Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 19, 1868, Image 3
MARKETS. El — CARLISLE :PRODUCE 111A141!...ET •Oarllilo JunBlBll2,l'BoB. . Family.. .. Saperflue . - do RYE . .. WRITE WHEAT • MD' . do RYE ' . OORN OATS, (n0w)..;....... OLOVERSEED • TIMOTHYSEED FLAXSEED BARLEY GENERAL 1 1 11.0E110E MARKET at June • Correelid Week l y by Andrew lBth 1868. Washmood MUTTER Baas, LARD, TALLO,.: BOAP, BEESWAX, - BACON HAMS Philadelphia Cattle Market PnILADELPIIIA, Junols.—Doof Cattle wore in ado mond tb Is week but prices wore unsettled and lowerr obnut 1800 head strived and sold at 10%a11e for extra Penna. and Western Bteeral 9aloo for fair and good do.; Lao per lb gross, from common as to quslity.-- Hogs wuredull and lower. About,o,ooo bead cold at different yards at 212 80a1400 per 100 lb net. Sheep were also dull and lower; 0,000 head sold at $B/03 1 , , ,y'e per lb gross, as to condition. Cows %coin Un changed; 2,000 hbad Bold at $4O 00a00 00 for springers; and $40a75 per hood for cos' and calf. SPECIAL ,NOTICES. PIC-NIC SEASON. • We are ploparrd to furnish families or picnic -or a with the whole line. of edibles belonging to the SOIII012; .such_ae Lemons, English. Plokies,..flanees, Sao Sago Choose, Condensed Milk, Clackers, Candles. Sardines, Salad Oil, Hams, Smoked Beef, Polcigna Sausage, to. Wo eapeotlo keep all-the above, together pith the whole-Hoe of fancy and standard groceries constant )y on bend, and Warrant give entire satisfaction, or will be. thankful to havult returned and will cheerfully refund the money. . Wit. GLAIR & SON, "South End" Oarßelo Pa. • FRESH. SUPPLY of Droge.nrid atedielnes, 'together with Zpunges; Obamole, Skins, Soaps, Perfumery, ke., Just received at pornman & Worthington's Prug Store, N 0.7, East train Street. • 12Jude GS.• • IDe-DEAVNgI3B,' BLINDNESS, and CATARRH treated withthe utmostauedess - by 'J. - tektite - 61. D. - and Professor of Disease of the Eye and Ear in the ,Ilfeditat allege of rainsylvania, 12 years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 806, Arch Street, Phila. Testimonials can he seen=ith this office. Tho medical faculty-are Invited to accompany their pa penis, atthdhas no secrets In his practice. Artificial `eyes inserted without pain. No charge for exam! elation. 12june DORSEInd Cattle Powdore and Liniments, togeth er with a large assortment of fresh Drugs and Medi dram, Dye Stuffs, 41e., &a s Put roadvad at Cornman' & Worthingtor.., 4 , east Main Street Carlisle. A NEW REMEDY IN CONSIIMPTION.—A''Physi• plan who had Consumption for several years with ' , I frequent bleedings of the lungs, mood himself with [„, a medicine unknown to the profession, when his cane appeared hapless. lip is the oujy physician who has used it In his own person, or who has any know! edge of _its virtues, and he can ascribe the degree o health homow enjoys to nothing but the use of hi medicine; and nothing but utter despair and eritir., extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a l.' want want of confidence in all others Induced him to hazard .9 the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of the Lungs ho proffers a treatment he confidently believes will eradicate the dlecase. Price 21,60 pm bottle or $l3 a half dozen, sent by express. ; Semi fm circular or call on -, DR. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. 22may 68.1 y, 1T011! I Teal!! SCRATCH I SCRATCH I I SCRATCH I in from 10 to 48 hours. - Wheatpn's Ointment—cures- The Itch. ' Wheittoa t tiOintment - curbs Balt -Wheaton's - Ointment etirifs 'Tatter. Wheaton's. Ointment curgo Barbers' Itch. Whoaton's Ointment curos Old Solos. Wheaton's Ointment cures •Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cants a box ;by mail, 00 cents. Address WRENS A POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street Poston, Mass. For sale by all Druggist's. • septoo 1374y.' NEW AD VER TISE.II.IE 1V TS. AN ORDINANCE opening Locust Alloy leadiog Irom West Street to College titr. et. Be It anactod'aud ordained by the Town Council of the Borough-of Carlisle, and it Is hereby enacted and continual by the authority 'of the same: That'Locust Alley be extended on the line of Its present - direction to College Street, at a width of twen ty feet. Bnacted into nn ordreance this sth day of 'Juno, A. D. 1808. • C. P. iluAtion. President of Town Council JOHN CAMPBELL, • 'Chief Burgeefe ATTEST—J. M. ALLEN, Soot'y of Cdrpbration I.j3Juoo 3t. A N ORDINANCE repealing part of • another Ordinance. fto enacted an ordained by• the authority of the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle; and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the same. and thethe ordinance passed Dec. 14th 1866, be and the eame le hereby repealed as far as it relates to the, extending and opening of North street In said Borough, enacted into an ordinance this sth day of Juno, A. D. 1868. • C. P. President of To . tvn Council.: JOHN CAIII9IEI.II. ATTEST—J. hi. ALLEN, Sect'y of Corporation lajuno.3t. AA ORDINANOE-RELATINO TO . THE EXTENSION OF COLLEGE STREET.Pp, enacted and ordained by the Town Council or the Borough of Carlisle, and it Is hereby enacted and or dained by the same. .. • That College street In said Borough bo extended and opened from Main street In the line of the . prat. tint direction afraid College street, at a width of sixty feet toe point where it will Intersect what is known as the Walnut Bottom road. Enacted into an ordinance this 6th day of June, A. D., 1868.. ' • . 'C. P..11061R1011 . President of Town Council. JOIINOAMPBELL, ' Chief Burgess. Tur—J. M. ALLEN, Boo'y of Corp oration 19juno-3t :IAN- ORDINANC.U . -- REPEAING AN OM/MANCE REGULATINO TIIE WEIGH r COAL. PASSED DEC. 14, 1805.—8 e it enact ed by the Team Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and it le hereby enacted and ordained by the authori ty of the dame: That the ordinance paised 14 Deo. 1806, regulating the weighing of coal, bo and the same is hereby re pealed:- Enacted into an ordinance this 6th day of Juno, A, 8., 1808. 0. P. HUHRICH, President of Town Council. JOHN CAMPBELL, Ohigliurgess. Arrasr—J:PA: ALLEN, Soe'y of Corporation 10Juno-3t. - • •,• OXTR .N.HW• CHART - FOR MN • . , . PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN' •18. READ•Y, (Mika TOE DEPT OF LIELNEPOPS OP , , . . G.NA.NT -AND • BEIPCIIES of their Lives, the PLAttentz, • Drrtene. of AoozrYsflen, Powraarre of all the PRUIDENTB and much STATIOTAOAL. MATT= relating to proyloaProal.: dentist Blectione.. lifirA good Agent wanted In tlde county • Address H. H. LLOYD & 00., Pabliebere, 2), JohnDtreet, Now York. lOJuno it : ' TALVABLE TOWN PROPERTY iLT •PRIVATEI SALE. . • Tholuibuer,lboriintondins to ivaroVirlkorei'Carllele7 , ogoronelnivati. pule tile residence, saltuntiS on South • Hanovor Stcoat, Nos Be, and BT., • ,••• ' Tha proporty cousksta of a " " 0.11. E 11 . 