Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 05, 1868, Image 1

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One Munro. ono insertion,
Par each addithinoliniertion,
. .
.Poe.f.fercitn tile Advectieereente;
Legal Noticen, • • .
Profbeelonni crude without PapOri
Obituary Notices and ;00DIMUOiCa=
titles rePting trimatte , a of , prl•
' 'iota Interests alonei.lo. conts-por
. .
. .
'JOG PRINTING.—Our Job .I'i:biting (Mice id the
roatist' livid .moat complete -establishment In the
loitaii. 'Your good presses, and a general variety of
material suited for,plainaud Taney work of 'every
trod, enables or; to do JOb Printing at the - shortest
latiee . ,andnii the moot reasonable terms. Parsons
in want of Bills, lilanice, or anything in the Jobbing
ine, will awl it to their intoreet to give us anall.
_......_........_ . .
L . oehrnau; 21 Main Stroota Carlisle, Pa.,'oxsautet
drawing, spoollicatlons &a., and procures..patent , ,
for invon lora. . „.
fa .
1910 68.1 y. .
la'South• ['allover ntreot Cdrllalo Pn. •
12...915 07.
A TO RNE YS AT LAW. Office on
1 - 1.• Math St., In Marion nail, Carlisle, Pa:
TORNCORN ill A.N, Attorney at Law.
ty (Men In building, attocbbil to Franklin House,
opposite the Couit House. 1 - 11_
4.61:1111Y US I.
. _ .
G. M.•"BELTZ/101:41R,
AT i TORNE'Y AT LOT, and Real
',Wats Atteut, Shtphercistown. West Virglrlia
st,y• , tom id attention given to all business in Jeff.-
,on County and the Counties adjoining it. .
January 1.9, 11366.-1.9•
,nt Lacy Office in South Hanover street, opposite
louts's dry-good store Carlisle, Pa,
September 9, ISSt.
JAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney , at
Low, Carlisle, Pe. Office is N 0.7, Rheem's Ball
July 1,18.64r4y.
EMIG, Office, In . Inhoff's — raiding,- with W
. Shearer, Esq. Prompt attention paid to legal bust.
oats of all descriptions. . •
. .
dapide-ly. , • . •
.., -----
D. ADAIIt, Attorney At Law,
Q., Carlisle, Pa. Office with A. n. Sharps, Esq., No.
17, Seath-Ilanover Street. -
Miry 17-Iy.
HITNER, Jr., Attorney at
JLaw-autLSursuy_OrOgeehanicob'urg, Pa. office OD
Rail Road Stieot, two doors oortlt tho Moil
cm.Businose promptly attended to. ."
July 1,1864.
T - R. MILLER Attorney at; Law.
• Moe In Trannon'n:building - tramodialoly op
posite_the CouvUlonso.
29noy 67•1 y
lakurn Cy et Inn, - ()Their In the
room formorly occuplod by Judge Graham.
July 1, 1804-Iy.
C HERMAN, Attorney at Law,
No. 9 Itlieem's HMI. •
-- -
WILLIAM K1 4 :NNIPY, Attorney
nt,, Law, NT.7 S , ,utl, Market. Square, Canis
April 19, 1,167-1 y
WM. B. BUTTER, Attorney at Law
and Co fled...St:Al, Claim Agent, Carlisle,
Cumberland County. Pa. • • -
Penslooa, Bountih.,llack Pay bc., . promptly collect
fal. - Applications by mail will reeeire immedltdo at.
toutlon, and the proper bliffilia forwar ed.
No leo roquited until the claim Is settled.
Feb.l4th, 1867—tf.
o'-01 -1 FORGE .S. SEA
)lictli t Tn j T:Dontist, from the Baltl•
a snore Collage of Deotal SurCery.
ell. --- 011lee at 'Oto resltrehc' i e •of - la s --- m - other; East -
Loother street, three doors below Bedford
( - 1 NEIDICTI, D. D.
`l Leta DemqBBtrator of Operative Dentistry of tbt,
vous 11 , p e llioLe rg C er o ) 1 , 1 1 3g8 of
- OOP^ st ruelilenee
,ppo,otu 51.81 - fon Linn, art gAlr , atrqut, Callislo, Pa.
T uly t, 1854.
COYLE & .0 0
Hosiery. Moves. Fancy 0. ride anil Stationery Al
orders will receiveionnipt Eat 1.1.1th , 11 . .
:011 I Ilannia, Ft. Cnrlixln.
iira.Atrenta fur the Chninliersburg IN cello!, tulle
r war
No. 10 South Pitt St'rect, Pu
N.' B. Avont far Staten Island - Dy.•iyk Establish
— lli:Amainlly - informs the - ellicens - ofClaellsle-and vi
' - einity that hu has taken the office No 25, IVest Main
Street, lately occupied by his Father, Irlude ho Is pre
pared to attend to all proletslonal business. Artifi
cial teeth . lusertod on (ma, Silver. Vulcanite and
Platinuta. Charges moderate. .
FIARTZELL, Allopathic Physi
jor, clon and Accoucb our, having permanimily
rated to Leesburg, Cumberland county, Pa., respect.
fully offers ht 6 profeoslonal.sorvlcss to tho public.—
Special attention 'given to ditatuies of women and 01111.
3011 N 'O. MOE, N. D. iVaynesboro,, •
Dr. SAMUEL 0. LANE, Chambersburi.
Don. ED. ItIcPTIERSON, Oettyiborg, • •
ISAAC SNIVELY, N. D. Waynosbotp.
S. D. FROUTZ, Waynesboro.
N. B. •Always found In billable when not otherwise
professionally engaged. June 21—tf.
• ' Mity 210 h, 1808. •
GREAT- TRUNK LINE FllO3l . THE ,North and-
Nortli•Wesr for - . Philadelphia; Nosy York,. Resdlng,
Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland,' Lebanon, A llonlow
_Easton, Ephrata, -Litle, Lancast6l, Columbia, &c., &6.
Trains leave Harrisburg for Yew York as follows:
,At 2.60, 5.25, and 8.10; A. N., and 12.40, noon, and 2.05
9.85,P; AL connectin g wi th ahullnr Trains on' th.i153511•
sylvahla Rail Road, and arrivingAt New York at 5,00.,
10.00 and 11.50 A. 01., and :LW, 7.40, and 10.20. I': M;
-Sleeping Cars acconipauiog the 2 60. Ar-01:orirrid , -11.35
P, M. Frains without change:
• Eases Harrisburg for Reading, PotlovElo, Tamaqua,
Minersville, Ashland, Tine Orme, Allentown and
Philadelphia; at 8.10, A. M., and 2.05, and 4.10; P. M.
stopping at Lebanon and' Princlpid Way Stations; thin
— 4.10, P. AL • making connections for Philadelphia and
Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Ilavon'and
Auburn -via Schuylkill, and Susquehanna hail-toad,
logos Harrisburg , 8.55 I'. M. •
Rotor:Aug': , Loses Now York at 0.00, A. Al.,' 12.00,
Noon and 5.00 and 8.00 1 , . Al.r Stooping ears accompam
• ing the 0.00, A.M. and 5.00, and 8.00 P. AI. - trains
without -- chango. Way Parrangor- Train --leaver
Philadelphia 7 30, returning from Reading al,
6.10, P. hi., stopping at oil Stations, Pottavillo nt 8.45,
A. M. 66E12.45, I'. 01 , Ashland 0 00;a. in. and 10.10, noon,
and. 2 00, P. Al.; Tainatina at 6.p0,-.A.. - M. and ‘ ,l.oo, 'au d
-8.45, I'. M. . .
'Leave Pottrville for Harrisburg, via SchuYiklll and
- Susquehanna Rail Road it 7.10'A. M. and 12.00 noon,
heading 'Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading.
ati7.3o, A. M., roturning froin , Philadelphia at 5.15
.Pottstown Accommodation Train: . Loaves .POtts
town at 0.45, A., Al. returning leaves Philadelphia.
Columbia Rall.Road Trains leave Reading 7.00, A.
.M., and . 6.16, ' for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster,
• Cohirabla. &c. • ' " - ' '
porklomen italillyad Trainsloavo PorkloMen Juno-
Hoir ut - 0.00 ATM; and - 61.5 - P. - 01. - deturning -- : - Leave
-" likipprick at 6.45 A:AL, , and 1.15 P. 'Si., connecting
,-withaimpar.trainitowltektilng Mall Road. ;
' On Sundhyii: Leave 'Now York at. 8.00;
Philadelphia 8 00, A. AI., and 8.I5; P. M,, the- BIM A
M. Train running only to Minding; Pottsville 8.00;
.-A. N.. Harrisburg 5,25 and 4.1.0 and 9.30, P. Ha
• and Reading ut 1.10, 2.65 and 7.15 A. 51. for Hai rlsburgi
and 7.00 A. 01. and 11,90, I'.'ol. for New York and 4.25,
- '-
P. -AL-for Philadelphia, • , : •
_ commutation, Mileage, Simeon, School and Kum ,
" slon'Tlcko t ' fo'and from all points, at reduced sates
, • 'llaggagb,eliOaltnd through; .100 pounds allowed each
PaSsougor, • .O. A. NIOOLLB, '
' Reading, r;..," 017ty 20, *B..
11.' 4 00K:• 01. M. DRY 'GOODS
: 1 ; , , TO am
rY have just roturtmdAfron thd East with my Bprln
/Cock; mul as, usual, I ato aelilitgrtkiode a chew
' or that. duly Ulm, Uri hloods Holum lit
It nossmary to
. ocoupy n colusim of new.
paper • tic keep-'up' thy reputeutiqpjors'aulifogY 0110011
t' Goods, tour do I rreOrt 'atty clap trap to, guilt
' tho Puttlie. - All I ask of them' to call'aml osaudrio fur
themselves, - and If not satiaflud with the)" pares, VOI
to buy. Demembertho stand-Norni-Vortb -lituttovor
Streat, , Sfout door to Dr: Itiofferhoj Add Itilfor klltquis
1 . Thrrdwaro storoft ,; t
/4.11M1111 - 14.:nOthlftlI alddit 'third' and fourth
. ,
$1 0
25 00
4 00
7 00
VOL. 68
RHEEM & DUNI3AR, Editors' and•Pioprietpre
. ` Having yucchased tho largo stock of goods horn A
W. Bentz, wo havo a,sociated together for the put ,
p,:so of conducting the Dr.' Goods Business under
the above designation. 'l'o—this largo and welt
assorted stock, wo have added largoly of now and
we find ourselves ins condition to succossfully cont•
poto with any house m tho trado between Phila•
dolphia and Pittsburg. Our immense stook consists
of _
'tt groat variety and of choice, designs ' suitable for
spring, summer and whiter cmar,.:Aind. all art'clus
necessary to complete a tlentlomepiti Wardrobo. Nor
this departuniut too have °gall -° services of an
- 1/1. NO. 1 TAI-LOll,.
who.° 4.armonts aro warranted to fit. •
SILKS plain fancy and bhck;
DE LAINES all wool, doalrablef colors,
POPLIN ALPACAS, alksbados,
...BILKS, heavy :Wick; and plain solid colors.
AIRAbIL9, Poplin dO, black and fancy,
Parasols Umbrellas, all colors,
and WI - the most fashionable Dress Stuffs - in the mar.
ket, Kid, Bilk, Lisle Thread, Duck Cotton Glovesi and
everything desirable in the Glove line.
Cambric and' Swiss Edgings and Inserting,,ln great
abundance, Laces, Ilandkerchiefs, from th lowest
price up to Onset noodle worked embroidery.
Ltibbone, all shades from 34 yd. wide, down to the
Very' narrow.
Trimmings a very large ansortm ant comprisingmery
good thing in.use.
Buttons,_ • -
Calicoes, .
Linens, all in, greatvariety: — - -
Cambric, Nainsook, Jaconet, and Swiss 11Inslina
TOILLInnne, and Linen and Clotn Tablo Covora.
0RA.114 BOW; - Ril.31011. : X1; - sitnvisr - yrtr,Ncit
From 35 ctn., per yard up to the bestimporial - three
ply, selling lower than the market rates. Carpet
Chain Binding, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Mitttingh,
Rugs, Window Blinds
- We hare the stock to accommodate the entire grim:
muhity and all to be sold lower than can bo bought
anywhoro in this section of the country. Call and
Si CO.
lmay 68 if
- nava this day common Ced selling of my entiro stock
of Winter Goods at greatlyreduccd.prices for atoll.
anil other Dress'Ooods, at Cost. .-
Shawls, Blankols, Flannels, Llntlsoys, ac., at very
groat bargains.
CASSINETTS, &c., very low.
BALMORALS, Lower than ever sold
Muslins, Tickinys,
inghoMS, Cheeks,
.Canton Flannels,
• t the very lowest price.
All the best make CALICOES, at 12i.ets.
As my stock has been bought sinco the great de
clluu in prices. 5, at horgalos stay be expected. Some
:articles lost than cost to reduce sty stock as soon as
NV. ScoT'r Cu Y
No 97, Wee, Nnl❑ Strevt.
LADIES' MISSES nod 4MII (Alit N'S Boots nod
loom, of the Very hest talces,.at rant to CIMO out the
Oa. C.ll.
Opposite the Mansion Mollie, next to,Post Office,
Theeubarribui would respectfully, Inform the pub
lic that he is i miring almost daily .from the Eastern
Citiod, a large I eyelet, of Novined 0 heeplkloode r such
Frouch Illerlnoes,
Mohairs, •
Mack and Fancy
French Reppe, •
'lain and •
Fancy Po Lateen, - • •
Plain and Fancy
.• •
. Poplins.
.BRE.AI4'AS'P SHAWLS ia great v 404. 3,
and Tory cheap - . •
Froneb, • .
. ,
German and .
AmerlcanDloths,, •
. . Black and •
• Fancy Ones!mores, .
,-„ Black and Fancy_
'Over Ocatlngn, Batt!netts,
Kentucky :leans, .
• - • Undersblris and -,
. ~ .. , . IDrnwers: •
. .
. . - . —....
• DO•MESTIC.S! ._ • .
Bleached and Brpoba, '• • '
Tabla Dispose, ' . .
Countorpanos, . .. ,
and Quilts, , • ...
. .
' • . Cotton na noels,
Bleached And • . • . ' •
• . Unbleached Muslin!, •' •
, - • Tiskings, Cheeks, ' ~. ~
-. • ~ 'ToWelil.
- - •" . • • .Napkins, &e,
.A: A t T A UCte- F E
. 444 4
'Watchinaker and JCnielmilj,
..„ No. 148 „ .
• , Ngnr,u, 2D Si'., Con.' op QUARUY,
• .P1.111130g1.0,111.A. • ,
',An assort - wont of Wotan's, lowaryi Oilier and ,
plated Ware oonstauttron'fiandt., ;,
FOR, Nippwrs
t! • • '•
,=„riat.. Repairing ot Wetettee and "Joiteirt.
attended to. "
074 y.•
VAT ihe , ~photography at
164iohillati'er" Premium Photograph Gallery
in &Met, , Carnal° Ps.; •
1 111 8.3 7* ' , _
- •
;it ,
„.•„6 i : , ••:.. , . , •,,5..„,
CHAS. 0(11.1.11Y,
- SPRING. - 1867
13 A R U A INS.
the room forniorly Occupied try ' •
R. R..teeitleo,s
.. 41, 00. • `
" I TllO3. A.:HARPER:
• .
. •
P R S• A,L' RS
Mira comb:m.3A at the store of .thetnndersigned Irr
tariovEp, ; .pvtEyq ) .,. : ' - .
N.O . • .
of all kinds of sonres eulted do thu wante of iloulm ,
keepers, ROMs, and all coratOMPliaing
leg of thelehousos.
Raving just returned from . the ;cities they are pro-'
pared to supply all with . . •
of every kinds Birch as
COOK, P AltiZn AND '_
OFF 1 07 . F. :S = T3oy . - , E*,
consisting In part' or the •
- .parley 'Sheaf,
• .„
• Noble Cook, ."
Oriental. •
Parlor and
also tho noted
They are prepared to furnish those
. 00nternplatling
housekeeping,. - with all 4l3inge
_necesserutd a Zis/*.
Of ell - deecrlptiOns,
Roofing Spa:Win:l and
and everything in the lino. of the tinnor Acme at the
Shortest Notice and op as Host Reasookblo terms
all wares WARRANTED. dive them a rail. as
rr iheY,
are airlous-tonxbllitt,thellng.fatis fi al_that_thlyleaA_
cOUVIDen all that No. 68, Is the place to purchase
- A-P • - G- 0-O.D- S
nd . REAUTIFUL WARE of found In;aret
eloo eetablignont.
No. I:Bill/mover St.
Carlple, l'o
No. 18 N9rth Siith Street Philadelphia,
Blinds I.epaired, Store Shades, TrlmminprFixtureS,
Plain Shades of all kinds, Curtin Cornices, Picture
Tear. _ . _
17ap1 'O9-2m.
Forwarding and Commission ilkrd/ants
(Ilenderson'.4 'old stand.
At tho hood of M Mg — STREET, Carlisle, Pa.
The highest .market price n•l❑ be paid for Flour,.
Oral° and produce of all k aid. -
Coal of all kinds, otobraelug
. • LAWBEItItY, do., de
I.lineburnora! and Illack r sin Ulm' Coal Constantly fo
sale. Knot under cover, - and delivered dry to any
part of the town.. Also, all Mods of Lumber on hand.
17apr 68
- -
Real Estate Agent, Scrivener; conveyances Insur
,and Olitink Agent. , Office Neal uln Street
Centre S
IVANTED —sl,ooo for ono year on
- Real Estute security.
1 .4 1„9 ,, R RENT
A denirmtle suburban Residence on •
West Louther hereof., Carlisle, eon
taining two acres of ground, having w .1
thereon - erected n two-storyl I
Stable ' and o th er outbuildings, In go odJ condition
with nbutul tneo of fruit.
Bent $2OO, to be well secured, payable qUarterly.
Apply to .. - AVOW:WEIS
Union Pacific Rail Riad, Compaly,
.m 7 In Gold,
SubscriptionS received . A. ii.'SPOBL . O., the
Company's financial agent, atCarlisia.
These bonthrhavirig boon iocently sold for Ninety
cents on the dollar, mere; 'cm theLlat 61,1anuarj, ad.
'sauced to 9.5, and On the btli of Fobruary,rrere again
advanced'from 05 16 100 (par,) yrktet . •lattoi flgnro
thoy aro now held' and regarded as the licsainveet.
wont in tho,sountry ' .
Situated on. West. Pomfrot street, near Wesestreot,
In the Borough of '• ' • J •
The lot contains 30 lea In front and .240 foot .in
depth to an alley, The improvements • aro a cOni•
unailous-• twontory. BRICK . HOUSE, 'contalhlng
DoublSTParlori - liall,-•Dinlng,retn aud Kltclien, on
the first floor, and five Chambers on thtfaaterldutory.
Balcony to back building, a Frame Wash lions° at
blotted, Satoh° House, Bake. Oven an& Othor - ran.
venlont out buildings: ' A laigh'EiCable, and
Carriage Muss, Hog lions, abd.Oarn tlrlb, *nt,tho,foot
of Fhb lot, Thorn le a considerable amount. of i ffult•
such as Apple', Ornpes,, Re . , a cnllai'utider
house, and u fin's' Brick Chtion, nod 'Pump; nn doll
.as a Hydrant In lie yard. Nor terms applp.o..
hot' 7 87
• Situato Nadi aide, oil portly bounded by'
Otto Cognotiogulnot' ; crdek;' about.• 4"i miles - %Veldt 'to
Carlisle, adjoining, and 'lnlay part, Of 'llio-,prOperty:
known,; as •!' 21d LER.% ; 51144.1;1!', , root Oran if • itheitt.
250 AldtHS,.2o:of 'widelj; aro ,excellant ,hiithdoW; Or
crook bottom land; hod" abont."6ot-ACIldEi• nf wbi
are covered:lllth • good timber.: The. 1010. 0 varldildn •
area largo yoatherboartled Dneding, House,. contain
ing.olght rooms and Kitchen. •'large "Dank 'Bath,
Wagon Shad, Corn Crib; hog Pen, , Parilage , •Trour
Wash Court. and , Other ;convenient! outalltditdil
An.oacollont well, of-wafer, •Ftrar, the; doer, a. ; 11
young apple Orchard, 'besides, other: Trult;' qua% as
Pears, Peaehesi'dherrien, drapes ,is-"•ohe'.• of ,
the most productive farina lb:the. ,tortnelllP..ol , 4 "thtt
location the most desirable, eapealailyilor ; thq_ ,
of stock ; The fences are In Coed' order, there 'being
between 600 land 700'panneis of board, .atdi pcat and
rails. Theland. hits. all been ,recatttly.-Ilmea .bror,•
part of . it asecond t lop and Is now • In, tho bighuat
state of oil LI vatioxi i And ••clispcitiltd . of upon"
reastinablwterrote.. • ' ".• •tL,. -
Porterinsuad further pardoulars.onoulre of
'i • '.111401?t.: '
~t , 2 7 •.
rO SALR'' " • ,nos, j ;
71.truct of valunbl,3 Timber Lapp 'ointalining:4:4l4
HUNDRED ACltEdr,lylui ou the . : 0013,thiPlouil.t•do. 3:
mliqs„almye 4.4.0TrA saw„pli/J .
Prop s erty,.:.Ttle,tnytle inpat,t;tentibly ,lodatedVoi{gYid;
leattetid and tbialidlia of tbit buieqpility, ,,, • :
• Ppr , t,SYmn apply , tcr :•i ;
qs °*d
s,' Tl‘ R VAL L 4
LipmlizT -
Silitsyosesi'aapet i lahVaisltb - ,
talbsdLhe ilabonsilafeblneci , • •
baloachtho. Tidbits La! kbe i.cdftfidedt • 7 '
liallarplat It Is 111 meat every seasena
ble-Saialbtatleh.- A fair ttIaVIII oat." , 11711W:t
--v Ince, tholitestlikeptlcal of tits
- For' , bruises,. cats,' , ',lstiterY.l.,SPltaq ,
fiat elm, spavin r spralns,awaidugs,: .114,, IS
haii.proved• an Invellulty' ha:appal; ag r edg
efficacy Id curing , Llllliasaedt theldltaild";fitadVrltabh!
as treated : Ain:Os: nutseliateSb thega/StISIII,e;:a1r0II.
• acalda 140.4 bus .beeklul l steste4.) •
tessty )1(ota Add - Iluicsi 7 a
cloriibrtloitaryAtoie. Ittmas 01P0m.
-..9,0114.0.,.;.."4.4.!'ii:i1.#' 1 :p4p:ii6 - 'j B6 / 1 '
~, •..., ,
llDONricrs Geiiiiari.
.Prepared. by :Dr. •C. M.. 4ACKBON,
The dreat - ROiedies forall Dlseises
. • -
, . •
Hoofland's German Bitters '
. , . .
le'eampoeed of the pyre piece (or, es they are medial
folly termed, Es ....-- , ..-......:: tracts) of_ Ito Oto,
11 erb enrol Bor)re, -,j+,, ~- -mnking , n preparn
lion, -highly , coneen, . i $ .treted, MO entirely
freefrom: Aim/le/lc' , 3 'adriii.lure -of - ong
1109FLAND'p GrEIMAN `lOl4O,
is a.combination of all the ingredlepte of. the Bitters,
with, the, purest quality of...Sonra Cro!..num, Orange,
inaking one of the meet .piett - etOW an& ngreenbie
remedlee ever offered to the public... • - . -
Thom preferring a ?Sedielne free from Aleolibile ad•
miiture, will nee.
Hoofland's German Bitte,rs.:
In Eases.of nervous depreision, when:some aleololla
stimulus is necessary,
should be used
The 'Bitters or the Tonic are both equally good, and
The stomach, from a variety of causes, such' as Dull-
Restion, Dyspepsia, . 'Nervous Debility,
etc., 'hi very apt , to - have' its functions
tierangcd,,The resultof which isittiat the
patient Emirate 'from - • -.Several or more of
the following diseases:
Constipation. Flatulence, Inward riles,
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity
of the Stomach, , Nausea,, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fulnesa
or Weight in the Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sink
ing or Fluttering at the Pit
of the Storpin.h, Swimming of
the Head, Slurried or Diilleult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocraing Sensations when
in a Lying Posture Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Webs 'before the Sight,
Dull Pain in the_Head,
. cienay of Perspiration, Val- ---
lowness of too Skin and
B y e s, Pain in
the Bide ,AR: Back,Chest,
Limbs, etc., I. Sudden
Elushes of Beat, Burning .
in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil,
and Great Depression of Spirits.
—These remadicatviltbiLectually.,eure Liver Complaint;
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous • Deldlity,
Olfronic Diarrhea, Disease of the Kidneys, and all
Diseases arising from a Dhoidercil Liver, bitomaoh,or
Intestincs. . ,
33 -,-, -V,
Resulting. from any Cause whatever;
inatTeed by 'Severe Labor, Hard
ships, Exposure, Foyers,- ate.
There Is no medicine extant equal to these remedies
in such cases: A tone and vigor is Imparted to the
whole System," the
ened, food isenloyed, the stomach digests
promptly, the bloodis purified, the com
plexion becomes fICITIIId and healthy,
the yellow,tinge. Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom
is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous Ire
Valid becomes a strong and healthy being.
Persons. Adraneed in Life,
And feeling. the hand of time weleldne heavily upon
them-with all - Its attendant lily, find In the are r.f
title Br RB, or the TON 1 . 0, on elixir that - Mid
Instil no, life into their velne, restore in n meaner&
the energy and ardor of more youthful days, laird up
their shrunken forms, and give health and happineos
to their remaining yearn. ' : L
It la a well-establlshed feet that fully one-half of the
female portion of out • pOpuletion are
dom In the enjoyment - --of-good health; or,
to ore tjleir, own fez It' presslon," never feel
well." ;They are lan , gull, devoid of nil
energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite.
. •
To thlu clam - of persons .tho, BUTERO, or The
TONIC, fn popec!olly recommended.
Are mode etronirby the nee of eitherof them, l'enwilled
They will eon) every cone of MARAS:SIUB, without
• Thousands of . cerilficatee bay° uccumuleterl in the
band* of tbe-proorletor, but space. will 'allow- of, the
pnbllentloriof but a'few. ThOFIC4 be obeeced,
aro men of wife and of, etioh 'ilunilltlgthat they must
•. • - lion. - Cleo7W: Ntrotidiv . ark - , •' •
OlikfJOstics of ihd Supriine:Osiere of:Pa., writes:
• • . - , Phitodelp4iai.M.areb IC, ISII7. •
• . . .
'- ax find 'floolletlls ' .: Geromu 'filters' le
'ii good; thole, useful "A 1
` , Ili diseases - of . tie
digestive sieges..., awl ...,,.:-:, ,_ of georajleneflt 111
cases of debility soel . . wauc. of neryousixo.
; lion in life System. :Timis, truly, l •', ~- ,
' '" • ' - ' OLEO: 'I9. 190611*A-11.0.'l
Judge if the Siwritne'eatiri
Phi indqphirt, AT;r11:19,7600.
'I cOMMIor Iloofirmorri ,Gormon ilitters! a roluoble
- ineilirfiletp - caer•Of r Otiarki.of Trigke,t MO or
dm-el:Airy:llle from M'es t ifOrTriirofltr•-•---Z0.;.1
• ! t• .! re 7 spert,:•, . •
.•; •! • • - • •• -• :•JANYE‘ •T110T117•30i5.T4 , 7
.• '. • • : 7 •!. ! 7 • I`.'• ..-• •' ; ! !., • ,
-Prom , Rev. Josephll, Kennard, D. D.,.
Pastor qf, 016 - 70t1L - paptist .q4qich,
Dri J tekkon-llcar' I been Trßnielit , ro•
ifoiested .I.6.connueOpny nama ,lvltlilrCrninutv:id,iiit , 1x
of 111110.tept. yole,oflnFAlslunt , ; but regiudlou the. pole ,
tlee'On `e my —. •,- "')irdp'llate - tploo.o,
hnve • in till "alien' do • roitithi with
Wear pyrint. 11c...tothI . , Ph& non,lof es and
partlceletly, In toy owl hoilly, of; tho
untlfulnesecif tol!wilertunn Offi
ces I depart :
for - .once , from niy .uxual.'enettle./. to .expracia,:sily.
pqnylutleir,tflt - , : fp,ngeljrrnl,df //0, Af ells.snsfclu, and
,rweclutyriy,tuer Coo9ohont,, if 0 aofe d l eo/10Sble
''prephratiein. • 'lO'nello, ensue It ninytAll ' , Ent ustally,.l
donbtnohlt Icill'ho.ceothentillehildedhose.yriol poffer i ,
; (rem Qig Pl'ov9.calPeo.. • 7 0 • .• '
, ' very'reni)eetrully,
a. trie.xx , r,dual
i•t:!, , • ' • t• " l• • •
VO*ltOr• D - refalin
Edifor',C7ol, ' itinit'Ch'troniole;'Pkilturely
•I have dbrived deelgedhenefit
German alllure t and ;Pel
'comtnendAbent -nu n-iildint tonlunbl
PP , I , dFF!PikePPIARr 9'.114).Pr
. • . „ , . •,"
. _
• f t
!t . • 'lv .;..ttt,tittr,i
t t T rt :
' erni Chloe it'ru con n teifel tegt• 'Eno
that ,the•olgrontursof •• • I i M." JA1:111.130X4
JO' () ni l UV w.TOPI1 I '. lac. 'TX e4' • ! IR.13• 1
n ot tern pro noun, erreit. ,
•- •0111 h.! • • And' .11itout000ry
ett.tifu Gorknah Mealoinclitoro, We. AROIF ett
..TPPII4OI II 'I°I , *(
o. • '
•• • •
It I
.7y f4g l 4 t /.#O.* , TRVA/1 3 .
'''°4 •filirio .llitar
• • ; ,Sitnt,r,ONt.•NAii‘d;
Va. &ad by (a Driax(aaul•PalLivltatolfilnei
-• ' - ''. 'Pizta,(tr'.; .':'' ' : i i 1
g_r...:;—:-... , el: • ,--4..1 . --....4,4-:-: —..t...r.,,--. :. t .:., , ..,:.,.,.: 4.,
IROOnalltroraol4Ml ilittenVlW.lllr:•3l , .: 0): . I. - .
tili. WO' , fit': -: f'1... ,, t.i.P:t APO,. Qau1,,,,',:.i:. k -.,,1 . ; 0, f
11.11onattoOt t i,e4H:11 , !./3. , •i!.. ::111. On f'ttituttEltdlttlimt A i ( t,: .
..,, ,„perinitl kb.), ;t, 2)04. ,‘;•..; ',:; f: , ‘,.!• • ‘,..; ' II
11'10' i s b " 4 6 .riP . ' ':. ? 4 , .‘ ii .. ' ... v. 1 ~..aritto ,
' - Puit,tzliidur`iii . ico'oll.4 , !ii , Atir... -. -L , 1 ,-. ' -.' -_r:) .--
'..; , ,v.....',5 - I.'. 5 (....i.. - ',`
: 1
~:)."..- -:,
13 7 1
I.i ,!
~,,.! , ,
'7 . l'i! ,
• -,,,f,
4 r, , t i -
, . , ...
f1 ..,, C( . ' w , : is i : ;
• The Great 'Ettirvesier.
Thee ri hi - it - harvester
' • ...",•• • the het-emit tiirm •,. : ,
. the 'help of hie two white haiedii.'
Ills two white hatids,es soft and 01 . 14 -
' - Ati inioteP" - • ,
Yet overlie:Wings hie harvest hem . °
To the garner down below.
Blatt, and-cradle and swinging scythe
A r ra all the same to bem, • •
, Andatenify ho goes from field to field,
Btroking hie gray board grim.
• ptro,klog his beard as lie clips the . grain,
Binding it up in sheaves, ,
'And pity the gleiiner whit thinks to' thrive' • •
On-the groin that the ,bortmeitoeleiives.
• _ .
De&th is tho harvester bravo and ,bold, "
. Who harvests in many lends,
And life is the groin he meta andsheaves,
With the help of-his two. white heeds, ,
Tho tondos grain Is tho chidlo's Shmre—
Tho is tioilop of tinio 7 .
The sickhipithers the ripe sting,
• Tho scythe, is tot'. manhood's iiritscd
GOatly the childhood's flold is:clipt, • •
And softly tho ago Apo groin, , : •
Est tho boarded stalks of manhood's prim?,
Bend to the scythe I pain,
. By via hearths, and soft'
Tito harvester's Swath is.,—
And many a blood-rod flelilios reaps
• To-the song of:tho.bittlo'Erblitat.
Aver the eearth and igea ho gors— '
The harvester bold (Tit bravo—
Nor over shall rest 10410 a graft!' Is; loft
For his garner§ the clapelod gritio. •
' "I don't think ho cares two straws for
ine,".thought - Elsie Miller, pulling the with
aced roses out of her hair withra quick, im
•matfont little jerk.' "And he used' to •be so
,Oh, dear I talk about the fickle
limss of women. Men are twenty times as
unaccountable. But I don't caro—not ono
--, • • •
Add, in undeniable proof of her indif
lereiMe,.the round, bright, diamond drops
relied down her,frgsh, pink cheeks, and her
lips somewhdt`quivered.
Elsie' vies a pretty, piquant little damsel,,,
with eyes us china marbles, a com
plexion like, a djimask rose, and, bright
tendrils of sillteh'ioft, hair, partaking decid
edly of the reddish blue, greatly, to our
_heroine's daily dissatisfaction.
"Nobody has red hair in allmy novels,"
said Elsie, almost ready to despair.
Aunt Bridget Merriam had brought-
Elsie up, until she stood on the tbreshbold
of her seventeenth year—brought her up
in a kindly„ old-fashioned sort of way, to
-knit and to sew, and. to makejlero`wn little
merinodreisca add - stilrile•;:her An — sPotleis .
linen cellars. • •
'Tor there's, no knowing yrhat
Lion a body inay.havo to pigs 'through fn
the world, Elsie," said the old ladyrible„mly;
"and ft'S_Tatwitys - ju` well be able -to,
turn yOur hand -to almost anything. I.'V'e
lived sixty encl.:. 81:y0m.y - pax,' and; I'V:e
found out that Heaven helps those 'who help
So Elsie unconsciously provided herself
for a stormy_future, brightening up what
ever weal ens nature had given her for that
brittle with the world 'which Aunt Bridget
appeared .tu consider almost- inevitabie.
And when Aunt Bridget died suddenly, and
she was left alone, poor Elsip thought
guely of _ dressmaking, .school. teaching,.
copying—all the makeshifts -by . •whieh
men - now-a-days -contrive-to- slave - the .
wolf footsteps from their doors. •
a very unexpected stroke o
pi:evident°, 'Miss Miller," said Mr. Peck,
the sokonnAte.ed: la wyer. • •. -
indeed it is," said Elsie, sadly,
thinking how lonely the house - would he
without Annt Bridget's, quick : step, and
aged kindly face.- -
"BM we - must - fill -- be - preparedto
dispensation Of higher wisdom' than pure,"
he added. -
"Yes, sir," said Elsie. wishing he would
stop talliingin • that• sanctimonious whine,
and tell hor whether she 11.... d bettor , accept
I,llosituntlon - Tis teacher - in - iltirdintria - gaVol,
or gmas governess to Squirt) Dalton's six
Motherless little girls.
"And nohe of us suspected for an instant
that our dear, departed . Hand Was worth
'fifty themeand dollars." ' • , '
"Fifty thousand dollar !"•Elsie opened,
her china-blue oyes widely enough n0w..,„
... "Exactli . that sum, my, deaf Hiss Miller, -
iind she haii•beetibeen-zpleased• toAtentify
by_ congtitutin , me your guardian until you.
reach the hgb O'f.ttimity-ontr•Yeitts.;•' :Allow
me=--htim-,to proffer : my; most: eordiarcon
, grattdations." - -•
•• How Mr! Peell'iiiighed - Ills Freddy wits
twenty instetuiof ten years of egg I'* E. ,
"For," he inwardly, reasoned, strokiag
his lank,'bristlybhin, •"she'ti'suro to fall a
victim to . :41)Mo'• fortune-hunter or' . othbr.
And the's such ,a, focd,".. . ••,.. ,
•Butlf.r. l'uctt•Was 'inistnlierrin that last
estininta. , , ••Elsielliller: was ito Tool.. ••_ :• ~
Gervais() Colton heard the ,story of'.lliss
Aliller.'S - good fOrtune in Silence. • ' '
':.• "I' 11111 glad you told mmlyhci•said to his
infortnittiq§guire. Patton..., "I, was ,going
there this very, evening, to ask Elsie if she
-• wouldriceept 'a•ltotne ht my •hands." : ''-::
-pO-yott-,mt eau, liarmarry- 7 1 Appended
Old • straigli.tleyward ..gguire.' - ' l---- ---41
' 4 , t6rtllniS , -cif'ebtirso." ;.- : '• ,` : 1 ••••
nAly deur boy, you/Sconldn't do a more
sensible thing. Yotill havo the richest
wife anti•the prettiest Wife 'in. town, and I
tirvidys tbotight, tliat. I ittle‘Alsie fancied you.
Go, of Courso,l3y all means." ~ .
'fl•NoiMil" Mud Gbrv'aise, • • innVhaiiindly.
tql.alli)l" . ,cried ftliii squire;; dropping the
rad' silk handkerchief that he : Was flourish;
ing abiitie,:arid staritig fixedly at the hand -
.siiiiir:Tyounramii - imi:ii . :rsito - thim:: --."7-31-1-3----
. ...1 would sooner cut my right hand xill
than give peoplo occasion to call me is' fOr
:tonn:hun'terp said
,tioiton, „with ; a quiet de [ -
tormirlation, tliat'soadnhis mouth fook'likii
iroM•liig'hioth 'like udairitilit:' - -, - -- I' •-; '' `:- -;! lGtitinnourc.slitil tlor.Sfluire; rattierun
,"did,ol.Y.olt just tell nit!) .you
, w arp - about' to proposalolfer,, 'underthe - MI T
:prnsslon thaishiiiinida!t.,a , .,prinny , in. ~the
Norldr.',l' r: , : C• f :)': . •. • : ~. C> . , ',i 1: •': .:-: *
q Top, )1 told yen sc .
~ an it was the troth,
'iriAlCwouldltio hithilf 'diflleaTt ui Convlriee-
Akumarlitik!genef_al.o it.ii::: -Trf :f.' '::
l,;, V9h,:hothor tho . world in, gong:val. „what
Ao you'earo foir its verdict' ono ',Way or 'tha
•othorl!!$:•:;:•• .1! •,..''+:,.::.„‘:, ! .: ..;;,.
Lf i ' . V,9ottontaheoltiixbead.„„.. .
,f . , 1
. 1 nave Striven-All-mg Aife,long-,ixi to nii,
11'01st:robed grentlivaii',?? . 'deid hei - ealmlv-mor,'
41)111'1-allow. the tshadew„t o &shag.° to, diii t .
my idiaritetei. - tidiv. ' Iloyo 'Elsie as finely
nad`thride'rlY as , a , marc can 'love; ,biit . I will
not stiluntt:tP 40 :hpiresChunyoklr
, s But, my dear boy; , pleokereiliiet that tlib s '
ti - iiiii''Oi • tio'n' ill'ii.votte .iiio- ovti -4 .: "Nobody '
will appreciate the sacrifico you aro making;
and - Elsm,heraalf,,wiltp_iotaady.marry some
ealeulathm miscreant or othet, whowon't ,
'make:half so: ginit'la liiisband-tofheries you ,
, Nvouhl have doni:V!" .::: : :., ", .. u-, :' :: ,(:^':3 : ;
-: ,Ooryaiso,Poltouironsiped ohstlnntaltun
oonvincod, liowevor;, and the jilquire's oleo
' quench'was c uttorly,!throtin tiVay. ; '' :
'-'' Aridllittle•BlSlO , : , :diciw - shii marvelled tit,
todtvnise'S altcrod:Mifireer-r,at !hie Cold cort- i ,
,strnintund,diotard, politeness:, :what scald.
iiig tears She aria itito' her inidiitght'
ill - kiiit, And lioiiliiiliilYtitici.trie4 Co raid - the
unteadilbiorilddlO: -!'r. `-f I ` t iif ...;,, , , q ,
p l oor,
0 re•
a. ~.:cr.sC
got. ,gtorg
'..f. ' , ....,:ti ...,_
't ,i' N, oii "N Er.) il), •,zI I!
, .
--. r. , . f . 17 ) •,... ,- );1 7 . 1 vi . ll
i;{l It. ; I? )b( k ~' a ,
•-..:. tql 91 ~.... of A %... I oil g
--. '',!' j. -!i ' 7:0 ~ ;75 ni .1 7,7 n r.ri
: ' 0
I ' '
' .... 1 ; ITErigS . V.Es2looliiil adVa
- nitre mire lie.osed:ttiliktftib,medi; Z.l dJ
as.ebe.bathed her withl - iroserf witeprdiii
the Inornlpg. :l!4•04 4,413r0A11e
ho gaii . to'reo.juet llefore , Aunt 13;114.0 dip L
and the letters housed to 'w1.10,-,and-==nn,
tiolinded nieit'orldixoraliieQ soft
in tedrh. 5 s' , 1. 5
.111ut . bur. lie 4
• • -;. • ', 7l'
Tho. •nionths ,pagied, nytray,„.and
Gerveise adhered ni'his nor kiStd,of distent;
d,'erteaus frinnd'ointil ;niehtl'7llsid'rpi
solved- Li) aslc.him . W1114'131(0 had' 4otiti
forfeit the old place in•bie.) :
So she,: marched up .to ,t,h i tnerrz
eon hisio , .,ofzend Sotilirfi,
re.soltite in nrinor. Of
white inualln and shdeld , of 'rosin '
Gervais°,Vas. eau ng-rn or en Ipagamet
the door, 'Nanning, nhstrnetly.. to,the nwisr
when.Elsio.laid Iter,bocpiet,oe,rpens 11104131
on I& ario.
. .
"Gorvai9e - 1"
Ho started.
"Miss Miller!" .
"Miss Miilor;" she, reperited,, , bitterly.
uciii,_Gervrdso,yon used S to lattl!ji rpR Elsto
once. 'Why are you so you' ?
Vint hate I said . or ',lone .loso„.yoUr
friondstiipl" • • • -• • •
"Nothing," ifisworeil„ stringoly Rffl
baircissed. - . - . •-••
"Gieryaiso9'%.7.•; • 7 • 7 , .„.
"Will you excuse me," he 'Mid hurriedly.
"I gee friend to _whem't Mnit
Elsie stood with cheeks , flamingi like
thi , roses in hhar band; and: lie"r -lilu~ loges
humid ,pith ,tents Age .MOl4/1444
, herself in Yain?
And this was, the night she went
diziOlarect-fer atletilt ;the hiiiidred
andninety-ninth time thlitliiitie.didiiiteire.i ,
!. 1 /.eannot,eudiire.this,".ChoughtiGeryaian
Oolton, pj. shall forgot digukty,Ananhood,
resolution, and everything olae,,ii . ,sho,lPP4
me in the byes like that once agnm. Oh, ii
liiisii - Bridgetlkerriain's.iffty: thousand : $ 1
lars could be thrown into the mitt
All.tbat night Gervaise spent in packing
his - valisebhrnioltriettersi`, and - setting
• his affairs in ng
in order fora jourhey-,;„ '• •
"I may as well ge out W . est,?! c thought.
"It's a wide place andaloely piece, and - 1
shall be safe_from the besetting demon - of
temptation only there. . I may surely lfaor
.thisiittle_bunch of dried violets . that!..she
gtive me the day ofqbe pie-nic; she. will
never know."
Alas, thero was little of consolation •in
that last reflection;
. .
"Ought I to write and bid her goodbye?"
he . punderod, with an indescrtbableyoarning,
for one lust link to bridge over the dividing
current of tLeir lives. "No, I must leave
hor free, unfettered even by a ffinCy."
Gervais° Coltomsat underneath the swing
ing lamp of the express train, as it thunder;
ed on-through the Midnight nolitudag,; with
folded aims, and sleepless, staring oyes. He
was leaving hope, happiness, sunshine, be
hind him forever. Oh, why hadProvidenco
made the path oCdutrscr narrow; and sobe
set by.pricklY thorns? Why must he tight
suck a perpetual-battle- with . himself.?—
Would it notbo better to die at once 7.
As the' vague, repining 'asPiratibii, lifter
the peace and oblivion of death came riorogs
his Mind, there was a crash—a jar—a•rfoise
like the rending of beams aniteplintering.of•
arches—and -- Gervaise-Cultm;---was-thrown
violently agaidst the side of the cart With a
concession that for a few moments deprived
him of . ..sense . or consciousness. • Then - he
up; sick and faint, Into - a Sitting
position, -anti•bucamo awurdthat• he was sur
rounded by dead and dying. •.
The train had run the track, end the
three foremost curs wore precipitated into a
sort of gorge or declivity , .some scion or
eight feet deep, just boyOnd: - Garvaiso
ton had wished fur deuthhere few
to face with him. No wonder that .ha
shrank appalled'from the ghastly sight.
Steadying himself., by
- the he
rose to his toot, convincing himself that he
-was not seriously hurt„ beyond a bruise or
two, and then, begun to assist his less fortn-,
mkt° fellow travelers. : • .
..L . 4lmost directly behind him hattaat,a-man
In a slouched hat and muffled fee% be lay
now beneath a mussel', splintered Woodwork
and shivered glass.
' "It's no use," l he groaned feebly, as
Gervaiso dragged - away the super-incumbent
weight, and strove to,lift him dy
ing test; there's an ugly gash on the back of
my bead that all • the 'Surgeons in or. atiOn
couldn't close up - die in_
"Why. it is jothatril 'Peek!" exclaimed
Gervais° recognizing the lawyer's:voice,
•htbky andi taint, thougti it was; -
Gervaise Colton, it xs' - I,' l "..fai r tered
and-tell-her she is - Perinile& - , once , more.
have riskedrhei fortune - in rnilread.ehares,
and lost iti. but if. Itad.suceeededund they
~promislngT r l,.should ,hayo, ,dpubled
it for her. ':Twits on my way M'Eurepe:
dared Mot look Ace; and'Etelkler
; what, I am telling r ye% over,
VOW)Ged Wilfju'dge---m ev more - 'Charitably
thah'imMlWOtildiAave;zlMiepatid:ql !Manx
NeU , ±-ir1d9A4 , 414e .. 1 1, km9fr t - in v. l ,9 l Y - . 7 'lft• - -.7 - e f .
TlieXe - w as a.xortUf• - gurg e• his ,throat,
a nth- of. ?CFI bleed' oier lbie I Ipe
tho,nrixtlmoment Pervoisegolton;waSibOld
ing a dead man's beadupon his, knee,
Loei l' lily 'for Who all lost I Stop' a
moment, gorveise,.and my
thoughts—to head is growing ,Alxxy,
- .Elsie Miller. had eared . as little for _the
money glitter of .wealth
,as • : women : pould,
and - yet this shoek:eame te 'her sharp and
sudden,. No More , huctiry, no , -Wore
lent indulgences, ,no more:dsy, dreams :43h°
must once more to • the hard„clOity
hiahroad 'or , work-dai:life;- and' - Oh, hew
lonely, and deselaWshe felt in the.pontere
plation of that now ,exiitence. , •
"06, GervhiSe,"Gervalsb, Whataliala dot
~.The words liroko 7 olttot t ..invninotarily
from her parched:lips; there vas an impler
' mill tell, y0n, 7 1 - asif,". — lio ltidv4gently
taking both her cold fluttering hands in his.
' , Trust yeursOlf t 4.5 your'`' future
into my care.: Andoney.l„ 'Heaven he, my
judge if over I,.fail „the„„cha,rge it has
committed-to'ime:"l ,
"Gervaisti4-1:--I' am a :lilt° boli , lidered
,by ,this.atrangasuddna 'ealatniky,,zuld, I !do
not ,quito understand you;
. .11646 yoiii ,
you my "wife, — . That shnhldzuroly - ...lnplain
onOugh,''he paid fondly,. „
I, l3tit'aiy - moriay is "all - gono. Poor,
- aa'thetieggars - omyohderpti'varrienw , _
~ J , Fejoico that ,ip
,wealth has been arbarrier betweea US Ong,
inay-'daro ttoopeils*t What
has been in my - boari L . for Tare,' F Alitpk
God-that you are poor, third.
t3ho lookiidathifh-withleiToidigh. break
in upon her Mind , and, ,
• a''!PhirGorXflisoi • 4 , 4.v,1,CY1i!1t1Y YPt l- •,4aY O
misjtidged , , • ,
aTnat'A not the' questiOni'7,Elide,
Aivorud tenderly'. l; s l%4ll4ou:be quiy. wife?
Will you givh.mtlthe Tight,•,to care for;SMti
,A/P. , t n i;! 4 AFlQol? , 9he u Ff/IfA ii - 3 .P 9 r4. 4 .,
-by l
many of MO dirclianges;r giving !a , ,klittniled
acdountafl.gemblipgjalßinA,i,or R9irkfl4
our.,great, ontles, ',l;ife.,pfopf )tqf/c i¢gnt
disposes of this gosaiplh'thtt folintving mit*
oreoplo - in tho cOOntty Who road_ °lobo..
Anon, andlnthor , otno.o.monfloW. l o94inl 3
.gu - .
tions, in , ?4!„ Tork„ ehnlig,r.9TOp',ll?pr, Plat
Apia city: pi kaOstod tiy dkolneg,ot seedy ' Bo
hemians whoth nittiiral teotelOririikindd.'
od to: preteing.hoeonittylhr. foeultaitd. , iadd3r i ,
QOM pot , titmin itelmiwilit4Rell!.o.4olsigctaiiier
at ~ tto ,iimimtp, Kipp, Qr. 'Ay/A:1101%P i,M11 0 .1
'N4v,i 'Yolk . )44. b44,...ivii lii)4ssq, OOp . WO kop
ffiNd rointins iiiciwounplo oniiiikh to pat'. tt i
in . Ot): tikturtinarimnutOtiase ifiesponsibl ,
togged eipgatt9ndo-tithoovtry44o,giercio ...
- .
co, or $2,50 within tho year:
Neatly - on Sergeant Bates.
Nasby Was at.Pettesville 'when Sm. :
goa,nt ; Rates, errivedin that. village - t with his
deg.' reports the 'following speech. of
"Sergeant Bates, Sir:,--Understandin . ez
we do, that yoo ohivalrously made a 'wit
ger( wich is,a , bot) with nWisooneinablifili
nist that yocieould Talk from Vixburg to
Washington; earrYin the Amerikin - flag un
furled, without beta. 'insulted . nor nothin,
and,hoyin received. ,testimony. from leadin
bemocratruv Wisconsin; wieb is entirely
satbifactory to Mi,- that you are•not in no
sense, nor never wuz at any time,-,in Byrn-.
pithy with' the Ablishen t 'or as they'falsely
style.themsolves, the, Ropublikin party, we.
extend to .yoo the hospitalities ofrfettue
._ . ,
Sciuthera hospitality by' the broadest kind
to goo. Yoo hov had a
chew evely Plug-yeo hey bed your suck
out uv every bottle,, your , nose stioiva that
senceyoo entered the Sonny South yoe hey
not turf allowed to taste any water, with is
our idea uv hospitable treatment. Wet, my
doer sir, does thi. -go 'to show? Wet does
this prove? Rf Charles Sumner, for instance
Or Judge Kelley hed bin so .presumpshus,'
or any other Republikib, ez to - attempt Bich
a feet, the outraged Southern heart wood
Hey biled t oYer and lie - wood hei been teen •
to - pieces - ---Witardaisitlevet-11--proved
.that 'taint the flag we ob ject' to, so much.ez
it is the men who hey, - bin,in the . habit uv
, rrying it. In the handi uv a 'constitoor
shone' ,Dimocratits the carne, old.iltig it el
lu'ewu.i.. 'ln, such hernia' its inesle sounds in
our oars like tho draitk iv nigger's whip,
and !Amalie thereof is Aoothirt.For when
the flag .wuz in their hands, we inieted
gross under its folds in thestreets uv %atom
Under that-flag we ehotjovejey in alton,
and sunk Bailey's press in the Ohio at Cin
einnatti. s Under the shadow uv that bless
-ed-flag-we sold-niggersid,atiction-in-Wash
bigton, and that flag, that symbol uv Free
dom, would'have floated, over the-deck uv
every slave ship with, sailed from Africa,
but for, the unjust 'and soosidieLlaws wich
forced the philantropiets in thebizness to
sale under other penants. In your hands,
and the handS uv sich ez you, that flag is to
us the old flag tt woe then, and its sacred
to us becoz under it we cood do all theta
things. That's why we love it, and that's
why we tolerate you with . it. Hod it re
mained Bich we never wood hey raised our
hands agin it. So long ez the flag was sich
we loved it.- 7 -But when the North dispooted
our control, and in the hands uv -A.
a,Ablishunist, it wuz our flag no
moro:—Then we felt it must come down=
that Its mission wiz ended and that to us-it
wuz nothin. I fired onto -that flag. I
raised my haed,,,agin it, and prouVl
am.—Butiborne.ity.a Dein ocrat-Lo. Denioci
who stuck to us becoz ho wee - afeered of
nigger okality, it is wunst more the same
old flag, and we reverence it.
• LIE little Swiss city of. Freiburg has the ,
largest organ in, the world. Its builder was*
a poor man named Aloys Morer, who de-;
'voted-his life to z - cOnstruction.- , Without
assistance or Suggeitien -froth - Others - he Pei::
slivered for years, in defiance of opposition,
poverty, and ridicule, until his task and his
life were ended: . The mighty organ stands
among all similar works like Mont Blanc
among the mountains : It has seven then. ,
sand eight hundted-pipes, and when-in full
"pli4.sends forth a tempest of . sound which
all the musical bands in Boston, New York
and Philadelphia combined coaldnotequal.
The extraordinary power, variety and har
mony of this unique instrument are thus
graphically deicribed by, Dr. Marsh:
"When skillful fingers touch the keys the
Mighty: instrument responds with myriad
voices, ranging through infinite variations
in sweetness and compass and power. Now
it.pours.forth .the..heitrt.hreaking-- notes of
the .151.iserere' with a voice so, piteous and,
- hiYman that - it - would - seem'as if - a lost-soul
were imprisoned and wailing in its wilder.;
nese of pipes; now it rolls up the jubilant'
thunders of the 'Hallelujah Chorus' in such
mighty volume that the entranced_listener
forgets the earthly temple and the work of
human. heeds, and.. imagines himself sur- t
rounded with . - the trumpets -and , Ifoices
floaven in .numbers without number. Now[
gled With - Abe tramp of hoks and the battle.:
hymn of men that march as they sine,, and
now. it,' warble's .•Sweet Heine' with a silvery,
accompaniment of 'singing birds : nod, inur.:l
inuring brook i and rustling foliage around.
the _p~ngapt ' s door. _ it chants the
earthly' strains of cloistered monks, interwo
yen-With-echoes that Creep - along : corridcirs
of stone and clbrib the' sepulchral p, rchee
..theenthedraPelorig.draw rsies; and.'then'
again it bursts forth-with BUCtI tempest,of
sound as shakes tha'hilF,Whlin storms' aro ,
s broad aMong the 'Alta, and thunders leap
frornclondlo , -
~ . .
' "Or 'SALMON.—The" salmon,'
Whoa out df condition and unfit fOr burden . .
food. goes down to. the ass. , .&04 what does
ho-do • thore,? •Not single hureari being
.knows whit ho doei; but wo do know, how
'ovei?that he goes down a poor miserable;
looking, lolly, silver-sealed follow. How
he manages' to get so - business of
ours ; lhatis !Ms lookodt,e - ,We only knOW.
,tbutho finds good
,food,. ip the estuaries ot
rivers; ancra most eurithei..thing it is in the,
histary.. of the' enlmon that, as tho'awallow
sutures . tO hetown nest, the bee to its hive;
or tho pigeon to its own dove cote; so the sal
mon always rattan : 6' hoinp to its own river,
if not captured.',lor dostroyed,bynumer
ous.eneamo instance
surin itii journey, . • '
The' best
Of thielfaS been 'corn,
municated•to me by:inifrfendi'the Earl of
Dunmore. , He caught, on his property to
the Isle. of Harris, in tho , Hebrides, some
twenty or thirty flsh;,theso ho marked .and
- deTrried—alive.in__Kis_yachl , to the opposite
side of thn,lsland,'Whe - re - they - werii4urned•
into a lake. In the cootie of tho same sea,
eon in which ineY Wore transported, it' mei
ascertained that AOM,O of thesis very, fish had
come:,bckisgaii„ t . , _
a wy hc29, • cis)
enit'of forty, mi it least,' all thrOugh the
'pathless waters of UM road Atlantie.'..They
Must in their bduree Via(' pitised tho monthlf
of six. or scion , twinging which they dlitnot
ascend; • thou_gb ;there . waS, nothingrin
,world tO;prevept ,t4orn., • Xipeli isqP. 4 ? of "HO
many, instances - of the' wenArous powor
Which - guide salmon back to their owp river;
ThiOneultylird Call 4 inidietiP word' not
nearly :shipressive. , onough:) much: wiSh
.0o atigg.ekt-a, bettft, Ake sends
that'salreen seek fresh water, to ,get.lsid ,of
the parasitic inseeta=thesealfEedr l tnellshl
train.' This' my tillof, is simplo Seel;
dent . ,; ;; ; ' l' ,
'Attribute .thlijouipnekto raiich highq
cause. theidtiinateghjept, of t thiszalmon;ls.
AO got waters . :to lay their eggs)
:for no salmonever,has - or brood's
tliougli;aii net'fortdda p)gicto
allowed - to wander along ,th.r,"shore at coot
yiiinotaisoniu.bootidSoAny iqat,,theusidroo
eggs, impnisiyoe taiteheS. , : th
salmon ao,that,SPl youngshOUlo,4 l 49b an
'thrive,',the eggs must odepositellin.gravoli
'and theihalloverokid and cold' water tikist
go over them. .1 - these conditftforts 'ors to po
found onlyJnothe'Appor. - Ari iblinlied:Nif
Tkv9ri OIRd ;it.; 11 )194 8 ,M1Pu4i!leer144, 1 Y: .g.lO
Ilsk' l llyikporformed,.:l4„tusk".ot builaing
its imatand iayingitseggs,r4urnii sea
- to reorillt ita'strongth! - • •:.
-Tirsite ate birdtwha , onlso Winkel . tie*
,et.. the, ariproseh of ted:!weather anathere
're porllene. Who. POY.:PPur . 90 :ro• VIVO'
,° , /I •9°l!l,C.ol,*94'iP4'itia tt 'N k A h .9.T. t
'the yeir;isays: 4 11191.1 . y : olio
YPulik 1114 y, tho , lii , tiovvoyy aby,- , yott
I netteflue.Ailittlitlys#Queselti? ;),1;
.NO.' 23.
, The Blood-Hound
• We are so accustamodtoconneet theidei of
thisTtiog*ttrthat - of.himted fugitivO gavel;
and manner 'of et'uilly,. the t,tba
make one;shntider.. But he hi, 'nottigth.-,
,standing, a noble aneheautiful animal, by
nature pre=eminently .mild-and loving, and
also, bytnatuwWa.huuter; • and, his instinct
leading him ;i;i3 tetti'Mtd.kill his prey. when
,he overtakes it;Wiiiituially eßciAgb, makes
no .discrimination hiTfavor,oonan, if that
be the gamelm ..taiit Min ht 'to tureue. The
name blood.i.hOund is ven:fio for the
reason that, if fresh . b dod lieltpilled across
the track of the animal he, le pursuing, he
will follow . the. blood_ in ..preference to the
Other, scent: • ==
,„liints,,tall„.444are, ea ed, with long ears
and drooping lips; ,hts chest is broad, legs'
crooked, elbows turned Out,' tongue deep,
andllitiperluit he is slow:. •,Bilthis power of
scenting follo'w a
single door or otheranimal twelve or fifteen
hours after.he has, passed by,'and if lost for-'
the day he will resume the chase and pursue
with unekrinkeortdiptron the,day following
lisitime overtaken.'. If he le in
pursuit Of the cattle or sheep-stealer, -no
Matter how many heniket men baye had the
same - foot-path, will,folloW, the thief.
'IT he has lost his _ own 'master ' be will follow
his track through the, streets, of the city,
though an army may have poised that way.
How ,won - derful,this power l: And how shall
we account for it ?' Has he examined the foot
or shoe that makes the-track - and scented the
peculiar effluvium that may,escape from it?
If so, does that effluvium adhere to the foot
and,days after the animal or
man has passed by ?,However groat his pow
er of scenting, how has he learned what is
to be distinguished that' ho may not mistake
the, track of the animal ho pursues? But
the whole subject is involved in iikyptery,
and all we can do is to mill this power in the
animal, instinct. -
-At first rthought he was a farmer, he
told ue so much about sowing ana
harvesting... Then, when lezt talked of
training roles and pruning- grape-vines,
I changed my mind and, concluded he was
a, gardener; but soon
• - after ho described
printing and'made it sp plain, I decided he
must be a printer_after_all._,TheLqueerest.
thing about it' as that ho should know all--
thofelks 1 - 4 - 1 Its Cross cut Cforners and bT3 - ,
ablato desaribethem so" - exactly. When
be spoke of people' who think everything
they : have,is just the nicest 'and best going,
I thought of Huldy Tucker; and when he
described thole - Who believe they are--In a
state of perfection and can'i, do wrong, I
know ho must mean Deacon Pettigrew. I
was sti'much interested in all he had to say.
I did - not think of anything' else. - Except
When my thoughts flew to Joel. Iso longed
to have him beside mel For I want Joel to
love Sunday; and I am afraid "he'never will
-.unleiss-he - seeavas-I- have; — how - beautifullt ----
can he made,, and what good, happy cheer
ful thing such religion as Mr. Beecher's ts.
The congregation looked so interested, so
eager to hear all be had to say, I do believe
they would have staid all - night if he had
- ehosen to go on preaching. i did not no
tice a single girl chewing caraway seed, or a
single bey using his jack knife on the back
of the- pow. Deacon Spicer,- eighty-five
years old alwi_tys_goes to sleep and snores
between Parson Hinman's "sixty" but the
old, white-haired. mon sat Mr. Beecher's
look just as mide-awake as the young ones
and I do believe everybody wont away fool
ing better and kinder and more' resolved to
lend good, true lives than when they came.
A 000 D STORY is told of one of the bag
gagd masters at.o station between Worcester
- and Boston, a fat, good-Ratured, droll-fel
low Whose'jokes 'have become quite popular
on - thefioad . His, name is ,Bill. A few
mornings since, while in tbo performance of
hisAtities in changing baggage, an ugly lit.
.Seetch terrier got - in, his .way, and be
gavo him a smart kick, which Sent him over
the track yelping. Tho owner of the dog
soon appealed in high dudgeon, wanting to
know why he kicked his - dog.
"Wes that youi dog?" asked Bill in his
usual drawl.
oCertai wa4 ; what right iiad'you to
kick him ?" . _ .
"He's mad," said Bill.
"No, he's not mad, either," said the own.
"Well, I should be if anybody kicked me
that way," responded Bill.
on-the shores of the Dea Sea.
PARTY of English tourists recently
`breakfasted o
They haa previously provided theme Ives
with a supply of hard-boiled eggs for the
banquet, but bad neglectea to provide the
salt, so necessary to the proper enjoyment
of their.ovayy_ediblesf_ Their guide' volun
teered to procure some, and presently sot be
fore them-a fine crystal of rock salt. --With
this the eggs'were soon consumed; but di
gestion was not the destiny of that break
fast. • Tor, a short time afterward, the guide
showed them the mass of salt from which
the crystal had been , brtken. They wore
astounded 'to 'flnd• that it closely resembled a
human figure, and they were-forced to the
uncomfortable conclusion that they had
been inaking.a cannibal - condiment or a por
tion of Lot's - wife. Their - `disgust--at this
discovery look the fortivotomesis, and pre
vented thcir profiting physiologically by-the
bioakfa'st - of 'boiled 'odds:
: — Tax - Rev. Sidney Smith says: !"We are
in favor of a certain amount of shyness
when a kiss is proposed, but it should not
be too long, and when the fair ono gives it,
lot it be administered with warmth and en
ergY---let there be a soul, in it. ,If she cldte
her eyes and sigh immediately after it. the
effect is greater. She should be careful not
to slobber a kiss, but give it as,a humming
his bill-into-a—honeysuckle -icep
but delicate,There is much , virtue in
a kiss when well delivered. We 'have the
nternory.ot , one we received in our youth,
which lasted us forty years, and we' believe
it shall'be one of tile last things we'
. shall
think of whoa we die." '. •
•Youlm .Trsp:Looxaw. —A. missionary
among the freedmen in 'Tennessee, aftrerte• -
lating to somblittle colored 'children, the
story of Ananias and Sapphire, naked them
why God,does . potatrike..eyerybOdy dead
Ntho tells,a-lie, when one of the least in the
roem quickly answered ;, Because there
Wouldn'tha anybody left l'?, • - -
A men. who - was a groat stickler for eti
quette, Jinxing merriedn widow before her
period of mourning hed expired, soon oiler
made hienprieerance with a weed on his hat.
Od helng speken to on such singular. •con
duct, he Totnarked.that liCtonsidered it no
More than'the handsome tbihg toward, his
Jamonted predecessor. . : • •-•''
Tbo late Bishop " Meitl6, 7- of 'Virginia oc-
Ossiohallyallowed himself to say - a' . witty
thing r thougli, habitually very grayo.', He
Was once lamenting the neglect of 'education
in. the State? and remarked with a signifi- .
cant 4pression. 'Our girls • are poorly
eiluatearbut our boys will nevor find it out."
• Plzwr wurßars. FALLS.—It is stated
as the result of careful experiments for six
years at Greenwich Observatory; that rain
is mo,ro .itrequent ,between . noon and mid
night- than t between midnight ; and. noon.
.The Smallest rainfalls- take place in the
Morning, as the sun is going up; tbe greatest
in the afternoon,. settle man •is setting._
. - -•
Aboat.fifty of ilia prbporiod dindidatos for
Governor of Illinois '.Lave chiolined; the
other candidates, ornbraoing.noarly All the
- able Waled - n - 10On tho §tate who can rend,
have not yOt•dooidoron,mihat coniSo they
pursue. • , '
•A: Ittinoimerritoitteson boa succeeded in
pbotograpting'.:the ,:beating
- Of a person's
boorte 'Mat a neat ,tbing for at, absent
lover to send ble adored ieould bo a carte of
hits , palpitattone on gazing upo&her portrait:.
• : • '
DIVEB is ho who wsti born
, richirhOt he ; has tritido' himself 'rich,
ipA4 oftenos3 corniritte suidide;• • !on the other
hand, it's not th poor,trian, brit .ho who
haibeecimo vior, that kills lila If
110 .
_ .
p relicir thinks Alfo 'ruillupluo,..- w h en , it
Oothe's will bolcuo'wo, not )py ! t 99fitrityber.FY
*orb; but by rho 'Universal "previdopOo - of
good,,puro bolter, ond hisbousakaitpiu , 4 . 9 t0
:f i No,. poihrst ,a..Tudy Allay be .oxpeoted , to
nialcor, tsgrost,,nolso I u ttuk world ,robpo i I t os
_drisslis covered:all cork. *tat . tiuglos.,