EAST BALTIMOThE CoNiEItEiWE P6INTMENTS,: 1868.—:Wo :give below El. list of the rippointrnenfs rondo nt n late session of -the Conference, for part of tiro, District. JAMES OVENS', PRESIDIECIEVEER.• . Carlisle, William It. Mills; G. D. Cheno weth, supernumerary. • .Mount HollY,,Tohn Donahue,* Chanibersharg, Samuel Barrios. Shippensburg, Wtri, A, .Houck. Slimponsburg Cirettit; — ,Talin MeKindr less. • • " • Nowville and Rehoboth, Wm. R. Keith: Mechanicsburg, Thomas Daughtery, 011, ver Ego, Eupornumernry. Carnal° • Circuit, JOSeph• Ross,, , ,,Jobin W.Feight* D. C. John, Stmarnumerary, Those marked thug * ain Deacons: -0- A CARD Sometime 'about the first, of Pebruary .tt committee from tho' Good Templars Lodge called on me to know what I would charge to prepare.some music for them for a couple of entertainniente. I told therm that I w,ould make no direct charge, but would ask them to . pay me in proportion to their receipts ; and told them also that I would prepare thorn an Old Folks' concert to be given two nightd if they would give ~me• half of, The nett proceeds. They very eagerly accepted my proposition, nod I. gave the concerts without any further understanding Whatever, and had nothing - to doxith any promise to give any portion, of the proceeds to the poor. I should not deem it necessary to make OHS explanation but that the report is in circu lation that I received that portion of the proceeds which the- pool. should have.had. This is not the case llnd I trust that this ex planation ,will relieve ntercont any further censure: JOHN H. RHEEII. I=l have — bDtight a Chiel-orinn• •Plano, and:-feel- so -exultant - over Cur purchase that ; we cannot refrain from tolling our readers what n good thing it is to have a ()bickering in the house. f3iitw h - ei(n.Ciir — fc - dbleTpen — luld — to — the reputation . of .the- Ohickorings ?. Their music has become a household word, their , pianos, are to he fOund -in evory city, in 'every State, and well-nigh in every county .in the rand. To them, mOre than to any otli s i.7 Mini is Ameri6an art indebted for its great " putaion abroad. The Chickering Piano has taken pare in nearly,all the faire that have ex ;led emulation en the manu facturing. world „for more than a quarter of a century—and iiiN has almost invariably carried off the first p' s. Mr. E. Osnortxu, the special Agent of t : Chickering - ()stab': V .. lishment ' *ill be in Ovrlisle for a short time, and wo advise all V-ho delight, in fine music and splendid mech li, tmisin to call upon him at his rooms, on MI iin street, nearly oppositeAlm Corinna Hon. y. - . . - . EAST BALTIMORE M..r„.!, —Among the proceedings of the 2treCßgl tirnoro Conference we th,e following in relation to Diekinson - Offilege. The committee on Efickinson college-sub mit the following: ' We are gratified rdport that the affairs of Dickinson colldge are assuming a more favorable aspect. This is especially the case•with its daahces, its total productive fund now amounting to $148,814,00. The great wants of the colldge is a Biblical De , plirtmunt‘, and-this want is- becohiing more and niore apparent. After •an experience of over ,thirty years, less than thirty men •nre to be found in our pntronizing confer ences from among the -alumni of Dickinson college, a Biblical course of instruction, am ple and thorough, would retain among us many candidates for the 11inistry who-seek such instruction elswhere. . The committee offer the following teso-, lotions: 1. That we believe the introduCtion Of a Biblical Department in the college curricu lum as an -elective. course of study would Se cure an enlarged sympathy ~and greatly subserve the interests of the palrbtiMiwepn .. _ ferenees. 2. That in behalf of our: young men pre-. paring for the Ministry wo respectfully suggest that the authopties of the college shall, nt the next anntMl - Meeting, adopt such measures for rendering said depart as ample as any secular chair, and on a ba sis purely biblical. That the Conference appoint ministe rial and lay visitors to the college. J, That a committee of two be appointed to collect the outstanding centenary sub : scriptiun due for the college. 