PROFEAVIONA.L CARDS. GI .1 •S. TATENT , AGENCY. C. •L. • Lobbmark, 21 Alatii Str . rili. Pa.,!exocutes • arn‘v.tuse sOplttcrigo . p.a dq.t.And :,procuros patent fir tavon'torn. . ; • . DAM KELLER,:. Attoiliopat-Law /11 Oar Halo,. Pal Mitt with 3y; DG Peorpse E. Rheein a UnU, . .• • sept 27 G74m 4 , • J. M. 'WEAKLY WEAKLEY & SADLER. - TTORNEYS AT LAW, Offioo No 10 South tionovor stroot Carlisle Pa. • novl6 67. O. P. lIIIMItIOK. WIC 13. PARKER ITMBYCH & P4.IIK.Er tiTTORNEYS AT LAW. 'Office on Mato Ftt., la Marion Hall, Carlisle, Pa. G. M. BELTZHOGVER, ATTORNEY AT •• LAW; itnd final Estate Agout i Shcpbordatown, West Virginia abl-Plnmpt attention given to all business ItiJoifer son County and thoCountlos adjoining It. y. • I[ 4 l •E. BELTZHOOVER; Attorney .at Law Office In 6o6th Ilanoier sheet, opposite Punta's dry ffoOd store Carlisle, Pa. • September 0,1864. fAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney - at t." Law, Car Hale, Pa. °Lilco In. No. 7, Rbeenea llnll July 1, 18174-Iy. T B. ZEIGLER Attorney at Law, lEJ Saint Paul' Minnesota. Communications from o East properly responded to. djan-dm a. TTORNEY-AT--LAW.-GEO, S EMIG, Office, in Inhofe Building, 'with W . bliearer, Esq. Prompt attention paid, to legal busl. no of all descriptions. te* asp' 68.15. . D: ttorney At Law, J • Carlisle, Pa. Mee rritla7l3. Sharpe, Esq. - , No. 17, south Hanover Street. May 17.—1 y. " JOSEPH RITNER, Jr., Attorney at La. , and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. * Office on !tall Road Street, two.doors north of the Bank. IMlluslueso promptly attended to. July 1. HOC T R. MILLER Attorney at Law. . Office he Elennon's building immedlaioly op lionlto the Court noway 29nov 871 y LA W CARD.-CHARLES E. MA jALILAVGLILIN,Attorney-at-Lawffico -in-the room forinerlynceupled. by Judge Orahate. • - July 1, 186-1-L-ly. AIC HERMAN, Attorney at Law, -• Oarlfsle,Pa., No. 0 Rheem's Na ll . Ju y 1,1804-li. QAMUEL HErBUB,N, Jr., Attorney Jat haw.' Oak° with woo. Samna! Ilophurn, Math St—Carlisle Pa, July low. WILLIAM KENNEDY, Attorney at, Law, N 0.7 South Maikot Square, Carlisle, Penna, April 10, 1867--ly :VITAL B lITTLERAttorney at Law , 1r and United, States Claim _Agent, Carlisle, Cumberland. County, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay &e., promptly collect. .ad. Applications by mairsrill. _receive Immediate at tention, and the proper blanks teiMar4ed, No foe required until the claim is settled: - Feb. Flth, 1867-74,. TAR. GEORGE S. SE A [IT, Dentist, from Ott, Haiti -44: more Collage of Mutat Surgery. v;IS.OfBco at the residence of his, mother, Bast Geuther street, three doors below Bedford. duly 1, 1864. (1 MO. W. IsTEID I C D. D. - S.— L.lta Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of tho Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. 1111 - l - r ep his residence ippesite Marion 'eat Main street, Carlisle, Po. uly t, 1854. DR. HARTZELL I 'Allopathic Physi . elarlind'iillildtlebettr, batting permanently 10. rated In Lcedburg, Cumberland county. Pa., respect. fully offore hie, professimfal servieee to tbe public.— Special attention given to diseases of women and chit. dren. _ .. . . ""‘ - REFERENCES. ' - JOUN G. 01.1011, M. D. Waynesboro, Dr. SAMUEL Cbamborsburg. Ilan. ED. McPII FUSON, Elettysborg, ISAAC BNIVELY, M. D. Waynosboro. 8. D. FROUTZ, W,aynesboro.. N. 11. Alwayafound In his office wbon not othorvAAe professionally engaged. Juno 21—If. RAILROADS. I UMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL j ROAD COMPANY. • FRIGIRIIT DEPOT, CARLISLE The Cumberland Val.ley, Pennsylvania and North ern Central Rail Road Compaul a have moan an arrangements to do a Joint Freight and Forwd . rding Business between the Mho of Philadelphia, Baltimore cod New York. The Cumberland, Tandy Ball 'toad Com pmy opened their Freight Depot at Carlhlo on the let of January 18013 for the receipt and shipment o all gOOdiront rusted to them. Frolgbt to bo forwarded by thlo arrangomont must bo left at Peatiqiiinlti hail - -toad - Company Depot Serner,of,lfith ariallarkat _Et, _Philadelphia._ -North orn Control ltail Road - Company's Dopot Baltimore, and Cumborlend Valley Nall Road Company's Dopot at. Carlisle. Tho pubic will find It to there Intelsat to ship through rho hall Road Company's Prolgb !louses and by Company Cara. J. a D. itgoins, Freight Agents Carlisle t1ee.24.0. C., V. R. It CHANGE OF HOURS On and a ( tor MONDAY , Mny 2let, 1800 , Trntns will run Sally as f ollows, ( Bundnyo P rortffy WESTWA4RI ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg / 9.40 A 151., blechaniceburg 0.18, Carlisle 0.67, M. 1,111,10,34 f3hippensburg 11.07, Chambersburg 1.10 P. M , Oreon castle 1.48,-arriving at llaserstostn.2 aIAIL TRAIN loavca Harrisburg_ 2.00 _P. M., Meehanisburg 2.23, Carlisle 3.00, Reaville 3 40, Sbi p. portal/erg 4.10, Ohambersburg 4.50, Greencastle 5.25, , arriving at Hagerstown '5.56 P. M. . ..EXPR6.BB TRAIN leaves Horrid/tug 4.15 P. 51., Merhanksburg 4.61, Cat lisle 5,21, Newville 6.53, Slip. pausburg 021; arvlvltv at Chamboraburg at 8.20 A. M. A AIIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 8.20 A. M., Greencastle 0.30, arriving at Elaperstoma 10.15 A. AI. EAST WARD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN limos Chambeisbuig .5.00_A. El, Shippensbdrg 5.30, Ne.vvilla 0.01, Carlisle 0.35, Mechanicsburg 7.04 Harrisburg 7,35 A. El. MAIL—TRAIN leaVas Ihniorstown 8.10. A. N., Greencastle 8.45, Chamberabdrg 9.25, Shipponsburg 9.66, Nowallle 10.29, Car!lsla 11.03, idochanisburg 11.37, arriving at Harrisburg 12.10 - g, ' EXPREGB TRAIN leaves - Ilageritown - 12.00 M., Greonciatle 12.30, Chamberaburg 1.10, Shippertsburg 1.43, Nowvillo 2.16, Carlisle 168 % Meellaniashurg 3.20, arriving at Harrisburg 8.65 P. 51. -- A MIXED TRAlls leaves Hagerstown 306 P. M., Grooncal,tle 4.00, arriving at Chambersburg 4.60 CEO-Making close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Pitts. burg) Italtimoio and IV tiefi!RgOn ^ RAIL ROAD OFFICE, Charsiberalaurg, May 17, 1800.7.1- REAPING RAIL ROAD • - On and alter Nov: 25, 1807, trains will • run,. - as GREAT TRUNK LINE PIIOSI THE North and North-West for Philadolplim, N ow. York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, latia, Laneaster,Rolumbia, Ac., Tiains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows; At 3.0 D, 5.25, and 8.10. A. M., and 2 05, and 0.85 P. M. connecting with similar Tralps 0n the gonn.ylvaula Rail Road, and - arriVing -at. New - York at 5.10, 10.16 and 11,60 A. M., and 0.40, and 0,30, P. M. Sleeping - Cars.aecoinpanlng the 3.00. A. IS. and 0.35 P. M. —Treiniwithout ohange. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, I Mtnersville,',Ashland, Pb.e ,prove. Alloutown add , Philadolphia,at 8.10, A.M., and 2.05, end 4.10, P. Si.' stopping' at Lebanon and-Prlnelpal-Way-Statlons;-.Che -- 410, Mat: making connections- for Philadelphia and Columblironly. Nor Pottsville, Schuylkill Davin and Auburn via Schuylkill, and Susquehabna ROI Road, ' leave Harrisburg 8.55 P:5l. Returning: Leave Now York at D. 00,1. M., -12.00, Ndon add 5.00 and 8.00 P. M.; Philadelphia 8.10, A. DI. and 8.80, P. M. Way- Passonger Train leaves Philadelphia 7 80,'•. Si., returning from Reading at ti.3o P.M., stopPlog at all Stations, Pottsville at 8.45; A. M. and 2,45, P. M; Ashland 8 ma. en. and 12,10,m. and 200, P. 514 Tamaquaat fa. and 1.00, and _ .Leave POttsvillefor,Uairisblig via Schuylkill and gusqishanna hall' at it; 7.10 A. Si .and 12.00 noon. - . — lteiding — Accotiamodstieu , Traluf , Letivas-'Readirur,- . • et 7.80, A. M., returning from , Philadeliatia at,-4.00 Pottstown Adcortmandstion 'Praia laminas Potts. -town at 0.46 A. 51. returning leaves PhiladelPhla Columbia Rail Road,Trains leave Reading 7.00, A. M, and 0.15, LP. M. for •Eldrrata, LlON'Lancaster, _' Columbia.... . , : •''. On Sundays: Lotivo Now Pork, At -80, Philadelphia 4.0q,-A.1.11, and 2.15,1'. AL, lAm 8.00. A. ' M. Train running only-'4 • Readinr, - Pntbroin — fraiu, A. fa.. Harrisburg 5,25.'41..11f.ind CV/ and 0.80, 0, M., and Reading at 1.00,, and. 7.15 Si. for Hai rtabidg, and M. andll 95, P. M. Jor piwirork and 4.25, P.: 111. for Phlladelpkia, • ."• er Commutation, hilloage,Reison School And. Ezeup: • Mon Tickets , to and from all points, it reduced rates. Baggage aheekedthroughl 100 pounds allowed ' each -- Passenger. • _. _ H. A:NICPLLS,T. - ,• .. (91,11 Sup't. 'Reading, Pa.;N01.25, 1607; - • • . F l °R. .raet of .v.luebl., Land yentelalng ONE IiENOREII,AORES t lying cm:title. BOO& hloilntilla 8 - miles above , 51E.liolly;knoirn 'the , ttetonlicuo ,may property.. The tract lsanolit'revoidbly lohatedialuucal: otaatosa and tl}e• time* ottpi. Inlet . • • Pot tatma •" L.1311049pA.."'` W. F. SADLER. GOOD NEvirs GOOD NEWS! .THE.74EW AND CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER OS HANOVER AND POAFRET BTEiTB. The subscriber would respectfully inform the pub• ite that he fa toadying almost daily' from the Eastern Cities, a large_loolco of Now amyl:beak,. Goode, such 11.9, LADIES" DRESR 7 GOODS '- French Morinoca, Poplins. • Black and Fancy , • French Itopps, . Plain and - Fancy De Lninee, Plain and Fancy Alpaca, Poplins. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! BROOEtA LONG AND SQUARE,.. LONG AND SQUARE WOOEENS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS in great varioty and very cheap • CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES 1. French, German and_ American Cloths, - - • _ Black.and. Fancy Cassimeres, . Dooskina; Dlimkand,Fancy —Over:Coatings,J3tittlnotta, Kentucky Jeans, Undershirts and Drawers. Bleached and Brocha, • 'rabic Diapers, . • Counterpanes, and Quilts, ' • -- Cotton Flannelm ' - Bleached and Unbleached Muslins; lickings, Checker "" Towels. Napkins, dc, • REMEMBER THE PLACE, ON TUE COR*Illt" HANOVER AND PDXERET STREETS the room formerly occupied by B. R. 3ABESON k CO • • ME 'CASH ! • CASH!'! have this day commenced selling ormay entire stock of Winter Goode at greatly reduced prices for cash. FRENCH SIERINOES, REPPS, ALPACAS, pARMETAS, , • WOOL PLAIDS, and other Dress Gocds, at Cost. - Shaiils,lankels, Flannels, Lindseys, 4., at very groat bargains. CLOTHS, CASSIME RIF 4 S CASSINETTS, &c., vory low. BALMORALS,.Lower than ever sold 'i4 Carlisle., T1 . C411 . 71g5, cheeks, ' Muslins, Gingitouts, Canton Flannels, at the -very loweett price. All the best make CALICOES, at 121 cts AB my stock has been" bought since the groat de cline in prices. groat bargains may be aspect ed. Some artlcle4 less than cost to radrice my stock as soon as possible. BOOTS _AND SHOES! LADIES' MISSES and CUILDIIEN'S ,Boots and Shoes, of tho very Pest makes, at coat to doss out the stock. C. 0. 1867 • - NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, DRE3S Till NIMINOS zEphyßg RIIIIONS, . "". NOTIONS, , No. 55 WEST MAIN Si Opposite the Mansion !lento, noxt to Post Office, Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Sup L OOK OUT DRY GOODS MEN TO THE PUBLIC. I havojust returned from the East with my Spring .Stock , and as usual, tatn_seliing or than any other Dry Goods house In town. I do not think it neressary . to occupy a euJumn of news. paper to endeavor to keep up my reputation for sell ing cheap Goods, nor do 1 wish to resort any clap trap to gull the puha,. All I ask of thorn to call nod examino for themsnlveft, and If not satisfied with the prices, not to buy. Remember the :stand No. 32, North Hanover street, soot door"to Dr. - Kieffer's, and Miller A Bowers'' Hardware store.-- W3I. A. MILES. P. S. I 11 , 111 say nothing about tny' third and fourth groan openings. aprill9 07 • . HOTELS. HLSON'S HOTEL, --‘•- Late Brady House, CORNER OP STATE' & THIRD OriIEETS, Immediately in front of the Capitol, • . U. R. UUTCII.IBON, Prop'r: • • . • Ilarrlaburg, Pa, jan.4 , ISAA.O K. STAUF.TER - Watchmaker and Jewefery, No. 148 PHILADELPHIA: All llesortnient of Watches, .lovolry,--Arrer and Plated Ware constantly on hand. • SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Ite..'Repairlng of {Yacht's. and Jewelry promptly attended to. • • ...,- ' laden . • O. N. LULL,' Sup't Wm. A: DROWN .& CO., Utribrella Parasol Manufacturers, 246 MARKET STREET, • -P)OILADELPH 1, "oo to their stock of , 'lnvite attont . l9a PARSOLS, - BUN UMBRELLAS, GINGIJAht SI3NILISIBRDLLAS, SIDE. AND GINGHA.M.U.AIDOIJLAS For sale at the lewestprices of the day. J. BEETEI& &. BROTHERS, Forzoarding.and Commission Morohays. • (11enderson'n old stand. . -- At - the .1.10!14 - ,of .Tho marisot. prloa paid for "Flour; Grain and pyoducd of all kluda. ' - ' ' .rornwis ~• , • LOCUST MOUNTAIN, • Ao Limobuinors' and Blacksmiths' Coal. coostantly for stale. gout -under cover, and_deltiorod_dry .to_any part of tho, town,. Also, all kinds of Lumbar on hand, . : +3. BBETHAI -BROB.O trIBLI4II.IS &''EfOBB; :I , Tp. ; -I.o.ltorth: Sixth 'Street, LARGEST XANIIPAGTUBPIIB OP VENITIAW iItLINDS MEI - 'WIND 0 Tir $/14,DES . . A ls /', 13 ." / Al; 11 1//1 . repairod,Aterilihadeiharingologs Fixtures,: !Vein .Bbades or All kinds, ,Curtin Cornices, .Pleturei Tassels, Cord, Bell ,Fulls, , , f :•, • f,i ! ',,, ' 0 -, 4 , 1 L j 1 A i l A ki 1 t ! !" sc.:l . ?, :,; •#. , E VOL. 68. :RHEEM & X111N8A.11,.4 tors and Proprietors.; DRY UOODS. GREAT DECLINE - IN PRICES DOMESTICS! , -T119.1. A. HARPER 011 AS. 001LBY, No 47, West Main Stro,,t SPRING.. 7867 BARGAINS. EKED GOOD'S, RING'S NEW STORE, Coal of all kinds, om.b.raclug EEM `IIIISCELLAIVEOUS. QALE - OF. UNSEATED - LANDS.- By ylrtue'of a warrant from Under the hand and seal - of the , Colnmlsslenera .pr Cumberland County, and to me directed. the following tracts or lots of un seated land-situated In Cumberland Co. PC, mill be said at public sale, at 10 o'clock, on Monday, tho Bth day of. une, 1808, at the Court House; In Carlisle, County aforesaid. or as mach of each tract as will de fray the unpaid taxes and costa duo thereon Mlt LTA NG ER, aunty Treasurer. Diolo!nson, Township No. Ac. Own. Du Due. No. Ac. Own. .71tx Due 15 . Newromnr,.1. - 70 7 Butler, 3-(col'd) 63 84 Beater% Gimos & Co., - $0 00 4 Ottoman, W. 4 68 10 Graham, John • 8 62 6 Grolst, Jacob , 1 04 70 Greason, James 4 24 - 11_01a. F. A. 3 70 10 ilonimlngf4, J. 1 31 104 Johnson. John 28 31 9 Lerma, Adam 12 47 7 Leahey. Lomb! 1 74 600 Moore, Alfred 24 60 0 Myers., Cyrus 3 00 3 Mentor, M. or N. 1 90 0 oloottord, .T. & 11. 5 76 3 oVCreary., Wm. 6 64 3 Stallstubh. Jno: 31 200 Woods, 8. (heirs) 0 10 51Volf,.4acob 18 17 Young, A. .1.20 20 Gamer, Jacob 4 62 1 Sours. John If. 6 96 16 Cockley, Noah 73 6 Gant; Aaron 10 42 6 Lopgh, John 1 101 52 Myers, Henry - 6 20: 9 Sheerer, David 2 441 3 Davis, Moses .14cobe, George 1 00 10 incabs, 0090;0 720 4 Lean), Ephr'in ... 40 4 Myers, 9am'l 1, 40 6 filyms, loose 09 310 OM, Darael 85 6 Brough, Jcibn 1 29 4 lloworp, ham 7 - .27 6 51yors ' Isrdel 93 613,er5.0. 60 I.ll;ntorf, Isaac 129 0 Menlo, Jorenitah 1 14 23 Soword, I , aul • .1.11 16 Stornor, J. orJ.-1,2 29 8 Wlther.‘boon,'W. 83 6 Albojt. WitION , 84 .1O .Ircpbe, Of run " 71 •1861 pas, V. 84. 31 Ny . uis, 1,31 10 Smyors, Philip :14 11 Boucher Jacob 100 611bert, John - • 1 14 6 Noll - singer, -. South 1111thileton 9 Hollinger, 'A. 79 19 Hollinger, D... 92 Morrlson,-John - -9 .8 Moore, Alfrod 9 29 21 Price and Hun- 15 Albright, Jacob 8 12 . I . llrownaireli. G. . 78' 27 llrand, Jacob - 2 33 10 Corbot; John, •1 28 6 Cart, William 1 31 7 Johnson, John 163 Kaul=o,l). 1 10 20 Lehmnn, Samq 21 10 Myers, A, 13. 80 18 Nanor, Alex. -1 22 Lyrow r Davld 08 5 Moore, Wel. Sr. (1 1 rnridt,) . 387 -- 41, 15 Goetlyear'” Moire, cock, 3 50 17 .9.hylvpr, Jacob C. 1 00 10 Smith , 3 85 9 WeWes Heirs 2 43 0 Wnrd. Inman 1 88 16 Zeigler, Abtn. 3 38 14 flat nag., "28 Glenn, Patter,on 50 -I}Nlllur, Jplin .70 • 1 61 UIZ 200 Koontz., ;WW 2 07 13 Kindlg, 11. 73 17 Miller, Sn'nol 1 07 22 Rhoads; Jobn 0. 1 54 10 Wliatirer, 2 66 Arnold, .innol 81 00 Bricker, Arch. 1 68 23 Woodburn, A. 8. 74 41 111441,1, , 67 13 Foltom, JAM. 1 73 441 Ebelly;ChrlEt. 14 02 100 Koset, Alex. 5 51 4 lint; on's Yen& 41 651 Ilbe nde, Long - nod Eberly, 12 90 1,000 Woodburn 3. XL 20 II Oar 1 Calchvoll's nuke, 701 Sliippensbur Wahl, qi.Orgu 16 Pownship„ 4 SpLive°, Fainuel 1 1.10 .PC 82 Beltzbonver, J.... 15 Miller, Henry j . l. 8 75, 0 (Bentz ' ) :11 42 Illbhop, 8.110. 1 100 liollmith, T. M. 'h 00 220 Moore, Johnston 903 27,'8earight, F. IV. 438 5 Mellinger, John 350 400 Stench 8 Sony, 5, 72 14 Shrank, Min tin 56 18 6ollenbergor. J. 214 80 Weaver, Chg. 5.40 82 Duncan, David 70 20arcer ' Peter 440 18 Bollinger, 11. •1 20 -- 28 Trogo, Levi 0 Hollinger Jacob . Olt 20 Thrush B. 2 60 Alechahiesturg: - . 1 Wngconor, 91 3 Sherb4o, henry 1 50 • i'lol/IfOrd. 3 M'Cullougb, J. 11 8 Al), Velar A. ,48 - 18 - Dunbar; John— , -4-18 27- Battrurn, Pam'l - • 54 7 Clay, Joo. (heirs) 28 0 Forbes, A. (licirm) 19 21 llomminger, John 25 44 lleberlig, It. 180 30 NllBlOl, Barney 30) Silver Spriiig. ' B . l3irselior'oTranr 61 10 - Slielblin,.T. 0. . - 1 1 2 8 Erb, Benj. 84 2 Hoover, John 1 7 0 6 Oloiru, 0. (hairs) 28 4 limtzler, J. Jr. 10 0 90 Staymon, M. 0. 2 2.l Middlesest Kigabgor; Pater Kapp; Levi Jacob Egolf, ./,11n Valeton. 12 Geese, George' 4215 130 - 11umrieb, O. P, 6 237 6 Crain, Dr. .1.. 20 4 6 Coble, D (beim.) 54 North Ali GO Dieser, Win 2 0413 Dawson, 31. 4 76 East Pennsbaro' 60 Sollor, Ur, Wm. $2 16I3Iumula, Satu'l 33 Newton • , 2 Waggoner, J. 2. 84 1 Middleton, Wm. 1 62 1 It hung, (heirs) 55 1 Stouffer. J. M. 20 1 Kindigi-dam'l - 16 1 Sanderson, Joe. - 50. 51 1 'Oune Sacu'l. ' 20 Hopewell. • 4 Sharp°, Sam'l --22120 Sharp°, 21.. 1-00- 60 Sly Arm J. 21. D. 1 05110 51 Cuuo, J. (1113Irs) 61 West Peturshorb' DVlClnney, P. (heIY) 75 68.0 t • _ UTiOE TO TA XPAYEItS.- -, -The ' Treasurer of Cumberland County, will att.,' for the porta - we of receiving County and Ststo taxes, as required by Act of Assembly, at tho following times and-phieseLviz - - IVstPinnitoro.' nE tli, rufbliellouseWf - j, IV. Tali, May 15, and at the house of .1. Chlsoull, May 16. , Monroe. at the public bunco of A. L. Harsh, May 18, and 19. - • Upper Allen at the public house of Joshua Culp, May.2o, and 21 . ' • • ' Lower Allen, at the public hou4O of J. U. Hock, - May-22 - =and - at the public hotlso - of Johullinitle; May. sa. Hampden, at the public house of 1111 es Crowley, May 25 nod 213. East rennshoro,' Attu,' public housu of Jacob Kline, May 27, and the public hotike of 1,. Hatfield, May 28. Now Cumhorlind, at the public house of William llellp Mity ,'29 and 30. Nowton, at the public house of Hen ry Ilursh; Juno 1, at•Stoughst own, June 2. . Hopewell anti Newburg, at the public houso of, Wm. e. Sharp, June 3 and 4. Shlppousburg Borouglt,and township, at, tho public, house ofJ. T. Janata, Juno the 5 and I'. Dielclnson, ut_tho,public housb of Jos. L. Kuottle; Juno 8 nod 9. , Penn, at the public houso of F.' 11. Eystor, Juno 10 and 11. . . Southampton, at the public house of Woo. Clark, Juno 12 and 13. Mifflin, at.Knottlo's School Houso, Juno 15 arid 16. Frank!, rd, at Bloservillo School Ilouso, Juno 17 and 18. - - Nowvillo, at the hod: oofo. A. Heunaborger, Juno 19 and 20. ~IMiddlesea, at Middlesex School House, Juno 22 apd Silver Spring, at the house of ()Cerise Duey,-Juno -24 and at the house of A. Mini:, Juno 22. North Middleton, at the Douse of J.• 0. Beecher, June 26 and 27. • __SouthAliddletonoit the house of S. Ruploy., fun° 20,aand at the house ofJeremleh 'Hannon, Julie - 30: Mechanicsburg, at the house of .1, ICerr, , July. 1 and 2. • Carlisle, lathe ContialssldnereLOlllre, .lulyo and 7. The Treasurer will receive taxes at his office until the lot nely - of Septentlier next, at which Mine duplb cotes for all unpaid taxes. will be Issued to the con atablea of the respective boroughs .And townships, five pet' cent will however be added to all_laxes,'.lf not paid on or before the first d y of August next. O. al ELLINOSit. Treasurer of Cumberland , County .11s, • S M. boy En. lo tpril-5E LIMBER . AND COAL 'OCALCIL — 7:33/cc IbB IVest .Afiztn CaHisie, hand,_cligntoina In tho.dry; Lyltpini Valley, SlittrnOkin-,-Wilkealiarrp, ke.,'Nut,. Stove, - Egg, and broken _etzee_of Coal t _as__Cheap as any. - Dealer in town. Also an excellent artielovf Blacksmith's Coal on hand Seasoite(i Plajde' Also , • „ - BBBT,BRAtEISTAMILti LOUR by Ilair - ofor 15aok,ifolliarodprompeift5or42." — , A . ehayo orpatyonag9 rospaOlully sOlieltod." S. M. ' 11. 17apri1.21;o• j3,,ii.:,p0,0; Ni,'O? GRA.DIIA.TE - Og.„PENIO.A:TCOLLECIiof - E:; SUP.OXP,X DENT.IBT, . . ItospoOtridly inform the oilleont of Oarbele.end • 'el. chatty that ho hue taken the alto. No. 26, West Urd Street, lately oonbrded by hie Pother; whore hole pre. pared . to attend to ail proboolonal brielneee. cial loothineerted_infAhld,J3ilYon•Atilvaultofand_ Platinum. Charges moderate. .. , • . • 17alir11 68.dy , • • : N • Tb3ll, Letters of administration on' the Mat'. of a bar Foodersau I; late of Alohioo toisrneldn. Combos !and county, doe'd.,:havo Won fumed by the Register to the aubserlber,reald l ng In , the Same .tdornahlp. • AU 'piraone. having ofahno Prodent theni,'and those 'lndohnnd rill mate payment to Illtp•I'd, N1%131,131'. • • , 'Admfnb!lnitof of Esther Botiddialitd, dee'd: '24ape OEMIt • • • ! ..1. ';" L s 9)" ITOOPLAND'S 1131 .7 PERS. 1100FLAND'S GER~7AN . BITTERS, ~ 4 ' ANIS- Hoofland's German Tonic. Prepared by ( Dr. C. M. JACKSON, The. Great Remedies for all Diseases LIVER, STOMACH, OR Hoofland's German Bitters Is composed of the pure juices (or, as they are media nnily termed, ai tracts) of Roots, e rbsond•Barks,`, • a•preparm lion, highly concen - Armed, and entirely free from Alcoholic ' admi=lure of any kind. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, I. a combination of all-the Ingredients of the Bittere, with the pima quallty_of Santa_ Croc Rum, ,Orange, etc., making, one of the moot vicuna and agreeable remedies ever otlered to theimblier - , 'rime, preferring - a Medicine free from Alcoholic.nd mixture, will use Ireoflaild's German Bitters. • In crismot navoun deprenalon, when 'lsomeattcolinita stimulup le IleCeeearn HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIO . - The Bitters or the Tonle ore boar equally good, and contnio tl e same medicinal virtnen. e 'rile stomach, from n Variety of causes, puch ns Indi gestion, 113 Apemen,_ Nervous Debility, etc., is veil. npt to (W, have its _functions deranged. The result of of which is, that the M m P lent sullen fro Nevem' or more of . A the following diseases: . Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness , of Bitiod to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness . or :Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing, or Fluttering at the Pit • of the Sterna, h, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at 'the Heart, Chdking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Deli- - ciency _of Perspiration, Yels ' levrnese of the Skin and B y o a, . -Pain in the Side," Back Chest, etc.,- • ud d on Pi us he a of - _ Beat, Burning_ in the Flesh, Constant Imaginin ge of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. _ These remedies will effectually eure,Liver Complaint, ETILLITACC, Dyspepsia, Chronic or - .Nervous Debility, Chronic Dian-Inca, Disease, of the KitltioYs,itiftral 'Diseases arising from a Dl ordered Liver, Stomach, or Int.eEtlnee; -.-- Resulting from any Clause • whatever; PROSTRATION OF 'ME 07,13T:13214-. induced by Severe Labor, Hard . ships, Exposure, Fevers, eta. There lit no metile.ine extant.equal to these remedies In such cases. A tone and vigor Is Imparted to the whole System, the :VpPetite is Strength ened, food Is enjoyed, . the stomach digests promptly, the blood Is purified, the com plex= liceom c a somtd and healthy, the yellow tinge la eradicated from the eyes, a bloom Is given to the cheeks, and the weak sod nervous In. valid becomes n strong and healthy being. Persons Advanced in Life, And feeling the hand of .time weighing heavily updn them, with nil Its attendant ilie, will find In the use of Ms - BITTERS; 'or the TONIC, nn elixir that with Inatil_new Ilfe_ln o_ their voths, , vrestore In a measure the energy and ardor of More youthful days, bui'd up their shrunken forms, and 'give health and happiness .tct theirrernalnhag years. It Is a woll•establlshed font that fully one•half of the z a female portion of our population are sel dom In the enjoyment of good health ; or, to use their own ex L . pression, "never (eel well." They ore lan guld, devoid of nil energy, extremely nervous, and lieve,houppelite. To this class of persona the BritFALB, or ,the TONIC, is especially recommended „- WEAK AND DEVEATE CHILDREN Are madeiitrong*tbetuso of either of three reinUillen. They will pure °Very moo of AtArt.AOMllB, without fall. .Thousande of- cortilicatoe have accumulated. in_liat. bandit of the proprietor, but apnea will allow of the publication of but a few. Those, It will he obeerved, are men of note and of euilh ambling that they must he believed. • • „ TESTIMONIALS. Ho. Geo, W. Woodward. Chid Justice oftla itTpreme 'Cott 14; j Pa., writes: ' rhilage7phirt, March 16, 1867. wer A I'.l . flnd IlToofland'e , Gorman lb Lelia 'lt a good. tonic, maul /.7. In diem.. of the digestive organ , Kul :. ,' of great -benefit' In canes of debility, and ' want of nervous an• flan in the system. Yours truly,- - Hon. James Thompson Teolgo of the Supreme Couri of Peeppirania. April 28, 1800. "I consider' lloofland's German Bitters' a ea timbre medicine In cane of attacks of indigestion or Dyspepsia. — l - cad - certify thifi from mremperienee oi it, Yours, with respect, From Rev. Joseph H.;.A.D.,.l Tenth IJaptist Church, Phihnielphiar .. . , 'Dr. JaeNon—Dent Cllr :.I have been frequently 're. guested to cached toy soma with recommendations 'of dint:rent kinds'of medielhes, but regradlii* the pree ns tire es out of nip np r propriate sphere, I have. In nil cases do . , ' dined; but with n. dear pivot ,lii. vial ~ \ ' ! .. coo Instances , atiq particularly in , eny \ own family, of the usefulness of Dr. Ifoollaud'e German Bitters, 1 deport - ~.. from toy usual control,, to esprese-roy full ii thnt,.yee ablaut debility of the system, and ' r for Liver Gaisplaint, it 15,0 safe and valuable - e - irlfrecorra - cases - lvmay-fallt-but-usurilly,l— will ha uery Immoral to those' who suffer hove causes. Yours, very respeatfolly, - • ~._ a. II." ICHNNARD, . Eighth, below Coates St. Proin Rev. E. D. Pendell, Assistant Edaor Chriilihivnicle, Philadelphia. have derived decided bnneflt from the tiso of Hoof land's Bernian Bittern, and feel it-my privilege to ro• commend them on a most valuable tonlo, to all wheats Buffeting Bout general debility or from dlseasos arising from deredgement of the Itver. Yours truly,. • ILD-_,VENDALL, _ •• • Roolland'e (Jimmie Renfeillex are etiunterfullteL 'Bee (hot the elgneture ot: 0. M. J.A.UIStEIOhI • le Om th e tkrapper " 14" , Tta of — arch hate I e."" em pi • v _ _lerfelt. • " ' • '•• Prlhelpel I.olllee anit — lifiuTirffetory • et the German Medicine Shan, No, 031