011'61 . E4 " . . o no pnst'or which la huilt of Stone an d. tho othei 'of Brick, making two oompitote 'Uouses, suitable , 'for dwellings or pluses of business. There ate also-tiro Fr hTIIO Buildings on the premfess which could be very readily be; converted • Into dwellings. ' • • . - F 9 i , ,,,, jm ikffliAtrier • particulars enquire...or..tho. Braman:v.; keetillilit tin thepremises.' . • • , • • :WOW.% It. lIRLTAII,. . It Not eoldbefore Oat,lat 1869,•this property will be cirerad at public solo on that cloy. • , • 19June-tf. • TREASURY QA , u. , s: I4OTIOB. wi tni—uoao r ft,of u. , 8..7 80 , Taint= NoiFa should near in mind , ebat the time allowed ' for. cone version Into 6.20 .11oxide,wiii expire on tho 16th hut., foxthe Junnteries, and t,he 16th of Ally for the' July aeries, a ft er , which - periods 'the —Government will pay pcf the Notes in Gresnbaeke, and holde n ' of 7.80 Notes will lose the edvadtage of receiving' a 5.20. •131x_Ver,Vent Gold Bearing .Bond, or the present , ,high ~ ,pemium on the 7 7 80'x. TON BARIORS' BANK OR OARLIBLE; ' ' ' will attend to the conversion - oir;erele- of these notes foll j arnos Miens word, , .. ..• . ' • -). , ' , NEW ADVEATISEMENTS r -Penn Mutual Life-bsuyance Company .. 1160 .... 8 00 7 75 2 50 ...2 00 r... 100 life Insurance Policy on Panora ESSE • The Board of Trustees Lave declared a scrip dly dend of . FIFTY PER CEN.T., • upon the cash preinitimi received In 1807 on all Policies in force on the 91st of Doe., and have decided to receive all the scrip issued up to,' and Including Jan uary 1865 inpayment of premiums. • The undersigned•ls ready to deliver - certificates to parties entitled to receive them at the Cat lisle Agency at his office, NO: 8, West main Street, at any time after date of this notice. ••- 1 .05— to Pamphlets, table rates, applications and every - In formation furnished withouti charge. - BACON SHOULDERS, 15 BACON SIDES, : 15 WIUTE BEANS - , 3 05' PARED PEACELES, 25 UNPARED PEACHES . 13 DRIED APPLES, , 250 RAGS, 4 .• A: L. 81;ONBLEtt, Agent. A liberal 'percoutagii will to paid .to one or two good, reliable persona, to canvass oumborl and county on behalf of the above company, which is its only 'Mutual Lift Insurance Company in 'Pennsylvania r and one of the oldegt and most reliable In the country. Apply to A. L. BYONBLER, Agent. 12June OS. - It EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. " A Double 3. Story Brick Mouse , • • w h Frame kitchen attached, suitable ' • for occupancy of two, famillee, or as a H•ll Store Room and Dwelling, eititated on NA PENN STREET, - (JARLISLE, will be disposed of on favorable terms. 13june OS. • Also anornmodlona Too Story Brick ' • • Dwelling Houso, with Brisk ' Back Building, situated on Bast Mann IN • Street, Carlisle. 16june 68, Also a valuable building lot, situated on tho South East corner of West and Pomfret Streets, fronting 60 feet on Pomfret, and 240 feet on West Street. This is one of the most desirable building lots in the borough. 12june 08. Also a Three Story Dwelling Rouse, ' built of Brick and a Frame, containing 8 v " , ' rooms anAkltchim.•with all the modern • improvements, with stable and carriage 1 . „ a hove in the roar, situated on a lot of ground on West Loutt4ir-Stroet, Carlisle, containing 62 feet in front and 2{U feet In depth, a very desirable residence. 12j une 68 • NOTICE.: - Notiee-is hereby given that an application bas been' fnao teher Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland cn d unty, t to_ grant a Charter Incorporation to tho Carlisle Build log and Loan Aasociation, and that if no aufficient cause Is shown to the contrary to the said Court on the 18th day ofAugust, next, .the memo will thou be granted. a Prothonotary's OfltCe 12June•3t. AMERICAN, ANTI-INCRUSTATION CO'S, No. 147 -South Fourth Street, THE-ANTI NE PENNSYLVANIA. ELASTIC 711 T Clfkttiut Street, PHILADELPHIA. EL-ASTI . ° SPONGE, FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. - • , Thg a l t t e lf i h a t i llS w o n ft , es f t or anfi most Elastic and Dura• 1,1 Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage; and - Chair Cushions; - It in entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and free from dust. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I Is always free from insect life; fp perfectly healthy, and for the alck is unebualled. If soiled any way, ,can be renovated quipker and easier-than any other Mattress. Special attention gived to: • FURNISHING eirunenss, HALLS, • Railroad men are especially invited to examine the Cashion Sponge, SATISFACTION GUARANTIED.. , THE TRADE SUPPLIED. • , I2june 68.1 y. - Tho - only - Family - lifaohlrarttnit — WitritnVils work.knita tho too complete=produclog all varieties of knit goods (rom an' infant'o,stockhig, mitten 45r. glovo to a .ladys shaivl or hood.' . Pricq Reduced' to '6B Dallis ! It is simple durable, easily operated and warranted to succeed'ln the bands of. every purchaser. ADDRESS, with stamp for circular and, samplo stalking J. D. OItNE Clen'i Agt. 922 Chestnut Bt, Philo. . lmay 99.9 m. . • G. 001) NEWS 1 ROOD NEWS GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES AT TEE NEW-AND CHEAI'_CASR STORE, CORNER' OF. lIANOVER AND POMFRET STEENS The subscriber would' respectfully inform the pub': lie that_ hale, tocelvirm almost daily from the Eastern' , elites, a largo !cacao() of Now and-Chaim Goode, such LA'DI'ES.' .DRESS GOOD . S i French Ilderinoes, • . Mohaire, Poplins. • , black and Fancy ' ' • ' French Roppa, ' • . Plain and. ' Fancy Do Lainea, • Plain and Fancy A/Plicar r., S SHAWLS! BROCVALO;sTp , AND:SQUARA BREAKFApT MAW'S in gient, Variety „,„ , apd.vory.ctionp , CLOTHS AND OASSIMERDSI '• Karmen and • - American Clothe, • and • .. .1: r Fanny Casalmoreti, ' Dooekine, ' ••' • Illackand 'Fancy . . Over Coatinge, &Wheys, , Kentucky Jane, t, Underchirte and .D 0 M ESTIOnS! Bleached antillrocba, ' „ •• • Table Dlapere, Counterpanes, ' and Quilts,. •• - z r',; , • Cotton Mbuiele; • Bleachedand , • - • • . " -Unbleasbed Muellns, Velcings, Cheeks, • . ..1 Napkins, do, RpMEMByli. THE PLAQE, iv i` ~. 7 - . 42:i 7 T11 ,COIII7.ICR Or '.., HANOVVR A POIIIPRET STREETS, the ' ' foralerly: occupied i. 7 . , ~• NB, R.J.UomoriOn. . • ANTED.-: call at W. 0 BRwyer CO., Dry, Good !Dorn, g l iarc BALE. : ,-4' "tow thorough top biggy very little used, In thorough mak.' st'W ,O. Sawyer's & Co'e store. BAYLER havo a_ prime YaermkOtger for Are cente i ..Try them. 24:esetiii; $1,818;000,86. Lie TCPIII,"I3. At L. SPONSLER, Ren.l77.3tatelkgant- J. P. BRINDLE,' Prothy PIIILADELPIIIA - INCRUSTATOR Wall removo scales from STEAM _ 130amm-andLkeep-them clean render the BOILER 108., liabld , td ,. 6".T . p . /osion r and causing a "great saving of - fuel; These Insramemirs having been in success/1d use during ...the fasteno years in many of the large establishments of Philadelphia and other parts of the United Statesanil from which tho most flattering testimonials of their wonderful saving of fuel and lab& havo been rei calved.. . • Tica_PAßTlb9 hiving BOIL. EltS would do well to call at the Office ' and examine testi menials, he., he. II " 11 1 li JOHN FAREIRA, Praident ,LIRA LUKENS, &c'y and Treas Nulle.3m A SUBSTITIITR FOR CIUR.LED HAIR AGIENTB WANTED TII08:A. HARPER NEW - ADV. E .RTISEMENTS. ,-=-INPORTANT DISCOVERY! TH.E "POULTER'ER"' FRIEND - OR CHICKEN 'OVRARS. ,(Copyright zo6tiratl.) A: CERTAIN °CRC FOR- GAPES IN, CHICKENS AND : TURKEYS Will prevent and Cure Chicken Cholera and other Disease common to Poultry, and will promote an increase of Fat. FULL DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANY .EAOK PACKAGE • PRICE. 26 CENTS. The annexed aro a few of the certificates we h axe received in proof of the west value nt:d ellicary,of the Poulterers' Friend :., OARIIOLLTON,..I3ALTIIIOIIE COUNTY, AID.; Dile.; 10,186 .dtessra. Clotworthy ce Co. GENTLEMEN have used your "Poulterers' Priand" upon a brood of young chickens that bad ' the gapes; and am happy to say, that by the use of a few doses thry wore entirely cured. It will certainly cure the gapes when used according to directions. Yours, as. if.EO. BARMAN. f.awrowN, W. VA., April 7th, 1808. • Messrs. Olottoorthy ct .00. Germ :—I have boon selling your "Poulterers' Friend" . for the last few months; for. the cure of Chicken Cholera, and in ovary Instano • where it has boon used, the disease was arrested at once. It is the greatest Medicine made, It is in • groat demand, and I am selling it rapidly. It certainly acsomplishos all that you claim for it. Yours, do. JONAH T. TItUriSELL. SIIEPLIEIIDSTOWN, IV. VA. April 10th, 2808. - • Messrs. Olotworthy d C 1,.. 111 young chickens troy dying very fast this Spring with the Oapett,and . hearing of your Poultaiers' Friend, I purchased a package from Jos.- M. Stone brakor, Shobliertistown, Va., and it acted like a charm. The Gapes soon disappeared, and my chickens have bo - come healthy and thrifty. I can recommend tho T'oulterors' Friend to all .- -Respectfully, . liISPOTTS. - dusensuoirdH, March 2,3 d, TBOB. Afessi.s.- Clotworthy i ce Cb. • GENTS : , —liaring lost a great many fowls, during the early Spring, with "Chicken Cholera," I was in _duced by-Mr—los. M. Stonebraker, of. Shoehordstown, Va. to try a paper of your "Poulterers' Friend,';' I (UM and I hod only used three doses when' the disease disappeared, and I have not lost -- a fowl' since. I can most mfoly recommend it to do what it says, if the directions are followed. For 'sale by all country Merchants. CHRISTIAN WELTY. CLOT WORTHY 3Tholosale.Dnigglatsc- No. 339 Wot Baltimore Street, Baltimore, M Pripe . s2,oo per Dozen to the Trade. A Liberal Discount Allowed, whoa Purchased in Largo Quantities. Beware of any imitation. None genuine except that manufactured by Clotworthy & Co. All Stenebraker's preparations for sale by_ Wash. mood & Bros., West Main *1.., Carlisle Pa. --29mar4m. Ii 4 I MOMS LOOK TO YOUR IN TEREST I We are offering to the Farmoist of Cumberland and Franklin counties. ' • The best REAPER and, MOWER new made' THE WORLDS REAPER AND 'MOWER • 9P is a two -horse CUT GEAR IRON MACIIINE perfectly secured Porn external dirt, wet or any othe obstruction, and made of the best material, nod I the best possible mecanical manlier. This Machine is recommended to farmers FOR ITS NEATNESS AND STRESOTII, ' /FOR ITS yairriNEss of. DRAFT, IiRcITS_DURABILITY, WILL LAST AS LONG AS . TWO WOODEN..MACHINES, FOR ITS CONVENIENCE IN HANDLING _EITHER .._AS.I%IOIVIIII -01 c REAPER' It combines all tho recent improvements In Mow Ing—folding bar—wave bar—and can bo raised 18 Inches while in motion..wlthout cramping the plt man—can bo operated by a boy. AS A REAPER It is without a rival, being, arrang ed with a superior Dropper, a Side-delivery Itakeuff attachment, or the celebrated Johnston self rake Dither delivering Sheaves only at the will of the operator.. A sample ;Machine can be seen at T. B. Bryson's Warehruse, in Mechanicsburg, or at Faber's Ilotel, in Carlisle. Mr. Daniel {Bidders, residing near Me 'cbanicsbarg, having ono of them in use, will give all necessary information In regard to it, as also will Martin Kunkel, Esq., residing near Newburg. 11. BIGGS, Agent for Franklin and Cumberland - counties, Sid ppensburg,, Pa. D. WIDDERS k MARTIN KUNKEL, are authorised to take orders, for Machines. 'Messy 08,6t5. TN BANKRUPTCY.- • , A_ This is to give notino that on tho 27th day of May, A. D. 1869, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued neatest the estate of Charles W. Ijoynolds, of Ship pensburg, in the county of Curet:n-and, and State , of Pennsylvania who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, that the payment of any debts and the delivery ofany property bolonghlg to such bank, opt to him or tor his ueo, and tho transfer orally property by him aro forbidden by law; that a meeting ..of the crud • • said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to ehooso ono more Assignee of his estate, will bo hold et'a.Gourt lhankrupteY - to - be' hold - on at hie office in the Court Lions°, in Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa. ' bolero Chas, A. Barnott, Register ' on the 17th'day of Juno, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'c , ock, A. M. P. O. ELLMAKEIt, U. S. Marshall,, an Messenger, her 8.11. Galbraith; Dep'y., U. S. Dep'y Marshal's Oilier, Bloomfield, May„lB6B. 20ma§,-2t, QC HOOT, TAX FOR 1868.- IJ Duplicate of School 'Pesos for - the florougls of Carlisle, is now In the hands of the Treasurer for colloatlon Notteo Is - therefore-giventliat-the-Treitol-1 user will attand - at the_ county—Court—liouse,(Coro-1 inlaslonors Orrice,) on . • Priflay the 31s1 of July next, beta tenihe liiiure of 9 an d 6 o'clock of said day, tor the puyyose of xebeiving said Taxes, up lc which time no abatement of Five por.oent; will he maids on all taxes paid. Persons wishing to pay their taxes before th above date, can do so, by callitig at the ofilee of the Treasurer In - Marlon Hail building. ' Treasuree. Vmay-10t O CONTRACTORS AND BUILD. . . I: HRS. „ , - eafind proposals, marked proposals for a bull ling for tho poor of Cumberland county, will be received by the uodersigniid at Oarlieloointll the Bth day of Juno, noxt, at 12 o'clock, 81., for building an - addl. Lionel building for the poor of Cumberland county, on ground adjoining the present Poor House. Plans and tpucificatious may be seen at the omen of the county Commissioners. , _ The Board of Directois macro NW right to reject all oratly of the proposals.' Ample security will be r equiredlrom•the accepted bidder, J. SNIDER JOHN PAUL" • ~ • • • • 'DAM wor,F, • Directors of the Poor of Cumb., Co. ' 22may-3t.. . , SUDDEN .DEATH n tho foto of ovary fibro upon -whrch tho OAUSTIO POISON 11!ZIIM!lifflEMM RESITILICEOTION for the filaments tbos bllgh Buri-us thg 'TWINKLING OF AN EYE, hair of any obnoxious color is changed to a and'at the name lira, vitalized - and iniprovekby the use of.) QIUSTA.DORO'S 4AIlt DYE, natbio's salb ally, abd beauty's ibaonorator.. , factaked by J. , OItIBTAI - 410; 68' Maidop Lana; . Nose York:. Bald by idl bruggists. Applthd by all - flair Drumm • % U.NEOUTOR'S - NOTIOE:- -,124 Letters Testamontary litivlng this day . boon . Ballad on the estate of Jacob ltice Jaig_er_Eagt, Nuns thlerionnty, to stibierlber residing in Duna anon, Parry 'county. Notice 10 hereby givento all perions indobted to saki estate, to make Immediate payment, and to all thnse haying Ohihns against in to proselit them to t ~ ,t DANIEL; 11.1P11; lixeentoy. , 20may-ilt rIBE ,CIDER , YINECIAR.-- Vomil leo supplloil. with that I ndliiionollilo article o good houtoltoopors.-Puro Older, V inegar - In , all q uon titles; op. opklleptlonto' ,•--- ,-, °-- - • `- - ~ " ' 0. L. nefaup,T. • : . - FOR SALE:—.:.,A, NO. 8 William , Ponti Stove, as good as pow, 'all the turoi ovIII:be sold at a bargain' For Information Ingulfo,at, this T) OSEI BAYLEM3 is, the place, to got a good fivo . ooni. Qlgar. 7. pdri'i forgot tho Butwoon !Itheoin's Rail and the 'Franklin lions Priflof,Okga' plahol gang; of 4 Btop!t,' cost $29 to put In order . Video Euquirii . at this Omio. D GOODS; 0415t:13E117 4 2,. .131Alry M. BENTZ HEW .ATE . G 0 S ! • . . Having Purchased thi largo stock of gOrkla from A. .W. Dents, We have aysoclated together for tho pur pose of conducting the Dry Goods Dusineis undo the above designation. To this large and well assorted stock, we have added largely of new and ELEGANT " GOODS . . we find ourselves in a condition to successfully ,com pote with any house in the trade between Phila delphia and Pittsburg. Our immense stock consists in part of CLOTHS; CA - SSTRERES, TESTLNGS, In groat variety and of choice designs suitable-for spring, summer and Winter wear, and - nil art'eles necessary to completti a Gentlemen's Wardrobe. For this department we have engaged the services of - an • " A NO. -:I:.TAILOR, whose garments aro warranted to lit. SILKS plain fancy and' bluk, ' • • DE LAIN ES all wool, desirable colors, ° • POPLIN ALPACAS:tashades, EfOIIAIR LUSTRES and POPLINS." PRENOLI PERCALES, nice goOds, SILKS, heavy blacktand plain solid colors, . • ALPACIIIAS, Poplin do, bin& and fancy, Parasols Umbrellas, all ohms, and dI the most fashionable Dress 'Stuffs in the mar. ket, Kid, Silk Lisle Thread, Buck Cotton Gloves, and evarYthing desirable in the Glove line. .. ' Cambric and Swiss Edgings and Insertings, in great abundance, Laces, Handkerchiefs, from the lowest price up to Onset needle worked embroidery. Ribbons, all shades (rota yd. wide, down to the very narrow. . Trimmings a very largo assortment comprlsing9itry good thing In use. • Buttons, Funs, • Muslies, Calicoes, • Ginghams, ' Flannels, Tie . longs, • " Checks, liens, all in great variety.: Cambria, Nainsook, Jaconot, and Bwlse .Mualina Table - Lim:wand Llnoii,and ()lota Table CoVers. GRAIN BAGS, -BALSIGRAL ,SKIRTS, MENGEL' CORSETS: CAR-PETS! CaRPETS!! From 35 ets., per yard up to the best Imperial three -ply,-solling- lower - than-the-market-rates.--C rpat Chain Binding. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Mattinga, Rugs, Window Blinds &c. - - • - .We have the stock to accommodate the. entire . corn. munity and all to be sold lower than can bo bought anywhere in this section of the country. Collura see lmay 68 tf CASH. ! CASII.! ! _. --- I have this day commenced selling of my entire stock of Winter Goods at greatly reduced prices for cash. FRENCH al EitINOES, It ALPACAS, ' ' .• PAIL-META% - WOOL PLAIDS and other Dress Goods, bt Cost. - Shawls, Blankets, • Flannels, Llndsoys,-.4c, at very great bargains. . _ CLOTHS,--tASSIMEItIig — S . , CASSINETTS &c., very low. BALMORAL.% Lower than ever sold in Carlisle. Tickings, Checks, . G-I;whams, Canton Flannels, at the very Iftest..rjc . All the best make CA — RCOES, at. 121 els. - A& my stock has • been bought since tho great de cline in prices,-groat bargains may be expected. Som( articles loss than cost to reduce my stock as soon' m possible. MIAS. 06ILBY, No, 97, West Main Street BOOTS AND SHOES! wiDins ,--- Angs - trrud — uniir , S , A toots and Shoes, of the vary best makes, at rest to close out the Mock. 1867 Sl4l-ING. RARGAINS • NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CASSERERES, DADINETS, _ WHITE GOODS, .DRESS TRIMMINGS, ZYPLIERS, • RIRRONS, AT 4 RING'S NEW STORE, No. 65 WEST MAIN STREET. Opposite the - Blandon ROLM, next to Post Ofllee w disk, MIMIC Tincture of Roots • WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Dyspopsia.or Intilgestton, Disordered Stomach and Liver, Costiveness,- Impurity of the 13lood, Head ache, Vertigo or Giddiness, Nervous Debility, ' Fever and Aim°, Incubus or Nightmare, General Debility, Cramp, Colds, and Paine in the Back and Side. This is not a new Medicine; the receipt for malting it was 1 rought from Germany to Baltimore, Md. ' • over filly years ago by Mr. Klein, who Introduced it among a few of his , German friends and neighbors, *rho, Coding it to ho all invaluable remedy -of—the aborndiseascs, recommended it to eaters, until it became, and still continues, to he, the household medicine of aim), portion of the Germans of Baltl- 'The Bitter Tincture of Roots Is composed of the Juices of a number of tho most valuable roots; and seed's knowwto_ the medical faculty, with a mike', oncy_ofTpTiro old ryo.itlilli; fey . .i .- to make ono of the ost - offectuatTonlc - Tinctures ever' offered to the. public. Every person should use it every "Spring Summer and Pall to purify the blood, give tone to the stomach unddnvigorato tho system. • T 1 T 1.110 N .ELL S. • • The Rev. Geo. llunter aaya:— I clo'hereby cortlly that baying used one bottle of Shark's bitter Tinctureof ; toots, I have found it invaluable for the stomach and bowels. It relelved moot pains, nausea and costiveness and created an excellent appetite. I confidently recommend It to all as a reliable Medicine. GEO. HUNTER. Jan. 21th 1968. Having boon afflicted for some Mine with dyspepsia, costiveness, loss of appetite, and general proutration of the sy stem, I used Shock's Bitter Tincture of Roots, and in a short time found mysdlf entirely relieved, and my health named. .1. B. HERBST, No. 21,-NOrth Hanover St., Carlisle. I hereby certify that the Medicine, known as Sherk's Bitter Tincture of Roots,•ha.s to my knowl • edge, cured' costlyonces, nightmare, lois of appetite and general debility. _ .7. W. SMILDY, • • , No. 3b, North Hanover St., Carlisle. • Having boon afflicted with costiveness for a long time, I tried Shark's Bitter Tinathre of Route, and have found it highly efficient, relieving me 111 short time. Try, It and you will find it •• . A. W. BENTZ, • N 0.27, South Hanover St.,. Carlisle. ' In the summer of 1806 my health failed so that my whole system was prostrated nett worn out, no that I was•unflt for business. I need Sherk's Ritter Tincture of Roots for some time, and was-completely restored' to health. I believe this medicine will do all that is claimed fur it. SAMUEL GOODYEAR. Carlisle, February 1, 1802. ' " - • • ' • [lading boon afflicted .a long time with nervous debility and indigestion, .I. used, . Shark's Bitter Tincture of Route, and have found It- exceedingly beneficial; and recommend it to all - no p reliable 'medicine. ••• ' Mrs. E. KELLER.. • Therels - gronpmfdiearvirtue in one •of these _hot iles than - in a galleu - of manyof ilia TIMMS and nil's , : lures noVoillored to the public. • • • MANUFACTURED 'AND SOLD-BY • ' • A. ,SCHAIJBLA • 4:,. CO. No: 32, SoittLalanolior_Slroot_Carlislo_:Ta, ,AlsO For Salo by'Druggl4s tiOd ill cOuo.: try SiOros. , DR.- -ROOI '8 PAIN - •ITICT.OR. • • Cures Neuralgia, Toothache and palm in the . storm acturand bowels,in ten minutes. It never 'fails to uro pane ha the haat sand' lame, 'batilta, ;It is 'the be , ..0 use.loc_ltheumatlatn, Sprains Cholera,. 'Mon. hue. in 'Summer Complaints. -• . • , • , TIM Pali. 'Victor Naturtbr Curo, gathered triad the vegetable kingdom, not a mineral: pillion. It should be is every bonsar—a sure and certain balp iu ,%line 'The enigma of Carlisle that bain' used It testify as folloWai I have boon subject for 'the lost 'fifteen years-to•atiacks of-rhehmatioin and lamiliack-whielt. for the last tWo years ben become so severe, at, thnos that I was antirely , disabled for businoss, I used your, Dr. Rock's Pain Victor, this opting, and. part of one, bottiff has entirely, cured Me., I recommend it with: confldokee to ,others. • —JACOB. MARTIN, ' - No. 31, South. llailoyorStreef, Qatllelo.. haviused your ;Palo Victor for weakniels in my . bath, awl berre, (wad e portecti urn In' a shertlime. believe it to be an Infallible cure.. '• ! • , • • .1011N.11. PILICAY. %MIMI , . B. 4. Brady, -Pa., Bible . Agent -says: have used ' our Dr.ltockla Pain' Victor in hay family, and,found it a suro and gulch. cure for Neuralgia and Toothaolio. B. A.IIIiARY. .It Cor,ed me' olfoottially of Neuralgia and Tooth , -; - -JOHN 11. LANDIS., Dr. Itock's Pain Victor' =Atli ' us ofltheumatlam and:Neural:a," -• Mrs:LOUISA-M01111.1130N-. • ,; We Oho,* a lly:recommend your Vein Victor. keen •Inraittablo ulody-for' hooffluffla - JOIIN - J, PALLE:It. ' Matto and sold by A, &haul& It Co., No. Db, Booth Hatmeor Street, Carlisle, Pa. Whore every _ person, afflicted with Neuralgia - , ToottiaChe, Ilosdoache and pains In the Stomach is' Invitoato calj runt be cured in ton minutes, fla/ of-charge. -For solo by.Drugglits mid all country stores. • IIENTLEMEN wishing a flue flavored '‘A , Cigar about(' try BobO. & Daylor , o Moak Crook'? only ¢s.. 461rioY•00 , . , UNION PACIFIC Are now finished and In nperation. 'Sixty miles of track has beeniald this spring, and the work along the whole life between •the Atlantic and Pacific States le being pushed forward more rapidly than over before. More than twenty thousand men aro employed , and it is now poeilble that the entire track, from Omalui to Sacramento, will bo"flnis hod In 1800, Instead,of 1870, The means provided are ample, and, all that onorgy;mon and money can do to metre tho completion of this • GREAT NATIONAL 'WORK, • at tho earliest possible day, will be done, The UNION PACIFIC, ItAILROAISCOMPANY receive Government Grant of the right of way; and nil necessary Umbel' and other materials found . . along the line of Ito operations. IL—A Government Grant of 12,800 acres of land to tho mild , talcon in alternate 'notions on each - lido of its road. This • isjan absohlto donation and will boa source of largo revenue in the future. Government Grant of United States Thirty y oar Bon de,amountlng to 810,000 to 848,000 per mile; accohilisg to .6ho difficulties to bo sur mounted on`tho various sections to bo built. Tho Government takes a second mortgage as security, and - it is expected that not .only the interest, but _ticuprincipal amount may be paid in service ran• dared by the Company an transporting troops, mails, &. The interestkis nosy' much more than . . paid in this way, besides securing a great saving in thee and money to the Government. 'I.V.—A Govern Mont Grant of the right to Issue its own FIRED MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid In building the road, tb the barns amount as the U. S.Bonds, Issued for tho same inii.pose, and 'no more: The 00VARNMENT WILMISS the Trw tees of the First • Mortgageßoniiholders to deliver the Bonds to tho Company...only so the roadls complere, and after it 'has boon examined by the United- States Com • missiontrs and pronounced to bo in. all. respects . a tirst-class Railroad, laid with a heavy _Trail, ' and completely supplied. with, depotd, etitione, turnouts, carahops, locomotives, care, - V.—A Capital Stock Subscription from the Stock- holders, of which over Eight Dillies Dollars have been paid in upon the work already Alone, and which will. g Increased an the wants of the Com. pony require. A Vl.—Net Cash Eainings on its Way Business,. that already amount to MORE THAN TOE INTEREST' on - the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings are no indication of the vast through traffic that must follow the opening of the lines to the Pacific, but they certainly prove that - , FIRST - MORTGAGE - BONDS.::_ upohnuch a property, coating nearly. three times their amount.- Are , Socure beyond any Contingency The Company hai'o abundant means in their tree. nary, and make no appeal to tho 'platilit to. purchase their-llonds, as the daily subscriptions are entirely satiafactory; but.they submit that, for entire security and liberal returns, thorn - is - certainly no better in: vestment In tho market. -Thu Union Pacific "Bonds aro for $l,OOO each,. and have coupons attached. They have thirty years to run and bear annual Interest, payable on the first days - of_January and July at the Company's Mao In the City of Now York, at tho rate of six per cent. in gold at maturity. At the present rato of gold, them bonds pay an annual income on the cost of I=rl . NEARLY NINE PER CENT., 7 - • AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT THEY WILL SOON BE AT A PREMIUM. Tho Company reserve the.right to advance the.prlco to a rate above par at any timo, and will not, "fill any orders or receive any subscriptions on which the money has notheenactually paid at the Company's office before the time of such advance. Parties subscribing will remit the par value of the bonds and the accrued interest In currency at the rate of six per cont. per annum, from _the date on which the last coupon was paid. Subscriptions will be received 411,Carlisle by • A. L. 4PONBLER, find hYNotv York At the Crirepanyis Office, No. 20 Nassau Street, awn .1. Cisco & Eon, Banlsors No. 50 Wall St., And by the Company's ndvOlsod agents throughout Remittances should be made in drqfti or other funds par in hero Tbrk, and the BOlylB . will be sent free of -charge by return express. Parties subscribing through local ageuta, ,sill leBl9llTp...fsE their sg[~ltliusry.. A'PAMPI - ILET AND NAP FOR 1808 has just-been published by the Company, giving fuller Information than Is possible In an advertisement, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Rokources of the Country • traversetl.by_theJtoad, the_Means for Construction, -and-the , Nalue . of - the - liondsi - which - will• be - sent' free on application at the Ciimpany's coke or to any or the advertised a4ents. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, Now York. 20may-08. • j - o fr N ett 1.3.. N E . It'. 18D7 M E R 0-1-I ammo In Kramer's Building, near Ithoom's Ball, Carlisle, Pa., has just returned from the Eastern Cities with tho largest and most COMPLETE- ASSORTMENT NOTIONS, ,k 0 Cloths, Gents' furnishing Goods, &e., Tar brought to Carlisle ENGLISII, = of the finest texture ainlf all shades. Dernerdieini biros Ira practical cutter of long experience Is prepared to warrant perfect Me, and prompt filling of orders. Piece Goods by the yard, or cut to order. Don't forget tho place. loamy oi-tf. • J. T. DELA CRO.C.X, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CARPETINGS, mArkir(c3iyoTerciTnB, — Riravr - c. • No. 37 South Second St., above Chestnut N.B.—Purchasers will do well to.cidl Bmay.2m.' AGENTS WANTED FOR THE , OFFICIAL lIISTORY OF TEII WAR,. ITS 'CAUSE, CHARACTER. CONDUCT AND RESULTS.• ' BY HON. ALEXANDER FF. STEPIIBNS, 4 Book of all Sections' and all Partin. . . This groat work prosorits the only complete' and impartial analysis of the cause of the -War yet pub lished, and 7116 those inlerlor 'lights and shadows of the gre y conflict only known to those high "officers who retched the flood-tido of ravolution.from its fountain spring, And which was so accessible to Mr. Stephens, from bis, position as second officer of the Confederacy. . . To a public .thst• has heen - surfelted" with - APPAR. PRODUCTIONS, we promise a' change of fair, b, th agreeable and' salutary, and an Intellectual treat of tbo highest order. The • great Arno - a - inn War has AT LAST found a historian .worry thy of 10 Importance, and the -candid and Impartial treatumut which truth, and Justice so urgently do. mend. . The irltonso desire every where. manifested to ob. tan this work, Its olgcial character and ready sale, combined with An Increased commission, make it the bast subscription book over published. One agent In Easton, Pa. reports 72 subscribers in three days.. -- Ono In - Roston Mee. 103 pubscrlbers in - fouc - days. - One in Memphis Tenn. ltiel subscribers in five ,days-' Bend for Circulars and sea our terms, and' a full ticserll4l o ll of the .work,: with' press, notices of ad-, vanco shoots, Au Address NATIONAL PUDLISIIINO CO. - 268outh — Bovon St, rtilliiliklbtiktiPii:-7 22may.4t, A P i ESI ME II 2I 4E PROPERTY &T In. 0140 : spring,,Wrislijngto,n Cqu'nty, Thd aubscribar Intends changing Ma location' in bushing, agars his tno•otory BRIM STORE AND DWELLING Tim Store House lo 20 by 60 foot, the .Divalllnti bus 10 rooms with collar Under whole. Iyuco - and A part ircovaratt with Blativ-and—part—Thi, with SPRING H0U5E,.(3100D,0131.41N0, , CABRIAGII 110IISG, 000 D LOT and All good 'PRIV, ono of tho boot locations for busiliose — in• town. ,- Itorsonwbuying the al* vo 'properly :dall..pat, poetess , . bit by tho Gth day—of August or lot of Boptombor Can alsoif_thoy (Melia buy, the. Stock. of Goode ex I ' W ill give a good Bargain theca at coot, &a, Moo ,1 tivmstory • . , , . . .131q . c1 . 1!opsek iv 4,4, 8 ,Itapplq, and nitli till goods)ut ljulldirigeNrOw Ote;lrihe yard;: now ocoppled as nConfoctlonark Store,' Also • A FRAME 'TWO-STORY SHOP . . . , . . . • ''PiAsoeslou of tho two last named • proportles .' will ho glyen ou tho let of April next.- Tor • farther In formation address, .- : ~ -, MARTIN PIYEREI,' , - 4/mAY 2 In. 0 - • - Oleareprlng Md.. N, BANKRUPTCY. • • • ~• , - Eastern *strictqf Itnnoivititiii S. R, • 0/1111,11AL Mays, 13, A. D. 1863. Tho undersigned.homby gives 1301.1C11 of his appoint ment as Assignee of Beattie' 0, Iluyett, of 31echanics-, burg, In the county of, Cumberland, and /Arta of Pennsylvania, within said District, who hits been ad judged a Bankrupt. upore'his dim., petition by, the. District Court of said District. ..'" T.,. 41Arsuur, N: IC3SDiINQRR, Assignee: ~. 20may-tlt MISCELLAN,SOUS. 60 0 S RA.I.LROAD tho United dtateo. AILOR Cassimeres, Vestings, nis cloths comprise AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale and Retail, PIIILADE - LPHIA MISCELLANEOUS: RIN'GF'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OE THE•. ACE! G - ra7-IXericte,d. IN3ople have their locks restored by it to the dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy' Young People, with tight, faded orred Hair, have these unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice People' whose heads are, covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have. clean coats and - clear and healthy rtallt.l-1-Xencleci . Aretokaxts have their remaining locks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance for joy! Young Gentlemen Use — it because it is richly perfumed! - Young Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair. in place I Everybody must and will use' if; because it is the cleanest and best article in the market! . For Sale by Druggiatil generally. 7faboB- y CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL CHA_ptGE OF HOURS! • On-and after Monday, May 11(14 1R68; - Passonger Trains will run daily as follows, (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD "ACCOMNQpATANTRAIN loaves Harrisburg 8,05 A. 81; Mochanitsburg 8,38, Carlisle 9,15, News , 'lle 0,60, Ship. ponsburg 10,21, Chamborsburg 10,45,Nreeneastle 11,23, arriving at - Hagerstown • -.., MAIL Tamil loaves Harriab'urg . 1,49 - P. 81., Mechan icsburg 2.13, carliow 2,45, Norville 3,214 - 18h1ppons• built 3,50, Ohambersburg 4,80. Greencastle 5,05 arriving at Hagerstown 5,35 P. M. Excuse Trtaist" - loaves Harrisburg 4,15 P. M.. Mechanicsburg 4,47, Carlisle 5,17, Nowville 6,50, Bhippensburg 6,17, arriving at Chambersburg at 6,45 P. Si. -- A MIXED TRAIN loaves OluMberBbUrg 8,05 A. M., Greencastle 9,25, arriving at Hagerstown 10,10 A. M., . EAST-WARD: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaved. Chambersburg 4,45 A. M., Shipperisburg 5,14, Nowvlile 5;46, Carlisle 6,18, Mechanicsburg 6,47, arriving at Harrisburg 7,16 A. M. MAIL TRAIN loaves Hagerstown 8,00 A. M., Green . -castle-B;3N-- Chambersburg 0,15. Shipponsburg 0,46 - -Newvillo 10,10, Carlisle 10,53, Mechanicsburg 11,20, arriving at-Harrisburg 11,66 A.M. - EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Ilage;stown 12,01 P. 51., Greencastle 12,33, Chambersburg 1,10, Shippensburg Newvillo 2,15, Carlisle 2,68, Mechanicsburg 8,20, arriving at Harrisburg 3,65 P. M. A MIXED ,TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 9,16, P. M. Greencastle 4,22, arriving at Phamttorsburg .415 .oLig•Making Aloes connections at Harrisburg -with trains to apd from Philadelphia, Now York, Haiti. more - Washington, Pittsburg; and all polo to {Pest. dOPERINTENDENT'S ()MU, • 0. N. LULL. Chambersburg, Pa., May 8, 1868. Srtp'E. 15may.68.-- riUMBERLAND VALLEY HORSE' 3 C IIsiBURANOB Apn? DETEOTIVE - COM ANY. • CAPITAL $60,000 The above Company ,-- bas .been orgaillzad_ for the Insuring of. all kinds of live stock against lose by death, theft or accident. Tho. fates of Insurance are as low and as fayorable as any Compbyly of -the bind in this United States, while an abundant _capital, and a careful manage ment of its affairs, make It most desirable to those wishing - A°. - - President WILLIAM WOLELLAN, Vice President w. F. SADLER, Secretary. Appllcatioes fir Insurance can bo rondo to - 11. K. PEPPER, Agent at Carllslo Pa • Or to J. E. JOIINSON,.Actuary, Shlpponsburg Pa &nay - 68-Iy. f OARDING. • -The subscriber having rentedand takerposses- Mon of tho large and commodious dwelling house, known as Inhoff's building, situated on the south west corner of Mellott Square and Hanover Street, proposes to accommodate a Waited number of per manent boarders, and all transient custom that may ,:spply. Having Just retired from the proprietorship of Hid Common House, ho Is well prepared to fur nish the very best accommodations to be found In tho town. Persons desiring good boarding at rea sonablo rates, will do well to call and give him a trial. 13may-4 THE FARMER'S BANK, OF C&R 1. LISLE, PENNSYLVANIA,- - Gamin:) , organized: has berm opened, for transaction of agonoral banking buelnese, im thti corner room of R. Given's now building, on the. North .West corner cf nigh street and the Centro Square•. Tho Directors hope by liberal and careful manage ment to make this a popular Institution, and a safe despository for all who may favor the bank With their accounts. •• • . Deposits received and paid back on deriand, Inter est allowed on special deposits ' Gold, Silver, Treasury Noteiiitnd Government Bonds, bought and_sold. Collections made on all -accessible points in the ceuntry. Discount day, Ttiesday. Banking hours from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M. J. O. IJOFFER, thshier, EMS= It. Given, President, Thomas Paxton, John W-Craighead,— . 27mar-GB tf. Wm. U. Miller, David Usikee, J—Elermart, - Abrabam Witmer, ~ C HARLE'S WILLIAMS HEATiNO.AND.VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, ' N0..,1132 & 1134 Market Street, Ilan an , entirely now heater. It is constructed as to at once commend itself to general favor, being a combination of wrought and cast Iron. It is very simple IV its construction, and is perfectly air tight; self-cleaning, bovine no pipes or drums to bo tattoo ant and atom - led. It 'ls so arranged 'with upright flues as to produce a larger amount' of heat from !the same weight of coal than any furnace now in 'use. The hygrometle eonaltion 01 the air • as produced- by my yew arrangement of evaporation will at - once do 'monstrate that it Is the only • HOT AIR FpRNACE that will produco a perfectly healthy atmosphere. I am now maltium lye slzes of POUT/VALES, and four for Masonry. 11 ANGt B, Spacial attention Is call to my ROW OOLDIIN JIAGLIICOOKING RANGES, as I fool assured thorn Is nothing In use that can compare with them, as regards their durability, economy and efficiency, with a largo assortments of Low Down Oratoo, Firs Place Stoves - Registers and Ventilators. Pond for illus tratod circulars. ' - Imay - -• . • , 2,500,000 oustornn. fn Pour Years - ••, PATRONIZE . THE BEST lloving thutoritest oaUltal,mostexperioneett buyers, and oxtensivArade of any , coneern to the Dollar Sale - buSlitess, wo GUARANTEE SATISFACTION - In ovory Instance,- and algo the. boot solootltnr of Goode over offered At ' • ONE ' , DOLLAR EA011.5- • No other concern'has any show wherever ow Agents we telling Our -firkin. "Prompt and Reliable." Maio and fornalo agouti wanted In city and country. T..11E LADIES • Aro berticuParlY eaquosied to try our -popular club syntom of calling all Nlnde. of. DRY -AND FANCY GOODS, DIII4BB.PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTM CAPo TORE, SILVER PLATED GOODS, , WATCHES' Ae.. (Establiehoil 1864.) 'A' patent pen fountairLand 'a attack ileserlblog an article to bo cold for a dollar, lOcte; 20 for. $2; 40-for 4s; 00 for $0; 100 km 410; sant by mall. Free piesonte to getter up, (mortis 50' jeer cent more than those sent by .any other concern}) accord ing to aloe of club.. Bond us a trial _club, or if not do not fall to eond fora circular. " N. Biz Our sale should not be, classed with. New York dollar jowelrpssles or Pogue "Tea Companies," as it le nothing ortho sort , !-• 'EASTMAN & KENDALL,. 65 linnoyor,Str9t,..Boston, Naga. . „ 22may OS PP RIVATE residing In .West PenrishorOugh townehlp, at Mount Rook, offers at private -sale the following Ile. scribed roal estate: A'lot of ground 'containing a little more than one eery, having thereomaroctoll a fro eto• ry LOG 110119 WBATiIIiIItIIGARDED,A LOG SHOE. MAKEIthIII3' a story and ry kinhio, a Good-Stable, Wagon Shod; Corn Oribundiliog , Mt: A good well of water is also 'on the priusirseih',Torme Inquire of , ' .1111NitY Mount Gook, 13may 41W IEXECUTOR'S'-'N.QTICE; Loiters Tostamentor s ytod; the •ectate of Daniel onderly, deo'd,, late of.Dielthison torotthip, having thin day boon•istmod.'to • the subscribet residing in South Middleton townshlp. Notice le heroby,givett to all persons ill dobtecl to sold estate, to Matte Immo diets payment, end .tn all , Orions Nixing:Mains agaidat It to pronarlf. tlam•for'sottletiloni; 1• • .208.1011-A.STUAIIT, 401311Pil..DAlilt1, k4ecttoi7..-, .20may4:1 1868. 8 u MER lB6B. A megnitteont stock of ■ew (hoods now on ex 'lllplttola at Greeafiela,at No. 4 East Mail& St., Having determined to keep 'a much larger etoek of. Drag Goods than heretofore, I am now pre pared to 'exhibit one of the 'moat beautiful stock of goods; consisting of all the latest novelties of the Beason for ladles suits, and also all the thin fabrics for summer wear NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Every thing in our Dress Good department will be found of the Intost• Importation ol our purchases last week, we know we have some bargains that can. riot be found elsewhere.. Onr,NODEANS, SEASIDE LIIBT,E)18, The new and deehable eludes of PEARL and 818 MARK ALPACAS only 60 cent,. The BEST efkrtment of n town from 81,75 to 4,60 per yd '.rF Al 4 Y_ L Lawns, Delaines; BLACK GOODB., BOMBAZINESi OASILDIERg3, he. A groat bargain In all WOOL DELAINEEL BLACK BLUR, DRAB and BISMARW. A good astortment-of WHITE OAS_HMER-E:S-; Glovee, Crape, W. B. MULLIN; Funeral ordel:s promptly land. satletactorlylflled A well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS bought Tory cheap, wilt bo sold at popular prices Blenched and Unbleached Manlius from the lowest grade to the finest Now York Mills Inclinllng all tho best makes. COTTONADES, SEE= MCKORY ST.T.PES, GINGHA.MS, TABLE CLOTHS, all at prices that defy competition .711ITy GOODS, Pique, Nalanook's, CaTabrles, pled and pliiin-Vrliies, • , In great varletlea, all shies of the beet Etiglph Goods et reduced rates'. . PHIL ADELPITIA BARGAINS IN SHADES. . BARGAINS IN SACKING CLOTHS largotssortmontof Shades CLOTHS and .CASSHUERES.7- At the lowest market rates, In thct rimy of them obeapor.than before the war. FRENCH CORSETS CHEAP The best selling Kid Glove in• town selling at 0144 A. new ]pt of 1100 P BICIRTB, direct from the man* ac truer at a bargain. • ' FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE OIL OLOTEIS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, . All I ink le an examination of my' kook. Dunn will be astonished at the difference of prices between Ole pad ot b cr Warr. L. T. GREFINFIELD. ~,.. EAST. RAIN STREET .„ DRY GOODS. GRANIT POPLINS, OHENEA - POPLINE4 ---j- 811111 ARR POPLINS, BLACK, SILKS ,y A full lino of Cambrios, Percale, Alapaoa Linters, Cliallies, &04-&c ALRLOAII, TAMIS CLOTH, Coll Are, and Crapes, Scarfing, =. w Bilks al*Sve on'l nd CHECKS, lICKIN GS, PRINTS, TABLE LINENS, Ter'atone, Brilliants. Hosiery, Eltrlpi . ild Binellns, • OIL CLOTHS,34 STAIR OIL CLOTHS, SILK lIMBEELLA.S. = DRY'6 SPRING.: 1868: - eaAs the dellgto,llol }Miniolln Just epon . , LEIDIG4-dt, MILLERS Have just • recelvad an :unusually large aupply DICATITIYUL 1:100D2,, salted to the season, and; anyr ready for Inspection._ - A GRAND - DI6FLAY. OF DRESS SILKS, In all the new color, and ebedoe B'LA CK SI\LKS • of every grade and quality. _All the new styles end colon of desirable DRESS CIOCO DS Por Walking Bulb, such au • CHINA MOHAIR POPLINS; • . PLAIN MOll4llll, POPLINS, - , STRIPED A PLAIN 'MOITALRSi • OOLORED ALPAO4O, COLORED PRIMO,. FRENCH PERCALES, SCOTCH OINGIIAMS, FRENCH CHINTZES, , , And many - other geode for the season SPRING' SHAWLS,, SPRING BA,Qtrak3 AND.gANTLEfi, All the nen styles and colorsiof SILK PARASQLS, For .Ladies, /disal and Children Plena° do not fo'rgritthe fact that LEIDICH & MILLER Always bete the largest and most complete stock of WHITE _GO_ODS, Embracing PLAIN AND STRIPED moriAttts,. PLAIN AND STRIPED JAOONETS, BEAUTIFUL STRIPED MUSLIMS; PLAIN FRENCH MUSLIN& MI the new styles of Tucked and Striped . hfuitin for GA R . I B AIL D I B , MOURNING GOODS, The best assortment in the town FUNERAL GOODS, Every thing regnired for funerals. Veiy @Wet atter' tion'giretto filling all orders for tho 681110: DOMESTIC GOODS Stacks and stacks of Bleached and Dublsachid MIIBLINS, at prices below market netes. Calle s from 8 to 123,4 ote. Good Domestic G1NG11A1121234 TICKING% CHECKS,. TABLE LINENS and CLOTHS, TABLE DOYLIES and NAPKINS, TOWlar.T.Tame, TOWELLINGS, Ac., he. CARPETSII - OARPEVS The largest stock that has ever bean offered in Carlisle, and selling at mucb lower rata than for years. Beet quality LOWEL THREE (lost Quality IEkRTFORD THREE PLY, EXTRA SUPER TWO PLY, all qualities, ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, • . In'new styles, STRIPED CARPETS, of •all widths, suit- suitable for halls and stairs FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Nevi styles for halls, in tdl widths. TABLE OIL OLOTHO,, CLOTH TABL - E, COVBRS, Marseilles Quilts, ' . Lancaster Quilts, • Honey Comb Quilt/4—, (New Styles.) - Cord Coverlids, OIL WINDOW SHADES all colors and styles,, CLOTHS & O'ASIMERZEI MS new styles and oolong now on bond, a. d se , ug At greatly reduced prices. N OTIONSI NOTIONS!! TRUIBLIIQS, , • • • • BUTTONS • LAOS , • • mai no ms • • akiry • . • inovls, • HANDICEROMBEII. • : lIOOP SWUM and thousand of other good ilosintblit good. Up annot be molattokled hon..' • . - AboTo wo WO YOn bat a small' enntartatton of the immense amount of seasonable and attraotlee stook of goods that yoU will dud on band. Do • not fall •to give us au 'early call as we are offering - great hultme. meats In all kinds of goods: , Groat bargains all the 'time. We do not limit the time tar bargains to sliq ,or nibety' days, but state that at all times we sell goods cheaper than the eheabest L' LEIDIOH & BLILL.ER. =MIS Sign of PI, Carpet Balk; - NO': .2 EAST MAIN' STREEt;. 4arlillg( lennOhrtinliki -1868. Mil MEM