Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 19, 1868, Image 2

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    Ehit Afraid
OF' ILLlxors.
Aiuiitor General.
• of Montgomery County.
Surveyor Gene' ra4
of Cambria Cimnty
If On Sunday_ last Mri Chase attended the
African Church id Richmond,' lt fact that
expected to advance his chances for the
Democratic- nomination: • The "nigger" is
to baTi , datnned" no longer for a certainty.
H 0740 do progress. _ •
TUE . Derctopratic— joiirnithi which urge
CIRANT's resignation of his military office
forget that judge Wootnvano did not resign
while 'a
candidate in ,this State last year
4 and that MoOLELLior i the Democratic can-
didate_inl64_for_the..Presidency, did.not re
sign until Nov:i3th, the day of the,election
We quote these not as examples, but as ad consistency in the Democracy
So ran the Democratic State conventions
have shown 'a
remerl:fibV unanimity in
avoiding apy very positive expression of
opinion on the gfeat .issues of the day.--
Trne to the well-known admit:utile drill and
discipline of the party' they lea f ve them
serves open' for Pendleton and a white man's
government, _or Chase and negro snirrage
just as the New York conclave mny direct.
The slavery of party dominancy has never
been more powerfully illuStrated.
ME Democratic papers and loaders of
the party don't sayrialrOs — mueh -about_the_
negro as they did before Mr. Chase, the
original "negronquality" advocate, became
'a fcirmidable.Demotratic candidide. It has
hislenn some time since ive la - ve heard
even a single shriek about "negro domino
Lion," and when we come to survey the po
li tient : Sold we find the entire, pack of "nig
ger" 4
uaters scrambling at their uttermost
bent for.the despised individual whom they
now deign to call negro: A party of prin-
eiple is this Demociney surely I
SENATOR WALLACE, Chnirmnn of the Demo-
tratic State Central 'Committee ; seems to
understood 'the 'situation,' so far as Penn-
Sylvania is concerned, in reference to the
next Presidential election., At Pittsburgh
the other day he made a speech et a Demo-
cultic meeting, in the course of which he
said that the Demociacy had a hard job be-
fore it to earry,Pennsylvania against Grant
and Colfax. He demonstrated this with
figures, showing that last Fall, when Shars7
-wood was elected by loss than one thousand
majority, the Democrats polled nicety-four
- p - r - cent,of-theirwhole
publicans cast less than seventy-five per
cent. of theirs. This year tho full vote will
be brbught out, and. the Democrats will
hae to do some very tall cheating to over
come' the odds against them. Wittl a radi
cal Democrat like Pendleton for a Presiilen-
tial ctirilidate - the-Cops.i.wilibe beaten bi
,at least 80,000 majority, and be is by odds
OA strongest man the Democrats can, trot
Who voted men and money to carry on the
war and save the Gcvornment Y Not Demo
crats. Who pronoun* every act of our
n.oblo Congress and iaartyred President un-
constitutional PDemocrate. Who pronoun
ced. the war a 'Num ? Democrats. Who
exulted over Union disaster t Domo s erats.
Who took the lives of Union men in the
North for standing up for thornion P Dom
°arida. Wto stoned a boat,going_up_ the.
_____Mononglla for- demostrationa of rojoicing
Over - the- surrender- of. Richmond 7_ Denoo
cratp.- Who resisted the draft to blood, and
refused the payment of war / Taxes %Demo
crats. Who called our ' ,, boys in blue" Lin
coln hirelings Democrats. _ 749 ',gut
the bloody riots in Now York to'defeat the,
Union cause? Bloody Democrats. Who as-.
eassinatod the good Lincoln ? A - Democrnt.
' tried to burrf Northern cities? Demo
. erats. Who tried to produce plague and
pestilence in our
day -welitivojust the same, idonticel party—
an organization just as cer;t 4 flit as over Jeff.
Davis' organization was andAullnitelymean
or :—a .party that would ratherhatm Jeff.
Davis for their candidate than any Mimi.'
living man, and whom - undoubtedly they
would have'irthoy could.
aeneral prapt and the_lsraelltes.
• The r ehicago Times " find the'; whale press
of the Democratic vintners which, lied boon
busy retailing the_vileslander against. Gen-
eral Grant,:and backing it up ,by - tho Pre
tended authority. of leader ilosenthal,• a
well known Israelite of the Chicago Health.
Department, hairo maw , just rebuke: :Sir. Rosenthal publishes a - Card iti which ho
' riounces tho.whold story as_ an unfounded
and , unmitigated falsehood 'from. beginning
to end. He says: -7
• "The. whole trdzig is' a manufactured
falseheil; and got up to intinchco toy
• countrymen against General Grunt. I live.
hero a 'easy to be found; and if any of m
friends, or others, wish tol.ste'me on' this
subject, I shall bb bapPy to Bed thenri,- and
disabuselhoir Alf snail. glaring
rnisrppresentailonit, whoremyadmc fonecr. •
— ll - gain - I - pronounoo_thedarttela
• .. • Ippon, BOAZarrnAL;
The Democracy h& a Dileoipla.
. _
Never did the RepUblietin patty enter
upon a campaign with their enemy at, so
great a disadvantage as in' the preSinit ohof
The , Democratic party - are to-day net only
Undecided. ae to -whom they shall in
. .
nomination in opposition to Grant and 00l
fax, but are, also, at a loss to know what,
aorCiif an enunciation of - principles they
shridld make at the fourth of July- Oonven-
First come the Pondleton,rnen, with him
as,their choice,fiir President and his' finan
cial policy the main plank Of their plittform
Tliey say, and most truly do they speak,
4mur Man is the truest and best type of mod
ern Democracy to be fotind in all the land.
His record during the war is all that the
Most Ultra in the party could ask, Ho op
posed every measure introduced into the
halls of Congress that looked towards a Sup
pression of the Rebellion. Ho neither used
hie voice nor his . pqn to encourage thecnlist.
ment of men into the armies of the Union,
but on the contrary, threw the whole weight
influence into the opposite scale. Ho
was placed upon the ticket that was nomi-,
noted at the Chicago Convention of 1804, as
an antidote. Sortheivar_nausea-of-McClel
lan, 'and, while •McClellan hesitated to en
dorse the platform which declared the war
for the "Union: a tannic, l!eildlotoii himself
- dictated it; and his financial policy te-day is
but a legitimate and logical sequence to-our:
our printiples' - durink the war. - If wo-op.-
posed the war, why shot;hl we not boils favOr of
,timaitdiationof the odious diA4 incurred in.
