RATES OF ADVERTISING: Ono iiiquitra. one insertion, Nor each additional Insertion," Mereantilo tillvertimients, • Logal Noticen, Proiessionniciudg nithout Obituniy Notlees and Communion Ong to matte,.nof vat° interests 01)00, 10. cents per JO .1 PRINTING.—Our Job Printing Office 7e the -a ettn;t and most contpleto establishment in the . Porir - good PrOsSen, and a - general variety of Mae:dal suliod ter plain and Fancy 'work of every eunblon unto do o d e r Printing at the 'sburtest _rtotico, awlin the o reasonable farms. persons Ix want of Bins, tlan'its, or anything in - ,the, Jobbing tine; will Owl It to their-Interest to giveAutri _PROFESSI6NAL _CA_RPS: TT I S: PATENT AGENCY. C. 1. ',carrion, 21 111aln,Streot, Cutlisleira.;dicecutor . drawing's, spectficutions. lc., and procures patenti for inventors. , _llfeb tr•ly. - DAM. ..ICELLlllRTlittorogy•_at 7 Law I's. 0111cn Penrose 'Eng. Rlaionfn flail. - supt.'27 07-f.an* . J. NE. WEAKLY • tEARLEY 'B6 SADLER'. A TTORNEY,S AT LAW, - Office No. _CA 16 Snnth lianor.Sr Arcot Carlishi Pn., novlh 07 . • o. P. mfmracu.- WM, B. PARKER - HUMRICH & -PARKER. TTORNEYS- AT LAW. Office on ntaiq St., in Marlon Hall, Carlisle, Pa. G. N. LELtZHOOVER, ±ATTORNE Y- AT LAW,._and . Rea] ,listato,',A gent t ,ShtpzrilatOyin,ileat_Yl 41a-Prompt attention given to all business in Jolter. son County and the Counties adjoining it. . January 10, 1800.-1 y.- • • E. BELTZ}IOOVER, Attorney at, law Wilco in Smith ilintovar street, opposite • Bonta's dry good storo Carlisle; Pa. - " ---September-0,-11i64. TAMES - A. DtJNI3AIt," Attorney -at, ty Law,. Carlisle, ra. Office •in No. 7, ltheenes 11011 _ - duly 1, 1804-Iy. JB. Attotapy flt Law, Saint Piul Minnesota. Communications train 0 East properly responded to. . .. .\ \ T . .. D. ADAIR, Attorney At' Law, f ri . fA c rin e a ,.... r 4 -i r t e c o o . with A. D• Sharpe,Esq,-, No _....,.--May Y",:( ' ..71y. t . - . '- - - --:-4 1 -ISEI_ TN MR, Jr., 'Attorney a NA - q t " n - ft, Law aStd 4urvoyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 011ie° on , Itoh Road StrooNtwo doors north - of tho,Bank., t.s,R.l.lusinosti pri.4mptly all,Lnded to. , 0 ;fulyl,lBo4. - 1.% IT— R. MIL 1 ER Attcancy at Taw. • 011iCeln TlAthllon'o building ininulia . oly . op °site tho Court ilovipo. • 2Duov 67.1 y . A CIiARLES E. MA CII7AI.I4IItIN, :NC,lorney _at Taw, Olab 111. - th omp'folimerly oacupiel by-.ludg'ir Graham. 11 . HER-Nr - A - NTAiro'mbyit,Tta - ki , .;,gi 6. 9 ,11.lieun'a • KAMILIir N, ;Jr., Itforney at Law. 01:11en; with Hon. IVA Hepburn, Nain Et: - Carltslw Pa, July .1,160 i. 7 AM MENNEDY, Attorney :{V, No. 7 South :Itrivhet Square, C:111 I,le, Penna. Aprll. MESE - - W. 51. B. BUTL'Elt,"AtTirilty;Llt LIP.; - e - _---tilTg:lStates4,berimlco Pa. ed.!run tes; i linok w . Pa l y promptly collect, - tentkenn ;:r e N e v i lir)ir. med'''L'. „ No fee required until the delta is settled: Feb. lith, 18G7—tf. - Trift. GEORGE_ _B. SEA t 1 1 . " Dentist, from the Balt' MI r•moretlollagdof Dental SuFgaiy. at the residence Ofide mother, Ens bomber street, three doors below Bedford. July 1, 1804. • :,GlllO,. W. N,EIDICH, D. D. S.- Mtn Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of the • an , -• Baltimoro College ..of --• • 0 11Ntren,„„, , _ . Dental Surgery. • • • ItierCt ---- Offlorrstt - hisvesitlenotr " " Vet t &In street; iislo,Pa. 'wealth Marlon Hall, July' t; 1804. rhn. HARTZIML, Allopathic Phsi if clan and Ammon our, having permanently lo catod In Leesburg, Cumberland county, I'a., respect. fully offers his professional dq micas to the public.— Special attention given to diseases of women and rhii dron. • - • 'REFERENCES. • 11011 N G. OUIGfC, M.D. - Waynesboro, Dr. SAMTIEL o.' LANE, Chambersburg. Ilan. ED. IIIePIIERSON, Gettysburg, ISAAC Waynesboro: • " S. D. FROUT,Z,,,Waynosborb. - -- Alwitys found 1u Wotilee when not otherwlie professionally engaged. Juno 21—tf. 001 7 1E8 AND TIN-MARE. HOUSIKEEPERS ATTENTION persons inten - dlog to go to itouLvt:eeping use in vltett to col Lot , 'WALKER & tJLAUDY'S ESE TIAT A ;VD , 8 'IV-VE ASTOR - No. "18, West and'exaniino their Immons, WARE, aindoverythlng In of 'laving groatlY enlarged o‘ ring intsi. nese by scouring the. ...1 . 9, West Alain :hoot, add having just received large invoice. _rifLthe _latest_ and bast devices" in the Heater, Stoves .Tipwnre and Japanned Wars lino, we foul fAllyjusti‘ fled In the statement that 'wevian accommodate • ' Alt Classe • s of Customers morn at:lsfactorili tL.ui any simflar,establishnient in tlll!conntry. In the stove lino we offer the fallowing: , ••. RApur.n.von,. - -; - • ,EXCELSIOR PENN, • • • ." - COMBINATION, • • NOBLO COOK, ' OITY. These are all first-class f.oves, which we will war rant _to doxhat they are recommended far; but we -have onlyrepace to speak particularly of one . or 'two ivhose merits deserve especial mention., THE REGULATOR COOK which possesses advaut igen which should soconnnend it to all. It ban a letrniviiig Top; by which arrange misnt tho'coolo don ravesse the cooking utansiln to any position desired without the ti fling of platoo and vessels I , 7lllcl:otter stoyesrequlre. _lt to deeldeilly'the best cook stove inthe market. Wo have also CD lined a larg, stud; of r."."' OFFICE," PARDON AND DINING ItOO.M STJOVES among - urgirli nut} , boiound tbo colebraten base burn . , MORNING ;GLORY! lutist :beautiful, Office. and 1.-'arlo • 'Stove eberoffqed,:to ilte . . . . . Too muchcannot Ip.sal.d.in...nr . a.lau ortko iltoltY, which pp iitr .. 4itra.taXdn .tbp UT). of OH of er stoves In tliO roarkot.: It 113 • •', ' • , GA: S (TO IX -If Di RR , . . . burns It own chler, iiid :riopilras „iory'ilttlii,:tittern. tion after thu fire lo , mtuie,ft biiliiii so nrraziked dolt it xlll ,- , ~. .. . . . . , FEEVITS OWN COAL 1, , •To Dablo.to no oltPfnoloninf :gas, and le prialtlvoli _ . tho only.stovo , the Inarttot wh,lch boo the cidobratO sill othoranra counterfeit Imitations.' 4, 14.• In the r TfN WAItE and 'JAPANNED WADE' line; • • we hnOp constanly, ,on hand of cini.ow,n.land forolon nninnfacturoi the very latest and , beat patterns, and male of tho vory bust material* carufnl.,"noittmou kin(lB. of 'BOOPLAV, • • •' l ;r,l gondralJohhin#,proinptiy 'ottontliid to. ?Don't' forgot No, 18, West 14t4iri. atioot: • ' 'Bums ';,Fillmonic Wafers,' IYT itAIBTONV D0c.11,/800 2.5 00 9,00 7 00 YOL. 68. :./IHEEM ISS DUNBAR,- Editors tm.dPropil.cAtm's SPONSLEIT - S` COL U4ll-1V: A. . tZSPONSLER, Real Estate Await, Seilvetier, conveyabres Insur ance and Olndm Agent. Office Mtn Street 'Neat Centre Spero. lA/ANTED —sl,ooo for one-year on Realllstate security, lii= FOR SALE , . A trial!' valuablo Timber Lind cobtainirqt DNB HUNDRED ACRES, lying °till. South Mountriu 3. miles above Mt. holly, known ao lhc - steunimw m ilt properly,. Tho tract is most favorably located, easy - of of access and the timber of tale Lest quality. t For termite., apply to . A. L. SPONSLEII. .. _. . F OR RENT.., -- • . .. . . . ~,A ), i A desiradle suburban Itesithauto on 7,1,,,,,, . . West Loather ' , street, Carlisle,: con- -0 if; i t .t . taming two neres Of . ground, having - d I 12 2 ,_ tli - Orkiffiffat - iirit - tottFtftary -------- a - 1 - - p - :- FRAME HOUSE, te2 l A , ltt...:` , Stable, and other outbuildings, in good condition wltlf.abundlnee of fruit. - . Rent $2OO, to ho well securod, rayablo quarterly. Apply to - - A. L. SPONSLEII. I Miihr-PaTegit-itritritiftirefflrilailr. • • • FIEST MORTGAGE 800 DS, Interest iPayable Senni.AnnuntlYinlAnlA.,. Subscriptions received by 4. 1, - . - SPONSLUIt, , the Company's financial agent at Carli,lE • --Thi , se - bonda baring been recently ,old for Ninety cents on the dollar, were, on the ;;lat ot Jan aary, ad vanced to 05, and on the :ICU of Vehruaryw rr a4alu advanced from to 11.10 toll ) e they al a' now held and regarded as the lariat I ttort ment iu MI, country. F , i .13, -- RAI, E.-- Ad I GOV pro I_,,rSALE. on ,orth ho Lairs 2 , f .loh, . h : '1122 , aim; :21.212,10J ii.ot in lima anti 2224., Ju 'bpi L. ILo mprovritai.2th aro a Irmo at..:ry 12%.4 1171 - 17 • nu i Dal 1k cf eft ok? S 'l' 0 . . . _ :1,1 c o t hoof- cons o coioult out 0n1001it,, ,. , ith .o1,0.0u: co 01 fruit apol Flo ultbor, 'this proxft V Viet 1, , dIS-. A. L.. , N.Y.\ ,LI.IL 1.01 1.-tarn AVo il'„ ' , . A1..1....,..1 la Illi'L lor th.o lo or-. • , 1,[J.1i.1;141 TO W-N, E.-; 1 1 )4^ I .N:GE - :• , c'nncoa on %vnst, rnn - rct ictrec.t. tcriczr - 11.,• ou,lt .•: i'as • 'Hi • I.;,1 cw,l:llt,s;.o 1.1 zi itt In `.7)1 i c cAlcc. c rcccnl co , . ccc t,‘lc-Pc cry '..;Ccit Is — lll7l . ccccc. zw:all,l five , n.rt1.11. , ,, , 1,10, boh4li n . . . tout.i.•i. our 111.0110. i -- A o uul Cart I!•.rtrici, ;104 th.or., ;Ind r of That,' lita potisidoi..ttto r•; such as AKIN., untlttr hiflo house.: and a fine 11141: t a 'as a Upt o nfln li pad. For optilt. to - • • A. 1.. SllR,,i,te;;; Eittatr itent. ti - Opt2T6t. • - • VAL UABLE C A SLATE FAB • AT Pill VAT :Situate on the North bldo„and parily.4undnd by for Cognuduguinet ciiiiii,about 1 mile:, ''Ai rest , o aailnuingjalid - Intely - ;pert: the lirdpc , ..t.y - Itnoun as "ZIGLI:II'9 M.l.l.l.6'''colitaining about. 130 l of wllich are ,y rollout meadow, or eruct: bottonklarid,. and about 51.1 AClai6 el which, ern covered with. good Writer. The impbbfenuinto area largo Weathiorboarded Livening honor. contain ing eight rooms and a iiitchun. A large Bank Bain, Wagon Shea, Corn Crib, Hog Lou, Carriage noose, Wash HOUw and other convdnlont • out-unildlogs. Air exTailleut youn 0 apple orchard, besides, other fruit, midi as Pear. , Peaches, Cherries, lirapes This in one or the most productive farms in the township mid the liiention the most desirable uspeSially for the raining of stock. The loners are In ood order, there being between OW and , 7UU pannels of board, and post :too rails: The land has all been recently limed over, part of it it becond nine, and now in the Light, ntate or cultivation. 'And will be disposed of upon reabonablu terms. Fu: CPl'lll,lll4 further particulars enquire 01 ' A. heal EslUe Aeon ep 2,7 The 1:4 cis a R 71 qTop , T , r.ii 1. 4 (1'1 ; . jygwotY l lo tin oirlelh'rs. toill ... • • • • - quickly restore, Gra)%' Flair a • ;to its.natural..color and beauty, And Produce luxuriant growth. ft is • perfectly harmless, and is preferred —.over every_other_ preparation those Who have a • fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it, •• The beautiful Coss and perfume • imparted to the Hair'make it desirable. • - fOr old and, yottn. ror, Solo by.-‘,ol,"l•lrrarglgig.: iftroTol,)S3 0 infiENAYKITS'it.,, N. y. • r o. • • rrg. UM ISIEZI =MIN 17)12, - Y" Goo:Dr.:2, AT A UCTiOS: , -I= lisraby ailuounco - who do tire Lou' gains, that 1-mill oegno.mt ll'odi.caday• dom, March 4, at 2•. o'clock to rot my very lc rof ctoch o DitY 601)DS'nf publid a fiction. •lit this largo orcortdhont of goods- ovoril hi ng uctl 'ed and heads' of , ! 116 'LB Salo to rofrimouro; at 2 -n'olocit -P. Sl.,Gri . .l:ll.ircli 4. ,and VIII Lo continued each afternoen sod evenlug. final itll.la disposed of. , Tile Mains irlll Le lll*3lll,'Ss • ,Od under sl6,efish onl dellvtisfof the goods; en eltlalls.eflt. Itud'plavards 'flutes will Lu taken -gapadefullinitorltliapProved ireffilty ;15 nixMOnills; at t,i sueninnsodate my %patrons . I*lll fledust If DM. ' ccria." • •nar frdfn the' idlls that . 0 - 2cord•sl:i to Ahoifty'peißdnalbao doslri) - ,my. store , is Virgo laid facittnedlcas d will 'Lave heiltii-prapred reicrfC fdr thd ladice,•• I • • • ' ,Dll DT 2. 1.8_98 ‘ ..,227,. ' • ' ; ' , 221 :. . Atifc: 7 - • -..-- .. , v.. ..;. ( ,- ~ Gorman-Seed -. , 50re,,, ,_.. -,-- .._ . . • _..r. • FAEI244 6EIO,IAIt mad ovum • ; - -. Fi6l4 Gitrdop ' 4' Flower 'Beede . i.. .' l i mit, pictito and Ornamental Treel. ... ~ . Warranfalfreth quti . y,' Les/qua/10 - . _.at lourcarprtcetby. I . ' . . .. • . . . • . . ... ...* LOWS TQTTRSTY. & CO,. ... , . . 22f :11:ilitlr fieeregd-Str.',"tet.'ltitee'&, Vliro . .'• • - .. :.. ... ' --': • ' 411ILontrantrA 1. , .. .. . • . . . N. It. Critalouo scut gratis. •. . - . ' ' • • ES p O itgSSIIIG' , and Oontlomon'e. ° ° .16,18U5. hT nAvintsnoic,,a• MI I‘r I ) • r InceSS. .. . - -•—: •:•- '-' ' -: 1,-'' ' ' - 1:111. - ' --'. -,-- -....„-• : . .. 7- :1," •- ayi ... 'T .. : ' Q '.-'' ~..- =z ' 'AA :,.. A :-.,•7,-K, z:: , ..-..6 .x .,,,.. 1 .,( ..., ...... Hr .-.,,.._ ;... ...... :0%. 2. - : :I,f- :-.;:. -- ! . q 4 -;-. : , i ... . ~..--,::::: f:' ~..' - ."- ~,, A- f ,-.:-. f ~.. I.;?; %,, -- . l i , t t ~ 1 ! ..1 I At: ' iT., - 1 , . . . .., ... . •,' ~. ' ' ..' ''' '' 0 ... 't ' ... 1 * ' ''.: 5 411/ :. .' ' : .: ,i s ,s. - ' ' ~.. . .. - . • . ~. , ... .. , . - .- , .. . . D r.-090-bs: GO OD NEWS 1 ODOD NEWS CiltßATf :DECLIATE:IN PRICES -' "AT:TaIITINDW AND CHEAP CASKSTORE, • -•-• - ••- • Cologini - 61. - I!ANOVEIC ANDromylllir Hoofland's Geriman-Tonia. The tiubse rib r_wo ul cl respectfully Inform the put, lliftliatliirra leeching made dally frota - thaTasturn - MICR, a large lovolce of Now and Cheap Goode, such . . LA . I)I E S ' DR.ES, S. G-0-0 111 S , Frenell Me;•lnoti9,. _ . , . . Moll:lira, ...., _ Fpplins, - - Black and- Fancy - , .. ~.. ... s. -,- s -- French Ileppn, • . . . Plain and , • Fancy Do Lathes, • - • • . Plain and Fancy. .. ; Alpaca, . ' .. Poplins.' - ^ -•-• 7 A-- -S4I — A - • W - 14 8.1 341, A.ANT- 1Z..!-- - BROCITA LONG AND SQUARE, LONG AND pQUARE:WOQtENS BREAKFAST SHAWLS in great variety __. ' , and very clienp:, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES 1 . French,. -- .. . . . - arm:M.llo ' - - -- American CR&!is, . - , . : Black and ••• Fancy Cas'simereft, .Doeskins, Black audirancy - , .. • Over Coatings, Sattinetts, • Kentucky :Joann, • ' Undershirts and ' . • . Drawerc. DOMESTLOSI si,fl Uonnt. pa nntt Ct.( i•inukkl,, • YID ;cl:ed and " • • - 173:111mehodMilo, 1 , 1.111.,, Cheeks, • . • TtiF; I I 'CB E k 0143 IN= HA NOV EN AND L'O 1:T, ET STREETS, Oho becupludby I:. II i Co. • MOM '- i A S',E I ' (1 ', -", !I ! r . - • I hay, 11.1 ,1;y - carame ....,1 ~ hit,: of lay entlre stork , 1 1,1,.1 /.0 I ,aI. a I % isle raill:u.'l ;at Ires ior.ra , ll. 1 , 1;1. Cll. :-1,:.1.1 . 1,1LL , , . . lIIIIIL'Ii. '‘1 , 01., PLAIDS And Cwt. Llnilseys, &e., tot very tett. 1, C4.1..0'111'4 'CASSIIVIE HES e S 1 N .ETTS, ,Ory low. 17nw4•r thal:t eveisoltl.l”-Ciirlfsla: 7. ri-kings L Gil yhtnus~ .. . • .Cheeks, e;rtidpit . Nan vi , • - _ at the veer I FC price, laest miIko : CALICOES, 121-ets As my stn, Ic ltns been bought Mace the great—de ellue in gi eat bargains may Its expected. Some article days tl;nu cest..tu xvluce. my-at:los,as WM-as_ pal4l.lle ! - -• • CHAS: oaitiiv, No. 47, Weat.Malu StratA. , SHOES-I LADI MIC;FTS and CIIILDLEN'S Boots and hoes, of the very boat makes, at cost to close out the •tock. C. O. 1867. , SPRING. • IPG7, ARGAI S - `NON OINININII IN DsIIRESTIIC 000 1 0 S, D1, F 50 GOODS, _ CASSIMERES. SATINETS, JEANS, • AVIIITE GOODS, DIINS ZEPHYRS, . 7tIItDOSS,- --• -- NOTIONS, AT - RING'S NEW STORE, • No, 55 WEST MAIN STREET. • • Opposite tlf6 :\lturion Douse, next to -Post Offleb, _ e r . IENT'S F HING . • .‘ . _ AND \ VARIETY STORE • -No. 1:;---8ateth -Thrnover-Street The sulmrrlber helisleave to inform gentlemen and housekeeperb soil thep LOAM generally, that he has now and will keep constantly ou hands, a large and elegant es,p, lment of PUUNISHING GOODS, such an Cotton Merino.and Woolen Hilrti and Draw-, era, ilonloriess all binds, Black and White Kid Gloves, Thread end ether Cloves, Neel, Ties, Suspenders, llenta"ftaveling Bogs, Linen and Paper. Collar,, Culls, •Ac . . - Also, HOUSE FURNISII -INO 000D1 , , couhlsting i poet of Cedar and Willow Chamber vets, Brushes and Combs, all ;duds Ulm,. I:whets, loot Tubs, Soaps, 'Vellum -mi., Pena, Mationary, ,c,f. Don't }'argot-the stand, N 0.1.3 :lentil Minevor Steen, two doom, South of Wraduneed's GI wry Store, - Carlisle, C. ID:Tropp. ma 1 .21 67-If, . OON 01.1 T PRY GOODS MEN ' • ' 7th TITE PUBLIC. l'aYeju,,t rot urnud hein the Nast etilit my Spring ', t i :, and usind, Ima f.ollMg floods a little cheap tan any titer Dry Goods !louse in town. I do ,„..„11.,i n l e ~a ry to occupy a column of news• to efolfinvor-to, C. - cep up my reputation for soil cf..raa if offle. nor lig) 1V11 , 11.1.0 ICtort any clap trap tee roit thc_public.....lll Last,: of them. to .c:ill'aud e,..loints for (11%110,1m,, and [(riot fatigled with the net to • 1.•oy. I Zmoember the stand- No. 32, ao ,, r s , root, m•x f - drier to lir. Ifieffer's, and r Hardware • Store, • ' P.. . I ,1 it f..y nellona - abaut my third and fourth • 110 '11.71.1.ES .;; LY AN lAII t YIT L. 1 1 2/ Ch 11 . 0.7,70. 0:t ItANurEit AND I,Ol.lTILt,li I= !Ow k..f 'Ohio well known 'nt.t.oth.o to hosionsi hopo to ru,elvv ow! okaro of thi,publie pat rollil; V lag luag ~ , ..I)vritlncell In tile buolnuts, 1 h,0,• gonoral hothilikethm to nll who , til p , tf , l/...0 too. All niy old frionds and auquoin -1,111105,N,.. cordially lovitod—,:trl to loony nnw °llea do: irollt , of a holpitublo rreoptlon.. ' .('-, , tillargeN,rc.a...oottblii, nod arvonknindationti for, plea and hurrpn ' -. iprlill r.,7 -1 y iIII3EIII..AND VALLEY HOTEL, O.IIIIIAIN DEDFORD STS,, .OARLISLE. 'l2lnr_undsidenettdeslres_toinfernChisfriends and the traveling public rhat,Lo; has takori charge of this wall known stand, and Is premed tO sccousodato vis itors Iv Ith Loading, and lodging. on reasonable terms: Ills labia Is supplied with the best the ruark,ot uf. - fords. - -bar contates the oholeost of Ihfuern: Ills departrilentiii'are 'connuodlons , end Pirn-litii stable lain shots (dh earufdi and esporleneect - ostlor, ,and he hrlies,tu,be ablo toglve sulks satisfaction to all bin Flasks. ' ~ • ,JOON IL FLOYD.- iday3,67 ly." '. 1 7 1 . U T S . ll 0T E , — Late‘BPally `ILo use, flouNuit. kITATII' froili of 1-ic ' I). Jr. 111/TCIIISON,PN,Vr.: f • liarrimbUra, S. A- ("), K. ST AU 1 0 . F Elb • • ; '• IFatelontacei anti : jiltuelettit,.._, IsTO. 148. NonTH. S.i.{%Q.cat. me Qi.rAnxt-i, PHILADELPIIIIIA., An numitmotit 'ot 19atchoe;" JC'wolryi allvor apkt .:1"Infod Ware . oh •liautt: BijiT4llLE' FOR' ITOLIWAY.PRIP3I3I , ITB . 01)...RerniOng 4 . lYritihen pail:l44ly attoadod' Odoci 07•17.* . krooFEAN_rys 81,71TER5.,! , HOIIIIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by-Dr. C. M. SACgsoN, The Great Remedies for' all Diseases LIVER, STOMACH, OR Hoofland's German Bitters . , le eompoecul of the pure juices (or, nitliefitro male!. 3___, tinily termed, lie - 7 trade) of R. ocl to t 11-e rit oit na-linrks ; —nut king—n-preftnra-- tion, Ilitaily - 0011111T ',., , . ti. - to, and - entirely free/r e n t A feetielie F - Fii...c..3 admixture of any kisui. . . 110 . 0FLAND'S GERMAN TONIO; la n combination of all the Ingredienta of the 11Mere; with the purest quality of Santa .Crua Eon, Orange, etc., making one of the most pleasant and agreeable' retertlled ever altered to the polite. Tho: , e preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic nd mi:lype, will vse. Hoofiand's German Bitters crtscs of nervous depresslon - csiliiin . eotne nlrolioYlo — moos:$:11.3) . . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN - TONIC - The Bitters or the Tonle me both equally good, and contain t 1 o ,:111111 medicinal The stomach, front a variety of rouses, ouch no hull get-tion, Dyttpepoln, _Nervous — 'Debility, etc., to vrry apt to te,"St have 'lto funetferns deranged. Tbe'result tv ° , of which Is, that the penult sullen front reveral or more' of - . rollowhntAll,eascat . _ . 1 110 L A ,_ll - Alt PER Constipation. !Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to_the_He_ad, Acidity__ of the Stomach, Zirturen,...Hea-I.t -burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness Olk. , Weight. in the Stomach, Sour :Eructations, Sink _ inv.. or Fluttering at the Pit of -the Stomach; Swiminirig of the Mead. 'Hurried or - Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the. Heart, -Choking- or Suilbeatina Sensationh when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of-Vision,- - Dots or ',Webs before the - Sight, ° ._., -Dull Pain in the—Head,' Defi- • - Money of Perspire Gen, Yel- . • - lowness-'of tee-Skin 'rind - B e the Side , fELD 'Back.,Chest; - eto. „ S d e n .-.*Flu s has. 0f..--" 'Burning. in the Flesh, Constant fmagmings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits.. .. . . .. There reined I eb will effectually cure Liver Col aint, Jaundice, Dyspelniln, Chronic or Nervous Debility , Chronic Diarrluen, Diocese of • the Manus, and 01l 331 - ' lug froiii.Dl;ordered.Vver, Etomach t or senaue, aria .a. IntentineA. .. • ------ .- .. c Hes — ultfira - - - from any , whiitoyor ; PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, ' induced by Severe Labor, Hard- ships, There is no medicine eaLut equal to these remedies In such rased. A tone and vigor is Imparted to the whole Svttem, the is Strength. ened, food is 011.$0yea, 'the stomach digests promptly, the lolood ho pudic a], the corn. plezion becomes 4 sound and healthy,. the yellow ti ege• Is eradieeted limn—the oyes, a bloom le given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervoushr • • valid becomes n 'drool; and healthy being._ Persons Advanced iii Life, And feeling the hankof time weighing heavily upon _ them, with nil its nttenannt Ills, trill find hi the tee, of thie • BITTERS, or the TONIC, mn elixir that will inch' new life into theirielna,restve In n measure the energy and ardor of ore youthful days, build up— their shrunken forrntratn give health and happiness to their remaining, years. , .It Istruatteltestaltlished fact that fully.one-half of tlitt— female Portion of ourpbpuletion are eet• dom in tiro enjoyment . of good health ; 'or, to use their own ex ' pression, never fee —troll.P- —They a re-inn • mild, 'devoid - of alt energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. To Me close of persona the BITTERS, or the TONIO, Ix especially uscommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made stromsby the UM of eitherof them, remedies. They will cure every caso of MARASMUS, without Thousands of certificates have accumulated hr the bends of ti, proprietor, but apace will allow of the publication of but g few. Thole, It will bo observed, arc men of note and of such standing that they mufti bo believed. . .': Chief Justice of the Suprente Court of Pa., tirrlten i' ' - ,P,hiladelphia, March 111, IS.GI'. r i." "I, fliid 'lTonfland's Guinan Ilil 1•!rn ' ti a good • tonic, useful , _l,, In dlnenees et 'the .cligentliip organs, nod' . :eti - A_ sir great bonellt In cumin of debility, rind' ci l L=.:l wmtt.of•uerrotle tie Von in the system. ~ Yours truly, ._ . . Hon. ; James Thompson. Jiuillt of the ,S'opreme Oourl of Pennsigrani*. - l'hitadciphiff, Aprll .:93; "I consider Manna's 0 erman'llitters" a valuable medicine In case of attache of Indloalon or Dyspepsia. -.1. can certify thin from my experience of it. . ' lrours, sollia respect, From toy. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Parlo. or Ihi . Dr. Jae:son—Dv:lr fir : I bare been ft equently re quested td connect my name with recommendations iliflerent libido of medielnes, but regarding the flee S 0 out of iny ap proprlate ebere, bare in all capes . „ dined; but p with a • proof in rani ; 008 Instances And partleillarly in my WWII family, of the 'usefilluois of Dr. Doefland's German linters, I depart for mice from niy usual - course, to express my full ‘iburictlon that, for 'general debiltty of tbe.sgilem, and rspreially,fbr Liver Complaint, it is a sofa and catcalls preparation.. In some eases It may fail; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to tbose wit seller from the above causes. 1= .4 ; sistm . l - 1 Editor Christian Chromic Ph{fddelphiq -- I have derived decided honed). from the use or Hoof loud% German Bitters, tend feel It m? privilege. to re• commend them is a most valuable tonic, to all who are suffering from general debility or front diseases arising fiOnvderangement of the liver. Were truly, , E. D. E.t.NDALL • - Mootldtura G Remedios tpicicotintOrfoltel" Seel Sint thogipanitiro'ot . M. JAMISON% IB on Alio wrapper ,Of each Apo tt I o.• All (alien nro'coun , " PrlnclpaA 0111 cir _ and • Manufactory nt the German Store, No. 031 AR011.130.90Y . Philadelphia: • • • • , ogAALEB.gLEVANE I / 4 . , : . . • (1 171 " ; 1 1 :111. 8 . 1 5' 1 ArlisM'Co: --Vat ago by ull:Druggin arpl.pealcra In 240(141ti06. ge#tian TilLteitl, rot Uottlosl . o6 00 GorrrirtiToid i b;iii i :t al i f tp d in °z :u n tirt, tqltl6b; 1 6 fPcibottl6, o,a , Ufitt doziirt 760 • 6 Do potforgek to 0x40pi0.3y411419 sullolo buY, In ordox to got, tki9 4onduo t l; • Frid4y, Akar 27;:1868 ANL - PIIILADELPrIrA, Or THY, ORGANS ME= fIT~g3%I.YP s , Lspoaure, rovork~, eto_ N"'OTICII. TESTLAIOIsTIP,I I B. Hon. Geo. W. Woodiard. GEO. W. WOODWARD." JAMES TITOMPSOLT." Yours, Tory respootially, . J. 11. RENNAI . 2.I), , . Eighth, below CoatOO pt CAUTION. ;:mi,xons. .. .: {+~'t ~'. ..1 - '~ }. - POETICAL The Old Canoe fo2lowitg,bnautifut Ifilicshayelieon going, the df:-notiopopniatnm for Beyond years withont credit Whoever the author IR, nod we confess our it. to.namehim;thonld ete len tlilntmlidering prcg ony,of hhibraln,,As artNworthy of his Filmiest days of gonnthe poetry: .Where_the rocks ore gray and_ the hhorniAstecp,..., And the waters jtelow lony, dark and doom: ;Where the_raggedllne,An Its ItMoly pride, Leans gloomily over thu murky side: • ' Where the recite mud runhet; are tail sad rank, And tIM weeds grow thick ou the winding; hank; Whtire the obadow Is.heavy the whoinslay. • through, Lays at Ito mooring the obi carton. The unclean paddles nro Idly dropped, .4 Like a nea•hlyd'e wlngn that the storrn_han lopped, And crowd on railing one o'er one, Like folded hands when the wort: le done; SShUp bully 'melt and forth between, • . The nplder ntretches lan sliver screen ; , And-tho-molomn-owl;-tyltlrthin.tlull - "tetr-hran" -- Soaks clown on the Ptdo °film old canoe. ~., •Tho stern half sunk In thowavo, slimy ' 7.: Rots Alowly away In Reliving grave, Anti the groom mono o'er derny. Hiding tho mouldgrlng ihnit away, Tilk - Vtlf - o - lila( Int oer t 1 4 n, omb n flower, Or tho ivy that Innitlli, tUe fallen tower: many n , Masan of Ilvelyst Into - Springs up o'er tho stetaof th, old mime. .1_ The thltranness waters are &acl,aucl atilt ; Slut tine light winds play with the boat at wilt And lazily in and Out again - It float., the length of its runty chain, lAlno the weary March of the hntnle of limo, That meet: and part at the noontide ebiatg.d..... And the shorro:tm hioard at,eaeh turn num, By lino dripping bow of the, old •earine. . 0 InanyA thrte,',qth a ramie. hand, I have, pulled it aaaj - - irunt the pebbly Oudot', p KUdWr.t tiairttalD - Ww - whera:theztrenm - yuns - nufilc--.---, Where the whirls are Wild and the eddies. are tr. - 10,, -- And innghed nal - leaned o'er the rorkliikelde, • - And looked below in time broken tide. th.tt the (icon and boats were two. . quint were niryot . ell.bach fr , nt the old canoe. But now as I lean Wer the ertunbling An I 1.. dChelotr In the sluggish tide, the face that I see thorn Is graver growl:, A tliihe laugh that I hear has n solVt: true, • And the hands that. lent to the shill wings. hove grown. Vomitlntu Itie sterner 1,(v,!t0 lhluh j.,111110 le",nr', Mid fieW, A I r,adted a here the whirl, their wild .pray threw; Ere tr waned, or tho green grans Mew, • O'ur theinuultlei k.; st,on or 11(0 u1:1 aunt,. •-•" • Al LLANE o U.S.. ` ; RETRIBUTION - “hast - cir, - faster! your Horses creep like snail-, drive for your life!' tient M orloy, as the troble'mnfili7it; 'slandered clashed along the pebbly tornliibe road, while the :sprites thsw. from.thcir iron uourg-rornragticiirtiTc-, lion, with voile and whip put them- to. the top;of,thoir speed; and the chaise, in its rapid course, left- behind it—it_trail of light, as though the w heels'h ad been ignited. /thigh and.s.teep.hill front, - -tit longtli enforced a more moderategatt; when 'Morley, as if struck by a sudden recollectiohiqu rned his head towards his companion a lovely - younglumtle;'who;paleTeilentairdmvotimr- - lees, reclined on-his ehOulders. "Kato, my love," said Morley, tenderly, 'rfear this will prove -toe much for your detieatq fame. There was 00 iyply. Morley leaned' his fitiki towards hers, and by the moonbeams, saw that her features were fixed, her open eyes gazing on vacancy, while the tears which bad recentl,y,_streamed -from- them,— seemed congealed upon hOr bloodless cheeks. .iGod Of heaven I" exclaimed - Morley; "what means this! ante, beloved, eddred I do you not hear me 7 will you not speak to tae—lo Morley, your .Morloyi" The name he uttered like a charm, dis solved_the_spelL that li(mnd_ her. long drawn sigh, us if struggling from II breahim.; heart, eseapePher cold quivering lips; a ,fresh fountain d , f fears _burst forth; and with anhvnteric _ loVer. Manned but enraptured Morley folded lie!• in his arms, and bent to kiss away her tears—when with a sudden - stunt; - di:iengag ierseirl'irri 'his - 'em brace; and, drawing back, she looked wildly angSagerly. _in_ hislacc.— _ ii Morley, said she, in a voice of thrilling tone.- Do-you-love me." - "Dearest, Lest Kate:" he replied, "do you, I can you doubt' it l" . , !Do sou lama ma, Morley," she. ropeatod with.tnereased earnestness. rruly—devollid—mild IY I" cried .111 ml ay, on his knees. "41y_the heaven 11mt is shin ing over us—"' "No morn oaths—enongh of :protestation. Are you willing, by ono action, at' this mo ment, to prove that lAtm truly dear to - yon, Morley ? am;llibughlt carry . with it my dr:- .struction !" - itslc not. your di , struetion—l implorp yott to preV6nt - mine! Rvturn.".3,forley, rir Lurn I•' 111orleysgilzed itt her n if doubting his sense of hearing,. • ‘..Roturn, ICato ' "Ilott,rn instantly «!') "Kate, are you serioti - s--are you he might have added r lnnermr reuses;". hut she interrupted hint.: 1,1 ,in emrums—f tits ,hot mad, Morley; IneMisistent.; - uu - fickle," she - subjoitmdi readina - the impression that was rising on ,11 - orloy's countenance. -That' I love,..1111(1 In thnt lova 1 tn'capahle to ottit lige, do nut Morley, insult me' by doubting even .by look: Bat, Q I if you love, ulnas you ought as yma have aworn you d0,1,1s It ttia t of hon or, 1 tan ',lora you to raki, ,ine hack to my • . • , oro yoviv littler !".oxolajtooil A[orl(ky, al nio4 utiemrvioly "f what he . uttered, ; so astonished. was lie. • • ''Ayr, to my Intliuv, my gray-headed, my doting, my eon fhling. falherLitiko ao to him before his heart is broken I.lf6TTlittd—htt loves! Limes been with him," she Cried in wild agony,. i‘even now, as ,I Icy in.yOur arms, spell-bound in my trance;whiltd,, the 'carriage roiled on'to my perdition ! I could not' ":peak, 'but I knew where and whither I watt:hurrying: yet everithen was' I with my father," she cried WitY n, load voice and' look, ef- supernatural - solemnity, "he lay on his death-bed, his eyes turned upon me—his axed. anti. glaring oye, it rest ed tipim —me, nc.l.,lay in..your arms—he: euraed me and died.l. Jlis.thaloclietiOn yet rings ip.my eirr=hiti eye ,IF; now upon me! Morloy, s for the loyO'or-hotiven, ere It b 6, too ' , - - ~ ,, ,Composn'yourselfony beloved-40y own Rote l," ; • - . !'po you Rho cried, !‘,Wtiold. you. till 8,1006 my frantic soul . With whrds? , Wolf Blinn her •.to it husband Who could ~a bsthilon her father I—what .power. mny'trnnsfurm, tlio ,rowigno ,sittu,ig4 tur into thefdithful wife!, 'Morley, you hope for 'tinerity„ not;' do not destroy the being who To - ii(;s oil . — WI Io' VAC'S" You to' iipserili -,„- naught I.IK $llO sank athis .fantl, and film xeinalavdlin hi§ arnisla stato-of _ fatigtied. borseg hnd :rehoreit about to cl wttS. 4ttir. cgllod to the poollhm. 'l'hrp'you horses' 'henas,".'hetrieil, ! , we shall roturn !"•: Thu Elteede-s'nenie to ncquire repowOd vigor' ft•ont. - tho,..nlierntion;in .their doorfie.nl4 . werp.propeeding, Irlisiuneo. op their relorn 'Olen Xiite yovi•rea. , 'Where Viet , oiirried Of° exclairried:'''.'"''' • - ' • • • .• = ATo belovadi" whifjpor; ~!.7,(. s )ny: , :iAtyin Idol; - icr my , _ (.. . ' L i tfiC, " ' ‘‘: 0., _ , , . can it bellr-hut.no_l . _will_ not :doubt; you never deceived me—you - cannot 1- God bless you, Morley, God,blessi you! .my dear, dear. Morley'!" Anil with her pure arms around his neckiehe imprinted a siste'r's:kiss upon his lips Mid dissolved, in delicious tears, sank with, confidence of conscious inno cence upon:hishosom. The °Mulel infiti-. cace - of - virtue fell like a balm" upon - Um ttimultuous fdelings of, .tho loVers; and never thezirildest - rnomenttif , ppsion , -nut even when he first, heard the avowal of 'love from his heart's spier:tea—had Morley felt so tri nmphantly happy ! . "Whore is hi, ? is he alive—let nun see him,-is 'he well?" shrieked Kate, as she rushed in' the house of .her , !Por - whom do yoa..enquire madam," coldly'asked the. female slip' addressed, the maiden sister - of Kiite's.father. , "Aunt, dear Mint, do not• speak to ine thus lam not what you think me. •'But my father—My.fatheri is he. alive. Is he well? . 0, deer aunt,.have. pity on me ? I in_repuntent—LitmAnnoneM.M....__l "In one word Kate, are you iparifedr, "I nm not.l" ' ' p'raisad toollew father is not welt I" • • ",,Quick t Quick I •Lefore'it' is too Into!" And the distracted in ruched into the room LEM • "Father,',' not-avert your face, Father I am yourown Kate; I am restored to you es I laft,you! • By,_the years_of_love_Alif have pilssed betivaeniis , fMgivo Lho folly= the offence—the crime of a moment! liy thomemoryef my mother—,' , "Como, girl I cease I" said the old men, othleavoring Abrough the ,weakness of ego and in-infirmity, and dm workings ,of ago nizing feelings to bo firth; 'forbear,. end ansWer Me truly; la- this gentleman yo:r husbandr • • illiliNlEl Kste was aliont to reply, hitt Mori qy stepped forward. "I inn rot," said ,)lorry, " blessed with that lady's hand. sho has no- With your sanction: and without that sanction dearly as I love - her, and 'topless as I - inay be of your eon, sent;' I will never Ihereafter ask it, 0' . -^ Do -you pliAgo your _word to this, young man ' , My snored word, as a man of honor, r may have inherited your hate, but not desPrvo itl"_ .- • _ ••Children, yon have subdued me I" 'ex claimed the father: 'Morley, my daughter i. yours !Po lforley seized the old. non's iiinareely „believing the scene before hint to be i•eal. '•Afy father I' said we , ning lists', on '1 I.l‘ • - - her - lairre , Thr-Trrrn cheek pressed to his, The:good oust partook of the koneral joy, and even Kate's fay.irf to dog. wettest to thank her father •for his to his . dear mistress: Thehaff .py *father sat with Itisifrm around 'his daugh ter's waist, and, n , , Jfe pressed her lover's hand, he said,- - • _ "FtelMld in au. this the , iodness of God I Behold the blessings that follow the perfor -mance-of oar - duties: Your father ' yohnk gentlema:.„ before - you saw the light of hea ven, had entailed toy hate aspen all his off springs Thad nourished this bitter feeling even you who had never offended and. whiten-every .one else loves. This very day the .cherished hostility,of'yenrs had kiven away before my desire to secure my daughter's happincs3;- - i4-felt , that-ng,e--was creeping on me, and Amt the morning of this blessed day,' I - hnd rem - 11W over - the .holy bobk to prove my contrition for my sinful creatures by uniting - you.- my children, in marriage. The tidings of my daughter's .elopement scattered to the winds all — nry better thoughts, amr revived. my syorst in , tenfold strength. I felt, at least thought so ; ' the approach of my malady to a region %viler& it would soon prove fatal. No time was folic lost;' my will was hastily _drawn - I — bequeathed my beggared daughter, Lott the father's curse. It would have been signed this night, for over this - book I had , s taken an oath never to forgive her iv 1M could abandon her father." =I I 'oll my father,"interrupted li_ate, to whtini.the Itutriblo images - Of Ter trancere turned; , fripity cense, my dear father." 4•131e,r, you, forever bless you, my over excellent Kate, yonr fllinl obedien re has prolonged your father's.existenee." goon Fight iu Kentdcky A Ono Oflite_gloiies of life in_ Kentucky, 'The programme is this : Some one announces to the gentlemen planters of an mxtendedn'oblitidfliciedthat he will give a barbecue and coon fight on a certain day, at such a place, and they are invited to bring thcmtselves, tlieir friends sea their for his ennui is n veteran, and. will aake a big flight.. This bEings a large gathering of men and dogs to enjoy the feast and the light. The coon is placed in a barrel wall one head out, laid flat so that cannot betaken on the flank or rber, and the dog tintt.briage out the coon—andit fakes one or pluck to do that—wins the bet. Ow the ,- occasion to .be described — zi:Harge pitrylissembled wi.th numerous fine dogs, On ger• tits. the fray. Tho.spert began r ,but or • -ery deg - 6r I the piirty tens, whipped out by the sharp., teeth and clan's of the gallant (sum.. r,s n matter of course there WilS'a soby el:mm..llnd Fenno tough swear' tlg nt there_mus in_scedy like° preemit I;utking with a grin of delight, ns 441,11 def,e ed dog ••gave up the Vattle. lie bud, with him alniser,ibleyollow cur, which .wont ghookintr'nbOut with its tail between ita b•gs s; napping mid shying ut ovary- dog that otfeeed telmos of. friendly.intreduction. Iu the - midst of the mjiroar c l'ankee qtd remarked: , , , . "WO, plaue'', 1 think 1 have Rot a do that_willbring'ont that !ere coon.' "WIR•SQ is, ha? WherEi is 110 Bring him 011 t," Shouted a scoro of witnesses. - -t" • 103 is" pointing to the misoinblo cm% Thorn "was a general hutgli, and ~1 1:„ r .; of bets in any (inanity. 4 1 ,.'Ittlenten, han't go.t much mop. •ltni; here's 114. watch ttliqq+ 'That 'era , watch is n NI.IO-01.d: 1;111, it's , an all-fired time-keeper."• N'ol.l ten dollars' against yotir, watch amid the rtioney:' • • •:. ; • ''‘Val. " guess that's about tali.. I'll ilo . , Aft. rn groat deal of.coaxing sud theAlloirgredwnsloirdmi eloso to tho month of life barrel,: The lau,eo after potOng nod calling his dog pet hanio4 ri minute, suddenly seized bin;, and itirruil him into the teui el, stern' first. 'Thu next instant, with an agonized yelp out came the. dog—and out clime 'the coon, ton.—fastimed by tooth and. chow' to. tho haunches of the fleeing dog: The- sarcoma that followed Tony riot be described, t• 1 gnu .talio that. 'era money and watch;!' quietly ratottrlced 'Mr. Yankee s and he took thorn. •. • • • - the loses, with a Roy', by way of golf obsoiwed ; aI reckon y.ourdog is 900." 'Wcl-4yes--- , : gtiess 'damaged; loft I never reclined Mtn' worth mor'n ten don't's; - " EgiEMEI , ~Abljan Iltinti nn old rasident of Williamk will tie reirkeziflierOzr..by._rnikny. of thg older, residents-of EfMnpablie--County for his quainlne' f i3,nort luvzrof n, , jolco, :.On min ovonsion went to BustOn, and at the hotel at 'dinner - -inquired for chicken; vit4eli pidvesl to b, remarkably tough, ,whereupon therohl-gent-leran asked the landlady, 'where the fo wI ' o.nrno' from,. • She , knew bor tomer,. and ,replleda.Out mame from Runty " . foi the tow help -ine.orpur itted'oiidr fatty; yearo l" 1.1 aro . thonsmd§_af anon thu world 'Emilus . and fawn'. upon a man in 'his toposputjty,,,,j),,jlti..tylion. advotadty oyerMhoa. Ihn o .thoyaro the lira, not only to dtaurt ) bu to.traduco and shindorldm. ~ • 'Ti,IVI'S . :-2'52,0,0 in '.6:xlvance, or -$2,50 - wfthin tliu ye mimwm =I EWE - Anecdote When General SI .1 Atlanta preparing for his fat to the mkt,' an( oasler eras,._ prof :cling all civilions to leave Al or-Solt-1h) -within twelve ilajTS: any - its isStic geqtleman entetcd . Shernutnls (Alen and in gnirerl•forthe general! The latter answered ; 'very promptly; PI ant' General Shen - nano - The colloquy was very nearly ns follows: , ; - ,Citizen—Citneral,4 am a- Northern. man,_ from the. State of Connecticut; hare been _living at -Atlanta for nearly seven - year:; ; have accumulated coil:Adorable property here, and cal see.that you" have 'ordered all citzens to leave within twelve days,-h came to see if `you would Junk° an My case. I fear, ifneitve, my prriperty.will he destroyed. General Shernmu--I.What, kind of property do you own; sir-7 --r-Perhaps - I trill make, nn exception in your case, sir.. _ Citizen;=:-I own ,a block.of stores; three dKellings, a plantation two miles offal thiin . , sird - tutfird - yr - General .Sherman , - Foundry,' eh I what have you .been doing with your foundry? Citizen—nave beeh making enstins. General Sherrkan.-_What kind of castings 7 Sltqt and shell, , ,tissit:.alf that kind, of'thine 'I-bnre - Made-snmr-shotßnd -somf--sh shell ; . General Sherman,—Yon have been inakinit, shot and shell to destroy your country, have you'Pand you still eta; n facora ° on nccourd, of being a Northern . man F—Yes, sir, I will make'an exception in your case ;,you shall go'SOuth to-morrow morning.nt, auntise.— .Adjudant, see that this order id carried out.. Grderly,•show - tbis man tie door-. ' _Citizen—tiof, General, can't I go Nqrth ? General Sherman—No, sir; too utifity of: your class there-alrenny, THE lIHEN.-11H) Alpino horn is an - instrument Inalle of the bark of a tt:_speaking trumpet, is used to convey sounds to a great distance. hays heard that when the last rays of the Sun gild - the -summits of the Alps, the shepherd who inhabits ilmhighest peak of these mountains takes his horn ander'. sIN ith the Lard." _A;:• is the — meighboring shcphard, hear min they - leave their lints and repeat these words, the sounds,arp_ . rrolonged many min, whiJu the echoes of the mountain and grottoes of the roclis repeat the IMMO of: God. -Imagination cannot ptcturc anything more :Vern n than such a scene. . Dtfrim; the =floors that sucCeedsrtho shepherds bend their knees and Lai. iu tim_opert toin . repaii . to Th , , gilding the tops of these stupendous !noun taittsup,rn which tho vault. of heaven ',veins to rest, the magnifictint seeneFy around, and the. yokes of the shepherds 001111 ding from rook to I.i:wit, the praise of . the Almightv, tlli tit mind of every trtc,'clerwith ennui sin,nt and awe.. .Conn NATI.T RED PEOPI,FI,—the gDod -11 ft turod it yen can, for there is .no attraction' -so great, no charm so admirable. A face that is full of the expression of ittniability is always-beautiful. It needs.mo'paint and no powder. Cosmetics are _superfluous for it. Rouge caanot.improve its cheeks, nor wldte mend its complexion ; When you gezejnO4 the face of it noble -hearted man woman,-it - is not-the shape of the features you really See, nor yet the tint. of the brill iance of the eye. You - see the nameless - these, and leaves for your instinFt a sense of grateful fascination; you :ace an indescribable embodi.. _men t of a heartfelt goodne4s which wins.3:our regal'. in spito - of external appearance, "and defies all the critical rules of the :esthetic. Cultivate good nature, therefore. It is al ways in fashion, and al ways in season. Everybody . _admireG, t. t irevr — gro-Aq . stale. It costs little to acquire, and noth lnzlo keep. Yet it is beyond diamonds in its.orth to its owners, and can neither be stolen nor lost hoWever neglected. Surely this is a jewel that Merits a search r and when found merits-rt protection. PosSess• your selves of it, - young - Woman ; -no talisman will fled you so 'bewitching in the jinlg ment of the sensible among the other sex. Secure it, young man ; you eould have no Letterattraeticm_for-a loving- womanTand no . sttfW guaranted of domestic happiness. MISIINDIMSTOoD . TIIXT.—A worthy den- I pm hired a journeyman f4rtner from,a.neigh-. - boring town for the summer and induced NM—although , ' -he--was - mnuceusttaileirlb church-going—to accompany the family to church, on_ the first sahhath of _liis.stay.= Upon their return to the deacon's house, he asked his `hired -- man how lie liked :the preaching., lie don't like to hear nny.minis'tcr preach poll - tics." ~"1 ern very sure yon heardmo politics to --darsaid the deacon., _ , Inn ti!lre thatl diarrittid tilt. man. . "Mmition the r ßassagm," Aaid.tbc &neon. "I wit said,uu. the Republicans scarcely are savedi' where willthe democrats appenr?" --- "Ah,“ said the :deacon; "you mistake.— These were the worda-- If the 'righteous scarcely are saved, how will the ungodly and }ricked appear ?" .10, yes," said the maw, "he mkgbt.h.t.ve used, those. words, but I knew deuced well what he meant." We Fade as a Leaf. As- the trials oflifedhieketi,;'and , the dreams of other days fade, one by one, in the•cleep . viiiit ref disappointed hone,-the heart grows weary of the struggle, and we hi-gin to realize our insignificance, Those who 'have climbed . to the pinnacle of•fame, 7 or revel in luxury and. wealth, go fo the grave at' last with the poor wendicant-who begs' pennies by the witysidri, and like him. aro soon forgotten. r- Generation After genera. tion,•rnys an eloquent Modern wfiter, have felt tie we feel, and their follows were se 11c tire 1111110 its ,ours are now. They pa;f. , .ed away_, as. is vitpOr, while 'nature \vitro the ttante aspel- r t of. beatil4. its when her Oreator than mandeti • hoe to be. And shall it be when we are gone, The heavens' will lie as bright over'our graves as they} •are now around v,ir path ; the world will have tho saw 84action for off:pring yet, unborn that etie 01166.14 ad for ourselves, tend that she. 111 now fkir our children. :Vet a•little while and.all:thi; will hive happened! Days will - continue to Inure on, and laughter.and,song will be,tuattal in the very, chamber in which ire hied; and .the 0 -. Ye that mourned for us • will hie dried and.will gliSten'WitAtay ; and evgn our ehildren.will cettso - to think of its, and.'will flit remember to lint_Leux_nntnes. When Rowland _HO ; was, , somb yea ni ago, in Scotland, he was introduced; an, aged minister, somewhat -'resembi 'fig •hiln.- pelf in piety and eccentricity., Pbo old man lookedda him for come limo very earnestly; mint length elid ; I -have been looking' for sonic .teem at the deems of you'r' faeo?' , "And. What do yoti,' think„ of it V. -said that, if the,grace df ;God had' na-•ehanged your heart ; you 4ould ha been: a most tremendous rogue." Mr, Mill laughed heartily, end "Well, you hayo ju4.104 the nail. On -the.hend.": angis , 'risttop novee accomplishes the desired and add an insolent- olio. ,hteems 'done: lint -the: .writee. This , true :of all . correspondonco, bat' inoeo • Nwailly when i‘ppllakto 'cation:4W n lnisiness mittiee..- In this de-, pnrlthrsnlr.the,tenogentleman easily' roc= ognized; 'and with 'him, abovo.all.others,. is It valifyino. to llitedomaride,, Which. 09u0 11 etl. • Other., langnaga,..„Avo.ield be .rejeciod. - nee :..oft - ,Orr:-.epinplied_ with, and witteve . .r.thir (mid floss One° ;Is 'Satisfaction pbrfortittng ft:), ,11141. most sipproyrintp ICB braille& is Et &railing noiniiklirance.- Of the'nuiny'.species of this:animal- to. ho -found in all parts of-ihe , :woridithe natural, ißts._ , lititgu.seveu_td.:4,ldi-ituntinent ster..--glmy or black, -the" red; the - cruss,- '4;;Wift, the grey., thaconsi the pridrie and:thos .arctic fox. • The Minted of thel,r, fho sil ver gr4 , --caLblack; to exceedingly "rare, wind forni:7l 'the 'nfatr , vala:aile "fin; known colenterco selling in London for- tWO hUndred - dolltirs;- - gottl=each:. To sporleraor; however, the red And . and the gOty.arethp_most interesting.spcoks., havemq aoneeptien—in tilts eon n fey Of the trouble and' expense-to which. theli Un ling , rneri_in..l:ingland but themselves fora - snot... ply of oxas„ _ ;Ghee .will st. acre to agri • .I.tar,S fun.c.e.aYfiticial' covens for their Gixc ':he raan; 'as tt thriasatht'orwliali'Were impor 849. ' individual, rt celebrated moisr or:Omni , in tit& scuih of Logland,! . gtiVe an tildirnifed order to Phil lip Castang, the„wellicnown dealer In Lead tcr- stock. hts. , countryf - through - his agent: , in Holland, Pranve, Germany and Suotlund,,Ctatang got together seventy five brace of _foxes, which - were all turned down inaneaeighborlfood...._Thola._Was:. a very irreeptiblc _difference in the appearance of these luxes, dna dOubtle , s to their-dial:rent tad ionalities_Holland;ehntinues to supply the g : retitest number, and, ifiey ard reek> oiled in Pingalintthe best ocAllfureign fox- awl NO. 13 Nattualists are clearly, mistalree, as nil Southern bunters. ttno W., in • the assertiOn thatred..foxes 'Are - found - everywhere on this.eontinent fur there is not a batter Ml thentieated feet, that the first red foxes seen in Igiirylend wereimporteil ',Your fox hunt ing.aneestors from England long belore the revolution, and turned dOwn on the 'eastern shore of , the Chaf - ink° • to which section of Abe State-they,-were ed-fo rse ve re I T yea 'Mail, during im ).thusually severe winter, they crossed the bay on the ice to the western shore; 'there were. certainly 'no red foxes In Mississippi as late , as 1538, for the writer • hunted there regularly 'dime times a week, for live season's, ainNiever•Saw wk.—Where ver. he - irrecliffiikeS • his:uppearana - e - The grey disappears sooner or ;later; -the red - driVes him out ; and 10,.r0 twe •exiit together in _tbesume_ricighborbood,Alte•grey 'falls tim to the hounds, whes,o thp red, rpril au ,perior stromelinNs and Won°, More frequent :llle. supplanting of tile grey by .the . red fox is mu,o to be regretted. An ordinary, pack of hounds can generally kill the for mer •in from one* to two hours,and, his - manlier-. of doubling .in circle& and 'iarely •tnining mote than four of 'five miles frOm the starting point, affords :such better pert Olin the red fox, w 1.0 tvlli . frequently make a bee line of .from tWetity. reachirm - ven , to fifty froni • be' spot where 11e tie 'bounced." . To kill ;rays ,we avant cal dots of lin:ilium *tied, !nicking well' to 0-cther ; for the ;qui, yool• tlsgj cannot be too fart, if they will but I:rep tiLi line of scent ; to find these two quolites colnbined is diftl _cult to di. • - • • . A sm,cribui• . nn : „t-Pitri;, Ke , .tuelcy, rountly niniTe of a pair hatted:. . the' Pre. .L 1 iviir•tirm thn t n.c.roFs of - thcrc doto on the bat!lath-0' hownlo Avlit indte boot puck i Tide uoky ; mid "pain ted." 3I'Y will 153 “Il.) AVlllt ^ . " :-T , oY, .1 7 , cid ..c• • :1s OLD PENNY.—Wit WIII•CISIWw'n, n day or two ago, a kciking ecpper penny, dat... Itcegibleistut horned, prehably , oven• v Age," it Was, the logondii , trty".wits list ihotly visible. Lt was a thick old 1;2117,w. its. eitges well hauuoer •d aihrrounded, and it144 . ,1 eyiderit -1-y " eh treker:'_one with I'vhich the 'Goys used to play at pitch and-toss." It looked 10 tV, like an old and.wltXotnt3Triend, and reminded us Ittroibly'nf the happy' days whoa 'we d'elighted in playing at the fasci nating, game . ut •• heads 'I win, tails ..you. lose,'' rind when peankes were scarcer with t-t then'thrin - they nr - o - raw: - Well, - gOodbYe, old fri,hd ; your race is run, and; like some good men we hit's known . , ,after having no- . comPlislwlyour mission, will soon 'be fol.- gotten, perhaps Well, !c Bich fe. —,lfy Note 8001,. -- 7 , THERE is nn gentlemati liVing in Sil ver Spring township, this county, who be lieves that the earth is flat, and that the Dernocratic petty is Om only hope of the country. The old chap is a little flat himself. RED --_.-lI?TTCLIES. . . _ It seems that we have a new Common dr-In-Chief or the Army. _lt is "the Dernocrittie-Exeb6tiv6 Committee of New , Hampshire." This patriotic body. has Or dered the President to order Gen. Grant to order Gen. Sickles to report to Gen lIancocl; foi• duty under his rank as solOnel, and the of has obeyed. --Hero is a new — wny of conducting an election campaign. If you can't wet your opponent's argut9nts, and hisoteeches are conyer4g all your .voters, taken nut. (di" ,:the,,,,:way, At. ally- l'itt4`f it i, n Cons tp - the effect iveness • Geri. NowtHainpshire addresses. A' new paper, oaann of the Thin't-pdy - yimm Debts park, hn la , on Aurted in St. ander the tido of '//i. Repudiator. Well, that is Iconic, at anl_ritlo. Siippose the rest of the .Derneer.,tie journals follow .its example. Let 'us Bdr, The r;•l4' , Vir"Pceer•Pall, The .Daily -Nlyger-Sniaehei.,''el'h;4-Per"-tr's Own, and The -Weekly' Rioter. And . for thus milk-and water popors Which tido boill,Aides nt one°, suOlr nomesa.: The jaw-Fork Thimble-Rip tier or The L0f.... , c , foker would ho at` oneo pretty and uppropriAo..-- 311/.. BANCIIOFT hear negotiated a treaty witld the North Geinnan Confederation relat• 111'Q to 113' 1 : 1 . 111,1 and, privilege 3 of natupd iAed .PLinerican citizen; of German birth, of Whme.. milt o service has heretofore been elainied. • Lt. Ir o yi,lo-i that ntiliyeaf per homy must o btain lieemm to emigrate, which ha, registered, and that thee who after.lnitng ialten out ilMir naieraliza !Ann yearA tn:_ the Icnited rukas9d I'l'6ol Lila ob ligation of military ,:f•retee• Germany,, If h..Neuye. tintfo the 5:107V,;..i1ja11§0 na to. hi-' 1111• hi 11 ii /1. , 1 IL grvAGyvllee9tloll 011 the Isre'a:iinir Onyerrrikirt i ' but with itreMethOn tho 'power of 'the Goveratnant •te .: prererit.flie mid4ration oi any per con whmmaeryine'thoY Joey desire:at Leah ,• ' Entnan-,Ltin• big hotly and 'htdiigerent Qrhant,.w.ho kaapor and hag ;attic° bean . in al,ao; cnth,!nont at, liat•bory'', has got Wine Ire: 4. , ;1 t r,ti:;l•.', 21.14 . 1S ' engliged iu dOVIOIi. , IIIII . errcthing 1 hat comes. with - in' hks bug pen of planks, ,through t..harp eiiil;v3 are drveii, hacked , with n 116VS417tIlk, Qt ;p111't11,11:13 bean r.reett , d „",,' : • Hiram Sindb, an eaciintiic old hicholor hariugl fioptilehre hewn in if lircoi riaik ni flail, town.. Ho pap 'a 'man' do_tlia".l('Or lc,' arid by tho .idipiclation the etive - iiilto feet long, four:feet wide, and af terlife cicala. is Ifmt, in ilia.,igairttira, it SVlll up.R;illea marble siftlyanddieinent. smith says-ho- doesn't - Want: - nuid to got. around hisibeires; ha means td.liavifit 'dry ' I edit, for them • The-achenjUlia:an %ad: fan cy of his bo g:utillud,to 10:111411 fit .0 o neral. G rant /Brad.* aicteil (0 . t110,”S0 toxiciitiiiß tier or. , agen iina ive . c . L_qs , jol:ir . '6l' Word ig o to htt ortn. Ty,is',...,,yllktfarujilt is 0 . 4 Ad pri• rellublo 6 - 14 t i I ,the in a sturt.tlcl -I.y b4Limieg, thikthe Ivrt&lA.l.l:tbi tun'. clrunkao, _ .../I...ninr > gypiern of Toll in . h ptit n . op e tur 1 i; 1.7. 7,t. is: sy tem in .w&ich.water. lirtit fur niSl),eclby ordinuty'gio &urgers, mid it thor oughly wargis d 13oston.. sibrn. 40 liy.:18 foot, using „0n11...r,,,iin1y.p1ut,91 . watorgn d two g.ga THE PDX MIES