6. That we vdll urge the claims of Dick inson College earnestly upon all our people. Lille report was received, and ordered for publication. Vitrioes complimentary resolutions were then — passed. A. collection lifted for , the sexton amounted to $5O. The journal was read up and approved. The Bishop then conducted religious ex ercises—after which ho read the appoint ments in t y pe different districts of the Con ference. • "STor,THAT.... MAN 1"-And tell him that one of the greatest - domesticators of the day is the “Thirloy Sheaf'' Cooking Stove, manufactured ,by tho i ever popular house of "Messrs. STUART, PISTERI3OII a4l Co.;. of Phil a dolphin: The "Barley Sheaf" is -becording the "Pot of the Household" in many quarters, a fact that is not in the lona surprising, when we look at the aggregate of its admirrible quail- Hies. All really good inventions aro counter feited; and so the "Barley .Sheaf" is not without imitations. ° Be careful and get the genuine ! It burn either wood or coal. For Salo by Rhinesrnith & Rupp Oarlislo Pa. •-• - Attention is invited to Nillinery Goode, all kinds. Advertisement in this issue, - by 1I WARD: 103 North Second Street This is, an old and roliablo hoOse. , .Throw physic to tho (logs; Pll nouo of It To malt° aseuranco.doubly sore I'll titt:O"—PLANTiTION.BITREIIB. Thoy rumor full. This great Stomachic Healer is.just what the people need. It-is a remedy they can rely on. For 'Dyspepsia, Heartburn, head acherllizziness; Aguo, - Livor Complaints, Pains in the Side anti-:Sack, it has no equal; not tile liiastainong its "virtuqris its extreme pleasantness to the taste Miff immediate °deist effect, Try it, suffering Dyspeptics, and ho cured: Such are the • assertions of those situated to know. *Fromitle vast a mount of this article sold, it must lave great merit. .111 4 taxotan. W.A.Tint.—A delightful toilet .article—superior to Cologne „and at half the _prim rear7,l-2t. . • • Do S . oto when he visited tho shoi.es o America, sought long and arduously for the . . "Spring o'l perpetual youth," that those tvlio bathed therein might never grew' old in ,ap pcarance. People of our day have in' part discovered a, substitute for thii unfound spring in Ring's Vegetable Am6rosiein fevr . . - applicatfOns of which given to white or gray hairthat dark, strong and glossy panne° peculiar ,te:, youthful beatity...if " any of ourreaders—dolitit:-this r -lot-thonl-tr-y _.., so, .hottleand,.ho'conyineed of the truth o Qur assertion.,, • , , • •.• ._„ • ' • Sales to bb cried I 4 William Deyonny Auctioneer. „,. - ' , • • Maich Loth. --=J.• Staumimugh,. Monroo. U. Kintz, 'Now' Kingston. n ' 27th.-- - Elilaboth _Bolinger, • ,••• 2. •- • Hoguostown. " 2411.—D. Stonosifor, Trindlo- • , 13pring Tavorn, , . WE JUDGE FRO! , • THE _ IMMENSE Sales that Mrs. S. A. Allen's, Itnproved (new style): Hair „Restorer or Dregsing one bottle) is preferred by .every. dno4. Ev ., oribruggist sells it. Price $l. 14feb-lm. • HUSINESS 'NOTICES: Please Take Notice All porsory trUlobted-to—WTO,SAIV-YER,A.OO., aro rarioostqd -to,settlo by. cash or unto td tumble us to: mako our Bluing-purchases. TRUSSES, SIIOULDER BRACES, &e., of superior mpkos together with a largo trivoico of trash drugs and medicipes, just rocuirod at Cornman ah Wnitking totes drug store, N 0.7, East Main Street. WARE 1 -WARE I ! • WARE 1-11 We nra fitting out (may day norily married people, and other lioniekeepers wit b Queoneware4—Ciiass, Ware—Tuba A Churns—Buckets& Measures—Baskets & Brushes—Knives 6, Forks—Walters Ai Coffee Lamps Jr Booking Glarses-LSpoons A Potato° Mashers. If you want pok,r goods we have not got them.. The best of everything cheap at Wm.II.LAIR k SOWS Store, South End Carlisle, Pr 4 I'. S. A Mee assortment of painted Tin Chamber Ware. TO THE PUBLIC Encouragonidivl'douronterprlzo nud you so , urn compotlon ataovorthrovr monopoly. 7011ilellg of - coal"from the suutliegt quantity to-Bftl or a hundred tons:: to be bad at ne low price as fornlsbod by ariFift, company, at the cheap, yard of ME MARRIED. WAOOONER—MOUNZ.—On the 12th Ipst. at the American Hotel, Carlisle. by Rev. L. B. Hartman, Mr. Boo. * Weggoner of Independence., Mo. to Mlea Adeline Mountz, of Cumberland county, Pa. 110K13—WISE.,,On the llth lost., by Rev. B. I', Sprecher, ~ , loshun S. Hoke, of Yorir, county, .... . Ann CathartruLWlse,oLCumberland_connty-- .. - BPOM—SVAIIIt.—On the 12(1 inst., by the mum ' at tho realdenco of the . bride's father, John Spoils, of Cumberland county, to_lities Catharine Spahr; or coritsto: ---- WOLF.—WALTERS. , --Onithe - 3,l—lnstAn — Mochan- Icatkurg, by the Rev. John Ault, Mr, John F. Wolf to hilts Sarah A. Walters, both of this county. LOW—PRETZ.