IVEW MERCHANT _TAILORING. JOHN B. TBEIBLER, AGENT, Practical Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, STREET,-: -NO A.ItLIBLE PA Mr. Ttelliter would announce to the eltizone of and vicinity, that he has to afore a very large t and carefully selected stock of oLcrrua, . . GeSSIIEBEES, ' VESTING% LINI;i1 CRICKS, BOSIBAZIN ES, WATER BILOOF% &c., Slc SUITABLE FOE SUITS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS rx- Being 'Anisette practical Tailor, and havlnA the MaiRLIMCO of first class not kmon he Is, proparbd 'to GUARANTEE SATISFACTION 1 11 all clothlag made at Lis estalilialimont • Piece Goode of all kinds sold by the yard and cut to order at a trilling cost. Don't forgot th., place, No. L, East &lain Street, next door to Common Sc Worthington's Drug Moro. J. DD rug Agt. •Bjuly-08. MACHINE WORKS. b:STEPENSON-: Pract'l Engr. ft Machinist W. W. JENNINGS, Practical Mould. r. =I Franklin Iron Works, Corner of Short and South Streets, H4RRISTJURG, PA. MACHINE • DEPARTMENT MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES & MACHINERY Particular attention paid to Repairing of Machinery, by day or night, at home or abroad. ALL KINDS OF BRASS WORK, PIPE, AND FITTINGS ON RAND. Wrought _lron Pipe, Brass and iron Cocks, Water Gauges, ' , ' Globe Valves, Steam Whistles, Gaugcr Cocks, - -- Check Valves, Governor Valves, Governo e, , , Safety Valves, Steam Gauges, ' Injectors, Oil Gaps, Unions for Pipe, Shafting and Pulleys, Etc., Etc... Foundry and Ornament.ll Department Manufactute Cast and' Wrought Iron -- • Plain and - Ornamental . Railing. .oxer ono hundred and seventy live now and beautiful 'pattJrus. Jerandahs, Window_ lixads, Braoket,, oettees, Tablas, Stands. Tree Boxes, DI vision -- Stalls, Itaeil and Feed Bone, for Stables, etc:, etc. HOUSE FRONTS c.Cz; A-RCHITECTURAL CASTINGS Executed from anv • design furnished, and hove on bond n large vnrioty of'patteros fur BUILDERS? IRON WORK IN GENERAL. utl Carving, Model alfrl I'attern llklng — pTiitupt ly utteudettto. =al july bB-Bms Matihool, How Lost, How Restored • -.1 ust•Jullislisd a new' itilditivn oil af ver - wit Oli p .a t la. radical cure (with att. M - dicine) nt , o , luul uteen.•es, Itivultiatary Seminal irl:ll , iniiel . , till and Physical 'lnc:parity, I roped, men is t Merriam', rte., alto, toxsdatpnua, hPli.svar and Firs, moused by sol,-lutiu make or svxmal extrava,taucu. lu mu Mar envelop,. only S cents. 'flare admire do essay; clearly dminmatrales Iron, a Minty yours' Successibi prsettce, twit tnealarinin4eimvedtionees of self abuse may wo radically cure 1 Wlitiollt Lila Clangor°as use of lutetual undleine Sr the- application of the- knife; pointing out n mode of cure at once simple, certain, and alfeciuni, by. aiOiinrs orwhith eVery sulferer, no mutter - wli AL his condition May be, may curs himself Cheaply: privately, and radically. -. 13(2p...i1its beet Ure should be at the hands of every youib and every man In the land. Seat, ruder Coal, In a plain envelope, to any• nd drams postpaid, on receipt of elk cents, or two post stamps. Also, J.lr. GulverWell .. .Marriage tinkle," price 25 bents. Address the Publishers, CHM?. 4. C. 1C LI NE CO.; 127 Bowery, New York, Poste.iflice Bon 4,580. 3july W. HOWARD, ufcao Ics k .ST — EVENBON, • Ithamfdeturerx of WIDE AWAKE CAPS, IMO CAMPAIGN EQUIPMENTS No. 113 North Third Street, I= Cape and - Capes, Of enamelled oil cloth, of all colors, mad• to order at shorteat'possible notice. 3j uly-lm. EW MARBLE STORE. ' N-. CHESTNUT T JAMES E. CALDW & CO., M V\7 - I_, S ; Ila , r_hoon appointed , SPECIAL t.GEN TS , in thin city for the sale of the GORHAM MFG. COMPANY'S FINE ELECTRO-PLATED. WARE, We guarantee those goods to be decidedly superior to anything In the market, extolling In design, finish and quality. • ' A large assortment arliPbe Maintain° L, and sold at the manufactu rors' regular FIXED PRICES. • Trade Mark - Stamped on the . of bass 'of each Elettro Plate ofitlAMMTgcb, article. • LOWELL &.-CO. EC A . 002 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mune - • SPRIN=G SALES- Have commenced at. the store,nl7tbe undersigned in NbRTH HANO,VER STREET, • NO. - 6 8. otankludauf_mares_aulted _tha_mantsif_Thruse7 !reapers, Hotels. and all coiatemplatliur the furnish lug of their Louses. , HaAng just 'Ourself from the Ales they aro pro pared to supply all with S T• 0 'V E S of ovary kind ouelf Hs COOK PARLOR AND OFFICE , STOVES, conslQting'in part. of-tha , Barley Sheaf, Noble Cook, Oriental, Parlor and Treater!, also the Aoted . . . . • . , NATT.ON' _ AL. RANGE,. , •\' • • . . • Thermo prepared to furulah. dhow) contemplating housekeeping, with all things necessary. to , a WELL IIEGULATIiD• HOWIE such as a • . TINWARE, of all description!, • . ,"COPPED MILLS, ~ ••• - • :SADIRONS, • • • - „ • " SPOONS, . • LADLES, &a. 7 1 ROQfilig - Spouting and everything In-the-line of-the t inner_done at the ,Shortest Notice and on. the. most. reasonabte laver wares WADRANTED. Give thenie cell no -they • aro anxious to exhibit, feeling' initialled that they can convince all that Igo. 08, Le the place to purchaae ~ ij HEAP G'o'olb B •nd liE41113i11101;WARE of q7l found olnrr est011!In.no0. nIPIEBaiITII * ' " ON litinover Rt. Carlisle; Pa ltmar.6B. -1V.0T4 7 -AJOVERIISE.MENT4 ALWAYS ALI V E TO TiCEINTERIIST OF TUE COMMUNITY at. the OLD CORNER • • Just readying another largo supply of Goods suited to the prosoot season. DRESS GOODS A boauttful .so to:lent-Of DRKSS SILKS', In all calm and qualltlee SUBBRIOK BLACK C4BO. GRAIN BILKS FOR SAQUES AND MAN I.',LES A FULL LINE OF BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS. For the trimming of Segues and Mantles A GRAND ASSORTMENT 07 Black and Colored Grenadines; French Organdie Lawns & Swisses, •French Jadonet Lawns, Fiench Percaills Pigured, French Percaills Plain, Pure Mottled Mohairs; For Ladies Suits, Plain Mohair, All colors for suits, Alpacas, All Cplors MOZAMRIQUES and FRENCH CHINTZES, SCOTCH GINOEIAMS &0.,-&o. Dross Cloeds all selling at setnnlchlngly lox,' prices, • we ere dethlobled not to carry etock• - tiver the WHITE GOODS, Plain -and Striped Swiss,Muslins, Striped Plaid Ind