Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 12, 1868, Image 3
They roads bar a grave too cold and damp _ For a mil so honest and true." ,•• If they bad been wise, the dire :necessity of opening the grave for-ono- so- lovely might have been averted. Plantation Bit ters if timely . used,,are sure to rescue the young and Jovely, the middle-aged mid the ailing, from confirmed Sickness. Almost all diseases have their beginning 'tufo= slight difficulty of the Stomach,. which would eventuate in 'Dyspepsia,' Headache, Liver Complaints, Night Sweats, Consumption,: Death. _Plantatiori Bitters willpievent these proniouitory symptoms, and keep the blood pure bed the . health good. _ • . While they invigorate the system, they enliven the mind. juno6-2t .3,skoNoLrA WATEn.—A delightful toilot artiele:--superior to Cologne and at half the rice. junos-2t MARRIED. GILL—LOW.—On the 28th ult., by 'the Rev. Isaac Y. Reed, at his residence in New Kingston, Mr. BerGeonine Gill, to Miss Elizabeth Low, both of this county. STERER—BORTNEY.-0/ the" 4th lost.• at the residence of the bride's Parente, le Shipp ensburg, by the Rev. W. A. I.l6uck, Mr. Edward Slerer, to Al Ise Annie M. Portnoy, both of that piaci+. FRRATAMAMIER—BHILLBTO.—On the same day by the same, at the 'residence orthe bride's , mother Mr. Cyrus Fenatamacher, to ?dies Rebecca E. Shilleto, both of that place. MINTIRB—VRALB.--On the.2d'inst., by the R.V. 19: P. Cochran, Hon. Ghee. -y: T. Mclntire, to Mita Frank M. Pealo,'both of Bloomfield, Porry county. GROUP—WRIGHT:—On'tbe 2d Met., by the Rey. W. R. Mills, Mr. Harland L. Group, to Mies Amanda E. Wright, both of Adame 6unty. GRISSINGER—YOST.—At tho Common House, In Carlisle, on tho filth Inst., by Rev. John A. Hot thlnes, Theodore Criss Inger to littu Bybllla Yost both otLUPper Allen torriaship, thle county. Mechanicsburg papers please copy. • AIiNEE,E.WING.—Onthe. 4th Inst., by the Rev D. Stook; Sir . Edward J. Arney, , to Mee Emma R Ewing, both or Carlisle. crirsT—BLAVIMIGIII—On_the Dthjost,,.by . Rev John A..flotthelne, Mr. Andrew Orist, of liendereirille Pa.,to Mies Emlind N. Maybangh, of Ilagoratpwn, M. DIED. NRY—On the 2d Wei., near tbla borongb, Jacob Wry, aged 70 years. a. - MARZETS CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Cando June 11th, 180, • • 12 00 Jo. 2 55 .1 60 1 00 Family Flour Kite WHITE WHEAT—, AED .• do It.YE BORN OATS;(00w)• •• • • oLovnitsEnii TDIOTIIYBEED... FLAXSEED BARLEY . - •• ...... • .gENERAL PxtODUCE MARKET Carliele, Junellth 1868. .Corrected Week.l6, urt tivarew IYashvnood BACON SHOULDERS, 15 BACON SIDES, 15 WHITE BEANS 3 05 PARED PEACHES, 26 UN PA RED PEACHES 13 DRIED APPLES, 2 00 RAGS, 4 MUTTER 18 BOGS, 25 LAItD, 16 TALLOW, 10 SOAP, 8 DEBOWAXI 40 BACON RAMS 18 PLULADELPLUA CATTLE MARKEIT hIoNDAY,J uno 8 pavzs—liectptx, 1,050 head. There wasi..a- better feeling In the Cattle Market to. day, and under, light receipts 'and offerings, holders were very firm in their views. The attendance of buyers was quite liberal, but the competiticn was only sufficient to enable holders to maintain the -quotations current as the cloie of our last report, if we except a lot of extra quality offered by Messrs, Martin - , Fuller & Co., which soleat 12c per lb gross, embracing come of the - finest-cattle offered for some time past. The offerings were all disposed off within the following range of quotations, Utall%c for choice, extra at Ba9c, and common at bale per lb gross. COWS AND OALVBS—Receipts, 250 head. There was less activity In the market to-day, and prices were hardly so firm; sales of SpringJra woro reported at - $40a60, and Cows and WNW at $45a75: - . BnEr.B.—Roceipte 0,000 head. The market opened quite activertadayiand continuturthnir 'to - the close; prices, however, underwent no material change, sales of common and choice lots at 63a730 per lb gross, as to quality.. , Hol3B.—Receipts, 4,600 head. Tho activity - which has characterised this department of the live stock market for some time past bee been the most promi nent feature of the past week, and notwithstanding the increased offerings, holders were enabled to main tain the quototiona current last week; sales at the Avenue and Union-Drove Yards at from $l3 to $14.50 per 100 lbs net. The marker closed firm at the above quotations. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. TOM AS, June 9,1868 Flnytt.—There Is no improvement to notice in the Flour market, the demand being light and confined, to small lots of the better grades 'of winterand choice Northwest family, while in other descriptions the trade manifest no desire to operate; .tho sales only reach a few hundred barrels, including superfine, .at $7.76a8.50; extras at $8.6009.21; Northwest extra fami ly at $9.50a10.60; Pennsylvania and Ohio do do at $10x12.26 and fancy lots at higher figures. Nothing doing in Rye Flour or Corn Meal; we quote the former at $9,60. Onsitc—The quietude which has. characterised the Wheat market for some time past still continues, prime lots being the only description for which there is any inquiry; thO sales only reachBso bushels good and prime red at-$2 7502.80; white may be quoted at $2.85a3. Rye is quiet, and we reduce our quotations; email sabot of Penna. at $1 85a105. The movements in Corn are of a limited character, but it is held with much confidence; sales of 3,000 bushels mixed. Wee tern at /1.18, and 800 bushels yellow at 51.20. Oats are but little inquired after, sales of 2.000 bushels are reported at 88a00e for Western and Penna. and SITOr tight Southern. SPECIAL NO " MESH SUPPLY of Drug' and Medicines, together with Sprinkles, Chamois, Skins, Scapa, Perfumery, &a., just received at Common & Werthington's 'rug Store, No. 7, But Main Street. • 12june 88. Iffir DEAVNEBB, DLIN,VNESB, and OATAARH treated with the utmost 6UCCOBO by J. Isaacs N. D. and professor of Disease of the Eye and Ear in the _Medical CbUege of Pcniurytvirnia, 12 years experience, (formerly of Leyden. Holland) No. 206, Arch Street, phil. Tistimoniala can be seen at this efflce. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa thmts, ay ho has no secrete in hie practice. Artificial spiv inserted without pain. No cherge for beam' nation, 12juno 68.1 y. HORSE and Cattle Powders and Liniments, togeth er with a largo assortment of fresh Drugs and Medi cines, Dye Stuffs, ie., Its, just received at CKirnman Wortiliingtoeg rso, asst Main Dtroot, Carlisle. STILL ANOTHER REDUCTION. We have lately completed ouch' arrangements 'a . gambles no to offer the following goods at . quitereduted Yates, both Wholesale I Retail. Gall h Az'g Fine, medium and cheap Smoking To bacco. J. 9. Fell Jc.--Bro's Purm,Spices. • Preston's cholceit Chocolatris. 