DEMOTT *WARD'S , I.INITED UIRCUS :AND 1 1 4iTAGICAIE:—OLIr readers who wish to -- attend - an"entertainment not only of Liman exceptional, bUt .a meritorious :character, should' remember the date 6f Messrs. DeMott and Ward's promised visit. The establish went wo have heard -well spoken of, as one ___Whieli_fully—verrflos-the—promises—madeby. tho - Management .upon their bills ,andAn their advertisements. It•ie said fo be a corn ' pact show, replete with. excellent material eU all respects much betterthan isgiveo - "so cohissal affairs, which roam through the country, "full of sound and fury," sig nifying nothing. These yciung men aro both first class performers, and have been befoie the public in prominent positions long enough to be . .sensibly, impressed with khowledge of 'Mint kind of an exhibition would proye-suceessful. They have got fine wagons, a neat outfit, superior horses, an excellent troupe, elegant paraphenalia,and keep all things in correct order.. The pro cession is not tawdry, but is a fair index of the "wealth of the resources" they produce inside their canvass. They have earned all theyhave• got, mne° determined so win patfenage by deserving it. independent of the brilliancy Of their arena and Gymnasium they present feature unlike any precedebts. The Performing Beare which have rendered Old Grizzly Adams' name historical, a huge Leaping Stifalo, the Educated Bull of His doostan, a real calf Elephant, a calf, not a. dwarf non" deformity, and several Dens of Trained Lions, Tigers, and other ferocious felines are included in the quadrupedal nt-' trnotions: • Something new in- the way. of exhibitions is a desideratum long looked for. ' The United Circus.and Menagerie * will Ex hibit at Carlisle on Wednesday June 10th. MAERI an WOIIEN, or those of them rath or ) who own property in-Weir own • right; seem to boa perpetual sourco of trouble to tho courts of Pennsylvania. EVery term they do something which calls for fresh judicial interposition, and ten yeart of .heavy labor hai s ei 'hot enabled our judges to explain t,o a woman what she can'do and what she may ,not. _lt has just been decided that a mar ried women may not sell stock without her husband's consent, although his signature as a witness on • the certificate -of transfer has. been ruled to as evidence of assent. This ruling shuts thi - doors ortlia — Lixchange and gold baard• to the =I , DON'T FAIL TO pET A copy of the "Maisons why." the agent is meeting with unusual success in this community. The ''Biblical Reasons why" answer 1493 qurs• tions connected.with the Old and New Tos taMent. • "Every private student of the Bible. ay . - ery teacher and advanced Scholar in the Sabbath School should have -the work.,— Rev. S. SPRECIIER D. D. For use-in families and schools the brat r. have seen.—Rev. JouN 111.0eLiNT0C1c . D. -b. The' Series History and Science. will make A. valuable addition to any man's 'brary. Sold rit a priCe that will give it the largest eiroulation of. any 'Book now. publ fished. Together with Julian's - Interest Table s)\ the whole combinelhn most useful valuable' and popular works that can .be found. A -good active agent can find employment at 13 to $5 per day, b 3) calling .on E. C. HANNUM or J. C. STOCK, Carlisle Pa. . QM EXPLORATIONS OF THE NILE TRIBU TARIES OF ABYSSINIA.—TIIO Sources, Sup ply, and Overflow of the Nile; The Country, People, Customs, ote.,.ete., interspersed with many highly exciting Adventures of the Au thor, among • Elptihnnts, Lions, Buffaloes, --Ilippopotami, Rhinoceros, Antelopes, and other great game of the Country, accompan ied by export sword hunters, with Illustra tions.—By Sir S. W. BARgh, M. A., P. R. G. S. Hartford, Conn., Published by 0. D. CASE & We have just received a copy of this truly •magnificent and interesting one and we can with truth pronounce it one of the very ablest of the kind ever issued from the press. Sir S. W. Baker is not only a veritable modern -Nimrod, but is a man of observation and . &search, and Is the true discoyerer of the sources of the Nilo. The work contains a vast fund of information in relation to the countries of which it treats, Abyssinia and Egypt, and gives many racy anecdotes and startling: adventures. It islho most readable book of theseason, and will have an immense Oireulation.. The book comprises 608 large pages, is beautifully printed on . good typo and paper, and its get up and appearance reflect the-highest credit upon the typograph ical skill of Messrs. CMS': & CO., the Hart aid publishers. ' - =EI "They made her a grave too cold and damp For a soul so honest and true." If they had been wise, the dire necessity of opening the grave - for :0110 so lovely might have been averted. Plantation Bit ters if . timely used, are sure to rescue the youngend lovely, the middle-aged and the confirmed sickness.' diseases have their beginning in some alight difficultff....-ot the Stomach, h i wch would eyeritiTato in Dyspepsia, Headache, Liv,r'Complaints, Night Sweats, Consumption,. Death. Plantation Bitters vial prevent these premonitory symptoms, / and keep the blood pure and the healtli good. While they invigorate the system', they enliven the mind. " june6-2t. 'MAGNOLIA WATEe..—A delightful toilet article—superior to Cologne and at half the price. • junos-2t MARRIED. • MORiIISON—WIRE.—On tho 24th inst., - by.Ttro. D. BtoalL, Emanuel Morrison, to Mine Anna Wire, both of this county. • NAUGLE-211tERS.—On the 28th ta c t., by the sp same George D. Naugle, to Mice Mary Y. blyerer both of Ohl* county. .. 1113011E8-11&RDER.--On May 21nt, by thn Rev . W.A.' Mille, Ri. Robert 13.M' Hughes, to blitz Llbhte C. dattghter of Mr. &tin Hu. 4, of Carhelo. CIO WONDErtLY.-Ou the 16th ult., In Dlcklneon township, Dantul ' ondarly, sion 78 ply& MARKETS. CARLISLE PRODUCE'DIARRET: Carpels Juno 4( h,lBOB. 8 1r 1 1119 " 7 ... t . WRITE WHEAT ally :do RYE 00EN ..... OLOVERREED TIMOTAYSEEE , .. - 41AXBEED:-..". BARLEY El 15 .-- • 1 - ••to -- -4-1 35 TALODUCE InUtliET • Carllele,Juno 4th 1868. • - Corrected Weekly by AndrewWoe/mood WYPPBII.I 18 BACON MOULDERS, 15 25 BACON 811)1413k rl6 LARD' - • 16 W 111216 BEANS II 05- TALLOW, 10 'PARED POACIELESi 26 SOAP - 8 lINPARBD PBACUBB 7,8 40 DRUID APPLES, 6O • DAMN II 51n " 'lB RAGS, 4 riENTLEMEN wishing h fine flavoied , I L A Cigar ahould try . Dash & Bagler , a "flock Crook," only 6 cents. :.Thaap6g • „ , hovea , primp Yam Cigar for AT• pinto, - Try them. F . E4II.AJ:kELPHXA There Is very lit thi doing In ()lovel.e., or Timothy to flx quotations—Small .Ice of Ile x,vetl of $275 a 288 per buthol, at which figure It is wan tot ley thTi crushers. - itioto;waulents to breacilituffi.i are of an entirely limited character, and in flour tho only train...thins are small loti, for tho supply of the lionie;lti ado at $8.2bui1.75 per barr for f.uperfinti..-7 5, i 9 , , , 0 fur Irani $9 75a11 - 00 - for -el Piorlh treater!, e t faally; 2-stiet sl OS for fancy Iota: . There is Hu• ehang.i lu r 3 o flour orpornmeni; small s.des of the former at $0 'Thbrels very little inquiry fOr wheat :tett m ices are drooping: sales of I,:nu bushels go , .1 red at $4 7351 75 per bushel. nye is quiet with louall ages. of Veen -sylvanla at s2l.o. — Corn - i — erriVing — frenly — and - thu market is at a stand. Small tutors of yellow et.-$1 1( and mixed Western. cfr.4, 1 14.. Oats aro very quiet, sags 0.1,00 bushels: Peatisylvatila at busholillght nouthern nt Contrnband rhls key In abundance and it is offered !al iD c. Whet commentary on the integrity of the Itoretrue Depart ment. Philadelphia_ Cattle .Market \darner Juno I—Eyoning. ' ItegYes.-I,36o.head!Themarlt4 Wasiivell supplied ith - ttreirottor descrlptions - ntntock, and for this do. serlption a good - dotonnil_iirovalled. :rho attonda ace of buyers was quite large, who notalfestoll 'der. - blo interest In the traffic, and an adinnio' demanded by holders In Elio early part of thy day was up to the close, well maintained:. Coinmon descriptions were but 111th, sought after. Sales choice at prime at 8090, and common at' Crti lb grins. Tho • lowing Iwo the particulars of the Fab sto day; ' 54 head Owen Smith, Lancaster county, 90 1034. - 17 Drugler 601cCloo,n, runty, Shin 45 P. Mclfillon; Chester county, lout 1.. • 85 P. Hathaway, t. aneaster yea 100 James S. tcll•lc, Chaster CJIIIIty, 01 It. P. Mention. Lanr.wtyr county, Dien. -75 James Mennen, Laneastur county, 'Call. !. . . . 40 B.S. Maiden, Lancaster county, 10011.., 160 Inman .4 Ilachman,Lancaster-e,unty, - 70 Martin Fuller 6: Co, Western 9•Aall. 107 Mooney le Smith, Wester. 0%0 10 %. . SO Thos. Mooneyilro., mw-ter 40 L .Prank. Laneastsr county 9 , .,11110,;. 00 Frank k, ticiumburg, , Western• 70 'Hope 8: Co., Western, 0X0i. , 1114: .• ' • 57 .1. Olomnson, Lancaster con tlty, - 0,;(.a1114 25 Chandler .5 Alexander, Chester coil uty. trgal 23 A. Kitnble, Chester County 0 . 1 Co 10!..5. 40 John Kulp, Pennsylvania, Ctn. COWS AND CALVES IC , Cl:lpta22 head. 'there was less u money In the demand La prices were steady; sales of Bpringera at at sl6ntis, Ind Curve and CalveaJa $ 5O 086. SHEEP The evil tenor of the 'nol.lces received from the Wool, and' a decline of la clb in Pittsburg, to gether with Leavy reNtlpts, t.:ntled to etlll further depress business, :md•lvdders iu order to 'effect yaks to any extent were compelled to do so at at a deciine; sales of common and choice lots at buTirlbgross Re ceipts B,ooothead. lipaa The market compared with last,-WEek Iles 'un dergone but little change. Supplies btany,eom. log forward lees freely, - and the demand was ^gel; sales at the Avenue and 1011 Yards at 1304 76 l lbs net—the latter rate' for cats. R. rite 2AO !feed. - SPECIAL 11' 0 IGE S. 110D.SE and Cattle Powders and" I.ini en.n ts, togetb 7 er with - a larda - iseortment of froth Drega and Medi.. clues, Dye Stu' , e, to,„ at Co:nman Worthlngtor...., - ...„ .. a. r.rwt Main Street, Carllele. STII4L ANOTHER, REDUCTION. Wo have la .01, complutedsuch.nnanguweu to IT enables us 4o offer the Ibllbwlng goods at quite reduced rotes, both Wholesale S Retail. :" Gall A Ax's Fine, metlidni and cheat. — Slooltlak To bacco. J. C. roll k pro's Vert, 9plees. Preston's choicest Ch •colatos. At ogslord ' s - uod other ilturelies. A largo stock 01 Lo-t Fish uu hand at frit pl. es. A {malt lorSioloko.per,, Let %eau our- Who talees. •. WM'. BLAIR & ' A NEW REV EDI' IN CONtItIII PTION.— 1'h3:61• elan a• 11 . -. bud Como.] motion for sonrra I 'yettru olt It frequent bb rdingr nt the.tungu ctn.! 111111 ,, dt oirdlcitio 1111 k ittVn to hub prolo,lort. ultett cns,•,npp,•nnal hdplen+. II is the nitjv physician id, It in Ills4iwn perFpn, or lin hun any oe of It , : vii too, .c.rll.kt glegre health he now - enjoy. ti 1114. "I 1,1, E1...M . 11i, nod ato(litog hot (it for di (Tate ol d (re ex t motion of lope or reeovery, to, (hot will o grant of cottlldence to ell olliotoingletsel 11 he to liat. It'd the exi(eritornt — To - those - sorb rho, with nnc (Ikea e of the Lungs he proffers Croat (neut. he hooildo believes will evadleate the diaease. Prim. 8,50 ilk I . bottle or $8 a - hall (I. Con: Went i t ((Stets,.eo . ,;, for circular or call on ' tleIC 11 (YloS l'i(N .1 ll' II'SON, No. 250 North 1e 221eay (8 ly. T_ C ! I `II , C.TI TTC II ! SCRATCH I SCRATCH!! SCRATCH I I In_fpnal9Ort.o_ hr.nrs. 'Whiaton's Ointniont eu'rus The 1 tub. Wheaton's Ointment eta., i :alt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Totter • Wheaton's Ointment curse Barbers' Itch. Wheaton'iOintmeut cures 01,1 t , etes. Wheaton's Ointment co es E vet y kind of Humor' like Magic. Price, 50 roots a box ;by moil , 1 . 10 rests. Address WEEK'S & 'POTTER, No.. 1.70 \\ at.hingtc n bisect Boston, Mass. For sale by ell Drnvists. ;ept 20 674 y. " JVE.II Al) VEfeT b`3ll; .11 EIV W call at. W. ?_ oJIIIIC-3 OR. SALE.—A new ,leather, top buggy very little in tb, ! 1,11.1.,, , i rpair. II nt W. O. ,S'awyer's h Co's rtor,.. sjune4lt. 1I E ' S - Bitter Tincture of Reo6 WILL INERFECTNALLY - LIAM Ryspepsla or Indigestion, Disordered Stomatli sad Liver, Gostivene.s. Impurity of the Blood, mt ache, Vertigo or Giddinesp; Nervous Debility, Fever and Ague. Incubus or Nightmare. General Debi city, Cramp, Colds. and Pains In file hack and hide. , This Ignot a now Madleilla: the ,receipt font:taking It Was trolfght front Germany to nalthnore, ever fifty years agethy Mr. Elvin, who introduced it among a lbw of 11i:ilium:In blends and itehthbore, who, flailing it to be an invaluable remedy of the above diseases, rerotummided It to otliers,_unt.ll it became, and, stilt continues; to' ho, the household medicine of a taro portion of:the _Germans of morn. The hitter Tincture of ;toots to compa.f , t bf the. juices of a number of the bust Valualilo lOUts, seeds known 'to the medical faculty, with a buinci nary of pure old rye Whiskey to In:the one of the. most effectual Tonic Tinctures ever offered to the public. Every person should, usu. it every Spring Summer and Full to purify tlm MVO loin to the stomach and invigorate the sytleta. STIMaNI /11,L'S The Rev. 6eo. Iluntor ays:— do hereby cortity that I.ovhig used ono bottle 'of Sherk's Bitter Ilecturo of Roots, 1 have found it invaluable for tho.fitomach and bowels. It relelved mo tif pales. nanfea ariCcostlveness anitereatqd an excellent appetite. 1. confidently reecondiond It to all as a reliable medicine.. (IRO. HUNTER. - Jan. 2:th 1,1613. • Haying been afflicted frr rule tine - with dyspepsia, ostivoness, lona of appetite. nod ;general prostration t( tho ay atem.l urettlittork's Bitter TI neturehr Rinds; •ndin a short time frond myself entirely relieved, • nd my health metered. J. S.. HERBST, No. 21, North Hanover St., Ow lisle., .1 hereby certify Abet—the ?ditician, 'lt noiyn' cc Shark's Bitter Tincture of Reath hat to. niy,kintiel, edge, cured ceetivenens, nightmare, lose of atipetlte and general debility. J. AV: SMILEY, . Ise. 33. North thirteen( tir.",'Carllsle.. Ilavlug boon afflicted with..eoctivedoso•foj- . .0 long time,l tried Shark's Bitter . Tincture • orltoote, old havO found It highly efliclent, relieving mo lu•a short Limo. Try It and you will find It [food. A. IV. BIINTZ, ' No. 27, South Ifittior,or Bt., reillido. • In the summer of 1860 my tool th felled enm.tlmt my NlllOlO system was pmstrattid as If worn out. no that I woe unfit S,r buolurla. I 11.11 17i11.1.1013 Bitter. Tincturo of Itootg fOr soma time, and was completely restorodio health, :I b'llovo this n n •dirine will du all that le claimed Mr it. 6A,M1.11.1. U UUY &alt. Caribou, ' . • Raving. been afilhded,a ti ',..tv11 'ilervoinS. debility and luoittuntion. , I- iit.eif J . 511.44:11 .itter. Tincture of Roots, and have found it esseediliglY; beneficial, andwaqoiniinflid it to all al;• a rellJfle Medicine. j L. RP:IAA:It.- - - ..Thurols morn madleal,virtuu In . ono of tlio:le Itot -4.lea than in u gallon of many of Olin !littera nod inh• hIION.noW offered to Ulu - publie,.• ".l. • • •• BlANUNAO'llpillil! AND SOLD S - 01C11V.13 No., 82; - .ot T — Wer.SffoT.Cliorlislii - AYI.: - Also for Sala .by Druggists and • - • OCK'S. - -• . . PA, I N ',V 'I:0 Cured NonUtight;'iOnth;ant 'ti . iipeittii-in the shunt ache! and, bowels in- teu minutes. It Hover fait to urn pains in tho Inch and lannt Wei. E. It is tho lor - Ithounddistuitepratne,Oholerti i -llor bus an Horn mon CoMplain ts., •-• Thu ' Victor' NaturN Ciadiftathid'ed fontthe. 1' 60 ..,.a 00 7.76 265 -- 266- 1,10 . OA vegetable k.ngdoloolot,a 1101108111 110 8011. It EMU 111. .be overyliouse—st4tre' keel Ii Ib , Itt l , Tho Csrl tlint have unaT3lV3telftlry as folio - v:3,i • t beini .ti(teuitt Years In atlifekti iblititnatlSin:And *Kik lisiCk 4 Kblcit for tbe'last twOyearli 1114 t chino on tbst I . oo.enthnly disabitui, for bucino,s. I used „your Dr. Riasitlel'ain Victor this spring, end part °Loire, litiktitifbaSentireiv - eurod inn - recoutpultbi ilt --sciths cotitldettkii to others. SAD, its :11 Alt . / . /N. Nu. 111, South Ilituover itreot, Carbide. I.blivo used your. Paln ' Victor btr back, and limy° fsund n porfec4' tire in a short thileil 'llbelleve it, to Lu , xvlulalliLle cure, ' . Who nov4l:l:Biady, gi. 'A.Ll , says: stave lour e l?(-..Ituoles, rain Victor Ip my family, C, L iv9re arid quick (ur,...NNUPjgbi „ 131/:.n..33.1cA ny. Tooth - and(„` Orgetually I+l,urnlgla. and' Tooth . "' • • r, Victor noted/ 1 lisiqtf•lthliedinatient And Neuralgia. 1101 Lull/SA .1111311.1tISON AVo chea•tully recoininetitl.your Pain Victor its an IntAlUablo issiedy forrl;taMucllo. W3t: B. 1111i1.1 , 111. • . .14 kiVii. l .l l t. PlCkdo rautaald ID. 33, Soutli ,ItanOvar'Sqoal, Pta•• Where every POlllOll Notirolgii4,ToOtilache,. Iloadcachb Acid I: . pedttlijtkAbe Stomach te , invited to, call nod tie cured jtr ton minutes, frau of "Clarico. For sal. y Drugglsta and all country stores. Nuns . • • IMED 75 ..... 00 ..226 iYE ly AD VIER Tggi/./.*)70., A inniAnurniA, Juno 2186 A INPORTA ND DISCQVERY 1 ' ~..--' !--_:-,,1.,__11. := ',• ( , 3 ... - _,-;. - kr . - . 1 ' ill '6 t il i k - j, - . 6:..' , V‘ii. . 1- 4-Itr' i.,.,. , 4 4 174 - L' T ''` . !IX•OULTERtRS , OR icnIOKEN, pow - pgns. . - . ( qspyrigbt: .", • "9103RIttiii ounil FOrt" GAPES.IN::CIIICTCENS 'IANIY :TIPfiKEYS Will prevent end Cure 'Chicken Cholera - and' other Dicoaso oommon to Poultry, endvill'prornote .4 - m2 - increase of Rat. . FULL Dili NCT,W7I:3 ACI.CoItPANY,I:A.cIiVACKACI.O The 111111.0 d 0 a low of the rtmlifival.4, WO boo •raelAved'ilr prcol of the gi eat Nal uu and Ufacacy' roolterols' Yliong : . ' ' . „ . , • . CMIROI;I,TON, BAl.Tinioßt.Col. , yrr 11D.,1)e,„ 16, '0;67. Massrs.Miluorthy'd• (b.' ' -' . • • -''- • OEs•rumn:l:—l hays omod your .Poulteroe - Ftlarre upon , a brand or 3 oung ebichens thlit_haetho !tapas, and am happy to cay, that by tiro um., of a tow loxes thy tillmoyrtircly Carob --It -will cortalnty . :aura Y,liko gapes when tired according to • directions. - - • ..l'ours,, 0.. c. " LIEU. HARMAN. 'l.twrowN, W. 17.%., April 7th.1868. , .I&gsr.7. Clolwralliy'd,'Co. have broil selling your "Poulterers' Friend' hr thu last low months, for the cure of l.hielren Cholera. and In every lust:lee reborn it tuts hero used, the disease ens arrested at once. It Is the greatest Medicine made. It is In guilt demand, :Ind I no selling it rapidly. It certainly aeceniplit hes all that you claim for It. toms, &e. JONAH T. TRUriSP,I.L.. .. nrria'ansxoty, IV. VA. April lath, MS. idfrsirs,, C/o/wort/Iyd fr Co. •. • • • , M yyr.unit elliokens were dylug Tiny Iltat This Spring rich Cho llapos, and louring op your Poultereral si v, 'Hand, 1 purellared a paelzago 'from .los. M. lot •r, 1- akrr,,olloph ordstown, Va., aud It acted - III; oa c, ro 'lie tlaja.a soon dp.appearod, and my chickens la •o vrtnno healthy - nod thrifty I can . recommend 'onitel eta' Frimid to all .... IletsPs—Clohroflfry Cb .. GENTS :—,Ll:tritig hjbt . 11..gr02.t. nutuy foul s, .auriti tho ourly Spring, with "Ohlckou CliOlt.rn;" I . IVII4III - by .MK. )ps..N.l..Stotiebralter, Of SbutherdstoWii, 1 V., to try a ,Intpoi . at,, your `Wootton,: 'Fi. ~,,,,,,, I which,! did; aud I bud only used tHett doto4 'Aim ...th4.titOttl toot is.iiii.ente tl, anal' hart., -.lnt AL/Ilt :Ai: fowl_ bitten.. J. Tnn - most barely recuintriet4 it to do what 'lt TIIYS, it tho dirootions nro fallowUtli- Far . l.llo - by nil ..,,u4try•Nt.itilut o, ~ , till itTSTIAN WELTY. . ' CLOTWORTIIY ,F CO., WholeFnio D ru ggi s ts, - No. an Wept 13altintoro Str e et, llnithnoro, Md. Price - $2;00, - par - .Dozon - i - G - ihe - Trade. A Libeia.. - DISCOUIItr Ahem d,. whet. Purchasod u Vii. 1i apttlles,. •• • • • . Beware ninny hull:aid. Nene genuine except that ...u.ctw,.l b t dl.uw, thy x All ctout.benlier'n ervpartit otis salp by ed it .t 31,un at.. Cfir.ude Pa. • • 1.:1A it . ‘1 1.;001i.' )1i IN , TEuEsci nth., ing to tho I mein orthlrvintlnnil an 1 Flhitho unties 109 be,t t: 1 PElt anu %tolt. n,‘ hrd, THE WORLD:4 111.1P9I: Mth MtatVER CL - 7' . GE.I.R-lii'OX 3-lAOIIIXE perfectly beenrett I Urn extereal. dirt. weL t r ally ether olifttritellen. and tieete it the I , t•-t• In:0,111, and in the hteit. petsll4 111 , 1,11 i ..:11 01111 =EM=MIE=I FOR ITS NEvrNE . 3I.3 AND sTizi: - FOR ITS I,IGHTNEss OF DRAFT, FOR ITS DER artH,ITV, WWI; ‘sl'AS LONG A,S - , rwo ICnnUEV L ACIIIN FUR ITS VIN I FINC P. IN HANDLINQ, EITHER It combines all Iho recent proin,tannts n !how 1a7 , "1,-,ls r- , sn eon IN Mixed - 18 incheu Wlaln.i n unties Ithout clamping the pit man-- can be operate I ho n b,ly. AS A IttiAl'Ell It, is arrang ril with a i.wrietlor Uri pprt, n Pildo-dellvery RAltoililf- Attiiiillinrot. nr till. self either thilivetiog elle," es oily, at the will at .the rater. A Fitinple Ninrhine--eln ecru at T.r 11,Bryv'on's or at Etillor's in l'arlb,lo, 11. r. Dank' ) clea r Ali,. thrill fu ti,o, will give t it. es aloe will , at Ni:wliiirg• I;. Xgyht for i...untitts, l'a. t. IV I MA /VElNautltori7titl t orat.r.t 22,111ty NIL KR UPTC, t. This giro noti •e. that • im tho 27th (lay of 743, A. D. ‘varrint in-ihmkruptey-was -IFstlntl ,lost the • afata of Charles W. Ituynolde, oft,Ship. - vonsburd, in the county of Cum'', and, anti etmo of who hour adjudged a ltankrnpt on Ha on n pithier, thatthortyment of any debtit amid thntieliVery uf any propatty belonging to such baxdo opt to him or or Ills wle, and the tr.intder 01 any Property by hin t are or•bidden Ily (n •o; th a t it 111,11114 of tllO oh , arr. of said hanaropt to prove their debt:, and td rhoo-a ore or 111,t• of lila oqtte, wlil _ha bold at a Court of hdoltropt,y W bo holder at his Wit, in the Cm, t Ilomo , iu Carlkle, edinborl tool eou,ty, l'o.,,bolord C has, A bat nett, Ihrtihh , r, on the ,}7lllM•ty of luru, A. II laa , , at lit tichleli, .1. 31. t:. El.1.)1,1 tt. Alarshall, • ' l 2. Ai Our S, 11. 0:11hr:tall; Iten'y. U. S Drp'y , 0111cor1,•1•n6afield, May, 1t.,38 2L,11,3 QtHri)OL TAX Ti'oll.. 18135.- 11 'fho I}uplie.lo of . 4 ohn for thti Nornuo of , ar111,14 COWI in Imml, of the 'rre:tsur, fur o.lio•thim d 5 Nntiv) lo thervfor , givvp klrit Trenq • I er-v WAIL towl 4 tho county yugvp,tioit.f, icon,. mistJor.aci_Offlee,), Friday ihc alst of July. ia-rd ; • - bets ten the houis of 0 And 0 o'clock of Fnld day, for of ooeti~ing Mach tt 9 s ' n u o rr oTt Vo l "c l trt 'n o ) al de on all taws paid; ['m.o. s,,hing to pa; their tan ex litifont th abuvA coy by eallia4 at. the office of the .Truasurer in Nlarion ' ' . • .W. , EIiY; Treasurer. T.hosg3ot, , • • ero CONTRACTORS Mill 13UILD: - s.oed l oroposalli, Mirked for' a 'building for llto poor of Cumhorlxu4 Nuuty . , Will lin rotanved by tho unilorAttaad at Oarlialo,dm ft thu nth day of. J u nu, lext,at I'l o'clock, for huil.llng nu addl tional budding lor ; thy p /01 . 01 Cualoaland eauutyi 'On ground adjoining lhb pro Eoint PonrAloufie. Plans and spoeilloatlons way ha soon at thu onto° of, tho county CoalloitoionaP. , . 'rue Board of Directors rul:orse the r1;:lit to ri , joct all or auy of the pl. posala. ,a roplo r,ecui ill will ho r eqylica truin the aeouptod .1: C IN Elviwat - , - • na VID WI/LI , • Blieetari' JO of .thu Poor or 22may-ll . n thu gatr,td ev'ery 1111 re upon whirl ILe CALISIIC , of Its ort11:ity1:1r i!vols. T?' , .'s is too - ' 111thIlitIMOTP tor the filaments th tut Lk 'ay.:. But, nn It wn, Ip bait of Ony,o.oh!Op. ; e.,r,is - clkaugetl to a. ,il.lsi.) aLORwtl9 and at alma' tlitio, vitalized au j i ''lmprOved by - 6,A1 - 5 -- 'l,eit SAiikl,WDY,* - 4 2Z-L ' . . . , nature's saiii'alfic and benutitd - regeneratal,flaiinaC: flouted by Jr iintwAno4o; ire* toie' field by all Driiggi4B.'l:Appited ,by•!all• • .$, , . • ~ ~ , ' " .. • • • • . . CX.ECITTOIt'S' iiol,`lV.ll . • 11.: - -- -Lettere lestatnindarAlinvlng'• Oda da . - been tatvou -o4 ,tly, ,e4tate , of . 41dulY - 111fo; , - lain. - of _Eaat Kf l inelioidlownslilti, „ llda aounty; Lel tAntatabootiPor, 11,1,0,14 In'..llfilteannin. Perry cpuoty. NotleaAff: I_l4eby idtt,il toil!! perka , na Indebted .to eald - Vdatqi _tomake limn eillato pin meld, and to._all time having. elainiingainaVlcti „ .preaun! „- tbeux - to , . ! !:•. la tt,', T. 1.-T cu"y, '11 , rr0iN3.14,m. , 2Uonty:tit. , P. .# , l,, , to outn .l4,,lty..,tlpß,VP, - • • 1 .4 1 ()I1 SAl,llil,t:Ail`,:ici.9BTlAttlliitin Peilli' with. fho aj to g.ol good•Iltb ddilt;l:ligEtr, I .l o Wrib r id . 4lie , )t..,, . • / ' tv.i 9 n., Itl,1 1 1.!1!14 1 1 . n1111nidl..!Oh*dl 1 l!arlor OrginiSlpfio: , oY7 l i'agypitt(l2ot44ll.3.46v2ottiiiiht:lt 'artii ? r,Prico SUO. Euquiro nt tlil 0111(0, • ' • • • 29mtiy.ilt . MEM 1' E rlacE 25 dENTS Rei..pertfully, SPOTIB 81111,111.RDSTIMN, W. 31arch . .211t1, 468 is a tw-olamie I M I= SUDDEN DEAT il TN)'ili . i.ii , ill ' '4') I , ,Q,:'l..A; IiMEM -4 112.117 ,.r - A 1), 17 ISEM:ENTS OI4OUS • -,0 rgenized end Equipotbin•Now,3torA _City tot,.Pie Seaton' r 'lB6B, With • NMI , Canvas; Now- Vane and Olutribts, New Cniteo, iioalttiful an d Appropriate. Ap. :••`tl k.OD.F.t . ; :F.6;:nrBIT.T.oN very Z vi ttio word. . • II The nro among tho tpeclalltios the ManagnitnitTnialiftlitilloucielat proYsonting ' The gest Stud of Thorougbred Horses, • - Tlio - DeSt Lndy Riders, Thu Best Pad Riders, The Best BareLback Riders, - • The Best Three Clowns in Amerins t , . • The Wonderful Dwarf Elephant, . "F.A.-NNYI" Two yearn old, 30 !Welles weighs 250 Olinda, undoubtedly the' puutllest ever exhibltod In any Country. - • PROF. TIIOMPSON'S, GREAT PERFORMINU BULL, • •. Tho Alultiform Feats of this Animal in tho Ring the gurvissus bona, and lialmjustly been classed among Wunder, of the 19th Century. Pro. GEO. FOREPAUTI'S Mote Wore Merel'relned Ai beals'exhibited to the Audience thee' nky Show• hei ever exhibited be irro. ' - %, . • _ .~. MACK TfiE AI; CAT TAL'ENTI • TothcislA liE, Premium and Nlltleg.n Uu Chavnl, 11 t<3 DAIDILIM WARD, The "FM of the Arena =1 TUt, D E CA 1;1.01"CA, Thu Dashhn; and Daunt lose Elluestrenno and "Ppitte of tho Ring." • NI 11. .1. De ‘iOTT Vhoso Ileau , ilul and During Equestrian Pereonatlons have gained for httt the tlti.e of the Winged Mercury." Al R.. 7. WARD, The Model Clown. Jester and Grotesque, the greet Multiform Petiormer of he profession. As • - Rope porfermor and Plato:Spinning, Mr. Ward acknowledges • M. JA NILS )11'1.R.3,J _ 'The (Ii.i.1:11 nud iiriginst Jester --Tire -Celcbratril 'Frick Clown. THE All A 111 1111.)1'IIERS, The most rful Athl(.6, of this Dr any , , other , age to their l'i ter , . lee I Agilo 0 roupfn ga, Hoe, and logo. Til prominont the ions family that hovetilialhoimol no admiration of tho World. MlE3,§}:i 4 111 N MADA)IF:S SIVOII I, RTON, }IIiRUtc. Lana CHB. POLkNTI . 11 EN-DER:3ON, Tottellier with a Intl and cumpoto Etparte,, tiahers, and Attendants nontmont ig Managua by Mr. 91:n. La'A UG U. MEM I t\ P, I ?4 -- -Z-z \ 1 t- - , \\ ;\ ~, \ ' :: \;;:''-', ~,s '.:l;, , ' - : 4 A . , ,, ,,. ~ „ , r PI! ~ IP: ~ - 7 , 7 -;-;5,,L. ,..f 3' . --K 15k,,,,P Tlfb Vow 101: Tito u OF ACTING BEARS TAPANESE sintr Tho.Divail iniThitiit," FANNY," lvllbtto . n'aparlsoned 3 -,- -nto itlirtAtryt.l hnuent *Lth a' • "Splendid Oidehtitl.lfoudit.h. In which childrenfrom •amOrit • tbo Awlirir.o will lie rtilowril the ilovolty 01,ein ELEI'.IIANT RIDE. Tin.; 'A I;A WONDERS, :TII V it 1.11, , 1N .N ... (1 . " . 8 ISDN LEAP iN,C I,IU PFA,LO A Real E ni;on 1:114 Ito), .by the 4 cvnle Ana Trull or , • r ' '• Alphorizt, ::"1\ Licari:lo. • , ' .Who " up,olidhly luipet hlm over OATES, 13AitS SL : OBSTACLES. ~'sC>rlitkiluting the mout . • T lu O A'EitTOORSE.AitOR .-.,..Ever gly9n-ip.ii. ~,.:_ =;~,~ Fi l(, ■9~ Mi tl. *l ' i'i :;P ' Ti, • iq?'l c, A 144.,‘ .;‘ ',,, ' ' , 4... f ' ® .1 1 -P..4:c '' ' - The Pro&Hsieu will cuter the Town•at 10 o'clock'; ti -01, led by 1'ROM:3801i KANE'S) Motropelltlen:',Blllm. %Cornet 4401.1 i teXkordil•by the DnieirElepheoit ,,, NAN- Ipt Lorp pprla richly (loco rittud .Vor and , di e yAnf,,, , Cheejote,:yahlanos. Con at •:Collee, • , 4 MISSION - ' .55 Cte Children ukter'l2-yea're' '- 25 4 , 4 ' Doers open' nt 2 k 7 P. M. -Perron:nem c00",,t,0 c9mmonctrjoillon - . • ,1 1 114. SIM 21. T. l l S. goO - W 'lvP ;,p/T,,F i cl# NIE/SItUI Q, Tuosday; : d r ah: OART_ABL'E; WeanOaday, Jiiqo tOth. 14 111:1"1"EgSBURG, Thursdity,.Jurio c- no d.tek . Conly, Aft&oOn. a.nd. Bien ing at Baal), Plaoq,. , u:.MISCEI f EOU' . • ' OF THE. • • U N 1 0-N - 4 0-- Acirric - WA I Lit O,A.D Are now,dplehed and In operation. , Sittf "Wiwi of track has been laid Min sprlngfand the work. long the whole line--between the At!Anita - and — Pacific - Stateirle biting , pushed forward More rapidly than ever before. .eloreAhan twenty thousand men are employed, and It le now-possible that the entire track, from Omaha to Bacramento, will be finished in 1800 instead of - 1878. -- The moans provided , are ample, and all that energy, men and money can do to socure,the completion-of this • GREAT, NATIONAL WORK,I.. at theearliest possible day, will be done. . The URIGN;PAIMBIO ii - Aunciap COMPANY receive . , I".—A Government', Grant of the right of way, and all neceasary timber and. other, materiels'. frond - along the line Of operatiolut: • ' ' . • lI.—A Government Grant of-12,800 acres offend to the mile, taken In alternate 'sections on' each -side of its road. This' Is , an absolute donation and will be a source of large revenue in the future, Government Grant of Milted States Thirty. • y'edr, Bonds, amounting to $16,000 to 548,000 per mile according; to the'. difficulties to be • ens; mounted on the various'seetions to be built. The .Government tales a second'utertgage as security, and It Is exported that not only the interest,' but prlncipal.amount _may be. paid-In-Bodice seri dared by the Company in transporting. trtleirs; mails, A. The Interest is now much more than - paid in this way, besides mooring a great saving In timeand money to , the -Government. • IV.—A. Government Grant of the right to lessee Its 'own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to aid in building the road, to the same amount as the U. B. Bonds, issued for the same purpose, and no more. The GOVanNMEST Banta!, the Trial tees- of the First - Mortgage Bondholders to deliver the Bonds to the Company only, as the read is complete, and after It has been- examined by the United States Com. miseloncre and pronounced to be In all respects a flret•class Railroad, laid with a heavy Trail, • and completelyy , supplied with depots, ststions, turnouts, caithapardocomotiveg, care, &a. V.—A Capitalatoak' , .Buhscription. from the ' , stock• holders, of which over - Eight Minion - Dollars have bean paid in upon the work- already done and wants. which will be increased as the ante of the ' Com. pany,,requird'. - - • Vl.—Net Cash Earnings on its Way Business, that already amount to none THAN TOO InTztlEsT on tha First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings are no indication of the vast through .traffia that must. folloir the opening of the lines to the Pabific, bl:4 they certainly prove that - - • . , FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS . upon Bu n ch a property, cootlugmearly three times their amount. Aro Secure beyond any Contingency The Company have abundant means In their trea sury, and make no appeal to the ;labile . to' ,purcbue their Bonds, as the- daily subscriptions are entirely satistastOryl but they submit that for entire security and liberal returne f thernis certainly no -better in. vestment in the Market. . • - - . The Uniou Pacific 13otids are for $l,OOO each, and ,have coupons attached. They havit -thirty yaws to run and beer Annual interest, payakle.on the Bret days of January and July at tho Company's Office in tilt City of New York, at the rate of eli per cent. In gold at maturity. At the preeont rate of gold, these toinds•pay-an.annuat-looome-on-the-oost o NEARLY NINE PER CENT., . AND IT e JS BELIEVED THAT THEY "" WILL SOON BE AT A PREMIUM. The Company reserve the right; to advance the price to a rate above - par at any time, 'mid will nut 0)1 any orders ~or receive '-auy subscriptions Os whichthe money has not been actually paid at the Ciaup.,fiTs tat. Vidor° thetime of eucA laverce Pernae soh,eribitig will hurtlS the par value of the 'bonds nod too acerued tutsre.t in earroucy at — the rate el stx.per coot. per annum,' frau* the ditto uu which the lent coupe,. was paid., Suuserlptlaue will be ru.elvetrin . • A. - L. SPONSL-PR, nd in Now York - At the Carapany:s Office: y. 3.20 Nassau Street John J. Cisco /4 Son, , Bankors No. 69 Wall St AO by the Company's advertised -agents throu o ghout• ' the Unlttid Stab's. 1' - 7 Remittance, antatt be mad/ in drafts or otlity . unds par in Nero York, and the, Bonds seal be sent , tee of charge by return crimes,- • - Parties subsenbing'thiMugh local agents, look to them for their safe delivery. A PAMPULET AND 51/IP NOD 1868 has just been published by, the, Company, giving Taller information than Is possible in an advertisement, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Resourses of the Country •trav creed by the Road, the Means ( or Constriction, and the Value of the lionds,,whicb wID ba sent free on application at the Compare or to any qt thandyertisad sonata: JOHN J. CISCO ; ,T;c7tikrei:New York. 29may-68. _ ;;; ; • JOHN DORNER k_RRCHA_NT__TAILOR. In 'framer's Building, neanitheani'e Hall, Carlisle, Pa., has Just returned from the Eastern Cities with the largest arid most COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Veatings, Gents' Furnishing Goode, &c., :Tor brought to OUrltste. • - And JENNY CMLNEAL, And UNDERHILL, ICI, BARTOW and JAY, .ot Corps ollGromne, .f the finest texture and of all ebonies . . Mr. Dornor being himselfa practlial cutter of long experience is prepared to warrant . perfect fits, and prompt filling of orders. Piece Goods by the yard, or cut to order. Don't forget. the place. - Manny • IMPpRTEICAND DEALEJ IN GA'RPETINGS, MATTINGS 3 OIL . CLOTHS,. RUGS, ETC ,87 South Second St., above tlbeethut N. 11:Purehosere-will do well to cell NM AGENTS WANTED FOR THE OFFIOIAL HISTORY OF TI U Fan, ITS' CAIFOR, CHATCACtER, CONDUCT Airp BP HON: ALEXANDER. H. STEPHENS of.aY SOTiot,L7 ~Pa7lies This great *orb itresentit - ,the .etfly- complete and tbnitartial analysis of the`catise of !Mc War jekrptth- Melted; and glees Mao 'lnterior lights Andrahadows Of the great • conflict only known to theie high offleora who watched the flood-tide of iturolutlon'from Its tonotain. spring. and ,whietricas so accessible' to .Mr. Stephens, from Ms .position as-second officer of the Confederacy. • T. a public that bat hum surfeited with APRAR TINTUIt'.BITIIDAR• PRODUCTIONS, 'Wei premise a chanuo.of fair, b th apooablo and salutary, and an totelbidival treat - .of' the - highest order. 'The great moricao War has AT.LAST found a hlstorlan Wor thy of its importmfoo, and the candid and Impartial troatment which truth and ' , Justice so urgeptly de mand. The intense desire every where manifested to ob. tain.tids woik, Its ofilcial character and ready kale, combined with an inereasod commission, make itithe best subscription book' eras published. - • ' Ono agent Inliaiton, Pa.. reports 72 subscribers in tliweß days. • • • -One-iiniloskonOilass.lo3 sidniertbirii (COW' days. -One In Men:Tide Tenn. 160 Iti . lbscribers In ay. days. Bond for Circular's and see our terms, and a full deidripthin of the work, ..with liresd,:n9GS•4 of ad: • • • • . r r' r Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING. CO. 26 South Sisson Bt., Plinid4Phis ". • MIZE IgIiItRiePR°PERTY OT A lrE *ll.Cl6:raPYink,Washhigio' n pounty i , , til . subsdriber intoodo' ;banning bld Walnuts, dicta nits tnontnr:7:: • • . ,• 4. , gRICK ','STODE 'A,ND.. DWELLING _ .110 M 3E , The Store 'T.fouse le 20 by /SO foot , tliti - littalltai has rooms with collar uttcler" tato whole , hOttsal and A pit . le„.:aoSertal - With 'Slate 'And - part Tin, with SPRILNCi.IIK[SE, .03100D , STBI4NO, -CAR S. ISOIt_IIQUSE, - .oool).„LOT.and all good TOO,. coo of the bag losatlond ltir 'Luminous in town. Persona buying thettbo ye property can pet pease's. len by the sth day or Atignat b r let of September gan . also tfAhey,soelre buy. the Stook of llooda • as I 'Will 'ghee gataLltergalnAtt :the*: at 'chit ' Also -1 two-dory— 77 L- • . _ . ES MI ~9 _ . ~ 1 1 . 19p3 13 and Half.. Lot, erph . s,ll vied put,Dulld,logs, Acid miter In . the „yard, ,pea occupied se ai Codreitioniry Med' , A , FRAME . O TW-STORT enor. . • Possession of the two last named _properties will be given on the lit of April nexa, For further In. ihrmation andress, „ ; ARTIN,BIIIIgII,II. -22 m iyit, , . • . I •,• , • Oleninprlog Md. IN OANICAUPTOY, • tailchn gritnnsylvanta 8.8. • • • CAIILIBLII May. 13; A. D. 180;,.. _ undoolgood horobrglireenutlcoot Ids appoint', wont :torApalgnoe of,ilouinot ElayoN . Of lipohanice• Virg, in Ch . ° oountj'. oY Cumborlitte, — at dtate ,of - Ponnoylvnolo, within Bald Dlstrio4, wbotoi boon Ad-. judged n Bankrupt. noun his—own, petitio, -br"thb .I)4triot Court of odd District; • • • Assigns*. 293311%5 , 4g. • • • MILES 600 - Cloths, Cussimerag, mis cloths comprise ENO LISILO FRENCH, and AMRRICAN MANUFACTURERS, J. T. ''ELACROIX, WholveiWand Retail, P II I LA DZLP ILIA RRSULTS MISCELLANBO F?§:- itaisra•vs VEGETABLE,AWLBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE. OF THE =AGE! 4131-ray-Tiencled People have their locks restored by it to the dirk, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy! Young People , with light, faded orred Hair, have these unfashionable colorechanged to a beautiful auburn; Mid rejoicer - People whose heads are - covered with Dandruff and Huirtori, use_ it, and have clean *coats and clear and healthy scalps! 33a1(1-1-kettirled. "Votprania have their remaining locks tightened, and the hare 'spits covered With a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance for joy! Young Gentleman use it because richly perfumed! Young Dulles use it because it . keeps their Hair in. place Everybody muse and win- use .It, because it is 'the deanesi - and. best article in the mark& I For Sale by Druggists genersi4. Tfeb6ll-ly CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL CHANGE. OF HOURBI _ On and alter Monday, May 11th, 1868, Pauenger Trains will run daily as follow, (Sundays excepted) : • W 8 -NV AR D: Acoosnagarlog Taira lava Harrisburg 8,06 A. 61, MectuusicslMg 8.38, Carlisle 9,16, Maryville 0,60, Ship.. pensburg 10,24, Chatobersbneg 10,45, Greencastle 11,25, attitlag at Hagerstown 1160 A.M. Sub TRAM leaves Harr isburg 1,40 P. le,lslechan. iceburgl.l3, Carlisle _2,46s Newrille 3,20,. Shipper s tung 8,50, Ohatobeisburg 4,30, Gyeencastle 6,05 'arriving at Higerstown 6,85 P.'11.. EXPRESS - TRAIN -hares. Harrisburg 4,16 -P. 31., Mechanicsburg 4,47, - Carlisle - 6,17, Newrille 5,50, .Bhippensburg 6,17, , Miring et . 0 - harobsrsburg at 6,45 P. M. • A Main Tama leaves Clumbersburg 8,05 A. M., Greencaistle 9,25, arriving at Hagerstown. 10,10 A. M. EASTWAR'D :-ACCOWAIODATION TR . LIN knees' Chamberoburg 4;45 • A M.. Bbippensburg 6;14, Newell's 6.45, Carlisle 0,18, Methanicsburg 6,47, arriving stllarrliburg 7,15 A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves liagerstown 8,00 A. M.. Ocean us le 8,35, Cbamberaburg .9,15, 8111pponsburg 9,45 eweltle 10.19, Carlbte , 10.53, blechstitcsburg 11,26, AT riving at Ilerrisbdrg 11,56 A. M. —EXPREAS-TRAIN- leaves-. Ilagerstownl2.o3 Oreencintle -12.33, Cbsmbeisburg 1,10, Bhippenaburg 1,43. Nisiville 2.16, Carlisle 2.58. 'Mechanicsburg 3,26, •rcliring at ,liarrleburg 3,66' P. U. • A Silica TAAIN luSEen liageittoiiiii - Vl5, P. M. Creche unle 4,22, arriving at Chambersburg . 6,15 P.M. /fa-Malting close connections at Harrisburg with trams to and from Philadelpbia. New York, more, Washington. Pittsburg and all poin to West. SUPIRINUNDENT'S Orrms. I 0. N. LULL. Cbambetsburg, Pa., May 8, 1888. f Snplr 16mar88. (11131BERLAND VALIIEY HORSE I„J_INHURANCE-AND_ DETECT YE _COMPANY_ ' CAPITAL $50,000. . • The above Company bas been' organised for tkw insuring of 411 kinds of live stock against lois by deatti,thett or accident:. The late. of Insurance are ail low and as favorable as any Compsily of the kind In the United States, while an abundant %Wal t and a areal manage. went of its alfairs,_utake it most desirable to those wishing to Insure, . . W. F. SADLER, Secretary., Applications kr lnsumoce can be made to H. H. PEPPER, Agent at • • Oarliele Pa. Or to J. E. JOUtiSON, Actuary Sbippeustmrg Pa. Bmay 884 P. R • • G OARDIN. The subscriber having rented and taken possee• Mon of the large and commodious dwelling •house, known as Aril's building, situated /on the south .west corno fillfaiket Square and Hanover Street, proposes t cconimedate a limited number of per.' maneut boarders, and all transient custom that may apply.. Having Just retired from the proprietorship of the Cornman Home, he is well prepared to fur nish the very best accommodations to bo found In the town. Peroons desiring good fLoaiding_at _rem, 'enable rates, will do• well to call and give him • trial. . . Bmay4t THE - FARMER'S BANK, OF CAR LISLE, PENNSYLVANIA, Recently organised, has been opened, for tiansaction'of a general banking business In the corner room of R. Given's nor building, on the North -West eorner 'Cf High street and the Centre Square. The Directors hope by liberal and careful manage ment to make this a popular institution. and a safe despository ibrjill who may fitter the bank with Glair accounts. ~ Depositi received and paid back oa demand, inter. eat allowed on special deposits' ,Gold. Silver, Tremnry Note, and Government Bonds, ' bought and mid. Collections mad. on all accessible points in the country. Dlseonut day, Tuesday. Banking hours from S o'clock A - :111. to 8 o'clock P.M. J. 0. HOPPER, Toshio.: DIRICOTOII.B. R. G tree, President, Wm. H. Miller. . Thomas reatalt. • David Ridges, John W. Craighead, A. J. Herman, 27mass68 tt. Abraham Witmer. CHARLES MUTING AND IMNTILITING WMOIIIOII9E, • :;,Tos. 1182.& 1184 Market &reel, - • Rai an entirely' nab heater. It ie constructed uto at onto commend itself to genera! favor bung a combination of wrought and cast Iron. It In very simpledn its construction, and is perfectly air tight; eelf•cleaning r havinir no pipes or drums to be taken out and cleaned: It Is so arranged with upright flues as to produce a larger amount of beat from the same weight of coal than - any furnace now In use. hygrometic con , itlon 0! the air es produced by my new arrangement of evaporation will at 011011 de monstrate that it is the only - HOT AIR FURNACE that will produce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. - I tun now makimg five sires of TORTAti.II.I, and font. for !dummy. es - RANGES, ' SpecLel attention Is call to my NEW GOLDEN 'EACILE'COOKING RANGES, as 1. feel floored there is nothing In rum that can compare with them, ,as regards their durability, economy and efficiency, with a )arge assortments of Low Down Grates, Wire Place Stoves" ltegtatprs. add Ventilators. Bend' for Illus. bated circulars'. • Imay 684 m. • 4.500m00 Oustomorsio Four Yours PATRONIZE THE 'BEST !Lavin the largest capital, molt experienced buyerei and extensive trade •of any concern -in the Dollar Bala baldness; we • • GUARANTEE SATISFACTION . every Inetauce, - . and also' the:bout fielecttnn of Goode ever °genii at ONE DOLLAR EAOII. Xo other'concein has any sliote Wherever our Agents are ailing Our motto. ••Prompt end I.'4nd - female ngenUerranled In on. and nonntr . • . : .'r 11:E •L A..: X. B S Antipartionlarly requested to try our, popular club ageism of selling all kinds of -DDT AND PANCY GOODS, DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, OAS: -TORO, - SILVER, PLATED 0001/5, tic (Establlshed - .1864.) A 'patent pen - fountelo - and :1/s. check describing an article to . be: Fold-for a. dollar, lOots; 20 for tax 40 for 42; 00 for 21; 100- for_ $10; soot by Pros presents to getter up, (worth 50 -par 'cent *ore than those sent by ony other concrraj accord ing to else of club. • Baud us a trial club, -or If not 'dd not OW to - send for a circular. . -• 4. 21:11.7-Our, sale should not be cbutiad with New York dollar jewelry sales or bogue nee "Contpaulas," as It innotiting of the Fart:. ". • .'. '"' , 00 Remover atheist, Dolton, bless. ' =11:1 - , 22may.(18. pRIYATE 'l3ALE:—The'StOsoriliei; - . residloglto - West Pea neborough — townehln; at omit ,Rock,, offers at private sale the (Winning de. scribed real estate:A lot of ground containing a little more than one e e l:redwing thereon ereatod a - tiro etc. - s 7 LOG MUSE .WRATHERBOARINSD, A LOU 131101 i. MAKER BUOPVatory end II half high, a Good arable, Wagon abed ; Corn Oribnud nog Pen. A good visit of Irides; IA also. en this.firesobsea. , - Terms , reasonable. linqulie bf , , , • •, ~ lINNRY. BROWN, Mount Meal, P. 0. !Imlay 01.8t.e!. .yAXEPUIORI3 . - - Lirtein Testamoutury on the eWiatii 'of Daniel .onderly, doe'd., late of Dickinson township, having 'this day_ bun SO 'trio ;Opt:Tom:NW -rrng In South Iliddleido township. NOtite 'le' her by given to silt penman indebted to said estate, to bake Imme diate paymentiand.'to .all persans heeling . claims against itto present them for settlement, JOBEELI A. BTIYAIXT,'• JOSEPH BABES, ..34teentorn.' ' -sotig4L 1868. summ .E . R 1868. • • magnificent stock of 1:11111f 1 ;0091.1 .taow on !Onion at - , Greeniield,at,No. df`East Milos deterinined SO'heep a myth larger goat of Dress Goods thasi heretofore, lam now pro• pared to exhibit one °film moat beantlfal of goods, consisting of all the latest novelties of the season for ladles India, and slur all the thin fabr lra for summer wear,. . NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Every thing In our Dress Good department will. be found of the: latest Importation of our purchased last week, we know we hive 1 , 01330 tosraulna that can not be found elsewhere.- - .2 GI ENODBANB. The net and desirable shaded of PIIABL and EDI KAM ALPAOAB oat" 60 coats: The DEBT alkertatent of fa town front 41,70 to 4,60 per y 0 Cambric", Percale, , - Delaines, IOMBAZfNEd; CIABIIMERES, ka. A great bargain la .all WOOL DELAINES, BLACK BLOM, DRAB and 111811 ARK. A good agortreent W. B. MULLIN, Panama ordars - isomptly and satlafactirlyi a 11.4 .wallwlootedßeekof _ President WILLIAM BI'CLELLAN, ice Pretident boisght wiry cheap, -wilt b. sold at. poputer prleas from Lim leweet grade to the guest New' York' Including all the beet metre. -- COTTOI , I - kbES : MU= - HICKORY STIPEI, %H IT E GOODS, Pique, Nielo.ok.e WILLIAMS la *rest varieties, .11 sties of tar, hest Ensllsh Goods at /*dared rates, PHILLDIeLPTILA BARGAINS IN SACKING (MOTHS. p At the lowest market reties, la, Piet aseSa be cheaper,thea borer, , the war.' •• The beet selling Kid Olove In town selling at .1.2 A, A new lot of 1100 P BKIRTII,AIreet - from the mana tee Surer at a lwreata.' . ' • -OLLCLOTUB;. All X ask], amoutalnotloce at my. stock. Rayon 'will Ds ouslonlabod It the dlitscoms of Odom batmen title mot other estobllsbmentsoLtmlog to sollahasyor MERE DRY G001)8. SEASIDE .LIMT ERS, QRANIT POPLINS, °HENNA POPLIN', SOMMER POPLIN/. BLACK SILKS A fall line of F.A .N 0 Y B Lawns, ChoMee, &0., &c BLACK GOODS, TAIIIa. OLOTII, WRITE CASHMERES, Moos, Crape, Collars, NM and Crapoo. !leading, - Bills alwa , s on bane.. DOMESTIC GOODS Bleached and Unbleached Mnalime CHECKS, TIC KIN GS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, TABLE e-LUTHS, TABLE LINENS, all at pricey that defy competition Cambrics, pladaud plain Biassed. Tarlatous, 141111As0s, fallow! lituellas, -BARdAINS IN SHADES A largo assortment of Shades. . CLOTHS 161 CASSIMERES FitENC,II COMETB dlikAP FLOOR-OIL CLOTHS STAIR OIL-CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, 17 ; b1,12REMtAt3,, gA.I3ASOLf3, ,SILK UItBBELLAS. L T. GREF,NFIELD. I 6 NO: 416,:- IZEIIIi flikST MAIN STREET IMI DRY GOODS. 1868. Alf the dellghtfttl nason of /WING hni, Jet.t'lipotk LILIDIGEt & MILLMIL neve just received en unusually Into supply or BEAUTIFUL qooDe, stilted to the season, and new ready for Ineportippo' A GRAND DISPLAY OF DRESS SILKS, in all heimyrr cOlori end abadoi. BLACK SILKS of every grado and quality. All the 'new styles cod eglore of doolrablo, DRESS GOODS Nor Willting Suite, ouch ae CHINA adOnAitc'pormirs, PLAIN MOHAIR POPLINS, , STRIPED & PLAIN MOHAVE, COLORED ALPACAS, ' :COLORED VELOURS, FRENCH PERCALES, SCOTCH GINGHAM, - FRENCH CIINTZES, And many Other goods for the enaeon SPRING BRAWLS, SPRING SAQIII3a.AND MANTLE/Jr All the new styles and color. of SILK PARASOLS, 'or 'Ladies, Misses and children. _Pleaeo do not forget the fact that LEIDICEI Jr, MILLER Aiwaye have the largest and moat coniidete stock WHITE GOODS, ALPACA'S, PLAIN AND STRIPED MORAIRB, PLAIN AND STRIPED JACONETS, BEAUTIFUL STRIPED MUSLINS, PLAIN FRENCH AIIISLINS. All the new etylellif Tucked and Striped Bluellua for ' .• G-A-It IR A-L-b-I-8- MOURNINC CO()MSS,. Tho best assortment in the town FNNERAL GOODS, &fairy thing required for funerals. Very etriot *Um lion given to filling all orders for the same. DODGE - STIC GOODS Racks and decks of Bleached and Unbleached BIUBLINS, at pricee below market rates. Callao. firom 8 to lky, etc. flood GINCIFIAStS 12)4ete. TICHINGS, CHECKS, TABLE LINENS nod CLOTHS, •-•. TABLE DOYLIES Oitl a NAPKINS, TOWELLINES, T . 9WELLIN,GI3, &c., &c. CARPETS!! CARPETS! The largest dock that has ever been offered le Carlisle, andeelling at much lowet rates than' Ibr yam. - Best quality LOWRL THREE PLY, Best quality • HARTFORD i rl[llEß PLY, EiTRA. SUPER INGRAINS, ENIILISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, STRIPED CARPETS, of all widths,,suit- suitable for halls and stairs FLOOR OLL Now styles for halls, in all widths TABLE OIL , OLOTIIa, O•LOTH TABLE .COVERS; Ma lles Quilts,.' Lai:wester Honey Comb Quilts, , - (Nov. Style's.) Cold Coverlids. OIL WINDOW onADEAII oolore nod styles oLoTas & CASINEERES ' The new Ayres and colon! now ou.hend, and eel ug at greatly reduced prices. NOTIONS! NOTIOWpt! • TSIMIIINGS, . szurroNir • • • • ,1 • jailer ~:arovics, • • • 1100 P SIURTS, and tketteaeld •of other , good desirable vide that .arshot be mentioned them AD. - titre we site you bat a mall ,enupieration of the Luattense amount of seasonable arid attractive stook of goods that you will dud on bond. Do not, fell A* give us an early tall as we are 'olorlnn great Inductee -mints In all kinds of goods. .Groat. bargains all. the time.. We do not Illnit,the time for bargains to eistY or nibetVdaVi;but itate llitiVat - all' times we - goods cheaper -thou tr cheapest. - • . _ L14'15'041- •V 1511.14 LER Sign of . the Carpet Hall. ILLIST ..1;40144.!" reiuutyli#ntr, 1868. SPRING. Embrating WO .. PLY, nll' qualities, In new tityles, zw. A