Plain Nainsouks, Plaid, Plain andSiriped Jaconetts, Shirred, Puffed and Tuiiked Muslins For ()Lai balaies, Striped and Plaid_ .White._Ererfek Organdies for Ladies' D"re.sses, - .;.:Blaelc - arape.,-Illarett 2 yds,,w)de for Shawls and Dresses, Black Grenadines, Two yards wide, For Shawls and Dresses MOURNING GOODS, Of every description, aultablo for all seasons and for all purposes. A full lino of • FUNERAL GOODS, . . alw . ays on hand a DOMES-TIC GOODS, Of till kinds selling at unusually low prices CA. RP E TS!! CARPETS!!! Great Inducements now ' oderlug , in all grades of Carpets to closo out our stook of tlie season. FLOOR OIL OL.OTHB, All widths for Entries and Halls., TABLE OTL CLOTHS, Plain and Bordered. ,p WINDOW SHADES MEN AND BUYS WEAR, CLOTHS Sc CASI id -E E = DI4AD, . ' DaTAE, Ac., • of oyer.rdescrlpl ton. Call and 800 the' boat stook of mono' wear In tho town. Lace Curtains, Marseilles Qull Ls, Hooey Comb 4Mlts TA BLE COVERS AND SPREADS, A groat liargaln,Drall !chide Of Linea; Ifunkabaek and Damask -- Itordnilad—Tolvela, Doyljea, Naphtha, - Table _Clotha,'llath Towels, fro. • , Lath Mantles, Silk. Maratha' nod liaques .of the latest eta los. The Cob bratod , . HOOP SKIRT Of tho moon, with tbo. drop laateningn; enabling. a lady to adiu,t tho skirt to mako 10 any length 'she may wish it, either for the, trail or•walklug dress. • NOTIoNSI N:OrIONSII lu ouch great variety . , that. It, Is • Imposafhle I to onumerate them. Please glya us a call and sea all desmlptlons of LINEN 11ANDISEROUIEF3, LADE lIANDKPTOIIIIf6'B, 11018EltY, O,LOVJCS, TRIM MINGS, ROHM, LAOMEDOINGE ONSEILTINGS, NAIRBEILLES TRIBISIINOB, &c., &a.' • , . , Please do not fall to give ue an early callrev amine our complete stock, as we are alway well prepared to prove the fact that wddo study 1 o In— tarred of our customers, Mid never suffer pursolvei to.be undersold. LEIDICH;& MILLER - r • Please*. partiCular dh notliing the heading and the closing of our Advertisement, as it is sometimes closely Imitated and may deceive those not-.an their mud.; . • & LLER.-. J ON - TliE -OORNER-,, Sign of the Carpet Hall. HAN MAWSTREE4, Clarinda Popnoylvania Ajuly.oB. NEW. A:DVERTIgeMENTS Penn Iltutual Life Iniirnne,a(nnpany Aisetta $1,818,000,8,6; Life Ilisuriinee Poliey,on Fao.ori" (== . . , , . The Board of Trdsteee have declared' .a Bah) • diet deed , of . . •• FIFTY.P'ERAANT';, unon the. cash premidnis• received In • 1967 •on - , all Policia! In force on the liat of Doe., and have decided t. receive all the earlp leaned up to, and including Jan. nary 1869 its payment .•of premium,. Tee uretotingneelis ready so _deliver. certitipetes. to • partleoentitled to receive them at the Ca!liela Agency at hie office. No. 8, West Matti Street, at: any time after date of thle 'notice. - Painphiets, tablo crates,applications and every In formation furnished with out charge. A..L-BPONBLDN,-Agent. A liberal percentage will be . paid' to ono or—tw o good, reliable perions, cal:mans Cumberland county on behalf of the atinvo - company, .which - is the Slay Atutuat Life Inntrance Company in Pennsylvania, and ono of the oldest and most reliable in the country. Apply to A. L. !NOMMEN, Agent. 12,jurle 68. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. • A Double. 8 Sttlrl . Brick .house witteFrame kitchen attached, suitable "• for orhupinScYMf two families ' or .at a, a•a. I Store Room and Dwelling , sitmatod oa PENN STREET,.OARLISLE, wlllbo disposed of on. favorable 12June 68.. • • Also a commodious Too Biers Brick. . Dwelling , Nouse, with Brick .;; - ''• Building, situated on Bast Malin , 1 . Strout, - - - 12Juno 06 Also a valuable building lot, situated on the South East corner of Wept and Pomftet Streets, fronting 60 foot on Pomfret, and '240 feet on West Street. This is ono of the most desirable building lots In the lgirough: 12june 68. .Also a Three Story. Dwelling, house, built of Brick and Frame, containing 8 rooms and kitchen, with all - the modern imptovements, with stable and carriage house.,in the rear, situated on a lot of • ground on West Louthcr Street, Carlisle, containing 02 feet In front and 210 hot In depth, a very desirable residefice. ' A. L. PPONSLER, Real Estate Agent 12june 68 AIVI E.R IC ANTI-INCRUSTATION CO'S OFFICE, No. .14f<Soutit lEburth 'Stkeet, .lIILADICLPHIZ :NORIISTATQR 111 remove scaler from - grove OILERS and keep them ekan, ender the BOILER loon liable Exp/orion, and eausing a real saving , These_ INOTRUAIINTB having eon In successful use during rasttwo years In many of w large establishments of 'lll,ndelphia and other parts of e Miited Stale:and from which Lo moos flattering testimonials ' their wonderful saving of eel and labor have • been re teed. • gs.PARTIES having BOIL. na wonlu do well to call at o Office. and examine fail. ac., &c. JOHN FAREIR , President MEM PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO.. 1111 Chests .t Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC . SMNG SUBSTITUTE FOR 'CURLE'D HAIR FOR ALL, UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper - than Feathere or Hair, FAR SUTEitiOR The Lightest, Softestand Elastic, and- D ova • ble material -know - ii, - KW Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage, • ' and Chair Cushions,. It is entirely Indestructible, perfectly clean and free From dust. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL! , Is always free from Insect life; Is perfectly healthy. and for the sick le unequalled. If soiled In any way, can he renovated qu lake' and easier than any other Mattress. Special ittentlon glved to lINISIIINO lIRCIIES, HALLS, dm. - 11.111rba4 - men are especially Invited -to examine the Cushiiiii - Sponge. SATISFACTION — CIIIARANTIED. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. 