lifi ci. 4 4 , Loabrriutli eivilVeY t dr:pangs, apopilj.ttions ~'" for inderitare. • , prooliree pate t -I , ltot, 08.1*. " I ' ' pA.: 4 lf K 1 LLI R, :-Attornoy-,girTAiv:csi ; Citr , Ofiae. with' Vl7:l4". : PeiFoile .}.*4(1.1 Rho= a Han. • ' „, „ -- • ••••. •. sopt27 ' ' N. 'F.' J. M. WEAKLY • . • W.EAKLEt SADLER. ____A'_TIORNE ' A ma,Aiv„..oft i ce_N o . l 10 South llatiovor streot Onrllalu Rs. n0v16.67. 0. P. 1/U3OOIT. WU; D. .ERTXRICH & PARKER. TTORN NYS AT LAW. Offide on Li . Math St., in Marion Hall, Carlttlp,'Pa. G. M. 1 3BLTZHOOV,ER, - . .' TTORNEY AT LAW, and "teal Hatato Agonti SittplaerdatoWnOVed Virginia. nif•Prompt attention given to all imainetia In Josffor ton County and the Countiba adJolnioff,it i t ;.; _ .1 ,nuary 19, 18fine-I,y.- " " -"'" _ _ d E. 13ElirZ}100:Vtit, Attorney ..LI;a1LOnleo N,roimer.drpot,opposlte Bentz'. dry gond storo Soptombor 0, 1004,- , . • • • • , TAMES A: DIJNB.AR, Attorney at Lair, Carlisle, Pa. OftleO in N 0.7, Rbeent's llnll , July 1, 1804-Iy. ' • • • T. B. ZEIGLER Attppley at tAw, ty Saint Paul Ntmnegota.' Comitiquglcations from heot pcoporty rtTpon4ett to. 3jitn-qm ATTORNEY --AT- • LAW:C}EO...B.. MHO, Oflica; In lottotro , Bulttling;ortitt .19- Shearer, Kg. Protopt.nttontion pold to lOgal bust. m . .. ess of all descriptions. , ._- 3api 68-IY. . O7r D. 4pAnt,... A ttOwy ,At I.l4Nv i i, tnrlislo, Pry. Office, Wltli A. 11, 81Arp0,,E9., No,, , Small Ilrynoce7 Street, . Ain 1 7 7 1 Y. • • • .. TOS.IiPEI Attorrtqat tit Law and Surveyor, Mechanlosburg, 'Pa. Wilco on lload'Street, two doors north a tho' Bauh• 11 . )%3Insinocts proi?vtlx 499qfq Sq: Iyl3l. am. • -• R.IILLER Attorrigy _at Law. J- - . 15 - 61 • Co-In4hiin . ild orOo-bulng-Ammodhliely-op posit.° tho Court Itouro. , .- . 29n0r-07 , 1y • ' I=4' Aw OAR.D.-04A4L4S E. IV4- - I/CUMIN, Attoruoy Lull, OTtP 11,2, 9p. cut formarty_ocelPlog 1:1 ,4qa. , - July 1, 18111=1,3% .11 Q HERMAN, Attorney at Law, • Usrlisto ' Pa., Ng. 0 Itileoln's 1 1 114. • Jill}, 1,1864-IN. QA3LUEL fIE cBURN, Jr., Attorney aE La r. Olllcvlvjtjt lion. SKUIIIOi itupinirk, Main sr. earlisio i'a, July 1,1864. . AVILLIAM KENNEDY, Attorney V V ot, Law, No. r South AlarY.ot Oquare, Carklelo, P trona, Am1112,1t17,2:,_, ,JoiteLid States il, 4 ',ll I,l Attorney 4e,t at c Law xnd arusio, cuoa”.riami County, l',.,nidons, flout:aler t , I.loCk itny au.; 11114[110,1y collect.- d. A pplkfttions by mail will receive 'immediate ten t ton, ond.t,bo _proper blalitcs forwar No reo roquirod until tho claim Is Rotting], Poh:l4th, 1867—tf, GEORGE S. SEA- Dootiat, from the Bain . l-- •` more Collage of Dental Surgery. 6.ll_o(limi *at the residence of Ili. mother, East ',outlier street', throe doors below Bedford. • MMMI INO W. NEIDICtI, D. D. •lefLa Ilei . lionstrkol' of OperstiveDeptidtry of tbe ft l 4V -- swo, oflle..t. bis residence , no . ooLo IL,riuu 1110 Jr.! Xatr. ~troot, Collislo, Pa. v t, 1R54 o i rFui and Accoueh cur, hriving permanently in ant iti U.N.:burg, Cuniburland rounty.sPn., respect fully oilers his professional services to the public. Special attention given to diseases of womun and chit dren. • ....•nNIZ I• - .011 N G. CLACK, NI. D. WayuLaaro, Or. SA NW EL O. LANK, Chambersburg. no. NIcI'ITECSON, ttottyburg, • ISAAC SNIT U. - }Vey We - shako . . - S. D. PHOUTZ, Waynesboro. N. IL Always found in llifi office when not otherwise prefessloqally engaged. Juno 21—tf. RAIL ]?GADS. -2- taII3ERLAND VALLEY RAIL V . ) ROAD COMPANY. REIGIIT DEPOT, CARLISLE Tlio CumborlandValloy, l'antoylvanla and North!: OT ,, Control Hall Rand Compani MAO AP elrEangoluont4 to do Joint Freight and librivarding Business between t h e (tka of Philadelphia, Baltimore and Nrw York, TheTuraburland, Valley Roll Rnad Com env opened Choir Freight Depot at Carlisle on the Ist of January 18 . 60 for the reeelpt" and shipment n ail goods entrusted lo 'thorn. Freight to be forwarded by this arrangement must be.left at Penu,ylvaula Rall Road Company Depot corner of 15th and 51arkol St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Road Company's ,Depot Baltimore, and Cumberland Villoy Rail Road Company's Depot at .enrll/49, The public will fledlt - "to there - intorest" "to — ship through the Rail Road Company's Freight Houses, end by Company Care. ittioh.Dq, Freight Agfonts CarlleN V. R. 1.1. aIIANGE OF -nouns' Oirand after MONDAY, May 21st, 1806, Passoriga, Trains will run daily as-follow; -(6unday excepted • • WESTWARD. • ACCOMMODATION 'MAIN leaves Harrisburg 8.40 A. 61„ Mecbeolcsburg, 0.18, Carlisle 0.57, Newv111.10,54 Shlppensbitrii 11.07, Ghtibibersburg , Llo P. M., Green castle.l.4B,Arrir lug at Hagerstown 210 P. 61, r . MAIL TRAIN Isaias, Harrisburg 2.06 P. 111., liechatilsLurg 2.23, Carlisle p.OO, Newvlllo 8 40, - pon'abint'4.lo, Chalubbrsburif,groar!clAila:4 6; arriving at Hogerstoryn 6.55 I', M. .. - • EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Ilarrisitu4g 4.15 I'. M., Mechanicsburg 4.51, Carlisle 5.53; intip pa neburg 0.21, airlylng at Chambersburg at 8.20 A. 51, ' A MIXED TRAIN leavos Chatobersburg 8.20 A. M., Greencastle 0,30, arriving at !Digerati:viva, 10.16 A.' 61. - EASTWARD. -- -• ACCOMMODATION • TRAIN leaves Chamboisbuig 5.00 A. N. Sbipponslairg 5.30, Nowvillo 0.01, Carlisle 0.35; Mechnniesbnrg 7.04 arriving at 'Harrisburg 7,35 MAIL TitAIN 10.Lvos IlqgprFtown 8.10 A. AI., (lreonclictio 8,45, Ohainburstiurg 0.25, 81/ipt.pdsiontg 335, Newrillo• • 10.25,' Carlisle 11:n3; blethanliburg 11.37, arfiving at Harrisburg 12.101. 51:' P3PREBB TRAIN' leaves Hagerstown 12.00 M., fireeneastio•l2.3o, cliambersliurg 1.10, SUluliensbusgi 1,43, Norville :1.15, Carlisle. 2,68, lilecnitutpsburg 3,20, arriving at Harrisburg 3 ,65 I'. 61. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown B 05--. D; M., Droonea , tio 4.00, arriving at Dinunborsburg 4.50 P. 411. o.lslaltlng rioso conneollous at Harrisburg with Trains to ono from PinituDipina, Now York, Pitts. burg, Haiti:nor° oath Washington. 0 HAIL nOAD OFFICE, • Mny 17,1866. f READiIsICI On and. ok.). Nat'. 25, 1867, trains will run as follows: • - ortuAT TRUNK' LINN FllOO- bforth anti North.lVest for Phlladelphta, Now , York, Reading, Putt sonic, Tamaqua, Ashland,' Lebanon. Allentown, ElllllOll, Ephrata, Litlz, Thrucaater, Columbia, Ac„ AC. Ikultu. leave Ifarritburg for Now York as follows: "At 3.u0, 6.25; and 8.10. A. 31.,-and 2 05, and 0.86 I'. SI. connecting' with similar Tralulton.thr Pon vo.ylvan la 1101 head, and orriving ut Now YoriNt 810. 'lBls' sod 114 A. M t; and 8.46, and 0.80, P.. 0. Sleeping Cars necomprining the 3.00, A . : .81; putt 0.85 I', M. SmutlinaLLOL - I.oAvallarrishargilr Read ng, 'oBY 0, amtqun, Slinersvllle. Ashland, 01. Groot,. - Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10, A.M., and 2.05, end 4.10, P. N. stepping at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; tho 4.10; P. St. making connections for Philadelphia and Colunibla only. For Pottsville,•Schuylkill UAW. and Auburn vim Schuylkill, and Susquehanna Rail Road, lento, liarrlsbtirg. 3.55 P. Al. lteturulng: Leave Now York at 0.00, A. M., 12.00, Noon and 6.00 and 8.00 P. 51,; Philadelphia 8.15, A. 61. andB,3o, P. M. Way Passenger Train Wrens Philadeltdds 7 80, A.M., ['diming from Reading at 6.80, P.M., stopping at all Stations, Pottsville ht 8.45; A. M. and 2.45, P. 51','Asbland 0 00; a. tu, and 12.10,m. and 200, P. Mg Tamaqua at 8.30, A, 111; and 1:00, and OP, POL • • . , _, . . , Leave Petteyllle Terltatvlaburd, via Eidibiltylklll avid dunduohattna Hall Raid at. 7.10 A.ll. and 12.00 nqop. Ittiqding Accotnmwinttan 'Trala; Leaves Iteading. at , 1.30,..A. 71., returning tvoia l'hiladalghts at, 4.00 Pottstown Accommodation Tutln: Leavel Potts. town at O AS, A. 51, roturning' Ittayee Philadelphia Columbia Rail Rood Tralne leave ' Reading..l.6o, A. , 51. and 0.15, P. 51. , Ilphrita, TM's, .Lancaster; 'Ca l ulnbia - tta. . On Sundays: .Leave at 8.00,' P. — Ai; Plilladalphla 8.00, A.M and an, At wthe ,8.00 A. Train rdnnlng , iloadlro . Pottielle .8.00, Barriaburg 6,26 A, M. and 4,10 and' oz, P. 74, and Beading at -1.00; aud 7'46 A. AL for Jiitristraltgc and r l.ogA. 51.. andiv4o,.?;ll; fey 'l , 9ll',Tdlit tigtl4.26, P. Commutatlono tleago, /haunt, fiell'ooi arid' Exit r : ; Ilion Tickets, to and from all palate, at reduced rates. Baggage checked thronglu 100 poundsallowed ,eaoli Passenger.' G. A.GICOLLK . . Oen. Sup% • Reading, Pa.,,Nov. 26,1867. Oit SALE . . . . ~.• I tract:of fabiable hubor.liuid cOutaltdas' WAS, HUNDRED ACUT.lB . ,,liing ott the south Mountain piles above ISIt. lofty, kpown ae the steam saw Mei property. tbo treat is most favorably !pelted, easy of of amnia hod tliotlrober of tho beet quality. • Vor tonna de:; Apply to ETONOLER.. ,41tti rit:ll ntiS 04 I-. ril ‘ ,l gv,111 , 1 1,11,17" f ~.? Fr , - P.711' dv..l r rj.l " ,!kl.. 1(1 f".. - 1:(ii .I.' EN VOL', . . 0,1,4 r• - wlJt j 7J.JJ:t ti.u.r.,.rlßElFTitrkt.ttAll,„ditors alma PpoßrieortFir • . v j 'y , ti it ...I 1, 4 1 AC; I? 1,1 ,h,,1 ST AT TrkE .IsPTANP,CPI.4"i'MASI - 18TORE, CORNER or itiaroyAn-iNn a:kir - 7611a illerthst lo is stool - sink almost dkily fropi 'Egoism, efties, a largo ia4olee of Novenniii , ollesp akds, such' LADI 5' 06.1? ivl6oh • .mohatrA; • ' .; Black Jona' Reppg, , _ • Plain and' Fancy Do- Laltios; • Plain' and Fancy. , • t. ••' Altstes, ' R . AWL S! SRA NZB-f RROCIIA LONG AND SQUARE, LONG ATD SQUARE WOOLENS RIEEAKFAST'SRA.WLS;in,•grent, vpiietY • ...• :flip. y,Prx vilsjoil • • • • •.. • Cly HS' AI DJ,ASSIA:II4.IIiES I German aid 4 . Arnorlcan-CloOs • -Tryiecy Ca - seleileree, Bleck and Farley. J Over Ceatioge,,Battleofts, Rentucky 3earth, Undershirts marl 'Prawors t • - 41 ) T C S . . . , . Blond:10d and Invent, • • ,' • • • , Tdblo Dlapero,. • ' and Quilts, " , . —.Cotton. Flannelo, Illtiactied and - 7 • • ..• • Thible4Ond ' • tiMcings Cheeks,: • . -- • • ' REMEDMBIRTIYIPTAfigi.,., • corikadt 0 - *" • • ilkisTOV ER AND' PDXViIEi . STRY'47S; ' Ilici[roorn'tormerli.orciipiod by D. R. JAMESON & s eri . ~ TIIO3. d.IIARPH.R. cASH CASH LI , - „ have fhiii day commenced aolllog of entire stpch of Winter Goods at irroutlY rodocrol price u for 9qt• FRENCH. SI I•AtINOU3, • 'ALPACAS, • •••• . L'AJOIRTAB, - WOOt PT,AID9, mud other Dress Got do, at Cost.. _ . . Shawls, Blankets, Flannels, Llndsry. , &e, at very groat bargain& CLOTHS. CASSEVIEIitS qASSINETTS; Sw., very low. • • BA LMORA LS, Lower than ever Fold in 'Carlisle. 3.[USII),S, Tiekings, • Ginghcons, Merle^ Cmitou at the vex y lowest price. • All the best "mako'CAtICOES, at 121--efi As my stock has _been bought since theirreat eirroat de. Wino in prices. great bargains may be expected. Porno articles -less than cost to reduce my stock as soon as possible. BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES' MISSES and 0111.1:01thhi'd, Booth and Stioee, atila very beat makes, at cost to close out the stdek. 0. 0, 1867. S.r.W4I.G. 18.67 B44(l4kiNS, NOW OPENING IN • DOMESTIC GOODS, DRESS GOODS, OASBIMERES, SATINETS ~, .... ~.„ JEANS, WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 'ZEPHYRS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, &o. RING'S NEW STORE, No. 55 WEST MAIN STREET. ' -OPPosito 4,-fo MR.TisioP 41ra Ppst ()Ike, Cvisle: 1 • ; N, 4l7Lh, Sup. LOOK OUT DRY GOODS MEN TO TUE PUBLIC. I havojust returned from the East with my Spring Stock, and ueusual. I am selling Uoddasi-little-a6p or than any other Dry goods House In town. I do not think it necessary to occupy a column of news. paper to ondpavor to keep up my reputation for soil ing cheap Deeds ' nor do I wish to resort any clap trap to gull the public. Mil ask of them to call and eicarnine for themselves, and If not satisfied with the prices, not to buy. Remember the stand - Na; - 32, North 11510 1 VeVktrifet, I:feat-do-di, and linlor 4 powc . . rar I4o4wryra - qtary. MI. A. 1114E8. I', S. I you ea} , nothing About my thlrlllml fourth grana opeulnge, • aprlllo Of UNCH I S O-N! S TE .I.sete Broil?! .7 r - 5 0m. , 4 Vl:l42liit OF E;TATO THIRD STIIDETB, immediately in front of the Capitol, D, 11, DuTDDISoN, Prap'2l linrrlsburg, Pa. Jan. 4 oy.te. ISAAtI ; K. STAUFFE IViitc;hmaker - and Supl. - No. 14f3 NonTra?,,p. ST., mi. CIF qUARnt o 111111.4ADE1.PHIA. Au assortment of Watchon, Jowolry, Silver and • Plated . Ware'conotantly on band. SUITABL4 KOH HOLIDAY PRLISHNTS! OM, Repairing of Watches and Jowalry promptly' attended to. ;Moo 671 y.. . ?pc; • . Win: A. DROWN' CQ„ Umbrella &:Parasol Manufbmurors, '246 MARKET STREET,7 - . -" micAnFlir • ratite attoution totbolr iteelc of PARSOLS)— , —.' • • , SUN IJIIBRELLAS, GINQU A 111. SUN UhlUltilLLAS, SILK AND GINGIIAM:IIMBRELLAS For oak at, ttio lowest. prices of the day. , 9aprll4rn. • J.. BITETEAL & BROTHERS; and — ainiiiiisiiiiT;AfiFekiiii 417 (14i39dorion!a old At the Load of MAIN j BTALP,T. Corpolo; ThO Mitarot prlao paid for , 8/out" OrAin and *duce of all, Mode. :COAI of all kinds; orobiadlog LYICUNO VALLEY, . . . • • LOCUST: MOUNTAIN, ^ , • ' • LAWBERRY, de., de. •LimeMirriors and Blacksmiths' Coal constantly for. .aalo. Kept tinder cover, and delivered' dry to Any part of the towit", Also, all kl 3 nd~ U qof to baron Mind, • 68 - • J..WILLIARICBr 'B9NB, ` , NQ, ; iA'RatiT 3d4l724.oitrEEPO RENItY - HARPER , TiElatteik " 0 . No. 520 AR 11..4TnApg, . , „. .IVINA W ,S.UADE . . 2) " 1111 I , , - Ilne : WATCHER JEWntatY,-.BiLYFIIt WARP:O'nd SELL AT TAE LOWEST PATP.Efi."7“,, , AODGEREV ORM:dII.4THD.BII.VIRIC PLA.TEb Blinds repaired, Stqte Btiodos, Tsimmingp 1/Ixturee, url•ranecd plate; on the whitest .enctal • Plain. Bhades of all klndh,-ellitll3 - ooruloes,. Ploturo ' • z ugailioordo .. Bdi rum 4 ke. . ,MANIVADTIIIIEIVE; MIMIC •17ava 084 q. 176p1684m EMI 1 - -.4.1.4461.64—!1161 6 14241.. bralt t • -,•- .-- 7i'll Ulla , i -bri . bditT ,17W , „Ixtb.—.l.ixiT.itt • t . , , ttf,l,3!.dtio.e,tb,itivt di t orilli r1 , 3:19•1ti bat oi- qtt- AttPtqc! oltuiyi io vomorrt. iutt bi - tattrntinortt.l , .ootos, - t, ntt 1 1 ti „ ii i, l o , 4 l , , ~s 70/ . 1„,,, i. ... 0 „,,77,r7 „..., , . ~.,........,,_, ..,_ , , i-5 ttn !,!trittitt ~.,..._v ; ;Alrf ~,. j ",j ' tl,laam• gst - ,d b vat :{) - boobctre - t ?'"' .-- ' Ili - J(01 odu alnifif9a 13ri Fr ~,„ trttliAlibitta ad 1 - : , A . , d ,,, •• - ' -• . . cig; . p ... . - thqt Hotri.iot):ll,: . , ?!. : o-P r ~..... 171t1Id f.ail ,lit In?ltAtiitt Fig! 4. - : wq . 00;ielst 1,"•• - • - • • • '''' •-• " 'p,••'' - ' 1 " 1 a •ng othai,il f'• - : lo •;(11 - rU-3 - 17,,,7 . / :::',, ,vtl- otot oli) 741 - i - m1) tc. - ttnuo . ,; - • 1 1 ,- , Vititi t ob, 'ell t r - ' 7 °, Ac!__.,, 1111[ 5t 0 !it ~,.,,, w . 7 . p . , t,ii . - litt :\ viit 10 j, / q .. i Joni: . .i , , ~. . d ~:;‘,,,.- ... N „i , „ . . i 1,1. ~,,,; .t t , qts 't - ..13 , ,Nt z ttli:gitt ' 1,•t01 , 1 - !ttfltH4 0 .! .... I 1---.. b o ,,i_ „.. ,... ! ;,d.,-,,..,,,,,,i ~.„,,,; 1 1 ~ : „ . . I , j l i .u„ ) i ~ , , ,,, ,i i., 4 , 1 / . ji,,,.17, a 11.. . -4,, • , , ebt • .11 . ot".: - tilly .-. :,.. ..-. ~- • ! t.TLr; 1 —- f -,..- , N , f ,-, :folf -ff i , fi .11 ,oi 2- , w tit —: . 1 ,ii__, ri._,i _tl *.---',,-:, "-1 , •;/!.; , t v. , fi , ~ _ ,t •, , i l / 411 ,..,,, I ri thvg.i. Ei $., , t r ait . 4(7 „.: 11 . e ' r ~,- II flo f• . ,• - 1. f: ,I Id: •i , . b 1 , t, ' , 1 1 -: I t l '•• .i.l •: 1 ; ~,•.:: ~::: • 1 , : , - T_____ , - ; •Tz .4 1 0 ... , 1 , ' : : :: ±:::: i 1 1 1 , 14k .,, 71, 1 \\ l l i , .::t: ' I , : 1 0 .: .. 1: 1. :111; 11 9 i,ct i i - , i l: • t, 1 . 6. , ' .1 ' f 4;4 - , 4 ,•• ,: v • - I (........._ I - 0- 7 t- O r 1,2',t al i. •• ifp ; ,it - , f,' '';;,l ;- . .f . 74 , .r. ..,,,, ~,„ ~ - , l°' 001, 00 .' • • ,r -•E'' ll 'O2, 0 , • ; 0 - v -- it, ~ ~,_ "t• - , . L: :7' , , i. t,_,-,t)Kiaa';:. ) ': :: . :: . . -1. :, ,, t ''• -,.1' tr t s '' . 4.. , .3,tr.91 , , ~I' I , ;,: . , , ,L . .1,., , t ~ rl•••'. 4. •.. 0:.• i'' . .l•f '7, --! s. ' . t : ' I.I V. ',.. g - • 0 L, ''' • . -. 1 .1•1,•7 ait•P. ,, i J• 1••• i-,1 ,i,t . /)1- et' ,0 01 -- ti 1.64) lig }:{II a-- . t).o', LIM ,i11.1,0•,, , 1 ';..., 1 1, --- , ,,,, i ,d ii ,r i, ~ . „,, , i1 ~ ,i, ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ,•••••••••:; 1011 , :::. -„ , • I.\ ~d , , ~,,,,, „,,,!•...,.. , . ~..-:., : z ~ ~ ~..o. i .J . . 1":. -- Alin - rzIri;` 1 yoni, ~,o' , .o iik ; , rtivib IA 'l . lj -.1 jah 110 ' 11. : 41C41-i 1%-orrui .. , (1.,; ••i• P'.••••:•.,••••,•Th j '.aif - -7 - !, ,,. it:•:;•-:1 ;it...) i J_ , :ii4.,ttlt' ,t!! - , -1 ' • - X•I tPt `'--t ,kt bt,1f , , , 4ii.10, 1 .:01 0:1 ( 0 .% , 111 11 . 1 1 0 !" Mn ' 0 1:61 _fa '3`rDicr3 oi ; li7..iiiivr.i c• , - , c13 .!., ! - I, I, .4: 0 • I,c - ml : ". I ;'ilir, 0.. 1. .. , '•"'•-• :•. 1 ''''" -'` - -' c , "°- 1 . 2, -/1 . -...1%,fi16( 0 . 01f 1- .•( 01:f k. II 'l O ~,t'i , ,', ~-; ~ _ - ` 3. - „ ~ , , ~, ;.) 1.,, i „.„.,T,.., ~.,,,,, ,ii . ... 1, , i ii41 . 14 "- 17 l',, al:-JiSIFIAM =I dem ptcla4 ..- " " 0.1 le. in pd.? rto tal37".D b , ' ; ',. ) 1 1.11 , 3 T 1.1 ; ,.. ;114 . 17 . Lt. J'lyJ , • , • k „ . :, jj , JA: . 0_14,,'..; -7;1 ME vDons...h, 0 =MO CIIAS. 00 /MY, No. 47, West Main Street HO TELS. odl 01 'p;niw()--:.lzn:K.i..ici. - . .011,8CELDAINBOUS. Lod Q IA; gr4TP PA.$ AND f orOAV,u,',it b alz 4 ; . ..°,ll2;falaintagt jlolArt,t,Oubne,epliliiiVlQWoll)Ck,"Otyraondtiy;ttllo'Bth' .I)(ekiihsqn TRuniqll6) • - .1 Oftlis. • tNo. Ap. Tax - Tbfr. '1 84 Beetem,,_lllrock ' 60 1 4 13I1ennur,, 1V- • ;',4438 , Orehnro, John ~ 3 32 • talruletc4Jacob 01 ' 0 04 70.Grpacon, Jinues_,, 4 24 "3 70 llocumhAger,r2:,:: 1 31 104 Johnson , , ni John,„ 28'31 1441 Lorecti , e's 0 '412 , 47 12 3 g l e i . fOO 110,Vrd' . 60 .00Q PR. , oYruct. !a antor, N. or N. 1 00 4611ontfoni, J. kit. Ii 70, , 3 61Treary,0:01, 3 '341,114-rn6l.4' ' '3l 200,11'0nd% R e (hoire) 0 101 8, Poll, Jneoll , 18 1 115f.outik, !AO.n 7.n, ::,0 . Garner, JI/Cnb; ..4 04. Stinni '11: son Cockley, Noah 73 ! 6 Ilentz, Anton ]0 42 15 Lo9 ; 0140.1111 - g.1.1:Ilt69 - 8 ; 1;191 ti :John 11.1 P2 - sqer 5 Notising - inc - 1:. - 7 - 111 - • 9 ShuitTof;Davld ai %. 15.1111iright, Jacob 8,12 ' 55 130)911wa11,•47,1.,7 ;•111110111h4nr,;19. ; •' 52 17' ti-and; J'ai•ob ;;2 53 819 Nori:49ll, 1 9 COrlibt; Jlb' 128 8 791iciro, A1f,r,04 • 2 9 0art;.15'1111491 1 - 1, 21 Pileft and • 7 J01.92899,..14;440,:1. 1453 i - •couk, 1,1 ‘1,;•. - • 340_ 2 litiutina,n, l , -CO (7.; 1., 00 o.llelinnix,SAn?l" 1 I.o . sthith , 85 2159..4.8, - A :13:i 90 - 4).91149'811r4t4 lb, 2; a9gr, • Alpo.„ ,1 2;4 . ; 11Mard.".78894• •• • 1:85 'baud ; „, 4 99 :It; Zellory 0,9 m, , . 51 - 64 ! pc , 4v.14. - "14- 11,,4 0 t74 - . 28; . (9r7lndl;) , B'ST • PlitiAbOit" 52 Bitoptn, pad') „!:41 14, .311119 r, 291144 M 7 5 C 60 1; car's , , .... `l/(4t9 p . • ' 88 2 . IJLiI it , : M. S7l Ft.iton, , aiAen 1.5., I . 3 , yrki; OlkTiqt. 13 r `.7 141 iw, • .5 5' a Nto,o, t o •• .155 , 1 . lictotz,.27 g." ' 8 1. - Or Jpkor P. :1 24. ttl far; 14,int'1 or, 4101 Alobdburn. ' t Nl,E•rl t y, , {lO 4,9oo'M&Morn J. M. 20 11 11 , 4 70; t. 1 Shippoio rpc~ce • Sni . !itt j t"'“ ME , i - 0 , ,2 li T ,ll2,hooy,r, J. • , ..- ,15.11111Tr..11e110 I 4. yLnll.,) , 2 •12. ~ , 2 .111 4 1. 01 ,001,1„.. , 1.50 101)1,01hrat11, T 11:'' 8 u(' 2„.0 11euf.... 41121f10n 8,0:1 2h:4,00106r. V. W. 'els 0 :111.11InVer, John 350 1 lot, 8.00 h ..., Sll og. r, 22' 14 at rhrli. .Mal tin fol •10 .-,, .2 14 .00 51 Toyer; Chas. 5.40 . 311-I.trocon,.l l / 1 014 il) 201L.r.v,nr Prter _ - 4 10 10 11,41loger, I). 1-10 5 1 1 11ft•got 10vI 2 4'5 II 114.10.1 g, joroh 1111 20 Thrush 1/ • 2 50 • rAleritanl:est tov. - - I Witgvder, P. S. '...t Z Sliorl'An Tionry 1 )51 RanW'ord; .: - '3 31'Oullough, J. 11 8 ALI, P.nter A'. 48 18 Duubdr, John 1 18 27-11 at trum,-8.13 . 1 54 7 Cloy, Jun. (holm),- 28 0-Forbes, A. (hobs) 18 - 21 llolonllogor, John • 25 44 11ThorlIg, 11;: 1 04 _llo.,NnlhA T Jlorney.. 301 • ..., --- Silver 'Spring i 9 Ihuoboro, Peter (.-, G. 113 Sherban,J. G 112 Ear, B .8 enj. - 84 2 Hoover, John 1, 76 6 0101 m, G. (heirs), . 28 .4 Krassler, .1. Jr. IOU 40 Btsynom, 11. a- A 221 , , - Anidie.l.Be.e. 12 0001,0, Oeorgo 42 5 Risslogur, Pater 130 Iltplrich, 0. I', 023 7 Ilnpp, Levi Crain, Dr. 4os. 20 4 31111er, jacCol, 0 Coble, D (heirs) 50 E . golf, Julio A r o . tiit MithilrtOn. • • , 2 U. 113 Dmennn, M 60 tiloser, East j'ennsboro' 60 Feller, Dr, Wm., S!.lo l 3lumnizt, e.tutel Aron ton 2 Waggoner, J. T 1111ndIg, (heirs) 1 Klndig, 1 M'Oune, •84 1 Middleton. Wm. -1 62 ' bn 1 Stouffer, J. M. 20 10 1 Sanderson, .Im. 00 llopelval 4 Sharpe; Sean't 22150 Sharp°, Al. 1 00 55 Shirpo, J. NI. D. 1 65118 11 Cpnc, .1. (11olv,8) 81 frest' 11PRInney, P, `heirs) 75 -1P5pr.58.0t . • • ()TICE TO TAXPAYERS.—The i mreasufey c,„mti, will attend for the porno, of receivlng County and State taxes, as required -by Act nI Astenuble,_ at. thc__following times and places, viz: - . • West,Pwinsbero,' Alb° pull 1e Ileum. or J. W. Rah., May 16, and at the-house or .1. 011isnell, May 16. Monroe, at the pahllc house of A. L. Ilun,h, May 18, and IP., Upper Allen, at the public • beam" Joshua Culp, Lday 20,-and 21. towac Allen,l4“be public..hott4e_of .3. C. Beek, - May 22, and ht the Rublie.hquee.ol,lolinninkle, May_ Iftunptienost the public 'lewd, of. Mllea Crowley, May 26 and 22. Cart Pcnnaboro,' tants public Louse Of Jacobffline; May 27, and the public Isom of b. Ilatheld, iday_2s, Nuw Culicherhind, at the_publiE hnuso- of .Williatn May 29 and 30, 0 Newton, at thu 11 ' -1; at ettnighs n,'Juuo.2. Ilepowell and Newburg, at thu public house of Sharp, June 2 aunt 4. ' c... 14 ehippcnaburg Borough aiul at‘the house. ofJ. T. Junkin, Judd thiC6 anill2. • • at the puddle home of Inc. L. If nettle, June cc and . - Vat., at Om publlc home of 11, 11. 11 s yster, Jiino .10 and 11. . Hatithampton, at tho publin - Win. 0/ark, J Militia, at linettle's Indtoo: Juno 15 and 10. Franaard, at Illusory lloufin, Juno 17 and No~rru le, nt.tho lion not C. A. Ifeuuntl•rgor, Juno 19 and .20. - • . islhiuksox, al,:l3choul,llouFo, Juno 22 and 23. Silver Sprhiii . , , at Ilio !lowa (11 . Ol'Orgo Ducky, Juno 2•f and iit Ilie lwu.o of A. ic ,iuue 21. i. MAIM) . or - J -- 1,3: - lioe.qhur,i Jour tad d(. ' Suut h )11 , 1,110t0n, at tho liintro of S. Iltiploi,' Juno 20, 4111 at tho honiworjormaioli ;Hannon, Juno SU. . :%leohanlesbur , at the IJOUSd Of J. T. Karr, duly 1 and 2, _ - Ciu Ilnh•, nt tho Cornitil,ston:ms' Oillvo, July IS ancl .1110 7' rotifiuror t vv.:4 at hb, Wilco until the lst Jay Ili SCIA0111111:r II 1.1% Ilt• artu vh timo dupli. cube Ku' 411 luAntid ]nos 11171 l o Isnifed to tlui con stabit.s tho respuutlicu 16rollgli and tliwnsb.lps; Ilvo per'cont xlll liumvur ndthd to nil, tlixf.v, It not 'mid on or beforutllo 1110 .I,y of - August ulna. 0„It tat. VrateiVerbf Climberlona.C“unty- lit I riL6t. Iloovua LUMBER4ND COAL DEALER. • . . , Cyfiee - 15820 Maivt+ - " ati• as e, 601:int:aptly 04" clean, and In :the ilry; Lykons Stininokin, Willcusbarte, &e. ' , Nut, , Stove, ;Egg, and bro.lten elzes of Cheap 1.8 July t Denleer.inptutyn. Alpo nu excellent article Of IllackenlltiVe goal on bond 8 q 8°11e(1 . "qe ( itt!. S X- • - '.- - - - , ---L-4/s;ligl;itiltiii/g4(4lt; .41a ing and' 81tinijes • EpT. B RAN . PO . -PAM 4'.l,4ftiri3l or. MO, dollvorad pidmptly to ordor. A olutrdof pattrmago rorpootf tttly tiollotod,. H. riapril4m ..A.',.DMIL4ISTRATOR'S. - NOTICE:LIL: , . - doll 't 't ti ' ' "' ' if tit 'or Letters of a o r. to on ,on , la , es e;. st t er RentiOredu I, latent .I.lcootoo tow Oillitr:OilinbiSP M od county'. dte'd., bass been Issued W. t o liogistei to the Subsetilist.teeddlOtt'in theiennie. township.. All' personAhsvinir claims will'present • them, and , thoso indebted will malts payment to' 1114 W. NIEBhIY. . , "Administrator.orLstlici.ifondefeault-deed. z, , ,a(i a 7oq-7:.Tv!a1cv..40,D1- ,R - O,OF.LAIVIYS 811 TE RS. I.IIOOIS4IIDT:py,I4k,4IT,T,XIS; I=IIMI =I ffooftand's''Gbi'marr.TOnie." , Jiteloolv, P/ 11 -TI4PEr'rEET4 ,I "4... TitA t prtAtAeme,dios for All .Diseases Arm Due 45 14errcemor,,I. ' 7 11u1.10,_ 8: (sill , 63 .3 Davls,lMostist t 03 J,qcpbylleorge t . 011 •tjo JoSobs; tJtiorits.' 7 1 '24' 4 /% I Mtr: l 3P4r 8 1 I 4 Myers, ttlom'l 1 40 ...6 , Blyotrclatts:ol , t tltt - 01/ 310 GitL Daniel , 85. 0 biiittb,V6llll'' '1 . 20' 1 Wn19...ttri.4400,1 . yers fillet 93 Vat AlyerAt. .1,..t; a It' 50 , 5 6 . 46 " ttl t iIe r r i eTrIll' ,22 15'8firritur, J. orJ.,L. - 2 25 1. 8 WltltitrrpOdn,ll l /.: ••• 03 5 Albert, 'Widow 84 tloklacobis.'oh l ris .6 81,yerrj,,,, 841 31 111yers,`Cbss. '4 . 11 10 81nyers, 1011111 i t:+ '34 1 11 !leacher Jacob 1 00 'LIATEit OR =I Bitiers , . I -.1-;_tilall,:ill• ;1,, ~,,,, ; ... lig eompoßed of tliQ,yinre 491enti (or, ne they sit mediel, r nnliy,icrrnlt l / 4 1,,t :tor • • ~,,—t flyids). of tot oo t it, 1 1 , , ,f, 0 1l 0 gllll iilggii•go,. • ~ .. , - - i l l „making,- er propror& itirm, •tilyidy'C. iiteen •, , t......7,4, trued, rind entirely Yrfv.frok,Alcnrynlic , ' LC.,:t.i:!J lidmi,7lltite'gr_ntv kind. - .,..... . HOPLA.D'S CtERMAN TONIC eomiilnallon 'cif nil the logretllontif of tile Dltleelf, Willi. the Jutrest . -titiality of Sonfa — Criss. Rum, Orninge, the., making one. of the most pleasant and, agreeable temeilles , over offered to the pit We: ' Those preforlug n IfutlJeino ffee.fromAlrobolle ad baxture, q ill sloe ~ . . goo Rl 4, Gera na,n Bitters hi ill . fiC"6. of neiyoue aepreselorn when eome eleohono ttyppkunte neceeenry,': . • EfOOFLAA'a, GERMAN TONIC .• ' . The Baton or tho Tonle are both equally good, and • the came rotaltriont virtue!, , . Uthe.rtoinnelt; ftem,a'VorletS. of CRITSCP, each CS Indl -01,66,1, 35,yrpeptitn, -...,, Nonoun ,• Dotalltty, :140, ili' Teryript to "I , ArhaNti tte functlons • tlerattard. TIN maul! -7 of WhiCh iii, that the s patient Induce from revernl , - or moto Of • ,:, ~ the'fol 'sort 1 1 ii Wtthl, (1% orge , • 15 '`Tl)ii , itsllip.-: • ,Constips,tion. rlaruleriee - Inward-Pites, • .71 11 nean Of Acidity of -the =Stinnanbr Hansen. newt- burn, Disgust for - Food, Fulness Or - Weight - in the .atorlitich, 8011? • Fruotatione, • 'iu or Fluttsring at - the Pit -• of the Stoma, kW- Swirinaling of ; the Head. Hurried or • Milleult -Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking. or Suffoe , tinmSensations whim in a Lying Postur , , Dimness of Vision, Dots or „Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain. in —the Head, Dell. - Money Of 'Perspiration, Yel '4tr.rner.ei of tile Skin and ' 2 y e Pa in in . the Side, Baok,Chest, Limbs, oto., _).. Sudden Flue 11 e s of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginingnef-Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. • • = Theo romedice ivilleffoctusliy care Liver Complaint,. Jaunaleo, I)yaN3 - Mia_, - 011Vonle or Nervouo PtibUlty, Chrootr-I)iarrloen, 1)18mum- of - the Ic.4lrie3m, -- and - au Dlaelmokaping from a IMortlered Liver s Stomach, Or intektlto.h. • Resulting I from uny Cause vrbsteVer 'FROSTRATION OF,THE SYSTREL", • induced °K.J9 -Severe Labor, .Herd., chive; Exposure, Fevers, eto, There to no medicine extant equal to tbesp remedies In such cases.- A tone and vigor' Is imparted .lo thh whole System, the cued, rood Is enjoyed, j .., .. " : the stomach digests promptly, the blood 4, 4 . to purified, the com. plexiori - lc em-co the yellow tinge le eradinoted from the eyesis bloom Is given to the chectr, and the weak and nervous he valid becomes a strong and healthy being. Persons Advent eed Lifeick ~ And feeling the hand - of time Weighing heavily upon 4 ' tthis hein,wlth all Its attorfilant ills, will fi:pllin.the of ßlTTEßB, — or„the TONIO;*an . eller that pill Instil now life into their veine,,retttort4' In Crneastird the energy and arddeofinere yOuthful.dityo,hulld ndd their shrunken forma, and give Ims t ith and halitilgeSS to the i r rernalninF ' • ' 'l , . , It to h well-eatabllrhed fact that fully min-half of the tomato portion of dur population are sel dom fitt the enjoyment, j • - of ;rood health; or, to ti eo thou own ex prorelod, "never feel well." Thoy are lan • gold, 'devoid of all energy, oxtromely fervour, and have no appetite. To tide -e/are of persona the BITTERS, or the TONIO, fap . ; *tally recommended.. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are roade - stroug by tho use of either ornate remedies. TheY'svill mire every ease pf MARAISM. S, without -- Thousands of terttlicatca bore accunitil l ated In : the 'lnae-of - the-proprietor, but space will allow of the publientfOn of but a few. Those, It will be observed, aro man of . note and of ' puck standing thaphey must be believed. ),Ton. Geo. W. Woo4ward, Mfg/A:Wee of Pie Suprene 044 of Pa., writes: ' Phifordelphict,lfnreh 30,186 i. ' ''• f..lllndilroofland's . Oermnn Bitters' to w el a a good tonic, useful ' 7 .--- In diseases of the 'digestive orgiu: , and u " -- ", ' of &eat benefit In tuxes of debility, nod -: ''' want of nervous no. lion In the system. Yours - truly, • ,(JEO. W. WOODWARro.".. .Huge of the Supreme Cmortbf iennsylranta. 1. Philadelphia, April 214., 18M n I consliter - 0 - ormnn - Blt torn ' n valuabli Medicine In cnso of attack s of Indigestion or Dynpepels. I Can cortify qde from my exporlento of It. ._ "aoura, with' rrepoCl,•-, JAMIi9 • , • TI.I.OMPHON.” _ From Rev. Joseph' 4 ,t, 4ionitard,'D. , . , .Vgstor i.Ne Tenth RuyanChterth, Plaitadelphia _ flr. . '.. • . • Juck'son-- , lithw Illr : I hove been frequently ,ro; thy name wait recominendaticino, of glittering, tiltolo of onallalnuo, fiat regardinit the pro° , Me on out of thy op. -r , . .liropr I 1 k t o . sphere, I have in 011.c:toot do ~, • alined •' but with a clear proof hi Vail '‘, q,,, ono Itudaticca and ' , particularly: , 10' my ' own flidly, of Alp lu usvfilllicon of Dr, lloolitimlis Gorman 1311wo, 4 &port for once froth my multi thairoc, ID avorolia• my full conviction that, for. 9 ,,, c4 vi-,kbody of ih o o,fem, and e.spcciall l yji, ..piver tootidnin4'it isot scife.'and vatuabfo prAw OW 1.11.. to nl/1111,CIPVilittrlilY faili_bakinaudir Tintibt not, It AVM he VOly billionth:it to thooc,von dirt or - from the above calms.'. . • ...,, . Youro, very teopectfully,- . h . ~ J. 11. If.ICNNA RD, • .' ' - r .. • Illitiab, below Doitcit Bt. . - . - --- . From Rev.'.g.'l).-tendall, - - -. Aistycirditar gli;tias! Chroycle, Phfladflph4 I have derived decided bentillt from tho use of Hoof. land's Germart Mork and feel it mylrivitege to re eilftrare safibring from general debility or from diseases mining from derangement of lite liver. • Yours . • • • TENDALL. • • iloodeind'elieniiati lieinedlen arncoulitertolird, 'diet the olgnatliro of - ' ,-01 - M. - JAUKBON is. on. the wrapper, ft into of eoell. 10, All otherostro 'Conn "iv •• terfelt.' ' Principal , . Office and 'Manufah.tor.v , at tlniCiernirin Medleloo Endre, into. 631 AROII Pidladolphla, 1..," • • • .; 034 - 4.zt Es 211.',X , V4.N13; Grmati - Drugglet u Croptictor, -• '• Foruwrly•Q. JioxKoN Ac Co: Vor nal() py all Druggihtn and Denll•rx • frßo4nsVg Gorman r pitiers t per bottle , .. ,00 • 'lf dokon'.;.::::,. f .:d 'ilOobland's German Tonle, pot 'up ottiirCbOttles, 1' 60 per bottle, or ifialf dozoo tar. ' 7 130 • riar Do ,not. forgot to asantloo, well tho sotto!, you" buy, Itio!ttor tg, got the genuine. • 1 - • ry± AZZEI u~ r~e should Id) used EO3OJ3II_,I7C'V, NOTICE. TESTMOMPL-T.B. 4ex4_ James Tliompsom. CAUTION, sled , LI n sP.,•;::: a His •11 ; - AIN.. •I; 5%%1 -;•%1s-ssi . x. r, Sn'tSara • Iv.•;+.l's Is s r. s. •• • •ksl%;% - iv - 3..1* ; - • , • fr {tAlt; . 1, 4 1; y . eyssi:s.d. , :i 110 I As _ II) . :I;. I , o:ErkAz. rtiiiiEinfGs • , • • , , op. • ••2 • 7; . Aphodo,P , ,our. • Yet tit?, Trap Plena. in the sky, • •'; LihO some park spidtfortelling • MIS poyering7nlgh ; .All . fht•oughtho sunehlno of summer Anil ilke ihisty outorink haze,: 7, We welcomed oppieot ne*.comor: •. With her pinSomo looks and rrnys. tut when the roues had per s co And the, Wind slaberithro' tentless - bawors; The ono ire foudOrly . nhoristrod Tonic the birds and flowers: Alas; for, ilia days so dreary I And tliotteurs so strangely still; The longing till the hearts aro weary , Tor something tho.ratd to fill. n MEM .• , coiling, A idetora hangs 'from tti A fatty with silken hair --tioti the &Ott - Wilt ryvonitug • Ono TM foot that to bum,' - rittf sUreet by cot And dm tnorry.dimples play— Alas, for our tears aro starting, Our darling is far away. tread tlio.necnatorn - edyincee, Thirshotliswe darken our Joy, _ _ .7ers — th t — c id it - triFol rt Appear on each ehattered.toy. - ' - •Tho dolls; with their robes 'Tito empty spools on a string— " Drokon lona, that once , ware garnished t?Witit nuttiW lustrous . tiling. .block lambs, with oudurlngßeecos-- Sholls, that In oconns•wero found— Bottles all taken to places To too what ocenslono'd tho sound: Rubber rings, whore memory llngorS- Of four Ilttlo tooth of pearl, Thars6mottnusj sh ut ouk our fingers—: • * Vie wikkfo; ipisclievoinizkri Twolittle shoes of bright leather, Defaced, and chawed at the too: For noyer, in the sunniest weather. A einglirstep did they go. Al,, through what windings and Mao!, -,3165t tigno busy little fret stray Through paths all bordered With dalltioa, .Or climbing the_tTland way: " . Sttallqo 11K0 the al)aliit, Madan • 14 the hourts Intormout f.;11_1, Coon ng tho tear-elntpl unbilltotr, . When trifilos lilac therm wo bkhold. Thou teutlerly gut her the trettsures, ' Shrine them in cachet null urn; / They laint; retnettibrat t eo of plonstirtoi - That - perhartnnay 110Tel 4 room, EAT: L Obwrerr. MISC'E 4,L A REO US. NO. 10, BLANK STREET A - gentlentan ran he accommodated' with a oe:teen suit of rooms: at ko. 10 Blank Street. q.;1.1a use con tains all the modern improvem e nts. Before neer( , quired. The , advertisement seemed Is, ins to promise well. 1 ,was tired .of my present' 116 - 113 e. For five years -I had 'occupied_ the seine rooms and the same seat at the table. Tho penny postman Avii's not hater knoWn on his beat than I was on my - way to din ner. ' I did object to boarding-houses. Was willing to eat baked beans on Sunday, but-I wished to partake of them in - a pew hi - minty.. Blank street loads out of Beacon, therefore it must be genteel. :Probably a suit of rooms, their would be expensive, but I could afford to indulge myself ft - little I was thirtY.llve, alone-in the world, very well off, and doing a business'which prom-, ised a speedy fortune. It was time I began to take life a little more on the sunny side. I went to No. 10 Blank street, on my way down. The landlady, Mrs. Leo, was a wid ,ow; handsome, stylish, appare , tly not Mao "tlittn thirty, I heard afterward that she, ivuld neimr.see fortragain; but as, my in :hi:trent wash harder to Whom she had been ender the necessity of sending ..small bills" It iiceoint time, it was doubtless a nui- Ramis slander. She was a very attractive looking person..and I was at home with her at once. I had no sooner told her my name and business than she seemed well ne qqainted with me. She bowed and smiled. "I shall be most happy to accommodate you, Mr. Prescott. This wily, if you please." Her black silk dross rustled before me up two flights of stairs: Her full, light curls shook - with a coquettish grace she inr.ned her The2..roomswero-'dolightfel-- spacious and handsomely furnished.' The terms were little exorbitant—at least I ' should have thought so had I been dealing with a' man of business; hue 'surely ono Would willingly pay it little trifleJo- sit at tho same table with Mrs. Leo. Her family , she assured me - was of the 'Select des cription; some threepr (our, single. gentle. men of high standing and as ntany gentle men-with their wiye4. To be sure she was her attics with cheep boardefs, asi she could not afford to empty rooms; but they were quiet, and she - trusted, noan nolaneotoany one, . . - - wont there, bag and baggage,' the 'Mit .morning. I moved my pictures. I loved Art in ist111)(10.5t;q10f-diffidellt fashion, andj had some fine prints, and itibu; choice paint ings. '• When I' had hung them up to my satisfaction, and put the Ilnst, (Apia, the dreamy face I loved-se well; on my mantle, 1 ]oohed ,bout my -Parlor with serene sat isfactkin:, I met Mrs Lee's family at dinner.. Some of the gentlemen Wore business. acquain- tances of mine. ThO ladie.s seemed pleasant and comMinionable, and "al.I went merry a marriage bell." .Mrs. ,Loo ".did the -honors of- her .establishreont-so. , grucefully,. that I was more (Alarmed with her than 'over. I pitied Alm dead Thaddeus—l had sean.tie same in the fondly Bible—be Cause lie liu~ been obliged 0 resign 9u much youth and beauty, for she was hut a young. Thing, she told ine, when; - she was left . to depond upon herself. - 'The very winds 'she said bad never been allowd to touch her 'roughly.' Mr'. Lee . had worshiped her as the Ilindoo does Ink thought, it an" idolatry at once pardonable and pleasant— butheilied suddenly, add in soma way she was defrauded of all his property, and had been obliged ever. since to talto care of her self. But, than_she said, milling with tears still in her eyes, every ono bial been so kind or-,#s le Mids found — friends overyw Who could help being ready to betriond one Bo lovely and so winning?• I thought ,as listened to her. ' • •'• , N s et imagine , all.,this .confldonco was - liestowed-ourno at 'our ' first mooting; It came out gradually when l -- got into - the• habit of, lounging •for half an hour. after !dinner or an hour in The evening in 'the family parlor; of which see and I were of -lan-sple-ciecupants.Llcertainly matrimonial intentions towards Mrs. Leo, I liked,my.freedom, and• was determined to remain a laacheior; still I was intarestedin my ' landlady, and congratulated. - : myoelr, dally - on,. haying found a .home where my buokwheatOyero alWaYs hot,' and 'My cep, of happiness - Mid tea alike sweet .and full. • . I W, hat a happy . Man your Misband should 'have , balsti 1 41 1 said to Mrk. Leo, • as" - - I watched, admiringly,•her nimble fingers, fAr she :insisted on mending my' gloves, I 'was but 6 Xpressitig, ,ft .frequent thought of: niine. 'I 'Barr no call I fOr,my•landlady blush, though it ,'Was not unbecoming,; 'I hadefirely.meant 'nothing sentimental, but oho resolved my, remark 'With ar . flutter of pretty, ployful.innbarrassment...' • • 14 1. hope; ho • Was; elle sighed." trust I made binf so, "and yet I did not lova him as he loved kb). was rr•'great' : - deal •••older•• thab I; and:l think L:Wall;:tob young, then tOliew what love was. , I belieVe. our' af-, I 'feation is truer and fendori,when we have, seen more of lifmand learned what Is prec ious thing it is to have some one to cars for ` and protect us. But whet an I saying? IMi in'Ady44ce, or. Melo,weitlpiltho year! ,„ am confiding .3n•;;you. strangelrivl l- Yotir; gloves are done„ , ; , ' hurridd out of the' room: • was my :turn torha embarrassed. Had rc%icansr-1 I.thing to - inove yti.s. sensibilities ,in 'so; 'Veins - Hi : SIAS :a ,manner? • I• theught Perhaps -tho-rnoniork of:the (laid - Thaddeus,; • and his love, had been; too ~mush:L f br tier. I felt. tincirifOitable, and I - betook-myself to my own - room. I- alWays' diil4: op,On;, it W 49 one of my (do banholok wnya it seetood more) social, 'As I wont up, stairs I saw a girl -standing,' lebking" 4- - parp:ntly_with-Asorbed-attoution-a-L:m Clytia,--Ilei form-, was slight -fink girlish,- I could not sec; her face,'but 114'dress Was of cheap, material; and :simply fashioned; "One 'of,the attic boarders," I thought; Yor Perhaps a seamstress bringing hom9 . . When I approached her. she j.urnocl..aud, glanced at mo with'n conftised and distress :. "Forgive me, sir," she falteredi .:urfts taking a liberty, I know—but . .tb4, picture is. ;so beautiful?" ;••J ''"d‘ • "So you aree'.l, longed. to .retort,--but,:i. 'did not. Thad - had enough of,cornpllment 'jug for One -, day. •Thefad.o was singtilarl:y . lovely. Shelled a low, broad.forehoadttim very forehead of the; immortal Clllytim . , eyes wore large and'hfue, but full 'of:the' saddest, most wistful expressionl over met.' ller face was very youthful, hie could not, have been 'more than sixteen—and her full' red lips Thad . -, - something. ot..the I - look - sr; of - a' grieved child.- I - had seen, and, felt thin. in, the instant xny'oyeS Met hers. courteously,: - • ' 1 - • '; ; "Not at all ii, • liberty II am , rewarded for leaving my' door open if it` - has - afford. ed -you any _pleasure. , I wish you - *odid step inn moment. and look at-my.piettirer, If ,you fancy the ,Clyttci . ,' I-am' sure; you would like some of them.'' - - Mere wasit sineular- tiliseneOPf - 8 ,1 I: Pril^ dory or V to child. I suppose she ~,aiy middle aged inns= for ..Q. Il sod to hneyouttla,pf, honest :sAiwed. aii me at "once f a Crust that was the ost delieato of fliaterY: . ..iti • came fit untie tatingly, and' lingdred for a few moments, while I told her about Th he pictures. 1 could see e flbro of mind Iv the .r.xpression , or her countenaneo and' lic tune .ol 'her remarks . as else lo o ked at horn • She -had large ideality, Strong love 'for' boautp• which .bad probably- liden starved ' all her life. It was such a pleasure to . see the grow , and deepen in her great oyes, as she stood with thht wistful face, .those parted line, that I wished the resources of the Louvre hail been ht mY" 'Command. . When sluthad : seen them all -she -thanked - me in. that simple, childlike way of :hors, "You.finv(r-zi von me a grihit pleasurd; sir. I must go now; but 1-shall-have -soniathing- , to think of which will•makc,,PanY,,..p:dlVll work eltsier." • "Dii you. live here, Miss—?" • ' r “Hastings," - she -replied. My name is Nora Hastings. Yea, sir, I - live. here—up stairs. I breakfast and dine earlier. than you do, and sitnt the corner table; so it is not strange that you have never seen' me, though of course I had seen Mr. Prescott, - - the new, boarder.„. Good evening sir." - •-• - She moved from Me up stairs as sho sp'oke.• It was not quitAsunset, in the-long summer days, and as she;wont up the rays struck through a side window, and kindled some, gold lights in her brown wavy hair• ' and somehow my boyish fancies of Jacob's lad der, and the angels going up and down it, came ilito my mind, and? I said to myself, ' Heaven bless: the child," I flatter myself that 1 made use of a de gree - of diplomacy which would have done credit to the Chevalier Wykoff, in question ing the .ehamber-maid next morning. I had hen in to dust my bw,Ls, under my personal supervision, add I led her into ebn versation üb,out several of the boarders. At length 1 asked ; ."Was there any one in the house I could get some sowing for me, did she think? Had I not heard of a Miss Hastings, who was a seamstress ?" "Perhaps so,' but Miss Hastings did not do such work as gentlemen wanted,"-with a hearty, laugh. ''She finishes off 'd resses, 41411 ibis Ahem,- and makes mtin— tillas: Most likely this was not ,what wished to hare done.'" "Most likely it wasn't: But perhaps the young lady wns not stop busy, If - sho were out of work she might like to do what I want in her spare time." V,llen thought she did not hitve any spare time. She made eyerything-look:sei-beauti that-tholadies-kepther,always.busY?' j'An she's the rule lady' herself," broke 'out the warm-hearted Hibernian, in a gosh of irrepressible - panegyric. "She's sa Afraid' of mating any : trouble, though sure I'd work iny oz - 10;ms to the bone to spare those. white howls of bore. - .When I was - sick-nod: wilb - ,tho - favor,ielio - burabo - ro - tik we into her room and nursed me, and sat up' ytjth me nights, after working hard all. day; and when she thought I was asleep I heard her "praying - for me I Her prayerii , wasn't out o' tlio.prayee book .but I know the saints heard 'em." 7 • rhootoppod.and... wiped hoe. e'yes. cg), ,the corners of- her oldie° mime. Man .though I was, 1 could have wept with her easily. It went to my very heart to think of doing patiently and sdcratiy such works of mercy. 13ut I wll3 not, surprised. I had rend the true ea - rnest nature, the power of setf saeriiiiii. to her eyes. ..' , Good bless and .heap her I!' Isauna myself avert' finial thought of her, and those times ivory not fow., That day e purchased a Clytie„ the cit'6 7 'at Mile of my own. At tight? took it hpmo with me, and lavnta these words to go with Dustings 'permit her follim - Goim'der to - ollbr - hora gift, - tht acooptamo - of whio will confer—much Pleasure? ,Iter admiration ortho Oytie was so hearty gentiine, that he thinks to pOssess it -May ciirribute slightly to her happiness." t Sing 'or' linen and begged Act' to take .the bust ari„d little ante up stairs: Presently she came back biiaging -with her a few lin OS 1V rittliwiri PI accept your gift, as ram suiTo it was wolf meant.' You • have_ deigned,.to give . pleasure to ono who possesses few'resoneces for amusement, and be sure that ^you havo.! succeeded. ..I thank you moin •thap. I can say.", • She had rCeeived• it' as - 1 wa.4 . aura' she whiCh, had :my motives been evil, :Would have repUlled me-,more effeettially than any sarcastic ,refusal.: I respected all - women. It was the part of my.,early training at tho hands Orthe:liest of mothers; .but• already I reverenced that young sowiagirl , more than any woman 1 had ever : lira. Leo puzzled ma not a little when wo met, as we Usually did, In the !airier 'after tea. ' Ono or two of the other Warders were, there at first, but firesentiftliey went out 'and we wore alone.' It seemed to inn that .her manner. toward. ruck . far, repro _liko. that of n young girl, to whom fled boon making- love,qhan - like , a landlady's. Simple courtesy towards her inmate. • ~' • ' am not sure I hal bettor stay here with you,'!. she began; ~Y ou do beguile Me,: as you did last night, in sayingTsuch - iniwer;- rnntebleAhings, revealing all'iny heart % to I was utterly' confounded,. 'What Mid I .boon ,doing? I_ - bethought, Myself of Xt.'s. Berdoll's suit against the reepeated Pied *dent'of the" Pickwick Club, and trembled in my.patentAeathers fl 'Mr. Weller's. , ad .vice to Sumivel come into my mind,.and..l answered a little stiffly': • • , had-not meant to force your confidence, dear 'Madam 'an'd' did not knew Abet 'you had `over' maid anything - to which the whole ,world might not properly. hear."' -Perhaps she thought she had been pio gressingtee fast. She smiled, shook lier long, fair curls, and rustled the Colds of her blank silk. Snonnid' I was a naughty: man, a loiy :L .1, ,:tfa - " " . 1.;." , miughky, man, to „take up thingo,,se.,ipi 'Cotirse ' 'slid hiteifel duict'OAYthing, to, me o( eQhfi.orifitence_tAn ly. it Wed rastr:lioSsible think ad( little.queer,thatelle loved Mr. .Lee`. „quiterma , ddoringly'ne,he Badlbi s tid - But: twltY.need_*sbei - ,,truuldo, hereelf,': :yhetti she vii knet'weirfa g 6 no'ruid,her ir,i3Of , Collreciittrwo'uld` rittq' ana l OP 441 me tkkogioilon tieptf fibs to use was tE ..There , a anAurf a very aw ,- Ward 4 It,:wonldf be- very diffibult to atty 'any= .. thing . _Lmore,-Lthciught.-„But-Mrs-Imeirlid, -not find it so. Irdrl, Hie tadtlof nezitr 'giOn is wondd(fulb live iY nb tes l ' one back two daykipt were talking,tdgether - cu Our ~m a- X prins of„pleasant,, easy familiartty t lefties sonsbWhat rnoreabsent-mieded 'then forteepyr.perhUp?..-fitsrmen3totany thonglaS Were with the littlo,girl on the attic. • , . • tlireddtSVaethii , rlitid dentlie4dlid EHlytTe botoro , l'sawittotagaird.:Then 'I met her .on the stairs. ' Itwasteight,o'oloold-om iptist:hirthe ‘l7O 'going dui atter rny` customery„ chat r with lard. -iLeti in ate ;parlor, and I mother,corning -Ilerface :was Very- pale; rind ifte stopped wearily. She smiled:a little: when' she saw me!. tindi-OicifY;' 'ping, held out her hand, - , • ..1 • r' '1 ere verY'kiiid Iltr.'..Prescottond 1.1 'urn mere:grateful than lean' kik." •' • ' 1 __ ,l4 ..L.only_wish' l 4-rospondea-eagerly i r"thitt , yriu WoUldiet 'np contribute to Our pleas urq- noWiand then,7 , r- YodlOoklired, 'can't, :bear to see,a,y9fing girllikeyou wear,: tag 11(67°11' Out." * - 1 4 1 t, cannotbe helped; 'sir: ' I arn - only tdo thankful bat I haye.somethlng tOdo.rlneed ncithinif -all my Wants are, supplied. pleasant to - feel-that h"friend, and'l look on you as oriei, though I,' elahn; . "'would td you n' T claini on me ?". „Ithought. as -I saw.. her toiling Wearily - tip the-stairs.`Wouldi that she were my sister, mi aide°, anythin - g that would _give rue krtlit - to take_ the.wOrk.Miamf-her fiends and preset:the:for:lm change . - . of air' - and icemit)r, Titile pleasure I Then 1 fell : to tilinkingone''ll , Btfollea' across' 'the commo n , Iyhm.n.,s4,,strn-pgo tyrant ens- teal Sdeiety:AVould le( me do, whet .I pleased for my second eouSiiih-:-shifie On Me' if I, sent clothes to the Sandwich Islanders , or arahmeties 'to the notion tots—bia would by - 'ho means let use lift the btirdens 'from 'this poor girl,--'who ;WA-my' d'Aightibir, with ono ef . ; flng . ers. - cried- out ,agaibst; the 'absurdity , of such a, de cree.* - Whrirdist - I 'pile - up 'useless Wealth and Aeon tier.? - ; l3itt, for ler.lakel submit to laws 1 toad not Chang.° ; lot' her own sake, 'I must not took to help her:" •'' As Jeanie home, thougli,,l did indulge my ,- `Self so for as: to buy a toa, rose in ,fuli 'Mid a vet Of. lieliotropes.—They Stood in my :room over. niglit, and the, next morning _'l sent Ellen to her with them, and-the request that sho.would take care of them for 'no.. had take:rya on trust that she loved flowers, 'end I Was not disappointed when Ellen came back 'rind told me. that Miss Nora was 'go 'overjoyed to get them that she almost cried. I !tulip - dried to meet her, that day as .T. Went up from dinner. "I hare you again," she said earnestly:', ... "Lam grateful: The flowers:wfll be such comfort for me." • I asked her then' if she -would find time the next afternoon to.go and see some pie( 'tires with me. 1,1. was when the. English collection was at the Athenemum, find there was ono painting of_lfincla, whiCh I longed whore her see. It was the face.of one who waited and watched, and somehow I asso ciated it with hers. She could not' refuse,.' she said; it would be such a rare pleasure, she must make time somehow. While we were talking, Mrs. Lee came through the hall. , Sho nodded to me, but she cast on my compadion a look of singu lar distrust and dislike. I noticed it then and remembered it afterward. Sho spoke to me that-evening 'about Nora Hastings. She had observed me talking . with - her; shelled, and would I tell her if I was going to marry her ? I might thinklt a very strange question, one which she had no right to aski but if I chose to answer it, sho would convince .me that she had good reasons, ' ---- TlaidißY*Hsr - 11;Fiir - beiifiaion. The thought Of marrying Nora Hastings had never oc curred to me, and I told her so - frankly. I related to her, the beginning of out, acqualint acre, ann ,asslightprogress, including my invitation for thariext day. r . Then 1 waited, her reply. "I hardly knew what to say 'Mr. Pres- Tett," she began, in her soft, insinuating heicd - , - ifiThts long fair curls.. 1 em sure it would be kinder to say nothing, and its not at all necessary since you do not think of marrying her, Mr. Prescott." ....."Bul:_what if,' bed licon-..intending-- te marry her,, .Madam?". I spoke_ - little sternly perhaps, for 1 had Satisfied her curi osity,_.;mq, I was', determined .she should make the explanation at which. she -had hinted. I think she ivas unwilling Co refuSb" me, still she spike with hesitation. lllt idno" least; if any other gen tleman in my family had been going to marry hor;I should -have said if. was noth- Mg, ,and kept silenco,• but I have looked on you as my personal friend,' Find I should have told ybu that I consideted her an art .ful,_designidg girl mho_ had tried to. entrap several of my nest hoarders, into marrying her, and had failed hitherto.", I half wonder that she did not shake my confidinice'in Nord; but she did - not ter an instant:. Ilei-fttee; her pure noble face, was her best advdeate. It rose, before me then, 'and , am surd, Mrs. Leo, that you must b,o mistaken. As little:as I' know Miss Ibist infistri would bo ready to ansiver, for her though - she has It frankness.and—Xim plicity of manner which might possibly have mislead some, I am. cortain.that yea do her injustice." . "Let tie hope that - I do," she said with a . smile:' (.It has ceased to be of interest to we, now that I know sho is not likely .to afflict the - happiness drone whom I consid ered my friend." - 'She diverted the conversation into other ebannols; but I believe I bad been, a little yoked by her pertinacity in reminding me I bad assured ber„.l.was not ;going to • marry Nora Hastings. I haul told her the simple "truth when I said that; the idea of • such,,a marriage had never occurred to me. But now that she had put; it into rny..head, it did occur to me • again : and again. I took suolvan intorest ins NOra as I had never ta ken in any ono before., Perhaps I could not win her; but if d could—l paused, and .strange, swcot, 016414A5 - di:IA - pa through `wy Mind, - of what it would be to :be loved ,and•watched.and - Waited for by `saoh'- , --fove and' beauty; to liavo her altogether my own. ' How she. would, love hen husband. I Mused -she with,no other fll,bo.worldl.,•• Air'dreains-that'-i,rgh Cwere.rosier-than-any of the thipe.B of,my,:bygone youth. , •-• poupthof,plaarant .hours. the next afternoon, looking, id , the. pictures. Now that I has begun to think o 1 . Nora as, ono-whomight wino tit ke my world,. I saw new charms in or every hour. It was a pleasure to show',hors- work? Of art.' 'She had soon so few,thml.she, enjoyed thorn intensoly and approcaited ,them with such And inborn taste. , •'" • It wastot the 'last', afternoon ye spent. together, Oftencst wo Wont to, sant') now beet or pletnie f but once or ; twice I pm.- Suadedher to lot me drive _he out:Anto thw country;sAd now- life"seoined .to bound in her pulses; and youthful brightness Mid. hope 'toting() her 'pale fawns thairees shook down th'eth,odoroua bloslioms.upon hoe' bead, and. thWitizid;kissed her cheek, rtind•Llifted.' the hair frtim 'her Ithow, I had, begun .4.0 think 'Of her as thine, and to dream' fonddreams of how I would cherish tier. ' • I went horne ono evening when I had known hot two months. , I had intended to send for her; as I did sometime", and ask. ikte . a ; :v1,9 Pear reader, wo are fully conscious that we have obtruded our private affairs on the 'public too long already. -- But we do not trouble you long with mutton personal, and you are our only confidiihte now. There are times when the heart finds relief only in words or tears. For nearly two and a half 44ears1tliseisu bi t in our household by day -- an& by night, and threw its dark shadow on the wall.. Et - one and fear—gladness and gloom—have alters : el flashed their shad ows across our way. Many others, and you, perhrips l have had a similar experience; but the discipline is now to us, and this week we car think or 'write of little else. We have borwr.,it, and Shall bear it, with as cheerful a phildgophy, arresigned.afaith, and &strength as manly as .Wet may - but God 'Onlylnows how deep is the shadow of this night after the funeral . / TlieaTildren of orm-v-0-tirid— her care have gone motherless to bed. - The kind neighbors and friends have.corne and gone with noiseless *tread and many tears. • The man of God has offered the solemn -prayer and-tke singora.havesung-the solemn-- hymn. _Tho bearers have borne away the shadowy form of her whose - health and life and gentle goodness still linger only is mem ory and the picture on the wall. The house rover seemed so oppressively still, and tho clock never had so linid a tick. Tho &Val_ cat, oven, does not pur on the rug to-night, bet'dodges in, and runs out with a startled, • pitiful look. Tho-work-basket, with-its half articles laid aside settee° fotir days • ago,_seerns only waiting for the once busy fingers, now, alas I folded - undei the pines in peaceful rest. - Travelling back over the bridge of years, we recall the gathering ••of many of the same friends in the old lionio- stead just eighteen years ago last week. ,Not the cross of flowers find the sad-eyed mourn ers wore there, but the bridal wreath and the voice of mirth foreshadowed a future brigh t 'and beuptiftill - Sinee - then,--how-thany__ Of that ! ' merrie companio' have passed "over' the river,' or known-.the darkness. of to night. Thus has it over been—thus will it over-be,-na-Nvo-passto-that.bettor land-vhero-- there is no night aft - or the funeral, and no rivet' runs between the living•and tho.dead." • Japanese Men and Viromenr. , . The Japanese women are as fair.,of skin as most Europeans,ind-are_welhfamod;______ 110 - tams, hands and feet being wep mould ed. Were it not for Weir awkward manner' of, walking, owing to their sandals, they would ho graceful. When sitting and con versing, the movements of their bolas . and • arms are particularly so. Their abundant black and•rather coarse hair is bound up into :thick masses at the back of the head, and, a number of little arrows, made of gold,' silver, or. Ivo,y, mu passed-thi übh it,. - strutothing---= in the same, manner as with the peasant girl •of the - BM - no? Thoir ooifihro once made, and the hair plastered•with - wit's, it remains, -- Untouhlied - for niftily - days, carp - being taken' - not to disorder .it in sloop. The tooth are; an' object of much attention, the - young - glrls and.tho Mon havo thorn white end, even ; the married women still even,:but glosity black.; Brushes, made of soft wood, and ,a , fine powder, um used , to- keep them whito ; • . but.the picture of an o w - kanibox before her, blackening her Meth t ie one qf the most disgustiag_sighta a stranger can ]dolt upon. Many girls also blacken their_ teeth, but the substance with which they, do it is na very durable, ad I..have aeon' a brush and apowder Mao thom ,White and glistentag again in a feWminnths.--The . women also' extract their. opye-lasheO, paint their and .cheeks with suit:lC*Br. (rouge) and use rice4aWder'ailtenSWely in'their 'tet-- lotto. :Altogether, ,the, ,Taplinese women, If hot atrictiy.beautiful, have much Which is,agreeable, arid certainly original. The.young of .botli'loexes are . 4emarkably picasing r —ruddy, laughing,.nnd i,e.. ful :in . their 'aetioali—butAtiough n7yOurig girl be like an angel atfourtelmy she will ho worn out, old and ugly at tWine that age„:," 1 - DiPUBBIZT . WAP6' OP Tasv;Esinkro.-,:. Man travois to expand•hiaideas;.bilt Woknah, Judging from the number she inva riably takes with her, travels only with the object' of expanding hot &Mei. join ate in - alittio walk. Wein in to my room „tp l d - : • "rr, • Ellen tappbil on the door'' she :laced 'a lit tle note is:. ~„•,;4: con crying and she sal' • f 1,:• the', paper: "that'll to o_o pppse, sir. Miss Niir (r t .: •,11ktatilpling else, and I've given mistreat neticp; I'm , going h:4l wooit,'-'1 I *here. they've treated her s'o,.petr -:••••• • 144. Wo.igioto. and liadtktiplk Whild v Orend - Tti9" 7 hurTieflauntirregedirOliii`Niai -- wen .to_ my ` heart. - - . - Mrs.Leo'tolle:ineshetae let my room to a - Mp0rk7,340 will pay, rinit'ef• ram ,ebliged tp) itaday. ‘ , She - --intitistifean ‘thatT 'have lowered myself in your estimation by my forwardness, and that'l have lost the respect of the boardors,- This may be •50,,,-alas I I fear it is. I could bear all else, but to,havo 19t l y,opm [respect iivitorrffilq.l AYoumiro Ott and t 6 mop and' it Was SO liweet u. Nave a friend. Do not think any worse of' me thou you can help'. ' . 7.1f have been forward and presuming, at was. because I,knew so little of life!- Ithall remember your good ness and be, gratcfnl .to,you forever. otia Ilawriflas.” • My poor wronged-Tihnocent—darling:—lf I had neverlovcd before;„ I, should have loved her theti,iihd• Iciliged to `bolter her from a cold world in my heart . . -Where has '81,01 , `ono?"' I asked turning - to - Ellen ,-- "She-does-nottell,rna22__ rgenieTrib oik'fierma street. The lady had given. er agood deal of work anil • bc'eti•very'llthil 'to hor, and when Miss Nora'found she couldn't stay here, sho went to' her With hor tronblo, and so• Mrs. Miles said she should stay there till sho cedidaeoklitaiiit fatt'arneWplacii.'") So thereWero still some kiridlicarts in the • cold world, Ilhouglit gratefully, who could shO.W....pitytte.-the.orphan and•the friendless: God- bless them all But.sho—my.-',poor litilolovesliotild - ietair need to seek anoth er tioarditig house if she could only Jove and let me care for her. : , , .• . ,!• '!•al am goind'Osee her, i ! I paid to 4 1 / 9 n, as, she seemed, to wait for my 'comments. "Dleseyou, sir I, Tho yo!y,eight..9f - .you : . Wtll'doher - good: She took with her the white head'yotibeviiiidthativolloWer pets.•• I wish you,coultksee,hovi.she's tend , ed thosti,,ilewera, Xliey.,never-had a dry • leaf, and to-diiy elle - cries. them .enough to " found Mrs. Miles without any difficulty. I asked foi Miss Hastings at the' ,door,. and, . pr'es'ently she &tine to see mg in' the little re-, coption room' whom LI had been - shown. - Stre— - looked as she had almost, wept hersolfhlind, - . "You do not despiseine; Mr. Prescoitror you , would.not have some to see ine?":' Her voice trembl ed... u . • • "lleapise" youl Nora; I love you, .with all the power of loving, whiali God has,kivj . ' , on- me, --1 have, coaie to ask' "you to /65 - • wife toil' hold' my fate in, your hands. Will you make the 'happy' or wretched?" No metter„ L ithout her ' answer. She told all my heart r oraved..of her. Looking. into her truthful eyeS, I kiiew that sha was mino r mryoungeinneeent love!' After a While .I..snq for Mis. Miles to notno to us. I recognized in .her te. lady whom I had soimitimeS mot - in fur wlmuk,l'entertained a sincere utlmiration.' Mid list, in brief,' the history of my quaihtnnee with Miss Hastings, and that I desired to make-her my wife with aslittlo' delay. as possible. Did_she think the, need- ful arCitntreinents could boofflietdd in ti:wileh.? They should be, she said. Nora. should be married in her house, and a weelt'would belong eribugh . to provide j all that was nec— eaary, .8o it,was Soltled.. , The next day .I,gave'ilfrs. Leo notice that Tihould - vithato say rooms nt the-end of the Jnenth. • . - . I never exchanged ono word with boron the sUbjdoi of Nora's sudden ejection, froth her house. She had an undoubted, right to let her home as• she. pleaseg: I _sent.,h er my wedding curds—it was my revenge. Three years have passed since, and Nora, -as bride and wife has been all that I hoped and even tiioro; • • '- - A Beautiful Obituary Mr. R CoWAN, the editor of the 'Warren in a Into number of his journal pub lishes an obituary of his deceased wife, writ ten by himself, which is so beautifully worded that we republish die following ex tract from it. After alluding to her worth, her virtues and her endurance during her long illness of consumption, the bereaved husband writes as follows :