'Kingsford's and other Starches. - A large stook of beat Mob on band at fair.prlces. air profit for Storekeepers, between our Whtilesalu Retail prlees. • i , • ' WM. PLAIN dr SON. ' A NEWILESIEDY IN CONSITIdPTION;="4 -- Thysi , dan - iftellad — Comthritritlon - for. - several - yeari with frequent bleedings of the lunge, owed himself with a medicine ,unknown to the profession ' when his case appeared hoplese . Ile Is the onjy physician who has need it In his,own person, or who has any knew!• edge of its virtues,. and ho can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoy. to nothing but the use of his mediate; and nothing bet utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want ef confidence In all others Induced him to hazard the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treatment, he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price 81,60 per 'bottle or $8 a half dozen, sent by express. Semi for circular or call on DA. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Phlledelplita .22may . . ITpin IT'qHm 80RATOR I SCRATCH-11 SORA.T.CI.III.I 1 in from 10 to 98 hours. ' Wheaton , e Ointafient cures The Itch. • . . Wheaton'd Ointment mini Balt Mount. - Wheaton's Ointment.. cures Tatter. Wheaton's_olntment curse . Barbers' Itch. Wheaton's Ointmeht cures 'Old amen. Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind of Humor like Magic. - Price, 60 cents a box; by mall, CO cents. Address 'WEEKS & POTT.PIt,'No. 170 'Washington 13treit • Boston - Wass • )6i eat. 1 .4 ailltringfetS. n sept 20 07-Iy. Pi-Qft V. S. - TREASURY NOTIQE.. ejtr-r,liolderg of :1/. H .- 780 Tasietrar Novas should beer in mind thatthe.tlme allowed for .coW Tendon Into 6.72.80nd5, will expire on the 16th Inst., for the June Series, and the 16th of July for the . July series, after which periods the Government _will pay off the Notes In Greenbacks, and holders of ONotet will „Mee the advantage of receiving a 6.20 Per Cent Gold.llearleg BQnd,-or the oresent Malt - pemltun'on the 740's. TheNersoeFalisult to ar ud e , attend . lo the ConTerslop salot;of 4tuas.t. Fetes for parties holdlog thaw , --.4 f , • lgjutto-tt • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company ' Aasetts 41,818,000,813. • Life Insurance Policy on , .Periora., • -Lie Terms. The ➢Card of Trustees baso:doclared d scrip dirt depd - of .• • FIFTY F,'ER'CENT ' • r upon the cash premiums received :In 1807 on' all Policies in force on the list of Dee, and have decided to receive all the scrip issued up to, and including Jim mini 1865 inpoyment of premiums. The undersigned is ready io denier certifleates to partial Mgt tled to receive them, at the Cal lisle Agency at his office. No. 8, West Main Street, at any time after date of this notice. - Pamphlets, table rates, applications and every in- formation furnished without charge. • A:L. !ROMER, Agent. •A liberal percentage will bo paid 'to one or two good, reliable persons, to canvass Cumberland county on behalf ofthe_abovis_ciimpany,_which- is-the only Mutual Life..lintur• se Company in Pennsylvania, and one of the oldest an. most reliable in the country. Apply to , A. L. SEDNBLER, Agent. une 68: 11VEAL EST :TE FOR SALE. ti A Double 3 Story Brick HOMO w h Frame kitchen attached, suitable , for occupancy of two families, or is a Els Store Room and Dwelling, altuatod on ;• ; PENN STREET; CARLISLE,. will be disposed of on favorable terms. • 12jtine 68. • Also a edmmodions Teo Story Brick Dwelling Ron so, with Brick flack ~• ' Building, situated on East Maio f :, 1111 Street, Carlisle. 12June 68 Also a valuable building lot, situated on the south 'East corner of West and Pomfret Btreote, fronting 00 foot on Pemftet; ane 040. feet on West Street. This is one of the most desirable building lots in the borough. lgiuno 68. Also a Three Story Dwelling Rolm, built of Briak and Frame, containing 8 • • rooms and kitchen, with all the modern II improvements, with. stable and - carriage. house in the rear, situated on a -lot of 1 ground on West Louther Street, Carlisle, containing 62 feet.lnfrait and 240 - feet in depth, a voly" desirable resident°. 12june 88 N - OTlOE.—Notioa is . hereby giten that an apilicatlon has boon mado to the Court of_Commola leas _of Cumberland county, .to grant a Charter Incorporation to tho Carlisle Build-. log and Loan Association, and that. if no sufficient Canso is shown to the contrary to the mid Court on the 18th' day of August, next, the Came will then be granted. Prothonotary's Mee. lajuna3t. 'A - 11 - Elt I U ANTI-INCRUSTATION CO'S OFFICE, No. 141 South 'Fourth Street, THE ANTI ~~ 1 li i .1 Id h. 4.- 111 Ml= PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO.. 1111 'Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, , SII]IirfITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR - - FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper _than Feathere or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. The Lightest, Softest and most Elastic and Dura ble material known, for Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage, - and Chair Cushions. It is entirely indestructible, perfectly clean and free from dust. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I Is always free from insect life; In perfectly healthy, and for the sick is unequalled. If soiled In any way, can be renovated quicker and easier than any other Mattress. Special attention gtved to FURNISHING CHURCHES, HALLS, Ac. Railroad men are especially invited to examine the Cushion Sponge. SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. • THE TRADE SUPPLIED. • 12Junp • The only 'Family Machine that sets up its own work knits all sizes, widens and narrows off tholes complete—producing all varieties - of Inn goods from 4,2 " stocking , =Midi or glove to a . ladys shawl or . hodd. • Price Reduced to 68 Dollars ! It Is stall* durable, easily operated and warranted to slimed to tbo Lando of e v ery purchaser. AOENTO WANTED. •Droncse, with stamp for circular. and sample stocking J. 00..ORNE, Geo'l Agt. 022 Chestnut St., Phila. Unity 68-om. . • GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS 1 GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES AT THE NEW AND'OHEAP OASH'STO:RE, cciiii(tat OF lIANOVEIi AND POMFRET STREW; The subscriber would respectfully Inform the pub lic, that he is conniving almost !tally from tho Eastern Cities, a large Invoice of Now and Cheap Gpods, such • • LADIES!. DRESS GOODS, French Itierinm, Mobairs, - 'Poplins. ' . • • Black - ald - •Fancy • • ' • French }Lapps, Plain and • Farley Do Lathes, • • ' . Plain and Fancy Alpaca ) Poplins. SHAWLS! ;HAVi'LSI BIWOHA. LONG AND SQUARZ, ' BREAKFAST SHAWLS in great variety , and very plump CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES I French, . • ~. . . • German and . - 1 ,,, . American 016 the, • . . Black and ' ' Fancy Casslmeree; Doeekine, Black and Battey ' , . - ' ' Oyer Coatings Sattinetts, , I,llw:ducky, Scans, '' Undershirts and ••, ' 'DOMESTICS! .•, ... Bleached and Bret,lia, . Table Diaperso - .. - Counterpanes, . - - • • and Quilts, Cotton Flannels, . • . . , Bleached and Unbleached Mullah, • - licitlngs, Checks, . . . . Torah., , " ' ••.-- ' -- .r Napkitr, de, - - REMEMBEE TEE PLACE, ' - • -•-- - ON THE COBNBit OF •-: • .11ANoVElt AND POIIiFART STREETS, :.- the room formerly occupied by ' ' '.. B. ft..Tisineon a Co. ... DEM WANTAD.—:A. boy,Oall at W: . Sow,* k Co.; er Good Stare. - 6junirat. _ . , OR SALE.--r,A. new leather top buggy Le w ry vir li s ttle o :VA; r l: thorough repair. 4June4t. , • BAYLEIt havO a primo . Terri cider for dve ends, - Try tliem. j.a. , , -A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent P. J BRINDLE, Prattlv. PI~ILADBLPLILA -INCRUSTA.TOR Will remove scales from BREAM Bourne and keep them clean render the Bonze loss liable ,to ExplOsion, and causing a great saving of fuel These INDTII UDIENTEI having been In swessful use during ..the Malley(' years ,In many of .the large establishments of Philadelphia and other parts of the United Stalesand froth which the most flattering lesfinionaia. of their wonderful raving of fuel and labor have been re. eeived. eaL.PARTIES baying BOIL ERS would - do - Iva)) to call at the Office, and examine testi memials, &c., &c. JOHN FAREIRA, President. EZRA LUKENS, Sen'y and Treat Nu ne.3m TIM. A. lIAILPETI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INPORTANT, ;DISCOVERVI THE 0 IfLiTE4ER'' PIi4IC3TD," O.II,..dRICKEN. POWDERS. (Copyright secured.) A CERTAIN CURE FOR GAPES IN CHICKENS AND TIJIIKEXS; Will prevent and Cure - Chicken Cholera, Mid other Dleeace common to Poultry„ and will promote an increase of _Fat. YOU innEarioNs ACCOMPANY EACH pAciiiom. . - PRICE 26 CENTS. . . The annexed aro a few of She cortlflostoo we • h eve rocelved In proof of tile peat value and efficacy of the .Pooltoiers' Frlerid : , CARROLLTON, BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD.,Dec.) 10,1867. Messrs. Clotworthy if Co, GENTLEMEN :—I have used your "Poulterers' PriOnd" upon a brood of young chickens that 'bad the gapes, and am happy to say, that by.tbe use of a few doses they were entirely cured. It will certainly cure the gapes when used according to directioni. Yours, We. GEO: HARMAN. LEETOWN, W. VA., April 7th, 1868 . Matra. Clottoorthy LE Co. CENTS :—I have boon selling your "Poulterers' Friend" for tho last low mouths, for the cure of Chicken Cholera, and in every instano I where- it has boon used, the sliseaso was arrested at onco. It to thd-greatest Medicine made. It is in groat demand, and I am selling it rapidly. It certainly accomplishes all that you claim .forlt. Yours, &c. JONAII T. TRUBBELL. SUIPLIERDSTOWN, W, VA. April 19th, 1868. Messrs. Clotworthy tt Co. My young chickens-were dying vety fast this Spring with the Gapes, and hearing of your Poulterers' -Friondil-purchased a package from_ Jos. M— Stone . bra ker, ,Bheph erdstow n,171., and tracted,like a. charm. Tho Gapes soon disappeared. and my chickens kayo becoine healthy and thrifty. I can recommend the Poulterers' Friend to all Respectfully, B. BPOTIB. 811IPITERIIBTOWN, W. VA., March 28d, 1868." Messrs. Clotworthy eD CO. _ GENTS: —Havlnglost_n_great many focrle,_ -during the early SpilliWielth "Chicken Cholera," I. was- In duced by• Mr. lea. M. Stonebraker, of Shesherdstown, Va.,to try a paper of • your "Poulterers' Friend," which I did; and I had only used throe difses when the disease disappeared, and I Ease not hist a fowl since. I can moat safely recommend It to do what It says, If the directions are 'followed. For sale by all country Merchants. CHRISTIAN WELTY. CLOT_WORTILY_&-qo.,39l.olesakt_lirugglots,._ No. 339 West. BeltlOfforo Street, Baltimore, Md. Price $2,00 per Dozen to the Trade. A Liberal Discount -Allowed, wlion Purchased. In ' Largo quantities. Beware army Imitation. None - genuine except that manufactured by Olotwoaby & Jo- All Stonebraker's preparations for sale by Wash mood 14 Bros., Went Main St., Carlisle Pa. 291 nay 4m. • VA.IIIIIEIiS LOOK TO YOUR IN- TtncEsTl Wo nro offoring to the Farmers of Cumberland and" Franklin counties. Tbo boot REAPER and liinvereit nnx mado THE WORLDS REAPER AND MOWER is a two horse CUT GEAR IRON NACIIINE perfectly secured bom external dirt, wet or any other obstruction. and made of the beet material, and in the beet possible meennical manner. sTilialtlachirto is roeommoneled to farmers - - TOR ITS NEATNESS'/01D STR,S, FOR ITS LIOUTNESS OF DRAFT, FOR ITS DURABILITY, WILL ' ? LAST AS LONG 4e TWO WOODEN MACHINES, FOR ITS CONVENIENCE IN. HANDLING EITHER AS MOWER OR, REAPER. It combines all the recent improvements In Mow lag—folding bar—wave bar-'-and can be raised 18 inches while in motion without cramping the pit man—can -bebperatlid bya boy., - AS A REAPER it is without a rival, being arrang ed With a superior Dropper, a Sider•dolivery Rake-OR attachment, or the celebrated Johnston self rake either delivering Sheaves only at the WIII of the operator. A sample Machine can bo seen -at T. B. Byyson's Warohcuse, in Mechanicsburg, or at Faber's hotel, in Carlisle. Mr. Daniel 'Widders, residing near Ale• elsanicaberg, having,..pne of them in use, will give all dacessary Information in regard to it, as also will Martin Kunkel, Esq., residing near Newburg. B. IIIOGS, Agent for Franklin end" Cumberland counties,. Sbi ppensburg, 'Pa. . . . . D. \UDDERS & 51AILTIN KUNItEk nre authorizod to taltd ordors for Machirtog. 22may 08,6te. IN BANKRUPTCY.- This is bo give noWe that on the 27,th day_of May, A. D. 1863;a warrant In Bankruptcy was issued sepinat the estate of Charles W. Reynolds, of Ship pensburg, Iss county of CuMberlseil, -- and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, that the payment of any debts and tho delivery of any property belonging to such bank, opt to him or Icor bid use, and the transferor any property by him aro forbiddan'by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignee of his estate, will bo held at a Court of bankruptcy to be holden at' hls office in the Court flouse, in Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa.,before Oboe.,A. Biifiett, 'Register, on the 17th day of June, A. D..180f, at 10 o'clock, A. Al. I'. C. UMIAKMt, U. 8. Marshall, as Messenger, U.B: ovr.y m..h4 , 1,R 0m I'er S. H. Galbralllr, Dep'y. 2dmay.2t, ey, Bloomflehl,lslny, 1808 SCHOOL TAX FOR 1868. 'rho Dupllcato of School, Taxon for the Borough of Carlisle, le now in tho betide of the Treasurer for collection. Notice is therefore given that the Trona urer will attend at the county Court House, (Coto. mlssionera Office,) • • _ . iflay the net of July next, between the haute of 0 and 6 o'clock of said dayi for • the puryoim of acelying said Taxes'. up to which time an abatement of Five per cent. 11111 be maids on all taxes paid. Portions wishing to_pey .their taxes before th above date, can do so, by calling at the °Mee of the Treasurer in Marlon Ball J.W. EIIY, Treasurer.' 22may.10t: X 1 0 CONTRACTORS AND BUILD ERSa Sealed proposals, - marked proposals for a building for the poor of Cumberland county, will;, be roooiood by the undersigned at Carlisle, until the Bth day of Jude, next,' at.l2.teolock, K., for building an addi tional building for tho poor of Cumberland county, on grorund adjoining tho present Poor douse, • Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the county Commissioners; The Board of Directive reserve the right to reject all or flay of the proposals.--A mph, security will ho required from the accepted bidder. ' J. SNIDER, ,JOHN PAUL, • • DAVID WOLF, • - - Directors Or the Poor of-Cumb,, Co. -- 22maytat. SUDDEN• DEATH in tho fate of every 'Ohre upon which the - OMATIO *POISON Of an ordinary hair dye falls. There is no RESUtIitEOTION for the illements thus blighted. ilut, es It were,lia the TWINKLING OF AN BYE, hair of-anii_ohnoxioue eolor-Is 111011 AND 01,0111009 11UN, and at the . porno time, vitalized and Depraved by the use of r t• - ORISTADORD'S HAIR DYE, nature's safe ally, and beauty's regeniratOr. 'Maim full:wed by J. ORIBTADOEO,Idoti Lane, Now York. Bold by all ljrugglete. Apnlled, by all Nair Dressers.. Busty-I.m. „ NO E XECUTOR'S NOTIOE.- • • Letters Testainentary. having this day 'been issued on thlt• estate: of Jacob Rife; lato of East Pennaboro township, this county, -to tho - subscriber residing in Duncannon, Perry county. • Notice to hereby given to all personslndebted to. said ostale, to make immediate payment, and toill those having claims against it to present them to - • • • - • DANIEL RIFE, . -1 Executor: „ 20may.0t. •• • - . - URE CIDER, VINEGAR.- ,; - - Families Supplied with that indisponsiblearticli good housokeopore.-Puro Older Vinegar-In all quan- E P titles, on application to O. 1..4.1Ai8E1M. . - .., . 20may•St.• - • - . . . FR SALB.-=-A No. 8 William Penn. • Oook Stove, as good ea new, with ,all the "tr um ,will be sold at 'Charge's For Information Inquire at this Wee. 2(riaptf.• . , . . . ,T10k3)3. & BAYLER'S is the place A.; to get a good fly cont. Cigar.. Don't forgot the _ . . .• ~ .. - Between Blume's - Heit';and trio Thanklln Iloue 16tany438- . . . k.OR S.ALE. A Parlor Organ, Maho. . g aity, v . . 4PO Ate T, coot $2O to put ordor. Frio° &u o f DR Yz'OsooDS. • BENTZ . &. CO:,. • WM. BENTZ . • 2 . :Jo . IIN:-BtNTZ, • . - . , MARY M. BENTZ. NB /Ir* FIRM 1: NEW • GOODS 1.1 Having pi sauteed the large stock of goods from A. AV; Dents, we have associated together for the pur pose of conduCting the Dry (loads .11usibess under Ltho_ab . oser..designation.r_To_lthis_largo,arid_well assorted stook, we have added largely of now and ELEGANT GOODS, •werlnd ourselves lb a cendDloirtii sue - agora* cam.. pate with any , -ham? in tho trade between Phila• dolphin and Pittsburg.. •Our immonso stook consists In part of. • CLOTHS, QASSIMERES, •VESTIN OS, )f• groat vurl ` oty anITOL cholco-doslgine, - : - suitablo - for spring, summer and winter wear, and; all articles necessary' to complete a Gentleman's ,Wardrobe. For this department we have engaged, tho services of an ,A NO.• 1 TAILO.R,' whose garments aid itrarranted to lit. BILIDI plain fancy and black, • DE LAINES all wool,"doelrable colors, • •-POPLIN ALPAOAS,miI shadosV • MOHAIR LIISTRES and POPLINS. FRENCH pEROALES, nice goods, • SILKS, heavy black; an d plain solid colors. .ALPAOHAS, Poplin do, blaalc and fancy, Pdrasols Umbrellas, all- colors . , - and all the moat fashionable Dress Stuffs 10 the mar ket, Kid, Silk Lisle Thread, Buck'Cotton Gloves, and everything desirable in the Glove line. Cambric and Swiss Edging.. and In Hainan, in great • abundance, Laces, Handkerchiefs, from the lowest price up to finest needle worked embroldery, -, • Ribbons, all shades from •Ii yd. wide, down to the 'or g y-narrow. - • riiuminga a very largo assortment comprial ery good thing in use. Buttons, Fans,' • • • • Calicoes, • Ginghams; , Flannels, Tickings, .:-_.Checks, Linens, all in great Liariety. • Cambric, Nalnsook, Jaconet, and Swiss -Muslins Table Linens, and Linen and Clots. Table Coma. GRAIN BAGS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FRENCH CORSETS. CARPETS! CARPETS!! From 15 ote., : per yard up to the boat Imperial three ply, selltpir lower than the market rates. Carpet .Chain Blasting, Floor and Pablo 01l Cloths, .Mattings, 'tugs, Witidow Blinds We have the stock to accommodate tho entire . com munity and all to be sold lower thab can be bought ;anywhere In this sectlonsof the country. .Call and SOO SH-1 CASH !! .1 have thle day commenced selling of ray entire stock of Wlntor greatly reduced prices for each. FIt',MCC MBILINOES, . RCPPS, ALPACAS, " WOOL PLAIDS, and other Dress Goods, at Cost. Shaxls, Blankuis w ilannels, Lindseys, &e., at very great bargains. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES cASSIAYETTS, Ca, very low: BALMORALS, Lower'han ever sold in Carlisle. MUSUnS, TiCkings, G bight's, Cheeks, Canton Flanels, , nt the very lowest price. All thebest make CALICOES, at 121 cts As my stork line been bought, since the pent do olino in prices, west bergalus may be expected: Some articles less than cost to reduce my steak is soon as possible. MIAS. OGILBY, • • ' No 47, West Main Street. iiOOTS AND SHOES! LAMBS' MSSES and CHILDREN'S Boots nod Shoos, of the vti.ry host makes, at cost Co dose out the stock:• O. SPRING. BARGAINS 186 - NOW OPENING ' -- DOMESTIC -- COODS - DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, ' ' SATINETS, - JEANS, • WHITE 900DS, - • DRESS TRIMMINGS, • REPLIERS, MOONS, NOTIONS, &C AT RING'S NEW STORE, No. 65 WEST MAIN STREET. • Opposite the Mousion House, next to Post Oftico, u rilslo. S R K 'S Tincture of Rents WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Dyspepsia or Indikastion,, Disordered Stomach and Liver, Costiveness, Impurity of the Blood, Head ache, Vertigo or Giddiness, Nervous Favor and Ague Incubus or Nightmare, General Debillty, Cramp, Colds, and Pains in the Back and Bido. n . This le not a new Medicine; the receipt for mal:lug it was brought from Germany to Baltimore, Md., over fifty years ago by Mr. Kloin, who introduced It among a few of his German friends and neighbors, who, finding it to he an invaluable remedy of the above diseases, recommended it to others, Until it became, and still continues, to be, the household medicine of a larAo portion of the Germ:ins of Balt]. more. • ' . The Dittor.Tlncturo of Roots - Is composed of tho juices of a number ofthe most valuable roots, - and seeds known to_themodical.faculty, with an Burnet. envy ofpure old rye whiskey to mako ono of the Most effectualldnic Tinctures ever offered to the public. Every person should use it every Spring Summer and Fall to purify the blood, give touu to the stomach and invigorate the' system.,_ • , ' The Rai. God. Hunter says I do herebycortliy that having used one bottle of Shark's-Bitter Tineture of Itotits, I have found IGI invaluable for. tho stomach and bowel. It releived mu of pains, nausea and costiveness and crentod an excellent appetite. I .co_ntldently realm:newt It to all as a reliable medicine. GEO. HUNTER. - Jan. Tith Pitt. Having been nllllctle¢ frr mime time with dyspepsia, costiveness; loss.a . nppotite, and generlil prestration of the system,l used tnierk;s Bitter Tincture of Roots, mid In a short time feand myself entirely relieved, and my health restored. J. S. HERM, • Nn.,2l,l7erth Hanoverlit., Carlisle. I hereby certify 'bat the Medicine, known as Bherk's Bitter Tincture of Roots, has to my knowl edge, cured costlr'eness, nightmare, loss of appetite and general liability. 4. W. SMILEY, No. 33,.15i0r1h Hanover ill,, Carlisle. . Having been afflicted with. costiveness_ for:. a _long time, I tried Shark's Bitter Titrzturo. of 'Boots, and havufound it highly efficient, relieving me in a short time. Try It and yob will find it good, " - •A. N 0.27, South ilanover St., Carlisle. In the summer of 1813diny health "fail ed: that my whole system woe prostrated as if 11 , 411 out,' so that 1 was unfit for business. 1 used Sherk's Bitter Tincture of Roots for soma time, and was, coinpletely restored to health. Ibelieve th is medicine will •do all that Is claimed for 16 SANIBEL COODYEAR, Carlisle, February 1,1800. Having been afflicted a long • Limo with nervous debility and Indigestion, I used Efflork's sitter Tincture of Roots. and Imre found It exceedingly 'beneficial, and recommend it to nil as a reliable _medicine. Mrs. It. KELLER. . Thenflei More medical virtue In o no the those' bot tles than In a gallon of many pf ts Bitters nod mix. .111ros now offered to t h e public. I MANWIAOTURED AND SOLD Dl , & NO: 32; — Soilth — liaiiiitior Street ClailiSlo Also For Salo by. Druggists and all coun. • try Stores. •-- , DR..' . ROOK'S . -• PAIIsT TIOTOR, Curds NouralglityTo4thitcher and pains in the stem ache and bowels DI ton minutes, It mover falls ,to , tee paipp-in the.bVelc and lelno hicks. It Is the •be • a: use for Rheumatism, Sprains Cholera, Mor i:us. an Summer Complaints. • The Prt Victor is Nature's Cdro, gathered from the vegetable 'kingdom, not a mineral poison. It should be in everybouse—a sure and certain help - in time of need. - " The cltizens'of Carlisle that have . And it testify as follows : . I have boon subject for the last - fifteen years to attacks of rheumatism and lame bask which for the last two years had become so severe at tunes that I was entirely disabled for busltioSs, I used your Dr. Itook's Pain - Victor this spring, and part of one bottle has entirely cured me. I recommend" it with confidence to others. ' • ' JACOB MARTIN, No.•Bl,Bouth"llanover Street, Carlisle: ' have used your Pain Victor for.Weauness 'in my back, and have found a-perfect i um. in 4 short time. I believe it to be an infallible cure. . JOIIN It. PILIIAY. . . _ . Tho 80v:E. 7 .A. Brady, Pa.,. Bible Agent' Jays: I have ueotl.your.DrAllookle Pain Victor in my family, and found it a sure and quick mire for Neuralgia and Toothache,. II 'A. BRADY. It cured Me effectually . of Neuralgia null Tooth, ache LANDIS, liaalr,"a•Paln Victok curatl 7 and NauraliSf : MK& LOIMpn, MOIUtISON . .. . . , . .. Wo ihinrfully recommend your Pain Victor as an invaluable remedy for headache. / •. • ' i • ~. • . " WM. f1..,131:1TbER.,.. - • .•"' ''''' k"'" - '""'''' OLIN J. FALLER. dfado and sold by A. Schaub -.L• Co., No. 86, south. Hanover Streot, Cutlet°, Ph • Whore ovory portion afflicted with Neuralgia, To hullo,. - Iloadeauhe and plus In the Stomach le lovitod to call end be cyrod lintels ralnutes, free of charge.' For sale by Drugnlste and all country stores. • , . klune 08-13 m, . •, • , tIENTLEIVIEN wishing a fine flavorad aigar should - try Dosh d ,floylor's . "Mack Crook? only kgonta. Palsl4B MISCELL ANEOUS. -moo 0:' M It - E S. PACIF .1 C RAILR`O-AD - Are now finished and in oPeration. Sixty miles of track has boon laid tools spring, and the work along the whole line between -the Atlantic and Pacifier Mates is being,pushed 'forward more rapidly than ever boibro: Mere than twonty. thousand men aro employed, and 'it Is now possible that - the entirp Trim Omaha to Paoramonto, will be finished la• 1800 instead of 1870: - The Moans provided 'aro maple, at:W all that oneegy, men and money can tlo to secure the completion of- this G.REAT NATIONAL WORK,_ atllio earnest possible day, will bo done. The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY r ecolvo Goiernment Grant of tho 'right of way, and allinicoseary timber and other. materials found along Moline of it li operations. _ 11.—A Goverument,Grant of 12,800 acres of land _ . to the mile, takes in alternate sections on each . side of Its road. This is an absolute donation and will boa soul.ed of large revenuo In the future. Gove'rriment Grant of Onited'Statea Thirty y ear Bonds, amounting to $16,000 to 548,000 per • ndlu, according': to the Millennial to be sur mountod on tho'various sections to bo • Government takes a - socond mortgage as security,' - audit is o2cpecteit that not - only - the - la Wrest - , but the principal amount may bo paid In service run dared by the, Company in transporting troops, - malls, &. Tholntereatis now much •moro than paid in this, way, besides. securing a groat saving in time and mosey to the Government. IV.—A Government Grant of the right to issue its own FIRST MORTGAGE: BONDS, to aid in building the road, to the hams edit:mut as the U. S. Bonds, issued for tho same purpose, .and 59 more. The GOvraNaleNT PE113111 . 8 the Trul tees of the First . Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only as the road is complete, and after it has been examined by the United States Com missiontrs and pronounced to be in all respects a Bret-class" Railroad, laid with a heavy Trail, and compleely supplied with depots, strtions, turnouts, carahops, locomotives, cars, &o. V.—A Cafiltal Stock Subscription from tho stock holders, of Which seer Kfiltt from " have been pa id in upon the spark already done, and . which will be increased itrethe wants of the Cone ' pony require. ~.. • . Vl:—Not Gish Earnings on its Way Business, tL it already amount to Mae THAN TIM INTHHEBT on the Firee Mortgage' Bonds. These eon:Maga are no Indication of the Vast through tragic that must follow the opening of the lines to the Pacific, bit Thoy_cOrTalulrprovo that _7' - FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS upon such n property, costing nearly - three times their emnint. Are Secure boyond'auy Contingency Tho Company lava abundant mans in their_ Iron. Bury, and make no appoal to the public to purchase their Bonds, as the dully subscriptions are entirely satistaciory; but they submit that, for entire security and liberal returns, them Is certainly no hotter it. vestment in the markot. The Upion Pacific Bonds are for $l,OOO each, and have coupons attached. They have thirty -.yearn to. run and bear_ annual_hatereat, payable on the first days lEtrefty of Now York, at - thn rale of six per cant. 1n wild at waturlty, .At the present rite 01 gold, these bonds pay an annual Income on tho•A,u_pt of BLNTL - NEARLY NINE PER CENT.„ AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT TII,EI 'WILL SOON BE AT RANI The Company reserve the right to advs.; the mice to a rate above 'par at any time, nod will -net till any orders orr VC.. No any subse, apt ions en which tho nonoy has not been actually Odd at the Cempan)'s epics befere„the taut, of ,such tuft:wee. suloorlbing frill remit Lim par value of the a6d - the al:or - km.1 Int , must lo currency at the rate of RIO per runt. per annum, from fhe Mao on which tho last coupon wits paid. Sulmeriptions will La resef,bd In Carlisle EZEM=I and in Now York At the Company's Men, No. 20 Nassau Street, John J. Cisco & Fdi, lin,kers No. 59 Wol I St., And by tho Company's tulvvrtised u4enhi throughout Remittances should be nude in drafts Cr other funds Neu, York, and the , Bonds will he sent fere of charge by return r t 1 . 1 1 .5- suliserthidy through Theo, agents, will look to them ,fiur,thcir safe detfecry. LED AND 31AP FOR 11318 has just been published by the Company. giving fuller information than is possible in an advertisement, respecting . the .progress of the R'ork,•the Resources of the (hm try traversed by-the Read, the. Means for gionstruction,- soil the Value of the Bonds, which wilt be sent free on application at the Company's °dice or to any ra the advertised a,ents. liiii JOHN J. DISCO, Troxsuror, Now York :Omar-08. . J OHN HORNER. • 1- ,MER'CHAN'T In'Kramor's Building, near Bloom's Hall; Carlisle, Pa., has just returned from the Eastern Cities with the largest and most COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Cloths, Vostings, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c., evorl,rougla to Carlisle —Ms_ cloths_ eompriso and of the fine 4 texture and of ell shades. Mr. Dorner being himself a practical cutter of long experience is prepared to warrant perfect fits, and prompt filhog of orders. - Pingo Goods by the yard, or cut to order. Don't forget the plAce. Homy, 63-tf. ' J.. T. DEL.4.CI.tOIX, I NIPORTER. AN,D DEALER IN C A R'PETINGS, 11,IATTINOS, OIL CLOTHS ; RUGS, ETC No. 37 South Socodd St:, abovo PQ I LADF.LPIIIA N. B.—Purcbasors will dr: well to call: Bmay-2m. A GENTS WANTED FOR THE LA. " OFFICIAL HISTORY OF TRH WAR, ITS CAUSE, ,CDARACTER, CONDUCT AND • • It ES U ETS. BY HON, ALEN:ANDER: 11. STEPHENS A Book of all .Section and 'all Parlics.„ This great'work ptesonts.tho only complete and impartial analysis of tho cause of the War yet pub lished, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only hnown to ,those high Milkers-who watched. thu flood-tide of revolution. from lie fountain spring, and which was so aseessiblo Mr. Stephens, front his position as second °lacer of . the CoAftslerney t - Teitpublierthat hiialaoen earth - WM' - with — APP . AII: . ENTLY SIMILAIt._.PRODUOTIONS, We. prowl . .. a change of fair, h th nameable and salutary, and an intelleatual treat of the Iddhost order. The grout American War has AT LAST found a 'historian .wor- thy of%lto ituportanco, and tho cancliti,und r Impartial tradanont which truth and Justly no 'urgontly do. • Thu Intense desiro'overy whpro manifested to ob• tato this work, its official chariker and ready sale, combined with an increased ennunlsqlOn,onake it tho best subscription book ever putiltshad. • , agent in Easton, Pa. reports 72 subscribers •in tbreo days. Ono in Boston plans. 103 subscribers -in - four days. Ono in Memphis Torn. 100 in five days. Sand for Circultira and sea our forms, and n full description of the work, with press nom's of ad vance sheets, Be. Address NATIONAL .IiUBLISITINO.CO. South RoVifn Pa.—:- 27anny.4 DESIRA'.ULE PROPERTY' tIT PRIVATE BiIAL In Cloarapring, Washington) County, 'Aid, The subscriber Intouds elionglug )(18,1ocation lu bualuess, olt9rx two.story • BRICK STORE. ,AND DWELLING • HOUSE. The Store Homo le 20 by 20 foot, the Dwelling hoe 10 room with cellar under tho whole house and store. A Part la covered with Bletto and part Tin, with SPRING HOUSE, GQOD STBLING, • CARRIAGE HOUSE, GOOD LOT'aiakil good FRUIT, ono of the boot locations lot .business In toien. Persons buying the above property can' get possess ion by,tho sth day of August :or let of September Gan also if they deelrohuy the Stock of Goods 'as I will give a good Bargain in them at east, ke, Also I two-story Brick Ilona° with 8 Rootaa and Half tot, with all good Out ttlhilnits, and water In the yard, now occupied non Coulhotlonary Stone, Also _ A.PRAME - - TWO-STORY SHOP. • Posoossion of the two' last sunned proportion will bo given on tho Ist of April next. For further In. formation address, • MARTIN MYERS, 22may2m. ' - • ' Ofearepring 31.1. IN BANKOUPTCY: ' ' Easteni District of Peansyivaufa N. S. Muunv Slay:43, A.-D. MIL Tho undoralgOod hotaby giveh notice of hie appoint ment all `Assignee of Samuel O.' Lloyett, of Mechanism , burg, in tho county of Cumborland,• 'and State. of Pebnitylsdnia, within said District, • who hoe boon ad. judged a Bankrupt upon' hie own patltion by the District Court of said Dietrich - • amtuumit. NAIMINGER, 29may-8t OF THE I= Cassimeres, AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale and Ratan, MISCELLANEOUS. X 130; ."' P 413- 0 0 fl e 7,, oqC- TABLE 41' A •ii) c - . _ CZ RtcliTaiartii,co 0 T. 4AA.A,OI°IIR---A:AS 1 . ‘l° ti 0 0 7 -0,- cw 14, Atoms ....( ow ' - ' 4 l R R A l' l .. 4 4, 19 6 6 017097 Qkg. -, RING°S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA, IS THE MIRACLE OF, THE AGE! . 4G -ray-Pleaded People have.their locks restored by it to the dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy! Young People, with light, faded or, red Hftir, IfitiViY - the - se unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, ana rejoice! People whose heads are covered with Dalidrny and• Humors, use it, and have clealt — coats and clear and healthy scalps! Mad-I:leaded Veterans have their .reniaining lbaka , tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance for joy! young Gentlemen use it because it is richly perfumed I Young Ladies :use it because it keeps their Hair in, place ! Everybody Must and will use it, because it is the cleanest and best article in the market! for Sale' by Druggists generally. 7f0b68-ly CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD! cnaNGE•or 'ROURSI Oh and after Monday, May -UM, 1968, Passenger Trains will run daily aa follows (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD ACCOM/WATION TRAIN leaves, Harrisburg 8,05 - A. M. slechanicsburg 8,88, Carlisle 0,15, Nowa'lle 0,60, Ship pensburg 10,24, Chambersbrerg 10,45, G re encastle 11,23, arriving at Hagerstown 1160 A. M. Mau. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1,90 P. M., Mechan icsburg 2.13, Carlisle 2,45, Neivvllle 3,20, Sbippenr, bine. 3,50, Cbarnbersburg 4,30, Greencastle 6,05 arriving lit - Hagerstown 5,35 P. 51. EXPREBI3 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4,15 P. M. 'Mechanicsburg- 4,47, Carlisle 6,170, New ville 6,60, A LiMaktlrjr.......o,l7_,atriting at l'hambersburuat. A ,1,11:tr.o TWAIN leaves Ginunberiburg 8,05 A. M. Greencastle 0,25, arriving at Hagerstown 10,10 A:11 EASTWARD:. ACCOMMORATION Truax leaves Chambersburg 4,45 A AI.. Shippensburg 5,14; Newvillir 6.45, Carlisle 0,18, ISCalianiesburg 6,47, arriving at Harrisburg 7,15 A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8,00 A. M., OITRO eas•lo 8,35. Clitimbersburg 9,15, Bhlpponsburg 9,45 Newville 10,19, Carllelo 10.53, 31oebaniesburg 11,26, at riving at Harrisburg 11,55 A. 31. EXPRENA TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12,05 'P..111., Oreeneastle 12;33, Clunnborsburg 1,10,. Sbipponsburg 1.43, Nowvills 2,16, Cgrlisle 258, 3lochaniesburg 3,20, arriving at Harrisburg 3,55 P. 31. A MIXED TanlB leaves Hagerstown Mb, P. 31. Ilrerne,stie 4,22, arriving at Obamberirburg 5,15 I'. 31. . . ot,j-M !thing close connection a at ilarrisburg with taunts to and from Philadelphia. New York, Bliti• more, Washington. Pittsburg and all - - polo to West. SIPERINTENPENT'S OFFICE. . N. LULL. Chambershurg, Pa., May 8, 1968. f &Vt. Malay-68. fIHAIBERLAND VALLEY HORSE INSURANCE AND DETECTIVE COMPANY. CAPITAL 550,000 The above Compaq has been organised fOr the Insuring of all kinds orllve. stock against loss by death, theft or occident. The I ntos of Insurance are as low and as favorable as any Comptny of the kind in the United , States, while an abundant capital, and a careful manage• meat of Ile affairs, make it most desirable to those frisking to Inhuni: • W. B. MULLIN, President. WILLIAM M'CLELLAN, Vice I'residtni. W. F. SADLER,. . . Akillmtlons fi r Insurance can bo made to ~ 11. It. PEFFER, Agent at . • . - -- - Oarllslo Pa Or to J. E. JOHNSON, Actuary, Shipponsburg Pa &Tilly GS-ly. • I o )OARDING. ) 'rho subscriber having - rented and takon ponds s n of the largo and commodious dwelling house, known as Inhoirs building, situated on tho south west corner of Mai ket Square and Hammon Street, proposes to accommodate a limited number of per manent boarders, and all transient custom that may apply. Having Just retired from the proprietorship of tho.Coroman House, ho is well prepared to fur nish tho Tory best accommodations- to bo found in the town. Persons desiring good hoarding at rea sonable rates, will do well to call and. give him a trial. • . . _ .. Smay 4t 9 - 1 H E FARMER'S BANK - , -- OF LISLE, PENNSYLVANIA, Errantly organized, has boon opened, for transaction of a general bank lug business, in the corner room of It. Given's new buntline - On tho North West corner of High street and the , Centro Square. The Directors hope by liberal and carefiE manage, meat to maks thiii a popular institution, and a safe despository for all who truly favor the bank with their accoun ts. Deposits received and paid back on demand, inter. Wst allowed 011 Special deposits ' now, Silver, TrAincry Notes and Oovernment Bonds, bought and sold. Collectiona mado on all accessible .points In the country. DisCoultt day, Tuesday. Banking hours from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock . I.'. M. HOFFER, Ctuhier. DIRECTORS. 11. Clivon,-A'rosldont, Wm. U. 15.111.10r,- Thomas Paxton, David Ileik_os, s' Joins W. Craighead,. A. J. Herman, 2imar-08 tf. • Abraham Witmer, CIIARLES WILLIAMS 111.1N4- AND VATILATINO WAREHOUSE, Nos. ,11,22 & 1134 Market Street, Ifits an entirely now heater. •It is constructed as to at once command itself to general favor, being a combination of wrought and cast iron. It id very simple in Its construction, and is perfectly Mr tight; sulf.eleaningThaving no pipes or drums to tea taken out and cleaned. It is so arranged with upright Ilnes A as to produce a larger 'amount of - heat from the samieweight of coal than any furnace now In use. The Itygromotle cons•ltion rd the ntr, as produced by my new arrangement of evaporation ,will at- once do. Mouslrate that It Is the 'only ; =I that will produce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. I am now makhug too sizes of PORTA&LES, and four for Masonry. . . ItANGEB, Spacial attention is' call to my NEW _GOLDEN EMILE COOKING RANGES,•ss I fool assured there Is nothing lu umuTtliat'hatt—entahata--with regards their durability,,economy and efficiency, with. a largo assortments of Low Down Grates, Fire Plato Stores - Registers. and Ventilators. Scud for Dine .trajod eiroulars. . Imai 084 at. • ;1;00;000 Customeis in Four Years. PAMNIZE THE BEST . ti.iug the larges . t capital, most experienced buyers, suit extensive trade of any concern In the • Dollar Sulu business, We' GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and also the best selection of Goode over o ff ered at ' • • - aisM DOLLAR EACH. No other concern has any shoio wherry, our Agents are selling Our motto.' •'Prompt And Ito Mink," Maio and roman agenta waritod" In city and country. THE .LAinES . Are particularly requested to try our popular club eystaln of selling all klndg of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, CAB. TORS, SILVER 'PLATED -GOODS, IVATOIIES, &c. (Estanilshed 180.1.), A potont pen fountain and a cheek describing an' article to bo sold- for a dollar, lOcts; 20 for $2; 40 for 4s; 00 for $6; 100 for $10; sent by m011.,, - Fred presents to getter up, (roorqh. 50 per cent more than those sent by any other. concern,) Accord ing to size of club. Smartie a trl4l , ulub, or If not do not fall to mond for a °limier. N. N.—Our stile should , nq •be 'classed with New Yorlc dollar jewelry sales or leigus "Tea Companies." as it is nOthing of the sort. • • • • • • BASTIAN & KBNDAI.II4 • ..... .•• ••• • 06 . Hanover Sitroot, Boston, Alms. . 22may OS. , . .. • SALE.=—The Subscriber, L molding in West 'Pennehorough township, at blotint ltock, oilers at private - sale tho Ibllowing do. scribed real estate: A lot of ground containing a Ott!. more than one acre; having thereon orootod a two eto ry LOG f OiJdi WEVYLICHLIOARDED, A LOIL.SUCE. MAK CR 81I0P a story and a half higho Good Stable, Wagon Shod, Corn Crib and Rog Pon. A good well of water is also on the promises: Tering reasonable. Inquire of • , ' ' • HENRY nnoWN, • 4lount, Backa. 0.. ' VXEOUTOR'S NOTIOR-' xu Letters Tostamoutory on tho estate of Daudet Wondorly, doeM., into of Dlokinson township, having this day boon Issued to the subscriber residing in South Middleton township. ' Notice le hereby given. to all persons indobted to said estate, to imako.laune- Mato payment, and to . parsons baying *him agtAinst lt to - present-them for sottioinont. 0 • , • . JOSEPH A. STUART,. . • JOSE,PI.I BAAS% - ',NASoUtoiSr , . ( - 1868. summ lit 1868: MI A magnificent stock et new Geeou now ea ex Mitten at Greenfield,at No. 4 East Main St., Having determined to keep a mush larger stook of Dross -Goods- than heretofore, I am now pre pared to exhibit one of the most beautiful s to ck of goods, consisting of all the latest novelties 011ie season for ladles suits, and also all the thin fabr tee for summer wear NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS (N HAND Every thing in our Drees Good department will be found of the) latest importation el our purchase's last weok, we know we have some bargains that can. not be found elsewhere. GRENODXANB, SEASIDE LUSTERS, GRANIT POPLINS, _The new and 41331,1010 ahadoe :of PEARL end BIN. MARK ALPACAS only 50 cont.. • The BEST. alhortment of -BLACK SILKS In town from $1,75 to 4,60 per yd FANCY SILLS, Lawns, Delaines, BLACK 'GOODS, BOMBAZINES, --, ' CABHMF:REB, ke A BLUE gr,oDRAB a at bargand'in iBISMAILK.n all WOOL DELAINEB, BLACK A glad assortiratit of • WHITE OABHMERES; Gloyee, Crape, Funeral orders proreytlp lend satlsfacterlyilllled A well selected stacker DOMESTIC GOODS bought vary cheap, will bo sold at popular pricey Blenched and„ Unbleached Mullis from the lowest grade to the finest New York Mlle Including all 'the boat =ken. COTTONADES, MEM HICKORY STll'4 GINGHAMS, TABLE CLOTHS, all at price' that dory compatitlOn WHITE GOODS, Pique, Nalosook's, Cambrica, pled and plain Owloses, Tarlatans, Etrined Blueing, In great varletlee, all sleet of the beet English Goode at reduced rates. - BARGAINS IN SHADES. PIIILADELPfirk - BARGAINS IN SACKING CLOTHS A largo assortment of Shades CLOTHS and CASSINERES At the lowest market rates, In fa . ot many of Omen eheAper then - before -the War, 7 FRENCH. CORSETS CHEAP The boot telling Kid Glove in town ceiling at 0141.. . A noirdot of 1100 P SHIRTS, direct from the mann too turer at a bargain, - !FLOOR OIL CLOTHS TABLE OM OLOTllfii, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, All I ask le an examination of my stook. Buyers will be amionlehed at the ditforencaof prices between this and other establishments claming to cell cheaper. L. T• GREENFIELD. EAST: MAT2C STREET N ii=!!l!Mi DRY .GOODS. , -1 011ENEA POPLINII. SUMMER POPLINS, A full line of ainbrioi Peresls, Alapiea Lusters, Challies, dm., Sce ALPAOAR, A TAMIB CLOTH. Collars, and Crapes, Beading, - 40 0 Spke ilium on bAni CHECKS, TIOKIN GS, PRINTS, TABLE LINENS, Brilliant', lioaleu, OIL_ OLO_THA • STAIR OIL CLOTHS, SILK UMBRELLAS RRx 000ps. SPRIXG. 1868. . . Ait the • deillahtial imam or-SPRING !;.ail piht_oppa LEiDIGH, & MILLER, Ilawe Just rpeelvod an unusually. Aare" gupply of DEAIJTIFIM GOODlVeutted to the season, and now -ready-for-Inepoetton.---.. 7 , A. GRAND DISPLAY "Of DRESS SLLES-, =II In all tke new colors and shades BL A C.K - IL-K,B of every grade and quality._ All the new ityles and rebore of dealrable DRESS G-QODS For Walking grata, anch ao CHINA MOHAIR 'POPLINS, ' PLAIN MOHAIR POPLINS,. STRIPED K PLAIN MORALES COLORED ALPACAS. COLORED VELOURS, • FRENCH PERCALES, SCOTCH GINGHAb . IB, • FRENCH CHINTZES,, • , J • And many - Other goods for Rho ninon SPRING ErHAWLB. BPRINU BAQITES•AND MANTLES. All the new stiles and eMore Of SILK -PARASOLS, For Ladies, Misses and Children Please do not forgettha fact that Ways have the largest act most eoteplate stook of WHITE GOODS, Embracing PLAIN AND STRIPED 1110EIATRS; PLAIN AND STRIPED JACONETEL BEAUTIFUL STRIPED MUSLIN, PLAIN FRENCH-MUSLIM. All the new-itylee of Tucked and Striped Hipline for • GARIBALDIS, MOURNING GOODS, The best assortment in tlie town FUNERAL GOODS, lEEE Every thing required for funerals. Very strict etten tion given to filling all orders for the gams. DO'MESTIO GOODS Stacks and stack' of Bleached and truhleaohed MUBLINB, at prim below market rates. Callum from 8 to 124 ate. Good Domeetlo GINGHAM 12%cts. TIOKINOB, CHECKS, TABLE• LINENS • and CLOTHS, TABLE DGYLIEB eakd NAPKINS, • TOW=LINGIS; TOWELLINGB, Le., 11.. CARPETS!! CARPETS The largest stock that has over been often/ IN Carlisle, and selling at much Zola& ralas than . for years. Bost quality LOWEL THREE PLY, Best Quality HARTFORD THREE 2LT, EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS, TWO PLY,, all qualities, ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, STRIPED CARPETS; of - Altwidths, suit- suitable for hails and: stairs FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Now styles for halls, in all widths TABLE OIL OLOTHB; L ,T_A B 14 , 8_ .0:0_V-11.R.0 Marseilles Quilts, . --,-Laneaster -Quilts, , Honey Comb (Now Styles.) Col'd Coverlids OIL WINDOW MAPES all ooloyn and styles OLOTRS & aud-celora-leoirAmateadraad uk at peatly reduced prices. ' NOTIONSI N 0 T . I.1,),A1111. 113:11- 7 131111° . TA G . A . 0 " ... 7 i8 : , . 0 . 6 . :: ':':, .: 16; .,-:: • . IIDbINGB, • ~,,-------- , - 1421DICIIRCIIIIIH9,, - , , - • SWOP 211.111T11, . . • sad thousand .ef ether 'goal - doslrablo goods Om annot be onentioPO4 there: • • • • Above we give yon but a mall eatieseration er tie l e Inn:genre amountor seasoomble and a ractlv• - stock or goods that you will And on band. not fell to give us an early call as we ate offei g'' great haduco. manta in all Mode of floods. Great bargains all the time. We do not lhalt the time bargains to slaty Cr ninety , days, but state that at al Odes_ _we , . eep goods ebbsper than tpe ohaapost• . ,•';': I'4 I i!,4-iiif . ',*: rm 1 L .;.AIR Sign of the Carpet Hall. NO: itAig aim-W.411u, pailsle . Twaluitlialais. 1868. ir ---- In new styles,