Carrying it on oven to the bitter end of sub
jugating our &althorn brethren ? This is
about the argument of itie.Ponateton, Men,
and 'we cannot see how any Democrat can
-answer • it,.-unless-it be upon the 'miserable
plea Of expediency. Indeed that is the only
answer made to them. Say the anti-Pen
dleton-expediency men, those who wish to
use the Democratic organization to ride into
power—"we can never elect your man. We
knoW full well that a large majority of the
people are opposed to the principles of the party
end Uhl-only by the nomination ofsome man of
less genuine benweracy but of more availi-
hilitythnt we"can have the least, hope of suc
cess." And again te''; party headed by Mr
August. Belmont bitterly oppose Mr. Pen
dleton beemise they bold Government bonds,
and see in Mr. Peudieton's financial Roney
not only the sacrifice of national honor, bu
Thus standsthe case with Mr. Pendleton
and it is mots than probable that, upori these
grounds; ho will Jai defeated in the Conven
tion. . •
Next come the friends of Gen. Hancock,
who assert that there is no way of_dofeating
- Grant — c - xcept' by - placing in'norniwation - a*
man with a fair war record. Say they, "al-
though he did deal roughly with our friends
in the field, nevertheless he has sufficiently
atoned for that sin by his service to us in his
administration of the affairs:of the sth Mili
tary District. lie. will be a pliant tool for
us, and will .rigidily . enforce our dogmas
should he bti elected; and,•no doubt, having
been a general, he will be enabled to catch
up irpani, a soldier vote that otherwise we
would never got for a man with .'a truly Dem-
cratic record." But, just herci'comcs in the
opposition of the trti o e men of the party, wh'o
will neverforget that Hancock dealt heavy
blows against the Democratic rebellion, and
who will never forgivo him for having boSii
prominently instrumental in securing the
execution of the Democratic assassins of the
'lamented Lincoln, (ores they them solves ox-
press it for haiting been Mrs. Surratt's hang
man.) These mon loudly protest against his
being their standard bearer. What this pro-
test may amount to wo know. not nor w
we predict.
Since the acquittal of the apostate Presi
dent, through the intrigue of the Chief JuS
tics and the recreancy of soveM.Sonators, a
faction of the party has settled upon Mr.
-Chase as the ay - tillable candidate. Hero
the bond-bolding:element comes in full play.
Mr. Belmont and his friends are determined
'to defeat Mr. Pendleton at any cost. No
candidate except Mr. Chase seethe to them
to be sufficiently strong to unite the opposi
tion to -him. ' And yet it seems; at first
'thought; strange that the name of Salmon
P. Chia° should bo associated with the:can
didacy of the - Democracy. That ho shouy
- in silence allow it tobe so used, is ;hut anoth
Or 'evidence of. the subjection of tymtsong 7 ..
estrridn ambitionand, the
fact that the Democracy should oven thiNk
of him in. this connection shows most con
clusively the_honefess which'
condition in
they—aro - placed. 'But,- reason 'the.Chase
Democrats as folloWs; ~ .91O9 h as done us a
very great 'serVico in his - successful efforts to
him the President acquitted;, his avowed
friendship' for the negro-raCe WIN secure a
large share of the colored vote in tho South:
erh -- Statoe; the masses of Alm party, in grail=
Ludo for hiti betrayal of ttio Republicans,
will in a groat pielisuro forgot and forgive
his fOrmor declarations in favor, of the equal,
rights of allinen while they will thus for
givohim, ho will secure many votes from tho
more radical Of the Republican party
season of them; very : utterances; and last but
not least., the logelly acquitted but_ Morally
convicted President his expressed his prof.
,orenco for him,'PrOmisinChOlik.event - of
his nomination a much wartnor and. more
active support onitio part"ol histottico,hold 7
ors' han ho will guarantee for any other - 6(
tho many aipirnnts." This makep up their,
case and wo have no doubt it will be ably pre..
, ,
eentod to the convention; but wo have' no
faith. in the movement and boliovo it . will
—. • , - -
fall still,borp , '
~ Tho nogre-hating and nogrO 7
fearing portion of, thOparty w l iliihot permit
his ii , )i - O r ruitioli,4p4 are ashittoi'lY oPposed to
him ai rtio the 'bOrid.holding• pOrtion to .31Z!.
Pendleton; or the:Ml:id-loving portion AO
GOn. r:liancock. Those nro the thrd9nost
proininehe men spoken of. ; , toitho• one
of them wilt able 'to unite tho - ditfo_ront
factions of; tho pol tp, and, in guoh a qitanlarji.
are..theY.:that they aro willing tb 'nominate
anybody be hen Democrat, an apostate
pablioali, or 'an briginal - abolitionist, - and to
adopt any obit of,alplatform likethorit fa 7
; yore gold;ar greenbacks, repudiation or the
paying of the national indebtedness;'!'uni
suffrage". or a."whiternan'sGovorn-
montiv = anybody, anything that will' giv . e
thiim the faintait hope , or promisaof success.
On-.tho other .haed- the Republican-- party
is a unit in its support of Grant and Colfax
and of tho principles enunciated by tho Chi-
cago Convention. It enters upon the cam
paign confident of a glorlous and over wholm
ing victory... If we Init make thO effort we
can. eneili increase the' majority Mr._ Lin
coln received in 1804. We ought to (10 it,
wo can do it, and do' it.
Tice Legigation of the Ohio De
mocracy Declared Uncoil,-
- stitutioital: , .
Through the carelessness and indifforoncs
of our friends the Democratic party last fall
_Wore allowed to elect a majority in the Legis
lature of that State. Having thus come into
power for the first time in many years they
at once resolved "to make hay while the sun
shines." The Supreme Court of 'that State
had - decided some years ago that all citiaons
of that State in whom the white blood pre
domjnated worn entitled to the right of frtin
chise. Although •at the time of that decis-
ion the Court
_was Democratic, nevertheless
the modern Democracy of thq State feared
this vote rind resolved to put a' stop to
Accordingly they passed a law called the,
."Visible Admixture Bill," excluding from
the right of suffrage all persons whose blood
was one-sixteenth part negro. This they
regarded as a
_victory_ for_ tho_rndvo
catesofthe."whito man's. GoviWnment,'.' but
ip tbirmi - dst of their rejoicing they are sud
denly brought to grief._The_Suprerne-Court
of. that State has declared that law uneon-
:stituttonal and, hence, null and void; ' and
thus will they ITO deprived of the exquisite
pleasure in the coming campaign of using
microscopes &c , to datect,the visible admix:
turn fellows, •
Still another law did these custodians of
suffrage. enact. Weill : knowing that gen
eral intelligence and thorough education , are
seldom found to be friendly to their - party
organization, they molded that all students
nt tho different colleges and universities in
the State should not be allowed to yott; while
at these institutions. Again did they glory
in having excluded from the polls some ten
or twenty thousand. Republican voters; but
again are_ they overwhelmed in sorrow.