-0 n Ihe 12th loot. by the same, 3lr: Benjamin Low to.lliss Catharine .Preto, both of this mm,. DIED. lIISISELY.—Iu Pittsburg, ou Friday morning, Marsh 13th, at quarter past seven. Airs. Catharine Heisely, wife of F. A. Ileiaely, aged 73 years. . MARKETS. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Carlialo, Match 20th 160 e Viimily Flour Saportno do _AYE.... "WHITE WHEAT 3.ED ([YE 00 to DORN ' OATS, (n0w),... OLOVERSEED.... tIMOTIIYSEED. FLAXSEED BARLEY -- 7 75 ....... . 2 25 2 15 .(J., GENERAL PRODUCE _MARK ET Carlisle, March . 2.oth 1868. Corrected Weekly by Wm. Bentz. BUTTER . 35 BACON 5110U1,01319, -12 BACON SIDES, 12 WRITE BEANS 900 PARED PEACII,ES, 26 UNPARED PEACUES DRIED APPLES,. 3 00 I RAGS, • 4 2o 12 10 8 0 10 EOIOS, LAItD, TALLOW, SOAP, BEESWAX; BACON HAMS A'PECIAL I\7O7iCES. Decided, There seems to be no question - but what' Con's linessi is 1110..groutest and best Cough prepara• lion extant. In canes of Croup it Is unfailing. Take . - little and often, and the result is 'sure. It should lied 9 home In every housohold. The propriotOrs as. euro us It-nood4 but one trial to establish its merit's. TO CONSUMPTIVES. • The Mrs. EDWARD A WILSON will seed (free of charge) to all who desire It, the proscription with the directions for making and using the teu t simple 'remedy uy taiontra.“. dread disease Consumption. Ills only object is to benefit the of and ho hopes every sufferer will try this prosetiptlon no it cost nothing, and may prove a blessing, Please address Itrs. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 155 South Se'cond St root; Williamsburg, Now York Umyl7 67-Iy. • • . . ::., J ... , COLGATE- & CO.'S ) ~....:. 49 . 4 . .: ' , GE It MAN 6 f-trl. 1 ERASIVE SOAP •4_ 4 : . y.,vv:s'' S Is miumfaruturod from PURE ..1! " t,;,t, 4 A . - 77 MATERIALS , alElmny ho cr.m -ify,o`:4' '91"P*7,1,`4,'1 STANDARD For 0 4 0 1. :,;i ~,,,,,,,,,, :,-- f / brobcor,,' 1 ay 17, 1107-1 y 'TOIL! IIT CH!! ITC HUI, SCRATCH) SCRATCH I! SCRATCH I I I In from 10 to 98 hours. Wheaton'S Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum: 'Wheaton's Ointment . cures Totter. ' Wheaton's Ointtueut curse• Barbers' Itch. Whoston's Ointment cures Old Sores. Whenton's Ointment cures Every - kind of Uumor like Ungic. Price, 10 cents a box ;by mail, 00 cents. Address PEEKS & POTTER, Ro. 176. 'Washington Streeti Boston, Mass For salo by all sept 2067-Iy.--.- - STOP THE ROBBER ! Do you sok, whot robber? Why, Father Time, of course . , who Is stooling tho color from millions o . hoods of hair. Aloof- HE CAN'T NE -STOPPED What then? Iliri ravages can bo repairid IN LEES TITAN TEN MINyEES. It le soon done. No trouble, no danger of Injuring the fibres. Not a gain:7 • CHISTADORO'S HAIR DYE confers a suporb black or any sba , do of brown with all but miraculous rapidity. Manufactured by.J. OtIitISTADORCS 68 Maiden Lano,! Now York. Sold by all Druggists.. Applied by.all Mir DrosEo - rs. 28folAm ' • RN „.;TABtly. ? „ 7 :c6'‘ .2N lb , 'f) . *•-!)- 13 0EIGINALCO L011,-, .._ 4m-510611,0010)(,, tJ- ---- g44.1,10 5 7 ° 4.t4„ 5- ; - ', \ St 44 " mtxr,Ta-..s VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! Gra-sr-Vended. People , have their docks restored by it to the dark, /estrous, silken. tresses of youth, and are happy 1 ' Young People,ivitlaiyht, faded or rclHair, have these unfashibnablo celors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice!. p Penpje Wilo}3o heads "are covered with Dandritf and //colors, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! Veterans have: their remaining -locks tightened, and 'the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of h air, and dance for joy! • Young' Gentlemen use it loot:auto it is • .• richly perfumed! Young Ladies use it because .it keeps their ILtiv_in . _ place Everybody must and-unit use it, because -it is the:cleanest and 'bAst article in • thC market! For Sale•by.Druggiets generally.. 