Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 01, 1868, Image 1

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. .
U; S: PATEN •A ENCL . - 0: :L.
L.:cabman, 2L Slain Street, Carlisle, Pia.,'exeouLas
clraelngs, epeelfleittione d 0. ., And .promes
. Datents
for Inventors.
ld feb 68.1 y.
-- •
1: A DAM
,KELLEIti . -Attorney-nt-Law
carllelli, Pa. Office with' Penrose lag.
nopt27 614m*.
10 south Kumar area clarllelo Pa.. .•
O. P. HUM non. - D. PARKER
Mall) Bt., in Marlon lIAII,, Carlisle,
Estate Agent, 11hepherdstown, West 'Virginia.
00"Erompt attentlou given to all business! InJoltot
eon County and the Couuttos •
January 10 1860.-19. ""•""''
E. • BELTZHOOVE4,.- - Attoiliey
.1 .at bow Oirleo In South Innovor,otropt, opijoo - lto
Banta's dry good otoro Carpi% Pa. ,; ,
September 9,1864. .
JAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at
Law 'Carlisle, Pa. OMee in No.'f, Itheenl'a.Balr
July 41864-17.
JB, ZEIGLER Attorney at Law,
Saint Paul Minneaota. 'tlommunleatlOna from
a Haat proporly roapoudad to. • • .
- alfoOlu e'
14511 G, OlDce,. In filial's Building, with
J. nearer, Beg. Prompt attention paid to legal bust.
nOB5 of altdescriptlone,
3apl 68-13 r. .
D. ADAIR, Attorney At Law,
. Other:, with A. B. Sharpe, Esq., No.
17, South tlauovOr Street.
3iat 17-Iy.
JOSEPH•RITNER, dr., 'Attorney at
--- git - Itta w a n gitritTd'o m or e stt i :i n gt , te" "
ea-nuelnees promptly attended to.
July 1, 1864:
T . R. MILLER 'Attorney at Lavi.
ti.. Office id liann9lol Immodlat_ely
pOsite tho Court 1 . 1onso: , -
-I_III,6IICHILIN, Attorney at Law, Office In the
room formerly ocoupled by Judge Graham.
July 1, 1804-Iy.
HERMAN, Attorney at Law,
Uarllsle, Pa., No. 9 Rheem's Hall.
July 1,1884-19.
4„IAMEJEL IIEi'BURN, Jr., Attorney
jat, Law. Office witklton. Samuel Hepburn, Main
St. Carlisle Pa,
July 1, 1864. )
. ,
W I A At_ K ENN EDY, Attorney
11 at, Law, No. 7 South Market Square, Carlialo.
April 10, 1887-ly
WAI. B. BUTLER, Attorney at La'w
and United States Cleim Agent, Carliale,
Cumberland County, _Pa._
Pensions, Bounties, Back Fay Ac., promptlfeellect
ed. Applications by mall will .receive Immediate at.
tention, and the proper blanks forwar ed.
1 - No fee required until the Maim is settled.
Feb. 14th, 18137—tf.
D •
RIGHT, Dentist, from - the Balt'.
—as tuortrOollage of Dental Surgery.
_ .
trty.Offlce at the restdenee of hls blether, East
Loather street, three doors below Bedford.
July 1, 1804.
(1)4;0. W. NEIDIOH, D. D. S.-
‘fi Lsta Doeionstrator of Operative Dontlatry of tba
Baltimore , of
pilatt urt. Dat4 . l: t urierL idence
,pposlto Harlon Mil t West Mem street, Oarliale,Pa.
July t, 1864.
Wt. HARTZELL, Allopathic Physi
_Li _clan and Acducb our, having permanently lo
cated In Leesburg, 04mberlatidcounty,Te.c, respect
fully offers Ale profeeslotial services to the public.—
Special attaritlon given to dleenses of women and obit-
.101 IN el. DUCK, N. D. Waynesboro,
Dr. SAMUEL 0. LANE, phambersburg.
Ilan: ED. IdoPLIERSON, Gettysburg,
ISAAC SNIVELY. N. D. Waynesboro.
S. D. FROUTZ, Waynesboro.
.Always found In his office arlion not otherwhei
prefeettionally,engeged— June 21—tf.
Tho Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania and North
ern Central Rail Road Companies have made an
arrangements to do a
Joint Freight and Forwarding Business
between the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and
New York. The Cumberland, Valley Rall Road Com
any opened their Freight Depot at Carlisle on tho
Ist of January 1860 for the receipt and shipment o
all goods entrusted to them.
Freight to belbrwarded by' this arrangement must
be loft at Penn.Ylvanis Rail Road Company Depot --
corner of 16th and ?Jerked Bt., Philadelphia. North
ern .CentralßallAtoad-COmpany's _Depot ~Baltimore,
and Cumberland Valley ltall Road 'Company's Depot
at Carlisle.
through. therßail Road Company's Freight Houses
and by Company• Cara,
3. D. Banana,
Freight Agents Carlisle
C .
MUNCIE .0141.10URS
On and after MONDAY, May 21st, 1860, Passenger
Trains will run daily as follows, (BundAy_ox_mted)
ACCOMMODATION BRAIN leaves llarrisburo3.4o
A. 11.,114chan Icsburg 0.18, Carlisle 0.47, New v 111,10,34
iThippensburg 11.07, Ohambersburg 1.10 P. 01 ~Orson
castle 1‘43. arriving at liegerstoWn 210 P. M.
MAIL—TRAIN- leaves- llarrisburg 200 P.
Mechanieburt 2.23, Carlisle ROG, Aowsillo 8 40, 81110.
peneburg 4.10, Chambereburg 4 50,' Greencastle 6.25,
arriving at Hagerstown 5.54 P. M.
EXPRoBB TRAIN leaves Ilarrisbusg 4.15 P. M.,
Mechanicsburg 4.61, CatAlele 5.21, Newvllle 0.58. Ship,
paneburg 6.21, arriving at Chambersburg at 8.20 A. M.
A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 8.20 A.
Greencastle 9.80, arriving at Hagerstown 10.15 A. M.
ANA: Bhlppenabdrg 6.30, Neterllle 13101 1, Carlisle
0.35, bleettanleabiirel.Okarrlvlng at Ilarila urg.7,36
- MAIL TRAIN leaves ysrailfSrst 8.10 A. 11.,
Greencastle Chamber din -0.25, Bhippenaburg
0.65, Newvillp 10:20, CA slo 11.03, Machanisburg
11.371 arrivingWriliburg 1210 e. 61.
EXPILREW TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12 00 M.,
- Greencastle 12.20, Chimbersbuig 1.10, Bhlpponsburg
1.41, Newville 5115, Carlisle 2.68, Mechanicsburg 3.26,
arriving at Harrisburg 3.56 P.
A MIXED TRAIL leaves Hagerstown 306 P. M.,
Greenctot le 4.00, arriving at Obamberaburg 4.60 P. M.
NB -Making close' connections at Harrisburg with
Trains - to and from. Philadelphia, Now York, Picts.
burg, Baltimore and Washington.
Rut Roil) Orclolit
Olnimbersburg, May 17, 1800.
,On'and after Nov. 25 1807 trains will
run, as follows':
North West for Philadelph'a, brew York, Reading,.
Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown,
Easton, RphrataTLltiz, Lantastpr, Columbia, do., Ito.
Trains leave Harrisburg Or New York as fellows;
Al. 8.00, 6.25, and 8.10. A, M., and 2 05, and 9.36 P. N.
. connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania
Tail Road, and arriving at New York at 6.10, 10.15
- and 11.50 A. M., and 3.40, and 9.30, P. 51. Sleeping
Cara accompaning tho 0.00. A. M. and 0.85 P. 11..
Trains without change. , • •
_Loaye Harrisburg fyr Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua,
alinersville, Ashland, Pie Grotto. Allentown and
Pilliadelphia, at 8.10, A.M., and 3.05 1 and 4.10, P.M.
stoPPlag et Lebanon and Principal Ray Stations! the
41.10, P. M. making connections for Philadelphia and
Columbia only. Per Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and
Auburn via Schuylkill, and Susquolutuna Rail Road,
leave Harrisburg 8.65 P.M.
Returning: Leave New York at :12.00,
Noon and 5.00 and 8.00 P. 514 , Philadelphia 8.15, A.
N. and 8.80, .P. If. Way Passenger Train leaves.
Philadelphia 7.80 A.M.; returning .froin• Raiding at
0.30, P. 61 stopping at all Stations, Pottsville at 8.45,
A. M. and 2.45, P. hi, Ashland 0 00, a. m. and 12.10,m.
and 200 , P. 51.; Tamaqua at 8.80, A. .51:_and 1.00, and
Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via pohuyiklll and
Suequebantut Rail Road at 7.10 A: U. and 12.00 noon.
Reading Accommodation Train:, Leaves - Readier.
at 7.30, A. M., returning from Philadelphia at 4.00
, •
Pottstban. Acoommodatlen I Train: Leaven Potts
. town at 0.45;,.. A . Vetnrllloll - 104Voli
Columbia Rail Road.Tralnd Rama Reading. 7.00/A
M. and' 13.16, P. • 111.` (or Ephnita, •Litia; . .Lattcaater,
Columbia. AK ," '
On Sundaya: Loire Now, York atiB.oo, M.,
Philadelphia 8.00, A . U., attd ails, P. ~tbe 8.00 A.
N. Train running only to Reading; ottevile 8.00,
• A. 61..11arriahum 5,25 A-11. and4.lo and 0.85,
and Reading. at 1.00, and. 7 . 16' A. U. for nuriabrirg,
and 7.00 A. M. and 1140, P.M. for New York ara1.4.2 6 ,
P. M. for Philadelphla.
• ' Gomm:dation, Mileage, Beason; School' 'and Radius.
eion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced, rates.
i_Baggage checked througtu 100 pounds allowed each
Paasenger...:. O.A.NIQOLLS,.
Reading, Pa., Nov:26, 1 . 857.. • , • • •
• •
`of,Vaiiiribta tiotbar- tmialcobalabig
uuN Dicp.p ,:a0 it it a, lying 03.1.411,..rutti ttoptbintu, 'B.
m um aborb"Nit:liolly..knowtt he'sfounti 4810'!Thfir
property..' Ao tract Is moat favorably loca Coq, easy of
9f access awl the slolber cf the beet quality *
For terms 40, apply tcr
- o . A. L. 13PONOIMIL
VOL. 68„
RHEEM - 8c DUNBAB, L'aithr.
CORNER 11.11.1 COVER AND konmarr BTRETO.
The subocrlber would respecthilly Inform the pub.
lic that he Is teeelvimr almost - dally 'from the Eastern,
eltles,,alarge lova leo of New and Cheap 0 °ode,. such
'nevelt Merino : on, .
Bleck and Fancy
French - Neppe, _
• Plaiti and
Fancy Do Lalnes,
Plain and Fancy
Alpaca, • .
13RtA-15F-AST-SHAW - I - SinetikViiaiiiiff
' and very cheap : -
German and
Amerigari Cloths, "-
Bleak and
Fancy Caasimeres,
Black and Fancy
Over Coatings, Battinetts,
Kentucky Jeans,
Undorsbirts and
Bleached and Brocba,
and Quilts, 7
Cotton Fiannale
• Bleached and
Unbleached Muslin's,
. _
• Ilcklnga,Checka,
- ..._ Towels. o
Naplana, Acc.. -,
Hie room formerly occuplod by
B. R. 3Ausaoteloo.
i 110.4. A. HARPHIL
• /ASH I- CASH!!
' have this day commenced selling of ray entire stock
of at greatly reduced prices for cash.
.and_other Dress Goods, at Cost.
Shawls, Blaultels,"Plannels, Lindsoys, dm., at Tay
great bargains.
• CASSINETTS, &c., very low.
BALMORALS, Lower than ever sold in Carlisle. - ,
Muslins, Pick' ings,
Ginghts, Chocks, -
anton Flannels,
at the very lowest price. •
All the beet make CALICOES, at 12.} ets;
As my stock bee been bought, since the great de:
cllue in prices. great bargains may he expected. Some
articles loss than cost, to reduce my-Stock as soon as
- . ‘ 7 . -‘ 011 AS. OGILBY,
• No. 47, West Main Street.
Shoes, of the very best makes, at cost to close out the
1867. SPRING. 1867.
AT •
Opposite the Mansion Rouse, next to Poet alles,
0. N. LOLL, Sup
N0..13 South Hanover Street..
The subscriber begs leave to Inform gotaleulen and.
bOusokeepers and the public generally, that he has
now and will keep constantly on hatidd,a large and
elegant as, tment of GENTS' GOODS,
such suttetton Merino and WoolenlAttirts and Brats..
.ere, llosiekleas all kinds, Black and IFlllte Kid Gloves,
- Thread and other - Oloves, Nark Buttpendattl,
Handkerchiefs, Gents'. Traveling - Mags, Linen and
Paper Collars, Cele, dic. Also, - 11013811
INO GOODS, consisting In part of Cedar and WllloW
Ware, all kinds, Chamber sets, Washes and Combs,
all Rinds Bugs. Buckets, Foot Tuba, Soaps, Pedant.
soles:Pens, Stationary, do. Don't . fdriet the stand,
No. 13 South Hanover - Street, two doors, South of
Washmood's Grocery Store, Carlisle. •
may 24 fd-tf. • •
I bavojust returned from the Eaet with my Spring
Stock, and XS usual. I am selling Goode a little cheap
or than any other Dry Goode House In town. I do
not think it liecessary to occupy a column of news
paper to endeavor to keep up my reputation for soli
.lug cheap Goods, siordb I wish to resort any clap trap
to gull the public.. Jai I ask, of them to call and
examine for themselves, and If not satislled with tho
prices, net to_buy: Rememberi the etand No. 82,
North flanoVer street, twat door to Dr. Kieffer's, and
Miller & Mowers' Hardware store.
- Pti3. I will say nothing' about my third and fourth
Vane openings. '
• -
~aprill9 07 • ,
1 3.N4Vh%
ODENEIt - OF MAIN & - IIEDY0111:013TS'., 0A11111.1,E.
The undersigned desires to infiirm his fridnda and
the traveling public that ho has taken charge at this
well known stand, and Is preparal to accomodate who
ttore with boarding and lodging on , roaeonablatooma.
Me tablets spplied'iiiith the best themaskeb b aft
Iliads. Ills bar 'contains the choicest or. liquors.
iiis departments are commodious and airy; his
arable lain charge of a careful and experienced ostler,
and he hopes'to be able toglve entire satisfaction to
all his gueste.. Jowl, it iILOYD.
_Late Brady .flEcatse, -
Immediately in fro'lit of die Capitol;
D. 11. 111T1011.180N,
• llnTrlaburg;PA.
Jlll A 674 f.
A ACI -11....n8 Wit ?
Watt:ll7olam and Jewelery,,
zNounzrvp,'Oon. aP Qviturx,v ,
,An.aaeortment of Watenee, • JecTelry, dlleir: and
Plated Ware constantly on land: .
itepalrlng.t?f,*stieltes and Jecteld.„ PI Qmptb
aitended to. _ • ' . • - "
;. . Wm. A. DROWN' & 00.,,-.
Umbrella - 8i Pdaiiiifitot4reri
246MA.RKET BTREE, I I,' ' '
invite attention to their 'Oak of
..• . _ •
_ GINGHAM' SUN trT;6461,13,514,,
For isle at tholowoatpritos of thadaYe •
Sapriblat, • .
• • '•
• 1
Hoofland's G:eirmil:pn,k.::
Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jeadort,
The Great Itemedies, for all; Diseases
Hoofland's German Bitters
Is composed of the pure juices (or, as disport medial.'
rally' • teethed, dEsp ,ituels) of •Ro o ts,
II orbs tad Barks, j • , making ti .prepara-
Con, bighly costes • tmtedomd Ofitirely
free from Alcoholio admixture of: mny
.TON 10;
L a combination of all thelngrediente of Atte Mitten',
with the pureet quality of Santa Crux Rum, Orange,
etc., making one of the meet pleasant and agreeable.
remedies ever offered to the public.
.Those preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic ad
mixture, will use
Hoofiand's German Bitters.
In eases of nervous depression, when some aleohotto
stlmuluris necessary,
ausuta br-eed
The Bitters or the Tonic arc both equally good, and
contain the some medicinal virtues.
The stomach, from a variety of causes, snub as Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility,
is very apt t045 - ` have its functions
deranged. The result • -. of which that the
patient Suffers from ' several 'or more of
the following diseases:
Constipation. Flattilencer Inward Piles,
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity
of the_ Stomach,:
burn: Disgust for Fo -,--Frdness - -
or Weight in the tordach, --
Sour Ernetations,o Sink
ing or Fluttering at the Pit
of the -Stomach,- Swimming of
the Head, Hurried.',. or Diffloult •
Breathing, Fluttering at - the Heart,
Choking . or Suffocating Sensations when
in a Lying, Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Webs before the Sight,
Dull Pain in the Head, Deft
, eiency of Perspiration, Tel- -
lowness of the Skin — mid
E Side,
41 3 1 Pain in
the Side Back Cheat,
__Lisabs;_eto., Sudden
Flushes of Beat, Burning_
in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil,
and Great,Depression of Spirits.
These remedleiNlll effectually cure Liver Complaint,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia,'Ohronle or Nervous Debility,
Chronic Diarrhoea, Disease of the Kidneys, and all
Diseases arising from a Dirordored Liver, Stomach, or
Intestines. -
Resulting from any_ Canso whatever
. induced by Severe. Labor, Hard
ehtph, .posi.u•e, Fevers, etc.
There le no Medicine extant equal to these remedies
in' mob cases. A tone and vigor is imparted to the
F 4
whole System, the Appetite is Strength
oned;food hrenJoycd, - 2 - the - stomach - digests
promptly, the blood Is purified, the com
plexion hi e o ern ea sound and healthy,
the yellow tinge Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom
fx Oren to the cheeks, and the weak and
c nervous in-
Talid becomes a strong and healthy being.
Persona Advanced in Life,
Ate feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon
them, with all Its attendant Myosin find In the use of
this - BrITERS,-or-the-TONICk - an - ellxir thatLwill
bail new ilte-in o-their veins, restore In a measure
the energy and ardor of more youthful days,_bnild_up
their ahrnaken forms, and giva,health 'and happiness
to their remaining yam
. .
It hi • waThestabliabed fact that fully onathalf of the
ftmaisrportion of our ILI population are ult.
domintheenjoyment °limed health; or,
to userthoLe own ex -prossliin, , never feel
WelL" , ; „They are inn . gold, devoid of- all
energy, extremely nervous, and haven° appotita.
To thelms of persona the BITTERS, or the
TONIC, Is especially recommended. .
Are made 'troughs thous. of elthorof these remedies..
They will ours every ease of MAILAI3MI.IB, Withaut
Thousands of certificates bare accumulated In the
- bands of thirproprietor; - butispato - will - alloWriirtlii
publication of but a .few. - Those, it will be observed;
anmen of, note and of ouch standing that they must
be believed. • •
k y ;44 yia. , ,(0.3 El ill
EOM Geo. W. Woodwai4.
Chief'Tuttfos qfr Ma Supreme eourf qr Pit., writes:
Philadelphia, March 16, 1807.
"I find Illoofland'a , German linters
• good tome, useful A. In diseases of the
dlgestiveorgane, and • -
of great benellt In
eases of doblllty, and r _ want of nenama no
tion In the system.. Yours truly, '
- Hon. James' Thompson. •
_Judge qf the Siipropie Court of Piniugironia.
Phitadelphia,.April 28,180&
• •
' 4 /consider ' Uoofland'a Garman Milers' a valuabte
Tudicine in case of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
can certify this from-my experience of It.
• ' • Yourei with respeet; • . '
JAMES' TROM.11301;7"
• •
.Trom' Rev. Joseph H. Kenn ard, D.)),
Parlor.qt: the Tenth fist Church, Philadelphia.
Dr:'..tackson—Dear Slr I have Leon frequently re.
quested to. connect. - my nqme with recomruendations
of difre;ent kinds of medicines, but regarding the prae.
tics so out of my. np ,--. -proprlale option°, /
have ,ta ell canes do conned; but
clear 'proof In verb! \ one • Inetnnces and
lautionhaly in , tny own fninlly, of , the
%Acridness of Dr. II oofhind's tiennun Bitters, depart
ler .onus from my imed course,
lu ,_express my full
.00nvictian - thn/, - for' genera/ debdity the system, and
•especially for Liner Conplaint„ii ie a safe and value bie
vilit asafrori, , In some CBl3ll it May : fall; 'but utlually'Ll
doubt net; It Will bovdry beneficial to those who suffer
/ram She above causes. ; ,
. • Yours, very, respectfully, .
„' , Eighth, Denali Dt.
From Rev. E. D.,ForidaiL
• •
..lssf.stant Editor '
•, • ,
biro derived decided benefit frOrre the cif Hoot.
land , d4ilerman Elittem arid feet It my.priirilete 'to re,
PentMelkld the se a most valuable toMo, to all who are
suffering' fr om' goners! debility Or from Inseam* arming
'from 40;11,111W. PTAPAP,,iI,9¢;;ACOUre truly”
- ,iI:I).'.IIENDALL.
..... '
,H o di si 6 , 4o:toilc,ftrimetUgaiui Couriterfeltoa. •Neii—
'that, rho slgnatt7f . 0 . : 0,, I 'M ,. ~TAf t asopr • ,
de - 'if I.llo'wrap r • 'of each 'bolt le.'
: A t adthers.arg, Irn •
a t4 n rf d 4 if' H ik . 4ll 6 4gio '.' to — ri L
rrinalpql — 0 co
oftbb Germloldedloine Mat* No. COI Anoll Bkroet,:.
In it 4el hi • .- • • . - • . ..
' 1 !-•• 4
-'2 41
. ' ci;leiti;iiti:iii: - Ey/Liar,' ; '"
. .. .
. 1 . . ~,:.,"".• oi ' , lierthhri`Druitsr,Protnioior, • .',...
• , , 7 • . „ , , Irormerly. O. .44.0icrip_ryfr ON , t .
For sale biall DnWina end Dialbro In Medicines: -
, • :: ~•%_.1.- , - , i il - , ;I•:'t , '.•:, , i ~ .1)",..`, . CI: , .....,!....•
1: 4 13;10308. , :':1•171
Gertain Ultioter;lii;bbttlir-•'ii..ii.,'•li bD
14- . . .1'
TTI I I" 1 :1 1 ' 4 P1 10 ! r AP!!l it -M
mar . .1.)41 not forwot 0,191.th9 0xi 19 , 1 ° 7 04 ',
buy: In order to gat Ilia :
-0!•1 I
1 7 k.
,;:, ,
... ,{
It .
A further Supplement to the Act
?Relating to the Elgotions of this
Commonwealth, ,
6E0110)1 , 1. - Be it. piloted -by the Senate
arid , House of RepreathiatiitS of 'the Com
inOtimealth o! Pennsylvania in General As.
seMblymet and itia horebOnactseibk ihe au
thority of the ' same That.,_frOm and, after'
the passage of - this' not r it shall bo the 'day,
Of the. several' assessors Within this Corn 7
monwealth; redelVing their transcripts
to make out a list in alphabetical order of
the white freenien above twenty-one years
of age,' whom they 'shall , know or
who shall make" ' claim to ^ said -as
sessors, to be qualified 'niters. within their'
respective townships, bOroughs, Wards ur
other election districts, and, opposite said
-names; state Whether - the said frdelinin le er
is not arhousekeeper-cindrif-hois; - therfirier - i7.
of hie• residence, in , towns where the
same are nuMbered, with• the street, alloy
or court In Whitth situated, Mid, if in a town
whore there are no numbers, the 'naive of
the street, alley or court on which said house
r fronts; also the occupation-of-the party, and,
wtiere_he is.,nota housekeeper; the occupa
tion; 'place of boarding, 'and with- whom,
and, if working for another, the' name of
the employer, and.writo opposite said name
the worn "Voter," and, whore said party
claims to vote-by' reason of naturalization,.
he shall exhibit his certificate thereof' to thei,
assessor,'unlesa,beeshall have voted in- the
, •
township, borough, Ward or district at fide
preceding generai elections,. end; on exhibl
tam) of the certificate, the name 'Mall-. be
marked with the letter N; where ' the party
has merely declared his intention to become
a citizen; and designs to be naturalized be.
.fore the next election,' the "name - shall be
marked b I; where the claim 'is to veto - by
reason of being'between tberages of twenty
ono and tiventy-two as provided by law, the
- oibrd - “ago.-shall.- be entered; and,-if._the
the party has moved into the election die
triet toTesi'de since the last general election,
the letter R shall be placed opposite - the
name; and in all of the cases enumerated a
tax shall forthwith be assessed against the
person. And in ordcir . to carry this law
into effect for the present year, it shall be
the duty of the commissioners of the re
spective counties of this Commonwealth,
within sixty days after the paisago of this
act, - ;-toctiuse - alphabetical lists "of-the'-..per
sons returned by the,,assessors aa having
been assessed in the-several districts for the
present year to be made out and placed in
the hands of the respective assessors, Whose
'duty it shall be, on: or before the first of
September, to ascertain the qualifiCations of
the persons so named-, and their claims to
vote as before mentioned, and perform in_ re
-tirrd-te-sueli-persons.all of the' duties en
joined by this act, and furnish said list to
the commissioners and. electio& board as
'hereinafter directed; Provided. That .the
names of all persons,
who were duly regis
tered and permitted to vote at the next
preceding general election in October shall,
without further proof 'or nitiplication, be
placed on the-list or. registry directed to be
prepared for tho.olection in November; but
-they -and all others shall be •subject-to - chal--
lenge, and 'their right to passed en
as prescribed - by trio fourth section of this
Sao. 2. On th_ a list being completed and
the assossynents made as aforesaid, the same
shall forthwith_he returned to the, county
commissioners, who shall cause duplicate.
copies - of -said— 'Fels,
,„ with -the- observations -
and explanations required to bo noted as
aforesaid, to no made out as soon as practi
cable and placed in the hands of the assessor
who shall, prior to the first of August next
ensuing said assessments, put onocopv there-'
of on the door of the house where the oloc
tionPof the respective district is required to
bp - hold, and'retain the other in his possses-
Mini for - the inspection, free of charge, of
any-per - son:resident within thesaid election"
district-who-shall desire to see - the same; and
it shall be the duty of said assessor to add
IFOm titneOliTnieTen the - personal appliciftliiff
of any persons claiming the right to veto, the
name of such claimant, and mark opposite
the name C. V. and immediately assess him
With a tax. On - the tenth day preceding
the general election in October next there
alter, it shelf-bit the duty of the assessor to •
prod uce'the list in his possession to tho inspec
tors.. and judges_o_f the election of the proper
districtTnt-a-meeting.nibeThbld .by_. them as -
hermnafter directed.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the in.
spectors and fudge of the election, . together
with the assessor, to attend at the place of
holding-the geneial—elections for__the_res!
pective election districts; on Saturday the
tooth day next_preceding the second Tues
day in Ocitober,,and on the other days , hop
inafter mentioned, and Continuo in Oen
session at Said place from nine o'clock:A. it.
till six o'clock r.. M. of said day, to hear
proof of the right of the respective persons
to vote whose names are -contained in the
assessor's list as Pofore mentioned, or who
shall apply to • thin:net() haVe their names
registered, and all 'parsons 'who' have not
previously voted in the election district shall -
make duo proof, in the intriner now pro
scribed by the election laws, of their right
to vote in said district, and like proof shall
- be made; in all cases by those applying , for
registry whose names are not enrolled by
the assessor and marked, '‘voter," and it
shall then be the duty of the assessor forth
with to assess said persons with' it tax as-re
quired by law, on the prod being made to -
the satisfaction of , the election , board if not
already assessed; on the list of the votersln
the. said district being complete,, it shall be
the duty of ,the election alders aforesaid to,
CalBl3 duplicate 'Ociples'thereof to' es made
out' forthwith inalphabetievil order,: ono of
which shall bo placed on the door of or on, whore the eleetions are to bo held,
and the 'Other retained by the 'judge of,
election, who shall hiild - thesame subject to
the inspection of any citizen of said district
nail the day of the general, election, and,
produce the saine-threat;. Provided, that the
officers hereiribetere' named, when they
etiall'deein• it advisable, May Moot for the
piirpOses named in this section one or more,
days (not exceeding four) prior to the tenth
flay nextpre,ceding any general or presidia:L-
W diection, of which„menting arid its : pm ,
poses they shall give dito - pitblic notice by
wfitton'Or printed hand' bills .posted` in at
least six of the most public, places. in the
respective wards in cities, boroughs, wards
14 boroughs 'or - townships; And provided
fardier,,lhat, whore any ward in a City;
borough, or ward Me - borough or tovinship,
. aving but one assessor Is divided into two
r more election precincts or districts, the
edges end 'inspectors ;of all Birch election',
&strike : ell precinotil'itt each' ward lea city,
borough,-'ward' in ''a iiorough -or township
taspectiVoly, shall Meet at the utitaj_place of
i olditig the election An, the precinct polling
he largest'laurel:n...of :votes at the last' pre;
iclin'g eleatiOn ' id' their respeetivii" wadi;
°roughs' oi toWnshipb, rind shall 'give duo
, üblio notice. its' herein before' provided !Pt
the, timq and .Place of their- meeting, .andk
le all oases' whore any Ward_in 'a _city,
porough, , waraln, a, borough Of township; le '
!loYdivided - into tWe or More'eleotlon , did
ricts,'it shall-be - the duty of thei,asseSsor , to
imp oink voter le the eleet t ien _district ~ t o;
hieli‘bq belongs and. to"_furnish separate'
OUPlicate lists to' theelection Anders in oath
elebtion &atrial.; It shall.b'orthe , further duty
) i
off the said inspectors,' judges, and adsessors,,
,pi. 1 , 901; ward„borengh. end,,,township,, tc,
britiot, again ,at ilie.placo flked On by- the'
lfifid , ,sootiOn:bf 'Oils "licehitiqtfeillintida" '
next preceding any general Anti on i'lintiglien i
the:bourn oL nine and ;fin Ao: AL; 41:07Yee.
main. ln FAWN! until six g. 14.,,,f0r ttio Our.-
Phlie ti . ' liadring 'end deterniintig tinir'claiatir,
thitt:mayrbit'Oroseittdd tO'thoht 10 2 anY:tior.l.
: '[,1•,; , ,i7.- rj ., , , -- , 7
." Jfilkiti -
' t_ IJ . ',L . 'i' L'..;
,! '',::.. n.,E . i.; ."--
.yri 1
: 1-, '
~ 1,1 ; ,
, 11: - ,
'May 1, 1868
I ,
4 .- '. ,
~ r )
eon or persons claiming
.to be. entitled to
-vote, and whose nano or 'nausea have. not
been. mitered - on the registry :of; election
distriet in which ho or -they claim to hti
entitled to vote; earl Pereon so (dabbing to
be entitled-to a vote therein shall, produce
at least one qualified, voter of the district
as a 'vatricse to the residence of the claimant,:
falba dietrict in which hb. claims to - be a
Voter,ler the ptriod of'at least ten days next,
preceding the general electioifthen next'on
suing; which. witness s - sit take and aub=
scribe an;'affidavit to .the Mete stated by
him, which' affidavit shall define clearly
whers the residence -is or the person so
cleiming to bo a - yotar, and the
,persen''to -
elaiming•tO be' regiatered Shall niso take and
subscribe •ari affidavit stating where and
when-he-was-born, .that he -is a -citizen-of
the• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
of the United States, and, if a naturalized
eitizen,•shall also state when. where and by
what court he_wits•naturalized, add he shall
also present his certificate of naturalization
for examination, unitise. he has been is voter
insaid Wooden district. for_ Ilve_y_ears-thens•
,prectalingythatliii - lins ;resided in this
Conanatinweattti ono year or, -if formerly a
eitlted•therein and. has moved-therefrom,
that he has resided therein six months next
proceding_fhe_ generaV_election then next
following, that vim has not moved into the
district for the purpose of voting:therein,_
that he has paid a state or county tax within
two-years, which was assessed at least ion
days before the election for whibh he pro
poses to be registered, and that he was pre
vented from registering his name at the first
meeting for that purpose as directed by this
'act; the stud -affidavit shall also state when
and whore the tax claimed to be paid by.
the affidavit was assessed, and when', where
and to whom paid, and the tax-receipt there
for shall bo produced for examination uti•
less the affiant shall make oath that it has
been lost or destroyed or that he never re
volved any receipt; Provided, that if the
person so - claiming the right to vote shall
take and subscribe an affidavit that he is a
(adz& of the United States, that he is at
the time of Make the affidavit or will be on
before the day of the next election ensuing
-between-the ages-of-twenty•onomultWenty• -
two yours, that he has resided- in the State
une year and in the election distriCt ten difys
next preceding such election, he shall be en
titled to be registered as a voter altbough,ho
shall - not have paid,taxes; the said affidavits
Of all petsons making Bach claims, and. the.
affidavits of the witnesses to their residence,
ehibll be preserved by the said boa& until
the day. of the election, and shall, at the
close thereof be placed in the ballot box
- tilong.with.themler. papers now required
by law to be preserved thereiri; if said imam
shalt find that the applicant or - applicants
possess all the legal qualifications of voters,
the name or names shall be added toll() list
alphabetically with like effect ise irdone teii
days before the election; and they shall
forthwith be placed with other names at the
foot of the list on the door or house of the
- place tic-election, and, as such person whose
name is enrolled votes at said election, one
of-the clerks thereof shall mark on or oppo
site to the name "vote,"-and it shall not - be
lawful for the officers of the election to re
'ceivo the vote of any person whose name
was not contained in said registry made out
and put up at least eight- days before the
election as aforesaid, or in the registry made
on the Thursday next preceding the election,
and the reception of the vote of any person
not so registered shall constitute a misde-
Metther - iii - thicelettion - cifficers t so - receiving
it, and on conviction thereof, the-election
officers so offending shall be subject to fine
or imprisonment or both at the discretion
of the court.
SEC. 4. It shall be laivful for any quali
fied citizen of - the - district, - notwithstanding
the natio of the proposed votbr is contained
in the registry and the right to vote has
been passed on by the election board, to
challenge the vote of such person, where
upon the same proof of the right of suffrage
as is,now required by law shall be'publ4cly
made and again acted on by the election
4ward, and_.tho_voto admitted-or -rejected
according .to the °viatica; every person
claiming-to bo a naturalized citizen,shall-he
required to produce his naturalization cerft,._
float° at the..ele.ction before votine, as requir
cd by ousting laws, except vihere fiis saes=
comb within the fifth provision of the sixty-.
fourtli section of the act of one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-nine to which
this is a supplement, although the same may
have been exhibited to the election board
before • r .vote of Such
persons being received, it shall be-the duty
-of-the -election .officera_to.cause _to be dis
tincly written thereinthe_word
with the month and year, and any elec
tion officer at the same or any other district
shall receive a second vote on the same day
by, virtue of such certificate, they and the
person who - shall - offersuchbecond-vdm upon.
se - offonding , shall -be guilty 'of a high mis
demeanor, and, on coviction thereof, he fined
and imprisoned at the direction of.the court;
Provided, Said fine shall not exceed ono hun
dred dollars and the imprisonment - shall
not extend ono year, and like punishment
.0211 be inflicted on theofficersof election who
shall negleceor 'refuse to make or cause to
be made the endorsement 'required as afore
said on said naturalization certificate.
; SEC. 5. On the'close of the polls, the
registry list, on which the memorandum of
the voting has been kept as before directed,
shall he sealed up with and preserved in the
semomanuer now required by law as to the. '
tally pawns, - and not taken out until after
the next. meeting of the Legislature; unless
required on the-hearing of a contested elec
tion, or for.the purpose of boing,usod at the
election of presidential' electors or prepara
tory hereinafter provided, after
which , ft shall again be sealed up and care
fully-preserved us before directed - •
, Sm. 6. Ton days preceding - ,every elec
tion. for electors of President and Vice
president of the United States it shall be
the duty of the election hoard and - the'prop
fir assessor to mcoeht the place of holding
the general elections in the district, - for the
Same length of Aim° and in the mariner di
rooted in the third sectionof this act, ~and
thinialid thorn hear all Applications of Ter
dons whose names have been omitted from
registry; and who clal m the right to vote,
or whose rights'have 'originated -since tho
dame was node out, andfadd thereto the
hamosof such persons as shall show that
thi3y' aro entitled to the right of suffrage in
such district, on the personal app.ication of
the claimant only, and if ,the person, shall
not have 'been previously assessed, it shall bo
the duty of the assessor forthwith to assess
him with the proper tax; after completing
the list a copy thereof shall be placed on.the
door of_ or on the honk, whore the election
is to b held at least eight days prior to
holding the same, when, the same course
, shall' bo pursued in ever particular in re
gird to • receiving or. rejecting the votes,
Quirking the same oh the registry list, en-.
detain the naturalization papers ( with the
proper monthhnd year,'- preserving the pe
perShed alinther things, as are required by
;Wind. by, the general elections , at October. '
l Sad. '7 - lt.t every special election directed, and at. every separate city,' ward, :
borough' or ' totrnship 'election, ' the' eglitry•
'required to beliefd at
trigyrlio used
by- the proper officers eildeheo,of the 'per
dons entitled te' vote thereat, and Said Mil
icersshaltrequlto 'all, poisons %These names
aro not ointheregistry;,'•; Whether challenged
1 . not , to' show that. hey , possess 'the 'Agin
f ' , lh6frage tit said' election,: hat ' nothing
heroin contained want - of Said ,
registry concliniveiagainst - the: rights of the
persons to vote at suthrelectionitmt the Bruno
slain lio judged of arid - decided as ' in other
cased: - " •, . , i%',", - - ,, : ,
i Bin3.7B„,4l)forerelftering tat-the dutlei.Of,
tlioh: effielis tinder*this net, the respeutike
esepeaorA , dna holpeetere end.' judges. of the
4166410 e; AhittV take , Att'qit''befoOe , lime
- ccilpiippte4V,' citith'orlty,, - :ire • ditioh' to: the
`' oaths tadifYoittlied'br lititr, AO portent the
several duties enjoined , by this act with fl
delityand according to' the reqUireteente
thereof 'in every ' particular ,to thobestef
their ability ;" they.. shall .cao , have-the,
power to administer oaths to a ry,, poise' •
claiming the rightito be maenad, o 'Owl '
or the right of auffragoo or' in regard-
other, matter or thing, required to be done
or inquired, into by said.offiCars - andet this'
act, and any wilful falbe , - awearing by:any.'
person in relation to any matter sor thing
concerning which they shall be. lawfully,
interrogated by. any of said pillaerti.under
thie ttet, shall he 'punished as . Perjury; said
onagers, inspectors and ju - dges,shall each re
calve the same compensation for - the "ame
neeeesitrily spent in perforining the ditties
hereby- i
enjoined es s.- provided by the law
- for - the performance of their Other duties,-to`bo paid by the county commissioners as in
other cases,. With a proper allowance to. be,
judged orby the Baia commissioners for the
expenses- of • making the list 'or registry
hereby required to be made out, and it ahall
, not be lawful_fcir. l anysassesseirTO 7 assess a
itax - iitraiiist any!persoh-Whatever--Within-toa
, days next preceding- the election to be held
on the second Tuesday in , October in- any,
year, or within ten "days next Ware any
I election for electors of. 'President or. !Vice,'
President of the •Un tad States, and, ony vi
olation'of this provision shalt be
,a intsda.-
. meaner and subject the.officer so offendinif.
:to - a lee on conviction of 'not less than ten
to one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment
noroxceeding three mOnths,'or both, at the
1 disCretionaf. the court: , -- . , - " .•
Sec. -9.- , - On-the petition of Ave or more
citizens of : the county, stating under oath
that they verily believe that frauds will
be practiced at the election about to be hold
in any - district, it shall be the duty of the
court Of common pleas of said - county if in
session or, Haag judge di - Woof - in vacation ,
to appoint two persons, judicious, sober and
intelligent citizens of the county; to act-as
overseers at said electron; said_ persons shall
be selected from different political' parties
'where the inspectors belong to diderent par
-ties, and where both of said inspectors belong
to the same political party both of the over
seers shall be taken from the opposite pond,
partn_said_overseersishall_have'the vislit
to bo preterit with the officers of the election
during the whole time the same is held the
votes counted and - returns - made out and
signed lly the election officers, to - keep a list
of the voters if they see proper, to challenge
any person offering to Vote and interrogate
him and his witnesses under oath in regard
to the right of suffrage at said election, to
examine his papers produced, and the offi
cers of said election are'required to afford to
siiittoverseers_eo selected...anil„.appointeid.ev
ery dobvenience and facility .for the die-.
charge of their duty, and if said officers
shall refuse to permit said overseers to be
present and perform their duty as aforesaid,
or they shall be driven away from-the polls
by violence or intimidation, all the voles
polled at such election district shall be re
jected or any tribunal trying a contest un
der.said election.. .
_ ,
_ .
Sac, 10. If any prothonotary, clork,,or
the deputy of either, or any other person,
shalraffik the - seal'of office te:any naturali
zation paper, or give out the same in blank
whereby, it-may be fratidulently used,-or fur
nish a naturalization certificate to any per
son who shaii.not have been duly examined
and open court in presence of some
of the judges thereof according to the act
ot:Congress, he shall bo guilty.of ° high
inisdemeanor, or if ri - orporson shall fraud
ulently use any such certificate of haturali
ration knowing that! it was fraudently is
sued, and shall vote or - attempt to vote there
on, he alkali be guilty of a high misdemean
or, and either or all of the persons their eid
ers and abettors guilty of the misdemean
ore, atoreseicb on conviction shall be fined in
a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars
and imprisoned in the - proper penitentiary
for it period not exceeding three years.
Sac. 11., Any assessor , election officer or
person appointed as an overseer who shall
neglect or refuse to perform any duty en
joined by this act without'reasonable legal
cause shall t.e . subject to a penalty ,of ono
hundrOd dollars -and-if-any assesser-or-olec
tion officer shall any persen as a vo
ter who ho shall know is not qualified, or re
fuse to enrol any one who he shall know is
qualified; he shall be" - guilty of a misdemean
or iii i effice and, on conviction, be punished
by fine tend imprisonment and also be sub
ject to an action for damages by the party
aggrieved, and if any person shall- fraudu
lently alter, add to, deface, or destroy.any.
registry of voters made Out as directed by I
tins act, or tear - With ' 91. remove the sense
from the place where it hue Peen flied by or
under-the-direction-of—the- ljection-officers,
with likeTraudulent or mischievous - intent
or. for any improper purpose, the rson so
offending Shull bo guilty of a high-misde
meanor and, on conviction, shall be pun
ished by a fine riot exceeding five hundred
- dollars - and imprisonment not exceeding two
years. -
SEC. 12. - If any tax-collector is found
guilty of issuing a receipt frit. taxes to any
person whatever, said taxes not having been
paid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misde
meanorin office and, On conviction, shall
be fined in a suns not less than one hundred
dollars and suffer un ipipriSonrneni in the
county jail for a term not less than three
months for'every offence.
Site. 18. That for alrOlOctiona hereaf
ter holden under this net the .polls shall be
eporiPd between the hours of" six and seven
o'clock A. M. and be closed ut elk o'clock
SEa. 14, That the county commissioners
shall at theproper expense of thvomity,
procure and furnish all the blanks made nec
essar'y by this abt.•
SEa. 15. All laws inceiertlia with any
of the provisions of this isot be and the same'
are hereby repealed: . .
For the relief of oitUens of the, coun
ties of Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford,
Yorlo, Perri and'Clumberland, whose prop
erty was destroyed, damaged, or appropria
ted for the public service and. in the com
mon defence in the war to. auppross the ro
bollion. ' . •..
WitEnnes; during the laik .war toanp
press the rebellion, several of the southern
counties-Of this State wore several times in
vaded by the kAbols in great force, requiring ,
theinterposition of the tinned forces of "the_
United States and of the State to drive them
from our borders.. ' , .
During.theso invasions
'nod tjle movements of, the armies engaged
in repelling them; and espeelally in the
three days of _battle at'. Gettysburg, 'there
With occasioned great destruction, , devasta
tion, and loss, of property of citizens of said
counties: , • • * •
AND NYVICREAN, These' lossos Wore sus
taineilin the oommon - cause and ' for '• the
public' defonce and for the J . goneral welfarst
of the whole people of , this VontqloT;Tetkith,,
and it is reasonable arid , proper that Citizens,
who have thus sufferod should'reeellio
erous ConsideratiOn 'and 'tietbiti idiot 'from ,
this groat Commonwealth: Therefore; •
Simms Be it enaeledhy _the Senate
and. Souse of ,ltepreientatives of. 'the Coin,
Mckinealth,of renneytroagia,,in „general As-.
ssmbk - stte!, and hereby . enacted by- the
.authorsty Ms ratit's; That it Shall be lati
tul for the GoVernor to' appOitit k. Board of
Commissioners; to consist of threo.disinter
esled.porsons, whose - duty xt sh4l, bet:, fUlly
inmestigate - r:nd tt¢judicatOhe elaime of 'the
citizens of tit - aseveral' con:Stick of • Adarni.
Franklin; Fulton, BedfOild, York, Ferry and
Curnberland; for the amount br their. losses••
in thf , late ,war,, and - make it report of the
same under .oath,44-tko Anditer Goneiiil of
this diunnicinviealth,' sib 64' melt
lm:al:111Y adjedicated; - 'reported" and 'Sled;
4 shall then, belhe duty of !tbe prope6.9lll;
tars ofthisgonsinpitwealth# be,designated
, by the Governor . - to PrOOded - to re:3o4er com'-
pensation, for-said lasses from the - Ganditt
, ,
: ...;:.:., 0,:
TMMS:.-02,00 in Advance.r 02;09 1 wiiinn ,
The "Relief" , Act
I t s't -2V)
1, i
!;:t3.1 - ';7 1,
tru: pk,:r,:ft
'Lt:t.!flii;:'.l:''',:.llll..k6l: [...1N . - 117,
_ .
government, and when So. ..elleoted, and
Out till'tffisiOshall the iiititirtt• so recoVeted
prild•jiro,tata to thosufferers of ;the said
colmties, in, accordance, with the ,report of
:thb'stild Cotaiisaltineia of their - Claim', and'
theit receifithig in full to the Commonwealth
,of Ponnsylyania. ~. . •
i3zo: 2 That theDoninilssionets shall Within
sixty daYs• after their ':appointinent 'having
hebn first duly swernlto-pertiFixi,their duties,
with hipertiality and. having,
given ton days' previous' notice by iiublieb
tidninVioncreparge of ;the B,everal.eouii.:',
ties' amed in this act, proceed M said coon- .
j tit drid-ttlie appratielnitatif
thelosses,shatained by .the- eitizede thereof
-by. reason 4, the destruction , devastation,
appropriation'dr carryingl;' Of their
propertyonther-,by, the, aril:des ht the battle
of Gettysburg, or the "'potations : and
movements connected thoteWith,'or 'in any
of. the rebel:invasions of ,71,thaState, and of
any othet.saiferers nanied,in-this - actilrillie
yeatslitatnulgifteeti Mildred-and sixty two,
to eighteen hundred and sixty lour, inclu
' Iheystnilf continue to. perform said.
duties arid:they' shall have assessed the loss
and,damages,-afotesaid of both-real and
persorn4 estate, and - npon ., each petitioner
settling forth his or their the suiffeera:
misatimers of 'majority of them shall make
en award of the losses &Lethally sustained hy
,tiotitioneri, if any Stich' petition, 'shall
present-a statement of 'oases slistained under
oath, and the commissioners shall-require
such additional "proof in relation to the
claims, as they. may deem accessary, by the
examination of the claimant, or any other
witnesses who may be present or they may
decide to call:" Provided That if any claim
shall bo presented for ,tho benefit of an .as
'signee, such assignee shall be required to
prove littler • oath •to the satisfaction of
the commissioners the actual cash
value Of the consideration paid to the
assignor, and the amount so paid if not in
excess of the actual loss suetamed,, shall be
the an. cunt of the award; and each claimant
shalfbe required to state on oath whether
any assignment or transfer, has been made
of such claim or not. And provided further,
That if any.porson 'Shall present a false state
mont in vinole or in p_art t either for pteper
ty-not pissessed or not damageffi'de:troyed
or lost; as aforesaid or in excess of its just
valuaticin, with - intent to defraud, the . pod
, Lion of such elaimant„ shall be dismissed
without any allowance whatever, Aqd pro
vided further Than° c:iiiin 'shall be enter
Mined, or allowed, in favor of any corpora
tion or county,- nor for any loss or property
forwhich compensation . has . been.received,
or is provided by any law of Congress, nor
fo_rany_loss_for_which_ relief_ _was. _provided ~
by tho act of fifteenth of February one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, enti- '
tled, "An- Aot for the relief of curtain citi
zens of Chambersburg and vicinity whose
property was- destroyed by--fire, by the reb
els on the thirtieth of July Anne Domini, '
ono thousand eight hundred and sixty four,"
And provided further, That each claim, pre
sented for adjudication, shall be accompa
nied by an affidavit, made bofore some offi
cer, competent to administer oaths and affir-:
matirms, stating that;tltie 'claimant has nev
er' directly or indirectly,' by 'word or act,.
given aid, comfort, countenance or encour
agemeht, to the rebels, whether in arms, or
otherwise that he or she has never commu-.
nicated or attempted or taken means' to
communicate to them or anyuf them any
, information which. of _any_advam-,
tap to them.
That said oonimiseionors shall as soon as
they havollidtheirtMeir - duties, mako returns
to the Amditor Gonoral Of all petitions pro-
sent-ed to theni or any of them with the a,
wards thereon.
. The said Commissioners, shall be paid the
sum of- five dollars--each-per-day, for not
more than sixty days, when actually em
ployed in the discharge of their duties, and
they shall be allowed ono clerk, who shall
be paid the sum of three dollars per day,
whose duty ii shalpbe to keep, a record of
the testimony in each case, so that it may be
transmitted 'to ‘ the Auditor General, with
-the-awards and-the-salaries of said.commiss,
Toners and elerici - together-Twitti • necessaay
expenses for - stationery, giving ootice et
cetera, shall be paid out of any money not
otherwise appropriated after approval by the
proper accounting officers of the Staai --
SECTION 3. That this act shall not be
construed to make this Commonwealth in
any way liable for the ultimate payment of
the damages ascertained and 'reported, un
der this not.
E1.,1131.1A W. DAVIS
Speaker of the House of Eop
-- — Speaker of the Senate
Approved April 9th 1868.
JI7O. W.
Pure and UndefiledDemocracy..
The following article appears as editorial
in The La Crosse Democrat, the most popu
lar and widely-circulated Democratic jour
nal in the Union: — That the sentiments
expressed in the article are- those of the
. .
party ut large canna be doubted, though
very likely nine-tenths of thorn would deny
that they held any such. opinions. 'When
they rushed by thOusands to'tho support of
the beastly, profane and indecent sheet
which indulges daily in such writinetheir
denials of sympathy with lho article amount
•to nothing i • ;, ' , '
' These tong-haired inips.of niggeriem, and
bitter foes to true religion, the Young Mon's
Qhriiitian Associations (sd-calloil),; who in
fest the State of Wiscensin, have issued - ii
, fcall" for a general iOve-feast of • the
brethren; Lobo holden at Madison this week.
The ostensible object of - the . pow-wow is to
extend ,the evangelical faith into the rural
districts throUgh tho efforts' of lay mission
aries; the brethren• claiming that the people
aro ,„so anxious for orthodox religion that
, the:regular ministers, cannot
,oupply the
spiritual ,wanta of their flochsr hence the,
necessity that the lay brethren do /ay had
drill flop, rourain the Lord's ~v ineyard until
- thosy . 'do lay out_ the' Unbelievers.,
' The .plansible yarn • mayy, do for school
Marius or wheezy Puritans,-bnii to the mind's
. eye of tua able bodied working whio map,
it lookoth amazingly like a bilge Sabbath
school lie. In ' the first place , the' demand .
for Evangeliedl faith is &ill . isith a down
ward, tendency; thousands, of, bigh-proisuro
' divines, are out ef commiSsior, preambulat
ihg ' the CetintrY;libilleg the 'gives" of the
date !absented,' 70oddlidg 'Juan - C . l'l4h Killori=
and i I lotting up a precariouS subsistence in
'Various other itinerant callings, for, which
their ministerial‘eiperience has well quali
fed . them. In the next place, who ever
heard 01, a' great' missionary , .' e fort being
-started tn• the spring, at the; ,commencement
of the busy season, eoher,i every ,ene its, hurried, -
while. tho dull Winter months'were allowed
lo'iiitsa.l4!unlitipreied: -
~,- , - -•• • ' , 1 , .
` 16;166 I tru'ii i •otitict` 'ottli& fortikmming
evil's'Auotion,' or Todngillen's•Chrlatiatt
oolationtampaigtivis to,but a large S: , :uNse
f.elemi-olorlcal ,vagahonds in tho • flel to
prowl . through.the countrY; . clear/ 'beating it'
d i tarodndOipongtng their .inentate,"organle.i
ing prayer circle bri the Itthioplan basis and
setting up;Grant.Olubs is every ,town. ,ivil
fogqlcala. hp,tu lot; pot are . the , bankruist
ticoundretii,,t6hO compose - the:r. df:'„0: A:, "or'
c leceatisi of 'ariiitand Ifitnerticified? Nbo
vex' know & broken' ilown'Scalper .. (on the
• hicago , , or. , Milwaukee,.floarda • of. Trade)
• ; ho failed and potOod up at twenty cents on
,the dollir, three , years paperi'that-was not t
loud-mouth.' membbi of 'the 'Association?'
' Who' over kitoW a .nian' gat through .baisk- ,
'ruptoyl on falsolifildatits. , iind bogus schedt,
:pie, who.was not -e,,herdr.vrlng .member.
% the 4Sseciatiori, I' Wlie: laL Were a. As
hiring bank: 'dirt 'a "1/itibinetaifietid'
'•apeer, or &dishonored merChanti who is tt9t
0: ,
q; 8 • okhotder'in the'T. AIL' A. Cain. I% /11,7
the,' Weilterti cities their teems are generally. ••,'
locftted 'Oar the, Plekard ,6Pl't'ade, Who' 0044-;) \ •'1
peso ost - Of theft. triOlittish,lp, a nd it la. -,
notorious that nosuclitollection of finished.' . •
„:11eOrttess_ratals;-are - To be found* •-•!•
elsewhere on the 7 ,pleaerttellm -- men - who
'coinPaso thesesanW,Bitardief-Trade. -The -
mongrels are using - thell',igliglem„.under. •
ltrapers to sandiylob behdtkOlding,,pefitias
between the:f h,yrni7ulatidliermifine:And it'':.,
devolves 'on .11erneerellejoUrnaTs itacripea
ere to warn the people against the Satanic
whi'e nigger moire. known as Christian ABBo+,
Clobs,_ etc.
Demooratsorvold them as you• would-the '
plague. 'Protect Your children from 'their
insidious wiles; they are the blistered foes of
.your 'race and your God. The Almighty is
wiping:the foul breed from the face of-the ,
'earth. • Their-missions; • their - associations, •
and their reign will soon. terminate. White
men, we mast check-mete theie psalm sins-
ing hypocrites .thie year, and their power
will be germ forever. • •
,•, 4 • ..
NO 'lB
The La 'Crosse Democrat has a very
eatensive.otroulatiOn in: , our ipuist, and
we doubt not that among its , subseritiers
may be found the, names cieltetive.mem
bers 'of the Christian Assooiation ! , Surely
eentiinents like the above sitoulesatisfy,
not only them, but all decent men with
the degradation of a Party " to
a paper a stronger support than to
any other journal published in its interest.
ADE*AND THAT Sktutt,lf A
&writer in:the - Philadelphia North meriian
draws the attention 'of the...citizens. of that:,
city—more especially the Republican party
—to the irnPOrtarice of.reform -in the selec
tion of nominees for office. He says truly
that the 'time has come ;when party. men
.even , Will not be badgered into Life - support..
of unfit men;( or the purpbseof.unserp,uli`ats ,
le j aders Ho says that in that city, last fall,
the prospect of a Republican-vietory. there
Was suddenly overcast by the rejection of
good men and the nomination ,of favorites
of leaders, and not worthy of the party:
The writer's views are so sound thel. r we
quote them for local application:
"Since then this feeling: has grdwrr , stron
ger, and he moat bo blind indeed-to tife eel
dance of public sentiment , who does not see
on the part of our -people a resolute deter
mination not to submit to the codtbinations
of any pelitimil clique, or to be .whipped
into submission to objectionable nominations -
by a- party
,lash, wielded by Belt seeking
and corrupt-men. The great body of the
Republican party demands that good - men
be giominated for our local officers—men
who have convictions and believe-in. our
principles, and not mercenaries, who, at the
same time-that-they-demand-nominations—
for- office, threaten that if they are not
giien they will defeat our ticket, or desert
oval.' their Cararrfollower,s to the toree of the
enemy. • AtiVill libtdditierely to place re
liable men at the head of the ticket. It
must'be thoroughly good throughoat—nomi
muting those whom. our soldiers can rally
- under, recognizing the working classes by
putting forward one of their own number,
presenting fur theiegal positSors_..ln_eng_
unqestioned intogrity,.and indicating in its
candidates distinct and positive Itt-publica4
Tim( know how to marry in Chicago, as
the weddiv last week of Mr. - Barnes. of
York' and Miss Luddington, of the
further place, testifies. There were some
eight hundred invitations, and the church
was crowded.- 1f wo,mey_believe the re:
porter, a "noise 1;6.-e the fuliing.of the autu•
mal leaves was made by the rustle 'and
clashing of silks and satins, while a volume
of sound' was occasioned by the incessant
conversation that resembled the moaning
monotone of an immense organ." The
same authority. informs us twit thee-ihride
wore .a heavy satin dress with train cut.
timperatrice and trimmings -of Brussels
point lace. • Her hair was very tastefully
arranged, a solitary curl falling over her
right shoulder, giving piquancy ,to the en
scrate„Pearl ornaMents adorned her ears,.
and a wreath of orange blossoms encircled
her brow, from which depended a veil of
white illusion that covered the form like a
mist. Among*the bridal presents were over
three hundred pieces of silver, and diamonds,
laces and jewelry, enough to stock a first
A cesk of more-then-usual tgq ortann
has been decided in the. Supra Mort of
Tennessee. It furnishes u substantial block
to what might lie denominated thestructure
of jurisprudence in a new State. The upin.
ion was delivered On an appeal in a murder
case. wheia_fluijury, after retiring. had re.
Ported to the court .asking some legal in
structions, which were given in thu absence
of the prisoner. The Supreme Court held
that the prisoner must b.• present in person
at_all - the stoma -theArtalL that the presence
of the counsel is not oven sufficient; that by
the bill of rights of that. State and by the
common law the trial is not ended until the
verdict is returned. This decision is in en
tireharmony with all the primary authori
ties and with the several decisions of this
State on the subject.
Tun last Chicago outrage is tkit wherein
a Miss Comstock, a respectable young" lad ' ',
was called upon by a woman who eves 'a
stranger, and told that a Miss Hart a friend
of Miss 0., had been badly injured, and
wished assistance. Miss Comstock Went
with the woman tiyalte outskiits of the city,
when the woman struck Miss 0. with a
butcher's mallet, knocking , hehlown, then
kickingand boating her until the blood .run,
leaving her Ansensible, and probably fatal
ly injured. A man in a buggy then look
up, the murderess and carrkd her away. Miss
C was found lying uvodscious, and was
taken to her home.
TIM destitution is said, to bo %tory great in
various parts of South Carolina..' !tie stated
that there 11 grout distress in tho neightor
hood of Marion Qourt il i o y use, and that, un
less help comes Eldon fro some so
urce,. star.
vatlon will result. One r,t,wo persons have
already difid of starvation in that neighbor
,hood, and the destitution is [Oil to be about ,
equally" aivided batmen the whites and
Thar spicy penny paper, the Philadelphia
Morning Post:, has -increased so largely in
Circulation as to bo eempelled to buy a lioe'll
fast press, capable of printing 16,000 papers
a r e hour. • The Post is an excellent paper,
and the ability with will& it is conducted is
ono reason for its g(43at, success.' -;
BEEF is Belling at .higker 13rices in the
Pniladelphia market today than was ever
demnuded ' for it. orty cents is asked. for
thirtylfive for rumps end thirty for
round : steaks; standing rikand other ehoice
lento In proportion. -
Governor Brown, of Georgia, tuts just re
turned to "Atlanta froni a speech - Yanking
tour. , fie says the election of Bullock is by
na means a queetlon of doubt, and that the
groat object of tbe oppoeitiOn is to secure
sledded majority in the Legitdature, and
t hereby practioally t defeat the administrathm
of Bullock. , •
Hon. H. B. Starkweather, member of Con
gress ifoinflie Third dietriet of Connecticut, ,
publiebOd an addreekto the Republicans
of dietriat,7 congratulating them blithe fact .
thatAber have leavened their - meinritt-In
'nearly evervtown in Now Louden and
.Whadham CountieS, and predieting that in
Ncivember,. with,Glati.!Grart an tlible leader,
State trill be triumphantly carried by
them: rl
- Picayune suggests' that
the 'Hen - Moran nominate, General iiiincnols
.for,President, otbe man who ties, proved the
.beet friend the Smith - bas badelece the war-,
ended„" 'No 'substitute. delegates Ad be at. -
lowed; . officers of primary , elections , will:,
not, be periniped'any City -
The plasm Of meottigs forlgenenil
Ave Ornidditie. '