This law, too, goes down before the Court.
groat danger is tbartlicso decisiOns
will cause the Democracy to Ce 1122, their prat
indnbout sanctity of the Supremo Court and
do tkiiconstitutioriality Of' 111.7:{E.
movo for 111 r. Cliim's nomination a
New York has impaired, the value of the
negrd as a stock in trade for them, and l now
we fear they will grow disgusted with the
Supreme Court busii.ess, and the Constitu-
ion ery, and thaa'toso the balance of 'their
Persoris of visible admixture, and students
nt. colleges will continue to vote in Ohio
though the Democracy should drown them
selves in team, or wear theingelves out in
Wo learn from the published statement of
the Secretary of the Treasury, that during
the month of May the National..debt was
-increased nine millions, seven hundred and
seventeen thousand, jilt nine hundred Nl
lure I Is riot this alarming? Just think of
it I lii time of pence the - debt to 'increased
at the - rate - of - ncarly - ten -- millions of dollars
per month, This, is radical rule, misman
agement-and stealing.— Volunteer.
We agree with the VOYunteer, that it is
alarming that the delkshould thus inereasi•,
but when it charges it upon "radical rule,"
it falsifies and well knows it. Tho adminis
tration is in the hands of the Democracy,
and that party is_alonp_rosponsible for' the
increase in the debt.
.As long as Andrew
Johnson remained true to t arty that elect:
. ed, hith and entruated - the eo °akin of the
Internal Revenue to honest MEI re, the debt
gradually and - sur4-decreased. But as soo i
as he wont over to the copperhead party;
' anffturnetloutcornpetontland upright nfficers,
the revenue began falling off, and the ex
,ef the Government increasing. In
proof of this we have the letter of resigna
lion, of—Commlssioner :Rol limi,in which he,
gives as the reason of his resignation the
fact that through the agon ts 'tripe( n teßbyliEr; ,
Johnson and his Secretary; McCullough,
lie hi utterly unable to.have the Revenue hon
estly collected. That he bps frequently
naked for the removal of ivcompotent and
dishonest officers, but that no attention has
',men paid to his requests. •
In the nionth of May there was also anoth
or largo article :of expenditure which we
lfepo - will • noVoi = again'ho'Called into raga
sition; viz : the corruption fund used by the
Democracy to secure the acquittal of the
!tpostat‘i Presiderit-.
No, Mr. Vo/untes2:, it:is your party, and
your paity's officer-holders that aro alone
responsible for the increase in the National
debt. It is a subject upon which .you could
well afford to be silent. •
:When Giant shall have bean elected and
honest men sball - havo boon appointed to of.
11co ?: thenngain the debt begin to do-
A few Flights ago,-at Camden, S. 0., 7 a
party: of, white men, supposed to belong to
the KU Klux .Klan visited tholouse of Mr.
Republican Member'elect of the South
~Carolina Legislature, and murdered him in
; for no reason except his'political
opinions. Two negroes wore killed. at
the samelitne and Mr.': Dill; a colored
man - .Was desperately wounded. The
Childeston News publf i shes an atrocious com
ment upon-the murder, heeding 'it "Ono of
the Elect, Comes to Grief," • and seems to'
think- it strange that Dill was notkilled long
before.: And whorl leave was naked lit the
House of diepresentatives on Thursday to
introduce a resolution providing, for the al.:.
rest of the assassins, a Democratic Member
.objecteLand...kopt._it.out—lstow,. who are
the onpmioo or pace in the Boutia
• •:114311.1 7 1 ,
'The New York4rorki and lessser
like :,t , he'lrolunieer, are busily engaged in
,endeavOring to figure up a probalilo',Demo-.
erotic majority in the electoral college, tif i lts
,nett Meeting.' It is
_truly, laughable to look
at their entinintes of the States . that will
probably give their votes, to the Demoerati,c
candidates. For instance, Indiana, Ohio and
X'onnsylvania, three tho largest Sfates in
the Union, together casting fifty-four votes ,
in the electoral college,'_or : Moro than /one
fifth_ .tho whole number of votes' required to
elect. They will not carry a single one of
these States, and well-they- know-it ;:and
Yet, counting . these, thd Volunteer of this
week is unabie to figure Ilya sufficient num-
bor - of votes
While, -on the Other hand,'ln . all human
probability the Republican party carry
Now York, California, New Jersey and Or
egon, thereby taking from their estimate the
further sum of forty votes, leaving them at
the most liberal count not more than ''the
pitiable number Of nineteen. 'The only
States the Democracy have anything like a
certainty of carrying aro Connecticut, Del
aware, Kentucky and Maryland, and wo,
doubt-very muchlfzthey will be able to carry
Con necticut.
Uontlernan go on figuring, picture a rna
"ority for yourselves, you can, in your
iolaginations,lor wOcan assure you it is the
only Once such O thing will ho tonna.'
Colfax %Explodes. - a Democratic
The Domocrncy, baying no principles to
advoctite,. devote thenieelves exclusively to
yituporation and slander
Of - Course — Mr. Colrs.v receives his share
of theiy attentions;but we rather_ think the
following manly and emphatic denial by
him of their latest, slander will have p ten-
&my:to quiet thorn as far as he is eon
TON, May 20, 1808.—To the Editor of the
South Bond (Ind.) Register—Sir:—Tlie
Democratic paper of our - copies
from the Irldianapcdis Sentinel an ar
ticle signeo "N. M. Moore," escorting that,
as a soldier, he called on mo in the wintor
of 18C1, and that the following than occur :
"4 finely-dressed gentlemati.eame in im
mediately- behind mm'a colored boy met us_
in the reception room. Ho asked us ,for our
cards; the citizen laid his curd- upon 'the
waiter. I informed him I liad, none. He
then left the room. In a few minutes Mr.
Colfex mode his appearance. He spoke in
n - very [arable way to th,o citizen gentleman,
not deigning to notice me. In a short time
the gentlemen left, and Mr. Colfax. turned
- Sfierraround, and in no very luniatile Way
said, "Well, what will you have?, I then,
in as few words as possible,. explained, the
object of my visit. In reply, ho said be lied
no time to fool away with soldiers."
