II tra m ,:t, ! B . • ; • (T,` ;g1,:411, neARLISLE' 'RAN VitirDAir =NE MI • Gen. 'ULYSSES__ S. GRANT , • ~ , SCR vicre Srtseni`ssT, Hon, ANDREW, Q..CURTIN;',., • OP I'ENNS:PLVAI•4II.a .Btikject to , ihe decision of the Itepub:lican Ztatipnal.o nvent:on STATE TICKET Auditor smj. F. JIARTRANET, •' llonviwn'eri,County. .• Surveyor 'General, • JACOB CAMPBELL, of Canibrizi botipty. B.M.PETTENO CO., No. • ..g7 Park'lto*, .New York; and 6 stato.zic-,-no+ trin,ar.g.-onr-Oenta-tbi. this-HERALD In 'three" elhea , .at a struauttiorizod to talcs advertine• liustitit and subscriptions for us at . .nur. lowest totes. .ererrease of election rraud, as qn the conteted . elections in Philadelphim the line of. defence adopted by the De nuieracyhas,b,cen; to-pt eyentthe guilty 'rascals from being punished, from ' which the inference is plain, that the Copperhead : leaders. have still futtiuM; work for. these scamps. No WORKINGMAN in thd hind should foriget that the .Republican party is the champion of protection for American la borand that protection' -is 'merely a question Of wages. If we do nut psotedt onriabor from thecompetition of Euro pean. pauper labor,•wagcs must go down Td this reduction of wages the Republi can party opposes its entire strength. AT St. Louis, a memorial to Congress is io.ciroulation asking for an amendment of the Ntitiond Chmsittucton anonsniag tile office of President. Congress is do ing better,. in . taking inessures_to abolish a PreOdent who ,refuses to keep within the limits of his just . prerogative 'and power; /718 . STATED that the Ways and Means Committee-have finally determined"to - taiu Ate two dollar taz.on svhiQkey: The •eountry - will naturally and justly depend upon the faithful collection, under a noir administration, of this and all oilier taxes imposed by law. And the Republicans wilLitiorsedk- to — evade is responsibility._ Ttis Supiethe,Court bill has become a law„both Houses ( f Congress having - 13msedit" oireFtlie Piesfife — iii's veto.' `The Democrats in the House were happily prevented from .making the Congress reports dismal - with gloomy and forebod ing speeches—the previous question hav ing been insisted on at the end of an hour's debate. ON Friday last, Jefferson Davis sat at a windoW in .141timore and _saw ftleAy th - e - lag( remnant . of.'the Cohfederacy. The volunteer •body guard of Johnson doffed • their caps "and dropped their swords in honor of the defeated chieftain of rebellion. It was meet. Wo trust that at their .next parade they may sa lute Andrew Johnson sittine at a private window.. The,saine _honors are-due-both as prisoners of State. JUDGEI3LACK, who despaired of the Republic in 1861:now announces that it "'May last a year and a •day from the third of March, hut not a day longer." If our statesmen will abandon their rea• , pon and-argument to gc inte the fortnbe; wa—prefer—the'theer • ninety-day proPhedies of Mr.:Seward to the dyspeptio.forebo ling.; of the defeat • ed nrid disappointed Pennsylvanian. TUE repudiators in the 'House have receivetkanother rebuff. Mr. Holman, an Indiana : , .Democrat, offered' a resolu tick' afftrining:the justioe•of paying the. .bonds-in "lawful money,!' &c.. &c., and triad to get the House to .commit. itself thamon,:, But it declined tosaimed the "previous Cludation,n-alurrefused to or der the SMait and nays on a motiontolay on.•the table; and quietly' consigned the, resolution : to the, Committee 'of Weis end '-• WHEN a 'Democrat, in these• ,dity brings outi is last argument, it ie,genei ally that bugbear—a war of races! The mere .approhension of. such' an issue is expected; enoughlo driVe anybody to do anything or, suffpr anything . to avert it. No , war 'uf Tapes is impending,' nor is ttnire.ait;diitiger 9.f one,; hut, if there Was, ifistnottthe. worst ihing that could h It, - " • y„uo . means worse thairthe'(nslavetnent of races. ' Virc put it to trudticed,',i,ii 'the - sobs of free men, flit is rim preferable!? • . Ttis 'PV I O , /er,iiey are..disepityted t tspereithe..peoile... It wite.autioi , pate (J . , . th first rv ? lii,(,) , nt • tei l / 4 , hrde teilihinen t , tktion.'end retii3etnient: — The DeOliierh :u dere euleulittej l'a'!g'eVen . thd . f4cioi l ef tdeteoost ratienTh..et• the pghs of Nets Y irk ; , Boston, .Pll illtdelph ity.Baltimore, • ' 'the President ,wee led! on; the:faith 'thtit t e`tietti•,' I 1.11 Oji Jr ..1 t )rents ned;retaisteece et 'tile:people, and, thit eat' taithicTifed t4 , ll9woisleotfreltiv patient • drily; 41;114:00.'9, P 1 144: la 30 . qiesl7lii 0(4'0, fitY eunidi7 Hon. -441:u J. GLespstkAt r a, tbp listinguishectßepresentative*,l ce.und culture of theDexyniiiitey this District, has delivered 41 .41 01 0, 1 f, or; rather, the Congressional q10.t 1 416n el t .livered him of ,a speiSoh; glorious speech it-is I • •"' Says Jack-Buasby,- "I'll give you nil opinion as.,, is. „opi n an tl„ thinks ; Ohossy,.i'llgive you a speech as is. a speecli,-"iind calls td his aid the shades of Otis, - Adams, Pickering;, Webster,..Clay 'and the, wliole lio4t orekiiitiont Statainien of generations lirgotio: ;;"::'"*: We' ha ve .. .,h,eritinlo,o;heiti fen 94 . iin:),cing who.;haveralway , s• }teen opposefftt::i; ing'apeeclieSitirough;;the; coltituiss,of papa' paid euttif IheNritififfai'"l"reaStfiY,;' hut, -)p - itie;ift ori/y ;fit the prorietib t else - ) ther;alil'sejtifti' - rie7: ce.Sait:Y. - of „flip m e sueb: r .e e t.' -for the pent up-eloquence,ef.titedest , andr retirine'`hlembers, like; ,Olossbrep tier, whose stammering limteffiee,,o give utterance-to the Strugglitigento,tien's and ,h,uen.ing thoughts:that arise within them. For n moment, think of. itl. , Witlionta inedium of -this kind, this•gieitt speech; with all its •piingeet:•satiie' :rbeioric would hit'velaeen' biddian• from; and consequently unappreciated by the gent constitueots in particular. Not having space to print the tvliole of this truly iwendorful piece of eloquence, we will ,be oblWd — to - Content ourselves and otir.readers,_Witl6f,few Of its; ohOicdst portions"' Tn epeakiiig:of his colleague,. Judge Woodivard, of. the Lifzernc tric; he says : -_" go (Woodward) has With inexorable lOgie — diPqed and iiiti lessly demolished the small add shallow facilities of those who assail the 'Presi dent's' effort to unseat the Stanton incu bus." We belieVe that, ,on- some great and-extreme occasiens, when the.poverty of our language justifiedit, great orators. have used Word; in a sense they were' never before known to. have; bat, wha General. I. Mr. GlagArenner means by " exposed told _pitilessly demollslied the Small and shallow (facilities;'' &a., shill& certainly have been explained by a footnote ; as copiong- as those to Barnes' Commenta ries on .the New Testainent. Again says be : -" Clothe the pretend ed offenseotthe_President_in_wlat of language you may; envelope it, if you will, in clouds of. pompous aid stilted lexicographical mystification, -still will it not escape the discernment of the peo pie." - -We admire grand flights of-oratory, where the speaker for the Moment for gets or cuts hose from the tyrannical rules of syntax and indulges in the wild est metaplior,.but Alr...dlossbreurier has evidently not been satisfle . d 4 *ith license, 4f so ifliLefal a land, ' bliChas - allewed the fullness of-his eloquence tsqlead him into the most absurd nonsense we ever seen _in_print,--.- .t.l. , exicographical-tuyelifietr: lion," etc.—certainly there should have, been another foot-aote just here, in order that this most mystical expression should not "escape the discernment" of his fork county constituents. his allusion to the '• meek and lowryNazarine" in-compar ison with the meek and lowly Andrew Johnson, is certainly very delicate and pious, although our readers, had_we_the_ - iiiiaCe — ro quote it aElength r Anight think differently: " Jerusalem radicals" is a very happy hit, butits force is sem - din - at `weakened by the fact that the only •radi :eats who are known totave been in exis tAo at that day were the followers and disciples of the " meek and lowly Nazar: ins," of whoin le so iri:everantly,speaks• Poetry is a good thing toquote hi . a speech on a Otte Oceasion; and accord ingly Mr. Glossbrenner: indulges : To d'ortop.old Poifoil, or thn okyloh Ilona • Uf 4.1 h; Olyntyus..l - he " a comfortable and safe quantity cirmontane monument," and then makes. the terrible impeache s rs cry out, with the frenzied • . 111 one of nr , 'e on no, till our gr^und, burning zOno; . and then exclaims, " why so be it, and bon repos." We. had .often heard : that Adam J. Glpssbrenner was a very:learned man in the science of .moneymialcing,..but 'We never before knew that his erudition ex, tended to the alluithg, fields Ofvpoerry, or to so intimate, a knowledpia the French language; the ofthoopy of Which "must be act difficult for.it York CPunty,Dntarnan trpon - the whole, laying aside our ad:, Inwetion for the eloqueuce‘of thistritly reniarkahle Fpeech, we' doubt not that the man- who,- wrote it laughed :in.. his. bleetio, when he received his ober° pl'. filthy lucre fur hie ,tank. -It certainly was very'oi n el erhitu Ololie,se great a fool 'out of.so -Weafc and ;ignorant a sub-.. ject. act; of unkindness remeine' to be noiiced, the dolt. gre;sional , Globelp have pliblieNed in a moavVe, exe,4able;',bocause it ;wee, ordered to' do so- and Was' paid for the' worst:, But when other.iournals,.havitq,'; 80ke respeot for then general•gond quell; ties of 'heart qt this . ngenereli but ate :RepresentatiN;e o retnsed ,to circulate a lihiranghl that''neaties even in-,lns.weaknees r it;eurAly ,was mu gen'e'reils Br,fk9dit, hp'gteepetitor': hi'lte corning, cittepaign;:te,,:giirp,it lieitYln the onluutns of tbe.:4/unteeriiin the hope that'its;s~llidtils'idbila'kill'pogr' prot;Petite,.4o.ilu f te.6move : ftetti the field a ?Wel, whoie Veryjetupldit niAlcee. , gerofie 0 , 44 gcirog Aistikt.;Efl; sitongfi:Venioiiratierititthis:;;:t ; • env tnetioVoil .14titis•laptif i etirrefiek' Ili'ent;So!'„ljiwb:Ve'r dliibfe 1 pnpes,moust•be Ettopcd: . hiivts rootri' :6riciugluitt the West - dnd , 'Southdor:,inil=, ; roads whieh, if subsidized ,by bondiPit,v thli - pikii'Lletit'ti . t'ji 1 o, l #4l4,quatfillPlP'enr. hope os4tooi111: tkaoixtftc44k4of#9.iiogpppxo4ol Aotaplunes. “ : 2t Spealt-iitri+T-a-gp-etblir,” I / : / / /71 preme Court: '..%, - -\ V, ‘ The 'Democratic) party :under 'corclun / asst\riONtarol . U.,Wie 30( ti rk , t l enf , ?I 'lc n o ill)e)reiulfilv 4 o 4 i fif bh '444 il l i; nver,:tiol) 0 1416 Stipr s aii" ; Co . V, brdi4il''6 l i -6 4_ ,- iliqumaholi4i tho.a„ A di - '" - - ACife' - 1 a 11i r e cast). a ra tirogr sse sp.: r that it was ccill dentlfgivenoitt by their friends that the_Court by 'ti majority .of 'six to two, had decided the reconiftrue• tion acts unconstitutional. Just about this :time, however,- Congress saw ftt . to rupeCiPthii actliiialeichy.thetu but a few -- yearrsinctr - Aiving - -tife'etitirritiriiidfiNiiii ii) a" 0 ale -, of iiiiilpfibiip tfi)ii: .l •tili); lint was: sent, to,the, Preside° ti for i.his. tippri- Nal: or•Vatii kind ' hb" wall': kmiiiing:that, whatevay,litslaCtipp , inight;,be•fn the pre 'taises,'it? woilciiievettyelekrbpponi9 _the fiiW,i)f.tle land, held .ou,tp:the44 . ll--un'til - tlfe ---,- ,vcry!„lastrtitfY;lstd;theftl's — eratriii.i eliaraot;ailsitii . i , etiti:,, 1.."64:11'. Ouse s .,:laye since' passed •-it over the veto, and ! the caSe,:ii(!itkeji I . :AA' df:llm hands of . ' the bourt. , l'he Court, in-deferenceto the peridiniledislati6ii, deteiGitied Id hold over the .decision of the ' case until defi nite and final action had been taken .04 the hill:,-That action like ti'(AV beetitaken, arid-yii-are relieved from the threatened . `danger: 'Hereupon the toemcc - ratic jour nals raise their usual howl,ofmsurnati - on, IntonstitutiOnid lCgishitiori; CoeireSsion• al tyranny; &G.- ~In, order that our rea ders may learn' the:facts about this ease , over which so mUch..fass has'been made, --we-Will briefly-state-them ,'Mciirdlel,Was: a .:ratu'-patit,.".untecon grlietied groat, Johnsen,Demeeratie plan ;for: de feating tge - redimitruetin polforof pOw giess, made . a` most, bitter and:malignant . attack„uiion.Gen. Ord, hoping thereby to weaken .the • Genefai'S:.effictency- a's Military Commander of the Third Dis trict::. . ;Hereupon, he was ; M:reSteil,' but, sued out a Writ of :Habeas Comics; nnd, !vas — admitted rby,tbe Distriol Couit, to 'Gail, so long as he conduets.him self es a good and peaceable citii:en, well disposed obey , the-laws of the United ne dtiress: Not sat- ittfied,.however, with this state of things ho took out nn appeal to the-Suprem• Qourt...tuader_ilw Judge Black; and thug tile-matter rests and is very likely to rest, for — a long 4hile o'vomv:` -- ' That it. is a gr'etwrOng to dompel a man to obeys the laws of hie-country and con d ucthiniSelf in accordance - therewith, we esinnet_ 'understand. But, that •it should appearso to the Democrahy, who deSired to see the :Government -,oYer thrown dfiring - theflaidc . :da.ys - cif th r e' re bellion, and . who are noW'stOving to the utmost of their ability-to delay of pre vent a reconstruetien of the . Union on a Joy_al,.basis, is -but , ty , naturali sequeneeLto their politleitT creed. The Supreme Court emtainly, acted With .a 'ProperSpiiit : When x iii idefercapn, to hranch of the Goveiri moot, it, awaited' the action of that, body;- and Congress dame properly and justly, _the :rescue of the: loyal Mon ,of the na tion -when it cancelled -the:-authority--o the Court incases of thi- kind. .IMaistry 'Law Our 'cotemporary of, the Wesi,Qhester .14pubtied•ii•eipre;-s_ es•nursentfinents ex actly in 'relation to the ,itnportanee ofrix Registry Law. It says :I."- A-General 'Registry Law was passed by the. Senate of this ,State, on Tuesday last., by. a strict party / vote—the Republicans voting for it, and the Democrats against It . -We are not familiar with its Provisionbutlfit. is anything like the one, hew in force in New York, we trust that become a law holey° thc - eitd of the'prceent nese sion. • The Neyr. York Registry Law ern bodies the seine .principles as the law now in force in this State, requiting per• sons to he assessed. It' provides for . .the election of Regint rers,. w aro required to keep their'offineS.opertain-peridsj-: and to which :piece every citizen is• re, quired .to go and', have-Ills :nanie. and, place of residence registered. ..k-fnen who fails to thus register 'his name, will, lose his vote:,', We helleVe that the list of registered names isrequiredlo be Pub, belted . some ten daYS•befOre the election,. and if any doubtful. names • apPear; an• • opportunity is Worded for lOoking them. up, and testing their right to veto. , As Amid is , one of • ; thechiefi , eleMenie of Copperhead succesis, Of,:coiirse oppose the cause if ie a chec upon f:rauods;at %the ballot lio`g in , therea on•WhY• every gOod, Rcpublioar t it.;'Aentleinen Of the •Legislattire; let liaye,thista*:" Ankm , =BAP.9o.o , olp..94l...abotr,nion, In spite of the bai'riers, interposed by, rob eldogt South, 'nail ,DentoCrtiny, N4l. It, she has sought, the oldffild. , The 'steady "appicxiMatinrt of the — cOnntry ppiten and prosperity is a. gratifying, to ,every loyal , and patriotic man as it disheart.' ening , to, the Partisan !mg: ti ni n . ..ea 'o ll 4 l ll\es' of the DantoeraoY. Oar latest despatbhpc put the majoritp,fOr tho oOn ' Stiftitioa - ,4 from throe to fiye ttfOnenn 4 ) . bi't in 813443 ' ral Section'' the 'PCIIs ynt' l npen;'oe, election laYing:, been, pootpcufga,:in pop.: se'quencir of , rebel vibloActi a hp . tlieheav7 equinexin, at911314.91'. arn, weeping the State, making the roads eylfrivNltt3 impassable, , In -I?BrPs,c°,l!li,t4esl`•:,o4K-90" groes(ganted tllealtatoxiiikata Ih r tixgair kt ad 'ffretinnl—aribrbtigti, 1 , . l ,rd • • t It V ARCIAP •4B /1 , -B i *PaEß.l:Oltli"Sh4et/gt Vona id is tr fat lin South , Ofiro.' Ann, sottl last week serortifitianiti;Orlhhil tartsSaikges'oriaies,rqittni,(Avy3" 4 nr , :.)uspoopkro , :iga.P/1),1 W 90,,, iViire9:sh4ndred a'ndnifity , acies iforisBB;dtwo,fhlintlred.) for $29; eitio , ll;ilrittiiiii ;fin& fors47• A l filY o f a )(Ir4 i ti j r q tl PiP. i ii i t l illik d rA44:444Ql9,9flMjnr, red r keret it fol.:41140. ,410,tieie 'ttittkOittiitiftrdytifetlftiisher!?,ll.l.lKt4ts' ISIS +t rOvilt;o,;:34lo.9.,,tarriwAttlit,^rt e • ' • tr '\;.. \ -,..,t . -.r . 4•offress of ilie Greati' , ,„ . • - s 4 a l .010 - ennui, havinpbrnagait(orgeniOild *.4lgl"tiourt uki.:lllfehment on Mitf.t., Aiitt.:,llL,thie week, Ghn.t iirrratado :tit op i alrang in behalf.qf thc'• „ anaßatli.i It ittsk fitt , aiiatjAble, elahonititt ,ild.exfoustive* i iiteilitThihe grOUnds !.cif'lmpeachriient and' 4.1 u, tii:ecedents estatfirjahed in the conduct , of - triers of this kind. —His speadki - cieantied.the rtreriteryairtiarcif Hie first da - Y.:Jidiiiea 6a ; 4mmti os&&§" c i.Pff4i4l7 l l.§lrerM4.6oW. Court adjourned until TuesiTayat 16 o'clock. - It then re-itsdeitibled, and after further don,: umontary evidence,. William S. .MeDonald, , chief - :Gfork‘ofther Serietetrwastitlledllf7thri' witness stigitkiiiidlektified to having served upon•the .President-a certified copy of the ISOnitWfiloltithaill: Oil , :tilia'-'reeticiitil•trif Mr. Stanton. , - ,- JOhirW: Jones,. Chief Messenger, testified te, , haying'eerVed'a,'cOPYr the same on Gen. Lorenzo Thorn - '4 - :ge,p.,. Creeey, nppointn;;3iii...gliili7ordth:Treasury, testified -to • the-changeritr thri-edmittissfoirs-mafie'to conformAheretis-therTenuticii.,Oillce law, thereby pi : nVineihnethe'.lresifient, in di recting - this' change', . had' 'tlehtigniked the validityof,,the‘i4y.'hOr, ite v slilately set at defiance.. , Hon Sart- VtinAlorn .of - New. ' York, testified' to-lhe:conversation between' Gen. Thomas anil:Seercitiiry'Statiton in re lation to thadernantrof ,Thointislor posses- sion of the War 'Office Walter A. Burleigh, „delegate freni'Dekotith; L vinitliOrt called, but in answer .. lo r e : gusstton ! fronti,gen. puller, was interrupted by 3.tr.-Stanberrpraising an objection trilhaftlattitibil,Y "-- Thli lajot Jus tice was about i4 . ‘fiii f ili' t iPti n , the:objection. - cilfeh - thd gneition - wai - ritised Ids right to do so. A long diseussiop- ensued, when. the Senate MijOurned trothottiarble room for a consideration of the question atissue as to' the - c -, f - lhe (thief :Justice as the,iwe siding officer 'Aftar_lOng emiStittation, the Senate, returtied an amendment to, the 7th rule for the government of the Court. The Court then, on motion ofX.r.,cpeltlipe, journed until Wednesday at 12 , o'cloek. AC! that hour it re-assembled, arid theitaitimapy on tiro part of the Messengers, was continued, Mr. Burleigh„agafri took the stand;' and tes tified at ,length as :to Gen.qtinfilas':•ailega tions about taking foreiblopostesaion of . Mr. - Wilkinson •was thon-callod-and testt- . fled to the sumo state of facts.: Tito, Court the!? adiOuriied. It is universally conceded, by friend ank foe that the Minngbis are making a vary' ; stiong-casaagainst the President, .and.eheb , day as The trial ja r clgreisos will it groW. stronger and stronger. • ' ENERA.L -Russia has decreed the total suppressiien thci Polish nationality; and the :absorption of_Polhedinto_itussia—Histery—*ill-ceont thesonduct-of Itussiaderiard Poland among the greatest political crimes of the.ninteoth century. . - NEBRASKA bids fair to become a great salt producing.region.. A. thanufabtory-hue been started .itt_Lincoln, the .capital'of Ne 3 braska,- whit:ll4s represented as already ing handsome pretlmi in malty other parts of that country, large factbries in 'the same line-are being erected.- - ' LIBEL suits are no longer profitable gatjon. Judges an'd. juries ,imbued With common sena% -begin , to ."-recogufze the fact that without tliWouttipolteri indep'endenile:. tiort of the pr•Ofir rascals eanaooia..une.osri_ ercd - preparatory - to. - ,being 6rou lit to jiffs i lice. Hence it s that different'. courts of the country, - hy 'Singular 'coincldeaeo, sly prosecutors for libel are being non-suited. 2 Wri.a.ti.Prussia.cerieeded- the-right' ita •eitizons to • centrol their own allegiance, it showed an advancettatuto ofAiberalism_in Europe which the people of the United States. were scarcely prepared' to • receive. 'This 'is a doctrine which the American GoverMment - has' long insisted upon,-did. lait it - is admitted bf ono of the lea in powers of Europe, its enforcement over theorld will. tie Gaily accomppshed. The New. Albany Commercial devotes Is daily issues to incidents of the great-re. •viyal there. At the_close °Lone of its al-Li :cies it says - - • "The youog_und the old, the rich and the poor, the learned and the iltiterate,..the distinguished and the .humble, are alike af fected by the wonderful coligious influ ence that Pervades the city. Such 'a work . yf revival was never. known here before. Xp ono talks of anythingselso than religion; It is the topic on the streets, in the houses, stores, offices and shops." • Prom -the official report-of-:the Attorriciy - General -it 'appeatelhat the•''President has pardotied and let loose upon %the community not less than - ninety-two Counterfeiters, Who, have been 'duly convicted ' and sentenced during the last eighteen months... It is real- Ay not surprising_with'auchim exffiliTtil - Wor Executive that this peculiar descrip;' tion of offense against the' lawashould hive become, as it had, so alarmingly pre'veibrit: —Santa .Cruzjans are , turbulent, because. -their island.' was_ not included in , ibe said of the.Diinish d - Stitt - elity -- 45ili'd probably_ be well fOr people'thOse, beforelnulting7trouble, to wait and-see witatthetnited.States panto say to the transfer'of their neiglibors, In,Evaneville, Indiana, la - st Sundsy, a negro.in the employ orlfr. Jack 4obinson, went inte• the . room whore that:gentleinaa and his wife were s'eeping and attacked Ahem With en axe. Mi• - ~ , hly, m angled before the'negro re'li and made!.,: hisescepgacross' the Hier. 1 „ —LA nm. • named.Shannoh hag been ,n'r 'rested in .•Afichigon;.atid: woman -named Wells inthicago for' the stealirig Of $20,000' from the husband of Mrsi. Wells; , Thepat:. ties'reside Weston; Were' übbht . tifty•yeare of age be'sides having.occu-. pied_promluentand—redPeCted•--ticial• • Post.; , ....A,Chieffin,lieper says that John T. ander,nf Illinois, alter the first of May will, ceaso to bring his cattle over Ponns,yfyartia rondo ta;the'4rfe'litia. TIiI itbmia - of"loiinidunan ivhen one' laiUna, that ItlriAleiander'tnOvei-apw,OVUr Tentf: - sylVaniti railroad's :fidm five eig,. ht-handrpci bCod per, )veek. , ••••- , Sebuyler„Colfox's;;,rnotper'• presides et, his 4 01 160,in -Washingtonit, She is said to be os progd...of son'as - .is; Gen..Graikt's, illt4r-of (.0 • , . ... . . - .li i Biiratogit'boiliitY:' .liiiiiitiordt liiis latoly, beaii rceiviugii 'llepubliean: Pap•M', Nit it disturbed him so nitieh 'that - het Ordifred it to be diseiiiitititied. • It Stlll t kePt',ooraini,; hour fiver,: and Oii stating hifi l , , , kriOvane6 l to,s6riai'. trio - Miff' ;iiiiii':'6l' 7. thfitii ' reMarke'd';' ..T 4y - thlidfY AO pia cih'inakiit'44Ptbliai of Ysi. nit'lil-dS;gbii7."iplied h'el'!'iikiy,'?: eri , eattingY3ealti:6VOre' liiitit. . •Pamern: Potilf,:thitiViiNtr.44,'i'6o ..,New.i : Yorlc papers say it,ica,cfniaus , act that:in , that city tho.dgpian . fltdr i phpfisop , ..rondep . . . tiiin3s,i, n da ir.csot:l4imupply.,,:Then,9P^' b6 ' U l9 l i/ i l3 l/ g l i•r#9l* . l Oi!ii4.liC..§ . ..was, 6 0 6 li lON ~11,1 11 . T'Eq!itY's iilq . ;. § (l7 .i' !Aa thiii,ip rkyierosse,'nfiLtlii,?lfil:r.foup,ye'ai ;, yPA' t , h ,- /aMiniritiglS'l)r N,ITI°I.I?, liiSfl l F.irk'b'4,9lf n 1 l oilooiksso r ouitions,..ass,eit 4 'ilt, c,I;loy, in:6 ,una. hla tsi.Jkciat.#o, i 7 d4nitiO . ,i' q f peoly . 4,picip tfk. Ifotl i*/# 1 .4? - r: I FIP I:u 4 i.lWF:iik•i.,Pcirepc , ,, Ili, i .civv,:x -- pric - williou,kgnitn or , thisjr.,2*p,l . whit , ' V r P.t h .o l( llk; LIA ii(EfQ:!brAPs 413 , JK, ;Ittir9ili OcieaPPK, ' lila: 4131 4i0.e5#4, - '4 , i. wT I ,Ap... ,(3.,t , p,,.91p,0.11.,,FA11,AfPN1MP A , tr , t ct ,i,, , .. :.,/,.,,, li t. - _ , j..:::,,b1? ,19 . 12 . ! ho.ri vita.,( ' I ithil'iNhifik c ii,Wteli iStiir eeili6',l liefit , l§fAlP tilv , w,iltketiiili , ttl&Sii , ficl;il. iiiiiilii;iiiiiiik 9 soliC;') , itifie'aYijiManieliti' lii tint( "pp . • pi , 13;;Am &el k * . tiik tr'"Wesidoki.titoViAtPli 'lf aleBiiiyett alle iki l iiiiiiqloCiaato'crtoriibr "ore'"rilS !Mai liOreeMal II rentierfi'dil fif li c inp 4 i) A 011iiiiiirbaltlip 'S bfebV WI n Ibo4l lediiiii"lihi t 114 , Abliitit ii t 'itilit)fiiih'tiiil ' 1 bf.sva. u aiei nit a l , 7. .!/IJI 'III ,:, I' 1.1 . 1 d ~ / II 1: it : ~ q fiP'.::'Jirf 4 (I . 11111 f 1..`1:!!?/ 1/: , 11 rztit b r.'111.1; GOVP:I4I:44T. Juti.votootthilkeo Et tlmbi, AtimjNit 47 . :711,11V:7e Ir!.• . 1 I , 7/1: ~) 1 ` , 117,1f1r fri,,,:./ Ih' Positively His Last Appearance.. t The' ,ellmitliikatinoineement is printed speel'A! rolOU'at: i - 16c treat ; , ...11toeficati abOut: to e!* 12j8 en-, gngement at WaihinkonOwingji3O,elokini-' otaneelftiver lytifeh becfitui,he cattokiiinn th 4 honiii to Minenuee flit wi j.dUrlng the coming summer, perform flia'great feat of - - • SWINGING AROUND THE CIRCLE, In' which - he stands unequaled in -.11143 Filiconfinchireself,to , ' .1 014 - .l.ltritbittixstcn lit each-town; during which—he will intro duce all those tricks which , have been re ceived with such thundera of . applausarby 4„hoTz'Peoill er.r , dil egan b...copiesztAbtretWsti tuton anf-Ithe ;wilbbe'die triblited .ambleg - the audience fit P,F,,,,hit9}vt. I 'W- I Seii LW • l:.s,l , .u.rant d at ashington by pressing engagements, arid haviiig proved ad.),ad card on thsvprovious tour remain' at—Washington, his place, in the4roup_e beingnplied,l79emAd:s A40: 1 41 Ti9ovir'Ar.hose:tf GRAND —TRANSFORBIATION,Z.EAT— of bging Adjtitartt-Cierieral, then Becretary , i, oil i Varc - tbenlk.diuttuit-anorldagnia; all in' twenty minutes' time haveleCured for hini a National. r :' Mri iJohnsen takes pleasure in announcing that Mr. Bill Seri -8 01. 14 r• 4.1501 F, Bee dal 1,•.11 r qict. Welles '(proPiletar'nf Gitkon'i Band,) all the Old favorites will bo with the troupe, and ' enliven all occaSirMi . svith.their spirited and spirituous performances. A CONGRE6EI theAttitO Legislatures, Lys Harris,burg,Siaef.Guttrg b(typ never con id tired, - tis'cliorougbty as they should exarni ie, the subject of cheapening the Government for the pea*. When tiumtioniejnereesecl ti f fiiitlidlititiglVialla-withMrifili Mg - effect , upon the laborer and the mechanic--on the. Poor who are consuMers 7 --ori the men who for fixeclialiffies. :Observation and iittrie this fuet.---When tixetiOnls reduced, the reduction is made . at' the in stance_ef:a “ring7:ef, combioedlspeculators %ad 'tfilk_Controt 'of 'c'Ortain niticle4, - and - 1 who, when they get thp , tax thereon „abet,. !API; force people to, pay rates 'for the; ' same. fence ; it Wet Gengiees _enclittc:State.Legielatures,must - se e k haute more directly for' the' relief of the poor consumers.- ,The logislapon_-of, the irbithicoiintii r has been dir&ted tOO long for the th3nellt of monopolies and speculators, :Whose course and calculation ,are over: to oppress .the masses of the people. We have .elremlystuted that . tbe, : Arty 4 Most honestly proceeds •reduco-the taxation :which now rests so hea*Vily on the shoulders of .the poor man, will-gct•the poor:Juni/LsLoot& rq the :ITztloiJbox; whero:eycry man's voice is equal in power. -What is reAuired :for the relief' of- the Stile and the nation, is mere frdualitv in Waste or the public treasure and a higher regard for the welfare of-the masses. - ' - Roducecltaxation is the fliskstep Co t h is reform-, The Govern - m ontla - h - and thy ofCoTi - ifia *.? 'people's money.. •Gur public revenues-are too ()nor:" [nous. . TIM; is' the secret of ail the corrup tion-in-the land.' ,-naive w atost-nos recelyed'frorn lire seat of war . iiiparaguity •annourices great Ereparn tions loran attack, upon' Miami ta, the great stronghold of the - Paraguayans,:.. For the presont - thuaititatind of the Aitiests anything In Brazil riots have taken:place in . auveral towns* against coinfiutiory 'Merits; and seditious 'patuliNetra -against the Goveramedt . 'hove appeared in Rio: In Ar 7• genittie itejniblio.-a- revolutionary agitatipti uni her of: proyinces; and may. :1111: - Carrili - y . , - firrie Co serious outbreaks. In - Urugday a movement against the Dictator Flores was headed by the pintator'sowa son. Thus,-if the war should continue much lon-. ger, ;ha Allies may expeet..a..great, deal-of_ datxtttitA Countg Batters • PRPIOIIINo.---Thp Rev: Robert-Sloss, of Neiv . Yoek, will preach in tho Second Presbyterian Church, on nest Siihbath at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7i o'clock P. M. . . _43Y..reference-to th - crudvdrtisiiiien . t; it 3viil,ba seen that the cOlobrated . “Doublinw eap§prings" 'will'bn - ofiered,at public:sale, at the Coart : Houso, in Carlialo, on Friday the 10th inst.; at 10 o'clock, A. 3r. . mom FIRE COMPANY MEETING.—A. Inset in of tbo Union FirnCOmpony will be', nein at ti . io Union' Hall,on Tuesdni.nvenini.:ninc7e. at-7:o'nlockr. A_ftilr — turn:oin in'requnitect. EC= PaxsTriMITATI6N.--:-B3i reference to our colminns, Nvinbe , fotind nµ advertisement announcing the, coining •to 'o;r town of tho celebrated Prof. Hasolnlayer: The-picifea sor has perfortned'iri the princirial cities of .Eurzpo and•Ahe'rien!'a'44•4B,3.filivii . V.6 given tho greatei4:Satisfliepon'i . Yol:1c 11:eralel'of him: Prof. Haselnii4ciFis tho'-mbst accomplistmil 'magician—that -eve -. appeare the;eonntry, • had ap peared M nryciirs'agb,' Ite - wbfild have been burned for witchcraft. There is no hum bug aboiiikthe,T.OfesSor., 11:7E1 TILE BUNYAN STILL - ON rantalTioN.—Ttiosopfour citizens wishave, not yet visited !lint exhibition stfOqiii.do,so "at once.. This evening, 67rifor'roiiaft,iiiiiaiiii: .. Vii46 - vening,.,74l. bp the.,,last op portunities.. We are very sorry that our citizens have not . given it iiipoFoWri!l tainly the finest exbibitiOn - ever given , in our tonrn,4 . 4 stigiili4;be eeeq 1:Y every man WO - man und.ebild, n. work ..ocaq : i.t.is, rivalled: - 'ii ..0- HAS .COME,— The , trout fishing season Is now hoo, itfiayingemmneneedjnecordiog: !to ik i on - ih'e r- la - of*AprlL , ='FV'osiipposo our " Letort Anglers" 'are '.hOw.ready'M f/ drop of: scouring some of .the "lipeeiclettbeautles;", ;:: f*tf 3 E noming base' ball ,seasoil PrPollsefi,to litnusuallg r Inn . This ma ginne is now ,tb 0 in eileiWgetne par excellence, -Lid ' , thousands engage, in it W ll , O Pa 1: 0 0 144 lo 'do' other geld sport, It is ' n healthy Ind. inyigorathidanlusemlint, and is as innivet.,t as it as exhilarating. ~Our, C arlisle'Zittba; the "Amateur" and I , Exereise," _will soon he retyy for , opera. tions, andt*e'ideliht osus mall•won ropUtationd. tßy the ' l7 a,Y , YIP PPP th4t,Pui9. l 4 friend, ,W;r4.lo.tx toneiDilibdis'on hand; rowdy toliteapt,Tehall:, all E longßs li; izorrd — rind'ale }eat of mankind." MOM • . , _. • ~.. ... „, ,,.., THE NEW •in ..„..., AVTINif , ELDER; -Rev. JAMES Citllt ' liftt is 'new Methodist. , llrtisgeter •Tiosidilig, ildoilfaif:.tlia,..,poitiiii •; D140. 1 41 , 4 With sil'oira:U'oiliSr 1140:1*(1114001 ,"(*4,).ll.exAltaiiil,; illii.pl6l9pNilio tii4;iiiti , : , ilentlifilithiViii lias' tibalitiad'i'b'';:- " ',-'• " Tho,i7l o .l4 l PisltAluiltitiihr9,ligh our entire . 'coremutlitynartegilirtf regret , a t the depart qiiro 4flP.Voly,2Jarbeki• nriuyiath giisto ff RS'. kipk rmet i fidillaelVphiaiiii r Fehtirafr" - at Alia iiitidd; ;htid recently chosen Ergaiding Elder of the learlisie District. Efo has, by his kindness; , Ohristian bepoveliptuararolatood om f rom lopßstation and higotrivpniho,tirnytt,uph, Aisreliblitiedtidii Ukour, aor t ic, .I.4l3ls(iikna -I'lor.t.i9i.a,Rrv,4o4;Or la. ° P uY ( EArli4hY.'i9 ) "Y , 'llhu.s,sti wider spiiirOli4yliiclijo i ,eitarids. "the iii'grad+4. — eir thiant with Widots ho is )I,ndowiavta ~ ..ill t!:, a rr,•:::::,:, , f, :..I:'4,2crs cC. ..,.. ~ . ..;:11m;...1:::2 t-4 c.. V - i:',4l a+. IL/Ur.,/ 1 , --- , ' , Sup -FniiiilT 011.0 P.—The prospeoto - of `aentinsifalyllne fruit crop the proseroea i sciri', l 4ie indci' , t.o.-ho. verpy l inisinifflan4 an ah4flPoiiyieldof all 44.ssietra is ciiii,o4. „ tly ptelll4cidr b$ those whe,'.-PrOfesslctO; Itifow: sciFilk . i , f i noAbbut the \pattiifi 'T!iIIPC:aCh:I ,dop in peliiivare prom isisbe 403, , . / lii,rge. This ilitlie good news to'thousands, as an . abundance of Cheap, rips, Inscioui fruitdsa groat *desideratum. -- . _.-, • - On Saturdai last the Court of Qeartir Sessions of AlloghenT cciunty, Pa., made -a decision Upon the sipplicatian . of Mi.- VA'. snort . , a colored gentleman - 1 teach - or' df 4io,aahooLin_-411?gtieny r .for,adniteaion.todta bar; on the grtinid l of cconitty,ho having for. merly been a iiractitioner in the Supreme Ciptift..Of ' , Ne.isOlroPit; aad Heat° to that effect, ~ The appljeatida was ' ... 1 'Kho_Mv.. Vrisf.lON.inputiouhd 7 ahoye,'is,ln' ; naityq'af Coirliste; ! winne'hii tali : the Tate 'JObli.B.Ar-iiSliMi', Veal - 141'dr',Wan T ..YOirii.L i The•youngoiVashon:lo"'ngontlotO4`oFedu cation:Jan& caltniq;' - ir'4OUrid- . .laWireig•alid would do credit to any station. ' --• "' - 0 '.! ' ; '--. '•-.L4Y-•• 1 : ..: .., 1 '.i c', A. • SORRY TO TEAR IT.—By the, P 4 ilitti delphia' papers of Monday last,rit cn'ci sorry • to find that. Mr. D.E.I4D Br4on,.one of our citizens, has got into ,irouble.with• the Unit ed States authorities. The• following is the brief announcement Ofliiiii Unpleasant affair. We quote 'from thelaW report of the ;Presi: UNITED STATES DISTRICT Qconr.—Judge Cad!or,e/ader.-4David , ,..fllacki who"tpleaded! guilty to the Chaigoof distilling Without first; having 'paid+ the k•speoidl' tnie,' all& iiiis'iiiink_, - tanced - at7tirclkartain - W - th - ci court to pay a Rao of $2,10Q, haying failed to comply therq with, Was' on Saturday'last sontenced'to one year's imprisonnient in iiiii VagtelM'Peniten-• "tiary.:. .: -: :.- 4 -,,; ; -,-- •!• ~,,i 4 • !-, Mr.l3liiek is a native of our cmint,,X, and has boon for a number of years a,citizen Of Carlisle, where ho al waYs eOnd(letad himself decorously and:viith propriety.' Ho has magi i friends and ncquaintances hero who esteerit him' iis it' s pan 4(1-neighbor, and .who will hear of hie piesent'difficultrwith unfeigned regret. Indeed, he has with him the sincori3 sympathy of all our 'people, who appear to think it a case to which execut,iye.clemeect could appropriately be applied IJITTELL'S Llytho AGE.—The num ber for Marell'2Bth of this - sterling polio ,diakriiaciipitfil• one.- -It contains a large ) amount of reading matter, among which are the fiAlewirig : England andlfelaild," by John_Stuart-lililll—a-The—Bramleiglis ;.l3,ishop's •by Oharles -Lever, Tart IV.; “Occupations of a Retired Life,; ' Part 11. There are iniunuaualJnunlber of inter.: esting number of interesting Minor papers, and of those miscellaneous matters - that de light all hours. ,Tlia Living Age should ;be in the hands etev_ory_.gentleman-and-soh olar, Published .by Littolt & Gay, No. - 80: Broth- Bold street, Reston. Terms, $8 a year; sin- - glo copies, 18 cents. EXECUTION OF poNovAN. 7 -,The York (Pn.) Reputlicalof:Wolnesday, April Ist, says : Williath — DonTavan yestardiiypal_ penalty of the law. He was executed in tim yard of - ile TOrk County Prison on a gnl-, lows, for having murdered, George Squib, late of Warrington Township. Bois said , ,to_have protested his ictnocenee oven on the rscatfold:. .The execution took -place_a 'few : minutas hbfero — mid=day,tind was attended with no unusual circumstances. A :NE.*:,DErtiodakrxe—PApmf.=:—We have recoive'd the first number of a now pa per, just established at Illechanicsburg,_this. county; called The Valley Democrat. It is edited by Mr. T. F.•SINGIpEIC, and is, as its name imports, Democratic in politics. The DIZAIOCitAT is a ]aige and handsome shoot, woll.ptioted and abliddiidci, tbe editerliay ing marked attention to the condila of his local department, always an interesting 'fea ture in a country journal.- --We extend 19 Mr. Surarstht The'right 'hand of 'fellowship, azirk welcome him into the ranks editorial, and while 'we wish him every success pecu niarily, we hope the principles he" advocates May come.to naught;_aild , his cause sink us low as that other "lost cause," of which it was the faithful ally and encourager. I=IE LOCAL,- LEGISLATION-.—ln-tliollollBo of Representatives t at 'Harrisburg, the fol lowing.bills,hiiving refel:enco to Cumberland county matters, wore passed finally:: An act authorizing the town council of 'the bOrough-of Carlisle to appoint vieWera of damages sustained from the opening of streets:' and alloys'. : • • • •. 'Ap halo repeal the.act•incerporating the Mechanicsburg, Dillsburg and Petersburg turnpike Company, passed the 17th day-of ,April, A.,D., 1867. , • • ~..•• An.act , to inconporate_the Moebaniesburg Tamcr;Suute:':lCaTntain .turhpike..corppanY„ from:Mechanicsburg. to Armsville.. , • • •..- An act:to incorporate' the Mechanicsburg and Bricker's Mill turnpike compOny,Gmn berland county. , act relating to'schOollaids tin. real es,.- fate,in the •borough of Carlisle, Crimberland pounty, providing that the .said taxes shall rorpaln.a lien oh real estate for, ono year of= terlevying . the same. ." ' ' . A further supPleMent to.an act to :incer,-,, p - orate; the .South , IfountUin .railroad corn , 'key, oxtendifigAlfe . appplement Of 1864 for' five years.,',• • • • ' • - Faßp - FitO3f has ~been"recently introduced 'in the State Seri ato-to exempt real estate Securities from tax. ation=The_hilLreatt_asTfolloW s That mortgages, judginents, recognizan ce° and monies owing upon articles for the sale of real .estate made- and eitothited ar,-; for the passage of this act shall bo exempt' frond' all taintion,..and that, frompod after -the lint day Of , December next, no tuxes ;of, any description shall be assessed, or collected on ur from mortgages,. judgments, reeogel- Sauces. or. monies , -owing upon articles of agreement sale.,Of,reaf eginte, er'iimde or executed before or after-the-pas.' sage of this , -act: . ./rouided, 'that nothing in . this-act skull . be - non st . t . tOd Kithil:f=tpmprt,. gages, judgmoptS, or; atheles of -agreement given by corporations, =I •• .1 M g!T#INTifl'E AYP, 4?.1*141(q‘7 f(1/16 ng 18 t h hot passOd'hy tho jeogiolaturo ( ohd.ilJgliOd bx tho'GovornOr,-. in xolotion. to - moroaotilo hypraoorhoht oryk tax:;;:e6plifoiiii tip; an , Oet to'y providefot tpq rp4ultib,fA','it,if,leii4lslf4 414,, apiiipved • .1 ,13goTAd4 4'it.,,.That he, trtie-Anterit and. , raeaning of , . the . :eleventhl seetinff6f: diffict' , entitled aertd, vide' for Ihe.reduction of tho puhlieht,? ), appreyßl , April3twentyilloper4, ini'one:thousand eight hundred and forty is lereby ‘ debiate4,tcy s . lui tkethnt, fk - menu factorex or nleolianie pot viniastore,or I warehduse'aPeo , " - liiiirAilifirianufaoter,y' or worketioNforlho'fairpbatrofl.VeriditgoOd a , , sgeh rhaaufacturer ortneebanio stud not be • olessifitstorrequireeto pay:the annoel,tax , and license as is.now , required relation, to' L'foreigp dealers, and:that t an apilaFltAiehm an, aitteriban or pailecrof ttie peace, er any person authorized,by s Ipy te,,ti4P4llVF-410 oath.orA s aftlFaitilliTh, t fat that such manufrietuken : erfacatehanie has not a storeor warehouse ap_art,from his mi , nufeetoPol6kork eient evidence ArrAttp[ttia mr,aiseaof mer ,tbaptile tax noLto so olassifrsaialnanynet , ure'rin: tookifienle , r . •ProisWidittikurarca' fin• inst. ter; provided:tor:3n thitt ehlYed .gulls,,y,,,O.,porligyma sai!keat44l,4.:lionk !taken inluiy legal prooceding.„..- ~ 7 1 :Ar ../g • _, QRGANIZED.—The pplilp:ele teµ Coup cll met on Friday evening lest, and ,organ.' wed by the eloctiori.ofC P:rl umrich, Esq.,. , ne - President.,.. Tbd`fol to w ingeeks :',Offl - y,V ere , ,nsu . 'then °loam!: for , ifie - ensuing-year ;:. .illork—Jos. M. Alien. Ogilby. - TaxColleetor—Simon„ ; 'Clerk of,Market—Jcilin Harder: .... . .; ;. ,Street ColOmissioner—M,liaa Donnelly. !' ROlichirieri'—Joitin'.Crdzier ; ...Myerti ell, • "Irojillitt..o re n; 11L.yersp . 5_11 dm*. and RObert bboaffor. • . An immense' stock of Wall Paperei Paper ,liangfagy; Howe& Fourth-and—MarliekSt•., its dive them a call. GRAND /%,itiqi , or THE IttiAtitr4o,-,' -A.lodge;'of this.organizatkin.waa:hatid:distted on Wednesday night; of this ' week. - The - corertiMi of intation:Was per forined by Col. Jennings of Hariliburg,. assisted, by .AlajorsL. S. • Hal. t„jebn „A. Waggoner, Captains J. T. Boyle, Wm. Hart and Charles' Slinglull ; The .l:4w Lodge is No. 114. We doubt not 'Alla much.good affeeted ! by, the orgniti . z.a 7 - Bon in our midst. =EI "Oh! that will be joyful i", •When men 'and_ women throw "Physic to the end-whehrmtriflemut of order, or topreiredt gettins outer order, take Plantation Bitters, Are you Dyspeptic; Nervous, Jaundiced, Hy'ppedi Low Spirited, Wook, or era you sick and . don't know 'What ails - you 1„ We bavo.beeni,' and wore .recommended to' try ':the Plantation Bitters, whieli we did with great - 'collie - ! - Mitire succesetiT , 'cote Females, Clergymen,-kerohnnts, Law yers, and persbns of, Sedentary MIAs, are particularly benefitte'd by • these - 43ittorp; The sale is perfectly enormous , ‘,- mar2B-2t, . ___lll.Asiiromti-WAT-n a—A-delightful-toile article—superior to (:'olngne• and at iudf the ME A FIXED FACIP.—That "Barrettiti Hair .Restorativo" overtopaeierything; and thol First fromium - over -all eorriieti tors in Now Hampshire. THE SHOE— BLACK 13111GAD,,--A• London institutioq,, doeigned.forAbe.refor mation of. this ill-clad end uncombed, yet _enterprising_ audlgood-_humored--clase- of boys, who propose at every turn 'to black yor- boots, Sir 1" is making many pcacabie conquests. Its trophies now numberlMnd reds—activo little fellows resat - lad froni . sin and ignorance, and moulded into useful metal-ors of Very. useful members are Messrs. Sen. .ART, PETERSON S'.; Co. of Philadelphia, the well-knew'n o . ppyl3 Pounders. Their "Bar— ley Sheaf" Cookiag .Stoirci has become an - "institution," and hundreds of families now rejoice in the possassion, of this most estima ble doinestic,:. - compcinion: - . - The "Barley Sheaf" burns either, coal, or wood, and is in every respect tbo "best:cook" in the world! Boware otimitations . ( 2 1 P c Or Sale bYß.hirtesmith,& Iliipp Carlislo,, Pa. If any of, ',Teadors .rard',promaturoly gray,.orl 'are troubled with , foiling, . haiT,'dandruff Or Aching of 'the - ,ectilt); .they. have only to pee Itings ;Vegetable nibrosla, sand their trouble'. Will ebtoi—be . Oirer. The preprrotion.iB .119 t restOrOr gray hair, bot'eno of tho moat elegant' hatidrAss ingii we 1111 Vg_pritr4la0;Ite:.-11191) by soft and fiiiriOratiiik 9.3o:fiir; provonbi prornatoro bianese and. in stores hhir to bald heads: -,, • ' Bor.th9 "Herald." • ' • [(ildnfur4dirr.fOni.), -The oh ildron of the White 111;11 soldiers' brphann', School, atid . attendlngteachen - s,- do 'sire to return, through_ yOureolumbs;: their gratefUl thanks to the, citizens •fifo , ,for kind . manfini by, '!Which. they:, wuro ,received'and entertained While," hn'their:late 'visit to that "plaice,' affords thOM J a thefido -uf ploiisa:nt conversation lot , incotint 'the tiin. toy friend who nought:theM' titid tools tha'tn herder tlteir,,parant l:.onto ~ Tfinipriilisio;.kass,l3anct •fbs . , their, kind rocept!Mi tho Mirs;Tri. escorting to the Hall - and - thrOugh'MWifi - : fibrin - discoursing music in the' Hall durind'the :Evening, Will liccopt - tliefr sincere They return .thefrisktftudii to.the Herald and Vo,Aufitiei‘,i. ffeltspatorn and compliyientary:tuntieba-'of ' To the committee who perfected- , all mr-; rangementanecessary . -for their comfort and and .Welfare,.. they offer . theirheartfelt 'thanks. It s fouhd - impo,saibleLln this, short space to give the names of. A number of the lit'dies - andgentietnen who'we're'sb act ive and untiring in their .effortato,make them'all. c'onArci.rta'bla. The ' y ca.nfouly. 'on .this oceadidn rott4n to ,411 their Airri4gn e d, kkl tbun.' • • • B us pv..E:sq iAT:q : 4T/itrESES, 134011LDE11,1311A0P3, krinkiik toga - I:lir *lid medicines, juet resPliad at Clottfmatv d' , Wort.lll)4. ton'erdiuglrpot#,lo.4w 'East Main . • I:i'WAREI4...I,I79%Ii(Er ',NYAR - Ej 1, are Atting otkei l lionnekioprit"iii_liNiniOnAsurif y r i an- Aniiii , dAlinrnis — Ducketii . A . Bleaeures—DaaliOt s id DrusLoo—linivos & Forks—Walters & Coffee Mille Lotiitra &Looking Giltolooh...43poono & VOttni Diaskini AaVii , bt 6144:4t/tki'l e l:Lr: . :4 rho tiTifittn*rything cheap at Win. DLAIR f;;.N$l3, , P. 4.;„4 . 1g1fe Ware r 1. • vat To TO, TErtiPI,TBLIO.., • , ri f acoura g e tndtyldua . ll enterpr4o find, yqvt •nill -eurb I 1 tl okop4 , piOjtko fifty o r hundred tong, to ',s6 ,s illCsittielow price as nr „ Pr d b lin T M A PPPieltrim! l .iletT.°l"AP Ya r . oari 0.:fv.)511 4,:11 • loactqa....ritgann,,,ai,•.-i 7 - ..71tt.t,' f ~. ' ~.,. 1:44) A _1.7„ t 8 81)8 I SBEDB I I—Commack dr , WorthingtoditiNdi ,7, ttikliati.etteet -lisve joist meeived the largest.aBd bee ilell49ponkp,KV/prirmactypssiabp'seellierarl,,,,O,', 11.1 Waal% !"I'Velfd keels ' itill:fresh`lXoi#ll## e tipi' 410 , .en 1F,A004 lit44lk ! :,,, . ...T, V,c 1: 1 . ',. . . , . . . . • -.LAW ,OF ESTRAYS.—For the inforttek_ ilon.:of:Odi\roaders, we publish the follow * sP.u?,pais of the law• rolatiye to stray: i-Persetikliaving eitray cattle or horsei: in heiripoidesSiort are liable In the sum of . , o.;:dolliiiii, and will receive no comports's, i iion fatfAamages or :costs, if Ulu fail to rerrortithe fact bAliktown Clork'Within - foile: days, and it is his duty to make record of the_ same,aubjact to the-same punishment ip de , ,fault thereof ._-_.11...th0. - __cuvrter=of-the=estray presents himself to the. clerk .oyithin ten: days, ho is entitled to redePve,Aisiiroperty 'on payment of charges. If after the .exp:-.- - ration - of that time; no owner - is found, - the rircra pc:weeping-tip? ogrjfffiletelfdired to advertise. it; and if within sixty days, there mftermef-orvirieTlippliiiiiqtbis-on iiiking. AP:,-t.-4C,sanlq siklig •nplilk.o ioqiiakce:. ettbo_ peace iii thb township, who Is required .to issue his warrant to.a-tcuastablefwbo.faftar.. giving ten days' ifotide is required • blAsell. thesame—the meneylor.,which is toVefiald; 3 fite;tifii - Iffiliaii'74; . th a Jlieti ea . of- th (I_ Peace 2; who Is'to pay - all reasonable charges for tips cost of - keeping,_ registering, - -advertising; sellipg, (te,,,•,apcl„„the_balanceiif..therm:lO, ';,to ' be paid into,..the 'ctiii,rty;trbasiirY. ) . , . .., . 121321 I=l -0- mat23-2t IZEIE =Mil 1.-- ---11/IARRIED • MOORS— 'r the ,. tlth,f Alan& 180 e, tablhe ieildettee_ty the bride's . % Grandfather, Win. W. ,I.llBirk, Esq., bt , the Rot. T. ' Duet Moore , Nodded by .' V tgrn t o r n e r : 4' ib tl ett a t i lil ° l.l ,girs,Rettan.Littale Stdwart Of litilte r t n i'dounty; • ' the , 2otir loot., it' West k'Afriiii7 by:Res.& needier, Mr. Daniel „Kill hotter:6f Met EntrvEin, to MIRE Kato Ilachnlen, of Winn •, ' • ;• , :'..-','!'3l.a ißkl'T.A'.,11 p OSO MARIka • . • •. : • 00011010 Afaieb.2lllPlBoB. dd ' ~ ~, 777 do' t MYR ~. , 'WII.I.T.NIV.REAT.„ AND -" 'DORN ..... „ . - A - 113. OLOVER.BERID....„, ' I "NdOTHYSN.r).:, . .. " _ a.i llLLto .. '2 .... ,•.. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. • ; „. • TomPelF.:3larob 31,1868. • Cottoritoilriiiiiitliii recant, advancer. -- Salarof 2,000. -Wei Middlings at 275328 niatlpland and New Orleans. Gam MIS —Sugar is In steady &Wand, Sales of 140 - iiihds Cuba at,10V,011.c . :.: 160 lihdaPorto Rico at 12.% 45 1314.6, and.Oh balms Ifavauli at 14 a.% In Coffee and 'Molasses no'nbiolgo.,• • • There le a Foiy IRM fooling In tho Flour market and a moder r atudekroo of activity. Thu inquiry Is entirely -fur hada coneurriptien, i,and•l,6oo barrels were talon, • chiefly oictilf fatally Incliang Northwestern at' 810 ® 11.76. •I'mpla and' Ohio at $lO 4512. 50, and fancy brands at $12,75 @ 16,, also superfine at $7 7608.60 and extras at 58.6059 75.' Rye. Nlonr :commando $8,50450 per barrel.' '.{Va:quoto br andywina.Corn'Meal at VI • •".The stock of wheat Is exceedingly small, with cor responding retellita;:.and ler good and prima lots tho 'demand is step iy'at; full prices.. Saes of 1,500 bushels Southern:ond Pesos: Rod, at $2,7045276; Mon SOO bat:M old . cholcoTelaivare amber at $ 2 ,80.Ry0 le dull. Small solos of ganati. et $'5,5345185. Corn is In modorate-do- 'mond. Br of 2,600 busliele yellow at s l .lB®l.2o."and 0,000 bush Is Western atsl,2o. Oate aro'wlth out assent al cimnge. -- Salee of 2,000 bushels Parma find Delaware at B.skeBs n. '.Ssens —Clovarhotollo luactivo-Vid-weak.—Sales-of— loffbinilieis at $O. - 110' for common.and 67458,25 for-fair 'and chnien Fanna..and Western. Timothy ranges from $2.502,60.. Flaximod sells at 22,05. Wiiiitaf.r,-.l.rices are nominal. • SEE'LTAILIVOILLOES. TO' all persons' In want of lIODSEFORNISIIIMG GOODS - do not - fall to call At. .the .Enterprlslng Dry Goode Eniporfum n14111..k011 & ktILLEIS, as they kayo Just recel'ied the largest stock of Carpets, 011 Cloth, Wlndnyr„Shad4s, Ofrhsg tiress Oohs, &c., 'have over boon opened in the town, TO Y CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A WILSON 'will Send (free of charge) to all wlio desire It, tho veseriptlon with tho directions for maitliag and using the slmple remedy 'by which he was dared ofp, Ihrlg'' affection and that dread dlsease Consumption, ills only object Is to . benefit the afflicted and.he hypos every sufferer will try this preset iption as It geost nothing, and may prove ahlesslng.- Please address ltsv. /COWARD A, No. 165 South Second StretP4, Williamehurg;NowWlLSOSL York. mayl7 61-Iy. - " " • ObLGAT4 & 00.'S.‘ it 6. RASIVE SOAP •yi fa nufacuturad.frOm PURE HA trALS, and may bo con atclerabo STANDARD OP EX. .•. I OELLEWE.:.For Bale by all OrocaPeN,"" Mly 17, 1t167-ly 17'611:r ITGIIII lAp H . SCRATCH! SCRATCH SCRkefi I I ' from 10 ip 45 hours, Wheatori'm Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Olntnient cures 'Salt Rheum liniment cureC.Tetter. I Wheaton's Ointment .cursor Darbetc. -- Whrathri wo cures Orr &ales. Wheaton's Ointment cures Leery kind of . kumor like Magic. • • Price, +SO cents a box ;by mail, 00' cents. Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street, Roston, Mass." ,Percale by all Druggists. - 'I 4 I RFAiI _OF :CiIARGE.. A. /3011ADBLA, N 0.35; South Hanover St., Car lisle Pa.,is curing. all who co to him of -Toothache, Headache. Neura/gla and Earache, with Dr. Rock's Pain Vietcr. .Free of charge. cio and to cured. .. Bl i rTEßS.—lrt the-Medical world, now-a.days, DU -terser° 'ail the rage. In ono form or another, under one namo or another, they and their staring adver tisements aro everywhere. tehe found, professing to the ills-flesh is Itsir-to,-fromk bump:on-thiTihead - to the small ins. 'Of their efficacy in general we know nothing, but there is ono variety concarning which wo bear praise from ail.' WO tefcrto land's Gorman Bitters. This is n o ore propara. Mon of some soft of liquor and bitter barbs and barks, but a Medicine designed for Diseases of the Stomach and Boric% and of great power find Usefulness. We have not made these assertions without Consulting those who know, and are competent to JudgC, and they all fully math:vie what .we say. The above fcirfaiks are copied frost the Ediforiaf tons of the “E.l OLE," Poughkeepsie, N. F. ' You will recollect that 1100.PLIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is entirely free fro& any alcoholic ingredient*. Hoofland's German Tonic Is a Combination of all the Ingredients of tho Bitters with -- pure — Santa -- Cruz — ltnat, -- oranga,7anta-.---- It is used for tinCsame dlseaso as the Bittern, in eases whoro soma Alcoholic Stimulant is necessary, and ' makes a preparation delightfully pleasant and ugreo. Aldo. ^ _ Principle .011ce, 631 .Arch • St., Phil's. Sold ovorywhoro 13-marlm I J NFORMATION. ~, _,.pittryintion guaranteed .to produce a luxuriant , g - Vowth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, 'alsda recipe lot Mb; removal. otmPimplea, Blotch* Eruptions, etc.,onthe ablu,'_leavlig_the' RllllO soft, clear, andibeautlful, can be obtained - viltlieut' 'ctiatge ;by addressing- TI109:1 7 . OFlAP3l,ol;fCimiiisf; • Broadway, mayl7 07-ly NEW V:ERTISEMENTS. 41 BEIVI'B HA L.ll t yhursday;,, Friday and SaturdaY, ..:APRIL 9TII, 10TH and 11TH.- PROPESSOR 'HASELMAYEti, PRE,STIDI'GVTATEUR. . , Preceptort of all the celebrated .34gibians who have recently, appeared in tbieconntry t including fierinane and Elai:ti,' and iinivin:: sally pronounced to be the perfect mal.tor of ~ ~ . . . • - ART DIABOLIQUE, - - Will- give - three - of - hie popular' entertiiiii. monis in milliell' ere combined-both . MAGIC AND MUktC, Introducif eachilveping Mei, original and wonderful Musidal .Tnstrpment galled, the, STLYLOCAIIPE. ' • And presenting a: series of opitirely, now, and Budding fents,:of ' Legerdefitaia' ditYZ Asiatic .I%cronzantic 71Iusions.. . . • • • . . - ... Ipelnding.the Mysterious Advontuies of ( ,LITTLE ' J A.4I., ,R t. ' I6ipir '1 ADMISSION, .' —: ~., ' .' . 60 . cts GAL VARY, .• • .---.-•- •.. . • , 86 cts boore.open. at 714 to . :C9sii:nteile4o3. • • • b 1 Miller and Stone Dresser, le In want , a situation. • Deference last employer: ' • '''' tTS'pottli - l/tki Street, rhIA; - ; .41•08 , bt: - 5:130.A.P.A8 of thelotoOk of Bret -NOtlonsillank of Carlisle: hi. 'tor tbrmo , apply !to • ,I, ; , 'sypragray . , tr fiAt!LISIt. Liit,... I Inhoft's . tshtitnii;,E4' 'PrOtolit attotitlbn"p Id to legal bust.. • .malts of ititleterh?tloin; ' _ . B re S E ,• OMDObiILING-o.llwVilTTErStirPgint./iNB9 . 0 .844.1) CATE! • • 6ttßl4tlSle, ihq Ohre ' . ' •!. Cuinbarlint'd Pti...tatirlittlAY.'aetiti4lo,lBBB, at ;the Court„-Bottip, l 4l',:lhe Corough or Carlisle, • by; orden , ofllio" ..Cdurt -of Common Pleas - of said .coUnty,liiiiddfliroceedlogain partition. The groundS •;.'" aboht • coolish; about 89 acres porches. The buildings are • ig,Lreealu.length, by 80 In W,ldtb,•lfith WWI( ' • of about/50.feet, with. brit and cold water baths, and tor' SOO .irialtors.-„Thase;,! Nur Inglarer if itblir. alight hoursithielzir,Washleatitos,', thiltipierelybliadelphikaud Jurkr atii..arii 90111.6b1Parr06,V4':f:r • ' Teams or;' , ,oetV„—Tr,fittty,por„ cent.. arlietirldclullf s off,' Ain.: ladadee oul9t. APrii,,SBoo -, W/th' talirdat;'.o . bo' sec:Vied reeoguilifirme. , o 1 4 11 4 08 W' P94PVIon r .1,51 am: ndo !" o Won•26.utll! 4 • lomar4l, .• 44YLOPMV ti 11 00 .......... ... ..... .7 60 2 50 • .G 290 .1 60 100__ 70 ..0 00 .. 220 -.216 446 1651