trAltbifAXE: iady EXTENSIVE. STOCK 0 F 'IIA - RDIN A Itt in ell itObtaro hiq. aed ;I"eimrtniulit - s. ono - I.4.ayliii2 ex elnekvely for, (licit. ani,S tibia to .:innuoto with Philon'e. Rforkete, end to Wholtesale at elfanu ... ..,. . j'seurer's Prim. - VOXlivire of Nallidust received and will roll by the qu. ntlti at al All u.tict urea pi roes for each.' . ~ All orders attended to pelennellyi nod - with oar towel promptnas. ( dolivered Wall parte of the lawn Alt Eh 01 , - HA hill:. • • . , • We 'nett. tho special attention of Illarkernith i n and Wagno• %teem; to our eatonalve . stock lu their line. entliptising in part of: , Meanerdd, . . • • c -- Rolled, . , ~ , . .Ruellehed,Refined. . . , and Norway Iron, of all Aerie anti sires. kurdeu's Ruse and Mule Mown, - ' - lr .Zialle of dlfferent brand'', Howler Po ill,ck and Puilehedfirtinipt, , , taodertion'a Cast fitoel, - .. ,i Opring, iileleh. . . a ' .. illt.ter.and_ ..... .... Toe rOtiol. - ___ . . .--Blarloinitteg Prins 2011d-Bat tileknollorp,A Itu. pa, and Ns. in.rdaned, Wagon, - u m , flap. and..- Axles.. , CARRI A GE; WAGON AND SLEIGH , Fliitured,etnlnnelpg In part: • -- IiCIIIDS, - SPOKES, -- : - FBLWES, . • ' BOVA, SHAFTS, • , OARRIVIE POLES Teuton RUNNERS, • . .• ~ RENnlta, .. _ Tip LEATHER, ' •. '-•• .. DUCE CANVASS, • DRII / LING 4 ' . . ' D %MASK, • . , LACIe. .--- • . -•- . TRIMMINGS, Ac., Ac. too nnmerunii to mention. Cut and linch Nail•, at' the very lowest unwire, fates. Country Merchants supplied at manufacturoni prices. CARPENTERS AND - BUILDERS w9l find It to their wive ntlizo to buy Nails. Locks. rainti, 01M, nod other Building Materials, together with CARPENTERS TGOLS from the Heat M where X warranted to give on tiro a .tiotaction In ty and pekoe. CABINET — MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS we whuld mute sour attention to o large and actin stock of Walnut and %latlngsny V. . ecre, Choir Bata. and Hod Springs. Pair - .tc. Come Lace. Frioute' and .11 necessary materials arid goods In their line. SADLER'S FINDINGS AND TOOLS o f _fryer, variety romprlced In part of. Black Red and Val e Enameled and P tient Leather. Hog Skins. Baddla 'trses t stirrups..Jaranned•and Silver Mimes Horse Blankets, Collard, Bridle Nitta. Deckles. Rings. Brow-ilanda, Rein Asah. to•rthings, Wattitet Ives' and North's Self A dju4ti o g Trams. fie. A WOE ST'ICR OF Slit)E3f.klll3li'S TI,OLS and -Findings. - 4.1.-rree T ears, Tampicees Sheep.- Sitinii:Tolcred. Lint ogs, Ae., allot which will • ea Old et the lowest rash rates. PAI - NTS - AND OILS Ta - entLtoro. of tholollowlrg .brands 11:12U. Lendi , and Mile a, fiend, I,lto , rty dn.. Buck do. Crystal dn., alsnsion do.. French 2lnc, American do, Snow ‘s'hila do.. Floronee In., Colored do. Colors of every dlscrlpt lon dry and In dil In ;qt., and tubs. tiold French nod German Broozoi Paint, Varnish' and Camel Hair, Brushes, Graining Crttle and Brushes. a 0 .I. IS AND VARNISHES Lt. seed Olt - Sperm do., Flab - .. Lard 10,; Lubrlc dn., Neut., Font do., 'furrow, gri t - --Coach -Vnroirb Nutott oro do , 'IIU7 WWI° Doom do., JAPAN IRON .AND 14.A.PLIER Aliso, Putt Whitigg, Oluo, .13holiao, Rosin, Alum, Copperas, Borax Loginnod, Ac , "We "Sold aspeciAlly In N vit. Ulu ni tendon of —lformors - ,—A lleelinition—tnid Ito vOin gonen.l o g artlrlos: DOUGLAS COWING & RtiIISEY'S IRUP.i 'GULL AND CII ON PUMPS, DRAMNO FROM • • • 51T.N.79 ONE HUN ILMEIAN D rzrl'Y FEET Wood, Iron and 11....1 Pipe to 50,,, 1, HYDRAULIC itADIS &o. A constant and In eh suppn. of Dupnn'r, Rork, Rifle, Enna- cud Luck Powder ioireth, ..It6 Safety Fu-e, %.attoeks. l'r..rr oars, nrl Is, eledao•, Napping Lammers. Cement of the Pnilowln , brand, (Warrant. ad ftvah-and 01 0-4,)-itowendenr, St:Alma! ma:l-11MICOck, Alma, cealtat 1./Astor; Pao, nand, Re. Sole agent for Plank's Sb Beam Plows. du 1110 end Loa Cutter. also agent for Ze gl.r, Weinch. mtleld. E.sle hod Yors Norte Plow Ilendbahllustlvethellehokei, Pica beam, and casting of every deserlytaud to suit ..the abbve plows constantly no baud. -coon's n-r-tba-antentimproved — Mossnrtng Fences %registrant u nein tio — draw uoil measure con mak the hesviest Msinsees, Oils, our, Vandal. 10.141.• oddest went... Remember the old place, No.IS,IAST MAIN St., 2n. lIENRY -SAXTON. Bligabothtown, and Loudon linmoa, alralpt and ,twirtad, butt - end Lot g Traver, oth [halt., :prods, Unarm a-Chnine, Cove Taus, ac., &c. • . .1' A R.lll .BELLS of all Mars, ( warranted not to cratk. and. Oh— •uLar naa'a, Butcher rows, halves, Stools, &e, A LARGE AND NEW STOCK OF CEDAR WARE COMPRISIN'O IN PART TUBS, .critrifs, nuerarrs, BUTT.II. •BOWLS, PRINTS. dfa 4. • • Plain and t Porcelain-Lined, anal and . , Bound Boilers, ,• - . Porcelain, - - • ',. : ' .' Br aio and- . . , • • • ' Co Pre ser zany! •. • • . Heiiigs, . • Waffle and . --- ----- - - - • - : Grid Irons A. NnEW. LOT OP GBAIN•BAGS AT GREATLY REDUCED palm TINNRRB eoLnisnaNCl .YRON9, BOLDER, BAR VBADi , 160011. TIN, Via . BINDLE AND DOUBLE DARREL .t3llO'T GUNS. Smooth 'anti 'Varlet JO la Ditto's. ItIfIOII/orele end Mount nie,ltevol ve anti Bowlo liplvog alsoOkletallo - patridgen .to 'tilt Milos nod Novol ire:l,olin th'o IlikprOvoLli,attornn. • • • THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT. '. AND MOST DkAUTINUL STYLEa ON . ; ; B I Mr) CAGES. Also, Chamber Oats, Patent. Moislllo dc nolders, Moss ' Flow •or flanging .11asFats. O' 0 T 11-Ely V N0„101; B S-Ei:G 0 Ii:G,S; END lIAND,VEL.49 - ---A 'V OA' 11.0 r. sunrun', :" .AND GILT " , LIITAERAN lIYMN lIOOHB_. . ...Exgraisiv? 4GEFT ,FOR 1 , Oka -xxocics!ote WEATLIZR STRIP, j ."Ht elied.andociie and Is indqUl (r duit.did seoltsrlthout W 013 1 ,7944 t,he- - besides decide* leleicrom tort ea 'other , eip SOSO dritiel can aoralnal,d. • - • .!. .;•• •., Itt*piA`rliss .41t,ANdAtip, 10 STILY/Bi --- - bW-1 , 46.9ffe. 13 -A 1 04, , ,,,:. ) 4; ~ , ,,v,-;ri i .....ti. 7 ,, ---- -, - 1.f... - .) . -. ,k!)k.i.e.:") ';',_ - • --,..';:),.:, c11 THE ;,O.ELF.,IIIIATED ' . - • , - • .41 '4' 1 " • . r. ! •- •:;• - ' 7 '. f. . : . . 0- *.tta. — g,.:tik .1, The STAR CORSET whioh - ie• fast.becoming the standard Corset of America, is man facture! Without- seams: PIIIRB I tha,goods which remedies the giant dillteultr of handairiade Car .utt.—ripping; also, as tno material is thornughly ..hrunt t,toto In lag made up. causes them to retain their symmetry much bettor than the Merman, Wry on, or. Ftenoh Cornet, and as fa fltiremfort and _eases L. T. GRE ENFIELD, Exclgsio s e 4gent; • 4 East Mdin• Street, • CARLISLE, PA Dommorias D021 . 32:18 1 TIOS I Notwlthetandlng the late advance In Cotton Greenfield,at No. 4 East Main St., Is now procarodfofforootoo bargaino to all,klnds of DOMESTIC GOODS= Do you want a bat:oBoin° Calico at, 1.2 M mita? 17 so, go to No. 4, you will find It. .dane case of tho most popular makes breachelfShlrt Ing.Slualln, bought helot° the lute advance, will b. sold for 20 coots, tviirth.:2s cents.. plugbams 12j 10, 20 anti 22 eta Tici I±,bs 1 Now fa tho timo to buy theta . . Our entire stock o Ticking worn purchased at the lowest notch, and w II he Hold at 'cot lespoodlnaly low Prices. Also. lIICEORY STITI p' - : - CrIEOES; DENIMS, COTTON . ADES, DMUS, EWE DE1(.178; JEANS, ' " Sc., Very chaap.• Vre-linvo received this day soma beautiful New DR - ESS GQODS, For Sp lug MF.LKNGE POPLIN tor . Lnd Butte. A very handsome line of new Alpacas, in all the, new Spring shades. , BLACK SILKS 119Eliii 60 whlch-we defy competition A full Hue of Colored Sllke, very cheap. New 'FitYlea Delalnonl, A gond Buck Toivol, 2111 ].loon, only 12 , Tem.., m.. 1 nt,h. !Lc. pattuPAP, Loom Table Linens, Counterpane, Jaconois, Cumbrlce, Victoria Lawpr, India Twills,' Irlah-Llune, Bird Eye Crash, Linen Ilandkorahlors, dr .13LtigKETS I BLAIMETS ! A *good etookor.White Flannels on hand, vary cheap . .. . Elegant White Clashtneres and French Mal-Imm at reasonable ',leer: , ~ . • laigt stock of gloves, Crapes, Crape Veils, Paint. ing, i.throudlnge Always on band. Viien' or ders promptly and satisfactorily filled. . . CLOTTIS and eAgSIIVIERES A full assortment from Um lowest whole of Anonlean to the fluent 'ranch. _All elzos • GRAIN , B•A GS noexpaty AND HOOP SKIRTS, qhsaper . then bier. PE it WINDOW sHAiit'i '''' OIL WINDOW 811.1)BS! • li,ooll l OTI CLOTHS TABLE OIL, OLOT1481:: ' -.--FRENCH; _CORSETS The beet ICU Gloiee In Carlisle, Jun received, only K 25. . am' herr , `O, Inrcim tho palate amid te [41.4 tx4hy of tbo itheye pods ~befori tbe t o lt. topeithlitloos, wo cati.olfq r . go . tue batgal tat OW may, not be Pond olmOterei the bUyer:ceo.eafe money .by; -10,4 pg lv und,wo oto nitelimpetoil ..tct i t stollece, ttiCtI T IMi:IgEOEVIii44 4 I44: 4I :gatI 76 4- than tbo Listed. • '4. N. Tvc› . ;4; ! ~ i * t i;.' TM AU L. T. GREENFIELD. clmarell • .„. r, • - T '`_ =1 I= =I inone and White Goode, Plaid Cambrlce, Stripe Camber Sac Fir.lah do. Natheooks IMICIE Piques, laribtons .i ; j1 LIliN4 -- _ ._, 'AT COST on hand .. ~i. ~:. Sl':~.. :I f,. '~i 1... ,- :;FUBNITURE: • -,,,:.•,;, i-:,-,, • :4 J 6 7 .124 0 to ' 9 • t-4 „t - 0 'O3 _ tri• jA; ra 0 5 .) FY V 4 ..•. Pnralturo.of all v.:di:Coe in :I'btyloo ••pf Ferdgn and Dome:1110 manutecture,Trom am tillosf'romnrood and Mahogany to the lowed priced Maple and pine Parlor, . „ . . ' 'Chamber, . . • Dining-room, 1.. Fll RNITURE. '. . ' Rltehott. and Offleo , :• ... . . . . Embracing ovary article used bynowt, •and ilotol keepors of tbo most approved npd , aablonnbio dcalgo and Ontab. Including - also Catnip fund t two In Hotta recepilon and Camp Chilro. Ninttrosses, Gilt frames, pictures, to., .40.% • . . .. . -- AZ-Particular attention given as usual to funerals: , .Ordera from town and country, attented to promptly and on moderato terms: -- SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TtII SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. mairh2l, 04 NEW FIRM, NEW IrCEJSINE! , i,!Fg,. g - NEW FURNITURE! •• 1 • • 111 5 C Votic -e• no sub'Herlbers haring nAsoolated thernsolvns In Partnership for o:mA:lms:talon (1 the FURNITURE •BTJSINESS_• have located thrtosottes• in . i he well-ltuosin rind pep ulnr stand atoll . occupied by the Jo flier partner us it tirocery store, ou the south-cunt earner of Jlanover sl. They de4co to on annoy° to the 1•ubllc that they hard Dow on hand end 11,1 constantly slittlufacturlog and purchasing from the hint earei.n nuti,nfnet Were . the latest and Lest styles and pattern's of !TUBE. of all qualities.' Their sines of reaullvdnade work, consists In par of mnitOGANy rs, WALNUT bull S. • cif itsTNo SUITS, - • Fl,Oll 4 I, IL E. ST ANDS. TEA DII ESSINU ltUltlA US, 2 f all sty es and prices. . - Tote a Tetek, Soli.. Lounges. Cottages TrUirgii.7l;l3oV raga, Japaney, land Jenny blad licalateads, C 'tinge Itureallr. Marbles lop- Tetblva end tatands, Waabstands, of all varletlos,Chulrnol nit Furniture in onus Or I,L.Ph'CV coup{antl g on ~band. Mirrors of all stylea and Once, ILOMEMADE WORK, Such, a, Side Boards, lioreaur, tted“daids Safes See. eht ries,l4'halre In Set Ls, anekers of all (Imelda:lons, He., made eumpetent weritruoli from the very best am. turial - tard - nt - reasnrrablu - prires. SHAPLEY ,S 1111,11ERT. suicur MUSIC, ealadautly an hand. 1410348 Iv.. • • , - 01;0 TILINO CLOTHING 11 ALL Samuel Arnold Inform- Ids friends and _customers that his stock of Winter Clothing iN now COM plate, that he la toady, to sell 'at P Wholesale relcu, Bofors nay ing-olsewhet examlno .041 r-stock and you will find that yon can save TWENTY-RIVE PEP CENT Alt,tionds warranted to ho as represented Tbo IMMOI.O stock of OVERCOATS: • from $8 00 upward, I, ARNOLD, North West Cpl nor:mover an Md L uthof root 8 nov 67. RUGS I, DR CIO t 3 ! . . • r. D. Commas having to relinquish. an 'extensive practice, as wail as his Drug Bionic. in the city ot 'Pittsburg, — serstaryears tige - 0 Wm:count - of 111 - health, - bestow opened nt No. aB - Nor tit 511.attover street, he, menu ofllas of Drs. KlelTer and Miser, a DRUG STOR.B, whina of hon. nod le reennlyine over tow lines ,cr atonic of Drugs, Chemicals, bye btuffa and I. ...Ty thing_garieratly_Aupt_in—a'_wnll-ree.ulatuct—Lit- Drug Stern. Prescriptions carefully eo.aponinded and family receipt's will roceivo n pedal rare. Tine Inn eat, ho consulted at any, at lets utiles, boot on his store, or an his duelling, No.) 12 Nk.rtil Danny, r a. rest, after stood hours. ltemetubsr the plume Nc.:3B North Ilanovertitrsst, Carliala 1,1900.67.1 y Ell • _ _ 45> _4 4 4 0 0- R,EsToqR Jo - , 41F911, Riprotb... HAllt.bri‘ E &Sr NO )v .hi e - w ptyt e . rn oneßo - will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural Color and beauty; and produce- luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless,. and is preferred over every -other. preparation by those -who have a line head of hair, .as well as those 106 . Wish to., restore _ it. -The beautiful gloss and-perfume impartedvi the Hair . make it desirable for old and young. For 8010 by all . Drogglirts. DEPOT,. 198 GREENWICH ST; 01001Ep9Itja, 14fali•4s ly. E. THOMPSON' • , FASHIONABLE -A- 1 . 1-1 . 0 , - SEV : ENTH . AND WALNUT STREETS; PHILADELPHIA. gamplos to order from, and ipetnictions for measure mnnt, wont to Gentlemen residing out of Iho city, and 'eatisfection guaranteed: h4o_ visiting the ails- are invited to leave tliolr moneure for present or, ,Intur'w orders ' • Pentaloon cutting lea epaclality. , :(ireat ex porionco In title branch pf,tailoring warrants an levitation to tbantillishlng gbott-Altting pontnieone4o)itio blm-n trial. • , NTARBLE .:YARD. " . ' ' *7...a- DIONIIMENTEI,TISISI33, '' ntAnsToms, ?dant& Door OM, on hood - and !nada to order Sodth Hanover, dtruot, Corlisle,Ta. ' " ' ' 4 :: • 1 W414J7.-,P.APERS . :: • PAPBR 11.411.4:31-ISTOSI AN IMMENSE B : r9olt OP• LL E , NiVir AND ULNOANTI3TYDEB FOR,DARLORS; TIALLEI, WHOLICSALD AND Dlibiil4, ....acrwgi.L;46.l3lo.lLlßXWEi s . :;; 0082~,511 Off , p*,1,44 ti4l4 Bhuilio?,oo,liiira; Job-Work, executed ati this' office.' 41 . EWING(i.IIIA6B.I.N..B"S. ... l et,-:,'. ::::,,','' ' 1,",;;,`:; ,•,''' - ;''',' .., _____ .... ~- ,t , " - t - „: 14,. ii .. _' ' •:, s ... :,...:1./.,,,,',...Z3:rc '?..',1C.:. :, ' sl:ii'' ,l i , ligf.'?„,--ilalo --I, -,:,...,,- - - -. ~ , , : e., -:.--- ,- k.,, :;-,;vi ., :cie q ,44..f:.--_-4 _ , , ylieeley & Wpm' mid Elliptic. LOCK 876TCH .SEWING ' MACHINE'S; :••• The Best' Simplest' and - Cheapest. • rEVEl.l.P,SE:minchiren . nre adorned, to a Moils of tinnily sewing, working equally well upon SItS. Linen and Cotton goods. n lib Silk. Cotton and Linen threads. making a beautiful. and perfect atitai ono On both sibs of tho article AOW(Id. All machines sold aro ‘rat ranted. Call and examine at Tail Road Telegraph Office, Car• Halo, Pa. JOHN CAMPBELL' May 21, 1867—th 1E33 ~ .q 0 TILT GREA 7, PR PZ E.! - 4.:X.12911•10:: USlVElifit.LLti, rAILIk. 1 - 07. TIIE 1(0 'SEM:4OII4 ' IIIACIFINE CO, • Aleardeq, over Efigotn-Itirn Comp:Mars, THIeHIGLIEST_PIiIiMIUM; ,Tho Only •Crross of tho Legion of Honor ~..e,5ti0.:41...m....%. c k. c p 0 3 , - , 1 ,:' z ‘ , 7',1( , ''./"Pif , ),\:„:., 17-1 , 1 co i, ,,,4. , ,, ''' )\' 44F: 9...,,,, 1 - ":0- 7 0 - LAD M=laL 6 s2l._i given to A mEltreAN Sr.wiNt: )I.kenr,rn, per' Itnpotln' Ilucree, publinliud in Inn '• don lie,,r Universe . Junrinll ul tII e Tnor.,lny, YJ July, 10117, In in 10„r,1-: I Fuhricaotu do Inehtues 01nil ( posmat. .In. 712mooteturur of • sorting Mitt bio..s. Exhibitor. - , r11114 double 11-rmt but.ur iv-trout her rrol-trl-thegrent miperlorivy 01 thr over ell others. -1 , 1111,k DIMPIIIA Agvn nn- u Nit : 1, ,I.3.7TY6llfivare EIBEIM = JAS. E. CALI) WE & CO., JEWELER:IS, No. 902 'CIIE6TANUT . PIIIII,ADELPHIA, ?II AN ft FACTO It EFS a tit! 111 VO IVY It • OF belong tltliltsinuqs of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths NEW MARBLE ,STORE, Extending from e 1....,.! Oto—t. • oensoin affording tontdp room 1111(1 Convonieut nree•erlea, gin - g4npurtnuity_inna /I/ opordileplaydd , geodextnti-pet , ter niot n• fur their exeluination. , With ex lc:wily° and GI votable a rr,tneonnot ti in this- Coo utry and In Europe, w.e, are In a [malt i^n to offer at moth, ate Fin 11=1 TVcr Hies; Dimitonrl6 Bron.v. , IL• Mar ble Goods, &ire). Jrares,..jelectrii Pn , elain•4, Ylai l 000VR -FANCY A IRTICLEti;.'? - Btran g orx vlxi Uu g tha city ate cordially invited to examine our Now t•tortt. itruaraB-ly C EMI 'NEW YORK CLOTI4 . IW--- 110 U I •Ei • Spring Iganufaetur*: ,THE LARGEST STOCK OR I, ;‘ N' . CLOTIIING • „.• • IN Ainv - YORK CITY. IV° aro propare l lo Inhibit to thn morelinnts of this Knell. the beet seN:etron ot Clothing etor , oirein4 in the New York Mark, t, nonthi cling and FlSli GOODS, •- 01000 IN VIE MOOT liVrNlOll MANNEN Alid•ttf the Pry Latest Btylts llVraLtorinsnu 1 nt Wo Invite tine attoutionn of byyers,ktl prnmiso to mike it to Voir lotorest to oxttmlno our immense stock beforo tßuklog their windlass. KIRTLAND, BABCOCK & ,BRONSON, 45 &.47 Chambers St., ,-- •.. NEW ~YORK„ : SELLERS FOLWELL, :, • • CONFECTIONERS Ai:VD B, - ; 11 . - Nb 161 ~ 7 011,T11. THIRD SfiltPl P, ..PHIL A: D E 13 . i" XM,OREEIIS promptly ntlencled-to. 21411.08 am; . TO FARM+ERB I , ,PGlCifie a71a210 00711paly S Soluble:PA , • LIFT 0. GUANO.' Triu ATTENTION.6I Faitnars,and Other Consumers et • Fertilizers le invited to 'bit Ol'aino,' as worthy of their special notice. jte MO for rerieral,yeare lend, Virginia and other Southern States, for nil crops, hue Oren It u standard character for elteellonce un• equalind , by any other: It pee/mined anieknees of Peruvian Guano with perluanent qualities nit found In that article. 250 Pei ofithls (inane are• ibpud more than equal to II00.11in'ol•the bolt 'Super-' pinegiites. - .dtripetir the whent - cropfuir to eeven dive !artier than the phosphate,, which tut intent, glvies,3 incaleulatto sdventerAmiii - Por 'sale b,tii 8. It letitlEle-CO., • ' General Agents for Pacific Gunno Co., r, Oa Uouth'Deleuare AIM.; ' ; • i ; And 71 ,aolull Stteet, Ileltanoro. 27mar 68.0n3, '‘ • . T LIE OLD AS TABIJI,§IIF,D; FIRM, - r 4: J. 111011A111580N: /4,004 120 MARKET 84i1.116Tj ' I i LlIVAD'A., Ts' the largedt. •'Coliroctlngbre and. 'wholOitle I)oalare lu Fruits, N4q, &c.,'l4.tholirNteld BtAtpi, =, • • • OrpeirOPl•ly • • ( L 4 El' the „ hest, , -Photographs at —Lorbmatea 1 1 'ratnitiiri. Photoqupll-41Pllery, 2 Main Eltredt; 14fab 02 , 44;;,1 ~ Nt k VERY cp.4; 1 11= =I SIBLEY & STOOPS ' 1 7 0.13, So!lill = every dvseription of FIRST (AAss. GOODS, ED= 'y , 1 :1941 ervyy' rioreription of 1.13 'Ante-War Price STOVES AND TIN WARE. Il+ YOU, WANT TO . SEE :THE moot porfoot Pdrlor StOvo over offered to the publl6, atoll 1140 , ; „ • WPM. - - 'FRIDLEY'S"' • • E3to4 Since gust: tonther street, in the roar of IlulterVenrocerY Store and coo the '. GREAT AMERICAN — BASE BURNER in—operation. IC le nperpetual Blurrier, and per fect Iliiillator, as will as a perfect yantilator of the' room, and is •tvaranted to censunto loss coal than ooy.othcr Stove of the entre" nian,,ever °Mired in the public, requiring but ono — ordin nry,.;.ecuttio of small coal 'ohm, in twenty-eight Malin, being perfectly simple In all its 'milting,. having a slinpie Ohio to regulate the lire for keeping nt night, ono kindling of flre being all that Is required Miring:the jointer. ..No duet, no gas, nosing or cinder. 9 H tg A p. O M t- , 't3 6 , ,0 :11 Hi 0 0 I —An' emplo Magazine. or itesepyolr, for Cool, - having a free dOcharge mouth, the Magazine being ad,instabl p to different height.' of xis to. nine Inches trent . 'lite grate; sd Co 10 Ileetqlleledllf 0 the -supply of Cont 00 to Its sine and 'plant ity, Maui permitting the maintenance of a certain depth of coal for active combustion within the pre -pot (whether It be of nut or stove size). which is tile only way to burn An• thrarlte coal to advantage. Different 'sizes of coal rrgniro ITION or less depth for Deriect combustion. .2 -A Fennel. or Hopper, for the psoengo of the coal to no magazio a Is so arranged as to permit the Intmluefien of fresh coal, without allowing any -.scope of fumes and gee Into the room; and further, •' hen the :Love Is lett with Ito top Uncovered, com• polling any founts that may. escape from thb supply _n the reservoir. to Ito top,to pace over the top of the resor . toir Into 'the surrounding flue, and to the ha e and outlet. . p=A Fire, of with a continuous-Flue, -over ,Its entire upper edge and down Its wholo oody. tt, the ttse and outlet flues by_ o hich means the hest. Is - ranamitted, not'. In senarate_ Altus several__ inches_ -,part,_asitiOstr2.4l.4u.down ward .dra'ft-B_toves• but hi a coral moos 14101 t -Of in contact with the entire clreumfimenue °flue tutor easlo 4 or the StOVU; - fr0111... I ho,o2linf the Fire-lot do w ni,al do, giving a far moro extended surface of radiation of the heat that any downward draft c , tove ea to lit. 4.-An nipple Orate .S urn me and Ate Passages. and a rOlOpietUNlirrllllpti It rate, tor shaking and dumping. wan a goof slut A - Sh Pnll to revolve the, ashen and „Ander: 9 - It to ho noted, that thorn le. -au qtr.einte. _ _ _ • SECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS I opm the rcmoccl of llin cover from the Stove, Nl' hlii 1 IN:7catiza--uliou- rl.“.44ll4Lvrti- of-tbn-covenr, - witliiiiher idagvalne t`VIVOS. for suet Is the effect, of the I. ilium). ea rehatructed and Arranged In reference to the .)l.iiiiialne cod Ito surrounding Flue, that NO , I AS II AN N A CCU oill,A'f'f: IN 'fll,E UPPER, PART OF HIE MAGAZINE TO EX P LUD ..:. Nor can ii'eurrent -of fdr, or dtaft. _he_ created' upwards_ _through _the Ning:mlne to lull:Lino its epotelitl, whirl, happens will, oilier St.)°, iniiiiing and cli•etTo) lug the Magaalne itself. .. . . Every fort ore of illy Store to ealooluted to end. E U U -N U m ,k7.3ty IN THE ESE, OF V1'9'1., - 1:111la MLITT IN' • ITS - CUZSTRUCTITIN IN 'ITS -- PROPOSTIONS. • To additinO tt, th. nbovo Stove, Frldlny Toeva nu Lands foil .uppl) u 1 the la,e Cook, Parlor and OM. Tin nn I ;. , 1:,e1. Iron ivnol. of all kid, on band, and -Sporting, Cooling and J.:Alin.; of all hi dung at ~ : ort and of tin and Jim: "t the 111000 apptcyrial pttonts, and In Col, dust on tlro u.•Ft Pnrtillde and Bawl, Butt IF 4 I.I7OICIAM •S) l• ,;11,,,, , d pui,ll“._ lor reu,t, , 1.0: call Oil T. andyn ; F. C. Flettlivg; hit ilOn. Noldigh ; A. 1,. Spot,lt.) ; ton ; 1111101811; lell,llgh ; J. 11110Ie0 . . 29tt0N.1 , 1 I 1• ~,%; T‘ ' CAPS ; , Fr 810) 7 (7 - . Do yGet want a nice, 'Hai or p 'E'en. don't fall to rill on ' . L I 0 , No . 9 , Wriis i - ,3.1n In" Str 01 - , IPhrrn eve La carp Elle finest .adiortmentnf 'HATS AND CAPS, • evet brought to CarUsko. Ito lakes great Pleasure In lilt it inc Lix ttld fi lends and Custornorx, and all new Ones, to his splendid Ptock just ieettlyed front Now Sot I, and Ph eonsidthg Int - part of fine ' SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, • no,itivb nn enonese 'tete on caps or tho latost el vt , , all of which he will soil at tho Lowest — Minh hi wee -- ItTiODTisown manor:raw° iff Hots al. 00ye on hand, end 110.1 ).tinfrifgolurett to 'Order. • Ho has tho beet arntligeltiellt . for volorlng Hats and all I,lnds of Woolen Goode, Overcoat s, &e., at tho Shorlo•I sullies (as he rotors every weal and on tho niost reasonable tort.. , Also,. a fins et__Of,e lol, 9 •orands of .1 , TOBA,6(<) AND CIGARS e on,liencl, fie deeh•es to call the attention-°f F,1414.E.1s who hare ' COUNTRY 'FURS To sell, 00 he Faye no 111,1°A en•h price:: for the earn°, • Give him a mill, at the al,ove number, his old stand, ashu feels co (dent nr giving en tine autlßfastion• Julvl4 U 7 11 E CA111,161,E (300 K ' STOVE ;il'anufartured et F. CA BUN 1311 .4. Co's Foundry and F:hep, Corns)°, C/OT' 111: ,111. ATI- This Is the testimony of scores of larnllles in CumluolSrld, err! and Allots Conotles who ale now using ihstn. Wand ..ce them. ' C 0 IZ-N SJi E R S, alining either by power Or by band—conslantly-•on .mud and for Fah, by IF QM - 11)N tilt .4 Co. Foundry and Aladane,f - hon, Past Main Strcat. STE#AI BOILER AI AKING. ‘vo oro prepared to make...Aram Boilers or All slzos and Moan prOniplly and on tbe best terms. Also r3tooktr,`,.qarlts ands all.artklas to that line. ItorAin -100 or tloii.rna-and Engines promptly attended to Is the best manner. FLOAIIDNER k CO Foundry nud Machine Simi; Carlislo, Pa u .2 , VEIZGNE'S I.IIII.IIMOVEIty A elientlettli preptrallen of .Lflid Oil, neutralizing tin for OXVIEN—the retiree of gum, &c., out imparting to A (by ebeffileat affinity) a property 1 ATTRACTION POP. METALS, It is rotolnrd,•ln? CONTINI2I)UtiIS Piing ltln at West 25 to 50 per Cent. longer thin• sperm Ily bbl ! ;, to; Caen, or S 2 05 por Qullou. 152.,V0ym AC:AID:VC LrAKAGE LTC, AND ton THE CON. VE , IENCC OP •Small Consumers and Retailers, Thu Oil la put up, 1q the required quantltlea, - at an ndvnuco to croconthe cost or CA n, and it) reasonable _retail profit:.-—• _••• b ga ll s :, F , i ,,,,,,c t .nit, $l2 43—0000, 212 Doz., $,21 16 a " " " 7 62r- " 2.12 " 1021 .1 ~ ." '. ' 2 4 " 6.12 !‘ • 111 41 34 . 6,6, _., 7 4 6 .' 1 " 17 62 Omni credited on rottirn in ardor.. Discount by roar, to retail denture. SEWINO.MACIIINT §IL Tho Oil Ps also put up assa SIIIVING 'MACHINE and ARMOR OIL, In B to 4 it. (whit° dint.) 25,' conts=paeltod Sul dtia.,. l 4and . gros.rasee, Ith.Boz.; ./50 eents—pachad4,. 4 and 11 , los. camas; nod in 24 oz., $7,00,--packeo I and 2 doo. coon's; sold by Bowing Machin° A'gpnts, Piro! Class Coldgolots, Circara and euntr3 AlerelpaWs — Ordors revolted .- throuoll tlio rade. • .T11;1' Virlp ter . Btitnthirtl of n thoollls 05 0 'to 40.2011 t - 011, - in casks and bblis. suldOst.tozeturn and. credit witiiin Ira days, rsnnplo hits :19 days, npor data ~of_ doi If nut satisfactory. r Orders by 11b1„ dm., sent through' Messrs. SMITH "00., Marl 11 the t urom , Supplies, Illarke; 'Street, Ii BULLOCK'S SONSi-Wael 42 South front Street, WM. 8111.1.1111 S & CO., Machinists„ and the PIIILABIIU PIIIO AOKNOY, oth and .-Minor Streets, • - - - - - C, 13." D- LA yERGNE,' Aa'T, Swell 31antiTt i o L r It y l; 1 1, 0 1 1 1 1/tllow . llill 5t.,.7 . - - 28110,311):. SkhING IS ..BIMIEVING, At 704 ARCH STREET. NEW` PRICES I " NE* (00DS I Rich Silver andSilver-Plated .Wares, ,:, ~7 , ..„—ii- . k. , Including •nvery'aila and t l l.klai ) r iiMa,“ doteription, rondo ox Weal .41 . for a Endo, Winter , ado, Arbirtl a 0 .. m . fur herittietri and durability krtWO cannot bo iiurpattod iat . 41. , . , i...... 0 ' , . 31011WBOWN/gra Wholesale and hotallalanuraeturlng iletablehment, 70.4 ARCH STREET, ' • ska.Tte-platlng atnbort nedlee• ' Ilauail 11.•• ~ry~n l ' ltlmonio _ Walo s 3 .. AT BAL9TON!B. D 0011,1509 MISOELLANEOUS Et'S 'LINE.' L Tho Oni?lndtvfdnal Pally Freight Lino bot Ween. ...lisle, and Philadelphie . r • 1. • • • AIERCHANTS. LOOK TO IN.: . •• ' • . • IIiiPOII.T.ANT MiIiIO.P.NOPMENT, MERCHANTS Ft. FREIQIITEESI • . . •• - , 'Thot.'ork [snit otter the lot day of becemberOcigi, thin Line" -will transport Goods of hit descriptions,. from Philadelphia-to !pa illnle,at precisely. .Company„ Ju'rualting this vory -ImoOrtant -anisaitncementlo the islerrhantr6and PhipPers Alan - undersigned; feel assured that it will meet with this hearty aPprostal. and encouragement of their patrons. Pant experi ence has fullydemonstrated.that it :in lospor.• Mat tb patronla s and encourage individual Interest' and energy, thereby securingv, fair competitioq , and protdction against railroad monopoly. The man and gory important odgantages of a - DAILY 'FREIGHT LINE . • L=l .9 H 0. tz) 0 o lz/ c• - 61' N • " no too well known and arpreclated by tills commu. city to be overinoiced ,and forgotten., We. rely with confidence .upon . 'the active co-opnratldu of our nu merous patrons and friends, in advancing the inter ests'of this line Experienced conductors accompany °itch train to see to .the safe delivery' of - all - goods entrusted to the Line. •-• -The—Philadelphitt---and-Ri3ading Freight Depot , • ho used by Ibis Lino, for the reception of all floods; theincredsed advantages offered ,In the; - same, In the Way of Light:nod Space. If 11l ho largely bene ficial. • Draymen will find this Depot easy of en trance, being level with the btreet. lie carclutdo hare your Goods barked and ordered to PMLADELPILIA and READING Depot. Goods delivered at this'Depot any time kfare 6 o'clock P. M. will be loaded Me sauna day. o TAM & BRO. Ulan 66. . H. ALL'S PATENT OENTRA L ANI) OUTWARD DISCIIT ARGI. WATER WHEEL, Bearing (lan April 80, 1807. • . JACOB ABRAEUMS & C 0.,. - .Arawville, Cumberland Colent2h . Pa., Proprietors nf . tho ahoy° nanthl - Patent Tor - tho COuntleii of CUMBERLAND nod FRANKLIN, PA., ond - WARRINPTON C .LINTY MD. Wo desire to calPthe-attentlon of Millwrights, Mill Owners, and others, to the merits of the above Inven tion, which for Durability. Efficiency and Cheapness, they are confident mina hn surpos,d. IVherTmer It IniiilMen inteoduced. •succoa 'hoe In vatiebly followedreten muter the most unfavorable I circumstances. . r .Ffir Bock Water nod Loin Head . guff economical use of Water, 17,is Wheel is luttliout a riegi A Working Model of the 041.A1 can be L examined of tho EstaLlishment of 'he Manufacturers in Nsw yo.u...PA.orheraall.-Information- may-bo-clieerfully given, • • We append the following references: & I. 11. HUBSEL JOHN 1)110IIIIAUOIT, BENJ ',MIN LANDES, Millwright. SAMUEL LANuES. O.& A. W. PifirlD•iON, .1. S. LINDSEY, ' Millwrights .1. U. RUSSELL, ,- LEWIS BOW M A N.. SAMUEL PI PER. SOLOMON STROHM, , XDAM'ItAMP, Millwright. ACOIT - KAll P. . • septa) tf. - . Et _ • 'THIS FIRST PREMIUM 4SP "Of a ,Sliver Jac,f,O 4 4 ArAs An • 111111 • 10 BARRETT'S - HAIR HESTORATiVE7 . 13y . the N. 11. State Agrlenlturul Soci,ty,nt Its knir holden In NIVIInn, 10+6. • sr• II A. •Er. It liVIC a" R _ . Vegetable. Hair _Restorative licstoles Gray Time tolie not.ol color.. Ilk/. vigial m lotee the growth of the little. Chu.ea the roote to their originanilla action. Gritli- 0,, . eates -Dandruff .d Ituinore. - Preyenta •ty 11 Or tolling owt. Is a Superior Drre.igV It contemn no Injnrjous ingredlct9 and la the most popular and lull .. table article threughoat the ,, , t A l. Last,t, North and . .. c0. .. _ 11 -- South,. ..."1" • • . Vir - . 0 .'s' 4. R. pAHRETT & CO., Proprietors, .INIANoEsiErt, - SOLD BY . ALL I)RUGGIS'IS. 22n0r.t37-Iy. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION All persons 1114110'1aq to go to IToaeo!cooping - aro - 1a I ted to . at WALKER _ & __CLAUDY'S TIN ,4 ND STOVE STORE, No: -18,-IVest. Main Street,_ _ and. esnuolno their Immense stook of STOVES, TIN WARE,.and everything: In our lino. _ _ Having greatly cuTarged our facilities for doing busi ness by securing the splendid Store Room, No.lB, West Main — 7 treat, and having jest received large Invoice of the latest and best devices in the Heater, Stoves Tinware and Japanned Ware line, we foal fullijtibti fled to the stateteLnt that non can accommodate All Classes of Customers . . molt sathatictorily than tillY similar establishment In tube country. • . . In tho stovu Bun Ivo Qffer..the, following:,..--,-,,,, _____ --RECIULATOR, ... . .. EXC'ELSIOR PENN, • . . • NIAGARA, _ -.. _. . . ... COMBINATION, • SUSQIIEHANNA, • . _ ._. .NOELP, 7 COOKI --- --:-- , -- • - QUAKER CITY. These are'all first-class Stoves. which we'will war rant to so What 'they are recommended' for; hilt wo •bevo only spa? Inspeak, particularly of , ono or :two whose merits doservo especial mention. THE REGULATOR COOK which possesses adventures whirl' sheuld recommend It to all. It has a Revolving Top,. by which artango nrnt the molt can reverse the cooking utensils to any position desired without the ll Ring of pixies and vessels which other stoves require. Ibis decidedly the best cook stove le the market: ,Ilifletv6 also ou hand a hum, stock of OFFICE,. PARLOR, AND DINING ROOM STOVES among which may be found the celebrated base bur lag MORNING GLORY ! The 'most betrulifni Offiee and . "'ado • StO,; ever (ffered to-the Too much ranuot be f,ald In prairie Of tho 51011N/NO 91.011. Y, which so for hue tokon tho load of nll other stoyee In tho market. It Is n .. . , GA S• CI S burns It own,elnder, and requires very 1111.10 atton tIOn after tho lire ifi made, lt, being no arranged that 1t will . Eto ITS OWNV iAL I Sn liable' to no explosions of illy, and is positiyoly do only etoyik in the nanthet which beirtlio coltbrato . tilfotbers aro counterfeit • •- • In'tbo TINt WARN and JAPANNED WADE 'line Wo -heap eanstanly on band of our own and foreign manufacture, the Tory latcnt'arid hkatiatterns, and madcroi tho very butit inatorlatby careful, w'orkmert: • • • . 41€ kinds. of ROOFING.* and gonoralJolMlog promptly attonded toy • • •—‘\ Don't forgot NO. 18, 7ost gniri,Street,, ts'Aminn CLAIM. fob 21 68.8 m • . . IQAS .FITTINg AND•PLUMBINEL • ~ 'he' aubsoribifiChaving _per manontly_leeated _Tha_ Carlisle, reepectfully eolleit a share orthe publio , pat-, tronege. 'Their !Atop le altuated, on the ppb, lia 1 1g,utire in the roar of the let Presbyterian ,Churept , Moore they .ean always be found-•• .. • i •, - .,.,.t , , ~ , , , Being experienced machanivi, tbei., are 'prepared in, . execute al!, (tilers that - they may be entrusted - with, I in a suncricar manner, and. ab,,, , very moderato prices.• 11YDEAII610 RAMS, ,—. •,. ', •. WATER WHEELS, .•' '.. "' • • ' ''' •• -lIYDRANTS,' - ' , LIET is VOROD PUMPS, .: 7 e BATHING TUBS, WARR DAMS' and all; Othar 'IOW , des-in the trade. " Dbmiturio AND 6AB - AND-- STEAM PITTING promptly attended to in the most approved style., -: .031-Countty work promptlyvattended to: , .... ~ ;(,, 410-All work guaranteed. • • ' . , Don'tferget the place—Damealately, in , thb man 01. the First Presbyterian Church: '. -'• • .‘, , • l- j,!..- - -- •• . 0 4 1 . 1 PDPA'4 ulloi .t#op: , ',,julyki unx.y., ' , ' , • .. F4ney printing done here.,,: lIAIT,...PI44)*B.CM4S,''', 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, • • , • - 1 / 4 :447 . ,.;0, , ,, , r .k w - d.. t Aj..,.• • • !_ . • • MrE would reepeetfully_eall the atten tinn of the public to our 'Meetly replenished STOCK. We have carefully avoided purchasing . dur ing the recent decline, and now that the market has became settled we hrtve'filled .up our shelves and urn prepared to offer special Imin - cements to all who will favor us with a call. No hare constantly ou hand n FULL' STOCK OP 17ainntercri, _English, Refined, amt.-Nor, wag 1.1l0 . 11T; Berthin's Mule x Shors ; 21 7 ;»-tray Rods; Horse ; Black an • Polished Springs,lf*C., tsatother with a full stock of BLACKSII:IITH'S 464 *, . ft -- T 0 • - • Fuchs P.olltl Box Vierq, Bellows, hasps, Files la,. 13 U 11, DING' • " ' (--) . . _. __ . iiT__lil . . . J.,. ...„ 0 4 _.. it_ lA_ L . ._ .. - i-.1 :( k ,, 0 . . --., ) ~, Wa invite all peramia intending to build, to come and Into a look thrinstla our stock. We into car lilts, Lochs, Glans. Pnints. Olin. and all material in tills line marked down at the lowest lit oil PRICES, and feel asw•ed that we eon offer sperial inducements in this tiraseli. HARRISBURG NAJLS, lIIIVRyS on bnnd. CARPENTER'S cau irP h best quality. • We tali°. special rar. in :11 . 1` bnund t, keep up to repuint lon of tfio old e .2 tenin this inn.-Uvular . T.'. BLE c - N - D POCKET CUTLERY of all immaqhlable patter:in— We keep on hand a tul Itoo c.l throe goo to not are always able to suit — fli taste of eve OW most faqldious. _sADDLEny, of every jardet:, einhraelng in part self adjusting and Gig Trees. Plated dapanned and Wand llama, Bridl Butts, Brow Bands, Birthing, liurse Blankets, ha, also SADDLE It TOOLS, MEI =I 4 _ ,-V41.7 117 ,i-' -- a 1. flip .!' ----- ta.r.. - ,ly_ftli.,i,,' , • AND ZINCS. 7 - . •.- ,• Our trio nds will al ways find mi well supplied _wit! the_ best brands of-these-articles sod reedy fo- .1 pem-nt the lowest prices. We WO constantly In _r cart of Uhl's, thus enablln • ourselves to supply ou _customers with frosts colors of all description contantly on,hand. --.A: sirlifiril- '- . — . . LINSEED OIL. - - • • Cabinet Makers had Undertakers, will allinys find us."harlng a full supply of good. nisi lino: - - PUMPS of all deseriptiou'and of the best manufa torers, - Wood, Iron nbil lend pipes to suit: FARM AND . • HOUSE IipLLS,. • • 111111, Cross-rut and Circular Sawn, Illilo. an&iilnsting Powdms, itrlendalo„llan;ock nod Protlaial Cement; Cllll3lllO Plaster, Crow liars,Sledgep, kr. , . . . , . • .: ~ , - -S, ___ ~ • • • t, ~,,N` : - f -'=:- ...., - . , . -'-f ,' 4 r . ': - C‘,4,77, FARMERS, '. • ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,.„,,,, • ..• , , -- inn , will do WWI to roll and examino .our FtOCk of t .•, Traces. 13reast Chains, Mount, and Stay Chains. Jock ey Chains, Spreads. Halter Chains. Cow Tier, Shovels, -.Spades, Forks, hakes, Orlin 11.tgs, Sc , b Toro buying ' O4OIV hurt. Wo aro ready to offer special ludiicoments In this lino.. I.: , ' - • , ..• .. iltopidra.for,McCormiell's Rodier and Mowor-constantly on hand. : • - • soopif AND 'I" . WISTISD,- • • I N. Double and Single-burrel snoT-p . uNs . vbx,vEßs, CLIRTRIDG ES; WIPERS and gun irimmitigei of °very. OEDAR, W . A - It E. Titiners' Spldering IRON S, B ar -L ea d, - 111,ock:17,4:Biibtit:1116111, - Skeet: --'Brass, tf.c., . . ." RUIFA.LO SCALE WORKS,. 'and aro ready to supply 'Scales warranted. and far- Molted at lower prices than any' other Fettles In the market.. IVO are constantly In; receipt orgoOds direct from the rmanntkothrers. and' at o able to turnit h Conntry Merchants at Philadelphia:and • Now . York prlcea • . -COACH •,• —ND • . 0 ,MPIA rIXTUItI S, 4" - alwaysi .od • band' and at tlie !Owed markOt rates, lbabs, Spokes, Balloon, 'dalos,bbiatei, Dnck, pansask, eco., GOODS, dolivored to all parts off dio town. MILLEI.EDWEFS. I F O ~f lc, o rth Hanover Carnal°, ro, `:`.` fI'HARDTTARE. HA-RhWARE STORE, CARLIsL; PA. ( ---,eL, i _i _ N of every description. SHOE FfhTDIN GS, ron Ming . of. BEEEM 111INDISGS, 'I'IIIIEAD, PEGS, A r UR. " Conoir ) l i TLlty i , and IRON VARNISIERS, PUITY, GLUE, I.ITURAGt, 4 - NS U.RANCE: COMPANIES: TUE UIiARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD CONN., . Incorporated 1850, Charter Per , _ petual. CASH ASSEtS, $4,000,000 . . JAMES O. IVALKl , EY, * President. Policies Issued on all Popular Plans. 'A few reasons why people in the Charter - Oak.. , . Ist.—All banking prlillegos are prohibited, the business being confined exclusively to the insurance ,of lives. 2.d.—lts Risks are selected with groat care, thus cat ring - smell lasses, and consequently largo dividends 'accrue to the Policy holders.-See Mass. Insurance Re. porta last e x years 3rd —lts Ratio of Expenditures, including Death' Llalins and Working Expenses, to Receipts, are un precedontedly low. Fame Reports: 9th—Ali , the. profits aro divided among Policy holders, the °lineal capital being limited by Charter to eight par cent dividends, no more than it earns for the Company at interest. . —--- sth.—lt declares and pave its Dividends annually in ' Case. thus assisting_ the insured in the payment of Oth.—lt is proilptin the payment - of losses, having paid to Widows and Orphans nearly TWO MILLION DOLLARS, and-beis nercr litigated a claim. ' 7th.—The, =lra wealth inaures as an Investment. Bth: Men of email means insure to guard their fa il illes against want. - Oth —The man of business . insures to provide _against posaible-loss-In-traderalife-policy,--belrig--a— basis for capital. ' 10th —persons in debt Dunne that their earnings for years or toll may not be sacrificed at •death -from west of ready cash to cancel liabilities. 11th,-All Duero. as money thus laid away by tittles is sure to earn° bark largely increased to their families, death tieing certain to occur. Dr. S.D. KIEFFER, N. D., Medical Examiner. J.C. STOCK, Agiint Carliele, Pa. IL 11, BLAIR; General Agencfor Eastern Pa. • Omce, No. 37 West Third St., Williamsport, Pa. 150ct07 4 • . V IRE INSURANCE. •.- TILE A lion and Eastponnaborot Mutual Fire •Iu• surancn Company of Cumberland •coUnty, incorper atml by on act of Araombly, in the year 1843, and having recently had its shorter ° otaended to the year:l.BBB,ls non in active and vigorous operation, under the superintendence of 010 following board of Managers, viz: • itilliara It. Corium, Christian BtaymaniiJacob Eh orl3,ll Daily,-Ales. Cathcart. J. IL Cobver.' John Elphothergr,_Joreph,_Wickereham,_ , Bami—Eberlyi Moses Bricker, Itude . lph Martin, Jacob 'Cooxor, and J. C. Dunlap. ' Tho rases of Insuranco aro as low and favorable as any Company of the kind In _the . State. Persons wishlng-to-become-members-are-inselted- to makt,ap,— plieation to the agen.a of the Company, who are will ing to wait upon them at any time. OFFICEItB OF THE CONIPANY. - GORGAS, President, Eborly'r Mi le, Cam berland county. A i.EX. CATIMAIIT, Vico l'reeldant, Carlisles, Cum eoynt.y. ' .10tiN C. DUNLAP, Sect'y r Atechaulcaburg, Cum becloud county._ DANIEL uniLY; Tro.uror,Dlllsburg, York Co 111ANAGkns. - _ William H. Qom., Alex. Cathcart, J. O. Duo*, lianist•lialler;Thrittlan Stay'renn, .Tdcbli - El. Coovor, Joseph Wickersham, J. Elcholborgor, Moses Vrleller, Jacob Coovor, Jacob Eberly, Jaines Anderson, John Is. Coorer. Cumberland erninly—John Sherriek, Anon' ' Henry. 'Leer ng Shiremanstown; ha Fayette° Setter, Dickin- . son: Hot r) Boy...moan. Clitirchtown; Mode Griffith, oeuth Middleton; Samuel Graham, West Panne borough: :unmet Ccover, Mechanicsburg; J W. Cock- Mn, Shepherdstowm .1. Saxton, Silver Aiming; J. W. Eby, Can lisle, Co Intl toe Penman, Dievr Cumberland; Wm. 11. o oodburn. Noworlllo. York Cot - nto , —James Griffith, Warrington, 3. P. ~tcrrdorff, Dillsberg Daniel Rutter; -- Fairviom - ohlon On pliant. Carroll; Adam Stevens, Goldsboraugh; J.S. DierdorlT, 31 ulborry 0. Dauphin county.—Jacob Houser. Harrisburg. IfIISCL'LLANEO US. • - _ 74,*: Ell" INVENTION IN OgAIN DEILLST—The subscriber, having procured a .patent fur s novel and most uWeellent, improvement in Grain Drills by üblob the grain instead of hoing planted In ;14 inch rows no in the old unTIIMUW I ered. Otpr a‘sulface of three inchos, thus oceuring - an. equal and even deoti ibution of the seed, and a cod slderaltly-gweater yield of grain. Tlils improvement can .be readily attached to any of the deals now in use. ' and County Itightslor sale, agents wanted. This ie an excalient'opportunity for active,ener. getivyoung men to make large ,alaries. toe part lculnr.s IIdOCFS - ' Inventor and Patentee, Shiremanstown Comb. Co. • -a I :Thin GMT. _ - NE 028 II 0 0 P- 31 31 T. HOPKINS "OWN MAKE "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." aro the hest:and eIIEdrEST LOW PRICED Hoop Skirts in the ‘,..erhet. - Trail Skirts, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, ova 40 $4.1 . 1 ngg, 21 45. !'lain Skirts, 6 tapes, 20 springs, Su Cunts;2s springs, 05 Cents; 30 springs, ; 41.15; and 35 sprits. $1.25. Warranted in every re spect -Our OWN make" of UNION SKIRTS," Eleven Than Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, 5120 to $2.50. Plain. Six Tapes, 20 to 50 springs, from 95 Cents to $2OO. These Skirts a , a, better than thoso sold . by oth or establishments as first class goods, and at much /ewer prices 'Our OWN malts" of "CII.ASIPION SKIRTS , ' are In every way superior to all other Hoop Skirts before the polyp, and only have to be examined or worn to cola. vine° every one of r.a. English Stsel %wimp .very_superior Lbo : ‘t . tio otthA,Allttanc4.BtoDittgr_And. manner of securing them surpass for dunthilty and excellence any other Skirt In this country, and are tighler,more eisstic,.will wear, /Pilger,Arite_more_Satt ' isfaction and are really cheaper than all ethers. Leery la dy shouhl by then, 'they aro being sold ex merchants , throtighout this and the ad. joloimt states at very me orate prices If you want the best, ask for "Hopkin's Chempton Skirt." If 3ou do not find them, get the merchant with whom - you deal to order them fur you, or comfier send direct to us. Merchants will Sod our din. ent,,grados of Skirts ex- Maly whisk they need and we espetially invite them to call and examine our eirensire assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. • _ To be had at Retail at Nianufactory, snap( She'll.. tail Trade generally, and at It h locale of- the :Vann. tacturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed -,NIANUFACTORX and SALESROOSI,‘ 628 ARCH BT., Between Gth and 7th Sts., Philadelphia. I= 1 S ARRIVAL 14 Of till the New Spring Styles of HATS, AND OAPS: The Subscriber has just opened. at NO. 15 Noith Hanover ht, a few doors North of taro Carlisle Depohilt Itmk, true of the largest and beet stock of HATS & CAI'S ever offered in Carlisle. liats,.Cass merits of al sy es and qua es, Stiff Dams differont colors, and ovety.description-of- Soft Hats ndiv made. The nuokard and old fashioned brush. kept constantly on band and made to order; all warranted fogies satisfaction. A full assortment of STRAW BATA. . boy's and chthiron's fancy. I have also added to my stock, Notions of different kinds, consisting of Ladles and Gent's Stockings, Neck-Ties. Gloves, Pencils, Thread, Sewing Ms. Sus. ponders, Umbrellas, Ac., • Prime Segarit and Tobacco, peva on hand. Give ma a call and examine my stock, as I fool con-'_ 4 dent of pleasing, oosides saving yon money. J I.IN A. KRLLER, Agt. No. 15 North Hanover-St N OTICE. 3-- E=23 . - Nalco is hereby given that application will be made for .thy ineorporati-r. of a Mina of discount, deposit and aculatlon, under the auth wily of the Act of Assembly approved alay- let. 18131, to he located in Carlisle, Cumberland county Pa, and to be called the '•Farmers Bank," with a capital of 1114 thousand dol lars, with the•privi lege of Increasing the same to one hundred thousand dollars. Rooms Gwen; l': HMIIIIIO/4 Jae. 11. Ilavngt. THOMAS I'AXTOIc JACO]] bopisl tt En , • Skiandla 13m. FLOWERS 1 'FLOWERS 11 c FLOW •The season , of btids and blossoms of green foliage and pay flowers, with all their beauty and fragrance is approaching. Those Wishing to decorate their win. - dna a furtnaliktanti with choice •i.piutild' flowers." -- Now is the time. We oiler, dhado Truce, Eve rgresnc • ROW ' ; Vines, Bedding Plants, Crape Vines and al Fe e choicest kinds of Green, house plants, flanging, ltahkels, Cut Flowers, and Coquets furnished on short , • rodeo, at the "White 'Hall Nurseries," Ca lisle, Pa. . • 227 1868 227 German Seed Store. CIERBtAIi and, orxrErt Field Garden & Flower Seeds Shado and Ornamontal. Treed JVarrantedletth and q f best guelity ' • at lowest pried by . . • , , •LOU IS:'9COURNI:.&.(7O,".• 227 11:ortli Second • . . . • pluidampari: PA 1t11310142°-‘l°.°o sont - gre!tle. , ' • ; 1868. 1 S P.R INT G, 0 P . ,10.1T IN G. 1868 ,EYRE • ' & . • . t H ODDTIf AND: Anon Britrarrei-- p Et Lig A )S'E,LP 34 I A. •-• NEW. SPRING IitLISS, • -, • • • • NEW STYLN BRAWLS. . NOV BLUES ',IN DRESS. GOODS. -STEEL AND „PEARL POPLINS. BEST 'BLACK ~,- 2 14:11-.NET:Castt Burstawlll find It to tbalr toter tat to call as Bargains from Auction aro aallitucutvoli . tioinr43B =5 COMM SKIR TS: 628 =I Wl.l. IL '/SI;1.1. 1 14 11ARI• W. AUL, - [wart V. Bran% ADRAPI DAVID MIKES. •