The whole story is utterly- false,
.and if its
author swears as he says he is willing
to do, he will swear to a 'wicked and mann.-
- - • •
_ notAntivlany spch man
I never had a silver card-waiter in my life.
I never used such language as ho alleges to_
Inty&tirumhillniiiigritTlio called on the—man,
woman, citizen, or soldier.
..,Nor is thorn a
single fair or just man at my home, or any
party (I do not include in this the editor of
-the-Union), who believes that I could — or
would reply to any soldier who called on me
that 'I had no time to fool away with sol
diers.' Many Indiana soldiers know that,
at that very time I was spending one day,.
each week visiting soldiers at the hospitals,
and in addition thereto, nttending to their
business at the Departments. It is shame
ful that political opposition should induce
the manufacture and publication of sucli
vile fabrications.
Yours, truly,
Tho Republican party - stands Nfore the
country again in 1868, says the Noslle
Americana-just:ai4t--did-in-18601knd 1864,
simply upon its record. It asks to be judged
by what it has done, and relies upon no un
certain promises of the future. In 1860. it
advanced no now principle. took its
stand upoh its well known adveicacy, of un•
ceasing hostility to shivery-in -the Territor
ies, -and the people approved of it and elect
"eid the Republican candiditio to the Presi
dency. Tho Slave power • chose_tmstaketits!l
existence-upon the defeat 'of the principle of
freedom in the Territories, and it lost thp
stake, slavery was, obliterated. • This was
ho page of events to which the Republican
party pointed in 1864., Again thepeople
endorsed it. • The reactionisti, unable to
-roalntain slavery, but regretting to part with
it, attempted, to establish caste in Its place,
and the struggle thereon has lasted, until the
present time, but is now closing upon a
record of the Republican party, in which is
iocludedtho full estublishmeot 'of the civil ,
and political righti of the oppressed race,,
and tho reconstruction of the South upon a
,free basis.
-- Til'ilits — COnteSt many other-- things
been settled - - Vie Presidential power has
been restricted, Congressional authority vin- .
dicated, and, tho Supreme Court restrained
within bounds; the banking, system reorgan
ized on a sound basis, the currency made
national end reliable, popular liberties
tected at the South, tho supreme 'authority
land power oftibe republie-itsel f for over flu.-
tided against assaults from the spirit of see
tiienalism, the. State governments purged of
oligarchy, and the foundations laid fora
system Of small landholdings at the South.
Thus the RepubliCan party entrenches itself
for the _ .
caniymign, and acts uponthe it did in each former case., It
askxto be trusted on account of what hai
done: It has made the nation greater and
mom respected-h . ) , the. civilized : Weida: It
has-built up domestic manufaCturea ,on an
jinn - lens° scale by means of a protective pol
icy.- it has introduced
: at the South, free
Coalmen school education. It lias built the
greater pOrt of the Pacific Railroad, brOught
in four now States, brought everyilinglaok
'to a peace feotingvand has steadily reduced
taxation at all, points. If, then, we .nrp
asked why` the National Convention did not
declare in favorlof ties thing or that, wo
answer that the party las hithertp made. it's •
claim for support al ways uplintiliegrolind'of
what it has • neooniplished : or, essayed, and
asked to be judged by- -the ,spirit, of that.
Thereis very mush yet to - do, and :the Re,'
'Publican .party is the only; opo competent foi
the' work,
FORENBT, the hero of the Port
Pain- butebery, isi . o v no of theDemociatie
delegates from Tennessee 'to the New York
Coavention. ',IBM service to .the" partY oon
idsted in the murdering la cold blood of a .
regiMent.or two of unarmed colored soldiers
oft hO'Bnitod States after they WO stir; ea.: .
deredah ' moms of war; , .
The Philadelphia Hortlt American thus
slinks of our Candidate's political sagacity.
Attention has been draWn by
fetter of to thatportion of 'Grant's letter of fie
coptance in•whiOlt he says: - • • _
~ fn times like Ihe'present it is impossible,
or at -least eminently improper, to lay down
a policy tobnadhe'red i to, right or wrong,
through an adminiPtration of 'four- years.
New political issues 'not foreseen are con 7
stantly arising, and' tho views of the publib
on the old ones are constantly changing, and
purelyridministrative ofileei Should always
bo left.freo to execute the will of thopeoplo:•
This Is assailed as au execrable doctrine
in administrative policy, but on what
grounds.it_is.diincult to see, the whole plat=
osophy of our American politics sustaining
it to the letter. It is'inst because .Johnson
refused to acknowledge it that he has got
himself ostracised. We are asked on all
sides to believe that this nation is progres-
Sive its character;-but the 'Democratic
party is not progressive, and its theory is,
that the national governmant should 'not be
so:- Laws and institutions must of necessity
be changed to suit the'altered ponditions of
society. : It is greatly to our credit that WO
have been able to keep unaltered so much of
the great work that- wee transmitted to us by
our forefathers es a priceless inheritance,
although in the I regress of events wo all saw
tae need of great modifications lbng before
they wore actually made. ,
There is no particular benefit in adhering
amovil if it be practicable to4ind a remedy.
The Democratic party asks us to believe that
all the virtue of this republic consists in
clinging with desperate tenacity to the laws,
institutions, and traditions of tho past; good
bad'or indifferent; suited or unsuited to the
timek and convenient or 'lnconvenient.,
Jefferson. was ono of the framers of these
pglitical institutions, and a leading one, yet
he strongly urged -that ono generation had
no right to bind another by its laws.
TheAlopubliean -partyis essentially- pro spirit, and thoh3fore General
Grant has very truly stated, in the sentence
we have quoted, the animating desire of the
nationallrefirrteditilitipilVving. The party
is urged by extreme' hien to go on much
faster than it does. But4aviit.:qperience has
taught thyvhelesOme lesson ef )- prudent cir
cumspection in its advances. -It goes ailtir
as it is found safe to go, and no amount of
.abuse can - make it do more Problems of
immense magnitude in governmental
science are involved in the contests of times.
The great and: terrible question -of s:avery,
that occasioned us - so much anxiety through
fifty years, has bben solveu at such an awful
cost that Republican party moves With cau
tion-in its: 'progress. The true
doctrine is that we must of necessity' be
progressive as far as we can consistently
with events and the conditions of the times.
That is what-General Grant avers, and in
doing so he has, jp our judgment, evinced
a. political s;igacity_of no ordinary kind.
" Washington Topics and Gossips.
