II RATESOF'ADVEijiIIING.;' Ono-Square: one Ineorlion, __.:For each additional Wier-lion, For Blerraritile,Adrbitieenientai - Legal Notices,, , ' •.•-• •Profeaolonal.trudirmitboul paper ? , Obituary Notices arid Com:minim lions rel , tins to matte , sot- pd.. • rate interests alone ? 10 centavo? line. • . • • • JOB PRinTitiff..—Our :deb' Printing Office ie the le natant and most inimPlete —establiehment- in the Crdun y. Pour good Presses, and a general variety of uisterial suited for plain and Pansy workof every klnd, enables toe to do Job' Printing et the shortest tonne, and on the moat reasonable terms. Perions n Went of Bills, Blanks, or anything lathe Jobbing Ina, will find it to their Interest to give us a call. • PROFESSIONAL CARDS. s.:PATENT:AGENCY. C. L Lochmaii 21 Main Street, Carlisle, Pa.,lexeentes draw hip,. specifications &a., awl procures patent!. for hisentors. 11 fob 138-Iy. J. az. WICAKLY WBAICLEY.Bc SADLER. A TTOBNEYS,AT LAW, Office No XX_ 16 South Hanover street Carlisle Pa. n0v15.67. 0. PrITOBiItIOII HUMRIOH & PARKER. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on A Maln St, in Marlon Mall, Caillolo, Pa. JOHN.CORNMAN, - Attorney, at Lay/. Office In building attached to Franklin House, opposite the Court House. , 16may 66fly. • G. lt. BELTZHOOVER; ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Real Estate Agent, Shopberdstown,.Wost Virginia. *iv-Prompt attontion given .to all business in Jeffer son County and tho Countioshdjoining it. January 10,1000.-1 y. • ' E. • BELTZHOOVER, Attorney .at Law Office in South Hanover street, opposite In l ts'a dry good store Carlisle, Pa. • — September 90804. -TAMES -A.-=DUNBAR, Attorney at u. Law, Oar Nile, Pa. Office In No. 7, Itlicem!a i fell July 1; 1804-IY. . ATT ORNEY--AT--LAW.-GEO, S EMIG, Office, in Inhofe Building, with . W earer,h Esq. Prompt attention paid to legal bus!. nessnf_all descriptions.' 3ap1138-Iy. D. ADAIR; Attorney Lair, J At La, J Carlieie,'Pa. Office with A. B. Sharpe, Seq., No. 17, South Hanover Street. May 17.—1 y. . JOSEPFI RITNER, Jr., Attorney at Lew and Surveyor, Mo . chanleaburg, Pa. Mee on ItoatiPtreet, two doors north of the Bank. as.nuelnoes promptly attended to. July 1, 1564. R. MILLER Attorney at Law, • Office in Hannon'e building immediately op• prelim the Court Rouse. • 29nov 67-1 y , I- 4 AW CARD..LdITA.Ri,ES E. MA -14,A1:10111;IN, Attorney - At Law,' °Mee In the room formerly oecupleeby Judge Glinhaln. „ July 1,1864-Iy. ,- C HERMAN, Attorney at Law, Uarlislo, Pa., No. 9 Rhoem's July 1,1864-Iy. WILLIAM KENNEDY, Attorney !.aw,iNo. 7 Louth Market Squero; C male, Peowt. Afill ID, 1867—tly. WM..B: BUTLER, Attorney at Law . and United States Claim Agent, Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pa. PonsionekDountles, Back Pay As. promptly collect. Applications by mail will receive immediate at tention, and the proper blanizsTorwar ed. No foe required until the claim is settled. Feb.l4 th, 1867—ti. D R. GEORGE S. &DIA • Itl6lllT, Dentist, from the !IRM- A' more Collage of Dental Surgery. ImOfflee at the residence of his mother, East Loather street, throe doors bolo* Bedford. July 1, 1864. ECI. W. NEIDIOH_, D. a S.- lats Daraonitrator of oporatlve DOptletry,of the .11altImora 'Colltige of , Dontal - SUrgory. -- 31 411111 V V"" omro •t Lin reoldeooe Oppoelte Marlon Bali, .eift Mean btrent, entlislo, Pi. July t, 1864. 8. M. 'COYLE COYLE & CO JOBBERS IN Hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Goods and Stetlanery 11 orders will receive prompt attention. No. D., South-Hanover 'qt.. Carlisle. - t Tor the Chambersbarg 'Woollen Mills timer 08-Iy. ' M. E. SAIILEY.- MILLINER 4k, DRESSMAKER, No. 10 South Pitt. Street, Carlisle, Pa. N. B. Agent for Staten Wand Dyeing Establish Tent. _ 24april OS. Dit. THEO. NEFF, GRADUATE OF PENN'A. COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY ° DENTIST, • ME ilespectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle and vi tinily - that ho has taken the office No. 2.5, West Main Street, lately occupied by Ma rather, where'll° le pre pared to attend to all proferelonal business. Artifi cial teetblneerted on Gold, Bilvei. Vulcanite and 'Platinum.. Charges moderate. 17april OFely *. . DR. HARTZELL, - Allopathic -Physi cian and Acconchour, havidg pormanently lo cated In- Leesburg, Cumberland- county, PA, respect. fully offers his professional cervices to the pubilc.— !Special attention given to diseases of women and chit. dren. " • EEEDRENOEB. JOHN G. OLIOK, M. D. Waynesboro," • Dr. SAMUEL Gi LANE, Ohambersburg.. Hon. ED; ItIePHERBCFN, Gettysburg, - ISAAC BNIVELY, 61i. 1 D. Waynesboro. 8. D. BROOM Waynesboro. N.B. Always found In his office when not otherwise prefesslonally engaged. : June 21—tf. READING RAIL ROAD. • • SITAINIEIL ARRANGEMENT: May 2toh, 1868. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE North and North West for Philadelphia, NoW York, Beading, Pottsville; Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon. Allentown, Easton, Ephrata,.Litis, Lancastec, Columbia; . AS, Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now Yoik as folloirs: At 2.50, 5.28, and 8.10. A. M., and 12.40, noon, and 2.05 8.35, P.M. connecting with similar Trains, on the Penn sylvania Bali Road, and arriving at New,York at 5.00. .1000 and 11.60 A. M.. And 8.60,7.40, and 10.30. P. M. Sleeping Oars accompaniug tho 2.60. A, M. and 9.86 P. •M. (rains without change. , • Leave Harrieburellieleading, P.Cttsvillo, Tamaqua, Mioersville, Ashland, Pl..° .orovo,-.Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.10, A.M., and 2.05, end 4.10,, r.-m. stopping at Lebanon ' and'Principal Way Stations; the '4.10, P. 51. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. _ For Pottsville, Scbuylkill.ilaven,and_ Auburn vin Schuylkill, and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg 8.55 P.M. Returning; Leave Now York at 0.00, A, M., 12.06, Noon and 5,00 and 8.00 P. M.; Sleeping cars accompan• log the 9.00, A.M. and 5.06, 'and 8,00 P. M. trains without %change. Way Passenger , Train leaves Philadelphia 7.80, At N.; returning from-Reading at - 0.80, P.M., stopping areal Stations; Pottsville at 8.45, A,61. and 2.45, P. DI ' Ashland 6.00, a. m. and 12.19,h00n, and 200, Pal •,• T - amaqua - a513.80, -- A. M. and 2.00, and 8.46, P.M. . Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, ita Schltylkill and Susquehanna Itatilload at 7.10 A. M. and 12.00 noon. - Reading—Accommodatian -Train: Leaves-. Reading. at 7.80,.A. M., requr nlag' frelh ,Philadelphia at 5.15 P. . , Potteiown ,AceommedatiOn..,Train: Leavee .reitar town at 0.45, A. .M. Morning loaves Philadelphia 4.80, P.M. Columbia Rail Road Trains, leave Reading 7.00, A. 1 M. and 0.15,P.' , , M. *brat*, LIM, Lancaster, Columbia:4e. - "Porklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perktomen June- Mon, at 0.00 A. M. and 6.66 P. M. Returning :Leave ..iiltippaek at 645 A. M., and Ll 5 P.' M., connecting 4 'math einillartralna on - Reading:Rail Road, . On Bun4 , sys: Leave New. York at. 8,04, P. 7,1,, Philadelphia 8.00;, A. M., and 8.16,P: Pd.; the ,8.00 A. M. Train running only to , Readlng; ' PottavilleB,oo„ Bl.;_garrlqburg 5,264, M. and 4.10 and 9.86;;P;111:, , lad Reading pt ,1.10, 2.55,ant1716 A. M. for. lialrleburg, and 7.06 A.. 61. 