7feboB-1 REE.OF QHKAGE, • L , • A. SOITAIQII/A, No.B6,Ponth Hanover Si, Oar.' Pa., in curing all Who. co to him of Toothache, Headache. Neuralgia ''andi Htirachoi with Pi. ilock's Pain Victor. Prim, of apple,. , ; .Q 0 and do°Fed. tho modicid World, now•i•dayo, Ws aro, alfthe - roge, - In one fOrm cr,aitother, under, ;ono 'stoma or anothor, thoy_anil their staring advor tindments nro everywhere •to ho foudd;,proiessing' to ill.the Ills flash is heir to", - from a bump on the •hoad to the small pox: Of • their efficacy*: gen Oral we knotr nothing; but thereis - one 'variety concerning which we kat. 7prolls"fromali.. — Wo,refor to,Hoid , land'o7Germeui Bitters. This is not 'a moi4i'irtipiirit. tints of some sort of liquor andhitter barbs and barks, but n Medicine designed for DiscasosOf the Stomach and Bowels, and of greatpower an dm sofulnoss...Wo have not made these assortiono 'without consulting those whii•knaW;land are ccripotent - to , jculgo,Land therali fully end moo What - wo say. - The above remarks the...Fditoriat cob was of the ".t..49.4.4”." Poughkewste,, 2T; r. You toil! monist that .770074N1PS- dE ip .4:IV , BITTERS is entitety frisfroin any alcolialio'indiyiliants. - Hoofland'ii:43l.erman: Tonic Is a CombluAtlcin of all Om' qtgrediente 6f the Bitterii vrith;,pure _Santa .Crux _ Rum, orange, anise, _ &e. It_ln.used for the same disease as the Bitters, to miles where some Alcoholic Stlmu!ant, le neeecsary, and etches nprtiparatlon . delightfully pleasant end num,- abln Pi iple -o.oce, 631 Arch_St.,. Sold pverywhoro • "-,.. rriltY A BOTTLE AND BE'/CON = j irIDOEDI IT will only coitryou your tlmo In Using If dun you no koOd. DR. TORIAB' VENETIAN LINIMENT; As an External Remedy in cases of Chronic Rheuma- Hein ' Chopped Hands, Idosquitu ' Alites Cute, StllDiess of the Joints and Contraction of the Muscles, Head. ache, finless, Pains in the Limbo, Back and Chest, Bores, Tootharh, Stine; of Insects and Sprains, its wonderful - curative powers are miraculous. . Taken Internally in taken of Sick Headache, Colic, Dowel Complaints, Cholera, Dyaontery, Vomiting.and Dyspepsia, its soothing and penetrating qualities are felt,. soon as taken. If the Yonder or his friend have any complaint named in thisedvertlsement, try the Venetian Lini ment. Remember, if you do not find relief, you can have your money refunded. " Ask for Dr. Tobias' :Venetian Liniment, and take no other. It, Is pleasant to take and clean to use, Iliad _oradtcatefitho_disenso firm the the system so that et does not return, - as .in tile- case alter ustrirrfiliiititalty - Liniments,,Pilin 'Killers ' arid Oita,. trow_tiooding the country, that only atop the pain while the article is being used, nod then return. _Price 50 cent per bottle. Soldliy all the Druggists, Depot, 60 Cortlendt Street, N. Y, - 28feb•lm. INFORMATIO.I.I".' IMEMEDE InfOrmatlodfunranteed to produce - a luxuriant growth of hair upon it bald head or beardless fa, also a recipe for tho removal of Pimples, Blotch., Eruptions, otc.,on thd skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beau tiful, can bo obtained without charge by addressing TUOB. F. MA1 , 1\1.'11;1, dirEntzer, 623 Broadway, NoW Torii. mayli 137-I.y. .NE TV AD y N TS. QITUATION '-WANTE - D.—An ex- IJ journeyman printer is dosjrous of ob taining a pernivent situation. Reference given If required. Address, "Omar• 08 rl l O LET.Eleven acres of excellent I ground' for - gardening, in two enelosuroq, adjoin. log earllale Ilarrrekg. • Apply to 11 00 b 00 —7 00 —2 40 32 .4.1. 25 ..1 00 20mar-C8 9V XECUTRIX' • Letters Testamentary on the -este te of Jacob 1.911t7. de4l., haring this they been issued .to the -subset:ll)er- --tesitling-in,the-saine- township, notice is hereby jlven . to all persons having claims against said estate to present theui, and to those Indebted to it to make Immediate payment. ELIZABETH LANTZ', Executrix. 20mar..131,.. VIXECLITOR'S NOTICE.- - 1 - '4 - betters - Testamentary 'on-tho-estate of Barbara a. nand], dec'd., of East l'ennabofi townshipo having this day been issued to the, subscriber, .ro.giding In the mum township, notice Is hereby given to - all personsindobted to said estate to mike Immediate payment, and those having claims to present, thorn. FREDERICK KILIIEFFER, ' • • Executor. 2tmar-ti°. - , F j XECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Catharine Shenk, deed., Into of libikinson township, having this day been Issued to Martin Shenk of the came town ship, notice is hereby given to all prisons indebted to the sold estate co maim payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated. MARTIN SHENK, Executor. lamaros 61'. . -_l - 4 1 1, 11 4MERS! liT?OloVE138 The reason of buds and blossoms of green foliage. and gay floa,rs, with all their beauty and fragance is approaching. Those wishing to decorate their win dows and-gardens with choice ''plants and flowers?' the time. We offer Shade' rues, Eve rgreens, .hoses, Vines, Bedding Plants, ilraps Vines, and all the choiceNt kinds of Green, house plants, flanging Baskets, Cut Flowers, and Bequets luruished on Short notice, at the “White Hall Nurseries ' " Co lisle, Pa. LUTE A. LINE. .PIIILADELVIII.I, March Ist, 1808. E beg to inform you that, wo aro y prepared to otter for your Inspectlou our usual ashorunout of . MILLINERY 00000 • poublbtiug of tho NEWEST SIIAPES In Straw, Silk an.l (.11A1P lints. Bonnets, ,te., Velvets„ bilk Cools, Rib Sons, Flowers, Feathers, Rushes, Crapes., .Blondes, Braldes, Ornaments, &c., &c. We shall he happy to wait on you at our Store, or receive your orders. Prices low.ler, Cash. Tours be. 11. WARD, Nos. 111:1; 165 & 101 N. Second St., l'hilitd. '2O marlin. 18.68. 'lB6B SPRING OPENiNG. Eirke if; LAIVDP,LL, FOURTLI AND 2111011 STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. NEW SPIUNG SILKS, NEly STYLE SIIAWLS. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. STEEL AND PEARL PUPLINIA. alp ayi ; BEST BL.A.CK_ BILKS. N. 13.—Nsr OABII Bums will thid it to their tutor oats call, as Bargahis from°'Auction aro daily retailed: Romar•oB • 101:UBLIC .SALE • ! OP DOUBLING OAP WHITE SULPHUR AND, CLIALY BEATE SPRINGS PROPERTY. - This celebrated SEltiftin RESORT In the Blue Monntain Range, eight tulles north-west of Norville, Cumberland county, Pa.. ou - FRIDAY, APRIL, 10,1808,, by order of the Court of Common Plum - of said couhty, proceedings in partition. The grounds contain about 89 acres 92 'welly. Phu buildings at abotit 1511 Makin length, by GO In yldth, with a wing of about 150 feet, with hot and cold - Water baths, and Ifirst•class accommodations lor_9oo Yleitors. These springs are within Aright bourn ride of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York, -tend..nra very popular resort • Tratits.or 'B/A.—Twenty par -cent...when 'property Is stricken off, the balance on Ist April, 18119, with interest, to he secured by reeognizance. Ihrehaser to pay taxes for 1808. Deed and possession given 20th, April, 1888. Odle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. rti c ,' JOB. C. l'llOMPSON", .S'lnriff of said County 20marIt. . . • 11 - E - RtFTS7S - AlitS. • • By virtue of ruudry nnito of Yonditiont Fxpona issued out of the Court of Common Please of Cum berland county, and tome directod. I will expose to r to, 1,7 public venduaor outcry, rano Court tfousa, In thellorough of Carlisle, on Fnirlayi April 10, Haiti, Arlo o'clock, A. 51., the following, described Real ROAN to iwit: • A 'TRACT OFLAND situated in•Silyer Spring town ship, Cumberland county, Pa., ',minded on the East by land ol• henry Vcigiesoud, on the Souilfand Vest by lands of Georgallatatline -and the Oonodbguiuot creek, atbtoliVlWNortli by lands' of Samuel Voale= song and' Jacob Simmons, containing 175 ACRES, morn or lose, having thereon er4eted a Two-Story FRAME DWELLING' HOUSE and hack. Kitchen, FRAME DARN,•Wagon Shed, Hog Pon. and other out ,bnildinge. Soloed and taken in 'oxoeution as the property of Edward Demmy , A TRACT OF LAND in Hampden -.township, Own -Jarland county, bounded on the East by John Stiles - Shaul, on the South by the Stale road, on the ' West b' 19m. blatchett and L av'd Hume, Esti. ' and on the North by other land of the &fon dant containing - 80 - ACRES. more or lore, - having thereon Mooted a One and A-Half Story HOUSE, Log Darn, - flatus Wagon,,phod. Coin Criti and,- Hog Pon. Seized and taken 1n execution an the property of Samuel Hume. .„,.. ThoNuedivided hatorost'in, a 'certain LOT OF GROUND eltuated in the Borough or Carlisle, Pa., bounded ou the Root by South Bat - Lover street, on the South by Mra.-arose, on the West and • North by A. IL Blair containing 18 feet front on South Hanover street; and feet in debth, be the name morn or . leas, • haying thereon erected a Two-Sto-y -FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and- F.ramo, Kitchen, .11,eg Pen, Corn,Orib and other outbuildings Bilged and:taken:ln execution as the' property el Stephen Keepora. • . , A LOT ON GROUND, altuatod In trio Doriugh of CnilliXOuiriborlariduounty,boundod 'on tho. Wool by Gilson Rnettlos' hello, and On tho , North by West Ohopotalley, tho East by Jacob Dtoy'a hake, and' _on tho South by South etroot, containing 21 foot in front on South grout, and.2oo feet in dobth, more or Mai, baring thereon 'erected ft. Two• Story BRICK ROUSE and Brick Kitchen , Wash Douse, &e. Bolted and taken in corgeloy an the property of John O. To be sold by me • ' , - JOS.,eT11011'&014. &&010'. 811E111Fni017710E,,OARilBLY ' , .' • , . March , 01l holes o'l/000 or over, $6O will bo requiredlo bo paid 'when - [be iiroOrtk. fa stilakoa off, and s26'on an odes under #.400 • . amar:Ord. • • ' • PRINTER, lIEnALD OHleo, Carliiile EM IA SANNO, No. 37, Emit Louther St, CM= IMMO -ALSO ,ZVETVDVEkI Isz?1.1-ENPS. R H BM, L.! EVEI?Y IVIGET.", • • 9ommeiliing Thuisdqg Illin'g.*qrgh 26. ,-- - • • : The Splendid Moving-idirror of the ' BUNYAN. T.ABL.VA.IIX: Showing scenes thirty feet In width, weighing . over 4,000 pounds ' acknowledged. by the best judges • • t o bo finest, as It . is the _ LIVRGEST TANOItA . in the 'WORLD, From Union 'Hall, Now York city, where it Ina been exhiblVedlot Mx months,' and was visited by 100,000 people, and (dieted the highmt ecomiurns of thn - pul. pit and press, and from Nationel Hall, Philadelphia. It consists of sixty inegniticient scenes, with tlguies of life size, ill usti ating Bunyan's worldsren owned al, legorynf The Pilgrim's Progress . This sublimo and unique work of art was 'painted by the eminent Amorican artists, Huntingdon, Kyle; Cropsy, Chuimb;Drillas, Darlorand Paul Duggan, mid pronounced by eminent • jukes to, be superior_ to any: similar work over exhibited in • the corin try.,Vrhis lichutiful and stupendous mirror of tho wondliriuL dream cbst upwards of $lO,OOO Cards of Admission, 35 canoe. Children 25 cents. Doors upon at 7. o'clock. Mirror will move at _5% o'clock, precisely. Also, exhibitions on Wednesday and Saturday after leruoon, at 3 o'clock, Doors open at 230 i o'clock. - • Deacriptivo pamplets of this groat American paint. ing at the doer, 10 cents. ROBERT J. GREENWOOD. Manager and Proprietot. mar2o-tf ' PIANO FORTE-SI-I- • - o ttiv,To`, :11WV a. #6 . • Fr:l'j A_rxr-E-------•r=;ir_. l'i , -, 4 r......---"--`-'" • I.,vrr,. Lys . . .1, , 5 r I -CHICZERING__ SONS, [ESTABLISHED -1823.9 • To afford an opportunity to the people of Carlisle and vicinity to make a ,pOiadnal examination of them, justly colobrated Instrumenla, the special agent of the above honso will oxhibit and offor for onto A For a 4 . 0 w dayfi . only a choler, nesortment of their Pianos at No. 32. East Main stront, noarly opposito the "airman, House, - where-all aro-cordially-invited-10 call-nuil-examine- I I whether wishing to purchasii or sot. OLD *PIANOS taken in EXCITANGW! This Is a raro change to obtain It superior p'ano. E. 11. OSBOltbi, Special agont for Chlchorlng St Sens 20ma-139 tr. - I%j OTlCE.—Notioo is hereby given 11 that the following named persons have filed ap plications for Hotel, Liu - nor and Restaurant licences, under the sovoral-Actsrof—Assembly—irelating-thoroto, in the office of the Clerk of the Conrt of quartet Ses sions of Cumberland county, which said applications It ill be Presented to sold Court on Monday, the 13th day of April, 18b8 HOTEL'S. .. ' E. Ward, Era' Carpal° .I , llllin Prltqell,, ' John B. Floyd, John Hannon, L. Burkholder, Cleo, WeiZolr' Jacob 1 h odium, John 'Earley, Joseph ‘ L. Knottie, Martin Shriner, Jaiiob Sweitmr, . L Jacob Kline, Miles Crowloy, Jinni Woke!, John O. Hoek, - John T. Shelby, • W. G. Thompson; August. L. Eluyeh, •Frencis Laren., T.J.- Kerr, John Iforripsoh, NV.Ynni, 3 Hampden. Lower Allen, ".• • Mldßesei o -- iilouron - " ' Mechanicsburg floro' Isaac Hull, Gee. 1.. Sponsler, C. Mell , nger, Henry Harsh, J. Dceoltoe;- i4eS. Wilder, Wm. C. Sharp, C. A. Ilennebarger, Henry Shreiner, Elias 11. Oyster. Clement Grove, Wm. M. Aufshinbaugh. J. T. 3unklin, John Wynkoop, Sr. Christian Gross, Wm. Clarke, Southampton p township. Samuel. - 'Wm. S. Mullin, Jeremiah Hannon, Pan id Z. Guyer, Ellen ltupley, 3. W. I.eldlg, - Alexander Klink, tehn C: It. minr, Coo: r. Duey, Joshua Culp, Jacob Chlspell J. W. Fair; Newton township ' North l'ilid'ton • New Clutobland.horo', Newburg Newlin!, Bonn township. Eihipponsbuix Boro 111=11 Sllr lt r Sp11:1g 4: Tipper Allen W.yennsburo", EMMEM E. Ward, Boro'Carllslo John Faller, Henry• Pohly, C, P. Eck°ls, Shippon,sbuFg Itoro lEEE = Chr'Alan Kindloc, • E. Ward, Boro' Carlisle Andrew .1. Bair, Ellas DorraollY, Rebecca Lobauch, t 1 David Black, , W. Ward Theodora Jones. .... . • , Thom. Heinefinger, Frookford township Samuel IL Wore, ' Upper Allen Elias Good, - „ Lower Allen •, John 'Aleloy, 31echanicOurg Boro' SAMUEL BIXLER, 20mor OSLO. ' Clerk Quarter Sessions. • '17911, RENT.—The Store room now, r occupied by the undersigned, for ono yeer.frona April let, 1868. A FINE 61AllOGANY COUNTER for '1110)1A5 CONLYN: , 6,unrati • FOR RENT. • • • • The dwelling houses, Noe. 6,6, and 7, In the Brick Row on the Public hguero. Apply to JOIN IRVINE, • No. I, Enst Main St. 28fcb..66 r E OLD ESTADLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARCSON & CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PRILAD'A Ts Mb 'argon ISlnnufacturcnrContectionertr - and Wholesale Dealers in Frujta, Nuts, he., In the United States. • ' -6maro34y ... , TySSOLUTION PARTNER= WO. Notice to hereby given that the •pa rtnership hereto fore existing betvieenl9. U. Smith, and Joseph Zei gler has this day burn diyeolvod by mutual consent, no fl their businbas will hereafter, be conducted at the old aloud by J omph Zeigler. All persons thdobtod to. the firm aro ,notified to coma an &softie iludiacequnts ifnmudintely. " W. 11. SMITH, JOSEPLI February 20, HOB. __ 28feb-08 fit. T\ISSOLTJTJOF . „0:30F. PARTNER-._ SHIP. . The partnership horetpforo °siding between us as the firm of ALLISON' it KENNEY, as produce deitlers, is horoby dissolved by metal consent of both pariles. The books, !mounts, &c., will bo loft in the hands of It. Allison, for collection." All persona indobted will wake settlement as soon as possible. Thn buslnoss - will lA - carried on - nn herotolorh - by 'Robert -- Alliton;lit . the old stand. It. ALLISON; --erenr-GS-Gt. 0. W. W. 61011, . TO LEA - • Fins StorAlloom null Collar, on tho corner of North Hanover and Louthor stroots, now In the oc cupancy of Samuel Arnold. This is ona - of .tho best and most dosisablo business' locations in tho bortingh of - Carlisle. 'Possession will ho gluon on the first day of April; A. D. 1861. For tOrnui and further particulars, inquire of MIZE= EIZEM FOR SALE OR , RENT Tho large three !dory house on the corner of High and Bedford lita. known as the Thorn property, also soveratinick homes on Pitt et. - • - - . . . Th,'N 4-roompd houses on Liberty street. Low to White people. Enquire of - IL IL SIIAPLEY, cor. North and I ttt St =I NDISSOLUTION .'NOTICE. lintice io hereby' given - that the co-partuership here tofore existing between the undersigned, as the firm of Nieeley & Kauffman, In the mercantile business in Ohurchtown, illumberland county, Pii.lme been dis solved by mutual consent. , . All ,persons knowing themseivee Indebted to , the same are .requested to make payment, and those-having claiihs'itlii 'present them for eettlement u... . . The books ate in the hands of 0. B. Ninkbey for sett Lioruont. • - . . ,1.. , • . • Cr B. NIESLEY, T. B. KAUFFMAN. '. • `trlio business tilll'be continued by the undersigned, kt the old stand.. ; • KAUFFMAN 4 PAWL.-- tinuirOfflit. PURE LIBERTY' WIIITE LEA.D Ie Mo . li,hitest, the mosr DURABLE, end 'econonfical, Want.e LhAehttito market. , • It will,do metro and bitter Work, at h given ooat, than abiothor Loud. : • Warrantea to Give Satisfaotion, • They it and y'eu 1111 Lava no other • hithuehcriritge : and patented only by , • : ' . ZEIGLER & SMITH, • Philadelphia. : ' . The . nbovals fir; rule by our soh; agent, ,„: TIMMY BAXTON, , • No.l6,Eaat Mule • , ' • Oarlielo, 11.1ISCEIZANEOUS. S. N. COYLE JOBBERS IN . ~ Hosiery, 0104011, Farley Geodseand Stationery All orders will receive prompt attention. E No. 26, nut Pomfret St.. Carlisle.. oeft.Agents for the Chambereberg Woollen DiIlle; Omar 68.17, ... . .; :FREE GIFTS TO-ALL . Sl' Sillq bra:3'Pa Vern, A Fan* I'2o Alizelline, or Gold. Tirriti,h.• • .. tor ono or two days' *vice In any town or village. Ptirticulata and oamplo sont.froo, by' addressing, with stamp. :. ,_ ~.......--.--.. . _ :N. D. CLOINDIAN ~0 CO., No. !JO Hanover at., Dos- UM. blase_ . . 1.1m1tr..68.3m. SELLERS & FOLWELLT:7 - . SVHOO4I.LW: •• • • CONFECTIONERS •AND FRUITERERS, NO IGI NOTITH THIRD STREET, PIIff.ADELPHI A. GORDERS promptly attended to. 21fob-68 Bm. • 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 i'.IIOPRINSPOWN MAKE' iMI , ~ ~_ 'KEYSTONE SKIRTS:" are tho best:and CHEAPEST Low PRICED Hoop Skirts In the market, 'lran Skirts, 25. springs, $1.00; 30 springs, - 1,1 - .2o;•and 40 - springs,ll taposp2o - springs, 80. Cents; 25. Springs 05 Conte; 30f springs, -$1,10; and 35.7.5prin,2 s. $1.25. 'Warranted in every, re-; • egret. • "Ohr OWN make" of, UNION SHIRTS." Eleven 0:„spo Trails, from '2O to 20 springs, $1 20 to $2.50. Wain,• Six Tapes, 20 to 50 sittings, from 45' Cents, to $2.00. These Skirts are better than those sold by oth -47"-eStablisinnentarfifirwar-ii-siapt much lower prices. , "Our OWN inako" of "CHAMPION SIbIItTS" are in 1 - every way superior to all other Iloop,Sklrts berm c tho 1 public, and onlzhave to.hnoxsznined_or_wortrto.con ' vinco every one of Manufactured of the' best Itneh-finished English Steel Springs, very, superior tapes, and the style of the 'manila fastenings and manner of s6curing them wurpasi for durahilty and excellence any other Skirt In this country, and are lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, dive morepat lefactlon, and are really cheaper than all others. 'Every tatltniehould try,thent. Ahoy are being sold ex. tonalvely by Merchants throughout - tills and th-e-Ad joibil4 states at veryinoliiiitteliffe - 6e. If you wan, tee beat, het for "flopkin's Champion Skirt." Iflou do not tind them, got the merchant with whom you deal to Order them for you, or come 'or scud direct to 'us. -blarchants-will find out.,diffetent grades of Skirts ex• actty what thsy need, and we espoebtify invite thorn to call anti examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Trice List, - To be had at Retail 4t Manufactory, and of tho Re tail Trade gelearaffy; and at WhMosaic of the Manu facturer only, to whom all Orders should ho addressed MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, AItCII ST., Between Bth and 7th Sts., Phlladolphin, =IEEE JAS. E. cALDWELI4 Dtchtlison township. Ponnsboro' No. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, • PHILADELPHIA, • M AN UFACT URERS and IMPORTER 3 OF - FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to tho Buslneel Cr? • Qoldsmiths and Silversmiths NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chesunt Street to Sansom Street, affording ample room and ronvonlent accessories, giv • tag opportVillity for-a proper display of gofidii and but ter means for their examination. With extensive and favorable arrangements In this Country and in Europe, we are In a position to offer nt meidorato FIXED prices. - • Watches, Diamonds, Bronze cf• Mar . bk Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry Porcelains, Pl(ited . - Mnsieal_Boxes, • . and every description of FANCY ARTICLES, Strangers visiting the city no cordially Invited to examine our New Store. 6mar6B•ly NEW YORK CLOTHING HOl.)Sk. Spring Manufacture, • 10450, THE .LARGEST STOCK OF MEN'S A . cLOTHI*G IN NEW YORK CITY. We are prepared to exhibit to _tho_trierchants of , this section the beat selection OT Clothing ever offered in the'Nevr York. Market, combining •- CIIEAP - Ildtpll3lll and FINE 003DS, , MADE IN TOE MOST SUPERIOR MANNER , Alla of the Very Latest Styles sell upon liberal terms and at .Ante-W6.r . Priem We invite the attentiot, of buyers, and promise to niche It to their interest to examine our immense stock boforp maltilitt their purchases. KIRTLAND, lIALICOCK St- - BRONSON, . 45 &47 Chambers St., ' NEW YORK. emir-?m. -••- STIIING SALES llavo ec;nuneneed -et the store of the undersigned in NORTH. HANOVER STREET, klueln on,"‘nrstrlted — cir — tlarleakt's or nous°. keepers, Hotols, and all. contemplating the (umiak log of their .noifos. ' Having just roturnod from tho Mies they are pre pared to supply all wall • • STOVES of every kind such' as • 000 K, PARLOR AND . . oFr. I 0 i . ,_ .9. T, ,0V E S, consisting In Fart of tho . - . . . .thn:/trii. ,Sheaf,, • -:,• , . , Parlor- and • s s ileatep, also, the . n?tad " ...NATIONAL . RANGE 4. Thep are prepared to IRralah those contemplatdad housokeoplad, with nil thlnga . .ncvosaary to a WELL! REGULATED ROUSE, such as of roll descriptions, • CCATITE MILLS,•, • • smi L• litoNs'' ' ' " •• . SPOONS, • -- • Litrith !OTC: - Roofing Spoitting and Jobbing, and everything In the lino.of, the tinner *dons at tho S7+ortest kotice add on 414 — NW BeizsonnbU 'all ri'ares WA.RRANTAD. Give therm call no they are anxious to exhlliNfeellnisatiVicd that they can cOnrinoe all that Die. to the place ta„prirchise - ; - 713 E A'l 3- () .I_)' B', 'and DEAUTYFUL.WARE of all icitaqs,,fpupd: Cu a drat• , ola6faa4aNlAnlant, lather.6B. I W. SCOTT COYLE COYLE &-'(2O =I =I JEWELERS, =II ITarrr retheireff to, their WO., 68. NOble ;COoki Oriental, 'INWARE, I'X IITI [ & ' :NtbTo. as,,lfanovoifit. . Carlisle, ra: DRY GOODS. THE CELEBRA:IED • . ?