Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 26, 1868, Image 4
il* A 1? E INDuTRYA PROS'PERE'T. I C I have made large additions to 'my already EXTENSIVE STOOK OF HARDWARE' ital/its branches and departments ; and buying ex mistily • for: Cash, fartS able to 'non:pato with Marketa, rind to Wholesale at.i/anet radium?* 1000 Kegs of .NalleJust received and will sell by the quwtity at manufactures plrc6 for cash. All orders attended te personally, - and with our —usual•premptness.-• Goode rielivered.twall pails of the_ town PREgov.OIIARGE. We invite the special attention of Blacksmith's and Wagon-Makers to our extensive stock in their Una, comprising in part of: namthered, • Rolled, lingliabed Refined, and Norway Iron, • . of all shapes and sizes. . -•-- Burden's-Horse and - Mule Shoes, Nails of different brand:, Rowland's Black and Polished Springs, Sanderson's Cast• Steel, Spring, • Sleigh, Blister and Too Steel, Blacksmith's Drills, lioRd•BoX Vises, bellows, -A Files, Rasps, and Case liardsned, Wagon, Car riago. and Buggy 'Axles. • • 1 CARRIAGE, WAGON AND SLEIGH Jrisiures ombrzinlng pull: vanne,'. _ FELLOW,• . • BOWS, " SHAFTS, CARRIAGE POLES; - SLEIGH RUNNERS, FENDERS; ' TOP. LEATHER, DUCK .CANVASS, • DRILLINGS, _ ' • , DAMASK, • LACE, • TRIMMINGS, &c., Ac Soo numerous to mention. Out and Clinch Nails, at Ufa very lowest 'market sates. •CountryMerchaute supplied at manufacturers prices. _ _ CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS will find It to their advantago to buy Nails, Locke, Paints, Oils, and other Building Materials, together with • OAR PENTERS. TOOLS from the 'Rest litalte6X- warranted to give en_ tiro satisfaction in 011-_ ty and prices. CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS 'no would Invite your Attention to our large and &tap atock . of Waloutnad Mahogany Voneers, Chair glora. and Bed Oprings, Moss, ealr &c.. itc. Coffin Handles, Lace,'Prlnge and AI necessary materials And goods in their line. -8-M)L-DR'S - FINDINGS AND TOOLS of 'every variety comprised iti pat t of, Black Red and White. Enameled and Patent Leather, 11. g Skills, Saddle Trees, Stirrups, Japanned nod Silver Barnes Horse Blankets, Collars, Bridle BRAN Buckles, Rings, Brow-Bands, Rein Web, llirthings, Blanket Binding, Ives' and North'. Self Adjusting Trees, /to., - *A LARGE STOOK OF SIIOENIAREICS TOOLS and Findings, Maroc T coos, Tarnpicoes Sheep Skins, Colored Linings, Se., all of which will be sold' at the loweA cash rates. PAINTS AND OILS . _ . _ Twenty tone of tho following brands Whits Leads and Zinc's, WetherliFs Lend, Liberty do., Buck - do., Crystal do., Mauston do., French Zinc, American do., Snow White do., Florence do., Colored do. . . Colors of every dlscriptlon dry and In oil in cans, —ard-tubse-Also,-Gold-Leafr.French.--and-German Bronze, Paint, Varnish' and Camol hair, Brushes, - Graining.Combsand Brushes.: . . OILS AND VARNISHES Lloseed 011 •Bporm do., Fish d 0.,. - Lard 0., ' Lubrlc do., . • Neate Foot do., Turpentioe, - ,g- k Coach Varnish gur __Fulnlturo dO., , .0. Whfto Domar do., JAPAN IRON AND LEATHER VARNISHES Also,. Putty, Litharge, • Whiting, Glue, Shllac,' Itosin - , Ohalk, Alum, Copperas, • Borax, Madder, - Logwood, de., de, We would especially N vito the attention of racmers, Mechanics and the community In general to the following articles: DOUGLAS COWING & RUMSV.Y'S IROS.WELL AND CHAIN PUMPS, DRAWING WATER 00055 FIVE TO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET Wood, Iron and Lead Pipo to emit, „ HYDRAULIC RAMS &0., &o. A constant and fresh supply of Duponts, Rock, Rifle : Eagle and Duck Powdor, Together with Safety Fuse, Picks, Diattocka, Craw — BaticDrillG - Slegges, Napping Hammen, Cement of the Following brands, (Warrant• ad fresh and good,) Rosendale, Scotland and Hancock, Also, Calain° Plaster, Putre, Sand, kr.. • Sole agent for Plank's Shifting Beam Plows,' do nigh and Low 'Cutter, also agent for Zeigler, Weld* Bloomfield, Rauh, and York Plows, Plow Handles, Cultivator Ilundles,'Plow beams and casting of every desoriptlod td sent the above ploweconstantly on hand; We are agony fcr the patent improved Measuring Fences. Wnguaranteo them to draw and measure cor rectly the heaviest Molasses, Oils, Tar, Varnishes Ac. In the coldest weather. Remember the old place, No.IS;EAST MAIN St. Carlisle, Pa. Elizabethtown, and Loudon llamas, straight and twisted, Butt and Long Traces, 6th Chains, Spreads' Natter &Chains, Cow Ties, to., &c. FARM BELLS of all alma (warranted not to amok. Mill and 01r. anlar Sawa, Butcher Sawa, Halves, Stools, &a, &c. A--LARGE AND NEW STOOK OF" CEDAR WARE COMPRISING IN PART TUBB, CHURNS, MMUS, BUTTER BOWLS, PRINTS, do, dc. • Plain and • Porcelain-Lined, • Oval and ' • Round Boilers, Porcelain, Brass and • Copper, RPreserving Kettles, _ A NEW LOT OF GBAIN BAGS AT GREATLY REDUCED *RICER; . . , TINDERS SOLDERING IRONS' SOLDER, BAR LEAD, WELTER, BLOCK TIN, PIG LED , lIIIEET • ItRA9B, • • • • DINGLE ANITDOIIDLE BARREL' IDIOT GDNS. ' thndoth and .Twist Rifle's, and Mile Barrele, and Mount 111211, Revel yen and Bowie Knives, Metallo Catridgee to t ult Rifles and Revel ' Vera, elan the Improvedietherno. •-' - THE LAEG-,gA ASSORTMEE T - AND MOST DEADTIFIIy , STYLUS . BIRD ' Also, Chamber Sots,. Patent Metallic 'lron Widen, Moss & Flow or Hanging Baskets. .0 TA" B INGERB, CHINESE GONG-S, ' AND BAND .B ' POlt. HOTI4I. ICEEPEIt . PLAIN AND GILT LIITIIERAN 11Y1g14 43001(8. EX:0.14657,V,E AGENVFOR PATENT' iddELaxon WEATIIER STRIP: R used on doora and windo li s for excjuding cold, rain, au" and anew mahout roongordnii, the , • , „ ..'‘ ' soma oP 00A • - , . . loildeiseourlng Inch comfort ;no( other expend! Sure of fuel can command. ilk:Sp SOLE ,AGENTS E - FOR I'VaI.DANWB STANDAZD SCALES. pfdr•R,e member the old stand. TIENRY SAXTON," IVC). ' T‘ ZIAIN MEET, NE W: eodps i'DiEw:Gßibps 1d E~BT., MA:IN:.3TR'TET, dniier -- :Gorman. Mae just got in eters' from New York and Philadelphia. All the beet etylon of Sllka-In stylis and aolort r -link-Popllns i -Sprlna Mohair and Odene-Poplins In - .single and double fold for ladles and Misses in black and every ebado of color MIXED GOODS, elegant and W MARSEILLES ' elegant GRENADINES and LAWNS. WHITE o - 0 D 8, - - TUCK MUSLIM, OAMBRICS, SWISS, TARLETONS, TERCEL, ,NVIIIITIrand FIGURED, LACES bought from Jaffray'il Neer - York selling much less than regular prices, . rieWest style of H 0 EAI A .1).4] WOR K, Snob BE , Side Boarls, Ile reit us, - Iledateads Safes. Secreta• ries, ChM. In Sid to, Rockers of all descriptions. &e., made by competent workmen from the very best mn. turbot and at reasonable prices. • SIIAPLF &1141,11 EAT. SHEET constantly on ;kiwi. 'N FRENCH, and ENGLISH COATINGS, I l4feb.6B to LADIES COATS, splendid styles of Ornameohi, Buttons,and Trlmtologa, to match SPIT-I,NG 'SHAWLS Elegant printed CASHMERE STRIPED and BARRED MOURNING GOODS, FUNERAL GOODS, W. C. SAWYER, & CO Purchased boforo cotton advanced, an Immune stock of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, CALICOES, GINGHAM'S, SHEETINOS, BLEACHED and UN. BLEACHED MOSLINS, TIMINGS, COTTON and LINEN PANT STUFFS, Ac., Ac. OUR NOTION DEPART3fENT Hosiery ; - Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cravat!, Collars. Linen Bosoms, Zephyrs, " Buttons, HENRY SAXTON JUVIN'S CELEBRATED KID OLCIVES ALL COLORS “Thelitibhess” Kid Gloves, at' low, prices. Latest style of Parasol's and Finn Umbrellas, Hoop Skirts, Vella and a thousand other ankles not rpentioned. We are the largest dealers Of In Carlisle, 'lrons the lowest — pries — to tie finest _ . W. C. SAWTER. & 00A Waffle and ' Grid Irons Ara ,unrivalled •In their large gird select stock of We buy from. miinufacturere, and seta Jobbers .0001111/15101111: , . .• Boat _Quality of Three Ply Best Ingrains. .) • • ' • Best Venetian: Bost Philadalphia make of Ingrains, Cheap Caipots to suit,all:custornOra ALL WIDTUS AND q.U.;,LITIBB Olt - 0,1 L -61.1•0 T.H tastriiomalhalli; stairs atalltables.litattingti, Velvet Dugs, Mats, Nbade e , Ilollands, for . .Ourtalne, Dam ask - for . Dounges, ,Oons,Sarpatne, Dtankats,"Walh Mane, Napktnii, ac. ' ' W . 0..13AW-YER.& 00 have rOcoribd the noweet styloLof snING COILTINCAS;-,OASPIMIATCS, NM .gbodimedo ap to order, In; thejtatest',4tylsti.!neitr gcPaiiiiillt be - a - 04411a .- tlidsieWoiradvaions. -- 3414. far 'cub and aid et lowest market: 'wheel.. 'Anybody-, it' the old land. - - DRY ::CO: SA WY.ER ';& DR•E.B,B t) - A•LPACAB, STRIPED GOODS, BARRED GOODS FOR DRESSE.S.-,-, All kinds of CAMBRICS CHINTZ, SHIRTINGSA LINENS, EDGINGS, FLOUNCINGS LADIES and MISSES. All kinds of All kinds ej is full of Trimmings, Ritibons and other wares °ORS ETS, C A, R P E T 8, Bost Quality Crosloy FURNITURE. 4' )Ti #/\ 2 bd bs t 4 1 4 1- t 4 0,. E.ƒ,& gis r 4 Z., a 0 cl =I . . „ Furnituro of all varieties at 3 htylea of ForOlgn and Domeatio marrofortnrO, front the finest rosewood and Mahogany to tho lowest priced maple and pine - "Parlor — , Chamber; Dining-room, Kitchen and. Mee EmbmoinweVary article Used by Fiume and lintel' keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and lintel]. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs. Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, &c., Air-Particular attentioo given as usual to funeralre orders 'from town and country, attoutod -to promptly and on moderate terms. . RiECIAL ATTENTION PAID.TO THE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. march2l, 04 _NEW FIRM, . • , • NEW BUSINESS, NEW FtTRNITITRE: partnership for tho trananctioa of tho- FURNITU'RE BUSINESS ,have locked themsefveii in - the arid pop ular stand .ately occupied by the Junior partner as a grocery store, onthe south-east corner of Hanover st., They desire to ahnounce to the. publlCtbat they have now on hand and are constantly manufacturing and purchasing - from the . , best eastern manufacturers , the latest and best sty lea and patterns bt FUHNiTURE of all qualities. - • • ,- Their Mock ofreany-made souelatsln.par :of, 14f AHOGANY SUITS. - ' • • " _—FLORAL D. E. STANDS; TEA POYS - • DRESSING BUREAUS, cf all style's andniices. Tate a Tates, Sofas, Lounges, CottageLTrundii4l, Cot tage, Panel, Japanese, and Jenny Lind Bedsteads, GAtage Bureaus, - Marble Top Tables . and Stands, Washstands, of all varieties, Chairs of all kinds, Stuffed Furniture in suits or In pieces constantly on - hand. Mirrors of all styles and Prices , • CLOTRING - CLOTHING HALL. • , Samuel Arnold intlirms bin friends and customers 'that his stock of Winter Clothing Is now complete, that ho is ready, to sell at Philadelphia peices. Before buying elsewhere examine our stock and you will find that you can nave V..fil.k.Eß CENT,_ All Goads warranted to he at ropresentad - , -- Tbo kumeitso stork of OVERCOATS, froze $8 00 upwards. Call early at SAMUEL ARNOLD; North West Curtier of lianover and Louthor street 8 nov 67. I — )ItUG . S ? i ttUG ! Common having-to 'relinquish an ;extensive practlie, as well as his Drug Business in the city of Pittsburg, several years ago on account of ill health, has now opened at N0..38 North 'Hanover street, be. tyre'. office's of Drs. Meth.? and Ziteer, a DRUG STOKE, whore he has and is receiving ovary few days pure stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs nod everything generarly kept la n well-regulated City Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully compounded and family receipts will receive • pedal care. The Dr. can be comulted at any hour, at his Wilco, back of his store, oral his dwelling, No. 112 - North linnover street, after store hours. llemember.the pla'ce Nc. 38 North Hanover Street, Carlisle 1350pt67. y * , The Last Jilt, 6 4 4 Success, go%l i kykoiri3 O ,9 y juuß REsTogiß „„ 4toroll RAM DREssnig eBo will quickly restore Gray Hair to in-natural color and beauty, 'and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as. those•who wish to 'restore . _ it.-- -The beautiful-gloss-and perfume ' imparted to the Hair make it desirable = for, old and young. For Sale by All Druggists. DEPOT, 198 6REENWICII ST., A, Y. nu. a MED apt c 14fob•08 Iy WALL. PAPERS. PAPER RANGINGSI. AN litigENßE STOCK_ OF " W A L - L_ P • NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES • FOR PARLORS t ETO:j IVIIOLESALE AND BEWAIL ; HOWEia, & BOURKE'S,'-. CORNER OF FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, ' PHILADELPHIA. Saprll-3m s M. HOOVER. AND COAL DEALEHR.:. . Office 158 West Main Se. Carlisle, . , Constantly on hand, clean; and . the dry, L'ykens Valley, Shamokin, Wilkeebarrei . Nut, Stove, ilgg, and broken • sizes of tioal,,We Cheap. as itny • Dealer in town Also an excelfookartlcleolillacksmith'sCoalon ha n d 'Seasoned Boards,. planls,.&c.; ; - • Also x9rantling; Lath, Pal-. .- • - iv and Shingles, , - • - BV46T BRAINDS:FAMILY FLOUR' • gym. , -.:: ; i;,y Dario] oiOlOC, d'oll~erud piromptly to order. -A:mha t e ofpatronage respeoqully solicited.... S. M. H. " ' • ARBLE YARD. • r —• --- MONIMENTa, nEADSTO - iitb — , nook .111.,-oti bow:timid inado to oulcit Booth ItatWrot Otroot; OstilolO; •_ • it. (-4i-it.' marchllS 574 ,• Wheeler Elliptic' • LOC I K-STITCH . . . - SEq/1111: machilted are adapted to a _L kinds of family sowing,`-working equally *ell upon Silk, Linea and Cotton gooda, - -with Bilk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful -and' perfect Stitch alike on both aides of, the article slined. All machines sold aro warranted. • --- Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph 01TIce,.Canl lisle, Pa. r• May. 24, 1807—tf... FUILNITURE 7 JAS. D.•CALDVPLLL' & 00., MEE belonging to tbe Business of • Goldsmiths and. Silversmiths 2E9 Ettending.from ehosniat..Street Eansom Street, affording amplo room and convenient accoasorlea, Of! lag Opportunity for a proper display of goods and bet tor men nt. for their examination. With extensive and favorable arrangements la thli Country and in Europe, we are in a posltloa to offer at moderate FULD prices. - Watches, 13ialio/ids, Bronze ble Goods, Silver' , Wai'es,- Jewelry , Poi•cela`iia; Plated" Goods, --111uKiral-43ores, . FANCY A RTICIL ES, Strangest olattliii the city ate cordially invited to examine our Now Store. • 6mart184,7 WIJOLESA [AC CONFECTIONERS NO 161 NORTH THIRD STREET, ERS prompqy attended Lo: 21(04-08 3m. TO , ' VARMERS.! • - (her cots= ors _I: as worthy el their special notice. Its use for several years In Ma, y. lend, Virginia and (glum Southern States, for all crops, hos given it n standard character for excellence un equalled by any other. It possesses ail the quickness of - Peruvian Guano" , with permanent qualities nrt found In that article. 250 the of this Guano are found more - than equal to 300 Ilia of tip hest - Super. phosphates.. It ripens the wheat crop fire to acres day, earlier than the phosphates. which Poit aloud gives it Incalculatio advantage's For sale by - JOHN 8. 'REESE CO., - General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 33 South Delaware Ave., Philad'a, • And 71 South Stieot, Baltimore. , 27mar 68.6 m. R EAD and keep Yourself Informed 'laving purchased the old and well known bust ne stand sf4+lell-1 , -kave occupied fi r twenty years, I lea determined not to retire from my present basins: but to continuo on in the manufacture of DR. D. CORNMAN READY-111AE CLOTRINO, of all sizes and descriptions, as well an piece goods by yard and a general assortment of 0 ENTS FUJIN IS GING GOODS. 7 would respoci fully invite my friends and pa• trona who need a good suit of clothes to give_me T have just returned from Iho mty with a large as sortment of the host ,quality pf Spring and Summer Goode, via: Finn black French 'and Englieh , -Olotbs, „ " and " Doeskin UASk MERE'S, Fine Light Fancy bocalcin basstimores, Gassinetta, Cottonades,-Volvets, Drab Alapicae, Linens, Satins, Velvet Cord, and many morn too nu merous top mention , -- -Also, a - full assortment of Trunas, Valises,. and Traveling bags of the best description . With thanks to the public for past favors, and hope I will receive a call noon at my place, No. 22, North Hanover St. • I. LIVINGSTON,. A Silk Dress, Patter»; A Fontily Sew ;big Machine, or Gold Watch. FREE OF COST I For one or two days' service in r •any town or village Fartienlars'and sample sent Imo, by addressing, with stamp, CLOUDMAN A CO., No. 40 Musser at., Don ton. Mass. • • 10mar-013 3m. .• tx r aoVE.R;iriliENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE 4PITIUN&CO. AN 111.1111ENSE AMOUNT , OF :•PROP4TY • itilbOLlT AT GOVERNMENT SALES o:iodating cLlolly of, , 10;000 SETS NE W AND SECOND HAND Harness, Bridles & Collars, bow wool isz Rubber Blankets, • MILITARY (MUTING, ei REAM- COAT3--FROCK 00A113,11LOUSEB,PANT80311111.'M DRAWERS, As., Also a large lot of Roled, Lead Linas,,Buggy Ambit lanco and Cart Ilarnen, Double Truax, Load Bars, Port able Pr rges, &e.,' Wheel Thant farness; little worn all oak tanned eather, aerviceable,.cleaned and oiled, $9 per horap, Including Bridle Load, do $4. Ambu lance orjlitagA Maness with superior leather Tune, perfectly suited for farm or gamma' team work, doub. le sets complete $26 to cm, Bridles $l, Collars $1 to $2 extra hair lined Artillery cane, do 2,50 and $ll, Double Rein $1,75 to 2,25, Halters $5 to $l2 per dozen, Now °Moors McClellan Saddlee, $lO do, with plated Bit Bridle $lO Brass IdOuntad Saddles, good now *Pa yrltii Bridle $ll Boystladdles, $0 Wagon Cotera mime ear 10 and 12 oz., Colton' to $l2. AOPOLLtoppl- , tai Touts, new and good as new, 12 op., Duck, 14 feet, square $26 - to $50,. will; poles and pine complete, Wall ,Tents $l6 to $2O, Wedge do $6 to $B, Shelter Tents for gam fitprs3o to vo poi' 100. , , . . Crain liege, 12 op, Book, 2to 9 DeOlor VI to $lO per dozen, aim full assortment of Soambialf Pegs- Small order,VEppress, O. O. D. • , LUIBRAL DBDUCTIONB TO IVIIOLEISA - LBDBALBPSI . , (iForm'orly on 1?rolit, Btolow). 71 Nor i tb. Second St., j%ist below • Are St., PIIILADhLPIII4, • PA. . • • '_Also 5 PA.RK . PLA.CE; • Da ' acilpdve prlur n ti eegt or 4 opplioeffon 17spr41-om. OLD ESTABLISHED • J. J.• nxonexiimom a co,, .. • „. • • 1.2.6 • puma, le the ItirgeW Meinufaaturlilz Oonfebtlonera and poleselo Dealers In Ifrulte, yids, In the United -11113t05e88 , 13 , • . Bryaos Palmonio Watbro, .M.LS'OELLAIVEOUS. JciuN CAMPBELL JEWELERO, No. 90'2 . 'CHESTNUT STIMET,.._ • PHILADELPHIA, 7dANUFACTURERS and imi , oirEns OH °my. description of PIRST CLASS GOODS, Rave removed to their NEW ' - MARBLE STORE, ' unit ovary description 1;t. SELLER ! S AND FRUITER ERS', PHILADELPHIA Auble - P.Aw FREE GIFTS TO ALL ! 3;000 'SADDLES, All Vyla4, AOOO. WAGON cOVERs, All Skis'Newand Worni Horse Covers & 00., 7 ; IN TV.A.II?B: • 'YOU''W , NT HSIDE , 'THE 1. meet perfect - Parlor . Stove ever offered to the pu lle, step into • WM.7,-FRIDLEY'S • Steve Store ..Ifiltikl.:Lotithor Street, in the rear of Hilbert's flyeeryrfStore end sleO,the • °, , GREAT Ai....: 11 F ATGA,; . RAG. r a BURNER In operation. .ItAs° - .a. porioatual -Burner, and per. feet Radiator, ad 'Wen ns , e,". - perfect Ventilator of the room, and is :.Wsratited. to consume leas coal Lbw/ any. other Store of the same.sige, river offered to the °public, requiring but • ono : ordinary scuttle - of smal l coal once - In ...twenty-eight hours, being perfectly simple In all Its tioiliingi.having ri simple elide to regulate the Ore for keeping at nigbt, on& kindling of fire being' nit that to required durb..ttbo winter. No duet, no gas, si,slag or cinder. - 'l7 8 --Pi `h'J' 9 4 ' 0 .1 0 Ol 1.1 g 'a • I.—An sir, for Htial, hoeing a In magazine being 'adjustable to different•belghts of ,six to nine inches from the grate, so as to accommodate _thefettoply of to its size and-quantity, thus, permitting the maintenance oft certain , depth of ,coal for active combustion within the flroltot (whether it be of .nut or stove - size), whlchda the. only way to burn A. thnicite coal to' advantage. Different elzes_ot coal_ require more or - lesodepth foFnerfect combustion. —A Funnel; or Hopper, ' for tho' passage of. the coal to the magazine 10 so arranged as to - permit the introduction, of fresh coal, without allowing any: escape of fumes and gee Into the ropm; • and. further, when the Stove fe left Avlth its top uncovered, cbm• polling any fumes that may escape from the supply ' in the reservoir, upwards to its top, to pass over the top of the reservoir into the 'eurroundingAlue, and 'so to - theflisqlfand*mitlet. - - B.—A Fire-Vet with a continuous Flue, ever its entire upper edge and down its whole b ody *to tbq bass and outiet ducal y which' means the heat 10 transmitted, not sputa° dims several turbo apart, as is usual in downward draft Stoves ~but by continuous sheet of ilamein contactr,withqh's entire clrcumfereneeofthe outer casing of the Stove, from the top of the Flrcrot downwards, giving a far more extended surface of radiation of .the boat that any downward draft Stove extant. - ample drain Surf - ire and Mr' Passagee;iind a complete arranged Grate, for shaking and dumping, with-a-go4d sire -AO Pin 16 reimin, -the -.lies an 4 cinder...• - ' _ . 'o nleo !skit: to-be -noted,-that- there—te -an absolute. . SECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS I upon the removal of the cover freer the Stoffe; pihich so commonly occurs upon the removal of the Covers with other ,Magaziperbtoves, for such .is the effect of the Funnel. so enustrudted 'end arranged in reference to the lelngligine and Its imfrouiftling Flue, that NO OAS OAN ACCU , IIII,ATE IN-THE OFFER VAItT OF I.IIN-61A0AZINE-TO-NXPLOD, Norco., a current of air, or draft, be created upwards through the tlagasine to Indwell itacontante. whiehhappons with other Stoves injullog and destroying the Magaziee• itself. Every fedture of Udn Stovo to ealculato4 to effect. C N AVY INS TILE USE-OF FUEL, lIIIRABILEEY ;IN ITS CONSTRUCTION AN D sYAIMETRY IN 1T,9 ME M= In addition to the al,oVe stove. Fridley keeps on hand a full supply of the bust Cook Parlor and Ofllee Stores. ' 7 Tin nod Sheet Iron work of all kinds on hand; in& Spouting', Roofing and Jobbing otal I kinds, done al short notice, end of the best material, Fruit Cans, And Jars of the nlostAppprvedutontsolidArlSPO. efainiiirlfiriliVrAilt. Afire and Ilrlek — Sett N 7l l/2.1 . 33.4% a le, •• evar,oherell to Lou .putalc._i_ur_rolurruqu_g4..onT. Amlyn ;F. 0. Fthulng; Dr. Geo.' Neldigh ; A. L. -puusler; 11. SnxtOn; Prof. 1101 man; D. .I.:Leldigh; L. Border ; end othern. ' 20[Lnc-671y : ;--- --- • or, v - - AN CAPS, Do you waist a -nice Hat or Cap ? Noe. don't fall to call on • J G. C ILLIO r - No. 29, Woet Main Btroot, Where can be seen the finest assortment of HATS AND CAPS . . ever brought to Carlisle. He takes groat pleasure hi inviting his old friends and Customers, and all new ones, to his splendid stock just received from Now . York and Philadelphia, consisting In part of fine SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, . - Besides an endless variety of Elate and Caps of the latest style, all of which ho will sell at the Lowest Cash Prices. Also. his own manufacture of Hata al• ways on hand, and Hata ,Afanufacturell to,Order. lie 'mettle best arrangement for coloring Hots and all kinds of Woolen Goods, Overcoats, &c., at the shortest notice (as ho colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms. Also, a fine lot of choice mends of , TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on hand. He desire)) to call the attention of persons who have ---- COUNTRY - - To soll, as he pay,Thia - higlie'st rash prices for 'the rams, ire him a calliat the shore number,his old stand, -ash° feels contident"of giving entire satisfaction. julyl4 67. THE CIttLISI;E COOK STOVE Manufactured at F; GARDNER & Co's Foundry and Machine Shop, Carina', CANT RE BEAT I This ,Is the testimony of scores Of families In Cumberland, Perry and Adams Counties who are - now using thorn. Call and see theta. 0 0 - R N SILELLEit S, ...mob:lg either by poiror or by band—constantly on nand and for solo by P. GARDNER & Co. Foundry and Machine Shop, East Main Street. STEAM BOILER MAItING We are prepared to make' r:team . Bolters or all shoe amtklnds promptly and on the best terms: Also Smoke Stacks and all artlelee In that . line. ISM or Doukas and Enginespromptly attended to In tho best manner. . F. GARDNER. dc CO. • Foundry and Machina Shop, Carlisle, Pa jan.24-67. • . SEEING IS BELIEVING At 704 ARCH STREET PRICES I 'NEV% 'GOODS I Rich Silver and Silver-Plated . Wares, • • Including every Stite and s description, made expressly for the Winter trade, which "il - neatness and durability. cannot ho surpassed at L. i3Owneirs Wholndio itncl Retail Naniirnotprlng Nth" 704 . 1 . 1 :110 . 8:1•T..(0)..i.Z',. rmAi.)ELpubt. tal_Tto-plattn sholi - tiotlc'i; 31.1867 ly • . HENRY' 'HARPER, NO. 520 ARCH STREET, r • • P A p . Floe WATOSIES,.JEWELRY, sicrenivAnn; and. RODGERS' CELEBRATED SILVER PLATED WARE, en-rranted triple plate, on the whitest inetakEd MANUFACTURER'S . PRICES. 170168.3 m " ' GAS FITTING and PLUMBING FOOTE & LYNCH, Practical Gnu Fitters and Plumbers nacre to Inkrm Mak old customers and the olti• SIMS of Car !fele 'generally,.that Away have. 'removed thelrestahltslutient to the, CommtullOna toocw In, the . Itheein Itheeni's entrance on . Ohurch Alley. They wlll.ittend promptly as heretnlbre) •Pi all work entrusted to them. • They keep constantly. on -hand and are- prepared to. Introduce - LEAD and IRON PIPES, BYDRANTS AOT, and •OOLD • MOWER' BATES,- WATER. OLOSETS, MORON and LIFT PUMPS, IRON SINKS, BATH TD/18,• -BOILERS, •WASII 'BASINS, lIYDRAIILIG RAMS; all' klnda of GAS, RIME nud. WATER FITTINGS. •0001{ING RANGES, lINATERS,AO., aet. up In .the. moakmolern style. • • .. Country . ,WOrk .am . .l Jobbing promptly tit , . tondoj to: 17apr - 08. , - • • i3LLINa / MILLI • The sublietiber.havlni purchased the W4pletr • ectory - wellthown - ae --10 WhItePe--Factoryeltudted at Bterrett's Opp, desires to Inform Ids old customers. ind'hlende generally, that- be IR prepared to manu facture ._ " CLOTHS ,BLANII.OI3 dfzo., and. that he will • • - • ! • . • . cARD•w00.1. , ,'1uLt.'91.0.T13%.• - •, • , and ;aloud to all business bihis fine *lth peoMptz nese and to a workmanlike mannkr. For the. convenience' of those; mnitomets ~ residing 11110..arlloilLand_sleinIty,isoo)L.30111-bA-remilvild-at 'tallials Staab la a! , 0110, and itt Iwilorim oticareeh . . . • 16infl 11 0 1 5 1 ! • , :t l, :'- , . ,', ' ''. a '' ,.ifsE4''i§ilitiina: , „ ..• . 16marlm. . . • . . 'HiSCA'LLANVOUS, •IFEE , r :„: • • , TIM Oily Individual Daily relght Line laitigeen' Car lisle, and P , • , MERCHANTS ; 1,00 - TO' YOUR. IN ' t TERE TS!. . ~., 1 2.1PORTAIMANNOVNOEMENT--ro" ' ..MEECHANTS ..4c FR IGHTERS I That - on add litter the let day of December' 1887, this Line transport Goode of- all descriptions, from Philadelphia_ to Carlisle, at precisely' Company Ilatsv. - In making ,ihis very lemieriaiit announcement to the Merchants - and.,l3hlppere the. odersigned, feel setatised that it will-meet with the hearty, approval - and - encouragement of their patro a. Peat anvil. once boo fully, demonstrated that it highly- tomer hint to'patroniv and 'encourage Ind victual interest and energy, thereby aeburing 'fair c phtitlon and protection against, railroad mondpoly.t, The mail and - voiy . importarit -- adiariteges of t=l • 4. ::3 4 9 y •• ttf o 0 g , d 4 Vi 's • c• co c.a - w N »—z • • DAILY .FRDIGHT•LINE, . arelolidmillutown and aPpreciaterl.bYthla cdinmu. iity'tolio overlooked and forgotten. -We rely. with .Cptillderied . , upon the active. cotoPeratlen .of,our un morons Wrong and friends, In advancing the 'inter mite of this line , Experienced conductrira accompany each train to ace to-the cafe delivery' of all goods entrusted to the Line' . The Philadelphia and Beading Freight Depot ,Iviiii;U'eed by thie Line, for .tiM reception all Ogg:lN:the Inorooeed advantages offered In .the same, IriLthe liyfiyaf Light nod Space. will be largely Mina Draymen-will find this Depot easy of-•en -- trance. being level with the Street. Be earqjui to have your Goads marked and ordered to PHILADELPHIA' and READI,IVQ Depot. Coati delivered at this Depot cny time :before.° o'clock P.. will be loaded the make day Iljan 86 ~TdLLr'> - MNTILA LAND OUTWARD DIBOIIATta E WATER WiIEEL - . Bearing date April 30, 1867. . _JACOB ABRAHIMS &CO., Neinvila, Cumberland-County; Proprlotoreof .Lbe above named Patent for the Counties of CUMBERLAND end ERANNLIN, PA., and WABUINGTON COUNTY MD. • We desire to call the ittetition of Millwrights, Mill Owners, and others, to the merita.of the abovelnven• Mon, which for Durability, Efficiency and Cheapness, they aro confidant cannot be surpassed: - Wherever Whoa been Introduced. - success has In , variably followed. even Under the most unfavorable -- elreUrnefitißs. - 774 W -Back Water gud - Zolin" Mild and . economical use of Maier, this Wheel it without a. rivet/ A Working bledol of the Wheel can be oxamlned at the lietaLliehment of the Manufacturers In Nev. VILLE PA., where all Information may he cheerfully given. . We append the following references: .1 & I. B. lIIIRSII. :PAN DRORBAUOII, DENJ A MIN LANDES._ , Millwright. s, - -SA MUELLANASS- 11...4 A-W., DA VIDSON, J. S. LINDSEY, - . Millwrights .1-F. RUSSIILL. LEWIS BOWMAN.- ^ ' SAMUEL PIPER.; SOLOMON STROlffil, ADAM ItAIBP, ' . ,r... MV I w right., JACOB (RAMP. - . sept2o tf. ' f "1-. \t) _ . .. ' ____ • . 4 „ -- .. . 11.- - .wo h. _ • - TOR FIRST PREMIUM '''.., .• 44, Of ._n Silver .11imlal IT. AWAIII4O TO _iIARRETJIS.HAIR-hESTDRATIVE---- By the N. it. Mete Agricultural Society. at Its lair holden InNeraua. Septa), igUo. .11A. IC FOC,T.!S Vegetable Hair _ . Restorative, Restores bray Dale tol its naiuntl onion. Pro .. - - _roots tho growth of tho flair. Chang! s the to their miglnal•orga klrail nie action. - l. es. eaten -Dandruff- and -Dimon—. -Prevents-- • Hole falling not. le a Superior Droning.* . . la nd ntains no Injurious Ingredients. in the most popular and tell. ,- - able article throughout n • „ t o Dint, Wen, North and 8 0 111 . , South. • . , TNI 0 V** . . . - J. 11. BARRETT . & -CO., Proprietors, 7 MANCHESTER, N. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 22nov 07-Iy, - HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION All persons inteqdlog to go to Housekeeping are In. ! tod to call ftt, 6 ' • WALKER Bi, • CLAUDY'S - TIN AND STOVE STORE, No. 18, West, Main Street, and examine their immense stook of STOVES, TIN WARE, and everything In our lino. Ifaving greatly Anlarged our facilities for doing . IMet-' neon by securing the splendid Store Room, No.lB, West Slain treet,nul having_ just-received-largo invoice-. of. the latest and best devices in the Heater, Stofes Tinware nod Japanned Ware line, we fool - fully jueti Red in the statement that we can accommodate All . Classes of Customers • oro satisfactorily than any similar establishment In hie country: In the ttote too we offer the following: ." 'itEffULATOR, - • ' :lllXOff4BfOltzPpliikft:' cotantg'krioN, • BIIBQUEL(ANNA, NooLt COOK, • QUAKER CITY. These aro all first-class Stem, which we will War rant to do what they aro recommended for; but we have only apace to speak particularly of one or two whose merits dooms especial mention. THE REGUI;ATOR COOK which posinisses advantsgos which should recommend it to all. It a licrooltiing 2bp, by which arrange: , moat the cook can reverse the cooking utensils to any position desired without Ihe 11RIng of plalvs and vassals which other stoves require. It is deChleilly the best cook stove In the mark h, We haye also on hand a large stock of . OFFICE, PARLOR AND DINING. ROOlll STOVES among trblrb may be fluiod the celebrated basil buru- Ing __.kIORNING ' GLORY! The moot beaui i Al- • Office and Parlor ;Stine ever: offered to 4hc,pyhfc Too much' cannot be eald 113 praise of the MORNING GLORY, Which so fir bee taken the lead of all other• themarket. Yc Is a GAS CONSUMER, burrui It own chi der,, awl matron very Milo , atten tlon after the tiro to made, It being so arranged that It will REIM ITS.OWN COAL I Is liable to no iixploslone of gee, and la pysitlvely the only' etove In the market which bee the celobrote :.GRATE I all Ohara aro couplartalt Imltatlana. In the TIN WARE and JAPANNED WARE line we koop ow:Wanly'. hand of our own end foreign mariufactu4, the very latest and boat patterns, and made of tini,very bent material by ekieful workmen 411 kb . ads • of -R6 OFIXO7' and goneraljobblng promptly at:tunded to, DoietforgotlsTo..lB, .'Wont Main Siroo. - • 1, - WALKER & OLAUDY.' fob 21 08.' - . ' • . . . ( - 4.Ap ..p..T i rrT.Nct AND ..i.,v.zgalagist. •sfito subscriber' luring. permanently located in respectfUlly solicit a oshare of the publio.pat 'trotuam;,.' Their shop le situated on the publie Boners In the rear of the lot Presbyterian Church, . where they cannlaxya hatband. •• • • Reins experioneed mechanics, they are prepared to execrate all, orders that they may ho entrusted with in a autakelar manner, and- 0- 7 yery.- moderate Prices.. ,lIYDRAITLI(LIZABIEL. , WATER WHEELS, • ' - HYDRANTS, v ' : LIFT A FORCE PUMPS, BATHING TUBS; WASH BASINS and all other aril rdos; in;the trade., •, . , • ruminitict: AND GAB AND STEAM FITTING Promptly attended to Di Gm Meet al proms' Style, .. wbilt promptly attended' to. '• ; All_work.guaranteed. Don't forget the plecor-linmediately ,Ine,roir of Tti the Ntrit rzaabyt.)4l4.oficitab: OAI4PBII4.ku.BNwOop. 411427 64,1 i. ;MILLER /Si BOWERS'i 26 ITANOVgitATREET, would respectfully ball that atten tion of the public to our recently replenished STOCK. We have carefully avoided purchasing dur ing the recant decline, and. now that the market has become nettled-we have tilled up our- shelves and are prepared to offer special inducements to-all who will favor us with a call. We have constantly on Land a FULL STOCK OF HI hmered. 16'nglish kqfiteci, and Nor L m A lino togothOi'veltii a fall stock of BLACKSMITHS , • " . TOOLS, r. eushao,Drllls, Bolld Box Vices, Bellows, llestis; Files ac.. We invite all persons intending to build, to come and take a- look- thruogh our stock. We have our Bidts, - Locks; Glass: - Paints. 0116.-and -al-material- in thin lino marked down at the lOwest oAbli PkICES, and feel assured that wocanUar special inducements in this branch . . _ HARRISBURG NAILS, always on band _ - _Can bolind_or ibubeat quality._ We take special ear In seleeling all tools and ore bound to keep up Lb -repubitioli of the old stand in this paitleular. TA EL E- AND POCK ET CUTLERY cSf ell hurnagivable.patterris. We keep on hand a full Hilo of these gouda and aro always able to suit the tasto of oven the most fastidious. CI SADDLERY, of eery varlet 7, embracing In part self adjusting and Gig. Tram Plated Japanned and Wood Ileums, Bridle Bids, Brow Bands, Birthing, Llorso Blankets, dc., also SADDLER TOOLS, Mil NIOROCCOES, Our Maids will always floti-us well supplied with the best brands of these articles and ready to sell them at the lowest prices. We are constantly in re ceipt of Paints, thus enabling ourselves td supply our, customers with fresh palate, colors of "all descriptions contently on hand. Also pure LINSEED OIL, , COAOII-FURNITURE,• DEMAR.LEATLIER, and IRON VARNII3IIEB,• -PUTTY, OLLIE • . , will always gad us baying a full supply of goods In this line. - PUMPS of all descrlptlon and or the beet manytlaa turere, Wood, Iron and read pipes to stilt. FARM AND HOUSE BELLS, • Mill; Cross-suit and Circular Saws, RUN and Blasting Powders, hosoudalo, Ban wok dud Scotland Cement, Calain° Plaster, CroW Bars, Sledges, &c. , • -‘ A I, • FARMERS, will' o won't° call and examine our stock of Ramos, Traces, Breast Chains, Tongue and Stay Chains. Jock. oy Chains, Spreads, Baiter Chains, Cow TlOll, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Bakes, Grain linm, &abf fare 1113.1115. elsewhere. . We aro ready to offer special inducements in this lino, Repairs for litoCoimiok's Reaper ard - Mower - constantly-on-hand. RIFLES; • SMOOTII AND TWISTED, ' .Doubto and Sitiglo-barrol ' BLOT-GUNS, 13,EVOLVE88, CARTRIDGES, WIPERS s nd 0 on Trimmings of every kind. CEDAR W A. R E 7'l.*ers' Solderinq.LßQNS, Bar-Lead, ,67teet _. Bins's; the., the. • We eye soieadente for the • - • • - PPTFALO: SCALE . WORKS,. and are Seale, warranted, and M . o. Moiled ,at lower, - than Ilny . !Ace Fealee In the market: • - ' • • ATO constantly In rocolpt of goods.dlrect from the roanulhoturers and kblo to furphh Country Meintutute at', Phlladolphla , inol":1 , 1ow •York.:.urltoi. COACH WA,GON 2FLtitr,RE Nl l .WilhaV always .ort band ' and' at, tint lowest ‘lnarltat niattik Bpqkee, Bellow', Ant ON Elhatta L Durk,, , Drunng, Damask, - de., • GQoilig a • ' ohvofod to. a„, parts p.,:tuoo : twn, trea ot charge— • .11IL.OZR & BOW2ita, • • ,• ,gp,!21140rt t lflianovar t eit. i. ' clarlialo, Pa. H4WW4AE. .110DWARO$TORE, CARLISLE, - .PA. way IRON; Berdan's Horse 'and Mule Shoes; Normal' Rods; Horse Black and . Polished Springs, &c.; BuiLniNG,' _ 0 0 MATtRIAL.' TA 61 ) CARPENTER'S TOOLS' - vi 7 ' 72 0 1 ' * W 4 - - -4) v i _ of every description. SHOE FINDINGS, eon 1 ting of LININGS, BIN BINGE, THREAD, _ PEGS I= AND ZINCS cabinet, Makers and' Und'ortakers, MEI INSURANCE CO:IIIPANIES. T HE CHARTER OAK _ LIFE ItSURANCE COM PANY, OF . HiIitTFORD CONN., liioorpoxated 18 . 50, Chcirter Per . CASH ASSETS, $4,000,000 , . _ • JAMES 0. WALKLEY, President.: . • i'OnOiCle IsSuCtd on all Popular Plana. • A fovOteasons why people insure In the Martel' Oak. • lat.—All banking 'privileges are prohibited, the business being confined exclusively to the insuraisee - of Dom ' 2d.—lts Risks are selected with great care, - thus in curing small losses, and consequently large dividends accrue to the Policy holders.—Bee Mass. Insurance Be parts laet lox - yeas. 3rd.—lts - Retie of - ExponditUrd, Including • Death Llama and Working. Expenses, to RecOlpts,.are -un procedentedly low. - Same-Reports. . 4th.—All the profits aro divided among Policy holders, the orignal capital being limited by Charter to eight per cent dividends, no-more than It earn for the Company - at Interest. • , • • Bth.—lt declares and pays its Dividends annually Is Ceen, thus assisting file insured in the payment 0.. premiums. fith .1t is prompt in the payment of losses, having paid to Wldowa and Orphans pearly TWO MILLION. DOLLARS, and bee never litigated a claim. • • 7th.—The man of wealth Insures mien investment oth.—Alen of small means insure to guard their Cam. Rica against want. Oth.The man of business insures' to provide against possible loss in trade, a life Policy, being a basis for capital. • • 10th.—Persons in debt insure that their earnings for years of toll may'not be sacrificed at death from want of ready cash to cancel liabilities. lith.—All insuie, an - money thus laid away' by tittles is Buie to come back largely increased to their ihmiliee, death being certain to occur. • Dr. 8. 8.-EIMER, M. D., Medical Examiner... . J. 0. STOCK, Agent Carlisle, Pk. BLAIR, General Agent, for Eastern Pa. ,•• Office, No. 87 West Third Bt., Williamsport, Pa: EMI] WEEM . • THE Allen and Eastponnsborot Mutual Fire In earners Company of Cumberland county, lncorper; eted by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and haiing recently had its charter etxonded- to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous operation, under the superintendence of the following board of Managers, •iz: IV. Grirgasi Christian Stayman," JaSob' Eb erly, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart._ J. 11. Coover, John Elcheiberger, Joseph, Wickersham Saml. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Cover, and J. 0. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the-kind in the State. P0V301311 wishing to become Members aro Invited to make ap plication to tho agents of thaCompasy, who are will ng to wait upon them at any time',• OFFICERS OF TILE COMPANY WM. It. ;DORCAS, President, Eberly's Mills, Cum berland county. - ALEX. OATECAETi Vice Preeldent, Carllelee, Cum berland county. • , • JOHN 0. - DUNLAP, Pect'y, Mrebanimburg, Cum berland county. • • DANIEL BAlLY,Vreaquror, Dillabtirg, York CO MANAGERS._, . Gorges, Alex. Cathcart, J. C. Dunlap, Daniel !Salley, Christian Stayman, Jacob El. Coover, Joseph VVlekershare, J. Eichelberger ' Moses 13rIelter, Jacob Coever, Jacob Eberly, James Anderson, John D. Cooper. ITEDIT! Cumberland cOunly.=John - Sherrlck;' Allen; 'Gann , Zear ng Shiremanstown; La Fayette° Peffer, Diekin. sou; Henry [lawman, Churebtown; Mode Griffith, Smith Middleton; Samuel Graham, West Penne borough; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; .1 W. Cook- Shophordatowm J. Saxton, Silver Spring; J. W. Eby, Carlisle, Valentine Neeman, New Cumberland; Wm. 11. 11 oodburu. Nen,'lle. • yod, Cour:ay.—James Or ,Warrlngton, J. V. Desvlorli, Dillsburs; Dadel Rutter; . Falrvlew. John Illhns. Carroll; Adam Slovens, Ooldaborougb; J. S. Therdorff, Mulberry P. 0: baupbto county.—Jacob Houser. ITarrlahurg. XT EW INVENTION IN GRAIN DRILLS..-Tho subscriber, having procured patent - for a novel and most excellent Improvement in Orain Drills by Aida tho groin Instead of ,be;ng planted in 34-inch rows as in the old mor hod le scat. lered over a surface of thriodaches, thus oectiring an_ equal and even destt ibutien soed, and a con.' elder/Oily greater yield ofgrain. •. This improvement can bo readily attached to any of the drills now in use.. State and County Rights tar sale, agents wanted. This le an excellent opportunity for active, ener getic young men to make largo robotics.. For part,culars address J. 0. VALE, Jr„' Inventor And Patentee ' Shiremanstown Cumb.Co. ' djan 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 EMM=I "KEYSTONE• SKIRTS." are the bestland Cittaossr Low PLUM Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail SkMa, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, $1.20; and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain Skirts, o tapes,.2o springs, 80 Cents . ; 25 springs, 05 Conte; 30 springs, $1.15; and 35. sprit; a. $1.25. Warranted in every re spect. "Our OWN make" of UNION SKIRTS." Eleven Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to $2.10. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 50 oprinos, from 95 Cents to $2.00. Three Skirts are better then those sold by oth sr establishments as that class goads, and at much tower prices 'Our OWN make" of iiCHAMPION SKIRTS" are In every any superior to an other Hoop Skirts barite the public. and only have to bo examined or worn to con-. vines every ono of the fact. Manufactured of the best linen-finished English Steel Springs, very superior tapes, and the style of the melon, fastenings and manner of...securing them— surpass for durabilty and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and ar lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, give more sat isfactiond and are •really cheaper than all others Encey lady should try theta. They are being sold ex tensively by merchants throughout this and the ad joining states tit , very moderato prices. If you wan . , thobest, Mk for illopkin'a Champion Skirt." Ifyou'd not find them, get the uierchant with whom you den to order them for you, or come or send direct to coo Merchants will find our different grades of Skirts ex actly what they need, and wo especially invite thorn to call and examine our extensive msortmeut, or send for Wholesale Price LiSt. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Re tail Trade generally, and at Wholesale Of the Mane (solar.' only, to whomlill orders should be addressed MANUFACTORY end SALESROOM, 628 ARCH ST Between 6th and 7th Ste., Philadelphia.• 28f0b.68 10m FRESH ARRIVAL Of all the New Spring Siyles of HATS AND CAPS The Subscriber has just opeoetkat No. 15 North Hanover St., a few doors-North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, one of the largest and best stook of HATS & CAPS ever offered in Carlisle.' , Silk Hats, Cassimeres of all styles and qualities, Stiff Brims different colors, and every description of Soft Elate now made., Tbp Dunkard and old fashioned brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order; all warranted to givol.satisfaction. A full assortment, of STRAW .LIATS,,MtudII boy's and children's fancy. I bare also added to my stock, Notions of different, kinds, consisting of Ladles and Conte Stockings, Neck-Ties. Ulovee, Pencils Thread, Sawing.SilksAluer; ponders, Umbrellas; dm, Prime Sugars and "TobacCo, • alw.tys on band. • Give me a call and examine my stock as I feel con fident of pleasing, maiden saving you money. JOHN A. KELLER, Agt. No. 15 North Hanover St:. 31my67 OTICE. 1 .7 otice. lei hereby given that application will be made for the iniorporati,..of a bank of discount, deposit and Circulation, under the authWity of the Act of Assembly approved May lot. 1861„t be located In Carlisle, Cumberland county •Pa , and to-be called the "Farman' Bank,” with a capital el filly thousand dol. litre, with the privilege of Incroaelng• the mine to one hundred thousand dollars. • .' ROBERT Gives; ' 0. P. iltqualcu, • Jos. 0. Goma, TIMM PAXTON, • JACOB •ROPFBINBER, 81.Jan.69 Om, • XLOWERS FLOWERS - 11 -FLOW . ERS I I ho season of buds and blossom. - of greon, foliage and-gay flower. with all their beauty end fragance fs approaching. Those wishing to decorate their win- doe'. and gardeue with choice 'dplan tp and dowers.' Now le the time. We,,offer Shado Trees; Eve rgreens, Roses, Flues, Bedding Plants, Grape Vino.,and all the choicest kind. of Groan, house plants, flanging' %Able, Cuf Flowers, and hognets furnished on short letico, at the "White flail Nut...ries," Ca. lisle, Pa: •LUTE A. LINE. TO OONSOigrrITES. .The Rev. EDWARD'A.VirILSON will send , (Ikee oi cluirge)' to all who dasiro it, the prescription with the 'directions for making Mut ,ueing the simple remedy bytwhic/i he wee corodUf a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption . .. Ilia only object leto banelit;the afflicted and he hopes every ' su ff erer will try this preactiption Be It coat nothinek And may prove it blessing. Please addreea •Riv. EDIVAIID,'A. WILSON NO. 165 SoUth BecOndStreSt,Williamoburg,New "insyl7 074 Y. ". • • _ISAAC K. S'LkIIFTE tectteltntalier. and Jeweler'. " , '= No. 148- NI:WM 2D . S 1:, UOtt. OD quiatiy; PIIILADELEOULL - An assor, tment tit Watobge, .Joirdh7l,- 81.'yet, Ana constantly. . liirrAßLW rippi4bits .'.. otitiitehol' and .Veifi,l4. 'froioptly attended to. itt4elltrrj.4r, , . . FauoY Printing 'lone hera, Wlll Vr. noPraNs .Wm. U. 311=11, CART W. AUL, ADDER W. DOTE; ABRAM Wilma', DAVID DILLIES. ~7-.-t 1 .~.. ~~._,.