'and 11.40;1. h 1 for New 'Fox*. and 4.26 P. M.. for Philadelphia.'' • ; Commutationilalleagp,Memon, School and Pizeur eon Ticketp, to anti fop' all palate, at reduced rates. Qeggege dhec,kodkir , ollo) 100'poundtallated: Vai* ' • G. , A.NICOLLI3, ' °on-BRIO.' ' Rmaliag, p 4„ Meti29,1898 0 91.C'' OUT . .I),R3t "SfOODS;'IIEN, • ' :TO . THE Pf.flifilo,.! hayelnit returned front,the Eapt nith'ini, Spring 13ton ,k and ad' 'tuna ,1 tunieblling Geode a little °Dump er than any other.. Dry (tondo Aoiued „in town. I do not think It necessary to occur column of Ira. • /1 4 1 4 9 k,.' • to n o k rit i l frit y tolLtt ::: r j°6lapßt i en t ig,toc ;•thecpublle.:: All I Elko( tham ;Contralti:id O'itatritnat 1 0r thstei l 4l7 oo , lo2 o if not satisiledArith.thp pylons, not: 0- uy. n ett the atankti Ck: 32, liintlx ilatioyer ; *treat, nett' dont tit•Dil Itleffer'si iiklere ilardenre, store.' • • ; ,• about third rg about - Mir a "34:tout's grand openings. • , • ~ Paint 07 • . 00 0 2 0 4 00 7 00 YOL. 68. MISCELLANEOUS. SERING SALES Have commenced at the etore of the uudeielgned NORTH HANOVER ST4 W. F. SADLrkt .:6'8,,-• of all'idnds of isaria suited to the wants of Ilatiao keepers, Hotels, and all contemplating the furnish. leg of their houses. , Raving just returned from 016 cities they aro pre pared to supply all with STOVES tau, B. PARKER oi every kinds ouch as COOK PARLOR AA'D• OFFICCE consisting in part of the - Barley Sheaf, Noble Cook, Oriental 'also the noted NATIGNA.L., RANGE They are prepared to furnish those contemplating housekeeping, rrith'all things necessary top WEL EEO UL ATEDHOUBE, such as , - T. I IT :Vir A R ..E, _ of All dciorptions, COFFEE MILLS, SAD s IRONS, sPqons,.. LADLES, &c. , m. Roofing Spowing. and Jobbing, and everything In the line of the' thanes dopv-at the Shortest Notice and on the Most Reasonable terms all wares WARRANTED. Give them a gall as they, are anolona to vablbit„ feeling satisfied that they can convince all that Re. 68, is the place to purchase CHEAP GOODS, •nd BEAUTIFUL WARS of - all kinds, found In n first- class estapllsbment ME! B• J. WILLIAMS & SONS, No. 16 Ncirth Sixth Street Philadelphia LAM arr MANUFACTURE:R[4_OF VENITIA.II 7. BLINDS WIND 01V SHADES. az- sr:Lc- AT - THE LOWEST PEWEE Blinds repaired, Store Shade., Trimmings Fixture., Philo Shade. of all kinds, Curtin Cornices, Picture Tassela - Cord, - &c. I.7api• ' J. BEETEM & BROTHERS,_ Forwarding and Commission Merchants (Heriderson's old stand.. At-the bond of-MAIN STREET, OmItelo; -Pa —Tim highest market price will be paid for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. LIKENS VALLEY,; LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LARTBERROtte Llmeburnors' and placksmlths' Coal constent fo sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of Lumber on hand. J. BEETEM & BROS. 17apr 68 W. SCOTT COYLE A.-L. SPONSLEES COLUMN. A . L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyances Incir ance and Claim Agent. Office Main Street Near Centre S Luny,. 151VANTER —sl,ooo for one year on Real Estate security. • FOR RENT. &Wadi° suburban Residence on • West Louther street, Carlisle_, con- • taining two acres of ground, having thereon erected a two•story FRAME HOUSE,, !Stable and other outbuildlngs;Tif go - ton it with abundance of fruit. Root $2OO, to be well secured, payable quarterly. Apply to ••••A. L. BPONBLISR. Union. Pacific Rail Road Company, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Interent Payisb)le 6eml.AnnuaKT In Gold, Subscription. received by A. L. BPONSLEIL the Company's financial agent et Carlisle. These bonds having been recently sold for Ninety crate oh the dollar, were on the 31st of.lan nary, ad. vended td 96, and on the sth of February were again advanced from 05 to 100 iPar,) at which latter figure they aro now held and regarded as the best invest ment in the couttnt VALUABLE TOWN RESIDENCE . - AT PRIVATE BALE. V . - Situated on West Pomfret street, near West kilter, In the Borough of Carlisle. The lot contains 130'tert ID front and 240 feet, In depth to an alley. Tho Improvements aro a 4;4 7 ,, modlous two.etory -BROOK - HOUSE,- - oontalnluk Double Parlor, Hall,. Dining-room and Kitchen, on floor; end Ave, Clhambere on, the second story. Balcony to back building, ma ding, a Er Vash House at, tached, Smoke House,- Bake Oven and other con venient out building.. • A largo new Stable, and Cavriage'llouse, Hog Pens, and Cern Crib, at the, foot of •ho lot. There lea Considerable amount' of fruit such as Apples, Grapes, Ac., a cellar under tbo.whole house, and a fine Brick .olstern, and Pump, as well ID a Ilydrallt In the yard. For terms As., apply to A. L. SPONSLEB, Beal Estate Agent.. VALUABLE SLATE FABM: - AT PRJVATE SALE sept 27 87 Situate oh the North aide, and parity bounded by the Cognedegulnet creeit,',about 4 miles West 0. Carlisle, adjoining, and' lately part of the property known as "ZIOIXIVI3 MILLS" . containing about 250 AORES, 25' of whlCh ere excellent Meadow, or eildek bottom land; and about 60' ACRES of; which' - are - coiered , irith itook - tiniber:—The-Improvemente' are q large Weettprboarded pwelllng Rome. contain ing eight, rooms and a kitchen.. A large Dank Wagon Shed, OormOrily,lfog •:Perk,' Carriage Reuse, Am& othw, jsotrtenlontAuktmlicllnica, •An excellent well or Tudor, hear the door, a flue' young apple orchard, besidee other' fruit;' such as Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Gripe's kr: This is one, of the most productive, farms in the township, and the' location the most desliablesdpiMially for - the raising: of stock:: The foneretara In sued, order, there being• between 000 and 704annele or board, and post and • rails. Tha land har - all been recently limed over,• ;part Or I 4 banew ,in • the highest state af cultivation. And trill 4tsposed of upon 'reasonable terms. ' '• • Foi terms had furttier partiouliirg.oniulre of • SPONELNIt o Instate Agent.. pept9T a FOR SALE • , tract of .. valgablo Thither rind containing ONM 'HUNDRED AOREB, tying on the .Month Mountain ;3' Miles above hit..llolly, known . as Mt steam saw mii; properly,. The tract moat fanaably . ,loiatelipaasy b °fames Mut the timber rot the.boatquality: Bee ternie'ao., apply to • " . o_ll, Oo'B,B'•N,-R.I , eetoral 'yenta , experience iriih - tble preparatlep, the 6eerlbet' plecee It berme:the - public! In' the -coniident' bellef.tbet It.wtll meet every, reinsope7„ bleexpectatlon, , .A . folr'trial 'Arica tbe'rdeet kkepticolnt U 0111614: For brolieir, cute,' festering.' aorezos, flatula,,eparlp 4 sprat, analllnge, ;In ,bas Preyed. aq !nye a ble , remetiliregen ;digest, in During d fes'or thikaduopli ttabil 0141C:sores ;rheum:tab Ineelstrote., heel ,been.fnlly Arated. . .Atirior sale at 'lunar* Crocory` Store out . Confectionary ptor.. 22may .. .. ._ . t 00f,,,,, . t , • ~: : _ . - :, . •, 4 , ~r, .., t i, . „ ~',., ....!, ~..., ...-) s ' ' ' 1..„" . ..,i: ,-...,.:. --_,, 1 . : , .'..' , 1')..; , i 5 : 14 * ,, 1. , - 4 ki'.' .:* C.:r ot • • • ,i r'. .1: "H 1. .) • ' • - II ItHEErIE & PrgpriOtOrs. Parlor and Heaters, RINI:SMITH & " Na. 68, Hanover SE. . Carllele, Pa lECI Coal of all klndn, embraolnq . - - IP i 0 " Rua.: .84m. - ril Ell 1100FLAPD'S BITTERS. 1100FLANR'S GERMAN piTTEig: Hentland'i German Tbnie„ Propired by LW C. RI ! JACKSON, riIXLAD Brute, ra The Great Remedies for all Diseases , LIVER, STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Hoofland's German Bitters Is compelled of the pure juices (or, no they are medic!. Hilly termed, Ea r --- tracts) of . Roots, rb s and Barks, j malting si prepara tion, highly concen trnied, and entirely free from Alcoholic • adasi.r/ure of any Unit - H6OPLIND'S - GERMAN TONIC, In a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, :with the purest quality of Satala 'Cruz Rum, Orange, etc., making ono of the most pleasant and afire le remedies ever offered to the.pdblic. - Those preferring o Medicine free from Alcoholic ad. mixture, will use Hoofland's German Bitter. In easee of nervous deprees.lon, wiiiih'enrne atiobolle itlinulths is neutlenry, _ HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC should be used , The Bitten or the Tonic are both equally gird, and contain tho same mediclnatvlrtues.,/ -- The stomach, from a variety of canoes, ucb no Tuft. geetlon, Dyspepsia, ..I'lervte Pebillty, etc., Is very apt to .: i lly: , ow," . p. f unc ti o ,,,, deranged. The result 4 A. ,of wh IV4s,that the patient suffers from 4 ,'. t:,.overal or more of . - the following dise ases: " - Constipation, Flatulence,lnward Piles, Constipation of Blood todhoHead, Acidity • of the Stomach. , Ettallee_,_ Heert?.. burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight .in the Stomach, Sour Eructations,._ Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Storaseh, Swimming of" th em e Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at 'the Heart, Choking-or-Suffocating- Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimnesitof Vision, : Dots - .or Webs before" - the - Sight, - Dull" Pain in the Head: Den . oiency of Perspiration, Yel lownessof the Skin and • es,3.Pn•in in the side , Baok,Chest, ' Limbs, eto., .S e Flushes of Heat, Burning_ in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of-Spirits-- - Theselemedicsvrill offectually - core - Livercomplalut, Jaundice, Dyepapala_, Chronic or Nemme Chronic Diarrham, Disease of the Kidnaps, and all Dlscatles arising from a Disordered Liver, !Stomach, or ,Intestines:. DEBILITY, Resulting from any Clause -- vihatever ; _RROISTRATIQN — OF THE SYSTEM. - Induced by Severe Labor, Hard ships, Mx:Pesaro, Fevers, - etc. , There Is no medicine . e xtant equal to these remedies' In such MEM . A tone and vigor's — lmparted to the whole System, the'- Appetite is Strength.; coed, food is enjoyed, the stomach digests _ promptly, the blood la purified, the oin. plexio n b eco in 0 s sound and healthy, the yellow tinge Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom Is en to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous in. valid becomes a Strong and healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with ell its'attendant Ills; will find In the use of this BITTERS, or the TONIC, an elixir that-will Instil new life- into their veins, restore in a measure es energy and or of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and lonpidneso to their remaining years. =WOE. • it 1/ • wellxstabilehed fact that fully one-halt of the female portion of our population are eel domlntne enjoymentX iim of good health; or, to use their own ex pression," never feel well." They titre lan guld, devoid of ell energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. • To this elass of portions the BITTERS, or the TONIC, Is especially recommended. • WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of eitherof these remain They will cure every case of IdAItABEIUS T Thousands of certificates have accuAdated In thf hands of the proprietor, but-space will allow of thf publication of but - few. Those, It will be observed are men of note and- of - such-standing that they mull be believed. BM TESTIMONIALS.,-- Hon. Geo. W. WoOdward. clhk, 'Viatica of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes: . Philadelphia- March le, 1867. • HI find qloolland'sA u Garman Bitters *good tonic, 'useful . dlocauct . illgestlve ergot" - , suld.• of •great benefit le eases of debility, and want of nervous an. tlon In the system. Yours truly, , • , GEO. W. WO'ODWARD. , ' • • Hon. James - Thompson. , ; • Judge of flit Supreme . Coon of Pennsyllwn fa. PllTadelia(o." 1886., conaldor 'HooHand's German-13Itters ' • nalefthia sitaliaina In case of attacks of indlgoanon or Dvapepain can cerallie this from my withe p e r c e le . ot , c ct :of , ' - JAMES TI102.11':30N." Prom Rev. loseph. H. Kennard, D. D? . Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church*, PhatideljAht. . ... ••• • Dr. Jackson,-Dear Blr :' I have been sftelkittntly rt quoted, to connect-my IILiMC with recontaMmintiore. , of difteent kinds, of medicines; but mantling-the-proe— m lice no out of my np " proprinto epticre, 1. , have In nit emcee de . , . 'dined ; but. nth a . clear proof In vnri ! one .Inelanger ' and' particulnrly In my own , family, of e , ,ucefulneee of Dr. Ilootbidd'i German llltturd, I: depn ' for once from my Maud Cuomo, to extuare. my foi l conviction that , . for g e nera l 'deaf/aka/ Di,t sysh , n, a come - tally for Liner Comp/and. ff fan safe m( wittni • preparation.. In 'some entice, It May, POI; !Jut unitally,,l, doubt - not,At will - belany benctlelnl - tortbcirc, - Mim - eutfer-- from tiro above canonic' . 7 ",. . . • • '. . . Yours, vdry' retgioatfillly, ' J. H. IcAvN . s.iti), • = ElQbihJ tiolpw Coates dt-H -, . . Dram Rey. 2. D. FeliOall, • ; Anisian(Edifor C7tristian aironicts; PhiladeljAia.• • I hive derived decided benefit from the use of Hord' , lendla German Bittern, and feel it my pHvilege to coMmOndlbelM as alnoet valuable' tonic, Will who suffering from general:debility or from (111/EMlCJlariat g from derangement of the liver. Tours trulyi • B BD. VENDALL. • CAUTION. Moorland , ' Gorman Remedies are countwielted, that the signature of " 0. M. 4AUKSO ' on the wrapper of each b'o tt I ..d.ll otters aro coon terfelt; - Trlnclpul - Office, „nod. , • Ilanufactoq:-. Melo Cleraddildadlcfne troW.lio.1131A1M)11 ,Bu e ' CrEARLEB • " - Ciarmno Druggist. proprietor; I Fornicrly.O. M JAC FAIIX: CO. POT sale 4. aII Drugglata and Deideritn Me iclnnsi Hai ;.' ; • ;', . 1. 7 11 %.45PP.; Jr ; ; ' noonand'i! j;,;.tth 7 i u. • 6; , 00', 110o11,1yor ciorouln Pin ot.hoo mil I 1:.,11;,;,;'r no' or t 6 Do not forgot to . examine well tits wilds 'yob 64. to alias to got tbOoouulOtit UM BAKER'S NILE TRIBUTARIES Exr.s.. - 0.11T11114 OP TLIE NILE TrtiIIITT , RITLR Or ABYSSINIA. By Sir 8. W. BAKER. Bvo. bb. 608. Hartford, 0. D. -Case & Co. Few recent books of travel have gained so large a degree .of public' Interest and favor among intelligent . readers -in breat Britian, as this admirable'record of scienti fic-exploration, googruphical-discovery, and personaludventure. The author, Sir WIL IAM BAK }Lei is a wealthy Englialrgentlimam an expes I -nci d traveler, - un enthusiastic and skilful hunter and explorer, Who-in 18:1; in company with his wife, left Cairo to explore um mystery which enshrouded the' sources. o'f the Nile. A. previous work of the author on the "Great Basin Of the Nilo," gives' a complete account of, the equatorial lake system from which - the .famous Egyptian ..river derives its origin.- it isehownin that volume that the rainfall of 'the equatorial districts supplies two vast lakes of sufficient magnitude to support-the Nile throughout its entire course through the burning sands of the desert until it reaches the Delta of Lower Egypt. The present work is devot ed to another systeincof tributaries, with-an Origin entirely separate from the lake sources of Central Africa, and supplying the water for the- overflow on which the fertility of Egypt depends. Thor, portion of Africa which was explored by the author in the .course of hie geographical researches in re gard to the Abyssinian tributaries, is in hapited by Christian and Mohammedan races, and Words,. abundant materials for a series of vivid pictures'whieh lend a pecu liar charm to his work,' apart - from itii - value and-interest in a scientific point of view. Many of these-describe his sporting adven. tures, which he evidently pursued with the keen relish of a British Nimrod. We annex a graphic description of ode of his early encounters-with a crocodile. , "A few days before our arrival; a man , had-been snatched from the back of his camel while crossing, and was carried off by a crocodile'. Another man bad been taken during the last week, while swimining . the river upon , a log. - It was supposed that these accidents were due to the same croco dile, who was accustomed to bask upon a mud bank of the foot of the cotton plants; Mtion. On the day foildwing our arrival at the Atbara we found that our camel. drivers had absconded during the night with their -'camels; these werethe men.wi.ho_hed been forced to servo .hy the Governor • 'of Casale. There was no possibility of pro ceeding fo,r some dark therefore I 'lent El :Biggar across:the river to endeavor' to en. gage Camels, while. I devoted myself to - 'll - search - for - the- crocodiles - `kahortly - disnov:- - ered.that - it was unfair.- irNthe extreme' to charge.ono.particular animal with the death of the two Arabs, as several huge crocodilep Were lying upon the mud in various places. A smaller one was lying asleep high -Mid dry upon the bunk; the wind / was blowing strong, so that, by carefully ppreaching; I secured a good shot within thirty yards, and killed it on the spot by a bullet'through the 'head, placed about an inch above the oyes. After some time, 'the large . crocodiles which bad taken to the water at thei. report of the gun "again appeared, and crawled stewly out - of - the - muddy - river 'to their. - baikidg-phices Upon the bank.' A crocodile . Usually sleeps with ite 'mouth wide ouf I therefore waitdd,untillhe immense jaws, of tiro nearest were well expanded;-showing a ii,grand row of . glittering 7 teeth, ' , when I ' 'cret: carfully towards it' 'through the gar den of thickly-planted cotton. - Bacheet and • Wet followed in great -eagerness. In - u short time I arrived within ahoutforty 'yards of thdbeast, as it lay bpon.a flat mud blink formed by one of the numerous for rents, that had carried down the soil durir g . the storm of yesterday. The cover. ceased,. laid it eves' impossible to approach nearer 'Without alarming the crocodile; it was a fine aPeciindeti apparentlynineteen'or twinitY, feet in longthi:and-I took a-steady eliot with . the little,Fletcber rifle at•the temple, exact= . Iy, in front of the point of union of the head With.the spine.. The jaiviftlished together, . and - a - convulsiveatartilollowed-by ittivitcd ing of the tab, led me to suppose that Bud. ' den death bail succeeded Slept - I°4, but knovi - - ingt.he peculiar -tenacity of life possessed -b i , the orocodile - ,Tfirectiiifother - shot at the - 'll Milder,' es' the hugo - body lay so close — UT . the'river'e edge that 'the -slightest ' struggle weuldeause it -to . disappear., To. my .anr. , Prise, this, shot," far from producing a quhfluii, ' gti;le rise to a series of extraordinary :Con 'Vulsitie t strigglea. One `moment' t 'rolled' ;upon its beak, lashed out right - litd left, .with its. MIL and ended - by.. toPpipg over into thdriver. • ' ; . ' . . .In . a, short Brno we saw the body of the - crocodile Upperir.delly nriiiiiidr," about :fifty. yards doWn the stream; thdlorsi paws Were above the water, but , after rolling- cly Puna several times ,it - once moreilipappoarcd, raP , 'idly carried away by the irinddy_4orol4.. ;This.wai Olio enough 'for- the Arabi; Who . bad been watching the eventifrord the •ork - ' pulite !Yank-AA the; riveri-and .the , repprt ' quickly spread that two - crocodiles - worn. killed,. one'of which they. declared to be the , public enemy that hid taken the neon et the ferry, but upon what evidence-I:cannot in-' ,deratand, Although; spy. Arabi, leekedf? ,Ward.to a dinner or crocodile: flesh, I w • , Obliged to search for isoniethifig, 'of rath r milder for eiiiiefired.. - 1 . - Waitedlf4r. , übout.un,hom, while AA flrst crogodile was' 'heing . divided, ; when I•teoli a ist . ibt,,,go ,add r , , tiltilVe n fi k i l la in rg k i ' et i gif :i a lt b li . r, ,i i i i l l uti ' ttn b l l ity s :- VircArtilis rietheiDardilk(Nquißraihri itorap-` - riehianusi) -- Thli -- little - creature :inhabits Carlisle , ' Pa. , Friday 3uutt46!:lBBB. Poitital.- LIFE.. - --= .'WO aro floating down thorium, We alien moon be out to coo; WO shall Boon bo font forever Io it* wide Imrivinalty. •- We have passed the SCIOny meadow* !Many and Many'a year ago; • There the stream WAR swit;lll - ied narrow. But a, little brook did fl ow; blow'we faintly catch its music, bitnly see the um:Whine glees. , - Far behinds's are t s lie mountains—, „ Memory haunts their summits yet; (Modem, day dreamt clustered round them, Like the trees about them Sot; . Lovingly we turn our faces . To those monutoine with regret. • We wore wrecked at many places ' Whore the hidden rock" abound— Where the : current wept ne swiftly With a wild and 'urging 'round; And the darkening skies above ns On oar doubtful fortunes frowned. Thole tho thor, growing wider, `- j Deeper, swifter in its course' Doors up, like the floating leaflet; OnTip! with &stales. force . , so-we scarcely note the valleys, Of the softly rounded Mlle.— • Cetchlhe chorus' of the robin, As in melody she trilbf. Moonlight softly throws - her luster O'er the river and the bay, - And the dayllght.chases darknese • • And the darknose chasm day. We are floating down thorrirer, , • Amnia soon shone° theilesin:' , '• Of the boundless spread pf waters, • Vaguely Shadowed as in dream; Not a °lend in all the heavens— Sunlight round, beneath, above -Ai we float from out the river 11;to God's albperfcct love. atlisrellatleous. =II , •-• .1 =ME thlek.bush. Since my return M . kngland, I have Seen a good specimen in the ZOOlo-. gicafGarriens of the.ltegent's'Oark. Won My arrival at, the tents, I found the ramie camp redolent of from the flesh of the crocodile,. and the, ,people were • quarreling' for the musk glands,, which , they had ex tracted;; and wbich.are ranch prized by the Arab women,, who *are them „strung , like beads upon. a necklace. Throughi3ut (the Atbara, ()roc odilea. are extremely misehievous and bold; this can ba 'accounted for by the constant presence of Arabs and their llobks, Which the crocodiles beim ceased to fear, as they exact a heavy tribute in their frequent passagei of the river. The Arabs asserted that the dark colored, thicz-bodied species is more to be dreaded than the other. • • The common belief that the scales of.a crocodile will stop a bullet is'. very errone ous,. If a rifle is loaded with - a moderate charge orkwe and a half drachms, it Will throw an diince ball through ; lhe „seeks of the hardest portion of the - back; but were 'the scales struck obliquely, the bullet' might possibly glance from the surface, as in like manlier it would ricochet from the surfabei of water. The crocodile 'is 'so difficult. to kill outright; that people are apt to imagine that the - scales have.resisted their bullets: The only shots that Will produce instant death are those that strike the brain, or the spine through 'the neok: A shot through the.shoulder_is.fatal r but-as .the.body im me diatoly-sinks, and does-not-re-appear-upon the surfarsi • until the gasses have distended. the carcass, the gaMe to generally.. carried away. by the stream before it has had time to float; ThcfliodY of ti crocodile requires frorn twolve - to eighteen hours before it will rise to the, surface, while that' of.the hippo potamus will never remain longer than two hours beneath the water, and will generally rise in an hour and a half after death. This difference in time depends -, upon the depth akd temperature; in deep holes of the river :rom thirty to fifty foot deep. the Water is muob cooler near the bottom;--hence the gas is not generated - in the — tieuy so quickly as in shallow and warm water. The crocodile is not a grassfeeder; therefore the stomach is 'comparatively small; and contents do not generate the amount of gas, that so quickly distends the huge stomach of the hippopotamus; thus the body of the former requires a long period before it will - rise to the surface." We must make room for the author's ac count of his successful rrncontor with a vet eran hippopotamus, with his excellent die? cription of the habits of that strange aquatic monster. • "After walking about two miles, we no ticed a herd of hippopotami in a pool below a rapid; this was surrounded by rocks, except one aide where the rush of water had thrown ule a bank of .i).ehbles- and sand: Our..old Neptune did not' condesend to bestowthe -slightest attention when-I-pOinted out these animals; they were too wide awake; but be immediately.vitted theFriVer's bed, and 'we followed hit' quietly., behind the fringe. of bushes apex the border, from which: wo carefully examined the water. -About half mile helOw this spot,:as we.clambered over the intervening rocks through a gorge which - formed — auwerfulrapid, I — obseived in a iiall,pootj -p ua;below the . - manse head of a hippopotamus close to a perpendicular rock that'formedA wall to the river, about six feet` above the surface. I pointed out the hippo to old Abou Do, who _had not seen it. At once the gravity of the old - Arab disappeared, and the energy of the_hunter was exhibited as he motioned us .to remain, while he ran nimbly behind the thick screei“of bushes for about a hundred and fifty fords below the spot where the hippo was unconsciously basking, with his ugly head above the surface. 'Plunging into the rapid torrent, the vetran bunter was carried some-distance down the stream, but breasting the powerful current, he landed upon the rocks on the opposite side, and re-; tiring, to some distance from the river, he quickly - aevancedlowards the spot beneath which the hippopotamus was lying. I bad a fine view of the scene, al I was lying con cealed exactly opposite theltippo, which had now disappeared.bonenth the water. Abou Do steirthily approached the edge of the rock beneath which ho had expected.to see the beadle thatinimul; his long sinewy•arm' was raised, with the harpoon ready to strike as he careftilly advanced. At length ho reached the 'edge of the perpendicular rock; the hippo bad vanished, - but far from ex hibiting, surprise, the old Arab 'remained standing On the sharp ledge, unchanged' in', attitude. No figure of bronze could have been-more rigid than that of the old river king de he stood erect upon the rock with the left foot -advanced, and the' harpoon poised in his ready rightAand above his head, while in the left ho held the loose Coils of - rope attriehr;dlO - the aidbatai buoy. For about three minutes he stood like a statue, 'gazing intently into the clear and .deep water beneath his feet.— I watched eagerly for the reappearance of the hippo; (ho sur face waatitill-barren;-*ben•-•suddenly : - thd right arm of the statue &minded like light ning and the harpoon Shot perpendicularly into the pool with the speed 'of an arrow. What river fiend answered to thB summons?' 'ln an instant- an — enorMous pair of open jaws appeared, followed by the •ungainly bend and form of,the furious hippopotimus, that springing half out of the water, lashed the river , into foam, and diedaming the con cealtaent 'of the deep pool, charged straight up the violent rapids. With extraordinary ,power he breasted the descending stream; gaining a footing in the rapids. about five feet deep, he--plowed his way aainst the broken waves, sanding them in showers of spray upon all sides, and upon gaining broader—shallows-he tore along the . surface - MAU Milani:led from the river, started at full gallop along - the dry shingly - bed, and at length disappeared' in the thorny nahbuk Jungle.. • I never could have imagined that 'so un wieldy an finial - lel could have dxhibited such speed; no man would:have had a chance of escape,, and it was fortunate. for • our old - Neptune that be was secure upon tib, high ledge of thp rock, for if ho had been in the ,path of tho, infuriated beast, there . would, have .beon an end of Abuts Do. - The old man plunged into. the deep pool just quitted ,py the hip; o, and landed on our side; while in:the enthusiasm of the moment' I waved my cap above my bead,• and gave him a British' cheer as-he reaehad the shore. His usually Stern feattires relaxed into ." a' grim 'smile of delight; thla Was ono Of tkirie mo ments when the gratined pride of the hun ter rewards bin for any risks. I emigrate= lated hinkup_on_his dexterity; but much re-• mined to be done. - rprbpoised - to'eross the ' , river and to follow upon , the trucks, ef. the' hippopotamus, as I imagided that the buoy. `and rope would catch in the thick Jungle, and that . we should find hiin entangled in the bush; but the old bunter gently laid. his hand upon my iirm,and pointed up the bed Of .theriveri explaining that the hippo would. certainly return to the water~ lifter a short interval. • In_.,a few minutes later, at a "Wanted:of tearly half trifle, "obsoried the hippo eMorgefrom the jungle andaseend at full, trot to the bed of the .river, making direct for ,theilnit rocky pool in which be - had noticed 'the herd of hippopotaMi,','Accorepaniaby Abe Wd'Howarti (hippti Iftinter,)we walked , quickly toward the spot. ,'lle-olplairied-to me-that I push shoot the harpooned hippo, for we, should not be.able secure him in the usual method by rdpes; ai:deiirlY,:all our men wore absent Of the dead elephants: - . • • - r• niething the pciol,mtrieb About, hundred pnd,thtrty ygdp, In, diameter, we were in*edtatoly ' . screeted by ,th,e hippo, '4aiteli snorted . nd itared43 eppronehed, int eutokly•dived, end the , buoyent 11011Cran :thing the surface; directing hie courae.in'tho PRlT l 9. l o4ener, ai the cork .of trltniner. with "it lU° even the ke6k. Seveial tittles heap= petttiktittlehb-iiiiiiiiiMi-titiaittio; ....._ . . .‘ .. , .. '':..... _,•._. (1 ~I . .: .„.. g _ ~ ._._. therefore sent thecild hunter round the peel, And he, swimming' the 'river; advanced to the opposite aide attracted the attention of the hippo, causing him to immediately turn toward hies. - - - -Thisaffordedmealoodehanco, and I iliecta steady shot behind tho ear, at about seventy yards; with a single-barreled 'rifle. 'As usual the 'hippopetemi,' , Whelher dead or alive, he disappeared beneath .the water at the shot. The-,crack of the ball and the'absence of any splash from the bul-' let told- me that he was hit ; the ambatch float remained some minutes ; it never mov ed.' Several heads of hippopotami approach ed and vanished in different directions, but the float was still ; it marked the spot whore the grand old bull lay dead beneath. , I shotanother hippo, that I thought must be likewise dead; -and, taking the . time by My match. I' etired to the shade of a tree with Hassan, while Hadji Ali and the old. , bunter returned to camp for assistance in' men and knives, &c. In a little more than' an hour and a half two objeeta like the backs of turtles appear ed above, the surface; those were, the 'flanks . of the two hippos. A short ,time afterward the men arrived; and 'regardless of croco diles they swam toward' the .„bodies.L. One was towed directly to the shore by the rope attached to-the-harpoon, the other-was'se cured by, a long lino and dragged to the bank of clean pebbles. - I measured the bull that was harpooned; it..*as fourteen feet_two_inchea from the.up-_ per lip to the extremity of the tail ; the head Was_three feet one inch from the front of-the ear to edge of the lip in a straight line. - The harPoon was sticking in the nape of the neck, having penetrated about two and--e -half inches bentiiithe hide ; this is _about an. inch and a,-half atid ,three,quartereTthick. upon tho'back.of the neck of a bull hippo-. tamus. It was a magnificent specimen, with the largest tueks I have ever seen ;..the okull is now in-my hall in Englanp. . Although the . hippotamPs - is, generally harmless, the solitary old bulls are some times extremely vicious; especially- when-in the water.' have frequontly known them charge a boateand I have myself narrowly eseaped-being upset in a canoe by the attack of these creatures, without the slightest provocation.. The. females are extremely Ay told harmless, and they are most affec tionate mothers; the only instances I 'have known of the female attacking a man hove been those in which hercalf bad been stolen. tho Arab. thoy oro. oxtrorooly yielding in addition to a large quantity of °act:heat flesh, about twohundred pound,i ‘ ef. fat, and a 'hide that will produce - itheut two hundred 'coorbatches, or camel-wipe: I have never shot those useful' creatures. to waste; every morseLof the flesh has been stored either . bsi the natives or fot our own use; and whenever we have a good supply of antelope or giraffe meat, I have avoded. firing a shot at, the _hippo. Elephant flesh is exceedingly strong and disagreeable, par taking highly of the peculiar smell of the animal'. We had now a good supply of meat from the two hippotami, which , de lighted our people. ' The - old -Abou Do claimed ihe bull that ho.had harpooned, as his own private property, and ho took the greatest pains in dividing the hide longitu dinally,-in strips-of-the- width of - three - fing-- ers,.which:loeut with g.rcat dexterity. Although the hippotamus is amphibious,- ho requires - a.)arge and constant supply of air; the lungs are of enormous size, and he invariably - inflates them- before diving. From live to eight minutes is the time that he 'isually remains under water; -he. then -comes to the surface; and - - expends - the air ' within his lungs by blowing; he again. re fills the lungs almost- instantaneously, and if frightened he sinks immediately. In places where they_have become -extremely shy from being bunted or fired at, they sel dom expose tile head above the surfahe, but merely protrude the nose to breathe through tho nostrils; it is thertimpcissible to shoot thorn. Their food consists of aquatic plants,. and grasses of many descriptions. Not on ly do they visit the margin of the river, but they wander at night to great distances from the water if attracted by good pastur- ago, and although clumsy and ungainly in appearance, they- clamber the-steep banks and precipitous ravines with astonishing power and ease, In places where - they are perfectly undisturbed, they not only. enjoy themselves in the sun-shine by basking half asleep upon the surface of the water, but they lie upon the shore beneath the shady trees ,upon the river's bank; I intve seen them, when disturbed by our sudden arrival during.the march, take a leap from a bank about twenty feet perpendicular depth into the water below, with a splash that created waves je the quiet pool as though a paddle steamer had passed by. The Arabs at tached no value to the tusks; these are far _more valuablothan elephafitivory, and'hre, used by dentists in Europe for the manu facture of false tooth, for which they are ad mirably adapted, as they do not change 'color: - Not wishing the remaining hippo tami that were _still :within the pool i ll left' my-men and-old—Abou,-„Do•-busily engaged in arranging the meat, and walked quietly homeward." W 9. should like to give the reader further. extracts from the exciting narrative - of buff alo, clopbant and Hod hunts, with which tho, work, abounds, and. may do So hereafter. Tho work is brought out by•tbe publisher's in creditable style of letter-press; worthy of its intrinsic merits. ' . SALTED MB TEA, —A plucky old follow bad a son, whd was a - student at orie of our Now, - Englandeol loges; - and one day thought ho would *fait the institution. He did so, spent the - day thorn, and was invited to tea. He aecopted tlo invitation, and upon. reepiviag„hia_ratirkept:,...the eelest,io reached out seized and "szed- a - -b - oiki of - what ho supposed to bo white sugar, but which was in reality'salt. With this condlinent ho 'proceoded to.liborally season his tea—Pres : ently.he perceived from the sly glances tow aid him, and by the gereral whispering and suppressed "snickering," that' something was wrong, and be - "rightly conjectured it was some act of his; and when, upon his sating the toe, tho "snicker" • expanded in tto a "hperso laugh," ho hadn't much doubt' as to ivhat the Matter was.... . . ." • As I hive before stated, the old gent did not lilco to be laughed at, especially by a parcel of schoolboys, so with Spartan resi- ution, he worried down the abominable eointiound 'wishing; ,no.„'donht. that those boys Conldha made to drink a quart each . before going to prayers in the 'morning. giving a flnal.gulp, and putting , on e,face that was.. intended , to rnalto ~everyboO' think-thathiliked his - "dose of salts;'' 'called 'ter another cup, and upon. receivikig it, said to the head'smekererk ' "Young man will you bkkind ()nought) pass that bowl of salt?" The salt wee pissed, add amid the •most breathless silende, ho - dipped a eouple -.cif spoonfulls'into his tea,itirred It up, and tasted it with a look' of: apparent satisfac tion. • . • " • . a•Why, sald tho. yo . man opposite him, Yon'drink-salt 'ih yout answered the plucky Oldinan, With great emphasis, and In hly , plonsantest VlO very gallant sons of trio, being juin, discharged from service, were rojieelng Overt the evont tvith:a .4 .woo tato of.the. 'praline ,tflion one, wbo felt all the glory of his noble, race, suddenfi raised.his glass abov.e hie ...... „ . . . 44 .,kriah Mike, here'a to "the gallant bald Two Hundred and'Fortleth—the Met itt the field and the - Bret toleare it,' . I ~;., ~ f "Tut, tat, man l'", said Mike, . 4 . , ye•don't mope OM, : You ,apd, he ,rak3ed hje glass Aligh, and ' looked, lexinglyat, it , to,the gallinlt'crivo 'Hundred'aid I , ht,rtiiiih4.l4 3 li t iskt o it i bajw. , ~ . .tvt 31 =llll TERMS :42,60 in Adiianoe, or $2,60 crithin_thoyear; NA 613 Y The Chicago Convention—Mr. Nas —by Attends it and Gets on a ilea7y Disgust--A Lecture on Deniobrao*. [Proiolbe Toledo Blade] ' . . s 1 .. ' ' POBT 07/1B CONITDIIIII7 X RADS, (with iit In ti? Start ny Kentuoky,) - 1, , '4 , May 24 1808. - I wuz at Ohicago one day, and tat ,ono 'day satisfled‘nio. ' My ears ,7 wuz 1 - stunned With roars for Grant ; ,wicheier • way ,I turned my eyes ,I saw. nothin .but Grant 'badges and Grant 'medals; the bend wuz all.playin the Star : Spangled ' Banner and s ch,.and oven the Streetorgan-grinders hod attooned their lyres to the same'. Ablishuis melodies. ', - ' • ' ' . On my arrival I askt a vithus boy; with, I knowd wuz dimekratic, from the fact that ,his little Shirt wood hey hung ont -of his little,pants,if he'd hod any shirt, of he cood show mo where- the: ablishun convenshun wuz a holdiri itself. . . "Certainly Y kin, my old buffer," aed.h.o. in thatyor bildin," pintin oz ho, spoke to a rather. gorgeous edifice with a steeple dn it. I entered it.and - wuz surprised, not only at the fewness of the delegates,on the floor, but at their pecotilyef appearance,. They wuz all solemn lookin chaps with gold , spectacles, black coati, high foreheads, arid; white neckerchiefs. -"Is Abet," that I 44 1 myself; "the - unifom' delegates wear at re'- , üblikin convonshunsf" • -.' • •'Ai this pint I tdrned. to a man eittin be side-me, and in an under tone. iskt wich wuz abed on the last ballot, -Colfax or. Wade? "Sir," setfhe, "are ydu.a Johnson post -master?" - • - ' "1 am,"'sed 1, defiantly. "How didst determine that pint?" "By yoor breath," sad he. "Your mZata ken in the place •my friend: - Thie Methodist Conference. • • That wikkeffandperverne boy. led inten 7 - sh - n - elly dCceOvect me. to obtain admission into the. Op era house, I whiled away the rosy hours a visitin the delegashen rooms. The Ingoany delegashen offered me water when I inti mated I-wuz athirst. 'The Ohicrdelegashen knew me en slto and. rekested me to dust, and the Californy delegashen, uv Wich I .expected batter things. hed the impudence to offer me wine! Wine Wiriel to feed_ glob s noes ez I curry about. Wino to sat isfy the cravins uv Bich a stumiek ez mine! Faughl and the man who did it hod bin in Calitbrny twenty years. • Disgusted at the thinness of the bevern gra, •I„retired into a ° friendly hostelry kept by Dennia,O'Sbaugliessy, and at his hospi table bar solaced myself with three fingers uv Kentucky suStenance.' • There was no entlfoosinsiis among the cit.- inns uv Chicago which I naterally fell 'among. The domokratic convenshuh. uv 1864 had made c - xtra preparashuns, wuz gloomy, sad,, and disappointed: These plebes, garnisht for the occasion, wuz sad and lonely. There was an entire absence uv that gentle • gurgle which to me is so pleasin, there wuz none uv the generous noses and faces lighted up with the radiance isorn my the - burl _whieh,Lani so.. accustomed. to. lid , Chibago wuz no place for me. Its the last.republiken - conVenshun I shell ever attend. The ideaa, conference sit ting, in the same city with a convenshunl The Idea .uv mingling politics with religion! Will there be confrencei in Noo York in _Teoly?.-_Metgiinke not, onless indeed my church ShoOd decide to hold one.. On my return we wuz a settle in Ras coth's a discussin the norninashens. Dekin Pogram was indignant; , 'Good Heavens!" sed he with horror in his sainted face, "Kin it be th,nt men professin nashnel views wood offer such an insult to Kentucky ez to nom inate sich a man as Grant,. who, sword in dand, devastatid her fertile fields and piled the bodies of her nootral eons who resisted his advance mountains high? :Kin it be that—" "Easy Dokin," replied I,."stiddy, stiddy Don't:take posishon rashly. It ain't im probable:that we may boy to nominate Han cock or sonio other soljor. that event but, I've seri enutlX at all oyents," aed the Delcin, its a hooniliatin thing to hey thrown in our fa., ces a infamous proposishon to pay a debt incurred in a infamous attempt subjoo gate us—to pledge your labor to pay a debt unconstitooshpnly inkurred, and un—" "Deekin.". sod I, "your zoel r do admire, bu t_yoor reoly. Indiscreet.. -It may-be-found necessar7 in order to carry Icoo York to nominate Belmont's man who will be pledged to this very thing. .43-o a little Blow." "Well however that may be, its a -- burnin shame to throw into Kentncky's. face a Ab olishunist-tWo uv em in fact—and—" ' "Deekin,"(l - spoke this time severely) "yoor very indiscreet to-day. ~It's possible; and 1 may say probable, that , that noble patriot,•Choef Justice Chase, - who - hoz bin - a filteful - ablishinist, and ' who ) of he runs, will, for olivus reasons, make. us Swelter at the begirmin, a orshen uv his bereSies may be our candidate. Say.nothin,Deeken that yoo'l bov to take back " "Dimocrlsy," 1 remarkt is distinguished chaefly Tor its elasticity in adaptiii means to ends. One would suppose• that post ofils•ls its cheof end. In ono sense it is. Dimoc risy is to eacriflce anything which it has for post ale. It mite raise Deakin Po gram's ire to suggest the nomination of Han cock on akkount uv his slawtorins,. or 801-mont's -mont's candidate on akkount uv -- hitr insistin on his payin off theinachenel debt or Chase. .who hoz bin in his 'day suspected - , uv boin tainted with ablishomem. Dot my broth .ring, lot ithe ..remembered,-that—successis the txlitids'objicle. success is watt Bascom wants, that I, boin continyood in'ofils, may hey the means to pay for the Bicker I con soom and avoid the necessity uv bein con 'tinyooally requested to chalk it dOwS, which practie he esteems disgustin, and one which greatly increases his - labors. Captain McPelter waits success that he May con tinyooto.hov assessors ) colic:tors and reve nue officers, with Mach he kin divide the Profits uv the's2 tax on the whiskey ho makes and. Deekin wants success that ho may hey his niggers agin, or at least that fie may hey' the privilege qv'!drift arri . 'for 4914 per month, daductin 26 cents' mday• for each day's absence, without no Burrow offi cer or other military satrap_-hefighi-=about 'to molest or' nfraid: Succeer is - the main.. pint,• and.ef Hancocic, is :the' way, 'walleyeln it—of Chase or Seymour is the. `way walk ye ditto, for with eithbr uv these 'men ttli- these , things_ e'll hey: ~:- W ,h.en -they eome.to us , they `leave their , former selves behind. ' • • I . . , - Bat niethinlcs-I holtimid say, 'Hancock is ,a suljer, goyim:o : 4'Rn, anti-repuciator, • and Cbase.a ablishmet. Wat uv- thati They may bawd they like when they 'go into ofils—associashon.With us fetches _ em sooner or later., Kin yoo tech pitch and _not 'be defiled? Doolittle„'Cowan and Dixon woe ablishinists... When they split from ablishM ism -.-the minit they foil into our embraces• they became az satisfactory Democrats oz 'I coed wish. • The road down is a easy ono to . travel., Xt'seasier ,to slide than, to alkali wich is the 'reason 'why so .Many , more ' are. dammkthaifenved, - Doinocracy4 ".11ke'llati ,com's now likkor holds a man when it git's' i hip. Johnson NM a good amid' Ablishin sx, till ha called , unto us for help. . and then e was lost.. Lett:nano stay with us a week' 'a 'd then . lie'd, forgit dibble old'ideas,;=yob .bet--eheetlypo poke that silver pitcher at hide, the niggers give him at Oinoinnatti,' for de fendin wfugitivOina he'd swearlike l Pd - , for ho never saw it-,only , differin ~from, in that he'd stick, to • it. 'And there , is ao golit baalefo'r tho iciriciciliarOneo. TIMM .remorsmkindl .o'drives orkdoeplir, till,Alit finally armworse than az the they origins - ly WUZ sly us.. - " Let us, my- brethren' never reject any help wo kin git, Let W C91)10"Iii ENE *.y.siMpe and froin iiiiTtieuree; it'll - finally assimilate-to us and -homy us. Remember Johnson,'. Ce'iwati s tDoislittle and Dixon sivorelyhkri thny startfir at Philadoklbia, that they never codrge•iiito ,the is:Mks - Am the Dimeerisy; in a year they 'was makin-.- epeeches.for us in Cotinecticut: .Eza Conollided myreinarkei my circle • all agreed that ftwetz safe to take whatever. we cood git'from the.eiteM7,:fulth we retired $. I feelin that! Whatdviirother,'"lbeitlities mite do, , the Corners . Wiliiitife;':,Vtrakan outrage - it is, though; that the ablishbleta nominated `sick a man for Vico President ez to make, ',Grant perfectly sate from bein removed ez linken wuz.. out his timaeure.•-• • --. • - 26. The streets of thq town are Wonderfully gay and picturesque. • Sledges, with the fa mous Bussitftrotters,inove gallantly about over theltledn' ; white snow, the swift horses jirigling'thelr meqy and-tossing-their handsome heads"in their gay silver harness: - Fair, fur-clad ladios-talking.pleasantly, and making quite a holiday time of,it, go jatiqt ily about in delightfnl good spirits. ' The awful winter - is to - them a mere change of pleasures ; they take their brisk recreation of sledding by day, and muster at, brilliant brills and assemblies at night. Nothing can quench their thirst and excitement for so ciety ; but the theatrei are closed by the po lice, lest the coachman waiting for playgoers, should - bci 'frozen on - his box.. The tariff ceases for public,carriages,,and the droschicy drivers, heartyenough to brave the weather, may charge their own' fares. Gentlemen walk about with pelisses of the black fox, .costing as much as $4OOO apiece, because. this -fur is the lightest arid wannest—for `even fashion hits' reason, in its caprices. Peraohs less wealthy 'or less luxarious, wrap themselves in the skint of the racoon or the skank, the bear or the beaver. Ladies go clothedin sables, the finest 'f which should -be of dark hair tinged with gray. The yel low fox gives a good, light, warm fur ; blue -is-discredited on-account-of-its cheapttesii. Our houses in the South are not so -well built for thisweather'as those in St. Peters burg and the North. Not only do our win .rers freeze, but the - frosi and snow force their iivay,insido,lthe rooms and lie inches deep of a - morning under the balcony doers - and be tween the 'double windows. But, by means of ovens between the walls, which we call _stoves, we can contrive to keep our rooms facing the Routh about 14 degrees Reaumur. An-iron stove, when it burns well, which is not often, will bring even a northerly more up to 18 degrees; but this is too warm. It' requires some_management to get a com fortable temperature, which is abotir.ls de grees Reaumur. An English fire-place;how over large and .well-led, will 'by no means make head against the difficulty. A Warning• to Young Men. Charles Lamb tolls as his Sad experience; as a warning to young men, inthe following language: • -- "The waters 'have gosh °vet me. But out of the black depths, could J--be_heard, I would cry out to all those t;•lio have set a foot In the perilous flood. Could the 'youth to whom the flavor of the first wine Is deli cious as the 'opening scenes of life or enter taining as some newly. uiscoiered _paradise, - look into my dissolution and be made to fuel what a dreary thing it is when lid can feel himself going dor,ri a precipice with open eyes and passive will to his destruction, and have no burned power to stop it, and feel it all the way emenatingJrom himself ; to see the godliness emptied olit,of him, and yet not ye able- to forget 'a time when it. was otherwite; hear the piteous spectacle of his own ruin; 'could see my fevered eye,fe'Vered with - last niglit'S 'driiiking, add 'feverishly looking to to-night's repenting folly; could lie feel the body of the death out of which I cry hourly to be delivered.; it were enough to make him dash the sparkling_beverageqo the earth, in all...the-pride of its mantling, POWEALESS GODS.-A Chinese god factory was visited by the Rev. Mr. Allen, a Metho dist minister, and when ho expressed his s'tirprise at the _familiarity with-which the workmen in clay treated the gods and god desses -of -war, - wealth, thunder, fire;'water, mercy, revenge,.they, with the utmost sang froid, replied that thoy were yet powerless, being destitute of the ling or "spirit." Those designed for toys, therefore, are never 'en dowed with the living spirit, nor the others until the time of their installment as reigning divinities. At that time, however, they are possessed Of the " ling," by means of a small hole in the bank, if the idol be diminutive, or a largo oblong one in the more august ; in which there are deposited pearls i -gems or 'some .of the more precious metals, such as gold and silver, of various estimation. The hole is then closed and sealed, the good per fected, and henceforth worshipped na well by his makers as those who are ignorant of his origin. This fact wilt also -assist us to account, at least, in-part, for the incOnoclas tic fury of the Chinese rebels They were to despoil .and destroy them, not so much because they loved the idol less, but because they loved the - gold his bank contained a good deal more. A - conductor on" a road running frbm Hartford, agreed:, in the kindness of hie heart to pass apoor penniless fellow. on his train. An officer of the road sitting:ln the sem - wear with the man olfseved ~'that -- ,the conductor-tookmolare-of Ada"' and --cedled hini-to account for it. ' "Why do yOu pass that man?" said Treasurer.. - - "Oh he's aeondUctor on the Rail road.".. - ' , "He's-a conductor! why what makes him dress so shabbily?" "He's trying to live on his salary!" was the quick reply. Mr. Treasurer saw the point and dropped the subject. rAnTY' - Of ,hunters from San Francisco .were chased by mUrizzlyon the Coast Range, and, in jumping over a fallen tree, one of them dropped a bottle from the pocket of hie shooting coat. This . aceident saved their lives, for the bear stopped, emelt•of the bot tle, set himself down"on his haunches, and, taking — tlielliisk irr his paws, drank'like a sensible Mon' an being, rubbing his, hirsute stomach in satisfaction, utterly forgetting hie enemies. He had a high old time of it. T/IrBONNET —Shllktipoare MUSE have had a vision of the modern bonnet when, in•qhe Taming of the Shrew,' he wrote the follow ing: Pelruchia.—" - Why, this was mou /dad on a porringor, A velvet dish;—fie; 110 I— - - Why,'fis a cocklo or a walnut shell, - • .. . A knack, a toy. a trick: a baby's cap; • Away withit / coma lot ma kayo &bigger I" Katharine.—"PllchiTo no biggor; this loth fit the , thug; ni • ' • •' " , And gontlowoon wear such caps as limo." , ' A CHILD of five years ' haVing ken_ her ,father for the first time; ho - o - having - been ab- , sent in Chlifornia, was much astonished that ha should claim any authority over her, and onuan occasion ofyoballioni as ho apmlnis tored the punishment, she cried out : " r lish you had never married into our f_rw_cLawmaa, whose respective parents rose to affluence, the one by making bricks and the other. by boot making, MO 'in a bar rooim. Said the son of Crispin impertinent:. ly the son-of Bricks: "Suppose we moil. ten our clny.", " By.all means," responded the'otlier, "provided there are no heel-taps,!! 'Jealous ,Wife.--:"Whattlid that young lady observe that pushed us just now, William V Unfeeling Elizabrand t -=$ Why, my love, she observed rather a good-looking man Isla= lug,velth an elderly female." • SPIRIT/LW!. poor, -follow retieind„ halt drowned, from a. _river, wet,_ asked to tak - e - tieMiai3iiirlte and wrier. "No, thank 'you,!'' , replied' be, Vve‘-bad :water enough alreagy; I'll take the epirita.akine." oxliury, - itlassachnsoits,^CtradlO and a coffin' factory , are ; tonatcd, elfle. by-•side. This - name of the town may perhaps account for this ctdricidence—Rozo Standing for the ,cradles and bury for, the coffips.., „ A miinsTaa,'travollog through 'the prOvin. CCB aoilko •yeata.-ago,l asked. OW. old lady' , on whom, hp called what ; ehec,thotight of, Abe dootiloo of total deptaflty?'Ohl think' it a•gOod doetrlne,'lfykiple Wourd . ortl,y up to It . • PST/OLE/UM V NMIDY. ' P. MI . ("Which is Postmaster). Life in' Russia =