12June 08.1 y. The only Family Machine that sets up Its own work - knits all Ares; widens - and - narrows - off the - toe complete—producing all varieties of knit goods from an Infant's stocking, 'mitten or glove to a ladys shawl or hood Price Reduced to 58 Dollars It Is simple durable, easily operated and warranted sneered in the bandnef every purchaser, -- - - = ADDRESS, with ',tamp for circular and PRIM pie stocking J. D. OItNE . , OSn'i At 922 Chestnut Bt., Phila. lmay 6841 m. GOOD NEWS 1 GOOD NEWS ! GREAT' DECLINE IN PRICES AT THE NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE; CORNER OF HANOVER ANT) POMFRET BTEETB The subscriber would 'respectfully ittform the pub• Ile that.he is lonising almost daily from the Bastin° Cities, at large lavoloo of Non and Cheap. Goods, suck . LADLES' DRESS GOOD'S, French Alerinoos, Mohair., Poplins: • Black and Fancy _ • French ROpps, _ Plain and _ Fancy Do Laines, -Plain and Fancy -Alpaca,— - • _ - • SHAWLS! SHAWLS! BIWCHA LONG A NRSQUARE, , .. R.,IIT4AKFA.STEITA.WLS in groat variety and NAny,ecap CLOTHS_AND_CASSIMERES-i- • French, . • . Berman and dnie,sicau . Cloths, • • Black and Fancy .Caspknaves, . ... ‘. . Doeskins, • ----- "'" A ''' - ` --- ". 4 Ittr l' llltril;'lliittin • Fitii; Kentucky Jeeps,. ..... . • Qndershlrts and Draweis. , • . • •' - ' DO.MES TICS! Bleached and Brocha, .• Table D 1 41) 0 1 3 , - ' . . • .. . Counterpanes, ' 1 and Quilts,,, - ---- .. • - - Cotton , Flaiwiele,• . •., '- ' : Bleached and . " Thstolodobed Muslin', , . . . • - Tleklngs, Cheeks," -' •, , • • • Towels, ' . • ' ' Napkins ) Ac,' c: ' • '' " '-- - - • . REMEMBER- TRH -PLACE, ~, .021 CORNER. OF HANOVEIi AND FOMYRK the room formerly ocinivlellhy D. IL Jim rsort • On. • • " THOS. A..11AUP8.6 "VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY . Al . PRIVATE BALE." The subscriber . Intending to remove from leirilele, offera at private sate big realdenee v eituated on.Bouth Hanover Street, Noe 85 and ' ;. ‘, The property consists of.la . 0-U - I/ B 1J • one partif siblch . .lo built. of 'Striae - and' the ' other ot 1414,, malting two complete..lloussa, rultable fOr 9 -0/In g s or-places otbuilisaws - =There are also two WPM. Bulldlugs Olathe kwatulsea which could be- eery t s adlly be 'conaertod Into dwellings. • L. r • Fos- termeJ isud othar , particular, - enquire of-the aubectlberireaddlug ondbe prefillsse/ • - ; • , • '. ••• • DANIEL,' It: HELLER, ' It Not soldbeforeoob, lit 1888, thla praperty..*lll to c flared 'at spublle'saletott that day. rr- • ,tIOS SALE. .4 Nto. Gook El(ofa, Ood ne* •ttia tlx• arts . ,*lll ba vald•it a s •bargaln, • • • Yoe Information Inquire at Obi Ofiloai ,, 213mattf. . . misciELAWEop. • TtraziEws 0 T AND • EXTENSION •i'ATAICT 2._;, A. ap 311 MR, TH ATTENTION OP • • FRUIT GROWERS, • 11,0FleinSTICS, an& To thisuseful ireproremebt. -Itle-composed_ofAry nuipber of liestioA or 4idute; whisk un bo used, either singly,of..conneeted, Jospeh:is a Udder of any pselrodiningth.. It ean by e . , , • LENGTHENED OR SHORTENED, wilhoutsisacendlng to .the ground. Is ISELF.BIfP. PORTINO, not requiring }he upper and Olean against any object. Condbotad with it is a movable Step, glv . ing an easy foothold for these using It. lican be READILY. TRANSPORTED, eceuee :enellrelose'& to, A small siso—and - quickly, hanged Into either 6TEP.k;ADDER OR SOAFFO.LD._ FARMERS .: • • ' may k eep different Secttone for nee at eeparate places on • their farms, and when in need of a long Ladder the SOCtiollll can be connected. ERIIIT GROWERS can gathor_the_freit viiihent reeting against the tree =thus avoiding injury to the tree. Two or more can work at one time, and fruit can be reached by the, aid of thieLadder. that would otherwise be unattainable Without straining or brulalng the 'limbo. • • MECHANICS - can raise or lower it, Section or..ltound at a - Mika; without. descending to the ground, and can be roluii• ly changed lutes firm, substantial Scaffold. HOUSEKEEPERI3, eraplay It 'aa d gtop•Laddor of ordinary sloe, or convert It Into a long Laddor. -- --- - . TRICE. LIST. , 20 Feet, 8 Sections; (each 03 feet) Light weight for • Housekeepera. Extended length about 10 feet . . $9 00 20 Feet, extra weight 10 00 SO Feet; 8 Section's, (each 10 feet long. Ex tended length about 28 feet. - 18 00 40 Feet, 4 Sections, (one 19, two 10, and 'one d feet long.) Extended length about 97 feet."• ' - ',, $1 00 Other sixes in proportion. Liberal dimwit to the . . trade. -- - • . Single Ladders forwarded, freight prepaid, to the near - . eat Station on receipt of retell price. --",, - AGENTS' WANTED In every county to canvass and soil. Also wanted, Energetic, Rellablei - Capable - blen to-travel and estab- Itch Agorae. yor Circular Terme address TITIR.NER'S PATENT EXTENSION LADDER:, P. 0. BOX, 2018, or N 0.128 S. Front St Wm. M. MELOY, Agt., , 26June 68 VAIIMERS LOOK. TO YOUR IN I I:EItEST I . , Woaro offering to the Fiume - re of Cumberland and Franklin enmities. _ The beet . ltgtPEß and IMIVVIT now tondo TIIE WORLDS REAPER 'AND MOWER EZRA LER EN ,, :" Seely and Treas. CUT 'GEAR IRON MACHINE • portec , ly strived tom exteknal flirt. wet nr ntly•othe obstro , tlon. end made of the beet materiel, and I the hest-poeslhle-nieran Val-manner.. Thin Mannino to recommended to rArtirern POR . ITS NEATNESS AND STIES GTII, • Fon ITS LIOIITNESS OF DRAFT, FOR ITS DURABILITY. WILL LAST AS LONG AS - -TWO -WOODEN-M A.Olll - FOR ITS CONVENIENCE IN lIANDLIDIci EITHER It combings all the recent improvensenti in Now ing—folding - bar—Wave bar—and ran be raised 18 inches while In motion without cramping the pit mancan be cpemted by a boy. _ AS A BRAFEIt-it le without a rival. 'beteg arrang ed wlth l k superior Dropper, a Sidadelivery Rake oil attachment, or the celebrated _Johnston" self rake either delivering Sheaves only at the. will Cl the operator. A sample Machine can be seen at T. B. Bryson's Warelimmukin Mechanicsburg, or at Faber's Motel, lirCarlisle. Mr. Daniel Widders, °Siding" near Me. chaniceberg, having one of them In use, will , Ore all necessary lafarmation in regard to it, ne also will Martin Kunkel, Eq., residing near Newburg. 8..810G8, Agent. Mr Franklin and Cumberland counties, Bhipperteburg, U. WIDDEUS & MARTIN MINKEL, are authorial:id to take ordure for Machines. 22may 08.13te. N ORDINANCE opening Loeuet Alloy loading tram Wog Street to College Be It enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and' It is hereby enacted and ofd tined ,by the au thority of the same: That Locust Alloy be extended on - thellotauLlta present direction to College Street, eta width of twen ty Enac eq. ted into an ordinince this sth day of J111:10, 'A. D. IROR. ATTIOT—J. M. ALLEN, Eoct'y of C,Orporation lajune 3t. AN ORDINANCE repealing- part of .another ordinance. Be enacted an ordained by the authority_pf_tha 'tan Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and It 18, 4. hereby. enacted and ordained by the same. That the ordinance - passed Doe. 11th 1860, be and the same is hereby repealed an far no it roliAttle to the extending and opening of North - Street in said enacted into au ordinance this sth ,day of June, A. D. 1868, O. P. nunntott, • . President of Town Council. ;DIM. CAMPBELL, • • - ' Chief Burgess. Arrar--J. AL ALLEN, „ • g Sect'y of Corporation., 19June-3t. , . AN 01WIN1,NCE RELATING} TO TILE EXTENBION OF COLLEGE STREET.—Pe It enacted and ordained by the, Town Cordell of the Borough of Carlisle, and It Is hereby enacted and or dained by the same. That College strceLln said Borough bo extended and opened fromThiln street In the line of the pees tint direction of mild College street, at a width of ids y feet to a point where it will Intersect what-is known as the Walaut Bottom road. Enacted Jute an ordinance this sth day of June, A D, 1808. ' • .0. P. amnion . President of Town Council. ' • , JOHN OAMPEELL,. • Chief Burgess. Axeser-3. M.. ALLEN, . " Beo'9„of Corporation. • - AN ORDINANCE -:REPEALING . -• AN-ORDINANCE REOULATINU Tfl El WEIGH.. P COAL, ' PABBEO DEO. 14, 1565.—De It enact ed by.the Tow Council of the dtorough . of Carlisle; cod It is hereby'enacted and ordained by the autherl• ty of the same: That the bidltia,nce passed 14 Dec. 18110, regulating the weighing of coal, be and. the seine le hereby re pealed. Enacted Into an ordinance th hi .sth day Of June, A. 11,1868. '. 0. P. 1101511t1011, . ~ , . . _ President of Town Council. — , -Jollk. OA S.IPBELL.r— , • ' , . Chief Burown . Armor—J. M. ALLEN, • ' ... ~ • • • • - Sec': of Corporation. , .- .. Milne-at. . . • ~ - .A.,,,, , - , 'Eastern platslot of Pounoylvaola, F. 8. . at CarHilo 18 Juito.lBoB. . . . . ... • • . The undersigned hereby gi , es notice of his appoint.' stout es asslgneeof M N. Bushey ot• Nerrville in the county of Oumberlind and Male of Pc, nsylvihin -within mild? District rho - ha. been adjudged a -Bank rupt on creditose &Mien by the District court of iiiii"liiir' ° !. -•- . L. • M.INILLIAMB.?•----;', .- designee 2e. . . 2tgutteSt. , • ~ , • 7 .1 30 I L Ei der r s of .A Y T. N m li u a T T I N O . r t . stioula Dear In mind that the time' allowed , for ton. Tendon Into MO Bonds, will aspire on the 16th for the Juno 'fries, and the 16th of July. for' th • July series, after which _periods the -Government will pay off the Notes In Greenbacks, and holders of 7.30 Notes will lose the advantage of s rocelving a 5.24) Six Per Cent Gold Bearing Bond, or the,present high 'Feminist on the 7.80'5, • " VIE FARMERS' BANK OP 4t.llLltipt,. will Attend lo the cOnverslen or mils of thilsa,riotee for tirtles holding Ahern. • ' VALUABLE . LOT . OF - GROUND 808 BALE . iltuate end lying between RaatAialn and Pomfre t Atreete octnnded, In the Borough of Oarllale and con• being about four acres. ' .. Vile Is one of - the moat detdiable tols'ln the .torn; and could be used fora variety of purposee—bealdes Ite capability 'Of being Advantageously divided Into de -.arable building Lots—havlog a. front on each of the. above maned !treaty, it would be a moat, excellent In. caUon for some manufacturing Mutinous. •Ttio One -and Water pipes are- alreadyfuld lea, lti—fronterthe A. L. 131PoNsLxR,'_;.. • • , . Rot Estate Agt. , , . . . . . liOca(AU :& 'BAYIiER,'S e .'the . place to get a :betAcent..Olgeir.t, 'Deal forgot the Between .Ilbeetietr l all:lttid tho• lAranklln hops, VOSS & ItA.XLER-'hare a prime Tarn 0(M for fly. INDIAN Try them. 'HOUSEKEEPERS IS INVITED Carlisle Pa is a two -horse AS MOWER OR REAPER C. P. UUMRIOII, Promidont of Town Council • JOAN CADIPIIMIi, Chlbf [forgoes. •DRY - 0-00D5". • -• BENTZ & CO. WM. BENTZ, JOHN BENTZ,- .• • MARY M. BENTZ. GOODS_! Haying ru•cbasod' the largo stock of goods from A W. Dents, we barn a metaled together 'for the put pone of conducting the - Goods Buslneee .undo the .above designation. To this largo and well assorted stock, wedinve added" largely of now and • • 141 , 4EGANT GOODS, ° . we 1113 , a onrselies Ina condition to successfully com pote with any Ileum in the trade between Phila. deirla arid Pittsburg. Our Immense stook consists. In • • " • - CLOTHS CASSIMERES, VLS - TLNGS, in grant :variety and id: choice :designs, suitable for spring; summer and winter wear ; and artiolee necessary to compiete'a (iontlemouin Wavdrobo. For this department WO have engaged the .services of an A - NO._ 1 T4-ILOII, whose garments are warranted to lit. BILKS plain fancy and Psok, DBIAINES deshiblo.Ooldra, " .POPLIN ALPACAS, allehades, • • , • MOIIAIR LIISTRES and POPLINS. *FRENCH PERCALES, nice goods, . SII.ES, heavy black; and plain solid colors. ALPACII AS, Poplin do, bleak and fancy, Parasols Umbrellas; all colors, . and a'l tho moat fashionable Drees Stuffs in the mar. bet, Kid, Silk Lisle Thread, Buck 'Cotton Gloves, and everything desirable in the Glove line. .Cambric end Swise Edgings and Insertings, In great abundance, Laces, - Handkerchiefs, from the lowest price up to finest needle worked embroidery. - _ • Rlbbonsorltahades from yd. wide, down to the I Trim na r r ern w t; a ve ry large assortment coniPrialege - ,ery good thing the. -Buttons, Fans, )titlslin 1, • CalicoeS, Gingbains, Flannels, Tickings - ._ ' Checks, 'Linens, all in great variety. • Cambric, Notebook, Jaconet, and. Striae Mualine Table Linens, and Linen and Ciotti Table Covenf, • GRAIN BAGS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FRENCH CORSETS. CARP-ETSI CARPE•TSII• —From 35-ete:, per yard np to the bekt4mperlal three ply, selling lower than the market, rates. Carpet Chain finding. Floor and Tablo Ull Clothe, klattlngs, Rum Window Bllndil — ac. We hate the eta& to accommodate the . enure com. munity kntfall to be sold lower then can ho bought. anywheso In this section of thd country. .Call and see - . • BENTZ & Co. lmay (18.tf • CASH ! CASH.! I I have this day commenced selling of my entire stock of Winter Goode at greatly reduced prices far enh. NIIENCIL hiEILDIOES, REPPS, ALPACAS, PARMETAS, WOOL PLAIDS, and other Dress Gm de, at Coat. Shauls,ll3lnixkMs, Flannels, Lindseys, he., ,at very great bargains. , = . CLOTHS. CASSIIIVIEHES.-. QA§SIN imrs t &,.., „very _tow. isnotiMit Let, Lower than ever suld itt Carlisle. Alas : Tickinos, r. Onighton,s, CKeks,. Canton Flannels, - at the V •ry lowest pi is e. best make UALIWES, at 12 ets.. As my k has beet butight.taiine the great de ellue to prices. gloat bar-galla may be expecied.- Souls articles less Mad cunt to reduce tuy stuck astani as possible. No 47, Wegtkttin Street. BOOTS.. AND-wilt:ors! LADIES' MISSES and CLULDItEN%3 Enoto and Rhnea, of tho vary bast tnalcus, at cost Preroto not Ulu clock. • . _ INPORTANT DISCOVERY • T 11" B 'POULTERERS' FRIEITD," OR CHICKEN POWDERS. • (Copyright tocurod.) A CERTAIN CURE FOIL GAPES IN CHICKENS AND TURKEYS. Will prevent and Cure Chicken Cholera, and other Disease common to Poultry, and will promote an increase of Pat. FULL DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANY EACH PACK AG N. PRICE 25 CENTS The annexed aro a few of tho certificates wo have received In proof oftho groat value - and liflichey of the Poulterers' Friend : CARROLLTON, gALTINORE COUNTY, Mn., Doc., 16,1867.: • Messrs.Clottoorehy Co. - • ()VITAMIN :—I have uteri you; "Poulterers' Friend" upon a brood of young chickens that had the gapes,- ndAtulappy to say, that by the use of a few doses th-y were entirely cured. It will certainly eurTfilli galled 'when used according to directions. • • . Yours, as.. OEO. LINEMAN. LEETOWN,W, VA., April 7th, 1868. Messrs. Clotteorthy 'et , Pi. Clean have boon gelling your "Poulterers ) Friend'• for the last few months, for the clue.of Chicken Ohplera, and In every lustaue ' where It. aa been used, the disease was arrested at once. It Is the greateat Medicine made. It is in. gi eat demand, and I am selling:lt rapidly. It certainly accompllsima all that you claim for it. • Yours, to. JONAH T. TitUr9L'LL. SLIAPIIIIIDATOWN, W. VA. A p ril 10th, 1808 Clottoorilty Co: • My young chickens were dying very fast this Sprlug with 4ho Gapes, and' hearing of your Poulterers' Aloud, I purchased a package from Jos. M. btone. Maker, Shophardstown, and It acted like a charm. The Gapes soonUssappertivri. and my chickens have become healthy cud thrifty; 1 ran recourmend the Poulterers' Priemd to all , . . • " Respectfully, , 811EMERD0TOWN, W. NA.,idarch 28d, 1808. 4kars. Clotwortki & Co, WiNTS:—Havittglost a aren't many fowls, during the early Spring,with•Thicken Cholera," I was in duced by Mr. los. M. dtonebraker, of Sh&-berdatown, .Va., to try a_paper of, your 'Poulterers' Friend," which I did; and I bad only - nand - three - Mtes - when the dleemo disappeared, and I have not lost a fowl since. I can must safely recommend It to do what IL, says, if the directions are followed. For sal, _by - ail country Merchants. - CHRISTIAN ithTY. CLOTWORTUY k CO., Wholesale Druggists,, No. 3.39 West IlnMinoru Street„ Altioe - $2;00-per. Dozert,gfi,the TFado. A Llber,nl 1)Iscouot Allowed; when Purchaitod Iu Largo Quantition Bo ware eta uy, I m Dail° n Norte .gon uln o except that Manufacturad by Clotworthy All.Btonebrakertt preparationaler Salo' - by - Wash , Mond A Bros., Woos Alain St., Carlisle Pa, - ' ,29way 4m. - • . - THE COMING CONFLIC7I , We giro greater Inducements. to Agents tbau any ether House In the trade. Ladles and Gents, get up Clubs in our grout ONE D 01. 4 L R SALE of 'Dry Goode; •Panoy_ Goods,.Silver • ' Ware, Plated Ware, &o. , • Thousands can testify'an to the - superior qUellty and the largo remuneration received Or selling our geode. We will prevent to Any person; (free of 'expenie,) eend ing,us 4i oluh, goods wor ii $3 to $3OO, or r ‘vill pAy yeah if necessary. Lil oode sold at an uniform price of ozra DOL- R' for each article. . • We hav e made spacial arreugeinonts with the cote butted O.SIIPNT.O. The COr r WANY, to supply , 'their standard Teas add-Co goes -at their host Prices. • , 'Agonta wanted everywbere.l Disehlplita cireulore wlllioUlantfree, - Oti application. LETTS & Agont,.l, (' ;• ,ps a6O Redeye] Street,.ppeton Mee, -. 6401. .. . . . .. EXEOUTO.4% NOTICE. - -j , ' .. • Letters l'estirilertery on the estate, of Daniel °Elderly, i dee'd.,.late of Dickinson township, having thin day been Issued to,the subscriber omitting In SouthMiddleton^ townallp:, Notice- in boredy given to all peptone Indebted toaald_estale..to Make Jaime• diets payment, and to all persona having claims IsgahtSt it to present them Ibr settlement. • ' ' JOSISPII.A. &WARN, ... •. . JOSEPH DAHER.' . • • ' - 201a47 4 34 VICECUTOR'S Letters TeeMuieutary incites this day -boon Issued on-. the estate .of Jacob, Rife, late k of East Penneboro township, this county,.. to tho eubScrlbor reeldlog tn , Duncannon, - Perry county. • Noticq is hereby given to all personiindebted to. said estate, to make Immediate payment, and to all those heying claims, against it to present them to - . DANIEL lurk ' MISGELLANEO US. 600 E S OF THE - UNION PACIFIC RAI:LRO-AD - Are now finishedmnd in oparation. Sixty miles of track has bode laid tale spring, and the work along the whole lino between the 4tlantio and , Pacific States is being,puered forward more rapidly than over hothro. Moro than twenty thousand üb-n - ' aro .employed, and it in flow possibto thaetheentire trook, from Omaha to Sficramento, will bo finished In 111611 Instead of 1f,70. The Moans provided are utopia, and all that energy. men and - monoymm' do to seem . ° tho completion of this GREAT NATIONAL WORK, at the earliest possiblo day, octll be done. ' The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY receive LEA GovernMent Grant of the right of way, and all necessary timber and other materlaln found along the line of its operations. ' ' ll.