HARDWARE. INDUTRIA PROSPERET. T have lately made bran additions to . my already IXTENSIVE STOOK OF ELA.RD,WARE " ba nil its branhes and depertmoots, :And buying ex .' naively for Cash, an:S..4le to :ompete with I'M !e.t.a. Markets, and tff'Wliobniale at Mann farturer's .ftier.s. ' IGOII Keg. of Nallsjuat received - and will mil by the-ga ntlty at manioc:Mitre. plrcee for cash. All orders attended to personally, and with oar aeual prompenrss. Goode delivered to all parte of the town FREE OF . LARGE. We invite the spacial attention of Blacksmith!. and Wagon. Makers to our extensive stock In their line. cotnprlsing in part of: . Ram Mered, Rolled, linglished Retard, L, arid Norway Iron, of all shapes and alone. Burden's Horse and ,Mule Shone,— • .. Nails of different brand 1, _ - , Rowland's Black and Polished Borings, fit:mimosa% Daat Rte.), Spring, • ' Sleigh , ' - . Blister and Too Steel, Blacksmith's Drills, fielid•Bol Vise., Bellows, A File., Rasps, and Case ildirdened, Wagon, Car—ln rlago. and Buggy Al.xlei. CARRIAGE, WAGON AND SLEIGH Fixtures, embracing In part: MUSS% . SPOKBS, FSLLOES, BOWS, SHAFTS, . ' CARRIAGE POLES, SLEIGH RUNNERS, . .. ,FENDERS, . . .. - ' TOP LEATHER, • • • DUCK CANVASS, . , DRILLINGS, DAMASK, 17! . LACE, - c TRIMMINGS, Act., Ac too numerous to mention, ' Out and olinch Nails, at the 'very lowest market eater. .Country Merchants supplied at manufacturers prides. CARPI NtERS AND BUILDERS will find if to thsir *advantage to buy Nails, Locke, Paints, Oils, and other Blinding Materials, together with CARR-ENTERS TOOLS from the Best MetersX . warranted to give en tire - satisfaction in gall- ty and-prices. • CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS we' would invite your attention to our largo and damp stock of Walnut and Mahogany Voneera, Chair Sofa, and Bed Springy, Moae, Bair Jte. Coffin Handing, Lace, Fringe and di neceasaty -materials and goods In their. line. SADLECi'S FPSDIICGS AND,.TOOLS of every variety comprised In putt, of, Black lied and White, Enameled and Patent Leather, 11. g Skins, Saddle Trees, Stirrups, dnpanned. and . Silver-flames Horse Blankets, CollarnTllrldle Bitts, Buckles,ltings, Brow-Bands, Rein Web; Mailings, Blanket Binding, Ives' and North's Self Adjnsting :Frees, Arc., Ac. A LAIUIk STOOK OF SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and Findings, Merroc T coos, Tampicoes Sheep Skins. Colored Linings Ac., all of which will be sold at the .lowent cash rites.• PAINTS AND 0.1L3 Twenty tons of the following brands Whit.. Conde and Zinc's, Wetherill's Lead, Liberty 'do., Buck do., Orystal do., Mansion do., French Zinc, American do., Snow %Miro do., Florence in., Colored do. - Oolors-of-every-diserlptiondley-and—lamil_ ln and tube. Alno, Bold Iderf, Freud, 'and German Bronze,l'ainl, Varnish' and Canuil Hair, Brushes, BFirtrang_Oranbe and Brushes. OILS AND VARNISHES Linseed Oil . - • —lErproUlTdb. NIFII Lard do; . L dbrie do., Malts Foot dn., 'I urpeuti , e, CiCia‘rVtr - filid - rcljr. 'Furniture do , C 1! JAI' N IRON AND Le, 11IlEil VARNINIIRS Ale+, Putty, I.lthirae, - Whit,l9g, • Ulm", bltellac, Roetn, Chalk, Alum. Copperas, Borax,' Molder, • Logwoml, Lc. kr. • ,We would erpeclaily N „,to the attention of ut slech.les and the community In ireueri.l a the following articles: DOUGLAS CONViNa& RUISISEY'S IRON 0 ELL A ND ell A IN Pllll PS imA. N&e.rr GR FROM FIVE TO ONE /I UN DR ED AND FIFTY FEET , Wold, Iron and 1.110, to salt, 11Y DitAIICW RAMS &e . (C7e A constant AIM frisli supply a Dupon's, Rork, 11111 e, Rirgl • rind Dock Powder rogutnsr r,111.4 /Sofa:, Vu•a. maks, nurt,,,sks. Crow earn, 1/I•l'l,,,lgus, Napping Unintnors. Cement of !ha Ito!Posh, braodo. (Warrant ad fruori and 1,) llosendalo, ricutlaud and Hancock, Also, Calcium Plaster, Pair, band, &c. Bole agent for Plonk's Shifting Ileum Plows. .• do nigh mid Low Cutter. I.lso agent for ZeTier, Weiroch, Bloomfield, Piet° nod York Plows, Plow Ilandles,Conlvotor, Plow beau. and costing of evmy doserlptlud to suit the above plows constantly on hand, We uro u,ooio Br the patent Improved Measuring -Paucee We guorontse thou) to dram and measure con redly the heaviest Molasses, Oils, Tar, Variliaties-die., In Otte mildest weattus. Remember the old- place,- N0.15,-EAST -MAIN St., Carlisle, Elizabethtown ' and Loudon, frames, straight and twlated. - Butt and Long Trarns+, bth Chains, nproada Halts! s-Chains, Cow Ties, dm, dm. FARM BELLS df all slzsic(warralatud not to croak. 31111 and CU aular Saws, ButcherUnws, Knives, Stools, be., be. A-LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF CEDAR WARE COMPRISING IN PART TUBS, CHURNS, BUCKETS, BUTTER BOWLS, PRINTS, &c, .&c.,---. ----- Plain and Porcelain-Lined • _Oudl.and - - - - - Round Boilers, Porcelain, • . • Brass and -- Copper , -- — R- prcaervmg Kettles, Waffle and • Grid Irons. • A NEW LOT OF GRAIN BAGS AT GREATLY nuri,xiiiim PRICES TINNERB `SOLDERING IRONS, BOLDER, 'IAA .LEAD, BRELTER, BLOCK. TIN, PIO LED, SHEET MUSS, &c. SINGLE AND DOUBLE BARREL 81101' GUNS. Smooth and .1 1 1vIst ILlflo'o, and It 1110 Barrele, and Mount nes, Irt , ved von: and Bmylo lEnlves, also, Mulatto Catrldgoo vers, of all the Improved pattorno: THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND MOST lINAUTIFUL STYLES OF BIRD ,CAk}ES. Also, Chaßbur Sets. IK - NT 'Patent. Metallic Ircn Itoliere, Nasal: Flea: WV or Hanginfi. Daakete. CLOTHES ViLICING ERI3, 0111 - NI, F, CiONG . S, AND - -HAND BEL-LS A 1?0,E HOVEL KEEPE•R • AND GILT , ioLvr 1 - .8. All rvost N B 004r.8.:' ,:,.Exqf7sivE, AGENT 170 R PATENT ExotuNon WEATHER STIR, lIMIE need on doors an'd w Inclows for excluding cold, , rain, /sat; and ano . woa7thout mentioning the • 0,611q0 OF.OOA besides 'repining suoti:coMfOrt as :no othor ex pondl time of rival son command." ALSO SOLE - AGEIiITS:7 --- : •- • • - E • ildllttlANlllt 13TAND'AIID.8OALi8. •;7 • ' 14 7,NRY,BAXTON . 15 Ufa! lL IN sTSEts a ' NEW GOOIS 1 N.EW , GOPDS -Tw..„,(5. Wir.E_ . lt' Si :CO: EA S T ?,1 RE . .E T , Under the •Corman House nave Just got to store ^ from. ,Now York and Plolladu!phis. All thu bout styles of DRESS GOODS, Silks In all styles and colors, Silk Porllns, Spring Mobalr and Ohone Poplins In single add double fold for Ladies andldiaaos in black - and evory shade of color MIXED GOODS, Ileaullfnl'COLOßED and WHITE MARSEILLE?, elegant GRENADINES and. LAWNS, W 11.1 T,E G 0 0 El - 8-',' BRILLIANTS, TUCK MUSLINS, CAMBRICS r SWISS, TARLETONS, PERCEL; WHITE and LACES'bought from Jaffray's New York, selling much less than regular prices, newes't style of LADIES COATS, splendid stylEig—ef FRENCH and, ..ENGLISH COATINGS, Ornaments, Button's and Trimmings. to match SPRING S'H AN,L S Klegent printed CAgUHgRR STIIIPtiti end 11AltitKD MOURNIIIO COODS. UNE4,t,A L 0 0 ODS, W. C. SAWYER,. & Purchased before rattan advanced au Immense ewe; of 0031ESTIO COTTON (1001.8. CALNOE6, ouvari4ms, SITEETINOS._ IILHAOI121) and UN• BLO.:ACIIMU MUSLIN. 3, TICKINOS,, OTTON and LINEN PANT STUFVS, Ay. OUR'NOTION DEPARTMENT Hosiery, Gloves, ' Handkerchiefs, Cravats, ...Linen Bosom's, --.Zephyrs, Buttons, I= MIN'S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES ALL COLORS "The tiucbasa" Kid Glove. at. low prim. Latest style of parasols and Sun ,Ilmbrallas, Kopp Skirts, Veils and a Ihoanand other artielaii not Imantlailed, We are,the largest dealers of lu Carlisle, from the lowest prise to the finest Frdn,h.- W. C. SAWYER & CO., 4 Are unrivalled In their largo and ■OlO6 .stook of • .0 . A - R 1 1 ' E- T . We buy tram • tninutaaturera and save Jobbers' etunmltudona Biwt Quality ,of Threo Ply.. Bost Quality Ctosley Bruagole Best I9graine.. - • 'l. l \ Best VOnotiair.- , Best Philadelphia make of Ingrains. Cheap Carpets to suit all eugtomore ALL WIDTHS AND QUALITIES OP O,IL CLOTHS, fherocuite,thalle, itatreund'tablek. Matting'', Velvet Rugs, Matte, 011/Madre, 11011110de for Doma ins, Dem elk frr boungeh, Couuterpante, Blankets, Table Linens, tiapklne, ae. -' • .' . W.' 0., SAWYER 45/00. • . hive yeceived • thd newest etylet of qPRING 094TING,i8, CASEILI4LERES, kOods made up to order;. In the latest' 'Lyles,. new goOdi will beAdoed as, the emoon advances.. We buy for:ciehind'aill at lovrist market peleis. Anybody 'all 'at the oIA : atand; • • •1 •s • r • ":" W. Bfi t Wpin, k . 00 ' - d-bobs A L PI 0 A 6, STRIPED GOODS, BARRED GOODS FOR DRESSES, All kinds of CAMBRICS CHINTZ, SHIRTINGS,!LINENS, EDGINGS,FLOUNCINGS, LADIKS aud-missr,s. All kinds' of All kinds q is full of Trimmings, Ribbons and other wares. O,R S E T S, FURATITUR.E. V c. 17 N. 0 • «. bzi -w Y t w CA P, 8 a a. , I a. ,1 Furniture of all varhdles ar d bkylos ofyoreign and Domorale manufacture, from the finest rbepwood and Mahogany to the lowest priced 'maple and \R!no Parlor, Chamber, • • • Dining-room, Kitchen and Office =I Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers of „,tb n most approved 4nid , asidonnble 'design and finish, Including alitiClittageTurnll Urn in setts, a ,reception nd'Catop Chairs. Mattresses, Gilt frames, Pl WPtHrt es, a leula c r .. attentltrgiyorratt-nrual-icrfnneraitc orders from town and country, attented to promptly and on Moderate terms. • • • .. • SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OP WALL PAPER. marcs2l, 64. • . OL 0 'PILING. -- ~.__ CLOTHING HiA LI.. .• • : . Pommel 'Arnold inform , Ids blends and eustenters that hie stock of Mtn tor Itlothltng , is now cantplote, that ho - is ready to veil at Philadriphia Wbolosnie pokes. 'Boron, huy Ing CI sow lire eX11:111110 Oi .. .took and you will find that yob an have - . ' TWENTY-I+',(V \,, E vp.:E. CENT. All Goods o arras. Led' 6 , 1 , , 8, represented, ' The Immense stock of .. • ' '"' - ' ' - 0 V E li -, . 0 A rit; "- , ----- ' - from $S Oil upwards. Co , o grly at • , r 1. %, UPI, ARNOLD, North West Cornet et ' ,0, , , o, soil Louth, strout. 8 nov 67. J --- )111.J6-8 ! 111."-tri;$ ! . • .. • . • r. D. Common baring a , relinquish nn extensive practico, an writ! Ali his itrug Itusiness in the city of. Pittsburg. sutural years ago on Hovland of ill health. has now upon.] at No. 38 North, Donny, street, Go bs, , on ntlics's of Drs. • Riefler and 'gager. a DitUO BTOR 6, when, ho has Mid In 'reviving 1 , 01') 10 10 days a par. stock of Drugs,..Chatnic3ls, 'WO ittolit , std ~, ery,iii ng Revert,' v kept in a well-roe ninted City Drua store. Prescriptions raiefully esaipountird and fondly reeeipts will ruceivo pedal .1 , . The Ur. eau be consulted at any hour. at bin ollice. back to his store, arid his doolling, No. 112 North Ilanov , r street, utter Mars 11 , 8110. !lemma or the pines No. 38 North Donor, Street, Carnal,: H DLI. 13..CORNMAN. 13sept8Vly po-) : „N I • \L„..,•6•._;" - • • 4;,- r a " La st 03‘Virj 'aucce:l .1, I:Fp . oe -W r-tiN • V1.15%.W , " - 4 VlV•' ° • Sp..*_. 1-4 34 REsTO'.. . likßDßEssllig • ivetotyw .in mießolle will quickly redore Gray Hair to its tiatural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant: growth. It is perfectly harmleSs, and_is_preferred. ' over every other preparation 'by those who have a fine hcad of, hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and pc . rfume rimpartelto_the.. Hair make it desirable • for' olitancl young. • " Far Salo„ by all Druggists. DEPOT, ,MV . WtEIIINWICII ST., N. Y. - rmdterN'EDol,Y,A I==Mi 14feh 4 08 ly ,WALL/ PAPERS.. PAPER = WALL PAPERS NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES' FOR PARLORBy • W.OOLESALE AgD RETAIL, HOWELL CORNER OF FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Baprll-Om S M. Iloovka. LUMBER AND COAL DEALER. Office 168 West Main St. CarUde, • °outs&ly on band, clean, and in Aim dry,.. Lykene Valley, Shamokin, Wilkeebarre, • Sce ' Nut, Stove, 'Egg, and broken ~elaes of ()rll, an ()heap' as any Dealer in town. • . . Alio an , excpllent eitleleptllyckamitleatfonl on hand • Sectioned .13Ogrds, - Plank, tt , e., 'Also Srantling, L(ttlt, Pcd ing and. Shingles !_ BEST BRANDS FAMILY ELOUR by Barrel or Baok,-dollvered promptly tO;order. , ♦ abate of patronage rOapootlulli S. M. 17aprI1.2mr. • MARBLE -YARD. ISONtIiIPNTS, 'MAIDS; HEADSTONES, ?dental,' Doer erne, on band and made to order doutltll ., pup; 13treet, Carlisle, Pa. 3idQw.un inarchlsll74* ' • , M ESTELLAXEO US. '' . . ..; . .. „ . ,:, .., 0 ,i': , ,- ~,.„-__-_,=„..,:.• . 4 , ,,A •,. ;',,,•,., ~ _— . • _ . . i, . -‘1 , .. •-- - i-lt , r • • ft' ? , ..t 4re t ,..... - ~ ... !, , a,,...? - -;.._..,.i. • 7 ;, 1 . ..;Y , ,,,kk:::), ' • '' , 4.-I\M.--i' fi. $.lll -,/;:',-; • ' - . , '..0...:. ~ .I t .*:/il,l • ,:!...,,, ,-,- , :..s '. . • . .1 , ... . :k.;;:-.MX - - 1 * - ". . . ~.- - . .• : - _ . • Wheeler & Wilson, ind Elliptic ,' ', '-. ' LOCK STITCH . SIWANG MiCHINES. - • . - ,• _ - • Tke Best Sinzpleit and • CUapea: . ,• . r PHESE .maohinee are adapted to a g kinds of family sowing, working equally well upon Bilk, Linen and Cotton goods. with Bilk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and 'purred ,stitch aliko on both sides of the article sowed. All machines sold aro warranted. Call and examine at Rail Boad.Telograph, Office, Car !lsla, Pa. . .. . • JOHN CAMPBELL — Fray 24, .11307.—tf. sAsrE. cAkpwELL & co., , -JEWELERS; OEM No. 002 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS OF every Gicription of' FIRST CLASS GOODS, pelonglog to thci Busines or Goldsmiths and Silversmiths — Have . rornoviA — to - their NEW MARBLE STORE, ' Extending from Cho. tint Street to Sansom Street affording ample room and convenient Accessories, gir log opportunity tor a properdleOlny of goods nod but tar moo ns for their examination, ' Witiroxtonsiva end favorable erranitoinouts in this Country and in Europa, no are in a position to offer, et-modorato FIXED prices. Watches; Diamonds, liro' ?ad; & Mar ble,,,,Coods; Siker Wares, jewelry Porrekins Plated Goc . ds illusjeal Boxes, . end every, description of FANCY ARTICLES, `Arengers visiting the sity, me rordlnily Invited to 9 use mine our New Stor”.• • Ilmsr6B-11, SELLERS & FOl,ix I,',LL, WHOLESAI.II - - CONFECTIONERS ANDCITE NO 161 NORTH THIRD STIIRRT, PHILAADELPIII A 4'1E9,0 RD E ItS -promptly_ Attended to 21felk;4 3m. - TO F IE ," - • Pay 710_e0p111191 . 1 . 1.% A9oll.lbk 1 3 .14 CITIC ILA NO. • . . • 'IIIE,-ATTIIN'T.WN of Fatimeraand other eat sunless of teeitilinersis invited fir lhis,Gireno.- as,enrihv-ut their Fpl'e al notice. Its use for everal yeaishi tin y nand: ‘lrtriiiitCand faller Southerinsforee. ferall miff , . lots given it a stand:n(l character tor eveeliefire un equalled by any ether. It Wssesses ail the quickness Peruvilin Goalie Ith perniait-ot qualities -or f Ibund In thst article. :Fab lbs ol this Guano are , ou id more than n nest in ::00 ilis of the hest : , uuns fhfelflott es. ' It r Sian+ the wbisat erep.fies to coven days arlitrr than tlniaphosphotes which Icon /1101/41 giver It Inealaulal_la_advantages _For sale by JOHN B. Honor,' Agents for Pectin. Gooro 3S .?tito.h Helowan, Aro., Philad'a, And 71 youth She.). Coll morn 27 mar lifi-11,111. IZE II and keep )(ourself Informed Haying purchased the old and wellituorru hull item ataiiii which I hove occupied f r twenty ytinoi, I hoe did. mined not to re ircirrorp my business but to eootioue on in the nianuMeturn of REtIDY-IJAE 01,01'111 N anti tines and detortptlors, as well as place goods by yard anda aelleral assortment ofOK♦ TSVU l'N Sit ISO thlttlitt. 1 would respectfully l o oke rn), frhditlA will pa troilk who iii-rd a .111(1 Suit 01 edit hen t 4 gl% o tae a call i have just returned trent the I' ty with a latrlana sorrtunnt of the boat quality ut eprlng and tum u lts amnia, viz . .• Fine black French and Eng'ish Cloths, „‘c -and • Doeskin CASSIAS RES: Fine Light Fancy Doeskin Cassirneres, Cassinetts, Cettbna lea. Vl)Nets, Drab d'ale's Alapaeas, Linens, I , atins, Velvet cord, and WWI) more too nu merous too mention, • Also, a full assortment of_Trunus, Valium, and Travellupbegs - ot the best desevintlan With r tbanics to the nubile ib, poet favors, and hope I will reeelve a call sous at my place, - a -No 22, North Hanover St.— - I. VI N GSTDN, TREE - GiFtS - q0 - "ALL 1 A Silk Dress Pattern, A Family Sew ing Gold irateh.' • , FREE' OF COST I .For ono or two days' service in any' town. or . village Particulars and sample cent free, by addressing, witb . stamp. N. 11. CLOUDMAN & CO., ,No. 40 hanover at., Boa ton. Mass. 10ular-68 3m. ; • -PtiOPPIY,AI PRIVATiI SALE OPITKIN.se:CO: A'NIMMENSE ' AMOO ' DITOF PROPERTY BOW= • - AT 00TRUNDIENT SALES Canotiang elllolly of 10,000 SETS NEW AND SECOND HAND Harness, Bridles & Collars, 3,000 SADDLES, All /Pyle. 2000. WAGON 'ICOV E US. All Blips Now anal Worn. 5000 Wool & Rubber Blonkeis, & Horse Covers • MILITARY 011,01111N0, GREAT COATS, FROCK -• .00ATS, BLOUSES, PAHTS, - SILIitIEiDEAWEBE, Also a large lot of Reins, Lead Lincs,,lluggy Ambu• lance and Cart Hardens, Double Tram:, Load Bars, ?cat .ableSc rgos, So., Wheel Team Harness, little wdra all oak tanned leather, serviceable, clean, d and oiled, $5 per horse, it:minding Bridlo Load, do $4. Ambu- lance or Stage Hammes with superior leather Traces, perfectly suited for farm or general . team work; doub. le seta comp!, to $26 to $3O, Bridles $l, Collars $1 to $2 extra heir lided Artillery coon, d 02.60 and $3, Double Relit $1,75 to 2,25, Haters $6 to, $l2, per donna, Neu; 011icera McClellan Saddle., .$lO du, with plated lilt Bridle $l5 Braes Mounted baddloi,, good as bow' 00, with Bridle $ll iloyafiaddre,i, $0 Wygoll COVOni 1111Pe `riOrlOtufirltliit.i"Cottifti'llunk $0 tb 512. 7 1000 H. opt , tal To ts. new and good as hew, 11 on., Duoki 14 feet , squsre $25 to $lO, with polio and pins comploto, Wall Touts $l5 to $2O, Wedge do $5 to $B, Shelter Teats for 4ir0y..0.4430 ma° per 100. • .-- • U rain Lingo, 12 00, Dusk, 2 to 2 Butthol $o to $,lO per damns, also full astortolota 43eatoloso Bags - - -Small order by gxproso, U. 0. D. • • . lIBEIt Alb DSDUOTIONSTO WllOO peua pilArEuis N,S.,Sz C Q ; •; : i (Pormbrly on Bront BE.,,nqw) 11 No4h oond. t., - just belpw • Arch •• ..PHILADELPiitA, PA, • • . Also 5 :PARICPLAOA,,, Descriptive vie, • pret'sw application. -." r % T" OW E TABLISHED•IIII,I4,. •.i . .4..nt IIAIIDS014 . k; 00,,1 -7 ; .-.: ".. • , .. •' • ',.2ci Messer STET, PIIIiAVA., •• ; II tihe 11074 . idlin ' nrokoEuiln,.; r oonfepticim 'and , tea h i cdeintle Dealori In Fruito,Nute,d4 7 , ln,the yaltpd , - • . Brypul Pulmonic ,V,lirggoi, .. - STQ,YtiES AN;Dk - -74 'FARE' . . . ...„... Y; , .l:katt . WA.N.T--- 1 1'0 T,Sb'E;: , THE 1: *at. perfect 'Parlor ,PlOve e v er allayed to .the plilillc, step Into ---. , . .. . . tare'Store . East Lowther ttrettr - In the roar of Ilalbert's 0 roctry, Store and Soo the . GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER in operstlon.. - a perpetual Burner, And pen feet' ,•Ilidlatail as 'flat am" perfsct. - Vontllater of "{be room,*lli:anted td-.consume less coal than any other Stove of the same size, over offered to the public, requiring bui one Ordinary scuttle of small coal once in twenty-eight houre r belog. perfectly simple in all Its working, tidying et ottoplo elide to rogulatu-the fire for keeping att night, ono' kindling of fire bolus All that tit required during the whiter. No duet, gas, no slag or cinder. I.—rAn ample Magazine. or lieservoir, : for Cosi, booing a free di - charge mouth, Iho magazine being adjustable to different heights-of sin , to nine. tnehes from the grate, no as to acrommedato the thoply 'of Coat as to Me Elan and quantity' thus .perrn itt log the maintenance ate certain „depth of coal for active combustion within the tiro.pot.(whether lt he of nut or sttive size). which is the only way to - burn An• thmeite cool tr, advantage. Ditterent sizes of real - moult encore or lenadeptlYfer Derfect'combuntion Funnel, or - Hopper, 'for the ' passage of the coal to the magazine id so - arranged an to permit the Introduction of frii,sh. coal, without allowing. any escape of fumeli and gas-info_the_room;_and°further, When the StoVe le loft with Its top uncovered, •coo• polling any fumes that may escape from the supply in the reservoir. upwards to its top, to mina over the tojiof the reservoir into the -surrounding -flue,-.and- so to the ha , a and out let.. . . 3.—A Flee, otwith - u — cdtilitznons Flue, 'over its entire upper edge and down Its whole body to the Sim and outlet flues by . which . means the heat Is . transmitted, not In separate Sued .several Inches apart, as Wlll4lO - 10 downward draft Stoves, but b 3 a continuous /lea of game an contact with „the entire cireumforduceof the outer easing of We . .Stovoi from the top of the Fire-Pot downwards, giving a far more ex - Landed serfage of radiation of ,the ,hint that any downward draft Stove extant. n ample Orate Surf.to and Air Pavanes, and a complete arranged O rate, for Oinking mid dumping, with good size AFil to receive the ashea am! cinder. .tar-Wr al. ‘viTtli li" tnli - iigitltial, - that - thera' la -"an hvnlilto. - .. _ . _ SECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF-GAS upon - the remeral of the' e'evr from the Stove r which an comhitinky o..eure upon 111 e removal et the covers with other- Magazine Ntoviv ter such ia •the offset of fhb Funnel. ac entistructed 4nd In reference to the Magazine and its surrounding Flue, that NO OAS ALICE ELATE. 1 • TOE FART OF TIITIIiIIAO A ZANE To EN P 4,1) . Nor 00.1 ncurrent of - air, or draft, 1.0 ere.tteii upwards througil the Magazine to I Minn e its cot lye, tl.. WNieil happens wl'h -other knaves nOus log null 1101.11'03 ing the Magazine it Every feature .4 IS SI to to iMinlated to..,effect. l; N TIIE USE OF FUEL 1011 It BILITY 7 ITS CONNTIZUOTION . - qUNT3I6"I . III" IN.. ITS •ItltotttlitTlotsti.' iti antltittn IL tans,. Frlttl;ty Itettps on land zi toil i. 1.11.110 .•I ktit..tOst • '...114 to nod Office . . l!n and S . rot, loon 'wo'rk .4 all kinds on hand, and Spouting,'ltpollno nod Jro , lrlrt4 of all klud4, Bono at short trollop. 3114 of Lilo hoot material, Fruit Cans, and Jars of tin most approved . tottonts, and in don elusion tfro bott. l'orlattdp :rod lirtek Boil . • 3F il lal-1 6 324M 4 0 - €YARII;/ -7-7-- over (Inured tll 1. , a reference call on T. Conlyu.; N. 11"Flendror: Or . titan -Nealigh ; n. 1,. Slamsler; 11, tlaett,o; Prot. : 1.4 , 1 , 1114 h ; J. Ilcaler ; aid ntliets. 29130,67,, ---,---- ['Al's AN o A;Psir2. . _._.. .. . .. -._ . . .. . - . Do you want, a . Ilice • flat or , ()op Y • ' If so. don't fall to roll 00 J. G. CAL.LIO, 2fl. dsl NlOlO Street, Where ran he soon the Oneot assortment of HATS AND CAPS, - ever brought to Carlisle. Ile - takir - great - .pleasure in inviting his old friends and Customere; end all" new onos, to his splendid stl>elt just resolved ,roof Now York end Phlladolphis,4onsisting in part of fine " , fSFLIC AND CASSIAIERE FIATS, Besides an endless vitriety of lints and Caps or the latest style, all of whleb he trill sell at the Lowest Cash prires. Also, ids own manufacture •f ''at= al. ways on hand, and' Ilats - 11fanitfactored to Ordcr. lie has the hest arrangement Va . ...goring lies and all kinds of Woolen Goods, IA erco•ts, rhe., at the shortest notice inn he colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms-- Also, ti -11 no lot-of choice orands of TOBACCO ANI) - 111CARS Always on hand. lie desires to call the attention of Versons who nave COUNTRY FURS ' • To.sellos he pays the highe..t ert..h pekoe for the MUM. Chin him a .11 at the above number, his old stand, as he feels confident of giving en tire natbaction`. ..... julyl4 67 ` l l f - IL CARLISLE COOK STOVE. Maunfactured at F.. GARDNER & VOundry and Maehine Shop, eflrllFlO, CANT IIE 1t AT I Thia is the testimony of a enrol of families in Cumbet land, worry and Adams Counties who are now. using thorn. Jail and see ti em.. i - - -.00 «N 8:1iL 1 L _Arming eitherby power or by hand—constantly on nand - and for sale by F. GARDNER - & Co: Foundry and Machine Shop, East Main Street. STEAM BOILER MAKING. We era prepared to make : team Bolles of all alms and kinds promptly and on the beat tome. Also Palmite Ebteke and all articles in , that line. REPAIR ING or BOILERS and linglnea promptly attended to. in the best manner. F.:GARDNER It CO: Foundry and Machine:Shop, Carlisle, Pa.. Jan 24 67 „ SEEING IS BELIEVING' , • At 7 . 04 - ARCH STREET. .. ..._ NEW PRICES] . ' . , NEIVii GOOLSI . Rich Silver and . Silver ated LigWares, . . • :i. , ~.i. ., ...,„...„:. , ...„: . . I nrludina• ortar r atylo andB . a." vl*I,S.. dracriptloo,` mad c , ltaproraly ".14 . k for Oa Winter trade, which 1 -41 Pa Ala .• for neatneat - and durability . " ...t.,l cannot be aurpaased At... • A— . . .. . . . . . JOHN .BOIVAIAiI'a . .Wholosale atid Retail Manufacturing Eptableltmuut, 10.4 ABC S T . .IIELiT, , elk _llo:platlng at short notice.' 3augG7 ly • HENRY HARPER, N0; , 520 ARCH STREEt, S . P HI A . Tina WATOGES, JEWELICT, SILVER WAIU, and RODGERS' OBLERRATEDSILVER PLATED WARE, to-rranted triple plate, on Om +Mika metal, at AtitnayarruliEn.4 emus. • 08.13ra gAS, FITTING art FOOTE & LYNCH, . , Practical Gas Fitters ,and Pt/rakers Destro to trauma their old cuatomere road . the Mt. Faturaf Carlinle : ittmorally, that' All oy . :. Ilarq!,,removed tiellediCabllelfinent te`the rauroihdlodi room In the . . . Basement - ofZithetn't. Hall, . entranee'oninuich trend Allay . :'•f4',..., . .... , . •• They twill promptl y as heretofore, t.l ell work entrusted to thum.•• • • • • They Row constantly o . ll' Land and aro prepared To IntrodnEn REA 0 anti IRON PIPES, - Li Y DRANTS,'HOT ; and. GOLD .SIIOWER. , BATUS, WATER. CLOSETS,- PORCH and LIPT PUMPS; IRON SINKS. RAVI TUBS ; BOILERS ; W BASINS; UYOSAULIO RAMS, krandq of QAS, STEAM and WATER BD TINOS. COOKING RANGES, IIEATRICS,4O., set. lip In Min most. Lantern style. ' " • Clollistry obbmg. promptly: nt- toodod to MILL 1 The Subscriber hurled purchased. the Woolen ' /salon,. wolf known es "Welte!s liaatery.!!_siluatail at'ilterrett'eaisp, deslreft to inforth btu old eusteetero and friends kotiorally4 that ho is prepare' to mute, - CLOVIS BLANKETS B,a) and that he will • CATM. - Wo94.llll4;gLoTLiki, and attend Serail business In bis. pnottipt• nese and in a- workwanlikin manner. ' . For,the convenience Slone- ciodon n ica 'residing . in Carlini° and vicinity, - croon' alit be tiicalired , .Vallor's Store, In Carlisle, and atAVllllam ,gtioaraf's,; Lon¢4 , • j rtgg.., . l yrIiaSC,RLLAREOVS. L'E' S LINE. 'Ernfik , ' •-• The Only Individual Daily Prolight Llue between Oar. Me, and Plaladalpbl,s6' MERCHANTS LOOK TO „ •YOUR IN • TERESTS IMPORTANT ANNOTINOMINNT, TO MERCHANTS & F REIGHTETIS I "Thit, on and alter the Ist day of Decomber, tide Line wilt transport Goode of all descriptions, from Philadelphia to Cal lislojet praclsoly Company, °ate°. t=i d. t+l 4-1 E tv• N tJ " In Making this very 'moot-taut. annotnicement to the Merrhants and ahippera the undersigned, feel assured that It will meet with the hearty. approdal and encouragement'-of their patrons. Past expert 'once has fully dentonstratmi that It in highly. Impel , tattoo patients • and encourage individual Interest • and Snerityitboreby securing Gad 'competitlMa - "and protection against railroad monopoly.. f• • The mpti and very Important advantages eta , DAILY FREIGHT LINE, - aro too well known and arpreciated by this commu• Mhe overlooked • and forgotten. We rely with : confidence' upon the .actide co.operatlon of our 'pu. modem patrons pod friends,in advancing the inter - mita dthis line ' Experlenceg Conductors accompany : each' troth to two to the safe delivery ut all goods entrusted t the Line. - The Philadelphia and Reading Freight Depot will be used by Ibis Line, for the reception of all tioadte the Increased advantagga offered In the some, In the we's, of tight and Npac7.l,lll - bu - largely" bone ffelaW , . biaymeii will find this Depot easy of -on -trance, being level with the btreet. Be careful to have your Goods marked and ordered to PIIILADELPINA and READING Depot. Goods delivered at this Depot any time before It o'clock P. N. mill be loaded the same day. . . llinn 60 I ~ALL'R retTENT CENTRA I. AND OUTWARD DDYJILADOE WATER WHEEL, - 13euri ng than April 30 , 1867. JACOB ABRAB.IMS ,S-; CO., Neundtk, Cumberldnd County, Pa., • _Proprietors of the above named Patent for the Countioa of OVAIRERLAND and FRANKLIN, PA., and_WASILINGTON:CIfUNTY.AII).. We desire to call the attention of Millwrights, Mill Owners and °there; to the fnetits'of the above Inven• syLlob for Durability. Efficiency and Cheapness, they are confident cannot beSUrpeefed. . . . . .. -.l . Nlltorovor it - Ila - been introduced, success bee 1u• variably followed, oven under the most nufavorableL clreunistances, - Fbr - Back Water-'-aud--- len o...lread..and economical use of Water, this Wheel is without a..rfeal/ A Working Mndel of the Whorl eau be eXamined at the gstabllshMoni of the' Manufacturer/I In New mut PA., where all Information - may be' cheerfully given. . - . . . We impend the following references: .1% , t I. 11. IlUltBII. JOIIN DittlltDAUGill. ' BEN.I i MIN LAN DE , I, Sllilwrlght. SAAIDEI, lAN INS. 0. k A. -W. 11/O:IDsPN. J . B.I,INI*ITY, Nlillivrlghts J. F. lIIISA.EI.f.. LEWIS lICIWNIA N. SAMM:I,PIPKIt . sqLum oN STROHM. ADAM ItANIP, , , Millwright JACOB .sept2o tf. It 0 SFIRST PREMIUM • 14777 •Of a frilleet• Itterlca .4VBARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE llly the N. IL State Agricultural Society, at _ _tta_Fair holden to Nashua, Stritt.2o, BA.ILICETT'S Vegetable Hai't Restorative IteZres Gray Lhdr to Its natural color. Pro whtes tho_growth qt tho Hain Changes the 'rooti IdtbeiftWanl twit:dila denoll. E.III. ..&,. Wee Dandruff and Humors. Prevent. --, lr • lloirdalling out., Inn Superior DieraitiV 1 4 • It Contains nn Injurious Ingredients, and to the nand popular and t ell-- nbto ankle throughout tiro - ' ~„1....... East, 'West, North d outh. - • • • •• 11 47 0 ' --- J. R. BARRETT kcp., Proprietors, ,DIANCIIETEIt,. N. 11.. - SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .22nnv 67- ty. • HOITSEK EE PERS: ATTENTION All persons intnt.dlng to go to Iloupokedplntt are 'Lod to call at WALKJR & CLAUDY'S TM' . AND, STOVE STORE, No. 18, I'Veh Min .§trevt, and Mlllllll6 their humorist, atoak of STOVES, TIN WARE. and everything In nor line. Having greatly enlarged our facilities for doing bust 7iby suaurie'g the Splendid Store Room, Nn 18, Went Al n trout, and hapng just received large Invoice , „rif. r the-lat.et r and , hent-devieen-in-ther-IleatervStrives• Tinwarr,iitud :lapa ,ned Wore line, we furl fully juigi fled to the statetm:nt, that we can accommodate All Classes of Customers morn satlaractortly than any similar ostablightuunt thin country. • ',ln the stove lino we oltor the following: • lik:atLATon, EXCELSIOR PENN, NIAGARA, 001111INATION, BUSO.CELIANNA, NOBLE COOK, QUAKER: -01717. These aro all first-class Stoves,, which we wi,ll war• cant to no what they era recommended for; but we have only spade !xi speak particularly -of oue or •two whose merits deserve especial mei:inert. , THE REGULATOR COOK which possesses advantiges which should recommend it to all. It has a Rctnioing ybp, .by which arrange ment thti conk eawroverse the cooklng'utensils'Ao any position desired without the lifting of plates and vessels-which other stovesrequlre. It is decidedly the' hest cook stove In the market. , Wo have also on hand a hake stook of OF.F,ICE; 'F:ARLOR AND ROOM `STO•VES among able); may be (ono d the celebrated base bur Lug MORNING - GLORY The most beautt ltl Office will rarto • • *Stove eve. offered to thumb-167 Tootouch Cannot be said in praise or the MORNING GLORY, which so Tar hati . taken. the lead of •all othet stoves In the market. Ii is a . GAS 0 N St" burns It own cinder, and requires very little atten tlon after.the Ore lei:node, It being no arranged that It will FEED ITS OWN COAL i Is Ilebie to no, explosions of gas, awl to positively the only stove In' the market which hoe the celelyate 10E ' all others are aountscisit itottAtions._ . :' , IIVIhe: . P.LN - WAlikl and JAPANNED WARE line wo keevranstanly on band of our own and foreign manuLtsturei the vorylateetUnd . brat patterns, and Mao 'at till, very haiit" , tilatiirtahrearoful workmen. Ali lelneli bf' ROOFING atillio'noreljoltdog piOmptly aitend s od to. Don't forgot No. 18, West Main Street 6b 21 N. 2w-: AG FITTING AND 'T,'EUIVIDING; tie anlocrihera htving..pormanently leoateit lrt Carlisle, respectfttlirsoliclt a share of the pUblic pat tronage. , Their shop Is situated on the pe titel3quare In the rear of the lat Presbyterlau phur . ob, where - they can atWaye Ibutid.. ", •". ~ Being experienced plechnolcs,lll4l ,areProPered to' eieente all ordera that they'may 1;le entreated with In a Fun sr lor mannotOtad At very 'modertte prices. 11YDR.1.11410.1LA1K.7 — .. '77777 r. NA:x . l9ex - ItYDR.ANTS; . • &UT .t roue - Eremites, DATIIIII4 TLICH;:WASII DARNS and ail' other arti cles In the trade. . . Dj.N(ila, AND ,CIAS AND • DTKAII.P i ITTING promptly Attamlod to fn. he moot , ipprorod ajp.Country work promptly attgudoAtp.. - DirAll.work guitanteed, 4 - ' .f chi the rear of J.114,1711* prplbytotlati,i)htimh. • . Ju1,27... •- `HARDWARE MILLER BOWERS' HARDWAIRE`STORE, -- 26 NORTH H A NOVER, STREET, NVE would respeetfully.eall the atten tlnn of the public to „cum , ' ocently_ replenished STOOK. Wuhave carefully Avoided purchasing Mir lug the recent decline, and now that the marker bee become settled NVO,lllllli, filled tip our 'shelves and aro prepared to offer special. Inducements to all who will lever as wlth . a' call • We have constantly on hniadft FULL'SPOOK OF dianernered, English Refined, and. Nor way ON; "Berdan's Horse and Mule Shoes ; Norway Rods ; Horse Nails; „Black and. Polished Springs ; &C., together with a fell stock of ELEZIME! .~ BLACKSMITH'S / TOOLS, k4.t. stichns Drills, Solid Box Vices, Bellows, Hasps, Files &c.. &.. BUILDING 0 • '.!:4! 0 0 " & L. • .-F4.;,-„,• . 4 ) • -, . We Invlte,all pontoon Intendlug to let to coma and take a look through our a twit. We hove our. Locke, (liner, Paints. Oils. and all mate. Itil to thin line inarked down at tholowest CA:II PRICES. and feel assured that we or- ',lucerne as la this branch HARRISBURG NA .:.:'..-;'...- 0` ._,..-!-2-:. CARPENTER'S -I — b z) - N . l z , - ... .' • , -, . TOOLF , Can be bad o•. the best quality. We Cake special care in selecilint all tonic and •!re bound to keep up the reputation pf the old stand In this particular. _T A B • _ . :. =.301 • POCKET CUTLEBY, elan Imrtigl. able patt4rns. Wu keep on hand n fall Iltre'of- these Ron In and are alwaye able- to suit the, taste of even the most fastldl"us. . • . --ci- - r 0 _-_,, ~,, 11, vl i.,..:._------:-- 1 -.- . , ~.,„----- --- •tri, - .40 110:; . 1 , -'.,-. ', „:- of <wol varied. ototrael%t I.l,part ~elf-adj‘ii.thot nod Gig Trees. Plated .lapno ad At.d Wood 11,onep, Bridle Blttp, Brow Bawls, llirLhi ug, home Bled] kelt, de., oleo SADDLER TOOTS, 12M 1101toVe0F.S, _at _ , 1111T — MATiS AND ZI . NCS. -tr's,_llt^ Our frlo ndo will else/qv tad u■ well supplied wit: the best brands of these and ready to or them at the lowest prices. WO are constantly in r celpt of Paints, thus onablin ourselves to supply ou customers with fresh paints, colors of all description contently ou hand. Also pure LINSEED OIL. will - always find us having a full supply of goods this lino. PUMPS of oil description and of Lite best monuio tureis, Wood, Iron and I end pipee 'to suit. . , - • i t FARM AN n R9IISE BELLS, CrOss:cut and - Circular Saws, Riga and Blasting Powdors, Rosendale, Hancock• and Scotland Content, Cuisine Plaster, Crow Bars, Sledges, Sc. - FARMERS,' wlll'do wolljo call and.ozanduo. our stock of Hams, Traces; Breast Chains,'Bongne and Stay Chains. Jock ey_Chsina„Bpreads,Chaina,Cow.Tios,„Shosois, i3padetiOnarks, Bakes, Groin Bags, &e , b4oro buying olsowhere t Me are ready to offer special inducoments In this lino. • Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mciwer oonetantfy on hand. R I F..L E S' • SMOOTH 'AND TWISTED, 49 1/, - Double and single-barrel • .SHOTrGITTS, REVOLVERS, _CARTRIDGES, WIPERS andOun Trimmings if every art& CEDARWA RE. Tirinqrs' • Soldering Ii?ONS, Bar-Lead, Block-Tin, Bcilibit,tVetal,, Sheet- Brims itc ike —We me sole a'gen,te for the BUFFALO SCALE WORKS, and are ready to, euhply Scales Warranted. and Ihr- Matted at .11 prices than any—other Scales In the market. WALKER & O!AUDY We are conidantly In receipt of goods direct' from the manufaeturors and me able to turniih Country 'Merchants at 'Philadelphia and Now York _prima. o .0 A 441;?. - .., • !. - ,f+f77.47lfr A - FIXTURES I4F altiays on hand and at the larse t market ritten ' Spokes, li:ennui 'doting nal% Durk Drilling Damask, ' • GOODS delivered tO 01 parts of the town free of ciiiifgo2 - • • MILLER BOVE.iiS. No. 20 North, Hanover St. " • . Carliole, CARLISLE, PA. .---;-•or - .. .. - -----, , . r 0....., -f- , vpipippl , . -'744,44?b05:; . * ts,, / 40,0:'' :•,=,: - ' • d'ov,l4 0 . _ MAtERIAL of every dererip , loo. SHOE FINDINGS, ron9Win4 of IBM 111 N Dk NOS READ, p1.:W.4, - - COAGII-FURNITURE, - DEMAR LEATHER, • arid IRON VARNISHES, • PUrIY, GLUE, LITHRAGE,k • Cabinet, Makers and `Undertakers, IN'SURAIVCE COMPANIES. TIIII , OIIARTER • LIFE fI s iSUR/iNCIE COMPANY.i OF -HARTFORD CoriNIV. inecirporated 1859, 'Charter Per- petual.' • ' ~-----qoll_AbatTs,7l4,ooo;oo JAMES O. WALK LEY, fresldetit Policies resued on all Popular Plans. tow reasons why people Ineure In tho 'Chattel Oalc, - prdidirgen are prohibited, the business being confined oxclusively‘.to thu insurance of liven. 2d,—lto MAR ar• aoleeted with great cara t lbus In CID ring smell 101.08. and consequently large dividends accrue to the Volley holders.—See Mare. Insurance Ile ports last a x years- 3rd —lts Ratio of Expenditures, - including Death I..bilins and Working Expenses, to Receipts, are un precedentedly low. kerne Ileporre." 4th—. Ail the profits are divided among Pone) holders, the °Handl capital being limited by Charter 'to eight. per cent dividends, no more than , it earn for the. Compan y -at interest. • 6th.—lt declares and par s Its Div,dends annually h Casa. thus naihding the Insured In the payment 0. premiums. ig 6th.—it is prompt In the payment of losses. hiving peld to Widow,. end Omni...nearly TWO lIILLIDN DOLLARs, and hen near litigated a claim. 7th.tho man .01-e eat th insures,. an Investment. 6th.—Meu of email means insure to guard their fam. 'lies ageism went , 9th —The man of iinsinoss lusuresj to provide against possible loss In trade, a life Polley, being a basis tor capital. 10th —Persons in debt incurs that their earnings for years.o , toll may not Ito sacrificed at death from of ready mall to cancel __. Ilth.—All insure, as money thus laid away by ll,ttles Is sure le come bark largely increased to their tensile holing cer:all, to occur. Dr. H. 11. lit L.'b'Elt, Al. D , sledlcal Examiner. .1. C. STOCK, Aftoot Carll..le, Pa. E. U. BLAIR, Gooural Agoni, for Eastern Pa.. Office, No. 37 West, third St., Williamsport, Pa 250ct67 J 'IItE INSURANCE 'TIIM Allen and Eastponnshoro , ' Mutual Fire In surance Company of Cumberland county. Imorpory atod by all Het of Assembly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its charter etxonded to the your 1883, is now in active and vigorous operation, under the suporintendenco of the tollpving - board of Managers, viz: , William It. Gorgas, Christian Btaymon, Jacob Bh• erI3,,D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart. J. 11. Coover, John Etch°ilierg•-r, Joseph, - Wickersham, Ram). liberty, Moore Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and J. C. Dunlap.,Tito Dates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become menthol's are invited to Make ap plication to t.lO ageols_oCtlie.Dompany, ho fl ing to-waitupon them at any time. • • - OFFICERS OF TRE COMPANY. WM. It. GORCIAS, President, Eborly's Mills, Cum . , berland county. - -- A CATHCART, Yin President, CarlisleA, Cum Berland county. .101 IN C. DUNLAP, Sooty. ZNecbanicsburg, Cum borland county. DAN] I:Li'lLl - 11X;TrearAlrbr, Dlltiburg,-YOrk•Cd • William Burgas, Alex. Cathcart, J. Dunlap, Bailey, Christian Stn, man, . Coovor, - Josieph 'Wickersham. J. Lie11 .. 6 borger, ;Bosom Bricker. Jacob Coover, Jacob Mierly, antes Andernen, John B. Coovor. Cumberland efluut"-sslplot Sherrill; , Allen; lifmtY '/.ear ng ShirtondifsfoiNt Fifyrellee PsITeS . , 011•10, son: Ileory Bowmen, Churelfloam 'Mode Griffith. South M1,1(111.0,11; Suinuelf Graham, West }Nines lough; Samuel Coover, leebanirsburg; .1 W. Cork lin. Shugherdstowm J. Saatita, Slivf r Sprit g; .1. W. Eby, Csflisle, VII len fluff Feeman.- New :Amnia land: Wm. 11. If ootiburn.Newellie. York Coe Iffy—.lanes Griffith. Wilrriegtun. .1. F Ife.otiorff..Dillslairg; Daniel Euler; Fairviiity Joh', M it flatos,_Carroll; Adam Stevens, Gyfifishorough; .1. S . Dill dial], Mulberry P. 0. on hnnil Intuphin routily.—Jaeob Houser, Ilarrishuoz NV INVENTION _ I N f; A I 1 4( 1 Diu I.l.S—The suloseribvr, Lseiu ire,, 00,1 noft most escelf 11111,0%01m, 10 Grain 1/rllls by stile] . ) the4;:aln_ludead_ rd be:if planted In 3 , 4 hielirtsws 01110 the old method is nes , bred ever a sorfnee of three Indies, 1116 eat login squill and even tientlibutlon of the seed, and n eon sldershly greater yield of grain. This Improvement eon he °stilly attached -to an: of - thedrills POW 10 one. State! and-County .Itighis tor Fale, agenta wanted This Is an excellent opportunity for Heti% e. emu °tie-young men to make largo ) tilai For part leulamaddrei.s U in OP -1y .628 HOOP 621 . WM T. littltKlNS "OWN MAKE" OF KEYSTONE SKIRTS." aro the best:end CIMPFST Low PRICED Hoop Skirts I the market. :LraiLtkirLs._lsoprings..ii.oot 30 sprit, SI.2M nod 40 springs,. Si 45. ?lain Skirts, - 6 tapes, 0 qtrusgs, 80 Gents; 2o springs. 95 Cents; 30 sprlsc 51.15; sod 35 polo s. 81.25: •ll'tu•ranted in crew r speet ••Our OWN make" of UNION SKIRTS." Kitts, Taps Trani, from 2U to 50 st rings. SI 20 to 84,5 Plain. Six 'tapes, 20 to 50 setings, from 95 Cents I 5'60'5 Thttle,S , ianarn better. than those sold by ott oo estoldishutents as first class goods, and at muc rower priers "tar OWN make" 5f "(In Nt PION SKIRTY4' uro I every so; Plyerlyr to all otbe- II ,op Skirts berme ti public. and 111.7 '00,3 to he PK .tinned Or worn to cot vin e.° every t 01 `nut. 111 utactured of the hot out itnen-thtitik Etnyllsb 'Mz••I -tering, very super. topes, and the style of 16,• fktouings no sumo, of stcu•lng them sot pas, fin outathilty au excellence any other r Riot lu this country, and .in Ilgtit_twitatzstst.tye t will wear longer, sivu_yeere us kinetic., mai ore really cheaper than alt tabor kycry lady should try then, 'i hey ate bring sold 0. kttlili,/ely by 'o' amok throunikot this and tint tt, Joiettly states at very nut orate pooch If you — sty, tau bust. ass fur ttliopktuts Chomp on Skirt." if y out, nocirtit ihop, ket till, merchant. with whorl too dot, cq order th.tto tot' you, or t...t110 or sond direct to o Merchants will Mid our tittle "at grants of :kir, e. scaly abut Luny need and we espeelaily invite tin, to call sod exam( no our extensive assortment, or sett far Whole/tale Price List,' Tthbe had at Retail tit Manufactory, and of the It •tail Trade generally, and at lb Ktiesate of the Mani facturor Only, to whom all orders should Ito address? MANUFACTORY nod SA LESHOQM . , 628 ARCH Between 6th nod ith Sts., Philadelphin. WM. T. HOPKINS • 28fek438 10m. . _.O • FRESH 'ARRIVAL . Of all the lyew Spring ,Styles of HATS AND CAPS. ° The Subscriber hoe Just opened, at Noe 15 Noel Hanover St., a few doors North of the Carl islo . Dopos Bank, one of the largest and best stock of lIATS CAPS ever offered in Carible, SIN flute, Cassimeree of all kyles and (mantle Stiff Brims different colors, and every description Soft .tlats now made. The Packard and s old fashion, brush, kept constantly onhituti and made to orth all warranted to give satisfaction. A full.assertme' of STRAW RATS, Men's boy's and childron's fans I.bave also added to my stock, Notions of differc - cousistlrg - of Ladles and Gent's" Stockirc NOdio•Tles, Gloves, Pencils Thread,' Sewing Silks, St ponders, Umbra Ac., Primo Sogara and Tobac, always on hand. Ohm me a call and examine my stock, as T. feel co lidera kt pleasing, 'besides saline you money. .101 IN A. KELLNIt., Agt. ' 31my67 No. 15 North Hanover St, • - NOTICE - Nalco is hereby givAlf tbatappliention bo ma for the ineorporatinit of a . bank of discount, demo and circulation, Undo! tho oath wily of tho Act . 1.8111., to be located Carlisle, CumbThandcoutfty - PATAnd - to - ho "Farmers Bank," with a capital of Btu thousand -lave, with the privilege of.incroaeing - the saws to o ,hundred thounand dollars. HOBERT OWEN, C. P. Ilusistcp, . • Jos, C. llorstn, TllOl , l/.8 , 1%.:XT0N; .• \ OFFEINGER, •31Jan•68 610, • . , • ' , LOWERS! FLOWERS!! FLOV ERE In Thu season of buds and blossoms of green folio and gay Sowers, with all their beauty and, &tisanes approaching. Those wishing to Alecorate their w Sows and gardens witli'clgoice. • 'plants and Sower Now is the time. No oiler Shade Trees, Eve rgrow Roses, Vines, Bedding Plants, Grape :Vines ' and • the choicest kinks of Orson, house plants: Hang' naskels, Cut Flowers, and Bort nett. turuishod on - - FAIN, at the "White Ball Flunierlos," Ca lisle„1 LII•Thl A. LINE. • -- - - ' TO. CONSUMPTIVES. • • The Rzy. EDWARD. A WILSON send (free charge) to all whb desire It: the prescription with t directioos for rushing, and using the simple rams by which he was cbte4 ore lung affectiou and El dread d iscoVo Consumption. Ills only blijoet la benefit the a filleted and he hopes every sufferer w try this proem Iption as it coat .nothings and .111' prove a blessing. Please address • • , liay. EDWARD A. WILSON, . No..los(3outliSecond.Streot, Williamsburg, New' Yo tnityl7.o7.ly. , • • . . i , .._____ , rsAAo K,..sT.AuFF-E.- .... . . . . Wakkinaher and -JO/m.l6;y, No. 148 RITTIT , .2D ST ! , Con, PUiLADELPAIA - : • AA aisortment, or Watobos, Jopelry, 011 Par-iii-- -, Plated Ware conatithtly on hand. Kum:mg FOIL lIULID tY PREBBNTB I • ga. Repairing of liratchea and .Jotielry4rompt attended to. • •-,%, Mee 137,17.* . - A ons .T. TI. - inventor and Patentee, - - Shlrenninsiov.n Cumb. Co. Wu, R. MILL* CART W. AUL, ADNER W,,BENTZ, ABRAM WITMER, DANT, Limas.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers