• H . ..'3 6.......,... .A - Y. , , ,.: ... : •... ,.. t. 5 i , ... ;: ; ~ l i'l ~ . .._: t i , t 11. ;,' t• , .. t . 1 1 , , 11.'.. 1 : 41 C .. 1 . -: ' A P. r 3:i k:A .• : . .. r. ,. ....e.t... , t-rj :', ji Ili• ,::, -.".U.F.P707 - :':-.-i.tyr4 , •. , • -7rs • CARLISLE• PA ,) EU lFlillld;Y, 11Id`Y'1~'„Y86~.' ” r. 1 ,0 It „ Gen. ULYSSES ' S.' GRANT, VP' ILLINO19" • , TOR, V7.01q PRESIDENT; , Hon. C.URTIN =1 StibjeciiO tke k4ublica,n' Natinnqi C STATE TIUIEET., Aterlitbr_ Ge Con, JNO . HARTRANET, Ormvntgothery county:- " Surveyor . General; JACOB M• CAMPBELL,— of cotolitio CoOntv. . .emoci•ri tic Jotirnals. The Mw York Tribune Wakes the foi lowing comtuents upon the character of - many of-the mast infloectialDemouratic -papers “The suppression of Obscene, immoral, and disgusting literature wok Id strike out 'm exkteneu half the I..)emouratie journals of [As'. country.. Next,to the prohibition of liquor: rd est-bbitv.lth could be Oren 'mill° party.' The most w dre ly eirctilitted and mast admired Democratic paper now printed is the onseeee and bias- Themoue T e a CrO3SC ,De3lloCrili: That paper, more thaninyotner, awakes tlfesy mpathies, and expresses the opinions of the party: It has heaped upon the memory of Abraham Lincoln uuti•ege that. would be telerated_in no other country under heaven ; if, pursues Chriatina associations end temperance socie ties with the venom of 11 thousand -copper. heads rolled into one.; it seolfs at religion. mocks at virtue, defies God, and voids, its filthy rheum upon everything that good - men —respect o mered. _Under .the luw.for the suppression of obscene print, this priper cannot openly circulate in NewTork. And we have at borne, also pestilential pi ints only less infamous because less able; the admir ers of Brick ,Pbmi:roy are 'many, his imita tors few ' Elie Satan in hell beStunds among them in shape and gesture proudly eminent." The Pennsylvania,. Election, kricurlO - . • The following rcmnrl,•s of the-New York : Daily Tinies,...in reference to the revelations' madein the Cdetre county . contested eleutisin -case, seem Co us to hit the nail right on the head : •• "The whidesale frauds of tho.PonnsTiva an Democratic _Suite • Committee in the Sharswood election having now been Troy od, the question is a b ut will be done with the ? are told that "the case has .concluded" with the ousting of a Democrat ic Senator, and the swearing-in or a Repub lican. It strikes us that die ease should not 'conclude, but commence, at_that point.— When, in addition to the atrocious frauds _themselves—A-he unblushing bribery, the im portation of voters, die wholesale forgery and perjury, the abuse of court rules and notarial signatures—we fine that ono wit - nese to the frauds-was murdered in cold blood. a second kidnapped and confined. and the third rescued from the., very hands of the law officers, surely something more titan a political change of one vote in the Senate should result. Unless the severest pens I ties of the law ore iutlicud, the same thing will he done again, with increased shill in avoiding detection." THE ,petnoq•fitic Sta.e Central Com mittee„under the leadership of Wm A Wallace, has acquired quite. a reputat ion id-the wayof addresses, pronunciamion= toe, secret circulars, and election pt ice lista. Will:thaynot issue, a. dre-s eaplainin4• , the Centre-county flaudS ? '1 he priest with hid five hun dred dollars of official bribes, the mur dared witness, the perjured :voters, fur nish capital-material for a Napoleonic and drat:mitr exhortation in. the gifted Chair— man's Most sensational style: A enicAoo paper OW a long list o 'Republican successes which have recent ly beeti - tiChieved - tie the West. The Me , I:itiblicarts.l - titiqraaried br decisive ma. jorities MadiSon, tiho - "capitul of.-Wiscon sink St. Milineso,tn; Peoria; Illinois, all hitherto-stronllitt. so to Democ racy, ,K - cnosha, whickwent'Democratio last year, altdllticino, ivliich is usually close, have now chosen Republican' 01, trieipal t.ickets.l The RePublican's have likevvido, aside from the vote on •the nets Constitution, swept Michigan by 'their usual 'majority, and inerensdd their ma jority in.Wisconsirt.to 'the extent of, se;l.. eral thousands.. Grant's name is a-tower of streigtli - TO the Wdstern Republicans. -±- Xr e iti,ifite; - to eenvict:the PrOdent will work the ruin of_the-Itopublibatt par - V; say certSinpripers. The conclusion if{ asillosical as it ishasty. Were iinpouch naent-puielY a to convict would bo .a party defeat. Poit it is difficult to,pereeive why defeat, even in Bitch a case, would'• involve the-rota of 'the part Y.. ~It would simply.prove that_ the Republioans gave the President a fair wererigidly just in 'weighing the testimony atid'reftised..to entertain . ' the" idea et party advantage hi .. .Taal:ink the'v,ordiet. , :! It happens 'now, as' it - did . when - , during the . war . , the ,party leaders' who espouse' thepeause of the President; wereaffor ding'the rebels aid andoomfere, - the neoessiticKof tho Republican's_arithe necis*ies of the cetdtry. ' :The and : the „country are eo:liuk'ed hy the other. hits sense.' onlj : I s:hineaeh; Merit' ii'Ptirty 'measure:lna in this; se - use! woilld , 4 - ftli l 4.r9,.C9.9q l nri o o.)eftl l 44,lo'o l - - feat=4l defeat; however, Which:woold by: no' ll 4(4l . Bo!! : \ i nt t l :'..4'4ll ' P'st ,Republican purty; There: w.ould but tievii)lioan principled:anti ,thi Party cnitiniiatrun' i 8 , t a ?4 4 C li ?q?l ll3 lßJ7itiLL 63 ,.i!/°iiica!, t c k" ta l ie arty EUOO t I cc. e see 13 ." 3 i i 11: not I,e euet , , ietod ; neveii liefe L i;„ sub, t r rgri 116 heituhlittutkliti 'viOt I of the ogee; ti Democracy:spie and t ; _begin - tit 5::; j Law. • x• 1 , ‘ ,„ f 44- developments of frauds ancy•1361. 7 .. -Tuittion" thalßobinson Slatgart4§4i. i s itdo 'it apparent to every hettattOin+ that additional legislaticn was neettati,l; tp;preserve the purity of t,h0a114• 7 134i :Neut. State. act' del- Hutted the Registry Law was prepared . with greatcantionandtrouble, ed by the unaltimoavote-te the.Repub . ltean members ef the Legi'slatu - re: The Demberacy tale viefeWee i34lck laic& heeett ate 'pithite'ie,eitireeter: izi3d. Having. beet:tete: the • law of ;the . Slate, in, .spite :o f `thein; : they'noti . Was artinlamous piece Of Jegielation, itl-• legin that it interferes wittthe'•,rights of the poor.rnan :by.fltrowing obstacles in the way •of 'his exercising tle chise.. :We have:, heard so much- from _them* year - S=ol - e '-byr - tibtfit the 'purity Of the-ballot-box, tied • so many.; charges `Of frauds upon theiroppenents that we had thought they would refoiee in, any law, that Would have 'the least tendency* to reedeifitit arhore' di ffi cult. ,But, in this as in.eveiy• other virtue which the Detnoeratie . party 'hits ever laid claim to, the difference between preaching and practice is made painfully, evident. The question naturally arises, why is -it that they are opp' oS'ed to this litegistry law ?_-.:Theirprating_abota its interfering with the.-rights' or the , poor man is sirup , ly nonsense, a mere pretext to conceal the - dark et and beset-reasons, of their op lrositiom :in the late hen- ; tested election case of the 21st S d enatoriat District, that their eentral.committse.eir culated... • hundreds and thousands, of forged naturalization Papers throughout the State during the last campaign, and the true reasons of their hostility to phis, law is found in the fact, that owing to its 'beneficent provisions they will no longer be able to do this. This we have said is the reason of their, hostility to this law; we should rather have - Sal& it is one of their reasons, for there are many other fraudulent practices hereto. fore indulged in by, them,. Which are ren dered impossibilities. The stuffing of boxes in Philadelphia by voting what are—called repestere-is one:or-the -many frauds that can .no linger be Practiced by them. Wo might. enumerate many others, but do not deem it necessaryk o and, if it is not because of these-frauds 'be ing prevented by this,lis;i that the D'e mocracy denounce it as infaidous, why is if that we tear no Buell denunciations . from - - Republicarr - soirrees? --- It applies equally to both Patties, and even if there were' any truth in their assertions that it interferes with the rights of the - poor. man, itis equally trite thatthere are poor. men in the Re - publican party. as well- as - in the - Democratic. Those whoM they des ignate as "poor men"_ constitute tho great majority of the people of the land styf-• ereigng, the men who make the laws, see that they are executed when they are made, and, as is now being done, require that usurping and unfaithful magis strates shall be deposed. The Republi can party embracing the great majority of the people of the 'country, certainly has. within its ranks a greater number of r oor men than the minority Democracy. • • We have hett'M nothing urged:against this lttvr in behalf of the pour men in -out - own party, and - the - howl - or Democ racy is raised simply because that wit?, fair elections will come still greater de feats\ for them. - Never again In this Commonwealth will they be able, through -the fraudulent manipulations of their committees,-to elect:men - to positions as they did Judge Sharswood last fall. This law is intended 10 furnish a safe-guard against just frauds as' they then practiced - . maybe defective and may require amendmerits;:but, it is the de termination.of thegreat Republican par ty, now in power and 'destined to eontin- ' , F .1 , ,t MEM ~~d-S', vi '.-'r EIM .. • ' • • - rar - s - olcutig'as it fersiste in its prevnt effOrtkto make this a land of good government, to haie the purity of the bal)ot.,box.. preserved. Democrats may howl and rant as, one by one, their opportungis• for - the_ practice of their old time -frauds are out off, but, never &lidos, the great. 'reform will go on. ' We print the law on, our firat page and urge..all to. read it.. Every one. should belfamiliar with, its.provisions. The De - tunorney ,will.Tequire ltc o,eva• dion'of its, requirements' 'should be • al- THE Postollice,Dapartinent has been try .. ing — to get A stamp thateannot be used :a etc,. ouditlmo. ; ; The frauds in this way Amount spm new stamps sirs the sahib apPearabto es ;the old 'ones -bitt'pn, Wetting and applying them they soon' :become -defa'eud ! by 'slight chequered 'lines 'across them./ it seems, they sire can ustl;,,ruid cannot be•used larkiii oue.that,the r etaMptifter being caneellek justdookas ever, Or it 'can 'bo.detriched:..iind 'placed on -,antithOr . letttir'With - fill"the , ciebs Marks , upon it; and required' I, l 3 ,:exontitYo, l 3 , llMtio,r;Piiii:.Btitinp , 'usod . eprtlici first time,' or for.tliehundredthe when it iipPerirs:,iti. his 'offibe attached to ;,ti lettkrir"?-"' _ , TrcollE Who , undriidtand the • movonkents of the faohlo Worlii; fi rkport :that' tti'q coming season will he one of, gepit ' g a YiltYl,9P.raNiglincel 194,0, 1 , I iini ' °nll ° sieus: , of.roOney.bav,e. been 'made 111, A 3 Pecilla. J16118'112, the' ,lar66 ' holders or, ‘l4‘kiinlitif iitecks4iitve ^ riciptid the'larg 4i, al , iil:iiidiriittol4llde' avOnta.ttre,ilreticl steak ,aproulatielbhas,eyor 11.4oti' the pockets of- sharp'ers.....arld with 'thi;:kru'lts 'or "toolr'resiiiio, th'e ye's ris pad d torcerop9uol4laili greetloiliil .09, 1 I4r.PIP.h . taftl its9atteit,water lop placed,' ,vapillmhdti fel,i olblp, wily;; ,rilgorciti,a - iiiiii-Jever os st-li' , extravagenees. , -. Tea natiqn,at ; 4 suirdt:6e froitteuefi an eldinetiVer soolety,shpwrt ailkY aquo . 'it goodl Ll' !PS P 7, gut !49.,..4.1°12°Y hewing 'lolly, r i)t,aq ) • Go n: , i learn from our. Perry exchanges that: ,ql. Richard Haldeman, who return ‘,94. iyettia`l thesqtoiniba(bial of ' fl mak i ing ..' . entattid WOW coriteol.Or * the bemotirtAinbni; gresl3iOlial It aeons he delivered:himself of a speech .ice_Bloomfield.n.shott.time:since:in whisth ho set out to the assembled. Democracy hie political views in a very decided manner, itiifli - mitch better9ind zilieea' , than i(3,ara - :no c itititciiited to -hear from-- the` llodlo6i dti'o" Orators `o£ this 10-; id:icorici'ilelese - filled'AVitit 'the wittalmopperhe2d slang•aad misrepreeen tation, Coagree4J , !acrew . of ; revolutionary usurpore;'? Ci,rantaere:atuya who -is as 'pliant its" wax In their traitor: pus manipulatioris,"; and' eittogizea An 'drew-JotiOstort as . -• • • . . f4.llug with a Pilling Sttito." • ' . This certainlyis - voryLbandsome,—niia. Mr,Johnsori, Should rtit . otree''send in - .the name of;lie gollant_OoldneLto the Unitud- Statea Senate for . .confirmation- he ' "See retary of War-in place . cif- Edwin 51 . 4 ttiii ton to be removed." • This.;might - save the despondent Liee . utive' hum' Lit peach - went.' ".Who .knc;n 7 S.? 'Biif, Andy will be hull-headed.r 0 oasbrenner,in-7/ . /s yrci'll, i speech quoted oetry ad libiuint. T -J.uulgo NelsOn, Of TeigiiisSee, inhis'argument the other day, before the Senate did the, same to an "extent perfectly tilui:nlini; , eritl'ivhy 'shouldn't :Richard do SQ befere the 'Perry gentry Deinocracy-. _ In Glossbrentier's" ease we toast be• pardoned for insinuating that his quota tions were 'scarcely in keeping with his -well-established acquaintance with _w.hat__ tvoUld suit aaethocratio constituency.— Had Nelson. been haranguing. a copper head audience, his quotations would tier 6inly have fallen upon th'e cars of his_ hearers with • a freshness 'And -novelty which they as certainly failed to possess, when delivered before the United. States Senate. , ' . . . Idaldenian'g poetry, however, of which. thereis - no small quantity scattered throughout the .speech, has the werit of evidencing the fact that he has read the 'authors from whom 'he quotes, and con sequently, it is much less likely to °Keit° the-- risibilitieS __of_Ljntelligew t __hearers _ than that -used by his unlettered York county competitor. We cannot pass by, however, without calling attention to the growing passion in all our Democratic oratorkto fill up their skeletowharangues with quotations, that too: oftetiserve only to render their own rtilitings and turnings all the more • , True to the instincts of his poetry he devoted a very largo portion of hie speech to an argument intended to satisfy ,his copperhead hearers that the negro would not.. becomeitliejr ... cquals, and , that they should therefore calm their disturbing fears; but, sad to relate, it lie told that, very many of his -hearers ; -including -all those of the "Brick Pomeroy sehooh," could not be convinced, but went away trembling as of - old over What seems to them to bo so inevitable a destiny. ' Ne grophobia has taken —too_ strong a hold upon the rank and file of the Democracy in this Congressional District, to be cured by even so-eminent a political quack doe tor as , the celebrated Dick. The disease has-become-constitutional,. and there is _no relief,. short of Aho. political" death - th - e - prati Offs. All we would say is, go in Richard, 'win if you can, but don't forgot the odds :are - heavymgainat you: - Glossbrenner and ,Ff ahletuan have made their speeches; brat -leer,- Shearer, Gillelen, JohnSPn and Dale are yet to . spout their little pieces, so that our Democr.ttio friends halm rich treats in.atore. We have no dolibt, these gen. 'mention are busily engaged in -making preparatiens for the occasion, and. ate delayed only by - the scarcity of books containing good poetical quothtions. They must makc.their speeches, and they -austr - be full -L of — fioetry, or . theillThe . distanced by their more energetic anil eloquent competitors. llratton • • Should Mr., deliver hip-Tn - Tent editorial on , "Beast Butler;"- Mr. Shear er, some one of the many able.argurdents ho hoe made in purder mesas; Mr. - Ga. lace, his celebrated oration . known 'as the "trough and. fodder' speech;" Mr. John.' son it few - re in arks upon the policy . tiled propriety ot'..cetablishiett, il - Ocy; Demo-, piratic organ .in Mcchanicsbuyg,' for - .his own itnroodiatei benefit; end; last; tiVt'hifit least; Mr. Dale, a disquisition pn obstet, : , 'rice; or --- somo.- - kintheds;subject,.we - have - Mo doubt Glosshietirie'rr rind 'Flakleman will be tht.own'info. td',deep a Shoo 't , hat Ahoy, ha..lMahle to; emerge;in the coining oontmntion. , - To . thsso - s - crupidoiti - Gentleman:it:May ,not seem righeto dose, but theY should,re. mertiber. that "in war all things aro fair." pi'oporeifto have reunion of:/the,eincers :of the Army ,of..4 1:1 0. 'PotoMan held' here , abbut Jtily; next to celebrate the anniversary 'of the' ;Battle, nf_Gettyfilinre,:7`An±efibt:t is lAilg, to secure aed of the. Theological , Seminury,pa.a neueue :tor. 'tbe . .preiso•ed national watering plamat the. lii.edieal i Spilinks on the battle flele •Gosi- ernor Geary has N4rittenalettfttoAkel34l:d of, Managers ; R}v' ins tio. l 9omnnnry,'je gin , , •theinieonsent,to:the.sale, and,:ifetreeted:iro: 'medi4ery; biAldfris carr* ;altered and 1 2 1 P..00te l i , ifY 01; 4 .0 2 0 1Y4. 1 t9P, July.. OFibniAL GRAIIT'AOtIB9FOOOporny Iffivo ; 11 0:# )i!‘ti - Ii ihrithgh! by, 'b g r pfP , ?.,llS9l: i i 6t oi i i: 4 l 6l A “ . l,3 4:' gtoutidlor es, vitti.dieertb'e 'coMinand tut oi;:pbsts can' tiiii , frbotferki'• ayd 119 col ,nfloose"rPy,, fkigqyck:FiTly, mon whr notinriptusred•im ittie wittyrAvouldhbif vdry, qt iid • ' Fif 4 .0 ,6 k . 1 i "31 48 : 61. • •.‘, J4°l/( ; (l'e ikh# 4l.l.l :4 l4 l , q 9 ;. l Yf tn AyPF „ ,i'ill'ii i lf l ;•; ' 131 i lutcohip ni)d '•to Itayi not!) ing.of a 8 4 ,1 • • 3)11 UJ yi '3l . ll PPi.q7 e7,1...1 vry:o.,C .t.f •.:•'•;;TV,ArrOic > r of several" weeks allies roceedingkof what lint:- , genercem of T)gthe SVldi l ekirieille` Carlisle litirratikit, fokAhe• • I rritpee pressing. th eirt,,' l proy , einirseWiehidenkof fili.,l)iiited.,Slates. In our next issue We4iiiplratted the statement Of ititiss• J. Xicter3Tarr in_reference.tO-saidineeting. r r r h ar i getl-patl eft - , pct., Barracks: laoiethe 'nexillisue dr:the - SWl'O by a number-of-ieeruits just on the eve. of their Vein sent`lnthe front, when; they ,Well!knew, Atat inly„allegation'Ahere iii made:could:not be inade . puhlid - ' . natil ~tifter they Were far • avi.af.,,friim.hereitipd, that'eensequen fly/they' wOnld nothe'lield .resii . e'nsiblefOr'apY4l4l44,thettj*ilo atiliseriliti;to.'l , .Wo.: , atlenlee investigated the inatterandlouteotitriMl:itnintife: - vial errors, in the stateMeiittof r:-..lllarr; of - iiorreetingiMeur next number.-: The. 1 1 ,0/unteei. , replied in its usual, recklesi tuanner, alleging amirtie what it had pre iriaiusly asserted; and refleeticfg'iri very Ungenereiii and, ungentleniiinlY tonne 'Upon the officers.of the Post, Milling them "eiirpetknightS,"and'aSiserting,that tirti , eleh from'tlimPhilirdelphia Inquirer and' Presiwereyead to the soldiers on dress pa-. rade. TO the reflection upon the officers as carpetkiiights, we made the answer, 'that General Grant's order required that all details of officers fer Posts of this de scription should bo,made ftwn.thOEle who lied performedlong continued` rind arduous 'services :tli?'fiolcl; and tliai the officers at the Ciirlisle' BarrackS had . served_ in_the field from ten to...twenty.- seven years. And to Abe allegation that the articles from the higuir'er and Press were read upon dress para Vive gave the , unequivocal, denial ortho . Adjutiiiit; the only poison. in the whole command who ; is authorized or dimmed to. rend even an order to the troops, and who pronounced the Volunteer - stnterdent,Vilfullylind mall _ Mously false. Thus having the lie, wil ful and malicious, stuck in its throat, it again assails us this week. -We have thisfitio/ answer to make We reassert that there was no, such public meeting of the soldiers 'as-the Vohotteer's state metit=endorivoiled- tm : -esta meeting was composed.ot only a portion of.i‘A Troop;" that the roMiiin which it \ass held was so small that there' could have been but a very small number pres ent; that such a meeting was not made public, or thmsoldiers of the' °duir echo panics, and the_ offitiers of the Garrison - would — have known - it; that the whole' thing was gotten up and, engineered through ?or the man Patrick, who was so insubordinate and pestilent a fellow that his commanding 'officer was obliged - to have him sent-to_the front; that- no, arti cle from the Philadelphia Pines or Lt -luircr from the Carlisle HERALD was -read-to the troops- on dress .parade;- , and i finally, that every assertion the. Volitoecr .has made to the contrary it ',Tows to be and maliciously false, and got ten rip with the idea of making political capital out.ola thing that in itself does not amount to as much as even the ve imeity of that sheet. -Vie are always anxious to publish nothing but-the truth, and,"in our ans.. .iety:_to: do so, made the corrections that we ?ound should be mails in Mr. 'Mares statement,. _ Irisets, 11 r. I - quaker,. are stubborn things, and' it would be well for Qr both you and your readers did you ad-. here to them far rtiore'closely. than 'you do. , The ,majority ioryour-party in-this county .would doubtless rapidly decline, but the ords - of.truthiind-justice_would be met, and the Democracy far more in telligent and tolerant than they are un 'der your present systeM of editorial slan der Mid falsehood. WASHINGTON NEWS The 'Great Trial. thchnpenchmentCourt•hns been occupied for the' last week by the speeches of Messrs NelSon, Groesbeck and F,..irarts on tho 'part of , the.defence l and of ;Messrs Stevens, and Williams on the, part of yhe Managers. , "Mr. Nelson's speech was truly.-Plural, illMaancling fulsome enlogies,of the groat criminal,'threddhare • poetical quotations, egotistical allusions to his connection Witti the ease lectures to the 'Senators. Mr. Groesbeck in a very l'atinalsorno • Opeoch; wads as good an argument as well could. he 'Madb 'frnm his stand point., Mr. Er arts tninla for,the . dekrisnlipt' every one, .wile reads . 44 irgurnent . .will 'readily disceim the .diftleulties .which ;mot bin at every step. 7 " ' , Mr ; Stet:Os' speech was characteristic of simple`' and , oriel but Woliderfailly Mr.!Willlarnflepobeh• !was' eioquent and argiknoOtati , .n. - • 4i.:' • Stitiiberry.. ;will road hiaargtinni...and.*C. • .43tniiliatn clOse for lila Manager*, .`'it hr., hoped chat atur. day will wind up tide unneccearytiolay.caused• by rho iteli';for•apCeeli:' Making. I3y Wed= i !deeda3;•cr Tiiiii:gday of pox!, r ,yciek,i,he fitic'of ' Mr. Johnson will most, cortainlY, ; hawk heen decided; by: tlic 'rondering;=•of.: a :verdiat gni* The country demands ,and,,Conildeni,ly;;thinjOi awaits' hie; 'conviction.- !` • -.,:• • Letter From .Washington. - _ I. 'O. 'Ariz', 2,7: 1808.. •• . ..Ti)o.proi.eedings of Cousfof Paehrriontmtill drag thOr,„ . wpary, - lopg'th . lopg, alicaigli c . 4 counsel fail .to,crti ' ate thp thg . ghllayiea.whlah , pre. vallad 1410.9 g t qpitrupationd cif ,ivitriossea, 'lt ~fa:thoaght.that th trial hp, dod atnd a., Airpo ',rota `reached by r glititr'day,; the 4actqf 14 ay ;',l9cf that .kticlrayr . Jglincgn will cppyytetl. and dep,haed by th) u haa!i:a, 40Y§R;f1Pg conY,PO O I4I;PIiPS ,, tunic (Arm PF9( 3 xt. 'ln.4h9 IA 6btigek to , ret k io. op, apecytt ft'ie A 12,4 be :21+ eiatc— : , qt'flMA l l9 l f..:o7tr:,b4'YOlg, 'b ,1 4.(k0Y..t: 1 ) 1 ".g , t" 00,With.titd , ,afilEt fl i Mulmtv. ro: PPon , ?* -W.'" B4 Pw lutelyn k)37 gyieo:Of 1 ;1 1,0,0 1 ),9 1 A id.¢p.c! evou that widely"-celebratedPOQUlLlVO. flue, toTrqducetha l 'oleeireil of 4/4 1 Str: intik° ‘bafaci'flit; vilof ittliv 4 chrhorit.'t of "ifiL i iiilii,ilikin;l . !ciiisseL v utiti 14 teslithlry - - tbtfin vs titii; • mitraity*Viof:tifitiigt 44a EWA, endeavoring to, ex plain.away,-- all . over-. the country, his . , e'Prineet@n ' with the case; vanch r ,they claim, ls:;parely• professional,. andffet*hielf;• , ; ' personally, Af,o \44 not , * liitta'.llenjtimin F. Rice aril Ei Aleihs aniler'clifeLonvild thri , ., • Senatoressdet Ottitt, A*ktinitts, hat(iii. l arriSied ',,tho.dity. these . goOlorri gk ihre\gwiou'Rbly T ,*al; gireds Reptiblieuhs, add just Men t it is. to g rotted that. they -.will not take' their seat. in the - Senate until the close of the impeach ment trial. • Mr. RiCE) is a - New Yorker by birth, a lawyer by profession; and served as :an Officer ditring,;•this'iivar,••••for .the llmon. Me - DOnaldis'aMenhavivitman by birth, and lived some-time ...Mcis a. •man of pleasing addiess,ionlightened views, and has the reputation of being an enter prising and successful business man..,..-Gen• ono of the threarepCmsentatives - elect;‘ arrived in the eitY sonio'clayl 'age. Repro , sentatives Root and-Bowles are expected. to arrive to-day:o4 td-fibire:Nii.;' , They... aro all .understood to be moo. of ability an 'un doubted loyalty: , The.adniiisiOn - Or Efenittari froin-SuVI eru_ State's has been niSadsien.l,6:Perrie:extent , ';iK I. its possible bearing on • the impeachment queption. Arkansas bee - already,_eleeted. Sehanfrajnitfrotirerer seems to be . some, doubt as to• the, vote in that State) and it , is piossible•thoy-may present—tbemselvear-hero before the onelusion . of . .the trial. -Both , Carolina is also reectOtrueted, and, proba bly Limisiana, Cieorgid; and North Carolina will- also be likely-to come in,. by the ratifl, cation of theirrespeetio clonstitutions ,in. the elections now progressing-inthose States. The trial, however . is so near Its elese• that the admission of SonateralfrorraiiiYef these States to a participation in the verdict is not' likely to become , a practical question. Speakingo Mil point, on ,onnot but feel, a little vexed et the course of .the Republi can , mombi•rs of Congress in reference to the admission ef.Colorado. Had she been admitted, we shoutd have counted "two more good Radical voters in the Senate. I feel no cpuipunction.in. saying than;:wo Might. have counted with co ndone° upon their voting fa convictiontof, the present trio:; because in many views, the . case is so clear that npthing but the blindest partizan-, ship or still more ,unworthy.motives could. induCe any ono 'to, vote j.ptherviise., ,Their absence itt,this juncture is the maolirovg, king,, because there were so raiiny:good rea sons .why the- Territory°, should have been . ..admitted._ Her population was larger, ..at, the time of her last apirlicatlon, than that of. several other Territories was at the time of thnir•admission, while, her p.ospectiverate of increase is incoMparably greater. liar mineral wealth is now beginning-to be come popularly known, and.the•rapid prog- N rep„s of the Pacific railroad toward her chief city will attract a floc:id of emigration in that direction during the present spring , and ap proaching summer. Her Senators and •Representatives elect are men of such'' well known loyalty, - high character adclgoneral itecepiability; that there eould not-possibly have beoh, any objection to them, on person al or party grounds, and-it is not easy to conjecture the nature-of the considerations •by which this,, Territory-liris been 'so long excluded. Tlbit - Grant, will be the Republican can didate, for the Presidency has been 'a fore gone conclusion with skillful renders of the -- stgni - of - the times ever - since the - pobliontion -- of the correspondence. between him and An- drew Johnson on the removal of .Sheridan, devel'oped, incidentally, the real sentiments and opinions,of the reticent hear on the great issues Of the day. But no intelligent man appears willing to risk his • reputation .as a pill - hien) 'prophet - by predicting who will be our candidate for s the Vice presi dency. There are so many nearly equally ably and:good men in the Republican party that iCis, r harL_ possible -to select,- a.candi date from among Odin on thezround. that ho is Use most fit for the position. At,first, the- delegation - from - each State of cobrse, prefer the ebilniS - of its favorite-be fore tlie Convention,: 'but there is reason to, ,believe that that lied); will ultimately select, f, on among all the reliable nenwbo - • have been-spoken-of in connection with. the Vice prMicleney, him whosii popularity will • be most likely to Secure us the largest number . of . vacs in the .electoral college.—There - may-be m any eh ting,es of -opi nion-beibro the convention assembles, and, there may he good. cause for such changes. Mr. Wade's cabinet and foreign appointments may ab sorb all the present prominent aspirants' for the Vice presidency, and leave the friends of the noble statesmen of Ohio master of the situation fit Chicago. The latest development of , the Woman's Rights questiorris the • position assumed and defended by Mrs. Julia Archibald Holmes, the accomplished correspondent of the Diew York 'lava:aim, who has determined to re assume her maiden name and now signs her letters "Jul:a-Archibald," Ligon to her: "'Neither religion, raw nor common sense enjoins it on woman as a duty to merge her name and identity in that of her husband. The.cuetono is only ono of the tyrannies of fashion to which thinking - Women - will no longer submit." Good for, sister Julia. What nest? The Union Pacific Railroad 520 Miles Completed• We learn that the Union Pacific is being pushed forward this - year more rnp• idly than over. A much larger force'viill be employed uPonirtluring 1808 ,than over before. Rock-cuttings have boon continued in the Laramie Mountains during the entire winter, and thero - hus ; been muclfless snow' there, than in the latitude of Now 4 York city. Not loss than 8.000 additional labovers -Do in the field this season, besides 1,000 me chanics, bridge builders, iron workers, &c. Tlairewill also be 2,000 teams, with the necessary horses and mules for the, plows' and scrapers, arufsnot lets than 4,500 wag-. ons and carts. Much of the , lumber, - for bridges, ties, &c., is already cut, ap4ittw, 'Mills,and shops are busy in turning out the mechanical appliances for the kreatlvoik. Iron sufficient to lay: 200 miles of, additional track has already. boon delivered on the' ground y and there•is:every'presrpt - that not' loss than : 300 Miles more road ;will be;. ! fin , , . • „, .ished.durindthe present year, We have jest. learned. by„.tniogruplO.hat 560 miles wok .from! Omaha are• now, eom2 pleted,' fthrit leeornotive loyied_bil its long train or cars, is • adtually rutiiitlyq over the Ittgheel poiat,of lhe Roe7cy lfiuntaioo ,that will be' traversed' by. the lino:: Phil aolibivenient is .somotbing to be • proud of, and gives.. good ponalse thht to'nino iffundred - inilOS - 4the'eastornondnf tho lino' will be in running ordor ,during this year. The'western end' beginhing Sacrainen-' to, Ca'lecithin, iibeing piiihed,forivard With similar vigor, and Wo yucca that 400 miles of it•ls ex.'peeted' to , be Anisifed this aoason. The distanho froth Omaha to Baoratnonto is 1721 . Miles . , - and to is"noW bitlieVtiti that, RV. ioadi 1200 miles of tho whole , lino will .ho:linished befere 1860. This will leave onl.V.botwbeir 600 and 600 Miles to be COMpleted hereaftor, erid.-it r wOcid not be surpriein if tiio rand coleibratiOn of the cOmplelipp,ot , tho raeldor Itailion4 would takoiplaeoloAtvolvo Oarlfor Chair the Qofnpitiiiiob. now ;proinisp Geoica,l"liteis, 7 :and. ihonhare' i aceonaplished. one of tho moat : usefal works'in'tha world';'.'li.rfatrindispop.• raY4: l ?f.,o'o eictrianes; of! the hctien:togethor i .,stop. : oni Indidn'aars,;dovelott ouraninoralvosouriieSi. and add greatly' ty; Itetkn .11 0 :0 1,5 04.4 1 1 11 4i' 0111y...railroad between tlinAtiantio and P . n., 'oillble . tittitsL-viiif be . a Very itibiltable'alt well as a "voey`vulijnifle &civet I ;otWeeil rm tiitlerilvP. , .9.9. o lknloll4;o4if.clt. ' ", or cE, iiad Clio irerrippaLAmiirittas: which 604 0110 e odliek tkeittioreation,clitt4 469ylifsd .4SPAtstag—tPoi, . CO nplCHY_lblii a..handlomo Qprottt, 1 * (4 1 ' 60 ,t qj . ,4 , 0 4, 0:9: , , 1 )V 4a .11,0011 9 00 . 1401 A .. • itirciffliiiallSr - reiiiiiiiia - at over tars, 41,/kCongressnlready threatens to in terteriktOffOtiee'irtes std. compel the Corn pAny to plisitilting so muerproll i t. Att, `the GOvelini ntiliAvances alvytile-thfrd - , -rof the eestlh . £ 4 hcr,reitil, and T appet t ,the direci6o; it nihactil)e,: i t%oiep:ol j:1113 mittter vat'd)iiiiithf• it is neeelia 'else it. ' Tho.CompariVs. First Bonds, . Mortgage bearing -six per cent ,gold interest, _have a ready.i3 fa; I i niited gmeuritdto now offered at par. We can see no reason why they are noCa perfeetly safe as wellas a very profitable security:' SillisoripliOs - a - re _re- ceived by - A t L. Srprrsmin, bile` - valuable pamphlet for gratuitous distrlbutiou. to, par ties. fn keg tedi7,whi fur n:b3bktuill information: "(Dalian anti itokint Etitters:.. #..; , , , ARn-JIND,EBtp),2O §tmo Departmei, for uuyeral important public aocilmats'.": ' A Post of the G: A::. R r ,HNO 123, was established at Kerravillo; on 044 Saturday oyeilitigbithe officersOf :Pciilt No FaOM ALL CLAssEs.- , Comes the uni versal voice of praise for ~,B arren's. Hair ,Bestorative." None bliouldtbe I.ritlio`at it, The Philadelbhia papers announce that Strawberries havo made their appearance in that city. - • '" • GOOD GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS.— I f •you • WM*, el Odd aat a low rate, go tq'Greenilelds— fresh and_of the very instdescription. Ncw . York and Philadelphia furnish. him a new supply dailyi,calland-ennitie4his stook, oven ityeiirdonOtriSh tkAticlinse.' , • - . .• DEMOrtif3T7B YOUNG AMERIOA..—Thie Publication improves with everY•Nunaber.—.- It contains double the amount of - rending matter which it did at first, and has a SIIC. 'cession ot tyo brilliant ! coloyeditictufes and toy. noveftiOs which bay° 'done,so'inticli:jO establish its reputation. It is TL bright,. clear, and instructive little Monthly. We recommend it to all 'alto wish . to supply the r'Cninilics':with.a gobd perithii; 'cal.. Subscription,price, $1.30, with a pre mium knife . ok'microscope, etc. Publication office, 437 BioadWay. DEATH OF LD CITIZEN.— MT. Joss BntexEs, of West Po'hiPaborough town ship died on wndnesday of la . St, week. - B. was an old and highly t4spected citizen of Ocounty being in. -his 71st year nt'the time of his decease,- THE BLOOMFIELD SUICIDE --,Tho sad suicide- of Ur. BA faxinn iNgEi•Ell, at New -Bloomfield, Peryk countY, oa Stinday W.sek, has created much regret in-that place. Ho was about thirty-dve years of age,a labor ing man, find in easy circurnstduces. He repaired to Ilia stable, and thorn shot. him self while hid wife wns at churbh, 'ffedaftves no-children..— CONSTABLE APPOINTED.—At the late Court .of Quarter, Sessions, Mr. E*AsiusiL LINE was appointed Constable for •the West Ward of the Borough of Carlislo, in the place of Stephen Keepers,' . Esq., who •declined to accept. Mr. LINE will make a good officer and will discharge the duties•faithfully.; We would call the attention of our readers to an act published in another col 7 umn, providing for the relief of - those who mot with losses during- the War, in the Counties of Cumberland, York, Adam's; Perry, Franklin, Fulton, and Bedford. We will. make no comment, but allow our read ers to form their own conehisions. -We un derstand that Gov. GEARY will ima few days mak;) appointMent of. thiipoiii n • missionors contempladd , - THE OLD STAND DRUG-STOPIThtit opposition is ttigliveoftrafle is certain; and JOHN 11. iilitiat, at"the Old Established Drug, nd Chemical Stoili, Newvillp, 1"a. : is willing to accept and eet.iMon-the,mag:itn: His store is now supplied with the Veit Mod 'eines, Drugs, 'Chemicals, Essences; Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Confontions,'Notion's; and; indeed, everything whialt may be found in a first class Drisg Store. Call4ind A. F. B PLANT TIIEM.-Let no 'hood:loftier or lot owner, In Carlisle, w hose pinne is deptithte of:shadelrees, neglect to plat - it-a - full innity, of carefully aeieeted elms: soft'maplo_,:bT berse,cheste_ut trees this very spring.- -tittr-' lisle is naturally the, most beautifill and i. 07 mantic spot iwyedrisiivanini:.ks.tlichuge forest trees die out or disappear by the woodman's axe p .let us take.ealie tii'laave no street destitute of growing shade trees i .no lot unadorned with shrubbery.. . •LITALL'B LIVING AGE,-,-139ston: Littell and Gray.. The ninety-sixth Umo of the Living.' Ago, compriaidg ~ , .numbers issued - in the three first months Of the current ( ,yeer, , hits' been . pti "The blished. Th principal stories contained ip it aro the Bromleighs;the Brownlows,.Lifida Tressel 'and Phineas Finn. The selections of general literitture,` in all of its ...branohati,..are also incorporated....-latho groivingVoldme . of serial literature the Living Ago has no precise counterpart. Tho admirable judg ment, 'exercised by its 'veteran editor retains" for it the ,merits that built it np, and it is quite ns welcome a , visitor to cultivated', hinnetcand as agreeable a' ,eompanieri 'for unoccupied' hours can bo found. The quarterly volumes are epitomes of °Soli Bea u:in; and as , useful Alid.agrostal:lo • for 8111390, quentas for immediatoperasat , • I lii)PErilkoliANGE.—Soluth Card jinn. has elected to the offMe Atternaly. General, Daniollienry:Gbiambdrlia, a native of - Massachusetts, and a young attorney, thirty years of age. entered Yale Col lege, in llir4lo , dad gradnatod inlBo2, with 'merited. distineticti. , ,Ile ranked : high its•a 'scholar, but higher as a writer and spetiker.. 1m11882,, immediately after tits graluatlon ite;.l'4lo,llo.lenlored ,;Upon sity;4be l rn - lie leek the degree of L. L. D. In 1804. ,After finishinrhisiaW studies, Lo „entered the army asAdjutant of a blasedelp aetts colored reghitat.'''t i vlien ties war end. tupte : loo , atedist,,pharlaston,fer. the Purpose Ofipiaciicinie; law - ,is l itew intim thiVbilieg ofattornorilenprtil outh , "thd Aiii•di alavery.,imoyer -preiltdiee of race must ticales of justice impartially between all_her_ citizens, ifrespective of birth' or calor." The gentlonsaumf-vrhotruheorable Dlol3= tiiniztqAppdp, above, iyes.a, allies-rivAo ,P,Ctl?qf Jilfller Editor , of naitaito . , who can bear Wt ( tihareCi . I i 'arid . ag I tr.l tegriti. Will add digaity to 04911qcW •or.mr,vz: - TH - ail - ITittitire - atiltlitidetelor — aecpitrod dte 'Ares kAtlfgl,antation Bitters prepared by \liqiptii h kirtif-le*: York, have no doubt )ierpofttt(afirid - N*more persons of Dye- Sour Stomach, Loss o eNPlletilai, , ,SDtkiAsTeakness, General De nespondency, than any ,ot er 441'61611i ~ existonce. They are com posed ottlminirest.roots and herbs Carefully prepardd t 6 be taken .as a tonic and gentle stimulant. .They atm_adaptedio_any .age' or cenditlorFof-lifei-and - are - extensively-popu lar with mothers and persons ef , nedentary hitbits. article:—suporii)r, to-Cologne,- and at .I)alf.,thp price. ap2 2t The'aneihnts : desiro , of"lookk bushy black as theraiiren'' is ono of the perfentioni of manhood , and'tres'ses long, pillion' and .lustr6oe; 6 -. !thicf-ciovtiiiid.beant,:fof worn .imhood;but-Tirmiithe-ifireld—dis fingers throdgh• their ..bair, and .loft now baled by fhose_who use Ring's V.egetable Ambrosia, the drehtest!iind misSt reliable Haig . , Rcatoras. tive of modern times. apl24-lm. • =I Ter. Erie calamity grows in itS'horror.— It is ascertained that one of the sleeping cars destroyed contained twenty-three passen gers, of whom but two' Oschped; and the re mains'of but six others have been recovered. Thus fifteen unknown deed have been so ut terly blotted out fr m existence that not even ;their.ashe's ear 'withess, to a risia croak) end.: , I=l I=l I=l I=Cl =MI I=l $25 . 4-AGENTSAI-NTED„ . ' $25 . A: ,)' " Wo want . flct•class Monte to Intiodsce . iiu PROVhD. STAR: boat StairjNIVLALSO.IIIIOI'. The cheapest and PlachlyAld Etta "hole eowntry . lextraordinary Inducomonts troldbcr aiditrd ?, al.fition• attdeAlltnillnibmapplo w4Ny IRentabed ' on Apidles " • IPEM 'ap2 -2t ,I l' ,I I=l=l MARRIED. LAY—LANDIS —O - n the 23d. lust:, by Ito, IL W. McKnight, Mr. John Lay, to Miss Fajen Landis, both of2IUIIIn toot nkhlp. 7' • ' ' . ,• , - PENT tile 21st lost., atths Ri4ormed parsonago in Mechanicsburg, by Roy. J M. Titzol, Mr. floury S. Pouts. of York county, to Miss Mary E Dokr, of tiumberland county. ..PAUL—IIIIINDLE.—At tho Lutheran Parsonage, In New Kingston, on the 21st lost; by (hot Roy 11. It • Fleck, George E. Paul, to Miss alleckle--Brlntllo, both of this couuty. DIED. TiTOMPSON.—,On Sunday ,morning April 26th Nellie, tlangliter.or Joseph C and Jano Thbrupson . aged S yearn, 9 months, and 2 days. BEn.—ln this borough, on the i7thltist., Low Either, Sr., aged 75 yonro. , PI IMiSON.—In this borough, on Sunday evening last, of con sumptlon,'Mlse Clara Pierson, aged '4O years RAM V.—r's the 23d ult., et ter residence In Militia down.ble, Mrs. Elizabeth. ittunp, ,in her 74th year. Also on the 2Uth lest., husband of above, 71r. Samuel Ramp, In hie 75th year. BROWN.—On the :Bth hst:, in Mochaajcsburg, Franh E. Rrsnyt2,,,.agod, Qmopths STONER —On tho Orb' itipt - , In Wok. - INirianw, OoOrge Washington Stoner, aged 26 years nod 7 months. BUM:L.—On tho 19th inot., in Monroo towoohlp Sarah A. Beitzul, akpld 2 , l"yeara, 2 wraiths and 21 days 111A8KE7', 4 3. C liISLTE - PILOII Carlisle April 80th, 1808. Family F10ur.... euporflno d 0..... do RY I+` WHITE WHEAT. AYE ..... .. 3ORN OATS, (new) CLOY ERSPRD... MOYCYSEED FLAXSEED E .. BARLEY ' 90 to GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET c.rillio, - April 3011.1 180 S Corrected. W eekly by . Andrew Washmood BUTTER 00 4( rgEN V I D ° Ig LDE-"S', . - 11 BOGS, LARD, . ' . 16 , WHITE BEANS 4 00 TA4.LUW, . 10 PARED REACILES, 25 SOAP; 8 lIN PARED PEACHES 18 BEESWAX. , ' .40 DRIED APPLES, 2 - 00 BACON lIA3IS 17 RADS,- 4 THE MARKETS Pititannpnia, April "01808 Tim Flour market le without special change. A mod. r ate inquiry prcvnits from tho hobo consumers., altos° purchases toot up 700 bide. Inc toiling superfine at 00 75 a 9; extras nt $9 25010: Northm - esturn extra family at $lO 50,11; Pennsylvania and Ohio do do. at $ 5 , 0. 75, and fancy brands at $13015, accordina to quality Rye flour is held firmly at 09 6U. Nothing doing la Corn Meal. Thera is not much activity in.tho Wheat market,'the demand being cohilped td prima, the offerings of which aro small; males of 2,000 bushels red at $2, and .100 bu•dc. els amber at $3 05. Rye has again advanced; sales of Pennsylvania - at $2 15a2 18. Corn is moderately active, but prices urn not so strong; sales of 4,010 bushels yel low at 01.22; 2,600 bushels white at $1 band 0 500 bush° s wostorn cuißod at $1,21 Oats aro quiet, and and tho receipts atol stOclt.schall; sales of 8,000 bush. - ols - Ponntylvaufn and-Delaworo nt 005930.- Noticing do ing to Barley or Slot Philadelphia Cattle Market. "MONDAY EVENING " April 27. ' The'arrlvals andlitletroLDEMeatrtiffit, tho Avenue Drove-yard were light this week, reaching about 1200 head. The market was active, but prices wore without material change, extras Pennsylvania and western Steers tielllngat 10 1 Aanc gl lb, gross, an to quality. The fol. lowinr ero the particulars of the sales: 54 Weston, 0 Smith, 7 alO% 61 Lantaster county, P. 51cFillia (fl 105 Lancaster county, P. Hathaway. :3alOiA 114 Chester COIIII , V, J. S. Kirk, 9),a104 60 Chester county. 11 514111011, 9galV, GO Western, E - S. McFillon, 9 alfig 45 West rn. Ullman & - Itacliman, 9 75' Western, Martin Fuller & Co, 8 a Westent, Mooney & Snilth, 014 all 20 - Western, T Mooney & Dro., - - n 10,14 52 West, On Pennsylvania, St. Chain, ; ; 0 •a 5 50 Lancaster county, John Lindlo & lira, 0%1110i6 •35 Lancaster con nty, J. &L. Frank, - 9 alO 40 Lancaster count), Frank & Schaal:erg, , 934 OV, • 715 Lancster county, Hope & Co - , - 30 Lancaster county, J. Clemson, 8 ato),(t, 20 Lan' aster county, Soldomridge, 91,010 41 Chester county, t handl6r & alexandof; 9 nlO4 25 - Pennsylvanni;J-Kulp; ' • 0 a 7 Pennsylvania, A.Eshburtls, - 6 rt-7 " • 13 Pennsylvania, Stauffe, 6 a 7 • Cows iron) unchinged... About 200 Ifuad arrived and sold at the Avenue Drovo Yrud at .7.16a135 for spring.. and $60a75 : 76 head for cow and calf, ante quality . 811. P worn In lair demand, but prime ware unsettled and lower. About 4000 la nd arrived nod sold at the Avenue Drovo Yard id 6%118c lb:gross, as tb linos woro blso In falr &wand at full prices; 2.qlo,bead sold at tbo Union aud'Avenno Drovo yard at SlB 60a15 WOO lbs. not, t i, o latter rate for primp corn-fed. SPECIAL 11TOT10ES. W 0. SAWYER L CO - :liaat Main 'titteet;• under the Carman MAO, have received their Sprlni. Stock of Geode, whiCh for beauty' and viirlety'le unequalled' Rend their adverMaement. 19,-0. Sawyer wilt be pormanontly In Philadelphia buying heroine" whoie• they can always ho hod at W. 0. SAWYER 06'a, Stem - bray OB, • •. . • THE TAX' HALF -GONE . Coal OH down B s cants- per gallop, Sugars, Co'D.°. gyetipa, on band in largo quantlElo, . . Ground , Almli , Salt rotallodrat ...VAC, par. sack wirolariale Pric6 still lowor. - -- A largo - lot of Illawer;pritajuoi, received,: , -,;,: - . Only the freshest and beet of ararything,lcept at the Whole Sale di: Detail °rotary Queenstrara, fllarisivare, Cedar s'odiVilloir•ivare Stein. • Nvk. BLAIR dk SON, • ' "South End" Carlisle, Be A loran lot, of Fish wholesale and retell fIORSE and Cattle Powders-and Liniments, togoth• or with a large assortmant of fresh Drugs and Mslll 7 eines, Dyo Stuffs, ko., &S.,' , :ju s eVreCelieS Corninan )Vorthington's Drag.Stoni, NaiF,Tast ...brain Street, Having largely Ineraand our 'stocic of COFFEES, SUGAILSYMIPS :and Groceries generally, we Invite /Heroic oopers•to call, Bee goods .atir learn prleesirr ;'• a • ' Prlqoa of SAI !( T onl,llllX both !Oduood:,, A]large • WU. BLAIR. Sr SON, `,.• ' 4,l3Rut t h , mvl,l pintielo,rth =I Chills - acid FeKti,ll)yppepsia, f.T fiver - , -Complaint,`. and Kickey • ' M . 1811p311.'4 . DITT.IO3 110 enr,d9fr9„,AlsometAb?ye. It hap. _been ; peed, liken ISt dl , c I upii cond!ldOd. Ii le tbo on ly redilidiehitt ridttirpur(4itliu blood; ?!drcid.! ',tiled in ourlog Dyspopaitt,yover and Ago°, ityld - D144, t easee ortho - „ • - a - Bold,b3iiid.tdggltrisAind Dfalq. DR. D.,8, iiMVPIAN 4 ; M, P,roptdcdpre., WCIA PUB, pA , Add ClllOlOl4 • • • .• IT 9:iq:!:4-2.1.i?'.147if.4:145-,:4:1,i,-i scYfkr9 lll. •Pp4AT,cy iif ppßoyr9fr.,1 5 1 I TrirralW to ilff bnitin.ll Whbatores Ointment : cures ../.."Tho.ltehT,:.., Wheaton's Ointment moon Snit, Ithourn.' • - -Whanton's OM/ merit aunia,Tetten,..____..- . 2-4 WhaatoatrOliitriiimt - cuni9 - 7Jfirberieltcli., bantdnni.Oktitment: ouros .olA.Sites.i , ly.lion!oAlikigEtpletA., ennui -;l3vory .of humor 1110 Magic: • Pricer GO- cent; a box . ; by mall, /mute:. WEEKS.*&• - - - P0TT14114,,N0. 1 7 / 1 1yanblErgton .11tropEi' • az: 7 .17,0 r inAo by alt Druggteee.. ' : I4FORMATION. _ . - • In fonnftlo'n. gnatfa r ntiadi grow,tb af_balrupn - ra ; bald" lierid s 'or- -Bilardleas. face, alio a rocbillAt [ha Tomdeal of -Pluiplese...Blotches, , Bruptlone. oto.; on , ther sklo,ldeavlng, the.. same_ soft, • clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without • charge by,addrossing. :!(q;. • • •—• 'PUMP. 1 101IIRSYKII, • - 823 Broadway; Now York,- BE ra a7;7. - COLGAT_E.'& 00.!S 'CG4' - - • N ",•°Z) • • ••• - c.)Aro • - : ERASTITE . SOAP . Ilk u TlVAT4 t .,7,lll r om b -P e 7 c, . ;fclor . cd • tlio 9TANDAII.o OP' EX .. I clit lENOE. • Nor' sole by all Orators. • ^ ;., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , . *GitICULTURAL SOCIETY:' 'The Cumberland County Agricultural Society will • - ANNUAL EXHIBITION, On Tredaesday, iThuriday: 'and Friday, .October, 14th, 15th thia.16th,.1.868. Tho liEt . ef.prerniume le thelergest and most com prehensive ovor offered by any COunly. Alisocietlon In the State, and the ent•ning exhinittnn lo confi dently e*pectodie prove the largest oud most sue . . cessful ever held. ' '" lmoy-3t. . _ The otily.'earillly. Machine tpi t seta up Ito own wort; knits all sires, wideus and narrows off the too romptete-prorluelag all varletlesTcif ea •Infaut's stocking, mitten or glove t 6 a ladys shawl or hood , Price Reduced_ to 68 Dollars ! . . ' It Is simple durable, easily - operated and tkarranted to sucrecd fu tbu tunas of:every-purchaset% AGENTS -WANTED. ADDRESF, with stamp for circular and samp?o stocking J. D."ollNE:Geit'l igt.'922 Chestnut 9t, Phila. Sway 68-9rn, CHARLES WILLIAIUS - HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREGOIJSk),, Nos. 1132 & 1134 Market Street, 1100 an entirely new heater. It l constructed an to let once command itsdi to genoril favor, being a combination of wrought and cash iron_ll_la_iiery smiplu'in Its eouitructiou and Is pertoctly ate 'tight; volt-cleaning, bovine no pipes or drums to bo taken out and cleaned. It Is no arranged with upright flues let to produce a larger_ amount .of _Lout from the same weight of coal than nay lurunco now in use. Tlff linenhintre tilT ae produced by my new arrangement of evaporation wilt at once de. tuonstrato that Rh:. the only 12 50 0 00 .8 OU 285 HOT Alit FURNACE. that will produce n perfectly healthy atmosphere. I urn now mloding ulvolZoS of euiciA&Les, and four for Alasuury. Spacial attention is call"td" my NEW CIOLDEN HAULM CC/UJUNG lIANUES, no I feel assured thorn In nothing la WO that can compare with them, as regards their tiurabilitx, tieonomy god efficiency, with a largo assortments of Low Down Orates, .N ire Place hegioters Jand Ventilator. Sand _tor lirus trateloiroular. - Inlay • OS-son. EMI BENTZ- & CO. WM. BENTZ, JOHN,BENTZ ,- NE 11' FIR ! Having, fu•ehasod tho large stock of goods from A. W. lion tz, wo Idavo.assoclUod together: fogc-tDo-ipnr posu of comfuctlnf ino Dry (loodp Buslnrss under Ulm ahoy° "designation. To tills 'large and well assorted stock, wo havo added largely of now and • ELEGANT GOODS, we find ourselves la a Condition to successfully coin. puts with Any 110114i3 in• tip trade between Phila delphia and Pittsburg. OdF immense stock consists In part of CLOTHS, CASSIME4ES, V.ESTI.N GS, a groat variety and of choice designs, suitable for op ring, summer and winter wear, a nd all art'eles a euessary to complete a Gentlemen's Wardrobe. For this department we have engaged_the services of an A N 0 .k - whose e:armeats are warranted to tit, SILIN plate faneftinC•black, *DE LANES all wool, desirable cetera, POPLIN ALPACAS, all shades, MOIINIIPLU,STRES sud POPLINS. FRENCH PERCALE.), nice goods, SILKS, heavy blaak;aud plalusblld colors ALPACILAS, Poplin do, black and'ciney, Parasols Umbrellas, all colors, and a I the most fashionable Dress Stuffs in the mar. ket, Kid, Silk Lisle Phread,. Busk Cotton Gloves, and everything desirable in thi Glove line. Cambric and diclimEldgings and Insertinmin groat abundance, 'tacos. • Ilandkerchiefo, from the lowest price up to finest noodle worked- embroidery'. • Ribbons, ell shades from j.f yd. %rule, down to, the very narrow: Trimmings n very I.•rrge nevortment comprising every good thing in use.. Fans, , . • Muslins, • • Calicoes, ' ' Ginghams, - . Flannels, Tickings, - . Checks, Linons, all in great variety. dlinbrlo, KAlnsook, Joanna,' and' /Wee 'slMalina Tablo Linong, and Idnon and Biota Tobld Cover& ' 'GRAIN ztqs, BALMORAL SKIRTS, PRKNOIT CORSeTs. (.A-RP !. It P E - T 1.1 Yon') 35 ots., poryanitip to tho best linporlal !Woe ply, trolling lower ;than tho market rasps. Clarpo% eholO Binding, Floor Wad Table oil OlothO,.•Mnttloga, Rugs, Wiroloor - . ,' • ;•• • - • Wa havolio stock to accommodate Um entire' corn. munity, and all to ho sold lower than, can bo bought anywhoio in this section of tilo country. Call and eeo , BENTZ ,k CO. inlay 6S-tf. . _ . VVANTED.—A smart active .young roan, whlhhorough experlooee In the Hard ware trade, wanted - Immediately to do - brie Inn ain BLOppenthurg. Apply to, lidlt,or-of VALI.EIE SENTINEL. - Nap Gi-3t , . E LECTION - NOTlCE , —Notiooie - hereby given that an eleetfen wlll ho hold. .Inl Monday, May 1.1.1111808. at the Ceprt. ttousein .Car. b,vt neon the hours of 2 - anti d o'oloelc;P: al. of said . - tiledt -- a — Prevident -- auliflye . lllnittigettr-of- the-- 'Carnal° Gait nod Water Company. ' •'• ClgO: WbilSbi, • Seat's., MEI m. E. SSIILEY.-- ,VD.RESSA4I.IIP42, , No: 19 South Pitt StroOtt N. D. Agent ior Staten Isiah% Dyeing Estiblinil • J From nip Dromluin °Look oR fonla,'"- • • Widtot Faced Spanish Black,' • .• $2,,00 for ildf, • .StainiatilVlilto oi:Logbornee-. • • • - • Golderi.ddioara'ote, jj r 41 j r j j Phdasauta, ' •': d • Thdaboud price 'lncludes be:dog' and rdellvaringliq Exprois Office. : • ile;Wdie, 'Odra orland.countlr 24apr11-817; • .A.NTED AGEN rO - ' 8 40)1 ;' W'ebeapetd, moot Po ' and 'durablO s ii .. titia' ever dmtightlioforo tho public GittENE'B , ..ooLl)lllf', 1411 , 10, W.idly, cplobruted for, tltalt.ranietrhable flax1)011• ' ty ar;dOttitl•tuArnalya poitiortleir, • Theati,Poilifarkintt up In *non and gilt 'slide boxed,' lion rapidly and' pay a ImAto profit to the. egeut. Paroplo cards,. With; Pena, for,wardod'op rocultit of 10, eta. - Clrculors',frou, tiiddrbao, /3.13niv,;4 . 19 Oltestittt OE l l'4ll4,Pa. " 3 .Ptit:P l V . • ,: 4 OPENITG. , ' • Tallij:.NEFP Is 'now 'opening , rceplgndid hieortment - of Spring and Sommer - al LLIINII Y, eomprlelng how , . - net, Sunilonninr Also, Itiowere, Caps, ' &0., an oingant, Marlyn:lent. of Gibbons:, ineinellhrt_. every idyll* of flastnrihbors, Gilt and Jot bands for tho hair, tidies Curls. Bralibh.,Slaltd,.glizzerr, nan - livo- any color =made. to or. dor. All the different sbadea of Satiop Am trimming Drosses and Sagu'es; also very bandistime'Thinisoje htio,ahades, at rerearlo.l43! priaga; also a large, ae s: aorta'tit rdakonf: 'ltatanfirilhinnetn altere4 . te,ank ,otyle:' 'The aboye'' igga~g 19111 all he gold fIG Toitiorsotiebid,i)rico '". • " • fill EN El _,. _~ 13=1 It A ZII 6.E3, MAMY M. BENTZ NEW GOODS! ! ME =lll ME!