'The examination of witnesses by the Man,
agers of Investigation is nearly finished, and
the Committee,. through General Butler,
will make n report to the Hobs() during the
present- week, which -wi I I - narrate - the - evii,
-- (fence obtained during the investigation as
foreshadowed' several days ago, No evi.-
-- difii - achf - Tcbeen obtained which will show
conclusively that any Senators have actual
ly received any money from those opposed
to impeachment- to assist in acquitting the
_ P rekid erit,__b_u L_e n o u gli_facts_ have -b eon
brought to light by the Committee to satisfy
the country at largo tat through the deep
laid schemes of those known as the "whisky
ring," impeachment was defeated. The
Committee have met with every conceivable
obstacle during their investigation. Wit-
nesses met together before being examined/
and arranged their evidence so there would
he no conflict, and the testimony would be
entirely consistent. The large number, of
telegraphs which the Committee obtained,
when given out to the public in the forth
coining report, wili_be. sufficient to prove
that a great conspiracy existed to defeat im
peachment. All the testimony which has
been published. from time to time of witness•
es themselves was not from the Managers,
and as this were most all favorable to the
adininistration, they carefully avoided giv
ing out whatever would tend to dannigeti.eir,
cause. The preparation - of the report has
been consigned to General Butler, and it
has already been commenced. '
The Committee on Ways and Means were
in session yesterday forenoon, and have en
tered—upo_n-the work-of - preparing a separ
ate bill as instructed by the House yester,
day. The impression prevails that this bill,
which will only embrace whisky and to
bacco, can be drawn up and- presented AO
the ouse in a day or two. It islthe inten
new bill - all he leading fehtures of those
sections in tile . general bill which relate to
whisky and tobacco. These alone cover
about-one hundred and five closely printed
pages,.and go into an entire'revision.of the
method of - colle9ting the tax on' these two
articles. The new bill ordered by the Rouse
will probably cover one hundred closely
- printedpages. In view 'of this fact it is
not improbable that the bill will not'be row.
ported to the House before the beginning
of next week, and then, .in. the opinion of
many members, will be discussed nearly
(I, ir\
two weekg before it can be passe.•
-From - present . indicntio
,s Con ass will
not be.prepared to adjourn before ;the 'fif
teenth Or twentieth of July,
Tho trial of John H. Surratt, whiek:bas
been-posponhd_uritil-Tdondn next; is not
likely to come Off tjui thosd' who rep
resent the Government say that fiirthef
time will have to be granted them to pre
pare. If, further request is made for post
ponement, the prisoner will be admitted to
bail. •
The House Committee 'on Elections hold
a meeting yesterday and made 'an irripor
tont ,decision -in the Kentucky contested
case of McKee vs ; - Young. - Rciveral days
ago this caSo, - whiCh . had been reported to
tho'Houso adversely to McKee, was recom
mitted to the Committee. At the mooting
yesterday °very 'Repablican member Voted
to report to the House that MaKeo Was en
titled to the contested seat. Thilwas dono
in view of a principle which was settled se
.the-case of-Delano; and - which - npplied — also
to McKee's.citso. But little doubt now re
mains that MCKeo will bo awarded his seat.
General Mulford
.will bo appointed Col
lector of Internal,Reventio at Richmond.
Aloakndria Cummings, thO straw hat and
linen pants for soldiers man, is.a Prominent
candidate for Mr. Rollins' place. 'Mr.
Johnson says lie wants to select an honest
man for the plaeonnd one that can be con-
Mr. Johnson will allow' thn now bill. regu
lating:contested' olections' in tha'aity to'his- •
dome ¢ laW Without his oignature.___
Th - tibilllacroasing ,the salaries - of - Clerks
will be *lObbled through the Senate as "it
was through tho'
TIM tariff bill has boon manipUlatod oo as.
to prOvOt ifi passage at thursossion.
It is generally boliiived that, Ill'pl7ullwth
will resigg at tho closti - of this month. .'
The Southern people-have always claimed
a - superiorfty -over the Northerners in eel
ture,and refinement, and Louisville htis al
ways boon regarded as one of their. strong-,
holds: ' The ways in - which they malg good .
theirclaims aro peculiar; for inidartee ; the
Academy of Must°, in Louisville, is to ho
used.for n lager beer saloon this summer. •
Oninr Juerton elfin has writtunletter t
in which•heaaVs impeachment, was the sub
ject of 'Conversation' between hitnitelf"and;
not more than four or five Senators".'''
' IVhat business had. ho to converse. 'with
&meters. at all upon the subject'? What
wbuld ho have thought Of a Judge who con-,
versed with NM more thah fouror fiVe"jurV-•
men 'abbot a Mine that:Wan being tried beta°
• :Political Items. -
The Democratt acorn to have all emigrated
from'Berkley county Virginia r We see it
stated that no.inulatto child has :been born
In‘that county within the last year. ,
• Brume P.0113110Y olamers ~for the i "vested
rights of the' Democracy," That 'means, we
'suppose, the_right- to go into other people's
Tun Democracy having been seven years
out of power, their intense desire to regain
it may be very properly termeii_the !‘eeyen-
Year itch,":.,
Now York Tribune for - libel. In this suit,
like that of impeachment, Grimes Is after
money, not character.
Tne Harrisburg Patriot thinks, and very
philosophically, that if the Democracy must
fake it Ihidical candidate, they bad better
Eako Major. Goneral Bon .
'Tollandlngham says he, is proud of his
War. record. A certain. fox who oal his - tail
is reported tolls:al said he was'glad -of it,
because it was so much more stylish.
,kt, is thought that there is a majority in
Congress in favor of removing the,Capitol
of the United States to a point as near 'as
-possible in .the geographical centre of the
Tun fight for the vacant Commissioner of
Internal Revenue iS giving the, President
sore trouble. Since his escape from im—
peachment ho finds he has more friends than
he can accommodate with faVors.
HON. REVERDY JOHNSON will not, resume
Ids seat in the Senate, but will leave for
England as soon as Secretary. Seward re,
turns to givo him his instructions. •
' A Trenton,paper ' 'reporting the t i ollowing
conversation on the street, gives in .a nut
shell the animus of the opposition to Gcn.
Grant :—Republican—D o you think- many
Democrats will vote for Gen. G , ant? Dem
erat-No. Reiniblican—Whyl Democrat—
Because he buri' himself when he captured
-Lee I-- -Revd, lican —Oh I rth I I see.--
Tern re-e"leetion of Senator .Sprague; - for
another term of six years 'by the Rhode Is
land Legislature on Tuesday, was preceded
by the most - satisfactory assurance from his
friends, that he would earnestly, support
Grtnity and, Cot,rec tigainst all competitors.
...A squad of-Jersey. Democrats- from- the.
sands of Monmouth County, while in search
of the Democratic State Covention in Tren
ton on Wednesday, wandered into the Head
quarters of Hie Graht s and Colfax Club.—
Vile Trenton Gazzette says that -their con
sternation and amazement, when they beheld
the loyal emblems and patriotic mottoes
with which the walls were d'ecora'ted was
intense, and they proceeded'. to “git" as flist
as the Rebel Early - did before the onset of
Tiii Western Democrats do not at all fa
vor the idea of running a military umn . for
the Presidency. They believe in fighting
under Ihnir own flag and not going back on
their anti-war recrord by nominating a sol
dier who made his reputation by putting
down a rehell4on they sympatbi4c , with and
sustained.. '
The Chase moc'erneut appears'io be origin
eared by a ;linguine patriot named.. Brown,
who rejoices in the title of "Itinerant Organ
izer,!'euggestive in about an equal degree
of a preacher and n pedler. Ile is now, if
we are not mistaken, traveling thEciTigh the
West, but we fear that tiefinds a slow sale
for his nostrums.'
- A curious custom pre ails in the-Sand
wich Islands of subjectin a husband who is.
accused of infidelity , by is wife to . the or
deal of jumping into' the ocean among the
sharks. Ho is required to do this- after
nightfall, when the glimilts are most raven
' ous, and ho must, while in the . water, shout'
the words, "PauMano,'' which_
aro supposed. to - inform - - - the' teen - Le - Ming
inonsters of his purpose in- exposing
self-to theirjaw,S. If, thereupoliT - thoy Rff:
or him to pass by unharmed, he is taken to
be innocent; if they do not, ho sutlers for
his temerity; if not for his guilt. An ob
servance of this custom actually took place
at-Honolulm and the - man escaping -This - wife
received him Without any further distrust.
Colun ant County Matters
The weekly mooting of the Council and
Executive Cornmitte was hold in the Arbi
tration Chamber on Tlmt2rhry morning the
IRth inst. ° •
The Treasurer reported that inasmnch ns
the different books had not been handed in
he could normake a detailed statement of
the condition of the fund, hilt that by the
next weekly Resting the report
yirlipTirdtk A simitar repert was made by
the Secretary as to the list of subscribers de
signed for publication.
A. resolution from the G. A. B. "tending
its hearty cooperation in the noble project
in which the association is engaged and
pledging its unceasing aid in any manner
within its power,'_' was road and on motion
entereds upon tho minutes: - ,
that the names of soldiers who were killed
in battle, or died in the service, be handed
to Col. E. Beatty CM.. Soct'y with informa
tion as to the 'llegiinontle - which they be
longed, the battle in which they wore killed
or 'the place whore they died.
The meeting then adjourned to 'Meet on
next Thursday the 26th inst ¢t il A. M. at
the same place. . • .‘
Tho Auditor General is now prepared to
SUrnish parties; with blanks and instruct
ions for obtaining' ponSions for the old aor
-diers-orthii r
oWU-and their widows,
authorized by the reviving act of the last
Legislature. Applicants must huvo:served
at least two months, or been disabled, or
have ongatud in actual battle in raid war
and must not be worth over $6OO in prop
erty, reel ,or Personal. Partie's who ro
coivod a - gratuity under the act of 1866, re
pealed' by the act of-1807,. will not .bo onti
tied to a continuation of their annuity of
,f 49. Settlements will, not be made ,until'
tho.ffrat.of Jbly, by which time all claims
filed, will bo adjudicated by the Auditor
Capt. A. B ifirreibtiSON.—This goa
tlernan so well and, favorably known to our
citizens, paid us a visit on Wednesday last.
The Capt. is engaged in the practice of his
profession—the law—in Bellefonte-Centro
co. and is building up an excellentrOputa
tionits an advocate and counsellor. We
Plink we can'safoly premise the Captain's
,numorous friends here that his eloquent
voice will bo hoard ia...'ol:d
. 3lother Cum
borland, ix the grand campaign his fall for
elp.ANT, CoLnuc,,Victory and Peace:
. . ,
• , A CO4IPLINIENT t ---.111 spedking of , die ,
A 3 Minsylvania•Roservo Association at Pitts?
burgh`tbOrranklin Repository pays; the fol
loiving compliment to our towns - man 6, 'Gen ,
TODD. • ,
' .The ordinary.businesS`l4vint boo'n trans
•acted, and directors and officers for tho our,
rent yoar.elected, the annual Oration was
\ 4,
olivere tby Gen. LEMIII;14 Tom), of Gar-
lisle. o General acquitted himself With
great Lon, r, delivering ono, of, the most °le.:
gait and masterly discourses it has over
bOon our - g&id.fortune to peruse, sM,I, with
f a griico and poWor that stamp our 'neigh
tbor as one of the most, accomplished 'orators
of tho Stat 6; , Nye of this , , valley know the
'General's force,at and, before.the.
Public; but we'contess, that our estimate of
his literary ability , is‘greatly; entianacd , by
his Wetted °Tort on thifi dcoasion.
dolt of great activity in. educational circles
and the bustle - and excitement attend ant up on
"ExtiMination 4 and "Commencement" is
everywhere 'apparent amongst parents and
Children, teachers and pupils.
will hold its annual commencement service
at St. John's Church, on Wednesday Eyed . -
ing, the 24th inst.,_beginCing_ at S
The address will be delivered by the Rev.
Robert J. -Keeling, D. D., Rector of Si.
Stephen's 'Church, Harrisburg.
The public examination of •the schookvill
take place on Monday and Tuesday of next
weak, - Marion Hall, ._beginniug on each
day, at 9 o'clock' A. M. . • •
Tho patrons and friends of the school aro
cordially-invited to bo present. The exam
inations in, our
"Coltuort &Hoots.
-commenced' on Monday last and Iticatia
ar progressed very satisfactorily to all eon
corned. The remaining:ex.:A-elms are as fol
lows :
This (Friday) morning at h o'clock; 'the.
Female High School -(Miss Underwood's):
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the Malo High
School. (Prof. .Eckels'.)
• On Tuesday e'oning next there will be an
exhibition ia Rheem's gall in Declamation,
Composition s St, with intrumental and
`vocal music.': 'The graduates will be award
ed diplomas at the close of the exhibition.
From the calendar of this institution; we
extract the following: •
Bacealriurditte address in Emory Chapel on
Sunday, June 21st at 8 o'clock, P. 111 t. by S.
L.' Bowman. • •
Class Day Exercises of the Senior. Class,
Tuesday, Juno 23d at 10 o'clock,. A. AI.,
consisting of oration by Wm. P. Davis ;
-by H. J. Beatty ; Prophecy by I. C.
West, Jr.; 'History by A. D.-B. Smead;
Ode by J. — B. — Young Prayer by the Chap;
lain of-thd class, D, H. Carroll.
Meeting of the AlemniAssociationat 8
. o'clock, P. AI., and:oratioe and poem
the' Literary Societies at 8 o'clock, P. M.
L. M. Hnverstick, A. M. will be the Poet
and Hon. Henry Stockbfidgo the Orator o
this liktter occasion.
On tWednesday, Juno 24th at 8 o'clock
A— M., the annual meeting of the General
Belle% Lettres and Union Philosophical So - -
clams. At 2 o'clock, P, M.; the Re-union
of the.class of 1858, and at 8 o'clock - P. M.,
an oration before the Alumni Association
by Col. James Wallace, A. M. of the class
of 1.8.10_, ,
On Thursday, Jufie . 25, at 10 o'clock A
M. 'commencement exercises.
TugSTATE State .Guard
of this morning, says:—Yesterday afternoon
the Committee of Arrangements appointed
to fix the details relative to the next exhibi
tion of the State Agricultural Society, met
at their, office in this city. - The weather
was so.nwfavorable thai they were prevent
ed isiting the ground. now in preparation
for the exhibition. They, however, adopted
a liberal list of premittaislarger than any
heretofore offereddecided .many prelimi
nary' questions, and adjourned . to meet again
on-- Fri day,- r. — Th e committee
are Messrs. Hamilton, Harrisburg ; McCrea,
Philadelphia; Knapp, 'Northumberland;
Haldeman, Chikis and Longaker, Norristown.
Other gentleman el Hie Executive' Commit-
tee were also •present. From the Informa
tion laid before the committee, we feel safe
in saying that a crowd equal to the capaci
ty of this city for its accommodation, will
be present, end that the show will be a
credit to the sagacity of the enterprising
gentlemen who were instrumental in having
it located 'lt Harrisburg.
_ Tins WAY, LADIES.—:; wis -to in
form the ladies of Carlisle and vicinity that
I have removed my Store for a few weeks
to the banding of. Mr.-DAvrti "Sft;i:% — tivo
doors south of myformer place, and having
just returned (rem the city with a new and
'Splendid assortment 'of hats—and bonnets of
the latest fashion, am now prepared to sell
at a very reasonable ligtfre.
Mrs. ISABELLA. REED, widow of the late
ALEXANDER REED, Esq., of Washing
ton Pa. Died in tliat. borough, .on Saturdai
the 6th, inst., in the ninety-tlfth.,yoar of her
ago. In publishing her obituary, the
Washington Reporter says:
This esteemed lady, the widow of the late
Alexander Reedc,and a resident of our town
for about seventy-four years, died at her
home in this place on Saturday evening in
the ninety:fifth year of her age. It was our
purpose to give a brief account of her life,.
but our friond,"Dr. Brownson, in the fal
lowing sketch, has performed that duty 'so
much better than 'we could - have done our
solves-that we gladly-adopt it, es our own:
Mrs. Reed was a daughter of Samuel Ly
on, Esq., of Cumberland County Pa., and
was born February, 14th, 1774. She Was
roared amidst the liest. advantages of Car
lisle, noted asit yeas in early 'times,- for -its
fine - secietY and educational progress.
Among the reminiscences of early life, it
always gave her pleasure to give 'her im
pression pf port Washington, with whom
she often dinekat the house of Col. 'Blaine,
her uncle, wife Was.connocted with the army
when in 1794, the father of his country made
Carlisle the base of his operations against
the Whiskey Insurrection. About the same
time she was married to Hon. Wm. Hoge,
afterwards tneinber of Congress, and re
moved to this place then comparatively a
frontier settlement. She was married a
second time in. 1819, to Alexander Reed
Esq.; ono of the earlT and infientialsiti
zons of the town,whose home she made
happy, and to whose - children, though her
self childless, she was all that is implied in.
jho_relations of a most affectionate mother.
Tho late Dr. Matthew - Brown; 'Who fir
many years was her pastor and intimate
friend, in a funeral sermon preached and
published at the death of Mr. Reed, in 1842
says of her: this, his second marriage, I
he was particulaily forninato. and happy.
Ho found an offeetionate , c; and intelligent .
coMpanion, admirably qualified for' the lin
portant station station in‘whicla she has. gained for
herself the uninterrupted affection of the
whole family - circle." The • 'love and re ?
sped thus.attosted, have suffered no, abate
ment during the twouty?Six years' 'of `her
. _
ten days ago Cant H. §:CRIDER •of ..
, Oak
lost a yery• valuablo horse !nide' , oir,
pumstances which'Convinced him that the
animal had been stolen. After some mquir
ry it was discoyeral thqt thn thief and hie
booty had been captured at Mqrnvia.detnall.
- tOvin in Maryland. Thothi'ef who, called
himself - John •Smith, was loclged in 'the
IFroderick city jail, for safe - keep . ing.,
Sheriff TVompson, 'armed with'is requisition
from boy.: ctoary upon Goy.- Swan, of
llfaryland, proceeded : tol'rederick took tho
prieoner into his 'ctistOdy and on Tuesdayr.
last lodged him in our jail to await his irk-,
al. "Spaith" is an 'old offender in the
pvpr itestornti7ip" ie utied;,
tkeso appendages be,coming ontizply - ex.
tinot. Ladieei try It, and be oonyinood..
of poultry,, being taken in time; snay.not , re-
salt in a serious malady; too'often • resulting
in death; but procrastination is generally as
fatal in poultry keeping as anything.olse.
The ailments.of fowls may generally be
traced to a variable 'temperature, to irregu
lar,' injudiciouslceding, or to their, being
kept on ground which has become impure
with their use of it. Judicious feedipg, per
feCt• cleanliness,'ind oceaslonal removal to
new• ground, will, to a great extent, keep
fOwls, healthy. •
The , following are tie.. Principal diseases.
among them :
'Apoplexy, evidenced liy indamation of
thls brain. .
Trachieal intlamation (or' gapes), with
parasitic .worms in the windpipe—
Roup, which is highly infectious, and a
very deadly disease, but if taken in time can
bo'cured. The premonitory symptoms,nro a
slight hoarseness, and catching in the breath
as if from
Moulting, with old fowls, is often so se
vere and so protected, that it carries them
liar'The young aro also victims of leg weak
ness and bad feathering. .
Sickly. fowls should always be removed
from the foWl-houso on the first symptoms
of illness, arthey are gensiallrillfted by
their companions—pecked at, and evidently
become objects of dislike. ,
Apoplexy. with fowls, as in human beings,
is difficult to cure. It is generally .the result
of high feeding, and is most common among
laying hens, which are sometimes found
dead on the neat—the expulsive efforts re
quired in , laying being the immediate cause
-of the attack. •
The only hope for cure 'consists in instant'
and copious.bleeding, by openings. vein , with
a sharp-painted penknife or lancet. The
largest of the veins seen on the under-side
of. the wipg, should be selected, and' . opened
in a longitudinal direction, not cut across
and so long its the thumb is pressed Mi the
vain at any_poknt-hetween. the opening. and
the body, the blood will be found to flow
freely. Light food and rest should be given
the bird after the operation. -
Gapes, in nine cases out of ton, are obtaih
-ed from rain or impure water, end-if a cer
tain preventive- (not-cure) is desired:the use
of Camphor will be found the most efficient
remedy. A•small lump, about the size of a
peanut kept constantly in the vessel' from
,which the fowls drink, will make gapes un
known in your yard. Having prefcilly
adopted this precaution this year-more par
ticularly, and having raised over two hurl
-third chiVkens, without one case of gapes, I
can testify that camphor is the only certain
remedy. My neighbor, Mr.- T—, who is
also a rnemberpf th 9 American Poultry So
ciety, and who has Equal if not superior ad
vantages to mine for poultny rearing, has
lost three-fourths of his chickens by gapes,
which I attribute to•his use of rain water
and non,use 'of- camphor.
Rain water will, alter having,stood some
time, be found, by examinntion
croseope, to contain worms identical with
those taken from the throat of a chicken
suffering under gapes.
..Stoup, if - treated-at- the- otitiet,. may—be
cured by feeding., twice--a-day,--with—stale
crusts of. bread soaked in strong a1e.... Dry
housing and cleanlineSs are indispensible.
Fowls sometimes waste away without any
apparent disorder. In such cases a teaspoon
ful of cod-liver oil per day will often lio
found a most efficacious 'remedy;
Scotiring or diarrhoea is caused by the too
abundant use of relaxing food. Cayenne
pepper, or chalk, or both, mixed with meal
or boiled rice, check the complaint. , -
Leg weakness is generallycaused the
size and weight of the body being more
than the legs can bear. It is shown by the
bird resting _ on_ the first joint. _Being en
tirely the result of weakness, the best treat
men is that which gives general strength
and stamina to rarer. Tincture of
iron, say five drop saucer of water must /
bo given . .-,[Essay bv S. M. Sanders, read
at the meeting of the American Poultry So_
"Spring it in cheery,
Winter is dreary,
Groan leaves liang,.but tho'brown must lly;
' When he le
Lone and forsaken, • . • .
What you on old roan do but diet"
Why take Plantation llitfers, to be sure,
and with them a now lease of life. The old
are made youbg agsini -the -- middlomged• •
joico, and the young becontodoubly_brilliant___
by using this splendid Tonle, • 'Dyspepsia, •
Heartburn, Liver Compfaint, Headache,
Pains in the side, "Crick - in tiio"" Back;".and
,all symptoms of Stomachic Derangement,
yield at once to tho health-giving influence
of Plantation Bitters. They add'strength
to the sYstohs and buoyancy to the mind. .
junel9-2t ' • • .
MAGNOLIA. WATEIL—A delightful toilot
artiele—superior to Cologne itnd at half the
rine 19-2 t
The groat amount of time consumed by
.tholadies in-dressing and arranging their
hair must make - any article which would'
lesson their labor iiarticularly desirable..
Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia loaves the hair,
in such condition as
.to render the dressipg
end arranging very easy matter. It im
parts to it that Splendid glossy appearance
so much admired, cleanses the scalp'froni
aandruif and all iimors, and prevents bald,
nese; promotes its growth, and restores gray
hair to its orginal color.
Jell' aro morn civilized by Weir ploasui•o
than their occupation. Business dispenses
not only with, ceremony, but often with
col:on:KM civility; arid we should become
rude, ropulsivo and ungracious, did wo not
recover in our recreations the urbanity,
which in the bustle of our lab Ors wo disre
gard. • •
' II EOI6IR—TROM'BON.—On the 10th . Inst., by the
Roy. W. It. Mille, Mr. A. 3. Recker, to Miss Minh:. B.
Thompson, daughter of Jos. 0. Thompson, bbth or this
- .
.. . .
ii.otoolitn—MALlAli r -In-llerrlobur gr on the-eve .
1 trig ot,tho 13th Inst.,'at the .reeldonoe 'Of Mr. W. A. i,
Middleton, by Roy.o; V. Ramo, Mr. Michela 1.101 , ,tr . :
1 . . comb, Esq., to Mu Elizabeth Mahon, both of Mittel!. —.,
PEtIT.A.I3IILfECUL recAxticEts
• •
PLOtill.: 7 The Flour market continuos' in thei 'same ' •
apathetic) condition noted yesterday, but, with light •
receipts and • exceedingly' small• atooki,' holders are • "
unwilling to make coneeasiene. ',The . eiport tide I P
At a Itand r andlbe home cogent:writ operate withak- • •''
-kerne caution; sales of 4a600 bile 'at .17.7418.60 for •
importing 48 6040.26 for extmg 810a10.74 Mr - North. •
western extra family; Walk for ' Penneylunia and • '
Ohio do. de., and 412114 fbr fancy, according to
.quallty... Rye BlourMay •be quoted at PAM Roth.
lug doing in Corn Meal.
GRAlN—Supplies of Wheat•continue to come for- :
ward slowly. and there la a ildr Inquiry for prime lots,
b u t oh...descriptions are negleated;' wick of 1 000 •
budiele Ohio rod at $2.72a2.78, and atm buaheis '
tuoktwhite at $1.8ea2.90. Rye la quiet. We quote
at sElips per. , bushel for Penneylyiuda. earn closed
dull andloweri sales g. 1241,14 closing at
Ate former rate; Western mixed Is• offered, nt.
Oats are to small Supply, and holders tire tiro in thola, .
*yore; EaleiefOhicago at 8142,000 .bney t i , a,lannayl•
Tanis at and Delaware at.94a imago,
Mona in RANGY and plait are. unlmpertan ,^ • , .
tifEr 'Ake laSst ..ThotagraPhii at
L oc ht oan t s • pr e mium photograph * Gallery .
elm Etreet,Oarllale pa. ' v•
ql 88.19.
Tother, Juno 10.