.RDWAR* - I, ' ) r PR OS.PEP ET. IND UTRI4 Lave I have lately mado laige 'additions to my already AXTENSIVE STOOK OF HARDWARE in ell its branches and departmonie, and buying en. eduslvely for arsh, amS able to ft ompoto with. Phiiad'a. Markets, and to Wholesale at Manu fasturer's Thce.s. 1000 Hags of Nallajust received and will sell by ,14:e qnsntity at manufactures pirces for cash., . MI orders attondod to personally, and with our moat promptness. Woods delivered to all parte of the town FREE OF - CIVREE. We Invite the spacial attention of illaeltsmlth's And.WagomMakers to. bur ostensive stock in their line, coinprisinginspeet of: Sfauunered,_ - - , • /1101106," _., • . linglished Refined, ' and Norway Iron, . of all shapes and sizes, Bur'don'a Horse and . Mule Shoes, . -- •. r -•- - • : Nails of different: brand 1," - - - . , - RoWland's flinch and - Polished Springs Fanderson's dast•dtool, . • ." l3pring, Sleigh, • . 9 Blister and Toe Stool, 1 • ' Blacksmith's Drills, • •. 014 30 X Vises, Bellows,A Files, limps, and Case Hardened, Wagon, Car- dap, and Buggy Axles. . • CI . ARAIEGE, WAGON AND SLEIGH .-I Fixtures, embracin l g irk p.,rt : -- . , 1101358, -, 11 SPOKES, 1 , FELLOES, - . BOWS, .• . SHAFTS, • CARRIALIE r POLES , . . • , SLEIGH RUNNERS, FENDERS, ... _TOP LEATUER, - •. BUCK CANVASS, - DRILLINGS, - a' - DAMASK, ._ . . LACE, -TRIMMINGS, Ac., Ae. . . too numerous to mention. Out•and Clinch Nails, at the Tem' lowest market rates. Country Merchants supplied at manufacturers . • CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ..win find it to thoir advoutago to buy Nails, Loch Paints, Oile r And othor Building Illatorinis, togoth with • 0A R. E -N"T ER S MAYO L S • from tho Beet Maiceii• X wariantod to givo on tira satisfaction in gall- tygid rlces, • CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKE RS we would Invite your attention to our largo and cheap stock of Walnut and Mahogany Voneors, Chair Sofa, and Bed Springs, Moss, ll* &e. Cann Handles, Lace, Fringe and .11 necessary materials and goods In their Uric. - BADLER'S FINDINGS AND TOOLS of every variety comprised In pact of, Black lied And White. Enameled and Patent- Leather, Ibrg Skins, Saddle Trees, Stirrups, Japanned and Silver names Horse Blankets, Collars, Bridle ilitts,-Buokl flings, Brow-Sands,_ Web, Girthlngs, Blanket Binding, Ives' and North's Self Adjusting 'fro., So., Ac. A LARGE STOCK OF STIOENIAItEII'S TOOLS Cod 'Findings, Alorruc roes, Taroplcoes Sheep - Skins. Colored Linings, Sc., all or wild. will be sold . at the lOwest cash rates. PAINTS AND UILB ' Twenty tons of the following brands Whit , . Lead and Zinc's, Wetherill's Lead, Liberty do., Buck do. Crystal do., Mansion do„ French Zinc, American do Snow Whitailo„.Floronco dit, Colored do. Colon; of every disbription dry and In nil in cans and tubs. Also, Ovid_ Leaf, French and Ceram. Bronze, Paint,' Varnish' and _Camel Hair, Brushes Graining 'Combs nod Brushes. - 0 I 8 AND VARNISH-ES Linseed Oil Sperm do:, Fish do. . , - • Lard do., . • Lubric do., ' • Seats Font do., Turpon ti ' • , Coach Varnish - Furniture do., ' • I ' White Demar do., JAPAN IRON AND LEATMER VARNISHES Almo,Putty, - -Mbar ''''-`-- Wltit g i.g, - ‘ 4 . ' ' .•' . - --.' • Glue, . Bhellac, Rosin, - Chalk, • - • , Alum. . - Copperas, - Borax - Madder, • Logwood, Ac., ac. We would especially in iv vita the attention o Partners, Mechanics and the community I general to the following articles: DOUGLAS COWING & RUM.SEI"S IRON WELL AND CHAIN PUNK'S, DRAWING WATER FROM FIVE TO ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEFT Wood, Iron and Load Pipo to nuit, •=. HYDRAULIC RAMS Cc , A constant and frtkb supply of Dupon' s, lioek, Rifle. 14 sigh. - and Duck Powder,tltafeth-a Ith-Saloty Picks, Mattocks. Crow tiara, units, eledee, Napping.. Hammers. Cement of the Follnwine brand,. (Warra)nt , id fresh and good,) Rosen(lsle, Scotland and lianedelt, Also, Calcine Plaster, Putro, Sand, He. liole agent for Plink's Shifting Doom Plows, do High and Low Cutter. i.lso agent for Zeigler, Wohich,.Bloomfield, E iglu and York Plows, Plow Handles, Cultivator llanoles, Plow basins and castlng of every &motioned . to suit the above plows constantly on hand. 'We aro scoots fir the patent improved Measuring Faucet Wu guarantee, them to draw and measure cor rectly the heaviest Molasses, Oils, Tar, Varnishes in the coldest wean°. Remember the old place,, N 0.15, EASI".MALN St., Elizaltothtown, and Loudon Hanna, straight and wlated, Butt and Long Traces, bth Chatoa, Bitreads Rake: a-Chains, Cow nee, Ace., &c. .BELLS Lotallslses,(warranted-tot-to—ertrillywntl-01r sulat. 'Saws, ButelprSaws, Knives, Stools, &c., tr. • A . LARGRAND NEW STOOK OF CEDAR WARE COMPRISING IN PART TUBS, OIIIIRNS, BUOLIVER, BUTTER BOWLS, PRINTS, 3c,. ac. • Plain and Porcelain-Lined ? Oval and Round Boiler's, - -Porcelain, - - Brass ani4 Copper, • 1311-Preiervisiy • Ketaes; IVagle and grid Irons. r- . A NEW LOT W!' BAGS t AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.. TINNERB 'SOLDERING IRONS, SOLDER, DAR LEAD, SPECTER, BLOCK TIN, PIO .LEDFSTIEET BRASS, &a. • • • SINGLE AND DOUBLE BANREL .SUOT GUNS. Smooth and Twist lit .11.111 o's, and RifiellarAle, and Mount nee, Itovol Vera nnd.Bowle Knives, 1111lo,111ota1lo Ontridges to cult nnon and Rovol- vire, of All the I ruproed pattorun: LARGEST ASSQRTMEN T AND MOST BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF BIRD OAtrES. /Molders, W Patent Metallic Iron /Molders, Mosn'et Flow . or Hanging Baskets. ILE. B_ N. G_E_R. CHINESE 431-O'N ANx) 11.-41..Z1 .17 "B'E L L S • 3? 0.11 110,T EL r 1,1 • -; -;PLAIN AND ; GILT -.7EXOLUSIVE'ACii.ENT FOR *AO* #949ion: It and on doormand Windt:4ol°r ekoluding• Ohl, fain, dust, and. finow without mentioning tho: SAVING GrflOAL . . Wades secining such cOmfairifr:ito - Taliici — dilaiiidc . tore of fuel can command.. ' 4LSO SOLE AGENTS FOE VAIRDANR'S STANDARD SCALES Wa"Remembor tho olrotard. „ gEbTAT $.444T0N, _WC: O ,- I.o' 'ANT /14/N STREET „NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! EAST MAIN STREET; Pavo just got In ploro from - Non York and Philadelphia. All the Lest stylus of ' silks in all 'stiles and colors, Bilk Poplins Sprink Mohair and Chose Pgpllns In - singlo npd doublo fold for Ladlos and Ittlirses sulfa. in black and every shade of color MIXED GOODS, Ileautlful'COLOlLF,D and WHITE .IIIARSEILLIO3, elegant CIIIENADINES and LAWNS. 1-Ei- IT L G'o' YD S BRILLIANTS, AVUSLINS, CAMBRICS, SWISS, TARLETONS, PXRCEL, LACES bought from Jaftruy's New York, selling much legs than regular prices, _ - newest style of DIES COATS, splendid styles of FRENCH and - ENGLISH COAT,TNGS, Ornanwnts, Buttons and Trimmings: to match SPRING: STIATATL, Elegant priutea CASIIM Elt E STIIIPE . I) anti 13A1tRED el ' All kinds of . NIOURNINC GOODS, PUNERAL GO 01)S. Purrivised bolero cotton !0va1...0d an Immnnsu Find. of lOM ES•f I C C. /)iIII S CA L'. (WS, () INUIT M ING:4 ❑I.P:1111111, and UN II LI.;AC It NI US I. IN .1, 110111Ni/1. I OTTON and LINEN PA N OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT Hosiery, • - Gloves, Ilancllcerebiefs, Cravats, Collars HENRY BA XTON Trimmings, - Ribbons an her wares 4TUTIN'3 - OELEURATEDIiID 0 LQVES7ALL COLOUR "The Duchess" Rid Oloves. at low prices. Latest stylo of Parasols and tun Umbrellas, Hoop Skirts, Veils and a thousand other articles not mentioned. We aro tl;o largest duelers of In, Carlisle, from the lowest- pare to the finest Fremh. W. C. SAWYER S: CO., Aro unrivalled In khan lariip and sated, brook of . . 0 MEI • Wo buy from manufacturers and novo. jobborp .mmisolons. t; Best Quality of Three Ply. Best: Ingraiw • l'ltiladelf)lila make ci.liii;r , ains. TqbenriCarpetsto suit all customers ALL WIDTIO AND QUALTPiNS DY 01 L CL,OTIIS, - forlroomn,llhalig, Hairs Anal/think. Mailings; - Velvet Rugs, Matta, 011 Shades, Iloilands. for Curtains, Dam ask for Lounges, Onuaturpains, Blankets, Tabig Linens, Napkins, fee:" . 0.: .NyTER''Sz . CO' have reeetved the noweet styles of, SPRING COATINGS, CASSIW;RES, . , goOkraadd up- to drder, In the latest , ,styles, • now geode will bo added as" the sauna advances, Wo buy cor saeli and soli at lowbet Market prices. Anybody call at the old stand. . - 13AVY}Ilt & 00. .Idy 68. a 'bl2 r 'dboDs. VVYER & dot, Under the Carman House DRESS GOODS, ALPACAS; STRIPED GOODS; BARRED GOODS FOR DRESSES• All of - WHITE and FIGURED, CA3II3.itICS SEIETINGS,;LINE2N:s, Elie INGS, FLOUNCINGS LAMBS and 51.1SSES., -471--leivdt- of W. C. SAWYER., L CO MIMS Linen 13osen's, Zephyrs, Buttons, C 0, R . ' E T_ 5.,. - itl 'l' R P li 'l' S , Bost Quality Crosloy lirtissols Beat Vonotiaii ==l F URNIT U.i?E 7 t ' s bairZ,l__ • ~, - .1A"" 4 1-I'!r-kr' , ,):7 7 7 727.-4 .!' , 1' ' - ------ ,l` It '0214,0_4,tp-,-,e•--:,•4,4.i'l --- Q - 0 "S---• • ',,,',-;:-. : --- iy,;l4 -- c.gy, , ' . _,,, z , uo. _ ' . 'A--, :: :'1 ' ; ': -“ ; I: lier.6. - ' -' 1 ,c : ?` - 0 , ; i l ( 6.04 - --, t it. - -4 - —4 t ... 4 _,. f 4 - 4 1 .3 1 ... ~,.,n ~, ''- a c - "‘ , '.i. r ...3 , c .„0.( 5 0 el. . t'J . 0:,.< 5,- . x .,"1, ~, I . a M •. , , , ?,:l ;,,,•!•• • -' '... -1 cb' , i . \C"., ] : , tr' -••:; - +.6 ~ ..,. • : - !.^.•'• . •: rlL_l_ 0 p.• . 1.,, , , f -,.a o t ., • V , o' ,-‘ Hi 21 '' t=l g,'. nE. _., --1 ; al_ ,a , , .7,.3 ::-4 ....!. 0 c , .., 0 , , ;4,. ci 1.-- ~,,, ~,, '';• 0 , R. 'Lli Furnn . or° of nll 'rarl,ttes RI Styioo of. Vorelgn nxid,Dotoest le znnoutlteture, front' t ho Ilnest rosewood and Mahogany to thu lowest prlc2l tonitlo nod plito Parlor, Chamber, Dialog room Kitchen nod °Moo I= ' Embracing every article mod try Tlwiin And note fteeperkoof the most approved andll.lllanlible.doil g n and finish. Ineiadlng also age Inenhorn in sotto, iceurd lon and Cain', Omit, o:,moH j pictures, he., he. & - n-Partieular attention Oven 35 usual to funerals; orders from team and country, att en( d ts p cmnptly and on moderato terms. SPIWIA I. ATTENTION PAID 'II) 'XII fi SLI.ECTIGN ON WALT. PAPER. , EM=l NEV -Fllbili, . - • NEW 713Z.TM r: N EMS, • , Iti EW FIT gt riir rr IT liE: -1. . ' ‘ ,. l: ir. i.-'l ii 7.:l . -, C''''lli.,;;;,:;?.?;::', -::-:•:,:j1C-''';i1 -- , —' ,4. • '.. -,, '-:. ;,,... .. :' iii '4 ll % ',.. '2. '- • " . ,'" - i ' '''-'. -'-' - . 1 1 1.,---.1-‘2l-,•,-, • . . Tho suLFt•rilwrs hied theiitr•ohe, In partner:Atli , fQr (ho "( (1111 F U N I T•U It F, l',N IS S have located thamseirns - in - the well-known and, pep ular eland .ately 60rupket hg the jo liter petttu•r as a grocery store, on the xuuUr cast Corner of Ilannver They desire to announce to the public that they have now on hand,nd are constantly manutheturing nod purchasing from the hoot eas!arn manufiLetargrs4 tiv lateA and heht sly Joined patterns of FURNITURR of all quo lithe. MdlMEl=== .. IVA 1.. N UT SW rs, • • (Ai Et.'r \1: I Su-11s, % 1 , 1.01t..k I. I). E. STAND:, . . T 01 - EA l'6, DAIS , ISO 1 . 112 I; I.A US. I r :‘II styloN and price. 'Coto n Toles, Stnis. Lonogtni, UoLtn,r, Trundles. Cot. , top', 1 . /Idol . , .lont no,. And .1., gly Mud nettstoads, no! onto, .7.lnrido Ton Tuldos and :iton . ds, of all ed.ictit,,C'holri.or:dt Nods. Muffed Fur, Run. in sans or in pow, cons , an tli' on 31 Errors 1111411111 . 1.5 • • II 0 EMA DE IV 011 K, su,i, r", ries, Chao, In I: all ILlifl ,11.11'1,1.Y 4 11 %1,11:: cT mt:.;;TC, 4111 1.1f91,4',;; Iv. , CLOY:MA - 0' I • sa,nuo Arnm,t id f'•,i...11t1 awl ai , toute that his stuck of 111 at ca. 111 , 1 V achhplet that Ito Is leads. •,•11 nt 1`1111 , 1 , .11111.t 1\ tedw:r pokes.- Ilvlhreipay iu h.t.a 1,1 o eilaatln.. oar slur and you will II HI that p,i; 1,14, • TW EN TY• 1 , 11 1•10: GENT All Goods war, al.ttl io 1, 7 os Tholmmenno str,clLoi . , 0V E 0 A 6 from sti 00 upw,irdF. C:1,1 ,t EL A I:! , ,LD, North Vet 0,4 n. -.t 11, , ,, ,•:—tt1 Lantth,r.:_kr.ttd• 8 nor (;7. DPUG 8 I DRUf D r : D . cnr,,,,,,1 h,` 411,0101.0 h art ex:oo=lv° practice, nn well as kin 1;10 r 1'..0.1 1,c,. I t , th r dhy of l'ittchurg, ne 1,1,1 . t........ ~, ......e. unt ol 111 hcalth, lion 00tv 01,00..1 lit Nt , ..',, 'io' Li I 1..1,, i•I ALIVVI, be tt;',il Oinet , S It Itrs. 111, ',-.... ~..I 7.0 /01, a Ititlikt f BTOit i'., NO trtrtit lin, .0.1 ~ 1. v a v., , oisio v v 1c... .I,yq a pun , sk., k of 10 0,4 , , -1.:1...0 .., .1 ~ I.:, :quit., anti °very:l,oo4 gm", arl. 1... ht .., 1. v . 'cc... 0. It• .1 City Druo ~..tarn. l'rencriplir to , r.. I,l'. . 0.0 p. 00.1..1 and 0,10;13 r....cii,t4 Lill 1i . i ., 11, ), . 11 , . slv. Ila I , l'. C:III he c...1,01t,..1 at. al.) bout. 1 , 1 lan 00i,..•„ 1.....:, 4.1 kin ntort....r to 11 1 , ..1 • c. 10. 0. i , ' '.. i .111 , lift,' /4.011 k lokll no.` 0t....0.1.. , .: ;h`• 0... ~ N. , :In N.,,th I I:001sec ,tr.-..t.a'a11i..10 - • feTi, f - - The Last Success, . 'Nyl • Cr p [-, V ,'- ) ,..Is,, A i' , .. ,;,1 1 1 : ,:F ;;. t., g I,it, d i-- ...- '-- '—,:,) i, ,;!,;,' , ''' fii'..flil;l:',i..' — k [ l .: = 7l ,- --- ;: -.. .. *" .ll ' '' ' S Y . )(IV 1 ' p.. pc ,12-,,.--,-,,i-,-:,,,i ...c,- fi p.i 1 1 / 4 , Ac. Li 1...) , ,I, C) V..,F ',.1 \l, -----; ".:i-,',1!-:.--c,...-ik:ql.4 h, • - IgAivift3v.ll-4 , 1 v.tr. ---0,ii::,,,,tatt.54„.., • ~ rp /4 If ‘-. ~- ~,_, r-vr [ 1 -..-';: ?. f-i 14 -4 , --' . l il 1 . tyr . , . ....1.1p....,...1:.t.:),„k ! 7 It' ''' . . %,,,,,,-,.,-,..„,_, f ....tp;- , • ~,..- ' • -,-,(,..,: isi) will quickly restore Gray'FlBir , to its natural color and beauty, - attei produce—lea u ;heat t-growth; — , Iris - ' perfectly old is preferred• over every other preparation by those who have a file head of hair, as hell as' - tho3c who itish to rts:tore it. 7h, beautiful ,is and perfume Lfir" in for oh anti Por Fiala by oil 11. t. DEPOT; Pig, CP.,:.: '1,;':1:,',. .P . ', . r, i'.;.,%! ..,. „ . „., - .1, 1) ....), ..., .14fob-138 .. ly s flt .PAPERS. PAPER II A.N IMEIEMI . WALL PA.PER.S., rrim AND ELEeIANT - gTYLIN r - FOR PAiiions, itALLA, ETC., HOLESALE 11 RETAIL, .• . • HOWELL S; BOUENE'S, - • CORNER ON FOU'RTII AND• MAI[ICLT STREETS', I.4IILhni:;,LPIITA. •1:11 rll 3in S M. iloovliii. • .LimiDED AND COAL . DEALER. .o.ffica 168 Tircit ./lain St Cnrlislc~ donstantlynn ; hand, clean, nd_ In tha dry, , Lykenb Valley, Shamokin, Wilkeabarre, - &e. ' Stove r 19 *n, and brolcen nizcs - of Goal; au k i Pali - ill any ;'• Denilr in Alen an aiicollontrattlelii of Illabiranrith'sCoaLii PITK•INS & 0 0., 71 Npi•th poedixd St., justlielow ' •-" • Arelt.St.; - . .•. PA. - „=.4lsQ,.s:PArac PLACP,, Peeerllith•o 'O4 a ntri-rut on n 11 t" BEST BRANDS FAMILY FLOUR I 17april-am.; • Seasoned' Boards', , i •Plan Also &awl int), Lath, plc/ and, Sh injks • •by Iforrol or Sock, delivered promptly to ardor. A olutro of parosproCully twllolted. . " S.M.U. 17npr1l.2m* MARBLE YARD BIONIBIHNTS, Tomns,' TIDADSTONDS, hinntole Door rillr,"on Lniid I.int undo toqrdor9r Strogt, Darnel°, Pn, . R.OWLN tonrcbl6 07•ly , .- , . . • s.. „ J . ....,!''; - -.- , , r - ::.._ , ,!z -, . , A5-I — A., . , _ ~.:•,•;.:..,:;17.,,- Ic,; -e...,• . - T.•7.-•- , .. ', - -- . -,- 3 - r) .., _ i.;l_. -" ' ' '.: -. ..-; ,, ,-,.,',M* - --..: - ,• , ,c-,,:. , ~i...,,,,,,,,,.*,„14,1,4 ~ -a_ • . . ,• -::-..• • ..; ..t.:.:•,,,.....,,,,;,..v,„ - . • ~.. • • . '. .._. i. , - ... .-: , • ' ‘... ,::• ; '; , , i,:,4:._; , 10;at,,,.. , _ p Wheeler St Wilson and Elliptic LOCK STITCH • • MIORTIESi The. Best grYnple.4 and Cheapest. r ii - Es •inheltines are adapted to -a kinds of fitfully sowing, working equally well upon PillriLinen avid Cotton goods, with Sip, Cotton and Linen tbreads.-. meal:lug a boautlful and perteit Stitch alike tin' both silo of the artleloeuwed•l -All 1.10111108 sold :tin seal ranted. - Calla all exionitneut Its ll 'load Teleglayb 0111ce;Car ! nhle ; l Xll. • JOAN CAMPBELL -- May . 21, 11307-41. .JAS. E. CAMTWE.M., [~ No. 002 ESTN uT 'sTREET, PLULADELPHIA4 MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS OF CLASS GOODS, I;longint to (ha litisinetot of Coldsmid tthet Silverstiliths N EAV -• 1M Alt TILE -- STORE, . . , ... . I ' . .:di ' ”di ,. g from rim.rmt ; , treet: to,Snnsnal Street ng , .. 1 1.‘g :u”1.1. , ,o e. and, collvt , b,ut IIreI,SFOPICA, Or leg oppot (milt,' for o.prrvoe ellspley of goods moil bet tor me.t fi, ffir zheh oxmoinetion. R'lIL ox tnnalve nlid LLnrnble nrrannoninntvln this Country and in Europa. no urn in a positlnn to offer Ilt,lllodOlittO FIXED prii 0..• . IPa(chcs,l)(amoirds, Bron.l.e & Mar bl ( i ' r - ,o(1s, &Ayer ier;:elty • . • • 3 cd' fINCYE3RTICLES; • Ftmnßrre visiriti, the alty at en rlll2lllyln v lied to examine our Now • anme SE I:LE NS & F 0 1, I,l' EI, 1,, W1101.1:3 II.E CONFECTIONERS ~1„,V7) FR 1.7 TER ER NC) lal Nowrll Till RD STREET, PHILA_DELPIII r, - ;‘,..oItDERS promptly. attended Co I= ! .I._ firelic Grano Com 1 ,1 ?I,y's Soluble PA- C 1 1:7•C • 'VII I' ATTENTION of Falafel+, and other coosurners of Ea tillanaff in tot Itod to Ibis amino. as worthy of their ,Knead offtieff. Ito ore for tevionl yeafaln 31n y• food. \ i aloft, n-nd o , h, Fonthera,States, for all crops, ha.: It a- ctiandard character fur excellence un equalled by no) f Alter. It a... 1,5,, all tho quick Oen .0731 - trovinn t li MITI, with - permawrit,Thunlltles' nal f. as-1 in that fnalclff. 025 a !hi of thin clluauo m.o. ham,'lna, thi,n a -nal 11,-; tho hest doper -I.la,faufte, IL t ip,o , Ihe nhfast cm - TAT to .earn days :i rli,r 0.311 I il, phooSpiltlfe,. SOlieil P.A. - alone given IC 'focal Ida` I f adt.tnt.ozal far ca lr hy. • 40i i S. it ELZ` E 1ic.111,11 I'4-intik Guano Co., aq 1 , 01.11 Ih•lon aro AlO., Plillad'a,_ 71 11 utli Sheet, Balt.more • 27tnat• - E I) and keep Yourself In formed ELI:0 .11r n • 1,1,11 litv mul , volt Bnrncu buSine. I ,Iti , ll I yeA - S, AulVe 1.•1.1it..,1 I . 4r It. lit• 11,11 R , \ i,r•••••ta t•uhineFP, r • • !h. ni,11:, of I= (V,OTIIING 1I I , !• likt ',IS 41S Wl`il aq vonaq by ktd .1/ t ;41.4 NE-FliPli SIIINIi . 1; “;1. , ..! ••-i••• jot', t• i• •• 1 .111 1 large aa a I 1111 , 11! , l 1:1,. nu •di) I 1 `sl , r.it,g and SI.I I / 1 /1/0 . 17. : Fr..11,4‘ ;,11,1 ifing'ish Cloths, " alitl • • Doeskin CASSE:IIEIIES, Fitt.. Light Fittitiylhiti-Ifin etssimeress, (' 11r 4 -1, d'ole's Alepecto. 1.1n00 , , ,ot Vol, et, or.l„aoft ,lint,) mot, too nu 1111.1.1, Loo e , I; .slirr a trill .....1.111/o`llt 01 Trtilms, Vallmis i 4'1111,2 ”I 'the iwkt Ith thUllk th' filVor, :mot 11111111 %, ill nceh 1113 place, FREE GIFTS TO ALL! press .Pnitrrn • A-Family .Sexy Ahleh (b Id Wrifrh. FREE OP C,)ST , ! ' For ono Jr tw6„_,lttys' serrieuln any town or village 'PartleularStkud sample sent fret by • addressing, with stamp.' N. li. CLOUDNIAN 4; CO., Np... 10 Hanover st., Boe ton. 11. s. ranar-68 1 / , 4- c -`4 ail ENT - , t;PROPE - R . T ' YAT PRIVATE SALE OrrKl- A T Seco. AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF; PROPERTY MEOW AT GOVE MEET SALES Colo:Wing chiefly of ~. 'lO,OOO SETS NEW AN SECOND HAND "Ilaynesgipridles & .3,000 SADDLES,. eu B,ylok, kOO9. WAGON COVERS. • 5000 Wool & Rubber Blankets, & .„ • - Horse Covers. • Nil - APART CI,OTIIINO, el BEAT COAT.3,"PROOK COATS, BLOUSES, PANTS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &d, Also a largo lot ofltilins, Jowl Linen; Buggy Ambu• hlnce find Cart Ilartiesn, Double 'greet., Lead Bars, roil, -able Nrrgen,Wheel - Team liarnenn, little war; all oak tanned Labor,. serviceable, cleaned and oiled, $1 per borne, Including Bridle , Load, do $4. Arobu or Stage Memel. With superior leather Traces, perfectly suited for krill or general team work, dotal,. to seta compli to $2l to $3O, Bridles $l, Collarlill to $2 .extra-buir Buell Artillery rare, do-L,60 and $3; Doubld Dela $1,71 to_2 25,11altern $1 to 11 . 2 per dozen, Now 0111cern 11c0leilan $l6 do, with plated Bit Bridle 140 Brasil Mounted Saddles, good as Ivry( ifig, with Bridle Oil Boys 16 Wagon Covers supe rior 10 and it or., Cot ton Duel $6 to $l2. 1000 Wiwi tla TOO to, new pliol god an Amur, 12 Dook, 14 foot sotgf re 6to :SA yfth polo! and pint complete, Wall Tonto 10 to $2O, Weitgo do 6.C! to $O, Shelter Tonto for 'Tay Ctipss;;O to GO per 10. U rain Bogs, 12 De, Duck, 2 to 1 Bushel 16 to $lO per dozen, else folUnixorttuent of Sramleta Bags. , lifnall order by Express, D. 'iTIS ERA DEDUCTIONS'TO D'IIOLEEALE DEALERS QLD ESTABLtSI4' t ' J. J. ItIONARDSON 6: CO., ITAIII 9 II' rSTRn RT , • PLUL ' AD'A„ • Ts the largolt litanufaeturlitz Confectioners 'and Wliolosalo Dealers In Fruits, Nuts, &0., In tlio United Bliitoi.•. , • , anuir6B•ly . Biyaaie Fulmonio Wafers; .NISCELLANEOUS. P , y SIEWIT,LEIRS, every dvsrription of Ilii'rtifireii;evul 'to their Boxrs, :tod overy do,eription or I=M=2 No '24. Nort h Hanover St. I. LIVINGSTON, All Sizes NOW and Worn, I STOTE:S" . .iiIVD TIN WARE: TF YOU. WANT' TO SEE TEN, most perfect Parlor Stove ever offered to the lie, stop into . - • : -FRIDLEY'S Stove Store haat tOutlibr. street, •In tlac"Yoar . Halbert's Grocery Store hod see the - GREA.T.AMERIOAN BASE; BURNER in operation.'lt la 'a porpettial Burner, arid ter feet Radiator, as well as a perfect Ventilator of tbo room, and is warantod -to consume lass coal than any other Stove of tho same sine, over offered to trukiniblie requiring but ono ordinary scuttle of-lunar-cod - once — in — twenty-eight - bonricbeing perfealy, simple In all-Its working, having a simple slide' to rogulato the lire for keeping at night, ono kindling of tiro being all that is required during the winter. No duet, no gasoro slag or cinder. r Q .3 • t 2, ° , M iti ' q :j rti 0 H w t 8 .. tzi V , r, 1 IS 0 H A . -' w lIE l.—An amnia 'Magazine. or Reservoir, for Cod, having a free di , chargo mouth, the magagino being adjostable to different heights of site to nitro Inches from tho grate, so on to accommodate tho enmity of Coal ns to its size and quantity, thug permitting tho maintenance of a certain depth of 'coal for active combustion within the tire-pot (whether it bo of nut or stove size), which Is the only way to burn An thracite coal to advantage. Different MICR of cdnl require more or less depth for perfect combustion. 2 A Funnel, or Hopper, for the passage or thp cool to thirniagazine in so arranged no to -permit.thh introduction of fresh cool, without — alloWing any escape of fumes and gas into tho room; and further, whon tho Stove in left with Its top uncovered, com pelling any fettles that may escape from tho 'supply .11 tho reservoir. upwards - to Its toprto pass over the top of the reservoir into - the surrounding fluo r and _ go to the ba-e and outlet. of with a continuous Flue; over Its entire upper edge and-done—its-wholeve ody—to — th hose and outlet flues by which means the heat is transmitted, not in separate flues several -Inches apart, as in usual in downward draft Stoves, but ht a continuous sheet of florae in contact with the entire eircUmferoinceoftue outer cooling of the Stove, froth the top of the Fire-Pot downwards, giving a far. more extended surface of radiation of the heat that any downward draft Store' extant. 4.—An ample Grate 3 urf eu and Air Passages, and a complete - arranged Orate!, for slinking anti - dumping, with a good size Ash Pao ti),reeelve tho ashes and leder 4.1:1-1Vo also wish It to be notO,l, that thero le an nb‘ - nlute. • SECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS I upon the removal of the cover from the Stove,-,-whiol no comrnotitydaeure upon the removal 'of the covers with other Magazine Stoves, for such Is. the ofieetof. the Funnel. no constructed and arrangod in reforooco to the Magazine and Its surrounding. Flue ' that NO GAS.pAN ACCUMULATE IN Tun UPP,EIt FART OF TILE MAGAZINE.TO EXPLODe:. Nor ca.] a currant of- air - or draft,--Le created-"upwards through - the Magazlno to inflame its contents. which happoos with otherr. Sieves injut Mg and dogtroying the Magazine Every feature of Oda Stove is calculated to effect. E C N.O M Y:. IN TDB USi.: OF FUEL, • DURABILITY „IN ITS CON ST ll Van A D „s Yll METE Y IN ITS PROPOIPFIONS. In addition to -the above Stove, Fridley keeps on band a full supply of the bast Cook, Parlor and Wilco -Stovt-s. Tin 1111 d Sheet Iron work of all kinds on hand, d('l SNutinx, Roofing and Jobbing anti kinds, dono nt short notice, and of the hest material, Fruit Cans, and mars of the must approved pAtonts, and In con• cluot on tho Bust Portable and Erick Batt •• F~th over offered to the public. relerence call on T. Cooly - ],; F. C Fleming; Dr. fleo. Neidigh •, 'A. L Sponsler; 11. Saxton; Prof. llilhmiu D. .1. Loldlgh; .1. Roster; and others. 7 ( gn0v.671y . • h . HATS AN • Do 71014 want(' nice Hat w• Uap • • If so. don't WI to .11 on CALLIO, dal 21a FO - 9 o can be coon the ❑nest' assortment or HATS.AND CAPS . ; ever brought to Carlisle. Ito takes great pleasure in inviting his old friends and Customers, and all now ones, to his splendid stock lust received from Now York end Philadelphia, consisting in part . of floe SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS,. Besides an endless variety of Hats and Caps of the latsst mid°, all'of which ho will sell at the Lowest Cash Pikes Also i his own inanufarture of Hate al ways on bound, loot Hats .Ifanufactured to Order. ' 110 has the best arrangement for enforlng lists and all hinds of Woolen llinds, Overcoats, dm., at the rhea trot, notice OM he r n lon s every week) and on tine most reahonable terms. Also, a lino lot of choice amnia. of TOBACCO A CIGARS s ”It baud. lln deqil tc , 4%01 the at:on:Ion iwrsmis whn nnvo *COUNTRY ,FURS - - To Poll. on he ic:yo tho bhhe,t co-h prlcos for th. 9,e him a call. at the 1010,11 number, his old stand , b,. feels confident of giving entire satisfaction, J. 1314 67 M=IMME Manufactured at F. GARDNER k. Co'§ Foundry and Mechlin, Shop, Cer'Nu, CANT ILE Di AT I This is the testa nony of enncs 01 rinullies iu Comlnlend, "orry and Adams Counties %oho ere now using then, -.. 3:111 and lee t 1.111. CORN SHELLER S, .nolnir either by power or by hand—constantly on nand and for sale by 1 , GAItIN Ull A Co. Foundry and Machine Hipp. Eft Mehl Stmt. • . STEAM BOILER MAKING.. We nro prepared to make . Learn Hollers of all - sixes an 3 klildrilroiliptly and on the host terms. Also 6.tiske,stwks and all articles in that line. Itsratn, iso OF BOHM. and Engines pomptly attended to in the bt.syminner. P. 0 A RDNEIC& CO. Shop, Carlield, Pu jan.2 .67 SEEING IS 'BELIEVING At -704, AttCH STREET _NEW PRICES I NE 1V GOODS I . Rich 'Sillier and Silver-Plated Wares, . . • . . Including every style and gt.. 7. description, mode expressly 4 ,.. .. - 1 for the Winter trade, which for neatness and durability .1 1%, cannot lie surpassed ht 4-- SAY" , , s ' Ap. „, . - --to JOAN DOIVIIAN'r; Wholcsalo and Retail Manufacturing Eatabletanont, • No. 704- ARCS MEET, r ' . • • PIMADEEPIrIit." e)t abort notico 3augel ly HENRY HARPER, tr• No. 520 ART( STREET, P LA . D EL PITIA. FIoo`WATCIIES, JEWALRY, SILVER WARE, and RODGERS' CELEBRATED SILVER PLATED WARE, io7rmited tripro plate, on the whieeit metal, at 'rdANUFAOTiIItiIR'S ritms. • ' - 1741 OS-Sin - , GAS PIPPING fraud PLUMBING FOOTE & LYNOrt, Praptioal _Gas Fitters and PitimborB Destro to'lliti.rm , their old bustomera and . the oitl• zone of Car Hale generally, that .th ayhaVo removed their m establiahment to the' , commodious room in the • Basement of . BheenVa ... Ball, antra.° ou o.hurch Alloy. \•, ' • • They will ...trend promptly ow licrotoforo,. te work °alluded to thorn. They keep constantly on liana and era Preparnd to Introduco LEA D and IRON PIPES, HYDRANTS, HOT, and OOLD SHOWER BATHS: .WATER CLOSETS, FOROE and LIFT PUMPS, JIM SINKS. BATH. TUBS, BOILERS. WASH BASINS , HYDItAULIO RAMS, all kinds of GAS, STEAM and WATER FITTINGS: POPPNG 114,N.0xi, HEATERS, &0., act 311. In .the most modern gtyle. Country Work and Jobbing promptly ~..totOod to..__ _ lfap 68 • 1 4 1 ULLING MILL I - .• . . The subscriber haring' pitrebased ' the -Woolen Factory well lino tan as' INVhitu'e Factory,' , situated ,at Sterrett's Gap, /lustros to Inform his old eustomers and friendit generally, that' he Is propared - to I menu. facture • CLOTHS, -BLANKETS &o and that ho win , CARD I#OOL, VP'LL CLOTHS, and attend to all business In blir ling • with..prompt• TM/laud i n a workmanlike manner,' For tbe. convenience ou those • customers residing .1n Carnets, and 'wool! will be received at , Faller's Clore, lit Carlisle, any{ at' Wllllam Shearer% read,, • ' :JAI6B Eli 01.1:813. 'Mewl= MISOELL<9NEQ _..... .. .. . .. LEF,',I3-TA.R.E. ': r, . . ._ _,.. M .. * * -at:ff.:: , ••••• Ter-••-•." - - a . The Calk Individual Milli Vralglit L i ' j l i r botiveon Car , • Ualo, and pkliy! lp 1 .. . MERCHANTS LOOK . I TOUR 1N .,c,-:-; TERESTSI IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO I.LEROHANTS, & fREIGATEIIS I That on and attar tbo let day df Peeembei .1867, this Lino will transport (labile of all doscdptions, from Philadelphia to Carlini°, at precisely Company Bates. t 1 to 4' '• 4 .t ; t4l % y to .1 :• 'ln making this vary important, announcement to the Merchants and Bh'pours' the undereldned, fool ,aseured - thattt will met with the hearty approval and encouragement' of their' patrons. ' Pact export-. once has fully demonstrated that it Is highly' impor tant to patrofilz • and oneounige Individual Interest and onerpyi - thereby - secnrlug , fah; — compotltlea and" protection against railroad monopoly. - The man and very important - Advantageii of a . .. . . . DAILY FREIGHT LINE, ... . , b.. b 0 P-4 Pl' - Q • . ... are too well known and 'appreciated by thin commu• nity to be overlooked and forgotten. We rely with confidence upon ..the . active. cooperation of- our-nu merciva patrons and. friends; in advancing the_ inter. esta of this line Experienced conductors dicarnpany each train to see to the safe , delivery - of- all goOdd outraged, to the, Line. • . The Philadelphia an ,B , Freight Depot Neill be used by Ibis Line, for the reception of all floods; the Increased advantages ollbr•d. In the name, In the Way of Light AO Epace. will 'he largely 'bene ficial. tt2 N t? 1 Draymen will find this Depot easy of . en trance, being level with the street. •- Be careful to hare your Goods marked and ordered to PHILADELPHIA anti BRA PING Depot. ,Goods delivered at this Depot any time beli.re 6 o'clock I'. .31, will be loaded the same day. • • 11Jan 60 ri A L L PATENT CENTRA I. AND-OUTWARD Diii,JII,AEO WAT En WHEEL, B_earing.diao - A:pril :30, 18.07 Newvillc, Cumbetiand Counly,`Pa., Propriotora of the above named Patent for Oho Counties of CUMBERLAND and FRAN'KLLN, PA., and WASHINGTON COUNTY MD. We desire to cell the attention of Millwrights, 111.111 Owners, and-others,-to the merits of th enbove•inven- Lion, which for Durability, Efficiency and Cheapness, • they are confident cannot - 1w eutpained. - . _Wherever it has,hcon introduced, success has in --rariably-followeih,:cretc-undot lie wrist—nrifirrmir circumstances. Far Back 'Water and Lazo Bead and economical. use of Water, this Wheel is without . a rival) • A Workl.ng Model - of the • Wheel ran lie examined. -At_tbe Establishment of the Manufacturers in Nrw- VILLE PA., where all information may be obeerfally given. We append the following references: .1, & Ir. 111111,911. .1011 N DI IOIIBA 110 IL BENJAMIN LANDES, • _Millwright. BA MUST. LANUES. O. & A. W. DA V Ilyc0;;, J. S. LINDSEY, - Millwrights J. F. RUSSELL.- LEWIS BOW MAN. SAMUEL - SOLOMON STROHM, • ADAM RAMP, • Millwright. JACOB RAMP. septp tf. TII 11 10. mt. • ' V FIRST PREMIUM ° x r ISP Of .. iillver Modal S _ TM AIVAIIOI. TO le BARRETTE HAIR RESTORATIVE / 6 By tho N. B oldent Akeleultural l'e 7, at Ins Fair in Nualtuan ..: , 18,41. =I Vegetable Hair Re•Jorative 'Restore. Omy Hair to Its natural .olor. Pro- i. AMA tho growth of tho lialr. Change the., toots to then original. organic action. lireill- Q., eaten Dandruff and Ilumoni. Prevents b Nair lalllngout. is a Superior DressinV t-nu: Atams -no injurious-ingredients, stSh.And is the :non popular and mil _ ablo article throughout the... . East, West, North and South. 'e - J. 01. BARRETT d. CO., Proprietors, MANCIIgSTE - 13; N. 11. SOLD )3Y AD. DRUGGISTS 22noi' 07-Iy. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION ! All parsons Inton ging to go to Ilousalteeplag ;Iry In ted to call at WALKER & CLAUDY'S PIN A ArD TO YE ST OR 1,,'; No. 18, "West Main Streets and examine their lininergn Ftnok of STOVES, TIN WARE, And everything in our llne. Having greatly enlargeideur fireilities for Ong busi ness by securing the splendid Slope Hoorn. No 18, West Main !root, and having just received In rge invoice of thu latest end host devices In the Hooter, Sins es 'finnanCnud .Itipn• ,tro line woftiel fully j o fled In dm ntatomi.t (hal ‘vo ran in:common:int All Classes of Customers ==l tlilr country. In the Am.° ilw un parr Coll'owlutt : • RE6uLATOI:, ~ •EXCi:LSTOR PENN, PYIAGAICA,. CUM FUNATIO SUSQUEHANNA, NOMA , : CODK; QUAKER CITY. Those are all ilret.class Stoves,. w ldi WO Will war rant to oa what they are recommended for; but wo have only space to speak partleojarly of ono or two whose meritssdeserve especial mention. THE REGULATOR COOK.. Which possesses advautiges,whlch sheuld recommend KM all. It ipis a Revolving Tp, by which arrange; moot the cook can rorerm the oe6iting - utensils to any position desired without the lifting of plates and vessels which other atones require. It hiiiceidedly the best qgptc etosiklmthantarket.,— • • - We have also on hand a large stick of OFFICE, PAi:2,LOR AND bINING ROOM ..STOVES among which may ,be founala, colebrotod base burn MOR : ING = 6IO7IITY The wise. !moult' fitl .o . l*e .and I:'arlu Stove ever op,red to the:pubi( Too much cannot be said in pralso of tho 1510ItNINO GLOItY whieh so Par has taltim tho lead of all other stovon.lo the market.. It Is a ' - GAS CONSU,MFiR, buinirtt'own - einder,Tanerequlres very litiln - ' - attai Me after the tiro la made, Whiling so arranged that It FEED ITS OWN COAL I Is - liable to no -- eiploslOns of gne,hinl Is nosltiv - eIY ho only stove In the market which hns the celebrate 410U:fern aro counterfeit. ltnitatlons.' ' In UM TIN WARE and IAPANNED WARE lino we kocif constanly on Land or our own and foreign manufacture, the vorriatost and .bent pattern's, and made of the Tory boot materiel by careful weiltmen All _),i - tch of 10'0ii7.11fG . andgeneyaljobblng promptly rtttonitotl to, , Don't forgot No, 18, Wiest Main ~troot. rriannit ,t•6I,AUDY. fob 21 08..202 -VAS•TITTI.NG•AND PLUMBING. , . . . .. . „ .. .. . , .. .. .. . . . . . .- likf' subscribaro•htyinfr - permanentry - located In Darned,' respeetibliy solicit a slum of tho public pat tronage. Thialr ohop hi oltuntod on tho' public, Annan' In tho rear of tho let Proobyterian . Church; where 'they can always, bo found. . .„ Doing osperloneed 'mechanics; tiloy aro proparod to' oxecuto all orders that thdynnay bo cutrustotitit ' lu a superior manner ; and at very modor tto. prices. lIYDRAULIO DAMS, - ' ' ~ • .. ' WATER Wllitlita,• ..-- •. : . .' , . -. HYDRANTS. ' ._,'' ' ' .." LIFT'd. FORCE PUMPS, DAtiIING TUBS, NASD BASINS and all other art!. clan in the Dodo.- - - PIAMBING ' AND - DAB - AND. STIIIIM FITTING promptly attended to liftho most approved M.A. .tarCouptry 'work promptly attended to. • .eray-All work guaranteed. `Don't forgot tho plarn—lmulodlatrly .In, tho roar ol• the Vire. Ilaabyterlan Mnch. • . 4JAMI'BIIIX it IIR:7WOOD. irtlYV 0 0.9.. '; ". ' - : : ; ' .- , ':... f,. .. _Fancy printing done hOre. MILLER &: BOWERS' I=ll Wo invito all pot,ons ilitlmdin< and lake - a loult tht no,ht • llolto, - Lochs, (floss, P,.int - thin Ii nu moth I'd down :51 tOO , 00 t and fool assured that o c eon Or • .•• V. • , in thin brallat lIARRISBIJ.IIG •isT A 1 • _ • / 6u lie 1..1.6 11, .." ~. ! in ill, all tu , 114 /11,1 tz 1.1 t.11.T 111'1 hi :MO .. I ; 4 II , , k .1'; 1) . • of nil huma:,j , .lhCpatirn. p I-1,1 .4 hill lino of II •o. -:.41 aro iiltvny, , t; it thy last, of evrn .og. S A DM E 11T , 1 _ . of every variot elni,ravhr; in 1, ll . j. Ji '1 Gig 'fro,. Nett' .Imponrod erf , C , ;• f - • I-ow Ilandv,Glrthio !I; i S11)-1)-1.Ell EllE9 ‘IOIOICCOES, • • ,cr-irk--;_Qr). Our frit, lois. * its. IWi' a V lho I.C - broods of :Ito/ 11',1i them it the In,c, tln4. os. R•r,m is r uvt,nuti S ii, enipt, ol !tittles; flux tt.raltlitt ttitrittti vett to ,ppl, ru.tot,r with liostt p ti , .11! 111 llp , t•ontat.tly ttit t , ttp tt . --- (10.11211 EUFINITIII . 4I - 1 4 a,..1 I.lrpRlG: Rm al way's find WI, haring a Jull:•opply of w.E4, thin ling. 1' MPS of all do , serlpti6n and or 'Cho Lrnt inanultt turoo, Wood, Iron and I rad pi pc:; to boil.' FAR) I AND :11Y • HOUSE - BEIL8," j.!,t MITI, Cross-cut ,tqciclrr ll tsria N s, )!Illx__t , llll 3 sting ,Elit !e]: tt:Al ral.t .cwo.t., &Ist to Plaster, Crow ..- •k'' . .ii; A.;,- -- , _ . . - - r.,- -- - ewi* .ii4..' , FARM 1;111S-,° .. , . will do Wrli I to roll awl onandlia 4 -Aity rtft , ,, of flame,: Tracer. Ervast, MMus, Tongno niltl ;Any elm Ins. dock oy Chat., Spreads; lialti.r.Oltains, Cow Ti,s, 4.thorols Sprks, W 001,1; lia)(oo,,firain llsgo, ,Pr;, It I' o ,, 7,,>in,.. 01E0W11631.0. Wu aro ready to offer. I•po,F11 Intlii , :ewoitg in this lino. , - , „ , , Qnd Mower con,q.4"ntly on band. 'v')4z>lf: • SMOOTH 'AND TD ISTRD,c Doublu - • V SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, • oARTIIIDCIES, lota Ct . o T rlntin 1)1ga - of avdry kinnd. _yy gg 1) A. 27n ?tens' A.S'oldering OATAS', • lilnek ;Tin 7 'l3a libit-111.11•Iirt, .• • I • .13,..a5s • ( C T 4. e n Win ago n ta . fot , • BUFFALO SCALE , and ore onttly to supply Scaler • .warrant••ri arid fnr ninin!cl at•lower prices than any• nth., cUr lu the market. WO Oro convt.3,ol,on 'race f! . yo ,1:14+ 11 rj'a , rout 1119:1111l1111filettlninj :11111 011.1 }.l,lnroh It Country_ Marchapto at, PUtla,/alphla, amt. :ivy; 0' 0 }I 0 1 \ 11' -`,. AG 0 N 1 1 4; 7 ",.7 / /,,,\1 _,7) > ')\ .'r FIXTURI4: " 4S, , ~ ‘' 1 .4- i allevo" on hand mill a I tue hot rzifyi; Spoliolb SlAincTi pou3lllc,,te, GOODS •Tlelirdrea' tO Mr:WU - Or - ;lll6,town ,free of charge. • ' „. - . , :31 744 Tl & DGAVIT',.,)IS, , , No:43'.North,ll.loipver,.St. i'li _ lIABLYTVARL'. - =lM==l : •. • /./ - dtkiO TVA n4'4,27'011E, 0 , / MATERIAL TIITT. SIIO E I,v D =Eli MEE ,_- ~ ' ' CAM at en: - mid - Ural rtn rs - ; ~~\~\~'y~ ,; r INSZT 11 7 VE COMPAVES. F r n.O.IIARTER LI 1 1 191VSTIRANCE COMPANY, - -11A-ITO`OR ID) CONN. Incorporated: -1.850,„ Charter Per _ petual t - •_`• OASII , AS&ITIS, 54,000,000 • , , ,• , . . . il.i,.lil:i-:,"(3.3} A r.T: r.a. , ..V.,-Prent..ten .. Miliai..S.ii Issas on, all l'opulrrr.Plons. ' ~ fv,7 rew.onfi'villy. ropio inKury in ,tint Minter • banbi prlvilv4es aro ._ pohibited, the pX , ol.l.filrely to the . 'lneurandi of livery., b: Nr• suier,i4hll,rth great earn, thus In 11,,,‹. and r , ;nrequently large dividend), tt, 1'0)1 ,. .V held }ILL-B. Insurance Ite ports art - • 3rd t, ita xver,,lltui ea, including Death t-lehoe an d It-or;, 1 .. . , [ , 0111.11, itecelpts,.are un. t - tome - ItopOtt hit .11 the [1,1,10 ore divided . among Polley tlo. 0r1 , c11.11 e.lpital being limited IbrOharter -to eight per cetat.lljv.launds. no morn titan it earn tin' the lot...est. • 5 1 11.--p, &lain en-and parll Ito Dividooda annually Ii (10-n rhos orti , :in cthe imh,mlll.l the payment o, -It. IA p o pL in filo.payruont of Imes, having p.III sand Ofl,ll:ins uusrly TWO MILLION DOW , A and 1; nrrer fitigutcd a claim.. 'lh losoros qn Investment. ?awl", insdro to gtoird._tholr Iran 6f larnilleas insures to provitte ..dot.!. pett,,td• lan la tri p le, a life Polley,. being a •. Itte ettplt.t 4 It debt Insure that their earnings -- f..r yr, rail riay lit be ...Hired at death from ‘vattt, et re a d_ e:tbrol - Ur!, la, a 5 , -10 money Ileus 10111 away by lit t it- it, • t: .•ttttte leteh largely Ineroaied to their laud' te It It td.et rertain to oceuf. Dr. t 4. 1 - .1 t:t It i :It, Cl U.. Mt:did:a Examiner. J. `. eTOOK,Agent Carlisle, Pa. I'. 11. 1+; .1 IR, Ue 0,,1 Agent, fbr Edgern Pa. . Oillse, Nib 37 West rhital Sty 1111alaspttrt, Pa. t ( INz7 , tl ' ' ' ' lis..tiThiluboroi 'Mutual Fire In • s••• t • ot.l um 1 7 1'111/Tld county, incorpor• a; hiy;7ln- - th n - year .li3.ll;rtud iv .11.0 Its charter ettended to the Iwo,. IL: ~,.! is e and vigorous operation, I o.t,ntiouce bortrd of i!. Chlintlan Plnyman, Jacob Eb• .P.. rathvarl. J. 11. Coovor, Jahn • NV lel, orshani, gaol. Eberly, 1. , %0r-.1 . 1,1011.11 Jhg t in,..4arob _Conver,nad J. • . a 4 11irnc0 . :tre as Iv and favorable as 1, P1V1.., or Ow ta. , a,hedth. stnt...• Persotin b.!tif , a .o in. isomhbrs aro Invited to make at,- •,- 'II ; a ,ir the Company, who era will• 31_ ';•‘1;. • . 311:j 11; c:S TUE t.;OII!ANY. It •I. Mills, Cum , t A 1 ; TIP, '1 lea Presiderk,Carlisles, Cum /:, 11,11 L, n" I ' ' Treasurer, 411.1npurg, York co. .1 & N A .Catheai.i, J.. 0.. .Dbulnp, 111 o ta% man, Jitoob 11. Coovor, .1. Eiolit-11,..eger, Moseti Bricker, James Anderson, John ME MI 111111 • . —„ - Sbarriek, Allan; Ilialry L.. m Fa vet he l'alTer; Dirki. t t ••,\, n ‘ ' e r vt doti fa s \ z le,inuG; J W. Coen - " , :trlng; J. NV. amm Sete Cumberland; , 4 11 • • ••htll. IVarritigton, J. Y. L. ci itt.ter; Fairview. John :I ,11,1', 1 , . v, g, 001.1Aflrough; J. S. IjikrribbUTZ. Ti :IN GRAIN laa.altl a ;;;,..;;.,..a,;11;; ; ; naia ,, ,,nent •a: I,9ing i• ito• air•illd is scat. ,• • I has r.aourlagaa Cla,zed, n - ail a con __'l 1 ;41 MINIM 1.t..!”. H:lit,4elitB - wanted tttuity fl. actlvo, cool. YALE. Jr., I I, j'Atmte,, o KIKTS.62B 'lt ".IIVN vniu I::: SKIRTS " : I nick° Ilonp Skirts In L. I• .6 $1,00; 30 springs, Plain Skirts, 0 topes, .80 .." . _ •.i.. tugs, 65' 0011th; 30 springs, MEI I cl ter t lone sold hy lin o ,m eat;, Eurds, /11111 nt much !I 1,11.10 N are lu r 0,.. !Ler 1 trap Slarta Londe the .1,.,t0 , a ned or worn to eon• I. - Ma...tinctured of the best e .. prlnto+, very auperiot 0! nth.. fasteninga and ,“•11 .... tilol:1 :try . .... for darabilly nod !ler hi, In country, and art ...0: a ill 0...ar longer. lave more sat ., .10.-airer than all others ..•.I . 1.43 e behig sold ea .. t . 1.. ask! tilt. ad. .1. ~ 4‘,it..r Wan': j •, I opl,:ii- , . • 11 . ,inp , mt 0• 1 1;irt." If ou do 0.... no ...•11...0 'edit whom . , you deal I 4. In. ....we or send dlr.., to us. i. .111, 0. our , i .1,1 - , gradcoot no• ./• : I On • •7 On, Invite then. ~• , „ , t , zt,,,ll.llltalt, or send =II OM t. , Innultotory, and ef' the Re.. . ill at llh lesale hf the 3ltthu. t.. , te.ttt et ders-should he addressed ME :..11.1.,e4;0011, 628 ARCII ST., .11, , ,,,e e!‘' Rh Rai 7th Ste., Philadelphia. • , W3l. T HOPKINS 1L::. .A ...Yew Spring Styles of A.TS AND CAPS MEM h, just opened. at No. lO North 11.11,,. It . ,v don, Nlll . lll of thh:Carlialo Doposti ttne.;:. :All 1.1 'ill. l.ni d,lit nod best otock Of HATS A =IMIII II it , ot ott styles and qualities 1 1111.,1,niithirenn t colincs. :ma OVCry description ;"pit IDD.D, hunkeld and old Inshionoi , coL*n!_tly on hand n _ and made to order ~ satis'lkrtlm Tln .11V It S. NI OD'et _llDy'li and children's fancy 1..1‘.nv0 :I',/ nddr u L's my stook. Notions of atom ,J 1 I,A:s anti Gent's Stocklngi „ rTlirend, Sewing Silks, don i'n ub &.'in'ntrng and Tobacec ( Ilt 1 - I. vo ex.,..“1.6' Illy black, on I fool Coin) ficbut Cl pl..vblN;, 00eitit, savlit.r you monoy. .1 , IIN A. KELLER., Agt. Na. lb North Hanover St.; 1. EOM 1.3 tnii lc hcrabyglvon Olaf, nj,plicatloit mill be mad i.b...b.rtar, , ,rali-o. of a bank .Of discount, depot , ' I ei n 1 , ,. malt:, Cho it„ul.ll,rlty of,tho Act . c'd lo'y to la] located ,l• 'mnll 0 bind t'coo ty , and to 'be called lb ' 4. it ha copl:.11 nl IletjfitLoucand do .41,14 ;lc, inerat+lng the , samo to on o 0,11, t 141 W-a d dollars, :04,1 car C.- P. Ihnota , u, ...In , - I'. I , ' ni,121N01711, • .t 1 , • FI ()WERS I! FLQWi I-ads •and blomans "Of green fulik. gin Yarn 1.., it it all their beauty and fragance 101 tit; in decorate thelr__AL narntnils will thoiee —, ptantg arid !lowest, - ia the ;mu.. ugue :,lulu Troop; Eva rgreen Sim;;. 1.'1,222222, Grupo Vhles,and Ihr elolea.t h:n',af , lim any brute :plants, Mangle Ha, lot I. t, W is.lu d Boa 226. ts furnished on she. h., lishy P. • I ' • MITI: A. LINE.; X11`(1 : 1 1`lit, toed {frog 'cluCtite) t.i wlitritodrolti the prescription with tl ttll,7liol; ' , tnl•nctl,,l ujt and using the , elniple reeled s,iii owed of a hunt .uffeetion nu&l, h~i,tieiti,e tioonption, 'llls only object• ' •Lit tio 'and Ito hopes 'every sufferer WI I is. 1111 t tssct is meets- It-poet -nothingi and mt LI: addrims. ~ . . , . .. . . • .1i et, EDIVAItti Afivrtsow,, 1 ..; : " IltliiTvplitl 6t rcbt, 11 , 11liqxusburg, Nor Yol S. A A. IC li.. frat.qt;airtke.).'and 'Jetvelery, No. 148 Nop.;ric 3n Sr., con, rziEL.s.DEurritar. du atmortmont of. , 11:4ebee, gibrof an hand, : - FOIL 'ILULI DAY IttSEll/8 I Itopniting ni-Watobps nud .4nlTo7xl-,PromPti • 01`. : 7 1, , ,t111,11.110/i Y P1V.1116.1;11...q /2).lot.Pgrilph. .4 Qatar earlhdo Pa, • • , l. MEE M= t":00N SIiIIITS." Liken :..) $l2O to $2.50. (fa] 115 Cents to CARY IV. AIIL, , AIIN Eli \V.-BENTZ, ALMA WIT ER, DAVID ITRIBER. A . 1,1 EP E
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