—e( Government Grant of 11,800 scree of land to the milo, taken in alternate sections on each aide of Its road. Thin le an absolute donntion;. and will bun source of large ravenue in the future • Government ONunt of United Stares Thirty. y car Bonds, amounting to 5111,010 to 045,000 per ' mile occur,' hug to the difficulties to be our . mounted on the various sections to be built. The Government_ takes a /mound In rtga-to as security, and it In °spooled that not only the Interest, but the principal amount may Nu paid In service rein deredby Lb° Company* in transporting troops, /4"..Theitutorestieito_w_utUVlLlluero_t han paid in thin way, besides securing a great-saving In time and money to the Government. IV.—A Government Grant of ti's right-to issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, torrid in building the road, to the Cam amount as the U. S, Bounds, Issued for the saute purpose, and no more. Tho GOVERNMENT Psalm'. the Tru, tees of , the First • Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only an the road Isvoinplet e, and after it has been examined by the United States Com missioners and pronounced to be in all respects a first-class Railroad, with a, heavy Trail, and completely supplied with depute,' , editions, turnouts, carehop§, locomotiVes,.cars,./ce., V.—A Capital Stock Subscription. from the stock holders, of which over Eight Dollars have been paid la upon the work' already dune, and which will be increasiud.as the wants of the corn . party require. - - Vl.—Not Cash Earnings mitts Way Busiumul, that already amount to MORE THAN TIIE INTEREST 012 tins First Mortgage Bonds. Theim earnings aro no • indication of the vast through - traffic ttiatcroust • follow the opening of the lines to the Pacific, but they, certainly prove that FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upon such a property, costing nearly three times their amount. kre Secure beyond any Contingency. The Company have abundant means in their trea sury, and make no appeal to the public to purchano their lionds,us the daily subecriptious are entirely satisiac!ory; hilt - ray 'submit that, for entire security a and liberal rur 9, there is certainly no batter in. vestmentln the arkot. -The Union Bacille Bondi run thirty years, are fcr $l,OOO each,-and havo.coupons attached. -They bear annual interest, payable on the first days of January and July at the Company's Cllice , it,the-Clty.of—Otew York, et the rate of six per cent. in gold. The prin cipal is payable in gold at maturity. The price is 102, and at thO present' rate of gold, they pay 0.14- m-el Income on their cost. The Company believe that ,these Benda, at the pro r.tte. are the cheapest security in she market, and reserve.the right' to_advance the priee at auji time. Subset-11,0one will-Ito-received in Now York Perth., subecrlbitig will remit the par value of the bonds mid tau accrued totereat in currency at' the rate at xix per cont. per annum, from the date on which the dist coupon was paid. Subscriptions will be received in-Carlisle by- 4. L. SPONSLER, I=l At the Cosedany'e (Mee, No. ^_o Nassau Street, AND Dr Jolla J. C , SCD s Bun, Veneers No 68 W .11 St. And by the Company's e,typithell s agetalb timiughoul I=l 11r)ttillances - shinthi - k-madd in dr.efl,e or other: par in Neill lark, and the !Pots toll be scut lice or charmr by return r.rprres Partir.s. subscribing. through lowa agents, will look to them for their oafs delirerg: A P 011'11LP:1' AND DAP 1.011. 1 , t43 hill Just been by tliu Company. giving Oran ho.puot.lb - o In ail ail vertbannunt, reapecilim the tl unit the Ituv.lull`l'X Af the Cliiififtry fru verueil by rim' Pond, Ole Meting Our CilOttiletioll, OLIO Ills ‘ll.lllO of filo fouls, which will be Oust true 011 apt...D.l(in at the Company's °ilk° or to any -01 the 1.1 a outs. .10tIN J. Cli.`,Ei, Trunqurer, Now Yorlc. 29[11213 1807. • SPRING., 1867. B,ARGAINS. NOW OPENINO Ix DOMESTIC. GOODS DRESS GOODS, - cAISiMERES, • SATINETS, JEANS, - • WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 71(1ERS ItIBBONS, • NOTIONS; AC AT . RING'S NEW STORE, No. 55 WEST M AIN STREET. Opposite tlto Mansion Ilouto, next to Post Office. SIIERK'S Tincture of Roots 2 WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE iilyspepiila or Indigestion, Disordered: Stininich slid `Liver, Costiveness, Impurity hf the Blood, Head. ache, Vortigooraiddiness, N,.rvous Fever and Ague, Incubus or Melitioare, General Debility, Cramp, Pains in—the—Back_and Seto. " This is note now Medicine; the receipt for - inlticing it was I rought from Germany to Baltimore, Md., over fifty years ago by Mr. Kloin,,who introduced It among a few of his German friends and neighbors, who, finding it to be an, invaluable remedy of ,the above disease44;tecommended it to others, until It became; and still continues, to be, the -household medieine-of-a-lar,e-purtion-of_the_Gormans_of_Malti. morn. •• Thu .13Ittor Tincture of Roots 'is composed of the juics of a number of the moot valuable rooto,and seeds known to the medical faculty, with a sutlici• ency of pure old rye whiskey to make one. of the most °Nettled Took Tinctures over offered - to the public. livery person should uso It every eSpring Sumiher and Fall to pUrify the blood,' give two to the stomach and inyigorato the systent. • 'TESTI - MONIALS.. rrh., Rev:Geo. Hunter says:- Ido licireby mistily that laving used ono bottlo of Sherk's Bitter Tinetut:o of Roots, I have found. it -inraltiable for the. stomach end bowels. It releived sae of pains, nausea and costiveness and created an Oxcellent appetite. I .confldently. recommend it to all as a reliable medicine. , 0110. HUNTER. Jan. 27th 1,68. llavlng boon laiet6d.f, r srone time with dyspepsia, costiveness, loss of appetite, and goneMl protratiOn of the system, I need 6horlt's Bitter Tineturo of Roots, and In a abort time found myself entirely relieved, and my health restored. - .1. S. No. '2l, North llenover Et., Carlittle. • I hereby certify thud the Medicine, known as Shark's Hitter Tincture of hoots, ha, to my know!. ..edge,oured crstiverass, nightmare, boss. otuppotito and general' dobility. J. W. Willi. HY; hool3, North Ilanovor.Sl., Carlisle. , afilicted•with costi v eness fur a lon g time, I tried Shork's Bitter Tincture of Roots, and have limed it highly efficiunt,rellaving - lne in a short time. Try hand ydu had - it good. . . A: IV. BUNTZ, • No. 27, South llanovor St., Carlisle. "-- 11;i3lioInInunerof 1866'iny bealth-r.falled : o that my whole system was prostiated as if worn — out -so, that I was unfit fur busthess. '1 uoed Shark's - Ilittor Tincture of Roots for room time, and was complotoly rmlored to health. I believe this millet. will do all that is claimed for It. - - - BASII/EriIIOODYNAIc. Carlioo,_Stibrintijr I, been afflictud a long time with nervous debility and Indigo:Atop. I used Short's - .Ater Tinetnru ut Bouts, and have found It exceedingly beneficial, cud rocomminid it to ult . ns n rellahlu medicino. • Mrs. E. It Thom in more medical virtue in ono of those loot. ;flea than - in - a - gallon - of - many of - tlninittefe n 11,141111, lords now olferod to thb ptlblle, • =EI - •A.-SOII;AU3L A &_CO., No -85, South Ilanove . o Street Carlisle Pa.- Alpo For Salo by Druggi,Pis and Coun. try Stores. DR. ROOK'S • , P 'N. : - 'IT ICI' 0R• Citrus Neiitalirla,'fouthaelle and pal.' in the stom achs andhowels In ten mlnu• us. It novor falls to btu pains in the b •:ek and lamo bac:li,• It Is ths be,,/ ass lor Ithouinatldui, Sprains Cholera, Ito'r• to, its. Sommer Complaints. .- , . Thu Pa Victor is - Natur e' s Chire,,gathered from the yugotablo kingdom, not a fillnural io sou.: It should he In usury house--a sury and duttsin help in time Tho citizens of Corti/110 that have used it testify as-follows :.• I have hilon subject for thu, lest fifteen yours to ati salts of rhsumatisin and Janie bacil which Or the last two yours hati-becoino au sev,ito at' times that I.as ontliuly disahludlyr huslooss, I used your, Dr. Ruck's 'Vain yloter this spring, and part -of Ono bottlollarentiteli cured mu,. I rdcommund it with conildoucu to othsrs. ' JACUII,nttItTIN, - • • No. ilsriovor Street, Carlislo.•• I Lave used your Paln Victor for'iroaltnese in my bark; and Intro found u ported urolit a short time. I bollovatt. to be nit liffalliblo cure. . ' • • JOHN R. PILICAY. • '1 ho Rue. Ed A. Brady, • Agont . says: I •haro ueod your Dr.. In my family, mid found Itu sure and 'quick euro for Nourolgia and Toothache. • „ • E. A. BRADY. It cured we efleatually of Naurulgln and • Tooth :ash°, • : . , • 2QIISI U. LANDIS. ,Ur. Rock's.Pfilit Victor Mr ured :us. of Blieumatic and:Neuralgia. , • C lOR s:LOUISA SRIBBIN m We cheerfully recommend - yddrvralri , Vietiii us uu Invaluable remedy for, headache. • • • WM. It. BUTLER. • - • ' JOUR J. FALLER. Dade and milli by. A. Pelniubla & Co., N 0.86, South Hanover Street, Carlisle,, Pe. Whore every person Minded with Neuralgia, Toothache,. Ileliduseho and pains In the Stomach le ..ltivitoil . tieitll oured In ton ceinutes,.free of charge. For sale by Druggists soil ill country stores:* Fancr dOh(3\ here, MI6CELLAIVEOUS. v g,o. ,0 .* t icqz o , Zc.TABLe 4 7 40- v 044 At i ei - 0 47 - 1 P): 17, 3 Ci Aem :ftto, T O llb rie s (A A C t .c 3) ' 44° Itt cc ritt 41w tjujj - 10 1 E nn orr ANTO 'ow Vi t tict7 ' 4--?<i c 4, h k e4Lotoso (v 4,y .`iroi l x‘A"c' 4, 4, ? , 646 0 - ,tov RING'S ° VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE • Gyrry-lloiticied People have their locks restored by it to the dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy! • " Young People, with light, faded or red j-lair, have these unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice! People whose heads are covered with Dan drvff atul — lhorrarsnsc — it7 — and — hal clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! vpterans have their remaining locks tightened,' and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, - and dancefor joy Young Gentlemen use it because it is ricbly ,perfumed Young 'Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair in placel- Everybody must and will use it, because it, 18 the cleanest- and -best article in the Market! r-For Sale. by Druggists generally. 7feb6B-7y 9 - IAR FARMER'S BANK, OF CAR, • LIMA, PENNSYLVANIA, Recently organised, has boon opened, for transaction of a general banking business, in the corner room of It. Given's new building, on the North West corner of High street and the Centro Square. • The' Directors hope by liberal and careful manage ment tumake this a popular institution, and a safe despealtorireVall who may favor the hank with their accounts. Deposits rocelved.and pa id back on demand, inter est allowed on special deposits; Gold, Silver, Treasury Notes and Government Bends, bought and sold. Collections made on all accessible points in the cruntry. Discount .14, Tuesday. Ranking" hours from 9 o'clock A. hi. to 3 o'clock.P. M. .1.0. ROBBER, (testier. DIRECTORS. R;Given, -- Prealdant, - - rhomaa Paxtnii, David Goihes, John W. Craighead, A. J. Berman, 2.7mandB tf. - Abraham Witmer, CHARLES WILLIAMS IIEATING AND--VENTILATING IVAREIWUSE, Nos. 1132 Si'll34 Market Street, lilts an entirely new heater. It in constructed as to at once command Itsell to general favor, being a ,cotubluatloo f wrought 'and rest. Iron. It Is very nine pie In its eon ytrudtion. and he'inWleetly tor tight; sell-clan sine, hnvluc so [duns or drums to ho takeu out nod 'chained. It is no arrattged with upright flues as to prod ore a larger amount of heat front the yntno.weight of coal - than a ,y t ornate non , ' In use.' I he hydrotoetic et,tI 4 ILIIMI o the nir us prodoo d t y toy new artattgoinent or reap ration will at once 00- .1.01.1811,A1e tildt. it in the only = that wll I product: by atipnaphorh • 1 am now mottling don sinus Off Ult t A,f LGo,.and four It, Mdf,,,ry. ICANG ES, Sporl l Htt,titinnls • till to lay NE V LIOLDEsf EAIII.,F. CU/LINO RANU ES. as I real Hawn)] them in nortriiia in uar t bat CZI II compare with therh, as regards their durability., econoUiv and wilts larparirsortntonts ort.triVikiwif Eire Pltre" loses' hrginters and Ventilators. Send lOr 11/1111 Crate') • 2,500,000, Customers - in Four - Yoars PAVRONIZE THE BEST Having the largest capital, most OX parlour ad buyers, and extensive trade of any concern Ix tho Dollar Salo business, we GITARANTEE SATISFACTION In every instance, and also the bent selection if Goods ever olirred at ONE DOLLAR EACH No other concern has any show wherever our Agents arc selling Our motto ',Prompt and delta bit." Maio and Inman: agents wanted in city and country. THE LADJ , ES' . Aro particularly requosted to try our popular club systein of-selling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, CAS• TORS, SILVER' PLATED -00000, WATCHES, Ac. (Established 1864.) A potent pen fountain and a - check describing an article to be sold for a dollar, Wets; 20 for $l2; . 40 for 454 60 for $6; 100 for $10; sent by mall. Free presents to getter up, (worth 00 per cent more ?hail those gent by any other concern,) accord ing to sin or, club. Send us a trial club, or If not do not fail to send for a clrculai. • N. B.—Our solo should not be classed with New York dollarjowolry solos or bogus "Tea Companies," as It Is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN A ICENDALL, —...L.l.llo,nover_strout,l3Q,stan, 22anny 68 ADESIRABLE PROPERTY Ad' PRIVATE SALE, • In Clearspring, Washington County, Md. The subscriber Intends changing his location in business, offers his two-story IllifOßT STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE.- • • Tho Store rlToUsAls 20 by 50 feat, tho Dwelling has 10 rooms with collar under the . whole house and store. A part is coverod with Slut° and part Tin, with .SPEING HOUSE, GOOD STBLING, CARRIAGE HOUSE, GOOD LOT and all good FRUIT, one of ; the hest locations lor, business in town. 'Persons buying the alm so properly can pet possess ion by t h e Pith day of August or Ist - of September Can also if thoy desiro.buy the Stock of aoods as I will givEra good ilargain in them at cost, /to, Also 1 two-story , Brick.Houso.with 8 Rooms and'Half Lot, with all good but Bulldings,'and water In the yard, now occupied as a Confectlcinary Store, Also A FRAME TWO-STORY SHOP. Possession of the two last named properties will ho given on the lot of April next. .trot 'further 10. formation address, ' MutTIN MYERS. 2.2may2m. • Olearspring Md. JG-11 D-0 RN E R MERCHANT TAILOR In Kramer's Building, near Rheoni's [Tall; Carllele~ Pa., ha , Just returned from the I:amain! Cities with tpu largest and mast. ' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF' ,Cloths, eit3Si mores • • V °stings, ----- Gents'' Furnishing 'Goods, &e. ? °Tor brought to earllNln. ______." His cloths comprise . ENU.1.181.1, . :,::.• ' V l '' :., . FRENCH, aq,k" , - .. • 7011:410AN liiiiNUFAOTURERS, ~ of o the flout tuxturo and of all Ahit d e a .-- -- Mr. Dotiur being hhorolfx proctlvat cutter of lops mtpurlntloo hi prepared to Warrant purfert Zits, and prompt flllom or ordorii. . ' • ... ' plum floods by tho - yard, or out to ,ordar:. Don't. forgot tho piano. , lbtouy 6.1.tf... ~ • -" A PP E T N G , mArnrids, OIL CLOTIIS,-.11U0S; ETO WI;olosalo and natal!, iw tf 87.Sdutli tideolni'St4.abpVe Chestnut, PIIILADELPII.Ii. N. li.--Curohosnro.will do 'well to . coll .• finioy.2ro..;• ••,- - • ciOFlOOl, TAX FOR, '1868.--• • • Ife Duplicate of &hoot Sunni for the Borough of Darllslo, Is rent 'lithe hands vf tho Treasurer for collodion. 110 Ice Is therefore given that the Treat user wllloittond at the 'county Court House, (Coro mlssioners Offlooo on • - - • •• • ^ • . _hlei4sll the ; Slat of July yieNt . ' bob:kcal - AU hours of 0 and G &Chia of said day, for the purpose of resolving said Taies, up b. *bleb time ,an abaleniont of give per rant: will be maldo o. All'taxos paid.. ,i'erannii WI Pay'Moir taie. boforo th above data, can do so, by calling at th , °Moo optho Treasurer In Marlon Hall building. J. W. EDT, Treasurer. 2guia3l4ot.. Q. ET.' photographs • at r k,,t ma , g .. -premiu m , Photograph' , Pain , • aln. Sirelt. , . ' CM 1868. su4M E R. 1868. A mattalflcoot otocic of ;mit 00300 now on ax. laltion at Gi•eenfteld, at NO; 4 East Main,. St., Having determined to keep a much larger stock of Dress Goods than heretofore, lam now pre. 'pared to exhiblt one- of the most, beautiful stock of goods, entwining of all the latest novelties of the season for ladleA sults, and also all the thin lab , ire Bummer Wear NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Every thing in our Dress Good department will t found• of the intent Itnpvtation of our purrhasea last weok, we know we have some bargains that can not he found olsowhue, ,9RENODbANEI, SEASIDE LUSTERS, ORANIT POPLINS, _, • • The now and desirable shades of PRATO. and 818 • lIA-RIC ALPACAS onli , lo coots. The BEST a&ortment of BLACK SILKS In town from $1,75 to 4,60 per yd FANCY SILKS, Lawns, Delaines, E=l! BLACK GOODS, BOMBAZINEs, CASHMERES, Ac. A groat Imrenin 'n ess tt'nrL DELAINES, BLAOX BLUE, in.Aß.4llli A go 0,1 nsnorbreut of • - WHITE CASIIS.I.ERES, !t; / CEME Crape, Funeral orders promptly land satisfactorlyZfllled A well selected stock of '-DOMESTIC GOODS bought very cheep, will be cold at popular. prim. Bleached and Unbleached illuslincr from the lowest grade to the finest New: York min. Ineludinkt all the bust oaken. •COTTONA DES, HICKORY ST I P 1,;:i GIN GITAMS, TABLE CLOTHS, ad at prieen that dofy competition WHI•TN 0 0 D'S , GM! EZEDZI Cambrics, plod and plain Swiaran. 1u gro~ t co le ra le t t e lr, nll elFs of the heel Ilogllnh Good- BARGAINS IN SHADES BARGAINS IN SACKING CLOTHS A largo assortment o . f . giades CLOTHS and• CASSIMEHES' At tho lowest market rates, In foot many of them cheaper thou before the rva • IR.),i,NH CH CORSETS * CHEAP . • • Tlie best sailing Kill Olovo In town 'selling at $1.28 It now lot of, 1100 P ElClRTS,dlroetfroul the mono fps turn nt h bargain. ' , • FLOOR .OIL CLOTAg ' Mil TABLE OIL pLpTus, UMBRELLAS;- :PARASO.T.A I soh is an examination 'Ot my stock. Buyers will be astonished at therilffereure of prices betwella thin and other estaltilahutaila claming to sell cheaper__ L. T. GREENFIELD BAST MAIN STREET ME DRY GOODS; ORENNA POPLINS, SUMMER POPLINS A full-line of Cambries, Percale, Alapaca thisters, Macs, &c., &c IT= TAWS CLOI 11, Collars, and Crapes, Scarfing, S iks alwa^g on hand CHECKS, TIUK4NGS, PRINTS TABLE LINENS =ME TurlLtons. Hosiery, Striped Musll ns, OIL CLOTHS, STAIR' 91L OLOTHS, SILK UMBItiItiL'LAS N'tCr..‘.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers