold.: • It D 1: C & - MILLER 1 Ploaru•be particular In noticing the heading and the closing of our aderrtisemorit, AS 4 la sometimes; elorely imitated a nd.may decals'o those not on their guard. • LEIDICH -- & MI.LLER. ON SHE CORNER, sign of thci Carpot Ilnll • -Q 2! : . -ICA.ST MAIN STREET, Carlisle Pennsylvania. Quirk; , • • ' Assignee GOODS ! ~P If LTEItERS':AtRIEIT-D, GAPES IN CIIICKENS:AND TURKEYS. Will prevent and dare Chicken Cholera, and other Disease common to Poultry, -and will - prompte-an-dnerease of-Fat. --, FULL DIRECTION A'CaOM PAN Y EACH 140ICAGE. PRIDE 2r CENTS. FOR The annexed aro a few of the-. certificates wo hai , e received in proof in die goat Nalue and efficacy of the l'ovlteiers' Friend ; CARROLLTON, CALTIMORL COONTI", MP:, Dec:, 10,1867. Messrs. Clotworthy a F.NTLEbIEN I—l have used your "Poulterers' Friend" upon a brood of young chickens-that had the gapes, and am happy to Coy, that by the owed" a few doses Eli y wars ontiroly cured. It will certainly cure tho [tepee when used according to directions. I.Etrownr, W. VA., /mil 7th, 1868., Alessrs. C1°1,1.1 . 111/ ,P Cb;_ • - _ Corn :—I have been Bolling your "Poulterers' Itrlend' fur' the last few months, for the cure of thicken Cholera, and in every Fasten° whore It has beuaused, the disease was arrested at onto. It hi the greate st Medicine made. It Is in groat demand, and I am selling It rapidly. It certainly .compllshert all that you claim for it. Yours, 6c. JONAH T. TRUS:4ILI,. -SUETIIELIDSTOWN, W. VA. April lath, 1808... News. Clotworthy - i . .d:09, - - 117 _ymingkeidekens were dying very fast this Spring vith th6".4.3fipos, and .h-aring of your .Poulterer,•' .Friend, Liflurchased a . package from Jos. M. atone. maker, Shopherd,..town. Va., and it acted like a charm. Tim dopes soon urimppaarad, and my chickens Iniib bocome_healthy and thrifty. ,I can --recommend the Poulterers' friend to all ' 'll..srorrs. j. 4.808, News. Clolworthy & • _Coors:—lltivinglost n grout many fowls, during the early Spring, with .Chicken Cholera," I 'was in dubod by Mr. Poe. M. dtonebralter, of Sho”berdstown, to try a paper of your •'Poulterers' Friend," which I did; and I bad only used three doses when the dken-e disappeared, and I nave not lost a fowl Finch. I eau most solely. recommend it to do what it says, if the directions area ... followed. For sale by all cenptry Merchants.' _ ' CHRISTIAN W HUY. Alpacas, All Colors Price $2,00 per Dozen to, the Trade. A Liberal Discount - Alb - mit, when Purchased iv • llowarn of any Imitation Ana genuine except that uumulactured byClotivorthy , - All Stotiebraker's preparations fins sale by Wash. mood & Bros., West Main St., Carlisle Is. 29umy 4m. ' A M E R - 1 N - A NTI-INCRU STA T lON CO'S OFFICE, No. 14.1 South. Folirth St-met, a , For Shawls and DresseAt Thu L Ithtek, Softost and moot Mastic and Dun,. We tnat..rlal known, 'for Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage, and Chair Cushions. It Is ont..lroly Indwitruetiblo, perfectly_eluan and free from &lot. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALIA Ix always free from Insect life; is, perfectly healthy. nod for the sick is unequalled. ' If soiled la any way, ' ran be renovated quicket and easier than any other Niattresa. Sperial attention glued to • PU hNISIIING CIIUItCIIKS, HALLS, to. Railroad men are especially Invited to examine the Cushitin Sponge. Tho only Family Machine that cola tlp Its own work knits all Pizes, widens and narrow a off Ma too colt plate—producing all v lodes - 01 knit goods from An infant's stocking, mit •n or gloro to a lady's shawl orqhpod Its sidayle'durable, easily operated and warranted to succeed ill the henan Of every purchaser. AGENTS WANTED. . 1 • , simitsss,,with stamp for circular and sample stocking J..D.'olttill, Gun'l Agt,o22 Chestnut fl, Phila.' inlay tikAls• 4. , , . - -GOOD , -,. inirS-1 GOOD - NEWS l" - ---- ' ORE ~ P DECLINIEVN PRICES AT THE NEIT7 41ND QIFEAP CASH STORE, CORNER - OP ITA'NOVEIt AND POhIFRET STIMTS The imbserlberxonrCiiiii - petfully inform I.ho nub ile that ho is o ?qving almost doily from the Kdotorh ti large “voire of New_ and C hoop kloodrr,rsuch , • LSDI n F 1 SS GOOD S 4, Honey .Comb Quilts IES • D 0 WE. S' T. I 0 8 ! Dleethed and Drochn, • ,•• Table Diaper., • ' Counterpane., , . • . ' " , - - Bletiched and as Unbleached Muelins, iTielcings,-Cheeks Towels, - Napkin., ac. ItEMEMBEIt THE PLACE, , • ON TRIO CORNER OF :HANOVER AND - POMV - RET.TTgETS the room fortireily , occupied by ' 7 ''.. '. 2,tiukacin kb). . • • . MIS CELL A.N.EOUS. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY I OR •ORIC7,FINPOWDERS ,(Copyrightlacured.) 13== man CLOTWORTIIY4 CO., Wholesalo•Druggists, No. 339 {Yost 'Baltimore Street . , Baltlamte,'6ll, I=l =I TITE ANTI-INCRUSTATOR i j 0011105 from FTPAIS 1 ,, j1, o, - Baurns sod sc.p them clean• rend., th“ 11011.00 1000 Ilnhiq y t. e, causing a. I II; 00011,1 rffuel. I , F Those INSTRUMENTS haring Xl', been in .saccessfai use during the Idol bon years l 0 Many or _ ' the large„ .lablislinum •- ' Philodeliilia and °Mei. pa t ,ts a oj ; = thrtiiiiWitSlizlesltod'frpmwhich ... -1 . 7 -- h - ttattrrin.VesfitiiNflatr ; of their lonml4ilal Baying of •- qur/ - 1..6) . Nava - ham" re-- a f v Es baying 11011.. 10 do well - to call at and exanAoti Szn. Prrsident PE'IiNSY LVANI A ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 ellestirt Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, =I CURLED HAIR' Ei11331 PURPOSES UPHOLSTERY- Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR 8 ATISVACTION GUARANTIED. TUE TRADE SUPPLIED njuna GB-ly. . . Price Reduced to 68 Dollars! ! , rec u t i( Z , rlniieg, Prone), Plain - lamp Itcpp and Finley. De; I:nines, • • ' l' . l<t nna Fancy v• MEM 8 A W SI: Bft A: WLSI BUOCHA -LONG AND SQUAItg, BREA.KiPAST SitAWDß:in great varipty • and-vory cheap • CLOTHS AND CASSIMHRESI French, a aruna nud • . American Cloths, • Black nod leancy.Calialunires,'„- . • • Docollips, • • Black nod Emmy . • • , Oyer Contlogn. Sattlnotte, Kentucky Jeans, • Undershirt!, and ' Drawers. +: . MISCELLANEOUS. 1C).41 ? , 5t e 1 L rAY,7 4.7 61 6 444- 74, : -Keg, .°) ' l4 imb amiAL ____,GoLl 5 - ; c..` * w. •4, 6.4 OH ENT O 07,i.. , !V ! ,. 0. 0 "el R gA . 4 'tea st o , °As VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE CF THE • locks restored by it to the 'dark lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy! Young People, withlight, faded orredHair,, have these unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice People ,whose" heads are .covered- -with Dandrulf and' humors, use it, and have clean eats and clear and healthy scalps! lirt&-Tlericlea Veterans have their remaining locks tighteited, and the bare spots - covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, - and dance for joy! Young Gentlemen use it because ,it 'is richly perfumed! , Young Ladies use it "because it keeps their Hair in place! • Everybody must and - win use it, because if, is the - cleanest - and best article in the y market! - , For Sale by - Druggists generally 7feb6B-ly fIgtAR r MER'S BANK, OF OAR- Lis Lltl, PENNSYLVANIA, ' Recently organized,has boon openod, for transaction of a general banking businosa, in the corner room of R. Given's near building, on the North West corner cf iligh stroot and the Centre Sqhare. The Directors hope by liboral and careful manage ment,totgniiothlsa popular institution, and a wife ..dcilnysitory-forall-who-may-invorthe-hank-svith-thedr .accounts. bock on demand, inter est allowed on special deposlts,tgold, Silver, Trtiasury Notes and government Deeds, bought and sold. -- Collections made on all accessible points In the country Discount tidy, Tuesday. Banking hours from 9 o'clock A. 51. to 3 o'clock P. 111„ R. Gliren, - Pretildont, U m. IL Miller, !homes Paxton. David Clothes, Jtilin W. Crmghead, A. J. Herman, . 27inar-es tr. - - Abrebant-Wltmers 1807... _SEEING_ .. 1867. BARGAINS. NOW - OPENING IN - DOMESTIC GOODS Dimas GOODS, • .. CAESIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, , DRESS TRIMMINGS. 'JO/PLIERS, It ONS, NOTIONS, SO AT 'RING'S NEW STORE, • No. 55 WEST GAIN S MEET.- Oppt”.l to the Mansion House, nost to Poet °Oleo TURNER'S stELE. TURNER'S SUPPORTING lAD D E R FARMERS, FRUIT - GROWERS, • • - ' 31ECHANIl S, and • 110U,SEKEEPRES EZlt A LEI( ENS, 4i y cold-Trros T. 041 x useful Improvement It Ix Composed of kbY nun,' er of Sortion4 or Joints, which can be used. either kingly, or connected, forming a Ladder of any Th.sired length. It can be LE,NGTH,ENED OR SIMATENED, without descending to the ground. Is SELF-SUP PORTINO, not requiting the upper and Mir an against any object. Connected with it Is a movable step,-gi'l log an easy foothOld fo'i those using it. It can be READILY TRANSPORTED, because gasily closed tea small size—and quickly` changed Into etth,•r a " STEP I44.DDER OR SCAFFOLD. - - _ FA 11M ERS , may Loop different Sections for use at separate place. on their farms, and when In need of a long Lad& the Sections can-he teanon'ad. can gather the fruit without resting against the tree —rine, avoiding injury to the tree. 'Two or.more can work at and lime, and fruit can be reached by the aid of this Ladder, that would otherwise be unattainable without straining or bruising the MECHANICS coo raise or lower it. Section or Round at a tim without descondina to the ground, an can be road ly changed into a lino, substantial Scaffold. .r" . . HOUSk.,...KEEPIIII. call tinploy It no a Si en.l.tkik i n of o tlluary SIMI Lott/ convert It Into a long Lo ..__........._ _.,.....--"" -....._, PRICE LIST. 'IS Feet, 3 Soctlou_,s ltmch 0% foot) Light weight lb e lid - IYdlo tc expo rs. Extonded ' length about 10 foot 20 Feet, nxi r 3 weight 80 Poet, 3 Suctions, (eaeltlo . foot long. Ex. tended length about 24 feet. - 10 00 40 leeet,4 Seetiona,fone two 10, and . ono 8-fout long.) Extendediengthabout 37 feet 210 (niter Plus In proportion. Liberal discount to the trade Single Laddera forwarded, froight prepaid, to the near . . - e4t , ..3.tation on rehlido I retail prico , A. --t... TENTS, WANTED In- ev ry cuity to canvass and sell. Alio wanted, Energetic, Ite tble, Capable Men to travel and estab lish county'Agn Its. For Circular Torres aatlresti j. TURNER'S '— PATENT ?XTENSION , LADDER,' P.O. BOX; 2 18;--Ao No 128 S. Front St. Wm.' M. ME OY, Agt., Earlisle Pa. 2Q nna Gd . _ . . . . . A ' LE -- 11 - \I;) PE wr A.T PRIVATE. SALE. ' In Clearspring, Washing Con County, Md The subscriber intends changing hie location In businene, niters his two-story BRICK STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE. Einit house Ix'2o titns ptoru. =I=M•WEICI SPELNG HOUSE, GOOD STBLING, . CARRIAGE HOUSE, GOOD Lc" and all good FRUIT,' t onti , of the best locations for busioens In town. Per`sous buying the abo no properly can got possest . lon by the sth day, of August or Ist of September Can also If Choy "desire bey the Stock of Goode-as I a-gooG.Dergain la.. th cue at cent, .&c,, , A150 1 tYve•story Brick House with, 8 Boonm i nnd:llalf Lot, with all goad Out tugs, and water In • the yard, now occupied ail a eau faction ry Store, Also. A FRAIII TWOSTORY-,SHOP &11:SitSNi01.1 of the two ,Iset unwed properties will be given an the Ist of April next. Wor further in. formatlou fuldrum, M A 11,1? 111Y111t8. 22w2111. . C raprlng ` I OHOOI. TAX VOR . 186 S. Tha Dupllcato b( School Taxes fur the Caro Ugh o • Carlisle; to nosy in the hands, of tho Treasuror for &lilac don.- Notice Is therefor() glean' that the Trona wor will attend at tho county Court House, (Con minsionora Oilico,) on • . • • kiliday Me 318E' of-July next, botuton the hours of 9 and 5 O'clock' of said day, tor the purpose of resenting said Tuxes, up ti which nolo au abatemen't of rive por cont. win bo maids on all taxes paid. ' , Orono wishing to' pay tholr taxes boToro th.abovo date, can do so,- by calling et -the' aloe of the Tratuturornt„PlarinAltall , Treasurer. ;12may4Ot p - BANK. ittrrko Y. , ' . .. . . I:skarn District of Ponneylvania,P. ll._ .' at Dudish' 18 June 1868. 1 ' 'no undoreigned horny gives noticoot hie sppoint, moot am assignau of ht. N. Busboy of Nrwvillichn the, cou. ty of Cuinburiand and titatp of Po , hBYD'araL -within - staid, Diutthlt who tolskoon.adJuilgrdiitiio B, cup on .rodltgre alittittoliThl the District court of Aid dlitfilar--- - : ; ~ . - ~. ~ ' ~ . 2Yuna OW RING'S J. C. HOFFER, Cashier AND EXTENSION MEM =I ,IS INVITED 1' RtrlT GROWERS , - Assignee Ac -DRY GOODS: 186 g. SUMMER 1868. A golf] cent ato - oti - Ot a .yr Goaudn uoN aa st hibltion at dreenftOKat No. 4 East lifaiit Ilaiiing"dntermlned to keep a much larger stock of Drees Goods than' heretofore, el am new pre pared to exhibit one' of the roost beautiful stock of goods, consietiog of all the latest' novelties. orthe season - for ladles - Sults, and Med all-the-thitr-lkbr Ica far eumucet weer NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Every thing in our Grose Good departmeut will be found of the latest hdportapon of uur purrhaass last week, wa know wo have soma bargains that ona• not ho-found elsewhere. ORENODEANS SEASIDE LUSTERS, GRANIT POPLINS, .OIIENEA POPLINS, BUMMER POPLINS, The new and deelTable dudes of PH4Rii ILlli BO MARK ALPACAS only 5 Ocean. i - • ' . . ~,,,, . . The BEST afeortmeat of le BLACK * SILKS In Olin from $1,75 to 4,50 per pi A fall - lino of FANCY BILKS, Lawns, Cambrios, Peroals, Delaines, &o BLACK GOODS, BOMBAZINES, TAMS CLOTH, CWIMIERES; &. A great bargain In stlifOet DELAINBSI, BLACK BLUE, .Raß end A good armament of WHIT E - C - KEilf E Ey! , "loM , Crape, Collars, and Crapes, Beading, Funeral orders promptly mood Eatiasiowinvici A well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS bought very .eheap, will - be soldat popular Bleached and Unbleached Mull& s from the lowest grade to the Vilest New York M Including all the tteet makes. COTTONADES, HICKORY STIPES, GINGHAMS, TABLE CLOTHS, rill at prices that..ley competition. TE GOODS, DininsoolOs, Oumbrles,)lh.end piniti Bylines, Tasietous, p " BAHLfti r 'Striped MaelfuP, Itsielet7. in great varletlee, all dies of the but InHilt Mai at , reduced ratee. Sono 10'00 BARGAINS-IN SHAD ,El 3 BARGAINS IN SACKING CLOTHS A largo assortinonCo hadie. . . CLOTHS and CASSIA RES. 1 • • At the lowest market ratee, lu tot ntany• or ties cheaper than before the war. . FRENCH CORSETS CHEAP The best selling Kid Glove In town selling at 04 A new lot of I.IOOP BKlRTfi t direct from the mann lecturer at a bargain. • FLOOR OIL CLOTHS_ E=M STAIR OIL CLOTHS, "-VP , TABLE OIL CLOTHS, 'UMBRELLAS, I".AR-AfjOLS, r • SILK IT.I.I)IItELLAS. c, All I ask la an examination of toy 'took. illarlitir .till be utonidied at the difference of prices ' bls and ether eatablishments claming to sell elleapie L. T. :GRF,F,NFIELD tzvc•.:. „ 11 Alapaos Dude* ALP4OI. lini cja baud CHECKS, TICKINWE, PRINTS- TABLE LINENS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers