11 , LEGAL NO.T.rdht 11 INANOIAL STATEMENT OF S. R.GOULD TREASURER Or TUE ,BOROUGH CARLISLE, FOR TIER-YEAR ISOM DR. , To am't roo d.frofn Carlisle . flepoalt - Bank on motes discounted. - To cash reed from damool Tiptoed, colloatorforl6oo. - - To cash reo'd from dbrbiLDehuff, Esq., floes. • To cosh reed_from :Jos. C. 'hmp. son, Esq., Sheriff, distributive ebaro in alechanios. Lien of .13or . push of Carlisle ros; J. Weaver, To cook reo'd Born Market Malls and Marko! master To cash roo'd fromExidbition licen see. •"" 184 • CQ TO - arit't o' Duplicate 011887. $5105 04 To am't of Exoneratione 171-61 To am't oiltatandlog' , 620 07 $892 88 9472' 60 k'oc.ash rood from J. Campbell, Mot-Burgess, fines. . • OR. • • Paid John Kramer, St. Comm!Worm', • and.employees • -- • Paid L. Sportster, Treapirint,Carllide Cote and Water Co., Paid Campbell & ITonisood and Others- - fbr plumbing and repairs to plugs, • Paid Sam'l Wetzel, Sr., and floury L.. Thicker, for revenue stamps, _ Paid RIMOL Smith, and J. & J. Basler, • for Blaekomlthhig. Paid D. It. Kollar and others interest on Borough bonds... . - 7 PaldAnterast on Judgment of lam Wanton, vs for. Carlisle. Paid Wm. Bandit, Interest of Borg' Paid Carllslo_Deposit Bank, discount oil notes • - - Pald Joooph Shump, for, mason work and laying crossings. Paid Bratton & Konnady for printing. Paid' Sam'l Weinl for damages In ' opening street, Paid Ephrhun,Weteolljr for damages in opening street. Politl,LAL3Yeaklay,.Esq., professional , - - services in arson ratite, Paid A. B. Sharp, Esq., profFienal ear. vicos In arena cases, _.. Paid A. K .Rheent for services of De. tective, Paid-Peter Spahr for holding election lo East Ward,- Paid Jacob Bretz for holding siltation in West Ward, . Paid David Sipe for Book case for the Weigh' Douse, Paid Beetem & Brother for Lumbar, . Paid Geo.& A. fiefdom, repairing Mar. hot Muse, ~ 1 PaidPatrlck Madden, cleaning spring, Paid G. L.Gougherand others posting - ordinance, —• , Ephriam Steel winding and rogu. Is - lag clock, ' • Paid B. McCommtin, street regnla. ring, - .„. Paid Jonathxn Zeigler and others for stone, Paid A. Aladin'' , serv'g election not. taco, Paid Jae Whiner, s "ruing election no.._ tide, &c.; - - -Paid Walker & Claud repair'g Grave Yard Wall, , Paid Jsnios Armstrong, making Borg' duplicate for Mi. Paid J. G. Strong for ten, maps, Paid J. 0. Strong, - for sur ve is Paid Dui London and A. Mr Si. Piper for stationery, Paid A. Rhinehart St. C ommleslonyi for 180 d, Paid A. S. Line and oth i ) rs, repairing gas lamps. Paid IL D. Wood & Co. for fire pings and freight, Paid John Campbell, telegraphing . ' Paid It. MaCartney — exlponses In arson oases - Paid Extra approprlsidon to Good Will Fire Co., Paid extra lippropirlatlons to Cumber - rzt. r .-Li n et for trees, Paid Gardner f Co., for castings, - pald,Wm. Fp:laical-and others for work and rap re, Paid Dour Caxton for hardware and tools, Paid C borland Fire Co., annual•ap•-- propitiation, Paid.t:S. Goodyear repairs to pump, Pao Jpfferson Worthington, -Phil-Mr-Ilticknar-and-othors-stall-rent refunded Paid A. Ming qualifying council,' Paid John Campbell, expenses In arrest for arson, Paid Saru'l Wetzel, Sr., tax re 'funded, - Paid S. B. Gould, salary ati; - Borough treasurer, - •. -• Paid.A.l3,,Line, salary as market Paid John - Kramer, salary. as Bt., commit:Monter, Paid Matthew Neely salary no as. Aslant Et, commissioner, • Paid' Wm. Crozier, salary as high constable, Panciea s lor elo sa ci l , ary as janitor Paid S. f). Hampton,.4th quarter's - salotry_as.secruttoryArt-council, Paid Wm D. Butler. Esq , attorney to council and professional service, Paid note In Carli'lo Deposit Bank, Paid-vote- in Carllele-Deposit Bank, Paid coucono in Borough bOnde, - Paid 0.13. Doffs, paint'g weigh scales, Paid 0 eo. First, E. Swartz, H. 01pp, L. MAO. G. Myers add Pato tali Madden. for polies service during the year, Paid Jo hn Stringfellow, salary as janitor to grave yard, Paid E. D. Quiglity; salary affected.. Lary to corporation, II Paid Empire Book and Ladd tr• Co., annual appropriation, / Paid John Campbell, for_liadges and Rattles for police, Paid A: K. lilueem forPrintang, Paid 5, 11. Gould. services In .• evt tling Saniuel Wetzel's account, ~'llalsnee In bands of treasurer, • $14,007'00 . .. ... Statement of S: H. GOULD, ,Treasuw of the Borough. of Carlisle, of the Bounty accoitiitfor-the year A 867 and 138. To am't recd from Satz& Wetzel, Sr., collector for 1806 To am't ree'd from Minty L. , Becker, collector for 1867 8026 77 To ain't reed from Andrew Kerr, collect or.for 1865, To am't reed from Jacob Itheem, treasurer for 1806, Paid bounty- bonds and - intet est on mire, . Paid Wish) Deposit Dank interest on boun ' ty. !iota Paid Carlisle Deposit Bank on account of bounty note, Paid coupons on bounty bonds; Paid Nam'i NVetsel, Br., 'bounty tax of L. Lei• dit h refunded, Treastirer'e conoleson, 14 per et. on $12,1113 OA, • Cal. in hands of treas._ urer, ' Financial StatenzenCof Bonney. Fund of the 'Borong . h . of , Carlisle. To amount of bonds payable Jana ary Ist 11169, To amount of bonds payable Janu ary let 1870, To amount of bonds payable Janu ary let 1871, To amount of bonds payable Jana.. organ 1877, - - To amount of bonds payable Joon. • ary let 1573, • To amount of bonds payable Joan. . - ary.lst 1874; To amountaf bonds payable Jarui• ary let 11176, • Due Carlisle Deposit Bank for boon ty purposes, • 24;304 0 . 1 . We the audito rs of the Borough of Carlisle, do Certify that we have examined- the foregoing Borough. and Bounty accounts of 8. II; GOULD, Borough Tiesaurer; and fled a balance due sald Borough of $1 83, an alio a balance duo the Bounty iiCoOtutt of $485 03. Wit. noes our hands this 24th day of alarok.lBo3. - QUIGLEY, • 01441tqlk.:LD,1 ""!wri• , WANTED AGENTS to sell the cheepost, most • plaati‘al and durable pens over brought before the public GREENE'I3 GOLDEN wldly celebrated Mr,tlieir remarkable ty acd anti.corrosive properties: Tto es - Peus are put up In bronze and gilt elide boxer hell rapidly, and pay a largo profit to the agent. &dupla- cards, with .Pens, forwarded on receipt cf 10 eta. Circulars 'free, address, Ouse. B. Gauzes, 413 Ohestnut fit., Phila. Pa. , Wm. A. pgo - vvx, 00. k _ Umbrella & Parasol Mannfagturers, 244.111A.E1CE1'. fiTREET, • , PHILA.DELPHIA * Invite attention So their stack of ' . ..SIIN fr• • ' I:llirretn.4.3l9l7NAJAlßlttLiaAl9,: SILK A sID GII!TaI4I4 For sale at the lowrt prices let the 'day. ' 454 “ WALL PAPERS. P A P (t.1 . 1*T0141 AN., xut4EZioN max, or - WALL 24. 4 4,', ;umiak' STYLES rQR rARLoRet 1¢e.14,0, UORNE ISsorll4ba AtEitia taCili, Wares and Merchandise, also linsirerlitlllers, Lumbermen, Eating Homes, An., wittily the °minty of Cumberland, as appraised an d assessed by P. A. Plank, Mercantile Appraiser , In aceordince with the ( several acM,of Assembly, as fellows, to wit —„ Co„ W. 0. Sawyer &Co,, diy ,goode, ... Q. Ogilby; • lAMich A Miller, . .- do L. T , Greenfield,. do " W. A. Milos; . do " J. G. 11. Ring; do T. A. Harper, do" Robert Allison, • groceries, J. Martin, • , do . Washmood & Bro,, ' . do n W. Blair & Son r . ißeehy.& kfasattliolitor, do.. 1 ' 1. Joseph Edifier, 1 1 " do - John Faller, 1 do John Humor,. do 11.-Pobley, • do J. D. Mock, - ,--, ' do W. J. Cameron, do ~. J. loner, , do - W. H. Harn, . do . 0. +G. B. Hoffilian," .• ., n: ,do • -, • A. J.. Sitar, - r - do .- - Daniel Shoemaker, . do - J. K. S R ponEler, _:., ,-..,..._ d0,.. - . ._..:. lniit W. 11. Smith, -' -,. - do Bootera "-& -Bro., - - - -- prcduce, - J. & D. Ithosds, , ' do J. H. Boslor & Bro., 'do ' R. C. Woodward,_ . do. .11. Harkness, .. ' do . . Lee & Bra, ' n " r do - 8. M. Hoover, lumber and coil 'A. H. Blair,Delancey & Slum do ' • J. A.- H else. & Co, flour end feed, A. B. Ewing, furniture, IL Rhoads, do "Jahn Liman', - do, Fredrick Cornman, do • 'Dar Id 81 o, do - Halbert & Shapley, n do J. B. Tribler, agt., merchant teller, J. A. Eakins, ' do N. Hanish, A .l. Doncr, I. Livingstoa, S.__rn__. A. 1. Leohler, E. B. Leonard, Jr , J. W. Smiley, A. LehmanL • A. 111, Piper, books, J. Loudon, do George Ifoc_,nm confeatlonarr. IV& Iri n g n ho a, - do Mrs. B. M. Kieffer, do JAl:Rhem &.130., —do • - Cayltr.& Co:, n • • - - notions, Mrs. Rosonberger, do - , J. Hutton • fancy goods, A. HT - Miller; do , J. P. Neff, do "J. Irvin, -, boot, and 'those, F. or Fleming n - do - Spottswood & Kerby, do P. Keffenberger, do J.O. Gardner, do W. 0. Divan, - do W. H. Porter, . do %Tient,do 13. linsminger, ' leather, ' J. G. Ceillo, ." .bats and furs, J. Boas, ' : do . ' J. A. Keller,, do 11. Saxton, hardware, ' Miller & Bowers, do H. Hoyainger;,watches and Jewelry, W. D. A. Naugle, do T. Conlyn, do F. 0. Cramer, do -- Comm= & Worthington, druge, Mrs. C. Elliott, do - D. Ralston, - do -Haverstlck-it Bee., - . do A: Comma°, ' do John Campbell, sewing machines, Mrs. Oskar, -do 0. L. Lachman, do Mrs. M. Neff, millinery,. Mrs. Oherioweth, do - Mrs. E. Williams, do J. 0. Usher, photographs, Mrs. It. A. Smith, . do • Samuel Ensminger, _roba, ' .. - W. - Clapper, d o Walker & Claudy, stoves William Fridley do Itmermith & Rupp, do Jacob Martin, baker, William Seders, ' do • Peter Miller,- do Mrs. A. M. redericks„ do Bosh & Beyler, - claws, D. Rhoads,- do $7BOO 00 IZE3 EMI 1120 - 12 101 BO 814,097 90 ._E2085.44. 1006 62 200 00 m ELI 024.00 SO 00 E 33 ME] 129 90 194 25 20 00 20 00 160 00 150 00 130 00 -10 00 10 00 60 82 137 60 , 20 00 ED LEI EEO 20 00 60 00 20 00. m Mil CM 49 99 3 07 ECM 900 00 boo 00 6 00 31 95 EE CIE 34 00 1 25 2 98 g ITECH*NICSBURG Koontz, iffemtry C 0.,& dry goods, Hurst & Son, do . Joseph Eleock, Bra& & Bro., do J. D. Rafeniberger - , do 'Brindle & Niesminger, do ' J. 8. Updegraph, do . Comfbrt & Buttorff, do Bochafellow & Miller, ' groceries, , Wert & Eberly. do Kauffman & Griffith do ' ' ' , Devinney & Myers, do Florh & Heiken, do J. Enitaingor, do Tatman Eves drugs, J. B. Herring,do 11.--P. Guyer.- • -do- Ira Day,- do Bro s . & B, flata ' and caps, - 11enylKinn,h:Tots and shoes, Bowman & Bro., do Levi Riegle, , do 0. Helm, do •John U. Keller do Jacob K. Lonee,,a_kir, ••do _ Moult & Delh , - furSiture, Titvel & Bro., do ' John Rupp, do - R. 8. Shapley, Jewelry, Jacob Swart., do Robb A Kimmel', hardware, Boyer Eberly & 00., do R. Wilson, stoves, Wondorlich & Hauck do J. f. Smith, confectionery, N J. Uhler, 'do ' Jacob Grove, do L. D. Keefor, merchant tailor, L. W. Abrams, clothing, 'Wm Railing, do Mrs. S. Simons, M. Cluswller, cigars, B Palmer, Matthew, & Bro., gam flttani, Mrs. Bryan,, millinery, L. F. Eberly. lumber, J. Millelsen, • • do .. Joseph Long, do 11. 8. Moor &., Co., do !Hayman A Bucher, produce„ - Johnson & Son, dc I T. B. Bryson, do ... *. Miller & Garrett, do . ty. 11. Oswald, coal, .1 . :-W•otochman, photographsi - -- -- 11. W. Matteson, do • -- J. L Becker, books; H. Null, marketing, E. Hoffman, SHIPPENSBITRG . . „ Roborthlodirma, dry goods, 12 D. H. MoPhergon, do 11 J. & J. B. Reddlg, - do 10 Danner & Neely, do 13 G. 11. Stewart, do 11 Tarmon & Kimbell; grocariee. 14 O.K. Duke, do - 14 8. Myera, do 14 J, 31 Echo, do 14 31, M. Angle, I do 14 Pagne A Milder,. do 14 McPherson A Co., hardware, 11 Grabill & Kollar, do- 18 .3.0. Al tie, drugs, . 14 B. K. Koller ' do 14 G. W. Croft,. boots and ,hoes, 14 P,_B. Arts, do 14 J. B. Cole, 14 W. Clark. . confectionary, 14 8. o.llollar, , - do 14 W. IL Kollar, do. _ l4 L. Fostnatight, do 14 Shearer & Blair, merchant tailors, 14 Landis & Bander, i do 14 J. Bridges & Son, do 14 J. M. Smiley, _ do T. P. Blair, produce. '`'' 11 W. T. S. Jamison A Co., do „ -12 Morrow & klickinger„ do 18, Long & Gish, \ do ; 11 Lawton & Co„— do 10 A. 81erer * Son, D. J. Emoddy furniture, 14 Barnhart Duke A Bro., do 14 J. Landis. " Jewelry, 14 W. D. 14. Hayes ' sewing machine" 14 11. M. Sturgeon, millinery, ' 14 John A. Wolf, cloven, 14 B. S. Stones. Mugs. . 14 J. U. nuke", stop's, 14 J. Kelso, books, L - NEW OIIMBERLANR. T. Willett, ' dry goods, ~ 11 Baughman A Son, do , 13 Ross * Co., do , ' 11. Henry 11. Mosier, lumber, 13 Charles Oyster, do 14' q. 3ames, do 14. Lee & Eberly, do 14 . ' NI4WTS CMG. SOMA A Swigert dry goods ' Elliott A Barr, • do Eleenhower & Hale, ' do` 0, Stoviek, _ farniture, ' IL McCoy, - boots and shoes, ' , 1 . NEW VILLE. T, Stough dry goody' 10 T. McOandlish,, 11 E. James & Bro., do ' ' 0 P. B. O'Niel do ` \ 14' 131. B. Skinner, hardwar •.'". 14 Enable & McOandlish, do . :' )` r - 10 .7. 11. Miller, drug', • _ -14 Mrs. R. Reed, do . B. G. Wild, dO, 14 B. Olaosor A Both '. • groeoriel, . ' ' 1 18 11 0.. Brisker, flimflam , ' , s. 14. J.i Welter, ,d 6 ' , 14 Hi maim •, totifissitionkrY, 14 .1.4. Orawlbrd, do. ~ 14 o.3.lcOartney, . photographer,. 14 Brewster & Doughmty, snertallot, , 10 L. 11.11andall, - ' do. - 1 Joint., Kennedy, stove", O. W. Mull , • ' ~ G.W. Landis,• Jewelry, A.Z. Irvin, boots and shops, , Jateph Laughlik,‘ / • feed, Mims & Shinallekk Qo y.,ow/r,u,,-ALLIIII. •- • , A. wets '4 8014 110 P 4 4 Ind OM /A , it oo O. A. Roittich.-"Som a _ - -- ' 14 700 O. !Iben l4, s 'f 1 0..",;[ - 1, • '„•-pyr-•- , `• ~...... _.1,4 Too i .1 ' I7 Pr•VW 01401 j , n -- "/. 'I. 11. Oniilkii, dry CloOds, ~ . 12 ^l2 09, J. qwerts, sneesdonse taller, , ; ,, Y4 - . ,_,T MI, • NION.IIOII.- P , Oeorge Brindle, dry Goode, A 1 20 00 Kitaffmfm.4 o Paull.", ' d 0! 1' ,) . , 11, 1, 18:00 sl4ronbilne Wolf, • do ', 1 7.(4) Peter Diller, stoves, -14 A*• 710 Samiulil Plank, • fbed,, , , i - ~' n u , 1,1 ,1 ift, • 100 Bow Spahr,. " ' do" .'' '' •,,, . ~• /4 700 fjorri t g 1 Hiptitairehf. -Wiltdanseloilkts . I/ 1 76 066 r . / 2 la aa Webbed •DO k ------- M--------..„..1? '/ 2 6 ° a l arman Q 0 • / -- "/0 00'k 13 0 3 U 0 w 414 ao 14 7 00 7 25 • 2 75 EOM DM NO 00 , 40 00 40 00 400 00 - 66 00 EEM 25 AO 000 00 1500 00 1416 00 8 00 MEI 50 00 ISO 00 ErEl 23 50 72-00. 16 00 £14,066 67 133 1241 21 Effll3 EMEI $12,163 46 83090 00 641 27 0600 00 1883 00 ECM WI 03 12,163 40 $3OOO 00 8000 00 8000 00 aOOO oo moo 00 8000 00 ;Laoo 00 XOl TUILADIFLPIIIII. , ' CARLISLE _dothlng, do 12 60 15 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 - 7 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 00 7 OD 7 OD 700 7,00 7 00 7 00 16 00 10 00 30'00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 M 15 p 0 15 00 10,00 7 00 7 00 2o 00 lo 00 26 00 7 CO 7 OD 20-00 700 7 00 7 00 10 CO , 7 0 1-.000 700 T 00 7 00 00Co 7 00 7 OD 7 00 7 00 7 CO 14 14 14 14 • (Yoa. - 16. . j" . 7.1::‘ \ O. neap •• funilfore, • Phlllp Clapper, Oonfocitotut . r . y, . Ilockmari . • do 51 ". E. iO/ 1 . - groc4/016 , 7t.::: G. Oeesamati, 'Flour and teed. . • • J. ZtlOor, do = D,l6ltlNgiOn- --, ':- "BalieterwoitOry koiats; David Myero - do ' .lilardnquA'* , iors,-do . •• PENN dry goods, do -- Henry Ocker, Erneat 00., • Peter Garber, Atearge_Beetem - . ,' -.— • ' ~NE WV Gli . .- . . Jacob Washinger, .: - .drigolide..".' . " 1 . 0 700 Clever 4.l2arneat ' ;. , • do,. :.. . l -•,i 14 7, 00 • John Kyle,. "do ~ 14 -. 7 00 131 Miller dlon,'-' - • '' : do. -'. -- • : . -14' -' 7.00 J. M. Herr & Co., - 'do . . - 14 —7, 00. "John rupb._ , groceries, - . '., 14 ' 700 • Heber i11g.4 ;ion . do . • ,• . 14 , 7.00' Samuel Menai," . boots and shoes, 44 '. 7 00 - Mre. M. A Walker, confectionary, .14 . 700 Wißlam Lowis, , variety,' l4 . 700 Manning 4 ,Bro., ' produce, . 10' 20 00 .II Snyder, 'do 10 20 00. Watts & Shari., .. do _ '- 11 ---- 15 00 J. &J. B. Harsh, • . do ' . 0 25.00 Horde & Bro., " --do .- 11 15 00 OH. Horn,. trtrketinik.L_ •::,.__• 14 - . .7 00 - • Jacob Stage!. - do -- • - 7 —. 14 " • " "7 , 00 W. Iteefanyder, do . .'. 14 700 D." W. Spenceri 2- stoves; - . " 14•• 700 Graham & Morrow, dealers, • • 14 ' 7'oo ' - SOUTHAMPTON. -- w. O. Clark, • dry goods, ' 14 L. Strohm, " do ' . 13 . D. B.' Croft, . •do 14' •J. Schack & Co., di • ' • ' 14 G. Clover, do . • 14 .7. Waleimith, ' do - -- • ' 14 8. A. Stoner,_• do • 14 . ' :WET PENNSBOROUGH. ,Jacob llandshew, illy goods, - ' 'l3 .7. G. Weaver, do . ' , 13 - Brower A Darr, „. do ." , • . 14 J. 8. Carothers, ,produce, . " 13 1,..7. Shambaugh, dol4 11 W.. Brandon, do - 18 Jacob Wolf, • - grdcories, 14 " 7.lless, ..- matketing • ' -14 ' _P_lless, ' 'William Bishop, go .._ 14 _ . EAST - PENNSBOEOUGH. W. 011anke .0 Son, dry goods ' 18 John Glamor, - . do - - . .13 Nickalous & Bowman, do ' 14 J Longernocker, gmcprioa, ' 14 - 117tooks, do . 11 H. W. Smithere; do • 8: L. Hummel, . - .do . _ ' Irvin - Mon on} p Niducei--- - Zacharias & Son do May & Co, . do " Martin & Co., lumber, 0. Oyster, do • It. Hummel; -- do .. A. Ebner, furniture, N. Flood, - stoves, . . HA.MPDEN, 'D. Rupp, dry goods, : 11,W. & G. Wise, do" - - J. 11. Murray, do . D. P. - Lightner, do - - Jr M - .• Tomplin, grocerlei, '• • 0. Templin, , , furniture', - D. Rupp, • ' rip educe, • - ' - SILVER 'SPRING, J. B. Leidigh, i Eberly dry goods; Orris elt Lamb, Loose .4 Es - Mit, J. IL Nauss. Burkholder, do J. B.Ligger, confectioner,' W. W. Waubaugh, urnitule, J,B. Laidig It Bro., produce, MIDDLESEX Burlier, dry goods. - --- J. 0. Gill, groceries, IFVLI1 , 1". Jall,Waggoner, groceries; FRANKFORD Alexander & Woods, dry Goods, DISTILERS AND BREWERS J. W. Wholor, Newton, -EATING HOUSES • John lieloy, 'Mechanicsburg, - P. dpidirr, Silver Spring, " George Murphy, Newton Mrs. H. Phupp, - South Middleton, J. Skimmer, iihipperieburg, -JIILLIARD___SALOONS Cape: E. P. Zinn, Mechanicsburg, Jacob nipple, Carlale, Appeal to be - held at, thri Cork Koine ' in Carlisle, on the 4th n 18th, and 25th - day. 01 April, 1008, at whist' tluit 1I parsons aggrieved will be heard. - PETER A. PLANK. Nov:an/as Appnifter; 8npl•88 4t , 17* S. - INTERNAL -- ItEVI'NUE I U . Collection of Annual Taxes for 'BB . .. , - Oglettor's Office, Mechanicsburg, PO. - _ ..__Masica2o,lBBl3. Aar Piirsuant to the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States all persons assessed on the. ANNUAL c. -LIST OF 1864 x- for special - tax- License, Taw on In. -- come, Carriages, Gold Watch late, /cc., are hereby notified that the Collector he LlstriL4 s a, or his Dep • uty, will be present to- r colve the aforovald Taxes, at the place and time bel vr named : • • YORK _COUNTY. _,. ___ _ --.~ ~- • - At Goldsboro', on Thursday, the 9th of Aprili 1888 for part of the 7th Division, including Oouowago and NewbeNewberry townships. • rry ron Monday, the lath day of April, 1868, and at Bbrerraberry, on the 14th of April, 1868, h r the let and 2nd Divisions. At thif office of the Assistant Assessors, at Hanover, Thusday, the 16th day of - April, for the Brd Dirt. sloe. At the office of the Assistant 'Assesssr In Windsor tewnhhip on Friday, tho Fhb of Apill, for the 4th - At Wrlehtsillle, on Monday. the 20th of April, and at the ofee of the Deputy Collector, In York, Pa on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursdayvtbe 21st 22d and 2,lrd days of Aprll, for the 514 and 6th Divisions. • •C.IIII.B.ERLAND COUNTY. At Kline's Hotel, Bridgeport, on Friday, the 10th of April, for East Penneboro' and Hampden town. ships, and for stye and Penn townships, Perry erefis ty. At flock's Rota!, Lisburn, on Saturday, the 11th of April,-for.Lower_Alleniownshlp, and Sir Fairview township, York county. - At the oniceof the Assistant Assessor, at Shtypena burg, on Monday, the 13th day of April, for the' town 'l.fhipp, of Sblppenatittrg,J3outluunptonund—Hopewellr had the ficoroughe of obloyensburg and Newburg. <--At-thcofflce of tho AssistanbAnsessor, at Newville, on Tftesday, the Idth — dirorAprirforthirtOwnithips of Id ifilin,frank ford, Woof Pennsboro', Penn and New ton, and the Borough of Newville. At t heem's Hail, Carlisle, On Wednesday and Those lay, the 15th and 16th dap; of April, for • thd townships ..of North Middleton, South Middleton. Middlesex and Dickinson, and the Merough of Carlisle, At the Colleo.or's Offire, ItiMechinlesbng, on Mon doy and -I '4.day, the 20th and 2lst days of April, for the townships of•BliverBpring,-Upper - Allen -- and Monroe: and Sleohanicaburk Utirough and the town• ships of Monaghan, Carroll, Fraekiin, -- Washington a m id Warrington, la York county. PERRY COUNTY At the alio of the Assistant AsiOssor,"at Landis burg, on Wekdoesdayi the 16tk day of April, for - the townshipa of Tyrone, Jackson, Madison, &wine, To boyn !Arid the Borough of Landisburg. , At th. ogle° of the ,Assistant Asseasor, at New Bloomfield, on Tuesday the 18th day of April, for the townships of Spring, Carroll, Centre, Juniata, and. Tuscarora and the Borough of New Bloemtield. At Hotel, Newport, on Vrlday, the 17th day of April, for the townships of Wheattleld, hiller, Watts, liugalo,,flreenwood; Liverpool, Oliver, Howe, the Borougios of Newport and daerpool. fkii-On the 18th, 14th 11th, 161 h, 17th and 18th of April, collections will not be received at the °enactor's office; In Mechanicsburg, as he will be absent Oiling the above appointments." TAKE NO thelaieraw amorithid. March 2nd, 1867, partite, &Ping to :faiy at the time ipeeilled -- atiove; - will incur' tha !Whoring expenseic-20 vents for notice, and' 4 cents por mile for service of the Immo, - with 6- per centaur pednity, nod interest at' 1 per contemn per month additional. gar The abtive mentioned places have been selected as the mo s t central In the most several Divisione, but, taxes will be received on .the days specified, at ally el, these' points moat convenient. to the' tax payert WIC PENN 'LLOYD,. Collector 16th Dlett.riet, Per. Saprll•St ciavaistia Great Reduesiolt.sit the Prico of. . f ,i UE. N El . W- A R -- - Two Invoices Just balding tioi?:k Ltierpooll,Eopand, for WILLIAM BLAIR & SON. r rlossitway dowei,.' The iieciple obeli hive --- A — -011 - EAP—' l GOOD 61001)S 1 ,:-.•:•Ciirliale;rii, 2 2s964'24; .1868: 8 ' 77'7 C falette f roti st ite V tat a I° "" t . P ri° 7 - ,!, lI3A - D tinikkeep'Yourself . intormed. . . . • , vlnierchseed the old and troll Immix bustneie stanew h I here wielded t r twenty.years, 1 have de ertntned not to retire from my prenut heathen; but to continue on to the zoantilhotnre of - IROADRVADE CL,OTHING I of $ll elses'aiiddesirlitlaiii; atiWill u aloes goods by yard ands geueral asantnient ofolltiTd FURNISHING peens. 1 would respEoftally'lnvlte inYlidends and pa.. .trons who heed a good nit of clothe" to slve me a eel; as. have Just returned from the e4y. with • • large's, 11or meat of the best LqualltyPf ant - Bummer 0 dri,vbrs '• , •' 1, e t4ine :bleak French and Fnglhdi Clothe; .-Doeskind „ • `;' ) .F , ino Lightrano Doesfdn Caseimereei Oottonedea Velvets. Drab d'eles Alepaosi,. Lir Setlne, Nait Cord, and..rcusuy nore , too tin ted ne4oOtnentb t: .1 .• eo, a .101 i tutent'f of Trunlcs,: t Valletta' and Trevelthg.bige the beet diedrlptlon..-- Vitththenks to the publlo for past Savona and hope I will 70CeiTO a call 4001/ at myydeee 'N0.22, North 11/mover Bt. .1 • NE TV 4'D VPieT/S#24O7:S. 14 . oil 14 70D 14 700 14 700 rirl '-' lEig ' l " .l4Sß4rEti i i; BANK, OP 0413 , 7_ .. -, .1.` tifILE, , ,PIidDiPTEPANIA,' - r - ..," ---,-.-- ..:- :, ,-, - • Recently orgattlied; has berm opened,' foitranandion of a general banking bnetneserin the corner room of il. Given'a_ pen blinding. on the'Nerth Went coiner tf Klett street and the Centre Square. .. . - - - - , , fl .:.The - Directom bopo by' liberal and earettel • &singe. went -to make this a- popular institution, end e aefe deeposltoryibrall who may. favor thelank pith their ... - Deposits received and paid • back on detain:lC Infer. est allotted on -special deposits; Gold4•Bllver,Treasury Nolen andflovernmeukilends, bought and sold. • ' - Oollecktone made- on•all ameoMte - points in - the . country. Discouut day Tuesday:- Banking blurs Dom 9 o ' clkA. , fd. to 8 o'clock P. - 81. ..-- - ! ' - -‘..‘, -,- J. 0. 1101T11t, Cashfer. ---- ' - - . grammrs., OF TOE raroseree BANN. . .' ... ._,. I.i W. Smiley, -...- • Eh D. Mounts', • 3.0. Hoffer, .--• .' :, - John 8. - Ocker, - - John tiutehall,,--..'., •- - ,-' -Cnrr W. Ahll _ . .' David P . Hocks r, •---,- .-;. ; i Jaco b , D. Belts,. " . "John Airdlinnle, , . - Christ. May u, , - Jacob Noll - singer, • - '.- - John R. MI r, • .. -. Charles W. Weaver, -: J. Donato' , - - ; O.- P.lluntrich,..:, -... . ' John Beet' r ---_ - i ftt - John 0. Mikes, • — Jacob Rea err. 'George Helices,„„ Nina Brenneman, Wm: Blair, -_ '” -8. Bprole 391/081,- - . - A. W. Dents, ----- -...•-- • - - ...Tacob Reetem,i 7 ---- - --, JacobBolU, , --. ,- • - Wm.l3srnits, , • - ' Christ. Long,, . ..... ~ . :Et - Manuel Line, Jr,,, -'lot. Penrose, . ' Hamel Aorahtme, .. , J.. 11.Weakley; ,' , A. 0. Bundle, . Daniel Myers, --- . . , ,_, W. U. Cook, ... Jacob Witmer. - • -..- 14 7 00 14 700 14. 700 14 ,f 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 10 . 700 . 14., 700 14 7 .00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ziasorous. 11. alven, Prestdete,. - Wm. 11. hillier, Thattese Paxton, - • David Mahon, John W. Craighead, -_ A. J. Herman, 27rear-08 tr. - ...Abraham Witmer, • 'E 0. - THOMPSON - 1 ' FASHIONABLE • SEVENTH AND AND WALNUT STREETS; • • • PHILADELPHIA. •-. - Samples to order from, and instructions for measure menti sent to Gentlemen'residitig oat of the city, and satisfactiOia guaranteed. Those visiting the city are .invited to leave their - measure for Present or- future orders. 10 00 10 00 7 06 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 - 10 00 7-00 7 00 15 00 7 00 , • - PantalocinOnfting Is a speciality. -- Greet ex terienee In this branch rot tailoring warrants an invitation to ~ ;those desiring good — fitting pantaliOne 'to give him a trial. . o 27mart18 2m. Ell 7 00 7 00 1 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Y TO: FARMERS 1 Pacific Guano Conipanies Soluble PA . CIFIO GUANO. 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 THE ATTENTION of raiment and other comment of Fertilizers le 'lnvited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notice. Its use for severaiyeara In Ma g land, yirginia and other Fiiutheni States, for all crops, has given it it standard character for excellence no. equalled by any other.' It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano with permanent qualities not found In that article. 250. lb. of this, Guano are found more than equal to SOO lb. of the best Super° phosphates. It ripens the !heat cropjleelo seven days earlier. than the phosphates, which fact alone gives it incaloniaLle• advanmsee, Price, $5O Apar ton, liberal giseoutit to diadem For eels by JOHN B. ItEEBE & 00., --Genera!-Agents for Pacific Guano Go., - --- 88 - Bouth•DelettareAea4 And 71 South Street Baltimore.- -U 7 00 12 60 14 .? 700 14 7 00 14 7 OD 14 7 00 13 10 00 =mar 68 Om 14 -1 00 14 7 00 SHEPPARD, MIMI VAN HARLINGEN & 0 25 00 8 600 8 6 00 8 6 00 8 6 00 8 600 No. 1008 Chestnut Street,. Phii ado Iphict WHITE GOODS, 40 00 40 00 HOUSEKEEPING DDY GOODS, CURTAIN ESTABLISHMENT. the speeliraitentiou of buyers ls reLq4etfolly tr. ►fled to our new and extenol►o assortment of Ohblee SPRING 000118. ' Printed Linens. Piques, amilfercales. White. Piques of new patt ettle, In cordeand figures Blrdeteye Linen, Linen Cambrice, and - Linen Lawns.. Linen _Cambric Ilimtkerchle.s,. German, Lrlah,and French In Hemstitched, Corded Border, and'lf.intirald ered. Linen and White Goods at very reduced prices. E mbroldered and Plain French Shirt Bosoms of new pattern!. Just Received, per Steamer CitSr.of Boston Anothor lurotee of elegant null superb guilty DOIIIPLE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. 'laalL eitesovltltNapkttmao match. Beau Linen Sbeetings, 23, and full 3 yards widoiSand a inperior 'real Barnsley Linen, for single bade, of E. 734 cents, being lees than aceualgold prices . A is,o, a great Dargaln In Barnsley Linen Flcor Cloths 3%, and 4 yards long. ALSO, - . Best heavy Pillow Case Linens, In all widths. Double Damaele,euLeunL-Barneley—TADle-Lln French, Double Damask and. Iluckaback Fringed Towels. 'Silesia Table Cloths, Napirins, and.Towele a `special[ Sy. Fine Marseilles Qullta , very elegant. Rich Cretans and Furniture Chintzes.. Blinkete, Viennela and Furniture Dlziltles - - Also, of latast „.. .are and Nottingham .Curtalna, of new 'patterns Rich he - iiitrAidrf Yid Tommturi materials. Window liollandaand plain and bordered eliadeitnt new styles. Embroidered Cloth - Plano, Table and Melodeon my_ ere. Elegant Plaid and striped TabietoverlqP 27imm 68 2m. NICE OF THE WOODS 7 I ! Niok 'of the Woods iN .111/1 - . . . - , ... " FIRESIDE - COMPANIOI4. " =_..- . .. , • QEo..Mtkillo * OD., base At an Ito ease aims°, secured the e,olusivatight of pmblLs . that won.; aerial story of Border L1fe,..., - •• • !".NICK OF TRH WOODS'In • ,in the - “Fnutinne COMPANION Which wad bb tom. minced in No. 24 of the popular Jour cal, Leaned on April 2nd. ' ' "•• " NIOK, OF THE WOODS " le the most remarkable and exciting Mount the kind Cut' ever appeared, and is the iilainfoin-head from which myriads of the Indian Tales bare been derived. Boine of the characters are unequalled In the whole range of fiction for a certain kind of third. mysto ideas interest that lungs around them. For Instance, the tekrible Jibbenaleosay,..the .140.1E111st • walks," Bloody Nathan, the 'Wan' of Peat at d 18i:titanic Ralph fltackpole, tile; "Ramping Tiger of the Rolling Fork,".whc was equity ' at home 'whether staling ßed men's ecelpanr qq pale face's horse. The desire to read a story of such latex iainterest; , course, Wlll be universal, and we trust that our friends will order the paper of nchraderdere In seuen. - to prevent Wasp pointmett: „ The naming Cogramou l tIM - 13;nit'. FanillY..atory Paper published. It Is fOr ,sale .by all Newsdealer/J. Price,mint= a Fop.) . $ 3 a Year: copies 1110;: or 0. coplefor42o. -GEORGE MUNRO di CO.. . - 187 Willlato St., New York 27mar-68 2 DISSOLpTION .0P • PARTNgIi.- Notice Is hereby given that the pertnorship hereto fore 'alining between W.,11; 'Smith, and Joseph Zel. gler the i r bu s ine s seen 'dissolsed nuttual consent,' end Will hereafter be conducted et the old stand by. Joseph Zeigler. , All persons Indebted to the tiro arknotifidd to tome eo d settle their accounts tuiutsaistsly, - lf. JOBZPII'ZIOIISII, ' *shiners 20, ism _ . - ,• •.! -: 28r9b;08 .1868 8 . r ' 4,11410 0r E oc l , BoB. - Aft „ rountrArtp .haton'one)lor , L111:1171/1G e kilip z ir :gala% D 17 0 1 Z. it I:. alway keeps the t •7 . A - 6, N. 014 t UPCIIII. Re µalpine Wet Av.ettou era Mk" readied ;fit et. • I &AV _, 4 . Th. 4001 7.assrikim 0 uti of vrelLtnad• Trton'au city ennatantly kept oni bendm to a general . akoortment of lionanYurntablog Qbbadr. Country storekeepers - trill Itstd,°lt to nett. advan tage to' call. ABBISON -~1,1 NE N, ALSO, JNO. MOLLOY, • 428 !dirket dine t Phtiadc(pAia zu, `l,-M MISC*ILANEOUS'. RIiE . 11111 S ;H. A L .14 - "ol'.E' r li 417.04 i NIGHT. FOR :A "SHOAT faAt39N. Thiailaity_Evtrg..Maroli 96 . . The Splendid Moving . M irror of the _ B BAUX, Showing scenes thirty-feet in width, weighing over 4,000 pounds, acknowledged by the best judges to be finest, es it is the ' LAit - GZST .PANORA.MA , , • From idon Hall , New inrk city, where it has herin exhibited for el: months, and was visited by 100,000 people,. and elteted the highest .ecomiums of .the pill - pit and ipress, and from National sc e ne s, hiladlphia. It consists of elaty_magnillcient with tiguresi 01111 h else, ,illustrating Bunyarea "world renowned /d -ietary of. . • • • „The Pilgrha'a. Progress. • This sublime and unique' work-or art wia painted theemlnertt American - artists;Huntinat6h4May. K. 71 0• CroPer. Ohurch,Mallas.Daderand Paul Duggan, :and pronounced by doinept juges to .be enperfor to Any. _ye* oxlkdblted the, coun try. This beentifiui • and stupendOns mirror, of the wonderful dream cost upwards of $lO,OOO . - (lards of AdralashM,.3s cents.. Children Ti cents. , Doors open at 7 o'clock. Mirror will more at' o'clock, precisely. , • 'AIM, eihibitlons on Wednesday and gaturday.after tornoon, at 8 o'clock. Doom open at 2% o'clock._- Descriptive pampletietthis great American Pabst. log at thocents. • .ROBERT - J; GREENWOOD. • r "' Manager and.Proprletot. • . . t'lifi - OK:EIiING, SOIYiS i • [ESTABLISHED 1823.] _ • - To 'affOrdnif pett.Ple of _ arllele and vicinity to noise a personal examination 01 these :suety celebrated Instruments, tho special ageletnrthe above house will *tidbit and offer for sale • few • dnyB .only a choice stutortinent of, their. Planas,atthto. 32. Enid Main strest,, neatly opposite,. the "Ctrrman Houte;' , where all are cordially , Invited to Call and examine whether. *tithing to purchase or not. • OLD PIANOS talion in •BACIIANGE , . This le &Fain change to-obtain a superior p'ano. %E . 1 . OSBORN, Special agent ter Phlcitering & Bons. 2ennia/.8 tf. NOTICE.—Notico 'is, beroy -- given that the following nateted fdrsona have Sled ap plications for - Hotel, Liquor and Restaurant Licences, under the several A . cts of Assembly relating thereto, in the office of the Clerk of the Court of quartet 'See. stens of Cumberland' county, which said applications lit be Presented O'neld Court' en - ondayi - thelath day brApril,lBbB: 110TEL3 John B. Floyd, John . Hannon, H. L. Burkholder, Goo. Wetsel, . John Riley,- • Jacob Thudlum, John Earley, • Martin Shriner, Jacob Bweiteer, L Hatfield, Jacob Kline, • Slimbeth Olay, Mlles Crowley, John Hinkel, John G. Heck, . John T. iihelbk, W. - o.7Thompson; - -AtignatuteL—Hurah,"--------Mernmu • Testicle Lamer, MachanicibUrg Bore' T. J. Herr, John hompedn, Isaac Hull, Geo. L. Bpoualera 0. Mellinger, Newton — Fleury. iiurah, • O. Beecher, - • North • ilFton - IL B. Wilder, • New Cumbiland Bore Wm O. Sharp, • _, Newburg..., 0.- A. Iletinebargee, ' 'Newville HeuryeThreffier, . Tliaa 8. - Oyster,. Clement Grow', Wm M. Aughinbaugh, • Junklini --- John Wynkoop, Zr. - Chrletiatifitils4.' Wm. Clarke, Samuel B4ngbman, Win. B. Mullin, Jeremlah.Elantion, David Z. Guyer, Ellen Itupley, ' J. W. Laidig, Alexander Klink, "Johne7.-Rrisser, Geo. H. Duey, Joehtut Cuip, Jacob Chime% J. W. Fair, - E:ls6rd, - . Bo . re' Carlisle W. Ward, . 44 41 it 44 B. Pennaboro' • Penn townsblp. Eiblppenebneg Born Eionthanipton ttnrnihip 'll.l South Middleton " . •N Silver Spring I. e 48 le Upper Allen W. Pennsboro' 44 . . John Faller, Henry Pohly, C. P. Koko's, 111 11 . 1 B. K. Keller, Shippensbarg Boro' REBTATHIANTB. Christian Kindler, E. Ward, Bora' .Carliala. Andrew J. Bair, Bike Donnelly,' helm= Lobaueh, David Black, Theodore Jones. Thomas HeMetinger, Parallel R. Grove, Ellett Good, John Meloy, TOmar 68te. E. Ward, Boro' Carlisle. W. Ward ° Prankford townet4p Upper. Allen Lower Allen BlechanleMpirg Born' SAMUEL BIXLEB, Clerk Quarter Sessions. RING °S VEGETABLE AEROBIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! • Gray-Pleaded People have their locks restored by it te 'the (lark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy I Young People, with lighi,falied erred Hair, have these unfashionablq colors changed to a beautiful auburn;" and rbintell People whose heads ,are covered with Danclryff and Humors, use it, and have clean coats and 'clear . and healthy. scalpel . . . , ' Bald -Efeadad .Veterans have their- remaining locks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair,- aeddente' fOr.joy 1.. . . - Gentlemen' Young t us ese' it' because: it is .ije.l ll 3 , Petf9medi .', - Young' Ladled use it because it keeps their Hair in place! Everybody must and wilt. iteo it,. because it is .the cleanest and best artiele the market ' Der Sale by Druggists generally. '7lbbilVii the whoa!, :Um 'tcotrintraayiii and efonbm(cal, •: It will do'bion and belief waik; at a given coat; than Warranted to . -Give 044e.ctotio*''. on, It and you'll]] bevy lakntbei;, :• , .;.. ktAinFijatYinti!i,nnd jai/mita Only by • -.,. • • • • 'ZE.T.GLEX 14 talAnTit, .'. . • The above 1 for eats by,pv~ '• • •; . • itENnir.. exToN, .-• . .•.No,asourt Main St. Qal 1. eig:;t3Att4it-lifillt .;.., throe WO Ikons. on MO cOrne,r.otglictis 11ledlbrdta known my Oe TkbeßprOtontt• • , 4 Iktc:11 , :rootood Innwoo 14borty,strool!;;14?wrIO. - *Wt.! Zi 1 4 11 ;, - - I :4lAni,wt - , • :_,•••• - .15" .• • .14.- !..4 8- .4 11 : 1 3i4PLEY0 ,4 •-- • •- igozokajaciew eilfrE OLD VSTABLISIVDD 126 '. 111Aitire 13jusi, the hirgett litaistptietutiog LIN:lhfocuot0 11 i“ 1670 1' Wholete,l" p e eler* In /trig% Nut!, *A.. Anftl4 . BILL aresit., 'I A • . • • 1.0 acres of excellent' og cirgi o d for ggle . nlz A it; Ingo onolosuros, adjoin. EMMA B.IINNO, No, 87, Nast Louth', Pi. 20mar-69 40_ HI , ; _ .,. .'#.'ke.p'44 . .;v4,0.v5. _ 13: • J. a R :S.: ii 044 , 7 , Glom, Wilier Erode and '§to.poiOry 411 9rdoro . will rood,* prompt - Attontkin. „ No. tlb, Bart Itonftet Bb., Carlisle.. C - 0 .Agent, for the OhamDarsbnrg *OMR Mill s. twat ly. ' Flog . 41FTS' TO ALL f. , A Silk Dress Pattern,A Family Sew ing .tlfae hine, or Gold • Watch:-__.`.. ••-• 1 • FREI; OF COPT 1 - • For one or two - days' eirvlce In any town or Village. 'Partial:tarsal:id serail° sent free, by - addreaelnk, With stamp: N. D. CLOUDMAN & 00., 14.40 Hanover at, BOP ton. Mass. • • 18mar48 Oak. SELLERS : & TOLWELLi. witouriALE ' , . . CONFECTIONERS A.ND, NO 181 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHTiA DELPHI A. 181.0RbERS promptly tittended to. 21613438 Bm. 628 II 0 0-. P SKIRTS. 628- , , WM TAIOPEINS 'OWN MAIM' are the best and OilesPallt Low - Pniaso Hoop Skirtain _the marketL.Trall.l3klrte,.2s epringe 91.04 30 springs,- Sl-20; and 40 springs, $145. Plain Skirts, 5 tapes, 20 - sprinite, -80- Oent , ; -2 5 — epringic - 95 - Ventet"3o — ipribits. 9,1.15; and 35 spricys.Bl..26.- .Warrcuttsdrin every `re ,- "Our OWN Make" of UNION — SHIRTS." Eleven Tape Trills, from 29. - to 60 springs. $1 29 . 99- $ 2 . 69 ; Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to 69 'springs, front 95 tjents,,,to $2.00. Three Sable are better than those sold by oth er establishments as first-class goods, and at much lower prices. "Our OWN make"nf "CHA ` 6iPION SKIRTS" are in 'every way superiorto all other Hoop Skirt-absents the public,. and one of facts extmlned or worn to eon- Tiara" every one of the Maimfactnred of tbe best linen-finished English .84eel Springs ' very superior tapes, and the style of the metalieSteteninge and manner of _securing them corpses fur durablity and excellence any other Skirt in this country, and are lighter, more elastic, will Wear longer, sive more eat, infection arid are really cheaper than all others.. Emit ady should try them. They.are being sold ex tensively by merchants throughout this and the ad- Jelningatates at very mo irate prices. If you wan, .Ins best, ass for "flopkiit's Champion Skirt ." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order them fur you, or come or send direct to us. Merchants will 2nd our dlaraent grades of dltlrts ex actly what they need. and we especially Invite them to call and examine our extensive aliaortment o or -send for Wholesale - Price List. . . . . . To be bad at Retell et_blannfectdry; and of_ the RO tall-Trade generallyi and - at - Whllesale of the Mann. lecturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed MANUFACTORY - and - BALES/WOW "628 "AROH - BT., Between oth and 7th Ste., PhiladelphLe. 28631.68 10m. AVM. T. ROBEIBB. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO.a AIWELERS, • No. 902 .CHESTNIIT STREET, Hampden Lower Alin, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS and MdPORTERS OP igddleiser. t . rolooging:to tholltisineips of Qoldsmiths and 846 re-faiths townablp .- • Ilave - YeMOYed — to - Extending from Chesnut' Street to Sansom Street, 'Affording ample room and convenient accessories, glv • log opportunity for a.proper dlepLsy orsooda and bet ter men ne for their examination. With extensive end favorable arranirementi In this Country and In Europe, we are in a position to offer -at moderate FIX= prices. . Watches, Diamonds, Bronze: & Mar ble Goods, ,Silver Warei, Jewelry PorC'elains Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, - and every description of FANCY A RTiCLES, Strangers visiting the city ate% cordially limited to Cumin, our New More. • GmartlB-iy CLOTHING HO USE SpringlMitti.WoWie, THE -LARGEST STOCK-GP-. MEN'S CLOTHING We are prepared to exhibit. to the merchants of -this section-the best selection - or Clothing ever offered In the New York Market, combining , ()WRAP .I.IRDIUM- and TINII_GOODS, JUDI IN Till YOBT1.1:1TWOR MANNIR And of the Very Latest Styles • .• • . We shall sell upon liberal terms and at Ante• Wa- Prices. • We Invite the attention of buyers, and promise to msit e It to their' Interest to examine our immense Wok before making their purchases. ~, KXRTLAND, BAI3COOk & BRONSON, 45 & 47 Chambers St., NEW YORK.. Elmar-2m SPRING Have commenced at the store of the undersigned in NORTH HANOVER STREET;. _ , • 'N'._cD of all kludi of-wares molted to the-wants of tioulei keepers, Hotel', and mil contemplatinethe Nridsh, Having Just returned from the allies they ►re pro , pared to.suppli all with - STOVE'S''• • . of every kind inch 'mi. . 0001, PARLOR AND 0.1: 0 V.TOB STOVEEK, *ntlititii fn mt-91; Barley Sited: ' Noble - Cook; 1=0:1=3 , ;N - .A.TrONAL • BANCik.-- , Tboy,..aro propane,' to farilat none niatoraplatiag liatnekeeplag, Val an PliDgt , noonelary to WELL, neiii.4"PED • ! = s • ~ir ijr aik.4l , ctiPtions! boli 4 l9 l ' !du". akt. :tame ,• . • anooNs,, Littatt, :1 . . ~, '' I °.OPq;',O.T . 4.4fq aiici-' 4i)ibi)46 an .T.s 7 .tblu g in tbiins_or-th.uic.i-dia..qiii. . riatipt, oindfn: 'Ps ifettlittotootobit Itiotit all leTatIFAR.:I447,RD: Qtto them a toil At , tlioyi anxious to oxhitS t, toolpriatitilartbill 90,4( "tV n .. all_llaia..#9.,fills.,4 l ..atio Ploot.: to.:Otthoto I. 14 SAT and-runtrronnimmax van kinds, ibucto abu~iotabUabment.'• " 18011441. \..1 .VICEYSTONE evorrdesoefAtiotra FIRST GOODS, NEW YORK 1.13438. IN NEW YORK OITY. - SALES , Oriental, Parior:and Neaters~' , T I WAR E, 1111111MITUA JUMP* Elio. 08, Itaneyer 81. aulUls, :64:5 00c.) -1 MIMEIIO DRY GOODS. ! i ; i ? TILE . CELEBRATED_ . . * 1 . '•.. ' ' - . ' - 14 1 *. :: ,•,..: f.(.'[...i ' 1 : )';:i.11. " . I ' '.1.e.".;;J( 1 ,1 , ;:i i l ' • Ig.n ti., , . El - v • The STA.A T w. - CORSEhigh becoming the slandsedeinset of flimerfelliii Wm" Endured without seams passing through the goods, which remedies the great difficulty of hand-made Ca sets—ripping; also, as the material Is thoroughly shrank bniore being mode-up,. causes them-to-retain their symmetry much better than the Uerman, Way en ' or V,onch Corset;iiidlis for, fit, comfort and ease, farexcell. M3:ZIEED tii,E.GREENPIEM Exclusive Agent, , • - 4 gad Main gtreet, : 7 • , „ . DOMT'STICS Notwithstanding the late advance in.Ootton the Greenfield, atNo. 4 East Bee _ IO now prepared to other some banning In ell kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS Do you want!, handsome Cala at 12% cants/ j 1 yoirt,till dad it. Onoreise of the most popular makes breached Shirt. lag Muslin, bought before the late - !Wrens.' will be whiles 20 cents, worth 26 cents.. Ghighame.l2 18,'20 and 25 eta MIMEO Now le the time to boy them.. Our entire , Mock o Ticking were purebasedAtlhO lowan notch, end dr ll be mid At eorreeyondluely low prime.' Aloe. 410 KORY STRIPES, • OREM% DENIMS, COTTON ADES, DRILLS, BLUE DRILLS, JEANS, very cheap. • We have received this day 110173 beaiitife I Nae For Spring. MELANGE POPLIN for Lo4les" sulfa. new A 4 . 13: ,... ar. ....,„. n f new Al . pncan, ia.all the - BLACK SILKS ow_wbich we defteompeUtleu A full line of Colored One, very ebeap. New styles Detainee, Linens and White Goods, A good IRA Towel, all latien, only-12%, Napkins, Damask Table Cloths by the yard, and patterns, . Lo4m Table Llnena, • CotVerpanee, • Jacenets, Oambriee, Plaid Cambric', a Soft Reba de.. 0 N:a n oo k triitteni;-= . . • .- ~ , . - , . Pkuen, ' Tarletops, ' Victoria Lawns, .. India Twills, . „ .. , . Irfah Linens, - . Bhcl Eye Crash, Lsnea Ilandkarddift, &a. BLANKET EM =1 •, AT, C I O - ST A good udoeY o f Whlto Bleu/nolo on hand, very Cheap Elegant Iftilt• Cailhtoeyea and exanelz . alstlnes at reasonable prices. . A largo stock of litotes. Crapes, 'Crats &nit: log. gilko. Shrouding/ &broil on hand:- /funeral t 0 ,.. dors promptly and satisfactorily pled., CLOTHS - ans. cAssimings, A hill assortment ftotA the lojyeo6 grade 01 Alllll7llllllj 10 the guest Crumb. All abeam.' q,R I3q . BA. G-8 Ell HOSIERY AND GLOVES. HOOP PAPER WINDOW. SffADES ! OIL .WINDOW SHADES! FLOOR OIL "CLOTHS TABLe„- - • • 0.: ' PREACH constra sn. bto gidbiWorili only ill 28. - am happy to initnn the public that having put. aima ilreiittai 3 Of thkilii4iinailibiliae ad- Vens In ,pricea wean Offer. acme pergolas that may bOolie Ibund eleewhemthe buyer an save money pi, tooihing mind wean now ' 4 prepared to convince aU that we cannot be undersold by any hi nee In the, llbembetillid Wiley bulrwill ~I;10 . alltti• lower 4Win the lowest.. . l / 4 ,„" t • • PffaciP•V;l4l;italiG BAK' MAIN STREET L. -- T• GREENFTELb. E!!!! ff= l, MEMI3 nomtsas I -popular makes, Bhadea riaw, fi I 13LANICETS-1- Selling for lega, than: ftrat coat, ,of garpatt bought lAlsl4l{ll° fliat of the year. for the early spring, :':c: ,r~bn~hand H 8 , P a;& all Larsall4tiCatapattfiile,lailtialltilia. C • •••r:. ••• It :1 h.'. U,3 -., . •••• . 1.n.'...1...'11 , 11. i'',' , ll . • -. , ' - . ABBEI idtitivli • • - • 1.,,1.:cc.4 l .C, lei ca .C.C . . A ,1 - 4.: , - - . - : , a'• tl.°; , livnal:P.F4 i b - °1 al tlfdr- ' eliN f A i r- -1"-:t . ' .n4l. Atip twig. .-.,_ . . . ~. .F . • eutnesibar ball just ehihjkl, at Na 15 North .11 corer Bt ., • few doors Norrh.oLtheautlele haporat nk, brie - or the largest atgl Wit st9ol of I,l•Td lk 0 PS ever °gawk ..14 Cisthai.,.i— . - A - r r ~, . .::,, , : • Ilk Ilate, , Oakolmefee , Of 'au ItylohlithWee._ et a Brims klitalleakirillWsrull iyary,A, • . or tle Mita now. iniede..The Duo and and old h 00,4 • br oh, kept corrifiladlinahoOlolf prat: el lwarranrad Ns tlllhietlbtrftureOrtematall. , of 15THAW ' . uwargii ' Wl' fatie7. ' bare also. add ,is . 1 )' Nferent - • , kin', ought u ~ 16, , u," s hittli s tger - -'- Ne hllne: 010 - Air ~ Mda panders, Innbrellie,,ko.,':.Pihn• kegara and Tobawoo . ' Olefins si call lend witraltie ntylltia, ii ,T feel 40,1 !k` . Gaunt Cl pleaeltny, 'lmelda - U - ocm you mon e y. -- • -•-, - • - JUN 41.111tL1.111 Aut. " No. 11 NorthAl•nons lIIL ' v c • r ME fr,)::fritro-0001;IS , L - . • , • g• (4, VOrti.ft : 1161' ,S Zit 111'B Learnlog from thfi . marriutlliagariei; orbiew York, that a largeadvanegof pilee lu wan !ming po lake 'Vire value of cotton and the stopping Of holly . E ire 11111 a 4.1.,,g the depritilen of SAWYER` .5t CO; bought joet before the into adrattie, ao Immtidellitede ofDJMgBTIO,COTTONAud#99tpIi4GO9I/ HOUSEFURNISLIING GoobB _ . . . . • El 'OAItPETI3, 40, 'NW P. SAWYER, , & CO aro 'invited tat e 7 days to glttilbaigalni 64 Off 4,l, anciaublosigic!i in 4 ihiatinpi 0,14,104:a -it to TIdILTNGS and OHECiiiii 60015 yards cif Dark,!edi and gottalpic Ilitio . juirds or Docaostlo and- Baot oh dINOIII4 • ,hand loom andlrish - Takla gnap; BLEACHED : and- UNBLi4.oillrift— __~-~ . . Pnen, Table ClOthe fllsystissns, -Wool TAM, Navers, Napkins, Crash sod 'tor oasis:log, and lounges, Curbilu &nouns, Brenda andEngllub • COUNTERPAWES" - - BLANZETI3, :11BATEIER3, Li., 41kci; . . 61.R#1131 CiARPiTS i =I W. O. SAWYER, A CO., make 'mutate & eSeekS do• partinent In their, large trnde.. • ENGLISH BRUSSELI3,._ . Lowell and; Hartford three.ply and Ingrain C/drpete .Palladelptda, make of Ingrain, Dutch and Linen ~Oat.pete, .pete, English and Apiorican plan and twilled Vetdtlah STR E CAI? PE T 8 -FOR 3E3E81 , 11 and !Stair* on TLIOURAND.YARDS OY lIOiI.II4IADM O.AIZPMTSI ,R, II - Q 8, - T T,S, •Sri4-71ire 8-4 6.4-and-4=4 OIL cLcoirtis, LOOKING GLASW, &d NE-W CARPET Ea NEW DRESS GOODS R BL AS';, ALL CO ORS of , FANCY SILKS, ALPAOAii' - • • - ' : "'' • - B1011AIRS ) and ' • i)X141,2.41*1, P All kluds - of , , . ',:eViii'1it': . 0 . .4.?4:.1144. Ail, eNNis - 4R II rilliants and other wtuTz GOODS. A 4170 ... kit at ‘;' ' or - cstrt_l:o'- - Elv: - .."' •' • . FPc,:,g,sl9.9.~v~t~t„dcUQv : ~~.~ IP.L °4O ;V ? iPtOmnErrowlt#Air., , LA; 11 WI / • =I MEI MEI